Bohr Atom
Bohr Atom
Bohr Atom
Scientists have had the technology to observe discrete spectra since the beginning of
the 19th century. They had to wait over a hundred years, though, for an explanation of
how the discrete spectra were produced. They knew that it was produced by atoms and
that atoms had negative and positive charges in them. Some models of the atom were
similar to our current one: the positive charges are concentrated in a central nucleus
with the negative charges swarming around it, but the atoms should be unstable. As the
negative charges (called electrons) move around the nucleus, they should radiate light
and spiral into the nucleus in about 10-16 second. This is obviously contradicted by
common experience!
Niels Bohr (lived 1885--1962) provided the explanation in the early 20th century. He said
that the electron can be only found in energy orbits of a certain size and as long as the
electron is in one of those special orbits, it would radiate no energy. If the electron
changed orbits, it would radiate or absorb energy. This model sounds outlandish, but
numerous experiments have shown it to be true.
In Bohr's model of the atom, the massive but small positively-charged protons and
massive but small neutral neutrons are found in the tiny nucleus. The small, light
negatively-charged electrons move around the nucleus in certain specific orbits
(energies). In a neutral atom the number of electrons = the number of protons. The
arrangement of an atoms's energy orbits depends on the number of protons and neutrons
in the nucleus and the number of electrons orbiting the nucleus. Because every type of
atoms has a unique arrangement of the energy orbits, they produce a unique pattern of
absorption or emission lines.
Select here for an enlargement of the spectra.
All atoms with the same number of protons in the nucleus are grouped together into
something called an element. Because the atoms of an element have the same number of
protons, they also have the same number of electrons and, therefore, the same chemical
properties. For example, all atoms with one proton in the nucleus have the same chemical
properties and are called Hydrogen. All atoms with two protons in the nucleus will not
chemically react with any other atoms and are known as Helium. The atoms called
Carbon form the basis of life and have six protons in the nucleus. In the figure below,
atom (a) is Hydrogen, atom (b) is Helium, atoms (c), (d), and (e) are Lithium.
Elements are sub-divided into sub-groups called isotopes based on the number of protons
AND neutrons in the nucleus. All atoms of an element with the same number of neutrons
in the nucleus are of the same type of isotope. An element's isotopes will have very
nearly the same chemical properties but they can behave very differently in nuclear
reactions. For example, all of the isotopes of the element Hydrogen have one electron
orbiting the nucleus and behave the same way in chemistry reactions. The ordinary
Hydrogen isotope has 0 neutrons + 1 proton while another Hydrogen isotope called
Deuterium has 1 neutron + 1 proton and another Hydrogen isotope called Tritium has 2
neutrons + 1 proton in the nucleus. Tritium is radioactive---its nucleus spontaneouly
changes into another type of nucleus. In the figure above, atoms (c), (d), and (e) are
different isotopes of the same element called Lithium.
Most atoms in nature are neutral, the negative charges exactly cancel the positive charges.
But sometimes an atom has a hard collision with another atom or absorbs an energetic
photon so that one or more electrons are knocked out of the atom. In some rare cases, an
atom may temporarily hold onto an extra electron. In either case, the atom has an extra
positive or negative charge and is called an ion. For example, the carbon ion C+ has 6
protons and 5 electrons and the iron ion Fe2+ has 26 protons and 24 electrons. Because
the number of electrons are different, an ion of an element will behave differently in
chemical reactions than its neutral cousins. In the figure above atom (d) is a Li+ ion
[compare it with atom (c) or (e)].
In order to explain discrete spectra, Bohr found that atoms obey three basic rules:
Example: An atom with an electron at the E2 orbit and wants to get to the lower E1 energy
orbit. It gives off a photon with energy E = h × f = E2 - E1. The electron may reach the
ground state in one jump or it may temporarily stop at one or more energy levels on the
way, but it canNOT stop somewhere between the energy levels. Different jumps produce
photons of different energies. A larger jump to a lower energy level, will produce a
photon with greater energy (smaller wavelength).
The atom produces light of certain wavelengths. (Remember that light is both a photon
and a wave!) The more atoms undergoing a particular transition, the more intense the
emission line will be. The intensity depends on the density and temperature of the gas.
An absorption line is produced when a photon of just the right energy is absorbed by an
atom, kicking an electron to a higher energy orbit. The photon had energy = the
difference in energy of the energy orbits. Because the energy levels in an element's atoms
are fixed, the size of the outward jumps made by the electrons are the same as the inward
jumps. Therefore, the pattern of absorption lines is the same as the pattern of emission
lines. Other photons moving through the gas with the wrong energy will pass right on by
the atoms in the thin gas. They make up the rest of the continuous spectrum you see.
Example: An atom with electron in the E1 orbit sees a photon with energy Ephoton = E2 - E1.
The photon is absorbed and electron moves to E2. The photon is later re-emitted but in a
random direction---not necessarily in the same direction as the original photon! An
observer will see less photons from the direction of the continuous source at that specific
frequency (color) than other frequencies (colors). Photons of other energies pass right on
by without being absorbed. The atom can absorb photons of just the right energy to move
an electron from one energy level to another level. The more atoms undergoing a
particular absorption transition, the darker (or ``stronger'') the absorption line. The
strength of the absorption line depends on the density and temperature.
A thermal spectrum is produced by atoms that are closely packed together. The energy
levels of the atoms are distorted by their neighboring atom's electrons. This smears out
the normally sharp spectral lines (they become fatter).
Example: An orange line is fattened so that one edge is in the yellow wavelengths and the
other edge is in the red wavelengths. The amount of smearing, or broadening, depends on
the density. Eventually, the density gets high enough to where the smeared lines all merge
together to produce the rainbow of colors of a continuous spectrum.