06bab2 Wulantiani 10040012065 SKR 2015
06bab2 Wulantiani 10040012065 SKR 2015
06bab2 Wulantiani 10040012065 SKR 2015
Purpose: To identify the preoperative risk factors, intraoperative Results: The study analyzed 1290 resident-performed cataract
events, and postoperative complications increasing the risk for surgeries. The mean visual acuity improved significantly after
poor visual outcomes in resident-performed cataract surgeries at surgery in all patients (P < .001), with 80.5% of patients without
a tertiary-care county hospital. complications and 70.7% with complications attaining a CDVA of
20/40 or better (P < .002). Poor visual outcomes were associated
Setting: Ben Taub General Hospital, Houston, Texas, USA. with a-antagonist use (P Z .043) and pseudoexfoliation syndrome
(P Z .001). The most common intraoperative complications were
Design: Retrospective case series. vitreous loss (6.7%) and posterior capsule tear (7.0%). The mean
postoperative visual acuity did not vary by trainee year, and the
Methods: Resident-performed cataract surgeries were analyzed rate of dropped nucleus during surgery declined as residents
for risk factors, comorbidities, and intraoperative and postoperative progressed in training (P < .05). All other complication rates were
complications. The main outcome measures were preoperative similar between levels of training.
and postoperative uncorrected distance visual acuity and cor-
Conclusion: Despite more complicated cataracts and advanced
rected distance visual acuity (CDVA), which were correlated with
comorbidities, primary resident-performed cataract surgery in a
preoperative demographics, intraoperative and postoperative
tertiary-care county hospital system achieved visual outcomes and
events, and resident training level. The data were subdivided into
complication rates similar to those found in other training hospitals.
cases without events and cases with events to determine which
complications led to poor visual outcomes. J Cataract Refract Surg 2017; 43:1563–1570 Q 2017 ASCRS and ESCRS
he United States Accreditation Council of Graduate range widely from 0.6% to 18% and 1.8% to 19.7%, respec-
Medical Education (ACGME) in 2016 recommend- tively.3 Although novice surgeons have been associated
ed shifting resident education from a simple mini- with higher levels of specific complications such as vitre-
mum requirements program to an outcomes-based ous loss, postoperative corrected distance visual acuity
approach to fulfill the escalating demand for efficient cata- (CDVA) has not been shown to differ based on year of
ract removal as the U.S. population ages.1 Although the training.4 Identifying preoperative, intraoperative, and
current literature contains numerous studies examining postoperative events and stratifying them based on the
the complications and outcomes of resident-performed level of resident training might highlight areas for curric-
cataract surgery, applying the conclusions from other ulum revision to decrease complications and enhance
studies to improve residency program outcomes can be postoperative surgical outcomes.4,5
challenging because of the wide range of reported out- The majority of published literature on primary resident-
comes, highly variable patient populations studied, and performed cataract surgeries has focused on Veteran Affairs
the unique resident surgical curriculum in each program.2 (VA) or university hospitals.2,3,6–19 A limited subset of the
For example, published rates for common intraoperative literature examines data from county hospitals, which
events such as posterior capsule tear and vitreous loss have a diverse patient population with high rates of medical
Submitted: July 1, 2017 | Final revision submitted: August 21, 2017 | Accepted: September 4, 2017
From the School of Medicine (Clarke, Murri, Patel), Baylor College of Medicine, and the Cullen Eye Institute (Ali, Wang, Weikert, Al-Mohtaseb), Department of
Ophthalmology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, and the Department of Biostatistics (Tuft), Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Presented in part at the ASCRS Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery, Los Angeles, California, USA, May 2017.
Corresponding author: Zaina Al-Mohtaseb, MD, 6565 Fannin, NC205, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. E-mail: zaina@bcm.edu.
comorbidities.3 Although previous publications have found study were aware they were being operated on by trainees with
that visual outcomes are similar between county and VA attending staff physicians; however, they were not aware of the
year of training unless they specifically requested that information.
hospital patients after cataract surgery, these studies were
In general, the surgical technique was standard but might have
limited in size and most are over 20 years old.20–23 These differed slightly based on surgeon preference because multiple fac-
studies do not reflect current resident-performed cataract ulty members supervised trainees. A clear corneal incision and
surgery at county hospitals because they include a higher paracentesis were created, followed by a continuous curvilinear
rate of extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) as well as capsulorhexis. Phacoemulsification was performed with the
Infiniti Vision System (Alcon Laboratories, Inc.) using the
older phacoemulsification technology and therefore are
divide-and-conquer or stop-and-chop technique. A foldable intra-
not directly applicable.20–23 ocular lens (IOL) was then placed, and the wounds were closed
This study focused on primary resident-performed cata- with stromal hydration or a nylon suture, if necessary.
ract surgery outcomes at Ben Taub General Hospital Data collected included patient demographic information,
(BTGH), a large tertiary-care county hospital in Houston, medical history, current medications, cataract type and density,
intraoperative and postoperative events, and preoperative and
Texas. The hospital treats a patient base with a high rate
postoperative visual acuities. Cataract density was determined
of complex medical problems and ocular comorbidities. based on visual acuity, with a CDVA better than 20/50 classified
The hospital receives the majority of its funding to care as mild, between 20/50 to 20/400 as moderate, and worse than
for indigent populations through county taxes, federal 20/400 as dense.6 The primary outcomes measured were preoper-
Medicaid support, and private donations. As a result of ative risk factors and comorbidities, intraoperative complications,
and postoperative adverse events.
their limited healthcare access, these patients often have
advanced or end-stage comorbid diseases and present
Statistical Analysis
more complex surgical cases to ophthalmology residents.
Data were analyzed using Stata software (version 14.2, 2015, Sta-
To our knowledge, this is one of the largest and most
tacorp LLC). Relationships between categorical variables were
comprehensive studies of resident-performed cataract sur- analyzed using a Pearson chi-square or Fisher exact test, as appro-
gery in a county hospital setting. We hypothesize that this priate. Continuous outcomes were compared between indepen-
complex and diverse patient population has more compli- dent groups using a Wilcoxon rank-sum test and between
cations and poorer visual outcomes than populations found paired groups using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Adjusted odds
ratios (ORs) were calculated using logistic regression. Multiple
in other training institutions. The main goal of this study
comparisons were adjusted for using the Tukey method as appro-
was to identify risk factors leading to poor visual outcomes priate. All tests were 2 sided, and a P value less than 0.05 was
in these patients that can be used to improve future considered statistically significant.
outcomes-based residency training.
PATIENTS AND METHODS Of the 1514 patients with a cataract procedure during the
A retrospective chart review of all primary resident-performed 3-year study period, 224 patients were excluded and 1290
cataract surgeries at BTGH from January 2012 to June 2015 was patients met the inclusion criteria. Of the patients, 1208
performed with the approval of the institutional review board. Pri- had phacoemulsification and 82 had ECCE. Approximately
mary resident-performed surgeries were defined as those in which 53 of the 1290 patients were subsequently lost to follow-up
the resident completed a majority of or an entire case in which key
portions were supervised by a faculty member. The surgeons were after the procedure, resulting in 1237 cases analyzed for
first-, second-, and third-year ophthalmology residents (postgrad- postoperative events.
uate year [PGY]-2 through PGY-4); the data were further subdi-
vided based on the surgeon’s year of training. Preoperative Characteristics
The inclusion criteria included all cataract surgeries, both Table 1 shows the demographics and preoperative comor-
phacoemulsification and ECCE. Cases performed by fellow-level
trainees, cases with inadequate preoperative or postoperative med- bidities of the patient population. The majority of patients
ical documentation, patients lost to follow-up within the first post- were Hispanic or African American. Almost 40% were clas-
operative month, or cataract cases that were combined with a sified as overweight or obese. The majority of patients had
glaucoma, corneal, or retinal procedure were excluded. All pa- diabetes, hypertension, or both.
tients were seen in the clinic at least 1 month after the procedure
for follow-up and manifest refraction. All postoperative patient
charts were reviewed to evaluate for complications, such as poste- Cataract Characteristics
rior capsule opacification (PCO), corneal edema, and macular Table 2 shows the types of cataracts and the intraoperative
edema. devices used in their removal. Nuclear sclerotic cataracts
The hospital’s resident surgical training starts during the first were the most prevalent type, with nearly two thirds graded
semester during which first-year residents accompany third-year as moderate and a quarter as dense. At presentation, more
residents in the operating room to complete one step of the surgery
at a time under close faculty supervision. After completing all the than a quarter of cataracts were classified as white and more
major steps of surgery, the first-year residents are assigned a few than 8% as brunescent, reflecting the complexity of these
primary cases without significant ocular or medical comorbidity cases. More than half the surgical cases required use of try-
toward the end of their first year. Second-year residents are as- pan blue staining and 5% had poor pupil dilation requiring
signed more cases, which are typically uncomplicated cataracts a pupillary expansion device. Approximately 92.4% (110 of
without significant ocular or medical comorbidity. The majority
of cataract training occurs during the third year, during which 119) of complicated cases requiring intraoperative devices
the complexity of the cataracts and ocular comorbidities increases, were performed by PGY-4 residents, whereas PGY-2 resi-
especially in the final semester of training. The patients in this dents did not use any devices intraoperatively.
Table 1. Preoperative patient demographics in a large Table 2. Cataract types and intraoperative devices used.
county hospital cohort. Parameter Cases, n (%)
Parameter Cases, n (%)
Cataract type
Ethnicity/race Nuclear sclerotic 1042 (80.8)
Hispanic 754 (58.4) Mild 139 (13.3)
African American 269 (20.8) Moderate 660 (63.3)
Asian/Pacific Islander 138 (10.7) Dense 243 (23.3)
White 105 (8.1) Posterior subcapsular 633 (49.1)
Middle Eastern 21 (1.6) Mild 52 (8.2)
Other 3 (0.2) Moderate 395 (62.4)
Medical comorbidity Dense 186 (29.3)
Hypertension 756 (58.6) Cortical 294 (22.7)
Diabetes 711 (55.1) White 214 (16.6)
Obesity (BMI O30) 498 (38.6) Brunescent 109 (8.4)
Overweight (BMI 25–30) 491 (38.1) Intraoperative device
Anticoagulant use* 290 (22.5) Trypan blue 681 (52.8)
a-antagonist use† 65 (5.0) Iris hooks 36 (2.8)
Ocular comorbidity Malyugin ring 28 (2.2)
Glaucoma 193 (14.9) Capsular tension ring 27 (2.1)
History of retinal surgery 94 (7.3)
Diabetic macular edema/CME 58 (4.5)
History of glaucoma surgery 53 (4.1)
History of trauma 52 (4.0) Intraoperative and Postoperative Events
History of retinal detachment 18 (1.4) Of the 1290 eyes analyzed, 181 (14.0%) had an intraoper-
Uveitis 16 (1.2) ative or postoperative event (Table 3). Posterior capsule
History of corneal surgery 14 (1.1) tear was the most prevalent surgical complication fol-
Pseudoexfoliation syndrome 11 (0.9) lowed by vitreous loss and anterior capsule tear. The
History of refractive surgery 11 (0.9) most common postoperative complication was rebound
BMI Z body mass index; CME Z cystoid macular edema inflammation, defined as persistent anterior chamber
*Includes aspirin, clopidogrel, prasugrel, warfarin, heparin, enoxaparin, inflammation 1 month postoperatively after a standard
lepirudin, xaban, abciximab, argotroban, dabigatran, cilostazol
Includes tamsulosin, phenoxybenzamine, phentolamine, et al
steroid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drop taper.
At the 1-month postoperative visit, a small percentage
of patients developed PCO, cystoid macular edema
(CME), or corneal edema. There was a single case of en-
dophthalmitis (!0.1%) and few other serious complica-
tions. During the procedure, 415 patients (32.2%)
Table 3. Prevalence of intraoperative events and postop-
erative complications in a large county hospital cohort. received a retrobulbar block, 590 (45.7%) had topical
anesthesia only, and 267 (20.7%) received both. Eighteen
Complication Cases, n (%)
cases (1.4%) required general anesthesia based on patient
Intraoperative (n Z 1290)
comorbidities or for patient comfort.
Choroidal effusion 1 (!0.1)
Dropped nucleus 8 (0.6)
Iris prolapse 16 (1.2)
Corneal wound burn 24 (1.9) Training Level
Zonular dehiscence 37 (2.9) The majority of cases (670 [51.9%]) were performed by
Anterior capsule tear 51 (4.0) residents in their final semester of training (PGY-4 second
Vitreous loss 87 (6.7) semester) (Table 4). The mean surgical time decreased for
Posterior capsule tear 90 (7.0) each additional year of residency training (P ! .001).
Postoperative (n Z 1237) Residents in their first year of ophthalmology training
Endophthalmitis 1 (!0.1)
(PGY-2) performed 3.4% (44 of 1290) of the procedures
Hypotony 5 (0.4)
and were more likely to have a dropped nucleus than their
Hyphema 6 (0.5)
Wound leak 8 (0.6)
more experienced colleagues (P Z .006). The postopera-
Retinal detachment 9 (0.9) tive CDVA was only significantly different between
Vitreous hemorrhage 12 (1.0) PGY-4 residents in their final semester and PGY-3 resi-
Retained lens fragment 24 (1.9) dents (P Z .025), with worse visual outcomes in PGY-4
Intraocular pressure elevation 34 (2.7) group as a result of case complexity and the advanced
Corneal edema 41 (3.3) comorbidities of patients assigned to senior residents.
Cystoid macular edema 58 (4.7) Postoperatively, there were no statistically significant
Posterior capsule opacification 63 (5.1) differences in complication rates based on level of surgeon
Rebound inflammation 112 (9.1) experience.
IOL Z intraocular lens; IOP Z intraocular pressure; logMAR Z logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution; PGY Z postgraduate year
*PGY-4 split into (a) first semester and (b) second semester
P ! .05 between all groups
P ! .05 between PGY-2 and all other groups
Table 5. Refractive outcomes comparing preoperative and postoperative logMAR visual acuity further subdivided between
Group A (no complications) and Group B (with an intraoperative or postoperative complication).
Parameter Preop (All) Postop (All) P Value* Pre-Group A Pre-Group B Post-Group A Post-Group B
UDVA !.003
LogMAR 1.76 0.38 1.68 2.00 0.34 0.55
Snellen† 20/1150 20/48 20/957 20/2000 20/44 20/71
CDVA !.0001
LogMAR 1.26 0.20 1.19 1.42 0.18 0.36
Snellen† 20/364 20/32 20/310 20/526 20/30 20/46
Mean SE (D) 2.20 0.57 .0086 2.26 2.00 0.38 0.78
CDVA Z corrected distance visual acuity; LogMAR Z logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution; SE Z spherical equivalent; UDVA Z uncorrected distance
visual acuity
*Preop versus postop
complications had worse outcomes overall; 11 (6.1%) of 181 to more complicated cataract surgeries and can result in
patients in Group B patients and 11 (1.0%) of 1107 Group A postoperative diabetic macular edema or worsening of pre-
patients had CDVA worse than 20/200; the difference existing DR, increasing the risk for poor visual outcomes.29
between groups was statistically significant (P ! .0001). The only measured comorbidities with a statistically sig-
Table 7 shows the preoperative and postoperative CDVA nificant effect on visual acuity were a-antagonist use (OR,
values for each measured event; the majority of patients in 1.933; P Z .043) and PXF (OR, 7.901; P Z .001). Alpha-
Group B had a statistically significant increase in their antagonist use, past or present, is highly associated with in-
visual acuity, even after experiencing a complication. traoperative floppy-iris syndrome, a well-known intraopera-
Less than 1.0% (11 of 1237) of all patients experienced tive complication. Pseudoexfoliation syndrome is associated
postoperative complications that prevented improvement with poor pupil dilation and loss of zonular integrity, leading
from preoperative vision; 1 patient developed endophthal- to increased difficulty in surgical cataract removal.
mitis, 1 patient had a choroidal effusion, and 9 patients had The intraoperative and postoperative complication rates
RDs. in our study are similar to those previously published in
the literature (Table 8). Rates of vitreous loss (6.7%), poste-
DISCUSSION rior capsule tear (7.0%), CME (4.7%), corneal edema (3.3%),
As the tertiary referral center for the Harris Health and RD (0.9%) are comparable to those found in the litera-
System, the BTGH serves a diverse population with ture at similar residency training programs. In other studies
complicated cataracts as well as higher rates and more se- of county hospital systems, the most common complication
vere presentations of common medical comorbidities. The is vitreous loss, with reported rates ranging from 3.8% to
majority of our patients present with advanced disease 11.2%,3 placing our vitreous loss rate in the middle of this
such as diabetes mellitus (DM) type II (55.1%), over- range. This comparison is limited, however, because the vit-
weight/obesity (76.7%), and hypertension (58.6%), which reous loss studies did not report their racial or ethnic demo-
is higher than in other comparable published studies graphics or cataract types and densities. Our patient base
(DM type II prevalence 47.0%).24–26 Furthermore, the ma- had a higher rate of dense cataracts than those published
jority of our patients are Hispanic, an ethnicity that is in other county hospital training programs; 23.3% of nuclear
associated with a greater risk for developing cataracts, sclerotic cataract cases had a preoperative CDVA worse
even after adjusting for the higher incidence of diabetes than 20/400 (versus 19.4%) and 29.3% of posterior subcap-
in this subgroup.25 In addition, many patients face a sular cataract cases had a preoperative CDVA worse than
multiplex of social issues impeding proper care of these 20/400 (versus 14.4%).23 Our percentage of white cataracts
problems. Because of prohibitive costs (real or expected), (16.6%) was also higher than that of Blomquist and Rugwani
employment issues, language barriers, and poor medical (13.1%).16 Previous studies have shown that white, posterior
literacy,22 many patients do not present to the clinic until subcapsular, and brunescent cataracts lead to increased
their disease has progressed. Our study aimed to deter- complication rates.6 However, we found that only white
mine the outcomes of resident-performed cataract surgery cataracts were associated with complications (P Z .046).
in a tertiary-care county hospital setting. Our study also showed a high rate of intraoperative de-
In our study, approximately 80.0% of patients without in- vice use during cataract surgery, including trypan blue stain
traoperative or postoperative events and 70.7% of patients (52.8%), pupil dilation devices (5.0%), and capsular tension
with an event attained a CDVA of 20/40 or better. Overall, rings (2.1%), which is indicative of the advanced complexity
74.0% of patients achieved this visual outcome, which is of cataracts. These more complicated cataracts were often
comparable to the rates of 74.0% to 97.8% found in the gen- assigned to PGY-4 residents and despite the elevated case
eral literature (Table 8).3,5–20,26 Although the overall rate of complexity, their visual acuity outcomes were similar to
a CDVA of 20/40 is on the lower end compared with out- the patients operated on by junior residents (0.24 logMAR
comes found in the literature, the majority of our patients versus 0.14 logMAR).
experienced significant visual improvement over their pre- Although the majority of patients had a significant
operative CDVA. improvement in their visual acuity, some patients did not
Optimal postoperative visual acuity outcomes might be have any improvement after surgery. Intraoperatively,
limited by a patient base with more advanced comorbid dis- only a dislocated IOL was associated with a lack of improve-
eases, such as high-risk diabetic retinopathy (DR) and end- ment in visual acuity (P Z .0155). Postoperatively, there
stage glaucoma. Diabetes mellitus not only increases the was no significant increase in CDVA in patients with hy-
probability of developing a cataract but also may increase phema (P Z .67), RD (P Z .7556), vitreous hemorrhage
the risk for poor visual outcomes after surgery.27 Approxi- (P Z .1686), wound leak measured by Seidel positivity
mately 250 000 cataract surgeries per year are performed without pressure (P Z .1798), or hypotony (P Z .668).
in patients with DM; therefore, improving the postoperative None of the other measured complications was associated
visual outcome in these patients would be highly advanta- with an increased risk for a CDVA worse than 20/40. Other
geous.27 An extensive study of VA hospitals28 estimated severe complications in the postoperative period included a
the prevalence of diabetes in their population at less than vein occlusion, endophthalmitis, and choroidal effusion.
20.0%; in comparison, more than one half of our population These cases could not be included in the analysis because
(55.1%) had diabetes. The presence of this comorbidity leads only 1 patient had each of these complications. Overall,
Table 6. Association of preoperative ocular comorbidities with postoperative CDVA worse than 20/40 and adjusted odds ra-
tios (risk of CDVA worse than 20/40).
Ocular Comorbidity OR CI P Value
Diabetes mellitus 1.008 0.712, 1.427 .966
Hypertension 0.87 0.612, 1.234 .435
Rheumatoid arthritis 1.021 0.714, 1.46 .909
Body mass index O30 0.994 0.972, 1.016 .572
a-antagonist use 1.933 1.021, 3.659 .043*
Anticoagulant use 0.942 0.64, 1.386 .761
Steroid use 1.996 0.63, 6.321 .24
Immunosuppression 0 0 .999
AMD 1.047 0.21, 5.222 .956
Retinal detachment 2.358 0.713, 7.802 .16
Uveitis 0.86 0.183, 4.034 .848
Glaucoma 1.298 0.832, 2.026 .25
PXF 7.901 2.301, 27.121 .001*
Prior ocular trauma 0.906 0.397, 2.068 .815
Prior ocular surgery 0.769 0.429, 1.378 .337
Corneal opacity 0.721 0.088, 5.904 .76
Diabetic macular edema or CME 0.439 0.132, 1.459 .179
Pupil dilation 1.122 0.733, 1.718 .595
AMD Z age-related macular degeneration; CI Z confidence interval; CME Z cystoid macular edema; OR Z odds ratio; PXF Z pseudoexfoliation syndrome
*Statistically significant difference (P ! .05)
70.0% of patients had 20/40 or better CDVA postopera- study. We found a significant decrease in CDVA between
tively regardless of whether they had a complication. PGY-3 and PGY-4 residents, from 20/26 (0.14 logMAR)
There were few significant differences in the outcomes to 20/33 (0.23 logMAR). Although this finding was unlikely
between surgeons of varying training levels in the current clinically significant, it differs from previously published
Table 7. Comparison of preoperative versus postoperative mean logMAR visual acuity in patients with events (Group B).
Mean CDVA ± SD
CDVA Z corrected distance visual acuity; CTR Z capsular tension ring; IOL Z intraocular lens; IOP Z intraocular pressure; NA Z not available, only 1 eye
*Statistically significant difference (P ! .05)
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