Wireless Microphones and The Audio Professional: Audio Systems Group, Inc

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Copyright 1986, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005

by Jim Brown
4875 N Ravenswood Ave
Chicago, IL 60640

Jim Brown is an acoustic consultant based in Chicago, where he specializes in the design of large
sound reinforcement systems for theaters, churches, stadiums, arenas, and broadcast facilities.
He has also done extensive production work and mixing for broadcast, recording, and reinforce-
ment. He received his BSEE from the University of Cincinnati in 1964, has worked in profes-
sional audio since 1970, and has been a full time consultant since 1984. His client list includes
Wrigley Field, United Airlines O'Hare Terminal, Northwestern University's Football Stadium, Lib-
erty University, Grace Cathedral (San Francisco), NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, WTTW-TV, WGN-TV, and
numerous churches and performance facilities. Jim is Vice-Chair of the AES Standards Committee
Working Group on EMC, and is a Fellow of the AES. He earned FCC First Class Radiotelephone
(broadcast) and Amateur Extra class licenses in 1959, and is active as W6BX and K9YC.
Wireless Mics and the Audio Professional Page 1

Introduction Wireless microphones have long since come of age – in fact, a case could be
made that they are approaching senility! Once the dream of the wild-eyed producer and the
nightmare of the audio professional, properly designed and implemented systems can now
be used with excellent reliability. Unfortunately, far too many users try to get by with low
cost systems, resulting in poor performance and questionable reliability under real world
This tutorial was first prepared in 1986 to educate relatively technical minded consumers as
to the effective choice and use of wireless mic systems. Back in the 80’s, nearly all systems
operated on a single VHF frequency, all but the cheapest receivers had at least some ability to
reject interference, and the best receivers were more bulletproof than anything sold today. In
the intervening years, the laws of physics have not changed and the basic concepts remain as
solid as ever, but some major changes have taken place in wireless mics. First, developments
in technology have reduced the cost and increased the quality of systems that are "frequency
agile" and which work in the UHF spectrum, as well as those for VHF operation. Second,
frustration with the weak performance of inferior systems operating on poorly chosen VHF
channels has fueled a shift to the previously empty UHF spectrum and generated a demand
for frequency agile units. Third, expensive monitoring systems have been designed for clients
with high budgets, mostly as a substitute for intelligent frequency selection. Fourth, both
digital television and an increasingly crowded radio spectrum are putting the squeeze on the
channels available for wireless mics. With all of these new stations on the air, and as reli-
gious broadcasters selfishly fill every available channel with their endless preaching, it has
become very difficult to find reliable channels for wireless mics in many areas. Fifth, the vast
majority of systems are missing the critical parts that would allow them to reject these strong
interference sources. Sixth, a large group of television channels has been re-allocated to
communications use, and broadcasters will eventually be moved off of that spectrum. Wire-
less mics will still be permitted there to the same extent that they are now, but operation may
be difficult and unreliable. And finally, a serious assault on un-used UHF television channels,
long the unofficial home of nearly all modern wireless microphones, is being waged by a coa-
lition that includes Intel and Microsoft, hoping to make it a new home for ad-hoc computer
A Wireless microphone system consists of a microphone connected to a miniature radio
transmitter, and a receiver designed to receive only that signal. Some are fixed tuned - that is,
they use a quartz crystal for determination of the operating channel. The only way to change
channels is to return the receiver and transmitter to the factory and have new crystals put in.
Most modern products are tunable -- they add a frequency synthesizer circuit to allow multi-
ple operating channels from a single crystal. The receiver output is designed for connection
directly to the microphone or line input of a mixing console. The radio transmitter and re-
ceiver combination acts as a replacement for the microphone cable. If all goes well, the con-
sole operator does not know that a radio link is involved.
Wireless Microphones Transmitters come in three basic packages. Handheld wireless mi-
crophones (Fig 1) have conventional microphone elements mounted to a handle into which a
miniature radio transmitter and mic preamp are built. Several very good vocal performance
microphones elements (and a lot more mediocre ones) are available on wireless transmitters
from at least a dozen manufacturers.

Fig 1 – A handheld transmitter Fig 2 – A plug-on transmitter attached to a mic

Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 2

Plug-on transmitters, (Fig 2) having a female XL-connector attached to a compact body that
contains the transmitter, allow the greatest flexibility. Their internal battery provides phantom
power to the microphone and operates the transmitter as well. A plug-on transmitter allows
the use of virtually any microphone compatible with its powering circuit, as long as the mic is
not so thirsty for phantom current that it drains the battery too quickly.
Body pack transmitters, (often called "lavalier" transmitters because of the mics with which
they are intended to be used) allow the connection of almost any professional electret or dy-
namic lavalier mic. (A lavalier mic is a miniature mic designed to be pinned or clipped to an
article of clothing and worn on the performer. Early lavaliers were much larger, and were
worn around the neck - you've probably seen them in old TV clips.) Body pack transmitters
are usually a bit larger than a pack of cigarettes, and contain the same electronics as the
handheld transmitter. Non-lavalier mics and line level sources may also be used with body
pack transmitters with the appropriate wiring adapters -- this can be a good way to send
sound outside to an overflow system for special events.
All professional body packs are designed to provide the bias current for nearly all commonly
used electret lavalier mics. The author has successfully used Sennheiser, Crown PZM, Beyer,
Audio Technica, Tram, and Sony electret lavaliers with Shure, Vega, Telex, and Comtek body
packs, although some models of lavalier mics are know to have RF interference problems. A
given mic may need different electrical connections to different body pack transmitters. [One
series of older Shure lavalier microphones is not recommended for use with wireless trans-
mitters other than their own brand, because audio equalization was performed in the Shure
power adapter for that fine mic, and the power supply is too large to be used simultaneously
with the body pack.]
Wireless microphone transmitters, like all radio transmitters, are required by law to be li-
censed. In the United States the licensing body is the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC). Only a station license is required, and it is obtained simply by filing the appropriate
application with the FCC. Neither a licensed operator or a fee is required. In the US, these
laws are not enforced, and the vast majority of wireless systems are unlicensed and operate
The Receiver By far, the most important single component of a wireless microphone system
is the receiver. Wireless microphones should have a reliable operating range of 300 to 600
feet (100 - 200 meters) under ideal conditions, but a good receiver is required to take advan-
tage of this range, and any interference can reduce that range significantly. The most com-
mon limiting factors in wireless microphone performance (in order of importance) are 1) In-
terference, 2) Reflections, and 3) Range. Wireless mics are rarely used in applications that
stretch their range – interference or reflections will nearly always cause system failure first.
To understand some of the problems associated with wireless systems, we will first study Fig
3, which shows the major components of a typical wireless mic receiver. The signals picked
by the antenna are sent through a broadband filter that attenuates signals far off frequency,
are amplified, and fed to the first mixer. A local oscillator, followed by a frequency multiplier
stage, also feeds the mixer. Operating on the "heterodyne" principle, the two signals "beat"
together to produce new signals at the sum and difference of their original frequencies. The
sum frequency is filtered out, and the difference signal is amplified and bandpass filtered
again to remove more interfering signals. This new difference frequency is called an "interme-
diate frequency," or IF.
To change the operating frequency (that is, to tune in a different wireless transmitter), the
frequency of the first local oscillator is changed, so that the new signal is converted to the
right frequency to pass through the IF filters. A receiver that is crystal-controlled operates on
a single frequency determined by what crystal is plugged into it. To change the frequency, we
change the crystal. Tunable receivers use a phased-locked loop frequency synthesizer rather
than a crystal; its frequency is typically changed using software or rotary switches. We’ll talk
more later about the advantages and disadvantages of these two types of receivers.
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 3

The heterodyne process is repeated in the second mixer. The second local oscillator always
operates on the same frequency – all the tuning is done with the first oscillator. The signal is
amplified and filtered some more, detected (converted to audio), and amplified to drive a mic
or line level output. Why do we use these mixers to convert the signal to lower frequencies?
Because those filters are the most important parts of the radio, they are expensive, and they
are easier to implement at lower frequencies. They are also quite expensive to re-tune, so we
set them to a single frequency and convert all of the signals we want to receive to that same

Fig 3 – Signal flow in a typical low-cost UHF wireless mic receiver

That first filter and RF amplifier after the antenna are called the "front end," and are critical to
the performance of the receiver under the strong signal conditions that are so typical of most
cities. If the front end is done well, the system will work well under all conditions. If it is
done poorly, the receiver will be easily overloaded by nearby TV transmitters, prone to in-
termod and other interference, and may also do poorly with weak signals. We’ll talk a lot
more about these issues a bit later on.
Antenna Systems Getting the right antenna in the right place, and connecting it properly to
your wireless receivers can do a lot to give your systems greater range and better reliability.
Antennas should always be located close to the transmitter (i.e., the performer's mic). This
gives the maximum pickup of the radio signal from the performer. Antennas should also be
as far as possible from sources of interference -- other radio or TV equipment, computers,
digital equipment, light dimmers, fluorescent lighting fixtures, etc. And, in general, antennas
for wireless mics should NOT be high in the air -- all that does is increase the likelihood of
overload and other interference from TV stations and other transmitters outside your build-
Figs 4a and 4b show two types of antennas
that can work well for wireless microphone
reception. It is generally a good idea to lo-
cate the wireless mic receiver close to the
console operator, so that he or she can
monitor the signal strength and be alerted to
Fig 4a - This general purpose antenna is problems. In this arrangement, the best ap-
approximately omnidirectional proach is to place the antenna close to the
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 4

performer, and extend it to the receivers by

means of good quality, low loss coaxial ca-
ble. If there is more than one receiver, use a
good quality passive (non-amplified) splitter.
We specify the Mini-Circuits Labs ZFSC-4-
175 (718/934-4500), www.minicircuits.com,
and Belden 1505A or 9100 coaxial cable.
This combination will provide very good per-
formance for cable runs of up to 200 ft and
at all frequencies up to and including televi-
sion channel 69. A slightly larger (RG-6) ca-
ble, Belden 1223A or 9114, will get you up
to 300 ft, and an even larger one, Belden
9011, offers the lowest loss and can help
with longer runs.
What does all this "RG" stuff mean? RG ca-
Fig 4b – Directional antennas can increase ble specs go back to military electronics in
the range and reduce interference the first half of the 20th century. RG-58/U is
a .2" o.d. 50 ohm cable, RG-59/U is a .24"
o.d. 75 ohm cable, RG-8 is the "big" 50 ohm
cable (0.4" o.d.) and RG-11 is the "big" 75
ohm cable. Later, RG-6 a slightly oversized
75 ohm cable, has become quite popular be-
cause it provides premium performance but
is only slightly larger than RG-59/U. These
RG-specs cover a VERY broad range of cable
Fig 4c – A high quality passive antenna splitter types. There are hundreds of RG-59
cables, some of which are optimized for video, some for low power RF, some for high power
RF, some for computer data, etc. RG-59 simply defines coaxial construction, the 75 ohm im-
pedance, and the approximate size (and even the size varies).
50 Ohm or 75 Ohm Cable? It has been common practice for wireless mic systems to be
sold and used with 50 ohm coaxial cables. While there is nothing inherently wrong with 50
ohm cable, 75 ohm cables offer far better performance at much lower cost. Some users mis-
takenly believe that wireless systems are better matched to 50 ohm cable, and that they must
use 50 ohm cable to prevent an impedance mismatch. In practice, this is not the case. Real
world receivers vary widely in input impedance -- all that most engineers who design these
systems can tell you is that they are somewhere in the 50-75 ohm range. The same is true of
the antennas themselves -- their impedance is strongly affected by surrounding objects and
varies with frequency. So a real world system is just as likely to be well matched to 75 ohm
cable as it is to 50 ohm cable. More important, the TV antenna and cable industry have stan-
dardized on 75 ohm cables, making the quantity and quality of these cables much higher, and
their prices much lower for equivalent quality.
Engineers studying transmission lines in school learn that "a high standing wave ratio in-
creases the loss in a transmission line" and that losses will degrade the signal to noise ratio.
While this true, what these textbooks fail to tell you is how slight this degradation is! The
Handbook of the American Radio Relay League shows that even in a cable with 10 dB of loss,
a 75:50 ohm mismatch will increase the loss by less than 0.2 dB, and the greater the
matched loss, the less the mismatch causes the loss to increase!
Which coax for wireless mics? Table 1 shows loss and cost data for the best 50 and 75 ohm
MATV cables I know of, in dB/100 ft. Prices are typical for a 1,000 ft spool from an industrial
electronics vendor. (Remember that cost is an important engineering parameter!) And even if
there is some mismatch, the extra loss it causes is much less than the advantage the 75 ohm
cables start out with!
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 5

Cable 1000 ft Diam Impedance 200 MHz 500 MHz 700 MHz
Belden 9100 (RG-59/U) $93.50 .237" 75 ohms 3.5 dB 5.6 dB 6.7 dB
Belden 9114 (RG-6/U) $105 .27" 75 ohms 2.7 dB 4.35 dB 5.2 dB
Belden 9011 (RG-11/U) $195 .40" 75 ohms 1.7 dB 2.75 dB 3.25 dB
Belden 9310 (RG-58/U) $267 .193" 50 ohms 5.4 dB 9 dB 11.1 dB
Belden 9258 (RG-8X) $300 .242" 50 ohms 4.5 dB 7.2 dB 9.1 dB
Belden 9913F (RG-8/U) $774 .405" 50 ohms 2.0 dB 3.2 dB 3.9 dB
Times LMR195 (RG-58) $320 .195" 50 ohms 5.2 dB 8 dB 10 dB
Times LMR-240 (RG-8X) $440 .240" 50 ohms 3.5 dB 5.7 dB 6.8 dB
Times LMR-400 (RG-8) $530 .400" 50 ohms 1.8 dB 2.9 dB 3.5 dB
Table 1 – Loss in dB/100 ft of some excellent RF coaxial cables
Reflections VHF and UHF radio signals are reflected by any metal objects in our environ-
ment. It is common for a direct signal and many reflections to be present at any VHF or UHF
antenna. When these signals are precisely in phase and in polarity, they add together and all
is well. If they are out of phase, significant cancellations can occur, causing distortion or
noise. If they are exactly 180 degrees out of phase, in polarity, and nearly equal, there is al-
most perfect cancellation! The exact phase and polarity relationships between the reflections
and the direct wave will vary with the travel time (and thus the distances) between the
transmitter, the reflecting objects, and the receiving antenna. A performer using a wireless
mic may move into and out of spots where cancellations occur. These reflection zones will
be heard as distorted sound or noise bursts. If the performer is moving rapidly, the bursts
will be short. If he or she moves slowly, they may move into a reflection zone and stay there!
Note that these are not dead spots - there is plenty of signal, but most of it is out of phase
and cancels itself out!
Diversity Reception An effective solution to the problem of phase cancellation was devel-
oped during the 1930's when such fading (caused by multiple signals over varying long paths)
plagued international short wave radio transmissions. Two receivers, connected to two dif-
ferent antennas were used, and the operator listened to the one which received the clearest
signal. This combination of two receivers and two antennas is called diversity reception. Se-
lection of the cleanest signal is now done silently and automatically by the receiver in a circuit
called a "voter". Such systems are sold in this country by Vega, Micron, Shure, Sennheiser,
and Sony (Fig 5a).

Fig 5a – True diversity with simple switching Fig 5b – True diversity with outputs combined
Lectrosonics uses an innovative method of combining the receiver outputs that provides
more transparent operation, and allows the two receivers to be summed if signals are mar-
ginal (Fig 5b). This can improve weak signal performance by 3 dB, because the detected au-
dio will add coherently, while the noise will not. The ratio of the mix is varied, favoring the
receiver having the best signal to noise . Lectrosonics sells yet another variation, also shown
diagrammatically in Fig 5b, that uses two transmitters (on two different frequencies) with a
separate receivers for each frequency. Since their wavelengths are different, it is unlikely that
a null caused by a reflection will affect both frequencies simultaneously.
A lower cost, and somewhat less effective, solution is called "switched antenna diversity". In
this system, two antennas are connected to a single receiver through an electronic switching
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 6

network. When a weak signal is encountered the receiver tells the switch to try the other an-
tenna in the hope it will be better. One problem with this method is that the switcher can
get overloaded, resulting either in desense or intermod. We don't like this method of diver-
sity reception.
An interesting variation of switched antenna diversity is switched polarity diversity (Fig 5c).
Reflections only cause dropouts when the two RF signals are at nearly equal levels and almost
exactly 180 degrees out of phase. On a single radio channel, a polarity reversal of one of the
antennas will turn that cancellation into nearly perfect addition. Lectrosonics uses this system
in some of their more compact receivers, like those designed to mount on video cameras.

Fig 5c – Switched-antenna-polarity diversity Fig 5d – Multiple antenna diversity

A very low cost method of dealing with reflections is "multiple antenna diversity." (Fig 5d)
Two or more antennas are passively combined into a single receiver, and it is hoped that the
statistical probability of cancellation occurring with these multiple antennas will prevent the
problems associated with reflection zones. While not as effective as diversity reception, it
can sometimes reduce cancellations due to reflections to the point that performance is satis-
factory, and it is certainly a cost effective method. This method can also work well when tal-
ent will work in two widely separated areas, each covered by its own antenna.
Frequency Selection Professional wireless microphone systems have traditionally operated
in five portions of the frequency spectrum. In all cases, these channels are shared with other
services. The single most important factor in good wireless system operation is how well this
sharing arrangement works out. Since wireless mics are, by law, always secondary users of
channels, they must, by law, accept whatever interference occurs, and not cause any. (Be-
cause of their very low transmitter power it is rare for wireless mics to cause interference to
other services - I have never heard of wireless mics interfering with anything but another
wireless mic.) It is common, however for wireless mics to receive interference, and finding
channels where that interference will not occur is the key to good wireless mic system per-
formance. This is called frequency coordination.
Low band VHF channels in the spectrum between television channels 4 and 5 (72-76 MHz)
are allocated to wireless microphone use, but one of the sharing services here is common
carrier paging systems. If a paging system is on your channel (or later lands there), your
wireless system will hear lots of beeps, squalls, and ratchety sounding trash. The other prob-
lem with these channels is interference from computers, other digital equipment, and fluo-
rescent lighting. For all of these reasons, these channels can be problematic.
A handful of high band VHF channels in the 150 - 174 MHz range are legally available to
wireless mic users. Many of these channels are shared with commercial two-way radio ser-
vices in nearly all cities and towns, and have little use for wireless mics. Others are channels
shared with government services at locks and dams. Since there are not many locks and
dams near most wireless mic users, this sharing arrangement often works well. These are the
so-called "hydrological" channels, and are in the range between 169 and 172 MHz. Good re-
ceivers are required, however, because 2-way radio transmitters are very close in frequency
and Channel 7 television (with much more power) is not far away. When no interference is
present, these channels work well for wireless mics. The downside of the hydrologicals is
that many wireless systems have been sold for only these few channels, so the chance of
touring performers bringing in a system on your channel is greatly increased. In general,
these channels can be problematic unless you will be using them "in the middle of nowhere."
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 7

Certain professional users of wireless microphones (broadcasters, and producers of programs

for television and motion pictures) are permitted to operate wireless systems on High band
VHF television channels (7-13) that are unused in their area. Choice of frequencies for wire-
less mics in this spectrum should be performed in conjunction with the frequency coordina-
tor of the local SBE (Society of Broadcast Engineers) chapter. Because this frequency spec-
trum is relatively free of interference, these channels are often good for wireless mics. One
caution though -- hospitals are full of instrumentation that uses these channels to transmit
patient telemetry to a central nurse’s station.
The same class of pro users who are entitled to use the VHF television channels are also
permitted on unused UHF television channels (14-69). Over the past fifteen years, these
channels have become quite popular with wireless mic users, and the majority of new sys-
tems operate on these channels. It costs a bit more to manufacture equipment that provides
good performance at UHF, so these systems tend to be a bit more costly than equivalent VHF
systems, and they tend to have higher battery drain for equivalent performance.
A few years ago, television channels 60-69 were allocated to use by both commercial and
government entities for two-way radio communications. This means that if there is no televi-
sion station assigned to a given channel in your area, there may be two-way radio systems
(police and fire dispatchers, trucking companies, bus companies, plumbers, etc.) on that
channel. These new two-way systems will come on the air slowly over a period of years,
more each year until each channel is full. The greatest impact will be in and around larger
cities. Many early UHF wireless systems used these channels, and some manufacturers are
still selling their stock of wireless systems manufactured for these channels to unsuspecting
users, who will someday be in for a sad surprise.
A few fearless (and misguided) manufacturers have begun manufacturing systems that oper-
ate in the 2.4 GHz band that is also used by many general purpose radio systems including
802.11b networking (WiFi). Most, if not all, of these manufacturers use spread spectrum digi-
tal transmission. While spread spectrum techniques claims good coexistence with other in-
terfering signals, the more systems of this type that are in use, the greater will be the interfer-
ence between them. At least one of these systems is "not nearly ready for prime time." The
vendor promises flawless interface to anything from lavalier mic elements to a guitar output,
but audio performance doesn't even begin to live up to data sheet promises -- it varies from
"kind of ok" to awful. The 2.4 GHz band is a poor choice for wireless mics if WiFi systems and
other consumer equipment are used within a thousand feet of so of your receivers.
Some very low priced wireless microphone systems operate in the 49 MHz band, where they
receive interference from cordless telephones, garage door openers, and other consumer de-
vices too numerous to mention. They are also susceptible to interference from CB radio op-
erators. Others allow you to tune them to an open spot on the FM broadcast band. Such
systems are unreliable and of poor audio quality, and should not be considered for any seri-
ous use.
The TV broadcast spectrum Because the vast majority of wireless mics operate on unused TV
channels, we’ll use a spectrum analyzer to study how TV stations use their assigned chan-
nels. Fig 6 shows how eight UHF TV channels look at the end of a long piece of coax con-
nected to my roof-top TV antenna.
Understanding The Analyzer Screens The horizontal axis is frequency (the analyzer is set for
4.8 MHz/div), and the vertical axis is signal strength. The top of the screen is set to 2 mV.
The analyzer is hooked to up an antenna on the roof of my home (about 7 miles from the
transmitters), and is tuned to look at TV channels 27-34. Here in Chicago, Ch 27 is unas-
signed, Ch 28 is analog, Ch 29 is digital, Ch 30 is unassigned, Ch 31 is digital, Ch 32 is ana-
log, Ch 33 is unassigned, and Ch 34 is a low power analog station.
Understanding television broadcasting With analog television (the old system that most of us
still watch when we’re too tired to do anything useful), nearly all of the transmitted energy is
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 8

concentrated around three frequencies for each channel -- the picture carrier, the color sub-
carrier, and the sound carrier. TV channels in North America are 6 MHz wide. The picture
carrier is 1.25 MHz, ± 10 kHz, from the lower edge of the channel, the color sub-carrier is
3.58 MHz above that, and the sound carrier is 4.5 MHz above the picture carrier. Most of the
power from the video transmitter is concentrated in the lower half of the channel, and espe-
cially around the video and color carriers. Fig 8 shows these relationships.
Digital television is quite different – the energy is distributed almost equally throughout the
channel. So when intermod products are produced, they also spread over entire channels.
The result is broadband hash that will drastically reduce the range of wireless systems if it is
strong enough. It may not sound any different from the noise that appears between stations
in any radio receiver, but because its a lot stronger, it will reduce the reliable range of wire-
less mics. Fig 7 shows a digital channel.

Fig 6. This spectrum analyzer's view of eight UHF TV channels

clearly illustrates the nature of the interfering signals that a wire-
less mic system must compete with. Three analog TV stations and
two DTV stations are transmitting in the eight TV channels shown
in this scan. Five years ago, those digital transmitters weren't on
the air!
In most localities, all (or nearly all) digital TV stations have been assigned to UHF channels,
because nearly all existing VHF channel assignments were used up many years ago. This
means that new and existing VHF systems are unlikely to be affected by digital television sys-
tems, and may even be the most reliable in the near future.
How much power is in these signals? The transmitter for the analog picture carrier has an
effective radiated power of 3 Megawatt (3 Million watts), while the sound transmitter is 750
Kilowatt (6 dB less). Opening up the spectrum analyzer bandwidth to 3 MHz reveals that the
total power in the digital signal can be comparable to that in the analog signals! We say it can
be because many broadcasters are running their DTV transmitters at less than full licensed
power to avoid interference to adjacent analog channels.
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 9

Fig 7. A 6 MHz wide view of one digital TV signal. The digital TV

stations (Ch 29 and Ch 31 in Fig 6) show up as a flat trace that ex-
actly fills their assigned channels. The high spike at the left of each
DTV station is a pilot signal. Thus the digital station's power is
spread equally throughout the channel.
[Effective radiated power is the transmitter's actual output power multiplied by the directivity
gain of the antenna and divided by the loss in the feedline. TV transmitting antennas are
highly directional vertically -- they concentrate their power in the horizontal plane (that is,
relatively little signal goes straight up or down), but are usually not directional horizontally
(that is, they radiate equally to all azimuths). Antenna gains are on the order of 0-18 dB.]

Fig 8. A more detailed view (6 MHz wide) of one of the analog

signals. There are two strong spikes (their picture and sound carri-
ers), with energy concentrated relatively close to those carriers.
The tall spike at the left of the trace is the video carrier, with most
of the power concentrated in sidebands relatively close to it. The
tall spike at the right of the trace is the sound carrier. The bump to
the left of the sound carrier is the color sub-carrier with its associ-
ated energy.
Why Wireless Mics Don't Work Well in DTV Channels
The picture carrier of the analog station is producing about 30 mv at my antenna, while the
digital station's signal is giving me 2 mv throughout its channel. Doing the arithmetic, a 1
MW transmitter is putting 8,300 watts within every 50 khz piece of the channel! What this
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 10

means in practical terms is that my 10 mw wireless mic is trying to compete with a TV

transmitter on a tall building that is 830,000 times more powerful, giving the TV transmitter
an advantage of 59.2 dB!
Ah, you say, but our wireless mic is much closer to our receiver. So even though the TV
transmitter is so much more powerful, inverse square law (the dispersion of transmitter
power with distance) will weaken the signal from that big transmitter enough that my wire-
less mic can be heard over it. And if the wireless receiver is inside a building with a lot of
metal in its shell, the TV transmitter may be reduced in strength by a factor between 10 and
100 (10-20 dB). Sometimes these factors can be enough to allow things to work. But re-
member -- that broadcast transmitter is working into a very good antenna that is high and in
the clear, while the wireless mic, uses a tiny antenna, much of whose radiation is soaked up
or blocked by the body of the person wearing it!
So, most of the time, guess who wins? The answer is that unless the wireless transmitter is
very close to its receiving antenna, the TV transmitter will override it, and all we'll hear is digi-
tal noise. So in practical terms, the DTV transmitter severely limits the working distance of
the wireless system, often to 25 feet or less.
More to the point, how can we help our wireless transmitter win? We can: 1) put the receiv-
ing antenna closer to our transmitter; 2) use a more powerful wireless transmitter (if the FCC
allows it and if we can get enough battery life at the higher power level); 3) use a directional
antenna that points toward our transmitter and away from the DTV transmitter; 4) move our
wireless system to a channel where there is no interference. In most real world situations, #1
or #4 are the most practical solutions.

Fig 9 The same eight channels of Fig 6, but with the analyzer bandwidth set to 3
Tunable Wireless Systems Frequency synthesizers offer an alternative to the quartz crystals
used to set transmitter and receiver operating frequencies of older wireless systems. Rather
than being locked into a single frequency determined by the quartz crystal in the transmitter
and receiver, the synthesizer (which also uses a single quartz crystal) may be set to produce
any of up to several dozen operating frequencies. The user may tune the system just like a
modern digital FM tuner.
On the surface, this would appear to be the greatest thing for wireless mic operation since
sliced bread. There is, unfortunately, more to getting these systems to work well than meets
the eye. Careful frequency selection requires avoiding those channels where intermod prod-
ucts can render the systems unreliable. Synthesized systems don't always allow enough fre-
quency choices to avoid intermod, especially when a lot of wireless systems are in use, or
when the systems are used in a very difficult rf environment.
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 11

Most users are not aware of the problem until they run into interference and change one sys-
tem's channel to avoid interference. What they may find is that the problematic system is
now clean, but another system (or even several other systems) are now experiencing inter-
mod caused by the transmitter they changed! We’ll talk a bit more about intermod and how
to predict it later on.
Synthesizers also create spurious responses (birdies), usually at frequency spacings that are
equal to increments in which the system can be tuned (that is, a transmitter or receiver
whose frequency can be adjusted in 100 kHz steps will probably put out trash at 100 kHz
steps. Frequency synthesizers also produce a form of broadband noise called phase noise.
Battery life is the Achilles heel of tunable wireless systems, both for the transmitter and for
battery-operated receivers. It is not uncommon for half of the total drain on the battery to be
needed to run the frequency synthesizer circuitry! Crystal-controlled oscillators are far more
efficient, so the battery life of a crystal-controlled transmitter will be nearly double that of a
synthesized transmitter with the same transmit power.
The other key factor affecting battery life in transmitters is the output power. Government
regulations (the FCC in the US) establish the maximum allowable output power of wireless
systems at 50 mW in VHF TV channels and 250 mW in UHF TV channels. Radio systems fol-
low inverse square law, so all other factors being equal, the range of wireless systems will
increase by 1.414 when the transmitter power is doubled.
Batteries are rated in Ampere-hours (Ah) or milliAmpere (mAh) for a specified rate of dis-
charge. Batteries are manufactured that utilize many different chemical processes, each opti-
mized for a different purposes. A battery that backs up the BIOS for a microprocessor may
need to supply only a few nA, but must last five years. So-called "standard" batteries for flash-
lights and radios use a carbon-zinc process, while alkaline batteries offer significantly high
capacity. Both of these types have individual cell voltages on the order of 1.55 V when fully
charged, decaying to about 1 V when discharged. Most rechargeable types have a much
lower terminal voltage (1.2-1.3 V) at full charge, but the voltage stays much closer to that ini-
tial voltage until the battery is fully discharged.
Most users feel that 5 hours is the minimum acceptable battery life for a transmitter; that in-
terval will get you through nearly any performance, sporting event, and even a half work day
before lunch. Battery size and output voltage are also important, and most manufacturers
have settled on the standard 9 volt NEMA battery. Rechargeable batteries are available in
AAA, AA, C, and D configurations with excellent capacity – some as great as a non-
rechargeable alkaline! Unfortunately, this is not true of the 9V NEMA battery – at the time of
this writing, the capacity of rechargeable 9V batteries is significantly less than for alkaline bat-
Wireless microphone manufacturers understand these issues, and design their equipment to
work well with batteries that are widely available. A well-designed synthesized VHF transmit-
ter should be able to achieve 8 hour battery life at the US-maximum 50 mW output, even
when running with a synthesizer. UHF is another story, both because UHF transmitters are
inherently less efficient, and because in the US, the FCC’s maximum permitted power is
more generous. Manufacturers have generally chosen to use transmitter powers between 30
mW and 50 mW so that batteries will last longer. Most Lectrosonics UHF transmitters pro-
duce 100 mW.
So summing up our discussion of tunable wireless systems, we see that 1) they drastically
reduce battery life, 2) they create noise and interference that reduces their range, and 3) they
require that we operate the transmitter at lower power to achieve acceptable battery life. As
we will learn later when we discuss frequency coordination and the prediction of intermod
and other spurious products, they also make the coordination of interference and intermod
very difficult.
Interference If interference (that is, another radio transmitter or noise generated by com-
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 12

puters or machines) is on your channel, even the best receiver cannot make your system
work well. You must either eliminate the interference or change to a new channel. If the in-
terference is close to, but not precisely on, your channel, the selectivity of the best receivers
can help your transmitter thread its way through interfering signals. This is done by tuned
circuits and in the best receivers, multiple helical resonators (miniature cavities that act like
super-sharp tuned circuits). Selectivity is the ability of a receiver to separate your signal from
others on different frequencies (channels) near your chanel.
When the going really gets tough and a very strong interfering signal is present (like a two-
way radio transmitter on your block or a broadcast TV tower within a few miles), another re-
ceiver problem shows up. That first electronic section of the receiver, called the "front end,"
is designed to amplify (boost) the very weak signals of a wireless mic and separate it from
interference on nearby channels. When presented with a very strong signal, it can be over-
loaded and stop working properly. One common phenomenon, called "desensitization", or
"desense", occurs when the strong signal gets rectified in the RF amplifier and actually turns
that amplifier transistor off. When this happens, the receiver almost stops working -- the de-
sense acts like a gain control being turned all the way down, and shuts down the signal path!
An indication of this problem is fading that occurs with the transmitter at much shorter than
normal distances even though no interference is heard. These are non-destructive failures –
as soon as the strong signal goes away, the receiver will resume working properly.
Computers and digital audio equipment often produce enough radio trash to seriously reduce
the range of wireless mic systems. This interference can take the form of a single carrier fre-
quency, broadband noise, or both. This equipment won’t cause your receiver to go into
overload, but the part of that trash that is on your channel will sound like noise, and will re-
duce the range of your wireless system.
Intermodulation Interference is the result of the mixing (also known as heterodyning) of two
or more strong radio signals to produce radio signals on other radio channels. If one of these
new signals (called intermod products) ends up on one of your wireless channels, it interferes
with that wireless mic system. This intermodulation can occur in transmitters, receivers, and
other radio equipment. It can even occur in nearly any metallic objects that can act like an
antenna to pick up and receive these radio signals, and that have a poor electrical connection
capable of rectifying these signals. And your own wireless transmitters are part of the inter-
ference mix!
What this means in practice is that if there are strong signals around your area, they can be
rectified in objects like metal downspouts, building steel, rusted metal, etc., producing inter-
ference on your radio channel. Luckily the channels on which these intermod products can
occur are predictable using classical (but tedious) mathematics. Computer programs are
available that can be used to predict when interference can occur so that those frequencies
may be avoided. Comtek has one on their website, and there’s a simple one on my website
in the form of a spreadsheet that illustrates the principles.
Intermodulation can also occur in your receiver (or an active antenna splitter) when it is over-
loaded. In this case, the front end becomes the mixer, with new interfering signals being pro-
duced by the receiver or amplifier that did not come in on the antenna. Indeed, it is quite
common for any transmitter, including a wireless mic, to produce intermod when it is very
close to another transmitter. Professional transmitter installations include a part called a cir-
culator, installed between the transmitter and the antenna, whose function is to trap incom-
ing signals so that they cannot produce intermod. Some "top of the line" Lectrosonics trans-
mitters include a circulator!
But intermod is only part of the problem. There are other ways in which inadequate receiver
design can allow interference to occur. Those local oscillators, and their harmonics, can leak
out, mostly through the antenna jack, but also due to poor shielding. If they are on the fre-
quency of another wireless system they can cause interference to it. And even if they stay in-
side the radio, they can allow "spurious responses" (that is, you can hear other stations
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 13

you’re not tuned to). When you realize that interfering signals can include television trans-
mitters operating at 5 MW with an excellent antenna and the wireless mic you are listening
for is using only 50 mw with a very inferior antenna, it is obvious that spurious responses of
80-100 dB below the desired signal can still cause problems.
Dealing With Overload Receiver overload problems can often be solved by reducing the
signal presented to the receiver. This may seem like a contradiction - how do you improve
performance by attenuating the signal? Well, remember that performance is rarely limited by
system range, but rather by interference and reflections. An RF pad (attenuator) of 6 - 10 dB
will often get a receiver below the overload point without letting the desired signal fall into
the noise. Pads are readily and inexpensively available from your local MATV (master an-
tenna television system) supplier. I also see them at hamfests. They come in the form of a
barrel of about 0.33" o.d., usually with F-connectors on either end, and are designed for 75
ohm systems. More professional quality units have BNC connectors and are mostly designed
for 50 ohm systems. Impedance makes a difference for measurements, but the difference for
our purposes is insignificant. In the example that follows, we’ll show how a long run of coax
can attenuate interference while holding the strength of our desired signal nearly constant.
Getting Antennas Closer to the Transmitter – A Practical Example (Fig 10) Let's say we've
got a mix position that's 100 ft from the stage, we want to move our antennas from the mix
position to a point that's only 20 feet from the stage, it takes 150 feet of coax to get from the
antenna to the mix position, and that we're working at about 600 MHz. Belden 9114 will
burn about 7 dB, a 1x4 splitter will lose another 7 dB, for a total loss of 14 dB. But because
the antenna is only 1/5 the distance, we gain 13 dB, so the receivers get only 1 dB less signal
than before. And any interference is reduced by that same 14 dB, so we have a 14 dB im-
provement there. Not only that, but the digital equipment at mix positions (and in equipment
racks) will often generate a lot of RF noise that interferes with wireless mics. Just by moving
the antenna away from all that mess we are likely to help performance even more! What did
this cost us? Well, there’s $250 for the cable the splitter, and some connectors, we save the
cost of three antennas, and we add the labor to pull the cable and install the connectors. Un-
der $400, including labor, and because it’s all passive, there’s nothing to fail! And we’ve im-
proved our freedom from overload by 14 dB!

Fig 10 Moving the antenna closer to the talent puts 13 dB more signal at the antenna,
but we lose 7 dB in the coax and 7 dB in a passive splitter for a net loss of 1 dB. But
any TV interference (including overload or desense that it causes) is reduced by 14
How Does DTV Affect Intermodulation and Receiver Desensitization?
The answer to this question relates to the bandwidth of the input stage. If the input stage is
broadband and includes the interfering signal, the total signal strength of a DTV signal inte-
grates (sums) to be almost exactly equal to the total strength of what an analog transmitter
would produce. This is because the broadband input stage sees all of the input voltage within
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 14

its bandwidth and adds it together.

To reduce the overload of the input stage, we must reduce the voltage it sees. One way to
do that is to attenuate (weaken) all signals (with a broadband attenuator, called a "pad"), but
that will also attenuate our signal in the process. If we still have enough of our own signal,
that's a reasonable solution. But that isn't always the case, especially with very strong interfer-
ing signals.
The other way to eliminate or reduce overload is to use a sharply tuned filter that allows the
wireless transmitter to come through but attenuates signals on other frequencies. In other
words, the receiver must be tuned to receive only the desired channel and reject other chan-
nels. Since the earliest days of radio, these tuning circuits have been critical parts of receivers,
and the technology to implement them is well developed.
Over the past decade, many radio and TV receiver manufacturers, in the quest for cheaper
and more compact products, have been leaving out these important components. In other
words, they are selling an incomplete product, one that is missing some critical parts. If you
don't use their product to listen to low power or more distant transmitters close to high
power transmitters, you may never notice that the parts are missing. But if you try to listen
for those small transmitters (the public stations on the FM band, for example, or those from
out of town), you won't hear them -- instead, you'll hear only the big local transmitter(s) or
So how much signal is hitting our wireless receiver? According to FCC data, a full power
transmitter (100 KW) at 1,000 ft on channels 2-6 will generate 1.26 Vm at 1 mile for a receiv-
ing antenna at a height of 30 ft; for channels 7-13 (316 KW) the field strength is 2.24 V/m;
and for channels 14-69 (1 MW) it is 3.98 V/m.
Multiple radio frequency signals combine according to the square root of the sum of the
squares of the individual voltages (RSS). In a typical large US city (Chicago), the combined
field strength at one mile from the two analog and one digital transmitters on "low-band VHF"
channels 2-6 is 2.2 V/m; for the three analog transmitters on the "high-band VHF" channels 7-
13 the total is 3.9 V/m; and for the eleven analog and nine digital UHF transmitters (channels
14-69) the total is 17 volts/meter. The combined field strength of those five broadcast signals
in our spectrum analysis example is about 7 volts/meter.
TV transmitting antennas But that’s only the simple analysis. An important set of "real world"
fact saves us, especially on the UHF band, where transmitting antennas are highly directional
in the vertical plane. Sound system designers will be able to relate to how they work – they
are the radio equivalent of a simple line array like the Bose MA12 (or even two Bose MA12’s
stacked). Fig 11 shows several types of high gain antennas used by VHF and UHF television
transmitters, and Fig 12 shows the vertical directivity of one of them.

Fig 11 – High gain antennas used by TV transmitters

So those field strengths in volts/meter were computed assuming no antenna gain, and at the
elevation of the antenna. In most cities, including Chicago, they are at least ¼ mile in the air,
and, the antenna system used by UHF stations is extremely directional in the vertical plane –
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 15

all the radiated power is in a narrow beam that is only a few degrees wide. Why is this done
this way at UHF, and why is it not done at VHF?
Two important reasons. First, to transmit a clean TV picture with good detail, the total ampli-
tude and phase response must be "flat," just like in audio. To achieve this, the response of the
6 MHz-wide radio channel must also be flat. It is easy to achieve flat response with a high
gain antenna over a percentage bandwidth of only 1% (6 MHz on TV channel 36, 602-608
MHz), but quite difficult for TV channel 2 (54-60 MHz) where the bandwidth is 10%. In fact,
the peaks and dips in Fig 12 will also translate into the frequency domain as peaks and dips.
So antennas for channels 2-6 tend to use antennas with very little vertical gain – 0 to 3 dB is
typical. The high-band VHF channels are somewhere in the middle – the average channel is
3% bandwidth – so stations tend to use antennas with 5-8 dB of vertical directivity. The sec-
ond reason why the higher channels use more directivity is that because the wavelengths are
so much shorter, it is far more practical to build high gain antennas – they are simply a lot
Since these antennas have a very narrow beam and the source of that beam is a quarter mile
above ground, it shoots far over our heads and we receive very little of it on the ground di-
rectly below the antenna. In fact, thanks to the curvature of the earth and the trigonometry, a
receiver near ground level doesn’t get "in the beam" until it is at least 5-10 miles away from
the antenna, and by then, inverse square law has reduced its field strength to the point where
it is less likely to cause overload. Figs 13 and 14 show these effects.
Does this mean that we should expect no problems from high power UHF transmitters? No,
it doesn’t, but it does mean that things are not nearly as bad as simply looking at the power
ratios might suggest. Fig 13 shows field strength on the ground for the antenna of Fig 6 at
500 m (1640 ft). Fig 14 shows a similar set of calculations for antennas of different gains at a
height of 250 m (800 ft). Note that the higher the antenna gain, the greater the distance that
is protected from overload by the high power transmitter!

Fig 12 Vertical directivity of a typical broadcast transmitting an-

An examination of Fig 13 and 14 makes the similarity to loudspeaker system design quite
clear – the antenna is aimed to the most distant listeners (the horizon) so as to cover the
most distant listeners. Closer to the antenna than about five miles, vertical directivity ap-
proximately compensates for inverse square law, and the field strength follows the inverse
square law curve beyond that point. With sound systems, we aim our loudspeakers a few
seats forward of the last row, loudspeaker directivity compensates for inverse square law for
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 16

most of the closer seats, and sound levels follow inverse square law down beyond the aim

Fig 13 – Field strength on the ground for the antenna of Fig 5 at 500 m
Notice those "ripples" in the field strength curve (and the antenna’s direction pattern). If you
look at the response of a Bose MA12 using a high resolution measurement system like TDS
or EASERA, you see the same ripples, and for the same reasons. And just as with loudspeaker
systems, the phase response gets a bit messy in those ripples, which is one reason why FM
broadcasters don’t like highly directional antennas either – it can lead to distortion that
sounds a lot like multipath distortion. In big cities, there are at least two other reasons FM
broadcasters like low gain antennas. First, they want to cover people working in steel build-
ings close to their transmitters (downtown buildings), so they want a lot of field strength.
Second, the FM antennas in major cities are often shared between a dozen or more broad-
casters, and thus must be rather broadband. In Chicago, nearly all major broadcasters share
four antennas on the Sears and Hancock buildings, and none of them has more than two
bays (3 dB vertical directivity), and two are single bay antennas (no vertical directivity).
Studying Fig 14, we see that thanks to antenna directivity, the field strength close in under
the antenna is typically 20 dB lower than if the antenna were omnidirectional. How does this
impact our wireless systems? A cheap wireless receiver (that lacks those important front end
tuning parts) will still get blown away within a few miles of a transmitter on an adjacent
channel. A rough estimate of UHF field strength, based on the vertical directivity of typical
UHF antennas is that they should be at least 20 dB lower than the simplified calculations
suggested. So that 7V/m broadband RSS calculation for UHF is probably more like 700 mV/m.
Similarly, since VHF high band stations (7-13) typically use antenna directivity on the order of
6-8 dB, we can expect to see a broadband RSS close-in field strength on the order of 1V/m
there too.
All of this analysis seems to be confirmed by the testing reported in my AES paper on VHF
and UHF interference to condenser microphones in downtown Chicago. The most severe in-
terference by far was received from TV channels 2 and 5, and from FM broadcasters. It is also
confirmed by study of the relative field strengths at the receiving antenna on the roof of my
house seven miles from the transmitters, which is close to being in the main lobe of all of the
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 17

Fig 14 – Field strength on the ground vs. vertical gain for antennas at
How does this affect the receiver? It is the total voltage at the receiver input that causes de-
sensitization by rectification at the input stage. The instantaneous voltage on any given fre-
quency will determine the strength of the intermodulation product from combining signals.
Digital signals will certainly contribute to intermodulation distortion, but their product will be
broadband noise that is lower in strength for any given interfering signal on any given wire-
less mic frequency. That's the good news. The bad news is that the noise will be spread over
a wide spectrum, and will be contributed to by multiple transmitters on either side of the
wireless channels.
The result is that intermodulation caused by digital transmitters will likely be every bit as bad
as that from analog signals, but because it is broadband noise, it may never be identified as
having resulted from intermodulation! And the overall effect on wireless mics will be to re-
duce their transmitting range.
Intermodulation occurs outside our equipment -- in non-linear junctions in building structure,
etc. -- and inside our equipment (due both to the non-linearity of semiconductor devices, and
to overload). We have no control over the intermod that happens outside our equipment, but
we can control what happens inside our equipment with careful front end filtering (i.e., be-
tween the antenna and the first electronic stage) to eliminate interfering signals before they
can produce intermod in our equipment.
There are at several good strategies for front end filtering. Broadband filters can be tuned to
accept only signals within two or three adjacent 6 MHz UHF TV channels that we know to be
free of interference. Single TV channel filters, set to a bandwidth on the order of 3-6 MHz,
can be used to squeeze a half dozen wireless systems into a single empty channel sur-
rounded on both sides by local transmitters. Single-channel fixed filters are relatively inex-
pensive, although no wireless mic manufacturers have yet figure that out and used them in
their products. Narrowband filtering is quite expensive, especially if it has to track a fre-
quency-agile transmitter. This author is aware of only two manufacturers, Lectrosonics and
Sennheiser, who currently manufacture systems that have narrowband filters, and only the
most expensive Sennheiser products do.
If we go back and study that first spectrum analyzer view of those eight UHF channels (Fig 6),
we see two television channels that are not in use (around the 4th and 8th divisions of the fre-
quency axis). These would appear to be good places to put wireless microphones, and they
are – if we use receivers that include those narrowband filters. But a receiver that doesn’t
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 18

contain those parts, or one that has only a wideband filter in the front end, is likely to be
"blown away" by the broadcast transmitters on both adjacent channels. Fig 3 illustrates the
problem. This receiver is designed to tune over a 40 MHz range, and the front end filter is 40
MHz wide! That’s fine if you’ll be using the receiver in rural Idaho, but you may find it next
to useless in most major cities.

Fig 16 – This larger and more expensive

multi-stage filter (about $450) has both
wider bandwidth and better rejection of
adjacent transmitters. [The channel
Fig 15 – An inexpensive narrowband filter identification references CATV channels,
(about $180). Filters like this should be not broadcast channels] These filters are
built into wireless receivers, but rarely from Tin Lee Electronics
are. (www.tinlee.com)
The good news here is that you can add these filters outboard – simply connect them be-
tween the antenna and the receivers! If you’re using an antenna splitter to feed four receivers
for frequencies within that filter’s bandwidth, put the filter between the antenna and the split-
ter. For example, let’s say we have wireless transmitters on 675.5 MHz, 676.150 MHz,
676.65 MHz, and 677.55 MHz. A narrowband filter (Fig 15) tuned to 676.5 MHz and a
bandwidth of 2 MHz would pass all four of those signals but provide some rejection for the
signals on either side. The more costly (and larger) filter of Fig 16 would allow us to use more
of the empty channel for our wireless systems, even fitting in as many as eight frequencies,
and providing much greater rejection of the adjacent signals. Fig 17 shows how these filters
might be used.

Fig 17 – A narrowband filter rejects strong signals on adjacent channels

A tuned cavity is a passive, electromechanical resonator. Cavities have very high Q and can
have very low insertion loss (less than 0.25 dB), and their physical size is directly related to
the wavelength to which they can be tuned.
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 19

[The Q of a resonant circuit is defined as the ratio between the reactive and resistive compo-
nents at the resonant frequency. The bandwidth (BW, or ∆f) of a circuit is defined as the differ-
ence between the half power points (-3 dB) on either side of resonance. BW = fR/Q.]
Cavities that cover the UHF spectrum are of a very manageable size; cavities for the VHF
spectrum are much larger. The cavity shown in Fig 18 is designed for use in two-way radio
systems that work in the 400-470 MHz spectrum. It has a Q of 450, which results in a -3 dB
bandwidth of only 1 MHz, and it can handle 100 watts. A bandpass cavity has two coupling
loops, one at an input and one at an output. Signals at the resonant frequency are coupled
through the cavity, others are rejected.

Fig 18 – A 450 MHz cavity and its response

Receive-only systems can utilize similar components called helical resonators and ceramic
resonators. These much smaller components are designed for receiving systems only – they
cannot handle power. Helical resonators have considerably lower Q (broader bandwidth) and
more insertion loss (typically 1 dB/pole). They can be cascaded to achieve relatively narrow
bandwidth, but at the expense of considerably insertion loss (a 6-pole filter might be more
narrow than a cavity, but would have about 6 dB insertion loss. Both types of filters are es-
sentially fixed tuned devices – their resonant frequency is determined during manufacture.
Some helical resonator designs include a variable capacitor that can move their resonant fre-
quency very slightly (a few percent).
Finding A Good Channel To Use If you are not experienced in choosing wireless mic chan-
nels (and even if you are), contact someone who is, and who understands VHF/UHF spec-
trum usage in your geographical area. Talking to the SBE (Society of Broadcast Engineers)
frequency coordinator is a good place to start. He can usually be found by calling the chief
engineer of one of the better broadcast stations in your area. When you think you have
found a channel, listen to it on a scanner or other receiver that will tune to it. And make sure
to do so during busy periods when the maximum interference is likely to be present (and
when you would be using it).
Especially when many wireless systems will be used, or when wireless will be used in an area
where many other strong signals are present, be sure to use a good computerized intermodu-
lation prediction program. The likelihood of problems increases exponentially with the num-
ber of strong radio signals present (including your systems and other strong radio and TV
transmitters). Once again this is a job for the professional.
Several models of pseudo-communications quality receivers manufactured for the ham radio
and hobbyist market cover VHF and UHF TV channels, and can scan and operate under com-
puter control. For some of them, software is available to log the frequencies that are received.
The major shortcoming of these receivers is their relatively poor freedom from overload and
rejection of spurious responses. In other words, they may hear stuff that isn’t really there. In
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 20

general, the models that are larger and more expensive are likely to be the better performers
– the circuitry that rejects interference is both physically large and expensive. The ICOM PCR-
1000 is a fair performer; their model R7000 should be better. Products like the Kenwood TH-
F6A, Icom IC-Q7, and Yaesu VX-7 ham "talkies" can tune these channels and have scanning
capability, but their image rejection and overload characteristics are poor and so is their sen-
Intermodulation products are really the combined result of two related mechanisms.
1. When any waveform is passed through a non-linear device, harmonics of the compo-
nents of the original waveform will be produced.
2. When two sine waves are combined in a non-linear device, intermodulation will re-
sult. Those components will be new sine waves at frequencies equal to the sum and
difference of the original sine wave frequencies.
If we introduce two sine waves at frequencies A and B into our non-linear device, mechanism
#1 will produce harmonics at frequencies 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4 B, and so on. Mechanism #2
will produce new sum and difference frequencies A+B, A-B, 2A-B, 2A+B, 2B-A, 2B+A,
3A+2B, 3A-2B, 3B-2A, 3B+2A, 4A+3B, 4A-3B, 4B-3A, 4B+3A, and so on. We only care
about those products that are close in frequency to the transmitter we want to receive. Prod-
ucts that are wildly different from the receive frequency will be filtered out by the front end of
even the poorest receivers. Thus, we can immediately ignore all of the harmonics themselves
and the sum frequencies. The products that will cause us grief are those on difference fre-
Intermod prediction is really a very simple process mathematically. All that is needed is a
simple spreadsheet that computes the sum and differences of all the possible combinations
between the frequencies and throws up a red flag when one of those intermod products is on
a frequency that we need to receive. There’s one very important "gotcha" though – the num-
ber of calculations (and the possibilities for interference) increases exponentially with the
number of transmitter frequencies, and, we must include any strong broadcast carriers in our
calculations! In general, you should always check the closest/strongest broadcast carriers.
A spreadsheet to predict intermod products for up to four mics and two broadcast carriers
can be found on my website. Some notes about the spreadsheet. Cell B3 sets the bandwidth
in MHz that should be protected from intermod products. 0.1 MHz (100 kHz) is the default,
and is fairly conservative. To use the spreadsheet, enter some frequencies you think might
work in cells D4 – G4, and list the strongest close broadcast carriers in cells H4 and I4. The
intermod products will show up in column B, and if one of them interferes with one of the
chosen frequencies, you’ll see the word "TILT" under that frequency. To see the mix that pro-
duced the product, look in column A.
When the spreadsheet predicts interference, try shifting one mic at a time up or down in fre-
quency in 25 kHz steps until there no problems are predicted.
Some general guidelines about frequency selection.
1) Give the filters in your receiver as much frequency spacing as practical between your
transmitter and strong interference. If you only have a 6 MHz channel to work with,
put the lowest and highest wireless channels at least 2 MHz away from the adjacent
sound and picture carriers, except that if you are working with a filter like Fig 10, you
can work a bit closer (1.5 MHz).
2) Don’t put your transmitters closer together than about 300 kHz so that they don’t in-
terfere with each other directly.
3) Try to achieve irregular spacing between your transmitters. Regular spacing is far
more likely to cause intermod to land on your channels.
4) If you need more wireless channels than you can squeeze into one TV channel, find
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 21

another empty channel and repeat the process.

5) If you have decent front end filtering, whether within the radio or with outboard fil-
ters, you can generally ignore transmitters in one TV channel when computing inter-
mod in another channel.
6) Don’t assume that you’re the only game in town. Check with the SBE frequency co-
ordinator, and with other potential wireless users in your immediate vicinity (like the
theater or church next door). You shouldn’t need to look further than about 1,000 ft,
except at a sporting or major news event where there may be broadcasters doing wild
and crazy things (like running a lot more power with a lot of channels). But remem-
ber – they are allowed to be there, while you’re probably bootlegging, so they have
the right of way!
7) Check the FCC website, http://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/audio/tvq.html to learn what TV
stations are in your immediate area. You are prohibited from using any channel that is
in use by a licensed broadcaster within a certain distance (usually about 50 miles) of
your transmitter. Once on the website, enter the latitude and longitude of where you
will be using wireless, and a radius of 85 km.
8) FCC rules require that wireless systems use frequencies that are divisible by 25 kHz.
To minimize synthesizer noise, most wireless mic manufacturers allow frequency to
be set in increments of 100 kHz or more.
Data sheets are full of specifications that rarely mean much, but leave out specifications that
are relevant. Here are some definitions of some terms and specifications commonly used to
describe wireless systems.
Selectivity This defines the bandwidth of the front end and the IF. Selectivity is
provided by filters, both in the front end and in the IF. A very good
front end will be at least 20 dB down ± 6 MHz either side of the fre-
quency to which it is tuned to prevent overload of the RF amp stage
and mixer. A better one will be half as wide. Additional selectivity (fil-
ters) in the IF separate one wireless transmitter from another, and
separate wireless transmitters from noise on adjacent channels.
Sensitivity: This specification describes the ability of the receiver to receive weak
signals – it defines the smallest signal that can be detected if no noise
or interference is present, and is expressed in several different forms.
The most meaningful is SINAD, which is defined as
(Signal) + (Noise) + (Distortion)
SINAD = ____________________________________________________
(Noise) + (Distortion)
` SINAD is measured by running the system at full deviation with a
weak RF signal and measuring the level at receiver output, giving (S +
N + D). Then, with the transmitter still running, the audio signal is
subtracted, to measure (N + D). This measurement is the most mean-
ingful way to express sensitivity, because it effectively removes the
compander from the circuit (whose problems can be obscured by the
other forms of sensitivity measurement).
Sensitivity is also specified as an input voltage (at the antenna termi-
nal) that provides a specified signal to noise ratio or "xx dB quieting."
These forms of the specification fail to show the limitations of the
companding system, which is why they are poor indicators of receiver
performance. A low number is generally good, but if it’s too low, es-
pecially on a low cost receiver, the input stage has is likely to be very
prone to overload.
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 22

Spurious response: A tendency of the receiver to hear signals on a channel it is not tuned
to. This should expose problems with oscillator harmonics, and spuri-
ous noise from the synthesizer.
Image, image response: The susceptibility of a radio receiver to signals on the "other side" of
the local oscillator. Image responses will be displaced from the desired
signal by 2X the IF frequency.
Intermediate frequency (IF): The frequency to which all signals are converted for amplifica-
tion, filtering, and detection.
Local oscillator: An oscillator within the receiver whose frequency is displaced either
above or below the desired signal by a spacing equal to the intermedi-
ate frequency. This oscillator "beats" with the desired receive signal to
produce a difference signal at the intermediate frequency (IF).
Third order intercept: A measure of how much signal a receiver can handle before it pro-
duces intermodulation on its own. This is defined as the input level of
an interfering signal required to produce 3rd order intermodulation dis-
tortion equal to its own signal strength (that is, the intermod is equal
in amplitude to the interference that produces it). Usually expressed
in dBm. A value of -15 dBm is mediocre, the best receivers can
achieve +10 dBm.
Blocking dynamic range (BDR): A measure of how much signal a receiver can handle before it
starts to desense. A large number is better. I’ve never seen this data
for wireless receivers.
High side injection: The local oscillator is above the receive frequency.
Low side injection: The local oscillator is below the receive frequency.
Oscillator harmonics: Most local oscillators start with a clock that runs at a relatively low
frequency, then use a harmonic of that frequency to beat with the in-
coming signal. It is possible for one of those harmonics to interfere
with a desired signal if it is not carefully filtered or shielded within the
Oscillator leakage: Some poorly designed receivers allow one or more of the oscillator
harmonics to leak outside the box, usually via the antenna connector
due to poor filtering, but also due to poor shielding. A good receiver
will keep this leakage low, but it will not be zero, so a good antenna
splitter should prevent back-feed from one output port to another. The
Mini-Circuits splitters provide at least 20 dB of isolation between
Port isolation: For an antenna splitter, the amount by which a signal injected at one
output port (typically due to oscillator leakage) that is attenuated at
another output. Usually specified in dB.
Problems At Short Range When your wireless system experiences noise and dead spots
within 50-200 feet of its receiver, something's wrong. If it's a good system and all your con-
nections are good, you are probably receiving interference. Interference may not necessarily
be heard as noise – it may simply make your system have poor range or dead spots. Again,
there may be plenty of signal from your transmitter, but it may be getting overwhelmed by
the noise. Look for interference sources (noted above) around your antenna. Move the inter-
ference source away from the antenna or move the antenna away from the interference
source and closer to the performer's mic. Or do both. One of those talkies listed earlier
makes a fine "probe" when looking for interference sources.
If this doesn't make things better, suspect desense. Receivers for channels A and B can be
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 23

overloaded by a transmitter for channel C within 10-30 feet. This is more often a problem
with cheapies, but I've seen it with a few good systems too. Try taking the antenna off the
receivers that are having problems and using a paper clip or short piece of wire instead. If
reception improves, you're experiencing overload. As a permanent fix, insert a 10 dB pad or
passive splitter (described above) between the antenna and the receiver.
Extending Range Most good wireless systems should be good for at least 300 ft if there's
nothing in the way and nothing to interfere with them. When it is necessary to extend the
range of a wireless system beyond 500-1000 feet, several tools are available. Wireless re-
ceivers operating in or near TV channels work very well with antennas designed for the MATV
service. A good multi-element antenna having 8 dB of gain can double the working distance.
Raising the antenna height can also help considerably (if it doesn't increase interference).
With some receivers a low noise pre-amplifier will also help extend the range. And, when
you are going for long range, use the lowest loss cables you can find. But try all of these
things cautiously if you are in a strong signal area - all of these techniques can cause receiver
overload if they increase the strength of the interference!
Improving Audio Performance – Compansion All analog wireless microphone systems use
fixed pre-emphasis and de-emphasis to reduce noise, just like that used in FM broadcasting
and analog tape recording. In addition, most wireless mic systems also use noise reduction sys-
tems (known generically as companders). They compress the audio level before transmitting
and expand it again in the receiver. When this is done well, the audio is not changed by the
total process, but noise in the radio link is greatly reduced. dbx and Dolby noise reduction
are other examples of compansion systems. Most of the better quality wireless systems use
companders, and are capable of dynamic range on the order of 105 dB. Some brands and
models work much better than others. This is another area where low cost systems tend to
be inferior -- their cheapie compansion circuits produce very audible pumping.
All analog wireless microphones, including those using compansion, must also use peak lim-
iters to prevent over-modulation according to FCC rules. While these limiters can help im-
prove the signal to noise ratio, it is important that they be adjusted so that they are not over-
used. Most wireless mic transmitters have preamp input gain control accessible as a screw-
driver adjustment which can be accessed through a hole in the transmitter case. It should be
adjusted so that peak limiting is not audible in normal operation. Excessive peak limiting will
be audible as a pumping of background room noise and, in severe cases, as a loss of high
frequencies (the latter is caused by the pre-emphasized highs being limited more severely
than the rest of the audio).
Digital/Analog Hybrid Lectrosonics offers a conventional analog wireless system that uses
DSP to transmit audio as digital data over the radio link, then convert it back to analog audio
in the receiver. No analog signal processing or compansion is used – the DSP does it all.
Evaluating Audio Signal processing Audio signal processing as always been a weak spot for
wireless mic systems, but some systems do offer superior performance. Several simple tests
can expose common problems. One is to simply rattle a ring-full of keys at varying distances
from the mic, while listening critically to the output of the mic in headphones. Start about a
foot from the mic, gradually moving to about ten ft away. Any un-natural sounds here mean
that the mic will likely have problems with sibilance and high frequency transients in music.
Repeat this test while someone talks into the microphone, paying careful attention to what
the voice sounds like.
Another useful test of compander action is to carefully generate a low frequency transient
near the microphone that isn’t very loud, and listen for audible "whooshing" or "breathing."
This test must be performed in a relatively quiet space, and you need to listen at fairly high
levels with headphones. One way to generate the transient is to lay the mic on a table, then
gently bump the table with your fist (the "meaty" part of your hand, not a knuckle). Try this
with multiple positions of the fist and intensity of the bump.
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 24

It’s also useful to compare (A/B) the wireless mic system with a microphone of the same type
that has a wired connection to the mix console. For any comparative test, it’s critical that lev-
els be very carefully matched – it is well known that a signal that is slightly louder will often
be perceived as "better." It’s also important that the microphones be in polarity when you do
the listening test. To set levels, temporarily reverse the polarity of one microphone and set
their relative gains for maximum cancellation while someone talks into the mics. It’s ok to
tweak the EQ a bit to maximize the cancellation. [The cancellation test will produce flanging if
the wireless system has any latency. In this case, tweak the gain for maximum audible cancel-
lation (flanging). it might also be possible to compensate for the latency by putting the talker
slightly closer to the wireless mic] Once levels are matched, restore the mics to the same po-
larity for the listening tests.
Digital And Analog Tone Squelch Two-way radio systems have long used sub-audible tones
and digital codes to allow one receiver to recognize one transmitter and reject all others.
These systems have been applied to wireless mics with varying degrees of success. The ad-
vantage is that if their own transmitter is overridden by another signal using no code (or a
different code), you won't hear the interfering signal. The disadvantage is that you won't hear
your wireless mic transmitter either. In other words, an interference event which would have
been a burst of noise becomes dead silence (or it the squelch isn’t fast enough, a burst of the
interfering signal followed by silence).
Wireless Intercom Systems A wireless intercom system consist of two or more wireless mic
systems wired for two-way communication between two or more crew members. In these
systems, the base station functions as a repeating transmitter, picking up transmissions from
each remote (or "walkaround" belt pack) and retransmitting them on a channel where all re-
motes can hear. The base station is also usually tied into a conventional wired intercom so
that everyone on the selected channel can hear the wireless users. The wireless intercom can
be set up so that all remotes are on the same channel and operate "push-to-talk", or may be
on individual channels and operate "full duplex" (i. e. listening and talking at the same time).
In either variation, everyone hears everyone else, rebroadcast through the base station.
The range of these systems is roughly comparable to that of wireless mics. Frequency coor-
dination is critical, since these systems can use up frequencies very quickly (including those
you'd like to use for wireless mics). Receivers are generally not as good, particularly in the
area of overload performance, but noise that would not be tolerated with wireless mics is
more acceptable in intercom operation. System costs are about the same as an equal num-
ber of wireless mic transmitters and receivers.
Problems with surrounding objects An interesting operational problem with wireless sys-
tems occurs when there are intermittent metallic connections in the immediate vicinity of the
wireless mic transmitter. When such intermittent connections exist, a static-like noise is
heard in the receiver output. One condition that can cause this is the performer wearing cos-
tumes containing conductive materials. The exact mechanism causing the problem is not
clear, but several are possible. If rapidly changing reflections are produced by the metal ob-
ject, they could be detected at the receiver as amplitude or phase modulation. Intermodula-
tion could also be taking place.
Multipath (Reflections) A thread several years ago on the Theater Sound Mailing List caused
me to write this explanation of multipath and some common interference phenomena that
occur with wireless mics. The thread started when someone asked about using wireless mics
on a theatrical production where the set would include a large, complex framework made out
of aluminum. By the time it was over, several myths had arisen and been dispelled.
JB: Any conductive object can pick up radio waves (act as a receiving antenna) and re-radiate
them (act as a transmitting antenna). Here's what happens.
A radio wave is an electromagnetic field -- i.e., the simultaneous combination of an electric
(voltage) field and a magnetic field at right angles to each other. An antenna is simply a con-
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 25

ductive object this is producing or receiving that field. An electromagnetic field causes cur-
rent to flow in a conductive material. And the closer the size of the conductive object is to a
multiple of a quarter wave length of the radio signal involved, the more current will flow.
When radio frequency current flows in a conductive object, that current sets up a new radio
signal (another electromagnetic field) which is then radiated by that object back out into
space. If there is nothing non-linear happening, this new field is directly related to the origi-
nal field that produced it, and it will be indistinguishable from the original field. But at any
point in space, a radio antenna will pick up both fields, and those fields will have traveled dif-
ferent distances to get to the antenna. Because of the different distances, the travel times will
also be different. This will put the original field out of phase with the new re-radiated copy of
itself. The total voltage the antenna sees is the sum of that produced by the two fields. (Note
that this is different from polarity, which is a reversal of the field or the voltage, and this dif-
ference is why it is so important to say polarity when you mean polarity!).
If we move the antenna, the time relationships will change. This is exactly what you hear
when you drive down the road and hear "multi-path" distortion of an FM signal -- at some
points the reflection is precisely in phase (zero degrees, or a multiple thereof), at some points
it is precisely 180 degrees out of phase (or an odd multiple thereof), and at every other point
is some random number of degrees out of phase. [Another time you'll hear this is when
you're listening to a distant FM station and an airplane flies through the path between you
and the station. You'll hear slow additions and cancellations as the phase relationship be-
tween the direct and reflected signals change with the plane's position.]
When the two signals are precisely in phase, they add together perfectly, and the result is
equal to the sum of the two fields. When they are precisely 180 out of phase, they subtract
from each other. If they are precisely equal, they cancel each other. If they are not, the result
is simply less signal. Something similar happens when they are a random number of degrees
out of phase -- there is a partial addition or partial subtraction, depending on the phase rela-
tionship, and that phase relationship changes as the antenna is moved. Exactly the same
thing happens when you move the transmitting antenna (i.e., the wireless mic).
>This vibration, with a pure piece of metal, not only sends off frequencies at
>400Mhz, but it sends 800Mhz, 200Mhz and so on.
JB: NO, NO, NO. It re-radiates exactly what it receives.
>But since we aren't dealing with a pure piece of metal, the frequencies it sends off
>are insane. If there is a bar of metal attached to another bar of metal, it can vibrate
>that one too.
JB: There is no "vibration." New frequencies are produced by poor electrical connections that
cause rectification, not metal alloys. Some connections of dissimilar metals can cause rectifi-
cation too. When this happens it causes intermodulation distortion (see above).
Paul Peterson noted:
>I've heard several designer's mention RF interference when there's pieces of metal
>rubbing or scraping together. In one case, the metal pins in an actor's recon
>structed knee created interference every time he flexed his knee.
JB: What's happening here is pretty complex. Those pieces of metal are simply re-radiating
the radio signal as in the above discussion. But when they rub together, their length changes,
and so does their electrical conductivity (at the connection). That change produces a change
in the strength of the re-radiated field, and that change can be detected as amplitude modula-
tion of the signal. That change in amplitude is what you are hearing as noise.
And Paul Johnson correctly observed
>diversity systems with close spaced aerials give marginal diversity performance.
>The problem seems to be reflections. If you just connect one aerial and wander
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 26

>over the set, the signalstrength varies far more than a non-metalic set. Watch out
>for strange nulls. Spacing the receiving aerials to both sides of the stage pretty well
>cured the problem.
JB: Note that all of these effects are VERY dependent on the size of the conductive objects
and the openings between them. If the objects are large enough in comparison to a wave-
length, there can also be significant shielding effect -- i.e., the large object prevents signals
from getting past it. The large framework which is the basis of this thread could do that. But if
the openings are large in comparison to a wavelength, it will act less like a barrier. For that
reason, UHF mics, which use shorter wavelengths, might be expected to perform better than
VHF mics.
My advice: Definitely use diversity receivers and good, well separated antennas. Try both
VHF and UHF systems, and see which works best. As with any multiple wireless show, be
careful about frequency coordination for intermod. And don't play cheap if you want a reli-
able show.
Some one asked:
>I've heard about the polarization of radio waves. Could you explain that and how
>it affects wireless systems?
JB: A vertical antenna sends out vertically polarized waves, and receives vertically polarized
waves better. Likewise, a horizontal antenna sends and receives horizontally polarized waves.
[This isn't an on/off relationship, it's a continuously variable function -- the received signal
strength is multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the antenna's polarization and the an-
gle of the radio wave. When the angle is 0 degrees, the cosine is 1, and when it's 90 degrees
the cosine is 0.] But the antennas in wireless transmitters are typically the arm of the per-
former holding a handheld transmitter, and the cable connecting the lavalier mic to the body
pack. It's hard to say what the polarization of the radio waves will be that are transmitted by
these antennas! Moreover, any time a radio wave bounces off of any object, its polarization
may be changed. Thus we must think of the polarization of our wireless systems as random.
>What should be the orientation of the receiving antennas, especially with a diver
>sity system?
JB: This is generally much less important than having them well located (and in a diversity
system, well separated). If you must put both diversity antennas in the same spot, do put
them at right angles to each other (for example, one 45° in one direction, one 45° to the
other). This is the best way to deal with the randomly polarization of the transmitter. If the
antennas are separated, I'd go with whatever orientation provides optimum directivity to the
area where transmitters will be.


Š It costs money to build wireless systems that are good sounding and reliable under
real world conditions. $800 - $1,400 should be a minimum "street" price for wireless
systems. Stick with major manufacturers like Comtek, Shure, Telex, and Lectrosonics.
All are designed and manufactured in the US. Buying cheaper systems is asking for
trouble, either now, or in the future.
Š The more wireless mics you plan to use at one time, the more you should plan to pay
for them. If you're in a small town, need only two or three wireless, and there are no
other churches (or interference sources) nearby, you'll have a good chance of being
happy with something in the $800 range.
Š The bigger the city, the more the mics you need to use, or the closer you are to big
TV transmitters, the more likely you are to need mics that cost $1,200 - $2,000 per
Wireless Microphones and the Audio Professional Page 27

Š When buying a crystal-controlled system, never accept any manufacturer's "stock" fre-
quencies. This will make it far less likely that a touring sound company will bring in a
system that wipes out one of yours!
Š Always have frequency coordination done by a professional who understands the ra-
dio environment in your area. These professionals should know the television trans-
mitters in your area and exactly how close their transmitters (not their studios) are to
your facility.
Š Avoid amplified antenna splitters, amplified combiners, or antenna pre-amplifiers.
Š When you buy electronic equipment that will be used anywhere near your wireless
mics (computers, monitors, mice, digital audio and video, ballasts for fluorescent
lighting, etc.) insist that it be FCC Class B approved, and make sure the interconnect-
ing cables are shielded. And don't believe it's Class B unless you see the sticker on
the product. (The more lax FCC Class A standard allows equipment to put out much
more radio trash).
Š Keep antennas away from computers, digital equipment, dimmers, fluorescent light-
ing, other radio equipment, and accessories for all of the above. When you buy light-
ing equipment, insist that it conform to FCC Part 15 Class B or FCC Part 18 Residen-
tial Use.
Š Locate antennas "low to the ground" and close to the performer.
Š If you use transmitting antennas (for wireless intercom, hearing impaired systems, or
two-way radio) DO locate them high and in the clear, and keep them away from your
receiving antennas.
Š Use good quality coax (see Table 1) and passive antenna splitters (Mini-Circuits Labs
Š Avoid UHF channels 60-69, which will be plagued by interference from new two-way
radio systems in a few years.
Š Make sure you understand how local TV stations affect the radio environment in your
area, and consider buying good VHF systems when you need more wireless mics.
Š If your systems are unreliable within about a 300 ft range, something is wrong,
probably interference or intermod. Work on finding the source of the problem by
moving your antenna away from known interference sources. Also check the FCC
website to make sure that there is no TV station using that channel in your area. (But
expect wireless systems to lose range when going through walls which contain a lot
of metallic elements -- it's normal for this kind of construction to block the signal.)
Acknowledgements: Thanks are due to Gordon Moore and the people at Lectrosonics for
paying attention to my suggestions, building great products, and doing their best to move the
ball forward. If there are better wireless systems in the world than their top systems, I don’t
know what they are. There’s also an excellent tutorial on their website that goes into even
more depth that this one on some aspects of wireless mics, and I haven’t found a single lie in
it! Pretty good for a manufacturer of wireless mics! Thanks also to Ray Rayburn for his
thoughtful review of this manuscript and his suggestions.
American Radio Relay League, ARRL Handbook, updated annually http://www.arrl.org
Jim Brown and David Josephson, "Radio Frequency Susceptibility of Capacitor Microphones,"
Brown/Josephson (AES Preprint 5720)

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