Vertical Form Fill Seal
Vertical Form Fill Seal
Vertical Form Fill Seal
1. Overview ................................................................................................3
2. Application Example ..............................................................................3
2.1 Forming process: .............................................................................................. 4
2.2 Vertical index and fill processes:....................................................................... 4
2.3 Seal and cut processes:.................................................................................... 5
2.4 Conveyor control:.............................................................................................. 5
3. Product Solutions...................................................................................6
4. Mechanical Information..........................................................................7
4.1 Mechanical settings for the vertical indexing axes ............................................ 7
4.2 Mechanical settings for the sealing/cutting axis ................................................ 7
5. Hardware/Software Configuration..........................................................8
5.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Multiple CPU Settings ....................................................................................... 9
5.3 PLC CPU Settings .......................................................................................... 11
5.4 Motion CPU Settings....................................................................................... 14
6. Variables Used.....................................................................................17
7. Programming Details ...........................................................................19
7.1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 19
7.2 Initialization and parameter refresh................................................................. 20
7.2.1 Structured text ......................................................................................... 20
7.2.2 Homing SFC ............................................................................................ 21
7.2.3 Switching to virtual mode ......................................................................... 22
7.3 Vertical film indexing process.......................................................................... 23
7.3.1 Concept ................................................................................................... 23
7.3.2 Indexing CAM profile options ................................................................... 24
7.3.3 Ladder and SFC ...................................................................................... 24
7.4 Sealing/Cutting Process.................................................................................. 26
7.4.1 Concept ................................................................................................... 26
7.5 Temperature Control....................................................................................... 26
7.5.1 Concept ................................................................................................... 26
7.5.2 Details to maintain constant temperature................................................. 26
8. GOT Screen Information......................................................................28
9. References...........................................................................................29
Application Tech Note for
Vertical Form Fill & Seal
1. Overview
Vertical form fill & seal applications utilize servo motor technology to accurately pull and
feed plastic film material from a roll stock to be heat formed, volume dosed with a
product, and then sealed and cut to be carried away by an unloading conveyor. While
the methods for filling and sealing vary from machine to machine, vertical form fill & seal
applications are essentially organized into two categories; Continuous motion bagging
machines and intermittent motion bagging machines. Product entering the feeder can
vary from a viscous fluid to a solid material and will often play a key role in how the
machine is designed.
2. Application Example
For the program data included with this example, the machine setup shown in Figure 1
applies. As illustrated, two servo motors connected to rubber gripping rollers are used
to move the plastic film in a downward direction, intermittently, toward the
sealing/cutting arms. The conical feeder at the top assists in mechanically forming the
material around the tubular fill pipe. Product is dispensed immediately after each seal
Roll stock
Product In
Bag shaping control coil
funnel hood spring lever
Vertical film
index drives
thermal heat
Sealing and
Cutting arms
Unloading conveyor
Figure 2 illustrates the timing involved to control each of the servo axes on the vertical
form fill & seal machine. For more information on how each of these axes operates,
refer to Chapter 7 – Programming Details.
Seal axis Cut Open
Heat is
The bag is applied to Note:
formed into seal the The Q64TCTT
a tubular material into temperature controller is
shape. a tube. used here.
Figure 4: Indexing film material with servo rollers
The cutting knife is built into the sealing arm in this application and should be
programmed according to the type of machine. Typically, this procedure is controlled
using external I/O and will function off of a timer.
3. Product Solutions
1* GT1555 (HMI)
1* Q170M CPU (Motion controller)
1* QX40 (Digital inputs)
1* QY40 (Digital outputs)
1* Q64TCTT (Temperature control unit)
3* MR-J3-( )B (Servo amplifiers)
3* HF-KP (Servo motor)
1* FR-E700 (VFD)
1* Q55B (Extension base unit)
GT Designer2 (HMI software)
GX Works2 (PLC software)
MT Works2 (Motion software)
MR Configurator (Servo software)
(SETUP 221E version C2 or later)
Q170MCPU GT1555
AC induction
HF-KP motors
4. Mechanical Information
Vertical form fill & seal applications involve a lot of mechanical components that function
independently from the control system. For a motion controller in the control system,
however, there are a handful of parameters, or mechanical settings, that must be
established based on the relationship between the servo motors and the physical world.
The following information relates to these settings and must be configured appropriately.
5. Hardware/Software Configuration
5.1 Overview
The Q170MCPU stand-alone motion controller has a built-in PLC CPU, the Q03UD
CPU, which may be used to manage all of the machine logic, timing and interlock
functions for this application, along with providing an interface to the GOT, analog and
discrete I/O. The Q03UD CPU sends commands to the motion controller, or the
Q170MCPU, through the iQ Series’ Multiple CPU high-speed transmission bus.
All programming, parameter setting and monitoring of the PLC CPU, Motion CPU and
servo amplifiers is done through a single touch panel GOT that is connected to the PLC
CPU via the bus connection. Since the GOT is mounted outside the electric cabinet, it
is possible to operate everything without opening the cabinet.
USB or
5.2 Multiple CPU Settings
In order to enable the industry’s highest memory sharing controller performance, the
Multiple CPU setting parameters must be configured as shown below.
CPU2 total 7K
User U3E1/G10000 6938 Read Write
devices U3E1/G15913
Auto U3E1/G16938 10 Read from Write to
refresh U3E1/G16947 M2400 to M2559 M2400 to M2559
devices U3E1/G16948 200 Read from Write to
U3E1/G17147 D0 to D199 D0 to D199
U3E1/G17148 20 Read from Write to
U3E1/G17167 B200 to M33F B200 to B33F
Note: The area represents G registers that are consumed automatically and should not be directly
referenced in the program code. These are the “Auto refresh” devices.
The following two figures explain how to use the PLC software and the Motion controller
software to configure these memory sharing ranges.
Figure 8: PLC CPU – Multiple CPU Setting in GX Works2
5.3 PLC CPU Settings
Along with the Multiple CPU settings, the PLC’s I/O Assignment must be configured to
match the hardware’s actual configuration using the GX Works2 software. For more
information on the hardware involved, refer to Figures 6 and 7 above.
In the PLC CPU’s parameter settings under the ‘Program’ tab, three Program Names
are set. “TEMP” controls the temperature control unit “Q64TCTT”. “MAIN” controls all
timing and logic for the motion. “MAIN1” calculates all of the math.
The parameters in the ‘PLC System’ tab for the Timer Limit Setting have also been
changed so that the Low Speed timers count up every 10 ms and the High Speed
timers count up every 1.00 ms.
Lastly, parameters for the Q64TCTT temperature controller are configured. The
following two figures provide an example of changing a few settings and assigning data
registers to the analog channels.
Figure 13: Temperature controller parameter settings
5.4 Motion CPU Settings
Along with the Multiple CPU Settings for the motion controller that are configured in MT
Works2 (as explained in Figure 9), Servo Data settings for each of the three servo axes
must be configured to match the mechanical setup details mentioned in Chapter 4 –
Mechanical Information.
Also, each of these servo axes is set up to use separate parameter blocks with different
accelerations, decelerations and speed limit settings. These settings are shown below.
The vertical two roller axes have exactly the same servo parameter settings except for
parameter PA14 (servo motor rotation of the direction). The servo parameter settings
are shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17: Multi Axis servo Parameter setting in MR Configurator from MT Works2
for opposite
The next parameter settings to be configured are those for the mechanical editor. CAM
settings for both of the vertical roller axes are shown in Figures 18 & 19. For more
information on how these settings interact with the program, along with a view of the
mechanical editor layout, refer to Chapter 7 – Programming Details.
Another setting that needs to be configured is the operation specification for the sealing
axis (Axis 3) as a ‘Real Mode’ axis. This setting is accessible through the ‘Option’ menu
from within the mechanical editor and allows you to operate servo commands as Real
Mode commands while running in ‘Virtual Mode’ (with bit M2044 on).
Figure 20: Real Mode Axis Setting for the Sealing axis
6. Variables Used
All of the variables used in the program are listed in the table below. For information on
how the variables interact with each other, refer to Chapter 7 – Programming Details
along with the PLC CPU and Motion CPU program data that is included separately.
W4 gCamFull_PLS Cam full cycle distance
W6 gCamSpd_PLS CAM speed
W10 gSeal_Dis Sealing moving distance (inch x 10-5)
Y4 Output 4 to begin filling product
X4 Input 4 for filling complete
Note: B0 - B13F, W0 - W0C7, and B200 - B33F are common shared memory device areas for both the
PLC CPU and the Motion CPU.
7. Programming Details
7.1 Overview
The following sections provide details on the programming involved for controlling the
vertical form fill & seal application. Although several PLC programming methods from
structured text to ladder programming are used, the customer ultimately has a choice in
selecting the programming method(s). The advantage to using a stand-alone motion
controller is that the user can easily change a part of the PLC program when needed
without significantly affecting other portions of the program code.
Table 4 below shows the names of the programs in each CPU and describes the
operation method (or start method) for each program.
A brief description of the PLC CPU’s programming environment is shown below.
Global variables:
1) Accessible throughout the entire program
2) Used in Structured Text and Structured Ladder
1) Calls Math PRG for initialization on 1st scan
2) Interacts w/ GOT
3) Calls SFC programs
Structured Text:
1) Sets default machine settings
2) Refreshes machine settings when changed
1) Tunes temp. controller’s analog channel
2) Sets Auto/Manual mode for temp. controller
3) Monitors temperature
Figure 23: Structured text “Math” program
The home routine for each axis is rather straight-forward and can be performed
depending on the need. With the absolute position detection system on the MR-J3-B
amplifiers enabled, the absolute position of the servos is “remembered” after the first
home sequence, which eliminates the need to re-home each axis.
Figure 25: Home routine example for Axis #1
Figure 27: Switching to virtual mode
Figure 28: Mechanical system editor layout for the vertical film indexer axes.
Indexer 1 Indexer 2
7.3.2 Indexing CAM profile options
As an option, the straight feed CAM profiles in the program can be changed to more
complex feed CAM profiles to safely and securely move more fragile plastic film
materials downward. Also, depending on the weight of the filling product, slower
acceleration/deceleration may be necessary.
Figure 29: PLC timer operation for determining the machine cycle
After completing a machine cycle (i.e. beginning a new cycle) the “Motion control” SFC
program is executed to begin indexing film axes again. Figure 30 shows the “Motion
Control” SFC programming details.
Figure 30: ‘Motion control’ SFC program layout
7.4 Sealing/Cutting Process
7.4.1 Concept
The sealing and cutting processes take place at the end of each machine cycle, just
after the indexing process. Each seal/cut process is commanded by the “Motion
control” SFC program. Figure 31 illustrates the program flow for the “Sealing” SFC
program in the motion controller.
Wait for a
predetermined time
Figure 32: Ladder program for temperature control
8. GOT Screen Information
An HMI adds extra value to a vertical form fill & seal application and helps to control the
machinery with more flexibility. Operators can easily troubleshoot problems with their
code by viewing PLC ladder logic, monitoring errors, and setting up custom alarm
messages in multiple languages. Another added value in using a Mitsubishi GOT is that
it can be used to read and write VFD parameters, motion controller variables, and even
servo parameters. There are options to add multiple communication channels, and
each GOT includes drivers to communicate to other popular vendors such as equipment
from Siemens and Omron.
The following screens are examples of some of the screens that can be set up with a
vertical form fill & seal application.
Figure 33: Home screen information Figure 34: Main screen information
9. References
For more information on the programming and configuration details involved for the
Mitsubishi Electric equipment in this application note, please refer to the appropriate
product manuals. This information can be found on the MEAU website: