E Ordering and e Invoicing
E Ordering and e Invoicing
E Ordering and e Invoicing
A) Supplier Site: the supplier also has a site called either ‘NON XML ORDERS or ‘CONSIGNMENT ST’, set up for orders to be sent
by email/fax, where needed (e.g., equipment order). If you choose this site when entering a non-catalogue request, the order will
not be sent electronically.
B) Ship To location: send all new delivery instructions to the FIS Support team for setup within FIS. Suppliers may not deliver if the
details are not located in the Ship to field and if listed as an attachment. Suppliers have varied practices, so best practice is to set
up a new Ship to location.
C) Supplier requirement for VAT zero rated orders eligible for medical exemption (i.e., VAT zero rated certificate):
Select the VAT code of ‘M’ = Zero Rated for VAT under the Medical Exemption Criteria. This will ensure that the
supplier receives the appropriate VAT certificate which is affixed to the electronic order. You no longer have to enter the
word ‘Exempt’ in the VAT Pin field in the PO header level.
RS Components (as of 1 Dec): As per email communiqué from UCL’s Procurement department, RS Components is no
longer set up for electronic ordering and it is recommended to move orders to Farnell/One Call. The RS website can
be accessed via the punchout link from the iProcurement home page. Remember to send orders via email/fax once
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MISCO (as of 7 Dec): As per email communiqué from UCL’s Procurement department, MISCO is no longer set up for
electronic ordering and it is recommended to move orders to other electronic and/or non-electronic suppliers (reference
email dated 7 Dec 2010 to FIS purchasing users.
1) Purchase orders should only have a single VAT code, whether a single line order or multi-line order, at the supplier’s request
2) Receiving is now a required step within FIS on all orders, as of Nov 2010.
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