Apec Operations Manual
Apec Operations Manual
Apec Operations Manual
The governments of Member States of the Association of South East Asian Nations
(collectively referred to as “ASEAN”, and comprising Brunei Darussalam, the
Kingdom of Cambodia, the Republic of Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic
Republic, Malaysia, the Union of Myanmar, the Republic of the Philippines, the
Republic of Singapore, the Kingdom of Thailand, and the Socialist Republic of
Vietnam) have agreed on the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on
Architectural Services which aims to:
The functions of the ASEAN Architect Council (AAC) shall include:
a) facilitating the development and maintenance of authoritative and reliable Registers
of ASEAN Architects (AA);
b) accepting the ASEAN Architects (AAs) in each participating ASEAN Member
States as possessing general technical and professional competence that is
substantially equivalent to that of Architects registered or licensed in the Country of
c) developing, monitoring, maintaining and promoting mutually acceptable standards
and criteria for facilitating practice by ASEAN Architects (AAs) throughout the
participating ASEAN Member States;
d) seeking to gain a greater understanding of existing barriers to such practice and to
develop and promote strategies to help governments and licensing authorities
reduce those barriers and manage their processes in an effective and non-
discriminatory manner;
e) encouraging the relevant governments and licensing authorities, through the
mechanisms available within ASEAN, to adopt and implement streamlined
procedures for granting rights to practice to ASEAN Architects (AAs);
f) identifying and encouraging the implementation of best practice for the preparation
and assessment of architects intending to practise at the professional level; and
g) Continuing mutual monitoring and information exchange by whatever means that
are considered most appropriate, including but not limited to:
1) regular communication and sharing of information concerning assessment
procedures, criteria, systems, manuals, publications and lists of recognised
2) informing all Professional Regulatory Authorities (PRAs) when it has been
notified that an ASEAN Architect (AA) is no longer qualified to undertake
independent professional architectural practice in the Country of Origin, has
not complied with the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) policy of
the Country of Origin at a satisfactory level, or has seriously violated
technical, professional or ethical standards either in the Country of Origin or
the Host Country, whereby such violations have led to deregistration or
suspension from practice or withdrawal from the ASEAN Architect Register;
3) informing the Monitoring Committee of the Country of origin when it has been
notified that an architect from the Country of Origin who has undertaken
practice of architecture in a Host Country is not a registered ASEAN Architect
4) verifying the operation of the procedures of participating ASEAN Member
States; and
The ASEAN Architect Council (AAC) may, whenever it deems appropriate, invite the
non- participating ASEAN Member States or non- ASEAN countries to attend as
observers to its meetings.
[Each ASEAN Member State shall have only one vote and that the Chairman shall not
have an additional casting vote]
2.1 Chairmanship shall be rotated every two years and shall be coming from the Member State
hosting the AAC Secretariat.
2.2 Members of the AAC shall comprise of one appointed official representative from each
Monitoring Committee (MC) of the participating ASEAN Member States. Other delegates
from participating and non participating ASEAN Member States may also attend the meeting
as observers.
2.3 The organisational structure of the AAC shall comprise of:
Secretary (to be appointed by the Chairman);
One appointed representative of each of the participating ASEAN Member States and
2.4 One appointed representative from the non-participating ASEAN Member States may attend
as observers
received by the Secretariat fourteen (14) days before the meeting. The meeting shall have a
quorum of at least five (5) Member States.
4.3 Decision on any matter shall be made in the ASEAN spirit of cooperation among members
attending the meeting.
4.4 The Agenda of the meeting shall include, among others, report of the Monitoring Committee
update of the Register, financial statement and any other matters relating to the operation of
the MRA’s.
4.5 In the event of the Chairman of the AAC is unable to chair the meeting, the chairman shall
delegate a person who he/she deems fit to chair the meeting.
6.1 The registration as an AA is attested by a certificate signed by the Chairman of MC of the
Country of Origin on behalf of AAC.
6.2 The AA Certificate will be issued once by the MC of the applicant’s country and shall be valid
for a period of 2 (two) years and shall be renewed upon expiry and with the fees paid to the
respective Monitoring Committee.
6.3 The AA title may be retained as long as the holder remains registered.
The ASEAN Architect Council (AAC) shall report its progress of work to ASEAN Coordinating
Committee on Services (CCS) as and when required.
The Secretariat financial expenditure shall be borne by the respective participating Member States that
host the Secretariat, unless otherwise decided.