Bin - List - Tool 2
Bin - List - Tool 2
Bin - List - Tool 2
16, 18,
Solo 6334, 6767 No
564182, 4903, 633110, 4936, 6759, 4911, 19, 18,
Switch No
4905, 6333 16
13, 16,
Visa 4 Yes
UATP 1 Yes 15
The BIN List tool also checks for the Major Industry
Identifier, which is the first digit of the credit card
Below is a table showing the Major Industry Identifier
Major Industry Identifier Category
0 ISO/TC 68 and other
industry assignments
1 Airlines
2 Airlines, financial and other
future industry assignments
3 Travel and entertainment
4 Banking and financial
5 Banking and financial
6 Merchandising and
7 Petroleum and other future
industry assignments
8 Healthcare,
telecommunications, and
other future industry
9 For assignment by national
standards bodies