Newton Laws of Motion: Trajectory - in
Newton Laws of Motion: Trajectory - in
Newton Laws of Motion: Trajectory - in
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The influence of another body (or bodies) causing the acceleration of the
body A is referred to as a force. Therefore, a body accelerates due to a force
acting on it.
One of the most significant features of a force is its material origin. When
speaking of a force, we always implicitly assume that in the absence of
extraneous bodies the force acting on the body in question s equal to zero. If
it becomes evident that a force is present, we try to identify its origin as one
or another concrete body
bod or bodies.
All the forces which are treated in mechanics are usually subdivided into the
forces emerging due to the direct contact between bodies (forces of pressure,
friction) and the forces arising due to the fields generated by interacting
bodies (gravitational
avitational and electromagnetic forces). We should point out,
however, that such a classification of forces is conditional: the interacting
forces in a direct contact are essentially produced by some kind of field
generated by molecules and atoms of bodies
bodies.. Consequently, in the final
analysis all forces of interaction between bodies are caused by fields. The
analysis of the nature of interaction forces lies outside the scope of
mechanics and is considered in other divisions of physics.
Mass. Experience shows that everybody “resists” any effort to change its
velocity, both in magnitude and direction. This property expressing the
degree of unsusceptibility of a body to any change in its velocity is called
inertness. Different bodies reveal this property in different degrees. A
measure of inertness is provided by the quantity called mass. A body
possessing a greater mass is more inert, and vice versa.
Let us introduce the notion of mass m by defining the ratio of masses of two
different bodies via the inverse ratio of accelerations imparted to them by
equal forces:
Note that this definition does not require any preliminary measurements of
the forces. It is sufficient to meet the criterion of equality of forces. For
example, if two different bodies lying on a smooth horizontal surface are
pulled in succession by the same spring oriented horizontally and stretched
to the same length, the influence of the spring on the bodies is equal in both
cases, i.e. the force is identical in both eases.
consequently, a comparison of the masses of two bodies experiencing the
action of the same force reduces to the comparison of accelerations of these
bodies. Having adopted a certain body for a mass standard, we may compare
the mass of any body against the standard.
Experience shows that in terms of Newtonian mechanics a mass determined
that way possesses the following two important properties:
(t) mass is an additive quantity, i.e. the mass of a composite body is equal to
the sum of the masses of its constituents;
(2) the mass of a body proper is a constànt quantity remaining invariable in
the process of motion. –
where ܨ is the force which the ith body exerts on the given mass point in the
absence of other bodies.
If that is the case, the forces ܨଵ , ܨଶ ,. . . are said to obey the principle of
superposition. This statement should be regarded as a generalization of
experimental data.
Newton’s third law. In all experiments involving only two bodies A and
B body A imparting acceleration to B, it turns out that B imparts acceleration
to A. Hence, we come to the conclusion that the action of bodies on one
Thus, the three quantities m, w and r appearing in Eq. (1) do not change on
transition from one inertial reference frame to another, and therefore Eq. (1)
does not change either. In other words, the equation ma = F is invariant with
respect to the Galilean transformation
(1) A mass M is hung with a light inextensible string as shown in the figure.
Find the tension of horizontal string.