Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas X
Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas X
Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas X
While Renaissance architecture was characterized 03. What is not true according to the text?
by circles and straight lines, the Baroque was the (A) The Baroque architecture had many
era of ovals and undulating walls which circles and straight lines.
alternated between concave and convex. (B) The Baroque buildings were orna-
Baroque buildings became ever more elaborately mented in detail.
ornamented. Interiors were covered in paintings, (C) The Baroque buildings used many
and windows and doors were capped with pilasters on facades.
complex shapes. Garlands, vases, urns, (D) The Baroque architects also designed
cartouches, and scrolling were used for surrounding spaces around the building.
decoration. Composite capitals and other (E) Garlands were used for the Baroque
variations on the ancient orders were used. decorations.
Pilasters (columns partly attached to walls)
appeared on facades in great abundance. In
order to appear more monumental, columns and Parent - Teacher Conference
pilasters were paired and often extended over
two or more stories, forming what is called the Date: November 15TH 2014
colossal order. In order to maximize drama and
grandeur, architects came to incorporate the Dear parents,
spaces around buildings themselves in their
designs. The manipulation of the surrounding The teaching staff at Summer High School takes
environments was highly controlled. Shrubs and this opportunity to invite you to a conference
hedges were cut into cubic shapes, flowers were with your child's teacher. The conference is held
planted in geometric patterns, and the gardens to increase your understanding of the progress
and woodlands surrounding palaces were your child is making.
penetrated by straight rays of avenues. This total
control molded the viewer’s entire experience of The date and time attached have been reserved
the shapes. for you.
01. What is the topic of the text? If you find your scheduled time inconvenient,
(A) The Baroque and Renaissance please indicate so below or call the school office
architecture. to arrange for a different time. Additionally, we
(B) The Renaissance architecture. would appreciate being notified if you cannot
(C) The Baroque architecture. attend your conference.
(D) The world’s architecture.
(E) The architects. Written reports will be sent home to all students
on December 10TH 2014. Interpreters can be
02. The synonym of the underlined word provided if requested.
“abundance”most likely is …
(A) enough. Sincerely,
(B) sufficient.
(C) quantity. Balmor Tilby
(D) importance. Summer High School Principal
(E) look.
04. What is the letter about? ____________.
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06. “The date and time attached have been reserved
for you.” (Paragraph 2)
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