Term Paper - Virtualization in Cloud Computing
Term Paper - Virtualization in Cloud Computing
Term Paper - Virtualization in Cloud Computing
Soumyadip Das
Roll No: 10700113048
Computer Science & Engineering Dept.
College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat
November, 2018
Cloud computing is a modern technology that increase application potentialities in terms of functioning,
elastic resource management and collaborative execution approach. The central part of cloud computing
is virtualization which enables industry or academic IT resources through on-demand allocation
dynamically. The resources have different forms such as network, server, storage, application and client.
This paper focus as on how virtualization helps to improve elasticity of the resources in cloud computing
Cloud computing refers to a collaborative IT (Information Technology) environment, which is planned with
the intention of measurable and remotely purveying scalable IT resources for effective and efficient
utilization. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has given a definition [1] for Cloud
computing which says that ―Cloud Computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network
access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications,
and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service
provider interaction‖. Five essential characteristics of cloud computing listed by NIST are on-demand self-
service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity and measured service. Mobile cloud
computing is the computing which refers to anytime, anywhere accessibility to applications and data
through internet using mobile devices. Traditional computing resources are stored in an individual device
and accessed by an authenticated user. In Cloud computing, resource are stored in centralized manner and
accessed on demand basis. In recent days, mobile devices and subsequent mobile computing become an
imperative component in cloud computing. Internet made the possibilities of accessing applications and
data from anywhere at any time. According to Juniper research [2], the mobile users and enterprise market
for mobile cloud based applications worth are expected to increase to $9.5 billion by 2014. Aepona [3]
describes that MCC (Mobile Cloud Computing) as a new paradigm for mobile applications whereby the data
processing and storage are moved from the mobile devices to powerful and centralized computing
platforms located in clouds. These centralized applications are then accessed over the wireless connection
based on a thin native client or web browser on the mobile devices.
Virtualization [4] [5] [6] [7] is a technique which allows to creates abstract layer of system resources and
hides the complexity of hardware and software working environment. The virtualization provides hardware
independence, isolation of guest operating system and encapsulation of entire virtual machine grouped in
a single file. Virtualization commonly implemented with hypervisor [8] [9] technology, which is a software
or firmware elements that can virtualizes system resources. The remaining part of this paper is formed as
follows: Section II gives an introduction to the cloud computing technology. Section III presents various
virtualization techniques in cloud computing environment. Section IV describes the types of virtualization.
Virtualization [10] technology diverts the human’s perspective for utilizing IT resources from physical to
logical. The goal of virtualization is to collaboratively utilize the IT resources such as storage, processor and
network to maximum level and to reduce the cost of IT resources which can be achieved by combining
multiple idle resources into shared pools and creating different virtual machines to perform various tasks
simultaneously. The resources can be allocated or altered dynamically. User should be conscious of basic
techniques such as emulation, hypervisor, full, para and hardware assisted virtualization while using
virtualization in cloud computing environment.
Emulation: It is a virtualization technique which converts the behaviour of the computer hardware to a
software program and lies in the operating system layer which lies on the hardware. Emulation provides
enormous flexibility to guest operating system but the speed of translation process is low compared to
hypervisor and requires a high configuration of hardware resources to run the software.
Virtual Machine Monitor or Hypervisor: A software layer that can monitor and virtualize the
resources of a host machine conferring to the user requirements. It is an intermediate layer between
operating system and hardware. Basically, hypervisor is classified as native and hosted. The native based
hypervisor runs directly on the hardware whereas host based hypervisor runs on the host operating system.
The software layer creates virtual resources such as CPU, memory, storage and drivers.
Para Virtualization: This technique provides special hypercalls that substitutes the instruction set
architecture of host machine. It relates communication between hypervisor and guest operating system to
improve efficiency and performance. Accessing resources in para virtualization is better than the full
virtualization model since all resources must be emulated in full virtualization model. The drawback of this
technique is to modify the kernel of guest operating system using hypercalls. This model is only suitable
with open source operating systems.
Full Virtualization: Hypervisor creates isolated environment between the guest or virtual server and the
host or server hardware. Operating systems directly access the hardware controllers and its peripheral
devices without cognizant of virtualized environment and requirement modifications.
There are three major types of virtualization such as Server virtualization, Client virtualization and Storage
virtualization. The architecture and categorization of virtualization techniques are illustrated in Fig 1.
Server Virtualization: In server virtualization, single server performs the task of multiple servers by
portioning out the resources of an individual server across multi-environment. The hypervisor layer allows
for hosting multiple applications and operating systems locally or remotely. The advantages of virtualization
include cost savings, lower capital expenses, high availability and efficient use of resources.
Client Virtualization: This client virtualization technology makes the system administrator to virtually
monitor and update the client machines like workstation desktop, laptop and mobile devices. It improves
the client machines management and enhances the security to defend from hackers and cybercriminals.
There are three types of client virtualization. First, remote or server hosted virtualization which is hosted
on a server machine and operated by the client across a network. Second, local or client hosted
virtualization in which the secured and virtualized operating environment runs on local machine. Third,
application virtualization that provides multiple ways to run an application which is not in traditional
manner. In this technique an isolated virtualized environment or partitioning technique is used to run an
Storage Virtualization: It creates the abstraction of logical storage from physical storage. Three kinds
of data storage are used in virtualization, they are DAS (Direct Attached Storage), NAS (Network Attached
Storage) and SAN (Storage Area Network). DAS is the conventional method of data storage where storage
drives are directly attached to server machine. NAS is the shared storage mechanism which connects
through network. The NAS is used for file sharing, device sharing and backup storing among machines. SAN
is a storage device that are shared with different server over a high accelerate network. Hypervisor is the
software package that controls working access to the physical hardware of host machine. There are two
kinds of hypervisor models as hosted and bare metal / native. Hosted hypervisor instance operates on top
of the host operating system whereas bare metal based hypervisor operates directly on the hardware of
host machine. Fig 2 shows the comparison between traditional, bare metal and hosted models.
Majority of obstacles arises in the acceptance and development of virtualization and cloud computing are
concerned to the basic management aspects such as data leakage, virtualization security threats, data
remanense issue, privacy and elastic resource management.
Data Leakage: Organizations are in high risk of data leakage when an employee secures the access to its
data stored in cloud system. Data leakages are happens through hacking data location, securing remote
access, third party storage and unsecure multitenant environment in hypervisor level. Cloud provider or
broker can enhance the prevention and detection mechanism and implement the collaborative security
policy in hypervisor level to protect data from data leakage.
Virtualization Security Threats: Security threats in virtualization are classified into virtual machine
threat, hypervisor threat, virtual infrastructure and virtual network threat. The virtual machine threat
surfaces while processing status of virtual machine, software updates, resource contention, patching and
virtual machine conurbation. Hypervisor threat rivets Virtual-Machine-Based Rootkit (VMBR) attack and
Blue Pill Attack where hypervisor plays the vital role of Virtualization. Virtual infrastructure threats are
concerted on physical access threat and single point of control threat. Virtual network threats can be
effectively addressed by the security tools of intrusion detection, prevention mechanism, virtual switches
and networks conferring to the requirements.
Data Remanence Issue: Once the life time of data is used, then it will be deleted in secure manner and
cannot be recovered by malicious users. In traditional manner, company has all control of their servers
which can be overwrite the used data. But in cloud, the end user/cloud users are not given secure delete
access to the cloud provider physical device. Cloud provider should focus to ensure no data will be
recovered by any malicious users.
Privacy: Privacy becomes a major concern among cloud users’ data which is stored in the data centre of
cloud service providers physically located in different places. In cloud, there are some circumstances which
lead to the privacy threats. First, the storage issues that surface when user store data in multiple storage
locations which are hidden from the user and have the possibilities of transferring data without owner’s
permission. Second major concern is to ensure the destruction time policy among cloud provider, broker
and user once the data reach their expiration period. Third concern is data breaches which studies on how
data breaches occur and who are going to take responsibility if data breach occurs in cloud. When a user
opts for using cloud services, the user should read the terms and conditions thoroughly before prompt to
cloud. The fourth concern is on regular auditing and monitoring policies. Cloud clients should constantly
monitor / audit the activities of cloud service provider to ensure their stakeholder personal information will
not be leaked while cloud resources are sharing with others.
Elastic Resource Management: Cloud computing system produce new disputes because of system
clusters and high volume data generated by these systems. In order to work effective elastic resource
management, we need to look at the issues such as resource allocation, resource provisioning, resource
mapping and resource adaptation. Cloud services encounter issues on the requirements of service level
elasticity and availability. The high performance of cloud can be achieved through implementing effective
elastic resource management techniques as a result user could get efficient services from service providers.
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[2] S. Perez, ―Mobile cloud computing: $9.5 billion by 2014‖, http://exoplanet.eu/catalog.php, 2010.
[3] White Paper, ―Mobile Cloud Computing Solution Brief,‖ AEPONA, November 2010.
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[6] Karen Scarfone, Murugiah Souppaya, and Paul Hoffman, ―Guide to Security for Full Virtualization Technologies‖,
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[8] Joanna Rutkowska and Alexander Tereshkin, ―Bluepilling the Xen Hypervisor‖, Xen 0wning Trilogy part III, Black Hat
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[9] Samuel T. King, Peter M. Chen, Yi min Wang, Chad Verbowski, Helen J. Wang, and Jacob R. Lorch, ―Subvirt:
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[10] Z. Pan, Q. He, W. Jiang, Y. Chen, and Y. Dong, ―Nestcloud: Towards practical nested virtualization,‖ in