Healthcare - Gov Ineffective Planning and Oversight Practices Underscore The Need For Improved Contract Management
Healthcare - Gov Ineffective Planning and Oversight Practices Underscore The Need For Improved Contract Management
Healthcare - Gov Ineffective Planning and Oversight Practices Underscore The Need For Improved Contract Management
July 2014
Ineffective Planning
and Oversight
Practices Underscore
the Need for Improved
Contract Management
July 2014
Ineffective Planning and Oversight Practices
Underscore the Need for Improved Contract
Highlights of GAO-14-694, a report to
congressional requesters
Letter 1
Background 3
Oversight Weaknesses and Lack of Adherence to Planning
Requirements Compounded Acquisition Planning Challenges 11
Changing Requirements and Oversight Gaps Contributed to
Significant Cost Growth, Schedule Delays, and Reduced
Capabilities during FFM and Data Hub Development 19
CMS Identified Significant Contractor Performance Issues for the
FFM Task Order but Took Limited Action 31
Conclusions 39
Recommendations for Executive Action 40
Agency Comments, Third-Party Views, and Our Evaluation 40
Appendix II Cumulative Cost Increases for the Task Orders for Developing
the Federally Facilitated Marketplace System and Federal Data
Services Hub Task Orders 51
Appendix III Comments from the Department of Health and Human Services 53
Figure 1: Timeline of Key Events 5
Figure 2: Overview of and Selected Supporting
Systems 8
Figure 3: Key Contract Phases and Selected Activities 10
Figure 4: Cumulative Obligation Increases for the Task Orders for
Developing the Federally Facilitated Marketplace System
and Federal Data Services Hub 20
Figure 5: Planned Schedule of Development Milestone Reviews in
the Federally Facilitated Marketplace System and
Federal Data Services Hub Task Orders 24
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Congressional Requesters
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) within the
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was responsible for
designing, developing, and implementing the information technology (IT)
systems needed to support the federal marketplace which users access
via the website. CMS largely relied on contractors to
develop, build, and operate the necessary information technology
systems. When initial enrollment began on October 1, 2013, many users
were unable to successfully access and use the website
to obtain health insurance information due to problems such as website
failures, errors, and slow response times.
Pub. L. No. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119 (2010).
PPACA also requires the creation of Small Business Health Options Program exchanges,
where small businesses can shop for and purchase health coverage for their employees.
The existing contract is a multiple-award, indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract
(hereinafter referred to as the 2007 contract). This contract type provides for an indefinite
quantity, within stated limits, of supplies or services during a fixed period. The
Government places orders for individual requirements. Quantity limits may be stated as
number of units or as dollar values. FAR § 16.504.
A qualified health plan is an insurance plan that is certified by a marketplace to offer
coverage through that marketplace.
Medicaid is a joint federal-state program that finances health care coverage for certain
low-income individuals. CHIP is a federal-state program that provides health care
coverage to children 18 years of age and younger living in low-income families whose
incomes exceed the eligibility requirements for Medicaid.
States seeking to operate a state-based marketplace were required to submit an
application to CMS in December 2012. States electing not to establish a state-based
marketplace, but seeking to participate in a partnership marketplace were required to
complete an abbreviated version of that application by February 2013. States electing not
to establish a state-based exchange or participate in a partnership exchange were not
required to submit an application to CMS.
Timeline of Key Events PPACA required the establishment of marketplaces in each state by
January 2014. Based on the expectation that individuals and families
would need time to explore their coverage options and plan issuers would
need time to process plan selections, HHS established October 1, 2013,
as the beginning of the enrollment period for all marketplaces, including
the federal marketplace. 8 Figure 1 shows a timeline of major contracting,
legal or regulatory, and organizational events during that development
period, as well as future milestones through the beginning of open
enrollment for 2015.
GAO, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Status of CMS Efforts to Establish
Federally Facilitated Health Insurance Exchanges, GAO-13-601 (Washington, D.C.: June
19, 2013).
HHS proposed October 1, 2013, as the start of the initial open enrollment period in a July
2011 proposed rule and included this date in the statement of work for both the FFM and
data hub task orders. 76 Fed. Reg. 41866 (July 15, 2011). CMS issued a final rule
adopting this date in March 2012. 77 Fed. Reg. 18310 (Mar. 27, 2012) (codified at 45
C.F.R. § 155.410(b)).
A letter contract is a written preliminary contractual instrument that authorizes the contractor to begin
work immediately. FAR § 16.603.
FFM System The FFM accepts and processes data entered through the website and
was intended to provide three main functions:
Federal Data Services Hub The data hub routes and verifies information among the FFM and external
data sources, including other federal and state sources of information and
GAO, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Preliminary Results of Undercover
Testing of Enrollment Controls for Health Care Coverage and Consumer Subsidies
Provided Under the Act, GAO-14-705T (Washington, D.C.: July 23, 2014). GAO is also
conducting additional work that will provide information on and its
supporting systems.
The data hub’s connection with other federal and state databases
enables exchanges to determine whether an applicant is eligible for or
enrolled in some other type of health coverage, such as the Department
of Defense’s (DOD) TRICARE program or Medicaid—and therefore
ineligible for subsidies to offset the cost of marketplace plans. 11 The data
hub also communicates with issuers by providing enrollment information
and receiving enrollment confirmation in return. See figure 2 for an
overview of and selected supporting systems.
The federal sources of information include data sources at the Social Security
Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Homeland Security, the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Department of Defense, the Peace Corps, and
the Office of Personnel Management.
These subsidies include premium tax credits to offset qualified health plan premium
costs and cost-sharing reductions to reduce policyholders’ out-of-pocket payments,
including deductibles and co-payments, for covered services.
CMS Contracts and Task As of March 2014, CMS reported obligating $840 million for the
Orders for development of and its supporting systems, over 88
percent of the federal total. According to agency data, these obligations
and Its Supporting
were spread across 62 contracts and task orders. We focused our review
Systems on two CMS task orders issued under an existing 2007 contract. The task
orders were for the development of two core systems—
the FFM and the data hub. We also reviewed a letter contract awarded by
CMS in January 2014 to continue FFM development. The two task orders
and the additional contract account for $369 million, or more than 40
percent, of the total CMS reported obligations as of March 2014.
Acquisition Process The contract and task orders we examined are subject to the Federal
Acquisition Regulation System, which provides uniform policies and
procedures for acquisition by all executive agencies. The system includes
the HHS acquisition regulation, which implements or supplements the
FAR. HHS’s supplement to the FAR, which contain additional HHS
policies and procedures, is referred to as the Department of Health and
Human Services Acquisition Regulation (HHSAR). The FAR and HHSAR
address issues pertaining to the contracting process and include activities
related to three phases: pre-award, competition and award, and post-
award. See figure 3 for an overview of these phases and selected
activities related to each.
An obligation is a definite commitment that creates a legal liability of the government for
the payment of goods and services ordered or received, or a legal duty on the part of the
United States that could mature into a legal liability by virtue of actions of another party.
Acquisition Planning Meeting project deadlines was a driving factor in a number of acquisition
Activities Carried High planning activities. HHS had 15 months between enactment of PPACA
and the agency’s request for proposal to develop requirements for the
Levels of Risk for the
FFM and data hub. In a prior report on acquisition planning at several
Government agencies, including HHS, we found that the time needed to complete
some pre-solicitation planning activities—such as establishing the need
for a contract, developing key acquisition documents such as the
requirements document, the cost estimate, and, if required, the
acquisition plan; and obtaining the necessary review and approvals—
could be more than 2 years. The time needed depended on factors that
were present for this acquisition including complexity of the requirements,
The FFM and data hub task orders were issued under an existing 2007
contract for enterprise system development. This approach was
reasonable in these circumstances because, according to contracting
officials, the task orders could be issued more quickly than using a full
and open competitive approach. The 2007 contract had been awarded to
16 vendors who were then eligible to compete for individual task orders.
The 2007 contract was specifically established to improve efficiency when
new IT requirement arose—such as the federal marketplace
development. The 16 eligible contractors had experience with CMS’s IT
architecture and could come up to speed quickly. The solicitation for the
2007 contract sought contractors with experience in software design,
development, testing and maintenance in complex systems environments
to provide a broad range of IT services including planning, design,
development, and technical support, among others. Of the 16 eligible
contractors, four contractors responded with proposals for each system.
CMS used a source selection process that considered both cost and non-
cost factors. This type of source selection process is appropriate when it
may be in the best interest of the agency to consider award to other than
the lowest priced offer or the highest technically rated offer. 14 In this case,
the request for proposals indicated that cost and non-cost factors were
weighted equally. The non-cost factors for technical evaluation included
logical and physical design, project plan, and staffing plan, among others.
In addition, CMS considered contractor past performance, but did not
include that factor in the technical evaluation. CMS determined that the
selected contractors for both task orders offered the most advantageous
combination of technical performance and cost.
In an August 2011 report, GAO recommended that HHS collect information about the
time frames needed for pre-solicitation acquisition planning activities to establish time
frames for when program officials should begin acquisition planning. This recommendation
has not yet been implemented. A second recommendation from this report—that HHS
ensure that agency and component guidance clearly define the role of cost estimating and
incorporating lessons learned in acquisition planning, as well as specific requirements for
what should be included in documenting these elements in the contract file—has been
implemented. See GAO, Acquisition Planning: Opportunities to Build Strong Foundation
for Better Services Contracts, GAO-11-672 (Washington, D.C.: Aug. 9, 2011).
FAR § 15.101-1(a).
In order to begin work quickly, CMS proceeded with the award process
before FFM contract requirements, which included general technical
requirements for system development, were finalized. For example, at the
time the task order was issued, CMS did not yet know how many states
would opt to develop their own marketplaces and how many would
participate in the federally facilitated marketplace, or the size of their
uninsured populations. 18 CMS also had not completed rulemaking
necessary to establish key marketplace requirements. The statement of
work for the FFM acknowledged a number of these unknown
requirements, for example, stating that requirements for state support
were not fully known and the FFM system “must be sufficiently robust to
provide support of state exchange requirements at any point in the life
cycle.” In addition, the FFM statement of work noted that the
requirements related to a number of FFM services would be finalized after
contract award, including services related to all three main functional
areas—eligibility and enrollment, financial management, and plan
management—as well as system oversight, communication, and
customer service.
FAR § 37.503(a).
GAO, Defense Acquisitions: Stronger Management Practices Are Needed to Improve
DOD’s Software-Intensive Weapon Acquisitions. GAO-04-393 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 1,
Under PPACA, states had to obtain CMS approval to establish and operate their own
marketplaces for 2014 by January 1, 2013. 42 U.S.C. § 18041(c)(1)(B).
CMS Used a Contract Type In response to unsettled requirements, CMS contracting officials selected
That Carried Risk for the a type of cost reimbursement contract known as a cost-plus-fixed-fee
Government and Required contract for both the FFM and data hub task orders. According to the
Additional Oversight FAR, these contracts are suitable when uncertainties in requirements or
contract performance do not permit the use of other contract types. 22
Under a cost reimbursement contract, the government pays all of the
contractor’s allowable incurred costs to the extent prescribed in the
contract. These contracts are considered high risk for the government
because of the potential for cost escalation and because the government
pays a contractor’s allowable cost of performance regardless of whether
the work is completed. In recent years, the federal government has taken
The Program Support Center in the Office of the Secretary awarded a contract in
September 2010 on behalf of OCIIO to develop the business architecture for the FFM and
data hub. This contract was transferred to CMS when OCIIO became CCIIO within CMS.
According to CMS contracting and program officials, requirements development was
done simultaneously for the two task orders, with the potential for both task orders to be
awarded to the same contractor.
See, for example, GAO-11-672 and GAO, Department of Homeland Security: Better
Planning and Assessment Needed to Improve Outcomes for Complex Service
Acquisitions, GAO-08-263 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 22, 2008). In this report GAO made
three recommendations to the Secretary of Homeland Security to achieve improved
outcomes for its service acquisitions.
FAR §16.301-2(a)(1) & (2).
In 2009, the President released a Memorandum (M-09-25) calling for a reduction in the
use of high-risk contracts. In 2012, DOD, GSA, and NASA adopted as final rule amending
the FAR to implement a section of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act
for Fiscal Year 2009 that addresses the use and management of cost-reimbursement
contracts. 77 Fed. Reg. 12925 (Mar. 2, 2012).
See GAO, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Internal Control Deficiencies
Resulted in Millions of Dollars of Questionable Contract Payments, GAO-08-54
(Washington, D.C.: Nov. 15, 2007). We made nine recommendations to the Administrator
of CMS to improve internal control and accountability in the contracting process and
related payments to contractors. All nine recommendations have been implemented.
Earned value management is a project management tool that integrates project scope
with cost, schedule and performance elements for purposes of project planning and
control. FAR § 2.101.
The task orders also required additional oversight mechanisms, such as CMS
governance milestone reviews. These included a Project Baseline Review intended to
assess the project plan’s scope, schedule and risk, and an Operational Readiness Review
to determine if the product was ready to support business operations.
CMS Selected a New IT To help manage compressed time frames for FFM and data hub
Development Approach development, CMS program officials adopted an iterative IT development
to Save Time, but approach called Agile that was new to CMS. Agile development is a
Increased Risks modular and iterative approach that calls for producing usable software in
small increments, sometimes referred to as sprints, rather than producing
a complete product in longer sequential phases. 28 The Office of
Management and Budget issued guidance in 2010 that advocated the use
of shorter delivery time frames for federal IT projects, an approach
consistent with Agile. 29 However, CMS program officials acknowledged
that when FFM and data hub development began in September 2011,
they had limited experience applying an Agile approach to CMS IT
projects. In 2011, CMS developed updated guidance to incorporate the
Agile IT development approach with its IT governance model, but that
model still included sequential reviews and approvals and required
deliverables at pre-determined points in the project. In our July 2012
report, we found a number of challenges associated with introducing Agile
in the federal environment. 30 Specifically, we found that it was difficult to
ensure that iterative projects could follow a standard, sequential approach
FAR § 46.401.
In 2012, GAO reported on the use of Agile methods in the Federal government. See
GAO, Software Development: Effective Practices and Federal Challenges in Applying
Agile Methods, GAO-12-681 (Washington, D.C.: July 27, 2012). In this report we made
one recommendation to the Federal CIO Council to encourage the sharing of these
OMB, 25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology
Management (Washington, D.C.: Dec. 9, 2010) and Immediate Review of Financial
Systems IT Projects, M-10-26 (Washington, D.C.: June 28, 2010).
CMS Did Not Fully Adhere While a number of CMS’s acquisition planning actions were taken in an
to HHS Acquisition effort to manage acquisition challenges, CMS missed opportunities to
fully identify and mitigate the risks facing the program. HHS acquisition
Planning Requirements
policy requires the development of a written acquisition strategy for major
and Missed Opportunities IT investments, such as the FFM system. 31 According to HHS policy, an
to Capture and Consider acquisition strategy documents the factors, approach, and assumptions
Risks Important to the that guide the acquisition with the goal of identifying and mitigating risks. 32
Program’s Success HHS provides a specific acquisition strategy template that requires
detailed discussion and documentation of multiple strategy elements,
including market factors and organizational factors, among others.
HHS defines a major IT investment as an IT investment that involves one or more of the
following: (1) has total planned outlays of $10 million or more in the budget year; (2) is for
financial management and obligates more than $500,000 annually; (3) is otherwise
designated by the HHS CIO as critical to the HHS mission or to the administration of HHS
programs, finances, property or other resources; (4) has life-cycle costs exceeding $50
HHS Acquisition Policy Memorandum 2009-05, Attachment A.
GAO, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Deficiencies in Contract
Management Internal Control Are Pervasive, GAO-10-60 (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 23,
2009) and GAO-08-54. In GAO-10-60 we made 10 recommendations to the Administrator
of CMS, OAGM management, and the Secretary of HHS to ensure adherence to FAR
requirements and other control objectives. Nine of the 10 recommendations have been
FFM and Data Hub Task Obligations for both the FFM and data hub rose significantly during the
Orders Experienced two-and-a-half-year development period, with the FFM task order
increasing almost four-fold, from $55.7 million obligated when issued in
Significant Increases
late 2011 to more than $209 million obligated by February 2014. Similarly,
the data hub task order almost tripled, increasing from $29.9 million to
$84.5 million during the same period. 34 Figure 4 shows FFM and data hub
obligation growth during this time.
As of April 2014, CMS had obligated more than $103 million for the data hub, which
includes post-development operational and maintenance functions.
Interactive Graphic Rollover green and light blue circles for more information. Please see appendix II for the print version.
Dollars obligated
Source: GAO analysis of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services data. | GAO-14-694
Subsequent modifications to the FFM and data hub task orders show the
costs associated with adding requirements beyond those initial
uncertainties. For example, CMS obligated an additional $36 million to the
FFM and $23 million to the data hub in 2012, in large part to address
requirements that were added during the first year of development, such
as increasing infrastructure to support testing and production and adding
a transactional database. Some of these new requirements resulted from
regulations and policies that were established during this period. For
example, in March 2012, federal rulemaking was finalized for key
marketplace functions, resulting in the need to add services to support the
certification of qualified health plans for partnership marketplace states.
Other requirements emerged from stakeholder input, such as a new
requirement to design and implement a separate server to process
insurance issuers’ claims and enrollment data outside of the FFM. CMS
program officials said that this resulted from health plan issuers’ concerns
about storing proprietary data in the FFM. The FFM and data hub task
orders were both updated to include this requirement in 2012, which was
initially expected to cost at least $2.5 million.
System Complexities and During the second year of development, from September 2012 to
Rework Further Added to FFM September 2013, the number of task order modifications and dollars
Costs in the Second Year obligated for the development of the FFM and data hub continued to
increase. New requirements still accounted for a portion of the costs, but
In April 2013, CMS added almost $28 million to the FFM task order to
cover work that that was needed because of the increasingly complex
requirements, such as additional requirements to verify income for
eligibility determination purposes. The FFM contractor said some of these
costs resulted from CMS’s decisions to start product development before
regulations and requirements were finalized, and then to change the FFM
design as the project was ongoing, which delayed and disrupted the
contractor’s work and required them to perform rework. In addition, CMS
decisions that appeared to be final were reopened, requiring work that
had been completed by the contractor to be modified to account for the
new direction. This included changes to various templates used in the
plan management module and the application used by insurance issuers,
as well as on-going changes to the user interface in the eligibility and
enrollment module. According to the FFM contractor, CMS changed the
design of the user interface to match another part of the system after
months of work had been completed, resulting in additional costs and
delays. In November 2012, the contractor estimated that the additional
work in the plan management module alone could cost at least $4.9
By contrast, CMS program officials explained that the data hub generally
had more stable requirements than the FFM, in part due to its functions
being less technically challenging and because CMS had had more time
to develop the requirements. While the obligations for the data hub also
increased at the same rate as the FFM in the first year of development,
they did so to a lesser degree during the second year. According to the
data hub contractor, these increases were due to CMS-requested
changes in how the work was performed, which required additional
services, as well as hardware and software purchases.
CMS Delayed Scheduled CMS initially established a tight schedule for reviewing the FFM and data
Governance Reviews, hub development in order to meet the October 1, 2013, deadline for
Reducing Time Available for establishing enrollment through the website. Each task order lists the key
FFM and Data Hub Testing governance reviews that the systems were required to meet as they
progressed through development.
and Implementation Reviews
The FFM and data hub task orders initially required the contractors to be
prepared to participate in most of the CMS governance reviews—
including a project baseline and final detailed design reviews—within the
first 9 months of the awards. This would allow CMS to hold the final
review needed to implement the systems—operational readiness—at
least 6 months before the launch planned for October 1,
2013. In April 2013, CMS extended the requirements analysis and design
phase. According the CMS program officials, requirements were still
changing and more time was needed to finalize the FFM design. As a
result, CMS compressed time frames for conducting reviews for the
testing and implementation phases. Under the revised schedule, the
contractor had until the end of September 2013—immediately prior to the
date of the planned launch—to complete the operational readiness
review, leaving little time for any unexpected problems to be addressed
despite the significant challenges the project faced. Figure 5 shows the
schedule of planned and revised development milestone reviews in the
FFM and data hub task orders.
Some Governance Reviews Despite the revised FFM schedule, it is not clear that CMS held all of the
Were Not Fully Conducted governance reviews for the FFM and data hub or received the approvals
or Approved required by the life cycle framework. The framework was developed to
accommodate multiple development approaches, including Agile. A
senior CMS program official said that although the framework was used
as a foundation for their work, it was not always followed throughout the
development process because it did not align with the modified Agile
approach CMS had adopted. CMS program officials explained that they
held multiple reviews within individual development sprints—the short
increments in which requirements are developed and software is
designed, developed, and tested to produce a building block for the final
system. However, CMS program officials indicated that they were focused
on responding to continually changing requirements which led to them
participating in some governance reviews without key information being
available or steps completed. Significantly, CMS held a partial operational
readiness review for the FFM in September 2013, but development and
testing were not fully completed and continued past this date. As a result,
CMS launched the FFM system without the required verification that it
met performance requirements.
The Exchange Life Cycle framework was also designed to support other IT efforts for
the marketplaces, such as state-based exchanges. This framework was derived from
CMS’s Integrated IT Investment & System Life Cycle Framework and HHS’s Enterprise
Performance Life Cycle. During the course of the contracts, the Exchange Life Cycle
Framework was replaced with CMS’s Expedited Life Cycle process.
CMS Postponed Some FFM By March 2013, CMS recognized the need to extend the task orders’
Capabilities to Meet Deadlines periods of performance in order to allow more time for development. CMS
contract documents from that time estimated that only 65 percent of the
FFM and 75 percent of the data hub would be ready by September 2013,
when development was scheduled to be completed. Recognizing that
neither the FFM nor the data hub would function as originally intended by
the beginning of the initial enrollment period, CMS made trade-offs in an
attempt to provide necessary system functions by the October 1, 2013,
deadline. Specifically, CMS prioritized the elements of the system needed
for the launch, such as the FFM eligibility and enrollment module, and
postponed the financial module, which would not be needed until post-
enrollment. CMS also delayed elements such as the Small Business
Health Options Program marketplace, initially until November 2013, and
then until 2015. See figure 6 for the modules’ completion status as of the
end of the task order in February 2014.
After the FFM was launched on October 1, 2013, CMS took a number of
steps to respond to system performance issues through modifications to
the FFM task order. These efforts included adding more than $708,000 to
the FFM task order to hire industry experts to assess the existing system
and address system performance issues. CMS also greatly expanded the
capacity needed to support internet users, obligating $1.5 million to
increase capacity from 50 terabytes to 400 terabytes for the remainder of
the development period. While CMS program officials said that the
website’s performance improved, only one of the three key components
specified in the FFM task order was completed by the end of the task
order’s development period. (See figure 6.) According to program
officials, the plan management module was complete, but only some of
the elements of the eligibility and enrollment module were provided and
the financial management remained unfinished.
CMS Staff Inappropriately The FFM task order was modified in April 2013 to add almost $28 million
Authorized Contractors to to cover cost increases that had been inappropriately authorized by CMS
Expend Funds program officials in 2012. 37 This issue also affected the data hub task
order, which had an estimated $2.4 million cost increase over the same
period. In November 2012, the FFM contractor informed CMS of a
The cost increase was originally estimated to be $32 million in December 2012, but was
negotiated to the lesser figure in the subsequent contract modification.
CMS documents show that the cost growth was the result of at least 40
instances in which work was authorized by various CMS program
officials, including the government task leader (GTL)—who is responsible
for day-to-day technical interaction with the contractor—and other staff
with project oversight responsibilities, who did not have the authority to
approve the work. This was done without the knowledge of the
contracting officer or the contracting officer’s representative. This
inappropriately authorized work included adding features to the FFM and
data hub, changing designs in the eligibility and enrollment module, and
approving the purchase of a software license. CMS later determined that
the work was both necessary and within the general scope of the task
order but the cost of the activities went beyond the estimated cost amount
established in the order and thus required a modification.
FAR § 43.102(a).
GAO, Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government. GAO/AIMD-00-21.3.1
(Washington, D.C.: November 1999).
Furthermore, CMS program officials said that CCIIO staff did not always
understand the cost and schedule ramifications associated with the
changes they requested. As the FFM in particular was in the phase of
development in which complexities were emerging and multiple changes
were needed, there were a series of individual directions that, in sum,
exceeded the expected cost of the contract. As a result of the
unauthorized directions to contractors, the CMS contracting officer had to
react to ad hoc decisions made by multiple program staff that affected
contract requirements and costs rather than directing such changes by
executing a contract modification as required by the FAR.
CMS Deemed Early CMS generally found CGI Federal and QSSI’s performance to be
Contractor Performance satisfactory in September 2012, at the end of the first year of
development. CMS noted some concerns related to FFM contractor
Satisfactory and Took
performance, such as issues completing development and testing on
Limited Action to Address time; however, CMS attributed these issues to the complexity of the FFM
Significant Contractor and CMS’s changing requirements and policies. 41 Further, according to
Performance Issues as program officials, during the first year of FFM development, few defined
the Deadline Neared products were to be delivered as requirements and the system’s design
were being finalized. For example, as previously identified in this report,
under the revised FFM development schedule the final detailed design
CMS reported this information in the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting
System —the government-wide evaluation reporting tool for all past performance reports
on contracts and orders. This report card assesses a contractor’s performance and
provides a record, both positive and negative, on a given contractor during a specific
period of time. Each assessment is based on objective facts and supported by program
and contract management data, such as cost performance reports, customer comments,
quality reviews, technical interchange meetings, financial solvency assessments,
construction/production management reviews, contractor operations reviews, functional
performance evaluations, and earned contract incentives.
CMS Identified Significant FFM During the second year of development, which began in September 2012,
Contractor Performance Issues CMS identified significant FFM contractor performance issues as the
as the Deadline Approached, October 1 deadline approached (see figure 7). In April 2013, CMS
but CMS Opted Against Taking identified concerns with CGI Federal’s performance, including not
following CMS’s production deployment processes and failing to meet
Remedial Contractual Actions
established deadlines, as well as continued communication and
at That Time
responsiveness issues. To address these issues, the contracting officer’s
representative (COR) sent an email to CGI Federal outlining CMS’s
concerns and requesting that CGI Federal provide a plan for correcting
the issues moving forward. CMS accepted CGI Federal’s mitigation plan.
The plan included changes, according to CGI Federal officials, to
accommodate CMS’ communication practices, which CGI Federal
believed to be the root cause of some of the CMS-identified issues. CMS
contracting officials said that they were satisfied with CGI Federal’s
overall mitigation approach, which seemed to address the performance
issues that CMS had identified at that time.
The development period of performance ended in February 2014, and CMS chose not to exercise
option years provided for in the task order.
CMS Took Some After the launch on October 1, 2013, CMS contracting
Actions to Hold the FFM officials began preparing a new letter detailing their concerns regarding
contractor performance which was sent to CGI Federal in November
Contractor Accountable
2013. In its letter, CMS stated that CGI Federal had not met certain
after the requirements of the task order statement of work, such as FFM
Launch infrastructure requirements including capacity and infrastructure
environments, integration, change management, and communication
issues—some of which had been previously expressed in writing to CGI
Federal. In addition, CMS stated that some of these issues contributed to
problems that experienced after the October 1, 2013
CMS Declined to Pay FFM CMS contracting and program officials explained that they found it difficult
Contractor Fee for Rework to withhold the contractor’s fee under FAR requirements. As discussed
earlier in this report, the development work for the FFM was conducted
through a cost-plus-fixed-fee task order, through which the government
CMS and CGI Federal exchanged a series of letters regarding CGI Federal’s
performance under the FFM task order in November 2013. In its initial response to CMS’s
November 2013 letter, CGI Federal addressed each issue identified by CMS and provided
additional context on a variety of factors that CGI Federal believed influenced the FFM’s
Technical direction letters provide supplementary guidance to contractors regarding
tasks contained in their statements of work or change requests.
Even though CMS was obligated to pay CGI Federal’s costs for the work
it had performed for the FFM, CMS contracting and program officials said
they could withhold only the portion of the contractor’s fee that it
calculated was associated with rework to resolve FFM defects. Ultimately,
CMS declined to pay about $267,000 of the fixed fee requested by CGI
Federal. This is approximately 2 percent of the $12.5 million in fixed fee
that CMS paid to CGI Federal. Officials from CGI Federal said that they
disagreed with the action and that the CMS decisions were not final and
they could reclaim the fee by supplying additional information. CMS
contracting and program officials told us that it was difficult to distinguish
rework from other work. For example, program officials explained that it
was difficult to isolate work that was a result of defects versus other work
that CGI Federal was performing, and then calculate the corresponding
portion of fee to withhold based on hours spent correcting defects.
Contractor’s Total Fee Through each contract modification, as CMS increased the cost of
Increased during Development development, it also negotiated additional fixed fee for the FFM and data
hub contractors. Under the original award of $55.7 million, CGI Federal
would have received over $3.4 million in fee for work performed during
the development period. As of February 2014, when CMS had obligated
over $209 million dollars for the FFM effort, CMS negotiated and CGI
FAR Clause 52.246-5(d). In addition, CGI Federal’s task order also provides that failure
of the contractor to submit required reports when due or failure to perform or deliver
required work, supplies, or services, may result in the withholding of payments under the
contract unless such failure arises out of causes beyond the control, and without the fault
or negligence of the contractor. HHSAR Clause 352.242-73.
FAR Clause 52.246-5(e).
Costs Continue to Rather than pursue the correction of performance issues and continuing
Increase with New FFM development with CGI Federal, CMS determined that its best
chance of delivering the system and protecting the government’s financial
FFM Contractor
interests would be to award a new contract to another vendor. In January
2014, CMS awarded a one-year sole source contract (cost-plus-award-
fee) with an estimated value of $91 million to Accenture Federal Services
to transition support of the FFM and continue the FFM development that
CGI Federal was unable to deliver. 47 CMS’s justification and approval
document for the new award states that the one-year contract action is an
interim, transitory solution to meet CMS’s immediate and urgent need for
specific FFM functions and modules—including the financial management
module. 48 This work has also experienced cost increases. Figure 8 shows
increases in obligations for the Accenture Federal Services contract since
award in January 2014.
The over $13.2 million in fee CGI Federal was eligible to receive includes fee for work
performed during development and for post-transition support and consulting services
from March to April 2014.
Under a cost-plus-award-fee contract, an award fee is intended to provide an incentive
for excellence in such areas as cost, schedule, and technical performance; award of the
fee is a unilateral decision made solely by the government. FAR § § 16.401(e)(2) and
Contracts awarded on other than a full and open competitive basis must be justified and
approved. FAR § 6.303.
The total contract value was initially estimated to be $91 million, but CMS obligated $45 million at the
time of award.
CMS modified the Accenture Federal Services contract three times in May 2014.
CMS had yet to fully define requirements for certain FFM functionality,
including the financial management module, when the new contract to
continue FFM development was awarded in January 2014. Accenture
Federal Services representatives told us that while they had a general
understanding of requirements at the time of award, their initial focus
during the period January through April 2014 was on transitioning work
If you or your staff have any questions about this report, please contact
William T. Woods at (202) 512-4841 or Contact points
for our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be
found on the last page of this report. GAO staff who made key
contributions to this report are listed in appendix IV.
William T. Woods
Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management
Valerie C. Melvin
Director, Information Management and Technology Resources Issues
This report examines selected contracts and task orders central to the
development and launch of the website by assessing (1)
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) acquisition planning
activities; (2) CMS oversight of cost, schedule, and system capability
changes; and (3) actions taken by CMS to identify and address contractor
performance issues.
The existing contract is a multiple-award, indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract
(hereinafter referred to as the 2007 contract). This contract type provides for an indefinite
quantity, within stated limits, of supplies or services during a fixed period. The
Government places orders for individual requirements. Quantity limits may be stated as
number of units or as dollar values. FAR § 16.504.
2 is a free, publicly accessible website established by the Office of
Management and Budget containing data on federal awards (e.g., contracts, loans, and
grants) across the government. The Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation,
the primary government-wide contracting database, is one of the main data sources for
this website.
task orders including the rationale for choosing the selected contract type
and the analysis conducted to support the source selection process. We
also reviewed prior GAO reports on CMS contract management to assess
the extent to which CMS’s acquisition planning activities addressed
issues previously identified by GAO.
Page 60 GAO-14-694 Contracts
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