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Contact Information
Name: Ram Ganesan Athreya
Project Name:
First Chatbot for DBpedia
Project Description:
The requirement of the project is to build a conversational Chatbot for DBpedia which would be
deployed in at least two platforms (including social networks).
There are three main challenges in this task. First is understanding the query presented by the
user, second is fetching relevant information based on the query through DBpedia and finally
tailoring the responses based on the standards of each platform and developing subsequent
user interactions with the Chatbot.
I would like to stress that although the primary medium of interaction is text, platforms such as
Facebook suggest that a proper mix between chat and structured interactive elements such as
images, buttons etc would lead to better user engagement. So I would like to incorporate these
elements as part of my proposal.
If you would be willing and able to work on another of our suggested project ideas instead,
which ones?
Question Answering from DBpedia to the whole LOD cloud
Image Link
Here I have created a short list of commands and banters that the bot might commonly
encounter. Please note this is not an exhaustive list.
Command List
1. About
2. Help
3. History
4. Start Over/Restart
1. Greeting (Hi, Hello etc)
2. What is your name?
3. Who made you?
4. What can you do?
5. How are you?
We would create some training data (different variants of asking for this information) for the
above mentioned types and use it to train the model. Ideally, the model would classify
any incoming request into any one of the above mentioned categories. If it fails to do so then
the request is probably an NLP question.
Ideally, this can be extended further. For example, for Berlin we can additionally find places of
interest which are located in Berlin. We can also extrapolate data from WikiData.
A command request would give some preset message back to the user as is the case of
commands such as help or about. In the case of History we can maintain a list of previous
queries that the user has made to the Bot in the MySQL database and show it as a response to
the user. The Start Over option is applicable when the user gets stuck or is unsure what to do
next and acts as a way for them to restart the conversation.
For a banter request we can provide some preset canned responses. To prevent the bot from
seeming monotonous we can have several variations of these responses. For example, when
the user types ‘Hi’ or something similar we can reply ‘Hi how are you doing today?’ or ‘How
may I assist you?’ or ‘What can I help you with?’ etc. We would have to continuously monitor
usage of the bot to understand how users interact with it and increase our coverage of these
responses as applicable.
In Parameterized Requests we would typically know what DBpedia URIs need to be queried so
we simply need to make the query to DBpedia and return the response to the user.
Additional Features
In this section I would like to highlight some additional features which are not core to the
Chatbot but are good to have and can be implemented in subsequent iterations.
1. Internationalization: Multilingual Support, both for queries and responses
2. Tips: we can occasionally show messages to the user on how to effectively use the
3. Bookmarks: Users can bookmark frequently accessed DBpedia Resources
4. Notifications: Today’s Featured Article, In The News, On This Day etc (based on
Wikipedia Home Page)
5. Games: Trivia/Quiz
6. Wikipedia/DBpedia Polls: For important decisions or feature requests etc
7. Analytics Dashboard (backend system to understand user queries and conversation
flows and thereby improve the Chabot)
8. Alexa Skills or Google Actions for Smart Home Assistants
I am proposing an agile approach where the work is generally divided into two week sprints.
Some notable exceptions are Sprint 5 which is roughly 3 weeks. More time is allocated here
since we finish the bulk of the development at the end of this phase and push to production. So
more time may be required for handling issues while deploying to production and ensuring
stability. Sprint 6, the final 10 days are devoted to ensuring that the system is working properly
in production and it would be advisable not to introduce any big changes at this point.
The sprints are designed in such a way that at the end of each sprint we have a functional
system that can address at least one aspect of the final system. In subsequent sprints I try to
incrementally improve the features that the Chatbot can handle. I am also proposing a Test
Driven Development approach so that reliability can be ensured at every stage.
Sprint 1 - May 30 1. Create webhook integration with at least 1 A barebones bot that
to Jun 14 social platform is integrated with one
2. Enable API integration with the Intent social platform and
Recognition service as well as QA System and can answer at least
DBpedia one command and
3. Handle at least one command and banter based one banter
on intent conversation
4. Generate corresponding response for the
command and banter
5. Send response back to the Social Network
6. Create basic test cases for above mentioned
Sprint 2 - Jun 15 1. Handle at least one type/class of natural A bot that can answer
to Jun 30 (Phase 1 language questions (eg: Person, Country, Book at least one class of
Evaluation on etc) questions
June 30) 2. Generate corresponding response for the
natural language question
3. Deploy to a staging environment for testing by
the community
4. Improve Test Coverage and Bug Fixing
Sprint 3 - Jul 1 to 1. Integrate one more social network A bot that can answer
Jul 14 2. Refactor code as necessary to accommodate at least one class of
multiple social networks questions in two
3. Improve Test Coverage and Bug Fixing social networks
Sprint 4 - Jul 15 to 1. Handle one or two more natural question types A bot that can answer
Jul 28 (Phase 2 2. Handle one or two more commands and banter few more natural
Evaluation on Jul conversations question types,
28) 3. Handle edge case scenarios as they arise commands and
4. Improve Test Coverage and Bug Fixing banter conversations
Sprint 5 - Jul 29 to 1. All commands, banters and finalized question A bot that can answer
Aug 19 types should be completed by the end of this all question types as
phase envisioned in the
2. Closed Beta Release in a Production requirements. Bot is
Environment and actual User Testing deployed to
3. Monitoring of User Interactions with the Bot production and user
4. Identification of bottlenecks in interaction and testing begins
coming up with improvements
5. Improve Test Coverage and Bug Fixing
Please include in your plan how will you evaluate the performance of your contribution (in
terms of time, or accuracy, or both), as well as which data sets you will use for that
There are four aspects to evaluate the performance of the chatbot. They are:
1. User Experience
2. Accuracy of Response
3. Speed of Response
4. Scalability, that is number of concurrent requests that the bot can handle
User Experience
Before we analyze the User Experience for the Chatbot we first need to define the target user
base and a baseline to compare it to. It is quite obvious that since this is a general purpose
information Chatbot it should (at least in some respects) outperform Google Search since that is
where users go to seek answers or information. So I propose Google Search as a possible
baseline for our evaluation.
A typical user is usually interested in information that is happening right now or something that
is likely to happen in the future such as ‘When is Game of Thrones Season 7 going to air ?’
(Answer: July 16 2017). Unfortunately DBpedia may not be the best resource for getting this
kind of information since it is updated periodically based on facts in Wikipedia that have
already happened. So we need to target users who are more likely to leverage DBpedia’s
strengths which is its extensive structure and organization of information/facts that have
already happened. Based on this fact I believe the target user base who are most likely to find
the chatbot useful would be researchers, scientists, journalists, students, teachers, etc. who not
only need access to information but also need to understand the relationships between them.
For this target user base we can create a survey or questionnaire to evaluate the chatbot. The
questions could include the following (all are scored 1 to 5 where 1 is Strongly Disagree and 5 is
Strongly Agree):
1. Relevance: The responses from the chatbot was what I was looking for
2. Comprehensiveness: The responses from the chatbot covered all the information I was
looking for
3. Relatedness: The responses from the chatbot illuminated meaningful relationships
between the answer and related entities
4. Presentation: The responses from the chatbot was presented in a manner that could be
effectively/efficiently consumed
5. Value: It was easier to find the answer through the chatbot than through traditional
methods (Google search, books etc)
6. Stimulation: Information surfaced through the chatbot gave me more ideas and insight
in the area/field I was researching
7. Stickiness: In the future I would prefer to find answers through the Chatbot over any
other medium (assuming it is a question that the chatbot can answer)
Apart from this we can also track general quantitative metrics such as:
1. Average number of words per query
2. Average Time Spent (per Session)
3. Number of Sessions (total as well as per User per Week)
4. Conversation Length (per Session)
5. User Churn (Week on Week)
Accuracy of Response
Established public datasets and benchmarks are available for evaluating the accuracy of
response for a question answering system. Some example benchmarks that we can use for this
project are:
1. QALD 7
3. TREC QA Dataset
But among the above mentioned datasets I feel QALD 7 is the most applicable dataset for our
Speed of Response
Since the Chatbot is essentially a web service we can use tools such as Apache jMeter to
analyze its performance and response time. We can use standard metrics such as 95th
percentile response time for calculating the efficiency of the system in handling user requests.
Scalability of the Chatbot can also be tested through Apache jMeter. We load test the
application to find out how many concurrent requests it can handle while still maintaining
acceptable levels of Quality of Service and plot concurrent requests vs response time as a
graph. The graph would be asymptotic in nature and would tend towards infinity after a certain
threshold of requests. This threshold is the approximate number of requests the system can
handle without breaking down.
Technical Skills
Please describe in a few lines your programming knowledge or experience (if any):
Fresh out of college, I worked in a startup for over 4 years. I started as a Mobile and Web
Application Developer for the first two years. During this time I was solely responsible for
building our mobile product from scratch in both Android and iOS. I also did a little bit of
machine learning, specifically multivariate linear regression for predicting the price of used cars
in India which was the cornerstone of our product.
In a nutshell, I have extensive experience with web technologies both frontend and backend
including deep knowledge of web architectures such as MVC, LAMP etc. I also have experience
in DevOps and Testing Tools used in reliably deploying and scaling infrastructure using Amazon
Web Services (AWS), Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery through Jenkins and
Automated Testing using Selenium with Cucumber and Apache jMeter for Load Testing.
Please provide one or more URLs to code samples that you have written in the past or to
DBpedia Spotlight's SVN/issue tracker for which you have provided a fix in the form of a pull
I built a ChatBot recently for a hackathon called SunDevil Assistant which gives information
about places and events happening in the university campus. It is written in Node.js and the
NLP engine is powered by Facebook’s
Open Source
Previous Degrees
Masters in Free and Open Source Software (Anna University, India): 2012 - 2015
B.Tech in Information Technology (Anna University, India): 2008 - 2012
What is your current research experience? Please point us to the best paper you have read
(preferably in the context of your project proposal), and the best paper you have written, if
I would like to include the product requirement document (PRD) that I wrote and implemented
when I was building the Chatbot (video) in my previous company since I feel it is relevant to this
Would you be interested in co-authoring a conference paper with your mentors about your
work in GSoC 2017?
Yes, definitely.
Summer Plans
How much time do you expect to have for this project (est. per day and per week)?
I can easily spend 4 to 5 hours a day on the project
Please list jobs, summer classes, and/or vacations that you'll need to work around:
No other plans for Summer at present
GSoC Experience
I have not participated in GSoC before
Why did you decide to apply for the Google Summer of Code ?
This project is in an area relevant to me and my research in Question Answering and I am
deeply passionate about Personal Assistant Technologies which I feel will be the next big wave
in computing.
And finally