Edsc 442c Ngss Dup Goals Objectives and Assessments

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Digital Unit Plan – Goals, Objectives and Assessments

Unit Title: Cycles of Matter and Energy Name: Erica Shoemaker

Content Area: Biology Grade Level: 9-11
Next Generation Science Standards/Performance Expectations

Evaluate the validity and reliability of claims in published materials of the effects that different frequencies of electromagnetic radiation have when absorbed by
PS4. B: Electromagnetic Radiation
When light or longer wavelength electromagnetic radiation is absorbed in matter, it is generally converted into thermal energy (heat). Shorter wavelength
electromagnetic radiation (ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma rays) can ionize atoms and cause damage to living cells.

HS-LS1-6: Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for how carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen from sugar molecules may combine with other
elements to form amino acids and/or other large carbon-based molecules.
HS-LS1-7: Use a model to illustrate that cellular respiration is a chemical process whereby the bonds of food molecules and oxygen molecules are broken and the
bonds in new compounds are formed resulting in a net transfer of energy
LS1.C: Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms
Sugar molecules contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen with a hydrocarbon backbone to make amino acids and other larger molecules to form new cells
As matter and energy flow through systems they recombine to form different products
Energy is transferred between systems of interacting molecules through chemical reactions. Energy is transported to our muscles through cellular respiration;
where food and oxygen molecules are broken and new compounds are formed. The energy released through cellular respiration is also utilized to maintain body

Develop a model to illustrate the role of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in the cycling of carbon among the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and
LS2.B: Cycles of Matter and Energy Transfer in Ecosystems
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are important components of the carbon cycle, in which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, atmosphere, oceans,
and geosphere through chemical, physical, geological, and biological processes.
HS-LS2-3: Construct and revise an explanation based on evidence for the cycling of matter and flow of energy in aerobic and anaerobic conditions.

LS2.B: Cycles of Matter and Energy Transfer in Ecosystems

The energy that drives the cycling of matter
(within and between systems) in most of life's’
processes are provided from the energies
involved in photosynthesis and cellular

HS-ETS1-4: Use a computer simulation to model the impact of proposed solutions to a complex real-world problem with numerous criteria and constraints
on interactions within and between systems relevant to the problem.
In engineering design processes both computational and physical models can be used. Computers may be used to run simulations with a variety of variables for a
variety of purposes to find different ways of solving a problem.
Computer modeling may be used to simulate systems, including a simulation of the system of energy flow and the transfer of energy between systems.

Anchoring Activity
You are working for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in order to determine if the air quality in Southern California has been affected by the recent
local wildfires. As part of your effort to inform the public of any matters of concern regarding our air quality design a computer simulation to show the changes
in air quality over the last year. Develop a solution to reduce greenhouse gasses, specifically carbon from the atmosphere. Utilizing statistics and information
from a news article and other evidence present your findings and solution in a video to open up public awareness to the dangers of greenhouse gases and why
it’s important to minimize our carbon footprint. Your proposed solution to poor air quality will be presented to city council members (classmates).

Driving Question of the Unit

Take a deep breath, how much carbon do you think you just inhaled? How does breathing high amounts of carbon affect human health?
What can be done to improve the quality of the air we breathe?
What are things we can do to reduce carbon in our atmosphere?
What is the problem with having too much carbon in the atmosphere; how does this affect deforestation?
What are the solutions to poor air quality?
How does photosynthesis and cellular respiration drive the flow of energy and cycling of matter under aerobic and anaerobic conditions?
How are solar energy and photosynthesis related to our Earth’s climate?
What will happen to our air quality if there are not enough trees to take in high amounts of atmospheric Carbon?

Unit Goals---Describe what you want students to be able to do. For example, I wanted my students to be able to know when to use the epistemic practices when I
gave them verbal or visual cues. Students will need to be able to recognize science even if it is not in the verbal form. See the article “Outside the Pipeline:
Reimagining Science Education for Nonscientists. A summary of the article is in the appendix of this unit plan template.

● Students will recognize credible sources and non-credible sources of scientific information.
● Students will analyze and interpret data in order to describe cause and effect reasoning behind electromagnetic radiation being absorbed in matter and
how this affects Earth’s climate.
● The students will explain the law of conservation of energy and provide and explanation for the transfer of energy in the model. The explanation will
also include the role of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the formation of sugar molecules.Students will construct an explanation of how carbon,
hydrogen and oxygen form sugar molecules and the relationship between sugar molecules and amino acids and other larger molecules and the chemical
reactions involved.
● Students will construct an explanation of how photosynthesis and cellular respiration are involved in the carbon cycle.
● Students will develop a model of the carbon cycle.
● Students will develop a model of photosynthesis and understand the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
● Students will research local issues about how humans are affecting the carbon on the planet.
● Students will work in groups to design a solution for poor air quality in Orange County. The solution will include and computer simulation as evidence
of how photosynthesis and cellular respiration impact carbon cycle.
● Students will be able to distinguish which variables can be changed to form proposed solutions. They will also select logical andrealistic inputs and
utilize the model to form a variety of solutions.

Lesson 1 – [UV radiation and photosynthesis]

Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence – Formative and/or Summative Assessment:
Students will evaluate the validity and reliability of 1st draft of model/explanation of carbon cycling throughout Earth and how humans can help to bring
multiple claims that appear in scientific and technical this cycle closer to being balanced.
texts or media reports and verifying the data. Students will include the role of electromagnetic radiation and how it is absorbed by matter and how
Students will collect published data from credible this affects the Earth’s climate.
sources and decipher from non credible sources. Students will discuss the role of climate change on deforestation that also results in mudslides.
Analyzing and Interpreting Data Students will conduct research in order to find two claims and validate the articles reliability by
Students will analyze and interpret data in order to supporting each claim with at least two published journal articles. One of the claims will support the
describe cause and effect reasoning behind effects of electromagnetic radiation on living tissue. Students will complete a cause and effect map
electromagnetic radiation being absorbed in matter and describing the causes and effects of solar radiation and photosynthesis have relating to the Earth’s
how this affects Earth’s climate. climate using valid articles.

Lesson 2 – [Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration]

Student Learning Objective: In groups, student will Acceptable Evidence – Formative and/or Summative Assessment:
create a model of the energy transfer in photosynthesis The students will demonstrate in their model the chemical reaction of oxygen and food molecules
and cellular respiration. incorporating how the release of energy as bonds are formed is greater than the energy required to break

Lesson 3 – [Carbon Cycle]

Student Learning Objective: Students will produce a Acceptable Evidence – Formative and/or Summative Assessment:
model of the carbon cycle. Stop motion video (model) of carbon cycle
Students will produce a model showing at least eight steps in the carbon cycle by creating a stop
motion video. The direction of energy and matter will be displayed by drawing and labeling each step
of the the cycle and the bonding relationships of the carbon molecule.

Lesson 4 - [Flow of energy]

Student Learning Objective: Students will write a three Acceptable Evidence – Formative and/or Summative Assessment:
paragraph argument based on evidence on how energy Claim -Evidence -Response handout
drives the cycling of matter within and between Energy drives the cycling of matter within and between systems
systems. Students will create a rough draft of an explanation of the cycling of matter including the role of
photosynthesis and cellular respiration, discussing aerobic and anaerobic conditions. They will then
discuss and revise with a partner to form a final paper to turn in.
Three paragraph written response
Lesson 5 - [Solution to Air Pollution]
Student Learning Objective: Students will organize data Acceptable Evidence – Formative and/or Summative Assessment:
and use the computer to create a simulation of the Comprehensive computer simulation model. Modified several times from original model.
effects of poor air quality. They will design and present The students will produce a final comprehensive model by developing a computer simulation to show
one solution for air pollution. the results of disappearing trees from deforestation of the rainforest. Showing the level of carbon left
in the atmosphere compared to the abundance of biomass in a particular Ecosystem. They will also
discuss the role of cycling of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in photosynthesis and cellular respiration
and how all these factors play a role in the transferof energy.

Unit Summative Assessment

Southern California is known for having some of the worst air quality in our nation. In this unit students will be introduced to the roles brush fires, car and
factory emissions and deforestation play in increasing greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Students will read the LA Times article on Southern California
Smog and see a short video to engage them with the phenomenon that smog levels in our area are increasing again after starting to improve with regulations in
place in the 1990’s. They will be asked to think critically and eventually design a plan to decrease the amount of carbon in the air. During this unit, students will
investigate the cycling of energy and matter in order to develop a possible solution to poor air quality. Students will start my obtaining scientific information on
the carbon cycle and what it means when this cycle is not in balance. They will analyze and interpret data so that they may make cause and effect connections
between amount of carbon in the atmosphere and the amount stored in biomass and carbon sinks. They will need to develop models to explain the role of
photosynthesis and cellular respiration as it relates to the cycling of energy and matter. Using the models they have created they will begin to construct
explanations and designing solutions for poor air quality. Students will then using mathematical and computational thinking to work towards solving a problem
when they design a computer simulation as part of their “Our solution to poor air quality” presentation.

Develop a computer simulation that will support your claim regarding your solution to poor air quality. The simulation will incorporate the means in which the solution
you have developed will decrease the amount of greenhouse gasses and carbon in the Earth’s atmosphere. You will then present your solution to the class by creating a
video or presenting to the class live.

Useful Websites:


Solving a problem- air quality, ca wildfires, deforestation, collect small trash from ocean will also collect phytoplankton,


Wild fires release carbon and ash

Deforestation- what can be done to improve air quality
Smog article
Algae fuel and food How would Algae fuel improve Earths air quality?


This video segment from 'Earth: The Operators' Manual' explores how we know that today’s increased levels of CO2 are caused by humans burning fossil fuels and not by
some natural process, such as volcanic out-gassing. Climate scientist Richard Alley provides a detailed step-by-step explanation that examines the physics and chemistry
of different “flavors,” or isotopes, of carbon in Earth’s atmosphere.

Review: Outside the Pipeline: Reimagining Science Education for Nonscientists Science, April 19, 2013.

Summary of the Article:

How People Interact with Science

Individuals have different motivations for using scientific information. Factors that influence the use of science include social,
cultural, and demographic differences. In addition, the type of science that is useful differs from one problem or issue to
another. Science comes in a variety of forms such as experimentation, observational data or simulations or field research. One
goal of science education is to facilitate student understanding of what forms of science are best suited for the problems that
we are trying to solve. Students will need to understand that science is a flexible philosophical and methodological human
endeavor. The sub-goals of this BIG IDEA are as follows:
● Students will need to understand the context of a problem to understand what type of methods are needed
● Students will understand and interpret the scientific principles that “speak” to the driving questions and anchoring
activities presented in the coursework. The principles will change with subject matter.
● Students will engage in ill-structured problems, defined in personal and practical terms, to practice using different
principles and epistemic practices.
Knowing Science: From Knowing the Textbook to Accessing the Science you need

Science education should prepare more students to access and interpret scientific knowledge at the time and in the context of
need. Students will need to be able to read articles and the text book, draw on prior knowledge to interpret the text, and be
able to cross reference what is read with other materials. This is not simply the application of science for a particular problem,
this is reconstructing the science in valid ways to construct solutions. When it comes to planning science for students some
sub-goals of this major goal are as follows:
● To confront students with an ill-structured problem or challenge framed in an anchoring activity to extend their
existing knowledge and develop concrete solutions.
● To create a learning environment where students develop the skills to recognize when and how science is relevant in
their daily lives.
● To be able to cite textual based evidence to support or refute a claim (CCSS ELA)
● To be able to convert a phenomena into a mathematical model (CCSS Math)

Thinking Scientifically: From Practicing Science to Judging Scientific Claims

Students will need to engage in the epistemic practices of science in flexible and creative ways. The procedures that make up
the epistemic practices of argumentation, experimentation, modeling, and the negotiation of expository text are not static but
are guided by the cycle of scientific thinking. Students will rarely need to go through ALL the steps in a given epistemic
procedure in order to engage in scientific problem solving or research design. However, students will need to make
sophisticated judgments about credibility of scientific claims based on cues like publication venue, institutional affiliation, and
potential conflict of interest. In order to plan lesson that allow students to engage in this big idea teachers will need to set
some of the following goals:
● To help students understand how scientists evaluate evidence and how research is packaged for presentation. Engaging
student in argumentation and negotiation of expository text does this. Note: expository text will need to be presented in
more ways then just the textbook.
● To help students engage in peer review when teachers are planning an argument or negotiation of expository text.
● Students will engage in epistemic practices to examine a science-inflected social problem, with the goal of uncovering
epistemic and ethical nuances at the interface of science and daily life.
● To help students engage in and interpret scientific text.

Appreciating Science: From Positive Feelings to Deep and Durable Involvement

Teachers will need to create learning environments where students develop an appreciation of science and recognize how
science influences their daily lives. Students will need to connect with science though interest areas and following their
personal curiosities. Therefore, some of the sub-goals of the work science teachers do will be to:
● Facilitate students pursing their own science related interest, questions, and personal curiosities through project-
based; inquiry-based; and model based learning.
● Facilitate socio-scientific issue discussion in class.
● Help students identify and develop individual interest and expertise in the subject matter.
● Connect students with science resources in the community such as clubs, museums, projects, science fair, and business
that specialize in science outreach.
● Use science-based games to facilitate student interest and curiosity for science problem solving. Empowering students
to use the epistemic practices in their everyday lives and to own the practices for life long problem-solving.

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