Letter To The Editor: Construction Management and Economics (February 2007) 25, 111-112
Letter To The Editor: Construction Management and Economics (February 2007) 25, 111-112
Letter To The Editor: Construction Management and Economics (February 2007) 25, 111-112
the past and a competent management of the contrac- It might be argued that contractors do not have the
tor’s business to gain the confidence of the lender. capital to undertake PBC. However, although some
This arrangement can be seen as an example of collateral would be expected the lender’s security
Performance-Based Contracting because in PBC pay- would be based on the future guaranteed income
ments are not made during the construction phase. The stream rather than the accumulated assets of a
client only pays suppliers once buildings are in use and contractor. As in other production processes, there is
payments are based on meeting performance require- no inherent reason why the producer should not be
ments and providing a service. responsible for securing finance. Using PBC the
PBC may be seen as a logical extension of PFI or contractor/developer would be able to use the contract
Public Private Partnerships (PPP). Both PFI and PPP and the promise of a future cash flow as collateral to
adopt a whole life cycle approach in so far as post finance the construction phase.
construction use of buildings and structures are built It might also be argued that the risks of PBC are too
into the contract. In PFI and PPP the finance for both great and too long term for contractors, who are not
the construction and post-construction phases are liable beyond the retention period following comple-
sourced in the private sector. If the public sector were tion. However, it does not follow that contractors could
only required to pay for a project over an agreed period not build up the expertise and resources in-house in
of use, once its construction is completed and the order to undertake the life cycle commitments neces-
building is in operation, then suppliers, such as sary for PBC, given the corporate will and the necessary
developers and contractors, would concentrate on the incentives.
service of ensuring the performance of buildings and Like so much innovation in the construction industry
structures was satisfactory. the change may well have to be initiated by the client
Using the PBC model, contractors would need to be side. Although PBC may be relevant to private sector
able to demonstrate to clients how to improve the value clients, the public sector client, acting as a good client,
of their projects. There are distinct possibilities for is in a strong position to create the conditions and
efficiency gains. terms necessary for contractors to respond with PBC.
PBC potentially offers an opportunity to present a Specifying performance levels and desirable outcomes,
new model of contracting that would provide incentives and measuring and monitoring them form the core of
for building and construction improvements and the contract. As with any contract, both sides must be
innovation, restructuring of the construction market able to agree on their expectations for payments based
and improvements in productivity. on performance to be met.
The key to improving performance is giving firms Private sector firms would then compete to provide
incentives both positive and negative through the the building, and quality would be driven by contrac-
market mechanism. The first firms to adopt PBC tors’ needs to protect their reputation and maintain
would gain a competitive advantage and expand while good relations with their clients. They would have the
those that were slower would lose market share. incentive of being considered for repeat PBC business.
Positive incentives would need to motivate firms and Market principles would also shape their behaviour as
demonstrate to their competitors in the construction firms compete for market share and pursue company-
industry that firms, which adopted PBC for at least growth policies.
some of their work, found such projects profitable. This What makes PBC so timely in the UK is that it takes
would encourage others to follow. Negative incentives
advantage of the cultural changes in the construction
would be provided by performance penalties.
industry brought about by PFI, namely the increased
It cannot be claimed that PBC is revolutionary in
awareness of post-construction considerations. It could
itself. Like most developments in construction, the
be used to combine this change in public sector
concept of PBC is already widely in use in other
construction procurement with traditional methods of
industrial sectors. It is merely the next logical step
financing projects in the public sector, without return-
in construction and service procurement based on PFI
ing to the days of passing additional costs back on to
principles but without the private finance discussion
the public sector client.
necessary in PFI. This new mode of working is not even
new to construction. For example, similar arrange- Yours faithfully,
ments are in use in the German construction
industry, and in the UK many firms already undertake STEPHEN GRUNEBERG
PBC-type work when installing and servicing building University of Reading, UK
components. s.l.gruneberg@reading.ac.uk