Ugc Net Maths Sylla
Ugc Net Maths Sylla
Ugc Net Maths Sylla
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SmartPlant Instrumentation
Version: (2013)
Release Date: April 2013
Report Date: 11/21/2017 10:29:46 PM
Enterprise Client
Operating Systems
* Windows 7 64-bit - Microsoft Windows 7 Professional & Enterprise 64bit SP1
* Windows 7 32-bit - Microsoft Windows 7 Professional & Enterprise
Database Clients
* Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
* Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Client
* Oracle 11g R2 Client 32-bit (11.2) -
( w/ Patch 8). Oracle 32 bit Client required for both 32 bit and
64 bit Oracle databases.
Enterprise Virtualization
* Citrix XENServer 6
* SPLM 2010 (11.00) or later - or later
* .NET Framework 4.0
* Microsoft Internet Explorer - (64-bit) 9.0
* Microsoft Office - 2010 SP1 - 32bit Intergraph Clients that cannot utilize the 64bit Office
2010 solution due to bitwise incompatibilities may adopt Office 2010
x86. 64bit SP Clients must support both the 32bit and the 64bit delivery
of Office 2010.
* MSXML - 6.0 SP1
* PDF Reader - A PDF Reader is required for viewing the printable guides
Optional Products
* AutoCAD - 2012 for Windows 7 clients.
* InfoMaker - 12.5. InfoMaker for Report generation.
* MicroStation - SE, J - Optional CAD for Loop & Hook-up Drawings
* SmartSketch - (optional CAD for Loop and Hookup drawings).
1 SPI 2013 is compatible with SPEL 2009 SP5, SPPID 2009 SP5.
2 [5.2016] Update: AutoCAD 2016 verification added.
SP Foundation Interoperability
* SPF 2018 (
* SPF 2016 (
* SPF 2014R3 (
* SPF 2014R2 (
* SPF 2014R1 (
* SPF 2014 (
* SPF 2009R4SP5 (
* SPF 2009R4SP4 (
* SPF 2009R4SP3 (
* SPF 2009R4SP2 (
* SPF 2009R4SP1 (
* SPF 2009R4 (
* SPF 2009R3SP3
* SPF 2009R3SP2
* SPF 2009R3SP1
* SPF 2009R3