KW02 06 en
KW02 06 en
KW02 06 en
Paper chase and career advice
Meeting for First-Year Apprentices
Top-class professionals for top-class technology
Studer’s Grinding Academy trains young specialists
13 Who does what? New faces, new assignments,
new workplaces 25
Growth on the
Over the past two years, the ma-
chine tool market in Great Britain
has experienced strong growth. In 2005,
the Schleifring Group reported additional
sales of nearly 40 percent in Great Britain
compared to the previous year. This
success was mainly due to an increase in
orders from the turbine industry and the
tool and die makers. By setting up Körber
Schleifring UK Ltd. (KS-UK) in Basing-
stoke near London as well as in Coventry
near Birmingham, the Machine Tool
Division has now created an excellent
operational base enabling it to safeguard
success and expand in the long-term. The
Schleifring business in Great Britain is
based on the three pillars cylindrical, HONORING A LANDMARK. Neuwied’s Lord Mayor Nikolaus Roth und W+D training
surface and tool grinding, all of which manager Dirk Klappert presented Fredi Winter, Member of the State Parliament, with
are united within KS-UK. This solid a miniature version of the town's water gauge tower in recognition of his services.
foundation centers on the tried and tested
sales agencies that the customers have
come to rely on – employees of the Sponsoring A small tower
Schleifring companies and their sales
partners of many years. The Group’s brings great pleasure
service technicians are also assigned to
the individual departments and are excel- The Körber PaperLink company Wink-
lently trained in their specific field of ler+Dünnebier is based in Neuwied, a
expertise. Managing Director David town located on the river Rhine. On the banks
Eburne says, “We are able to coordinate of the river stands the town’s landmark, a
inter-company activities such as, for water gauge tower that indicates the river’s
example, the key-account management tidal level. That gave W+D an idea. “We’ll
for major customers, service as well as produce a miniature version of the water
sales measures and are thus able to react gauge tower as a souvenir for the town’s visi-
quickly and flexibly to the customers’ tors, and as a give-away for W+D customers.”
requirements.” Together with his team, No sooner said than done. The apprentices got
Neil Whittingham, head of tool grinding, is down to work and soon the W+D management
based in Birmingham, an important center board members Dietmar Kurz and Dr Manfred
of the English mechanical engineering Kühn were able to present Neuwied’s Lord
industry. He is the competent partner Mayor, Nikolaus Roth with two different-sized
for the entire product range of the two versions of the water gauge tower made from
machine tool manufacturers Walter and shiny brass and placed on an aluminum base.
Ewag. The city council plans to offer this miniature
for sale or possibly use it as a gift for distin-
guished visitors and honorary citizens. Along
with his apprentices, training manager Dirk
Klappert was pleased to have received this
order. “We are proud of the fact that the town
was so taken with our design. And just so that
each tower really represents something
special to its owner, we will also include a
certificate of authenticity.”
Tobacco Division
A meeting
for the future
internal auditing department for a year. His team analyzes business processes within the companies belonging to the Körber Group
The question of why we need inter- products, their markets and their cus- collapses or weakens before payment is
nal auditing and what tasks the tomers? Martin Eberhardt confirms this received. On the other hand, additional
auditors have, is answered in the and says, “That is how it should be and in profits can be generated if the currency
“Group’s Auditing Guidelines.” Internal general that is the case. It is our job to exchange rate rises. Eberhardt says, “The
auditing is an integral part of the system check whether the Group’s guidelines Group guidelines stipulate that foreign
of risk management and its task is to concerning strategies, directives and currency hedging be used to protect all
carry out systematic audits and organ- legal requirements are being followed. foreign business transactions. Currency
izational consultancy throughout the We turn our attention to the instruments speculation as well as other speculative
entire Körber Group. the companies can employ to protect transactions – as tempting as they may
For the past year, Martin Eberhardt, themselves against losses in profit.” seem – are forbidden.”
age 42, a graduate in business admin- The individual steps: At the end of
istration, has devoted himself to this 2005, Internal Auditing formulated MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING and its inter-
demanding task along with his team detailed audit assignments for the indi- nal control system are just as much a
of four colleagues. Initially, their job vidual companies in consultation with part of the auditing plan as are the
involves a lot of traveling to each of the the executive board and set them down processes in materials management.
companies’ locations in the Körber in an auditing plan for 2006. With How are purchases organized in a
Group. this definitive auditing assignment the company? How is the invoicing audited?
Their itinerary requires conscien- Group’s auditors went to work in the Job-order costing or processes in ware-
tious planning and preparation. Martin individual companies. house management are also a focus of
Eberhardt says, “We work according to auditing. “If we detect differences in the
the guidelines laid down by the Group’s THE AUDITORS ARE RESPONSIBLE for all of quality of processes between the indivi-
executive board. We do not go into the the Körber companies, and that includes dual companies, then we call attention
individual companies with a standard- the non-consolidated sales and service to it so that the people in charge can
ized checklist, but we do rely on the companies. It goes without saying that learn from their colleagues in other
support of the Körber companies. We see the auditors cannot put all of the compa- companies,” says Martin Eberhardt
ourselves as a kind of support service in nies through their paces at the same reporting on his experiences.
the attempt to analyze and improve time, so at first they determine a focal The Group’s auditors focus their
business processes. That way, the com- point. This year, Martin Eberhardt and critical gaze at many different depart-
panies benefit as does the Group in his colleagues concentrated mainly on ments in the companies. Are they
general.” covering currency risks – a key factor for all-rounders who can do everything and
Optimizing business processes – is international companies. do it better than the experts in the
that not the task of each of the indivi- This makes very good sense especial- Körber companies?
dual companies as they are the ones who ly considering an order volume running “No,” says Martin Eberhardt, “at the
have precise knowledge of their organ- into millions and delivery times of up most, we are second-best.” And he says it
ization and internal processes, their to six months. If an order is settled in
foreign currency then the deficit can be
considerable if the customer’s currency
The sporting event of the year, the and consolation for the winners and entertainment value of this KörberWorld
Soccer World Cup in Germany, losers. The fans – among them Chairman Cup is not to be scoffed at. The soccer
was not the only contest to cast its spell of the Executive Board Dr Werner players look forward to meeting their
over the masses. The “Körber World Cup” Redeker and his colleague, Schleifring’s colleagues from other Körber companies
also captivated soccer fans. 24 teams CEO Gregor Rüth – certainly got their just as much as they do to winning
from Germany, France, Italy, the Czech money’s worth. sporting laurels. The organizers from
Republic, Switzerland and Hungary had You might well ask: What happened MediSeal proved – like the hosts in pre-
accepted the invitation issued by the to the clear favorites from Fabio Perini? vious years – that they had a knack when
organizer MediSeal to come to Schloss As third-placed team after the prelimi- it came to choosing the program for the
Holte – Stukenbrock near Bielefeld. It nary round, they were eliminated early evening. Everyone was invited to a Safari
was a magnificent response to this 10th on goal average. The last Italian team in Park where the evening ended with a
Schleifring tournament. the competition, KPL Packaging from fortifying dinner and cool drinks, leaving
To come straight to the result: unlike Bologna, was defeated in the quarter- the soccer players seeing – no – not pink
the professionals, the “Squadra Azzurra” finals. Three German teams as well as the elephants but rather white tigers prowl-
did not walk off with the trophy this Swiss team from Studer contested the ing around their cages. At the end of the
time. Instead, a German team won the semifinals. long day, the soccer players raised their
competition. In the finals, Hauni from glasses and drank a toast to the next, the
Hamburg beat Winkler+Dünnebier 2:0, THE TEAM THAT ESTABLISHED this tourna- 11th Schleifring tournament in 2007,
taking revenge for their 1:2 defeat in the ment and gave it its name, nobly held off which will be organized and hosted by
preliminary round. Congratulations to but was the clear favorite to win the fair- the youngest company in the Körber
Hamburg! play trophy. The Schleifring team was Group, Winkler+Dünnebier in Neuwied
The sports arena was the setting for eliminated from the competition in the on the banks of the beautiful River
seven hours of exciting matches, riveting preliminary round after five honorable Rhine.
action in the penalty area, wins, defeats defeats in which it scored no points.
From a sporting point of view, the
day had much to offer, but even the
THIS IS WHERE IT’S AT. The Group’s Chairman Dr Werner Redeker and the Foundation’s Chairman Christian Wriedt
joined the apprentices in listening to the Rap music resounding through the rooms of the Körber Foundation
Learning can be fun, especially if it the Foundation’s headquarters resound- organization I work for? What kind of
involves young people buzzing ing to very unfamiliar sounds that products do the Körber companies
around the corridors of the Körber afternoon, but also gained a wealth of manufacture? What are the countries in
Foundation like a swarm of bees. knowledge and experience. The same which we produce machines? Who owns
Clasping a two-page questionnaire, they goes for the Foundation’s employees. Körber AG?
rushed from one office to the next Occasionally they had to inform them- There were many answers to these
where employees from the Foundation selves first in order to give the appren- questions.
patiently answered questions on various tices a correct answer. Martin Verg, a Hamburg-based
projects, such as the Bergedorf Round journalist, presented the event in a
Table, the Federal President’s History THE “HUNTING SCENES” at Hamburg’s clever and lively manner. The Group’s
Competition, the Körber Forum, the harbor were all part and parcel of this chairman, Dr Werner Redeker, and
Foundation’s headquarters, the Theater training day at Körber. It was a premier the Foundation’s chairman, Christian
Haus im Park, the Körber Prize for event. Invitations had been issued to all Wriedt, introduced the Körber Group
European Science, etc. Whoever an- newcomers who began their training in together with its divisions and its sole
swered the questions correctly in the autumn of 2005 as well as students who shareholder, the Körber Foundation. It
shortest amount of time was declared were taking the dual-mode course of was left up to the apprentices themselves
the winner. studies, an in-service course of training to describe their training company and
And the winner not only received a at a university of applied sciences. its products.
whole case full of music CDs by a rap The idea was to give young people Werner Redeker highlighted the
group, which resulted in the corridors of the opportunity to become acquainted importance of vocational training within
with the Group, its divisions and the
Group companies. What is this big
the Körber Group. “We go to great In a very comprehensible and clear both had this message. “Always preserve
lengths as regards our vocational presentation, Christian Wriedt described your curiosity, continue to develop, and
training and in the long term that is the the relationship between the Group and above all, always enjoy your work, even if
correct decision,” he said. He went on to the Foundation and the advantages that not all the work that you do during your
say that as a technological Group they this constellation has for the Körber long career promises to be fun and
need young employees to grow into Group: Preservation of independence enjoyable from the start.”
and make an effective contribution to and the pursuit of long-term perspec- It was clear from the outset that
the company. Dealing with the future tives rather than the search for a short- the apprentices from outside Hamburg
prospects of the young generation in term increase of stock market price. “As a would use the “Commencement of
light of globalization, Redeker said, “We charitable foundation, however, we have Training at Körber” to learn more about
make every effort to employ our young no direct influence on the entrepre- this Hanseatic City and the many attrac-
apprentices and find them jobs within neurial activity. That alone is the busi- tions it holds for young people. They
the Group.” Addressing his young ness of the Group’s executive board,” discovered many new aspects about
listeners in the auditorium, he appealed said Wriedt. “But naturally, we are careful Körber, the Group and the Foundation,
to them, saying, “Towards the end of to ensure that our Foundation’s assets – but they also wanted to know more
your training with us, you are very wel- to which the Körber Group belongs – about what the city, home to the very
come to mail us an online application for increase through clever and far-sighted heart of the Group, has to offer. During
a job with any of the companies within actions.” their nightly forays into the city, the
our Group. You can gain valuable experi- In response to the question of how to young apprentices were accompanied by
ence abroad, learn various languages, make a successful career at Körber, how their colleagues from Hauni who offered
and practice communicating with other to attain the top position of a large to act as tourist guides. A nice gesture.
cultures. Anyone striving towards this Group or an important Foundation,
goal will receive our full support.” Werner Redeker and Christian Wriedt
What were your expectations when you came to “Commencement of Training at Körber” and have they been met?
Those were questions we asked three Körber apprentices.
Top-class professionals
for top-class technology
At Studer, top-quality training is given the highest priority.
Increasingly, the Schleifring company is relying on its young specialists
from the in-house “Grinding Academy”.
Grinding, precision grinding re- increase the quality of personnel within software applications, before they are
quires an enormous amount of the company and also help young allowed to work in assembly, accompany
experience. Grinding specialists are a people to develop their careers. Studer technicians as they visit cus-
scarce commodity – a situation that the tomers and are permitted to experience
Schleifring company Studer in Thun is STUDER’S MANAGING DIRECTOR Alfred the machining of complex projects in
unwilling to accept. True to its company Gaegauf says, “Our company attaches the systems assembly department.
logo “The Art of Grinding,” Studer trains great importance to winning the top Two “grinding specialists” have al-
its own specialists in the art of grinding position on the global market as regards ready successfully received their “aca-
at its in-house “Grinding academy.” Each grinding technology. We cannot buy demic initiation” and are currently per-
year, two third and fourth-year appren- grinding technology know-how but forming their national military service.
tices are selected and go on to receive instead we have to acquire and build it Four other Studer apprentices are
targeted training, following which they up ourselves.” currently enrolled in the select training
can be employed for internal and The apprentice polymechanics re- program “Grinding technology.”
external assignments. Such measures ceive specialized training in grinding
technology, gain experience at customer
seminars, learn control engineering and
JÜRGEN SPYKMAN, age 41, was appointed up in Ludwigsburg in Swabia, completed executive board at Gallus Ferdinand
Managing Director of Hauni Richmond, his apprenticeship as an industrial sales Rüesch AG, a manufacturer of label
USA, to succeed John Miller as of representative before studying business printing machines based in St. Gallen,
September 1, 2006. Jürgen Spykman was management in Stuttgart. Working for Switzerland. In this position, he was
formerly the Managing Director of the a medium-sized company based in responsible for marketing, sales and
Tobacco Division’s company Universelle Southern Germany, he gained experi- product management, and also held
Engineering U.N.I. GmbH in Schwarz- ence in both marketing and sales, first as managerial responsibility for the sales
enbek near Hamburg together with an assistant to the executive board and subsidiaries.
Andreas Panz. After completing his then as head of marketing. After working
apprenticeship as an industrial sales in a responsible position with the STEPHAN PLEWA, age 40, was appointed
representative, Jürgen Spykman studied German machine manufacturer Messer Managing Director of the pharmaceuti-
industrial engineering at the University Griesheim, he joined the Hauni Ma- cal packaging company MediSeal based
of Applied Sciences in Wilhelmshaven schinenbau AG in 2000 as the assistant in Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock effective
as well as the Business School and to the Chairman of the Executive Board. October 1, 2006. He succeeds Dr
School of Engineering at the Middlesex He was later appointed head of the Hermann Speckhahn who is leaving
Polytechnic in London. He joined the To- Tobacco Division’s packing machine the company. After an apprenticeship
bacco Division in 1993, where he worked department, which has since been shut as a technical draftsman, he studied
in Controlling at the Hauni Maschinen- down. Most recently he was head of mechanical engineering at the Univer-
bau AG and was an assistant to the divisional controlling. sity of Hanover. As a qualified engineer,
executive board in the field of divisional Stephan Plewa began his career with
controlling. In 1998, Jürgen Spykman KLAUS AARESTRUP, age 36, was appointed the German printing machine manu-
was appointed Commercial Manager at to succeed Bruno Posset as Managing facturer König & Bauer, and in 1998
Universelle and in 2003 was made Director of the Körber PaperLink com- joined Klöckner Medipak GmbH, now
Managing Director. pany E.C.H. Will effective August 7, 2006. MediSeal, in 1998 as head of design
Born in Denmark, Klaus Aarestrup engineering, where he took over as
JÖRG TAFELMAIER, age 41, was appointed graduated as Executive Master of technical director in 2001.
to succeed Jürgen Spykman as Commer- Business Administration from the re-
cial Manager at Universelle effective nowned University in Lausanne, Switz-
September 1, 2006. Tafelmaier, who grew erland, and since 1995 has worked in
Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Germany
and Switzerland. Most recently, he was
Vice-President and member of the
Körber PaperLink
Communications Workshop
For sales and communications tation of the division’s strategy for the
Grinding Forum experts, being able to speak a joint coming years as well as a presentation of
language is indispensable. The aim of the the division’s and service department’s
Expert Panel in Communication Workshop organized by revised corporate identity. The partici-
Körber PaperLink in Hamburg was to take pants returned to their companies with
Assembly Hall stock and to determine a strategy for joint much food for thought. Their task now
projects. KPL’s Director of Communica- is to implement the guidelines and
+ + + Walter Maschinenbau AG tions, Walter Tamarri, and his colleagues directives that were laid down and agreed
welcomed a host of visitors to the from all of the KPL companies spent two upon at the conference in their various
6th Grinding Forum at their location days dealing with sales projects from the locations.
in Tübingen held on September 11 individual companies as well as the entire
and 12, 2006. Over the course of division. The program included a presen-
both days, the converted assembly
hall became the setting for a
top-class panel of specialists who
lectured on topics from the fields of
economy and grinding technology
in front of an audience of trade
experts. Heinz Poklekowski,
Managing Director of Walter
Maschinenbau GmbH, welcomed
the guests and informed them about
the company’s relocation to a new
building in the next year. The
opening lecture on the subject of
“The future of Germany as a
production location” was held by
Prof Dr Straubhaar, member of the
Supervisory Board of the Körber AG
and President of the renowned
Hamburg Institute of International
Economics. Other lectures covered
various aspects of tool grinding
and other related topics; beginning
with basic explanations on the
manufacture of machine tools,
special features in the use of
mineral cast machine beds, new
cutting tools and surface coatings.
The lectures on the second day
addressed the challenges in manu-
facturing and measuring micro tools
as well as their possible fields of
application. The symposium closed CHRISTIAN WRIEDT, Chairman of the Körber Foundation, was pleased to welcome
with information on the latest the marketing specialists
findings in the field of grinding
mediums as well as current
developments in cylindrical
grinding. + + +
Annual Report
Gold for Körber
+ + + Körber AG has been
honored with a “Gold Award”
for its Annual Report 2005 by the
League of American Communications
Professionals (LACP). Known as the
“Vision Awards,” these are presented
each year as part of one of the
most renowned international annual
report competitions and are awarded
across a broad range of industries.
Over 1900 entries representing 16
countries were submitted and judged
by an independent, international jury.
LACP rated the entries based on
SMOOTH ASSEMBLY. Károly Turnai from Central Logistics (left) and the head of the Secon- first impression, report cover, letter
dary unit Gyula Lakatos are certain: PULS will provide a boost to Hauni Hungaria to shareholders, report narrative,
report financials, creativity, message
clarity and information accessibility.
Hauni Hungaria New assembly concept Explaining its judgment, the LACP said,
“The Körber Annual Report is overall a
With the construction of a new is superfluous. Optimization of the entire very inspired piece of work. The first
assembly hall and logistics center in material flow starts with the order and impression, the cover, the editorial by
Pécs, Hauni Hungaria has implemented the network plans in SAP. Subassemblies the Executive Board and the informative
its strategy for a modern work-cell based arrive on new mobile pallets in the reports from the divisions, as well
assembly system. PULS, the Production sequence in which they are required for as the concise presentation of the
and Logistics System project that defines the assembly process. They come ready company figures were very impressive.
the key core elements, targets the sorted, numbered and addressed to a The jury awarded the Körber Annual
shortening of throughput times whilst vacant assembly cell within the assembly Report 97 out of a possible 100
simultaneously reducing assembly costs area. points.” We are pleased to share this
to help keep tied-up capital to a mini- Targeted and just-in-time provision of honor with our partner agency,
mum. materials to the assembly points requires CAT Consultants in Hamburg, who
Delivering materials as they are advance preparation of pick lists and other designed and prepared the
needed and ready for use is critical so that jobs in the warehouse. This way the Annual Report. + + +
assembly workers can focus their atten- person in charge of the process can look
tion solely on the assembly process. In at SAP online and at any time immedi-
other words, the right number of parts has ately see which cell is in use, the progress
to arrive at the right place at the right of the assembly and which, if any, parts
time. are missing. Scrupulous orderliness in
We have achieved this by implement- every part of the assembly hall completes
ing a range of measures: New assembly this new concept.
cells each have a strictly delineated The pilot phase began in the summer
material staging area, the provision of ma- when the first machines were produced
terials is synchronized in a weekly cycle, using this new cellular assembly system.
and all subassemblies are produced in lots Michael Müncheberg,
of one. Hauni Maschinenbau AG
New pallet trolleys have been provided
in all assembly areas so the hall can be
kept tidy and uncluttered – anything else
A strong community
Körber Medipak wraps and fills products with the utmost efficiency and speed.
Portrait of a group that has for years built its international reputation on the manufacture
of pharmaceutical packaging.
quantities. With the aid of the BIB-BOB production site for standard folding packaging solutions. The company
logistics system they are fed into an cartons in the Czech Republic, Rondo develops these packages according
interim storage facility and can be obaly that began production last Sep- to the individual requirements of the
returned to the final packaging process tember (see page 20). Yet another new customer. Special solutions such as
as and when required. The new blister location is Rondo-Pak Inc. in Phila- “Cryptoglyph” – an invisible code on
line CP500 for disposable syringes or delphia, USA, where packaging material the package that safeguards against
ampoules, known as liquida, rounds off is manufactured for the American counterfeit products – or Braille printing
this product program. market. are Rondo innovations that are gaining
As if that were not enough, after Among the world’s major groups in significance.
the successful launch of the LA-400, the pharmaceutical industry, Rondo is Three independent companies, five
MediSeal, the market leader in sachet well established as a supplier of special production locations – that is Körber
packaging machines, is preparing to
enter the market of stick packs. These are
the slender coffee – or sugar packs, about
the size of a cigarette, that are offered in
hotel rooms or on airplanes. The Körber Medipak Group
Apart from developing innovative
packaging solutions, Dividella has RONDO AG
pressed ahead with the completion of Established: 1934 Rondo AG printing works in Basle, Switzerland, was
its platform system and now offers established; Rondo AG has been a member of the Körber Group since 2002
machines that are geared towards Milestones: 1946/47 Development of the Rondo WELLE and smaller packaging
various applications using the same machines for ampoules
machine base. The entry into wallet Product portfolio: Rondo is Europe’s leading manufacturer of standard and
packaging meant an enormous step specialized packaging cardboard for the pharmaceutical industry. Together with
forward for the company. The wallets are its customers and in close cooperation with its sister companies Dividella and
easily manageable packages not unlike MediSeal, Rondo develops optimal packaging solutions that comply with the
a purse for money. Tablet blisters – highest safety standards.
imprinted with the days of the week if Managing Director: Dr Markus Staub
required – are glued onto the cartons, as Rondo obaly s.r.o., Ejpovice, Czech Republic: Jörg Oswald, Works Director
are the package inserts. Rondo-Pak Inc., Norristown, Philadelphia, USA: Andreas Endlich, President
Employees: 255
DIVIDELLA’S MACHINE SERIES represents Sales 2005: EUR 29.7 million, 2006 (projected): EUR 31.6 million
an enormous performance range. The
most recently presented machine
Established: 1978 in Grabs, Dividella AG has been a member of the Körber Group
(NeoTop 104) covers the lower output
since 2002
range whereas the NeoTop 804 offers the
Milestones: 1990 Development of the NeoTop packaging systems
highest performance efficiency. It can
Product portfolio: Development of packaging as well as development and
package up to 800 individual objects
manufacture of machines for the fully automatic packaging of liquid products for
in up to 80 multi-packs or up to 240
the pharmaceutical industry – ampoules, syringes, injectors but also difficult to
individual packages per minute.
stack products such as blisters and patches.
By its very nature, the pharmaceu-
Managing Director: Dr Manfred Zurkirch
tical packaging manufacturer Rondo was
Employees: 95
less affected by mergers in the pharma-
Sales 2005: EUR 13.8 million, 2006 (projected): EUR 17.9 million
ceutical industry. Rondo develops and
manufactures packaging materials that MEDISEAL GMBH
Dividella or MediSeal machines then fill Established: 1934 Wolkogon GmbH in Bielefeld was established
with pharmaceutical products. This is a 1999 renamed Klöckner Medipak, 2003 Körber AG takes over Klöckner Medipak,
continuous business that has been going 2004, Klöckner Medipak is renamed MediSeal
strong and is still in full swing. Since Milestones: 1962 development of the first blister machine VA I. 1993: world
joining the Körber Group five years ago, premiere presentation of the first servo-controlled blister machine CP400
Rondo has doubled its sales. In order Product portfolio: MediSeal offers machine solutions for both dosage and
to strengthen its competitiveness – and packaging of solids, powders and other paste products. The main focus is on the
in order to meet growing customer development and manufacture of blister machines, integrated cartoners as
demands – the company built a new well as sachet packaging.
Managing Director: Stephan Plewa
Employees: 175
Sales 2005: EUR 26.5 million, 2006 (projected) EUR 28 million
Rondo Growth
in the USA
There is good growth potential Medipak today. It is not necessarily a
in the area of folding cartons unified or close-knit Group, but these are
for the pharmaceutical industry. The companies which serve one joint, large
takeover of the carton manufacturing and growing market. And they have
business of the US packaging company executives who – together with
materials specialist H.S. Crocker the management of Körber Medipak – all
Corp. Inc., based in Philadelphia, in follow the same auspicious principle:
May 2006 means that the Körber Together we are strong.
Medipak company Rondo now has its Good collaboration leads to compet-
own production site located in the itive solutions, beginning with a pack-
major US pharmaceutical market. aging development from Dividella or
The company specializes in Rondo, a blister line from MediSeal and a
the development and production of connected wallet packaging line from
folding cartons for the pharmaceu- Dividella. For smaller lot sizes, Rondo
tical industry, which generates 90 set up a Center for Small Lots in 2003 DIVIDELLA. With its NeoTop-packaging
percent of sales. that offers customers faster delivery of lines, the company is able to cover the whole
The business of the renamed smaller volumes of packaging materials. performance spectrum
Rondo-Pak Inc. will be continued This is a service that the industry is only
with the existing 30 employees in too glad to utilize.
Valley Forge (Philadelphia). Rondo- Since mid-2005, demand has in-
Pak is a fully owned subsidiary of creased once again and the order situa-
Rondo AG (Allschwil, Switzerland). tion for Körber Medipak has improved
As a result of the integration of considerably. During our visit to Medi
business fields, the activities of both Seal in Schloss Holte both the assembly
companies, Rondo AG and Rondo- hall and the order books were well filled.
Pak Inc., as regards sales, service That has not always been the case in
and packaging development will be the past.
Dr Markus Staub will continue GERHARD BREU SAYS, “Körber’s take-over
to manage the successful business of was a blessing for us because the
Rondo AG with the targeted aim Group pursues a policy of long-term
of expanding the area of packaging orientation and development. That is in
development and folding carton line with the expectations of our indus- RONDO. The international pharmaceutical
production to also include smaller lot try. We are the only complete systems industry relies on these packages
sizes. Working directly for Dr Staub provider for pharmaceutical packaging
will be Andreas Endlich, former solutions – from packaging development
head of sales for Rondo AG, who as well as the supply of packaging mate- solutions has slowed down somewhat,
has been appointed president rials and a broad spectrum of machines the demand in the European market –
of Rondo-Pak Inc. for all applications. And finally: We have especially the new EU member states –
done our homework and it has led to an and Southeast and Eastern Europe has
improvement in results. We are on the increased considerably. But sales suc-
right strategic course.” cesses do not happen automatically. “We
In the near future, Körber Medipak is have strengthened our sales organiza-
aiming towards further organic growth. tion,” says Gerhard Breu. MediSeal and
That entails generating bigger market Dividella have joint representative
shares. The investments in the Czech offices in the US, France and England.
Republic and in the US were made with Vigorous sales activities in Brazil – using
this target in mind. External growth, for local sales representatives and those
example the acquisition of a company, is fluent in the language – have led to a
another course of action, if and when an
opportunity arises and if the company in
question is suited to Körber Medipak.
Growth areas are biotechnology,
and while the US market for blister
good order situation in a country that
has long been uncharted territory on
Körber Medipak’s map.
“We have identified several major
customers, where we saw a potential and
we worked these contacts intensively
because we were confident in our perfor-
mance capability. That is now having a
beneficial effect,” says Gerhard Breu.
The main markets of the US and
Europe will maintain their significance
in the foreseeable future. But what about
China? Gerhard Breu says, “China is an
important market. China tends to manu-
facture its own machines for the lower VISIT TO THE NEW PLANT. Guido Greiter, Rondo AG, Dr Werner Redeker, Pascal Wirth,
performance segment. Currently, the architect, Matthias Lüscher, Rondo AG (from left) at the Rondo plant in Ejpovice
inquiries received concern only high
technology. But we refuse to neglect our
markets in Europe and the USA, which Rondo obaly Fit for new growth
together cover some 80 percent, and
Japan, which makes up 10 percent, in There were smiles all around at the official opening in early September:
favor of the Chinese market. Having Rondo’s Managing Director Dr Markus Staub, explained that, “this plant has
said that, we will continue to expand our enabled us to considerably increase our production capacity and allowed us under-
presence and activities there.” take an important step in our expansion towards the Czech Republic to enable us
to better develop not only the Czech market but the market for the whole of
THREE COMPANIES, FIVE LOCATIONS, as Eastern Europe.” The guests, among them customers, business partners as well as
well as sales and service activities on a Dr Werner Redeker, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Körber AG, his
global scale – how is the collaboration colleague on the board, Detlev Terboven and Körber Medipak’s CEO Gerhard Breu
at Körber Medipak organized? What were able to see the efficiency and above all the quality of the new production
corporate philosophy does the CEO, site for themselves. Representatives from the local administration, construction
Gerhard Breu, represent? “In principle, engineers, architects as well as the previous owner of the site were also
the entrepreneurial responsibility lies invited.
with the company’s managers. I do not The message clearly came across: Rondo obaly in Ejpovice manufactures
interfere with the operative business, but standard folding cartons just as reliably and quickly as the company’s main plant
in Allschwil, Switzerland, – and in compliance with the strictest safety regulations.
I do get together with the managing
The works manager, Jörg Oswald, and his team of 20 specialists possess the
directors on a monthly basis for a mana-
necessary expertise to manufacture high-grade packaging materials.
gement review. Together we develop and
While the Swiss-based company will focus more strongly on the manufacture
adopt the product and market strategy
of specialized products, such as NeoWallets and BoxWallet packaging, Rondo
for our group. In individual markets,
obaly will provide the market with standard folding cartons. Rondo had been
and with individual customers I have
desperate for production to finally commence in Ejpovice as the plant in Allschwil
received a key-account responsibility, so
had been working at the limits of capacity for months in order to meet the
that I get involved in negotiations –
demands of the pharmaceutical industry.
usually at the customer’s request. That When he addressed the customers, Rondo’s Managing Director Markus Staub
also gives me insight into the internal underlined Rondo obaly’s unique selling proposition when he said, “Based on our
workings and developments within our experience as an exhibitor and as visitors to many different Eastern European trade
companies, right down to what happens fairs, our plant will be the first in the Eastern European region to produce
at the workbench. That is very important pharmaceutical folding cartons in accordance with the benchmark criteria of the
to me.” international pharmaceutical industry.”
During his tour of the plant, Werner Redeker was impressed with this latest
production site. “I am certain that Rondo obaly will deliver the first orders on hand
in the customary Rondo quality. They will be quick to win the trust and confi-
dence of the customers, and they will certainly grow thanks to our experienced and
highly motivated team.”
The plant is well primed for growth. The new works hall offers enough
available space, and even the factory premises are sufficiently large to house
possible extensions.
HAUNI HUNGARIA. Hauni Primary-Managing Director Wolfgang Benz explains the technology behind
tobacco processing. Attentive audience: Gerhard Breu, Dr Werner Redeker, Guido Dellagnelo, Bernd Naumann,
Kevin Widder, Gustel Baumert and Adrian Stalder (from left to right)
The choice of venue for the Körber Hungarian, German, Turkish, Serb and the conference members who agreed to
Management Conference 2006 was Croatian influences, is one of the key cul- set very ambitious strategic targets for
a wise one. Pécs, a city of some 175,000 tural centers in the country. The city, the Group and its business areas over the
inhabitants located in the South-West of located on the Southern slopes of the next four years.
Hungary, is the center of a flourishing Mecsek mountain range, offers many The Chairman of the Board, Dr
economic region. It is also the site of examples of beautiful architecture. In Werner Redeker, opened the conference
Hauni Hungaria, a company that has 2010, when the Körber group will have with a brief assessment of past achieve-
recorded tremendous growth rates in the reached the finishing straight of the ments. During 2005, overall a very suc-
twelve years of its membership in the strategy it recently adopted, the city of cessful year, the Körber Group managed
Tobacco Division and the Körber Group. Pécs will also have spruced itself up as to achieve virtually all of the strategic
Downtown Pécs, with its fusion of a “European Cultural Capital.”
Pécs and Hauni Hungaria – together
they offered an inspiring ambience for
Group targets it had agreed upon five nal growth through further acquisitions. earnings potential in the future for we
years earlier – despite several far- The Group’s capital resources allow us to are unwilling to accept cutbacks with
reaching cyclical setbacks. The Tobacco purchase additional shares through our regard to investments that secure our
Division contributed the largest share of own resources and without surrendering future, such as in fixed assets as well as in
the profits to the Group’s success with its our independence. research and development, irrespective
very good results, as was reported in the Redeker said, “By 2010 we should of economic setbacks,” said Redeker.
2006 spring edition of KörberWorld. have achieved at least EUR 200 million in Redeker’s deputy, Chairman of
Our three Group divisions continue internal growth. That is a very ambitious Finances, Detlev Terboven, confirmed
to maintain their leading positions on target considering we are dealing with the success of the year 2005 with the
the market. This, however, cannot be stagnating or slow-growth markets.” record figures in receipt of orders, sales
equated with steady satisfactory sales The targeted and predetermined and results. He did, however, put this
and results. In light of their unsatis- profit margin of ten percent for the into perspective in light of the Group’s
factory results, additional efforts are Group and the divisions is a very good development in the current year. “Given
required in the Paper, Tissue and result for the international engineering a sales increase of nine percent com-
Absorbent Hygiene Division as well as business. pared to 2004, our Group’s results only
the Machine Tool Division to achieve the The same applies to the return on increased by three percent. That is not
strategic performance targets. capital employed (ROCE) that must be enough,” he warned. This was a develop-
The formulation of our Group and maintained at its current high level of 25 ment that had to be stopped or reversed.
Division strategies 2010 was preceded by percent. Excluding the acquisitions, the Group
thorough analysis and extensive and “We have achieved these high rates recorded declining sales over the course
time-consuming discussions at the of return in the past and will need this
board and management level. It is rela-
tively easy to forecast the development
of the markets, the needs of our custom-
ers as well as the competitive situation,
but it is far harder to foresee influencing
factors on the global economy and
political developments. The past five
business years have confirmed this.
Redeker highlighted four determin-
ing factors of our strategic orientation up
until the year 2010:
• We want to achieve sustainable
profitable growth.
• We want to maintain our financial
• We are looking to expand into new
business fields and develop new busi-
ness ideas.
• We want to intensify interdivisional
and inter-company cooperation.
As has been reported previously, the
consolidated sales are to increase to EUR
2 billion by the year 2010. That is equiva-
lent to a rise of 33 percent over current
sales. In order to achieve these high PRECISION. Processing centers at
increases, it will be necessary to imple- Hauni Hungaria meet the highest
ment organic growth. In the case of quality standards for cigarette of the years since 2001. Should such a
our three divisions, that can only be production lines, as Katalin Otott trend continue then recurring restruc-
achieved by successfully crowding-out Kovács, Dr Volker Bartelt, Detlev turing measures would become in-
the competition. Each division must Terboven, Martin Weickenmeier evitable. Addressing the conference
substantially increase its market shares – and Richard Bauer (from left members, Detlev Terboven reiterated the
through new products or product exten- to right) were able to see importance of the terms “trend” and
sions and through the upgrading of for themselves “reliability.”
services. While the global economy sent out
Another contributing factor towards positive signals in the current business
achieving the 2010 sales targets is exter- year of 2006, our divisions – with the
exception of the Tobacco Division – have
MAGNIFICENT BUILDINGS IN PECS. The downtown area in this southern Hungarian city is a principal magnet for visitors from all
over the world. During the Körber Management Conference this square was the focal point of a ten-day cultural festival
reported an increase in the receipt of were due to the successful market processing and filter technologies. This
orders. However, the other divisions launch of many innovative product is the starting point for Hauni. “We will
cannot compensate for the declining developments. The Tobacco Division’s be quicker to launch innovations. We
results in the Tobacco Division. This CEO Richard Bauer, however, refuses to want to achieve sales growth by, amongst
year will be marked by a continuing be blinded by this success, for as he said, others, an improved interconnection of
imbalance between the share in the “our division remains lodged in a diffi- products, service and engineering,” said
Group’s sales and the respective share of cult environment. It is a challenging task Richard Bauer, setting the course. Perfect
the results between the Tobacco Division to achieve profitable growth in a stagnat- service is becoming increasingly impor-
and the other divisions and business ing market.” Richard Bauer explained tant for the customer, and this is where
areas. that competition was increasing, parti- he sees great potential – not only for the
Terboven said, “We must do every- cularly with regard to Hauni’s core Tobacco Division, but for all of the
thing in our power to achieve internal business. A great challenge would there- Group’s business areas.
growth rates of at least two to three per- fore be the consolidation and expansion Apart from enhancing or developing
cent per year.” That will not be possible of the Tobacco Division's leading posi- new products and service activities, the
during 2006 as several areas were forced tion on the market. division’s main focus is on cost-strategic
to reduce their planning data. This Growing markets were to be found in measures: Reduction of development
prompted Detlev Terboven to voice the Asia, and China in particular, where costs, consistent compliance with order
demand for more reliability with regard Hauni was and still is the preferred fulfillment to improve delivery services,
to projections. “We can no longer afford supplier of production technology. In the further exploitation of location cost
the negative deviation from our plan- future, the mergers process on the cus- advantages.
ning data, particularly as regards perfor- tomers’ side will continue while the
mance. From 2007 onwards we must number of cigarette production plants PAPER, TISSUE AND ABSORBENT HYGIENE
ensure that our results and our ROCE are will drop from 700 to 550. Legal require- DIVISION. The Paper, Tissue and Absor-
increased, that our internal growth is ments concerning smoking and adverti- bent Hygiene Division fell far wide of
stimulated and we must do all of this on sing bans, as well as further tax increases the mark when it came to targeted sales
the basis of considerably improved sales will have a negative effect on the climate and returns in 2005. This was due to a
and results plans.” of consumption. massive slump in the market for paper
This holds not just risks but also and a drop in results in the tissue field
TOBACCO DIVISION. The good results opportunities for the Tobacco Division.
recorded by the Tobacco Division in 2005 The tobacco industry is developing new
cigarettes with less harmful substances,
increasing the need for new tobacco
The Walter Group, a manufacturer machines, the logistics center has also ly part of Tübingen-based Walter AG and
of tool grinding and measuring been relocated from Tübingen to Kurim. a member of the Körber Group since
machines based in Tübingen in southern The new demo center measuring 800 2004, relocated the final assembly of
Germany, has expanded its produc- square meters can now be used for its serial machines as well as the entire
tion site in Kurim. As of mid-2006, the presentations of the entire machine logistics department, including ware-
Czech town has not only become the range to Eastern European customers. housing, incoming goods and inspec-
production and assembly site for all The Schleifring company Walter, former- tion, packaging and shipping to the site
in Kurim following the completion of the
building. Kurim is now the sales center
for all Eastern European countries.
Relocation of all these activities from
Tübingen to Kurim went off without a
hitch and did not entail any staff cuts in
Tübingen. Walter’s Managing Director
Heinz Poklekowski said, “The logistics
center in Tübingen was based at the
headquarters of Walter AG, and we had
access to their services. None of our
employees were affected by the reloca-
The city by the Neckar river remains
home to the headquarters of Walter as
well as the central product development
and the central administration depart-
ments, the Western European sales and
service departments, the orders center,
testing center, prototype assembly and
the pilot production with a total of some
140 employees. However, these mem-
bers of staff will be forced to relocate
next year. Walter Maschinenbau GmbH
has recently begun constructing a new
production site and office building in the
vicinity, in Tübingen’s industrial park.
The investment costs are running at
EUR 5.7 million. Relocation into the new
company-owned premises is set for the
DIVERSE PROGRAM. 45 employees from Walter in Tübingen and from the middle of next year. The spatial separa-
development center for measuring machines based in Garbsen near Hanover tion of the two companies is a clear indi-
attended the official opening of the new production and assembly site in the cator for the public and for the custom-
Czech town of Kurim. They flew to Vienna, and traveled to Kurim by bus – taking ers that the Schleifring subsidiary Walter
in a wine tasting in Austria on the way. During a tour of the production site and is no longer linked to Walter AG. This
a sightseeing trip through the Czech town of Brünn, the guests from Tübingen rules out any possibility of the two com-
received a first impression of the plant and the people, their colleagues, with panies being mistaken for one
whom they work every day. another.
Growth through
customer proximity
Körber Engineering Shanghai’s success story goes on. The company is expanding and has
established itself on the Chinese market as a “local company” with global competence.
on their behalf. The search for a new electricity invited to price negotiations in mid-May. At the
supplier for the Körber companies took the same time, Olf Ohrt’s negotiation team kept a
team all over Germany. This had become neces- close watch on the electricity prices at the
sary because the old contract with the previous European Energy Exchange.
supplier had been terminated effective June 30, What then followed, quickly developed into
2006. Not an easy undertaking, especially in a real thriller. “In April, the electricity rates fell
light of the fact that there are more than 1,100 drastically,” says Andreas Winter, purchasing
electricity providers in Germany: from the smal- coordinator at Hauni, describing the situation.
lest regional public utility company to major “Naturally, we took advantage of this extremely
international Groups such as E.ON or Vattenfall. positive development and immediately began
The project was scheduled to start in March negotiating prices.” The round of tenders that
2006, leaving only a few months to complete the had been arranged previously was cancelled,
task. and now a bidding contest began. In 10-minute
Initially, Olaf Ohrt calculated the precise cycles the negotiation team conducted talks
power requirements of the individual compa- on the telephone with the selected electricity
nies. On the basis of the current consumption suppliers – while the price continued to drop.
rate, he determined a total annual volume of Until May 5. And at that point, Kostolany’s motto
nearly 25 million kilowatt hours, similar to the became reality. The purchasing strategists
power consumption of some 4,000 households. accepted the tender at just the “right psycholo-
gical time”: Prices had reached their lowest
AFTER CAREFUL MARKET ANALYSIS, the circle of point (see graphics) and thus they managed to
potential providers was narrowed down to ten procure the best purchase price for the partici-
electricity suppliers who were sent the tender pating Körber companies. The supply contract
documents and a precise submission deadline. was signed for a period of two years, after which
“The circle of bidders covered the entire breadth time the game will begin anew. When that time
of the market,” said Olaf Ohrt. “During our comes, those German Körber companies who
market analysis we discovered that regional were unwilling to participate in this round, or
suppliers were also able to offer competitive who were contractually bound elsewhere, can
prices.” Following a careful assessment of all join in.
bids tendered by the electricity companies,
the project entered into its final and fiercely APART FROM THE FAVORABLE PRICING for electri-
contested phase. The selected providers were city, the Körber companies benefit from the
added bonus of being able to use the provider’s
on-line portal that is free of charge for major
customers. The current consumption of the
PRICEINDEX OF EEX ENERGY MARKET OVER 12 MONTHS individual locations can be checked at any time
on the Internet. As an additional success during
negotiations, the team also managed to obtain
free energy consultations that could pinpoint
possible cost-cutting potential in consumption.
This purchasing success highlights the
importance of using synergies within the Körber
Group. Olaf Ohrt will benefit from the gained
experience to support the Körber Group in the
future when dealing with joint purchasing
projects. Currently, an intensive exchange of
experiences is taking place with Hauni Hungaria
and Baltic Metalltechnik.
Ingo Briechel, Hauni Maschinenbau AG
IT’S EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW. Buy when the purchase price is at its
lowest. Hauni’s strategists under project director Olaf Ohrt (left) acted
accordingly – just as the graph shows
makes millionaires
FlexiCut, the cut size sheeter manufac-
tured by the Nürtingen-based Körber
PaperLink company Kugler-Womako, can
produce up to half a million lottery tickets per
hour. All one needs to do is to mark the right
numbers and play the Spanish lottery. The
FlexiCut has been installed at the site of a
Spanish customer. Admittedly, the promise of
millions is far-fetched but the FlexiCut has
managed to corner a market niche. It is the
perfect machine for the precision cutting of
short and small size printed products in a
format of 160 x 100 mm and it enables the
complete production of lottery tickets, from
WELL INFORMED. At the in-house exhibition, experienced assemblers from the printed reel to the ready-cut, numbered
Winkler+Dünnebier AG answered all the visitors’ questions and banded products on one machine: And
it does all of this at high speed and with
remarkable precision.
Open to all
Winkler+Dünnebier opened its doors to visitors from all around the world –
in-house exhibition at the specialists for envelope machines. At a recent
open house, the machine manufacturers from Neuwied presented a newly devel-
oped reel profile cutting machine, used in-line with the flexo printing stand that
is already on the market. This machine enables envelope producers to work more
cost effectively and simultaneously improve printing quality. That is important
to customers, because the business of multi-colored envelopes is booming as
companies all over the world use them for direct-mail campaigns.
The new machine prints paper webs that measure some 800 mm in width,
cuts these into three or four pre-profiled webs, and winds them up into indivi-
dual rolls at the rate of 400 meters per minute. Envelope machines then process
these color-printed and precut rolls into envelopes. Sales manager Bernd
Schaback knows why customers are flocking to Neuwied. He says, “Our custom-
ers are interested in our new developments because they allow them to save
paper, increase their productivity, and operate a number of envelope machines
simultaneously with just one leading-edge flexo printing machine.”
Of cables, cranes
and containers
“Backstage” at the METAV – A visit to the Machine Tool trade fair two days
before the show’s opening. The jumble of people, materials and machines was little
more than organized chaos.
have yet to be made operational, and the and forklift trucks are available on site The booth itself is no disposable
booth builder still has his hands full. but we have to plan and coordinate their product as is so often the case. Peter
Körber Schleifring’s marketing mana- availability to coincide with the delivery Lütjens explains. “We rent the booth.
ger Peter Lütjens explains, “The real work of the machines. Buying the material and then scrapping it
begins long before the trade fair actually It all sounds so simple, and it or putting it in storage after the fairs
starts. As soon as a decision has been works several times a year and all over would be far too expensive.” And should
made as to the choice of exhibits, I design the world. The METAV booth features Schleifring require special design ele-
the layout and then begin working with machines from all of the Group’s compa- ments, such as at the EMO in Hanover
our booth builder, a company we have nies except for Walter and Ewag, the tool 2005 or even an entirely new design –
trusted and relied upon for a long time. grinding machine manufacturers. It takes “Then our booth builder can supply the
On location at the trade fair, the men just one week for the seven assembly materials certain in the knowledge that
construct the booth according to the technicians from the companies and he can reuse the materials for us or for
designs, however we always leave room Peter Lütjens as the coordinator in other stands in the future,” says Peter
for improvisation due to changes at short charge to set up the 350-square meter Lütjens.
notice.” Transport vehicles such as cranes booth.
BUT IT WOULD BE UNUSUAL if the men from
Schleifring did not have one or two
stories to relate from their experience in
building trade fair booths; stories that
could best be described as “chaotic”. Just
like the time when several Studer
machines had to be assembled. A freight
carrier had assigned the job of trans-
porting the machines to a subcontractor.
When the truck driver was forced to wait
in line a little longer than expected due to
the work being done for other exhibitors,
he decided to while away the hours by
going to a repair shop, but failed to
mention this to the people at Schleifring.
When it was finally their turn in line, they
searched desperately for him, finally
reached him on his cell phone and
threatened to withdraw further contracts
if he didn’t return to the hall posthaste.
TRADE FAIR PROS AMONG THEMSELVES. Peter Lütjens (left) and Wilhelm The contractor cancelled the repair work
Franzbach, head of booth building company Systembau Spahn and rushed back to the trade fair site
where he then spent hours standing idly
As head of marketing, Peter Lütjens, age 56, is responsible for four by because someone from a neighboring
to six international trade fairs a year at which the Schleifring Group booth had “jumped the line” and was
is represented – among them the major machine tool shows EMO in blocking the aisle. “That lost us practi-
Milan and Hanover, METAV in Düsseldorf, CIMT in Beijing, and the IMTS cally one whole day. But at the opening of
in Chicago. The graduate engineer has been in this business since 1994, the trade fair everything was optimally
although he joined Schleifring as early as 1981 when he worked as head prepared – as always,” says Lütjens. In
of quality assurance and technical grinding commissioning at Blohm. Milan, the Schleifring assembly crew was
He not only understands marketing but also knows grinding technology once forced to work until three in the
inside and out. As he is not only responsible for designing the Group’s morning because there weren’t enough
trade show appearances but also for the public face, it is certainly an truck-mounted cranes at the site causing
advantage that he not only understands communications and public rela- tremendous delays in unloading the
tions but can also speak competently about Schleifring's products. “We machinery from the trucks.
want to further strengthen the brand name of Schleifring on the market,” Perhaps trade fairs are like the theater
says Peter Lütjens, describing his target. Successful trade fair appear- after all. When the audience finally enters
ances are the right means to achieve just that. the auditorium, “the curtain rises” and
the performance begins.
Two days after our visit, punctually at
nine in the morning, the METAV 2006 in
Düsseldorf opened its doors and the
Körber Schleifring booth was spotlessly
clean – neat as a pin.
LIVELY INTEREST DESPITE WORLD CUP FEVER. Eight machines were presented at the Schleifring group stand,
among them a nearly 10-meter centerless roller grinder
Although the machine tool busi- -industry, electronics engineering, right matched those of two years ago. Even the
ness is currently affected by a up to medical technology. The visitors share of foreign visitors at the Schleifring
positive economic climate, attendance received detailed information on com- booth was especially high at 15 percent.
at trade shows dealing with manu- plete manufacturing and automation This was even more surprising consi-
fac-turing technology in Europe has technology, on standard machinery dering that hotel capacity in Düsseldorf
dropped compared to previous years. as well as custom-built solutions for was strained to the limit due to the
This applies both to exhibitors and visi- specific production tasks. Soccer World Cup that took place at the
tors. The METAV, the international fair The Schleifring Group was repre- same time and definitely cost the trade
for manufacturing technology and auto- sented at a joint trade fair booth measur- show many visitors. As had been antici-
mation organized by the VDW, the Ger- ing 360 square meters, enough space for pated, most of the foreign visitors came
man Machine Tool Builders’ Association, the eight grinding machines on display, from Western Europe, mainly from the
and held in Düsseldorf from June 20 to which covered the entire bandwidth of neighboring Benelux-countries.
24, 2006, was also affected by the decline surface and cylindrical grinding, from The excellent atmosphere generated
in attendance. The number of exhibitors the smallest universal surface grinding by the World Cup was reflected at the
dropped by seven percent to 925 and the machine up to the 10-meter long center- Schleifring stand, and the high quality of
number of visitors decreased by as much less roller grinders. The exhibits and the discussions as well as the many precise
as some 20 percent to 47,500. This trade appealing booth design attracted lively requirements voiced by the visitors
fair is geared towards customers from all interest among the trade show visitors, made for a very worthwhile trade show
industrial sectors, from the automobile and as a result, Schleifring’s attendance experience. Peter Lütjens,
industry to engineering, the aerospace figures were not affected by METAV’s Körber Schleifring GmbH
overall 20 percent drop in attendance.
The number of contacts virtually
The scene was definitely symbolic:
Around midday on the second day
of the trade fair, the crowds were packed
in front of the Körber Medipak booth
when the Chairman of the Supervisory
Board of the Körber AG, Dr Eberhard
Reuther, visited the stand and was so
amazed that he asked, “Is there a special
event taking place right now?” The
answer, quite simply, was “No.” This is
just the day-to-day reality of trade fair
life for the employees of the Körber
Medipak companies. The pharmaceuti-
cal industry received a new boost in
2006, and the packaging industry is
reaping the benefits. The order book TRADE FAIR FEVER. Körber Medipak’s CEO Gerhard Breu and Körber AG-Super-
situation at the machine manufacturers visory Board chairman Eberhard Reuther
Dividella and MediSeal is currently very with dimensional tolerance – packaging Rondo informed its visitors about
satisfactory. Rondo is currently produc- pills of different sizes without perform- special applications such as Braille or
ing pharmaceutical packaging in server- ing a format change in the machine. The holograms embossed on the packages
al shifts and has nearly reached capacity magic word is “flexible feeding” – a and new solutions to apply security
level. The company is having difficulty process that offers the customer an measures to pharmaceutical packaging
meeting the customers’ demands. attractive and cost-effective solution. thus enabling the detection of counter-
These were very good prerequisites feit products.
for a good trade fair. But the economic AN ADDITIONAL HIGHLIGHT showcased at Körber Medipak – a competent
upturn was just one side of the coin. the trade fair was the new, ultra-sound partner in the business of pharmaceuti-
Visitors to the trade fair in Frankfurt sealing unit installed on a modern cal packaging systems – this was the
were particularly interested in the many MediSeal LA-400 sachet machine. This message to come out of the ACHEMA
technological innovations that distin- machine is able to permeate the finest trade fair presentation. A message that
guish Dividella’s and MediSeal’s prod- dust or liquid residues on the sealing the highly motivated team of employees
ucts from those of the competition. surface, thus enabling the sachets to be at the trade fair also brought across to
MediSeal, for example, has its “Late sealed securely, even in difficult cases. the many visitors.
Stage Customizing System” (LSC): It is a Dividella presented its new entry- “We are the technological leader
blister machine combined with a stand- sized model of the NeoTop 104 packa- in our segment of the market,” said
alone cartoner that enables the sub-pro- ging machine for glass objects such as Gerhard Breu, chairman of the Körber
cesses of blister packing, printing and disposable syringes, vials or ampoules. Medipak Group full of self-confidence.
cartoning to be carried out not in one This was the first time the machine had In view of the products presented by the
fixed line but demand-oriented and been shown in Europe. Dividella also competition, he added, “We are also
flexibly, thus considerably shortening showcased its NeoWallet packaging line market leaders when it comes to flexibi-
the entire process – a solution that has that has already been successfully lity of the packaging process and pro-
been well received by the market. launched on the market. These user- duct safety. That is why I am confident
A further new development from friendly machines were specially de- that the ACHEMA trade fair will boost
MediSeal is a packaging solution for pills signed to make it easier for patients with our business.”
impaired motor functions to remove
pills from the packs.
Innovative boost
The PROKOS from Blohm
Fast, precise and economic grinding – that was the aim
of the EU-research project AGNETA (advanced grinding
of new aircraft engine material) that Blohm’s grinding experts
embarked on in the year 2000 together with the Aachen
University of Technology and a group of partners from the
industry. Speed stroke grinding technology pursues and
achieves two aims: A reduction of grinding time due to the high
Precision work
from Walter
Over the past few years there has been an enormous
upswing in the development of micro tools. Their
application in the machining of the smallest components,
A MACHINE WITH CLASS. Blohm’s head such as micro injection molds or gears used in the electron-
of sales, Ralf Bleich (right) had much to say ics industry and in the medicinal and dental field, requires
to visitors about the new PROKOS the highest level of precision manufacturing.
stroke rate per time unit as well as an improvement in the Walter Maschinenbau GmbH has developed a new CNC
grinding process by high tangential feed rates. Together, these tool grinding machine especially for these kinds of tools –
two effects have improved the cost-effectiveness of grinding the HELITRONIC MICRO for tool dimensions between 0.1
operations. At the major international trade fair IMTS held in and 12.7 millimeters.
Chicago in September this year, the PROKOS speed stroke The entire machine setup was calculated taking into
grinding machine caught the eye of many a visitor to the account the driving dynamics to create the optimal pre-
Schleifring stand. The first five prototypes of the PROKOS are requisites for grinding tools of even the smallest diameter-
already being assembled by the Hamburg-based Blohm com- sizes. With its mineral cast machine bed and the linear and
pany – one customer even ordered three machines at once. torque drive in all machine axes, it meets all the necessary
They will be delivered this very year and in the spring of 2007. requirements for the precise and economic machining of
The PROKOS machine has given profile grinding a new micro tools. The HELITRONIC MICRO features six CNC-
technological impetus and is opening up further application driven machine axes and has been equipped with the
fields for precision machining in the machine tool and turbine latest control technology from the Fanuc 310i series. As
industry. This machine supplements the program forgrinding the linear and torque drives are made up of only very few
turbine blades and increases productivity by 20 to 80 percent mechanical components, there is virtually no maintenance.
depending on the machining task. It enables the cost-effective A grinding spindle head that can be equipped with two or
grinding of complex materials such as titanium base alloys three grinding spindles alternatively guarantees a high
from which compressor blades are manufactured. Up until now degree of flexibility.
there have been only inadequate machining methods for these This machine concept is supplemented by an inte-
workpieces. Now a suitable solution has been presented. grated loading system with a six-armed articulated robot
The material removal rate can be increased without causing that can be used for many other tasks besides merely tool
any thermal damage to the workpiece material. So speed loading.
stroke grinding is ideally suited for the machining of thermally
delicate workpieces as well as workpieces with critical profiles
and a small section thickness. The particular challenge in this
case was to manufacture this technically demanding and com-
plex solution at a competitive price and to meet the market
requirements of the aircraft industry but also the engineering
industry in general. And that has been achieved.
FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. At the Asian Paper in Bangkok, the KPL booth was inundated with visitors.
The XSF1 turned out to be a real crowd puller
Writing history
On September 1, 2006, the German
Federal President Horst Köhler
issued invitations to submit entries for the
20th edition of the History Competition.
This year’s topic is “With each other –
against each other? Young and Old in
History.” The Körber Foundation has been
organizing this competition since 1973. It
addresses children and young adults GOOD REASON TO CELEBRATE. 300 guests celebrated
under the age of 21. Participants have the the tenth anniversary of the publishing house along
chance of winning prizes worth EUR with the Foundation’s chairman Christian Wriedt
250,000. In his call for entries, Germa- and Susanne Kutz
ny’s Federal President Horst Köhler said,
“A look at history can teach us how young
and old lived together in the past. This will Edition Körber-Stiftung
allow us to find examples of cooperation
as well as potential conflict situations and Tenth anniversary
their solutions.” This year’s subject is
Books can act as a stimulant: They prompt
highly topical: After all, the number of
people to think; they invite discussion and they
children living in Germany is decreasing encourage readers to act. Ten years ago, in 1996,
constantly while the number of old people Susanne Kutz was so firm in her belief that she
is increasing. This demographic shift gives persuaded the board of directors of the Körber
rise to dramatic social consequences, Foundation to found the edition Körber-Stiftung. With
forcing the need for reforms and putting its publications, the publishing house has since taken
the relationship between the generations an active part in debates surrounding the future of our
to the test. Entries to the History Compe- society. Topics that capture the spirit of the age, track
tition must analyze one aspect of German down personal histories and motivate people to get
history. All entries must be submitted in involved with society: in nonfiction and reference books
German and must deal with a topic from on politics and society, learning and teaching, in liter-
the student’s own environment. The ary essays and biographies as well as richly illu-
closing date for entries is February 28, strated photography and drama books. The multiface-
ted program of the edition Körber-Stiftung has attrac-
2007. More information is available at
ted renowned authors and publishers from many
countries of the world. The publications do well on the
Katja Fausser, Körber Foundation
market. Independent publishing representatives
present these books to bookstores all over Germany.
Among the bestsellers is the bibliophilic volume by the
Director of Hamburg’s Thalia Theater, Ulrich Khuon,
entitled “Beruf Schauspieler” (Career: Actor) who gives ERSTER EINDRUCK. Die
an inspiring account of his life on and behind stage. nahmen an einer Hau
Celebrations to mark ten successful years in publishing zukünftigen Studienob
took place at the new KörberForum in the summer –
the 300 invited guests included many colleagues from
the publishing trade, authors, booksellers and friends
of the Körber Foundation who were entertained with
readings anddancing until long after midnight. The
international publishing highlight of the year took place
only recently: the Frankfurt Book Fair. This year, the
edi-tion Körber-Stiftung again issued invitations to the
book presentation at the trade fair’s reading tent. In a
discussion with Ruth Dickhoven, an expert on Russian
affairs, the historian Irina Scherbakova presented her
edition “Unruhige Zeiten” (Troubled Times) and read
poignant passages from Russian and German biogra-
phies. Ulrike Fritzsching, Körber Foundation
The Art of
+ + + The two young men seem
baffled as they stand gazing at the
picture. Yes, my friends, that is
what is known as modern art –
and it is not something that reveals
itself easily. This painting could
just as well be exhibited in the
Museum of Modern Art, but instead
the masterpiece hangs right here
at the headquarters of the Swiss
grinding machine company Studer.
“Can they afford to have modern
art?” is something the visitor
might ask. The answer is quite
simply: Yes, because they produce
it themselves. At the last Studer
Motion Meeting, the company
turned all of its guests into artists.
The masterpiece is the result of
a friendly get-together on the final
evening. The huge canvas hung
from the ceiling, the “artists” took
a small pot of paint and threw it –
similar to the launching of a
new ship. That is how truly great
art is created. You cannot
quite appreciate the artistry?
Well, let me tell you:
Art is not a handmaiden of
the masses … + + +
Stipendiaten des Northern Institute of Technology (NIT)
uni-Filter-Produktionsmaschine erste Tuchfühlung mit den
bjekten auf
Ideas for Life
For the fifth time the Körber Foundation called for entries to its USable competition.
The prizewinners sought innovative ideas from the USA from the broad
spectrum of charitable engagement and suggested ways in which they could be
realized in Germany.
civic responsibility in the USA but also The ideas submitted to this fifth
in Germany. edition of the competition once again
During the ceremony held in the confirmed that in many areas, social
Konzerthaus at the Gendarmenmarkt in deficits can be removed not just through
the heart of Berlin, US-Ambassador government resources and money, but
William R. Timken thanked all partici- through goodwill and civic responsibil-
pants and above all the Foundation, ity; this could be in the prevention of
when he said, “You have rendered an violence, youth work, educational aid,
outstanding service to the transatlantic career consultancy, in the process of
partnership. Germany is indeed a ‘Land grieving or in geriatric care. It is the
of Ideas’.” people who develop ideas and imple-
The former President of the German ment them; people who believe in the
Parliament, Rita Süssmuth, introduced power of innovative ideas.
several of the competition’s more out- The wealth of ideas submitted to
standing ideas. Projects that offer the competition covered virtually all
support to people during transitional conceivable biographical transitions:
phases, new beginnings, and in difficult from teen pregnancy to grief counseling
situations. This can be when they enter for children, from offers for college
school or begin a career, when they start dropouts to rehabilitation in the penal
a family or when the elderly change their system, from the support of young fami-
living conditions by moving into retire- lies to the integration of immigrants.
ment homes. The Körber Foundation does more
During the festive awards ceremony, than just honor innovative ideas with
the winners in the various categories prizes and awards; it also offers the
explained their projects before the prizewinners conceptual and financial
Foundation presented the certificates support to help with implementing
and a total of EUR 150,000 in prize these ideas through specific projects in
money. “It is reassuring to know that Germany.
people are receiving public recognition To exemplify, we present four of the
for their splendid commitment,” said prizewinning ideas from the cornucopia
Rita Süssmuth and closed with the of USable entries:
words, “I wish you all courage, confi-
dence and support.” “GREAT KID’S GAME”. Modeled on the
“Transitions in Life” was the gen- Transitions in Life – in coming to US-version of the “Good behavior
eral topic that the Körber Founda- terms with such phases in life, the USA game,” students at an elementary school
tion selected for this year’s Ideas lives up to its reputation as a huge incu- in Lower Saxony are playfully practicing
Competition. If life means constantly bator for public-spirited ideas and as a the art of good social behavior. Instead of
overcoming changes and transitions society with a highly developed sense of a “telling off” the children are rewarded
then the United States is a good case in service. This was highlighted by the for good behavior. It works as follows:
point. Virtually no other country can many entries submitted to the competi- For a set time, the children must concen-
boast to having so many charitable tion. People in Germany will be able to trate on learning in an undisturbed
initiatives that accompany and support learn and benefit from these ideas as atmosphere. The class is divided into
people through life’s changes. The results USable has already shown in previous different countries, so that, for example,
of this competition are an inspiring testi- years. Former prizewinners of the Germany competes against Brazil, or
mony of this: More than 260 entries were competition – educationalists, gerontol- against England etc. There are strict
received by the Foundation, among ogists, social workers, psychologists, rules. The top priority is that there is
them many fascinating ideas that entrepreneurs or artists, are already absolute quiet in the classroom. No
painted an impressive picture of existing working in Germany with established
and proven American concepts and
The Professor
and his “Chaperones”
Prof Dr F. Ulrich Hartl received the 2006 Körber European Science Award.
The Director of the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Martinsried in Southern
Germany researches “Chaperones” that mold proteins.
For his groundbreaking discoveries in the field of The results of Hartl’s research are of particular interest to
protein folding, the physician Prof Dr F. Ulrich Hartl scientists involved in the field of incurable diseases. Hartl’s
received this year’s Körber European Science Award worth scientific findings on how proteins in the body are molded
EUR 750,000. The Körber Prize, awarded annually by the into the right shape will enable new therapeutic approaches
Hamburg-based Körber Foundation for 22 years, honors a in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as
European scientist for a specific and pioneering research Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or Huntington’s.
project. An international and independent Trustee Protein molecules control nearly all the vital functions in
Committee, chaired by Prof Dr Peter Gruss, President of the biological systems. However, before they can become active
Max Planck Society, determines the winner from suggestions in cells, the individual protein segments must first be molded
made by a Selection Committee composed of European into a particular three-dimensional form. To do this, the
scientists. proteins usually need helper molecules, called chaperones,
as Hartl and his team first showed in 1989. These chaperones
prevent molecules from folding incorrectly or having illicit
contact with other molecules, causing them to clump.
The knowledgeable audience appreciates not only the professionalism that goes into the organization
The Körber Foundation, sole short: The KörberForum focuses on ture, and Anette Meister, Program Direc-
shareholder of the Körber Group, issues which interest and move people. tor at the KörberForum.
also lays claim to being a “Forum for With its wonderful view of the busy “Last year, we thought about what
Impulses” and as such has initiated dockyards, the KörberForum at the kind of issues we would like to bring to
manifold projects in the foundation Kehrwiederspitze has generated a lot of public attention. Of course, these were
landscape. Following its relocation to attention by offering a very diverse issues that were also defined through our
Hamburg’s new HafenCity and the program concept designed for “people work in the Foundation. We ultimately
integration of a function room with a who are not willing to leave everything decided on four spheres of activity,” says
capacity of up to 200 people, the Körber the way it is.” What is the secret of this Susanne Kutz describing the work of the
Foundation is fast becoming recognized rapid success? On the one hand, it is Forum. Ultimately, they decided on:
as a distinguished and much-frequented certainly the concept behind these Dialogue and Communication, New
meeting-place, a forum for social dis- events and on the other it is due to the Learning and Research, Integration and
course and intercultural exchange. In continuous and determined efforts of Civic Involvement and Young Culture.
two women: Susanne Kutz, Divisional
Director of Communications and Cul-
The Foundation based its decision on scientific advisory boards hold their the speakers or with each other in a
the fundamental principle of developing meetings, then we consider whether or relaxed atmosphere and with a glass of
the KörberForum into a projection not that could be a suitable subject for a wine.”
forum for the “Körber-brand.” The parallel event at the KörberForum.” The Even a new event format, such as the
Foundation’s individual projects do not distinguished speakers are aware of the “Harbor brunch,” is immediately well
stand separate from each other but in close ties between their subjects and the received. Weekdays, at 11 A.M., the
their entirety convey a joint and unified high-quality level of the Foundation’s Foundation has organized a series of
profile of the Foundation to the general projects, and they can always expect to lectures with editors-in-chief from well-
public. be greeted by an interested and know- known magazines, architects, a round-
ledgeable audience. the-world yachtsman or a well-known
THE FOUNDATION’S LIST OF SPEAKERS “The program is always posted for a ship-owner, who all speak for thirty
includes government ministers, high- period of three months – with flyers and minutes on a subject linked to the
ranking politicians, scientists, and repre- also by specifically addressing people harbor – and the visitors come in droves.
sentatives from the world of finance whom we think might be interested in Usually they come from offices in or near
and the arts. That raises the question of our subjects,” says Susanne Kutz. the HafenCity where publishing compa-
how the Foundation always manages to nies, advertising agencies and other such
win these kinds of people for its events. THE HIGH NUMBER OF GUESTS attending companies are located. These are all
The excellent reputation of the Körber the events at Kehrwieder 12, the Found- people with a sense of and a need for
Foundation is certainly one reason, ation’s headquarters, is an indication communication.
another being the highly respected work of just how successful the Forum has In a major city like Hamburg there
of the project team and above all the become. “In the case of some of the are a host of institutions and academies
close ties to the Foundation’s projects. lectures or cultural events, we were and forums with an extensive selection
So it stands to reason that although expecting maybe 50 visitors, but then of lectures and discussions. And yet the
Susanne Kutz and Anette Meister are 200 or even more showed up,” says Foundation’s KörberForum has man-
responsible for the program of events at Anette Meister. Susanne Kutz believes aged to establish itself as an especially
the Körber Forum, project teams from she knows the reason for this. “Apart attractive meeting place within a short
the Foundation are involved in the pre- from the attractive subjects we focus on, space of time. It is a place where one
liminary creative work. Anette Meister it is the atmosphere in our Foundation’s always encounters interesting people
says, “If we have awards ceremonies for house. People strike up conversations, and where visitors always benefit from
our competitions, for example, or the they exchange thoughts and ideas with the topics discussed in the lectures.
NEW ROOMS FOR DIALOGUE. After relocating, more than 200 guests can be seated in the modern
function rooms
Körber AG International
Hamburg, Germany Hamburg, Germany Hamburg, Germany Hamburg, Germany
Production machinery for the Holding Holding
tobacco industry and leading DIVIDELLA AG
company of the tobacco division E.C.H. WILL GMBH BLOHM MASCHINENBAU GMBH Grabs, Switzerland
WRAPMATIC, PAPER SYSTEMS Hamburg, Germany Packaging machinery for the
BALTIC METALLTECHNIK GMBH Hamburg, Germany Surface and profile grinding machines pharmaceutical industry
Grevesmühlen/Hamburg, Germany Machinery for the production of EWAG AG RONDO AG
Systems supplier for parts and stationery products and communication Etziken, Switzerland Allschwil, Switzerland
subassemblies paper, folio sheeters for paper and Universal and production tool Printing and packaging
DECOUFLE S.A.R.L. board, packaging machinery for the grinding machines RONDO OBALY S.R.O.
Chilly-Mazarin, France paper industry K. JUNG GMBH Ejpovice, Czech Republic
Production machinery for the KUGLER-WOMAKO GMBH Göppingen, Germany Printing and packaging
tobacco industry Nürtingen, Germany Surface and profile grinding machines RONDO-PAK INC.
Pécs, Hungary production of stationery products, Fehraltorf, Switzerland Printing and packaging
Equipment for the tobacco industry wire- and plastic-bound products, Surface and profile grinding machines,
labels, filing systems and documents MEDISEAL GMBH
HAUNI LNI ELECTRONICS S.A. grinding centers Schloss Holte, Germany
Geneva, Switzerland PEMCO INC. STUDER MIKROSA GMBH Packaging machinery for the
Control systems for production Sheboygan/WI, USA Leipzig, Germany pharmaceutical industry
machinery Packaging machinery for the paper Centerless grinding machines
industry and cross-cutters for paper SALES COMPANIES
Shah Alam/Selangor, Malaysia and board
Stuttgart, Germany Körber Medipak Asia/Pacific, Singapore
Fully overhauled machinery for KPL PACKAGING S.P.A. ID and OD grinding machines Körber Medipak France S.A.R.L.,
the tobacco industry CASMATIC, TISSUE SYSTEMS Saint Ouen, France
Bologna, Italy FRITZ STUDER AG
HAUNI PRIMARY GMBH Thun, Switzerland Körber Medipak NA Inc.,
Schwarzenbek, Germany Packaging machinery for the tissue Clearwater/FL, USA
industry ID and OD grinding machines
Tobacco processing plants and WALTER MASCHINENBAU GMBH Körber Medipak UK & ROI,
process automation FABIO PERINI S.P.A. Lucca, Italy Windsor, Berkshire, Great Britain
Tissue converting equipment Tübingen, Germany
HAUNI PRIMARY INTERNATIONAL GMBH Universal and production tool grinding MediSeal GmbH, Australian
Schwarzenbek, Germany PERINI ENGRAVING S.R.L. machines, measuring machines Representative Office,
Tobacco processing plants, Research Lucca, Italy Melbourne, Australia
Embossing rolls for tissue production MANUFACTURING, SALES AND MediSeal GmbH, Shanghai
and Development, Pilot plant SERVICE COMPANIES
HAUNI RICHMOND INC. FABIO PERINI S.A. Joinville, Brazil Representative Office, China
Körber Schleifring Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd.,
Richmond/VA, USA Tissue converting and packaging Singapore
Production technology for the equipment Körber Schleifring Italia Srl., Fino
tobacco industry DIATEC S.R.L. Collecorvino (PE), Italy Mornasco, Italy
UNIVERSELLE ENGINEERING U.N.I. GMBH Machinery for the manufacture of baby Körber Schleifring GmbH, OTHER ENTERPRISES
Schwarzenbek, Germany diapers, sanitary napkins,panty shields, Representative Office Bangalore, India
Fully overhauled machinery for incontinence products and underpads Körber Schleifring UK Ltd.,
the tobacco industry WINKLER+DÜNNEBIER AG Basingstoke/Coventry, Great Britain
Neuwied, Germany Körber Schleifring France s.á.r.l., BALTIC ELEKTRONIK GMBH
SALES COMPANIES Grevesmühlen, Germany
REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES Machinery for the manufacture of Chilly-Mazarin, France
envelopes, pockets, interfolded Körber Schleifring Machinery Co. Ltd., Manufacture and assembly
Decouflé Americas, São Paulo, Brazil of electronic components
Decouflé Moscow, Russia products, handkerchiefs, labels and Taicang, China
Hauni do Brasil Ltda., São Paulo, Brazil cardboard blanks,offset- and flexo Schleifring Brasil Ltda., Sorocaba, Brazil BVG BERGEDORFER
Hauni Far East Ltd., Beijing printing presses, packer and palletizers Körber Schleifring GmbH VERSICHERUNGSVERMITTLUNG GMBH
Representative Office, China SALES COMPANIES Representative Office Beijing, China Hamburg, Germany
Hauni Far East Ltd., Hongkong, China REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES Körber Schleifring GmbH
Hauni Far East Ltd., Kunming Körber PaperLink Russia, Representative Office Chengdu, China
Representative Office, China Moscow, Russia Körber Schleifring GmbH
Hauni Japan Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan Körber PaperLink North America, Representative Office Chongqing, China
Hauni London Ltd., Green Bay/WI, USA Körber Schleifring GmbH
London, Great Britain Körber PaperLink America Latina, Representative Office Guangzhou, China
Hauni Maschinenbau AG, São Paulo, Brazil Körber Schleifring GmbH
Representative Office Moscow, Russia Körber PaperLink Far East, Representative Office Xian, China
Hauni Maschinenbau AG, Tangerang, Indonesia Schleifring Service GmbH,
Representative Office St. Petersburg, Körber Engineering Shanghai Co. Ltd., Stuttgart, Germany
Russia Shanghai, China Schleifring Service AG,
Hauni Service St. Petersburg Ltd., Fabio Perini Germany GmbH, Thun, Switzerland
St. Petersburg, Russia Neuss, Germany Studer Tec K.K., Tokyo, Japan
Hauni Singapore Pte. Ltd., Singapore Fabio Perini France S.a.r.l., Paris, France United Grinding Technologies Inc.,
Hauni Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Fabio Perini U.K. Ltd., Miamisburg/OH, USA
China Kingston-upon-Thames, Great Britain United Grinding Technologies Inc./
Fabio Perini North America Inc., Walter Grinders Inc.,
Green Bay/WI, USA Fredericksburg/VA, USA
Fabio Perini Latin America Inc., Walter S.r.o., Kurim, Czech Republic
Coral Gables/FL, USA Walter Japan K.K., Anjo City, Japan
Fabio Perini Japan Co. Ltd., Fuji, Japan
Fabio Perini Singapore Pte. Ltd.,
Fabio Perini Korea Ltd., Gyeonggi-do,
Pemco International,
Thetford, Great Britain
PreOwnedEnvelopeMachines POEM
GmbH, Neuwied, Germany
Office Shanghai, China
W+D Machinery Company Inc.,
Overland Park/KS, USA