The Horn Theory
The Horn Theory
The Horn Theory
Bjørn Kolbrek
This article will deal with the theory of acoustical ρ0 Density of air, 1.205 kg/m3
horns, in the way it applies to loudspeakers. The
basic assumptions behind classical horn theory as f Frequency, Hz
it stands, will be reviewed, the dierent types of
horns will be presented and their properties dis- ω Angular frequency, radians/s, ω = 2πf
cussed. Directivity control, wave-front shapes and
distortion will be discussed. In this article, I will try k Wave number or spatial frequency, ra-
to keep the math simple, and where it is required, ω 2πf
dians/m, k= c = c
the meaning of the equations will be explained or
visualized. The focus is on the understanding of S Area
what is going on in a horn. The practical aspects
of horn design will not be treated in this article. p Pressure
ZA Acoustical impedance
1 Terminology
The following terminology will be used:
j Imaginary operator, j= −1
Loading of the Driver The loudspeaker is
a generator of pressure. It has an internal
source impedance, and it drives an external load
impedance. The air is the ultimate load, and the
impedance of air is low, because of its low density.
The source impedance of any loudspeaker, on the
other hand, is high, so there will be a considerable
mismatch between the source and the load. The
result of this is that most of the energy put into a
direct radiating loudspeaker will not reach the air,
but will be converted to heat in the voice coil and
mechanical resistances in the unit. The problem
is worse at low frequencies, as here, the size of the
source will be small compared to a wavelength, and
it will merely push the medium away. At higher fre-
quencies, the radiation from the source will be in Figure 1: Throat impedance of a typical constant
the form of plane waves that do not spread out. directivity horn (- - -) and a tractrix horn (). [1]
Directivity Control The directivity of a cone or Horn theory, as it has been developed, is based on
dome diaphragm is largely uncontrolled. It is dic- a series of assumptions and simplications, but the
tated by the dimensions of the diaphragm, and is resulting equations can still give useful information
about the behavior. We will later review the as- 1. Innitesimal amplitude: The sound pressure
sumptions, and discuss how well they hold up in amplitude is insignicant compared to the
practice. steady air pressure. This condition is easily
The problem of sound propagation in horns is satised for most speech and music, but in high
a complicated one, and has not yet been rigor- power sound reinforcement, the sound pressure
ously solved analytically. Initially, it is a three- at the throat of a horn can easily reach 150-
dimensional problem, but solving the wave equa- 170dB SPL. We will take a closer look at dis-
tion in 3D is very complicated in all but the most tortion in horns due to the non-linearity of air
elementary cases. The wave equation for three di- later, at present it is sucient to note that
mensions (in Cartesian coordinates) looks like this the distortion at home reproduction levels is
[2]: insignicant.
to be a function of x alone. This in turn
k= c , the wave number or spatial frequency (ra- means that the center of curvature of the wave-
dians per meter),
fronts must not change. If this is the case,
the horn is said to admit one-parameter (1P)
φ is the velocity potential (see appendix for expla-
waves [6], and according to Putland [7], the
nation), and
only horns that admit 1P waves are the uni-
S is the cross-sectional area of the horn as a func- form tube, the parabolic horn with cylindrical
instance. Holland [10] has shown that the perfor-
mance of horns of arbitrary shape can be predicted
by considering the wave-front area expansion in-
stead of the physical cross-section of the horn. The
author has also developed software based on the
same principles, and has been able to predict the
throat impedance of horns with good accuracy.
4 Solutions
The solution of eq. (2) can, in a general way, be actance xA as a function of frequency for dierent
φ = Au + Bv (3)
The parabolic horn is a true 1P horn if it is rect-
where A and B represent the outgoing (diverging) angular with two parallel sides, the two other sides
and reected (converging) wave, respectively, and expanding linearly, and the wave-fronts are concen-
u and v depend on the specic type of horn. For tric cylinders. It has an area expansion given as
the case of an innite horn, there is no reected S = St x. The expression for throat impedance is
wave, and B = 0. We will rst consider innite very complicated, and will not be given here.
horns, and present the solutions for the most com- The throat impedances for both the uniform pipe
mon types [11]. The solutions are given in terms and the parabolic horn are given in g. 2. We note
ρ0 c
of absolute acoustical impedance, that the pipe has the best, and the parabolic horn
St , the specic
throat impedance (impedance per unit area) can be the worst, loading performance of all horns shown.
found by multiplying by St , the throat area, and
The throat impedance of an innite conical horn
k 2 x20 + jkx0
ρ0 c
zA = . (7)
St 1 + k 2 x20
We should note that eq. (7) is identical to the ex-
pression for the radiation impedance of a pulsating
sphere of radius x0 .
The throat resistance of the conical horn rises
slowly, see g. 2. At what frequency it reaches its
asymptotic value depends on the solid angle Ω, be-
ing lower for smaller solid angle. This means that
for good loading at low frequencies, the horn must
open up slowly. As we will see in section 5, a cer-
tain minimum mouth area is required to minimize
reections at the open end. This area is larger for Figure 3: Joined pipe segments.
horns intended for low frequency use (it depends on
the wavelength), which means that a conical horn
The throat impedance of an innite exponential
would need to be very long to provide satisfying
horn is
performance at low frequencies. As such, the coni-
cal expansion is not very useful in bass horns. In- r !
deed, the conical horn is not very useful at all in ap-
ρ0 c m2 m
zA = 1− 2 +j (9)
plications requiring good loading performance, but St 4k 2k
it has certain virtues in directivity control.
When m = 2k or f =
4π , the throat resistance
condition for least reection occurs when shown in g. 2. Above the cuto frequency, the
throat resistance rises quickly, and the horn starts
S1 = S0 S2 . (8) to load the driver at a much lower frequency than
the corresponding conical horn. In the case shown,
This means that S1 = S0 k and S2 = S1 k , thus the exponential horn throat resistance reaches 80%
S2 = S0 k 2 . Further expansion along this line gives if its nal value at 270Hz, while the conical horn
for the nth segment, Sn = S0 k n , given that each reaches the same value at about 1200Hz.
segment has the same length. If k = e , and n is An innite horn will not transmit anything below
replaced by x, we have the exponential horn, where cuto, but the matters are dierent with a nite
the cross sectional area of the wave-fronts is given horn, as we will see in section 4.6.
as S = St emx . If we assume plane wave-fronts, At this point it should be noted that for an ex-
this is also the cross sectional area of the horn at a ponential horn to be a real exponential horn, it is
distance x from the throat. the wave-front areas, not the cross sectional areas,
The exponential horn is not a true 1P-horn, so that should increase exponentially. Since the wave-
its performance can not be exactly predicted. But fronts are curved, as will be shown in section 6,
much information can be gained from the equa- the physical horn contour has to be corrected to
tions. account for this.
The throat impedance of a hypex horn with T = 0.5
is shown in g. 2. The throat impedance of a family
of horns with T ranging from 0 to 5 is shown in g.
x x
S = St (cosh + T sinh )2 . (11)
x0 x0
x0 is the reference distance given as x0 = 2πfc
where fc is the cuto frequency.
4.5 What is Cuto? stant. Here the transition from reactive to resistive
wave propagation happens at the same frequency
Both exponential and hyperbolic horns have a
throughout the entire horn. This frequency is the
property called cuto. Below this frequency, the
cuto frequency. There is no gradual transition, no
horn transmits nothing, and its throat impedance
frequency dependent change in propagation type,
is purely reactive. But what is it that happens at
and that's why the change is so abrupt.
this frequency? What separates the exponential
and hyperbolic horns from the conical horn that
does not have a cuto frequency? 4.6 Finite Horns
To explain this, we rst have to look at the dif-
For a nite horn, both parts of eq. (3) have to be
ference between plane and spherical waves [10]. A
considered. By solving the horn equation this way
plane wave propagating in a uniform tube will not
[3, 15], we get the following results for pressure and
have any expansion of the wave-front. The normal-
volume velocity at the ends of a horn:
ized acoustical impedance is uniform and equal to
unity through the entire tube. pm = apt + bUt (14)
A propagating spherical wave, on the other hand,
has an acoustical impedance that changes with fre- Um = f pt + gUt (15)
quency and distance from the source. At low fre-
quencies and small radii, the acoustical impedance
where p and U denote the pressure and volume ve-
locity respectively, and the subscripts denote the
is dominated by reactance. When kr = 1, i.e.
λ throat and mouth of the horn. We can now nd
the distance from the source is
2π , the reactive
the impedance at the throat of a horn, given that
and resistive parts of the impedance are equal, and
above this frequency, resistance dominates.
we know a, b, f and g:
The dierence between the two cases is that the gZm − b
air particles in the spherical wave move apart as Zt = (16)
a − f Zm
the wave propagates; the wave-front gets stretched.
This introduces reactance in the system, because where Zm is the terminating impedance at the
we get two components in the propagating wave: mouth.
the pressure that propagates outward, and the pres- The expressions for a, b, f and g are quite com-
sure that stretches the wave-front. The propagat- plicated, and are given by Stewart [15] for the
ing pressure is the same as in the non-expanding uniform tube, the conical and the exponential horn.
plane wave, and gives the resistive component of We see that the value of mouth impedance will
the impedance. The stretching pressure steals en- dictate what value of throat impedance we get. As
ergy from the propagating wave and stores it, intro- explained in section 2, there will usually be reec-
ducing a reactive component where no power is dis- tions at the mouth, and depending on the phase
sipated. We can say that below kr = 1, there is re- and magnitude of the reected wave, it may in-
actively dominated propagation, and above kr = 1 crease or decrease the throat impedance. A horn
there is resistive dominated propagation. with strong reections will have large variations in
If we apply this concept to the conical and ex- throat impedance.
ponential horns by looking at how the wave-fronts Reections also imply standing waves and res-
expand in these two horns, we will see why the cut- onance. To avoid this, it is important to termi-
o phenomenon occurs in the exponential horn. We nate the horn correctly, so that reections are min-
have to consider the are rate of the horn, which is imized. This will be discussed in the next section.
dened as (rate of change of wave-front area with It can be interesting to see the what eect the
distance) / (wave-front area). length has on the performance of a horn. Fig. 6
In a conical horn, the are rate changes through- shows the throat impedance of 75 Hz exponential
out the horn, and the point where propagation horns of dierent lengths, but the same mouth size.
changes from reactive to resistive, changes with fre- As the horn length increases, the throat resistance
quency throughout the horn. rises faster to a useful value, and the peaks in the
In an exponential horn, the are rate is con- throat impedance become more closely spaced.
Figure 7: Finite exponential horn terminated by an
innite pipe.
Consider a wave of long wavelength [16]. While
it is progressing along a tube, it occupies a constant
volume, but when it leaves the tube, it expands into
an approximate hemispherical shape, see g.8. The
volume thus increases, the pressure falls, increasing
the velocity of air inside the tube, pulling it out.
We have created an impulse that travels backwards
from the end of the tube, a reection.
Figure 11: Increasing ripple for over-sized mouth,
krm = 1.4.
6 Curved Wave-fronts
Figure 10: Throat impedance of nite horns,
krm =(top to bottom) 0.23, 0.46, 0.70 and 0.93.
Figure 14: Wave-fronts in an exponential horn at
120 Hz. [4]
0.93 and 1.4, assuming spherical wave-fronts. sound eld inside horns [4, 20], showing how the
wave-fronts curve in an exponential and a conical
horn. The wave-fronts in a 120 Hz exponential horn
at the cuto frequency are shown in g. 14. We
can see that the wave-fronts are very nearly normal
to the walls.
At 800 Hz, the matters are dierent, g. 15. A
certain distance from the throat, the pressure wave-
fronts gets seriously disturbed. Hall attributes this
to reections at the outer rim of the mouth, that
are more powerful than at the center, since the dis-
continuity is greater. Another explanation [8] is
that higher order modes (see section 9) will distort
the shape of the amplitude wave-fronts. This is also
what is most evident in g. 15. In a aring horn,
higher order modes will not appear at the same fre-
quencies throughout the horn. Close to the throat,
where the radius is small, they will appear at fairly
Figure 13: Comparing plane and curved wave-fonts
high frequencies, but closer to the mouth, they will
in an exponential horn.
appear at lower frequencies.
Conical horns do not look any better than expo-
Figure 17: Dimensions of the tractrix horn
Figure 19: Throat impedance of a tractrix horn.
the sound must be constant throughout the horn. vented by Klanglm, the motion picture division
of Siemens, in the late 1940s [26, 27]. It is often
A theory of the tractrix horn was worked out by
mistaken for being the same as the tractrix horn.
Lambert [25]. The throat impedance of a horn
It's not. But it is built on similar assumptions;
was calculated using both a hemisphere and a pis-
that the wave-fronts are spherical with a constant
ton as radiation load, and the results compared to
radius. The wave-front area expansion is exponen-
measurements. It appeared that the wave-front at
the mouth was neither spherical nor plane. Also di-
To calculate the spherical wave horn contour,
rectivity measurements showed increased beaming
at higher frequencies. This means that the tractrix
rst decide a cut-o frequency fc and a throat ra-
Figure 21: Assumed wave-fronts in spherical wave Figure 22: Spherical wave horn folding back.
S0 = 2πr0 h0 ,
Figure 24: The principle of the Le Cléac'h expan-
Figure 25: Contour of a Le Cléac'h horn.
The wave-front expansion is according to the is shown in g. 26. It follows the coordinate sur-
Salmon family of hyperbolic horns. There is faces in the coordinate system used, but in ordinary
no simple expansion equation for the contour of Cartesian coordinates, the radius of the horn as a
Figure 26: Contour of the oblate spheroidal waveg-
Figure 29: Wave-fronts in the Western Electric type
exponential horn. [17]
7 Directivity Control
the horn varies with frequency, or we want to just
get a rough idea on how much amplication a horn
gives. This is the purpose of the directivity fac-
tor and the directivity index. They are dened as
follows [34]:
Figure 33: -6dB beam widths of Electro-Voice
model M253 2 by 5 cell horn. [42]
Figure 34: High frequency ngering of EV M253
horn at 10kHz. [42]
7.3 Reversed Flare Horns
The reversed are horns can be considered to be
a soft diraction horn, contrary to Manta-Ray
horns and other modern constant directivity de-
signs that rely on hard diraction for directivity
control. This class of horns was patented for di-
rectivity control by Sidney E. Levy and Abra-
ham B. Cohen at University Loudspeakers in the
early 1950s [40, 41]. The same geometry appeared
in many Western Electric horns back to the early
1920s, and is even mentioned in the claims in [17],
but the purpose does not seem to be that of direc-
tivity control.
The principle is illustrated for a horn with good
horizontal dispersion in g. 37. The wave is al-
lowed to expand in the vertical direction only, then
the direction of expansion is changed. The wave-
front expansion is restricted vertically, and is re-
leased horizontally. The result is, that the hori-
zontal pressure that builds up in the rst part of
the horn causes the wave-front to expand more as
it reaches the second part. That it is restricted
in the vertical plane helps further. Since the wave-
front expansion is to be exponential all the way, the
discontinuity at the are reversal point (where the
expansion changes direction) is small. In addition,
the change of curvature at the are reversal point
is made smoother in practical horns than what is
shown in the gure.
sen solid angle is an optimum termination for the having a more rapid are close to the mouth of the
exponential horn. This point is given by Keele as conical part of the horn. Good results were ob-
the point where the radius of the exponential horn tained by doubling the included angle in the last
removing the narrowing. The result is a horn with
good directivity control down to the frequency dic-
tated by the mouth size.
For a horn with dierent horizontal and vertical
coverage angles, the width and height of the mouth
will not be equal. The aspect ratio of the mouth
will be given as
XH sin θ2H
R= = , (28)
XV sin θ2H
or, if θH and θV are limited to 120°,
R≈ . (29)
The lower frequency of directivity control will also
be dictated by the mouth aspect ratio. Substituting
eq. (26) into eq. (29) and solving for the ratio of
intercept frequencies, we get
fIH θH
≈ . (30)
fIV θV
For a 40° by 20° (HV) horn, the vertical intercept
frequency will be four times higher than the hori-
zontal intercept frequency.
Figure 39: The Manta-Ray geometry. [43]
7.6 New Methods 1808 that, generally, sound waves cannot be propa-
gated in air without change in form, resulting in the
Most newer constant directivity designs have been
generation of distortion, like harmonics and inter-
based on either the conical horn, some sort of radial
modulation products. The distortion is caused by
horn (including the JBL Biradial design), or dirac-
the inherent non-linearity of air. If equal positive
tion methods like the Manta-Ray design. The only
and negative increments of pressure are impressed
notable exception is the oblate spheroidal waveg-
on a mass of air, the changes in volume of that mass
uide introduced by Geddes, which has been treated
will not be equal. The volume change for positive
in section 6.5.
pressure will be less than that for the equal negative
The general trend in horns designed for directiv-
pressure [44]. An idea of the nature of the distor-
ity control, has been to regard the control of di-
tion can be had from the adiabatic curve for air, g.
rectivity the most important, as it is always pos-
40. The undisturbed pressure and specic volume
sible to correct the frequency response. A at fre-
quency response does not, however, grant a per- ρ P0 V0 . Deviation
of air ( ) is indicated in the point
from the tangent of the curve in this point will re-
fect impulse response, especially not in the pres-
sult in the generation of unwanted frequencies, the
ence of reections. Reected waves in the horn at
peak of the wave being stretched and the trough
the high levels in question, will also cause the re-
sulting horn/driver combination to produce higher
The speed of sound is given as
distortion than necessary, because the driver is pre-
sented with a non-linear and resonant load. This is r
discussed in the next section. c= γ (31)
8 Distortion
γ is the adiabatic constant of air, γ = 1.403.
As mentioned, the horn equation is derived assum-
ing that the pressure variations are innitesimal. It can be seen that the speed of sound increases
For the intensities appearing at the throat of horns, with increasing pressure. So for the high pressure
this assumption does not hold. Poisson showed in at the peaks of the wave-front, the speed of sound
p2 is the r.m.s. pressure of the second harmonic at
D2 [%] = 1.73 · 10−2 It (33)
Figure 41: Distorted waveform due to non-constant
velocity of sound. [5]
Figure 44: Higher order modes in a conical horn.
Figure 43: Level of harmonics at the throat for a modes will occur at dierent frequencies at dierent
1kHz sinusoidal wave at the mouth, level sweep. places in the horn [8].
The eect of the higher order modes is to disturb sound waves. The change in the mass of the uid
the shape of the pressure wave-front, so that direc- in this volume is
tivity will be unpredictable in the range where the
modes occur. According to Geddes, they may also − dx
have a substantial impact on the perceived sound
quality of horns [50]. dx not changing with time.
The particle velocity of the uid moving along
the x-axis through the element is u, and the dif-
10 Closing Remarks ference in the mass of uid entering one plane and
leaving the other, is
In this article, I have tried to present both classical
and modern horn theory in a comprehensive way. A ∂(uS)
short article like this can never cover all aspects of
ρ dx
horns. But I hope it has provided useful informa-
tion about how horns work, maybe also shedding
this is ρ (the density of the medium) times the
This derivation is based on the innitesimal ampli- Now we introduce the concept of velocity poten-
tude, one-parameter plane wave assumption from tial. It can be looked upon as similar to electric
the start, as is given in [5, ch. X] and discussed in potential along a resistive conductor. If this con-
∂U = −RI∂x.
Setting R = 1, we have
I=− .
Acoustically, we may say that the velocity poten-
tial replaces U , and the particle velocity replaces I .
Thus u = − ∂φ
∂x . We also have the relation that
Figure 45: Plane wave propagation in a horn. ∂ρ ∂s ρ0 ∂ 2 φ
∂t = ρ0 ∂t = c2 ∂t2 , where s is the condensation
of the medium, and ρ0 is the static density of the
Consider a aring horn as shown in g. 45, where
medium. For innitesimal amplitudes, ρ = ρ0 , and
dx is the short axial length between two plane wave- ∂A
= 0, since the area at a given value of x is
fronts of area S . The volume of this element is Sdx,
independent of time. After substitution, we have
where S is given as an arbitrary function of x. Fluid
∂2φ 1 ∂2φ
(air) will ow into this element from one side, and 1 ∂A ∂φ
out of it on the other side, due to the passage of
+ − = 0.
∂x2 A ∂x ∂x c2 ∂t2
1 ∂S ∂ ln S
S ∂x = ∂x , we can write this as [10] K.R. Holland, F.J. Fahy and C.L. Morfey:
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