A Geometrical Description of Spinor Fields: Non-Grassmannian Toy Model

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A Geometrical Description of Spinor Fields:

non-Grassmannian toy model

Roman Sverdlov

Physics Department, University of Michigan,

arXiv:0802.1914v2 [gr-qc] 5 Aug 2008

450 Church Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1040, USA

August 04, 2008


In this paper I am going to present the way to define fermionic field in terms of three
orthogonal vector fields of norm 1 together with two real valued scalar fields. This
paper is based on a toy model where there are no Grassmann variables.

1. Introduction
The goal of this paper is to come up with a geometric model to describe fermions, or more
specifically spin-half Dirac spinors. The possibility of reformulating spinors geometrically is
in general an interesting issue for quantum field theory, and it is certainly not a new idea
(see, for example, Penrose’s flagpole-plus-flag formulation [1]), but in the present case part
of the motivational context is provided by my work on the dynamics of various types of
fields coupled to gravity in the causal set approach [2], and I seek a formulation in which the
geometrical structure is suitable for translation into causal sets terms. For our description of
the dynamics of gravity and coupled scalar fields in the causal set approach see Ref [3]; For
the use of results in this paper in the dynamics of spinors coupled to gravity in the causal
set approach see Ref [4], and for a corresponding description of gauge theories see Ref [5]
and Ref [6].
This paper considers a toy model where there are no Grassmann variables. A complete
definition of fermionic field that takes into account Grassmann variables is treated in Ref [7]
2. Setup
If we have an arbitrary spinor at a point, we can always rotate it into a state of the form
χp u1 + χa v1 (here ”p” stands for particle, and ”a” stands for antiparticle). This can be seen
by counting degrees of freedom. The rotation group in 4 dimensions has 6 degrees of freedom,
while multiplication by an arbitrary complex scalar adds 2 degrees of freedom. This means
that if the actions of these two groups were independent, we would obtain a total of 8 real
degrees of freedom, which matches the number of real degrees of freedom in a 4-spinor.

In light of the above, I would like to get rid of the notion of fermion in favor of more
“geometrical” quantities, which are:
(1) 6 orthonormal vierbeins which define local frame in which spinor has a form χp u1 + χa v1 ,
where both χp and χa are real.
(2) χp and χa (see above).
Thus, I will rotate the reference frame from point to point in such a way that the fermionic
field is always in the desired form.
Now, on the event that we have more than one fermionic particle, we will have many
different sets of vierbeins. For instance, if we have electron and neutrino, then we have
one set of veirbeins that would put electron into a form χep u1 + χea v1 and the other set of
veirbeins that would put neutrino into a form χνp u1 + χνa v1 . This should be contrasted
with the way vierbeins are normally treated where there is only one veirbein that is intrinsic
part of geometry. The reason for this is that right now vierbeins are no longer viewed as
definition of geometric ”stage” but rather as attributes of fermionic ”actors”, which means
it would make sense that the more actors we have the more vierbeins we have as well.
In order to stress the fact that vierbines are now viewed as fields, I will replace eµ0 , eµ1 ,
eµ2and eµ3 by Aµ , B µ , C µ and D µ respecively, and introduce Lagrange multipliers to assure

Aµ Aµ = 1 , B µ Bµ = C µ Cµ = D µ Dµ = −1 , (1)
Aµ Bµ = Aµ Cµ = Aµ Dµ = B µ Cµ = B µ Dµ = C µ Dµ = 0 (2)

(I am using a metric of signature (+, −, −, −)). We will then relax the assumption about
rotation of reference frames and go back to the flat Minkowski case. Thus, the final form for
my notation for a spinor will be (Aµ , B µ , C µ , D µ , φ, χ).
The geometrical model I propose has also an intuitive appeal: if we take the word spin
literally and imagine a particle spinning, we would need to know the plane in which the
particle spins. This gives us two axes, which are described by two vectors, B µ and C µ . Now,
since spin is subject to Lorentz transformations, we also need to know the rest frame of the
particle, and this is determined by a timelike vector Aµ . As far as D µ is concerned, due
to the orthogonality and unit-norm conditions, it is completely determined by the above 3
vectors. As you will see from the results of the “Lagrangian” section, things can indeed be
visualized in terms of spinning.
The biggest objection one can have is that vector fields and fermions have different
transformation properties. However, if one realizes that the transformation properties are
completely determined by the Lagrangians and inner products, we can cure the problem by
drawing attention towards the latter two, and away from the transformation properties. For
example, the implication of spin- 21 is that a 360◦ rotation in vector space is the same as a
180◦ rotation in spinor space. This problem can be cured by redefining what we mean by
a rotation: Instead of simply using U 7→ M(θ) U, where M(θ) is the usual rotation matrix,
we use U 7→ eiθ/2 M(θ) U; by adding a phase, the complex amplitude switches sign upon

a rotation by θ = 360◦ , despite the fact that the vectors are rotated back to their original
positions. The reason for this feature is that SU(2) is not the full symmetry group; rather,
the full symmetry group is SU(2)×U(1). This gives us the freedom of selecting a subgroup R
of SU(2) × U(1) such that R × U(1) = SU(2) × U(1). Any such R can be used as a definition
of rotation group, and the freedom of choosing this R corresponds to a freedom in defining
the value of the spin: spin- 12 × spin-0 = spin-1 × spin-0. Another example: suppose we
perform a 180◦ rotation in the space of vectors. In this case, the fact that vectors determine
a coordinate system doesn’t stop us from defining the inner product between two flipped
coordinate systems to be 0 instead of −1. After all, we can define the inner product any
way we like, so we chose to do it this way. These two features will be implemented in the
remainder of the paper.
Throughout this paper I will use the following representation:

0 σk
0 1 0 k
γ = , γ = .
0 −1 −σ k 0

where 1 is the 2 × 2 unit matrix, σ k for k = 1, 2, 3 are the Pauli matrices, and the basis
column state vectors will be defined as follows:
       
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
u1 = 0 ,
 u2 = 0 ,
 v1 = 
1 ,
 v2 = 
0 .

0 0 0 1

4. Free Lagrangian

Even though in this paper we are only dealing with a toy model in which there are
no Grassmann numbers, we are still free to get rid of χ2p and χ2a terms of the Lagrangian.
This means that as far as spin connection terms are concerned, we are looking only at χp χa
terms. Based on the fact that spinors take the above form, it is apparent that the only term
of ωmab ψγ m σ ab ψ = ωmab ψ † γ 0 γ m σ ab ψ that survives is the one where γ 0 γ m σ ab is off-diagonal
matrix in the 2 ×2 block representation. This will happen only if m, a and b are all non-zero,
which identifies them as 1, 2 and 3 up to permutations, which means they are all proportioanl
to ψ † γ 5 ψ = 2χp χa .
As far as derivative terms, we do have to keep ψp ∂ψp and ψa ∂ψa terms as well as we still
have to keep the ”mixed” ones. This means that we are looking both at the diagonal and
off diagonal matrices in block diagram. However, since there are no spin down components
of either particle or antiparticle, each block needs to be diagonal. The matrices that satisfy
these constraints are γ 0 and γ 3 . γ 0 will give us ψγ 0 e0µ ∂µ ψ = e0µ (χp ∂µ χp + χa ∂mu χa ) and
γ 3 will give us ψγ 3 e3µ ∂µ ψ = e3µ (χp ∂µ χp − χa ∂mu χa ) Thus, the Lagrangian becomes

Lf ree = kψ † γ 5 ψ(ω23
1 2
− ω13 3
+ ω12 ) + ψe0µ γ0 ∂µ ψ + ψe3µ γ3 ∂µ ψ (3)
1 2 3
= 2kχp χa (ω23 − ω13 + ω12 ) + e0µ (χp ∂µ χp + χa ∂µ χa ) + e3µ (χp ∂µ χa − χa ∂µ χp )

Finally, in order to stress the fact that vierbeins are viewed as fields, we will replace e0µ
through e3µ with Aµ through D µ respectively, and introduce Lagrange multipliers to enforce
1 B
orthonormality. We will also replace ω23 with ωCD and do similarly with all the other indeces.
These ω-s are now functions of our vector fields that are defined based on formal substitution
of these in place of Vierbeins without making an assumption of orthonormality, since the
latter is only a consequence of Lagrange multipliers. Thus, Lagrangian becomes

Lf ree = 2kχp χa (ωCD − ωBD + ωBC ) + Aµ (χp ∂µ χp + χa ∂µ χa ) + D µ (χp ∂µ χa − χa ∂µ χp )
+ λ1 (Aµ Aµ − 1) + λ2 (B µ Bµ + 1) + λ3 (C µ Cµ + 1) + λ4 (D µ Dµ + 1)
+ λ5 Aµ Bµ + λ6 Aµ Cµ + λ7 Aµ Dµ + λ8 B µ Cµ + λ9 B µ Dµ + λ10 C µ Dµ , (4)


ωVU W = U µ V ν (∂µ Wν − ∂ν Wµ ) + V ρ W σ ∂σ Uρ (5)

5. Interaction terms
Now I would like to introduce interaction terms into Lagrangian. Since it is possible that we
have interaction of more than one fermion, I would like to be able to define ξψ and Aµ ξγ µ ψ.
In general, this means I would like to define ξΛξ . Suppose vierbeins that are needed to put
ξ in the form χp u1 + χa v1 are eµ0 = Aµ through eµ3 = D µ while vierbeins that are needed to
put ψ in the form ηp u1 + ηa v1 are f0µ = E µ through f3µ = H µ
Now, suppose the transformation from the e-basis to f -basis, e−1 f , lies in the connected
component of identity matrix. In other words, they are either both forward-moving or both
backward-moving. In either case, they are both forward-moving relative to each other. This
means that we can write e−1 f = exp(ln(e−1 f )). Thus, ln(e−1 f ) can be viewed as generated
by infinitesimal transformations. The infinitesimal spinor transformation that corresponds
to ln(e−1 f ) is − 4i (ln(e−1 f ))µν σ µν , where σ µν = 2i [γ µ , γ ν ]. Now, by exponentiating it back,
we will get the finite spinor transformation corresponding to the transformation between
these two coordinate systems: exp{− 4i (ln(e−1 f ))µν σ µν }. Thus,

ξΛψ = (χp hu1| + χa hv1 |)Λ exp{− (ln(e−1 f ))µν σ µν }(ηp |u1 i + ηa |v1 i) (6)

Now in the case where one reference frame is forward-moving and the other one is
backward-moving, all we have to do is insert a time-reversal operator inside the log, namely
exp{− 4i (ln(T L−1 M))µν σ µν }, where T is time reversal. This gives us

ξΛψ = (χp hu1 | + χa hv1 |)ΛT exp{− (ln(e−1 f ))µν σ µν }(ηp |u1 i + ηa |v1 i) (7)

6. Does Spin Mean Spinning?
From the point of view of mathematical rigor, the equation we just got is as far as we can
get. However, it would be fruitful to note that there is an intuitive correlation between that
equation and the concept of “spinning”, which the word “spin” represents. This discussion
is not rigorous, and can be skipped by mathematically minded readers.
In order to visualize the “spinning” that goes on, one can replace infinitesimal points in
spacetime by small arrows. However, unlike the way it is normally done, these arrows will
not be aligned with a spin axis. Instead, these arrows will be, themselves, spinning around
some other axis. Thus, spin around the z axis can be visualized as a vector pointing in the
x direction whose end is moving in the y direction. Now, due to the fact that spin is subject
to Lorentz transformations, we also need to know the reference frame, and it is given by Aµ .
And finally D µ is a cross product of B µ with C µ in a reference frame in which the particle
is at rest. Thus D µ is what is usually thought of as the direction of spin.
Now let’s look at each term in the Lagrangian to see what it represents. First, consider
the C µ Aν ∂ν Bµ term. In the reference frame of the point around which the arrow spins,
Aν = δ ν 0 is just a vector pointing along the t axis. Thus, in this reference frame, the term
becomes C µ ∂0 Bµ . Now, if we visualize B µ as pointing along the x axis and C µ along the y
axis, this expression reads off as “how fast does the end of the x axis move in the y direction”?
Note that the end of the x axis can also move in the z direction, but this speed would simply
have no contribution to the Lagrangian. In other words, the way to think of it is this: Aµ ,
B µ and C µ are vector fields with a weird coupling between them. They are coupled to each
other in such a way that the end of vector B µ is “forced” to move in the direction of the
vector C µ by the Lagrangian, which would then be interpreted by the observer as a rotation
around D µ .
Now let’s look at the Aµ B ν ∂ν Cµ and Aµ B ν ∂ν Cµ terms. One difference between the first
term and these two terms is that in the “directional derivative” part of the equation (which
in the first term is Aν ∂ν ) Aν is being replaced by B ν and C ν , respectively. This means that
the differentiation is no longer in the time direction, but rather in a spatial direction. The
interpretation of this might be that, as opposed to speaking of the rotation of one arrow (in
which case it travels along the y direction) we are comparing the motions of different arrows
(and the spatial direction differentiates the arrows we are looking at). The other difference
is that while the first term refers to angular motion, both of the other two terms refer to
linear motion: Aµ B ν ∂ν Cµ refers to “boosting” of the spatial axis Cµ in the time direction Aµ
(which would be proportional to the negative velocity in the Cµ direction), while B µ C ν ∂ν Aµ
refers to “boosting” of the time axis Aµ in the spatial direction B µ (which can be interpreted
as a positive velocity in the Bµ direction). Thus, by identifying B µ with the x axis and C µ
with the y axis, the Lagrangian tells us that we “want” points that are located away along
the x direction to move in the negative y direction, and we want points located away along
the y direction to move in the positive x direction. This is equivalent to saying that we want
to have a “planetary system” and we want the orbits of the planets to have spin in the −z
This can be summarized as follows: we can envision space to be constructed of mini-
atoms. The first term in our Lagrangian tells us about the spin of each electron in an atom,

while the last two terms tell us about the orbital rotation of electrons. However, these atoms
are “glued together” so that the orbital rotation of one atom gets “passed” onto neighboring
ones, which is why this actually looks like a derivative globally. At the same time, while
there is “cohesion” between atoms in the second two terms, the first term has no such thing:
the arrow is infinitesimal and doesn’t extend to a neighboring point. Similarly, when we
talk about linear motion in the last two terms, this linear motion is really a similar arrow
pointing in the t direction, which is also infinitesimal. Thus, while there is spatial cohesion
in the second two terms, there is no time cohesion.
7 . Conclusion
As I have shown in this paper, it is possible to completely define fermions by using scalar
and vector fields. I was able to both define inner products of fermions as well as their
Lagrangians by simply referring to the relevant vector and scalar fields, with a redefined set
of transformation laws.
This approach has several benefits: (1) Philosophical ones, including the fact that it is
now much easier to visualize fermions the way we visualize all other fields, and that there is
no more “weirdness” about the z axis being “special” when we talk about “spin-up”, since
now the z axis is being replaced by a vector field D µ , and these other fields are special
because they are coupled to each other in a certain way. (2) Since we have equated fermions
with reference frames, it can be argued that the manifold-like topology is not innate but
rather is the result of a fermionic field “organizing” its surroundings at each point into
local coordinates. In particular, this will be useful in providing a mechanism of causal sets
becoming manifoldlike without aforegiven coordinate system. A more detailed discussion of
this point will be included in Ref [4].

[1] See, e.g., in C W Misner, K S Thorne and J A Wheeler 1973 Gravitation (Freeman,
San Francisco), §41.9.

[2] See, e.g., J Henson 2006 “The causal set approach to quantum gravity”, in D Oriti, ed
Approaches to Quantum Gravity: Towards a New Understanding of Space and Time
(Cambridge University Press), and arXiv:gr-qc/0601121, for a recent review, and
references therein.

[3] L Bombelli and R Sverdlov 2008 “Gravity and matter in causal set theory”,

[4] R Sverdlov 2008 “Spinor fields in causal set theory” in preparation.

[5] R Sverdlov 2008 “Gauge fields in causal set theory” ,


[6] R Sverdlov 2008 “Bosonic fields in causal set theory” ,


[7] R Sverdlov 2008 “Novel definition of Grassmann numbers and spinor fields” in prepa-

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