AG0292 Ars Magica - Magi of Hermes

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Everyone knows what

a follower of Flambeau is like ...

a master of Ignem magic, a maestro with
Pilum of Fire. Apart, that is, from those Flambeau
who choose to wield mundane weapons, or who
control the powers of darkness and cold.
And Tytalus magi are renowned for weaving intricate plots
in society, manipulating those around them. Except for those
exceptional few who live alone, testing themselves against the
natural elements, of course.
Go beyond the expected.
Magi of Hermes presents fifteen fully detailed magi who redefine
the norm for Ars Magica. From the rare to the extraordinary,
you’ll find them here with statistics given every fifteen years
throughout their careers. And also included are the specifics
for their magical creations, both spells and items, which
are often as remarkable as they themselves are.
A source of inspiration, allies, and enemies

AG0292 • ISBN 1-58978-113-9

for your characters, Magi of Hermes adds
depth to any saga.

AG0292 • ISBN 1-58978-113-9 • $29.95


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Magi of Hermes

Authors: Volker Bürkel and Christoph Safferling (Aurulentus), Editor’s Biography
Timothy Ferguson (Alexander), Tim Goldbeck (Scipio), Daniel
Kemler (Conscientia, Maris), Mark Lawford (Petalichus, Yestin),
Pitt Murmann (Tolides), Saul Roberts (Gwidion), Mark Shirley David Chart has been the Ars Magica Line Editor for over
(Hugh, Julia, Marcus Tauros, Persephone), Erik Tyrrell (Lam- seven years now, in which time the line has notably failed to im-
bert, Ranulf) plode or lose large amounts of money. Given the general situation
Development, Editing, & Project Management: David Chart of the roleplaying industry, he feels that this is an achievement to
Layout, Art Direction, & Proofreading: Michelle Nephew be proud of. Before he was Line Editor he wrote for the game, all
Publisher: John Nephew the way back to Second Edition, and was even, briefly, one of the
Cover Illustration: Grey Thornberry Secret Masters of Ars Magica. On becoming Line Editor, howev-
Interior Art: Jason Cole, Keith Decesare, Gary McCluskey, Jeff er, he dissolved that shadowy cabal as being inconsistent with his
Menges, Robert Scott personal, arbitrary, and despotic control of every aspect of the line.
Ars Magica Fifth Edition Trade Dress: J. Scott Reeves When not attempting to herd Ars Magica authors, David teaches
Publisher’s Special Thanks: Jerry Corrick & the gang at the Source. English in Japan, where he lives with his wife and young daughter.
He would like to dedicate this book, and indeed the entire Fifth Edi-
First Round Playtesters: Donna Giltrap, Malcolm Harbrow, Aaron tion line, to them.
Hicks, Richard Love; Nicholas Peterson
Second Round Playtesters: Jason Fryer, Matt Dyson, Emily Dyson;
Donna Giltrap, Malcolm Harbrow, Aaron Hicks, Richard Love;
Matthew L. Seidl

Ars Magica players participate in a thriving fan community by subscribing to email discussion lists (like the Berke-
ley list), compiling archives of game material (such as Project Redcap), maintaining fan-created web sites, and running
demos through Atlas Games’ Special Ops program. To learn more, visit You can also
participate in discussions of Ars Magica at the official Atlas Games forums located at
Copyright 2011 Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this work by any means
without written permission from the publisher, except short excerpts for the purpose of reviews, is expressly prohib-
Ars Magica, Mythic Europe, and Charting New Realms of Imagination are trademarks of Trident, Inc. Order of
Hermes, Tremere, and Doissetep are trademarks of White Wolf, Inc. and are used with permission.


Magi of Hermes

Introduction: Ignem Spells..................................30 Corpus..........................................49
Imaginem Spells............................30 Herbam.........................................50
Beyond the Expected 5 Mentem Spells..............................30 Mentem.........................................50
Terram Spells................................31 Terram...........................................50
Enchanted Items............................ 31 Enchanted Items............................ 50
I. Alexander of Jerbiton 6 Apollo’s Lyre.................................31 Tonatris.........................................50
Alexander’s Animal Shapes.............. 10 Cooking Stone..............................31 Talisman: Troll’s Wife. ................. 51
New Spells. ................................... 12 Cultellus........................................31
Animal Spells................................12 Dico Calculus...............................31
Aquam Spells................................12 Ferramenta Glacies.......................32 VI. Julia of Ex Miscellanea 52
Auram Spells.................................12 Hermes’ Horn...............................32 New Spells. ................................... 56
Corpus Spells................................12 Mjolnir’s Equal..............................32 Animal Spells................................56
Herbam Spells...............................13 Shulpea’s Bowl...............................32 Corpus Spells................................58
Ignem Spells..................................13 Traveler’s Cloak.............................32 Herbam Spells...............................58
Imaginem Spells............................14 Vessel of Etain’s Children..............32 Enchanted Items............................ 58
Mentem Spells..............................14 Vulcan’s Favored............................32 Loom of the Kabouters.................58
Terram Spells................................14 The Fruit of the Loom..................59
Magical Cloth...............................59
IV. Gwidion of Verditius 33 Talisman: Forfex Princeps.............. 60
II. Aurulentus of Jerbiton 15 New Spells. ................................... 38
Background Information............... 19 Animal Spells................................38
Aurulentus and his Ancestors........19 Herbam Spells...............................38 VII. Lambert of Merinita 61
Longevity Breakthrough...............20 Ignem Spells..................................40 New Spells. ................................... 65
New Spells. ................................... 20 Imaginem Spells............................40 Animal Spells................................65
Corpus..........................................20 Terram Spells................................40 Aquam Spells................................65
Imaginem......................................22 Enchanted Items............................ 40 Corpus Spells................................65
Enchanted Items............................ 23 Staff of Silent Forest Stride...........40 Herbam Spells...............................65
Army of the Infant........................23 Stone Disk of Warmth of Wood....40 Mentem Spells..............................65
Bachelor’s Door.............................23 Stone Disk of Frosted Timber.......41 Vim Spells.....................................68
Bed of Rapid Convalescence.........23 Stone Disk of Evergreen...............41 Enchanted Items............................ 68
Comb of Aphrodite......................23 Stone Disk of Controlled Growth...41 Coins of Loose-Tongued Patrons...68
Communicationof the Lovers.......23 Fresh Air Vines..............................41 Doorframe of the Wary Steward...68
Crib with a Mother’s Touch..........23 Water Vines..................................41 Granary Chest..............................69
Guardian of Decency....................24 Wall of Iron Thorns......................41 Token of the Harvest Evening......69
Nappy without Nuisance..............24 Sun Ivy..........................................42
Reunion of Lovers.........................24 Storm Tree....................................42
Soothe theMother’s Anxiety.........24 Poppy Beds...................................42 VIII. Maris of Tytalus 70
The Face of Paris...........................24 The Boiling Bush...........................42 New Spells. ................................... 75
Traveller’s Comfort.......................24 Bath of the Yellow Roses...............42 Animal Spells................................75
Tree Hive......................................43 Aquam Spells................................75
Ring of Mixed Compost...............43 Herbam Spells...............................75
III. Conscientia of Bonisagus 25 Rings of Basketed Transport..........43 Ignem Spells..................................75
New Spells. ................................... 28 Talisman: Gwidion’s Riding Tree.... 44 Terram Spells................................75
Animal Spells................................28 Enchanted Items............................ 76
Auram Spells.................................28 Ever-Tempting Trap......................76
Corpus Spells................................28 V. Hugh of Flambeau 45 Eyeglass of Nereus........................76
Herbam Spells...............................30 New Spells. ................................... 49 Foul Weather’s Bane......................76

Magi of Hermes
Gorget of Salty Breath..................76 The Convenient Door................104
List of Inserts The Nailed Down Chamber Pot....76
Neptune’s Anchors........................77
Greater Numerologist’s Book......104
Talisman: Distaff of Petalichus. .. 105
Naiad’s Cask..................................77
I. Alexander Roll of Endless Rope.....................77
XII. Ranulf of Flambeau 106
Equipment for Alexander’s Attendants...11 Shroud of the Healed Body..........77
Tryggvason’s Chart.......................77 New Spells. ................................. 110
II. Aurulentus Talisman: Paregro Mare. ............... 78 Ignem Spells................................110
Familiar: Zeno the Tortoise................19 Terram Spells..............................113
The Prophecy: A Faerie Game?..........21 Save Our Ship...............................78
The Family Tree.................................21 Eye of the Storm...........................78 Vim Spells...................................113
Ward the Drowning Waves..........78 Enchanted Items.......................... 113
III. Conscientia Control the Reckless Vessel..........78 Ribbon of Arcane Preservation...113
New Flaw: Exciting Experimentation...26 Hull of Unbreakable Iron.............78 Chest of the Ember Seed............114
Familiar: Aureus the Exotic Bird.........27 Helios’ Companionship................78 Laboratory of Ranulf...................114
Charged Items and Potions................29 Talisman: Staff of Ranulf............ 114
New Guideline: CrTe 15....................31

IV. Gwidion IX. Marcus of Criamon 79

The World Tree..................................34 Original Research. ........................ 82
XIII. Scipio of Merinita 116
Enchanting Giant Plants....................43 Animal Spells................................82 New Spells. ................................. 122
Corpus Spells................................84 Auram Spells...............................122
V. Hugh Vim Spells.....................................84 Corpus Spells..............................122
Familiar: Bathild the Magical Horse...47 Herbam Spells.............................124
New Guideline: MuCo 5....................49 New Spells. ................................... 85
Corpus Spells................................85 Ignem Spells................................124
VI. Julia Enchanted Items............................ 85 Imaginem Spells..........................124
Familiar: Tetrix the Blackcock............55 The Labyrinth of the Open Mind...85 Mentem Spells............................126
Clothing in the Thirteenth Century....57 Canopic Jar...................................85 Enchanted Items.......................... 126
The Mark of Protection................86 Bottomless Bag............................126
VII. Lambert Talisman: Bucephalos. ................... 86 Talisman: The Eternally
Initiation into the
Mystery of Arcadian Travel................62 Changing Lyre............................. 126

VIII. Maris X. Persephone of Tytalus 87

Ormurin Langi...................................70 New Spells. ................................... 91
XIV. Tolides of Flambeau 127
Voices in the Ocean...........................77 Animal Spells................................91 New Spells. ................................. 131
Imaginem Spells............................91 Corpus Spells..............................131
IX. Marcus Mentem Spells..............................92 Ignem Spells................................132
New Virtue: Hermetic Metamorphosis...83
Disembodied Leg...............................84 Terram Spells................................93 Imaginem Spells..........................133
Enchanted Items............................ 93 Vim Spells...................................133
X. Persephone Coin of Mirth...............................93 Enchanted Items.......................... 134
Persephone’s Agents...........................88 Bracelet of Clandestine Arrows of Defeat.........................134
Companion: Kore..............................90 Torus of Fire Protection..............134
New Guideline: ReTe 4......................92 Insignificance................................93
Signet of Hallam...........................93 Poniard of Deliverance...............134
XI. Petalichus Pigeon Amulet..............................94 Sting of the Viper.......................134
Familiar: Idmon the Spider.................99 Fides Sororis..................................94 Source of Tranquillity.................135
Talisman: Amor Sororis................. 95 Rod of Mutilation.......................135
XII. Ranulf Talisman: Orb of
Pilum of Fire and Immanent Darkness...................... 135
Other Common Spells.....................110 XI. Petalichus of Verditus 96
New Guidelines: CrVi......................113
New Spells. ................................... 99
XV. Yestin of Jerbiton 136
XIII. Scipio Animal Spells................................99
Story Seeds.......................116, 119, 121 Corpus Spells..............................101 New Spells. ................................. 139
Performance Magic (Music).............118 Imaginem Spells..........................101 Herbam Spells.............................139
Glamour Spells.................................118 Mentem Spells............................101 Ignem Spells................................139
Familiar: Felix the Lucky Fox...........123 Imaginem Spells..........................140
Vim Spells...................................102
Mentem Spells............................140
XIV. Tolides Sample Rotes...............................102
New Virtues and Flaws.....................128 Enchanted Items.......................... 102 Terram Spells..............................141
Familiar: An Imp...............................130 Items of Quality..........................102 Vim Spells...................................142
Magical Weapons.............................134 The Cloak of Authority..............103 Enchanted Items.......................... 142
Sanctum Door Hanging..............103 Cloak of Wilderness Refuge.......142
XV. Yestin The Light of Fell Disease............103 Song Stones................................143
New Guideline: CrHe 15.................139
Dreams You Shall Not Wake From..104 The Spear of Lleu.......................143
The Map of Many Places............104 Talisman: Crwth of Yestin. ......... 143


Beyond the Expected

Welcome to Magi of Hermes. This book his mercantile activities and his family, Yestin of Jerbiton: A traveling bard, whose
presents fifteen unique magi of the Order of and to overcome the social handicap of magic enhances his music and makes his
Hermes, along with their magical creations, his Gift. journeys easier, even as he’s plagued by a
to be used in your saga. Maris of Tytalus: A magus who lives at sea, meddlesome faerie.
constantly testing his magic against the
Alexander of Jerbiton: A magus who spends raw fury of the elements, and searching be- Rather than being “stock” characters,
his life exploring the deserts of North neath its waters for ancient magical sites. these magi go beyond the expected, rede-
Africa, developing spells to change him- Marcus of Criamon: This giant-blooded fining the standard for Ars Magica. From
self and his attendants into animals to magus seeks to create living beings by the rare to the extraordinary, they are pro-
better travel in those harsh lands. combining the features of two or more vided with full statistics at Gauntlet and ev-
Aurulentus of Jerbiton: This seventh son of existing creatures, with the minotaur as ery fifteen years of their career thereafter.
a seventh son is deeply concerned with his final goal. In addition, full descriptions are provided of
his family, and develops many spell ef- Persephone of Tytalus: Driven by vengeance their remarkable creations, both spells and
fects concerned with health, fertility, against her pater, she and her disfigured enchanted items. As a result, this book can
and care for children as a result. sister use magic to enhance their net- be used in two main ways.
Conscientia of Bonisagus: This “lab rat” de- work of agents, giving them a great deal First, it’s a source of pre-generated magi
velops effects to order for other magi, to of mundane influence. of various levels of power. The characters
gather resources for her own research Petalichus of Verditius: Spinning webs of in- could be used as player characters, or, more
project that has yet to bear fruit. trigue through the use of secret Mysteries, likely, as supporting cast in a saga. You
Gwidion of Verditius: A master at magi- this crafter of seemingly humble devices is could also change the names and personali-
cally enhancing plants, his greatest cre- as secretive, manipulative, and vindictive ties, and just use the statistics to save you
ation may be the living tree that serves as his arachnid familiar implies. the trouble of generating them yourself.
as his home. Ranulf of Flambeau: This magus aims to Second, it’s a source of new spells and
Hugh of Flambeau: A magus who relishes master fire magic, developing a wide enchanted items. These can be used with-
physical combat, and who has developed range of new spells and effects, including out using the related magus, either by hav-
many spells and enchanted items to make non-violent applications of this Art. ing them be invented from scratch by play-
him a more formidable opponent. Scipio of Merinita: Casting his magic er magi, or made the subject of Lab Texts
Julia of Ex Miscellanea: This weaver’s fa- through music and illusion, this son of a available in your own saga.
erie blood lets her produce enchanted faerie king searches for his true love de- In short, this book is a collection of
cloth and clothing of the highest caliber, spite his father’s interference. magical resources for your saga, to be used
though she rejects her heritage and as a Tolides of Flambeau: The apprentice of a as you see fit. Enjoy!
result is tormented by her fey ancestor marched Infernalist, he is obsessed with
— a spider prince. darkness and cold as a result of the influ-
Lambert of Merinita: This trader of goods ence of demons that still surround him,
and materials uses his magic to support waiting for him to fall.

Chapter One

Alexander of Jerbiton
Concept: A magus who spends his life ex- Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, A Guardian of the Tombs (MuCo(An) 20/+21)
ploring the deserts of North Africa, de- Unconscious The Desert Wanderer (MuCo(An) 25/+21)
veloping spells to change himself and Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 Disguise of the Transformed Image (MuIm 15/ +11)
his attendants into animals to better (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+7)
travel in those harsh lands. (21+) Appearance: Alexander is an athletic young
Abilities: Arabic 3 (traveling), Artes Libera- man of Mediterranean appearance. He
Even as an apprentice, Alexander was les 1 (geography), (Apprenticeship Cov- wears cheap, easily replaced clothes.
fascinated by the idea of traveling to North enant) Lore 1 (workshops), Athletics 1 Sigil: While being cast, Alexander’s spells cre-
Africa and visiting its ruins. His indulgent (walking long distances), Awareness 1 ate a hazy, shimmering effect like the air
master equipped him with the sorts of skills (ambush), Bargain 2 (for food and lodg- above a hot field of stones. He votes using
and spells that allow him to find trouble, but ing), Brawl 1 (in camel form), Carouse 1 a small statue of Thoth carved in ebony.
not necessarily overcome it. He rectifies this (sailors), Charm 1 (merchants), Chirur- Design Notes: His design totals so far are:
lack later in life. gy 1 (self), Etiquette 1 (transformations Abilities 300, Arts: 135, Spells: 115.
Alexander of Jerbiton is of average height, into animals, and vice versa), Folk Ken 2
with olive skin and dark hair. He is scrawny (festivals), Guile 1 (about origin), Latin 4
when young, becoming wiry as he ages. His
skin becomes increasingly leathery and his
(writing), Magic Theory 3 (human trans-
formations into animals), North Africa
Alexander +15 Years
face becomes more lined, due to his exposure Lore 2 (covenants), Order of Hermes
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre 0, Com
to the heat of the Egyptian climate. He wears Lore 1 (folktales of magi), Parma Magica
+1, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex 0, Qik 0
the clothing of the locals wherever he goes. 1 (Terram), Sicilian 5 (pleasantries), Sur-
Size: 0
vival 1 (desert), Swim 1 (rivers)
Age: 36 (35)
Arts: Cr 5, In 5, Mu 9, Pe 0, Re 5; An 5, Aq
Decrepitude: 0
Alexander at Gauntlet 0, Au 0, Co 5, He 0, Ig 0, Im 0, Me 0,
Te 0, Vi 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Twilight Scars: none
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre 0, Com Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Equipment: Alexander prefers cheap equip-
+1, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex 0, Qik 0 gus; Major Magical Focus (transforming
ment he can discard if he decides to
Size: 0 humans into animals); Subtle Magic,
spend time wandering in animal form.
Age: 21 (21) Well-traveled*; Deficient Technique
His clothes are made entirely of animal
Decrepitude: 0 (Perdo); Weak Enchanter
products, so that they transform when
Warping Score: 0 (0) * House Virtue
he does.
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Personality Traits: Curious +3, Practical +2
Encumbrance: 0
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma- Reputations: Noted writer of travel journals
Spells Known:
gus; Major Magical Focus (transforming 1 (House Jerbiton)
Voice of the Bjornaer Magus (MuAn15/+11):
humans into animals); Subtle Magic, Combat: (human shape)
Includes penalties for casting without
Well-traveled*; Deficient Technique Brawl (fist): Init 0, Attack +1, Defense +1,
speech. Alexander does not need to use
(Perdo); Weak Enchanter Damage 0
gestures because of his Subtle Magic Vir-
* House Virtue Brawl (bludgeon): Init 0, Attack +3, Defense
tue. Allows the magus to speak with a hu-
Personality Traits: Curious +3, Practical +1 +1, Damage +2
man voice in animal form, removing pen-
Reputations: None Soak: +2
alties for voiceless casting. See Houses of
Combat: (human shape) Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Hermes: Mystery Cults page 36 for details.
Brawl (fist): Init 0, Attack +1, Defense +1, Unconscious
Beast of Miniscule Proportions (MuAn 20/+16)
Damage 0 Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5/+12)
Brawl (bludgeon): Init 0, Attack +3, Defense (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead
Cloak of Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+7)
+1, Damage +2 (21+)
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+12)
Soak: +2 Abilities: Arabic 5 (traveling), Artes Libera-

Magi of Hermes
les 1 (geography), (Apprenticeship Cov-
enant) Lore 1 (workshops), Athletics 1 Alexander +30 Years Abilities: Arabic 5 (traveling), Artes Libera-
les 1 (geography), (Apprenticeship Cov-
(walking long distances), Awareness 1 enant) Lore 1 (workshops), Athletics 2
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre 0, Com
(ambush), Bargain 2 (for food and lodg- (walking long distances), Awareness 2
+1, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex 0, Qik 0
ing), Brawl 1 (in camel form), Carouse 1 (ambush), Bargain 3 (for food and lodg-
Size: 0
(sailors), Charm 1 (merchants), Chirurgy ing), Brawl 3 (in animal form), Carouse 1
Age: 51 (40)
1 (self), Etiquette 1 (magi), Ethiopian 1 (sailors), Charm 2 (merchants), Chirur-
Decrepitude: 0
(traders’ speech), Folk Ken 2 (festivals), gy 2 (self), Etiquette 2 (magi), Ethiopian
Warping Score: 1 (3)
Guile 1 (about origin), Latin 4 (writing), 3 (traders’ speech), Ethiopian Lore 3
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Magic Theory 4 (human transforma- (churches), Folk Ken 2 (festivals), Guile
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
tions into animals), North Africa Lore 1 (about origin), (Home Covenant) Lore
gus; Major Magical Focus (transforming
5 (covenants), Order of Hermes Lore 1 2 (local mundanes), Intrigue 1 (about
humans into animals); Subtle Magic,
(folktales of magi), Parma Magica 3 (Ter- magi), Latin 4 (writing), Leadership 2
Well-traveled*; Deficient Technique
ram), Sicilian 5 (pleasantries), Survival 1 (grogs), Magic Theory 5 (human trans-
(Perdo); Weak Enchanter
(desert), Swim 1 (rivers) formations into animals), North Africa
* House Virtue
Arts: Cr 5, In 5, Mu 15 (15), Pe 5, Re 5; An Lore 5 (covenants), Order of Hermes
Personality Traits: Curious +3, Practical +2
10, Aq 0, Au 0, Co 10, He 0, Ig 0, Im 0, Lore 1 (folktales of magi), Parma Magica
Reputations: Noted writer of travel journals
Me 0, Te 0, Vi 0 3 (Terram), Sicilian 5 (pleasantries), Sur-
2 (House Jerbiton)
Twilight Scars: none vival 2 (desert), Swim 1 (rivers)
Combat: (human shape)
Equipment: Alexander prefers cheap equip- Arts: Cr 5, In 5, Mu 15 (15), Pe 5, Re 5; An
Brawl (fist): Init 0, Attack +3, Defense +3,
ment he can discard if he decides to 16 (9), Aq 0, Au 0, Co 10, He 0, Ig 0, Im
Damage 0
spend time wandering in animal form. 0, Me 0, Te 0, Vi 0
Brawl (bludgeon): Init 0, Attack +5, Defense
His clothes are made entirely of animal Twilight Scars: none
+3, Damage +2
products, so that they transform when Equipment: Alexander prefers cheap equip-
Soak: +2
he does. ment he can discard if he decides to spend
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Encumbrance: 0 time wandering in animal form. His clothes
Spells Known: are made entirely of animal products, so
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–
Voice of the Bjornaer Magus (MuAn15/+27) that they transform when he does.
15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+)
Beast of Miniscule Proportions (MuAn 20/+27) Encumbrance: 0
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5/+17)
Cloak of Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+7)
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+17)
A Guardian of the Tombs (MuCo(An) 20/+37)
The Desert Wanderer (MuCo(An) 25/+37)
A Punishment for Brigands (MuCo(An) 40/+37):
Mastery 1 (Penetration)
The Shadow on the Sand (MuCo(An) 30/+37):
Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Disguise of the Transformed Image (MuIm 15/+17)
Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+7)
Trackless Step (ReTe 10/+7)
Appearance: Alexander is an athletic young
man of Mediterranean appearance. He
wears cheap, easily replaced clothes.
Activities in the last 15 years: Alexander
develops new spells to aid him in his
travels, while improving his skills. He
arranges for a longevity ritual to be cre-
ated for him, and spends two seasons on
a dangerous quest for the Verditius who
creates his first ritual. Alexander’s statis-
tics are 40 Experience points short of
where they would be if he had remained
at home, studying.
Design Notes: His design totals are now:
Abilities: 300 + 160 = 460 total; Arts:
135 + 170 = 305 total; Spells: + 120 +
80 levels = 200 total.

Magi of Hermes
Spells Known: Damage 0 Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+17)
Recruiting A Tiny Phalanx (Cr(Re)An 35/+23) Brawl (bludgeon): Init 0, Attack +5, Defense Trackless Step (ReTe 10/+17)
Voice of the Bjornaer Magus (MuAn 15/+33) +3, Damage +2 Appearance: Alexander is an athletic man
Beast of Miniscule Proportions (MuAn 20/+33) Soak: +2 of Mediterranean appearance. He wears
Scales of the Scorpions (MuAn 40/+33) Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, cheap, easily replaced clothes, exclusive-
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5/+23) Unconscious ly constructed of animal products.
The Gentle Beast (ReAn 25/+23) Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11– Activities in the last 15 years: Alexander
Cloak of Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+7) 15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+) pauses to take a familiar, but the animal
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+17) Abilities: Arabic 5 (traveling), Artes Libera- dies before the ritual can be completed.
Eyes of the Housecats (MuCo(An) 20/+37) les 2 (geography), (Apprenticeship Cov- He also begins broadening his arts, to
A Guardian of the Tombs (MuCo(An) 20/+37) enant) Lore 1 (workshops), Athletics 2 allow him to take an apprentice. In the
The Desert Wanderer (MuCo(An) 25/+37) (walking long distances), Awareness 2 statistics above, he has trained a child for
The Lurker in the Rushes (MuCo(An) 30/+37) (ambush), Bargain 4 (for food and lodg- eight years. Alexander spends a year run-
The Shadow on the Sand (MuCo(An) 30/+37): ing), Brawl 3 (in animal form), Carouse 1 ning errands for the magus who makes
Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting) (sailors), Charm 2 (merchants), Chirur- him a more mature longevity ritual. He
A Punishment for Brigands (MuCo(An) 40/+37): gy 2 (self), Etiquette 2 (magi), Ethiopian also makes brief forays to Kushite ruins.
Mastery 1 (Penetration) 3 (traders’ speech), Ethiopian Lore 3 Design Notes: Alexander’s design totals are:
A Source of Tremendous Pride (MuCo(An) (churches), Folk Ken 2 (festivals), Guile Abilities: 655 + 135 = 790 total; Arts:
45/+37) 1 (about origin), (Home Covenant) Lore 395 + 243 = 638 total; Spells: 390 + 55
Disguise of the Transformed Image (MuIm 15/+17) 3 (local mundanes), Intrigue 1 (about = 445 total.
Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+7) magi), Latin 5 (writing), Leadership 2
Trackless Step (ReTe 10/+7) (grogs), Magic Theory 5 (human trans-
Appearance: Alexander is an athletic man
of Mediterranean appearance. He wears
formations into animals), North Africa
Lore 5 (covenants), Order of Hermes
Alexander +60 Years
cheap, easily replaced clothes, exclusive- Lore 1 (folktales of magi), Parma Magica
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre 0, Com
ly constructed of animal products. 4 (Terram), Sicilian 5 (pleasantries), Sur-
+1, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex 0, Qik 0
Activities in the last 15 years: Alexander vival 2 (desert), Swim 1 (rivers), Teach-
Size: 0
joins a covenant with excellent resourc- ing (apprentices) 3
Age: 81 (55)
es, and develops spells and abilities suit- Arts: Cr 5, In 5, Mu 18, Pe 5, Re 10; An 16
Decrepitude: 0
able for guiding groups of grogs. He has (9), Aq 5, Au 6 (3), Co 14, He 5, Ig 5,
Warping Score: 2 (5)
continued to prepare for an eventual ex- Im 5, Me 5, Te 5, Vi 5
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
pedition to Ethiopia. Twilight Scars: none
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Design Notes: Alexander’s design totals are: Equipment: Alexander prefers cheap equip-
gus; Major Magical Focus (transforming
Abilities: 460 + 195 = 655 total; Arts: ment he can discard if he decides to spend
humans into animals); Subtle Magic, Well-
305 + 90 = 395 total; Spells: 205 + 190 = time wandering in animal form. His clothes
traveled*; Deficient Technique (Perdo);
395 total. Note that he gains 20 experi- are made entirely of animal products, so
Weak Enchanter
ence more than an average magus would that they transform when he does.
* House Virtue
in this period. Encumbrance: 0
Personality Traits: Curious +3, Practical +2
Spells Known:
Reputations: Noted writer about North Af-
Recruiting A Tiny Phalanx (Cr(Re)An 35/+23)
rican customs 4 (House Jerbiton)
Alexander +45 Years Voice of the Bjornaer Magus (MuAn15/+36)
Beast of Miniscule Proportions (MuAn 20/+36)
Combat: (human shape)
Brawl (fist): Init 0, Attack +3, Defense +3,
Scales of the Scorpions (MuAn 40/+36)
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre 0, Com Damage 0
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5/+23)
+1, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex 0, Qik 0 Brawl (bludgeon): Init 0, Attack +5, Defense
The Gentle Beast (ReAn 25/+28)
Size: 0 +3, Damage +2
Cloak of Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+17)
Age: 66 (47) Soak: +2
Movement Within the Sirocco (ReAu 25/+18)
Decrepitude: 0 Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Ward Against the Sirocco (ReAu 25/+18)
Warping Score: 2 (1) Unconscious
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+21)
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–
Eyes of the Housecats (MuCo(An) 20/+46)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma- 15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+)
A Guardian of the Tombs (MuCo(An) 20/+46)
gus; Major Magical Focus (transforming Abilities: Arabic 5 (traveling), Artes Libera-
The Desert Wanderer (MuCo(An) 25/+46)
humans into animals); Subtle Magic, Well- les 3 (geography), (Apprenticeship Cov-
The Lurker in the Rushes (MuCo(An) 30/+46)
traveled*; Deficient Technique (Perdo); enant) Lore 1 (workshops), Athletics 2
The Shadow on the Sand (MuCo(An) 30/+46):
Weak Enchanter (walking long distances), Awareness 2
Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
* House Virtue (ambush), Bargain 4 (for food and lodg-
A Punishment for Brigands (MuCo(An) 40/+46):
Personality Traits: Curious +3, Practical +2 ing), Brawl 3 (in animal form), Carouse 1
Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Reputations: Noted writer about North Af- (sailors), Charm 2 (merchants), Chirur-
A Source of Tremendous Pride (MuCo(An)
rican customs 3 (House Jerbiton) gy 2 (self), Etiquette 2 (magi), Ethiopian
Combat: (human shape) 4 (traders’ speech), Ethiopian Lore 5
Disguise of the Transformed Image (MuIm 15/+25)
Brawl (fist): Init 0, Attack +3, Defense +3, (churches), Folk Ken 3 (festivals), Guile

Magi of Hermes
1 (about origin), (Home Covenant) Lore Design Notes: Alexander’s design totals are: Twilight Scars: none
3 (local mundanes), Intrigue 1 (about Abilities: 790 + 145 = 935 total; Arts: 638 Equipment: Alexander prefers cheap equip-
magi), Latin 5 (writing), Leadership 3 + 115 = 753 total; Spells: 445 + 125 = 570 ment he can discard if he decides to spend
(grogs), Magic Theory 5 (human trans- total. During this period Alexander’s travels time wandering in animal form. His clothes
formations into animals), North Africa seriously reduce his study, and this slows are made entirely of animal products, so
Lore 5 (covenants), Order of Hermes his acquisition of experience markedly. that they transform when he does.
Lore 1 (folktales of magi), Parma Magica Encumbrance: 0
4 (Terram), Sicilian 5 (pleasantries), Sur- Spells Known:
vival 3 (desert), Swim 1 (rivers), Teach-
ing (apprentices) 4
Alexander +75 Years Recruiting A Tiny Phalanx (Cr(Re)An 35/+24)
Sailor’s Foretaste of the Morrow (InAn20/+21)
Arts: Cr 5, In 9, Mu 19, Pe 5, Re 10; An 17, Voice of the Bjornaer Magus (MuAn15/+39)
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre 0, Com
Aq 5, Au 10, Co 15, He 5, Ig 5, Im 5, Beast of Miniscule Proportions (MuAn 20/+39)
+1, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex 0, Qik 0
Me 5, Te 5, Vi 5 Opening the Tome of the Animal’s Mind (MuAn
Size: 0
Twilight Scars: none 25/+39)
Age: 96 (62)
Equipment: Alexander prefers cheap equip- Scales of the Scorpions (MuAn 40/+39)
Decrepitude: 0
ment he can discard if he decides to Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5/+29)
Warping Score: 2 (5)
spend time wandering in animal form. The Gentle Beast (ReAn 25/+29)
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
His clothes are made entirely of animal A Bag of Teeth (MuAq(An)20/+32)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
products, so that they transform when Cloak of Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+17)
gus; Major Magical Focus (transforming
he does. Movement within the Sirocco (ReAu 25/+22)
humans into animals); Subtle Magic, Well-
Encumbrance: 0 Ward Against the Sirocco (ReAu 25/+22)
traveled*; Deficient Technique (Perdo);
Spells Known: Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+22)
Weak Enchanter
Recruiting A Tiny Phalanx (Cr(Re)An 35/+24) Whispers Through the Black Gate
* House Virtue
Sailor’s Foretaste of the Morrow (InAn20/+21) (InCo(Me)15/+16)
Personality Traits: Curious +3, Practical +2
Voice of the Bjornaer Magus (MuAn15/+38) Eyes of the Housecats (MuCo(An) 20/+52)
Reputations: Noted writer about North Afri-
Beast of Miniscule Proportions (MuAn 20/+38) A Guardian of the Tombs (MuCo(An) 20/+52)
can and Kushite ruins 4 (House Jerbiton)
Opening the Tome of the Animal’s Mind The Desert Wanderer (MuCo(An) 25/+52)
Combat: (human shape)
(MuAn25/+38) The Lurker in the Rushes (MuCo(An) 30/+52)
Brawl (fist): Init 0, Attack +3, Defense +3,
Scales of the Scorpions (MuAn 40/+38) The Shadow on the Sand (MuCo(An) 30/+52):
Damage 0
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5/+29) Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting)
Brawl (bludgeon): Init 0, Attack +5, Defense
The Gentle Beast (ReAn 25/+29) Retreat as Flying Vermin (MuAn(Co)35/+52)
+3, Damage +2
Cloak of Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+17) A Punishment for Brigands (MuCo(An) 40/+52):
Soak: +2
Movement within the Sirocco (ReAu 25/+22) Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Ward Against the Sirocco (ReAu 25/+22) A Source of Tremendous Pride (MuCo(An)
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+22) 45/+52)
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–
Whispers Through the Black Gate A Bag of Feathers (MuHe(An)35/+27
15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+)
(InCo(Me)15/+16) Conflagratious Lanyard (MuIg(An)30/+27)
Abilities: Arabic 5 (traveling), Artes Libera-
Eyes of the Housecats (MuCo(An) 20/+51) A Place of Recuperation (PeIg 15/+12)
les 4 (geography), (Apprenticeship Cov-
A Guardian of the Tombs (MuCo(An) 20/+51) A Time For Slumber (PeIg5/|+12)
enant) Lore 1 (workshops), Athletics 3
The Desert Wanderer (MuCo(An) 25/+51) The False Dune (MuIm5/+27)
(walking long distances), Awareness 2
The Lurker in the Rushes (MuCo(An) 30/+51) Disguise of the Transformed Image (MuIm 15/+27)
(ambush), Bargain 4 (for food and lodg-
The Shadow on the Sand (MuCo(An) 30/+51): The Petrine Deception (MuIm15/+27)
ing), Brawl 3 (in animal form), Carouse 1
Mastery 1 (Quiet Casting) Avoiding the Blame (MuMe15/+27)
(sailors), Charm 2 (merchants), Chirurgy
Retreat as Flying Vermin (MuAn(Co)35/+36) Mind of the Beast (MuMe(An)30/+27)
2 (self), Concentration 3 (maintaining
A Punishment for Brigands (MuCo(An) 40/+51): Rapid Excavations (MuTe(Aq)30/+27)
Muto spells), Etiquette 2 (magi), Ethio-
Mastery 1 (Penetration) Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+17)
pian 4 (traders’ speech), Ethiopian Lore 5
A Source of Tremendous Pride (MuCo(An) Trackless Step (ReTe 10/+17)
(churches), Finesse 3 (Muto), Folk Ken 3
45/+51) Wizard’s Reach (Animal) (MuVi30/+26)
(festivals), Guile 1 (about origin), (Home
Disguise of the Transformed Image (MuIm 15/+26) Appearance: Alexander is an elderly man of
Covenant) Lore 3 (local mundanes), In-
Trackless Step (ReTe 10/+17) weathered appearance. He wears cheap,
trigue 1 (about magi), Latin 5 (writing),
Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+17) easily replaced clothes, exclusively con-
Leadership 3 (grogs), Magic Theory 5
Wizard’s Reach (Animal) (MuVi30/+26) structed of animal products.
(human transformations into animals),
Appearance: Alexander is an older man of Activities in the last 15 years: During this
North Africa Lore 5 (covenants), Order
lean, Mediterranean appearance. He period Alexander all but abandons the
of Hermes Lore 1 (folktales of magi),
wears cheap, easily replaced clothes, ex- development of his Arts, instead devel-
Parma Magica 6 (Terram), Sicilian 5
clusively constructed of animal products. oping skills and spells for exploration.
(pleasantries), Survival 5 (desert), Swim
Activities in the last 15 years: Alexander’s Design Notes: Alexander’s design totals are:
1 (rivers), Teaching (apprentices) 4
apprentice has completed training. Alex- Abilities: 935 + 210 = 1145 Total; Arts:
Arts: Cr 5, In 9, Mu 20, Pe 5, Re 10; An 17,
ander continues to focus on spells that 753 + 20 = 773 total; Spells: 570 + 205
Aq 5, Au 10, Co 15, He 5, Ig 5, Im 5,
aid expeditions. = 775 total.
Me 5, Te 5, Vi 5

Magi of Hermes

Alexander’s pearance, Venomous cobra’s special attack even though they

Reputations: Venomous +5 (much of Ara- don’t protect against normal attacks.
bia), Venomous +3 (among the literati Appearance: The asp is a large snake, weigh-

Animal Shapes of Europe)

Bite: Init +2, Attack +8, Defense +6, Dam-
ing up to 20 pounds and reaching three
paces in length. When threatened it rais-
es its hood, which is a hand wide, and
The following animal shapes are generic. age –5* sways. It does not spit its venom.
To modify them to suit a particular human, See Venomous Bite in Powers, below. Asps are generally nocturnal, but are not
see the rules on page 23 of Houses of Hermes: Soak: +2 so disadvantaged by daylight as to earn the
Mystery Cults. The animals given below also Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Flaw of the same name.
reflect the daily experience of people who Unconscious
live in North Africa. Campaigns for which Wound Penalties: –1, (1–2), –3 (3–4), –5
North Africa is a distant and legendary place (5–6) incapacitated (7+)
may choose to make these animals more Abilities: Awareness 2 (prey), Brawl 2 (fangs), Bat
dangerous, for example by allowing cobras Hunt 4 (rodents), Stealth 4 (stalking
to spit venom, scorpions to kill more read- prey), Survival 3 (local environment) Characteristics: Cun –1, Per +3, Pre 0, Com
ily with their stingers, and crocodiles to snap Powers: –2, Str –18, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik +11
people in half more easily. Venomous Bite, 0 Points, Init 0. When the cobra Size: –9
attacks, compare its Attack Advantage to Confidence Score: 0
the victim’s armor Protection (not his Virtues and Flaws: Eyes of the Bat (see Pow-
Asp (Egyptian Cobra) Soak). If the cobra’s advantage is higher,
the victim suffers the effects of asp bite
ers, below), Nocturnal
Qualities: Accomplished Flyer, Sharp Ears
venom as listed in the Poison Table on Reputations: Servant of evil +1 (much of
Characteristics: Cun –1, Per –2, Pre –6, Com
page 180 of ArM5, regardless of wheth- Europe)
–6, Str –6, Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik +2
er the bite inflicts an actual wound. The Combat:
Size: –3
Storyguide may adjust the required At- Bite: Init +11, Attack +7, Defense +14, Dam-
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
tack Advantage for special circumstanc- age –17
Virtues and Flaws: Ferocity (self defense),
es: for instance, high boots might offer Soak: +0
Lightning Reflexes, Infamous
an effective Protection +3 against the Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3,–5,
Qualities: Ambush Predator, Loathsome Ap-
Wound Penalties: Incapacitated (1+)
Abilities: Athletics 5 (flying), Awareness 4
(food), Brawl 2 (dodging), Survival 3
(home terrain)
Eyes of the Bat, 0 points, Init 0: Bats see in
much the same way as magi using the
spell Eyes of the Bat.
Appearance: Leathery flying rodents, attrac-
tive for those used to the strange aes-
thetic of the creatures. Bats are able to
find their way in complete darkness, but
find sunlight unpleasant.
In emergency situations, where food
has been scarce, Alexander has occasionally
turned his group into bats, fed them insects
or tiny amounts of fruit, and then allowed the
spell to lapse in the morning. A well-nourished
bat transforms into a well-nourished human,
so this extends an expedition’s supplies mark-
edly. Grogs find the thought of eating insects
distasteful, but while in bat form their senses
of smell and taste make insects a delicacy.

Characteristics: Cun –2, Per 0, Pre –4, Com
–5, Str +1, Sta +3, Dex 0, Qik –2

Magi of Hermes
Size: +2
Confidence Score: 0
Virtues and Flaws: Smell Water (see Pow-
Equipment for Alexander’s Attendants
ers, below), Survive Without Water (see
Alexander’s attendants are often trans- animal bone, horn, or ivory with leather
Powers, below).
formed into animals. It is vital that his par- and beeswax grips. These weapons do –2
Qualities: Herd Animal
ty have equipment that does not require Damage compared to their steel counter-
Reputations: Cranky +1 (much of Arabia)
requisites to transform. parts in the tables on pages 176 and 177 of
Armor: Alexander’s attendants usu- ArM5, except daggers and knives, which
Kick: Init 0, Attack +4, Defense +2, Damage +2
ally wear quilted armor (ArM5 page 176) do –1 Damage. All of these weapons are
Soak: +3
made of woolen thread. An expert ar- likely to break on botches.
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0/0, –1/–1, –3, –5,
morer would quickly determine that the Water: The greatest flaw in Alexander’s
armor had been made so that small pieces transformations is that the water his grogs
Wound Penalties: –1, (1–7), –3 (8–14), –5
of metal that are usual in its construction are carrying, in leather skins, does not trans-
(15–21) Incapacitated (22+)
have been replaced with pieces of bone. form when the skins do, and so it is always
Abilities: Athletics 4 (running), Awareness 3
Weapons: Alexander’s grogs often lost. He has tried various solutions to this
(predators), Brawl 2 (dodging), Survival
lose their weapons when they change problem, but none have proven promising.
3 (home terrain)
shape, if they are forced to flee. To com- His troops always carry a little mead or ku-
pensate for this, some of his warriors carry mis (fermented honey or milk), but that of-
Smell Water, 0 Points, Init 0: The camel can
large fighting knives and clubs made from fers no protection against dehydration.
smell drinkable water for a distance of up
to two miles.
Survive Without Water, 0 points, Init 0: The
Combat: the character to overcome a successful
camel can survive without water for up
Bite: Init +3*, Attack +10, Defense +9, Dam- Grapple attack with an Attack Advantage
to two weeks.
age +6* of 10. If the character does break free, the
Appearance: Alexander becomes a drom-
* Gains +3 if it takes its prey by surprise, for crocodile is likely to bite again.
edary, single-humped Arabian camel.
the first round only (Ambush Predator). Appearance: Crocodiles are very difficult to
Camels are well adapted to arid environ- ** Includes a +3 bonus for Crushing Jaws: spot in the water, as they have special
ments. They can find water by smell: open reflects the fact that although crocodiles scales that prevent them leaving surface
water sources have the same distinct smell as are not particularly strong compared to ripples when they swim, and are colored
the air after rain. Camels can survive with- humans, the muscles with which they to provide camouflage.
out water for extended periods, and are able bite down are tremendously powerful.
to travel in mild sandstorms without harm. The muscles which open its mouth are Crocodiles have a sense of the move-
Their hooves have a unique design that comparatively weak. A human may hold ment of water around their bodies, which
splays when they travel on loose-packed a crocodile’s jaws closed with a success- allows them to track nearby moving objects
surfaces, like sand, so that they do not sink ful Grapple. without looking at them.
into it as deeply as a human or hoofed ani- Soak: +2
mal does. This allows them to travel more Fatigue Levels: OK, –1, –3, –5,
swiftly on sand than horses, and to be less
fatigued by running on sand than other ani-
Wound Penalties: –1, (1–8), –3 (9–16), –5
mals are. (17–24) Incapacitated (25+) Characteristics: Cun +1, Per 0, Pre 0, Com
Abilities: Athletics 2 (short sprints and 0, Str +6, Sta +3, Dex +2, Qik +1
lunges), Awareness 3 (food), Brawl 5 (in Size: +2
Crocodile water), Hunt 4 (prey), Stealth 4 (stalking
prey), Survival 3 (river), Swim 2 (rivers)
Confidence Score: 2 (6)
Virtues and Flaws: Ferocity (self-defense),
Characteristics: Cun +1, Per 0, Pre –2, Com Powers: Improved Characteristics (x2), Puissant
–5, Str 0, Sta 0, Dex +1, Qik +3 Death Roll: 0 points, Init +3: A crocodile that Brawl, Self-Confident, Tough, Proud,
Size: +3 has successfully bitten a foe may roll in Weakness (submission)
Confidence Score: 1 (3) the following round. When a crocodile Qualities: Aggressive, Ambush Predator,
Virtues and Flaws: Ferocity (Ambush), rolls, it either twists away a chunk of the Crafty, Good Jumper, Hardy, Imposing
Qualities: Aggressive, Ambush Predator, flesh of its victim (doing +6 damage) or, Appearance, Large Claws, Large Teeth,
Amphibious*, Camouflage**, Crushing if possible, drags its victim beneath the Tough Hide*, Vocal
jaws, Roll Attack***, Tough Hide surface of the water. It then uses its Am- * Tough Hide gives it a Protection of +2.
* Crocodiles can hold their breath for half phibious Quality to wait for the victim Personality Traits: Brave +5, Fierce +5
an hour if moderately active, and two to drown. To prevent injury or submer- Reputations: Fierce (local) 4
hours if inactive. sion from a roll, the victim must treat this Combat:
** The ripple-dampening camouflage of as a successful grappling attack with an Claws: Init +1, Attack +15, Defense +12,
crocodiles is effective even when they Attack Advantage of 10. If a character is Damage +10
are moving slowly in water. being drowned by a crocodile, the char- Bite: Init +1, Attack +13, Defense +9, Dam-
*** See Powers section, below. acter may attempt to break free of the age +9
crocodile’s jaws each round. This requires

Magi of Hermes
Soak: +8 of scorpions does +10 damage automatically Alexander uses this spell to call up
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0/0, –1, –3, –5, each round, but this can be Soaked normally. a small, but severe, sandstorm. This ob-
Unconscious (Base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Group, scures the vision of everyone within an
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–7), –3 (8–14), –5 (15– +1 Rego requisite) area 1000 paces across, and prevents trav-
21), Incapacitated (22–28), Dead (29+) el by those unprepared for sandstorms.
Abilities: Athletics 5 (pouncing), Aware- Alexander uses Movement Within the Sirocco
ness 2 (smell), Brawl 5 (claws), Hunt 4 Scales of the Scorpions to allow him to move freely through the
(deer), Stealth 4 (stalking), Survival 5 storm, although navigation by sight re-
(arid climates) MuAn Level 40 mains difficult unless he takes bird form,
Appearance: The lion is a legendary beast R: Voice, D: Diam, T: Group using The Shadow on the Sand, to rise above
more often depicted in artwork than en- Alexander uses this ability to plate the affected area.
countered in the flesh. It can weigh up to friendly animals, including his grogs when (Base 3, +3 Sight, +2 Sun +2 Group (for
490 pounds and have a body length of transformed, in chitinous armor. These plates larger area))
over ten feet. It has a short, broad muz- are enormous versions of the armor that pro-
zle with powerful jaws and teeth. Its coat tect scorpions. This grants +3 Soak.
is tawny and the male lion has a dark, (Base 15, +2 Voice, +1 Diameter, +2 Movement Within the Sirocco
shaggy mane. The fearsome roar of the Group)
lion can be heard from a great distance. ReAu 25
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
Aquam Spells Allows Alexander, or the person he
touches, to operate in the worst possible

New Spells sandstorms. Alexander uses it when a sudden

storm occurs, so that he can then cast Ward
Against the Sirocco. It has also proven useful
Bag of Teeth
Alexander has developed the following while battling some of the wind creatures
new spells. that guard the Kushite ruins in which he has
MuAq(An) 20 developed an interest.
R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind (Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
Animal Spells Transforms a pool of water into an ani-
mal tooth. When on expedition, Alexander
often carries several of these teeth. They are Ward Against the Sirocco
not a perfect solution to water shortage, be-
Recruiting A Tiny Phalanx cause Alexander, while young, cannot dispel ReAu 25
this effect, so the water only becomes avail- R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle
able when the spell expires. If forced to use Wards against sandstorms by repelling
Cr(Re)An 30 his emergency water, Alexander prefers to the breezes that carry dust. It is powerful
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Group first create a sanctuary using A Place of Recu- enough to defend Alexander and his servants
This spell allows Alexander to create a peration and A Time for Slumber, then ration his from the most powerful sandstorms.
swarm of scorpions. The swarm, combined, water by keeping his servants, and himself, (Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Ring)
has the mass of a human being. The spell has in diminutive animal forms until the Bag of
a Rego requisite, which allows Alexander to Teeth reverts to gallons of water.
command the swarm to do things other than
chase beetles and run from larger creatures.
Each tooth may become just under a
hundred cubic feet of water. This means
Corpus Spells
In dangerous areas, he often casts two Circles that the teeth destroy any closed container
of Beast Warding, one slightly larger than the they are stored within when they change
other, around the area where his party is go- back. They are able to cause explosions, but Eyes of the Housecats
ing to camp. He then pours scorpions into the Alexander has never considered their mili-
ring this creates, and orders them to attack tary potential.
anyone else that crosses the ring, casting the (Base 4, +1 Touch, +3 Moon, requisite free) MuCo(An) 20
spell multiple times if he feels it is necessary. R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Group
This technique also has the advantage that The targets gain the ability to see as a
if he botches the spell, and creates a swarm
of enraged and uncontrollable scorpions, he
Auram Spells cat sees, allowing them to operate normally
in low-light conditions. Alexander prefers
need only wait safe behind his inner Circle of his group to travel at night when in desert
Beast Warding for them to disappear. locations, to avoid the heat in the middle of
Scorpion venom is painful, but individual Clouds of Obscuring Sand the day.
stings are rarely fatal for healthy people. In (Base 2, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +2 Group,
areas where scorpions are common, the al- requisite free)
lergy that causes their sting to be fatal may CrAu 30
be taken as a Minor Flaw. An attacking swarm R: Sight, D: Sun, T: Group

Magi of Hermes
The Guardian of the Tombs Retreat As Flying Vermin vants into a pride of lions. Medieval besti-
aries recognize three varieties of lion. Male
MuCo(An) 20 Mu(Co)An 35 lions of the straight-maned type, which this
R: Per, D:Sun, T:Ind R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Circle spell produces, are lazier than female ones,
When faced with animals that might This spell allows Alexander to turn a and this has led to the formation of a small
feed upon his camel form, Alexander uses group of people, and their Animal-based cadre of female warriors in the covenant,
this spell to take the shape of a cobra. Many equipment, into bats. It was designed to be who are skilled in unarmed combat. A few
predators find snakes intimidating or too used as a spell that would allow his grogs to carry bone weapons. Alexander sometimes
small to be suitable prey. While in snake rapidly retreat from danger, but the effect Al- uses a tail spur he carries in his trinket pouch
form, Alexander can detect the movement exander desired is slightly beyond his skill, as a physical prop to allow this spell to be
of nearby animals through vibrations in the so he needs to draw a circle before the spell canceled at will.
ground, and he has a poisonous bite. If Al- can be used. He plans to use it only in emer- (Base 10, +2 Voice +2 Sun +2 Group +1
exander bites something hollow, so that his gencies, because his grogs will lose those for size change)
poison is injected into it, the poison does not items of equipment that are not based on an-
disappear when he returns to human form. imal products when it is used, which includes
Some of Alexander’s grogs occasionally use
his poison to envenom their arrows. Alexan-
their weapons. If forced to use this spell to
flee a foe, Alexander plans to use Clouds of
Herbam Spells
der has a serpent skin wristband that he uses Obscuring Sand, and perhaps Ward Against the
as a physical focus for the spell, so that he Sirocco first. He has a piece of bat leather in a
can cancel it at will. small bag of trinkets he always carries, to use Bag of Feathers
(Base 10, +2 Sun) as a physical prop if this spell is cast.
(Base 20, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
MuHe(An) 35
The Desert Wanderer R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Group
The Lurker in the Rushes This spell is used to lessen the load car-
MuCo(An) 25 ried by expeditions, by transforming all of
R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind MuCo(An) 40 the food supply they must carry, excepting
Alexander uses this spell to transform R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind that required during the spell’s duration, into
into an Arabian camel. This allows him to This spell transforms Alexander, or some- feathers. In Alexander’s case each type of
travel through the arid regions of North- one he touches, into a crocodile. Crocodiles food becomes a different color and pattern
ern Africa more easily than if he had hu- are fearsome foes in combat around water, of feather, so that servants who travel with
man shape. In this form he has the innate and the stealth of the crocodile makes grogs him learn to read which feather is which pro-
abilities of a camel, which includes the that have experience with the form into use- vision. Food in feather form does not spoil,
ability to detect the direction and distance ful amphibious or aquatic scouts. Alexander although it often tastes slightly of chicken
of water for many miles, by scent. He has has a crocodile skin dagger scabbard, which after it regains its original form. Note that
a belt made of camel leather that acts as a he uses to cancel the spell at will. the food does not change back when the
focus for this spell, enabling him to dispel (Base 20, +1 Touch, +2 Sun. Crocodiles caster wishes; without Perdo Vim magic, he
it at will. are treated as fish when selecting a base level must wait for the duration to end.
(Base 10, +2 Sun, +1 for size change) for this spell, +1 great Size change) (Base 4, +1 Touch, +3 Moon, +2 Group,
+1 requisite (changes animal products into
lighter animal products).
The Shadow on the Sand A Punishment for Brigands
MuCo(An) 30
R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind
MuCo(An) 40
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Ind
Ignem Spells
The ability to take the shape of a vul- This spell transforms a human into a
ture allows Alexander to forage for food, mouse. While in mouse form, the victim of this
and travel swiftly over areas that do not spell may be affected by Circle of Beast Warding, Conflagratious Lanyard
interest him. Vultures have exceptionally which prevents him or her from fleeing if cast
keen eyesight, so he is able to observe dis- swiftly enough. This allows the mouse to be
tant events on the ground in this form. Vul- gathered into a bag and transferred to a place MuIg(An) 30
tures are also considered birds of ill-omen, of confinement, or casually destroyed. This is a spell Alexander designed to
and he has occasionally used this shape to (Base 10, +2 Voice +2 Sun, +2 Group) avenge a personal slight. This spell trans-
unnerve mundanes. Alexander has a strand forms a large campfire into a bootlace,
of vulture feathers that he uses as a physi- glove, thong, lanyard, belt, or similar leath-
cal prop to allow this spell to be canceled A Source of Tremendous Pride er product, for Moon Duration. When the
at will. spell’s duration expires, the campfire contin-
(Base 20, +2 Sun) MuCo(An) 45 ues burning as a natural fire, if it has suffi-
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Group cient fuel and air. A person wearing the item
Used to transform the covenant’s ser- suffers +5 Damage in the first round, and in

Magi of Hermes
each subsequent round provided the fire has
sufficient fuel to continue burning. Alexan-
Imaginem Spells The Petrine Deception
der appears to have used this spell to burn MuIm Level 15
all of his rival’s favorite clothes, by incinerat- R: Voice, D: Conc, T: Group
ing the contents of a closet. Rumors that the The False Dune This spell makes Alexander’s grogs look
rival’s ship was lost at sea with all hands have and sound like small rocks. Alexander is un-
never been proven. MuIm Level 5 able to dispel his magic, and while in rock
(Base 10, +1 Touch, +3 Moon, requisite R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle form his grogs cannot communicate with
free) Sometimes Alexander can’t just make an each other to co-ordinate attacks, so this
unnaturally cool, dark space, surrounded by spell dissipates when Alexander’s concentra-
a moat of scorpions, when he wants to camp. tion wavers.
A Time For Slumber This spell changes the way his camp looks (Base 2, +2 Voice, +1 Concentration, +2
and sounds. He often makes it appear to be a Group)
PeIg 5 sand dune or copse of trees.
R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle (Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Ring)
When this spell is cast around a camp,
it dims the blinding light of the desert sun.
Terram Spells
This allows grogs and animals to sleep more
easily. Alexander uses it in conjunction with
Mentem Spells
A Place of Recuperation when on expedition. Rapid Excavations
(Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Ring)
Avoiding the Blame
MuTe(Aq) Level 30
A Place of Recuperation This spell allows Alexander to turn large
MuMe 15 volumes of sand into water, which rapidly
PeIg 15 R: Eye, D: Sun, T: Ind dissipates in the desert heat. Alexander uses
R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle This spell allows Alexander to rewrite all this spell to excavate sites that have become
When this spell is cast around a camp, it of the target’s memories concerning a length sand-bound, and to disorient foes by mak-
lowers the temperature within the site to that of time. Alexander uses this spell to misdirect ing the ground they are standing on into a
of a mild summer’s day. Alexander uses it, in mundane enemies, but its Duration is so brief deep waterhole. This spell can affect one
conjunction with A Time For Slumber, to allow that it must be used cautiously. It is suitable hundred cubic yards of sand. Alexander can
his expedition to rest during the hottest part for assisting his servants, when in trouble alter the shape of the space affected with a
of the day during desert travel. with mundane authorities, to gain their Finesse Roll.
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Ring) freedom long enough to flee an area. It can (Base 3, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +2 Part, +1
also be used to trick rivals into social gaffes, large target)
which can harm their political position.
(Base 4, +1 Eye, +2 Sun)

Chapter Two

Aurulentus of Jerbiton
Concept: This seventh son of a seventh son Improved Characteristics, Minor Magi- Combat:
is deeply concerned with his family, and cal Focus (fertility) (with Mythic Blood), Fist: Init –2, Attack 0, Defense –2, Damage 0
develops many spell effects concerned Privileged Upbringing (free Jerbiton Soak: +1
with health, fertility, and care for chil- House Virtue), Skilled Parens, Special Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
dren as a result. Circumstances (targeting family mem- Unconscious
bers), Student of Magic, Venus’ Blessing; Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
This is the story of Aurulentus of Jer- Driven (fulfill the family prophecy), True (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead
biton, an unusual magus as he comes from Love (Semira, his wife), Weak Magic (21+)
a family of mages. Aurulentus is a seventh Resistance (female casters); Obsessed Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (astronomy), (Area)
son, an auspicious fate. But not only that, (protect offspring, especially daughters) Lore 2 (covenant surroundings), Athlet-
his father was also a seventh son, as was his (with Mythic Blood), Mentor ics 1 (running), Awareness 1 (searching),
grandfather. In fact, Aurulentus is the fifth Personality Traits: Further family cause +3, Carouse 1 (staying sober), Charm 2 (his
continuous generation of seventh sons. A Loyal (wife) +3, Protective of his off- wife), Code of Hermes 1 (apprentices),
prophecy was once made to his ancestors spring +3 Concentration 2 (spell concentration),
that the seventh son in the seventh genera- Reputations: Member of auspicious family Etiquette 1 (nobility), Finesse 2 (preci-
tion would become a powerful magus and be +2 (Hermetic) sion), Folk Ken 1 (covenfolk), Guile 1
able to reshape magic. Ever since, the fam-
ily has used numerous means to ensure that
in every generation seven sons are born and
raised with the prophecy in mind.
It is a story of many generations of hope
and struggle, differing views and planning.
Aurulentus can expect to witness the her-
alded powerful magus: his grandson would
be the sought-after seventh son in the sev-
enth generation. Over the course of his life,
Aurulentus specializes in Corpus magic and
uses his special affinity with fertility to ac-
complish a noteworthy feat: he develops a
Longevity Ritual that does not render him
infertile and tries to extend this feat to other
people’s Longevity Rituals.

Aurulentus at Gauntlet
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre +3, Com
+2, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex 0, Qik –2
Size: 0
Age: 20 (20)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
gus; Mythic Blood (Nymph of Artemis);
Affinity with Corpus, Affinity with Creo,

Magi of Hermes
(lying to wife), High German 5 (Alle-
mannisch), Intrigue 1 (gossip), Order of Aurulentus +15 years relatives are (direction and approximate
distance) and their state of health. This
Hermes Lore 1 (5) (personalities), Latin power only works on those descended
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre +3, Com
5 (Hermetic usage), Magic Lore 2+2 (Ar- by blood from his great-great-grandfa-
+2, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex 0, Qik –2
temis), Magic Theory 4 (Corpus), Parma ther, Alexander, which by the time of
Size: 0
Magica 1 (Corpus), Penetration 1 (Cor- Aurulentus is a considerable number.
Age: 35 (34)
pus), Philosophiae 1 (moral philosophy), This effect has no penetration and re-
Decrepitude: 0
Profession: Scribe 1 (copying) quires neither words nor gestures. (InCo
Warping Score: 3 (5)
Arts: Cr 11, In 1, Mu 0, Pe 0, Re 1; An 0, Base 3, +3 Target: Bloodline (ArM5, page 92),
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Aq 0, Au 0, Co 11, He 0, Ig 0, Im 0, Me +1 to determine state of health)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
5, Te 0, Vi 5 Twilight Scars: Aurulentus can heal the
gus; Mythic Blood (Nymph of Artemis);
Powers: toothache of small children with but a
Affinity with Corpus, Affinity with
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, 0 points, Init –2, touch, and he has exceptionally strong
Creo, Improved Characteristics, Minor
Corpus: Aurulentus can sense where his facial hair growth.
Magical Focus (fertility) (with Mythic
relatives are (direction and approximate Equipment: A set of tasteful clothes, and a
Blood), Privileged Upbringing (free
distance) and their state of health. This wedding ring
Jerbiton House Virtue), Skilled Parens,
power only works on those descended Encumbrance: 0
Special Circumstances (targeting fam-
by blood from his great-great-grandfa- Spells Known:
ily members), Student of Magic, Unag-
ther, Alexander, which by the time of Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+31)
ing (granted by Zeno), Venus’ Blessing;
Aurulentus is a considerable number. Chirurgeon’s Healing Touch (CrCo 20) +31)
Driven (fulfill the family prophecy), True
This effect has no penetration and re- Gentle Touch of the Purified Body (CrCo 20/+31)
Love (Semira, his wife), Weak Magic
quires neither words nor gestures. (InCo Purification of the Festering Body (CrCo 20) +31)
Resistance (female casters); Obsessed
Base 3, +3 Target: Bloodline (ArM5, page 92), Widening the River Styx (CrCo 20/+31)
(protect offspring, especially daughters)
+1 to determine state of health) Revealed Flaws of the Mortal Flesh (InCo
(with Mythic Blood), Mentor
Twilight Scars: None 10/+26)
Personality Traits: Further family cause +3,
Equipment: A set of tasteful clothes, and a Pose Clotho’s Question (InCo 5/+26)
Loyal (wife) +3, Protective of his off-
wedding ring Pose Nona’s Question (InCo 10/+26)
spring +3
Encumbrance: 0 The Maculate Noblewoman (InCo 15/+36)
Reputations: Member of auspicious family
Spells Known: Verifying the Presence of Artemis’ Blessing (InCo
+2 (Hermetic)
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+23) 15/+36)
Chirurgeon’s Healing Touch (CrCo 20/+23) Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10/+26)
Fist: Init –2, Attack 0, Defense –2, Damage 0
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body (CrCo 20/+23) Lamp without Flame (CrIg 10/+17)
Soak: +1
Purification of the Festering Body (CrCo 20/+23) Phantasmal Troupe (CrIm 15/+26)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Cheating the Reaper (CrCo 30/+23) Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+12)
Revealed Flaws of the Mortal Flesh (InCo Appearance: A tall and handsome man with
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
10/+13) brown hair, hazel-colored eyes with
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead
Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10/+13) a slight golden shimmer in them, and
Lamp without Flame (CrIg 10/+12) delicately chiselled facial features. Auru-
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (astronomy),
Phantasmal Troupe (CrIm 15/+12) lentus is always clean shaven and wears
(Area) Lore 2 (covenant surroundings),
Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+2) tight-fitting clothes, to accentuate his
Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 1
Appearance: A tall and handsome man with athletic figure.
(searching), Carouse 1 (staying sober),
brown hair, hazel-colored eyes with Activities in the past 15 years: Thirteen
Charm 2 (his wife), Code of Hermes 1
a slight golden shimmer in them, and years were spent learning and two
(apprentices), Concentration 2 (spell
delicately chiselled facial features. Auru- years (8 seasons) in the lab. At the age
concentration), Etiquette 1 (nobility),
lentus is always clean shaven and wears of 34, Aurulentus binds his familiar, a
Finesse 2 (precision), Folk Ken 1 (cov-
tight-fitting clothes, to accentuate his Tortoise named Zeno (after Zeno of
enfolk), Guile 1 (lying to wife), High
athletic figure. Elea). The Bond Scores are: Bronze
German 5 (Allemannisch), Intrigue
Casting Sigil: Cloak. When casting, a shim- +3, Silver +1, Gold +1, for a CrCo
1 (gossip), Order of Hermes Lore 2
mer appears, seemingly cloaking the Lab Total of 40. Zeno granted the vir-
(personalities), Latin 5 (Hermetic us-
caster and/or the target. This can be a tue Unaging. Aurulentus invented the
age), Magic Lore 2+2 (Artemis), Magic
defensive, protective cloak or an aggres- spells Pose Clotho’s Question and Pose No-
Theory 5 (Corpus), Parma Magica
sive armor, depending on the spell type. na’s Question (both in a single season),
1 (Corpus), Penetration 1 (Corpus),
Voting Sigil: A golden walnut, with a tiny Verifying the Presence of Artemis’ Blessing,
Philosophiae 1 (moral philosophy),
sprout. The Maculate Noblewoman, and Widening
Profession: Scribe 1 (copying)
the River Styx (re-invented twice in one
Arts: Cr 15, In 10, Mu 10, Pe 10, Re 10; An
It is assumed that for every spell present season), experimenting on all for his
0, Aq 0, Au 1, Co 15, He 0, Ig 1, Im 10,
in the ArM5 rulebook a Lab Text either ex- breakthrough research. He spent two
Me 5(2), Te 1, Vi 5
ists or was procured. All other spells and seasons stabilizing his research.
items were invented in the laboratory, except
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, 0 points, Init –2,
for the starting spell Phantasmal Troupe.
Corpus: Aurulentus can sense where his

Magi of Hermes
Aurulentus +30 years Powers:
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, 0 points, Init –2,
Four seasons were spent on experiment-
ing with eight Longevity Rituals, and a
Corpus: Aurulentus can sense where his further four seasons on stabilizing the
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre +3, Com
relatives are (direction and approximate research efforts. The breakthrough is
+2, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex 0, Qik –2
distance) and their state of health. This successfully stabilized! Aurulentus im-
Size: 0
power only works on those descended mediately created a Longevity Ritual for
Age: 50 (34)
by blood from his great-great-grandfa- himself and his wife. Only after this is
Decrepitude: 1
ther, Alexander, which by the time of accomplished, he sets to empower the
Warping Score: 4 (19)
Aurulentus is a considerable number. bond of his familiar with the power Men-
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
This effect has no penetration and re- tal Communication and invent the spell Eye
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
quires neither words nor gestures. (InCo of the Sage. The remaining 10 years were
gus; Mythic Blood (Nymph of Artemis);
Base 3, +3 Target: Bloodline (ArM5, page 92), spent learning.
Affinity with Corpus, Affinity with
+1 to determine state of health)
Creo, Improved Characteristics, Minor
Twilight Scars: Aurulentus can heal the
Magical Focus (fertility) (with Mythic
Blood), Privileged Upbringing (free
toothache of small children with but a
touch, he has exceptionally strong facial
Aurulentus +45 years
Jerbiton House Virtue), Skilled Parens,
hair growth, and dogs sense him as a cat
Special Circumstances (targeting fam- Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre +3, Com
and act accordingly.
ily members), Student of Magic, Unag- +2, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex 0, Qik –2
Equipment: A set of tasteful clothes, and a
ing (granted by Zeno), Venus’ Blessing; Size: 0
wedding ring
Driven (fulfill the family prophecy), True Age: 65 (34)
Encumbrance: 0
Love (Semira, his wife), Weak Magic Decrepitude: 1
Spells Known:
Resistance (female casters); Obsessed Warping Score: 5 (24)
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+33)
(protect offspring, especially daughters) Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Chirurgeon’s Healing Touch (CrCo 20/+33)
(with Mythic Blood), Mentor Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body (CrCo 20/+33)
Personality Traits: Further family cause +3, gus; Mythic Blood (Nymph of Artemis);
Purification of the Festering Body (CrCo 20/+33)
Loyal (wife) +3, Protective of his off- Affinity with Corpus, Affinity with
Widening the River Styx (CrCo 20/+33)
spring +3 Creo, Improved Characteristics, Minor
Artemis’ Fertility (CrCo 40/+49)
Reputations: Member of auspicious family Magical Focus (fertility) (with Mythic
Pose Clotho’s Question (InCo 5/+27)
+2 (Hermetic) Blood), Privileged Upbringing (free
Pose Nona’s Question (InCo 10/+27)
Combat: Jerbiton House Virtue), Skilled Parens,
Revealed Flaws of the Mortal Flesh (InCo
Fist: Init –2, Attack 0, Defense –2, Damage 0 Special Circumstances (targeting fam-
Soak: +1 ily members), Student of Magic, Unag-
The Maculate Noblewoman (InCo 15/+37)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, ing (granted by Zeno), Venus’ Blessing;
Verifying the Presence of Artemis’ Blessing (InCo
Unconscious Driven (fulfill the family prophecy), True
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 Love (Semira, his wife), Weak Magic
Eyes of the Sage (InCo(Im) 30/+21)
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead Resistance (female casters); Obsessed
Bane of the Decrepit Body (PeCo 25/+27)
(21+) (protect offspring, especially daughters)
Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10/+28)
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (astronomy), (with Mythic Blood), Mentor
Lamp without Flame (CrIg 10/+22)
(Area) Lore 2 (covenant surroundings), Personality Traits: Further family cause +3,
Phantasmal Troupe (CrIm 15/+28)
Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 2 Loyal (wife) +3, Protective of his off-
Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+17)
(searching), Carouse 1 (staying sober), spring +3
Appearance: A tall and handsome man with
Charm 3 (his wife), Code of Hermes Reputations: Member of auspicious family
brown hair, hazel-colored eyes with
1 (apprentices), Concentration 2 (spell +2 (Hermetic)
a slight golden shimmer in them, and
concentration), Etiquette 1 (nobility), Combat:
delicately chiselled facial features. Auru-
Finesse 2 (precision), Folk Ken 1 (cov- Fist: Init –2, Attack 0, Defense –2, Damage 0
lentus is always clean shaven and wears
enfolk), Greek 4 (archaic vocabulary), Soak: +1
tight-fitting clothes, to accentuate his
Guile 1 (lying to wife), High German Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
athletic figure.
5 (Allemannisch), Intrigue 1 (gossip), Unconscious
Activities in the past 15 years: First, five
Order of Hermes Lore 2 (personalities), Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
years were spent in the lab (20 seasons),
Latin 5 (Hermetic usage), Leadership (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead
as Aurulentus was getting desperate to
1 (family members), Magic Lore 3+2 (21+)
finish his research. Semira is younger
(Artemis), Magic Theory 6 (Corpus), Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (astronomy),
than him, but soon she would show
Parma Magica 2 (Corpus), Penetration (Area) Lore 2 (covenant surroundings),
signs of aging. Aurulentus spent two sea-
1 (Corpus), Philosophiae 2 (moral phi- Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 2
sons inventing the spell Artemis’ Fertility,
losophy), Profession: Scribe 1 (copy- (searching), Carouse 1 (staying sober),
and a further two seasons re-inventing
ing), Survival 1 (forests), Teaching 1 Charm 3 (his wife), Code of Hermes 1
the same spell twice. The spell Bane of
(one-on-one) (apprentices), Concentration 2 (spell
the Decrepit Body was learned and re-in-
Arts: Cr 16(1), In 10, Mu 10, Pe 10, Re 11; concentration), Etiquette 1 (nobility),
vented twice, additionally The Maculate
An 5, Aq 5, Au 5, Co 16(1), He 5, Ig 5, Finesse 3 (precision), Folk Ken 2 (cov-
Noblewoman was re-invented three times.
Im 10, Me 6(2), Te 5, Vi 7(6) enfolk), Greek 4 (archaic vocabulary),

Magi of Hermes
Guile 1 (lying to wife), High German Bountiful Feast (CrHe 35/+35) Resistance (female casters); Obsessed
5 (Allemannisch), Intrigue 2 (gossip), Lamp without Flame (CrIg 10/+26) (protect offspring, especially daughters)
Order of Hermes Lore 2 (personalities), Phantasmal Troupe (CrIm 15/+32) (with Mythic Blood), Mentor
Latin 5 (Hermetic usage), Leadership 1 Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+22) Personality Traits: Further family cause +3,
(family members), Magic Lore 3+2 (Ar- Summoning the Distant Image (InIm 25/+22) Loyal (wife) +3, Protective of his off-
temis), Magic Theory 7 (Corpus), Parma Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10/+23) spring +3
Magica 2 (Corpus), Penetration 2 (Cor- Comeliness of the Crone (MuIm 10/+23) Reputations: Member of auspicious family
pus), Philosophiae 2 (moral philosophy), Disguise of the Transformed Image (MuIm +2 (Hermetic)
Profession: Scribe 1 (copying), Survival 15/+23) Combat:
1 (forests), Teaching 1 (one-on-one) Words of Unbroken Silence (CrMe 10/+31) Fist: Init –2, Attack 0, Defense –2, Damage 0
Arts: Cr 20(1), In 10, Mu 11, Pe 10, Re 12; Memory of the Distant Dream (CrMe 20/+31) Soak: +1
An 10, Aq 5, Au 5, Co 20(1), He 7, Ig 5, Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe 10/+21) Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Im 11, Me 10(2), Te 5, Vi 8(2) Pose the Silent Question (InMe 20/+21) Unconscious
Powers: Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+18) Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, 0 points, Init –2, Appearance: A tall and handsome man with (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead
Corpus: Aurulentus can sense where his brown hair, hazel-colored eyes with (21+)
relatives are (direction and approximate a slight golden shimmer in them, and Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (astronomy), (Area)
distance) and their state of health. This delicately chiselled facial features. Auru- Lore 2 (covenant surroundings), Athlet-
power only works on those descended lentus is always clean shaven and wears ics 1 (running), Awareness 2 (searching),
by blood from his great-great-grandfa- tight-fitting clothes, to accentuate his Carouse 1 (staying sober), Charm 3 (his
ther, Alexander, which by the time of athletic figure. wife), Code of Hermes 2 (apprentices),
Aurulentus is a considerable number. Activities in the past 15 years: Having ac- Concentration 3 (spell concentration),
This effect has no penetration and re- complished his goal of finding a Longev- Etiquette 3 (nobility), Finesse 2 (preci-
quires neither words nor gestures. (InCo ity Ritual preserving the fertility of both sion), Folk Ken 2 (covenfolk), Greek 4
Base 3, +3 Target: Bloodline (ArM5, page 92), his wife and himself, Aurulentus can now (archaic vocabulary), Guile 2 (lying to
+1 to determine state of health) relax and turn to much-neglected stand- wife), High German 5 (Allemannisch),
Twilight Scars: Aurulentus can heal the ard Hermetic research. Ten years were Intrigue 2 (10) (gossip), Order of Hermes
toothache of small children with but a spent learning and 5 years in the lab. Lore 3 (personalities), Latin 5 (Hermetic
touch, he has exceptionally strong fa- Aurulentus catches up with spell inven- usage), Leadership 2 (family members),
cial hair growth, dogs sense him as a cat tions, learning the standard spells from Magic Lore 4 (5)+2 (Artemis), Magic
and act accordingly, and he never suffers lab texts. Additionally, he creates the Theory 8 (Corpus), Parma Magica 2
from a hangover. items The Face of Paris, Communication of the (Corpus), Penetration 2 (Corpus), Philos-
Equipment: A set of tasteful clothes, and a Lovers, and Reunion of the Lovers. A season ophiae 2 (moral philosophy), Profession:
wedding ring is also spent on writing up his research Scribe 1 (copying), Survival 1 (forests),
Encumbrance: 0 findings. Word spreads slowly of his suc- Teaching 2 (one-on-one)
Spells Known: cess, but a few nearby magi show their Arts: Cr 21, In 12, Mu 11, Pe 10, Re 13; An
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+41) interest in his works. 10, Aq 5, Au 5, Co 21, He 7, Ig 5, Im
Chirurgeon’s Healing Touch (CrCo 20/+41) 11, Me 11(2), Te 5, Vi 10
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body (CrCo 20/+41) Powers:
Purification of the Festering Body (CrCo 20/+41)
Widening the River Styx (CrCo 20/+41)
Aurulentus +60 years Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, 0 points, Init –2,
Corpus: Aurulentus can sense where his
Severed Limb Made Whole (CrCo 25/+41) relatives are (direction and approximate
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre +3, Com
Blissful Sensations (CrCo 30/+41) distance) and their state of health. This
+2, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex 0, Qik –2
Artemis’ Fertility (CrCo 40/+61) power only works on those descended
Size: 0
Incantation of the Body Made Whole (CrCo by blood from his great-great-grandfa-
Age: 80 (34)
40/+41) ther, Alexander, which by the time of
Decrepitude: 1 (2)
Pose Clotho’s Question (InCo 5/+31) Aurulentus is a considerable number.
Warping Score: 6 (24)
Pose Nona’s Question (InCo 10/+31) This effect has no penetration and re-
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Revealed Flaws of the Mortal Flesh (InCo quires neither words nor gestures. (InCo
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
10/+31) Base 3, +3 Target: Bloodline (ArM5, page 92),
gus; Mythic Blood (Nymph of Artemis);
The Maculate Noblewoman (InCo 15/+41) +1 to determine state of health)
Affinity with Corpus, Affinity with
Verifying the Presence of Artemis’ Blessing (InCo Twilight Scars: Aurulentus can heal the
Creo, Improved Characteristics, Minor
15/+31) toothache of small children with but a
Magical Focus (fertility) (with Mythic
Eyes of the Sage (InCo(Im) 30/+22) touch, he has exceptionally strong facial
Blood), Privileged Upbringing (free
Ease the Suffering of Childbirth (MuCo 15/+32) hair growth, dogs sense him as a cat and
Jerbiton House Virtue), Skilled Parens,
Bane of the Decrepit Body (PeCo 25/+31) act accordingly, he never suffers from a
Special Circumstances (targeting fam-
Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10/+33) hangover, and when angry Aurulentus’
ily members), Student of Magic, Unag-
Hold Chur (ReCo 30/+33) voice turns into that of his wife.
ing (granted by Zeno), Venus’ Blessing;
Seven Leagues Stride (ReCo 30/+33) Equipment: A set of tasteful clothes, and a
Driven (fulfill the family prophecy), True
Seven Leagues Travel (ReCo 35/+33) wedding ring
Love (Semira, his wife), Weak Magic

Magi of Hermes
Encumbrance: 0
Spells Known:
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+43)
Familiar: Zeno the Tortoise
Chirurgeon’s Healing Touch (CrCo 20/+43)
Magic Might: 15 ram: By withdrawing completely into
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body (CrCo 20/+43)
Characteristics: Int 0, Per –2, Pre –5, Com his shell, Zeno becomes invulnerable
Purification of the Festering Body (CrCo 20/+43)
–6, Str –1, Sta +5, Dex +2, Qik –5 to all types of non-magical damage
Widening the River Styx (CrCo 20/+31)
Size: –4 and attacks. He could be thrown off
Severed Limb Made Whole (CrCo 25/+43)
Virtues and Flaws: Enduring Constitution, a 60-foot cliff, tossed into a huge bon-
Blissful Sensations (CrCo 30/+43)
Long-Winded, Tough, Unaging; Non- fire, or hacked at with axes; he would
Artemis’ Fertility (CrCo 40/+64)
combatant, Poor Eyesight, Reclusive emerge unscathed.
Incantation of the Body Made Whole (CrCo
Qualities: Camouflage, Hardy, Shell, Tim- Grant Virtue (Unaging), 5 points, Init –5,
id, Tireless Vim: Zeno can grant a single person
Bestow the Blessing of Apollon (CrCo 50/+43)
Personality Traits: Reclusive +3, Timid +2 the virtue Unaging for as long as he
Incantation of the Warriors Made Whole (CrCo
Reputations: Aurulentus’ Familiar (Cov- deems appropriate. Cancelling this ef-
enant) 2 fect takes one round of concentration
Blessing of Artemis’ Fertility (CrCo 65/+64)
Combat: and can be done without Zeno being
Revealed Flaws of Mortal Flesh (InCo 10/+34)
Dodge: Init –5, Attack N/A, Defence: –5, able to sense the recipient and also
Pose Clotho’s Question (InCo 5/+34)
Damage N/A without his consent. See Guardians of
Parental Inquisitiveness (InCo 10/+34)
Soak: +12 the Forests, page 32.
Pose Nona’s Question (InCo 10/+34)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0/0, 0/0, –2/–2, –4, Familiar Powers:
The Maculate Noblewoman (InCo 15/+46)
Unconscious Mental Communication: Zeno and Aurulen-
Verifying the Presence of Artemis’ Blessing (InCo
Wound Penalties: –1 (1), –3 (2), –5 (3), tus are in constant mental contact,
Incapacitated (4), Dead (5+) and can exchange words, images, and
Eyes of the Sage (InCo(Im) 30/+24)
Abilities: Awareness 2 (food), Brawl 2 emotions. (CrMe 15: Base 4, +1 Touch,
Ease the Suffering of Childbirth (MuCo 15/+33)
(dodge), High German 5 (Alleman- +10 levels unlimited uses/day)
Bane of the Decrepit Body (PeCo 25/+32)
nisch), Latin 5 (Hermetic usage), Vis: Two pawns of Creo, in shell
Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10/+35)
Greek 4 (archaic vocabulary), Survival Appearance: A turtle of about 20 cm in
Hold Chur (ReCo 30/+35)
5 (home terrain) length with a brownish, slightly drab-
It’s Raining Men (ReCo 30/+35)
Bond Scores: Bronze +3, Silver +1, Gold ly colored shell. Along the back of
Warding the Unruly Child (ReCo 30/+35)
+1 (CrCo Lab Total 40) the shell, 15 lumps are visible, which
Seven Leagues Stride (ReCo 30/+35)
Powers: could be mistaken for spine bones.
Seven Leagues Travel (ReCo 35/+35)
Retreat of Invulnerability, 1 point, Init –5, Ter-
Bountiful Feast (CrHe 35/+38)
Lamp without Flame (CrIg 10/+27)
Phantasmal Troupe (CrIm 15/+33) Housearrest of the Unruly Child, It’s Raining
Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+24)
Summoning the Distant Image (InIm 25/+24)
Men, and Parental Inquisitiveness were in- Aurulentus and
vented. The items Bachelor’s Door, Army of
Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10/+23) the Infant, Bed of Rapid Convalescence, Comb of his Ancestors
Comeliness of the Crone (MuIm 10/+23) Aphrodite, Crib with a Mother’s Touch, Guardi-
Disguise of the Transformed Image (MuIm an of Decency, Nappy without Nuisance, Trav- Aurulentus’ great-great-great-grandfa-
15/+23) eller’s Comfort, and Soothe the Mother’s Anxiety ther, Askanius, visited Greece where he met
Ears of a Grateful Father (PeIm 20/+21) were created. Two additional seasons of and fell in love with a nymph of Artemis. She
Words of Unbroken Silence (CrMe 10/+33) work are needed for the spells, so the bore him his seventh son (named Alexander)
Memory of the Distant Dream (CrMe 20/+33) above mentioned workload was made in and an ageing priest of the goddess revealed
Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe 10/+24) 15 years and two seasons. to him that every seventh son of his family
Pose the Silent Question (InMe 20/+24) would hold a measure of Artemis herself in his
Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+19) blood. Furthermore, once seven continuous
Appearance: A tall and handsome man with generations of seventh sons were born, this
brown hair, hazel-colored eyes with

seventh son in the seventh generation would
a slight golden shimmer in them, and be able to reshape magic. Alexander started
delicately chiselled facial features. Auru- a mission to ensure that in every generation

lentus is always clean shaven and wears at least seven sons were born. Aurulentus is
tight-fitting clothes, to accentuate his in the fifth generation. Not surprisingly, his
athletic figure. corporeal father took him as his apprentice
Activities in the past 15 years: Eight years Aurulentus’ connection to his family is early in his childhood. At the age of 13, he
were spent learning and seven years in very different than the norm among magi. was told of the full extent of the prophecy
the lab, creating many items for his wife. The following is information about his fam- and the differing views his ancestors had on
The spells Blessing of Artemis’ Fertility, Incan- ily history and the impact it has on his career how to father seven sons — something that
tation of the Warriors Made Whole, Bestow the as a magus. is now also expected of him. Around the age
Blessing of Apollon, Ears of a Grateful Father, of 18, Aurulentus found the only comfort of

Magi of Hermes

Widening the River Styx

CrCo 20, Ritual

R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
Resolves a minor crisis caused by aging
(see ArM5, page 170). The target still re-
quires rest for the remainder of the season
to recover fully.
Aurulentus successfully used this spell
to probe the exact effects Hermetic magic
can have during an Aging Crisis for his
(Base 15, +1 Touch)

Blissful Sensations
CrCo 30
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
The spell removes all pain not exceeding
the pain of a light wound from the target. As
soon as the spell duration ends, the pain will
return if the source still exists.
Aurulentus uses this spell to ease the
his youth: Semira, the daughter of a Latin in- controlled aging process of the spell Bane of pains of his wife. His version is specifi-
structor. Because of this love, Aurulentus re- the Decrepit Body (three separate inventions cally designed for his wife, such that she
vised his understanding of the prophecy: the were needed), investigating the reasons for does not gain Warping from this spell (see
only woman whom he wanted to have chil- the infertile Longevity Rituals using the spell ArM5, page 168). Frequent use of this spell
dren with was Semira. In order to have seven The Maculate Noblewoman (four different in- often leads to an addiction, as the return
sons with one and the same woman, it was ventions were needed to perfect the spell), of all the minor pains a human tends to ig-
necessary to guarantee the health and fertil- inspecting the Hermetic treatment of Ag- nore after the effect expires is overwhelm-
ity of both man and woman for a sufficiently ing Crises using the spell Widening the River ing. The spell is not powerful enough to
long time, prompting his research into Creo Styx (again needing three starts), three times remove the pains of childbirth, Aurulentus
and Corpus magics. During his career, Au- probing the fertility concepts of his own spell uses the spell Ease the Suffering of Childbirth for
rulentus invents numerous spells concerned Artemis’ Fertility, and finally experimenting this measure.
with childbirth and healing, as well as creat- with numerous Longevity Rituals of fourth (Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
ing a number of items and spells designed to magnitude. Unsuccessful research directions
facilitate the daily life of a mother of many were the analysis of a woman’s fertility using
children. His most impressive feat, however, the spells Pose Clotho’s Question and Pose Nona’s Artemis’ Fertility
will be the invention of a Longevity Ritual Question. Also not promising was his idea of
that preserves his fertility. watching an actual act of conception using CrCo 40
the spell Verifying the Presence of Artemis’ Blessing. R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind
Six seasons in total were spent on stabilizing Increases the fertility of the target, thus
Longevity Breakthrough his research. improving the chances of conception. The
spell does not guarantee conception, not even
during the usual fertile phases of a woman, as
If you use the Original Research rules Hermetic magic is unable to create life. All

New Spells
from Houses of Hermes: True Lineages, page 26 other magi Aurulentus has talked to do not
these are the steps used by Aurulentus to believe that this spell works, but this does
complete his Minor Hermetic Breakthrough. not deter him.
He gained valuable breakthrough insights (Base 20 (heal any debilitating effects of
from the following research: studying the Aurulentus has developed the following poison, disease, or injury preventing concep-
Bronze Cord of his familiar, exploring the new spells. tion), +1 Touch, +3 Moon)

Magi of Hermes
Bestow the Blessing mundanes are influenced by the fact that the
of Apollon magi have many children, and thus also act The Prophecy:
in a promiscuous way. So far, no-one has
CrCo 50 been able to replicate the spell, although Au- A Faerie Game?
R: Touch, D: Year, T: Room, Ritual rulentus gives copies of the Lab Texts of the
All targets within the room gain a +18 bo- spell freely to anyone asking for them. What happens after (or if) the sev-
nus to Recovery rolls to recover from injuries (Base 20, +1 Touch, +4 Year, +4 enth son in the seventh generation is
or diseases, as long as they have been under the Boundary) born? Maybe nothing — the priest of
influence of this spell for the whole of the re- Artemis and the nymph both could
covery interval. The recovery interval is count- have been faeries who started a bet to
ed from the time that the spell is cast or from Pose Clotho‘s Question see if they could fool seven generations
the time the subject enters the room — which- of magi.
ever is later. Any previous time is ignored. InCo 5
This spell was invented by Aurulentus as R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
a proof of concept. It is no longer used, as it Determines if the target is pregnant. The Determines if the target is pregnant and
is too expensive in terms of vis and causes spell will fail if cast on a man. Clotho is the how many months are left until birth, bar-
Warping. Instead, an Enchanted Item has youngest of the three Fates. ring unforeseen circumstances. The spell
been made with similar effects (see New (Base 4, +1 Touch) will fail if cast on a man. If the target is not
Items: Bed of Rapid Convalescence). pregnant, the exact date of the menstrual
(Base 15, +1 Touch, +4 Year, +2 Room) cycle will be revealed. Nona is the Roman
Parental Inquisitiveness version of Clotho and goddess of pregnan-
cy. She was often called upon by women in
Incantation of the InCo 10 their ninth month of pregnancy to ensure a
Warriors Made Whole R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Part smooth birth.
Determines the sex of an unborn child. (Base 5, +1 Touch)
CrCo 50 Hermetic magic can only distinguish the un-
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Room, Ritual born child as a Part of the mother from the
Heals all damage to all human bodies in second trimester of pregnancy onwards (see The Maculate Noblewoman
the room at the conclusion of the ritual. The Ancient Magic, page 55), so this spell will fail if
targets must have been present in the room cast in the first trimester of pregnancy. InCo 15
for the entire length of the ritual to ben- (Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Part) R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
efit from the spell. The spell can only heal Accurately determines the underlying
wounds, not such damage as missing limbs, reason for the infertility of the target.
or diseases and damage from poisons. Pose Nona’s Question Aurulentus successfully used this spell
This improved version of the Incantation to compare two groups: those infertile from
of the Body Made Whole was commissioned by a InCo 10 natural causes and those rendered infertile by
Tremere magus who wanted to save vis while R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind a Longevity Ritual. Exploring the fundamen-
healing a large group of wounded people. To
use this during (or better, after) a battle, a
tent may be used instead of a room. Using
Target: Room rather than Group means that
The Family Tree
this spell can heal more wounded, if one can Below is a short list of Aurulentus’ an- be against the use of passive magic, as long
get all of them into a single room. cestors, each generation using a different as the women participate voluntarily.
(Base 35, +1 Touch, +2 Room) approach to sire seven sons. Generation 4: Altus. He no qualms
Generation 1: Alexander. Alexander about using Mentem and love magic to
believes that in order to fulfill the proph- manage the, by now large, family and to
Blessing of Artemis’ Fertility esy, he may not use any magical “tricks” father his seventh son.
— Artemis is the patroness of women and Generation 5: Aurulentus. Wishing
CrCo 65 children. He uses his natural charm to sire to sire all of his children with his True
R: Touch, D: Year, T: Boundary, Ritual seven sons with different mothers. Love, Aurulentus believes that developing
Increases the fertility of all within the Generation 2: Antipater. He has con- a Longevity Ritual that does not render
boundary, even if they were not present at siderable difficulties fathering seven sons, the target infertile is the best way to fulfil
the completion of the ritual. As with the spell and dies in bed with a woman just after the the prophecy.
Artemis’ Fertility, no other magus believes that conception of his seventh. Generation 6: Arbus Tutus. The sev-
this spell works as anything other than a gi- Generation 3: Alboin. Alboin realizes enth son of Aurulentus. So far, he has only
ant waste of precious Creo and Corpus vis. that charm alone nearly failed his father, managed to sire two daughters and does
Aurulentus points out that at his Cov- and starts to use passive Corpus magic to not seem too keen to father more children
enant a higher than average rate of births is provide surveillance and protection from ... indeed, he does not seem to be too keen
apparent, but most magi believe this to be diseases. He argues that Artemis couldn’t on other women.
merely a fluke. Other magi theorise that the

Magi of Hermes
tal differences between these two groups,
he was able to gather further insights for his
ence of a mind control spell to stop him from
attacking his group without harming him.
breakthrough. (Base 5, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +1 close
(Base 10, +1 Touch) eyes)
Comeliness of the Crone
Verifying the Presence House Arrest of
of Artemis’ Blessing the Unruly Child MuIm 10
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
InCo 15 ReCo 30 The target appears less likeable, cute,
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle and attractive. Numerous subtle changes in
The caster is immediately aware of a Creates a circle which (if the spell pene- appearance bring about this change, includ-
conception in the target during the spell trates) no human being may pass. Aurulentus ing a shriller, higher pitched voice, a more
duration. Aurulentus observed grogs with uses this spell to either keep children away crooked posture, and a slightly more bloated
and without Longevity Rituals during in- from important rooms such as his lab or his and unclean face and figure. The character
tercourse with this spell to explore the dif- bedroom, or to keep children inside a room. gets a –3 modifier on all rolls to influence,
ferences between the two groups. His re- (Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Ring) seduce, or please others.
search was unsuccessful, as he was not able Aurulentus used this spell on his
to witness the actual creation of life with daughters to test whether their suitors
this spell. It’s Raining Men were really more interested in personality
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun) than looks as they usually proclaimed. He
ReCo 30 stopped using it after his wife found out
R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Group and forbade it. He now uses the Bachelor’s
Ease the Suffering Instantly transports the targets five paces Door (see Enchanted Items) to test suitors
of Childbirth upwards into the air, after which they drop of his daughters — without the knowledge
to the ground. This breaks up any military of his wife.
MuCo 15 formation and inflicts damage as per the rules (Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part in ArM5, page 181. This spell was commis-
Widens the pelvis of the target, making sioned by a Tytalus magus who commanded
delivery of the child straightforward. See a cavalry group and used the spell to break Ears of a Grateful Father
Art and Academe, page 62, for rules regarding up spearmen lines just before charging into
childbirth; this spell gives a +1 bonus to them. The Group target only allows for ten PeIm 20
childbirth rolls. men to be thrust upwards, but this is usually R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Group
Aurulentus invented this spell after re- enough to form a small breakthrough that a All voices emitted by a group of indi-
alizing that his spell Blissful Sensations had cavalry charge can exploit. viduals will be decreased in volume to that of
too many undesirable side effects and was (Base 10, +2 Voice, +2 Group) a normal conversation. Aurulentus invented
not powerful enough to help his wife dur- this spell after he had to babysit ten scream-
ing childbirth. ing infants.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Part) Seven Leagues Travel (Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 Group,
+1 changing images)
ReCo 35
Hold Chur R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
Transports the target to any place within Phantasmal Troupe
ReCo 30 seven leagues either that the caster can see
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Ind or that the caster has an Arcane Connection CrIm 15
Holds the target completely motionless to. If the caster fails an Intelligence + Finesse R: Voice, D: Conc, T: Ind
for the duration of the spell. In addition, the stress roll against an Ease Factor of 9, the ar- Creates illusionary music from a direc-
spell closes the eyes of the target and keeps rival goes slightly awry. tion that the caster specifies. A full troupe
them firmly shut, so that he is unable to see This is an improved version of the Seven- of musicians can be simulated in this way,
for the duration of the spell. League Stride, sometimes used by Aurulentus with a finesse roll determining the quality
Chur is a troublesome grog of the cove- to travel with his wife. The spell is specifi- of the music. Aurulentus uses this spell to
nant. A lesser version of this spell was used to cally designed for Semira, so as to not cause amuse his wife and children. It was origi-
stop him when he was doing mischief. Aurul- Warping if cast on her. After Aurulentus cre- nally invented by his parens, Altus, with the
entus soon realized that a more-powerful ver- ated Enchanted Items that allow for instant same motivation.
sion would have many uses: as a combat spell, travel, this spell is only seldom used. It was (Base 1, +2 Voice, +1 Conc, +2 change
as a spell to act without witnesses, and as a once used to teleport a group into safety at command, +1 intricacy)
spell to stop nosy mundanes. It was once used from a sinking ship.
on a friendly grog who came under the influ- (Base 30, +1 Touch)

Magi of Hermes

Enchanted males that are present in the room. Should

this be the case, a second effect will be trig-
gered that will bar the person from entering
passes through its teeth. Aurulentus con-
trived this lesser enchanted device for his
wife as a birthday present, after she com-
Items the room. plained that he should use his magic for
more practical purposes.
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +10 levels unlimited
Aurulentus has created the following en- Identify the Lecherous Suitor uses per day)
chanted items.
InMe 24
Pen +0, constant effect
Army of the Infant R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
Reads the emotions of any person pass- of the Lovers
ing through the doorway. If strong feelings
This invested item is a collection of of lust towards a female in the room are
wooden army figures: horses, soldiers, gen- sensed, the second effect, Bar the Lecherous InIm 21
erals, and siege weapons. Each has detailed Suitor is triggered. Pen +0, 2/day
markings and is fully colored. The figures can (Base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 level 2 R: Arc, D: Conc, T: Ind
be moved at command and are capable of uses/day, +3 levels environmental trigger) Two matching silver amulets, each being
emitting the appropriate noises: horses neigh, an Arcane Connection to the other. When
soldiers yell. This set of toys was created by activated, this lesser enchanted device allows
Aurulentus for his sons; a similar set was made Bar the Lecherous Suitor one to see and hear the person holding the
for his daughters, depicting different families matching amulet. Aurulentus uses these to
of animals with corresponding sounds. ReCo 33 communicate with his wife when they are
Pen +0, 1/day separated. Because the device has no Pen-
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind etration, Aurulentus must suppress his Parma
Movement of the Toys If this effect penetrates, then no human in order to for his wife to be able to see him.
target may pass the doorway into the ante- The remaining problem, that both sides need
ReHe 20 chamber. to activate the amulets at the same time, was
Pen +0, unlimited uses/day (Base 15, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +5 levels solved by casting a small CrIm spell at R: Arc,
R: Per, D: Diam, T: Ind device maintains concentration, +3 levels to indicate to his wife that he had the time
Enchants the wooden parts of the toys triggered effect) to talk to her. Due to the hazards of leaving
such that they are capable of small, con- Arcane Connections in other persons’ hands
trolled movements. and the constant scrying danger, few other
(Base 3, +1 Diam, +2 Group, +10 levels
unlimited uses per day)
Bed of Rapid magi think such devices are a good idea.
(Base 2, +4 Arc, +1 Conc, +5 levels
Convalescence item maintains concentration, +1 level 2
Sounds of the Toys
CrCo 34
CrIm 20
Pen +0, unlimited uses/day
Pen +0, constant effect
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
Crib with a
R: Per, D: Diam, T: Ind
Creates sounds appropriate for the toy.
A leather sick-bed engraved with Creo
and Corpus runes, as well as symbols of
Mother’s Touch
Full speech is not possible at this level of de- Apollon, the Greek god of healing. Anyone
tail, so the soldiers just shout and yell rather resting in this bed receives a +18 bonus to A simple, wooden crib with a crystal cen-
than speak. his recovery rolls, as long as he remains in trally fixed along the headpiece. This is an
(Base 1, +1 Diam, +2 Group, +2 at com- the bed for the whole of the recovery period. invested item made by Aurulentus to give the
mand, +10 levels unlimited uses per day) Aurulentus created this item as a lesser en- mothers of the Covenant a bit more free time.
chanted device.
(Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 level 2
The Sound of Sound Sleep
Bachelor’s Door uses/day, +3 levels environmental trigger)

InIm 8
This invested item is a nondescript door
leading to an antechamber where guests can
Comb of Aphrodite Pen +0, constant effect
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
be welcomed and attended to. Aurulentus Listens to the baby in the crib. When
has all of his daughters await their suitors for PeAq 15 the baby starts to scream, the second effect
the first time behind this door. The thoughts Pen +0, unlimited uses/day is triggered.
of the entering person will be read to deter- R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind (Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 level 2
mine if he only wishes to bed any of the fe- This comb instantly dries any hair that uses/day, +3 levels environmental trigger)

Magi of Hermes
Rocking into Sound Sleep Nappy without Nuisance The Sound of Sound Sleep
ReHe 17 InIm 14
Pen +0, 24 uses/day PeCo 15 Pen +0, constant effect
R: Per, D: Conc, T: Ind Pen +0, unlimited uses/day R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Room
Once triggered by the first effect, this ef- R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind Listens to all sounds in the room that are
fect will rock the crib slightly, hopefully re- These nappies are lesser enchanted de- louder than that of a whisper.
sulting in a content and sleepy baby. Once the vices embroidered with Perdo runes, making (Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Room,
baby’s crying stops, the crib stops rocking. any magus think twice about using them. +1 level 2 uses/day, +3 levels environmental
(Base 3, +1 Conc, +5 levels item main- They destroy any human excreta that are trigger)
tains concentration, +5 levels 24 uses/day, contained within, thus eliminating the need
+3 levels triggered effect) to wash and replace the nappies often. Au-
rulentus had to promise to be extra careful What Disturbs Sound Sleep?
while preparing this item, and had to con-
Guardian of Decency duct extensive tests before his wife allowed
him to use them on any of their children.
CrIm 28
Pen +0, unlimited uses/day
(Base 4 (by analogy to the PeAn 4 R: Touch, D: Diameter, T: Ind
A silver necklace with three small beryl guideline “destroy something made of ani- Displays the images and sounds of the
stones attached to it. The invested item detects mal products”), +1 Touch, +10 levels unlim- room scryed into by the triggering effect on
if the wearer is touched by a man and then re- ited uses) the mirror.
moves any indecent emotions from him. Auru- (Base 2, +1 Touch, +1 Diam, +2 move at
lentus created this item after he found out that command, +1 intricacy, +10 levels unlimited
a boy from a neighboring village had aggres-
sively pursued one of his daughters.
Reunion of Lovers uses/day, +3 levels triggered effect)

Who Touches my Daughter?

ReCo 40
Pen +0, 24/day
The Face of Paris
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
InCo 19 Female boots made from finest calf skin, PeCo 14
Pen +0, constant effect with small, intricately decorated wings on Pen +0, unlimited uses/day
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind the side. They allow the wearer to duplicate R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
Detects if the wearer is touched by a the effects of the spell Seven Leagues Stride up to This razor, although blunt, will remove
man, and then triggers the second effect. 24 times per day and were created as an in- any and all body hair where it touches the
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 level 2 vested device, due to the high level require- skin of a human. The item has no penetration
uses/day, +3 levels environmental trigger) ment. These items were crafted for Semira, built into it, so a magus has to suppress his
and so do not cause her Warping. Magic Resistance while shaving. Aurulentus’
(Base 30, +1 Touch, +5 levels for 24 uses/ wife had always complained that his beard
Dare Not Touch my Daughter! day) growth was too strong; after a twilight expe-
rience his facial hair growth increased many-
PeMe 30 fold and Aurulentus invented this lesser en-
Pen +0, 3/day
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Ind
Soothe the chanted device to keep it under control.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +10 levels unlimited
Once triggered by the first effect, this ef-
fect renders the target completely bereft of
Mother’s Anxiety uses)

lust — he will no longer feel indecent pas-

sions towards the wearer of the necklace, or
indeed, any woman.
This invested device was created by Au-
rulentus to calm the many mothers of the
Traveller’s Comfort
(Base 5, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +2 levels for 3 Covenant. A number of the devices have
uses/day, +3 levels triggered effect) been produced over the years. It consists of ReAu(Ig) 24
a small mirror and a separate handle, one be- Pen +0, constant effect
ing an Arcane Connection to the other. The R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
A Guardian’s Voice handle can be put into a room and listens This sturdy and nondescript travelling cloak
to all noises therein. If a noise louder than protects the wearer from rain and keeps him
CrIm 11 a whisper is detected, it triggers the second comfortably warm by keeping bodily warmth
Pen +0, unlimited uses/day effect: the mirror displays the image and inside the cloak. Aurulentus invented the cloak
R: Per, D: Mom, T: Ind the noises of the room in which the handle as an invested item after his wife caught a cold
Emits a quiet, but audible humming, so is kept. The mothers are thus able put their from walking in the rain to visit him.
that the effect Dare Not Touch my Daughter! can babies to sleep and watch them, while still (Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Ig requi-
use the Range: Voice. being able to be occupied with other work. site, +1 level 2 uses/day, +3 levels environ-
(Base 1, +10 levels for unlimited uses/day) mental trigger)

Chapter Three

Conscientia of Bonisagus
Concept: This “lab rat” develops effects to Size: 0 Personality Traits: Inquisitive +2, Clever +3,
order for other magi, to gather resourc- Age: 20 (20) Extrovert 2
es for her own research project that has Decrepitude: 0 Reputations: “Disaster in the Making” +2,
yet to bear fruit. Warping Score: 0 (0) Brilliant +1
Confidence: 1 (3) Combat:
Discovered at an early age in a rural village Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma- Dodge: Init: +0, Attack n/a, Defense +0, Dam-
outside Carcassone, Conscientia of Bonisagus gus; Adept Laboratory Student, Affinity age n/a
was a Hermetic prodigy. Snatched up by a with Creo, Affinity with Magic Theory, Fist: Init: +0, Attack +0, Defense +0, Dam-
Tytalus at an early age, Conscientia was able Affinity with Muto, Book Learner, Great age –1
to grasp the Hermetic Arts with an amazing Intelligence, Inventive Genius, Study Bo- Kick: Init: –1, Attack +0, Defense –1, Dam-
speed. Complex formulas were child’s play, yet nus, Skilled Parens, Privileged Upbring- age +2
even the most basic of spells fizzled at her fin- ing, Puissant Magic Theory; Waster of Soak: –2
gertips. With her parens infuriated by her in- Vis, Weak Spontaneous Magic; Careless Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
ability to reliably harness the Hermetic forces, Sorcerer, Difficult Spontaneous Magic, Unconscious
Conscientia’s studies were hard and grueling. Exciting Experimentation, Poor Formu- Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
Eventually she was spotted by a Bonisagus laic Magic (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)
who saw her true potential, and Conscientia
was taken back to Durenmar, where her tal-
ents could be put to better use. During her
training, Conscientia would spend her minute
amount of free time in the lab, exploring Her-
metic theory in her own ways. She assisted her
new master in many high level experiments,
the last of which saw a terrible disaster that
left the lab destroyed and her parens in Twi-
light. Although she completed her gauntlet,
Conscientia has kept working in that same lab,
waiting for her master to return. Conscientia
spends her spare time working on requests,
developing Lab Texts and casting tablets for
barter with other magi for the superior equip-
ment and supplies that she needs to continue
her own work. Often, she gives her patron an
overly long estimate for an item’s creation, and
then announces that she has “finished early” to
help bolster her reputation as a miracle work-
er. Sometimes she instead uses the excess time
to continue her own research into the spell
her parens was developing (details of which
are left to the Storyguide’s discretion).

Conscientia at Gauntlet
Characteristics: Int +4, Per +2, Pre +1, Com
+1, Str –1, Sta –2, Dex 0, Qik 0

Magi of Hermes
Conscientia +15 Years Statim Sessio (CrHe 10/+11)
New Flaw: Exciting Fell the Mighty Trunk (MuHe 15/+11)
Evening’s Comfort (CrIg 5/+9)
Experimentation Characteristics: Int +4, Per +2, Pre +1, Com
+1, Str –1, Sta –2, Dex 0, Qik 0
Palm of Odorous Flame (CrIg 5/+9)
Veneficus Enigma (CrIm 20/+9)
Size: 0
Minor, Hermetic Spy the Approaching Grog(InIm 5/–5)
Age: 35 (35)
Your character’s experiments tend Circle of Undisturbed Rest (ReIm 5/+4)
Decrepitude: 0
to have a flair for the … dramatic. Conjure the Ocean’s Breath (MuTe 15/+18)
Warping Score: 3 (0)
When rolling on the experiment ta- Armatura Vitreus (MuTe 20/+18)
Confidence: 1 (3)
ble, roll two dice instead of the nor- Saving the Apprentice’s Time (PeTe 10/+8)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
mal one. The Storyguide then chooses Foras Vim (ReTe 15/+13)
gus; Adept Laboratory Student, Affinity
and applies the more amusing of your Activities in the last 15 Years: Conscientia
with Creo, Affinity with Magic Theory,
two results. has taken a position at Durenmar as a
Affinity with Muto, Book Learner, Great
librarian in the Great Library. She has
Intelligence, Inventive Genius, Study Bo-
spent seven seasons inventing spells and
nus, Skilled Parens, Privileged Upbring-
Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (correcting mis- items, one season binding her familiar,
ing, Puissant Magic Theory; Waster of
takes), Awareness 2 (finding flaws), and one season developing a longevity
Vis, Weak Spontaneous Magic; Careless
Bargain 1 (vis), Charm 2 (begging for ritual with a score of 10.
Sorcerer, Difficult Spontaneous Magic,
favors), Code of Hermes 1 (nitpicking
Exciting Experimentation, Poor Formu-
details), Etiquette 1 (apologies), Finesse
laic Magic
1 (getting it right the first time), Folk Ken
2 (magi), French 5 (explanations), Guile
Personality Traits: Inquisitive +2, Clever +3, Conscientia +30 Years
Extrovert –2, Loyal (Familiar) +3
1 (breaking bad news), Latin 4 (writing), Characteristics: Int +4, Per +2, Pre +1, Com
Reputations: “Disaster in the Making” +3,
Magic Lore 1 (famous mistakes), Magic +1, Str –1, Sta –2, Dex 0, Qik 0
Brilliant +2
Theory 5+2 (enchanting items), Parma Size: 0
Magica 1 (lab explosions) Age: 50 (38)
Dodge: Init: +0, Attack n/a, Defense +0, Dam-
Arts: Cr 10, In 0, Mu 10, Pe 5, Re 5, An 5, Decrepitude: 0
age n/a
Aq 2, Au 5, Co 0, He 1, Ig 1, Im 1, Me Warping Score: 4 (24)
Fist: Init: +0, Attack +0, Defense +0, Dam-
0, Te 10, Vi 5 Confidence: 2 (6)
age –1
Equipment: Ink-stained robes, more vis than Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Kick: Init: –1, Attack +0, Defense –1, Dam-
anyone thinks she needs, and the finest gus; Adept Laboratory Student, Affinity
age +2
lab equipment she could barter for. with Creo, Affinity with Magic Theory,
Soak: –2
Encumbrance: 0 (0) Affinity with Muto, Book Learner, Great
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Spells Known: Intelligence, Inventive Genius, Study Bo-
Epona’s Bane (ReAn 25/+3) nus, Skilled Parens, Privileged Upbring-
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
Be Rid the Tell Tale Smoke (PeAu 20/+3) ing, Puissant Magic Theory; Waster of
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)
Statim Sessio (CrHe 10/+4) Vis, Weak Spontaneous Magic; Careless
Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (correcting
Evening’s Comfort (CrIg 5/+4) Sorcerer, Difficult Spontaneous Magic,
mistakes), Awareness 2 (finding flaws),
Palm of Odorous Flame (CrIg 5/+4) Exciting Experimentation, Poor Formu-
Bargain 3 (vis), Charm 2 (begging for
Veneficus Enigma (CrIm 20/+4) laic Magic
favors), Code of Hermes 1 (nitpicking
Spy the Approaching Grog (InIm 5/–6) Personality Traits: Inquisitive +2, Clever +3,
details), Etiquette 1 (apologies), Finesse
Circle of Undisturbed Rest (ReIm 5/–1) Extrovert –2, Loyal (Familiar) +3, Wary
1 (getting it right the first time), French 5
Conjure the Ocean’s Breath (MuTe 15/+13) of Blue Potions +1
(explanations), Folk Ken 2 (magi), Guile
Armatura Vitreus (MuTe 20/+13) Reputations: Disaster +3, Brilliant +2
1 (breaking bad news), Latin 4 (writing),
Saving the Apprentice’s Time (PeTe 10/+8) Combat:
Magic Lore 1 (famous mistakes), Magic
Foras Vim (ReTe 15/+8) Dodge: Init: +0, Attack n/a, Defense +0, Dam-
Theory 8+2 (enchanting items), Parma
Appearance: Conscientia is a scruffy girl age n/a
Magica 1 (lab explosions), Penetration
of small stature, often found in robes Fist: Init: +0, Attack +0, Defense +0, Dam-
1 (Mentem)
stained with innumerable unidentifiable age –1
Arts: Cr 15, In 1, Mu 15, Pe 5, Re 10, An 10,
substances. She keeps herself in a practi- Kick: Init: –1, Attack +0, Defense –1, Dam-
Aq 10, Au 5, Co 10, He 3, Ig 1, Im 1, Me
cal state, often with hair tied back and age +2
1, Te 10, Vi 5
the sleeves of her robes pulled up. Con- Soak: –2
Twilight Scars: Light sources cast shadows of
scientia’s left cheek bears an unsightly Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
people who are not currently in the room.
blue stain, a relic of experiments past. Unconscious
Spells Known:
Sigil: When Conscientia casts her spells, Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
Doublet of Silk, That’s Impenetrable (MuAn
lines around the target appear twisted (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)
and broken. Her voting sigil is five Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (correcting mis-
Pests of a Colossal Size (MuAn 35/+18)
curved lines forming a pentagram. takes), Awareness 2 (finding flaws),
Epona’s Bane (ReAn 25/+13)
Be Rid the Tell Tale Smoke (PeAu 20/+3) Bargain 3 (vis), Charm 2 (begging for

Magi of Hermes
favors), Code of Hermes 1 (nitpicking
details), Etiquette 1 (apologies), Finesse
1 (getting it right the first time), French
Familiar: Aureus the Exotic Bird
5 (explanations), Folk Ken 2 (magi),
Magic Might: 20 (Ig) Powers:
Greek 1 (caecus), Guile 1 (breaking bad
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +1, Pre +1, Reincarnation: 15 points, Animal. If Aureus
news), Latin 4 (writing), Magic Lore 1
Com 0, Str –6, Sta 0, Dex +1, Qik +5 dies with 15 or more temporary Might,
(famous mistakes), Magic Theory 10+2
Size: –3 his body bursts into flames. Within
(enchanting items), Parma Magica 1 (lab
Soak: 0 one hour, a new body rises from the
explosions), Penetration 1 (Mentem)
Cord Scores: Gold +2, Silver +0, Bronze ashes, with 1 temporary Might point.
Arts: Cr 20, In 1, Mu 20, Pe 10, Re 10, An
+2 Bond Empowerments:
10, Aq 10, Au 5, Co 10, He 5, Ig 5, Im 5,
Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (reading), Ath- Speech (ArM5, page 105)
Me 5, Te 10, Vi 10
letics 6 (flying), Bargain 3 (getting Shared Senses (ArM5, page 105)
Twilight Scars: Light sources cast shadows
fed, again), Folk Ken 3 (Conscientia), Appearance: Aureus is a beautiful and ex-
of people who are not currently in the
French 5 (explanations), Latin 4 (read- otic bird, gifted to Conscientia from
room, and her reflection is ever so slight-
ing), Magic Theory 3 (reading) a particularly grateful patron. He has
ly translucent.
Personality Traits: Loyal +3, Patient +2, a fiery red hue with a long, feathery
Spells Known:
Inquisitive +1, Terrified of Blue Po- golden ruff, and exquisite wingtips of
Doublet of Silk, That’s Impenetrable (MuAn
tions +1 yellows, golds, and oranges.
Pests of a Colossal Size (MuAn 35/+23)
Epona’s Bane (ReAn 25/+13) Intelligence, Inventive Genius, Study Bo- of people who are not currently in the
Summon the Eldritch Bond (ReAn 35/+13) nus, Skilled Parens, Privileged Upbring- room, and her reflection is ever so slight-
Be Rid the Tell Tale Smoke (PeAu 20/+13) ing, Puissant Magic Theory; Waster of ly translucent.
Touch of the Blessed Virgin (CrCo 20/+13) Vis, Weak Spontaneous Magic; Careless Spells Known:
Statim Sessio (CrHe 10/+18) Sorcerer, Difficult Spontaneous Magic, Doublet of Silk, That’s Impenetrable (MuAn
Fell the Mighty Trunk (MuHe 15/+18) Exciting Experimentation, Poor Formu- 15/+23)
Evening’s Comfort (CrIg 5/+18) laic Magic Pests of a Colossal Size (MuAn 35/+23)
Palm of Odorous Flame (CrIg 5/+18) Personality Traits: Inquisitive +2, Clever +3, Epona’s Bane (ReAn 25/+18)
Veneficus Enigma (CrIm 20/+18) Extrovert –2, Loyal (Familiar) +3, Wary Summon the Eldritch Bond (ReAn 35/+18)
Spy the Approaching Grog(InIm 5/–1) of Blue Potions +1 Conjure From the Mist (MuAu(Te) 40/+23)
Circle of Undisturbed Rest (ReIm 5/+8) Reputations: Disaster +3, Brilliant +2 Be Rid the Tell Tale Smoke (PeAu 20/+13)
Robbed in Angelic Beauty (CrMe 25/+23) Combat: Touch of the Blessed Virgin (CrCo 20/+23)
Apollo’s Fearful Gaze (MuMe 30/+18) Dodge: Init: +0, Attack n/a, Defense +0, Dam- Statim Sessio (CrHe 10/+18)
Conjure the Ocean’s Breath (MuTe 15/+23) age n/a Fell the Mighty Trunk (MuHe 15/+18)
Armatura Vitreus (MuTe 20/+23) Fist: Init: +0, Attack +0, Defense +0, Dam- Evening’s Comfort (CrIg 5/+18)
Saving the Apprentice’s Time (PeTe 10/+13) age –1 Palm of Odorous Flame (CrIg 5/+18)
Foras Vim (ReTe 15/+18) Kick: Init: –1, Attack +0, Defense –1, Dam- Veneficus Enigma (CrIm 20/+18)
Carve Domaine (ReTe 20/+13) age +2 Spy the Approaching Grog(InIm 5/+8)
Activities in the last 15 Years: Since set- Soak: –2 Circle of Undisturbed Rest (ReIm 5/+13)
tling in at her job, Conscientia has spent Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Robbed in Angelic Beauty (CrMe 30/+18)
a lot of time working on her own per- Unconscious Thoughts Within Speech (InMe 30/+13)
sonal projects. She has spent 16 seasons Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 Apollo’s Fearful Gaze (MuMe 20/+23)
inventing new spells and items, and one (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20) Slave of Charity (ReMe 35/+23)
season reinventing her longevity ritual. Abilities: Artes Liberales 3 (correcting mis- Conjure the Ocean’s Breath (MuTe 15/+23)
takes), Awareness 3 (finding flaws), Armatura Vitreus (MuTe 20/+23)
Bargain 4 (vis), Charm 3 (begging for Foras Vim (ReTe 15/+18)
Conscientia +45 Years favors), Code of Hermes 2 (nitpicking
details), Etiquette 2 (apologies), Finesse
Carve Domaine (ReTe 20/+13)
Saving the Apprentice’s Time (PeTe 10/+13)
Characteristics: Int +4, Per +2, Pre +1, Com 2 (getting it right the first time), French Activities in the last 15 Years: As Consci-
+1, Str –1, Sta –2, Dex 0, Qik 0 5 (explanations), Folk Ken 3 (magi), entia approaches her later years, she
Size: 0 Greek 1 (caecus), Guile 2 (breaking bad has taken more time out to get to know
Age: 65 (41) news), Latin 4 (writing), Magic Lore 2 her fellow magi better and to interact
Decrepitude: 0 (famous mistakes), Magic Theory 10+2 with her peers. However, she does still
Warping Score: 6 (13) (enchanting items), Parma Magica 2 (lab find time to complete her own projects.
Confidence: 2 (6) explosions), Penetration 1 (Mentem) She has spent 12 seasons inventing new
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma- Arts: Cr 20, In 10, Mu 20, Pe 10, Re 15, An spells and items.
gus; Adept Laboratory Student, Affinity 10, Aq 10, Au 10, Co 10, He 5, Ig 5, Im
with Creo, Affinity with Magic Theory, 5, Me 10, Te 10, Vi 10
Affinity with Muto, Book Learner, Great Twilight Scars: Light sources cast shadows

Magi of Hermes
return. A canny magus can then harvest the
blood and its Arcane Connection from the in-
sect. Of course, this needs to be cast fairly close
to the target for the insect to have a chance of
catching him. However, combining this spell
with Pests of a Colossal Size greatly extends its ef-
fective range, as well as the intimidation factor.
It does rather reduce its subtlety, however; a
magus who would ignore a normal mosquito is
unlikely to do the same for a giant one.
(Base 15, +2 Voice, +2 Sun)

Auram Spells
Conjure From the Mist
MuAu(Te) 40
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Part
Developed as an all-purpose utility spell,
Conjure From the Mist turns a large section of air
into stone, in the shape of the user’s choice.
More-complicated shapes require Finesse rolls
as normal, but items such as stairs, bridges,
walls, spikes and other obstacles are possible.
(Base 4, +2 Sun, +1 Part, +2 Voice, +2
size, +1 Intricate)

Be Rid the Tell Tale Smoke

New Spells and often hostile insects is disconcerting to say
the least, as the pests themselves tend to revert
to their basic fight or flight instincts.
PeAu 20
R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle
Conscientia has developed these spells. (Base 4, +2 Sun. +2 Group, +2 Voice) Conscientia learned this spell from her
parens, who developed it after overhearing
grogs complaining about a how a campfire’s
Epona’s Bane
Animal Spells smoke always gives away their position. This
spell simply destroys all smoke within the
ReAn 25 circle. Great for setting up camp on the sly,
R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Group or keeping the laboratory smoke-free.
Doublet of Silk, Created as a defense against the eastern (Base 5, +2 Ring, +1 Touch)
That’s Impenetrable horseman, Epona’s Bane startles and panics up
to a small unit of cavalry horses. The riders
As Doublet of Impenetrable Silk, but experimen- of these horses must roll Strength + Ride Corpus Spells
tation has resulted in a minor side effect. The against an Ease Factor of 12, or be thrown
clothing affected is changed into actual silk, as to the ground and risk being trampled. Even
well as gaining the normal benefits of the spell. those who manage to keep themselves on Touch of the Blessed Virgin
their mounts must bring their horses back
under control before continuing forward. CrCo 20
Pests of a Colossal Size (Base 5, +2 Voice, +2 Group) R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind, Ritual
Conscientia swears this was developed
MuAn 30 for a friend, and she has never personally
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Group Summon the Eldritch Bond found a use for this spell. Popular with fa-
While experimenting with Beast of Outland- thers, princesses, and nuns alike, this spell
ish Size, an unforeseen side effect gave birth to ReAn 35 restores a woman’s maidenhood and virtue.
this unusual, but peculiarly effective, spell. Pests R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Ind. This is often combined with an Elixir of Morn-
of a Colossal Size causes the ordinary pests on the A fine preparation to a Wizard’s War, this ing’s Afterthought for full effect.
target (such as lice, fleas, ticks, etc.) to grow to spell commands a biting insect, such as a mos- (Base 15, +1 Touch, Ritual)
an enormous size. Being covered in enormous quito or flea, to bite a specific target and then

Magi of Hermes

Charged Items and Potions

Often overlooked in Hermetic workings, Useful while traveling, or in delicate The Wakeful Nightmare
charged items can be an essential part of a social situations, as a magus can simply
magus’ repertoire. Charged items are unique pour a bit on even the most appalling food,
ReMe 20
in their ability to produce large effects where and taste a delicious feast of his own devis-
R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind
normal enchanted items or spontaneous ing. Adding a bit to the gruel in the sol-
This terrible liquid, if consumed, forbids
magic prove too difficult or time consuming diers’ mess can make for a significant im-
the body from entering slumber, denying the
to make, and without the cost in vis. Larger provement in the men’s morale.
unfortunate victim his daily rejuvenation.
effects are far easier to enchant into charged (Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
The target stays awake until the duration
items, so they are a perfect solution if more
of the effect ends. Fatigue levels may not be
than a few uses aren’t necessary. They also Ink of the Unseen Circle restored, and slowly the sleep deprivation
have the benefit of being produced in large
will start to drive the target insane. After
quantities so that they may be given out to
PeIm 15 every three successive days without rest, the
multiple individuals. A variety of effects,
R: Per, D: Moon, T: Ind target loses an additional Fatigue level from
both small and large in magnitude, can be
After listening to hordes of magi boasting exhaustion. Once all the target’s Fatigue is
handed out, enabling those who posses them
about their latest “ingenious magical traps,” lost, she starts taking physical wounds as her
to deal with situations they might normally
Conscientia realized they all shared the same body shuts down. Each time the character
be ill-equipped to deal with.
common flaw … What idiot is going to will- loses another Fatigue level, she takes 5 +
Potions are a popular choice for charged
ingly step into the creepy magic circle? This stress die in damage. These wounds cannot
items, as they are easily carried and incon-
specialized ink was the answer. Once acti- heal naturally until the character fully rests.
spicuous, as well as easily used as a thrown
vated, the ink becomes invisible for the dura- (Base 4, +1 Touch, +3 Moon)
weapon. Carrying the potions around in
containers also helps keep down accidental tion of the effect. When used to draw a Her-
discharges of Touch Range effects. Musical metic circle for Ring spells, this ink destroys Whistle of Warning
items such as bells and flutes are also popu- the iconic species of the ring after activation,
lar, as they make excellent choices for ef- leaving it an invisible Hermetic landmine.
ReMe 35
fects that need to use Voice Range. (Base 4, +3 Moon)
R: Voice, D: Conc, T: Group
Some popular charged items are: A particularly spiteful magus, with just
Potion of Vulcan’s a blow from this whistle, will inflict a group
Pneum Flask Appeasement with Visions of the Infernal Terrors until the magus
decides to release them from their torment.
PeIg 20 (Base 10, +2 Voice, +1 Conc, +2
ReAu 5
R: Touch , D: Mom, T: Ind Group)
R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
Uncork this small bottle and you When exposed to open flame, this po-
can steal the breath of an individual. The tion extinguishes a fire up to the size of a Door in a Bottle
breath flows into the flask, which should be large house. Very useful for saving the cove-
immediately corked. If the magus acts fast nant library from a fiery demise, leaving you
PeTe 5
enough, the stolen breath can then be fixed valuable time to concoct a proper excuse.
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
as an Arcane Connection to the target. (Base 4, +1 Touch, +3 Size)
Splashed onto a wall, Door in a Bottle dis-
(Base 2, +3 sight) solves away the stone into an instant exit.
Message in a Bottle Using this potion for illegal purposes is, of
Elixir of Morning’s course, highly discouraged.
Afterthought CrMe 5 (Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Stone)
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
CrCo 20 Easily carried and completely incon- Disenchanting Concoction
R: Touch , D: Mom, T: Ind, spicuous, a Message in a Bottle is one of the
A quick draught of this elixir will wash most secure ways to deliver a clandestine
PeVi 40
away even the most serious hangovers. message. When this potion is consumed,
Pen: +30
Popular among Jerbiton and Redcaps alike. the drinker has a message of the creator’s
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
(Base 15, +1 Touch) design flash through his mind. Very few
This useful potion acts as Winds of
people would even think to check a vial of
Mundane Silence. One of the most utilitarian
liquid for a message, and fewer would be
Magic Spice foolish enough to drink an unknown po-
items a magus can carry with him, it can be
used in a variety of ways; it can remove a
tion just to discover what the suspected
curse, disenchant a magical trap, or even be
MuIm 5 message might be.
thrown on another to drop her Parma.
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind (Base 4, +1 Touch)
(+1 Touch, +15 Penetration)

Magi of Hermes
Herbam Spells the palm of his hand when he casts this spell,
to be retrieved as the “prize” when the box is
during the effect of this spell, that is almost
certainly what the audience will believe.
opened. Removing the box from the caster’s (Base 4, +1 Voice, +1 Con, +2 Group,
hands to reveal the item without solving the +1 Imaginem Req.)
Statim Sessio puzzle is considered extremely impolite.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 Move/
CrHe 10
R: Touch, D: Sun, T:Ind
Noise, +1 Intricate) Thoughts Within Speech
Favored by magi young and old who just InMe 30
need a quick rest, this spell creates a com-
fortable wooden chair.
Spy the Approaching Grog R: Eye, D: Mom, T: Ind
Yet another spell where its creation re-
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun) InIm 5 sulted in a side effect worth keeping, this spell
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Room acts like Peering Into the Mortal Mind, but while
A touch of a wall allows the caster to the magus is searching through the thoughts
Ignem Spells peer around the corner without entering the of the target, the target unknowingly speaks
those thoughts aloud, going so far as to even
room. Great for sneaking down to the lab or
the kitchen without being caught. This spell weave them into an ongoing conversation.
Evening’s Comfort is designed to be cast forcelessly, as to not For example: “Did you hear about the new
accidentally scry on another magus. sheriff? Why yes, I was in the gardens last night. I
CrIg 5 (Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Con, +2 Room) hear he is going to raise taxes this year.”
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Per (Base 25, +1 Eye)
After many sleepless nights spent chilled
to the bone, enough was enough. Slipping Circle of Undisturbed Rest
down to the lab to work at night, Conscentia Apollo’s Fearful Gaze
developed this simple spell to keep her warm ReIm 5
at night. This spell simply keeps your bed R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle MuMe 30
toasty warm until sunrise. Created in conjunction with Be Rid the Tell R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Ind
(Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun) Tale Smoke, this large circle spell is meant to be This horrific spell rewrites the target’s
used around an encampment. The circle pre- common sense, so that light induces pain sig-
vents iconic and echoic species from leaving nals (Art and Academe, page 33). The brighter
Palm of Odorous Flame the circle, making the encampment undetect- the light, the stronger the pain sensed. Note
able. Perfect for ensuring privacy in unfamiliar that the pain isn’t caused by any wounds, and
The first spell Conscentia developed on territories, it does leave the camp as a silent will disappear as soon as the spell ends, or
her own, this spell works as Palm of Flame, but black area; this is normally enough at night, when the target is no longer exposed to light.
experimentation has produced a small side when everything is dark, and Conscientia
effect. Each time the spell is cast, the flame does not see the need for additional illusions. Light Source Penalty
produces the smell of a random odor. Oddly (Base 1, +2 Ring, +1 Touch, +1 addi- Moonlight or
enough, the most common scent produced tional sense) Candlelight –1
is elderberry. Needless to say, this spell has Torchlight –3
proven difficult to trade. Bonfire –5
Mentem Spells Daylight Incapacitated

(Base 10, +2 Voice, +2 Sun)

Imaginem Spells
Robed in Angelic Beauty
Slave of Charity
Veneficus Enigma CrMe(Im) 25
R: Voice, D: Con, T: Group ReMe 35
CrIm 20 This spell creates the image of perfect R: Eye, D: Sun, T: Ind
R: Touch, D:Conc, T: Ind beauty and a holy aura, instilling a feeling This spell acts as Enslave the Mortal mind,
Developed as a quick game for magi, the of being near a divine source. This comes in with one exception. The target remains open
Veneficus Enigma creates the illusion of a small handy when you need the local plebs to be- to all commands as long as the spell remains
puzzlebox in the palm of the caster’s hand that lieve … well, anything. Conspicuous effects active. Any time the target hears a new sug-
can be manipulated by another. When cast, are also more likely to be accepted when the gestion, he stops what he’s doing and follows
the caster sets the puzzle for the Veneficus Enig- populous thinks of them as miracles rather the new command, returning to his previ-
ma. The illusory box then produces lights and than spells. However, caution is advised so ous commands when the most recent task
sounds that are clues on how to open it. Figur- as not to attract too much attention from the is complete. Needless to say this side effect
ing out the puzzle requires an Intelligence + church, or indeed, from demons. proved quite awkward when discovered.
Artes Liberales roll versus an Ease Factor equal Note that all Mythic Europeans know that (Base 20, +1 Eye, +2 Sun)
to the casters Intelligence + Artes Liberales the devil can masquerade as an angel of light; if
+ 5. Traditionally, the caster holds an item in a Gifted individual serves as the spokesperson

Magi of Hermes
Terram Spells Saving the Apprentice’s Time Cooking Stone
PeTe 10 This is a small piece of stone with a brass
Conjure the Ocean’s Breath R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Room inlay in the shape of a hearth. When it’s placed
Realizing she could squeeze in a few more into a pot of water, the water boils instantly.
MuTe 15 precious moments of lab time, Conscentia When the cook is finished, all he needs to do
R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Part decided to “cheat” in her chores. With just is empty the pot, and retrieve the stone. This
Developed for the traveling magus who a wave of the hand, she can have an hour’s item deviates from the Hermetic tradition of
needs a quick, easily tradable resource. Con- worth of dusting completed in a minute. overly complex and symbolic names, but oc-
jure the Ocean’s Breath turns a large patch of (Base 3, +1 Touch, + 2 Room) casionally pragmatism has its place.
dirt into salt. It is best that the magus not be
around when the spell’s duration expires.
(Base 2, + 3 Moon, + 1 Part, +1 Touch) New Guideline: Boil Water
CrTe 15 CrIg 15
Armatura Vitrea R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
Repair a crafted item, returning it to Pen +0, Unlimited/Day
MuTe 20 an “as new” state. This effect boils water on contact.
R: Voice, D: Diam, T: Ind (Base 4, +1 Touch, +10 unlimited uses)
Designed for those who fear the threat
of armor-wearing assailants, Armatura Vitrea
transforms one attacker’s armor into glass.
The armor now provides a protection of
2, and a load of 3. If struck with a weapon,
Enchanted Items Cultellus
This small knife with a basalt handle was
the glass armor shatters sending razor-sharp Conscientia has created these items.
developed as a trade for some very nice lab
shards everywhere, adding an additional
equipment. The patron wished a small kitch-
simple die to the attack’s damage. This, of
en knife enchanted with the ability to dispel
course, destroys the armor.
(Base 2, +2 Voice, +2 Diam, +2 metal)
Apollo’s Lyre Parma. Conscientia was halfway through the
project before she realized the consequences
Apollo’s Lyre was originally made to ap- of what she was making. When confronted,
pease Conscientia’s discontented grogs, who the patron never returned to claim his pay-
Foras Vim kept complaining about the insufferable living ment. Conscientia has always claimed to
conditions in the forgotten depths of a subter- have never finished the project, and to have
ReTe 15
ranean lab. A small brass lyre, decorated with destroyed what notes she had.
R: Voice, D Mom, T: Group
strips of engraved cinnamon wood, Apollo’s
An easily fast-cast defense against other
Lyre can play a number of different melodies,
magi, this spell shoots a choking cloud of dust
and gravel at its targets. Those within the cloud
songs, or compositions at the caster’s whim. Perdo Parma
Each string on the lyre, when plucked, plays a
are blinded by the dust and grit, and find it dif-
different tune. This Lab Text quickly became PeVi 37
ficult to breathe. Casting a spell while in the
a popular trade item in Conscientia’s stock. R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
cloud requires a Stamina + Concentration roll
Pen +32, 50/Day
against an Ease Factor of 12. This spell also has
When this knife contacts a magus, it will
uses in detecting invisible opponents. Consci-
entia has been meaning to get around to mas-
Phantasmal Minstrels dispel any Parma Magica with a score of 6 or
lower (thus providing a Magic Resistance of
tering this spell so that she can fast cast it ever
CrIm 10 30 or lower), as long as it Penetrates. This ver-
since she created it. Maybe next season ...
Pen 0, 3/Day sion relies on the targeted magus being some-
(Base 3, +2 Voice, +2 Group)
R: Per, D: Conc, T: Ind what weak in Vim if his Parma is strong.
Phantasmal Minstrels produces a specific song (Base 10, + 1 Touch, +6 50/day, +16 32
or melody when activated. The song plays un- Penetration)
Carve Domain til the magus plucks the same string again, or
another string to start a new song. This effect
PeTe 20
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Part
Carve Domain destroys a channel of up to
is enchanted multiple times into the lyre, once
for each song the magus wishes to hear. Each Dico Calculus
song is triggered by plucking a different string.
10,000 cubic feet of earth. This can be used, This small stone was created for a blind
Conscientia’s effect requires a single pawn
among other things, as a defensive emplace- Criamon who needed an aid in reading.
of vis to invest, allowing a greater variety of
ment, to channel a river, to expand irrigation, When drawn over a page, the stone “sees”
songs in a single lyre (eight for a wooden lyre,
or to develop a makeshift moat. A Finesse the words on the page and transmits the im-
which counts as a large wooden object.)
roll is required for more-complex designs. ages into the user’s mind.
(Base 1, +1 Conc, +1 tune, +2 3/day, +5
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Part, +3 Size)
item maintains concentration)

Magi of Hermes
Impart the Words Mjolnir’s Equal Transform the Rigid Ground
CrMe 26 MuTe(Ig) 25
When the wielder yells a warrior’s call, this
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part
hammer can shatter the strongest shield and Pen +0, 1/Day
Pen +0, Unlimited/Day
sunder even steel, crushing weapons, armor, This effect alters the earth under the cloak,
Transmits the images sensed by the ob-
ject to the user’s mind. and the poor soul who owns them. No object softening it and warming it to the touch.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +5 item of metal or wood can withstand the blow of (Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Part, +1
maintains concentration, +10 unlimited uses, this hammer. This weapon can’t destroy leath- Stone, +1 Ignem Req.)
+3 linked trigger) er armors, but leather armors do little to stop
the blow from even a mundane warhammer.
Read the Words
Vessel of Etain’s Children
Sunder Warrior This sinister item is forged as a gold neck-
InIm 18 lace with many fittings. The necklace itself
R: Touch, D: Con, T: Ind PeTe(He) 25 has no power, but the jewel fittings hold a
Pen +0, Unlimited/Day R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind secret. When a drop of blood (easily gath-
When activated, the object senses the Pen +0, Unlimited/Day ered through Summon the Eldritch Bond) is placed
iconic species of whatever it’s touching. Upon activation, a metal or wooden item into an empty fitting, it is transmuted into a
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +5 item touching the hammer is utterly destroyed. polished stone within the fitting. This keeps
maintains concentration, +10 unlimited uses) (Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Metal, +1 Herbam useful Arcane Connections nearby and in an
Req, +10 unlimited uses) inconspicuous state. As the necklace itself isn’t
magical, new fittings can be added as needed.
Ferramenta Glacies
This inconspicuous item looks like a
Shulpea’s Bowl Harden the Eldritch Bond
normal pick, but with a small crystal embed- This small wooden bowl is constantly MuAq(Te) 23
ded in the handle. When touched to water, filled with a non-nutritious food such as flat- R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
it freezes a block of ice that can be used for bread or pretzels. The food is not nourishing, Pen +0, Constant Effect
trade, storage, or consumption. but it helps the determined magus through When blood is placed within the en-
those long lab sessions and experiments that chanted fitting, it’s transformed into an at-
Touch of Ymir just can’t be stopped for dinner. This food tractive polished stone. This doesn’t alter the
is also perfect for lab conditions, as it won’t blood’s Arcane Connection, which is part of
ReAq 14 stain, isn’t greasy, any crumbs vanish after a its essential nature and will still last for years.
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind (Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 2/say, +3
few minutes, and it won’t get all over the ma-
Pen +0, Unlimited/Day environmental trigger: sunrise/sunset)
gus’ fragile books or equipment.
Instantly freezes surrounding water into
ice. Further applications keep the ice frozen.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +10 unlimited uses) Feed the Hungry Vulcan’s Favored
CrHe 28 Vulcan’s Favored isn’t so much an item,
Hermes’ Horn R: Touch, D: Diam, T: Group
Pen +3, Unlimited/Day
but an effect that can be placed on items like
tools, horseshoes, weapons, or any other
Every two minutes, this bowl fills itself commonly used metal object. Often a bronze
This is an intricately carved ram’s horn seal is affixed to the item. The effect keeps
with a tiny emerald charm embedded in it, with a specific food (determined when the
it in repair and “like new.” With Vulcan’s
that when blown will cause an entire flock to item is enchanted). When the duration ends, Favor, bent tools reshape themselves, worn
become passive and easy to control. A user any remaining pieces of food disappear and horseshoes mend, and blades never dull. The
can control a large herd, single-handedly the bowl refills. items can be traded away, or used by the
driving them to and from pasture. (Base 2, +1 Touch, +1 Diam, +2 Group, grogs around the covenant. Weapons with
+1 Size, + 10 unlimited uses, +3 environ- Vulcan’s Favor are sought by paranoid magi
Herd the Passive Beasts mental trigger: Diameter) who don’t trust their own grogs, as they can’t
defeat even the weakest Magic Resistance.
ReAn 40
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Group Traveler’s Cloak Vulcan’s Favor
Pen +0, 1/Day
This effect calms a herd of animals (up This handy cloak is a favorite among CrTe 29
to 1,000 animals), making them far easier to the Redcaps, as well as grogs who routinely R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind
tend, allowing a shepherd or farmer to man- sleep under the stars. When placed upon the Pen +0, Constant Effect
age a much larger herd than he could with- ground, the cloak transforms the earth un- Constantly repairs the enchanted item,
out magical assistance. derneath so that it is soft and warm like a extending the item’s life and returning it to
(Base 4, +2 Sun, +2 Group, +2 Voice, mattress. This effect ends at sunrise, assuring usefulness. The item always seems brand new.
+2 size) a hasty awakening. (Base 15, +2 Sun, +1 2/day, +3 environ-
mental trigger: sunrise/sunset)

Chapter Four

Gwidion of Verditius
Concept: A master at magically enhancing Verditius Magic*; Curse of Venus, Twi- Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9–
plants, his greatest creation may be the light Prone; Gild Enmity (oak), Judged 12), Incapacitated (13–16), Dead (17+)
living tree that serves as his home. Unfairly, Slow Caster, Small Frame Abilities: Artes Liberales 4 (ritual magic),
* House Virtue Charm 4 (being witty), Concentration
Gwidion Griffith of Veriditius stands a Personality Traits: Acquisitive +3, Charm- 1 (lab work), Craft: Gardening 1 (trees),
towering four foot nothing, with thick curly ing +3, Independent +3 Latin 4 (Hermetic usages), Leadership 1
brown hair, brown crows-footed eyes, and a Reputations: None (inspiration), Magic Theory 4 (enchant-
lean frame. Gwidion has one more feature Combat: ing items), Masonry 1 (buildings), Or-
that truly sets him apart from other magi, he’s Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense –1, Dam- der of Hermes Lore 3 (politics), Parma
tan. With skin weathered and wrinkled from age n/a Magica 1 (Herbam), Philosophiae 1 (rit-
a life lived with his hands in the dirt and his Fist: Init –1, Attack –1, Defense –1, Damage 0 ual magic), Survival 1 (forests), Welsh 5
face in the sun, Gwidion commonly dresses Kick: Init –2, Attack –1, Defense –2, Dam- (storytelling)
as a farmer. Wearing a wide-brimmed straw age +3 Arts: Cr 5, In 1, Mu 2, Pe 10, Re 18, An 0,
hat, plain tunic and breeches, and simple Soak: +3 Aq 0, Au 0, Co 0, He 10, Ig 8, Im 0, Me
sandals on his feet, Gwidion could almost be Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, 1, Te 8, Vi 0
mistaken for a common peasant. However, Unconscious Twilight Scars: None
the tall rune-engraved staff and large over-
the-shoulder satchel betray Gwidion’s status
as a magus. Gwidion can usually be found
with dirt and sap on his hands and knees, a
long blade of grass in his mouth, and a smile
upon his face. Gwidion was once considered
one of the bright rising stars within his guild
and house, but a violent disagreement with
his master at Tribunal led him to earn the en-
mity of his guild when he voted against them
on vis harvesting rights. Only a few years out
of gauntlet, Gwidion left Durenmar in disgust
and took to wandering in the deep woods and
Welsh farmlands of his youth.

Gwidion at Gauntlet
Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre 0, Com 0,
Str 0, Sta +2, Dex –1, Qik –1
Size: –1
Age: 21 (21)
Decrepitude: 0 (0)
Warping Score: 0(0)
Confidence Score: 1/3
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
gus; Major Magical Focus (trees); Affinity
with Herbam, Affinity with Terram, Edu-
cated, Oak Gild Trained, Privileged Up-
bringing, Skilled Parens, Well-Traveled,

Magi of Hermes
Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10/+28)
The World Tree Converse with Plant and Tree (InHe 25/+ 28)
Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5/+31)
Thaumaturgical Transformation of Plants to Iron
The Tree of Life has its roots in every be gained. Gwidion became particularly
(MuHe 20/+20)
religion and culture throughout the world. obsessed with the legend of the world
Prune Plant (PeHe 5/+33)
Often a symbol of immortality and fertil- tree after defending some villagers from
Prison Floral (ReHe 4/+44)
ity in Norse mythology, the taproots of bandits. He entered Twilight and while
Ring of Ever Bloom (ReHe 15/+44)
this tree are thought to stretch deep down there he had a vision of the mighty World
Controlled Growth (ReHe 25/+50)
into underworld. Its branches reach high Tree. After returning to the real world, he
Tree Top Walk (ReHe 15/+44)
into the heavens, connecting the worlds stopped his wanderings and settled into a
Warmth of the Wood (CrIg 4/+15)
together. To Jews and Christians the relatively uninhabited wood to study, to
Frosted Timber (PeIg 20/+20)
world tree is the tree from the Garden of build, and to comprehend the depths of
Tilled Soil (ReTe 15/+33)
Eden, from whose fruits eternal life might his vision. He has not left the forest since.
Mold the Earth within Sight (ReTe 25/+33)
Appearance: At thirty, Gwidion traded his
Equipment: Gwidion keeps a pair of peasant with Herbam, Affinity with Terram, Edu- blade of grass for a sturdy walking stick.
work clothes in his pack, along with a cated, Oak Gild Trained, Privileged Up- His skin is still tan, but is starting to
basic survival kit, and some special hand- bringing, Skilled Parens, Well-Traveled, wrinkle, although he still dresses more
made portable gardening tools (small Verditius Magic*; Curse of Venus, Twi- like a farmer then a magus.
rake, clippers, small shovel, etc.) light Prone; Gild Enmity (oak), Judged Activities in the last fifteen years: After much
Encumbrance: None Unfairly, Slow Caster, Small Frame travel in his youth, Gwidion finds an un-
Spells Known: * House Virtue occupied forest in which to locate his
Circle of Eternal Spring (CrHe 4/+17) Personality Traits: Acquisitive +3, Charm- covenant, far from Durenmar and with
Ladder Of Ivy (CrHe 15/+17) ing +3, Independent +3 only a limited aura. After setting up his
Probe Nature’s Hidden Lore (InHe 4/+13) Reputations: None lab, Gwidion struggles to help the peas-
Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10/ +13) Combat: ants of the sounding villages as drought
Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5/+14) Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense –1, Dam- and famine wreak havoc. With the aid of
Prune Plant (PeHe 5/+22) age n/a his magic, Gwidion is able to help bring
Prison Floral (ReHe 4/+30) Fist: Init –1, Attack –1, Defense –1, Damage 0 bountiful crops in each season and even
Ring of Ever Bloom (ReHe 15/+30) Kick: Init –2, Attack –1, Defense –2, Dam- keep many of the village homes warm
Tree Top Walk (ReHe 25/+30) age +3 during the following winter. During his
Warmth of the Wood (CrIg 4/+15) Soak: +3 travels, Gwidion earned 60 experience
Tilled Soil (ReTe 15/+28) Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, points in Abilities, 245 experience points
Appearance: He has sap on his fingers, a Unconscious in Arts, and designed 145 levels of spells.
blade of grass in his mouth, and dirt on Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9–
his knees. Gwidion’s tan skin makes him 12), Incapacitated (13–16), Dead (17+)
stick out among the other magi of the
Order. He dresses much like a prosper-
Abilities: Artes Liberales 4 (ritual magic),
Charm 4 (being witty), Concentration
Gwidion +30 Years
ous peasant. 1 (lab work), Craft: Gardening 1 (trees), Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre 0, Com 0,
Casting Sigil: Gwidion’s casting sigil is the Latin 4 (Hermetic usages), Leadership 1 Str –1, Sta +2, Dex –1, Qik –1
sound of trees bending in the wind; the (inspiration), Magic Theory 5 (enchant- Size: –1
more powerful the spell the louder this ing items), Masonry 1 (buildings), Or- Age: 51 (51)
sound is. der of Hermes Lore 3 (politics), Parma Decrepitude: 0 (2)
Voting Sigil: Gwidion doesn’t vote at tribu- Magica 2 (Herbam), Philosophiae 1 (rit- Warping Score: 4 (8)
nal anymore, but when he did his sigil ual magic), Survival 3 (forests), Welsh 5 Confidence Score: 1/3
was the image of the mythical world tree (storytelling) Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
from his dreams. Arts: Cr 5, In 5, Mu 8, Pe 10, Re 21, An 2, gus; Major Magical Focus (trees); Affinity
Aq 1, Au 1, Co 1, He 21, Ig 8, Im 1, Me with Herbam, Affinity with Terram, Edu-
1, Te 10, Vi 1 cated, Oak Gild Trained, Privileged Up-
Gwidion +15 years Twilight Scars: None
Equipment: Gwidion keeps a pair of peasant
bringing, Skilled Parens, Well-Traveled,
Verditius Magic*; Curse of Venus, Twi-
work clothes in his pack, along with a light Prone; Gild Enmity (oak), Judged
Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre 0, Com 0,
basic survival kit, and some special hand- Unfairly, Slow Caster, Small Frame
Str –1, Sta +2, Dex –1, Qik –1
made portable gardening tools (small * House Virtue
Size: –1
rake, clippers, small shovel, etc.) Personality Traits: Acquisitive +3, Charm-
Age: 36 (36)
Encumbrance: None ing +3, Independent +3
Decrepitude: 0 (1)
Spells Known: Reputations: None
Warping Score: 3 (0)
Circle of Eternal Spring (CrHe 4/+28) Combat:
Confidence Score: 1/3
Ladder Of Ivy (CrHe 15/+28) Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense –1, Dam-
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Probe Nature’s Hidden Lore (InHe 4/+28) age n/a
gus; Major Magical Focus (trees); Affinity

Magi of Hermes
Fist: Init –1, Attack –1, Defense –1, Damage 0 in the majority of his covenant’s income. Twilight Scars: None
Kick: Init –2, Attack –1, Defense –2, Dam- During the summer of his 50th year, Equipment: Gwidion keeps a pair of peasant
age +3 Gwidion felt the effects of age at last work clothes in his pack, along with a
Soak: +3 creeping up on him, so he took a sab- basic survival kit, and some special hand-
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, batical from his usual research to trade made portable gardening tools (small
Unconscious his skills as a lab assistant for a longevity rake, clippers, small shovel, etc.)
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9– ritual. The ritual cost him 14 pawns of Encumbrance: None
12), Incapacitated (13–16), Dead (17+) Creo vis and grants him a bonus of +5 Spells Known:
Abilities: Artes Liberales 4 (ritual magic), to add to his covenant’s bonus of +1, for Circle of Eternal Spring (CrHe 4/+33)
Charm 4 (being witty), Concentration a total aging modifier of 6. During this Ladder Of Ivy (CrHe 15/+33)
4 (lab work), Craft: Gardening 2 (trees), period, Gwidion earned 225 experience Fast Grow (CrHe 30/+33)
Latin 4 (Hermetic usages), Leadership 2 in Abilities, 75 experience in Arts, and Probe Nature’s Hidden Lore (InHe 4/+40)
(inspiration), Magic Theory 5 (enchant- designed 120 levels of spells. Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10/+40)
ing items), Masonry 2 (buildings), Or- Converse with Plant and Tree (InHe 25/+40)
der of Hermes Lore 3 (politics), Parma Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5/+47)
Magica 5 (Herbam), Philosophiae 4 (rit-
ual magic), Survival 5 (forests), Welsh 5
Gwidion +45 Years Thaumaturgical Transformation of Plants to Iron
(MuHe 20/+32)
(storytelling) Gigantic Growth (MuHe 25/+47)
Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre 0, Com 0,
Arts: Cr 5, In 5, Mu 12, Pe 12, Re 21, An 3, Razor Thorns (MuHe(Te) 25/+32)
Str –1, Sta +2, Dex –1, Qik –1
Aq 1, Au 2, Co 1, He 21, Ig 8, Im 3, Me Blades of Grass, Leaves of Cutting (MuHe
Size: –1
1, Te 10, Vi 1 30/+47)
Age: 66 (60)
Twilight Scars: None Awaken Consciousness of Plants (MuHe(Me)
Decrepitude: 0 (2)
Equipment: Gwidion keeps a pair of peasant 55/+34)
Warping Score: 4 (23)
work clothes in his pack, along with a Prune Plant (PeHe 5/+39)
Confidence Score: 1/3
basic survival kit, and some special hand- Wilt (PeHe 25/+39)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
made portable gardening tools (small Prison Floral (ReHe 4/+48)
gus; Major Magical Focus (trees); Affinity
rake, clippers, small shovel, etc.) Ring of Ever Bloom (ReHe 15/+48)
with Herbam, Affinity with Terram, Edu-
Encumbrance: None Controlled Growth (ReHe 25/+57)
cated, Oak Gild Trained, Privileged Up-
Spells Known: Tree Top Walk (ReHe 25/+48)
bringing, Skilled Parens, Well-Traveled,
Circle of Eternal Spring (CrHe 4/+28) Warmth of the Wood (CrIg 4/+16)
Verditius Magic*; Curse of Venus, Twi-
Ladder Of Ivy (CrHe 15/+28) Frosted Timber (PeIg 20/+22)
light Prone; Gild Enmity (oak), Judged
Fast Grow (CrHe 30/+28) Sight of the Blossom, Ears of the Oak (I Im
Unfairly, Slow Caster, Small Frame
Probe Nature’s Hidden Lore (InHe 4/+28) 30/+28)
* House Virtue
Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10/+28) Tilled Soil (Re Te 15/+33)
Personality Traits: Acquisitive +3, Charm-
Converse with Plant and Tree (InHe 25/+28) Mold the Earth within Sight (ReTe 25/+33)
ing +3, Independent +3
Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5/+35) Appearance: Gwidion’s hair has gone near
Reputations: None
Thaumaturgical Transformation of Plants to Iron completely white now, and his face is
(MuHe 20/+24) near something close to a tanned, wrin-
Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense –1, Dam-
Gigantic Growth (MuHe 25/+35) kled prune, but he is still strong and his
age n/a
Blades of Grass, Leaves of Cutting (MuHe muscles still toned.
Fist: Init –1, Attack –1, Defense –1, Damage 0
30/+35) Activities in the last fifteen years: Gwidion
Kick: Init –2, Attack –1, Defense –2, Dam-
Prune Plant (PeHe 5/+35) spends much of his time strolling in the
age +3
Wilt (PeHe 25/+35) forest and awakening or just generally
Soak: +3
Prison Floral (ReHe 4/+ 44) conversing with the plants. During this
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Ring of Ever Bloom (ReHe 15/+44) period, Gwidion earned 365 experience
Controlled Growth (ReHe 25/+53) in Arts and designed 115 levels of spells.
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9–
Tree Top Walk (ReHe 25/+44)
12), Incapacitated (13–16), Dead (17+)
Warmth of the Wood (CrIg 4/+15)
Abilities: Artes Liberales 4 (ritual magic),
Frosted Timber (PeIg 20/+22)
Tilled Soil (ReTe 15/+33)
Charm 4 (being witty), Concentration Gwidion +60 years
4 (lab work), Craft: Gardening 2 (trees),
Mold the Earth within Sight (ReTe 25/+33)
Latin 4 (Hermetic usages), Leadership 2 Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre 0, Com 0,
Appearance: Gwidon’s skin is deeply wrin-
(inspiration), Magic Theory 5 (enchant- Str –1, Sta +2, Dex –1, Qik –1
kled now, and he leans more heavily on
ing items), Masonry 2 (buildings), Or- Size: –1
his walking stick, a side effect of starting
der of Hermes Lore 3 (politics), Parma Age: 81 (68)
his longevity ritual so late in life.
Magica 5 (Herbam), Philosophiae 4 (rit- Decrepitude: 0 (2)
Activities in the last fifteen years: While he
ual magic), Survival 5 (forests), Welsh 5 Warping Score: 5 (13)
might not get out as much anymore to
(storytelling) Confidence Score: 1/3
plow the fields with his fellow covenfolk,
Arts: Cr 6, In 13, Mu 20, Pe 12, Re 21, An 3, Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
his magic is still quite active in the de-
Aq 1, Au 2, Co 1, He 25, Ig 8, Im 13, Me gus; Major Magical Focus (trees); Affinity
velopment of vast farmlands. That brings
2, Te 10, Vi 1 with Herbam, Affinity with Terram, Edu-

Magi of Hermes
cated, Oak Gild Trained, Privileged Up- Wilt (PeHe 25/+39) 12), Incapacitated (13–16), Dead (17+)
bringing, Skilled Parens, Well-Traveled, Prison Floral (ReHe 4/+48) Abilities: Artes Liberales 4 (ritual magic),
Verditius Magic*; Curse of Venus, Twi- Ring of Ever Bloom (ReHe 15/+48) Charm 4 (being witty), Concentration
light Prone; Gild Enmity (oak), Judged Controlled Growth (ReHe 25/+57) 4 (lab work), Craft: Gardening 2 (trees),
Unfairly, Slow Caster, Small Frame Tree Top Walk (ReHe 25/+48) Latin 4 (Hermetic usages), Leadership
* House Virtue Warmth of the Wood (CrIg 4/+25) 2 (inspiration), Magic Theory 10 (en-
Personality Traits: Acquisitive +3, Charm- Frosted Timber (PeIg 20/+22) chanting items), Masonry 2 (buildings),
ing +3, Independent +3 Sight of the Blossom, Ears of the Oak (InIm Order of Hermes Lore 3 (politics), Par-
Reputations: None 30/+30) ma Magica 5 (Herbam), Philosophiae 4
Combat: Probe for Pure Silver (InTe 4/+31) (ritual magic), Survival 5 (forests), Welsh
Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense –1, Dam- Tilled Soil (ReTe 15/+38) 5 (storytelling)
age n/a Mold the Earth within Sight (ReTe 25/+38) Arts: Cr 25, In 14, Mu 22, Pe 12, Re 21, An
Fist: Init –1, Attack –1, Defense –1, Damage 0 Appearance: His pure white air has started to 17, Aq 2, Au 2, Co 2, He 25, Ig 8, Im
Kick: Init –2, Attack –1, Defense –2, Dam- thin, his face to develop the old withered 14, Me 8,
age +3 scars of advanced age. Yet his stamina is Te 20, Vi 1
Soak: +3 still better than most a third his age, and Powers: None
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, his physique is still firm with health. Twilight Scars: The magus must stand in
Unconscious Activities in the last fifteen years: Bees have the sunlight for an hour after every meal
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9– become a new obsession for the old ma- or his food will not digest. Also, com-
12), Incapacitated (13–16), Dead (17+) gus, and after a few years of study and pelling voice.
Abilities: Artes Liberales 4 (ritual magic), several bits of parchment sent to Du- Equipment: Gwidion keeps a pair of peasant
Charm 4 (being witty), Concentration renmar on the matter, the covenant can work clothes in his pack, along with a
4 (lab work), Craft: Gardening 2 (trees), now add the year-round production of basic survival kit, and some special hand-
Latin 4 (Hermetic usages), Leadership 2 honey to its annual income. During this made portable gardening tools (small
(inspiration), Magic Theory 7 (enchant- period, Gwidion earned 65 experience rake, clippers, small shovel, etc.)
ing items), Masonry 2 (buildings), Or- in Abilities, 345 experience in Arts, and Encumbrance: None
der of Hermes Lore 3 (politics), Parma designed 40 levels in spells. Spells Known:
Magica 5 (Herbam), Philosophiae 4 (rit- Voice of the King (ReAn 40/+40)
ual magic), Survival 5 (forests), Welsh 5 Circle of Eternal Spring (CrHe 4/+52)
Arts: Cr 15, In 14, Mu 20, Pe 12, Re 21, An
Gwidion +75 years Ladder Of Ivy (CrHe 15/+52)
Fast Grow (CrHe 30/+52)
17, Aq 2, Au 2, Co 2, He 25, Ig 8, Im 14, Probe Nature’s Hidden Lore (InHe 4/+41)
Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre 0, Com 0,
Me 7, Te 15, Vi 1 Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10/+41)
Str –2, Sta +2, Dex –1, Qik –1
Twilight Scars: The magus must stand in the Converse with Plant and Tree (InHe 25/+41)
Size: –1
sunlight for an hour after every meal or Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5/+49)
Age: 96 (81)
his food will not digest. Thaumaturgical Transformation of Plants to Iron
Decrepitude: 0 (3)
Equipment: Gwidion keeps a pair of peasant (MuHe 20/+44)
Warping Score: 5 (29)
work clothes in his pack, along with a Gigantic Growth (MuHe 25/+49)
Confidence Score: 1/3
basic survival kit, and some special hand- Razor Thorns (MuHe(Te) 25/+44)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
made portable gardening tools (small Blades of Grass, Leaves of Cutting (MuHe
gus; Major Magical Focus (trees); Affinity
rake, clippers, small shovel, etc.) 30/+49)
with Herbam, Affinity with Terram, Edu-
Encumbrance: None Awaken Consciousness of Plants (MuHe(Me)
cated, Oak Gild Trained, Privileged Up-
Spells Known: 55/+42)
bringing, Skilled Parens, Well-Traveled,
Voice of the King (ReAn 40/+40) Prune Plant (PeHe 5/+39)
Verditius Magic*; Curse of Venus, Twi-
Circle of Eternal Spring (CrHe 4/+42) Wilt (PeHe 25/+39)
light Prone; Gild Enmity (oak), Judged
Ladder Of Ivy (CrHe 15/+42) Prison Floral (ReHe 4/+48)
Unfairly, Slow Caster, Small Frame
Fast Grow (CrHe 30/+42) Ring of Ever Bloom (ReHe 15/+48)
* House Virtue
Probe Nature’s Hidden Lore (InHe 4/+41) Controlled Growth (ReHe 25/+57)
Personality Traits: Acquisitive +3, Charm-
Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10/+41) Tree Top Walk (ReHe 25/+48)
ing +3, Independent +3
Converse with Plant and Tree (InHe 25/+41) Probe for Pure Silver (InTe 4/+36)
Reputations: None
Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5/+47) Tilled Soil (ReTe 15/+43)
Thaumaturgical Transformation of Plants to Iron Mold the Earth within Sight (ReTe 25/+43)
Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense –1, Dam-
(MuHe 20/+36) Warmth of the Wood (CrIg 4/+35)
age n/a
Gigantic Growth (MuHe 25/+47) Frosted Timber (PeIg 20/+22)
Fist: Init –1, Attack –1, Defense –1, Damage 0
Razor Thorns (MuHe(Te) 25/+37) Sight of the Blossom, Ears of the Oak (InIm
Kick: Init –2, Attack –1, Defense –2, Dam-
Blades of Grass, Leaves of Cutting (MuHe 30/+30)
age +3
30/+47) Appearance: His hair has gone almost com-
Soak: +3
Awaken Consciousness of Plants (MuHe(Me) pletely from the top of his head, leaving
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
55/+39) only the hair along the sides of his skull,
Prune Plant (PeHe 5/+39) which he lets grow as long as it likes.
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9–

Magi of Hermes
Age has now caught up with him, and he Twilight Scars: The magus must stand in Age: 126 (101)
leans heavily on his stick as he walks. the sunlight for an hour after every meal Decrepitude: 0 (4)
Activities in the last fifteen years: During or his food will not digest. Compelling Warping Score: 6 (29)
the spring of his 93rd year, Gwidion once voice. His footsteps leave puddles be- Confidence Score: 1/3
again traded services with a fellow magus hind him. Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
for a longevity ritual. The ritual cost him Equipment: Gwidion keeps a pair of peasant gus; Major Magical Focus (trees); Affinity
19 pawns of Creo vis and granted him work clothes in his pack, along with a with Herbam, Affinity with Terram, Edu-
a bonus of +9 to add to his covenant’s basic survival kit, and some special hand- cated, Oak Gild Trained, Privileged Up-
bonus of +1, for a total aging modifier of made portable gardening tools (small bringing, Skilled Parens, Well-Traveled,
10. During this period, Gwidion earned rake, clippers, small shovel, etc.) Verditius Magic*; Curse of Venus, Twi-
135 experience in Abilities and 316 ex- Encumbrance: None light Prone; Gild Enmity (oak), Judged
perience in Arts. Spells Known: Unfairly, Slow Caster, Small Frame
Voice of the King (ReAn 40/+44) * House Virtue
Circle of Eternal Spring (CrHe 4/+52) Personality Traits: Acquisitive +3, Charm-
Gwidion +94 Years Ladder Of Ivy (CrHe 15/+52)
Fast Grow (CrHe 30/+52)
ing +3, Independent +3
Reputations: None
Fortress of Oak (CrHe 40/+49) Combat:
Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre 0, Com 0,
Probe Nature’s Hidden Lore (InHe 4/+41) Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense –1, Dam-
Str –2, Sta +2, Dex –1, Qik –1
Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10/+41) age n/a
Size: –1
Converse with Plant and Tree (InHe 25/+41) Fist: Init –1, Attack –1, Defense –1, Damage 0
Age: 115 (93)
Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5/+49) Kick: Init –2, Attack –1, Defense –2, Dam-
Decrepitude: 0 (3)
Thaumaturgical Transformation of Plants to Iron age +3
Warping Score: 6 (18)
(MuHe 20/+49) Soak: +3
Confidence Score: 1/3
Gigantic Growth (MuHe 25/+49) Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Razor Thorns (MuHe(Te) 25/+49) Unconscious
gus; Major Magical Focus (trees); Affinity
Blades of grass, Leaves of Cutting (MuHe 30/+49) Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9–
with Herbam, Affinity with Terram, Edu-
Awaken Consciousness of Plant (MuHe(Me) 12), Incapacitated (13–16), Dead (17+)
cated, Oak Gild Trained, Privileged Up-
55/+58) Abilities: Artes Liberales 4 (ritual magic),
bringing, Skilled Parens, Well-Traveled,
Prune Plant (PeHe 5/+39) Charm 4 (being witty), Concentration
Verditius Magic*; Curse of Venus, Twi-
Wilt (PeHe 25/+39) 4 (lab work), Craft: Gardening 2 (trees),
light Prone; Gild Enmity (oak), Judged
Prison Floral (ReHe 4/+52) Latin 4 (Hermetic usages), Leadership
Unfairly, Slow Caster, Small Frame
Ring of Ever Bloom (ReHe 15/+52) 2 (inspiration), Magic Theory 10 (en-
* House Virtue
Controlled Growth (ReHe 25/+61) chanting items), Masonry 2 (buildings),
Personality Traits: Acquisitive +3, Charm-
Tree Top Walk (ReHe 25/ +52) Order of Hermes Lore 3 (politics), Par-
ing +3, Independent +3
Command of the Forest (ReHe(Me) 55/+52) ma Magica 5 (Herbam), Philosophiae 4
Reputations: None
Warmth of the Wood (CrIg 4/+35) (ritual magic), Survival 5 (forests), Welsh
Frosted Timber (PeIg 20/+22) 5 (storytelling)
Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense –1, Dam-
Sight of the Blossom, Ears of the Oak (InIm Arts: Cr 25, In 14, Mu 22, Pe 15, Re 25, An
age n/a
30/+30) 17, Aq 2, Au 2, Co 2, He 25, Ig 15, Im
Fist: Init –1, Attack –1, Defense –1, Damage 0
Probe for Pure Silver (InTe 4/+41) 14, Me 25, Te 25, Vi 1
Kick: Init –2, Attack –1, Defense –2, Dam-
Tilled Soil (ReTe 15/+52) Powers: None
age +3
Mold the Earth Within Sight (ReTe 25/+52) Twilight Scars: The magus must stand in
Soak: +3
Appearance: His Twilight scars have helped the sunlight for an hour after every meal
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
keep that golden tan upon his wrinkled, or his food will not digest. Compelling
near-bald skin. Other than the loss of voice. His footsteps leave puddles be-
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–4), –3 (5–8), –5 (9–
nearly all of his hair, he is still the same hind him. People want to listen to him.
12), Incapacitated (13–16), Dead (17+)
magus as he was at ninety-three. Equipment: Riding Tree talisman. Also,
Abilities: Artes Liberales 4 (ritual magic),
Activities in the last nineteen years: Gwid- Gwidion keeps a pair of peasant work
Charm 4 (being witty), Concentration
ion concocted a spell that built a great clothes in his pack, along with a basic
4 (lab work), Craft: Gardening 2 (trees),
fortress of oak, dirt, and green limbs. survival kit, and some special handmade
Latin 4 (Hermetic usages), Leadership
During this period, Gwidion earned 460 portable gardening tools (small rake,
2 (inspiration), Magic Theory 10 (en-
experience points in Arts and designed clippers, small shovel, etc.)
chanting items), Masonry 2 (buildings),
105 levels of spells. Encumbrance: None
Order of Hermes Lore 3 (politics), Par-
Spells Known:
ma Magica 5 (Herbam), Philosophiae 4
Voice of the King (ReAn 40/+44)
(ritual magic), Survival 5 (forests), Welsh
5 (storytelling) Gwidion +105 years Circle of Eternal Spring (CrHe 4/+52)
Ladder Of Ivy (CrHe 15/+52)
Arts: Cr 25, In 14, Mu 22, Pe 12, Re 25, An
Fast Grow (CrHe 30/+52)
17, Aq 2, Au 2, Co 2, He 25, Ig 8, Im 14, Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre 0, Com 0,
Fortress of Oak (CrHe 40 /+49)
Me 25, Te 25, Vi 1 Str –2, Sta +2, Dex –1, Qik –1
Probe Nature’s Hidden Lore (InHe 4/+41)
Powers: None Size: –1

Magi of Hermes

New Spells
Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10/+41) Activities in the last eleven years: Gwid-
Converse with Plant and Tree (InHe 25/+41) ion adopted a sapling from the forest
Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5/+49) fire years back and made it his talisman.
Thaumaturgical Transformation of Plants to Iron Enchanting it with movement, it now Gwidion has devised the following new
(MuHe 20/+49) carries him from place to place and is spells.
Gigantic Growth (MuHe 25/+49) his constant companion in these, the
Razor Thorns (MuHe(Te) 25/+49) twilight years of his life. Knowing that
Blades of Grass, Leaves of Cutting (MuHe death or Final Twilight await, Gwidion
30/+49) spent much of this time seeing that the Animal Spells
Awaken Consciousness of Plants (MuHe(Me) covenant is enchanted with every form
55/+58) of comfort, that his forest is given ade-
Prune Plant (PeHe 5/+39) quate protection from fire and drought,
Wilt (PeHe 25/+39) and that his hives of bees is set up Voice of the King
Prison Floral (ReHe 4/+52) just so. He has plans to permanently
Ring of Ever Bloom (ReHe 15/+52) awaken Edward (his pet name for his ReAn 40
Controlled Growth (ReHe 25/+61) riding tree), and enchant into the large R: Voice, D: Diameter, T: Group
Tree Top Walk (ReHe 25/+52) oak powers to awaken other trees to This spell works much as Commanding the
Command of the Forest (ReHe(Me) 55/+52) life and movement, call rainstorms, Harnessed Beast (ArM5, page 120), with the
Warmth of the Wood (CrIg 4/+35) and protect his forest and friends from exception that it is designed exclusively to
Frosted Timber (PeIg 20/+22) harm from until Disenchantment brings work on whole swarms of bees (a swarm of
Sight of the Blossom, Ears of the Oak (InIm the great oak down. However, that will bees weighs less than a pig, so no size adjust-
30/+30) only happen if he manages to last an- ment is necessary). Bees are fairly intelligent
Probe for Pure Silver (InTe 4/+41) other fifteen years. During this period, as insects go, but they’re still just insects,
Tilled Soil (ReTe 15/+52) Gwidion earned 126 experience points so vague or overly complex commands are
Mold the Earth within Sight (ReTe 25/+52) in Arts and spent 16 seasons in the lab not likely to be very effective. The bees will
Appearance: Unable to walk at all now with- enchanting items in an effort to prepare probably still attempt the task even if they
out help, his frail, withered frame is noth- his covenant for the day he will no lon- don’t understand it. Note that usurping the
ing like the man who once used to hike the ger be there. king bee’s authority can anger the hive once
mountains and forest paths of his youth. the spell wears off.
(Base 15, +2 Voice, +1 Diameter, +1

Herbam Spells

Circle of Eternal Spring

CrHe 4
R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle
This spell ensures that all plants within
the circle grow well. It has the same effect
as The Bountiful Feast (ArM5, page 135), but is
based on Ring Duration and Circle Target.
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Ring)

Ladder Of Ivy
CrHe 15
R: Voice, D:Sun, T:Individual
This spell creates a sturdy ladder of ivy
that the magus or others can use to scale
any wall or (low) cliff. The ivy withers at
sunrise or sunset, and can reach up about
twenty paces.
(Base 3, +2 Voice, +2 Sun)

Magi of Hermes
Fast Grow Blades of Grass, chantments or spells currently on the plant.
Leaves of Cutting Larger plants are still affected, but only parts
CrHe 30 of them at a time when the spell is cast.
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual MuHe 30 (Base 5, +2 Voice, +1 Part, +3 size)
This spell brings a plant to full maturity R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Group
in a single day or night. Note that the spell This spell makes all the grass and leaves of
must be cast soon after sunrise or sunset for a group of plants as sharp as a sword’s blade; Ring of Ever Bloom
the duration to be long enough for its effect. this can make an area utterly impassable for
(Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun) even the most armored of individuals. ReHe 15
(Base 4, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +2 Group) R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle
This spell forces the plant or flower to
Fortress of Oak continue to bloom even out of season.
Awaken Consciousness (Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Ring)
Cr(Mu)He(Te) 40 of Plant
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Individual, Ritual
This ritual is normally cast on an acorn MuHe(Me) 55 Controlled Growth
from an oak tree and it works like the spell R: Voice, D: Year, T: Group, Ritual
Conjuring the Mystic Tower (ArM5, page 153) This spell works exactly as the spell, Stir ReHe 25
with the exception that it utilizes a tree rather the Slumbering Tree (ArM5, page 137), only it is R: Touch, D: Year, T: Individual, Ritual
than stone. The tree springs from the ground used to awaken multiple plants at once rather Using this spell, the magus can shape
in moments, towering to its full height of than one or two at a time. Once raised, the the growth of a plant over the course of the
around eighty feet. The tree is still alive, but it plants have a state of consciousness that next year, as if he were properly pruning it,
has chambers within, complete with earthen resembles that of a human. The plants can caring for it, and so on. The eventual shape
floors and earthen hearths for fires. The magus see and hear what’s going on around them of the plant is determined when the spell is
decides the shape and design of the chambers and at a normal human level of perception. cast and it can be as simple or as complex
when casting the spell. If the tree dies, the Such plants tend to share some mental at- as the magus desires, although truly compli-
tower remains, now being a dead tree. tributes or personality traits with the caster. cated designs, such as making a bush grow
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +3 Size, +3 Elaborate, The plants can rearrange their leaves, stems, in the shape of someone’s face, may require
+1 Terram Requisite, +1 Muto Requisite) or branches over the course of several hours, a Finesse check. Once the plant reaches the
though too slowly for people to observe the shape and dimensions that the magus wishes,
movement from second to second. The size it stops growing until the spell ends or a new
Gigantic Growth bonus enables the spell to awaken an entire spell is cast upon it. Once the spell ends,
forest grove in one go. the plant will then grow normally, but it still
MuHe 25 (Base 4, +2 Voice, +4 Year, +2 Group, retains its magically ‘pruned’ shape, until it
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual +2 Size) grows naturally out of it. Fast grow spells, or
This spell instantly increases the size of other methods used to accelerate the growth
any plant by a factor of 100, turning bushes of plants, will still work, but until this spell
into barriers and saplings into mighty oaks. Prune Plant ends the plant will not grow past the de-
The plants instantly return to normal size at sign limits originally set. This spell does not
the end of the spell’s duration. Larger plants Pe(Re)He 20 change the essential nature of the plant nor
only grow to 100 times the size of a base In- R: Voice, D: Momentary, T: Individual give it anything that an exceptionally good
dividual, but they can be affected. The magus can instantly trim various gardener couldn’t.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Unnatu- parts of a plant into any shape that he wishes. (Base 4, +1 Touch, +4 Year)
ral, +2 Size) The magi must specify the shape of the plant
when he casts the spell. The magus cannot
increase the size of the plant, nor kill a plant Tree Top Walk
Razor Thorns by over-pruning it with this spell, but he can
remove or rearrange the branches and leaves ReHe 25
MuHe(Te) 25 in any way that he likes, just as if he where R: Voice, D: Concentration, T: Group
R: Voice, D: Diameter, T: Group pruning it normally. This spell moves the branches of nearby
This spell causes razor-sharp thorns (Base 3, +2 Voice, +1 size, +1 Rego trees so that the magus can literally walk from
to spring out of every plant or plant-made Requisite) one tree to the next without ever touching
product in an area within the range of the the ground. The trees do not uproot them-
caster’s voice. These thorns deal +10 damage selves, but they do bend in unnatural ways to
to up to a standard group of people (up to Wilt help the magus reach them and walk unhin-
ten). The thorns eventually retreat, but they dered from branch to branch. Of course, the
remain for roughly two minutes and can still PeHe 35 trees’ branches still need to be strong enough
act as a viable deterrent as the thorns are still R: Voice, D: Momentary, T: Part to support the magus’ weight.
just as sharp as a knife. This spell causes a plant to wilt and die (Base 4, +2 Voice, +1 Concentration, +2
(Base 4, +2 Voice, +1 Diameter, +2 Group) instantly, though it does not affect any en- Group)

Magi of Hermes
Prison Floral
ReHe 30
Imaginem Spells Enchanted
R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle
In an effort to protect his grogs, Gwidion Sight of the Blossom,
developed this spell after discovering that Ears of the Oak
many of his enchanted plants were starting Gwidion created the following items.
to Warp under his magical effects. A circle
is drawn around many of the aggressively InIm 30
Warped plants to help contain them and pro-
tect others from their more-bizarre effects. The
R: Arcane Connection, D: Sun, T: Group
While using this spell, the magus can see
Staff of Silent
spell imprisons the plant within the circle.
(Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Ring)
and hear what’s happening in a distant place
if he possesses some sort of Arcane Con-
Forest Stride
nection to either the location or the person
he’s scrying upon. Gwidion normally uses All plants that are touched by this lesser
Command of the Forest leaves or flower buds from trees and bushes enchanted item make no sound when they
all around his forest to help keep an eye on are pushed side, stepped on, or brushed up
ReHe(Me) 55 what’s going on when he’s not there. against.
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Group, Ritual (Base 2, +4 Arcane Connection, +2 Sun, Lesser Enchanted Item, 3 pawns Perdo
The magus can make a whole wood of +2 Group) vis to invest.
plants (up to 10,000 individuals in mass) move
with purpose and intelligence to obey the ma-
Silent forest
gus’ commands, even if those commands are
to uproot and run directly into a bonfire or
Terram Spells
to hit someone with its branches. The plants PeIm(He) 25
continue to obey the command until either Pen +0, constant effect
the task is complete or the spell expires. Tilled Soil R: Voice, D: Diameter, T: Part
(Base 10, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +2 Group, This effect destroys all sound species
+3 size) that a plant could make for the duration of
ReTe 15 the spell, but it does not affect any sound
R: Voice, D: Momentary, T: Part species produced by the magus.
Ignem Spells This spell instantly tills an amount of soil
equal to that of 1000 cubic paces, making it
(Base 1, +2 Voice, +1 Diameter, +1 Part,
+1 Size, Unlimited uses +10 lvls)
perfect for planting crops or just soft enough
to lie down upon comfortably.
Warmth of the Wood (Base 2, +2 Voice, +1 Part, +2 Size)
Stone Disk of
CrIg 10 Mold the Earth within Sight
Warmth of Wood
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part
This spell heats the bark of a tree, the ReTe 30 These disks were enchanted so as to keep
wood of a cart, or even the planks of a house R: Sight, D: Momentary, T: Part the entire covenant warm during the cooler
so that it is warm to the touch. This a good Using this spell, the magus can shape months of the year. During the hotter months,
effect to help dispel the chill of the night an amount of earth equal to the mass of a the disks are kept inside a steel box just outside
and keep the magus warm without having to hundred men into any form that he likes, al- the covenant to prevent their effects from un-
build a fire. though truly complicated forms may require balancing the covenant’s winter enchantments.
(Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Part) a Finesse check. This spell was originally in- Lesser Enchanted Item, 3 pawns Creo vis
vented to help build quick walls or boundar- to invest.
ies (even hasty circles), but its applications
Frosted Timber could be broader. This spell only works on
dirt, rock, and stone; other more-exotic Warmth of the Wood
PeIg 20 forms of Terram (metal, diamonds, gem-
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part stones, etc.) are unaffected. CrIg 24
This spell cools the bark of a tree, the (Base 2, +3 Sight, +1 Part, +1 Size, +1 Pen +0, constant effect
wood of a cart, or even the planks of a house so Elaborate, +2 stone) R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Structure
that it is cool to the touch. This a good effect This effect keeps the covenant warm dur-
to help dispel the heat of the night and keep ing the winter. (See the new spell, earlier.)
the magus cool during the hotter seasons. (Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +3 Structure,
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Part) +3 lvls Environmental Trigger (Sunrise/Sun-
set), +1 Herbam Requisite, +1 lvl 2 uses a day)

Magi of Hermes
Stone Disk of Controlled Growth Water Vines
Frosted Timber ReHe 49
Pen +0, constant effect These vines also snake their way
These disks were enchanted to keep the R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Structure throughout the entire covenant, providing
entire covenant cool during the hotter months This effect keeps the plants within the fresh water from a nearby stream to all the
of the year. During the cooler months, the target structure from growing beyond their different rooms of the covenant.
disks are kept inside a steel box just outside the current size and shape. (See the new spell, Vis spent to open: 12
covenant to prevent their effects from unbal- earlier.)
ancing the covenant’s summer enchantments. (Effect: Base 4, +1 Touch,+2 Sun, +3
Lesser Enchanted Item, 4 pawns of Perdo Structure, +3 Size; +1 lvls for 2 uses a day, Move Water
vis to invest. +3 lvls for Environmental Trigger (sunrise/
sunset)) Enchanted Item, 3 pawns of Aquam vis,
1 Season spent to invest
Frosted Timber ReAq 23

PeIg(He) 39
Fresh Air Vines Pen +0, unlimited uses
R: Touch, D: Diameter, T: Individual
Pen +0, constant effect A person has only to take hold of one of
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Structure These vines snake their way all around the buds along the spell’s vines and give the
This effect keeps the Covenant cool the covenant, and their blooms provide a mental command, and a small steady stream
during the spring and summer. (See the new continual fresh breeze of air to every room, of water pours out of the buds for a total of
spell, earlier.) balcony, and even around the trunks and two minutes.
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +3 Structure, branches, making the leaves continuously (Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Diameter, +3 Size;
+3 lvls Environmental Trigger (Sunrise/Sun- sway. The Ring of Ever Bloom and Circle of +10 lvls unlimited uses a day, +3 lvls Linked
set), +1 Herbam Requisite, +1 lvl 2 uses a day) Growth that surround the covenant affect Trigger)
the vines as well, keeping them healthy and
forever in bloom.
Read Surface Thoughts
Stone Disk of Evergreen Vis spent to open: 10

InMe 34
This stone disk, roughly the size of a Chamber of Spring Breezes Pen +0, constant effect
large shield, is usually kept near the cove- R: Touch, D: Concentration, T: Indi-
nant’s hearth and keeps all the plants within Enchanted Item 4 pawns of Auram vis, 4 vidual
the covenant healthy year round. Seasons spent to invest. This effect reads the surface thoughts of
Lesser Enchanted Item, 4 pawns of Creo vis. CrAu 39 all those touching the buds.
Pen +0, constant effect (Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun; +1 lvl 2/
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Structure day, +3 lvls environmental trigger (sunrise/
Evergreen Creates a breeze of fresh air that contin- sunset))
ually moves throughout a covenant, keeping
CrHe 34 the air continuously breathable even if the
Pen +0, constant effect room is airtight. Gigantic Growth
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Structure (Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +3 Structure,
This Effect keeps a Plant in perfect health +3 size; +1 lvl 2 uses a Day, +3 lvls environ- As the new enchanted item effect de-
all year round. mental trigger [sunrise/sunset]) scribed for Fresh Air Vines.
(Effect: Base 1, +1 Touch,+2 Sun, +3
Structure, +3 Size; +3 lvls Environmental
Gigantic Growth
Trigger (Sunrise/Sunset), +1 lvls 2/day)
Wall of Iron Thorns
Enchanted Item, 3 pawns of Herbam vis,
Stone Disk of 1 Season spent to invest
MuHe 29
A great wall of blackberry bushes,
which is actually all just one very big
Controlled Growth Pen +0, constant effect
R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Individual
single bush, that is approximately 1 pace
deep and 4 paces high and completely
As the new spell (see earlier), but with encircles the external perimeter of the
This stone disk, roughly the size of a a constant effect so that the vines do not covenant. The bush itself is iron-hard and
large shield, is usually kept near the cove- shrink. razor-sharp, and acts as very effective pro-
nant’s hearth and keeps all the plants within (Base 3, +2 Sun, +1 Unnatural, +3 Size, tective barrier for keeping intruders out of
the covenant from growing out of control. +1 lvl 2 uses a day, +3 lvls environmental the covenant.
Lesser Enchanted Item, 5 pawns of trigger [sunrise/sunset]) Vis invested to open: 12
Herbam vis to invest.

Magi of Hermes
Plants of Iron Storm Tree The Boiling Bush
Invested 4 Herbam vis, took 1 Season to
enchant The Storm Tree helps to protect Gwid- The blooms of this rose bush snake
MuHe(Te) 34 ion’s forest from drought and potential for- through the covenant and have a special
Pen +0, constant effect est fires. presence in the kitchen and bathing areas.
R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Individual The instant the red blooms of these roses
This effect makes the plant’s trunk and touch water, it starts to boil. The effect
branches as strong and hard as iron. Summon Heavy Rain continues until the water is actually boiling,
(Effect: Base 4, +2 Sun, +3 Size, +1 Ter- which typically takes around a minute.
ram Requisite; +1 lvl for 2 uses a day, +3 lvls ReAu 43 Vis invested to open: 12
for environmental trigger (sunrise/sunset) Pen +0, 1/day
R: Sight, D: Sun, T: Group
The spell gathers clouds and causes a Boil Water
Single Root System heavy rain to pour down over an area of ap-
proximately one mile in diameter. The rain CrIg 25
MuHe 34 lasts for one day. Pen +0, unlimited uses
Pen +0, constant effect (Base 4, +2 Sight, +2 Sun, +2 Group, +2 R: Touch, D: Concentration, T: Individual
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual size; +3 lvls linked trigger) The blooms boil all water that touches
The plant grows large, but in an altered them, up to an amount equal to a large bath-
way. Its roots snake out through the dirt and ing tub.
shoot up many stalks that create apparently Know When Tree Is Dry (Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration,
separate individual plants growing about an +5 lvls item maintains concentration, +10
area. Although it may appear that there are InHe 8 lvls unlimited uses per day)
many plants about, there in fact is just one Pen +0, constant effect
single plant connected through a network R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual
of roots. This effect can tell when the plant is in Single Root System
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +3 Size; need of water.
+1 lvl 2 uses a day, +3 lvls environmental (Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun; +1 lvl 2 uses As the enchanted item effect described
trigger) a day, +3 lvls environmental trigger) for Wall of Iron Thorns.

Sun Ivy Poppy Beds Bath of the

The glowing leaves of this ivy snake These beds of poppies make the ground
Yellow Roses
their way through the covenant, providing soft for the grogs and magi to sleep upon. They
light as bright as the day for the magi to read grow in special beds inside the covenant. These yellow roses snake throughout the
and work by. Vis spent to open: 12 covenant, but are pruned especially to bloom
Vis invested: 12 in the bathing areas; the Water Vines are
placed above the blooms, so that when they
Soften Earth and Plants are activated the water will fall down across
Conjured Daylight the blooms and become instantly warmed
MuTe(He) 29 and perfect for bathing.
CrIg 54 Pen +0, constant effect Vis invested to open: 12
Pen +0, constant effect R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Structure This effect makes the earth and hard
The leaves of this ivy glow brightly and wooden floors of the tree fortress soft and Warm Water
together they provide light as bright as day. perfect for sleeping upon.
(Base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +3 Size; (Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Part, +1 CrIg 19
+1 lvls 2 uses a day, +3 lvls environmental Herbam Requisite; +1 lvl 2 uses a day, +3 lvls Pen +0, unlimited uses
trigger) environmental trigger) R: +1 Touch, D: Concentration, T: Individual
The blooms warm all water that touches
them, up to an amount equal to a large bath-
Single Root System Single Root System ing tub.
(Base 2, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration;
As the enchanted item effect described As the enchanted item effect described +5 lvls item maintains concentration, +10
for Wall of Iron Thorns. for Wall of Iron Thorns. lvls unlimited uses per day)

Magi of Hermes
Single Root System kept clean by the water vines; every time
a grog or magus uses his privy, he just ac-
Rings of Basketed
As the enchanted item effect described tivates the vines and water rushes down Transport
for Wall of Iron Thorns. the shaft, carrying the waste with it to the
bottom chamber. The liquid is then reab- There are four rings in the forest used to
sorbed into the earth and tree, while the transport people and supplies. The enchant-
Tree Hive ments actually affect larger-than-life baskets,
big enough and strong enough to hold up to
thirty people comfortably. When the rings
This hive of honey bees is used to pol- Enchanting Giant move a basket, they take the people, animals,
linate and in many ways protect the cove-
nant’s farm lands. The Tree Hive itself can
Plants and whatever else is inside the basket along.
The first one is right at the base of the
hold up to 2,000 bees with the king. (The covenant and it transports people and things
A magus cannot enchant something
average normal honey bee hive has between up to one of the balconies. The second is on
that does not fit in his laboratory. Gwid-
200 to 500 bees) an adjacent balcony and it is used to transport
ion can get around this with his plants
Vis used to open: 10 people and things back down to the ground.
by enchanting them while they are
This (outside of climbing) is the only way in
young and small, and then using magic
or out of the covenant.
to make them much larger once the en-
Living Hive chantment is complete. In many cases,
The second set of rings is located at two
different places, one near the covenant tree
the magic to make the plants large is
ReHe 44 (but not right next to it) and the other located
part of the enchantment. In others, it is
Pen +0, constant effect outside the large Iron Blackberry bush. Both
allowed for in the initial enchantment,
R: Personal (the Tree only), D: Sun, T: of these rings are elevated atop a large circu-
so that it does not count as damage to
Individual lar stone pedestal that is conveniently higher
the item.
This effect keeps the tree from grow- then the blackberry bush. The pedestals both
ing beyond its original design and thereby have ramps built into them to allow for carts
invalidating the enchantments already put to be pulled upward to the baskets for loading
upon it. rest of the waste is dealt with by a large and unloading of supplies, and staircases are
(Effect: Base 4, +2 Sun, +3 Elaborate, +3 enchanted stone circle that surrounds the installed on the opposite side for foot traffic.
Size, +1 lvl for 2 uses a day, +3 lvls for envi- walls of the room where the waste is dis- One ring is designed to transport people out
ronmental trigger (sunrise/sunset)) posed of. The enchanted ring has a con- of the covenant’s private forest, and the other
stant effect upon it, which lets it continue transports people back in. These two rings
to mix the dirt, waste, and plant matter require two separate mental commands, while
Friendly Bees over and over again throughout the night. the rings at the covenant tree only require that
Nature takes its course, and within a few person to think “up” or “down.” The baskets
ReAn 39 weeks to a month the room is full of natural were woven by Gwidion himself using magic.
Pen +0, constant effect fertilizer. Grogs are then sent down there Vis spent to open: 12
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Group every now and then to add fresh dirt or re-
This spell makes every bee in the hive move some of the compost for use or trade
passive for a day. This means that the grogs with the surrounding farms. Move Gigantic Wicker Basket
can work the gardens and harvest the honey, Vis spent to open: 16
and as long as no one attacks the hive, the ReHe 48
bees will not sting. Pen +0, unlimited uses
(Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Group; Mixed Compost R: Touch, D: Momentary, T: Circle
+1lvls 2 uses a day, +3lvls Environmental When the right mental command is
Trigger (sunrise/sunset)) ReTe(Co,He) 33 made, the enchanted ring of stones moves
Pen +0, 1/day the gigantic wicker basket carriage 50 pac-
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Circle es in some direction. The destination is set
Ring of Mixed Compost This effect to mixes the dirt, waste, and
plant material at night until it becomes natu-
when the enchantment is put down.
(Base 15, +1 Touch, +3 Size, +10 lvls
ral compost. The compost is then removed Unlimited uses +3 lvls Linked Trigger)
Waste removal in the covenant involves during the day and fresh dirt is added.
a combination of three enchantments. The (Base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Circle, +1
first was to design the covenant so that ev- Corpus Requisite, +1 Herbam Requisite, +3 Read Surface Thoughts
ery bed chamber had its own private privy, lvls environmental trigger (sunset).)
with a long shaft that leads down into a As the enchanted item effect described
room on the ground floor. The shafts are for Water Vines.

Magi of Hermes

Talisman: Plants of Iron

Invested 4 Herbam vis, took 1 season to
Read Surface Thoughts
Invested 3 Intellego vis, took 1 season to
Gwidion’s enchant
MuHe(Te) 34
InMe 34

Riding Tree Pen +0, constant effect

R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Individual
This effect makes the tree’s trunk and
Pen +0, constant effect
R: Touch, D: Concentration, T: Individual
This effect reads the surface thoughts of
branches as strong as iron. all those touching the tree.
In his old age, Gwidion found it more (Base 4, +2 Sun, +3 Size, +1 Terram Req- (Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun; +1 lvl 2/
and more difficult to go outside the covenant uisite; +1 lvl for 2 uses a day, +3 lvls for envi- day, +3 lvls environmental trigger (sunrise/
and harvest vis, so he created his Talisman. ronmental Trigger (sunrise/sunset) sunset))
Gwidion’s Talisman is a (now) fully grown
oak, but due to its various enchantments it
has become severely Warped over the years, Controlled Growth Ward Against Heat and Flames
so that its branches resemble hands, its roots
feet, and upon its trunk is a great gnarled face Invested 3 Herbam vis, took 1 season to Invested 3 Ignem vis, took 6 seasons to
whose expression seems to change with the enchant enchant
seasons and the moods of its creator. In his ReHe 29 ReIg: 54
advanced years, Gwidion uses the tree to Pen +0, constant effect Pen +0, constant effect
move around his forest and visit the cove- R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Individual R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Group
nant’s farms and bee hives to make sure all is This effect keeps the tree from grow- Keeps heat and fire at bay, unable to ap-
going well. Gwidion has even thought about ing beyond its original design and thereby proach within one pace of the tree or those
expanding his tree’s size and then simply invalidating the enchantments already put riding atop it, rendering them all immune
building his lab right atop it, but as yet he upon it. to damage from flames or heat of intensity
has not gone that far with the great oak. (Effect: Base 4, +2 Sun; +1 lvl for 2 uses less than that of molten iron. The target gets
Vis spent to open: 10 (more vis added a day, +3 lvls for environmental trigger (sun- a +15 Soak against all fire-related damage.
later, as a talisman) rise/sunset), +3 Size) Any fire doing less than +15 damage per
round doesn’t penetrate the ward. Such fires
Attunements simply dim as the tree lumbers past and flare
+7 Protection from Storms The Movements of a Man back up after it is gone.
(Base 4, +2 for up to +15 damage, +1
Invested 5 Herbam vis, took 1 season to Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Group, +1 lvl for 2 uses
Evergreen enchant a day, +3 lvls for environmental trigger (sun-
ReHe 48 rise/sunset), +3 Size)
Invested 2 Herbam vis, took 1 season to Pen 0, unlimited uses
enchant R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Individual
CrHe 14 This spell is a more complicated version
Pen +0, constant effect of the spell Lord of the Trees (ArM5, page 139);
R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Individual it in effect allows Gwidion to move his tree’s
This effect keeps the tree in perfect trunk, branches, and leaves as if it were an
health all year round. extension of his own body.
(Base 1, +2 Sun; +3 Size, +3 lvls environ- (Base 10, +2 Sun, +10 lvls unlimited uses,
mental trigger (sunrise/sunset), +1 lvl 2/day) +3 lvls for linked trigger, +3 Size)

Chapter Five

Hugh of Flambeau
Concept: A magus who relishes physical
combat, and who has developed many
Order. Two decades after his apprenticeship
Hugh came to the attention of the Legion of
Hugh at Gauntlet
spells and enchanted items to make him Mithras (see The Mysteries, Revised Edition, pag-
Characteristics: Int +1, Per –2, Pre –1, Com
a more formidable opponent. es 118–122), a Mystery cult devoted to the
0, Str +2, Sta +3, Dex +1, Qik 0
defense of the Order from outside threats.
Size: 0
Hugh Hostis of Flambeau was late to be- He was initiated and has achieved the sec-
Age: 29 (29)
gin his apprenticeship; he was already four- ond rank, called the Bride. He has made ex-
Decrepitude: 0
teen years old when his master discovered cursions beyond the bounds of the Order’s
Warping Score: 0 (0)
him on the streets of the city, being used as territories to investigate rumors of hostile
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
a heavy by a local street gang, intimidating magicians, and slain several hedge wizards as
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
people with his Gift. The magus of House a consequence. He personally does not feel
gus; Mythic Blood (valkyrie); Affinity
Flambeau took the boy in, and after taming that any of the magicians he has faced posed
with Rego, Minor Magical Focus** (arms
him, taught him magic. Hugh was trained in a serious threat to the Order, but he is a loyal
and armor), Puissant Great Weapon,
the School of Ramius, a Flambeau style of soldier and does what he is told.
Puissant Perdo*, Rapid Convalescence,
combat that emphasizes mundane attacks
Skilled Parens, Special Circumstances (in
and magical defenses, and he spent nearly
as much time drilling in combat with the
grogs as he did in the laboratory. He has be-
come an excellent soldier, easily the match
of many experienced grogs especially as a
brawler, but has been struck around the head
so many times that he has permanently dam-
aged his hearing.
Hugh has a natural talent for combin-
ing magic and combat. His mother told
him that the blood of the valkyries — su-
pernatural warrior women of the Northern
lands — flowed in his veins, and that they
provide him with armor whenever he needs
it. Hugh never holds back in combat; he is
always with the warriors in the front line,
sometimes acting as leader and/or vanguard
of the fighting force. Since his Mythic Blood
rarely leaves him fatigued, he often casts de-
fensive spells on his fellow soldiers to make
them better warriors. The grogs respect his
fighting ability but fear his recklessness and
his temper. His favored tactic is to strike a
supernatural target in battle with a weapon
then follow up with a spell, using the blood
on the blade as an Arcane Connection to en-
hance Penetration.
After nearly a half-century of service,
Hugh has become a prominent member of
the tribunal, taking it upon himself to hunt
down Marched magi with a group of loyal
grogs and impose the punishment of the

Magi of Hermes
melee combat), Tough, Warrior; Magic Maintaining the Demanding Spell (ReVi 20/+22) (Rego), Great Weapon 5+2 (pole axe),
Addiction, Ambitious, Short-Ranged Mastery 1 (Fast Cast) Latin 4 (shouting), Leadership 2 (sol-
Magic; Poor Hearing, Reckless** F includes Magical Focus diers), Magic Theory 5 (1) (Rego effects),
* House Virtue S includes Short-Ranged Magic Native Language 5 (criminal argot), Or-
** from Mythic Blood Appearance: A tall, broad-shouldered man der of Hermes Lore 1 (House Flambeau),
Personality Traits: Recklessly Brave +3, Ar- with a heavy brow, squat features, and a Parma Magica 4 (Corpus), Penetration 4
gumentative +2, Belligerent +2 broken nose. He is clearly in excellent (Corpus), Ride 2 (in battle)
Combat: physical condition. He keeps his hair Arts: Cr 5, In 4, Mu 6, Pe 9+3, Re 14; An
Fist: Init –1, Attack +6, Defense +4, Damage +2 short, and while he cultivates no beard 5, Aq 1, Au 1, Co 10, He 6, Ig 3, Im 3,
Pole Axe: Init 0, Attack +14, Defense +7, or mustache he often neglects to shave Me 6, Te 8, Vi 8
Damage +13 for several days. One would be forgiven Twilight Scars: none
Soak: 13 (in armor, +3 after casting Doublet of for confusing him with a common sol- Equipment: Tonatris, pole axe
Impenetrable Silk) dier rather than a magus of the Order. Encumbrance: –1 (Load 9, Burden 3)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Casting Sigil: Weapons. The sound of Powers
Unconscious clashing weapons is common, as is a Gird the Warrior, 0 points, Init +0, Terram: as
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11– keen edge. above
15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+) Voting Sigil: A hand axe engraved with the Spells Known:
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (copying), Athlet- symbol of House Flambeau. Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15/+19 F)
ics 1 (in armor), Awareness 2 (at night), Blunt the Viper’s Fangs (PeAn 15/+10 S)
Brawl 4 (punch), Code of Hermes 1 (high Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5/+22)
crimes), Concentration 2 (in battle),
Criminal Lore 1 (local town), Finesse 2
Hugh +15 years Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+18)
Avalanche of Flesh and Steel (MuCo 10/+19)
(Rego), Great Weapon 5+2 (pole axe), Assume the Stature of the Giants of Eld (MuCo
Characteristics: Int +1, Per –2, Pre –1, Com
Latin 4 (shouting), Leadership 2 (sol- 10/+19)
0, Str +2, Sta +3, Dex +1, Qik 0
diers), Magic Theory 4 (Rego effects), Gift of the Bear’s Fortitude (MuCo 25/+19)
Size: 0
Native Language 5 (criminal argot), Or- Dust to Dust (PeCo 15/+13 S)
Age: 44 (37)
der of Hermes Lore 1 (House Flambeau), Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10/+27)
Decrepitude: 0
Parma Magica 1 (Corpus), Penetration 2 Endurance of the Berserkers (ReCo 15/+27)
Warping Score: 3 (0)
(Corpus), Ride 2 (in battle) Curse of Rotting Wood (PeHe 5/+21)
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Arts: Cr 3, In 1, Mu 4, Pe 6+3, Re 12; An 2, Repel the Wooden Shaft (ReHe 10/+15 FS)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Aq 1, Au 1, Co 6, He 4, Ig 0, Im 0, Me Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10/+12)
gus; Mythic Blood (valkyrie); Affinity
2, Te 5, Vi 6 Breaking the Captain’s Baton (PeMe 10/+11 S)
with Rego, Minor Magical Focus** (arms
Twilight Scars: none Edge of the Razor (MuTe 20/+24 F) Mastery 1
and armor), Puissant Great Weapon,
Equipment: pole axe, 2 throwing axes (Penetration)
Puissant Perdo*, Rapid Convalescence,
Encumbrance: –1 (Load 9, Burden 3) The Wizard’s Parry (ReTe 5/+34 F) Mastery 1
Skilled Parens, Special Circumstances (in
Powers (Fast-Cast)
melee combat), Tough, Warrior; Magic
Gird the Warrior, 0 points, Init +0, Terram: By The Instant Ring Fort (ReTe 15/+25)
Addiction, Ambitious, Short-Ranged
uttering a few words and sweeping his Circular Wall of Shields (ReTe 30/+33 F)
Magic; Poor Hearing, Reckless**
hands down his body, Hugh can con- Maintaining the Demanding Spell (ReVi 20/+26)
* House Virtue
vert any clothes that he is wearing into Mastery 1 (Fast Cast)
** from Mythic Blood F includes Magical Focus
a suit of full metal scale armor, provid-
Personality Traits: Recklessly Brave +3, Ar- S includes Short-Ranged Magic
ing 7 points of Protection and 7 points
gumentative +2, Belligerent +2
of Load. The armor remains until Hugh Appearance: A tall, broad-shouldered man
Reputation: Hoplite 2 (Hermetic)
decides to dismiss it (MuAn (He, Te) 30; with a heavy brow, squat features, and a
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Group; base 5, +1 broken nose. He is clearly in excellent
Tonatris (Gauntlet): Init 0, Attack +6, Defense
Touch, +1 Conc, +2 Group; +5 main- physical condition. He keeps his hair
+6, Damage +4
tains concentration) short, and while he cultivates no beard
Pole Axe: Init +1, Attack +14, Defense +8,
Spells Known: or mustache he often neglects to shave
Damage +13
Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15/+11 F) for several days. One would be forgiven
Soak: 13 (in armor, +3 after casting Gift of the
Blunt the Viper’s Fangs (PeAn 15/+7 S) for confusing him with a common sol-
Bear’s Fortitude, +3 after casting Doublet of
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5/+17) dier rather than a magus of the Order.
Impenetrable Silk)
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+12) Activities in the last 15 years: Hugh has spent
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Dust to Dust (PeCo 15/+9 S) four seasons creating a magical gaunt-
Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10/+21) let (one season to prepare the item, and
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–
Endurance of the Berserkers (ReCo 15/+21) three seasons to invest Night-Time Thun-
15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+)
Curse of Rotting Wood (PeHe 5/+16) der). He has spent a season creating his
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (copying), Athlet-
Repel the Wooden Shaft (ReHe 10/+12 FS) longevity ritual. In the last 15 years Hugh
ics 2 (in armor), Awareness 2 (at night),
Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10/+7) has also invented 105 levels of spells, and
Brawl 4 (punch), Code of Hermes 1 (high
Edge of the Razor (MuTe 20/+17 F) Mastery 1 gained 194 experience points in Arts and
crimes), Concentration 2 (in battle),
(Penetration) 121 experience points in Abilities.
Criminal Lore 1 (local town), Finesse 2

Magi of Hermes
Hugh +30 years
Familiar: Bathild the Magical Horse
Characteristics: Int +1, Per –2, Pre –1, Com
0, Str +2, Sta +3, Dex +1, Qik 0 Magic Might: 8 (Animal) Appearance: a roan charger whose pelt is
Size: 0 Characteristics: Int –3, Per +1, Pre 0, Com the color of dried blood.
Age: 59 (46) –4, Str +4, Sta +3, Dex –1, Qik +2
Decrepitude: 0 (0) Size: +2 Bathild claims descent from Sleipnir,
Warping Score: 4 (10) Season: Summer the fabled horse ridden by Odin. Hugh
Confidence Score: 2 (6) Confidence: 2 (6) sought out an einheri (a ghostly war-
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma- Virtues and Flaws: Magic Animal; Magi- rior dedicated to Odin) and bargained
gus; Mythic Blood (valkyrie); Affinity cal Friend; Improved Characteristics x with him. In exchange for the horse over
with Rego, Minor Magical Focus** (arms 2, Long-Winded, True Friend*; Proud which the einheri was guardian, Hugh was
and armor), Puissant Brawl, Puissant * from Familiar bond obliged to start a war between two villages.
Perdo*, Rapid Convalescence, Skilled Magic Qualities and Inferiorities: Greater Since this occurred deep in the territory of
Parens, Special Circumstances (in me- Power (Beast and Rider As One); Im- the hypothesized Order of Odin, he does
lee combat), Strong Willed2, Tough, proved Attack, Improved Confidence, not consider that he broke the Code of
True Friend1, Warrior; Magic Addiction, Improved Initiative, Improved Soak, Hermes in performing this duty.
Ambitious, Short-Ranged Magic; Du- Minor Virtue: Wilderness Sense When Hugh forged the initial familiar
tybound2, Poor Hearing, Reckless** Personality Traits: Loyal to Hugh +3, bond with Bathild, his Rego Terram Lab
* House Virtue Vain +3, Brave +2, Chatty +1 Total (with the assistance of his appren-
** from Mythic Blood Combat: tice) was 43, which was just sufficient for
1 from Familiar Kick: Init +7, Attack +8, Defense +9, Dam- his purpose. He has the following Bond
2 from Initiation in the Legion of Mithras age +5 Scores: Gold +1, Silver +1, Bronze +3.
Personality Traits: Loyal to Bathild +3, Soak: +5 (Bathild was created according to the
Recklessly Brave +3, Argumentative +2, Wound Penalties: –1 (1–7), –3 (8–14), –5 rules in Realms of Power: The Magic Realm,
Belligerent +2 (16–21), Incapacitated (22–28), Dead Magical Characters)
Reputation: Hoplite 3 (Hermetic) (29+)
Combat: Fatigue Levels: OK, 0/0, –1/–1, –3, –5, Ride of the Einherjar
Tonatris (Gauntlet): Init 0, Attack +6, Defense Unconscious
+6, Damage +4 Abilities: Athletics 4 (long distance run-
ReAn 27
Troll’s Wife (Pole Axe): Init +1, Attack +18, De- ning), Awareness 3 (noises), Brawl 4
Pen n/a, 3/day
fense +12, Damage +13 (kick), Concentration 2 (powers), Faerie
R: Per, D: Conc, T: Ind
Troll’s Wife (from horseback): Init +1, Attack Lore 2 (faerie horses), Folk Ken 3 (sol-
When Hugh activates this power,
+21, Defense +15, Damage +13 diers), Local Area Lore 3 (roads), Magic
Bathild is able to travel through the air as
Soak: 16 (in armor, includes Bronze Cord; Lore 3 (vis sources), Order of Hermes
easily as she would over land. Each use of
additional +3 after casting Gift of the Bear’s Lore 2 (House Flambeau), Leadership 3
the power lasts for as long as she remains
Fortitude, additional +3 after casting Dou- (other horses), Swim 2 (fording rivers),
airborne; as her feet touch the ground the
blet of Impenetrable Silk) Wilderness Sense 4 (forests)
effect ceases. The base level for this effect
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Powers:
is assumed through analogy with the Rego
Unconscious Beast and Rider As One, 4 points, Init –2, Ani-
Corpus guidelines. The Einherjar were
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 mal: Bathild’s rider partially merges with
Odin’s warriors, chosen from the slain.
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead her; his legs meld to her flesh and their
(Effect: Base 15, +1 Conc; Modifications:
(21+) minds work in concert. The rider no
+2 3/day, +5 maintains concentration)
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (copying), Athlet- longer needs to concentrate on keep-
ics 2 (in armor), Awareness 2 (at night), ing his balance, and Ride rolls become
Brawl 4 (punch), Code of Hermes 1 (high unnecessary. When fighting from horse- Gird the Steed for War
crimes), Concentration 2 (in battle), back, the bonus to Attack and Defense
Criminal Lore 1 (local town), Finesse 2 rolls provided by the Ride Ability of CrTe(An) 30
(Rego), Great Weapon 6+2 (pole axe), the rider is not limited to +3. Naturally Pen n/a, 1/day
Latin 4 (shouting), Leadership 3 (sol- the rider can’t be unhorsed, but neither R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
diers), Magic Theory 6 (Rego effects), can he dismount until the power ceases. When Hugh activates this power,
Legion of Mithras Lore 1 (initiation), Na- MuCo(An, Me) 45; base 25, +1 Conc, Bathild is clothed in metal scale barding,
tive Language 5 (criminal argot), Order of +2 Group, +1 Mentem requisite): Great- granting a Protection of 7. The Animal
Hermes Lore 2 (House Flambeau), Parma er Power (45 levels, –1 Might cost) requisite is required to create the armor’s
Magica 5 (Corpus), Penetration 5 (Cor- Ride of the Einherjar: Granted by the familiar leather straps, woolen padding, and
pus), Ride 2 (in battle), Teaching 1 (Arts) bond, see main text for details. gambeson — without these elements, the
Arts: Cr 5, In 5, Mu 6, Pe 10+3 (8), Re 15; Gird the Steed for War: Granted by the famil- armor would not be effective
An 7, Aq 5, Au 5, Co 10, He 5, Ig 5, Im iar bond, see main text for details. (Effect: base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2
5, Me 5, Te 8, Vi 11 Vis: 2 Animal, in hooves. very elaborate shape)
Twilight Scars: none

Magi of Hermes

Equipment: Troll’s Wife talisman, Tonatris with a heavy brow, squat features, and a Brawl, Puissant Perdo*, Rapid Conva-
Encumbrance: –1 (Load 9, Burden 3) broken nose. He is clearly in excellent lescence, Skilled Parens, Special Cir-
Powers physical condition. He keeps his hair cumstances (in melee combat), Strong
Gird the Warrior, 0 points, Init +0, Terram: short, and while he cultivates no beard Willed2, Tough, True Friend1, Warrior;
as above or mustache he often neglects to shave Magic Addiction, Ambitious, Short-
Spells Known: for several days. He has started to take Ranged Magic; Dutybound2, Poor Hear-
Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15/+22 F) on a more grizzled appearance with the ing, Reckless**
Blunt the Viper’s Fangs (PeAn 15/+12 S) accumulation of some small scars. * House Virtue
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5/+25) Activities in the last 15 years: The last fif- ** from Mythic Blood
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+22 T) teen years has seen Hugh acquire the 1 from Familiar
Assume the Stature of the Giants of Eld (MuCo three defining features of a mature magus 2 from Initiation in the Legion of Mithras
10/+22 T) — a familiar, a talisman, and an appren- Personality Traits: Loyal to Bathild +3,
Avalanche of Flesh and Steel (MuCo 10/+22 T) tice. He has spent one season forging Recklessly Brave +3, Argumentative +2,
Gift of the Bear’s Fortitude (MuCo 25/+22 T) the initial familiar bond, and two further Belligerent +2
The Blessing of Starkad (MuCo 25/+22 T) seasons empowering the bond with the Reputation: Hoplite 3 (Hermetic)
Turb of Giants (MuCo 25/+22 T) Ride of the Einherjar effect. His talisman Combat:
Dust to Dust (PeCo 15/+15 ST) Troll’s Wife was prepared, attuned as a Tonatris (Gauntlet): Init 0, Attack +6, Defense
Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10/+31 T) talisman, and invested with Fell the Faerie, +6, Damage +4
Endurance of the Berserkers (ReCo 15/+31 T) for a total of four seasons. His apprentice Troll’s Wife (Pole Axe): Init +1, Attack +19, De-
Curse of Rotting Wood (PeHe 5/+21) has received five seasons of training. In fense +13, Damage +13
Repel the Wooden Shaft (ReHe 10/+14 FS) the last 15 years Hugh has also invented Troll’s Wife (from horseback): Init +1, Attack
Halt the Piercing Shafts (ReHe(Te) 25/+28 F) 90 levels of spells, and gained 116 expe- +22*, Defense +16*, Damage +13
Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10/+14) rience points in Arts and 154 experience * If Bathild uses her Horse and Rider as One
Breaking the Captain’s Baton (PeMe 10/+11 S) points in Abilities. power, add one to these scores.
Blunting the Iron’s Bite (MuTe 10/+12 FS) Soak: 16 (in armor, includes Bronze Cord;
Edge of the Razor (MuTe 20/+24 F) Mastery 1 additional +3 after casting Gift of the Bear’s
The Wizard’s Parry (ReTe 5/+34 F) Mastery 1
Hugh +45 years Fortitude, additional +3 after casting Dou-
blet of Impenetrable Silk)
(Fast-Cast) Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Characteristics: Int +1, Per –2, Pre –1, Com
Disarm the Warrior (ReTe 10/+17 FS) Unconscious
0, Str +2, Sta +3, Dex +1 (1), Qik 0
The Instant Ring Fort (ReTe 15/+26) Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
Size: 0
Circular Wall of Shields (ReTe 30/+34 F) (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead
Age: 74 (54)
Maintaining the Demanding Spell (ReVi 20/+31) (21+)
Decrepitude: 0 (1)
Mastery 2 (Fast Cast, Imperturbable, see Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (copying), Athlet-
Warping Score: 5 (15)
Houses of Hermes: Societates, page 33–34) ics 2 (in armor), Awareness 2 (at night),
F includes Magical Focus Confidence Score: 2 (6)
Brawl 4 (punch), Code of Hermes 2 (high
S includes Short-Ranged Magic Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
crimes), Concentration 3 (in battle),
T includes Talisman attunement bonus gus; Mythic Blood (valkyrie); Affinity
Criminal Lore 1 (local town), Finesse 3
with Rego, Clear Thinker2, Minor Magi-
Appearance: A tall, broad-shouldered man (Rego), Great Weapon 7+2 (pole axe),
cal Focus** (arms and armor), Puissant

Magi of Hermes
Latin 4 (shouting), Leadership 4 (sol- three further effects. The familiar bond
diers), Legion of Mithras Lore 2 (initia-
tion), Magic Theory 7 (Rego effects), Na-
to Bathild was empowered with a second
effect taking four season, Hugh’s appren-
New Guideline:
tive Language 5 (criminal argot), Order of tice received his remaining 10 seasons MuCo 5
Hermes Lore 2 (House Flambeau), Parma of training and has become a magus in
Magica 5 (Corpus), Penetration 5 (Cor- his own right. In the last 15 years Hugh Add or remove human body parts
pus), Ride 2 (in battle), Teaching 3 (Arts) gained 135 experience points in Arts and from the target in such a way that he
Arts: Cr 5, In 5, Mu 8, Pe 13+3, Re 17 (3); 165 experience points in Abilities. no longer looks human. These parts are
An 7, Aq 5, Au 5, Co 12, He 7, Ig 5, Im normally functional, although a spell
5, Me 5, Te 10, Vi 12 may be deliberately designed so that
Twilight Scars: none they are not. The Target is Part, not

New Spells
Equipment: Troll’s Wife talisman, Tonatris Individual (although Group and higher
Encumbrance: –1 (Load 9, Burden 3) Targets work as normal).
Gird the Warrior, 0 points, Init +0, Terram: Hugh has developed the new spells that
as above are listed here. The Blessing of Starkad
Spells Known:
Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15/+25 F) MuCo 25
Blunt the Viper’s Fangs (PeAn 15/+13 S)
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5/+27) Corpus R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part
The target grows two more arms. These
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+24T) extra manipulators enhance certain Dex-
Assume the Stature of the Giants of Eld (MuCo terity tasks such as climbing, and Strength
10/+26 T) rolls representing the extra muscle power
Avalanche of Flesh and Steel (MuCo 10/+26 T) Assume the Stature
available to the target, such as forcing open
Gift of the Bear’s Fortitude (MuCo 25/+26 T) of the Giants of Eld
doors. In these situations the target receives
The Blessing of Starkad (MuCo 25/+26 T) a +3 bonus to his total. Additionally, the tar-
Turb of Giants (MuCo 25/+26 T) MuCo 10 get can wield an additional set of weapons
Dust to Dust (PeCo 15/+16 ST) R: Per, D: Diam, T: Ind in combat. He can now manage either two
Rise of the Feathery Body (ReCo 10/+35 T) Adds +3 to the caster’s normal Size, turn- single weapons and two shields, or a Great
Endurance of the Berserkers (ReCo 15/+35 T) ing him into a veritable giant. The caster’s weapon and a shield. If fighting singly, the
Curse of Rotting Wood (PeHe 5/+26) clothing, armor, and weapons are also in- character makes two attacks per round, one
Repel the Wooden Shaft (ReHe 10/+17 FS) creased in size in proportion. Characteristics with each set of weapons. If fighting as a
Halt the Piercing Shafts (ReHe(Te) 25/+27 F) are not affected by the size change, but the group, consider the group to have an extra
Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10/+16) caster’s wound ranges change accordingly: at member, who does not count against the
Breaking the Captain’s Baton (PeMe 10/+24 S) Size +3, the caster’s wounds have eight-point Leadership Ability of the group leader, if
Blunting the Iron’s Bite (MuTe 10/+15 FS) increments (1–8 points for a Light Wound, any. This extra member is excluded when
Edge of the Razor (MuTe 20/+30 F) Mastery 1 9–16 for a Medium Wound, and so forth). determining the damage taken by the group.
(Penetration) Casting requisites of Animal, Herbam, and Casting requisites are necessary to adjust the
The Wizard’s Parry (ReTe 5/+40 F) Mastery 1 Terram are usually required to affect all the targets in an appropriate manner, else cloth-
(Fast-Cast) target’s equipment. A size modifier is re- ing rips and armor hampers the use of the
Disarm the Warrior (ReTe 10/+20 FS) quired for this spell since the final size is ten new limbs. Starkad Aludreng was a hero de-
The Instant Ring Fort (ReTe 15/+30) times the mass of a base target for Corpus. scended from the Norse giants; he possessed
Circular Wall of Shields (ReTe 30/+40 F) (Base 3, +1 Diam, +1 size, +1 to increase eight arms and fought with four swords.
Maintaining the Demanding Spell (ReVi 20/+34) equipment as well) (Base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Part)
Mastery 2 (Fast-Cast, Imperturbable, see
Houses of Hermes: Societates, page 33–34)
F includes Magical Focus
S includes Short-Ranged Magic
Avalanche of Flesh and Steel Turb of Giants
T includes Talisman attunement bonus
MuCo 10 MuCo 25
Appearance: A tall, broad-shouldered man R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Group R: Touch, D: Diam, T: Group
with a heavy brow, squat features, and a Up to ten men of Size +1 become ca- Adds +3 to the Size of a standard group
broken nose. He is clearly in excellent pable of running as fast as a horse. Hugh uses of men. The targets’ clothing, armor, and
physical condition. He keeps his gray- this specifically on a group of warriors, and weapons are also increased in size in pro-
ing hair short, and while he cultivates maintains concentration only long enough portion. This has no impact on their char-
no beard or mustache he often neglects for them to charge their foes. This gives acteristics, but increases their wound ranges
to shave for several days. He has the ap- them a bonus to their first Attack Total equal accordingly. Ten individuals up to Size +1
pearance of a grizzled veteran, with sev- to their Athletics Ability, up to a maximum can be affected, and at Size +3, their wounds
eral scars. of +3. have eight-point increments (1–8 points for
Activities in the last 15 years: Hugh spent (Base 2, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 Group) a Light Wound, 9–16 for a Medium Wound,
four seasons improving his talisman with and so forth). Casting requisites of Animal,

Magi of Hermes
Herbam, and Terram are usually required to The affected weapon has its total damage left in place. The ring fort provides an ex-
affect all the targets’ equipment. (including Attack Advantage) reduced to cellent defensive position for holding off a
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Diam, +2 Group, half (round up). The weapons return to their superior enemy, or providing cover for or
+1 size, +1 to increase equipment as well) undamaged state once the Duration expires. from archers.
While this could be invented as a Perdo Ter- (Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Part, +1 Size, +1
ram spell, Hugh prefers this version since it affect stone)
Herbam has the additional effect of making the affect-
ed weapons blocked by Magic Resistance.
Hugh often casts this spell forcelessly, against Circular Wall of Shields
the most dangerous-looking of his foes.
Halt the Piercing Shafts (Base 1, +2 Voice, +1 Diam, +2 affect ReTe 30
metal) R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Group
Up to twenty shields rise into the air and
ReHe(Te) 25 form a circle around the caster or anyone
R: Per, D: Diam, T: Ind The Wizard’s Parry he designates. Up to ten people can stand
This ward prevents any ranged weap- within the circle, if they crowd together, but
ons made of wood and/or metal from harm- ReTe 5 two shields are needed to give adequate de-
ing the caster. Missiles simply drop to the R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind fense to each person. The shields slowly ro-
ground at his feet. The caster deflects one blow from a me- tate around the circle, providing total cover
(Base 15, +1 Diam, +1 Terram requisite) lee weapon of which he is aware. Since the against missile weapons, and limited cover
magus actually touches the weapon, any ad- against melee attacks. The shields provide a
ditional effects of the blade — for example, a Defense Total against melee attacks equal to
Mentem coating of poison, or a Blade of Virulent Flame —
still affect him. A casting requisite of Herbam
the caster’s Perception + Finesse plus the De-
fense modifier of the shield in question. If a
is needed if the weapon is primarily wooden, shield successfully defends against an attack,
such as a spear or staff. Hugh has mastered the base weapon damage is still inflicted di-
Breaking the Captain’s Baton this spell, and uses it as a fast-cast defense. rectly on the shield. Each shield has a Soak
(Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 affect metal) of 3, and if it takes more than 10 points of
damage in a single blow, the shield is de-
PeMe 10 stroyed and drops to the ground. Destroying
R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind Disarm the Warrior shields leaves some individuals in the ring un-
The target ceases to be able to coordi- protected; but because the shields move, the
nate a squad of soldiers as a Trained Group. ReTe 10 undefended individuals change each round. If
The memories required to use that skill are R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind a person is protected by just one shield, then
removed and do not return when the spell Causes a single object within range to fly apply the Defense Total to missile attacks as
ends, but can be regained with simple dem- towards Hugh; he may attempt to catch it well as melee attacks. From inside the ring,
onstration and practice, requiring time but if he wishes by succeeding on a Dexterity + the shields can be plucked from the air; but
not experience. The target is aware that he Athletics roll against an Ease Factor of 9. If once this is done, they cannot be replaced.
has forgotten how to lead warriors in battle. he chooses not to attempt to catch the item, (Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Group,
Unless another member of the group is able it falls to the ground by his feet. The spell is +2 affect metal)
to take over as leader, the squad fights as an very forceful, and has an equivalent Strength
Untrained Group instead. This is a less ef- of +5; if the object is being held by someone
ficient version of Dissolving the Wall of Shields else, then make an opposed Strength roll. If

(Houses of Hermes: Societates, page 70) since it the caster rolls higher then the item is lost
targets only the current leader rather than to its holder. Hugh usually uses this effect
the entire squad. to disarm his opponents, or to retrieve his
(Base 4, +2 Voice) weapons should they not be to hand.
(Base 3, +2 Voice, +1 sudden and forceful) Items
Terram The Instant Ring Fort
Hugh has created the gauntlet Tonatris,
as described below.

ReTe 15
Blunting the Iron’s Bite R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Part
Earth and stone is excavated from a
circular ditch around the caster to create a
MuTe 10 circle of packed earth and rock four paces This enchanted gauntlet is shaped like
R: Voice, D: Diam, T: Ind in diameter, two paces thick, and eight feet the caestus used by a gladiator in Roman
Cast against any bladed weapon, this high. The spell does not break stone, so any times; a tough leather glove buckled around
spell warps and blunts the blade hopelessly. boulders that extend beyond the target are the wrist, but with no fingers. The leather is

Magi of Hermes
plated with iron, particularly over the knuck- haft has been enchanted, allowing the blade and ash”) when striking a creature with the
les where it forms spikes and heavy plates. to be unimpeded by Magic Resistance. The haft; but it only affects entities with Faerie
The gauntlet was opened with 10 pawns of weapon is beautifully made: the head is made Might. If the effect penetrates, the creature
vis (a small item of base metal), and currently of steel with an iron edge, and inlaid silver loses 15 Might.
has five pawns-worth of effects. depicts mythological scenes of heroes slaying (Effect: Base 5, +1 Touch; Modifications
dragons and giants. The haft is made of holly +10 Penetration, +3 6/day)
wood, perfectly sized to Hugh’s height and
Night-Time Thunder reach, and bound in bands of brass. It is carved
with horses, eagles, and wolves. Near the axe Hew the Hell-Beast
ReMe 20 head are six inlaid discs, three of amber and
Pen +12, 12/day three of bloodstone. This weapon was made PeVi 23
R: Touch, D: Diam, T: Ind personally for Hugh at great expense, and is Pen 20, 6/day
This effect is triggered when the wearer of excellent quality (see City & Guild, pages R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
of the gauntlet strikes a being with his thumb 69–70), granting a +3 to Attack and Defense This effect is triggered when the wielder
between his ring and little fingers. The target rolls when using it. The weapon otherwise has of the axe says “os et orichalcum” (“bone
falls asleep, and cannot be naturally awak- the statistics of a pole axe. and brass”) when striking a creature with the
ened until the effect’s duration has expired. Troll’s Wife was opened with 12 pawns haft; but it only affects entities with Infernal
(Effect: Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Diam; of vis (the highest cost component is the tiny Might. If the effect penetrates, the creature
Modifications +4 12/day, +6 Penetration) semi-precious gems near the axe-head), and loses 15 Might.
currently has no room left for further effects (Effect: Base 5, +1 Touch; Modifications
as Hugh has not chosen to increase its space +10 Penetration, +3 6/day)
Vaulting Lightning just yet.

ReCo 30 Attunements Sharpening the

Pen +12, 12/day +3 Corpus (amber) Wizard’s Blade of Vim
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind +4 blood and wounds (bloodstone)
This effect is triggered when the wearer +4 demons and angels (brass, from MuVi 28
of the gauntlet strikes a being with his thumb Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults, page 137) Pen n/a, 24/day
between his middle and ring fingers. The tar- +7 harm or repel faeries (iron) R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
get is propelled backwards with incredible This effect is automatically triggered
force, traveling up to 5 paces. Upon landing, when the wielder says the word “acuere”
the target suffers +8 damage. The damage Wood that Neither (“be sharpened!”) before triggering another
is doubled if the target strikes a hard object Bends Nor Breaks enchantment in the talisman that has a un-
such as a wall before the range of 5 paces modified level (that is, excluding Uses per
is reached, or if the target lands on a hard MuHe(Te) 14 Day, Penetration, and so forth) of 10 or less.
surface such as flagstones. Pen n/a, constant effect The Penetration total of the target effect
(Effect: Base 15, +1 Touch; Modifica- R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind is increased by 10, which is a total change
tions +4 12/day, +6 Penetration) The haft of the axe becomes as hard as of effect. This effect can only increase the
iron, and is virtually unbreakable by mun- Penetration of an effect in the item, or the
dane means. Penetration of the item itself.
(Effect: base 4, +2 Sun; Modifications +1 Hugh invested this effect because when

2/day, +3 environmental trigger) he first created many of the effects in his
talisman he was unable to give them a par-
ticularly high Penetration total. This effect

Troll’s Wife Fell the Faerie

PeVi 23
makes up for that deficiency, even though it
adds an extra round to the activation of these
effects. It is more economical in terms of en-
Hugh has enchanted a long-hafted beard- Pen 20, 6/day chantment costs than reinvesting the effects
ed axe as his talisman. He calls this Troll’s Wife, R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind he has currently.
in deference to a Northern tradition to name This effect is triggered when the wield- (Effect: Base 15, +1 Touch; Modifica-
an axe after a fearsome monster. Only the er of the axe says “ferrum et fraxinus” (“iron tions: +5 24/day, +3 linked trigger)

Chapter Six

Julia of Ex Miscellanea
Concept: This weaver’s faerie blood lets her sought after by the rich, for she can create Combat:
produce enchanted cloth and clothing miraculous colors and effects impossible with Dodge: Init 0, Attack n/a, Defense 0, Dam-
of the highest caliber, though she rejects mundane dyes. She is careful not to draw too age n/a
her heritage and as a result is tormented much attention to herself through this trade, Soak: +2
by her fey ancestor — a spider prince. working principally through a middleman Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
who cheats her outrageously, but she doesn’t Unconscious
Julia Textrix of Ex Miscellanea is a maga mind since it keeps the Quaesitores off her Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
from the Rusticani tradition (Houses of Hermes: back. Since her cloths are usually charged (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead
Societates, pages 130–133), magi who excel in items, the magical properties fade over time, (21+)
the combination of mundane crafts and ar- giving her a steady trade. She receives news Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (grammar),
cane magic. She was born at the covenant of of the families of her customers from her Awareness 1 (faerie trickery), Craft: Lin-
Florum in the Normandy Tribunal (see The vendor, and is a keen follower of the social en 3 (clothes), Craft: Wool 1 (felt), Con-
Lion and the Lily, page 96), and is a member whirl from which she is forever barred due to centration 1 (Herbam), Faerie Lore 1
of the de Spinnen family who all bear a pe- her Gift. Instead she sometimes impregnates (spiders), Finesse 3+2 (craft magic), Folk
culiar variety of Faerie Blood, that of a faerie her fabrics with magical impulses intended to Ken 2 (craftsmen), Latin 4 (Hermetic),
spider. An encounter with her faerie ancestor improve the lives of those who wear them. Magic Theory 4 (craft magic), Low Ger-
at an early age left her with a deadly fear of The spider prince who is her ancestor man 5 (Flemish), Parma Magica 1 (faerie
the creature, and, by extension, all spiders. resents her rejection of him, and sends his powers), Penetration 1 (Animal), Profes-
Consequently she would not be educated many-legged minions to torment her on a sion: Dyer 1 (reds), Second Sight 2 (fa-
at Florum, and instead was apprenticed to regular basis. erie glamour)
one of the covenant’s associates from whom Arts: Cr 7, In 3, Mu 4, Pe 3, Re 9; An 5, Aq
she learned the art of magical weaving. 1, Au 1, Co 2, He 7, Ig 1, Im 2, Me 1,
Her faerie blood allows her to convert her
own body weight of raw fibers into finished
Julia at Gauntlet Te 1, Vi 3
Twilight Scars: none
cloth every day. Her tradition-specific Vir- Equipment: none
Characteristics: Int +1, Per –2, Pre 0, Com
tue of Craft Magic allows her advantages to Encumbrance: 0
0, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex +3, Qik 0
spellcasting while practicing some mundane Spells Known:
Size: 0
craft; see Houses of Hermes: Societates, pages Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15/+15 F)
Age: 26 (26)
131–132 for more details. All her spells are Decay Fur and Hide (PeAn 10/+10)
Decrepitude: 0
affected by her Side Effect Virtue, in that Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5/+16)
Warping Score: 0 (0)
they do not end instantly when the duration Cloak of the Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+12)
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
ends, but instead gradually fade away. This Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+11)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
is barely noticeable for Momentary and Di- Conjure the Sturdy Vine (CrHe 5/+16)
gus; Craft Magic*, Strong Faerie Blood
ameter Duration spells, but it takes about an Trap of the Entwining Vines (CrHe 15/+16)
(Spinnen); Affinity with Rego, Endur-
hour for her Duration: Sun spells, whereas Piercing Shaft of Wood (Mu(Re)He 10/+11)
ing Magic, Harnessed Magic, Lesser
Duration: Moon and Year spells diminish Curse of the Rotted Wood (PeHe 5/+12)
Immunity to Poison, Minor Magical
over the course of a day. This fading period Ward Against the Faeries of the Wood (ReHe
Focus (clothing), Puissant Finesse, Sec-
is also extended by her Enduring Magic; 20/+18)
ond Sight**, Side Effect, Spell Foci* ;
a spell that has actually lasted four Moon Unseen Porter (ReTe 10/+12)
Difficult Longevity Ritual, Meddler, Su-
durations takes four days to fade away to Unraveling the Fabric of Herbam (PeVi 10/+8)
pernatural Nuisance, Weak Spontaneous F includes Focus
nothing. Many of Julia’s spells employ Rego
Magic*; Fear (spiders)
Craft Magic, for more details see Covenants, Appearance: A plain, dumpy young woman.
* House Virtues and Flaw
page 49. Her back is hunched from her time over
** free with Strong Faerie Blood
Julia is somewhat of a loner, preferring the loom, and her hands are constantly
Personality Traits: Busybody +3, Industrious
not to join a covenant but instead selling stained with dye. She dresses in func-
+2, Brave –2
the products of her magical craft to any who tional clothes appropriate to her status as
Reputations: none
will buy them. Her fabulous cloth is highly a craftswoman, in muted hues of brown,

Magi of Hermes
although she ties her hair back with a dyed blue; loose fibers spontaneously Ward Against the Faeries of the Wood (ReHe
kerchief that is a rich blue. Her faerie braid or knot themselves in her presence. 20/+26)
heritage is evident in her hair, which is Equipment: none Unseen Porter (ReTe 10/+21)
thick, black, wiry, and sparsely covers Encumbrance: 0 Unraveling the Fabric of Herbam (PeVi 10/+11)
her whole body; and in her irises, which Spells Known: F includes Focus
are as black as her pupils and give her an Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15/+27 F) Appearance: A plain, dumpy mature woman.
unsettling stare. Mastery 1 (Fast-Cast) Her back is hunched from her time over
Sigil: Julia’s casting sigil is a thread-like Madder, Woad, and Weld (MuAn (He) 20/+26 F) the loom, and her hands are constantly
weave, while her voting sigil is an em- The Unraveled Seam (PeAn(He) 5/+18 F) stained with dye. She has refitted her
broidered swatch of cloth. Decay Fur and Hide (PeAn 10/+15) wardrobe as her trade has grown; her cli-
The Wizard’s Spindle (ReAn 4/+36 F) ents expect to see her well dressed, and
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5/+26) she uses fabrics of her own invention,
Julia +15 years Dressing the Human Form in Wool (ReAn 15/+36 F)
Ward Against Faeries Which Creep and Crawl
dyed to her own recipes, to demonstrate
her wares. Her faerie heritage is evident
(ReAn 20/+27) Mastery 1 (Penetration) in her hair, which is thick, black, wiry,
Characteristics: Int +1, Per –2, Pre 0, Com
Cloak of the Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+18) and sparsely covers her whole body; and
0, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex +3, Qik 0
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+15) in her irises, which are as black as her
Size: 0
Sealing the Lips (MuCo 10/+20) pupils and give her an unsettling stare.
Age: 41 (41)
Conjure the Sturdy Vine (CrHe 5/+20) Activities in the last 15 years: Julia has in-
Decrepitude: 0
Clothe the Naked Form (CrHe 10/+28 F) vented 93 levels of spells. She has not
Warping Score: 2 (13)
Trap of the Entwining Vines (CrHe 15/+20) spent any time creating magical items,
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Piercing Shaft of Wood (Mu(Re)He 10/+19) since her Craft Magic allows her to du-
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Curse of the Rotted Wood (PeHe 5/+15) plicate simple effect in days rather than
gus; Craft Magic*, Strong Faerie Blood
The Clothier’s Craft Done in an Instant (ReHe seasons. She has also acquired 197 expe-
(Spinnen); Affinity with Rego, Endur-
4/+36 F) rience points in Arts and 160 experience
ing Magic, Harnessed Magic, Lesser
The Mended Tear (ReHe 5/+36 F) points in Abilities.
Immunity to Poison, Minor Magical
Focus (clothing), Puissant Finesse, Sec-
ond Sight**, Side Effect, Spell Foci* ;
Difficult Longevity Ritual, Meddler, Su-
pernatural Nuisance, Weak Spontaneous
Magic*; Fear (spiders)
* House Virtues and Flaw
** free with Strong Faerie Blood
Personality Traits: Busybody +3, Industrious
+2, Brave –2
Reputations: none
Dodge: Init 0, Attack n/a, Defense 0, Dam-
age n/a
Soak: +2
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (grammar),
Awareness 1 (faerie trickery), Craft: Lin-
en 4 (clothes), Craft: Wool 4 (felt), Con-
centration 2 (Herbam), Faerie Lore 1
(spiders), Finesse 4+2 (craft magic), Folk
Ken 2 (craftsmen), Latin 4 (Hermetic),
Magic Theory 5 (craft magic), Low Ger-
man 5 (Flemish), Parma Magica 2 (faerie
powers), Penetration 2 (Animal), Profes-
sion: Dyer 2 (reds), Second Sight 2 (fa-
erie glamour)
Arts: Cr 8, In 4, Mu 7, Pe 3, Re 14; An 10,
Aq 2, Au 1, Co 5, He 10, Ig 1, Im 3, Me
5, Te 5, Vi 6
Twilight Scars: her arms are permanently

Magi of Hermes
Julia +30 years The Unraveled Seam (PeAn(He) 5/+22 F)
Decay Fur and Hide (PeAn 10/+19)
acquired 145 experience points in Arts
and 125 experience points in Abilities.
The Unraveled Clothes (PeAn(He) 15/+22 F)
Characteristics: Int +1, Per –2, Pre 0, Com
The Wizard’s Spindle (ReAn 4/+41 F)
0, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex +3, Qik 0
Size: 0
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5/+29)
Dressing the Human Form in Wool (ReAn 15/+41 F)
Julia +45 years
Age: 56 (50)
Ward Against Faeries Which Creep and Crawl (ReAn
Decrepitude: 0 Characteristics: Int +1, Per –2 (1), Pre 0,
20/+37 T) Mastery 1 (Penetration)
Warping Score: 3 (15) Com 0, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex +3 (1), Qik 0
Cloak of the Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+20)
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Size: 0
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+18)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma- Age: 71 (57)
Sealing the Lips (MuCo 10/+20)
gus; Craft Magic*, Strong Faerie Blood Decrepitude: 0 (2)
Conjure the Sturdy Vine (CrHe 5/+20)
(Spinnen); Affinity with Rego, Endur- Warping Score: 5 (10)
Clothe the Naked Form (CrHe 10/+28 F)
ing Magic, Harnessed Magic, Lesser Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Trap of the Entwining Vines (CrHe 15/+20)
Immunity to Poison, Minor Magical Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Weaver’s Trap of Threads (CrHe 20/+20)
Focus (clothing), Puissant Finesse, Sec- gus; Craft Magic*, Strong Faerie Blood
Piercing Shaft of Wood (Mu(Re)He 10/+22)
ond Sight**, Side Effect, Spell Foci*, (Spinnen); Affinity with Rego, Endur-
Curse of the Rotted Wood (PeHe 5/+17)
True Friend1 ; Difficult Longevity Ritual, ing Magic, Harnessed Magic, Lesser
The Clothier’s Craft Done in an Instant (ReHe
Meddler, Supernatural Nuisance, Weak Immunity to Poison, Minor Magical
4/+37 F)
Spontaneous Magic*; Fear (spiders) Focus (clothing), Puissant Finesse, Sec-
The Mended Tear (ReHe 5/+37 F)
* House Virtues and Flaw ond Sight**, Side Effect, Spell Foci* ,
Tangle of Wood and Thorns (ReHe 15/+27)
** free with Strong Faerie Blood True Friend1; Difficult Longevity Ritual,
1 from Familiar Bond The Animate Attire (ReHe 20/+37 F)
Meddler, Supernatural Nuisance, Weak
Ward Against the Faeries of the Wood (ReHe
Personality Traits: Busybody +3, Loyal to Spontaneous Magic*; Fear (spiders)
20/+34 T)
Tetrix +3, Industrious +2, Brave –2 * House Virtues and Flaw
Unseen Porter (ReTe 10/+22)
Reputations: none ** free with Strong Faerie Blood
Unraveling the Fabric of Herbam (PeVi 10/+15) 1 from Familiar Bond
Combat: F includes Focus
Dodge: Init 0, Attack n/a, Defense 0, Dam- T includes Talisman Personality Traits: Busybody +3, Loyal to
age n/a Tetrix +3, Industrious +2, Brave –2
Appearance: A plain, dumpy mature woman.
Soak: +4 (includes Bronze Cord) Reputations: none
Her back is hunched from her time over
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Combat:
the loom, and her hands are constantly
Unconscious Dodge: Init 0, Attack n/a, Defense 0, Dam-
stained with dye. She has refitted her
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 age n/a
wardrobe as her trade has grown; her cli-
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead Soak: +4 (includes Bronze Cord)
ents expect to see her well dressed, and
(21+) Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
she uses fabrics of her own invention,
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (grammar), Aware- Unconscious
dyed to her own recipes, to demonstrate
ness 2 (faerie trickery), Bargain 1 (pric- Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
her wares. Her faerie heritage is evident
es), Craft: Linen 4 (clothes), Craft: Wool (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead
in her hair, which is thick, black, wiry,
4 (felt), Concentration 2 (Herbam), Fa- (21+)
and sparsely covers her whole body; and
erie Lore 3 (spiders), Finesse 5+2 (craft Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (grammar), Aware-
in her irises, which are as black as her
magic), Folk Ken 2 (craftsmen), Latin ness 2 (faerie trickery), Bargain 1 (pric-
pupils and give her an unsettling stare.
4 (Hermetic), Magic Theory 6 (craft es), Craft: Linen 4 (clothes), Craft: Wool
Activities in the last 15 years: Julia has in-
magic), Low German 5 (Flemish), Parma 5 (felt), Concentration 2 (Herbam), Fa-
vented 90 levels of spells. She has locat-
Magica 3 (faerie powers), Penetration 2 erie Lore 3 (spiders), Finesse 6+2 (craft
ed and forged a bond with her familiar
(Animal), Profession: Dyer 2 (reds), Sec- magic), Folk Ken 2 (craftsmen), Latin
Tetrix, enchanted the Snap of Awakening
ond Sight 3 (faerie glamour) 4 (Hermetic), Magic Theory 6 (craft
power (2 seasons), and made her paltry
Arts: Cr 8, In 4, Mu 10, Pe 5, Re 15; An 12, magic), Low German 5 (Flemish), Parma
Longevity Ritual (1 season) in the form of
Aq 3, Au 3, Co 8, He 10, Ig 4, Im 5, Me Magica 4 (faerie powers), Penetration 3
an embroidered pouch she wears around
7, Te 5, Vi 8 (1) (Animal), Profession: Dyer 2 (reds), Sec-
her neck (with an extra pawn of vis this
Twilight Scars: her arms are permanently ond Sight 3 (faerie glamour), Teaching
gave her –4 to Aging rolls). The Loom of
dyed blue; loose fibers spontaneously 3 (crafts)
the Kabouters has been prepared for en-
braid or knot themselves in her presence; Arts: Cr 9, In 6, Mu 10, Pe 5, Re 17; An 13,
chantment and had both effects instilled
she has a perpetual musky odor. Aq 5, Au 5, Co 8, He 11, Ig 5, Im 5, Me
in it (4 seasons). She has also prepared
Equipment: Forfex Princeps talisman, the 7, Te 8, Vi 8 (1)
a pair of magical shears for enchant-
Loom of the Kabouters Twilight Scars: her arms are permanently
ment and attuned them as her talisman
Encumbrance: 0 dyed blue; loose fibers spontaneously
— called Forfex Princeps — and instilled
Spells Known: braid or knot themselves in her presence;
the Sever Wood and Bone effect (3 seasons).
Shearing the Unseen Sheep (CrAn 20/+22) she has a perpetual musky odor; her ca-
During this time she started to train an
Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15/+35 F) nine teeth have become long and turned
apprentice who assisted in the creation
Mastery 1 (Fast-Cast) glossy black; she can alter the color of
of these items (2 seasons). She has also
Madder, Woad, and Weld (MuAn (He) 20/+32 F) her eyes by simply concentrating.

Magi of Hermes
Equipment: Forfex Princeps talisman, the
Loom of the Kabouters, Fruit of the Loom
Encumbrance: 0
Familiar: Tetrix the Blackcock
Spells Known:
Season: Summer Silent Speech: Granted by the familiar bond,
Shearing the Unseen Sheep (CrAn 20/+25)
Magic Might: 12 (Animal) see main text for details.
Sturdy Mantle of the Traveler (CrAn 30/+34 F)
Characteristics: Int –3, Per +2, Pre –1, Com Vis: 3 pawns, in feathers
Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15/+36 F)
–2, Str –3, Sta +3, Dex 0, Qik +2 Appearance: Tetrix is a male black grouse
Mastery 1 (Fast-Cast)
Size: –2 (also called a blackcock). He is a hand-
Madder, Woad, and Weld (MuAn (He) 20/+33 F)
Confidence: 1 (3) some bird, with black plumage, red
Cloak of Nessus (MuAn 35/+35 F)
Virtues and Flaws: Magic Animal; Gos- wattles, white wing-bars, and a lyre-
The Unraveled Seam (PeAn(He) 5/+23 F)
sip, Student of Faerie; True Friend*; shaped tail. Like other game birds, his
Decay Fur and Hide (PeAn 10/+20)
Clumsy, Non-Combatant body is long and usually held horizon-
The Unraveled Clothes (PeAn(He) 15/+23 F)
* from Familiar bond tally, but when he stands upright he is
The Wizard’s Spindle (ReAn 4/+45 F)
Magical Qualities: Greater Power, No Fa- about four feet tall.
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5/+34 T)
tigue; Gift of Speech, Improved Abili-
Dressing the Human Form in Wool (ReAn 15/+47 FT) Julia’s choice of familiar — a black
ties, Improved Defense, Improved
Ward Against Faeries Which Creep and Crawl (ReAn grouse — was somewhat whimsical; she
Abilities, Improved Soak
20/+38 T) Mastery 1 (Penetration) was struck by the pun of “textrix” (“weav-
Qualities: Camouflage, Ambush Predator,
Constraint of the Strangling Vestments (ReAn er”) with “tetrix” (“grouse”), but discovered
35/+45 F) a bird who is a fierce hunter of spiders.
Personality Traits: Brave +3, Loyal to Julia
Cloak of the Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+24) They have become the closest of friends.
+3, Inquisitive +1, Grouse (essential
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+19) Tetrix is naturally expert at remaining
trait) +3
Sealing the Lips (MuCo 10/+20) hidden, and receives a +3 bonus to Stealth
Conjure the Sturdy Vine (CrHe 5/+22) rolls whenever he is not moving. Grouse
Beak: Init +2, Attack +7, Defense +7, Dam-
Clothe the Naked Form (CrHe 10/+31 F) eat plant shoots and insects; when hunting
age –2
Trap of the Entwining Vines (CrHe 15/+22) the latter he has a +3 bonus to his Attack
Dodge: Init +5, Attack n/a, Defense +7,
The Travelers’ Fortress of Cloth (CrHe 20/+22) Total in the first round of combat if his op-
Damage n/a
Weaver’s Trap of Threads (CrHe 20/+22) ponent is unaware of his presence.
Soak: +7 (includes Bronze Cord)
Piercing Shaft of Wood (Mu(Re)He 10/+23) The Familiar Bond was forged with a
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–3), –3 (4–6),
Curse of the Rotted Wood (PeHe 5/+29) Rego Animal Lab Total of 38: Gold Cord
–5 (7–9), Incapacitated (10–12), Dead
The Clothier’s Craft Done in an Instant (ReHe +2, Silver Cord +1, Bronze Cord +2
4/+43 FT) (Tetrix was created using the rules in
Abilities: Athletics 3 (flying), Awareness
The Mended Tear (ReHe 5/+41 F) Realms of Power: Magic, Chapter 4)
4 (food), Brawl 4 (dodging), Faerie
Tangle of Wood and Thorns (ReHe 15/+30)
Lore 3 (faerie animals), Hunt 4 (spi-
The Animate Attire (ReHe 20/+41 F)
ders), Low German 3 (Flemish), Mag-
Embroidering the Wizard’s Robes (ReHe 20/+41 F) Snap of Awakening
ic Theory 2 (enchantment), Music 2
Ward Against the Faeries of the Wood (ReHe
(grouse-songs), Penetration 2 (Stand
20/+37 T) ReMe 7
Your Ground power), Stealth 4 (stalking
Unseen Porter (ReTe 10/+27) Pen 0, 3/day
insects), Survival 5 (moorland)
Unraveling the Fabric of Herbam (PeVi 10/+15) R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
F includes Focus Powers:
T includes Talisman No Fatigue, 0 points, constant effect, Ani- Tetrix can instantly awaken Julia with
mal: Tetrix never gets tired. He has no this power. Since he never sleeps himself,
Appearance: A plain, dumpy mature woman. he is always on watch when she is resting.
fatigue levels, need not sleep, and can-
Her back is hunched from her time over (Base 4, +1 Touch; +2 3/day)
not fall unconscious.
the loom, and her hands are constantly
Stand Your Ground, 2 points, Init +4, Corpus
stained with dye. She has refitted her
or Animal: By confronting a person or
wardrobe as her trade has grown; her cli- Silent Speech
animal and raising himself to his full
ents expect to see her well dressed, and
height, Tetrix can freeze his target in
she uses fabrics of her own invention, CrMe 15
her tracks. He can hold her still for as
dyed to her own recipes, to demonstrate Pen 0, unlimited/day
long as he confronts her, or else spend
her wares. Her faerie heritage is evident R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
another point of might and leave her
in her hair, which is thick, black, wiry, This is actually two effects, one to al-
stuck until he is no longer in her pres-
and sparsely covers her whole body; and low Julia to share words, images, and emo-
ence. ReCo(An) 20 (base 5, +1 Eye, +1
in her irises, which are as black as her tions with her familiar, and one to allow
Conc, +1 requisite); Greater Power (30
pupils and give her an unsettling stare. Tetrix to do the same with his maga.
levels, +4 Init, +10 levels Penetration)
Activities in the last 15 years: Julia has in- (Base 4, +1 Touch; +10 unlimited
Snap of Awakening: Granted by the familiar
vented 5 spells in 10 seasons (now using uses)
bond, see main text for details.
the seasonal method to determine spell
creation since her Arts are advanced). She
has devoted 13 seasons to instructing her

Magi of Hermes
apprentice. Julia has also invested two is difficult with Hermetic Magic. As a con- wool, cotton, or linen — takes on a vivid
more effects into her familiar bond (2 sea- sequence, Julia uses this spell to create the hue as if dyed. Up to ten skeins of wool or
sons), and instilled another three effects raw materials, and then rearranges them into 5 bolts of cloth can be dyed a single color
in her talisman (4 seasons). Finally, she clothing using Rego Craft Magic, such as chosen by the caster at the time of casting.
has spent two seasons making the brooch Woolen Garments for the Human Form, below. When the spell’s duration expires, the cloth
she calls Fruit of the Loom. She has also (Base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Sun) reverts to its natural undyed color. The spell
acquired 110 experience points in Arts is named after the three principle dyes em-
and 120 experience points in Abilities. ployed in the thirteenth century — madder
Sturdy Mantle of the Traveler produces red, brown, and pink, woad makes
blue, and weld results in yellow. By dyeing
CrAn 30 and then over-dyeing with a different color,
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
New Spells
a whole range of russets, maroons, greens,
Creates a gardcorps — a calf-length trav- and oranges can be produced through mun-
eling robe with voluminous sleeves. The dane craft. However, a single casting of this
garment is formed of supple leather oiled to spell can produce any possible hue.
Julia has developed several new spells,
proof it against rain. A Finesse roll determines (Base 1, +1 Touch, +3 Month, +2 Group,
details of which are given here.
the quality of the gardcorps; an Ease Factor +1 requisite)
of 6 results in a waterproof robe of standard
quality. If an Ease Factor of 9 is achieved the
Animal Spells caster can determine the color of the leather Cloak of Nessus
and a specific regional style.
(Base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 treated
MuAn 35
and processed)
Shearing the Unseen Sheep R: Voice, D: Diam, T: Part
The targeted item of clothing partially
converts into poison. The wearer suffers ter-
CrAn 20 Madder, Woad, and Weld rible agony as the poison touches his skin,
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
Creates a sheep’s fleece. Wool is the MuAn(He) 20 and must make a Stamina roll against an Ease
most common material for making clothing, R: Touch, D: Month, T: Group Factor of 9 to avoid taking a Light Wound.
but creating ready-made woolen garments The touched cloth — which can be This Stamina roll must be repeated every
round that the wearer is in contact with the
robe, or until the Duration ends. The spell is
named after the cloak dipped in the blood of
the centaur Nessus in Greek myth.
Since creating a poison of this strength
has a base level of 15 (if it were an Aquam
effect), two magnitudes are added for this ef-
fect, although since the poison is of Animal
origin an Aquam requisite is not needed.
(Base 5, +2 Voice, +1 Diam, +1 Part, +2
poison effect)

The Unraveled Seam

PeAn(He) 5
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Part
The touch of the caster causes a thread
of animal or plant origin to decay, making
the cloth it is holding together to come
apart. The pieces of cloth can be sewn to-
gether again, so this is counted as damaging
the garment rather than destroying it.
(base 2, +1 Touch, +1 Part, +1 requisite)

The Unraveled Clothes

PeAn(He) 15
R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Group
The targeted clothing falls apart as all

Magi of Hermes
the stitches — both thread and leather — si-
multaneously unravel. The victim of this
spell is left naked. If the victim is wearing
Clothing in the Thirteenth Century
leather armor (including metal-reinforced Many of Julia’s spells create or craft from the shoulders to the knees and wrists.
leather armor) then the armor falls into items of clothing; this insert gives some It is shaped to hug the figure tightly at the
pieces. If the victim is wearing metal armor, details on the broad trends in clothing waist and elbow. From the waist down the
the padding beneath the armor is affected. across Europe. Readers are encouraged bliaut has full skirts, and from the elbow
A character in this position suffers a –3 to to investigate the individual styles of the the sleeves flare into a trumpet shape. The
all physical actions due to the shifting of his country in which their saga is set for a sleeves and skirt are sometimes gored with
armor, and it grants only half of its Protec- more-accurate picture of clothing. a contrasting color. Both the cotte and sur-
tion until the padding can be replaced. The The basic items of clothing for both coat are typically made of dyed wool, with
clothes are capable of being repaired, so this sexes and all social classes are the chainse, red, green, and blue being the rarest (and
is counted as damaging the garment rather the cotte, and the surcoat. The chainse is thus most fashionable) colors.
than destroying it. a linen smock with tight sleeves worn next On the legs both sexes wear chausses,
(Base 2, +2 Voice, +2 Group, +1 requisite) to the skin for comfort. The more fashion- or hose, made as separate garments for each
able man wears a doublet (made of two leg and reaching above the knee. Braies
layers of linen) or a jupe (quilted and pad- are linen drawers of varying length whose
The Wizard’s Spindle ded chainse). On top of the chainse is the legs are tucked into the top of the hose to
tunic or cotte, which typically has sleeves prevent them from falling down. Shoes are
ReAn 4 as far as the elbows. Commoners typically typically “turnshoes,” made inside out; they
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Group wear shorter cottes than gentlefolk; the are comparatively flimsy in construction
The caster converts up to 10 fleeces into short cotte reaches the knees (for men) or and typically wear out after a few months.
wool. The wool is cleaned, carded, and spun the ankles (for women) whereas the long When traveling, a cloak or cape is com-
in a single round. This requires a Finesse roll cotte is ankle-length (for men) and floor- monly worn; the cappa is a short hooded
against an Ease Factor of 12, since it replicates length (for women). A women’s cotte is cape that covers the upper torso, whereas
more than a week’s work completed in an in- sometimes called a gown or kirtle. Over the mantle is a more-extensive affair lined
stant. Failure to achieve this Ease Factor leaves the cotte is worn a surcoat that comes in a with fur. Headgear for a man is either a
the wool hopelessly tangled and useless. number of styles. The commonest — worn straw hat, a round cap, a beret, a coif, or
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Group) by both men and women — is the cyclas, a chaperon. The coif is a tight-fitting linen
which is a straight-sided sleeveless outer hood that is tied beneath the chin with
tunic that reaches the knees. The ganache strings, whereas a chaperon is a hood that
Dressing the Human is similar to the cyclas but has a matching covers the head and shoulders. Women’s
Form in Wool hood and is typically worn by merchants hats usually have a barbette (chin band) at-
and scholars. The height of fashion in tached. They typically don coifs; the wim-
ReAn 5 surcoats in the thirteenth century is the ple and veil are considered old-fashioned
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind bliaut, which is a long outer tunic reaching but still worn by the older generation.
This spell crafts a single woolen garment
from either raw fleeces or from spun wool.
This spell is suitable for producing a cotte, cy- them into clothing with this spell. Constraint of the
clas, ganache, bliaut, cappa, or chausses (see This spell employs the Level 3 Rego Ani- Strangling Vestments
the Clothing of the Thirteenth Century in- mal guideline on page 50 of Covenants: “treat
sert). A Finesse roll is necessary to determine and process items made of animal products.” ReAn 35
the success of the craft magic; the Ease Factor (Base 2, +1 Touch, +1 complexity) R: Voice, D: Diam, T: Group
is 12 if raw fleece is employed, or 9 if the base The target’s clothes develop a life of
material is spun wool. The clothes produced their own, and tighten around their owner’s
are of standard quality; increase the Ease Fac- Ward Against Faeries limbs rendering him unable to move. This
tor for particularly fine or complex craft. If Which Creep and Crawl spell only affects clothes of wool, leather,
the Finesse roll fails, the caster is left with a and fur. The constricting clothing makes it
useless mess of wool. Creating a fabric of a ReAn 20 very hard for the wearer to breathe, and he
different color than the raw material requires R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle risks strangulation; causing him to make a
a supply of appropriate dye, but does not No faerie animal whose Faerie Might is Deprivation roll (ArM5, pages 180–181) ev-
change the Ease Factor. Julia typically uses equal or less to the level of the spell can affect ery 30 seconds (or 5 combat rounds). Since
this spell to manufacture clothes out of the the targeted Group as long as they remain Rego Animal lacks a guideline for making
magical cloth that she makes (see Enchanted within the ring. Julia commonly employs this an animal product move with a purpose, the
Items, later). She does not have a spell that di- spell every night along with a Circle of Beast Rego Herbam guidelines have been used as
rectly creates mundane clothing of wool due Warding — after carefully sweeping the area an analogy.
to the difficulty (it would be a similar spell to ensure that no spiders become trapped in (Base 10, +2 Voice, +1 Diam, +2
to Sturdy Mantle of the Traveler, earlier). Instead, the ring with her. Group)
it is much easier to simply create fleeces (see (As ward guideline)
Shearing the Unseen Flock, later) and then craft

Magi of Hermes
Corpus Spells Weaver’s Trap of Threads The Mended Tear
CrHe 20 ReHe 5
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Group R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Part
Sealing the Lips A huge net of thick threads grows in the The caster lays a piece of linen or cotton
indicated area, filling a space 5 paces by 5 thread over a rent in any fabric and runs her
paces by 6 feet high. With supports the nets finger over it; the cloth or leather is immedi-
ReCo 10 can hang vertically, forming a wall, other- ately repaired with a neat stitch. This Craft
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Ind wise they act just like a fishing net. Every- Magic spell requires successful Finesse roll
The target is rendered unable to speak. one caught in the area is captured within the against an Ease Factor of 6.
It appears that his lips have been stitched to- nets. Getting free requires a Strength stress (Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Part)
gether; this is a cosmetic effect. roll against an Ease Factor of 9; or else some-
(Base 2, +2 Voice, +2 Sun) one who is not trapped may use an edged The Animate Attire
weapon to free a victim, which takes three
rounds. Fire is exceptionally effective against ReHe 20
Herbam Spells the nets, but risks burning anyone caught
within. The nets are not sticky, and cannot
R: Voice, D: Conc, T: Ind
One item of clothing starts to writhe
trap anyone who stumbles into them. and thrash under the direction of the caster.
This spell is a deliberate reference to The clothing causes a major distraction to
Clothe the Naked Form the better-known spell Weaver’s Trap of Webs, its wearer and can trip him up; he suffers a
but the thought of emulating a spider is ab- –3 to all actions, and rolls 3 extra botch dice
horrent to the arachnophobic Julia. Con- while under the effect of this spell. While
CrHe 10 sequently, her version of this spell is less thirteenth century clothes are predominant-
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind potent, as linen threads are less strong than ly made of wool, underclothes are made of
Creates an individual garment made of spider’s silk. linen and this spell produces the best effect
linen or cotton, most commonly undergar- (Base 2, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +2 Group) when cast on the victim’s chainse or braies.
ments such as the chainse or braies (see the (Base 5, +2 Voice, +1 Conc)
Clothing of the Thirteenth Century insert).
A Finesse roll determines the quality of the The Clothier’s Craft
clothes; an Ease Factor of 6 results in a gar- Done in an Instant Embroidering the
ment of standard quality. If an Ease Factor of Wizard’s Robes
9 is achieved then the caster can specify the ReHe 4
brightness of the dye and any regional varia- R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind ReHe 20
tions in style. Julia uses this spell rather than Given an amount of linen or cotton cloth, R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
The Tailor’s Craft Done in an Instant when she has the caster forms it into a garment according The caster traces out a design on a piece
no cloth at hand. to her specifications. Typical garments made of cloth, and a piece of thread follows her
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 treated with this spell are the chainse or braies (see finger and is embroidered into the cloth. A
and processed) the Clothing of the Thirteenth Century in- Finesse roll of Ease Factor 9 is required for
sert) which are traditionally made of linen. simple designs, but a 12 is needed for intri-
A Finesse roll is necessary to determine the cate embroidery. Failure to achieve this Ease
The Travelers’ success of the craft magic; the Ease Factor Factor results in a tangled mess that needs to
Fortress of Cloth is 9 for clothes of standard quality since it be unpicked by hand. Julia often “signs” any
represents a day’s work done in an instant. cloth or clothes she makes using this spell.
CrHe 20 If the Finesse roll fails the caster is left with (Base 15, +1 Touch)
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Group a useless pile of scraps of cloth. Creating a
This spell creates a tent of waterproof fabric of a different color than the raw mate-

canvas and wooden poles that is large rial requires a supply of appropriate dye, but
enough to sleep 10 people. The canvas does not change the Ease Factor. Julia typi-
sides appear to grow out of surrounding cally uses this spell to manufacture clothes
vegetation, and erect and fasten themselves
together. A Finesse roll determines the
complexity and comfort of the tent; if the
out of the magical cloth that she makes (see
Enchanted Items).
If starting with raw flax or cotton fibers,
basic Ease Factor of 6 cannot be achieved this spell would have needed to use the level Julia created the following items.
then the tent leaks and has a musty smell, 5 Rego Herbam guideline “treat and process
whereas an Ease Factor of 9 results in a pa- items made of plant products” given in Cov-
vilion of superior quality.
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Group,
enants, page 51. Julia has no need for this ver-
sion, since her Faerie Blood allows her to effect
Loom of the Kabouters
+2 treated and finished product) the transformation from fiber to cloth anyway.
(Base 3, +1 Touch) This beautiful loom is expertly made
from elm and is a vertical loom, a relatively

Magi of Hermes
recent introduction into Mythic Europe
from the East. Every component is made
The Fruit of the Loom Mallard’s Head effect, each holding one charge.
She generally does not trigger the magic of the
from carefully carved wood; it does not have charged item until it has been formed into a
a single metal hinge, nail, or bolt. The only This brooch is an unremarkable piece of garment, and each piece of cloth can have only
components that are not wooden are the jewelry consisting of twisted ropes of copper a single magical effect. Julia’s Enduring Magic
stone weights keeping the warp threads taut wire forming a simple warp and weft pattern often extends the duration of each effect to be
during weaving, and these can be easily re- beneath a cast copper apple. This tiny item much longer than specified.
moved. The kabouters after whom the loom of base metal was prepared with five pawns
is named are a diminutive race of urban fa- of Vim vis, and has currently been instilled
eries from Julia’s Flemish homeland, and she with three pawns’ worth of effects. Iridescence of the
thought it appropriate to honor their skill in Mallard’s Head
naming the item. The loom is a huge item of
wood, and thus was prepared with ten pawns The Everchanging Garments MuIm 4
of Vim vis, of which six spaces still remain. Pen 0, charged item
MuAn(He) 28 R: Per, D: Month, T: Ind
Pen 0, 6/day When triggered, this effect causes the
Loom of Elfin Proportions R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Group dull green of the cloth to adopt an irides-
The clothes to which the brooch is cent color not dissimilar to that found on
MuHe 23 pinned can be utterly changed in their style the feathers of certain birds. When the effect
Pen 0, 6/day and components, although animal products fades the cloth reverts to its former color.
R: Per, D: Conc, T: Ind must remain animal products and plant-based (Base 1, +3 Month)
The loom can be shrunk to a tenth of fabrics must remain plant-based. However,
its former size in each dimension, entailing a a woolen cyclas could be turned into a silk
thousand-fold reduction in weight. Whereas it bliaut, and a cotton gown could become a Staunch the Bloody Wound
once stood six feet high, it is now only seven linen scarf. Dyed materials retain their color,
inches tall and can be easily carried in a back- but possibly alter shade according to the nat- CrCo 10
pack. Julia has a special box in which she keeps ural color of the base material. The wielder Pen 0, charged item
the shrunken loom so that none of the compo- of the item must briefly describe the clothing R: Touch, D: Month, T: Ind
nents will be lost or damaged in transit. she desires, then make a Finesse roll to deter- When triggered, bandages made from this
This spell is designed based on the Ob- mine how exactly her instructions are carried cloth give a +3 to Wound Recovery rolls.
ject of Increased Size spell (ArM5, page 154), out; an Ease Factor of 6 is needed to success- (Base 2, +1 Touch, +3 Month)
but has an extra magnitude of complexity to fully emulate a simple change, but if the cur-
make the loom shrink to a smaller size than rent clothes require dramatic improvement
allowed by that spell. then the Ease Factor is higher. The clothes Scintillation of the Phoenix
(base 4, +1 Conc, +1 size, +1 complex- remain changed until the wielder desires to
ity; +5 item maintains concentration, +3 6 cancel the effect, but she must briefly con- CrIg 10
per day) centrate to maintain it at sunrise or sunset. Pen 0, charged item
(base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 Group, R: Per, D: Month, T: Ind
+1 requisite; +5 item maintains concentra- When triggered, this orange-yellow
Panorama of the tion, +3 6/day) cloth glows with a light equivalent to torch-
Heinzelmännchen light and flickers like a living flame. This
cloth is particularly popular among mem-
ReAn 10
Pen 0, 1/day
Magical Cloth bers of House Flambeau, who in the past
have commissioned Julia to make ceremonial
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Group robes for attending the tribunal.
The loom weaves wool into an intricate Julia’s stock in trade is the creation of fabu- (Base 3, +3 Month)
tapestry described when the effect is trig- lous cloths that cannot be duplicated with mun-
gered. The operator’s skill at describing the dane craft. She makes these fabrics as charged
effect in magical terms determines the quality items using her Craft Magic Virtue rather than Constrain the Shrewish Wife
of the tapestry; a Finesse roll of Ease Factor 12 the usual process for making charged items.
is the minimum for a simple scene of standard While this means she uses her Casting Total MuMe 15
quality. More-complex designs require high- rather than her Laboratory Total, it takes her Pen 0, charged item
er Ease Factors. The finished tapestry can be mere days to instill the effects rather than a R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind
any size up to one hundred square paces, and season. Since she can manufacture at least one When triggered, clothes made from this
is woven exceptionally quickly rather than sheet of fabric each day through mundane cloth cause the wearer to become more con-
literally in a moment. The Heinzelmännchen means, it takes her one day per charge to cre- siderate towards his or her loved ones. Julia
are German brownies who are skilled at mak- ate these charged items. She usually instills one occasionally hears of clients who are having
ing clothes and weaving cloth. charge into each sheet. For example, if her Cast- trouble at home and make them clothes from
(base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Group, +1 size, ing Total is 23, it takes four days to make four this cloth to encourage better behavior.
+1 intricacy) sheets of cloth containing the Iridescence of the (Base 3, +1 Touch, +3 Moon)

Magi of Hermes
Curb the Straying Husband
MuMe 15
Talisman: The shears can cut through any animal or
plant substance that they can close around.
This effect is rarely used for mundane tasks,
Pen 0, charged item
R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind
Forfex Princeps since Julia is sufficiently skilled. Instead, she
uses it where shears would not normally cut,
When triggered, clothes made from like through bone or wood.
this cloth cause the wearer to become tem- The “Prince of Shears” is Julia’s talisman. (Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 requisite; +2 3/day)
perate, eschewing drink, violent behavior, These clothier’s shears are two feet long and
and philandering. Julia makes clothing of constructed from iron. Inlaid onto the blades
this fabric for clients who have trouble- are intricate filigrees of gold, copper, and
Gather the Connection
some husbands. lead. The invested item was initially prepared
ReCo(An) 30
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +3 Moon) with ten pawns of Vim vis and currently has
Pen 10, 1/day
no enchantment space remaining.
R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
When triggered, this effect snips a lock of
Cloth of Unicorn Hair Attunements
hair from the target (either human or animal)
+2 Shaping Fabric (cloth shears)
and delivers it to the wielder’s hand. If done in
Level 20 +7 Harm/Repel Faeries (iron)
a surreptitious fashion, the target must make
Pen 0, charged item +4 Deftness (copper)
a Perception + Awareness roll against an Ease
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind +4 Wards (lead)
Factor of 9 to realize that some of his hair has
Not actually formed from the hair of
been stolen. Naturally Julia uses this effect
a unicorn (despite what she tells clients!),
to gain Arcane Connections, but uses it with
clothes made from this cloth grant the wearer Snip the Thread
caution for there is the real risk she could take
immunity to poison. This effect is a product of a Faerie’s Might
hair from a magus unknowingly. This spell
of Julia’s Craft Magic rather than Hermetic
duplicates the mundane action of cutting hair,
Magic, and her “Casting Total” is equal to a PeVi 25
and does not need a Perdo requisite.
Dexterity + Craft (Linen or Wool, as appro- Pen 20, 24/day
(Base 15, +2 Voice; +5 Pen 10)
priate) roll instead. See Houses of Hermes: Soci- R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
etates, page 131 for more details. The name Weakens a faerie. If the effect pen-
is appropriate since she makes this cloth so etrates the Faerie’s Might then it loses 10 Sunder Stone
rarely due to its difficulty. points of Might.
(Base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Sun) (Base 0, +2 Voice; +10 Pen 30, +5 24/day) PeTe 12
Pen 0, 3/day
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
Sever Wood and Bone The shears can cut through any mineral
substance that they can close around — met-
PeAn(He) 12 al, glass, or stone.
Pen 0, 3/day (Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 affect metal; +2
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind 3/day)

Chapter Seven

Lambert of Merinita
Concept: This trader of goods and materials
uses his magic to support his mercantile
Lambert at Gauntlet Incompatible Arts (Rego Imaginem and
Rego Mentem) , Unimaginative Learner
activities and his family, and overcome * House Virtue
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre +3,
the social handicap of his Gift. Personality Traits: Assiduous +2, Brave –1,
Com+2, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex –1, Qik –1
Reckless –3
Size: 0
Lambert of Merinita was born into a Reputations: none
Age: 31 (31)
merchant family, and a love of haggling and Combat:
Decrepitude: 0
business was instilled in him at a very young Fist: Init –1, Attack–1, Defense –1, Damage 0
Warping Score: 0
age. The effects that Lambert’s Gift had on Dodge: Init –1, Attack N/A, Defense –1, Dam-
Confidence Score: 2 (5)
people prevented him from achieving any age N/A
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
real success as a youth, despite his charisma Soak: +1
gus; Affinity with Mentem, Faerie Blood
and enthusiasm. Lambert cared greatly for Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
(Sidhe), Faerie Magic*, Puissant Mentem,
his family and maintained close contact with Unconscious
Self Confident, Skilled Parens, Social
them throughout his apprenticeship and Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10),
Contacts (family business connections),
beyond, and he was married and had sev- –5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead
Quiet Magic; Dependant; Busybody,
eral children before finishing apprenticeship. (21+)
Compulsion (haggling and negotiation),
The obligations and joys of providing for
his family have dominated his life. Lambert’s
family makes its living by purchasing goods
and materials and transporting them to
where they can be sold at a profit. Lambert
aids this business throughout his life by us-
ing his magic to find the most advantageous
materials for purchase, and to transport these
materials safely and quickly.
Lambert focuses his magic around the
Art of Mentem, Faerie Magic, and the mer-
cantile activities of his family.
Lambert is driven to haggle and make
deals whenever he can, although his efforts
in this field meet with mixed results. He is
practiced in the art of bargaining, and be-
comes more so as he ages. He is also a skilled
communicator with a formidable presence,
yet The Gift makes it difficult for people to
trust him; some (both human and faerie) who
have forged agreements with Lambert often
suspect that they have been poorly dealt
with even if they can’t think of any reason
why they should feel so. Magi, on the other
hand, are protected from the effects of Lam-
bert’s Gift, and so cutting deals with other
members of the Order is a source of great
joy for Lambert.

Magi of Hermes
Reputations: Compulsive dealmaker (Tri-
Initiation into the Mystery of Arcadian Travel bunal) +1, Dangerous Bargainer (local
faeries) +2
Lambert has undergone initiation has acquired the Virtue Arcadian Travel
Fist: Init –1, Attack–1, Defense –1, Damage 0
into the Minor Virtue of Arcadian travel and the Flaw Fear (swine). Also, Bayeux
Dodge: Init –1, Attack N/A, Defense –1, Dam-
through the group of Merinitae called the cathedral functions as a permanent Arcane
age N/A
Wayfarers, using the script presented on Connection to Lambert.
Soak: +1
page 80 of Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults. When using Arcadian Travel, Lambert
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
During his Ordeal of Initiation, he made creates charms with the skill Profession
his way from Bayeux cathedral into a Fa- (storyteller). Lambert sets sections of his
Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10),
erie regio in the forested hills of Bayeux stories down on paper to serve as objects
–5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead
County, while being pursued by faerie associated with the charm.
boars. As a result of his initiation, Lambert
Abilities: Area Lore: Brittany 2 (geography),
Area Lore: Normandy 2 (politics), Artes
Abilities: Area Lore: Brittany 2 (geography), a merchant adventurer and an itinerant Liberales 2 (arithmetic), Bargain 4 (with
Area Lore: Normandy 2 (politics), Artes magus. He often avails himself of the faeries), Carouse 2 (games of chance),
Liberales 2 (arithmetic), Bargain 2 (with generous hospitality laws of the Rhine Charm 2 (first impressions), Etiquette 2
faeries), Carouse 2 (games of chance), tribunal. As a young magus, Lambert (church), Faerie Lore 3 (bargaining with
Charm 2 (first impressions), Etiquette 2 spends much of his time providing for faeries), Faerie Magic 2 (Charm cre-
(church), Faerie Lore 3 (bargaining with his wife and children. ation), Folk Ken 2 (townsfolk), French
faeries), Folk Ken 2 (townsfolk), French 5 Casting Sigil: Lambert’s casting sigil takes 5 (Lorain), Guile 2 (fast talk), Intrigue 2
(Lorain), Guile 2 (fast talk), Intrigue 2 (ru- the form of coins. Items that he creates (rumor mongering), Latin 5 (Hermetic
mor mongering), Latin 5 (Hermetic use), and alters have the images of coins subtly use), Leadership 2 (inspiration) , Low
Leadership 2 (inspiration), Low German worked into their appearance. Creatures German 2 (Flemish), Magic Theory 5
2 (Flemish), Magic Theory 4 (inventing that are enchanted by Lambert’s magics (inventing spells), Merinita Lore 1 (Way-
spells), Occitan 2 (Provencal), Order of often have footsteps that seem to ring farers), Occitan 2 (Provencal), Order of
Hermes Lore 1 (Politics), Parma Magica with the echo of clinking coins. Hermes Lore 1 (politics), Parma Magica
1 (Mentem), Philosophiae 2 (ritual mag- Voting Sigil: Lambert’s voting sigil is a 4 (Mentem) , Philosophiae 2 (ritual mag-
ic), Profession: Merchant 2 (commodity wooden dowel carved into a caduceus. ic), Profession: Merchant 2 (commodity
speculation), Ride 2 (speed) Lambert has on occasion turned inquires speculation), Profession: Storyteller 3
Arts: Cr 1, In 5, Mu 5, Pe 3, Re 4, An 4, Aq regarding his voting sigil into discus- (faerie tales), Ride 2 (speed)
2(1), Au 0, Co 0, He 0, Ig 0, Im 0, Me sions regarding the mercantile associa- Arts: Cr 6, In 8(3), Mu 5, Pe 4, Re 4, An 7,
11+3, Te 0, Vi 0 tion of Mercury. Aq 4, Au 0, Co 5, He 0, Ig 0, Im 6, Me
Twilight Scars: none 18 +3(11), Te 0, Vi 6
Equipment: none Twilight Scars: none
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Spells Known:
Lambert +15 years Equipment: Casting Tablet of the spell Locked
Soothing Voice of the Stableman (ReAn 15/+9) Encumbrance: 0
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre +3 (1), Spells Known:
Patch of Drought (PeAq 10/+5)
Com+2, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex –1, Qik –2 (1) Soothing Voice of the Stableman (ReAn 15/+12)
Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie (InMe 20/+20)
Size: 0 Patch of Drought (PeAq 10/+9)
Posing the Silent Question (InMe 20/+20)
Age: 46 (46) The Inexorable Search (InCo 20 /+14)
Tread of Fellow Travelers (InMe 30/+20)
Decrepitude: 0 (3) Pull of Blood (InCo 20 /+14)
Blissful Messenger (MuMe 30/+20)
Warping Score: 3 (0) Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie (InMe 20/+30)
Calm Mind of Resolute Behavior (PeMe 20 /+18)
Confidence Score: 2 (5) Posing the Silent Question (InMe 20/+30)
Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+5)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma- Scent of Loose Purses (InMe 30/+30)
Vis: none
gus; Affinity with Mentem, Arcadian Stench of Hate (InMe 30/+30)
Appearance: Lambert is a tall, thin man with
Travel**, Faerie Blood (Sidhe), Faerie Tread of Fellow Travelers (InMe 30/+30)
dark hair and a solemn look that makes
Magic*, Puissant Mentem, Self Confi- Blissful Messenger (MuMe 30/+27)
him seem more sad than his behavior
dent, Skilled Parens, Social Contacts, Calm Mind of Resolute Behavior (PeMe 20 /+26)
indicates. He frequently dresses in the
Quiet Magic; Enemies (faerie mer- Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+5)
garb of a successful merchant. Although
chants); Busybody, Compulsion (hag- Piercing the Faerie Veil (InVi 20/+15)
it is clear that his easy smile and friendly
gling and negotiation), Fear (Swine)**, Vis: 5 pawns of Herbam vis in the form of
demeanor are at least in part the product
Incompatible arts (Rego Imaginem and berries that have a smell which attracts
of practice, their effusiveness goes a fair
Rego Mentem), Unimaginative Learner, horses.
way toward offsetting the detrimental
Weak Magic Appearance: Lambert is a tall, thin man with
social effects of The Gift.
* House Virtue dark hair that is graying at the temples.
Activities immediately past gauntlet: Lam-
** Mystery Initiations and Ordeals He has a solemn look that makes him
bert, just out of apprenticeship, spends
Personality Traits: Assiduous +2, Brave –1, seem more sad than his behavior indi-
his time split between living the life of
Reckless –1

Magi of Hermes
cates. He frequently dresses in the garb Confidence Score: 2 (5) Spells Known:
of a successful merchant. Although it is Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma- Soothing Voice of the Stableman (ReAn 15/+15)
clear that his easy smile and friendly de- gus; Affinity with Mentem, Arcadian Patch of Drought (PeAq 10/+12)
meanor are at least in part the product Travel**, Faerie Blood (Sidhe), Faerie The Inexorable Search (InCo 20 /+19)
of practice, their effusiveness goes a fair Magic*, Puissant Mentem, Self Confi- Pull of Blood (InCo 20 /+19)
way toward offsetting the detrimental dent, Skilled Parens, Social Contacts, Memory of the Distant Dream (CrMe 20/+32)
social effects of The Gift. Quiet Magic; Enemies (Faerie mer- Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie (InMe 20/+38)
Activities in the last fifteen years: Lambert, chants); Busybody, Compulsion (Hag- Posing the Silent Question (InMe 20/+38)
15 years out of apprenticeship, has chil- gling and Negotiation), Fear (Swine)**, Thoughts Within Babble (InMe 25 /+38)
dren who are able to take care of them- Incompatible arts (Rego Imaginem and Familial Secrets (InMe 30/+38)
selves, and he even has a few grandchil- Rego Mentem) , Unimaginative Learner, Scent of Loose Purses (InMe 30/+38)
dren. Lambert has undergone Initiation in Weak Magic Stench of Hate (InMe 30/+38)
the mystery of Arcadian Travel through * House Virtue Tread of Fellow Travelers (InMe 30/+38)
the Wayfarers (Houses of Hermes: Mystery ** Mystery Initiations and Ordeals Opinions of the Masses (InMe 35/+38)
Cults, page 80). Lambert leaves most of Personality Traits: Assiduous +2, Brave –1, Oath Breaker’s Confession (InMe 40 /+38)
the face-to-face dealing in his family’s Reckless +1 Blissful Messenger (MuMe 30/+31)
mercantile industry to his children, for Reputations: Overly Concerned with Mun- Confusion of the Numbed Will (PeMe 15/+32)
fear of being accused of interfering with danes (Quaesitors) +1, Compulsive Loss of But a Moment’s Memory (PeMe 15/+32)
the mundanes (and because his children dealmaker (Tribunal) +1, Dangerous Calm Mind of Resolute Behavior (PeMe 20 /+32)
do not suffer from the corrosive social Bargainer (local faeries) +2 Mind Cleansed of Treachery (PeMe 45/+32)
effects of The Gift). However, his love Combat: Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+13)
of bargaining frequently leads him into Fist: Init –1, Attack–1, Defense –1, Damage 0 Piercing the Faerie Veil (InVi 20/+19)
faerie auras and regiones to strike bar- Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense –1, Dam- Vis: 4 pawns of Herbam vis in a wooden
gains with the fay. Much of Lambert’s age n/a ring, 5 pawns of Intellego vis in the form
magical research in this period of his life Soak: +1 of bottles of water removed from a re-
involves providing tools for his family to Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, flecting pool; this water still bears the
use. By this point of his life, Lambert’s Unconscious reflection of the moon upon its surface
mercantile activities have earned him Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10), regardless of its location.
the enmity of a powerful group of faer- –5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead Appearance: Lambert is a tall, thin man with
ies. During this period, Lambert spent (21+) dark hair that is graying at the temples.
one season inventing Piercing the Faerie Abilities: Area Lore: Brittany 2 (geography), He has a solemn look that makes him
Veil and one season inventing The Inex- Area Lore: Normandy 2 (politics), Artes seem more sad than his behavior indi-
orable Search, both with the assistance Liberales 2 (arithmetic), Bargain 5 (with cates. He frequently dresses in the garb
of Laboratory Texts. Lambert spent three faeries), Carouse 2 (games of chance), of a successful merchant. Although it is
seasons inventing Pull of Blood (with the Charm 2 (first impressions), Dominion clear that his easy smile and friendly de-
help of unusual laboratory schedules and Lore 1 (Divine creatures), Etiquette 2 meanor are at least in part the product
experimentation), four seasons inventing (church), Faerie Lore 3 (bargaining with of practice, their effusiveness goes a fair
Scent of Loose Purses, and three seasons faeries), Faerie Magic 3 (Charm cre- way toward offsetting the detrimental
inventing Stench of Hate. Lambert spent ation), Folk Ken 2 (townsfolk), French 5 social effects of The Gift.
one season copying Laboratory Texts to (Lorain), Guile 2 (fast talk), Infernal Lore Activities in the last fifteen years: Lam-
exchange for his casting tablet of the 1 (demons), Intrigue 2 (rumor monger- bert, 30 years out of apprenticeship, is
Locked Storehouse. Lambert spent three ing), Latin 5 (Hermetic use), Leadership concerned with administering the busi-
seasons serving House Merinita and the 2 (inspiration), Low German 2 (Flem- ness that his family runs. He spends a
Wayfarers in conjunction with his Initia- ish), Magic Lore 1 (creatures) , Magic good deal of time with his grandchil-
tion into the Mystery of Arcadian Trav- Theory 6 (inventing spells), Merinita dren. At age 47, Lambert struck a deal
el. During these fifteen years, Lambert Lore 2 (Wayfarers), Occitan 2 (Proven- with a fellow magus to receive a lon-
gained 135 experience points in Abilities cal), Order of Hermes Lore 1 (politics), gevity ritual; this occupied two seasons
and 195 experience points in Arts (and Parma Magica 4 (Mentem), Philosophae of Lambert’s time, one assisting with
an additional 39 from his affinity with 2 (ritual magic), Profession: Merchant the ritual and another using Lambert’s
Mentem). 2 (commodity speculation), Profes- influence and wealth to pay for the
sion: Storyteller 3 (faerie tales), Ride 2 service. Lambert has spent one season
(speed), Teaching 2 (merchants) upgrading his laboratory, giving it the
Lambert +30 years Arts: Cr 6, In 12, Mu 5, Pe 6, Re 7, An 7, Aq
5, Au 5, Co 6(2), He 5, Ig 5, Im 6, Me
Highly Organized Virtue and an orb as
a lesser feature (see Covenants Chapter
22 +3(13), Te 5, Vi 6 9). He has spent one season invent-
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre +3(1),
Twilight Scars: none ing Memory of the Distant Dream,
Com+2 (1), Str 0, Sta +1, Dex –1, Qik –2
Equipment: Casting Tablet of the spell Locked one season Inventing Confusion of
Size: 0
Storehouse, Coin of Enthusiastic Patrons, the Numbed Will, one season Invent-
Age: 61 (47)
Coin of Petulant Customers ing Loss of But a Moment’s Memory,
Decrepitude: 0 (3)
Encumbrance: 0 two seasons inventing Familial Secrets,
Warping Score: 4 (10)

Magi of Hermes
two seasons inventing Oath Breaker’s Abilities: Area Lore: Brittany 2 (geogra- Loss of But a Moment’s Memory (PeMe 15/+39)
Confession, and two seasons invent- phy), Area Lore: Normandy 2 (poli- Calm Mind of Resolute Behavior (PeMe 20 /+39)
ing Opinions of the Masses. Lambert tics), Artes Liberales 2 (arithmetic), Blindness of Involuntary Obstinacy (PeMe
has spent one season learning Mind Bargain 5 (with faeries), Carouse 2 40/+39)
Cleansed of Treachery from a Lab Text, (games of chance), Charm 2 (first im- Mind Cleansed of Treachery (PeMe 45/+39)
and one season learning Thoughts pressions), Dominion Lore 1 (Divine Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+17)
Within Babble from Laboratory Texts. creatures), Etiquette 2 (church), Faerie Piercing the Faerie Veil (InVi 20/+20)
He has spent one season opening the Lore 3 (bargaining with faeries), Faerie Wrappings of Metaphysical Iron (ReVi 20/+26P)
Doorframe of the Wary Steward, and Magic 3 (Charm creation), Folk Ken 2 P includes spell potency bonus
two seasons enchanting it. During this (townsfolk), French 5 (Lorain), Guile Vis: 2 pawns of Herbam vis in a wooden
period, Lambert has gained 110 experi- 2 (fast talk), Infernal Lore 1 (demons), ring, 6 pawns of Intellego vis stored in
ence points in Abilities and 190 experi- Intrigue 2 (rumor mongering), Latin 5 small reflective coins, 4 pawns of Men-
ence points in Arts (and an additional (Hermetic use), Leadership 2 (inspira- tem vis in the form of bottles of faerie-
25 experience points in Mentem due to tion), Low German 2 (Flemish), Magic made wine.
his Affinity). Lambert has also devoted Lore 1 (creatures), Magic Theory 5 (in- Appearance: Lambert is a tall, thin man with
three entire seasons to spending time venting spells), Merinita Lore 2 (Way- dark hair that is graying at the temples.
with his children and grandchildren. farers), Occitan 2 (Provencal), Order of He has a solemn look that makes him
Hermes Lore 1 (politics), Parma Magica seem more sad than his behavior indi-
4 (Mentem), Philosophae 2 (ritual mag- cates. He frequently dresses in the garb
Lambert +45 years ic), Profession: Merchant 2 (commodity
speculation), Profession: Storyteller 3
of a successful merchant. Although it is
clear that his easy smile and friendly de-
(faerie tales), Ride 2 (speed), Teaching meanor are at least in part the product
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre +3(1),
2 (merchants) of practice, their effusiveness goes a fair
Com+2, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex –1, Qik –2
Arts: Cr 10, In 12, Mu 12, Pe 10, Re 11; An way toward offsetting the detrimental
Size: 0
7, Aq 5, Au 5, Co 6(2), He 13, Ig 5, Im social effects of The Gift.
Age: 76 (49)
6, Me 25+3 (10), Te 5, Vi 7 Activities in the last fifteen years: Lambert,
Decrepitude: 0 (3)
Twilight Scars: People in the vicinity of 45 years out of apprenticeship, is still
Warping Score: 5 (15)
Lambert do not loose their mental focus close to his children, grandchildren, and
Confidence Score: 2 (5)
as a result of tiredness, nor are they able great grandchildren, but he is no longer
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
to nod off unintentionally. particularly active in running his family’s
gus; Affinity with Mentem, Arcadian
Equipment: Casting Tablet of the spell Locked business, leaving the responsibility to
Travel**, Faerie Blood (Sidhe), Faerie
Storehouse, Ring of the Cold Iron Mind, his descendants. Lambert at this age de-
Magic*, Puissant Mentem, Self Confi-
Coin of Enthusiastic Patrons, Coin of votes much of his passion to investigat-
dent, Skilled Parens, Social Contacts,
Petulant Customers, Granary Chest, To- ing faeries and faerie regiones. During
Quiet Magic; Enemies (faerie mer-
ken of the Harvest Evening. this period, Lambert spent five seasons
chants); Busybody, Compulsion (hag-
Encumbrance: 0 inventing Blindness of Involuntary Ob-
gling and negotiation), Fear (Swine)**,
Spells Known: stinacy, four seasons inventing Family
Incompatible Arts (Rego Imaginem and
Opening the Tome of the Animal’s Mind (InAn Gathering, and four seasons Inventing
Rego Mentem), Unimaginative Learner,
25/+20) Missive of Memory. Lambert spent one
Weak Magic
Soothing Voice of the Stableman (ReAn 15/+19) season each inventing Converse with
* House Virtue
Patch of Drought (PeAq 10/+16) Plant and Tree, Opening the Tome of
** Mystery Initiations and Ordeals
The Inexorable Search (InCo 20 /+19) the Animal’s Mind, and Wrappings of
Personality Traits: Assiduous +2, Brave –1,
Pull of Blood (InCo 20 /+19) Metaphysical Iron with the assistance
Reckless +2
Intuition of the Forest (InHe 10 /+26) of Lab Texts. He spent one seasoning
Reputations: Overly Concerned with Mun-
Converse with Plant and Tree (InHe 25 /+26) opening the Granary Chest for En-
danes (Quaesitors) +1, Compulsive
Memory of the Distant Dream (CrMe 20/+39) chantment, two seasons enchanting The
dealmaker (Tribunal) +1, Dangerous
Family Gathering (Cr(In)Me 40/+39) Convenient Warehouse, one season En-
Bargainer (local faeries) +2, Skilled in
Missive of Memory (CrMe40/+39) chanting Carpentry of Brass, and one
Mentem (Tribunal) +2
Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie (InMe 20/+41) season enchanting Charm versus Damp-
Posing the Silent Question (InMe 20/+41) ness. Lambert spent one season creat-
Fist: Init –1, Attack–1, Defense –1, Damage 0
Thoughts Within Babble (InMe 25 /+41) ing the Token of the Harvest Evening.
Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense –1, Dam-
Familial Secrets (InMe 30/+41) Lambert also lost two seasons exploring
age n/a
Scent of Loose Purses (InMe 30/+41) Faerie regios. During these fifteen years
Soak: +1
Stench of Hate (InMe 30/+41) Lambert gained 270 experience points
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Tread of Fellow Travelers (InMe 30/+41) in Arts (and an additional 23 experience
Opinions of the Masses (InMe 35/+41) in Mentem from his affinity).
Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10),
Oath Breaker’s Confession (InMe 40 /+41)
–5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead
Blissful Messenger (MuMe 30/+41)
Confusion of the Numbed Will (PeMe 15/+39)

Magi of Hermes

New Spells weather and possible on even dirt roads dur-

ing adequate weather.
(Base 4, +2 Voice)
Mentem Spells
Lambert has developed the following
new spells. Missive of Memory
Corpus Spells
Animal Spells CrMe 40
R: Arcane Connection, D: Moon, T: In-
Pull of Blood dividual
This spell creates a complete memory
Soothing Voice in the mind of the target. The target retains
InCo 20 this memory until the duration of the spell
of the Stableman
R: Touch, D: Momentary, T: Bloodline, expires. After the spell expires, the target
Faerie may still recall those times when he dwelt
ReAn 15 This spell informs the caster of the di- on the memory. This spell-induced memo-
R: Voice D: Sun, T: Individual rection and distance to each living descen- ry itself is false and may be discovered as
This spell implants the suggestion that dant of the target. Lambert frequently casts such with an Intelligence roll against an
the caster is a safe and helpful friend into this spell upon himself to keep track of his Ease Factor of 9 (in the same manner as a
the mind of the target animal. The spell large family. memory created by the spell Memory of the
maintains this suggestion in the mind of the (Base 4, +1 Touch, +3 Bloodline) Distant Dream).
animal for the duration of the spell, regard- Lambert frequently uses this spell for
less of the actions of the caster. This spell communication with distant associates (but
can not remove the sense of unease that an
animal will feel when exposed to a Gifted
Herbam Spells not with magi who are, as a nearly universal
rule, uncomfortable leaving Arcane Con-
character, but an animal of bestial intelli- nections with others). To draw attention to
gence will not be able to associate its unease the information that he wants to convey,
with the caster. Locked Storehouse Lambert typically creates memories for the
Horses subject to this spell can be used target’s very recent past that are clearly im-
as mounts by magi who do not have the Gen- possible, such as a memory of the target and
tle Gift, but the uneasiness of such mounts MuHe (Te) Level 45 a talking statue having had a long conversa-
makes them skittish and fearful. In situations R: Touch, D: Year +1, T: Structure, Rit- tion on a snowy mountaintop within the last
where the mood of the animal is important, ual, Faerie ten minutes.
the Ease Factor of appropriate rolls should be This Spell Changes a building and the While this spell only takes a moment
3 higher than normal and subject to one or building’s contents into a large rock of hard to cast, the magus needs to have a clear un-
more additional botch dice. igneous stone for a year and a day. The rock derstanding of the memory that he wants
The effect of the Blatant Gift is suf- is typically significantly smaller than the to create in his own mind before creating
ficiently strong to make animals frenzied altered building (having approximately the it in the mind of the target. If the magus is
when they are both subject to this spell and same mass as the building), and is buried not prepared, he cannot create a complex
exposed to a Blatantly Gifted caster. Animals to the depth of the building’s foundation. memory lasting more than a moment, or a
that are Warped from long-term exposure If there is any material containing animal longer memory that contains any great detail
to this spell often become belligerent and products in the building (such as leather or and is not repetitive. The preparation of any
frightened all of the time. wool), then the spell must be cast with an complex memory takes at least as long for
(Base 2, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +1 size) Animal casting requisite or the spell will not the magus to create as the elapsed time of
function. Over the duration of the spell, the the memory that is created. Lambert specifi-
target building and its contents age normally cally designed Missive of Memory to not Warp
Aquam Spells but do not suffer decay in any other respect;
Thus no mold or water damage affect the
his second daughter.
(Base 5 +4 Arcane Connection, +3
building’s contents, but foodstuffs that have Moon)
been aged for a year and a day would still be
Patch of Drought far from appetizing.
Lambert has traded to acquire a casting Blissful Messenger
tablet (Covenants page 89) of the spell Locked
PeAq 10 Storehouse; he does not know the spell him- MuMe 30
R: Voice D: Momentary, T: Individual self. The casting tablet specifies the use of R: Touch, D: Until, T: Individual, Faerie,
The caster destroys the water in a patch three pawns of Muto vis and six pawns of Ritual
of mud or a puddle up to 20 paces in diam- Terram vis. This spell alters the target’s recollec-
eter. Repeated use of this spell can make (Base 4, +1 Touch, +4 Year+1, +3 Struc- tion of an event, changing the memories of
travel using a cart significantly faster in wet ture, +1 complexity) what actually occurred into memories of a

Magi of Hermes
scent given off by any mind in the target’s
vicinity. The more powerful the emotion of
antipathy that is felt by a person, the stron-
ger the smell produced by their thoughts is
to the target of Stench of Hate.
Lambert frequently casts this spell on
his family and people in his employ to help
them learn to read the emotions of people
with whom they come in contact.
(Base 5, +1 Touch +2 Sun, +2 Smell)

Tread of Fellow Travelers

InMe 30
R: Road, D: Diameter, T: Group, Faerie
The caster learns the number, state of
consciousness, direction and distance to
the nearest group of minds on the road he
is on in one direction (apart from any group
that the caster is in). The caster continues
to sense this information for the duration of
the spell.
This spell and similar magics are com-
mon among members of House Merinita.
Road Range provides practitioners of Faerie
Magic with a tool that can cast spells at very
long ranges fairly easily. Such spells, how-
ever, can not be cast on targets that are not
sensed because of the law of Arcane Con-
nections (ArM5 page 80). Tread of Fellow
different event decided upon by the caster. Scent of Loose Purses Travelers allows the caster to sense targets
This spell is undone by speaking to a spe- and thereby cast other spells of Range Road
cific individual about the altered memories, InMe 30 upon them. (Members of House Merinita
and the individual who releases the spell R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Smell have developed similar spells using other
must be included in the altered memories in The target of this spell can detect desire Hermetic Forms).
some significant way. For example, the in- and interest as a scent given off by any mind (Base 5, +2 Road, +1 Diameter, +2
dividual could be discussed, the memories in the target’s vicinity. The more powerful Group)
could include a prominently placed picture the emotion of desire felt by a person, the
of the individual, or the individual could be stronger a smell that the target of Scent of
“present” in the altered memories. Often the Loose Purses will detect from them. Familial Secrets
spell is cast to change the recollections of an Lambert frequently casts this spell on
event into the recollections of a conversa- his family and people in his employ to help InMe 30
tion specifying exactly how the spell is to them learn to read the emotions of people R: Personal, D: Momentary, T: Blood-
be broken. with whom they come in contact. Often- line, Faerie
A Tytalus maga who had need of send- times Lambert will have someone who does By casting this spell, the magus learns
ing agents to areas where they might be not have Scent of Loose Purses cast upon her what all of his descendants believe to be the
subject to investigation by Mentem spells give her impressions of people to someone answer to a question chosen by the magus at
convinced Lambert’s mater to allow Lam- who does, so that they both learn to perceive the time of casting. This spell functions in
bert to study the Lab Text for this spell as an cues without the aid of magic. a manner similar to the spell Posing the Silent
apprentice. Lambert then used the spell for (Base 5, +1 Touch +2 Sun, +2 Smell) Question (ArM5 page 149). It is not always
the benefit of the Tytalus who compensated obvious to the caster which answer came
Lambert’s mater for the service. The vis cost from which descendant. To be certain which
of performing the ritual, and the rarity of Stench of Hate descendant a particular answer came from,
people willing to trust a Gifted magus suf- the caster must typically make a Perception
ficiently to allow their memories to be al- InMe 30 + Awareness roll against an Ease Factor of 3
tered, prevents this from being a frequently R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Smell plus the number of descendants that are af-
used tool. The target of this spell can detect antipa- fected by the spell (this Ease Factor can be
(Base 5, +1 Touch, +4 Until) thy, dislike, and hate in all of its forms as a higher if the caster is unfamiliar with some

Magi of Hermes
of his or her descendants). The caster does Family Gathering hope, or any other emotion. Any effort to
not need to possess Arcane Connections to manipulate the caster based on his emotions
his descendants for this spell to function. Mu(In)Me 40 will automatically fail. The caster can make
This spell works through the connection of R: Personal, D: Concentration T: Blood- no rolls based on his Personality Traits for
blood. Lambert specifically designed Familial line, Faerie the duration of the spell. Despite the tempo-
Secrets to not Warp members of his bloodline This spell alters the perceptions of the rary absence of emotions, the caster’s goals
(ArM5 page 92). caster and all of those people who are de- and priorities remain unchanged and the
(Base 15, +3 Bloodline) scended from him or her. The affected peo- caster retains recollections of emotions that
ple think themselves to be in a large, com- he has previously felt.
fortable, well-lit room sitting around a table Lambert’s mater believed that this spell
Oath Breaker’s Confession sufficiently large to seat every member of the was an essential tool for anyone who dealt
bloodline, rather than at their actual loca- with the faeries. She believed that casting
InMe 35 tions. Those affected by the spell perceive Calm Mind of Resolute Behavior, to provide Lam-
R: Eye, D: Bargain & Momentary, T: In- their relatives to be with them in this room. bert with a moment’s clear reflection before
dividual, Faerie The room itself is heavily influenced by the embarking on an activity that might be in-
Like all spells of Bargain Duration, this caster’s wizard’s sigil. fluenced by the persuasion of charismatic fa-
spell is cast immediately after the caster The members of the bloodline are able eries, would save her apprentice from many
strikes a bargain with the target and only to speak to one another as if they were in unwise decisions. Lambert casts Calm Mind
takes effect if the target breaks her part of the same room. If a member of the blood- of Resolute Behavior when he has an impor-
the bargain within one year (ArM5 page 92). line is asleep when Family Gathering is cast, tant choice to make and wants to see how
If it should come to pass that the target of the spell will not wake that family mem- he would approach the problem without
Oath Breaker’s Confession breaks her agreement, ber; instead that person will experience the the complications of his emotions coloring
then the caster instantly becomes aware that spell as a dream and he will have no easier the issue. Lambert finds casting this spell to
the bargain has been broken and also learns of a time remembering the meeting than he be quite unpleasant, though, and he greatly
exactly why and how the target believes that would have remembering any other dream. fears the possible consequences of miscast-
she broke the agreement. The words and actions of a dreaming person ing a Perdo Mentem spell on himself.
(Base 15, +1 Eye, +3 Momentary & are often, but not always, sufficiently odd to (Base 15, +1 Diameter)
Bargain) alert other participants to his or her state.
During the spell’s duration, none of the
family are able to receive information from Blindness of
Opinions of the Masses their normal senses. (In terms of the mind as Involuntary Obstinacy
explained in Art and Academe, the forms and
InMe 35 images collected by the target’s senses are PeMe 40
R: Personal, D: Concentration, T: Hearing overwritten in the target’s common sense R: Sight, D: Concentration, T: Group
When this spell is cast, the magus by the Family Gathering spell). The targets of The targets of this spell become, for the
chooses a specific question. For the duration this spell are still able to move and control duration of the spell, completely unable to
of the spell, the caster will hear a voice an- their bodies, but their inability to perceive perceive a particular object or entity chosen
swering this question from each mind that their actual surroundings makes this a dan- by the caster while casting the spell. The
he comes in contact with. The thoughts gerous proposition. senses of the targets still work properly, but
of minds that have dwelled heavily on the Prior to inventing this spell, Lambert on the minds of the targets are prevented from
magus’s question are perceived as clear voic- occasion spontaneously cast a Range: Per- concluding that the specified person or ob-
es, the thoughts of minds that have given sonal, Target: Bloodline version of Words of the ject exists. In the terms presented in Art and
the matter little thought are perceived as Unbroken Silence and used Familial Secrets to com- Academe, this spell removes the ability of the
loud whispers. Minds that have never con- municate with his children, but he found such common sense to receive or integrate im-
sidered the issue (and minds that are pro- communication to be very taxing. Lambert ages of a specified object or entity. Lambert
tected by Magic Resistance that the spell created Family Gathering to facilitate clear com- frequently specifies himself as the unperceiv-
failed to penetrate) do not make any sound munication. This spell is specifically designed able object while using this spell.
at all. Lambert has on occasion, by use of to not Warp members of Lambert’s bloodline. (Base 10, +3 Sight, +1 Concentration,
this spell, heard the opinions of spirits and (Base 15, +1 Concentration, +3 Blood- +2 Group)
invisible creatures to which he would have line, +1 Intellego requisite)
otherwise have been oblivious.
If the caster is surrounded by many Mind Cleansed of Treachery
people, the noise generated by this spell Calm Mind of
can interfere with the caster’s ability to hear Resolute Behavior PeMe 45
normal sounds. The Ease Factor of rolls in- R: Eye, D: Bargain & Momentary, T: In-
volving listening should be increased if the PeMe 20 dividual, Faerie
caster is surrounded by people with strong R: Personal, D: Diameter, T: Individual Like all spells of Bargain Duration, this
opinions while this spell is in effect. For the duration of this spell, all emotions spell is cast immediately after the caster strikes
(Base 15, +1 Concentration, +3 Hearing) are banished from the caster’s mind. This a bargain with the target, and only takes ef-
makes the caster unable to feel fear, doubt, fect if the target breaks his part of the bargain

Magi of Hermes
(ArM5 page 92). If it should come to pass that
the target of this spell breaks the agreement
within a year of the date when the deal was
Enchanted When the coin enchanted with Curse of
Petulant Customers is touched to the wall of
a room, the coin enchants the room to alter
made, then the target’s memory is destroyed,
removing every stored idea that the target
Items the proclivities of people within it. People
within the enchanted room are compelled to
possesses and his sense of identity. All Gener- dwell on and speak about any negative as-
al Abilities (including languages) are retained, Lambert has developed or traded for pects and flaws that they perceive with any
but knowledge of Academic, Arcane, Martial, these enchanted items. merchandise that is shown or spoken about.
and Supernatural Abilities are lost, as are all Use of this effect adds a modifier of +6 to
Arts. The target’s imagination, which stores any Bargain rolls made by purchasers affect-
images, is not affected, so he recognizes the
faces of people he knows, places he has been,
Coins of Loose- ed by the spell.
(Effect: Base 10, +1 Touch +2 Room)
and songs he has heard, but lacks all knowl-
edge about those things such as names, loca-
Tongued Patrons
tions, emotional importance, and so forth.
Lambert secured a Lab Text for this spell Lambert acquired these two silver coins
Doorframe of
from the Merinita who developed it, in ex-
change for a copy of the Lab Text for Oath
through trade with a fellow magus. Each coin
bears a crown on one side and a likeness of
the Wary Steward
Breaker’s Confession. Lambert wanted to have a Mercere on the other. The image of Mercere
spell that provided a profoundly serious con- is laughing on the Coin of Enthusiastic Pa- Lambert was unable to create the Coins
sequence for breaking an agreement, and the trons, and grimacing on the Coin of Petulant of Loose-Tongued Patrons for himself. He
creator of Mind Cleansed of Treachery wished to Customers. Each of the two coins is a lesser exchanged the following invested device to
acquire a spell that left its targets in a condi- enchanted device created with three pawns acquire them. At no point does Lambert pos-
tion that could still be negotiated with. of vis. Lambert does not always keep these ses a copy of this device, but he does have
(Base 25, +1 Eye, +3 Momentary & Bargain) items to himself; rather they are frequently Lab Texts for its creation that he would be
held by other members of his family. Lam- willing to part with for a suitable price.
bert finds that the most valuable use of the This is a door frame of maple and ha-
Vim Spells coins is not in using them to strike advanta-
geous bargains, but in allowing his family to
zel that was incorporated into the structure
of a covenant. On the top of the frame is
receive copious accurate feedback regarding a small hollow with a nail driven into it.
what people think of their merchandise (in- A tiny bell was designed to be hung upon
Wrappings of deed, frequent use of the coins could lead to this nail. The frame was opened using eight
Warping of his family). pawns of vis. When the doorframe was de-
Metaphysical Iron livered, it had one invested power that took
up four of the door’s eight pawns of capac-
ReVi Gen Blessing of ity for enchantment.
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual Enthusiastic Patrons
This spell wards an object from being
touched or manipulated by faeries or faerie ReMe Level 25 Doorframe of
magic. Faeries with Might greater than the Pen +0, 1/day the Wary Steward
spell’s level are not restrained by this spell, nor R: Touch D: Sun, T: Room
are faeries that resist the spell’s Penetration. When the coin enchanted with Blessing InMe 35, 0 penetration
Lambert’s version of this spell was devel- of Enthusiastic Patrons is touched to the wall R: Special, D: Momentary, T: Individual
oped from laboratory notes made by a Me- of a room, the coin enchants the room to al- When any creature passes through this
rinita magus with the virtue of Spell Potency ter the proclivities of people within it. People doorframe, the enchantment determines
(The Mysteries Revised Edition page 31 or Houses within the enchanted room are compelled to whether or not that creature believes that
of Hermes: Mystery Cults page 6) concerning fa- dwell on and talk about the positive and de- they intend any harm towards the people
eries. Lambert is unable to cast this spell un- sirable qualities of any merchandise that is who dwell within the covenant. If the crea-
less he wraps an iron chain around the pro- shown or discussed. Use of this effect adds a ture does so believe, then the door frame
tected item at the time of the casting. Due to modifier of −6 to any Bargain rolls made by shakes, causing the bell affixed to the door-
the influence of the iron chain, this spell is purchasers affected by the spell. frame to ring. As a Mentem effect this power
cast with a Potency Bonus of +7. (Effect: Base 10, +1 Touch +2 Room) will not function on animals, and also as a
Lambert finds that faeries rarely confront Hermetic effect it is restrained by the Limit
him about his use of this spell when he casts of the Infernal.
it on goods that he brings into their lands, Curse of Petulant Customers (Effect: Base 15, +1 Range Touch equiva-
but they become exceedingly displeased by lent, +1 non-standard range, +10 levels un-
the spell when it is used upon any item that ReMe Level 25 limited uses per day)
is native to their home. Pen +0, 1/day
(Base Effect, no modifier Ring to Sun) R: Touch D: Sun, T: Room

Magi of Hermes
Granary Chest has helped to reduce difficulties, but has not
completely eliminated them.
Token of the
(Effect: Base 3, +2 Day, +2 Room, +1 ex- Harvest Evening
This is a large oaken chest with brass cessive size change; Modifications +1 activa-
hardware of simple design. The chest mea- tion twice per day, +3 environmental trigger) This lesser enchanted device is a small
sures two and a half feet wide, a foot and a wooden hourglass about the size of a chess
half deep, and foot and a half tall. The Gra- piece bearing sulfur inlays. This device is en-
nary Chest is an invested device opened with Carpentry of Brass chanted with the following power.
eight pawns of vis (opening only the wood,
as the highest capacity component). The MuHe(Te) 10
chest is invested with three powers. Pen +0 1/day Freshness of the
R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Individual Harvest Evening
This power transforms the wood of the
Convenient Warehouse chest into brass matching the fittings on it. CrHe 14
It is triggered by rapping on the chest seven Pen +0, constant effect
MuHe 24 times in rapid succession. R: Touch, D: Day (constant), T: Room
Pen +0, constant effect (Effect: Base 4, +2 Sun) All plant material kept in the same room
R: Personal, D: Day (constant), T: Room as the Token of the Harvest Evening is pre-
Any item consisting entirely of plant served from decay and rot until either the
material that is placed completely within Charm Versus Dampness plant material or the token is removed from
the chest is shrunken to the size of a grain the room. Materials kept within the same
of wheat until it is removed from the chest. ReAq 9 room as the token for long periods of time
Linen bags filled with grain, vegetables, or Pen +0, constant effect will undergo Warping from the continuous
fruit are the items most commonly stored R: Personal, D: Sun (constant), T: Room magical effect. Lambert’s family most fre-
within the chest by Lambert’s family. Shrunk- This power slowly moves any liquids out quently keeps the Token of the Harvest Eve-
en materials that are kept within the chest of the chest over a period of minutes and ning inside the Granary Chest.
for long periods of time can Warp, often be- prevents any liquids from slowly seeping or (Effect: Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2
coming unnaturally shaped. Lambert’s family dripping into the chest (although the power Room; Modifications +1 two activations per
has found it often difficult to find a particu- is not strong enough to prevent liquids from day, +3 environmental trigger)
lar grain-sized item within the chest. They being poured into the chest).
have taken to only placing items stored in (Effect: Base 1, +2 Sun, +2 Room; Modi-
colored linen bags into the chest, assigning fications +1 level 2 activations per day, +3
certain bag colors to particular contents. This levels environmental trigger)

Chapter Eight

Maris of Tytalus
Concept: A magus who lives at sea, constant- lives alone on the Baltic Sea, fending for him- Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic
ly testing his magic against the raw fury self without friend or teacher. When Maris Magus; Flawless Magic; Affinity: Creo,
of the elements, and searching beneath is ashore, he spends most of his time in his Affinity: Rego, Arcane Lore, Cautious
its waters for ancient magical sites. lab, developing ways of easing his life on the Sorcerer, Free Study, Self-Confident*,
ocean and overcoming the challenges Natura Skilled Parens, Study Bonus; Plagued by
Maris of Tytalus has lived in solitude for presents him with. While on the seas, Maris Supernatural Enitity, Weak Spontaneous
most of his Hermetic life, sailing the Paregro gathers supplies, tends to underwater gar- Magic; Cyclic Magic (Negative): Dur-
Mare from his island sanctuary of Slvolder dens, and trawls the seas for ancient magical ing Low Tide, Fear: Twilight, Infamous
located in the Oresund Straight. Maris felt sites long lost under the waves where other (mad), Vow (Independence)
cheated by the covenant lifestyle the Order magi are unable, or unwilling, to explore. * House Virtue
encouraged, and the intentional and uninten- Personality Traits: Careful +3, Determined
tional assistance it provided. As a Calliclean +2, Disciplined +1, Brave +1
Tytalus, he felt the assistance provided by the
Nomos undermined the great conflict. To grow
Maris at Gauntlet Reputations: Dedicated (Tytalus) 1, Insane 4
as a magus, Maris felt he needed a rival that Dodge: Init: +1, Attack –, Defense +3,
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre 0, Com
wasn’t as flexible, fragile, or arbitrary as Nomi. Damage –
–1, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1
As soon as he was able, Maris decided to leave Fist: Init: +1, Attack +2, Defense +2,
Size: 0
the Nomos for a more worthy adversary, Na- Damage +1
Age: 25 (25)
tura. Looking to test himself against the worst Kick: Init: +0, Attack +2, Defense +1,
Decrepitude: 0
nature could throw at him, Maris vowed nev- Damage +4
Warping Score: 0 (1)
er to accept aid from another individual until Harpoon: Init: +3, Attack +5, Defense +3,
Confidence: 2 (5)
he had dominated his rival, Natura. Maris now Damage +8
Soak: +2
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Uncon-
Ormurin Langi scious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
Ormurin Langi or “The Long Serpent” is storm that was unaffected by his magical (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)
an old ballad about King Olaf Tryggvason, protections. Located in a magical regio, Abilities: Area Lore: Scandinavia 1 (Baltic
who violently brought Christianity to Nor- the island of Slvolder is shrouded in mist, Sea), Artes Liberales 2 (astronomy), Ath-
way. In the tale, King Tryggvason’s fleet is only opening when someone near is truly letics 1 (climbing), Awareness 1 (notice),
attacked by a massive force from his en- in peril of being lost to the sea. There is Chirurgy 1 (first aid), Code of Hermes
emies, the Swedish and Norwegian kings. no other known way of accessing the is- 1 (technicalities), Concentration 2 (spell
Tryggvason’s armada, although outnum- land. Taking advantage of the magical aura concentration), Etiquette 1 (Hermetic),
bered, violently opposes and eventually the isle possessed, Maris set up a perma- Finesse 2 (precision), Fishing 2 (trap fish-
repulses the two opposing fleets. Howev- nent lab on Slvolder to use as a base of ing), Great Weapon 1 (harpoon), Latin 4
er, Tryggvason’s flagship, the Long Serpent, is operations. The nature of Slvolder’s regio (writing), Magic Lore 1 (creatures), Mag-
critically damaged in a third attack by his proves to be quite an asset to Maris’ cause, ic Theory 4 (enchanting items), Naviga-
countryman, Eiríkr Hákonarson. Knowing preventing him from returning unless he tion 1 (sea), Norse 5 (nautical terms),
that his ship is doomed, Tryggvason and is truly failing in his rivalry with Natura. Order of Hermes Lore 1 (history), Order
his crew jump overboard into the frigid Each time Maris returns to Slvolder, he has of Odin Lore 1 (history), Parma Magica
waters never to be seen again. learned a valuable lesson, and can use the 2 (Aquam), Penetration 2 (Rego), Phi-
This great battle is said to have taken island’s resources to overcome the chal- losophiae 1 (natural), Profession: Sailor
place in the Oresund Straight, near the lenges he failed. The day Maris can no 2 (storms), Survival 2 (winter), Swim 2
isle of Slvolder. The isle, however, was longer return to Slvolder, he will consider (diving), Tytalus Lore 1 (philosophies)
lost to history. Until, that is, Maris stum- his vow fulfilled. Arts: Cr 10, In 5, Mu 5, Pe 5, Re 5, An 5,
bled across it during a particularly nasty Aq 5, Au 5, Co 1, He 5, Ig 5, Im 1, Me
1, Te 1, Vi 1

Magi of Hermes
Twilight Scars: None
Equipment: Various seafaring equipment, as Maris +15 years Damage +8
Soak: +2
well as tools for repairs and fishing. Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre 0, Com
Encumbrance: 0 (0) Unconscious
–1, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1
Spells Known: Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
Size: 0
Soothe the Ferocious Bear (ReAn 10/+13): Mas- (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)
Age: 40 (36)
tery 1 (quiet casting) Abilities: Area Lore: Scandinavia 1 (Baltic
Warping Score: 3 (5)
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+8): Mastery 1 Sea), Artes Liberales 2 (astronomy), Ath-
(quiet casting) Confidence: 2 (5)
letics 1 (climbing), Awareness 1 (notice),
Comfort the Drenched Caster (PeAq 5/+13): Mas- Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic
Chirurgy 1 (first aid), Code of Hermes
tery 1 (quiet casting) Magus; Flawless Magic, Affinity: Creo,
1 (technicalities), Concentration 2 (spell
Cloak of the Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+13): Mas- Affinity: Rego, Arcane Lore, Cautious
concentration), Etiquette 1 (Hermetic),
tery 1 (silent casting) Sorcerer, Free Study, Self-Confident*,
Finesse 2 (precision), Fishing 2 (trap fish-
Air’s Ghostly Form (CrAu 5/+18): Mastery 1 Skilled Parens, Study Bonus; Plagued by
ing), Great Weapon 1 (harpoon), Latin 4
(fast casting) Supernatural Entity, Weak Spontaneous
(writing), Magic Lore 1 (creatures), Mag-
Wind at the Back (ReAu 5/+13): Mastery 1 Magic; Cyclic Magic (Negative): Dur-
ic Theory 4 (enchanting items), Naviga-
(multiple casting) ing Low Tide, Fear: Twilight, Infamous
tion 1 (sea), Norse 5 (nautical terms),
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+14): Mastery 1 (mul- (mad), Vow (Independence)
Order of Hermes Lore 1 (history), Order
tiple casting) * House Virtue
of Odin Lore 1 (history), Parma Magica
In Christ’s Footsteps (ReCo 5/+9): Mastery 1 Personality Traits: Careful +3, Determined
2 (Aquam), Penetration 2 (Rego), Phi-
(fast casting) +2, Disciplined +1, Brave +1
losophiae 1 (natural), Profession: Sailor
Conjure the Sturdy Vine (CrHe 5/+13): Mastery Reputations: Dedicated (Tytalus) 1, Insane 4
2 (storms), Survival 2 (winter), Swim 2
1 (multiple casting) Combat:
(diving), Tytalus Lore 1 (philosophies)
Probe Nature’s Hidden Lore (InHe 4/+18): Mas- Dodge: Init: +1, Attack –, Defense +3,
Arts: Cr 20, In 8, Mu 10, Pe 7, Re 20, An 5,
tery 1 (quiet casting) Damage –
Aq 10, Au 10, Co 6, He 5, Ig 5, Im 4, Me
Hunt for the Wild Herb (InHe 5/+13): Mastery 1 Fist: Init: +1, Attack +2, Defense +2,
2, Te 5, Vi 5
(quiet casting) Damage +1
Twilight Scars: None
Palm of Flame (CrIg 5/+18): Mastery 1 (quiet Kick: Init: +0, Attack +2, Defense +1,
Equipment: Paregro Mare, various seafaring
casting) Damage +4
equipment, tools for repairs and fishing.
Repel Winter’s Clutches (CrIg 5/+18): Mastery 1 Harpoon: Init: +3, Attack +5, Defense +3,
(quiet casting)
Lamp Without Flame (CrIg 10/+18): Mastery 1
(quiet casting)
Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+8): Mastery 1 (quiet
Taste of the Spices and Herbs (MuIm 5/+9): Mas-
tery 1 (quiet casting)
Eyes of the Eons (InTe 10/+9): Mastery 1 (quiet
Supple Iron and Rigid Rope (MuTe 10/+9): Mas-
tery 1 (quiet casting)
The Invisible Glass Worker (ReTe 4/+9): Mastery
1 (multiple casting)
The Unseen Porter (ReTe 10/+9): Mastery 1
(quiet casting)
Sense of Magical Power (InVi 2/+9): Mastery 1
(quiet casting)
Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5/+9): Mas-
tery 1 (quiet casting)
Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5/+9): Mastery 1
(quiet casting)
Appearance: Maris is a gruff, weathered man
of Nordic descent. He keeps himself in a
practical, maintainable appearance, with
hair uncut, and often with a month or
more growth of beard.
Sigil: When Maris casts a spell, he grasps
at ethereal threads connecting him to
his target, weaving them into a desired
effect. His voting token is a snowflake
bound in a spiral.

Magi of Hermes
Encumbrance: 0 (0) shape than most of his fellow magi, who Soak: +2
Spells Known: often let their physical capabilities slack- Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Soothe the Ferocious Bear (ReAn 10/+28): Mas- en in favor of more intellectual advances. Unconscious
tery 1 (quiet casting) Combined with Maris’ Norse heritage, Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
Comfort the Drenched Caster (PeAq 5/+20): Mas- he can be quite an imposing sight when (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)
tery 1 (quiet casting) others catch a glimpse of him through Abilities: Area Lore: Scandinavia 2 (Baltic
Cloak of the Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+33): Mas- the morning fogs. Sea), Artes Liberales 2 (astronomy), Ath-
tery 1 (silent casting) Activities in the last 15 Years: It didn’t take letics 2 (climbing), Awareness 2 (notice),
Air’s Ghostly Form (CrAu 5/+33): Mastery 1 long after his full initiation into the Or- Chirurgy 1 (first aid), Code of Hermes
(fast casting) der for Maris’ philosophies to come to 1 (technicalities), Concentration 2 (spell
Wind at the Back (ReAu 5/+33): Mastery 1 light. After only five years of living the concentration), Etiquette 1 (Hermetic),
(multiple casting) covenant lifestyle, Maris decided to leave Finesse 4 (precision), Fishing 2 (trap fish-
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+29): Mastery 1 (mul- and forge his own way. After spending ing), Great Weapon 2 (harpoon), Latin 4
tiple casting) five years out at sea alone, the Paregro (writing), Magic Lore 2 (creatures), Mag-
Physician’s Eye (InCo 5/+17): Mastery 1 (fast Mare was beached during a horrendous ic Theory 5 (enchanting items), Naviga-
casting) storm that seemed to have a life of its tion 2 (sea), Norse 5 (nautical terms),
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+18): Mastery 1 own. Maris had washed up on the shores Order of Hermes Lore 1 (history), Order
(quiet casting) of Slvolder, exhausted and near death. of Odin Lore 1 (history), Parma Magica
In Christ’s Footsteps (ReCo 5/+29): Mastery 1 Here he lived for another five years un- 2 (Aquam), Penetration 2 (Rego), Phi-
(fast casting) til he thought he had perfected his Arts losophiae 2 (natural), Profession: Sailor
Conjure the Sturdy Vine (CrHe 5/+28): Mastery enough to tempt Natura once again. Dur- 2 (storms), Survival 2 (winter), Swim 2
1 (multiple casting) ing this time, he crafted for himself a lon- (diving), Tytalus Lore 1 (philosophies)
Probe Nature’s Hidden Lore (InHe 4/+16): Mas- gevity ritual, with a score of 8. (For expe- Arts: Cr 20, In 12, Mu 20, Pe 12, Re 20, An
tery 1 (quiet casting) rience purposes, time spent on the boat 5, Aq 10, Au 10, Co 11, He 12, Ig 5, Im
Hunt for the Wild Herb (InHe 5/+16): Mastery 1 is split between exposure and practice of 4, Me 2, Te 11, Vi 5
(quiet casting) relevant abilities; time spent on the island Twilight Scars: Maris’ hair is slightly animate
Palm of Flame (CrIg 5/+28): Mastery 1 (quiet is used for lab work, studying vis, etc.) and tends to wiggle around as if by its
casting) own volition.
Repel Winters Clutches (CrIg 5/+28): Mastery 1 Equipment: Paregro Mare, various seafaring
(quiet casting)
Lamp Without Flame (CrIg 10)/28): Mastery 1
Maris +30 years equipment, tools for repairs and fishing.
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
(quiet casting) Spells Known:
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre 0, Com
Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+15): Mastery 1 (quiet Soothe the Ferocious Bear (ReAn 10/+28): Mas-
–1, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1
casting) tery 1 (quiet casting)
Size: 0
Taste of the Spices and Herbs (MuIm 5/+17): Mas- Comfort the Drenched Caster (PeAq 5/+20): Mas-
Age: 55 (45)
tery 1 (quiet casting) tery 1 (quiet casting)
Decrepitude: 0
Eyes of the Eons (InTe 10/+16): Mastery 1 (qui- Cloak of the Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+33): Mas-
Warping Score: 4 (11)
et casting) tery 1 (silent casting)
Confidence: 2 (5)
Supple Iron and Rigid Rope (MuTe 10/+18): Air’s Ghostly Form (CrAu 5/+33): Mastery 1
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic
Mastery 1 (quiet casting) (fast casting)
Magus; Flawless Magic, Affinity: Creo,
The Invisible Glass Worker (ReTe 4/+28): Mas- Wind at the Back (ReAu 5/+33): Mastery 1
Affinity: Rego, Arcane Lore, Cautious
tery 1 (multiple casting) (multiple casting)
Sorcerer, Free Study, Self-Confident*,
The Unseen Porter (ReTe 10/+28): Mastery 1 Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+29): Mastery 1 (mul-
Skilled Parens, Study Bonus; Plagued by
(quiet casting) tiple casting)
Supernatural Entity, Weak Spontaneous
Sense of Magical Power (InVi 2/+16): Mastery 1 Physician’s Eye (InCo 5/+17): Mastery 1 (fast
Magic; Cyclic Magic (Negative): Dur-
(quiet casting) casting)
ing Low Tide, Fear: Twilight, Infamous
Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5/+16): Mas- Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+18): Mastery 1
(mad), Vow (Independence)
tery 1 (quiet casting) (quiet casting)
* House Virtue
Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5/+16): Mastery 1 In Christ’s Footsteps (ReCo 5/+29): Mastery 1
Personality Traits: Careful +3, Determined
(quiet casting) (fast casting)
+2, Disciplined +1, Brave +1
Appearance: Maris is a gruff, weathered man Conjure the Sturdy Vine (CrHe 5/+28): Mastery
Reputations: Dedicated (Tytalus) 1, Insane 4
of Nordic descent. He keeps himself in a 1 (multiple casting)
practical, maintainable appearance, with Probe Nature’s Hidden Lore (InHe 4/+16): Mas-
Dodge: Init: +1, Attack –, Defense +3,
hair uncut, and often with a month or tery 1 (quiet casting)
Damage –
more growth of beard. Due to his lengthy Hunt for the Wild Herb (InHe 5/+16): Mastery 1
Fist: Init: +1, Attack +2, Defense +2,
excursions underwater, Maris almost con- (quiet casting)
Damage +1
stantly smells of salt and the ocean, and Palm of Flame (CrIg 5/+28): Mastery 1 (quiet
Kick: Init: +0, Attack +2, Defense +1,
often has bits of seaweed and other bits casting)
Damage +4
of debris stuck about him. Living on the Repel Winter’s Clutches (CrIg 5/+28): Mastery 1
Harpoon: Init: +3, Attack +5, Defense +3,
seas keeps Maris far more muscular and in (quiet casting)
Damage +8

Magi of Hermes
Lamp Without Flame (CrIg 10/+28): Mastery 1 Personality Traits: Careful +3, Determined Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+29): Mastery 1
(quiet casting) +2, Disciplined +1, Brave +1 (quiet casting)
Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+15): Mastery 1 (quiet Reputations: Dedicated (Tytalus) 1, Insane 4 In Christ’s Footsteps (ReCo 5/+34): Mastery 1
casting) Combat: (fast casting)
Taste of the Spices and Herbs (MuIm 5/+17): Mas- Dodge: Init: +1, Attack –, Defense +3, Grow the Bountiful Feast (CrHe 4/37 ): Mastery
tery 1 (quiet casting) Damage – 1 (quiet casting)
Eyes of the Eons (InTe 10/+16): Mastery 1 (qui- Fist: Init: +1, Attack +2, Defense +2, Conjure the Sturdy Vine (CrHe 5/+37): Mastery
et casting) Damage +1 1 (multiple casting)
Supple Iron and Rigid Rope (MuTe 10/+18): Kick: Init: +0, Attack +2, Defense +1, Plant the Bountiful Feast (CrHe 20/+37): Mas-
Mastery 1 (quiet casting) Damage +4 tery 1 (quiet casting)
The Invisible Glass Worker (ReTe 4/+28): Mas- Harpoon: Init: +3, Attack +5, Defense +3, Probe Nature’s Hidden Lore (InHe 4/+30): Mas-
tery 1 (multiple casting) Damage +8 tery 1 (quiet casting)
The Unseen Porter (ReTe 10/+28): Mastery 1 Soak: +2 Hunt for the Wild Herb (InHe 5/+30): Mastery 1
(quiet casting) Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, (quiet casting)
Sense of Magical Power (InVi 2/+16): Mastery 1 Unconscious Palm of Flame (CrIg 5/+29): Mastery 1 (quiet
(quiet casting) Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 casting)
Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5/+16): Mas- (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20) Repel Winter’s Clutches (CrIg 5/29): Mastery 1
tery 1 (quiet casting) Abilities: Area Lore: Scandinavia 2 (Baltic (quiet casting)
Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5/+16): Mastery 1 Sea), Artes Liberales 2 (astronomy), Ath- Lamp Without Flame (CrIg 10/+29): Mastery 1
(quiet casting) letics 2 (climbing), Awareness 2 (notice), (quiet casting)
Appearance: Living on the seas keeps Maris Chirurgy 1 (first aid), Code of Hermes Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+25): Mastery 1 (quiet
far more muscular and in shape than 1 (technicalities), Concentration 3 (spell casting)
most of his fellow magi, who often let concentration), Etiquette 1 (Hermetic), Taste of the Spices and Herbs (MuIm 5/+32): Mas-
their physical capabilities slacken in fa- Finesse 3 (precision), Fishing 2 (trap fish- tery 1 (quiet casting)
vor of more intellectual advances. ing), Great Weapon 2 (harpoon), Latin 4 Form the Hermetic Boundary (CrTe 25/35): Mas-
Activities in the last 15 Years: Maris spent (writing), Magic Lore 2 (creatures), Mag- tery 1 (quiet casting)
a decade out at sea, perfecting his sys- ic Theory 6 (enchanting items), Naviga- Eyes of the Eons (InTe 10/+28): Mastery 1 (qui-
tem of hunting down magical treasures tion 2 (sea), Norse 5 (nautical terms), et casting)
claimed by the deep, and learning. Order of Hermes Lore 1 (history), Order Supple Iron and Rigid Rope (MuTe 10/+35):
Once again a powerful storm nearly of Odin Lore 1 (history), Parma Magica Mastery 1 (quiet casting)
claimed Maris and the Paregro Mare, 2 (Aquam), Penetration 2 (Rego), Phi- The Invisible Glass Worker (ReTe 4/+35): Mas-
sucking them down in a huge vortex. losophiae 1 (natural), Profession: Sailor tery 1 (multiple casting)
Only intervention by a school of helpful 3 (storms), Survival 3 (winter), Swim 2 The Unseen Porter (ReTe 10/+35): Mastery 1
merfolk saved Maris and his ship. Again (diving), Tytalus Lore 1 (philosophies) (quiet casting)
returned to the island of Slvolder, Maris Arts: Cr 20, In 13, Mu 20, Pe 12, Re 20, An Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5/+22): Mas-
continued his work in overcoming each 6, Aq 10, Au 10, Co 11, He 14, Ig 6, Im tery 1 (quiet casting)
challenge Natura could muster. (Experi- 9, Me 2, Te 12, Vi 6 Sense of Magical Power (InVi 2/+22): Mastery 1
ence is split with ten years out at sea, Twilight Scars: Maris’ hair is slightly ani- (quiet casting)
five on the island.) mate and tends to wiggle around as if Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5/+22): Mastery 1
by its own volition. Also, shadows cast (quiet casting)
by Maris fall toward the source of light Appearance: Due to his lengthy excursions
Maris +45 years instead of away from it.
Equipment: Paregro Mare, various seafaring
underwater, Maris almost constantly
smells of salt and the ocean, and often
equipment, tools for repairs and fishing. has bits of seaweed and other bits of de-
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre 0, Com
Encumbrance: 0 (0) bris stuck about him.
–1, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1
Spells Known: Activities in the last 15 Years: Maris was
Size: 0
Securing the Harvest (ReAn 4/+29): Mastery 1 once again thwarted in his goals when
Age: 70 (59)
(quiet casting) the storm that had so many times ruined
Decrepitude: 0 (1)
Soothe the Ferocious Bear (ReAn 10/+29: Mas- his plans came again. This time a huge
Warping Score: 6 (10)
tery 1 (quiet casting) wave capsized the Paregro Mare, spilling
Confidence: 2 (5)
Sense the Tide’s Boundaries (InAq 25/+21): Mas- all of its supplies into the ocean. Injured
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic
tery 1 (quiet casting) during the storm, Maris drifted nearly a
Magus; Flawless Magic, Affinity: Creo,
Comfort the Drenched Caster (PeAq 5/+25): Mas- week without food until he beached on
Affinity: Rego, Arcane Lore, Cautious
tery 1 (quiet casting) the shores of Slvolder. Angered and in-
Sorcerer, Free Study, Self-Confident*,
Cloak of the Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+33): Mas- furiated, Maris spent the next decade on
Skilled Parens, Study Bonus; Plagued by
tery 1 (silent casting) Slvolder, swearing that when he next left
Supernatural Entity, Weak Spontaneous
Air’s Ghostly Form (CrAu 5/+33): Mastery 1 the island, he would never return. (Expe-
Magic; Cyclic Magic (Negative): Dur-
(fast casting) rience is divided with five years aboard
ing Low Tide, Fear: Twilight, Infamous
Wind at the Back (ReAu 5/+33): Mastery 1 ship and ten on the island.)
(mad), Vow (Independence)
(multiple casting)
* House Virtue

Magi of Hermes
Maris +60 years Chirurgy 1 (first aid), Code of Hermes
1 (technicalities), Concentration 3 (spell
Air’s Ghostly Form (CrAu 5/+28): Mastery 1
(fast casting)
concentration), Etiquette 1 (Hermetic), Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+32): Mastery 1
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre 0, Com
Finesse 3 (precision), Fishing 3 (trap fish- (quiet casting)
–1, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1
ing), Great Weapon 2 (harpoon), Latin 4 Wind at the Back (ReAu 5/+38): Mastery 1
Size: 0
(writing), Magic Lore 2 (creatures), Mag- (multiple casting)
Age: 85 (63)
ic Theory 6 (enchanting items), Naviga- Swallowed by the Mist (ReAu 20/+38): Mastery
Warping Score: 8 (17)
tion 2 (sea), Norse 5 (nautical terms), 1 (fast casting)
Decrepitude: 0 (2)
Order of Hermes Lore 1 (history), Order Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+28): Mastery 1 (mul-
Confidence: 2 (5)
of Odin Lore 1 (history), Parma Magica tiple casting)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic
2 (Aquam), Penetration 3 (Rego), Phi- In Christ’s Footsteps (ReCo 5/+38): Mastery 1
Magus; Flawless Magic, Affinity: Creo,
losophiae 2 (natural), Profession: Sailor (fast casting)
Affinity: Rego, Arcane Lore, Cautious
3 (storms), Survival 3 (winter), Swim 3 Grow the Bountiful Feast (CrHe 4/+37): Mastery
Sorcerer, Free Study, Self-Confident*,
(diving), Tytalus Lore 1 (philosophies) 1 (quiet casting)
Skilled Parens, Study Bonus; Plagued by
Arts: Cr 20, In 17, Mu 20, Pe 15, Re 20, An Conjure the Sturdy Vine (CrHe 5/+37): Mastery
Supernatural Entity, Weak Spontaneous
7, Aq 15, Au 15, Co 15, He 14, Ig 6, Im 1 (multiple casting)
Magic; Cyclic Magic (Negative): Dur-
15, Me 2, Te 13, Vi 8 Plant the Bountiful Feast (CrHe 20/+37): Mas-
ing Low Tide, Fear: Twilight, Infamous
Twilight Scars: Maris’ hair is slightly ani- tery 1 (quiet casting)
(mad), Vow (Independence)
mate and tends to wiggle around as if by Hunt for the Wild Herb (InHe 5/+34): Mastery 1
* House Virtue
its own volition. Also, shadows cast by (quiet casting)
Personality Traits: Careful +3, Determined
Maris fall toward the source of light in- Probe Nature’s Hidden Lore (InHe 4/+34): Mas-
+2, Disciplined +1, Brave +1
stead of away from it. A salt crust slowly tery 1 (quiet casting)
Reputations: Dedicated (Tytalus) 1, Insane 4
forms on Maris’ skin. Repel Winter’s Clutches (CrIg 5/+29): Mastery 1
Equipment: Paregro Mare, various seafaring (quiet casting)
Dodge: Init: +1, Attack –, Defense +3,
equipment, tools for repairs and fishing. Palm of Flame (CrIg 5/+29): Mastery 1 (quiet
Damage –
Encumbrance: 0 (0) casting)
Fist: Init: +1, Attack +2, Defense +2,
Spells Known: Lamp Without Flame (CrIg 10/+29): Mastery 1
Damage +1
Securing the Harvest (ReAn 4/+30): Mastery 1 (quiet casting)
Kick: Init: +0, Attack +2, Defense +1,
(quiet casting) Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+35): Mastery 1 (quiet
Damage +4
Soothe the Ferocious Bear (ReAn 10/+30): Mas- casting)
Harpoon: Init: +3, Attack +5, Defense +3,
tery 1 (quiet casting) Taste of the Spices and Herbs (MuIm 5/+38): Mas-
Damage +8
Sense the Tide’s Boundaries (InAq 25/+30): Mas- tery 1 (quiet casting)
Soak: +2
tery 1 (quiet casting) Form the Hermetic Boundary (CrTe 25/+36):
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Comfort the Drenched Caster (PeAq 5/+33): Mas- Mastery 1 (quiet casting)
tery 1 (quiet casting) Eyes of the Eons (InTe 10/+33): Mastery 1 (qui-
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
Cloak of the Duck’s Feathers (ReAq 5/+38): Mas- et casting)
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)
tery 1 (silent casting) Supple Iron and Rigid Rope (MuTe 10/+36):
Abilities: Area Lore: Scandinavia 2 (Baltic
Captured by Höðr’s Shackles (ReAq 20/+38): Mastery 1 (quiet casting)
Sea), Artes Liberales 2 (astronomy), Ath-
Mastery 1 (quiet casting) The Invisible Glass Worker (ReTe 4/+35): Mas-
letics 2 (climbing), Awareness 3 (notice),

Magi of Hermes
tery 1 (multiple casting)
The Unseen Porter (ReTe 10/+36): Mastery 1 Aquam Spells the circle grow healthily, and produce a
good crop. The plants still mature normally,
(quiet casting) but when it comes time to harvest, all will
Sense of Magical Power (InVi 2/+28): Mastery 1 produce the maximum amount of crops, of
(quiet casting) Sense the Tide’s Boundaries the finest quality the plant can produce.
Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi /+28): Mas- (Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Ring)
tery 1 (quiet casting) InAq 25
Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5/+28): Mastery 1 R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
(quiet casting) As Eyes of the Bat, but senses the displace- Plant the Bountiful Feast
Appearance: Maris, now beginning to feel ment of water to see in the ocean’s depths.
the effects of age, is starting to look a bit Since this spell isn’t bound by the limitations CrHe 20
thin. Years on the sea have taken their of sight, it is often preferred when scouring R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Group, Ritual
toll, weathering Maris’ skin to almost re- the ocean depths where light does not reach. This ritual creates a number of edible or
semble the stony shore. (Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Size) food-producing plants. The plants appear
Activities in the last 15 Years: After his fully mature, but still need time to produce
last encounter with Natura, Maris was a crop. Maris’ version of this spell produces
left scornful and angered. After spend- Captured by Höðr’s Shackles Irish moss.
ing longer than he ever had on the (Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Group, +1 Size,
island, he once again ventured forth, ReAq 20 ritual)
swearing never to return. He used the R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Part
Paregro Mare to seed underwater gar- Instantaneously, a submerged target is
dens for food supplies, and new items
were forged and spells invented. The
imprisoned in a thick casing of ice. Due to
ice’s natural buoyancy, Maris often uses this
Ignem Spells
great plan had finally come together. spell to float something of value to the sur-
Maris did set sail from Slvolder on the face. If used against an opponent, the ice suf-
first day of the new year 1300. Maris focates an individual, as well as causing +3
has since been lost to the Order, with- Repel Winter’s Clutches
damage per round from cold. Note that the
out a single sighting of his ship in re- spell does not create ice; it only works on
cent memory. targets already immersed in water. CrIg 5
(Base 3, +2 Voice, +1 Part, +1 Size) R: Touch, D Conc, T: Ind
Rapidly warms the target with an inter-
nal heat. This can be used to quickly defrost

New Spells Swallowed by the Mist

ReAq 20
an object, or, if applied quickly enough, to
save an individual from freezing to death.
When using this spell in conjunction with
Maris has developed these spells during R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Part treating hypothermia, the Medicine roll re-
his self-imposed isolation. This spell turns the targeted section of ceives a bonus of +5.
water to mist, causing swimmers and ships (Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc)
alike to plummet to the ground while the
Animal Spells mist rises up, and then the sea crashes down
around them. Successfully targeting this attack
requires a Perception + Finesse roll against
Terram Spells
an Ease Factor of 9 (6 if the target is smaller
Securing the Harvest than a rowboat, as there is more leeway in the
transformed area). Observers of this spell will Form the Hermetic Boundary
often just see a large cloud of mist rise around
ReAn 4 the target, and the ship will simply be gone.
R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle (Base 3, + 2 Voice, +1 Part, +2 Size) CrTe 25
This ward prevents any mundane pest R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind
from entering and absconding with the food Forms a large, stone circle where cast.
growing within the protective boundary of
the circle. If Maris finds that the ward has
Herbam Spells The circle, which is nine paces across, rises
out of the ground to produce a level, stone
been bypassed and the food tampered with, surface that is a foot high, and several inches
it is an indication that something far more thick. Maris likes to use this spell as a base
interesting than vermin has been in the area. Grow the Bountiful Feast to set up underwater gardens, which are an
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Ring) invaluable source of food.
CrHe 4 (Base 3, +1 Touch, +3 Moon, +2 Size)
R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle
This spell ensures that all plants within

Magi of Hermes

Enchanted (Effect: Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Conc,

+4 Vision; +5 24/day, +5 item maintains
Lungs of the Fish
MuAq(Au) 24
Items Pen +0, Constant Effect
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part
Eyes of the Eagle As Lungs of the Fish (ArM5, page 122).
Maris has designed the following items. However, this still does not allow you
InIm 35 enough air to fully vocalize the required
Pen +0, 24/day words to cast spells underwater. See Voices in
Ever-Tempting Trap R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Vision
As Eyes of the Eagle (ArM5, page 145).
the Ocean side bar.
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Part; +1
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +4 Vi- 2/day, +3 environmental trigger: sunrise/set)
Every sailor knows the fickleness of the sion; +5 24/day, +5 item maintains
sea. One day fish are leaping into your nets, concentration)
while the next the ocean is as barren as any Surviving the Deep
desert. These traps help keep the holds full,
but even with magical assistance, you can’t
catch fish that aren’t there. Each trap must
Foul Weather’s Bane MuCo 30
Pen +0, 1/day
be tailored to a particular kind of prey; Maris R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
has made one for cod. When using the ap- Living in the Baltic Sea is dreadful and This effect strengthens the body, in-
propriate trap to catch the right prey, the dangerous. This cloak makes life a little creasing its mass and allowing it to resist the
Ever-Tempting Trap gives a bonus of +5 to more bearable. Keeping the wearer warm great pressures of the deep ocean, as well as
fishing checks. and dry, this cloak gives a +5 modifier to providing a +3 to soak. See the Voices in the
soak versus exposure. Also, the cloak will Ocean sidebar.
not freeze, nor will ice build up upon the (Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
Sight of Wounded Prey cloak or the wearer.

CrIm 9 The Kraken’s Song

Pen +0, Constant Effect Cloak of the Duck’s Feathers
R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind MuIm 8
This effect creates the illusion of a cer- ReAq 9 Pen +0, Constant Effect
tain bait inside the trap, allowing it to be Pen +0, Constant Effect R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
used continually without needing to restock R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind This simple effect changes any vocaliza-
or bait going bad. The bait both appears real As Cloak of the Duck’s Feathers (ArM5, tions made by the caster into a loud high-
and puts out the proper scent. Any predator page 124). pitched click, which allows the vocalizations
looking to feed will be almost assuredly be (Base 2, +2 Sun, +1 Touch; +1 2/day, +3 of his Voice-Ranged spells to carry through
attracted to this item. The scent must be of environmental trigger: sunrise/set) the water. See Voices in the Ocean side bar.
a particular bait, and will only attract prey (Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun; +1 2/day, +3
normally attracted to that scent. environmental trigger: sunrise/set)
(Base 3, +2 Sun; +1 2/day, +3 environ- Comfort the Weary Traveler
mental trigger: sunrise/set)
CrIg 9
Pen +0, Constant Effect
The Nailed Down
Eyeglass of Nereus R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
Warms the wearer, shielding him from
Chamber Pot
winter’s harshest weather.
This rusty eyepiece is essential to navi- Base 2, +2 Sun, +1 Touch; +1 2/day, +3 This unassuming chamber pot, nailed
gating the dreadful weather conditions of environmental trigger: sunrise/set) to the deck of the Paregro Mare (to avoid any
the northern seas, as well as getting the drop “accidents” on the rolling seas), is probably
on a foe in a well-placed fog. the most-used item on the ship.
Gorget of Salty Breath
True Sight of the Air Remove the Unsightly Mess
This gorget allows the wearer to function
InAu 25 normally underwater. Water turns to breath- PeCo(Aq) 20
Pen +0, 24/day able air, the body strengthens to withstand the Pen +0, unlimited uses
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Vision crushing weight of the deep, and the voice of R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
As True Sight of the Air (ArM5, page 127). the wearer will be carried far and wide. All human waste, and all associated un-

Magi of Hermes
pleasantness, vanishes upon entering the
chamber pot.
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Aquam Req; +10
Voices in the Ocean
unlimited uses) Humans are not aquatic creatures surface of, the water. Drowning is not the
by nature, and Hermetic magic was cer- only threat an adventurous magus needs
tainly not designed with submerged use to worry about. The great weight of the
Neptune’s Anchors in mind. There are several fundamental
differences between casting a spell under-
ocean can crush unsuspecting magi. Af-
ter each 10 meters of descent, a character
water and casting a spell in the open air. looses one tenth of his current depth mi-
This is a series of small weights attached Unless aided by magical means, no words nus soak (extra soak from armor does not
to a long length of rope and dragged behind and only subtle gestures may be used to apply) in Fatigue Levels.
the Paregro Mare. Using a system akin to mod- cast spells while submerged, accruing the Example: Hydas is diving toward a library,
ern trawl fishing, Maris scours the seas for normal casting penalties. Note that sound lost to the deep centuries ago. At a depth of 50 meters,
sources of magical power. When the Pare- has a difficult time leaving the water, and Hydas looses 5 – 3 (Hydas’ soak) = 2 Fatigue Lev-
gro Mare comes near one of these underwa- Voice-Range spells cast while submerged els. If Hydas descends another ten meters, he will lose
ter sites, the rope pulls tight as the anchor can only affect targets in, or touching the three more Fatigue Levels, and be in real trouble.
points the way. With a successful Intelli-
gence + Navigation roll against an Ease Fac-
tor of 9, the user can nail down the location Hospitaller’s Vigil
of a discovered site with enough accuracy to All salt within the container is destroyed,
make a dive. even if in solution, leaving drinkable fresh
water. Any other impurities will remain. CrCo 24
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Mineral, +1 Com- Pen +0, Constant Effect
Guide the Seeker plex; +5 24/day) R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
If the Shroud of the Healed Body is worn
ReHe 16 for the duration of a wound or sickness, the
Pen +0, Constant Effect Roll of Endless Rope wearer adds +12 to his recovery checks.
R: Per, D: Mom, T: Ind (Base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Sun; +1 2/day, +3
This effect pulls the rope towards the This incredibly useful device manifests it- environmental trigger: sunrise/set)
sensed vis, much like a magnet. The taut self as a long piece of vine, wrapped around a
guide rope may be then followed to the wooden spindle. When the end of the plant
source of the vis.
(Base 3; +3 linked trigger, +10 unlimited
is tugged, ten feet of vine unwraps itself from
the spindle. This vine is strong and sturdy as
Tryggvason’s Chart
uses/day) a good piece of rope, but the vine is not per-
manent, and all rigging generally must be re- This large circle of cured leather is at-
placed every duration. The grown vine may be tached to the Paregro Mare’s navigation console.
Seek the Enchanted Waters cut off and used without destroying the device, Attached to the map is a weighted leader line
as long as the original amount of vine remains that’s thrown off the back of the ship. On the
InVi 19 intact (five feet coiled around the spindle). map appears a real-time depiction of the sur-
Pen +0, Constant Effect rounding ocean and all the information a sailor
R: Vision, D: Sun, T: Ind could need, including tides, depth information,
This effect detects nearby vis sources. Concoct Cordage and other ships. As long as the notation this
(Base 1, +4 Vision, +2 Sun, +1 2/day, +3 map provides is understood by the sailor, he
environmental trigger: sunrise/set) CrHe 15 gets an additional +5 to his Navigation rolls.
Pen +0, unlimited uses
R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind
Reveal the Ocean’s Secrets
Naiad’s Cask The attached vine grows an additional
ten feet per activation.
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +3 Moon; +10 un- InAq 19
With this device, fresh water is just an limited uses) Pen +0, Constant Effect
arm’s length away. After being filled with sea R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part
water, the Naiad’s Cask will dispense clean, Reveal the Ocean’s Secrets senses the mo-
fresh drinking water. Shroud of the Healed Body tion, speed, and boundaries of the ocean up
to 1500 feet in all directions. Tides, currents,
Sickness and injury are ever-present risks obstacles, depth, and other such information
Cleanse Gaia’s Tears on a ship, and with a one-man crew, a very are constantly gathered by this spell.
serious threat. This shroud, emblazoned with (Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Part, +2
PeTe(Aq) 20 the cross of St. John, keeps a man in health, Size, +1 Complexity; +1 2/day, +3 environ-
Pen +0, 24/day and helps heal him when sick or injured. mental trigger: sunrise/set)
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind

Magi of Hermes
Visualize the Water’s Flow leaves everything in the hold slightly de- without Maris needing to work the deck,
hydrated, and destroys any drinking water, allowing him to attend to other matters. If
CrIm 11 wine, or other liquids stored within. the rudder is pulled out of the water, the ship
Pen +0, Constant Effect (Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Room; +2 3/day) maintains its position, allowing it to “anchor”
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind even in waters that are too deep for con-
This effect produces an image of the in- ventional equipment. Control the Reckless Ves-
formation gathered by Reveal the Ocean’s Secrets
in the form of a constantly updating, highly
Eye of the Storm sel gives a bonus of +7 to any sailing checks
made on the Paregro Mare.
detailed map. The map uses a form of no- Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 Size,
tation developed by Maris, and is not eas- ReAq 8 + 1 Req.; +5 24/day, +5 item maintains
ily understood by those who are not taught Pen +0, Constant Effect concentration)
their meanings. R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun; +1 2/day, +3 All waves, crests, or other masses of wa-
environmental trigger: sunrise/set, +3 linked
ter (mundane or otherwise) break and part
around the Paregro Mare. While sailing the
Hull of Unbreakable Iron
Paregro Mare, the Ease Factor for sailing rolls
will not be increased due to rough seas or MuHe (Te) 24
stormy weather. However, sailing through Pen +0, Constant Effect

strong winds will increase the Ease Factor as R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind
normal. This effect also makes it extremely The Paregro Mare’s hull has been enchant-
difficult to swamp the boat. ed to be as hard as metal. The thick timbers

Paregro Mare (Base 2, +2 Sun; +1 2/day, +3 environ-

mental trigger: sunrise/set)
of the hull provide protection from accidental
collisions, punctures, and damage of all types.
The Paregro Mare’s hull is immune to ramming,
Built by Maris’ own hand, the Paregro and if another captain is foolish enough to
Mare’s design is based on an amalgam of the
Knarr-type long ship, and the later Buss-type
Ward the try, he will successfully wreck his own ship if
he fails the contested Int + Profession roll by
vessel. The ship itself is oar-less, foregoing
the shallow draft in favor of a lower deck,
Drowning Waves more than his own Profession skill.
(Base 4, +2 Sun, +2 Size; +1 2/day, +3
like the Buss. Supporting only a single mast environmental trigger: sunrise/set)
with one sail, the Paregro Mare has room for ReAq 33
about 30 tons of cargo and can reach up to Pen +0, 6/day
10 knots under favorable conditions. It holds
a cramped sanctum below deck, and Maris
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Room
Upon activation, Ward the Drowning Waves
Helios’ Companionship
has practically lived on this vessel ever since expels all water from the lower hold of the ship
leaving the Novgorod Tribunal. Enchanted and keeps it out. This serves as a temporary fix CrIg 24
as his talisman soon after its completion, the long enough to conduct some quick repairs. Pen +0, Constant Effect
Paregro Mare has had several effects instilled (Base 5, +1 Touch. +1 Conc, +2 Room; R: Per, D: Sun, T: Room
within it, as well as having had several en- +3 6/day, +5 item maintains concentration) The lower deck of the Paregro Mare has
chanted devices attached to it that allow it been enchanted to produce enough light to
to be sailed by Maris alone, and to withstand brighten the hold to the equivalent of torch-
the worst man or nature can throw at it.
Control the light, and to heat it to be as warm as a pleas-
ant summer’s eve. Not only is this extremely
+4 Affect Currents
Reckless Vessel convenient as well as comfortable, if you are
using the optional rules from Covenants this
+4 Affect Dead Wood grants the laboratory the Free Supernatural
+4 Aquam ReAq(Au) 35 Virtue: Magical Lighting (Superior) and the Free
+4 Banish Weather Phenomenon Pen +0, 24/day Supernatural Virtue: Magical Heating (Superior)
+4 Create/Control Winds R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind (pages 118-119).
+7 Protection from Storms This effect fills the Paregro Mare’s sails Base 3, +2 Sun; +2 Room, +1 Heat; +1
with a stiff breeze, as well as controlling the 2/day, +3 environmental trigger: sunrise/set)
currents around the hull of the boat to drive
Save Our Ship the Paregro Mare with a speed and agility un-
known to other boats of this type. This effect
can be maintained while Maris is elsewhere,
PeAq 27 although it will only keep its last heading
Pen +0, 3/day and speed. Controlling the winds and the
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Room seas allows the Paregro Mare to accomplish
When Save Our Ship takes effect, all wa- feats most other sailors can only dream of.
ter in the hold of the ship is destroyed. This The Paregro Mare can even maintain course

Chapter Nine

Marcus of Criamon
Concept: This giant-blooded magus seeks
to create living beings by combining the
Marcus at Gauntlet * House Virtue
Personality Traits: Brave +3, Obsessed +3,
features of two or more existing creatures, Angry +2, Outgoing –2
Characteristics: Int +3, Per +2, Pre 0, Com
with the minotaur as his final goal. Reputations: none
–1, Str +3, Sta +3, Dex –2, Qik –1
Size: +2
Marcus Tauros of Criamon’s immense Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense –1,
Age: 24 (24)
size has always been a source of great em- Damage n/a
Decrepitude: 0
barrassment to him, and he hates to draw at- Soak: +3
Warping Score: 0
tention to himself. He was mercilessly (and Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
often brutally) teased as a child, and was Unconscious
gus; Giant Blood, Major Magical Focus
supremely grateful to his master, both for Wound Penalties: –1 (1–7), –3 (8–14), –5 (15–
(organs); Affinity with Animal, Animal
taking him away from those who feared his 21), Incapacitated (22–28), Dead (29+)
Ken, The Enigma*, Improved Char-
Gift, and for and teaching him a way to make Abilities: Animal Ken 1 (cattle), Artes Libe-
acteristics, Inventive Genius; Driven,
himself better. He still gets very angry when rales 2 (logical traps), Athletics 1 (es-
Low Self-Esteem; Ability Block (Martial
others draw attention to his height, even in cape), Awareness 1 (ambushes), Chirur-
Abilities), Oversensitive (teasing), Poor
a non-derogatory manner. His master was an gy 2 (internal surgery), Cretan Lore 2
Eyesight, Warped Magic
anatomist and taught him much about the
workings of the body, and cultivated his nat-
ural aptitude with the various organs. When
Marcus casts a spell, his Warped magic
causes his internal organs to glow so brightly
they can be seen through his skin. Which
organ is affected is determined by the Form
of the spell used: Animal & Auram — liver;
Aquam & Imaginem — brain; Corpus & Vim
— heart; Herbam & Terram — spleen; Ignem
& Mentem — gallbladder.
During his initiation into the mysteries
of House Criamon, he received a vision of
his past life as a Minoan priest on the island
of Crete, and saw himself create the mon-
strous minotaur from a man and a sacred bull.
He has devoted his learning to recreating
that act, believing that if he can successfully
call across the Wheel of Time to his former
life, he can improve his perceived deficien-
cies in body and mind, and make a better
self. When he completes this research, it is
likely that he will overcome his Low Self-Es-
teem Flaw and gain a Confidence Score of 1.
His single-mindedness in pursuing his obses-
sion has meant that he has neglected many
of the typical significators of Hermetic ma-
turity, such as a familiar or apprentice, and
he only began his talisman after forty years
as a magus.

Magi of Hermes
(ruins), Enigmatic Wisdom 1 (mazes), Combat: ing have manifested as an interlocking
Finesse 1 (Animal), Greek 5 (Cretan), Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense +1, labyrinth pattern centered around his
House Criamon Lore 1 (Corpus ex- Damage n/a forehead. When he performs magic, the
perts), Latin 4 (Hermetic), Magic Lore 1 Soak: +3 stigma shifts and rotates as if charting his
(hybrid beasts), Magic Theory 4 (origi- Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, path through the maze.
nal research), Parma Magica 1 (Corpus), Unconscious Activities in the last 15 years: Three years
Penetration 1 (Animal), Stealth 1 (avoid- Wound Penalties: –1 (1–7), –3 (8–14), –5 (15– after his Gauntlet, Marcus was initi-
ing pursuers), Survival 2 (barren lands) 21), Incapacitated (22–28), Dead (29+) ated onto the Path of Seeming (Houses
Arts: Cr 8, In 0, Mu 8, Pe 0, Re 0; An 10, Abilities: Animal Ken 2 (cattle), Artes Libe- of Hermes: Mystery Cults, pages 64–67),
Aq 0, Au 0, Co 8, He 0, Ig 0, Im 0, Me rales 2 (logical traps), Athletics 1 (es- and eight years later he attained the
0, Te 0, Vi 0 cape), Awareness 1 (ambushes), Brawl 1 second Station, that of True Sight. Each
Twilight Scars: none (dodge), Chirurgy 2 (internal surgery), of these initiations took a season of his
Equipment: Peasant clothing Cretan Lore 2 (ruins), Enigmatic Wisdom time. He has created his longevity ritual
Encumbrance: 0 (0) 3 (mazes), Finesse 1 (Animal), Greek 5 (a tattoo over his heart), and has spent
Spells Known: (Cretan), House Criamon Lore 3 (Corpus two seasons stabilizing the results of his
True Rest of the Injured Brute (CrAn 20/+21) experts), Latin 4 (Hermetic), Magic Lore Original Research (he gained 9 break-
Beast of Outlandish Size (MuAn 15/+21) 1 (hybrid beasts), Magic Theory 5 (origi- through points in these 15 years). He
Growth of Creeping Things (MuAn 15/+21) nal research), Parma Magica 2 (Corpus), has prepared the floor of his laboratory
Transformation of the Ravenous Beast to the Torpid Penetration 1 (Animal), Philosophiae 2 for enchantment, and invested one ef-
Toad (MuAn 25/+21) (animals), Stealth 1 (avoiding pursuers), fect into it, which took him two seasons.
Decay Fur and Hide (PeAn 10/+13) Survival 2 (barren lands) He has invented or learned 145 levels of
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+19) Arts: Cr 10, In 4, Mu 10, Pe 3, Re 3; An 13, spells, and gained 115 experience points
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+27 F) Aq 3, Au 0, Co 9, He 0, Ig 0, Im 0, Me in Abilities and 130 in Arts.
Arm of the Infant (MuCo 20/+27 F) 4, Te 0, Vi 6
F includes Magical Focus Twilight Scars: Marcus’ shadow has horns on
Appearance: Marcus is massive; eight feet
tall and broad with it. He dresses in
its head; the third and fourth fingers of
each of his hands have fused together.
Marcus +30 years
simple clothing and invariably hunches Equipment: Peasant clothing
Characteristics: Int +3, Per +2, Pre 0, Com
his shoulders in a futile attempt to hide Encumbrance: 0 (0)
–1, Str +3, Sta +3, Dex –2, Qik –1
his size. He has an olive complexion and Spells Known:
Size: +2
black hair, and wears a beard (but no True Rest of the Injured Brute (CrAn 20/+26)
Age: 54 (38)
mustache) trimmed close to his jaw line. Worm of the Soil (CrAn 20/+26)
Decrepitude: 0
Sigil: Marcus’ casting sigil is horns, normally Flight Perfected (CrAn 25/+26)
Warping Score: 3 (10)
in shadow or as a ghostly image. His vot- Flight Divorced (CrAn 30/+36 F)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
ing sigil is a bronze bull’s head. Beast of Outlandish Size (MuAn 15/+26)
gus; Giant Blood, Major Magical Focus
Growth of Creeping Things (MuAn 15/+26)
(organs), Station of Differentiation of
Transformation of the Ravenous Beast to the Torpid
Seeming**, Station of True Sight**, Sta-
Marcus +15 years Toad (MuAn 25/+26)
Decay Fur and Hide (PeAn 10/+15)
tion of Vivid Memories from Objects**;
Affinity with Animal, Animal Ken, The
Soothe the Ferocious Boar (ReAn 10/+19)
Characteristics: Int +3, Per +2, Pre 0, Com Enigma*, Improved Characteristics, In-
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+22)
–1, Str +3, Sta +3, Dex –2, Qik –1 ventive Genius; Disfigurement**, Driv-
Bushy Tail of the Branch-Dancer (MuCo(An)
Size: +2 en, Pious**, Low Self-Esteem; Ability
Age: 39 (35) Block (Martial Abilities), Oversensitive
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+31 F)
Decrepitude: 0 (teasing), Poor Eyesight, Warped Magic
Sure-Footedness of the Crag-Leaper (MuCo(An)
Warping Score: 2 (4) * House Virtue
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma- ** Mystery Initiations and Ordeals
Webbed Toes of the Pond-Dweller (MuCo(An)
gus; Giant Blood, Major Magical Focus Personality Traits: Brave +3, Obsessed +3,
(organs), Station of Differentiation of Angry +2
Arm of the Infant (MuCo 20/+31 F)
Seeming**, Station of True Sight**; Affin- Reputations: none
Kiss of the Enigma (CrVi 15/+19) invented 3
ity with Animal, Animal Ken, The Enig- Combat:
times during research.
ma*, Improved Characteristics, Inventive F includes Magical Focus Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense +1,
Genius; Disfigurement**, Driven, Low Damage n/a
Appearance: Marcus is massive; eight foot
Self-Esteem; Ability Block (Martial Abili- Soak: +7 (when the Mark of Protection on
tall and broad with it. He dresses in
ties), Oversensitive (teasing), Poor Eye- his belly is exposed)
simple clothing and invariably hunches
sight, Vow (live aptly)**, Warped Magic Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
his shoulders in a futile attempt to hide
* House Virtue Unconscious
his size. He has an olive complexion
** Mystery Initiations and Ordeals Wound Penalties: –1 (1–7), –3 (8–14), –5 (15–
and black hair, and wears a beard (but
Personality Traits: Brave +3, Obsessed +3, 21), Incapacitated (22–28), Dead (29+)
no mustache) trimmed close to his jaw
Angry +2 Abilities: Animal Ken 2 (cattle), Artes Libe-
line. The stigmata of the Path of Seem-
Reputations: none rales 2 (logical traps), Athletics 1 (es-

Magi of Hermes
cape), Awareness 1 (ambushes), Brawl 1 no mustache) trimmed close to his jaw Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
(dodge), Chirurgy 3 (internal surgery), line. The stigmata of the Path of Seem- Unconscious
Cretan Lore 2 (ruins), Enigmatic Wis- ing have manifested as an interlocking Wound Penalties: –1 (1–7), –3 (8–14), –5 (15–
dom 4 (mazes), Finesse 1 (Animal), labyrinth pattern centered around his 21), Incapacitated (22–28), Dead (29+)
Greek 5 (Cretan), House Criamon Lore forehead. When he performs magic, the Abilities: Animal Ken 2 (cattle), Artes Libe-
5 (Corpus experts), Latin 4 (Hermetic), stigma shifts and rotates as if charting his rales 2 (logical traps), Athletics 1 (es-
Magic Lore 2 (hybrid beasts), Magic path through the maze. cape), Awareness 2 (ambushes), Brawl 1
Theory 5 (original research), Parma Activities in the last 15 years: During the (dodge), Chirurgy 3 (internal surgery),
Magica 3 (Corpus), Penetration 1 (Ani- last 15 years Marcus was initiated into Cretan Lore 2 (ruins), Enigmatic Wisdom
mal), Philosophiae 2 (animals), Stealth the third station on the Path of Seem- 5 (mazes), Finesse 2 (Animal), Greek 5
1 (avoiding pursuers), Survival 2 (bar- ing, which took him a season. He has (Cretan), House Criamon Lore 5 (Corpus
ren lands) spent two seasons crafting four Canopic experts), Latin 4 (Hermetic), Magic Lore
Arts: Cr 11, In 6, Mu 11, Pe 4, Re 5; An 15, Jars as Lesser Enchanted items, and 2 (hybrid beasts), Magic Theory 6 (origi-
Aq 3, Au 3, Co 11, He 3, Ig 3, Im 5, Me three seasons enchanting the tattoo nal research), Parma Magica 4 (Corpus),
4, Te 3, Vi 8 on his abdomen. He instilled the sec- Penetration 3 (Animal), Philosophiae 2
Twilight Scars: Marcus’ shadow has horns on ond effect into his laboratory enchant- (animals), Stealth 1 (avoiding pursuers),
its head; the third and fourth fingers of ment, which took one season. Marcus Survival 2 (barren lands)
each of his hands have fused together; he also spent two seasons investigating the Arts: Cr 12, In 6, Mu 13, Pe 5, Re 8; An 16,
leaves cloven footprints behind; his Gift Minoan labyrinth at Knossos, which Aq 5, Au 5, Co 13, He 4, Ig 5, Im 6, Me
attracts rather than repels flies. lead him to several insights into their 5, Te 5, Vi 8
Equipment: Peasant clothing, Canopic Jars, ancient magic (see Marcus’ Original Twilight Scars: Marcus’ shadow has horns
Mark of Protection Research, later). He has now acquired a on its head; the third and fourth fin-
Encumbrance: 0 (0) total of 25 breakthrough points, having gers of each of his hands have fused
Spells Known: spent two seasons stabilizing the suc- together; he leaves cloven footprints be-
True Rest of the Injured Brute (CrAn 20/+29) cesses of his studies. He has invented or hind; his Gift attracts rather than repels
Worm of the Soil (CrAn 20/+29) learned 135 levels of spells, and gained flies; when he experiences strong emo-
Flight Perfected (CrAn 25/+29) 105 experience points in Abilities and tions everyone within seven paces must
Flight Divorced (CrAn 30/+40 F) 140 in Arts. make appropriate Personality Trait rolls
Strength Extinguished (CrAn 30/+36 F) against an Ease Factor of 6 or experience
Strength Renewed (CrAn 35/+36 F) the same emotion; he sneezes sparks in
Beast of Outlandish Size (MuAn 15/+29)
Growth of Creeping Things (MuAn 15/+29)
Marcus +45 years the presence of magic (this doesn’t allow
him to detect magic, although he usu-
The Beast Remade (MuAn(Co) 25/+25) ally can thanks to the second station of
Characteristics: Int +3, Per +2, Pre 0, Com
Transformation of the Ravenous Beast to the Torpid the Path of Seeming).
–1, Str +3, Sta +3, Dex –2, Qik –1
Toad (MuAn 25/+29) Equipment: Peasant clothing, Canopic Jars,
Size: +2
Decay Fur and Hide (PeAn 10/+22) Mark of Protection, Bucephalos talisman
Age: 69 (43)
Blunt the Viper’s Fangs (PeAn 15/+22) Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Decrepitude: 0
Soothe the Ferocious Boar (ReAn 10/+23) Spells Known:
Warping Score: 4 (13)
Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+25) True Rest of the Injured Brute (CrAn 20/+34 A)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Bushy Tail of the Branch-Dancer (MuCo(An) Worm of the Soil (CrAn 20/+34 A)
gus; Giant Blood, Major Magical Focus
5/+25) Flight Perfected (CrAn 25/+34 A)
(organs), Station of Differentiation of
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+36 F) Flight Divorced (CrAn 30/+46 F A)
Seeming**, Station of True Sight**, Sta-
Slime of the Muck-Dweller (MuCo(An) 5/+25) Strength Extinguished (CrAn 30/+46 FA)
tion of Vivid Memories from Objects**;
Sure-Footedness of the Crag-Leaper (MuCo(An) Strength Renewed (CrAn 35/+46 FA)
Affinity with Animal, Animal Ken, The
5/+25) The Wizard’s Mount (CrAn 35/+33A)
Enigma*, Improved Characteristics, In-
Webbed Toes of the Pond-Dweller (MuCo(An) Beast of Outlandish Size (MuAn 15/+35 A)
ventive Genius; Disfigurement**, Driv-
5/+25) Growth of Creeping Things (MuAn 15/+35 A)
en, Pious**, Low Self-Esteem; Ability
Arm of the Infant (MuCo 20/+36 F) Touch of the Wild (MuAn 20/+35A)
Block (Martial Abilities), Oversensitive
Spirit of the Bull of Minos (MuCo(An) 20/+36 The Beast Remade (MuAn(Co) 25/+32 A)
(teasing), Poor Eyesight, Warped Magic
), Ritual Transformation of the Ravenous Beast to the Torpid
* House Virtue
Prying Eyes (InIm 5 /+14) Toad (MuAn 25/+35 A)
** Mystery Initiations and Ordeals
Kiss of the Enigma (CrVi 15/+22) invented 3 Icarus’ Folly (MuAn 40/+48 FA)
Personality Traits: Brave +3, Obsessed +3,
times during research Decay Fur and Hide (PeAn 10/+27 A)
F includes Magical Focus Angry +2
Blunt the Viper’s Fangs (PeAn 15/+27 A)
Reputations: none
Appearance: Marcus is massive; eight foot Soothe the Ferocious Boar (ReAn 10/+31 A)
tall and broad with it. He dresses in Bind Wound (CrCo 10/+28)
Dodge: Init –1, Attack n/a, Defense +1,
simple clothing and invariably hunches A Limb Bereft (Cr(Re)Co 30/+32F)
Damage n/a
his shoulders in a futile attempt to hide Bushy Tail of the Branch-Dancer (MuCo(An)
Soak: +7 (when the Mark of Protection on
his size. He has an olive complexion 5/+32)
his belly is exposed)
and black hair, and wears a beard (but Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+45 F)

Magi of Hermes

Many neckless faces sprouted, arms were wander-
ing bereft of shoulders and eyes roamed alone in search
of foreheads.
– Empedocles, fragment 57

Marcus’ obsession is with the Counter-

Cyclical Alam (see Houses of Hermes: Mystery
Cults, page 47), a world which is the mirror of
ours across the Wheel of Time, but progress-
ing toward perfect harmony while our world
descends into strife. As the counter-cyclical
world progresses from chaos to order, simple
life first appeared in the form of organs made
from the primordial swirl of chaos. As the
force of harmony increased in that universe,
these organs combined together to form
living creatures, and then these creatures
combined to form the chimeric forms of
legend: bull-headed men, women with lions’
bodies, the chimera itself — an amalgam of
lion, goat, and snake. Eventually, all life will
be combined together in ultimate harmony.
Marcus believes that the fantastic creatures
of antiquity were creatures of greater har-
mony than those today, and seeks to recre-
Slime of the Muck-Dweller (MuCo(An) 5/+32) forehead. When he performs magic, the ate them in this world. However, Hermetic
Sure-Footedness of the Crag-Leaper (MuCo(An) stigma shifts and rotates as if charting his magic does not allow the creation of new
5/+32) path through the maze. His potent lon- creatures by combining the bodies of oth-
Webbed Toes of the Pond-Dweller (MuCo(An) gevity ritual has prolonged his looks, and ers, so Marcus is seeking a means to do so
5/+32) he appears to be only in his early forties through a Breakthrough in magical theory
Eyes from the Wizard Torn (Mu(In,Re)Co(Im) despite being nearly seven decades old. (Houses of Hermes: True Lineages, pages 26–30).
15/+21F) He carries a bull-headed walking stick Marcus has accumulated 41 breakthrough
Arm of the Infant (MuCo 20/+45 F) (as large as a staff to most people) that points through Original Research and Insight
Spirit of the Bull of Minos (MuCo(An) 20/+45 is his talisman. towards this Major Breakthrough, which
), Ritual Activities in the last 15 years: During the last would manifest as a Hermetic Virtue called
Gift of the Minotaur (MuCo(An) 30/+45 FA) 15 years, Marcus has enchanted a second Hermetic Metamorphosis (see insert for the
The Griffin Reborn (MuAn 35/+48 FA) effect into the Mark of Protection (tak- likely result of this Original Research). The
Stillness of the Dead (ReCo(An) 25/+24) ing one season), and a third effect into spells here represent his attempts to pur-
Prying Eyes (InIm 5 /+15) the Labyrinth of the Open Mind (taking sue this path. He also invented The Wizard’s
Kiss of the Enigma (CrVi 15/+23) invented 3 two seasons). He has prepared his talis- Mount, Prying Eyes, and The Beast Remade (from
times during research. man for enchantment, attuned it to him- Ars Magica Fifth Edition), which yielded
F includes Magical Focus self, and invested three effects, taking a him 5 breakthrough points, from the latter.
A includes attunement of talisman total of seven seasons. He also spent one
Appearance: Marcus is massive; eight foot season stabilizing the breakthrough he
tall and broad with it. He dresses in
simple clothing and invariably hunches
made. Due to his advanced abilities, the
seasonal method has been used hence-
Animal Spells
his shoulders in a futile attempt to hide forth to determine his spells; in the last
his size. He has an olive complexion 15 years he has acquired 230 levels in
and black hair, and wears a beard (but 13 seasons, and has now acquired a total Worm of the Soil
no mustache) trimmed close to his jaw of 41 breakthrough points; he is on the
line. The stigmata of the Path of Seem- verge of completing his research. He has
ing have manifested as an interlocking gained 120 experience points in Abilities CrAn 20
labyrinth pattern centered around his and 140 in Arts. R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
Creates a beetle. All invertebrates are

Magi of Hermes
referred to as “worms” in Mythic Europe. dom flight for the duration of the spell, since Strength Renewed
This spell provided no breakthrough to they lack sense organs or a mind to guide
Marcus’s research. them. If released in an enclosed space, the CrAn 35
(base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Sun) erratic flight of the wings provides sufficient R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part
distraction to impose a –3 penalty on all rolls Creates a bull’s heart that continues to
requiring mental effort or concentration, and beat strongly for the duration of the spell. In
Flight Perfected adds an extra botch die to all activities. The the three seasons it took Marcus to learn this
guideline used in this spell creates a living spell, he was lucky enough to get a break-
CrAn 25 bird rather than an animal’s corpse, and the through. However, the spell also has a minor
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind Part Target produces just the wings. flaw thanks to experimentation; the heart
Creates a dove in the hands of the caster. This spell provided Marcus with a break- only beats in the light, and the strength of
The bird acts like a normal bird for the dura- through in the first of the two seasons it took the pulse is dependant on the amount of light
tion of the spell. This spell provided Marcus him to invent it. — in shadow the beat is thready and shallow,
with no breakthrough. (base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Part) while in bright sunshine it is like a drum.
(base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun) (base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Part)

Strength Extinguished
Flight Divorced Touch of the Wild
CrAn 30
CrAn 30 R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part MuAn 20
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part Creates a bull’s heart. This spell provided R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind
Creates a pair of bird wings, joined at Marcus with no breakthrough. The target animal reverts to a feral form
their base. The wings flap frantically in ran- (base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Part) and throws off all its training and domesti-

New Virtue: Hermetic Metamorphosis

Minor, Supernatural & Hermetic cast by those with the Hermetic Meta- Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults, pages 40–43).
You are able to graft organs onto an morphosis Virtue. It requires the immo- A Virtue can be any General Virtue that de-
animal’s body to make a new creature. The bilized body of the recipient animal, and rives from the body of the animal; such as
donor organs can be from another animal or the donor organ. If the donor derives from Keen Vision, Long-Winded, or Tough. A
created magically using a Creo Animal ritual another animal, it too must be immobi- donor who loses a Virtue due to this spell
spell of Momentary Duration. The recipient lized. During the casting of the spell, the receives the Enfeebled Flaw if it survives
must be an animal — a further breakthrough caster removes the organ from the donor the surgery.
is needed to extend this Virtue to allow a and grafts it to the recipient. The spell re- The ritual surgery performed as part
human to be the recipient of an animal or- sizes the organ (if necessary) and joins up of the magical actions of casting this spell
gan. The process of metamorphosis requires the blood supply and internal organs. The needs to be performed accurately to en-
the casting of a special ritual spell that can type of organs that can be transplanted are sure the success of the spell. This requires
only be invented by those who possess this functional units of the animal — its head, a Dexterity + Chirurgy roll against an
Virtue. It’s not known if such creatures breed pair of hind legs, tail, pair of hands, heart, Ease Factor of 9. If the organ is transposed
true, but most likely not. and so forth. rather than replaced, the Ease Factor has a
Note that this Virtue does not yet A replacement organ involves the re- +3 modifier. If the surgery grants a Virtue
exist, but once Marcus has completed moval of the recipient’s organ and putting rather than an anatomical change, the Ease
his work it will be integrated into Her- the donor organ in its place. If the caster Factor has an additional +3 modifier. If the
metic theory through Original Research, wishes he may take the recipient’s original surgery roll fails then the animal dies soon
and may be taught to other magi either organ and put it in the space left on the after the casting of the spell. If the surgery
through personal instruction or by writing donor, but this requires two surgical rolls roll botches, then the spell creates some
a tractatus describing the breakthrough. (see below), one for each animal. dreadful monster instead.
The source must grant at least 5 experi- A transposed organ involves the re- Example: Marcus wishes to swap the head of a
ence points in a single season for the Vir- cipient gaining an organ without remov- lion and an eagle in his first step to creating a griffin.
tue to be conferred. ing something first; for example, giving it a Eagles have the Keen Vision Virtue, so this is more
pair of wings or a second head. The donor than simple anatomical surgery. To successfully im-
animal (if any) dies as a result of this type plant the eagle’s head on the lion’s body, his surgery
Harmonic Metamorphosis of surgery. roll has an Ease Factor of 12. He needs only a 9
of the Beast Magical surgery of this type can be to successfully implant the lion’s head on the eagle’s
purely anatomical, or else confer a Virtue body, but the lion-headed eagle that results suffers
Cr(Mu)An 35 from the donor to the recipient. An ana- from the Enfeebled Flaw. The spell compensates for
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind, Ritual tomical change can grant the recipient a the vast difference in size between the two heads.
This spell can only be successfully new ability (such as flight) or a Quality (see (base 25, +1 Touch, +1 Muto requisite)

Magi of Hermes
cation, if any. In general the animal grows too close to the sun. As if in compensation for Spirit of the Bull of Minos
larger (although does not usually gain a the flawed spell, the second season of inven-
point of Size), its hair grows longer and any tion resulted in a breakthrough. MuCo(An) 20
horns, teeth and claws available as weap- (base 25, +1 Touch, +2 Sun) R: Touch, D: Year, T: Ind, Ritual
ons become more vicious. The animal often During the casting of this ritual spell, the
loses its domestic coloration, becoming plain target’s heart is cut out and replaced with the
brown or brindled grey. Note that in Mythic
Europe dogs are not domesticated wolves, Disembodied Leg heart of a bull. The surgery causes no dam-
age as long as the spell is cast correctly, and
and cows were not bred from the primeval it grants the target the Reserves of Strength
Size –3
aurochs — animals were created in the state Virtue throughout the duration of the spell.
in which they are found. Yet all are familiar At the end of the year, the caster can replace
Kick: Init –1, Attack +0, Defense –1,
with the process of a beast becoming feral the original heart of the target with no ill ef-
Damage +3
if abandoned by man, and that is what this fects if it has been preserved sufficiently well.
Soak +0
spell does. Marcus did not gain any break- If this is not done, the target dies.
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–2), –3 (3–4), –5
through from this spell. This spell results from an Insight (see An-
(5–6), Incapacitated (7–8), Dead (9+)
(base 4, +1 Touch, +3 Moon) cient Magic, pages 8–9) Marcus received after
investigating the catacombs under the ruined
palace of Knossos. There he found ritual ob-
The Griffin Reborn Corpus Spells jects belonging to the Minoan Cult of the
Bull who practiced a magic similar to that
MuAn 35 he was trying to achieve. His ability to read
R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Pair, Ritual the memories of a sacrificial knife (thanks to
During the casting of this ritual spell, the A Limb Bereft the third station of the Path of Seeming, see
caster removes the heads of two animals and Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults, pages 64–65)
reattaches them on each other’s bodies. The gave him the requisite insight to allow him
surgery causes no damage as long as the spell Cr(Re)Co 30 to invent this non-standard spell. He has
is cast correctly. With a Corpus casting req- R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part created an enchanted item called a Canopic
uisite one of the targets can be a human, but Creates a human leg that is animated and Jar to preserve the heart of his experimental
at least one must be an animal. At the end of able to move by hopping. Through a quirk in subjects (see Enchantments, below).
the duration, the caster can restore the heads the experimentation process, the leg has an (base 2, +1 Touch, +4 Year; level 20 due
to their owners if both are present, but if ei- inclination to kick anything it comes near; to ritual effect)
ther target is absent then both die. while there is little danger of serious damage,
Like Spirit of the Bull of Minos, this spell is it is a grisly distraction. If its chosen target de-
the result of an insight into the ancient mag-
ics of the Minoan priests. The atypical Tar-
cides not to attack the limb directly, he takes a
–3 penalty to all rolls and 2 extra botch dice.
Vim Spells
get of Pair is part of the non-Hermetic speci- Marcus was intrigued to discover that hu-
fication of this spell, and is treated as Target man limbs cannot be created as animate (unlike
Group for the purposes of spell calculation. animal organs) and required a Rego requisite Kiss of the Enigma
A Hermetic variant would use Target Part, to provide motion. This spell did not provide
but only affect a single creature. him with any breakthrough, however.
(base 5, +1 Touch, +3 Moon, +2 Pair) (base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Part, +1 CrVi 15
Rego requisite) R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
The target acquires two Warping Points,
Icarus’ Folly and, if a Hermetic magus, must check to see
Eyes from the Wizard Torn whether he enters Twilight in the normal
MuAn 40 way. Marcus invented this spell primarily
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind Mu(In, Re)Co(Im) 15 to use on caged animals, to see if he could
The targeted animal is given a pair of R: Per, D: Conc, T: Part induce monstrous characteristics by infusing
wings. It does not immediately know how to This macabre variation on Image from the their bodies with pure magical energies, but
fly, but just like a fledging bird it succeeds af- Wizard Torn and Prying Eyes actually removes the the results were disappointingly random. He
ter the first few attempts. Unfortunately, a flaw caster’s eyes and has them fly to the location had to invent this spell three times before it
introduced in the experimental process makes of interest where they transmit the informa- yielded a breakthrough. The two prior ver-
the duration of this spell unreliable; at the end tion that they see. At the end of the spell, the sions both had Side Effects due to experi-
of every hour of the duration, roll a simple die. caster’s eyes are restored to their proper place. mentation: the first spell changed the color
If the result is equal or lower than the number This spell did not result in a breakthrough, al- of the target’s hair, while the other made the
of hours that have passed, the spell’s duration though Marcus has found it useful. The Rego target’s skin transparent.
ends prematurely. After the precipitous death requisite is required to allow the eyes to fly, (base 10, +1 Touch)
of the first few test subjects, Marcus named but does not incur additional magnitudes.
the spell after the legendary inventor of wings (base 3, +1 Conc, +1 Part, +1 Intellego
who himself plummeted to death after flying requisite, +1 Imaginem requisite)

Magi of Hermes

New Spells a bull. The target’s capacity to speak is not

affected by the spell, but his voice is. The
target may use his horns as a weapon, using
Path to
Serendipitous Discovery
Marcus has also created some spells that the Brawl Ability and the following weapon CrVi 24
do not constitute part of his research. statistics: Init +2, Attack +3, Defense +2, R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Room
Damage +3 Pen 0, constant effect
(base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Part) Everything in Marcus’ sanctum is tainted
Corpus Spells slightly with magic. This gives him a +2 lab-
oratory specialization in Experimentation,
Stillness of the Dead but unfortunately has the unintended side
effect of increasing its Warping Score by 1.
Bushy Tail of ReCo(An) 25 (base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Room; +1
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind 2/day, +3 environmental trigger)
the Branch-Dancer
The target is rendered completely im-
mobile for the duration of the spell. This
MuCo(An) 5 spell will work on both humans and animals, Path to
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind and Marcus developed it for use on targets Enlightened Operations
The target gains the long tail of a squirrel, affected by his various bizarre ritual spells
giving him a +3 to all rolls to keep his balance. that remove or exchange body parts. ReAn 20
(base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, requisite free) (base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Animal R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Room
requisite) Pen 0, unlimited uses per day
Items made of animal products — like
Slime of the Muck-Dweller most of Marcus’ custom-built laboratory
equipment — are supported in the air wher-

MuCo(An) 5 ever they are released, and maintained there
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind until plucked free. If left floating, Marcus’
The target gains the slippery, slimy skin tools slowly move, aligning themselves
of an eel, which gives him a +6 bonus to his
Defense Total against grappling attacks
(base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, requisite free)
Items into propitious arrangements that actually
enhance the activity in question. This en-
chantment gives Marcus’s laboratory a +1
Marcus has designed the following en- General Quality.
chanted items. (base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 Room;
Sure-Footedness of +10 unlimited/day, +5 item maintains
the Crag-Leaper concentration)

MuCo(An) 5
The Labyrinth of
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
The target gains the hooves of a mountain
the Open Mind Path of Shadows
Beneath the Skin
goat, giving him a +3 to all rolls to climb and
descend steep cliffs and precipitous crags. Marcus has enchanted the floor to his InCo(An) 40
(base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, requisite free) laboratory to assist in his magical investiga- R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Vision
tions. It is made from two types of wood, one Pen 0, 1/day
pale and the other stained dark. The com- This effect grants the target the ability to
Webbed Toes of plex pattern produced at Marcus’ exacting see the internal organs of humans or animals
the Pond-Dweller instructions forms a labyrinth, and Marcus’ as a magical sense. This greatly enhances
sanctum has been arranged so that items of laboratory operations employing Corpus
MuCo(An) 5 furniture and pieces of laboratory equipment or Animal (or, indeed, both), granting a +2
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind are located in mystically significant loca- laboratory specialization in both Arts.
The target gains the feet of a frog, giving tions. Each “path” of the interlaced design (base 5, +1 Conc, +4 Vision, +1 Animal
him a +3 to rolls to swim in still or slowly is enchanted with a different effect, all of requisite; +5 item maintains concentration)
moving water. which are designed to provide magical en-
(base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, requisite free) hancements to his laboratory activities (see
Covenants, page 121 for details of Magic Items
for Laboratories).
Canopic Jar
Gift of the Minotaur The floor was prepared with 10 pawns
of Vim vis (a huge item made of wood). It This jar takes the form of a rotund human
MuCo(An) 30 has been enchanted with three effects that figure about 18 inches tall made of alabaster.
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part occupy 9 pawns’ worth of space. The lid of the jar is carved into the shape
The target of this spell gains the head of of the figure’s head; of Marcus’ four copies,
one has the head of a hawk, one a lion, one

Magi of Hermes
a baboon, and one a human. The Canopic The target always knows exactly where Punishment of Midas
Jars are figured and named after the jars used he is in relation to one or more Arcane Con-
in ancient Egypt to preserve the organs of nections he has in distant locations. The MuCo(An) 40
mummified kings. These were made as Lesser more Arcane Connections to himself he has, R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Group
Enchantments, and Marcus was able to make the more accurate his estimation of position; Pen 0, 1/day
two in a single season. he can feel the tug of each one as he turns One limb of each target turns into that
in a full circle, and the relative strength tells of a random animal. Roll two simple dice:
him the distance. Consequently, the caster is one for the limb, and one for the animal.
Halt Corruption’s Work never lost. Marcus invented this effect after
one of his ordeals on the Path of Seeming Limb: 1 to 2 – Head; 3 to 6 – Arm (odd: left,
CrCo 9 left him hundreds of miles from home in a even: right); 7 to 10 – Leg (odd: left,
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind land where no-one spoke his language. even: right)
Pen 0, constant effect (base 3, +4 Arc, +1 complexity)
Any bodily organ placed inside is pro- Animal: 1 – goat; 2 – pig; 3 – hare; 4 – chick-
tected from putrefaction while it remains en; 4 – donkey; 5 – dog; 6 – lizard; 7
within the jar. – toad; 8 – cow; 9 – rat; 10 – beetle.

(base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun; +1 2/day, +3
environmental trigger) All limbs are re-scaled in size to match
that of the replaced limb. Anything held in

The Mark of Protection Bucephalos a transformed hand is dropped, and a trans-

formed leg becomes inappropriate to the
current footwear and may trip up the wearer.
Marcus began to develop his talisman If the head is transformed, the target can-
Marcus has a tattoo depicting the sun in comparatively late in his career, since he not speak but retains his intelligence. Up to
its glory that covers his entire abdomen. He has been obsessively pursuing his original 10 people can be simultaneously affected;
has enchanted this tattoo as an invested item, research. It shares its name (meaning “ox- if there are fewer than 10 individuals, then
preparing it for enchantment with 6 pawns faced”) with Alexander the Great’s favorite some targets may experience a change in
of vis (tattoos have a base material cost of 2 horse. It is a wooden staff four feet long, more than one limb. The effect is triggered
— see Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults, page 51 which for the giant-sized Marcus is pro- by pointing the bull-head at a group and
— and its size gives it a multiplier of 3). The portioned like a walking stick rather than a making a circling gesture while speaking the
purple ink that was used to inscribe the tat- weapon. The shaft is made of linden wood command word. Marcus had only intended
too was extracted from the murex shell, and and is wide — three inches in diameter. The to cause changes in land animals, but his ex-
the crushed shells were also included, grant- staff’s head is a glossy chunk of magnetite perimentation caused the anomalous result
ing a Shape and Material bonus of +2 to pro- carved into the shape of a bull’s head. The of a chicken.
tective effects. The tattoo holds two effects, eyes of the bull are topaz. It was prepared for (base 10, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +2 Group)
occupying all 6 pawns’ worth of space. enchantment with 12 pawns of Vim vis (the
highest single-cost part of the item is the
tiny semi-precious stones), and has been at- Return to the Earth
Resilience of Theseus tuned as a talisman. It currently has 3 effects
occupying 9 pawns’ worth of space. MuTe 20
MuCo 39 R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind Attunements Pen 10, 24/day
Pen 0, constant effect +3 Animal (magnetite) A metal or stone object targeted by
Marcus has a +4 to all Soak rolls. How- +2 protection against weapons (linden) this effect is momentarily transformed into
ever, due to the experimentation used to cre- +4 control things at a distance (staff) sand. This is sufficient to destroy most hand-
ate the effect it has a minor flaw — the tattoo held weapons, as they become metal grains
must be exposed to grant the bonus, rather around the feet of the wielder. But if the
than being covered by clothing. Mastering the Unruly Beast object remains undisturbed, it is unaffected
(base 20, +1 Touch, +2 Sun; +1 2/day, when it becomes metal again moments later.
+3 environmental trigger) ReAn 33 The effect can target any single object that
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind can be carried in one hand, such as a sword.
Pen 16, 1/day The effect is triggered by pointing the butt
Ariadne’s Thread As the spell of the same name. The effect of the staff at the target in a short jabbing
is triggered by pointing the bull-head at the motion while speaking the command word.
InCo 20 creature and slowly lowering it. (base 2, +2 Voice, +2 affect metal; +5
R: Arc, D: Mom, T: Ind (base 15, +1 Touch, +1 Sun; +8 Penetration, +5 24/day)
Pen 0, 1/day Penetration)

Chapter Ten

Persephone of Tytalus
Concept: Driven by vengeance against efficiently in her plans, which have tended Muto, Improved Characteristics, Puissant
her pater, she and her disfigured sister to drift from revenge to general meddling in Mentem, Quiet Magic, Self Confident*,
use magic to enhance their network of the politics of her tribunal. Social Contacts, Special Circumstances
agents, giving them a great deal of mun- (when sister is near), Subtle Magic; De-
dane influence. ficient Technique (Creo), Driven (defeat

Marie-Philipe and Marie-Helene were

Persephone at Gauntlet master), True Love (sister); Fear (fire)
* House Virtue
sisters from a village near a covenant. When Personality Traits: Devoted to Sister +3,
Characteristics: Int +2, Per –1, Pre +3, Com
a magus of House Tytalus chose the younger Vengeful +3, Flirt +1
+2, Str –1, Sta +1, Dex –1, Qik 0
— Marie-Helene — to become his appren- Reputations: none
Size: 0
tice, she begged for her sister to join them as Combat:
Age: 21 (21)
well but the magus refused; he had no inter- Dodge: Init 0, Attack n/a, Defense 0, Dam-
Decrepitude: 0
est in wasting his time on a non-Gifted girl, age n/a
Warping Score: 0
even if she did exhibit some latent magical Soak: +1
Confidence Score: 2 (6)
ability. A short while later a catastrophic Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
fire ravaged the family home. Marie-Philipe Unconscious
gus; Secondary Insight; Affinity with
survived although she was horribly scarred.
Marie-Helene was convinced that her master
was responsible for the fire, intending to rid
his apprentice of a distraction to her magical
development. Marie-Helene hid her sister
away and cared for her, escaping at night to
bring her food and share her lessons in Her-
metic magic. Unfortunately, without either
The Gift or having been opened to the Arts,
Marie-Philipe was unable to replicate the
simplest spells.
When Marie-Helene passed her Gaunt-
let, she took the name “Persephone of Tyta-
lus,” and her sister adopted the moniker
“Kore.” The pair swore to get vengeance on
Persephone’s master, and that he would have
a spectacular, fiery end. This has nothing to
do with the House tradition of beloved ri-
vals; this is revenge, pure and simple. Perse-
phone is rarely found without Kore nearby,
although the elder sister tends to keep to the
shadows to hide her scarred face.
Persephone maintains a network of agents
(see sidebar) although most are not aware
that they work for her; she contacts them ei-
ther through an intermediary or in disguise.
Her agents are principally spies, gathering
information that Kore sorts through for use-
ful intelligence about their targets. Many of
her spells and enchantments revolve around
ways in which she can use her agents more

Magi of Hermes
(when sister is near), Subtle Magic; De-
Persephone’s Agents ficient Technique (Creo), Driven (best
master), True Love (sister); Fear (fire)
* House Virtue
Persphone’s network of agents is in a Pierre Personality Traits: Devoted to Sister +3,
stage of flux; she rarely maintains an agent
Journeyman, Ambitious +1, Resources: Vengeful +3, Flirt +1
for long out of a sense of paranoia that he
A member of a distant shoemakers’ guild, Reputations: none
may be a double agent. However, a typi-
he has a mentor in his guildmaster. Combat:
cal agency at any given time may contain
Dodge: Init 0, Attack n/a, Defense 0, Dam-
some of the following individuals. The
age n/a
listed Personality Trait is the bond through Jack Soak: +1
which the agent is manipulated. For more
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
information, see Houses of Hermes: Societates, Wanderer, Avaricious +1, Resources:
pages 140–144. A peddler of penny cures and snake oil,
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
he is well traveled and apprised of local
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead
Macco (21+)
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (logic), Charm 2
Clerk, Fear of Discovery +1, Resourc- Claude (elders), Concentration 1 (jostled), Fi-
es: As a novice scribe in a rival covenant, nesse 2 (Imaginem), Folk Ken 1 (nobles),
he has access to the correspondence of the Warrior, Loyal to Sisters +3, Resourc-
French 5 (Norman), Guile 2 (disguise),
magi, and is aware of major events. es: The cousin of the two sisters, now a
Intrigue 2 (Hermetic), Latin 4 (arguing),
trusted man-at-arms to a nobleman. He
Magic Theory 5 (10) (enchanting jew-
can lend the strength of his men if asked.
Sir Stephène elry), Order of Hermes Lore 1 (House
Tytalus), Parma Magica 2 (4) (Corpus),
Knight, Hopeful of a Cure +3, Re- Sister Maurisse Penetration 3 (Mentem), Philosophiae 3
sources: He has substantial wealth, but (Tytalan philosophy), Stealth 1 (towns),
Mendicant Friar, Pity +2, Resources: A Teaching 1 (Arts)
is secretly a Lycanthrope and has been
nun who believes the two sisters to be in Arts: Cr 4, In 8, Mu 12, Pe 7, Re 8; An 6,
promised a cure.
need of protection. Aq 3, Au 5 (3), Co 5, He 5, Ig 4, Im 7,
Me 10+3, Te 8, Vi 7
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 Wielding the Invisible Sling (ReTe 10/+10) Twilight Scars: Her eyes shine faintly green
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead Shroud Magic (MuVi 15/+12) in the dark.
(21+) Appearance: A pretty young girl with a Equipment: Coins of Mirth (0 – 13, depend-
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (logic), Charm 1 beguiling smile. She has long russet ing on how many she has distributed),
(elders), Concentration 1 (jostled), Fi- hair, which she keeps unbound and Bracelet of Clandestine Insignificance.
nesse 1 (Imaginem), French 5 (Norman), uncovered in the manner of unmarried Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Guile 2 (disguise), Latin 4 (arguing), women. She prefers to dress in simple Spells Known:
Magic Theory 4 (enchanting jewelry), clothes: a woolen dress and kirtle with a Disguise of the New Visage (MuCo 15/+18)
Order of Hermes Lore 1 (House Tyta- leather bodice. Dance of the Staves (ReHe 5/+14)
lus), Parma Magica 1 (Corpus), Penetra- Casting Sigil: Doubling. Targets some- Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+16)
tion 1 (Mentem), Philosophiae 1 (Tyta- times have a ghostly after-effect, shad- Voice of the Leucrota (MuIm 4/+20)
lan philosophy) ow, or echo. Aura of Childlike Innocence (MuIm 10/+20)
Arts: Cr 0, In 6, Mu 8, Pe 2, Re 4; An 2, Voting Sigil: A silver bracelet bearing an Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe 10/+22)
Aq 1, Au 2, Co 3, He 2, Ig 2, Im 4, Me onyx. Recollection of Memories Never Quite Lived (MuMe
7+3, Te 5, Vi 3 4/+26)
Twilight Scars: none My Old and Dear Friend (MuMe 20/+26): Mas-
Equipment: none
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Persephone +15 years tery 1 (Quiet)
I Was Never Here (PeMe 5/+21)
Spells Known: Tip of the Tongue (PeMe 5/+21)
Characteristics: Int +2, Per –1, Pre +3, Com
Disguise of the New Visage (MuCo 15/+12) Trust of Childlike Faith (PeMe 10/+21)
+2, Str –1, Sta +1, Dex –1, Qik 0
Dance of the Staves (ReHe 5/+7) The Call to Slumber (ReMe 10/+22)
Size: 0
Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+11) Confusion of the Numbed Will (ReMe 15/+23):
Age: 36 (36)
Recollection of Memories Never Quite Lived (MuMe Mastery 1 (Fast Cast)
Decrepitude: 0
4/+19) Object of Increased Size (MuTe 15/+21)
Warping Score: 2 (13)
Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe 10/+17) Wielding the Invisible Sling (ReTe 10/+17)
Confidence Score: 2 (6)
Tip of the Tongue (PeMe 5/+13) Shroud Magic (MuVi 15/+20)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Trust of Childlike Faith (PeMe 10/+13) Opening the Intangible Tunnel (ReVi 20/+16)
gus; Secondary Insight; Affinity with
The Call to Slumber (ReMe 10/+15) Appearance: A beautiful mature woman
Muto, Improved Characteristics, Puissant
Confusion of the Numbed Will (ReMe 15/+15) with a beguiling smile. She has long rus-
Mentem, Quiet Magic, Self Confident*,
Object of Increased Size (MuTe 15/+14) set hair, which she keeps unbound and
Social Contacts, Special Circumstances

Magi of Hermes
uncovered in the manner of unmarried Abilities: Artes Liberales 3 (logic), Charm 2 spent three seasons instilling three more
women. She prefers to dress in simple (elders), Concentration 1 (jostled), Fi- effects into the Signet of Hallam. She
clothes: a woolen dress and kirtle with a nesse 2 (Imaginem), Folk Ken 1 (nobles), has created two copies of the Charged
leather bodice. French 5 (Norman), Guile 3 (disguise), Item she calls Pigeon Amulets. She has
Activities in last 15 years: Persephone’s first Intrigue 2 (Hermetic), Latin 4 (argu- begun to train an apprentice, and has
enchantment was the Coins of Mirth, ing), Magic Theory 6 (enchanting jew- spent four seasons so far on her educa-
Charged Items of which she initially elry), Order of Hermes Lore 2 (House tion. In the last 15 years, Persephone
made six. She made a second batch us- Tytalus), Parma Magica 3 (Corpus), has also gained 71 experience points in
ing the Lab Text and gained another Penetration 3 (Mentem), Philosophiae 3 Abilities, learned or invented 95 levels of
seven. She spent another season in the (Tytalan philosophy), Stealth 1 (towns), spells, and earned 224 experience points
lab creating the Bracelet of Clandes- Teaching 2 (Arts) in Arts. Due to her Secondary Insight
tine Insignificance. Finally, Persephone Arts: Cr 5, In 10, Mu 14 (5), Pe 10, Re 10; Virtue it was assumed that the average
started work on the Signet of Hallam, An 7, Aq 5, Au 8, Co 6, He 6, Ig 5, Im source quality for studying the Arts was
preparing the item for enchantment and 9 (5), Me 12+3, Te 10, Vi 8 8. Consequently, she gained an extra 32
instilling the first effect (in exchange Twilight Scars: Her eyes shine faintly green experience points in Forms and an extra
for this item, her covenant has made in the dark, clothes become of darker 26 experience points in Techniques.
both Persephone and Kore a longevity hue as the day progresses and lighten
ritual). In the last 15 years Persephone, again during the night, all ale within 3
has also gained 159 experience points on
Abilities, learned or invented 59 levels of
paces becomes water.
Equipment: Coins of Mirth (0 – 13, depend-
Persephone +45 years
spells, and earned 192 experience points ing on how many she has distributed),
Characteristics: Int +2, Per –1, Pre +3 (1),
in Arts. Due to her Secondary Insight Bracelet of Clandestine Insignificance,
Com +2 (1), Str –1 (1), Sta +1, Dex –1
Virtue, it was assumed that the average Pigeon Amulets (0 – 2, depending on
(1), Qik –1
source quality for studying the Arts was how many she has distributed).
Size: 0
8. Consequently, she gained an extra 40 Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Age: 66 (52)
experience points in Forms and an extra Spells Known:
Decrepitude: 1 (0)
26 experience points in Techniques. Remake the Tailor’s Craft (MuAn 15/+22)
Warping Score: 4 (70)
Disguise of the New Visage (MuCo 15/+21)
Confidence Score: 3 (9 points)
Dance of the Staves (ReHe 5/+17)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Persephone +30 years Trigger the Distant Power (CrIm 5/+7*)
Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+20)
gus; Secondary Insight; Affinity with
Muto, Improved Characteristics, Puissant
Summoning the Distant Image (InIm 25/+20)
Characteristics: Int +2, Per –1, Pre +3 (1), Mentem, Quiet Magic, Self Confident*,
Voice of the Leucrota (MuIm 4/+24)
Com +2, Str –1 (1), Sta +1, Dex –1 (1), Social Contacts, Special Circumstances
Aura of Childlike Innocence (MuIm 10/+24)
Qik –1 (when sister is near), Subtle Magic; De-
Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe 10/+26)
Size: 0 ficient Technique (Creo), Driven (best
The Factor’s Roll Call (InMe 20/+26)
Age: 51 (40) master), True Love (sister); Fear (fire)
Funding the Blackmailer’s Purse (InMe 30/+26)
Decrepitude: 0 (4) * House Virtue
Recollection of Memories Never Quite Lived (MuMe
Warping Score: 3 (45) Personality Traits: Devoted to Sister +3,
Confidence Score: 2 (6 points) Vengeful +3, Flirt +1
My Old and Dear Friend (MuMe 20/+31): Mas-
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma- Reputations: none
tery 1 (Quiet)
gus; Secondary Insight; Affinity with Combat:
I Was Never Here (PeMe 5/+26)
Muto, Improved Characteristics, Puissant Dodge: Init 0, Attack n/a, Defense 0, Dam-
Tip of the Tongue (PeMe 5/+26)
Mentem, Quiet Magic, Self Confident*, age n/a
The Call to Slumber (ReMe 10/+26)
Social Contacts, Special Circumstances Soak: +1
Trust of Childlike Faith (PeMe 10/+26)
(when sister is near), Subtle Magic; De- Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Confusion of the Numbed Will (ReMe 15/+27):
ficient Technique (Creo), Driven (best Unconscious
Mastery 1 (Fast Cast)
master), True Love (sister); Fear (fire) Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
Object of Increased Size (MuTe 15/+25)
* House Virtue (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead
Wielding the Invisible Sling (ReTe 10/+21)
Personality Traits: Devoted to Sister +3, (21+)
Shroud Magic (MuVi 15/+23)
Vengeful +3, Flirt +1 Abilities: Artes Liberales 3 (logic), Charm 2
Opening the Intangible Tunnel (ReVi 20/+19)
Reputations: none (elders), Concentration 2 (jostled), Fi-
* includes Deficient Creo
Combat: nesse 3 (Imaginem), Folk Ken 2 (nobles),
Appearance: A beautiful mature woman
Dodge: Init 0, Attack n/a, Defense 0, Dam- French 5 (Norman), Guile 3 (disguise),
with a beguiling smile. She has long rus-
age n/a Intrigue 2 (Hermetic), Latin 4 (argu-
set hair, which she keeps confined in a
Soak: +1 ing), Magic Theory 6 (enchanting jew-
crespine (a hair net) attached to the back
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, elry), Order of Hermes Lore 2 (House
of her coif. She prefers to dress in simple
Unconscious Tytalus), Parma Magica 4 (Corpus),
clothes: a woolen dress and kirtle with a
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 Penetration 4 (Mentem), Philosophiae 3
leather bodice.
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (Tytalan philosophy), Stealth 2 (towns),
Activities in last 15 years: Persephone has
(21+) Teaching 2 (Arts)

Magi of Hermes
Arts: Cr 5, In 10, Mu 16, Pe 11 (2), Re 12; in the dark, clothes become of darker like water, her fingers spark when she
An 8, Aq 6, Au 9, Co 9, He 7, Ig 5, Im hue as the day progresses and lighten casts a spell.
11, Me 13+3, Te 11, Vi 9 again during the night, all ale within 3 Equipment: Coins of Mirth (0 – 13, depend-
Twilight Scars: Her eyes shine faintly green paces becomes water, her hair ripples ing on how many she has distributed),

Companion: Kore
Kore harbors a hatred for her sister’s
(21+) Kore +30 Years
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (grammar),
pater that outmatches Persephone’s. She is Brawl 3 (knife), Chirurgy 2 (on sis- Age: 54 (51)
capable of much greater passion — where- ter), Entrancement 4 (men), Folk Ken Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre +3
as Persephone’s resentment is academic and 2 (magi), French 5 (Norman), Guile 2 (2), Com –3, Str +1 (1), Sta +1, Dex –1
considered, Kore’s is visceral. She feels that (to magi), Hex 4 (sudden fires), Infer- (1), Qik 0
Persephone has become distracted with nal Lore 3 (curses), Latin 3 (Hermetic), Decrepitude: 0 (4)
being a maga, so has taken the burden of Leadership 2 (agents), Magic Lore 3 Warping Score: 2 (6)
the vendetta onto herself. Unknown to her (fire spirits), Magic Theory 3 (spells), Virtues and Flaws: Add Compulsion
sister, her pater is observed at all times by Order of Hermes Lore 2 (local tribu- – hand washing (from Warping)
mundane agents, who are occasionally as- nal), Penetration 2 (Hex), Profession: Abilities: Area Lore 1 (around cove-
sisted with purloined magical devices. She Apothecary 3 (poisons), Stealth 1 nant), Artes Liberales 2 (grammar), Aware-
has launched several clandestine attacks (avoiding attention) ness 2 (people hiding), Brawl 4 (knife),
against him using her Hex Ability, and has Equipment: none Chirurgy 3 (on sister), Church Lore 1 (cor-
even managed to secure one of his lesser Encumbrance: 0 (0) rupt priests), Entrancement 5 (5) (men),
enchantments, knowing it to be an Arcane Appearance: A scant inch taller than her Folk Ken 3 (magi), French 5 (Norman),
Connection. Kore knows full well that sister and with the same luxurious rus- Guile 4 (to magi), Hex 7 (sudden fires),
her actions could land her sister in serious set hair, it would be easy to mistake Infernal Lore 4 (curses), Intrigue 3 (magi),
trouble with the Hermetic authorities, and Kore for her sister were it not for the Latin 4 (Hermetic), Leadership 4 (agents),
has been exceptionally careful to cover her hideous burn scar on the left side of her Magic Lore 4 (fire spirits), Magic Theory
tracks. Persephone can answer truthfully in body. The puckered flesh distorts her 3 (spells), Order of Hermes Lore 3 (local
front of the Quaesitores that she had no face into a permanent sneer. Her hands tribunal), Penetration 4 (Hex), Profession:
knowledge of her sister’s actions. constantly shake — another symp- Apothecary 4 (poisons), Stealth 3 (avoid-
tom of her wounds — and she usually ing attention)
steadies them by crossing them tightly
Kore across her chest. She habitually wears a
hooded cloak of dark-colored wool so Kore +45 Years
Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre +3, Com as to hide her face as best she can.
–3, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex –1, Qik 0 Age: 69 (62)
Size: 0 Characteristics: Int +3 (2), Per –1 (1),
Age: 24 (24) Kore +15 Years Pre +3 (2), Com –3, Str +1 (1), Sta +1, Dex
Decrepitude: 0 –2, Qik 0
Warping Score: 0 Age: 39 (38) Decrepitude: 1 (4)
Confidence Score: 1 (3 points) Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre +3, Warping Score: 3 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: Wise One; Entrance- Com –3, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex –1, Qik 0 Virtues and Flaws: Add Compulsion –
ment, Hex (see Realms of Power: The In- Decrepitude: 0 hand washing, Lesser Malediction — plants
fernal, page 85); Arcane Lore, Strong Warping Score: 1 (4) wither in her vicinity (from Warping)
Willed, True Love (sister); Enemy, Ha- Virtues and Flaws: Add Compulsion Abilities: Area Lore 2 (around cove-
tred; Disfigured, Offensive to Animals, – hand washing (from Warping) nant), Artes Liberales 3 (grammar), Aware-
Palsied Hands, Reclusive Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (gram- ness 2 (people hiding), Brawl 4 (knife),
Personality Traits: Wrathful +3, Ruthless mar), Awareness 2 (people hiding), Brawl Chirurgy 3 (on sister), Church Lore 2
+3, Devoted to Sister +2, Secretive +1 4 (knife), Chirurgy 2 (on sister), Entrance- (corrupt priests), Entrancement 7 (men),
Reputations: none ment 5 (men), Folk Ken 2 (magi), French 5 Folk Ken 3 (magi), French 5 (Norman),
Combat: (Norman), Guile 3 (to magi), Hex 5 (sud- Guile 4 (to magi), Hex 8 (sudden fires),
Knife: Init 0, Attack +4, Defense +4, Dam- den fires), Infernal Lore 4 (curses), Intrigue Infernal Lore 5 (curses), Intrigue 4 (magi),
age +3 2 (magi), Latin 3 (10) (Hermetic), Leader- Latin 4 (Hermetic), Leadership 4 (agents),
Soak: +1 ship 3 (agents), Magic Lore 4 (fire spirits), Magic Lore 5 (fire spirits), Magic Theory
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Magic Theory 3 (spells), Order of Hermes 4 (spells), Order of Hermes Lore 3 (local
Unconscious Lore 2 (local tribunal), Penetration 3 (Hex), tribunal), Penetration 4 (Hex), Profession:
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 Profession: Apothecary 4 (poisons), Stealth Apothecary 4 (poisons), Stealth 3 (avoid-
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead 3 (avoiding attention) ing attention)

Magi of Hermes
Bracelet of Clandestine Insignificance,
Pigeon Amulets (0 – 10, depending on
these are counted as four seasons in
the laboratory due to her advanced Imaginem Spells
how many she has distributed), Amor Arts. She also spent a season inventing
Sororis talisman the Invisible Hand of the Thief spell from
Encumbrance: 0 (0) a laboratory text that she had to buy
Spells Known: from a colleague. In the last 15 years,
Trigger the Distant Power
Remake the Tailor’s Craft (MuAn 15/+25) Persephone has also gained 85 experi-
Disguise of the New Visage (MuCo 15/+30 T) ence points in Abilities and earned 165 CrIm 5
Dance of the Staves (ReHe 5/+20) experience points in Arts. Due to her R: Arc, D: Mom, T: Ind
Trigger the Distant Power (CrIm 5/+9*) Secondary Insight Virtue, it was as- The caster specifies a particular noise
Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+22) sumed that the average source quality that then momentarily sounds in the vicinity
Summoning the Distant Image (InIm 25/+22) for studying the Arts was 8. Conse- of an object, place, or person to which the
Voice of the Leucrota (MuIm 4/+28) quently, she gained an extra 24 experi- caster has an Arcane Connection. The spell
Aura of Childlike Innocence (MuIm 10/+28) ence points in Forms and an extra 22 cannot duplicate a voice or say words.
Catching the Eye (CrMe 15/+11*) experience points in Techniques. Persephone uses this simple spell to
Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe 10/+27) trigger a number of different effects in the
The Factor’s Roll Call (InMe 20/+27) charged items she makes and distributes to
Music of the Unwanted Attention (InMe 25/+27) her agents. Each item is keyed to trigger its

New Spells
Funding the Blackmailer’s Purse (InMe 30/+27) effect upon hearing a commonplace noise,
Recollection of Memories Never Quite Lived (MuMe like a whine, a buzz, or a chirrup easily at-
4/+33) tributable to an insect.
My Old and Dear Friend (MuMe 20/+34): Mas- Persephone has designed the following (Base 1, +4 Arc)
tery 1 (Quiet) new spells.
I Was Never Here (PeMe 5/+28)
Tip of the Tongue (PeMe 5/+28) Voice of the Leucrota
Trust of Childlike Faith (PeMe 10/+28)
The Call to Slumber (ReMe 10/+29) Animal Spells MuIm 4
Confusion of the Numbed Will (ReMe 15/+30): R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
Mastery 1 (Fast Cast) The target’s voice is changed so that it is
Object of Increased Size (MuTe 15/+28) wholly different. This can duplicate the voice
Short Step of the Ghost (MuTe(Au) 25/+26) Remake the Tailor’s Craft
of a specific person known to the caster, or
Wielding the Invisible Sling (ReTe 10/+24) a particular accent he has heard before, or
Invisible Hand of the Thief (ReTe 20/+24) MuAn 15 simply change the voice to be different than
Opening the Intangible Tunnel (ReVi 20/+18) R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Group the target’s own. This spell does not allow the
Shroud Magic (MuVi 15/+26) Transforms a set of clothing into dif- target to speak a language that she does not
* includes Deficient Creo ferent clothes. The substance and color know. An Intelligence + Finesse roll against
T includes Talisman attunement bonus
must be preserved, but the shape and num- an Ease Factor of 6 can accurately replicate
Appearance: A beautiful older woman with ber of the garments can be altered. Thus an accent, and a 9 is needed to duplicate a
a beguiling smile. She has long russet a peasant’s woolen smock can become a specific voice. Someone more familiar with
hair, which she keeps confined in a cres- woolen dress, wimple, and cloak. An In- the person mimicked may still perpetrate the
pine (a hair net) attached to the back of telligence + Finesse roll determines the falsehood. This is also Persephone’s favored
her coif. She prefers to dress in simple quality of the new set of clothes; an Ease spell used to humiliate an opponent she has
clothes: a woolen dress and kirtle with a Factor of 6 is sufficient for a simple change, bested in certamen — she often gives them
leather bodice. although the Ease Factor is 3 points higher an unnaturally squeaky or basso profundo voice.
Activities in last 15 years: Persephone has if the new clothes are dramatically differ- A leucrota is a mythical beast that can mimic
spent 11 seasons completing her ap- ent from the old. The spell assumes that the voices of men to lure them as prey.
prentice’s training. She has instilled the the clothing is in the main of animal origin (Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
last effect into the Signet of Hallam, — wool, felt, fur, leather, and silk — which
and created eight more Pigeon Amulets is usually the case. A casting requisite of
using her laboratory text. Persephone Herbam is needed to transform garments Aura of Childlike Innocence
has spent five seasons on her talisman: that are partly of plant origin, but items
preparing it for enchantment, attun- made solely of plant matter cannot be af- MuIm 10
ing it as a talisman, and instilling two fected. Accouterments like wooden or R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
effects in it. She has also spent three metal fastenings remain unchanged. This spell is a variant of Aura of Ennobled
seasons preparing and enchanting a (Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Group) Presence, except that it causes the target to ap-
twinned item for her sister Kore. She pear more guileless, gullible, and naïve. The
has invented 85 levels of spells, but character gets a +3 to rolls to deflect suspicion

Magi of Hermes
The caster momentarily attracts the Music of the
New Guideline: target’s attention, sufficiently to make eye Unwanted Attention
contact to follow up with a spell of Range:
ReTe 4 Eye. This spell is normally redundant given InMe 25
the spectacle of spell casting; however Perse- R: Per, D: Mom, T: Hearing
Transport a target instantly up to phone has both Quiet and Subtle Magic, and The caster is able to sense anyone who
five paces. Add one magnitude for 50 a spell at Range: Eye is far more subtle than is currently aware of her. A person’s atten-
paces, two magnitudes for 500 paces, one of Range: Voice. tion, regardless how fleeting, is heard as a
three magnitudes for one league, four (Base 4, +3 Sight) musical chime, and each individual is rep-
magnitudes for seven leagues, and five resented by a different tone. She doesn’t
magnitudes for a place to which you detect any information about them other
have an Arcane Connection. The Factor’s Roll Call than they are aware of her existence. The
information gained from this spell is only
or convince others of his innocence. To those InMe 20 relevant for the moment that the spell is
affected by the caster’s Gift, his apparent in- R: Eye, D: Mom, T: Ind cast, and is only applicable to those who
nocence and unblemished honor appears This spell probes the mind of the tar- have an active interest in the caster’s pres-
sanctimonious and self-righteous (originally get to reveal if he has ever heard a specific ence. This spell operates by interrogating
in Houses of Hermes: Societates, page 96). word. Persephone uses this spell to deter- the common sense (see Art & Academe, page
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun) mine whether a given person is one of her 33) for images of the caster.
agents — since she operates her agents re- (Base 10, +3 Hearing)
motely she instructs her factors to say an ob-
Mentem Spells scure word to all recruited agents. This spell
therefore tells her if a person is in her em- Funding the
ploy. She has on occasion used it to discover Blackmailer’s Purse
whether her identity has been leaked. The
Catching the Eye word she most commonly uses is “shibbo- InMe 30
leth,” although theologians may have heard R: Eye, D: Mom, T: Ind
CrMe 15 this word before. The caster reveals a deep-seated secret
R: Sight, D: Mom, T: Ind (Base 15, +1 Eye) in the mind of the target. The caster must
have some idea about the subject of the se-
cret; this spell cannot be used to “fish” the
mind for a random secret. Instead, based on
a piece of scant information, the spell reveals
all the sordid details of a shameful deed, em-
barrassing moment, or concealed history. For
example, Persephone notices that Credo the
grog flinches every time the word “chalice”
is mentioned. This spell will reveal that in
her youth Credo stole the sacramental chal-
ice from her local church, that she dared not
fence it after committing the deed, and that
it lies buried in the packed earth beneath her
sleeping pallet.
(Base 25, +1 Eye)

My Old and Dear Friend

MuMe 20
R: Eye, D: Sun, T: Ind
The target’s memory is altered so that the
caster is “remembered” to have performed a
major favor for him in the recent past. The
caster gets to choose in what manner she ap-
pears in the altered memory. The target can-
not be convinced of the falsity of this mem-
ory until the duration of the spell expires, at
which point he realizes the deception.
(Base 4, +1 Eye, +2 Sun, +1 complexity)

Magi of Hermes
I Was Never Here (base 4, +2 Voice, +1 affect restrained Hiding in Plain Sight
objects, +1 for 50 paces transportation)
PeMe 5 MuIm 14
R: Eye, D: Mom, T: Ind Pen 0, 24/day
The target forgets meeting the caster. R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind

Prior contact between the caster and the tar- The visual and auditory species shed by
get must be limited to a brief and relatively the target acquire an anamorphic nature,
insignificant event occurring within the last tricking the viewer’s mind into misinterpret-
day, and includes the casting of this spell.
This spell is perfect for making a target for-
get seeing the maga overtly cast a spell, or
Items ing what he is seeing. As long as the wearer
of the bracelet acts in a non-threatening man-
ner and draws no attention to herself, no-one
causing a sentry to forget letting her through Persephone prefers to craft items in the will pay her the slightest notice. Their atten-
a gate. However, a person cannot be made to form of jewelry, since most of the items are tion simply glides off her as being mundane
forget who stabbed him. designed for her own use or that of her sis- and insignificant. For example, she can walk
(Base 4, +1 Eye) ter Kore. through a crowded room and no-one will
notice her passing. But should she stop to
talk to anyone, the illusion is lost for that in-
Terram Spells Coin of Mirth dividual. For the illusion to work, the victim
must fail a Perception roll with a –3 penalty
(since the illusion involves two senses). The
Persephone makes these Charged Items Ease Factor for this roll is equal to the sum of
Short Step of the Ghost in reasonable quantity, and keeps them on a die roll, the victim’s Inattentive (or similar)
hand should she need a distraction. She Personality Trait, the wielder’s Perception,
makes them in the form of a common coin and the wielder’s Finesse score. The victim’s
MuTe(Au) 25 of the realm, usually something of low value total must exceed the Ease Factor by 3 or
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Part that she distributes to her unknowing dupes more to reveal the illusion as false. See Houses
The stone in a section of wall momen- in exchange for street food or trinkets. She of Hermes: Societates, pages 65–66 for more de-
tarily becomes as permeable as mist, allowing triggers them remotely using her Triggering the tails of anamorphic illusions.
the caster to step through. The wall solidi- Distant Power spell, which can activate several Persephone is careful not to wear the
fies behind her. It affects an area as large as a coins at once. The spectacle of two or three bracelet wherever she may be in the com-
door, but the wall cannot be more than one people simultaneously erupting into sponta- pany of magi, since she could be accused of
foot thick. The highly unnatural substance neous laughter is usually sufficient distraction scrying if they perceive the illusion.
that the section of wall briefly becomes does to allow Persephone to cast a spell with vul- (base 2, +1 Touch, +1 Conc; +5 item
not affect its structural integrity. gar magical effects and remain unnoticed. maintains concentration, +5 24/day)
(Base 10, +1 Touch, +1 Part, +1 affect
Touch of Hilarity
Signet of Hallam
Invisible Hand of the Thief CrMe 10
Pen 0, charged item This Invested item effects a specific
ReTe 20 R: Touch, D: Diam, T: Ind disguise ­ — one impersonating Lord Rich-
R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind When activated, this coin causes the per- ard of Hallam — that is commonly used
Instantly transports any single object son who it is touching to burst into uncon- by Persephone, Kore, or one of the maga’s
to the hand of the caster. The object must trollable laughter. The target hoots, howls, trusted agents. The ring is made with two
be within range and be visible to the caster. chortles, guffaws, or otherwise expresses trigger words, one of which is used by male
Objects that are being held or worn can be loud hilarity. The trigger for this effect is characters, and the other by female char-
affected by this spell, and may need casting typically a chuckling sound. acters to initiate all of the same effects and
requisites for material other than that cov- (Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Diam) also change the sexual characteristics of the
ered by the Form of Terram — for example, target to those of a male. When the trigger
Animal for wool, leather, bone, or ivory; and word is said, each effect is initiated in the or-
Herbam for wood, rope, or linen. If the tar-
get object is protected by Magic Resistance
Bracelet of Clandestine der presented below, one per round.
Lord Richard of Hallam was a close
(such as an item worn by a magus), then the
spell must have sufficient Penetration.
Insignificance friend of Persephone’s covenant, whose col-
lusion proved very useful in a number of her
The base level for this effect is that for a schemes. When Richard died unexpectedly
very unnatural motion. However, for instant This simple silver bangle is a Lesser En- the covenant lost a powerful ally, so Perse-
transportation the Rego Corpus guidelines chantment created by Persephone to avoid phone used her spells to take the place of the
are consulted, which adds one magnitude unwanted attention. It cost her two pawns of minor lord. After manufacturing an excuse
for instant transportation over 5 paces, two vis to make. for his prolonged absence, she took the time
magnitudes over 50 paces, and so forth. to make this item so that anyone could play

Magi of Hermes
the role of the lord. She has gradually im- Clothes of necklace or leather thong. Each one is made
proved the efficacy of the ring over time, and Lord Richard of Hallam as a pair from the same batch of metal, and
has been handsomely compensated by her are separated at the end of the enchantment
covenant. Hallam’s widow Joanna is aware MuAn(He) 16 process. One half is kept by the maga as an
of the subterfuge and is glad of it, since the R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Group Arcane Connection to the other half; Perse-
second husband her family would match her Pen 0, 2/day phone neatly labels these with the name of
with is a bore and an idiot. This spell works just like Remake the Tailor’s the owner of the other half, and hangs them
The covenant is careful not to use the Craft, except that the effect can only change on her wall. These Arcane Connections
role of Lord Richard to meddle in mundane the target’s clothes into those of a specific typically last for years. Persephone distrib-
politics, but merely to defend their own in- description: woolen doublet and hose of utes these Charged Items to potential agents
terests in the region. Persephone has not black with red ornamentation, a white linen who she may wish to recruit at a later date,
been so conscientious when she takes over shirt, leather riding boots and a riding cape. or to skilled operatives to whom she issues
the disguise, though. After a problem involv- The outfit comes with a stylish felt hat bear- personal instructions.
ing a churchman with the Magic Sensitivity ing a red feather, and gloves.
Ability, she added an effect to hide the vari- The effect can be canceled at will, but
ous magical transformations. can only be activated twice per day. This ef- Take Me Home
The item is a signet ring made of gold, fect is triggered when the wearer of the ring
with the seal made from onyx. It was opened rubs it and says either trigger word “vir Hal- ReMe 25
with 12 pawns of vis, and has been invested lamus” or “mulier Hallamae.” Pen 0, charged item
with 11 pawns’ worth of effects. (Base 2, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 Group; R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind
+1 2/day, +5 item maintains concentration) When activated, this amulet causes the
person who it is touching to have a nagging
Face of desire to travel to a place that is designated
Lord Richard of Hallam Body of the Virile Male when the item is made. The sensation per-
sists throughout the effect’s duration, and a
MuCo 16 MuCo 11 week of this is usually sufficient to prompt
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Part R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind the target to manufacture a reason to make
Pen 0, 2/day Pen 0, 2/day the journey. The trigger for this effect is typ-
This spell works just like Disguise of the The target’s body assumes male physical ically the buzz of a bee, which can be caused
New Visage, except that the effect can only characteristics without altering other aspects remotely using Persephone’s Triggering the Dis-
duplicate the face of a single person — that of appearance. The effect can be canceled tant Power spell.
of Lord Richard of Hallam. He has black hair at will, but can only be activated twice per (Base 5, +1 Touch, +3 Moon)
and green eyes, and is clean shaven. The ef- day. This effect is triggered when the wearer
fect can be canceled at will, but can only be of the ring rubs it and says the trigger word
activated twice per day.
This effect is triggered when the wearer
“mulier Hallamae.”
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc; +1 2/day,
Fides Sororis
of the ring rubs it and says either trigger +5 item maintains concentration)
word “vir Hallamus” or “mulier Hallamae.” This Invested Item is physically the
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +1 Part; +1 twin of Persephone’s talisman, made at the
2/day, +5 item maintains concentration) Masking the Odor of Magic same time from the same batch of gold, and
bearing seven strands of the maga’s hair as
PeVi 34 a fixed Arcane Connection. The ring was
Voice of R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Group prepared for enchantment with 10 pawns
Lord Richard of Hallam Pen 0, constant effect of vis, and has been invested with 5 pawns’
Prevents the detection of any of the worth of effects. Persephone gave this ring
MuIm 9 effects in this item by magic, unless the In- to her sister Kore.
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind tellego Vim spell is greater than 30th level.
Pen 0, 2/day A character with the Magic Sensitivity Su-
This spell works just like Voice of the Leu- pernatural Ability must have a score of 6 or Repulse the
crota, except that the effect can only dupli- greater to detect the magic of this item. Unwanted Attention
cate the voice of a single person — that of (Base effect (5), +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2
Lord Richard of Hallam. He has a deep voice Group; +1 2/day, +3 environmental trigger) ReCo 35
with a distinctive Norman accent. The effect R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind
can be canceled at will, but can only be acti- Pen 0, 24/day
vated twice per day.
This effect is triggered when the wearer
Pigeon Amulet This spell is identical to the effect in
Persephone’s talisman, except that it was in-
of the ring rubs it and says either trigger vented at Range Touch since this item is not
word “vir Hallamus” or “mulier Hallamae.” Named after the bird stamped on its sur- a talisman.
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Conc; +1 2/day, face, this brass coin-shaped amulet has a hole (Base 15, +1 Touch, +1 Conc; +5 main-
+5 item maintains concentration) in the top allowing it to be threaded onto a tains concentration, +5 24/day)

Magi of Hermes
Adopt the Sister’s Face this ring are very different (see Fides Sororis Watchful Eye of
earlier). The ring was prepared for enchant- the Caring Sister
MuCo(Vi) 25 ment with 10 pawns of vis, and currently has
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Part one pawns’ worth of space left. InCo 25
Pen 0, 24/day Persephone has instilled three effects R: Arc, D: Mom, T: Ind
The target’s face is changed to be that into her talisman so far, as listed below. Pen 0, unlimited uses
of Persephone of Tytalus. The face is always Reveals the general state of health of
that of Persephone’s current appearance due Attunements anyone to whom the item’s user has an Ar-
to the presence of the indefinite Arcane +4 transform self cane Connection. Naturally, Persephone
Connection wrapped around the ring. The +4 protect self uses this effect to check on the status of her
Vim requisite in this effect taints the target +4 nobility sister when the two are apart. The effect is
with magic, so that she also appears to have triggered by turning the ring three times
The Gift by those who investigate her magi- clockwise on the finger.
cally, although the wearer temporarily gains Repulse the (Base 4, +4 Arc; +10 unlimited uses)
the Magical Air Flaw. The effect is triggered Unwanted Attention
by kissing the ring.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +1 Part, +1 ReCo 30 Opening the Intangible Tunnel
requisite; +5 item maintains concentration, R: Per, D: Conc, T: Ind
+5 24/day) Pen 0, 24/day ReVi 25
The ring confers a personal ward R: Arc, D: Conc, T: Ind
against people on the wearer of the ring. Pen 0, 1/day
Only those without Magic Resistance are As the spell of the same name, except

affected. If she is simply walking through that the talisman takes the strain of con-
a crowd the people are nudged aside to al- centrating on the Intangible Tunnel. Spells up
low her to pass. Warded individuals cannot to 20th level can be carried to the target of

Amor Sororis act across a ward in any manner, therefore

if she is attacked, her opponents’ blows al-
ways go wide, causing them to miss. She
the Arcane Connection, which is common-
ly Kore. The effect is triggered by moving
the ring from its customary position on
Persephone’s talisman is a simple gold is not protected from thrown weapons or the ring finger of the left hand, over to the
ring. Wound around the unadorned band are missiles, though. The effect is triggered by middle finger.
seven strands of her sister Kore’s hair, which holding the hand wearing the ring in front (Base effect, +4 Arc, +1 Conc; +5 item
are a fixed Arcane Connection. Kore pos- of the body, palm facing outward. maintains concentration)
sesses an identical ring with seven strands of (Base 15, +1 Conc; +5 item maintains
Persephone’s hair, but the enchantments in concentration, +5 24/day)

Chapter Eleven

Petalichus of Verditus
Concept: Spinning webs of intrigue through tive Genius, Puissant Artes Liberales, A Day’s Worth of Weaving (ReAn 10/+13*)
the use of secret Mysteries, this crafter Planetary Magic, Puissant Finesse, Puis- The Even Hand of The Determined Weaver
of seemingly humble devices is as secre- sant Magic Theory, Self-Confident, Ver- (Re(Cr)An 5/+3*)
tive, manipulative, and vindictive as his ditius Magic; Enemies (Solar Magnus), The Weaver’s Subtle Art (ReAn 5/+13*)
arachnid familiar implies. Weak Spontaneous Magic; Slow Caster, Arachne’s Tuition (ReCo 20/+13)
Driven (find the lost works), Infamous Spasms of the Uncontrolled Hand (ReCo 5/+13)
Petalichus the Weaver of Veriditus is the Personality Traits: Acquisitive +1, Decisive Lamp without Flame (CrIg 10/+5)
latest in the line of Arachne’s Children, a di- +1, Hungry for Knowledge +2 Tales of the Ashes (InIg 5/+10)
minished cult of weavers within House Ver- Reputations: Ill-tempered 4 (Magi of Thebes) Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+5)
ditius. He learned to weave magic into the Combat: Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe 10/+8)
most humble of devices, while others in his Dodge: Init –1, Attack N/A, Defense +0, Aura of Rightful Authority (ReMe 20/+10)
House wrought great weapons and exquisite Damage N/A Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5/+7)
rings. But beyond his House, his learning in Fist: Init –1, Attack +3, Defense +0, Dam- * includes Magical Focus
philosophy and the artes liberales brought age –1 Vis: Petalichus rarely carries vis himself un-
him to the attention of others, and he was Knife: Init –1, Attack +5, Defense +1, Dam- less he is sure of needing it.
soon adopted into the Cononites, a secretive age +1 Appearance: Petalichus is a good-looking
mystical cult within the Order of Hermes Soak: +0 young man, though somewhat pale and
that seeks out, reveres, and safeguards the Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, intense behind his slick dark hair. His
more esoteric works of Conon of Samos and Unconscious bearing has suffered from long years
other Greek scholars such as Euclid, Apollo- Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 spent learning his crafts, but he dresses
nius, and Archimedes. The cult taught Petali- (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead himself in elegant finery. He is precise
chus its secret magic, and in return Petalichus (21+) and the decoration on his clothes match-
crafted tools and devices to help its members Abilities: Artes Liberales 3+2 (astronomy), es this, tending toward geometric, clean,
use that learning more effectively. Petalichus Awareness 1 (searching), Bargain 1 (en- and even shapes.
the Weaver is as secretive, manipulative, chantments), Brawl 1 (Knife), Clothiery Sigil: Petalichus’s magic manifests as threads
and vindictive as his arachnid familiar leads 1 (shirts), Code of Hermes 1 (political that weave an effect, and traces of magic
others to suspect. Though his crafts may be intrigue), Constantinople Lore 3 (geog- feel like frayed edges. He votes with a sil-
humble, his ambitions are lofty and he often raphy), Finesse 1+2 (precision), Greek ver wand in the shape of a large needle.
brings the full power of his knowledge and 5 (magical terms), Guile 1 (lying to au- Casting Tools: Petalichus uses a number of
craft to bear on his enemies. He is a danger- thority), Intrigue 1 (alliances), Latin 3 oversized needles pinned into his cuffs,
ous man, operating out of sight and through (Hermetic usage), Leadership 1 (magi), each corresponding to a different spell.
agents and proxies, concealed behind a web Magic Lore 2 (magical traditions), Magic Each needle carries a different thread,
of deceit and confusion. Theory 4+2 (enchanting items), Verdi- and as the spell is cast the needle is
tius Cult Lore 1 (initiations), Parma pulled from his cuff and pierced through
Magica 1 (Ignem), Penetration 1 (Ig- a cloth held in the other hand.
Petalichus at Gauntlet nem), Philosophiae 2 (ceremonial mag-
ic), Weaver 3 (linen)
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +2, Pre 0, Com
Arts: Cr 0, In 5, Mu 0, Pe 0, Re 7, An 3, Aq
0, Au 0, Co 6, He 3, Ig 5, Im 0, Me 3,
Petalichus +15 years
0, Str –1, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik –1
Te 0, Vi 2
Size: 0 Characteristics: Int +2, Per +2, Pre 0, Com
Twilight Scars: None
Age: 25 (25) 0, Str –1, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik –1
Equipment: Good-quality clothes, wizardly
Decrepitude: 0 Size: 0
robes, workman’s clothes, loom
Warping Score: 0 (0) Age: 40 (36)
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Confidence Score: 2 (5) Decrepitude: 0
Spells Known:
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma- Warping Score: 3 (0)
Unmake This Cloth (PeAn 10/+3*)
gus; Major Magical Focus (cloth); Inven- Confidence Score: 2 (5)
A Day’s Worth of Spinning (ReAn 10/+13*)

Magi of Hermes
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Arachne’s Tuition (ReCo 20/+16) know of him and have been watching his
Magus; Major Magical Focus (Cloth); Spasms of the Uncontrolled Hand (ReCo 5/+16) progress. Petalichus invented his (level
Inventive Genius, Items of Quality, Plan- Lamp without Flame (CrIg 10/+20) 8) longevity ritual during this period,
etary Magic, Puissant Artes Liberales, Tales of the Ashes (InIg 5/+14) and it takes the form of a ritual unbind-
Puissant Magic Theory, Puissant Finesse, Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+9) ing and binding of his beard with spe-
Self-Confident, Verditius Magic; Weak Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe 10/+18) cially prepared cords.
Spontaneous Magic, Enemies (Solar Aura of Rightful Authority (ReMe 20/+16)
Magnus); Driven (Find the lost works), Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5/+11)
Hubris, Infamous, Slow Caster
Personality Traits: Acquisitive +1, Decisive
* includes Magical Focus
Vis: Petalichus has started to display the
Petalichus +30 years
+1, Hubris (Arrogant) +2, Hungry for fruits of his labors openly, and often
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +2, Pre 0, Com
Knowledge +2 wears amulets and rings carrying several
0, Str –1, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik –1
Reputations: Ill-tempered 4 (Magi of Thebes) pawns of vis, usually Rego.
Size: 0
Combat: Appearance: In the 15 years since his
Age: 55 (43)
Dodge: Init –1, Attack N/A, Defense +0, gauntle,t Petalichus has grown a long
Decrepitude: 0
Damage N/A black beard, which, like his hair, he
Warping Score: 4 (17)
Fist: Init –1, Attack +3, Defense +0, Dam- binds into cords with threads and strips
Confidence Score: 2 (15)
age –1 of cloth. His natural ill-temper has com-
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Knife: Init –1, Attack +5, Defense +1, Dam- bined with the hubris of his craft to give
gus; Celestial Magic, Major Magical
age +1 him a stern, disagreeable countenance.
Focus (Cloth); Hermetic Numerology,
Soak: +0 Activities in the last 15 years: Over the
Hermetic Geometry, Inventive Genius,
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, course of the last 15 years, Petalichus
Items of Quality, Puissant Artes Libera-
Unconscious began his journey through the Verdi-
les, Puissant Magic Theory, Puissant Fi-
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 tius mysteries taking his first initiation.
nesse, Self-Confident, Verditius Magic;
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead He also began to stretch his mundane
Weak Spontaneous Magic, Enemies (So-
(21+) knowledge, seeking out books and cor-
lar Magnus); Difficult Spontaneous Mag-
Abilities: Artes Liberales 4+2 (astronomy), respondences concerning mathematics,
ic, Driven (Find the lost works), Hubris,
Awareness 1 (searching), Bargain 1 (en- geometry, and astrology. While he has
Infamous, Slow Caster
chantments), Brawl 1 (knife), Clothiery not yet encountered the Cononites, they
2 (shirts), Code of Hermes 1 (political
intrigue), Constantinople Lore 3 (geog-
raphy), Finesse 3+2 (precision), Greek
5 (magical terms), Guile 1 (lying to au-
thority), Intrigue 1 (alliances), Latin 4
(Hermetic usage), Leadership 1 (magi),
Magic Lore 2 (magical traditions),
Magic Theory 4+2 (enchanting items)
, Verditius Cult Lore 3 (Initiations),
Parma Magica 2 (Ignem), Penetration
2 (Ignem), Philosophiae 4 (ceremonial
magic), Weaver 4 (linen)
Arts: Cr 15, In 9, Mu 1, Pe 7, Re 7, An 3,
Aq 0, Au 0, Co 9, He 3, Ig 5, Im 0, Me
9, Te 2, Vi 2
Twilight Scars: None
Equipment: Good-quality clothes, wizardly
robes, workman’s clothes, loom, cloth
shears (invested with The Perfect Fit as de-
scribed later), tapestry doorhanging (as
described later).
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Spells Known:
Unmake This Cloth (PeAn 10/+13*)
Bind Fast (ReAn(He) 5/+13*)
A Day’s Worth of Spinning (ReAn 10/+13*)
A Day’s Worth of Weaving (ReAn 10/+13*)
The Even Hand of The Determined Weaver
(Re(Cr)An 5/+13*)
The Treacherous Cloak (ReAn(He) 5/+13*)
The Weaver’s Subtle Art (ReAn 5/+13*)

Magi of Hermes
Personality Traits: Acquisitive +2, Decisive Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+26) Focus (Cloth); Hermetic Numerology,
+1, Hubris (Arrogant) +3, Hungry for Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe 10/+22) Hermetic Geometry, Inventive Genius,
Knowledge +2 Aura of Rightful Authority (ReMe 20/+22) Items of Quality, Puissant Artes Libe-
Reputations: Ill-tempered 4 (Magi of Thebes) (Rote) Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+26) rales, Puissant Finesse, Puissant Magic
Combat: Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5/+22) Theory, Self-Confident, True Friend (Id-
Dodge: Init –1, Attack N/A, Defense +0, (Rote) Sense the Weight of Divine Power (InVi mon), Verditius Magic; Weak Spontane-
Damage N/A 3/+28) ous Magic; Difficult Spontaneous Magic,
Fist: Init –1, Attack +3, Defense +0, Dam- (Rote) Sense the Weight of Faerie Power (InVi Driven (Find the lost works), Hubris, In-
age –1 3/+28) famous, Slow Caster
Knife: Init –1, Attack +5, Defense +1, Dam- (Rote) Sense the Weight of Infernal Power (InVi Personality Traits: Acquisitive +2, Decisive
age +1 3/+28) +1, Hubris (Arrogant) +4, Hungry for
Soak: +0 (Rote) Sense the Weight of Magical Power (InVi Knowledge +2, Loyal (Idmon) +3
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, 3/+28) Reputations: Ill-tempered 4 (Magi of Thebes)
Unconscious * includes Magical Focus Combat:
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 Vis: Petalichus carries a number of pawns as Dodge: Init: –1, Attack N/A, Defense +0,
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead a display of Hermetic wealth. Damage N/A
(21+) Appearance: While his longevity ritual has Fist: Init: –1, Attack +3, Defense +0, Dam-
Abilities: Artes Liberales 4+2 (astronomy), helped him retain some youth, Petalichus age –1
Awareness 1 (searching), Brawl 1 (knife), carries himself with the bearing of an ag- Knife: Init: –1, Attack +5, Defense +1, Dam-
Clothiery 2 (shirts), Code of Hermes 1 ing man. He is heavier and his clothing age +1
(political intrigue), Cononites Cult Lore reflects this; he wears heavy elaborate Soak: +0
4 (Initiating others), Constantinople robes edged with embossed leather, and Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Lore 3 (geography), Finesse 3+2 (pre- covered with ornate mystical and math- Unconscious
cision), Greek 5 (magical terms), Guile ematical symbols. Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
1 (lying to authority), Intrigue 1 (alli- Activities in the last 15 years: During this (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead
ances), Latin 4 (Hermetic usage), Lead- period of Petalichus’ life, he was ap- (21+)
ership 1 (magi), Magic Lore 2 (magical proached by the Cononites and initi- Abilities: Artes Liberales 4+2 (astronomy),
traditions), Magic Theory 5 +2 (en- ated into its secret society. He gained Awareness 1 (searching), Bargain 1 (en-
chanting items), Verditius Cult Lore 3 their trust quickly. He has all but turned chantments), Brawl 1 (knife), Clothiery
(Initiations), Parma Magica 3 (Ignem), his back on his traditional Verditius 2 (shirts), Code of Hermes 1 (political
Penetration 3 (Ignem), Philosophiae 4 Mysteries. It is worth noting that the intrigue), Cononites Cult Lore 4 (Ini-
(ceremonial magic), Weaver 4 (linen) Initiations Petalichus has endured up to tiating others), Constantinople Lore 3
Arts: Cr 15, In 13, Mu 1, Pe 10, Re 13, An this point have left him unable to work (geography), Finesse 3+2 (precision),
3, Aq 0, Au 1, Co 11, He 3, Ig 5, Im 13, Spontaneous magic, as he now suf- Greek 5 (magical terms), Guile 3 (lying
Me 9, Te 9, Vi 9 fers from both the Weak and Difficult to authority), Intrigue 2 (alliances), Latin
Twilight Scars: His fingers are longer than Spontaneous Magic flaws. He is reliant 4 (Hermetic usage), Leadership 2 (magi),
is natural. on a number of casting tablets supplied Magic Lore 2 (magical traditions), Magic
Equipment: Good-quality clothes, wizardly by his brother Cononites (see Cov- Theory 7+2 (enchanting items), Verdi-
robes, workman’s clothes, loom, cloth enants, page 89) for many simple spells. tius Cult Lore 3 (Initiations), Parma
shears (invested with The Perfect Fit as Assume that Petalichus has any reason- Magica 4 (Ignem), Penetration 4 (Ig-
described later), tapestry doorhanging able Intellego spell up to fourth magni- nem), Philosophiae 4 (ceremonial mag-
(as described later), selection of casting tude. He also began to experiment with ic), Weaver 4 (linen)
tablets, Distaff of Petalichus talisman (as creating ligatures (Art & Academe, page Arts: Cr 15, In 13, Mu 3, Pe 10, Re 13, An
described later). 68) at this time, another influence from 11, Aq 1, Au 2, Co 11, He 13, Ig 5, Im
Encumbrance: 0 (0) the Cononites. 13, Me 12, Te 11, Vi 8
Spells Known: Twilight Scars: His fingers are longer than
Unmake This Cloth (PeAn 10/+16*) is natural.
Bind Fast (ReAn(He) 5/+19*)
A Day’s Worth of Spinning (ReAn 10/+19*)
Petalichus +45 years Equipment: Good-quality clothes, wizardly
robes, workman’s clothes, loom, cloth
A Day’s Worth of Weaving (ReAn 10/+19*) shears (invested with The Perfect Fit as
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +2, Pre 0, Com
The Even Hand of The Determined Weaver described later), tapestry doorhanging
0, Str –1, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik –1
(Re(Cr)An 5/+19*) (as described later), selection of casting
Size: 0
The Treacherous Cloak (ReAn(He) 5/+19*) tablets, Greater Numerologist’s Book
Age: 70 (54)
The Weaver’s Subtle Art (ReAn 5/+19*) (Book Bonus +8 and enchanted with
Decrepitude: 0
Arachne’s Tuition (ReCo 20/+24) Sense the Hour and the “Halysis” effects
Warping Score: 6 (7)
Remain Within Those Walls (ReCo 20/+24) as described later), The Map of Many
Confidence Score: 2 (15)
Spasms of the Uncontrolled Hand (ReCo 5/+24) Places (as described later), three candles
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Lamp without Flame (CrIg 10/+20) invested with The Light of Fell Disease, one
gus; Celestial Magic, Major Magical
Tales of the Ashes (InIg 5/+18) Sheet of Flame, and The Convenient Door (as

Magi of Hermes

New Spells
described later), Distaff of Petalichus tal- Activities in the last 15 years: Much of
isman (as described later). Petalichus’ time during this period
Encumbrance: 0 (0) was spent crafting his numerologist’s
Spells Known: book, copies of which he supplied to Petalichus has developed these spells.
Unmake This Cloth (PeAn 10/+30*) the Cononites cult. His ambitious na-
Bind Fast (ReAn(He) 5/+34*) Mastery 1 ture also asserted itself and he created
(Fast-Cast) a number of items with overtly offen-
A Day’s Worth of Spinning (ReAn 10/+33*) sive aims. As Petalichus approached Animal Spells
A Day’s Worth of Weaving (ReAn 10/+33*) his seventieth year, he finally bested
The Even Hand of The Determined Weaver his age-old enemy Solar Magnus while
(Re(Cr)An 5/+33*) both were scouring Canterbury for an
The Treacherous Cloak (ReAn(He) 5/+34*) Mas- ancient text. His future is uncertain Unmake This Cloth
tery 1 (Penetration) from this point onward, though his
The Weaver’s Subtle Art (ReAn 5/+33*) friends within the Cononites may ex- PeAn(He) 10
Arachne’s Tuition (ReCo 20/+24) ploit their connections and influence R:Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
Remain Within Those Walls (ReCo 20/+24) in his defense. This spell unravels an item made of
Spasms of the Uncontrolled Hand (ReCo 5/+24) cloth, whether it be wool, linen, cotton, or
Lamp without Flame (CrIg 10/+20) silk. An Herbam casting requisite is required
Tales of the Ashes (InIg 5/+18) for for plant-based cloth.
Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+26) The garment, tapestry, or other item is
To See As Though a Plethron Distant (InIm disassembled carefully with all knots undone
25/+26) and stitching unpicked.
The Unwelcoming Room (CrMe 30/+27)
Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe 10/+26)
Mastery 1 (Still casting)
(Rote) Recollection of Memories Never Quite Lived Familiar: Idmon the Spider
(MuMe 4/+29)
Aura of Rightful Authority (ReMe 20/+25) Characteristics: Int –3, Per –2, Pre –5, points, Init +3
(Rote) Scribe the Perfect Circle (Re(Cr)Te 4/+38) Com –6, Str –10, Sta +1, Dex +3, Weaver’s Trap of Webs (CrAn 35) 4 points,
(Rote) Unseen Arm (ReTe 5/+38) Qik +4 Init +1
Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5/+21) Magic Might: 10 (Animal) Vis: 1 pawn of Rego in its legs.
(Rote) Sense the Weight of Divine Power (InVi Size: –6 Gold Cord: 2, Silver Cord: 1, Bronze
3/+35) Natural Qualities: Ambush Predator, Cord: 2
(Rote) Sense the Weight of Faerie Power (InVi Grapple, Loathsome Appearance, Bond Powers:
3/+35) Venomous Mental Communication, as per the level 15
(Rote) Sense the Weight of Infernal Power (InVi Virtues and Flaws: True Friend (Petali- effect in ArM5, page 105. This effect
3/+35) chus), Piercing Gaze; Envious (Minor) works on both Idmon and Petalichus.
(Rote) Sense the Weight of Magical Power (InVi Personality Traits: Sinister +2, Loyal (Pet- Shared Senses, as per the level 30 effect in
3/+35) alichus) +3 ArM5, page 105. Only Idmon’s senses
A Day’s Grace (ReVi 30/+21) Reputations: None are shared with Petalichus.
* includes Magic Focus Combat: Appearance: Idmon is an unnaturally
Vis: Aware of his limitations with Spontane- Dodge: Init +4, Attack N/A, Defense +7, large, fragile-looking spider with long,
ous magic, Petalichus retains a personal Damage N/A angular legs jutting out from a smooth
supply of Rego vis in order to boost the Teeth: Init +4, Attack +10, Defense +9, armored body. Idmon’s many eyes glit-
penetration of the few offensive spells Damage –9 ter and they reflect the bright patterns
he knows. Grapple: Init +4, Attack +6, Defense +7, that cover its carapace.
Appearance: Now looking like a man in his Damage N/A
mid-fifties, with his twisted and bound Soak: +1 Petalichus named his familiar Idmon
beard turning grey, his hair receding, Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, after the father of Arachne, but if the spi-
and his brows thick and protruding, Unconscious der has a true name it has not yet revealed
Petalichus has the presence of author- Wound Penalties: –1 (1), –3 (2), –5 (3), it even to Petalichus. Idmon often travels
ity that only maturity can bring. He is Incapacitated (4), Dead (5) with Petalichus, but is aware of his physi-
adorned with devices (both of his own Abilities: Awareness 4 (prey), Brawl 3 cal limitations so prefers to remain close to
making, and others the provenance of (teeth), Climb 5 (webs), Hunt 4 (in- his master. However, on many occasions
which may never be certain), rings, his sects), Greek 5 (magical terms), Latin the magus sends his familiar out into the
talisman, a large book slung in a satchel, 4 (Hermetic usage), Penetration 4 night to find and retrieve an Arcane Con-
his heavy robes, and Idmon his sinister (Mentem), Stealth 4 (stalking), Sur- nection to a new target.
arachnid familiar. vival 3 (home area), Weaver 5 (webs) Petalichus found his familiar some-
Powers: what late in life, when he was into his
Panic of the Trembling Heart (CrMe 15) 2 mid-fifties.

Magi of Hermes
The item is reduced to discrete piles of an Ease Factor of 12 (Craft Ease Factor 9 + 3 self, can be made even and precise. The Creo
thread. A Dexterity + Finesse simple roll for using Craft Magic). requisite ensures that the lines and shapes af-
determines how orderly these piles are ar- Failing the roll results in a badly spun fected by this spell are perfect examples of
ranged and sorted. fleece, probably with flecks of dirt still cling- their type.
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Herbam requisite) ing to the thread. A botched roll ruins the This spell is used to enhance items, espe-
fleece outright, though this may not be im- cially when making Excellent-quality wares,
mediately apparent. or Items of Quality as per the Verditius
Bind Fast See Covenants, page 49 for more on Rego House Mystery detailed in Houses of Hermes:
Craft Magic. Mystery Cults, page 124.
ReAn(He) 5 (Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Group) The application of this spell alone is
R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Group not enough to raise the true quality of an
The targets’ clothes seek out and bind item (it cannot be made more hardy or
themselves to the nearest other object, mov- A Day’s Worth of Weaving more richly colored, for instance), but it
ing or not. If the members of a group are is enough to aid spells that require certain
standing sufficiently close, this spell binds ReAn 10 mathematical resonances.
them together. The magic lasts just long R:Touch, D: Mom, T: Group The individual changes made by the
enough for the clothes to bind themselves This spell is exceptionally good at mak- spell may stand out and draw the eye of
into knots, and then dissipates allowing the ing simple cloth, but casters may find it dif- those interested in the piece. Those look-
targets to free themselves by undoing or cut- ficult to create cloth of any great quality or ing at the work should make a Perception +
ting the knotted cloth. highly patterned tapestries. The table below Awareness + simple die roll against an Ease
While all of a target’s surface clothing lists the base Ease Factors for weaving bolts Factor of 9. On a success they notice the
will writhe and seek out something to bind of cloth in a single casting. Treat each bolt precision of the affected areas. Those who
to, there is no guarantee that all of it can. If of cloth as being two paces in length by one have the ability may substitute their Weav-
the clothes are close-fitting, or there is not pace wide. Successive castings can extend er craft ability for Awareness when making
enough slack in the garment, the cloth will the current bolt of cloth rather than creating the check.
simply flail for a moment and then fall dor- a new item. Members of Petalichus’ lineage A Herbam casting requisite is required
mant. If there is sufficient cloth but there is have traditionally used this spell in practic- for tapestries that include plant-based cloth
nothing within its reach, the target may still ing their Finesse. or yarn.
become bound up as his clothes wrap and tie The caster makes a Perception + Finesse (Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Part, +1 for size,
themselves around his limbs. (precision) + stress die and compares the re- +1 for Creo requisite)
Affected targets suffer a –3 penalty to sult against the table below.
all subsequent rolls for physical actions, but
can free themselves by either dedicating a Cloth Bolt’s Level Craft Magic The Treacherous Cloak
round to cutting or tearing the clothing, or Quality Ease Factor
by spending two rounds working to untie Shoddy Trivial 6 ReAn 5
the knots. Standard Simple 9 R: Sight, D: Conc, T: Ind
Storyguides may wish to give other op- Superior Average 15 This spell uses a target’s clothes against
tions to particularly large, strong, or dexter- Excellent Hard 18 him, twisting them into cords that then
ous characters. strangle the target for as long as the caster
Until members of the target group have It is a harder task to create patterned keeps concentrating.
freed themselves, successive castings of this cloth. A simple repeating pattern adds +3 to Using the deprivation rules in ArM5,
spell have no further effect. the Ease Factor, while an image or words wo- page 180, the target must make a Stamina
(Base 1, +2 Voice, +2 Group) ven into the cloth adds +6. check every 5 rounds. Additionally, the tar-
See City & Guild, page 67 for more on get can attempt a Strength + Athletics stress
item quality. A Herbam casting requisite is roll against the caster’s Dexterity + Finesse
A Day’s Worth of Spinning required for work involving cotton or linen. Simple roll in order to break the grip of the
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Group) clothes. If the character is being helped, use
ReAn 10 the highest Strength + Athletics score and
R:Touch, D: Mom, T: Group add 1 for each other person helping.
One of the first spells taught to Peta- The Even Hand of The target can attempt a Brave Personal-
lichus by his mater, this spell cleans, cards, The Determined Weaver ity Trait roll against an Ease Factor of 9 in
and spins a whole fleece, or a bale of cotton order to perform an action other than at-
or flax, into thread in a matter of moments. Re(Cr)An 5 tempting to free himself from the grip of his
If dye is available when the spell is cast, the R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Part own clothes.
thread can be dyed as the caster directs. A Like The Weaver’s Subtle Art (below), this The caster must, as usual, succeed in
Herbam casting requisite is required for spell makes a lasting change to a tapestry or Concentration rolls each round.
plant-based cloth. other item made from cloth (whether made (base 1, +3 Sight, +1 Concentration)
This is an Average task for a mundane from wool, cotton, silk, or linen).
spinner, so the caster must make a Perception Any geometric shape or regular line in or
+ Finesse (precision) + stress die roll against on the item, or even the shape of the item it-

Magi of Hermes
The Weaver’s Subtle Art Two seasons of using this spell on an ap- The “plethron” of the spell title is a Greek
prentice counts as one year of being under measurement roughly equivalent to 100 feet,
ReAn 5 a constant magical effect as per ArM5, page although the spell’s range allows for a poten-
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Part 168, and inflicts 1 Warping point in that year. tially greater distance.
This spell allows the caster to make mi- (Base 4, +1 Eye, +2 Sun, +1 control over Petalichus and his brother Cononites
nor alterations to a finished tapestry or em- fine movements) have investigated this spell, as Petalichus
broidered item, such as changing a subject’s had anticipated that he would be able to use
pose, improving a likeness, or rewording an it to gain sight of new viable targets. This
embroidered phrase. The change is minor in Remain Within Those Walls proved not to be the case. William Bonisa-
relation to the whole, never making up more gi theorized that the species, recreated as
than a fraction of the item, but as this spell ReCo 20 they are, bear insufficient connection to
can act on large tapestries, the individual R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Arcane Circle the things they represent to support casting
change may itself be quite large. The change A variant on a warding theme, this spell spells against them. By being so far removed,
retains the original character of the work, so cast with an Arcane Circle target both impris- the magus would essentially be attempting to
the intrinsic workmanship cannot, in itself, ons people within its bounds and prevents cast his spells on mere apparitions.
be improved through this spell. them from crossing into the Arcane Circle. However, using this spell to aid with
The version known to Petalichus was The Arcane Circle target is usable by Hermetic Geometry spells (those using Ar-
handed down through generations of his those who know the Hermetic Geometry cane Line, Arcane Circle, and Arcane Ring)
confraternity. Casters who know this version Mystery, and allows the caster to draw a cir- reduces the Distance Level by 1 if the caster
may use their Weaver craft ability in place of cle at his location while calculating and cast- can now see his target. This is cumulative
Finesse when determining the quality of the ing against a sympathetically identical circle with other spells or devices that may also
effect. Magi who invent this spell, or learn it in a remote location (see The Mysteries Revised reduce the Distance Level (see The Worldly
from another source, use Finesse as normal. Edition, page 95). Halysis later).
A Herbam casting requisite is required Those with Resistance (through Parma The Target is based on Room, but is more
for tapestries using plant-based thread. or Might) are not confined or restricted un- complex as it allows unbounded spaces to be
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Part, +1 for size, less this spell Penetrates that resistance. Ar- targeted. Any area comparable to Room can
+1 for Finesse) cane Connections to a named target may be be targeted.
used in order to increase the Penetration as (Base 2, +3 Sight, +1 Concentration, +3
normal, though the increased Penetration is Special target based on Room +1)
Corpus Spells only valid against that named target.
As the base effect for warding spells is
Touch, Ring, Circle, the Arcane Circle tar-
get raises the level of the spell by one magni-
Mentem Spells
Arachne’s Tuition tude as it is more complex than its mundane
equivalent, but no modifier is required for
either Touch or Ring. The Unwelcoming Room
ReCo 20 (base 15, +1 Arcane Circle)
R:Eye, D: Sun, T: Ind
Cast by a master on his apprentice, this CrMe 30
spell allows the master to control the ap-
prentice’s movements for a day.
Imaginem Spells R: Line, D: Conc, T: Room
Targeted on a distant room using the
The caster can suspend the spell, allowing Arcane Line Range, this spell induces anger
the apprentice to continue with a task or exer- in all affected targets. A stress roll using an
cise, and then resume control in order to help To See As Though appropriate Personality Trait (like Calm or
the apprentice through a particularly complex Restrained) against an Ease Factor of 9 is
a Plethron Distant
task or to correct his student and show how required to keep the anger under control.
something should be done. The apprentice Aggressive traits (like Argumentative, In-
learns at a much deeper level by having his InIm 25 tolerant, or Angry) work against the roll. A
own actions controlled from within, rather R: Sight, D: Conc, T: Special failure inclines the target to aggressive ac-
than simply being guided from without. This spell allows the caster to see and tion against anyone or anything that could
This spell is designed to assist with the hear his surroundings as though he was appear or feel threatening.
training of physical skills, notably craft skills. standing in another place he can naturally Petalichus knows the effect The Gift has
Each season a master uses this spell to instruct see. The spell does not enhance the caster’s on mundanes, and recognizes that the fear
an apprentice, he can add 1 to his Training natural sight or hearing. and distrust it fosters in them can easily be
Source Quality (see ArM5, page 164). The caster has some freedom to move triggered into something more dangerous.
This version was developed genera- his vantage point, but cannot move into any Petalichus uses this spell to heighten ten-
tions ago within Petallichus’ line of Verditius place that he cannot naturally see from his sions and use them against his enemies from
weavers, though others certainly exist else- physical location. Moving the viewpoint a position of safety.
where within House Verditius and perhaps requires a Simple Stamina + Concentration (Base 4, +3 Line, +1 Concentration,
also in other Houses. Roll vs. Ease Factor 6. +2 Room)

Magi of Hermes
Vim Spells during the initial casting. Once the spell has
been cast, the target will still be affected by
Petalichus has three other rotes that each
perform the same effect for one of the oth-
it whether or not that target is still visible er three Realms.
to the caster or not, though only where that (Base 2, +1 Touch)
A Day’s Grace target remains in the same location until the
spell is triggered.
(base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Hours - equiva- Scribe the Perfect Circle
ReVi 30 lent of Sun)
R: Touch D: Hours T: Individual Re(Cr)Te 4
Using this spell, the caster is able to sup- R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
press one other spell he casts at the same
time as this spell for a Duration counted in
Sample Rotes As the spell described in The Mysteries Re-
vised Edition, page 96.
Celestial Hours (see The Mysteries Revised Edi-
tion, page 49). Petalichus has invented the following
The suppressed spell can have a level up effects as Rotes, the simple magical effects The Unseen Arm
to 25 and may be Spontaneous, Ceremonial available to students of Hermetic Numerol-
or Formulaic. Ritual spells are too complex to ogy. See The Mysteries Revised Edition, page 92 ReTe 5
be suppressed by this spell although should for details on casting. R: Voice, D: Conc, T: Ind
a version of this spell be designed as a Ritual As the spell listed in ArM5, page 155.
that should be possible.
Spells with Circle and/or Ring Duration Sense the Weight
(including Arcane Circle and Arcane Ring) of Divine Power Recollection of Memories
are also suppressed but fail if the circle in- Never Quite Lived
scribed during casting is broken before the InVi 3
spell is released (Arcane Circles and Rings R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind MuMe 4
are still visible to those with Second Sight, This rote (designed using the Hermetic R: Eye, D: Sun, T: Ind
and may be broken by them before the spell Numerology Mystery Virtue) is a simple As the spell listed in ArM5, page 149.
is released). effect to tell the caster what strength of
Sight-Ranged spells must be targeted Divine aura he is currently standing in.

Petalichus created the following items.

Items of Quality
Many of the items Petalichus made for
both his mundane and his Hermetic cus-
tomers were Items of Quality (see Houses of
Hermes: Mystery Cults, page 124) that he was
able to create after being initiated into the
deeper Mysteries of his House. Those listed
below are just a sample.

Battle Standard
This standard was crafted for a wealthy
Byzantine noble and grants a +2 bonus to
Leadership when used on the battlefield. In-
terestingly, while the standard has been de-
signed for the specific noble, if the standard
is ever captured in battle, the capturing side
benefits from the Leadership bonus.

Magi of Hermes
Cloth Shears day. The jeweled clasp at the cloak’s throat The Weight of All
forms the focus for the Eye contact Range, Perdition Be Upon You
Petalichus brought the inherent quality and the device is activated through stroking
of these fine steel shears out to assist him this clasp. Cr(Pe)Me(Co) 35
with his more mundane work. The shears This cloak brought Petalichus to the at- R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
grant a +2 bonus to rolls to create or mend tention of the Tribunal. His handiwork was Pen +20, Unlimited use
clothing. But he took the process further recognized and charges of interfering with Expires: 70 Years
and enchanted the shears with Rego Craft mundanes were brought against him for giv- On touching the tapestry, the target
Magic (see below) and found that the qual- ing such a device to a man known to have feels a scalding pain in whatever part of his
ity also aided the spell. The shears grant the lofty ambitions. Petalichus defeated the body came into contact with it. The pain
same bonus to Finesse rolls (when making or charge by producing his Lab Text for the de- does no damage and fades over the next few
mending clothes) called for when using the vice and proving that he had imbued no Pen- seconds, but it feels like a deep burn and the
enchantment (see below). etration, thereby ensuring that the Divinely memory lingers.
ordained natural order (Realms of Power: The Alongside the pain, the target hears a
Divine, page 42) could not be upset. thousand demonic voices crying out for his
Cuirass of Steel (base5, +1 Eye, +2 Sun; +4 12/day) soul inside his mind in some unholy language.
The affected target must succeed in a Brave
Despite its name, this cuirass is leather, Personality Trait against an Ease Factor of 9
not steel. Petalichus brought out the natural
protective quality of armor to give this el-
Sanctum Door Hanging in order to pass the tapestry. If the target has
previously been affected by the Come No Further
egant embossed leather cuirass a +4 Soak bo- effect, he receives a –3 penalty to the roll.
nus (the maximum Petalichus could achieve This tapestry, which is large enough (base 4, +1 Touch, +2 requisites; +10 un-
at that time). The armor retained its relative to hang in front of a sizable door, bears a limited/day, +10 penetration)
lightness while becoming as hard as steel. He stark white sanctum marker against a deep
granted the cuirass to his shield grog, Adras- red background. From a distance it appears
tos, in return for his long service and loyalty.
This partial leather scale gives protection of
plain, though threaded through with various
shades. A closer look reveals unnerving im-
The Light of
7 and a load of 3. ages of damnation and death that loom out
of the tapestry.
Fell Disease
The purpose of the tapestry is to pro-
Loom tect whatever room Petalichus happens to PeCo 30
be using as a temporary sanctum. He often R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Room
Petalichus has brought out his loom’s has cause to travel, and ensures that he takes Pen: +0
intrinsic quality to work cloth. As a loom this device with him to warn curious ser- Byzantine politics can be as swift and
has a very specialized use, it benefits from a vants and innkeepers away from the secrets brutal as any in Venice or Rome, and on
+4 shape and material bonus to weave cloth of wizards. more than one occasion Petalichus has re-
(Petalichus could instead have brought out The sanctum marker design is for the sorted to baser measures to dispose of those
a +2 shape and material bonus with Imagi- benefit of magi, as Petalichus doubts the who might stand in his way. This enchanted
nem). This bonus applies to all mundane Penetration built into the device’s effects will candle (created as a charged device with one
weaving work done on the loom. He also stop a committed magus of any worth. charge per candle), when lit, unleashes the
spent a season investing the loom with the deadly disease Variola (Small Pox), affecting
Day’s Worth of Weaving spell effect (see above) all in the same room as the candle.
with two uses per day. The Finesse rolls re- Come No Further This version of the device has no Pene-
quired by this effect also benefit from the tration, so cannot affect any potential targets
+4 bonus. CrMe 45 with Magic Resistance. And as the Duration
Pen +12, Constant Effect is Momentary, the disease is not communica-
Expires: 70 Years ble (however, in their weakened state, victims
The Cloak of Authority R: Sight, D: Sun, T: Room
This constant effect causes all those who
may become infected with further plagues
and these may be passed on to others).
pass in front of or approach the tapestry to All those affected by the effect must
ReMe 24 feel distinctly uneasy in its presence. Those make a Stamina + Living Conditions Modi-
R: Eye, D: Sun, T: Ind affected by the spell must succeed in a Brave fier + Wound Penalty + stress die roll against
Pen +0, 12/day (or other appropriate) personality trait stress an Ease Factor of 9. Failing the roll means the
This exquisite ceremonial cloak, embroi- roll against an Ease Factor of 9 in order to target has contracted the disease.
dered with majestic and astrological iconog- touch the tapestry. The effect has a Penetra- Each week that the target is attended to
raphy, was designed for a mundane noble tion of +12, sufficient perhaps to warn off by a physician, he makes a Stamina + Medi-
who, in the way of Byzantine politics, was apprentices or inexperienced magi. cine + (the worse of the Fatigue or Wound
uncertain of the loyalty of those around him. (Effect: base 4, +3 Sight, +2 Sun, +2 Penalty) + stress die roll against an Ease Fac-
The cloak is invested with The Aura of Rightful Room; Modifications: +1 2/day, +3 environ- tor of 9 to remain stable, or 15 to improve.
Authority (ArM5, page 151) with 12 uses per mental trigger, +6 penetration) If the target’s condition worsens, he loses a

Magi of Hermes
Long-term Fatigue level that cannot be re-
gained except through medical treatment.
The Map of This is an unnatural movement and the
walls knit back together at the end of the
An improvement is represented by regaining Many Places effect’s duration with little or no evidence
a Long-term Fatigue Level. If the character of there having been a disturbance. Consis-
goes beyond the Unconscious level, there is In(Re)Im(An) 25 tent with his sigil, the holes appear to be like
nothing more that can be done except to call R: Sight, D: Mom, T: Vision tears through cloth.
for a priest. Pen: +0, 1/Day The chalk in the bag is non-magical and
The candles that carry this effect are eas- This device is a woven cloth map that is incidental, being used simply to activate
ily spotted by those who know what to look has the ability to re-weave itself, redrawing the effect. The effect itself is generated by
for. They bear small inscriptions that spiral the map to fit with its current location. It the bag, which is decorated with images of
up the shaft of the candle that may be rec- works by taking the image of the immediate doors on each of its four panels.
ognized as having Perdo Corpus resonances, area, as though from 100 paces straight up, (base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Diameter, +3
but to the untrained eye they may simply and then re-weaving the threads in the map Structure, +1 Herbam requisite, +1 affect
look more elaborate than is necessary for a to match what it has seen. stone)
simple candle. The effect is refined enough to pick
Quaesitor Valeria of the covenant of Do- out any constraining city walls and, if cast
num Chanuti uncovered evidence that Peta-
lichus had used such a device in the murder
within those walls, will only map that area.
The map is not accurate enough to represent
of Thomas Roxbury, a notary in the employ
of House Guernicus, when his pursuit of So-
smaller streets and alleys, or pick out indi-
vidual buildings unless they are sizable, such
Numerologist’s Book
lar Magnus led him to Canterbury. as churches.
(base 20 +1 Touch, +2 Room) If used with Hermetic Geometry Arcane This heavy book brings together copies
Line, Circle, and Ring spells, the map reduc- of De Astrologia (a work on astrology contain-
es the Distance Level by 1 (see The Mysteries ing the Chaldean Observations), Parapegma
Dreams You Shall Revised Edition, page 95). This is cumulative
with other tools.
(forecasts of the risings and settings of the
stars), and Pros Thrasydaion (a mathemati-
Not Wake From (base 1, +3 Sight Range, +4 Sight Tar-
get, +1 complexity)
cal work concerning conics and circles and
their intersections). This unique collection
of works, kept alive by the Cononites, serves
CrIg 48 as a focus for both Numerological and Astro-
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Room
Pen: +30, 1 charge
The Convenient Door logical spell casting.
Petalichus has enchanted several copies
This charged device, each charge in of this volume, including his own, with Sense
the form of a single bedsheet, is triggered ReTe(He) 25 the Hour as per The Mysteries Revised Edition, page
through a target laying upon it. It contains R: Touch, D: Diam, T: Structure 51. In addition, his own volume contains the
a powerful Creo Ignem effect that creates a Pen: +0, 1/Day following enchantments:
raging magical fire that starts at the sheet and The small cloth chalk bag hanging on
instantly spreads to take in everything in the Petalichus’ belt is another of his enchant-
room (the extent of the magical target). The ments. By using the chalk from the bag to The Worldly Halysis
fire may spread beyond the room as the heat draw an outline on a wall, the magi triggers
and flames burn naturally once the magical an effect that opens up a hole in that wall or InTe 10
impetus finishes. structure by moving the Terram or Herbem R: Arc, D: Mom, T: Ind
In the round the device is triggered, all components of the wall aside. The result is Pen: +0, 3/Day
targets within the room take +20 damage a direct line of sight between the caster and This effect informs the caster of the
from the intense searing fire. This is a magi- open air or to some substance that is not part exact distance, expressed in paces, from his
cal attack and can be resisted. Until the fire of the structure. current location to the location described by
is put out or the target(s) leave the area, they Minor obstacles such as chairs, tables, the Arcane Connection.
continue to take +10 damage each round or other furniture do not obstruct the effect. This effect combines well with other
from natural fire. Storyguides may want to The effect is strong enough to affect stone spells using the Arcane Line Range, Arcane
consider further effects on the target build- and glass but not metal. The size of the holes Circle Target and Arcane Ring Duration (all
ing after such an explosive blaze. The impact created by the effect are determined by the granted by the Hermetic Geometry Mystery
table in ArM5, page 181, may help. size of the chalk outline, but they cannot be Virtue) as it reduces the time the caster needs
Through subterfuge, Petalichus success- made larger than is necessary for the caster to spend calculating the distance between
fully deployed this device in his infamous to step comfortably through. the caster and the target. Using this effect
defeat of Solar Magnus in Canterbury. He The Structure Target allows the effect to reduces the Distance Level (see The Myster-
had learned of his enemy’s cyclic magic and force holes through several walls in the same ies Revised Edition, page 95) between the caster
knew when his magic resistance would be at casting. This effect works no matter which and his target by 3. So a target at Distance
its weakest. surface the outline is drawn on — whether Level 8 (180 – 225 paces) can be targeted
(base 15 +1 Touch, +2 Room; +15 pen- a wall, a ceiling, or a floor (though of course as though he were at Distance Level 5 (75
etration, +3 environmental trigger) lead roofs cause this spell to fail at the last). – 105 paces).

Magi of Hermes
Although the effect provides an accurate
number of paces between caster and target,
this number must still be included in the
Talisman: This effect operates as per the spell of
the same name (ArM5, page 157) with the
exception that it has a constant effect, de-
caster’s calculations for remote spell-casting,
hence the reduction in the Distance Level
Distaff of tecting scrying spells of up to level 30 (the
base level of this effect is 15). Note that all
rather than an outright negation of it.
The effect is named for the Halysis,
an ancient Greek measuring chain used by
Petalichus scrying attempts are detected, whether they
breach Petalichus’ Parma Magica or not.
As Petalichus enchanted this effect into
mathematicians and engineers to ensure his talisman, he feels the effect of the spell
measurements were constant and correct. Petalichus took a greatstaff in the shape each time he takes up or carries his staff.
(base 2, +4 Arcane Connection; +2 of a distaff as his talisman, to represent his (base 15, +2 Sun; +4 constant effect)
3/day) heritage. But the staff is full of mathematical
resonances, from being carved and shaped
with four sides rather than rounded smooth, The Gaze of Others
The Bodily Halysis to the complex ratios between the position-
ing of symbols and inscriptions up its shaft. CrIg 17
InCo 32 These symbols are picked out in white R: Per, D: Conc, T: Ind,
R: Arcane Connection D: Momentary T: against the deep black polish of the staff. Pen: +0, 50/day
Individual Triggered by The Invisible Eye Revealed also
Pen: +30, 3/Day Attunements installed in the talisman.
As The Worldly Halysis except that this +4 control things at a distance (staff) When The Invisible Eye Revealed effect de-
effect operates through the form of Corpus +4 destroy things at a distance (staff) tects a scrying attempt, several of the white
and informs the caster of the exact number inscriptions on the staff glow with a soft light.
of paces between the caster and the target The effect is subtle and barely noticeable in
described by the Arcane Connection. The Invisible Eye Revealed daylight, but Petalichus is a suspicious man
(base 3, +4 Arcane Connection; +2 3/ (variant) and always keeps a watchful eye on his talis-
day, +15 penetration) man when he doesn’t have it in his hand.
InVi 29 (base 2, +1 Concentration; +6 levels
R: Per, D: Sun, T: Touch 50/day, +5 item maintains concentration, +3
Pen: +0, Constant Effect triggered effect)

Chapter Twelve

Ranulf of Flambeau
Concept: This magus aims to master fire Method Caster, Puissant Ignem*, Puis- Enduring Flame (MuIg 10/+25 F)
magic, developing a wide range of new sant Magic Theory, Puissant Penetra- Boreal Flames (Mu(Pe)Ig 15/+25 F)
spells and effects, including non-violent tion; Deficient Technique (Intellego), The Patient Spell (ReVi 20/+12)
applications of this Art. Tormenting Master; Deleterious Cir- Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5/+4 D)
cumstances (casting spells with Range Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5/+4 D)
Ranulf of Flambeau was born to a family Sight or Eye), Poor Eyesight F includes Magical Focus
of candle makers. He could possibly have had * House Virtue M includes Spell Mastery
a successful life taking up his family’s trade, Personality Traits: Inquisitive +2, Sensitive D includes Deficient Technique
even considering the drawbacks of his poor to Insult +2, Belligerent +1, Brave+1, Vis: none
vision and the deleterious social effects of Loquacious –1 Appearance: Ranulf’s eyes are held in a near-
The Gift. Instead, he was apprenticed into Reputations: Did not pass gauntlet +3 perpetual squint as he closely examines
House Flambeau. Ranulf’s parens passed into (Flambeau) the world with his inadequate sight. His
a Twilight episode while Ranulf was taking Combat: face is reddened and the short hair around
his Gauntlet. Ranulf assumed the title of Her- Fist: Init +1, Attack +4, Defense +4, his face is bleached from long exposure to
metic magus after a period of months, with Damage +1 hot fires at close range. He is of ordinary
the approval of two other Flambeau magi who Dodge: Init +1, Attack n/a, Defense +5, stature and build, and he prefers to wear
had witnessed his successful performance in Damage n/a several layers of wool and leather cloth-
meeting the challenges set for his Gauntlet. Soak: +2 ing to insulate himself from the often-ex-
Three years later Ranulf’s parens recovered Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, treme temperatures of his environment.
from her Twilight and demanded that Ranulf Unconscious Casting Sigil: Ranulf’s casting sigil is bright-
repeat his Gauntlet to her satisfaction. Ranulf Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10), –5 (11- ness. The colors of objects affected by
felt this request to be a slight on his honor. 15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+) his spells lighten, and fires created by his
Ranulf’s parens felt that Ranulf’s refusal to Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (Ceremonial Cast- magic burn with exceptional brightness.
repeat the Gauntlet was a slight to her own ing), Athletics 2 (running), Awareness 1 Voting Sigil: Ranulf’s voting sigil is an evil-
honor. The two were never reconciled. (searching), Brawl 3 (dodge), Carouse 2 looking dagger, but as Ranulf ages he
Ranulf strives to become a great master of (staying sober), Guile 1 (lying to strang- feels less and less comfortable with this
the Arts of Ignem and Vim. As an apprentice, ers), Concentration 1 (spells), Dead Lan- overtly violent sigil, eventually becom-
he was obsessed with the spell Pilum of Fire guage: Latin 4 (Hermetic usage), Living ing rather embarrassed by its belliger-
and dreamed of becoming a respected and Language: Castillian 5 (candles), Magic ent appearance.
feared hoplite. As he aged, he became less Theory 4+2 (inventing spells), Organi-
aggressive and particularly interested in non- zation Lore: Order of Hermes 1 (person-
violent applications of the Art of Ignem. alities), Parma Magica 1 (Corpus), Pene-
tration 2+2 (Ignem), Profession: Candle
Ranulf +15 years
Maker 2 (speed), Stealth 2 (hide)
Characteristics: Int +2, Per –2, Pre +1, Com
Ranulf at Gauntlet Arts: Cr 5, In 0, Mu 5, Pe 4, Re 4; An 0, Aq
0, Au 0, Co 0, He 0, Ig 10+3 (4), Im 0,
+0, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1
Size: 0
Me 0, Te 0, Vi 6
Characteristics: Int +2, Per –2, Pre +1, Com Age: 39 (37)
Twilight Scars: none
+0, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1 Decrepitude: 0
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Size: 0 Warping Score: 1 (0)
Spells Known:
Age: 24 (24) Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Coat of Prometheus (CrIg 5/+20)
Decrepitude: 0 Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic
Flash of the Scarlet Flames (CrIg 15/+20)
Warping Score: 0 (0) Magus; Major Magical Focus (Un-
Fasting Hearth (CrIg 20/+25 F)
Confidence Score: 1 (3) natural Fires); Affinity (Ignem), Mas-
Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20/+29 F M), Mastery 4
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma- tered Spells, Method Caster, Puissant
(Fast Casting, Defense, Multi Casting,
gus; Major Magical Focus (Unnatural Ignem*, Puissant Magic Theory, Puis-
Fires); Affinity (Ignem), Mastered Spells, sant Penetration; Deficient Technique
Tales of the Ashes (InIg 5/+6 D)

Magi of Hermes
(Intellego),Tormenting Master; Deleteri- perpetual squint as he closely examines Ranulf expended one season integrating
ous Circumstances (spells of Range Sight the world with his inadequate sight. His the magical enchantments of his labora-
or Eye), Miles (Houses of Hermes: Societates p face is reddened and the short hair around tory. Ranulf spent one season inventing
31), Poor Eyesight his face is bleached from long exposure to Mien of Helios, and three seasons invent-
* House Virtue hot fires at close range. He is of ordinary ing Stockade of Infernos. Ranulf spent two
Personality Traits: Inquisitive +2, Sensitive stature and build, and he prefers to wear seasons acquiring his longevity ritual
to Insult +2, Brave+1, Loquacious –1 several layers of wool and leather cloth- from another magus. During this period,
Reputations: Did not pass gauntlet +3 (Flam- ing to insulate himself from the often-ex- Ranulf acquired 180 experience points
beau), Aspiring Hoplite +2 (Quaesitors) treme temperatures of his environment. in Abilities and 160 experience points in
Combat: Activities in the last 15 years: In his first Arts (gaining an additional 16 experience
Fist: Init +1, Attack +4, Defense +4, fifteen years out of Gauntlet, Ranulf points due to his affinity with Ignem).
Damage +1 concentrated on studying his Abilities
Dodge: Init +1, Attack n/a, Defense +5, and Arts. He spent a good deal of ef-
Damage n/a
Soak: +2
fort fending off political attacks from his
former mentor. Ranulf swore to the code
Ranulf +30 years
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, of Garus and joined the Milites society
Characteristics: Int +2, Per–2, Pre +1, Com
Unconscious both because he believed in their cause
+0, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1
Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10), –5 (11- and to gain allies against his former men-
Size: 0
15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+) tor. One matter that he was able to see to
Age: 54 (38)
Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (Ceremonial was the enchantment of his laboratory.
Decrepitude: 0
Casting), Athletics 2 (running), Aware- Ranulf decided that magical protections
Warping Score: 3 (5)
ness 1 (searching), Brawl 3 (dodge), against fire were a necessity for studying
Confidence Score: 2 (4)
Carouse 1 (staying sober), Guile 1 (ly- Ignem in the wooden room that houses
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic
ing to strangers), Code of Hermes 1 his laboratory. Ranulf has spent one sea-
Magus; Major Magical Focus (Unnatu-
(Wizard’s Marches), Concentration 3 son opening his laboratory for enchant-
ral Fires); Affinity (Ignem), Method
(spells), Dead Language: Latin 4 (Her- ment. He spent one season instilling Eyes
Caster, Puissant Ignem*, Puissant Magic
metic usage), Finesse 2 (Ignem), Living of the Acolyte, three seasons instilling Fa-
Theory, Puissant Penetration; Deficient
Language: Castillian 5 (candles), Magic çade of Pentecost, and two seasons instilling
Technique (Intellego), Tormenting Mas-
Theory 6+2 (inventing spells), Organi- Laboratory that Has Learned from Experience.
ter; Deleterious Circumstances (spells
zation Lore: Order of Hermes 1 (person-
alities), Parma Magica 3 (Corpus), Pen-
etration 4+2 (5) (Ignem), Philosophiae 2
(ritual magic), Profession: Candle Maker
2 (speed), Stealth 2 (hide)
Arts: Cr 11, In 3, Mu 7, Pe 4, Re 8; An 0,
Aq 0, Au 0, Co 0, He 5, Ig 14+3 (1), Im
0, Me 0, Te 0, Vi 9
Twilight Scars: none
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Coat of Prometheus (CrIg 5/+30)
Flash of the Scarlet Flames (CrIg 15/+30)
Mien of Helios (CrIg 15/+30)
Fasting Hearth (CrIg 20/+41 F)
Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20/+45 F M), Mastery 4
(Fast Casting, Defense, Multi Casting,
Stockade of Infernos (CrIg 40/+41 F)
Tales of the Ashes (InIg 5/+11 D)
Enduring Flame (MuIg 10/+41 F)
Boreal Flames (Mu Pe)Ig 15/+33 F)
The Patient Spell (ReVi 20/+19)
Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5/+7 D)
Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5/+7 D)
F includes Magical Focus
M includes Spell Mastery
D includes deficient technique
Vis: Two pawns of Ignem carried as a small
pouch of ashes; the ashes become hot to
the touch at sunset every day.
Appearance: Ranulf’s eyes are held in a near-

Magi of Hermes
of Range Sight or Eye), Miles (Houses of Vis: Five pawns Creo as seeds stored in the tion; Deficient Technique (Intellego),
Hermes: Societates p 31), Poor Eyesight pouch around his neck (these seeds pro- Tormenting Master; Deleterious Cir-
* House Virtue duce non-vis-containing duplicates of cumstances (spells of Range Sight or
Personality Traits: Inquisitive +2, Sensitive themselves intermittently, averaging one Eye), Miles (Houses of Hermes: Societates p
to Insult +1, Brave+2, Loquacious –1 duplicate per month), two pawns Ignem 31), Poor Eyesight
Reputations: In feud with Parens +3 (tri- as ashes carried in a pouch on belt (the * House Virtue
bunal), Did not pass gauntlet +1 (Flam- ashes become hot to the touch at sunset Personality Traits: Inquisitive +2, Sensitive
beau), Hoplite +1 (Quaesitors) every day). to Insult +1, Brave+2, Loquacious –1
Combat: Appearance: Ranulf’s eyes are held in a near- Reputations: In feud with Parens +3 (tri-
Fist: Init +1, Attack +4, Defense +4, perpetual squint as he closely examines bunal), Did not pass gauntlet +1 (Flam-
Damage +1 the world with his inadequate sight. beau), Hoplite +1 (Order)
Dodge: Init +1, Attack n/a, Defense +5, His face is reddened and the short hair Combat:
Damage n/a around his face is bleached from long Fist: Init +1, Attack +4, Defense +4,
Soak: +2 exposure to hot fires at close range. He Damage +1
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, is of ordinary stature and build, and he Dodge: Init +1, Attack n/a, Defense +5,
Unconscious prefers to wear several layers of wool Damage n/a
Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10), –5 (11- and leather clothing to insulate himself Soak: +2
15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+) from the often-extreme temperatures of Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (Ceremonial Cast- his environment. Ranulf is almost never Unconscious
ing), Athletics 2 (running), Awareness 1 separated from his talisman — a walk- Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10), –5 (11-
(searching), Brawl 3 (dodge), Carouse 1 ingstick-sized staff quite unsuitable for 15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+)
(staying sober), Guile 1 (lying to strang- use as a weapon. Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (Ceremonial Cast-
ers), Code of Hermes 1 (Wizard’s march- Activities in the last 15 years: At age 54, Ran- ing), Athletics 2 (running), Awareness 1
es), Concentration 4 (spells), Dead Lan- ulf is still greatly interested in the martial (searching), Brawl 3 (dodge), Carouse 1
guage: Latin 5 (Hermetic usage), Finesse magics that characterize his House, but (staying sober), Guile 1 (lying to strang-
3 (Ignem), Living Language: Castillian he is also beginning to develop a passion ers), Code of Hermes 2 (Wizard’s march-
5 (candles), Magic Theory 7+2 (5) (in- for non-violent uses of Ignem. es), Concentration 4 (spells), Dead Lan-
venting spells), Organization Lore: Or- Ranulf has spent one season learning Ward guage: Latin 5 (Hermetic usage), Finesse
der of Hermes 1 (personalities), Parma Against Heat and Flames and one season in- 3 (Ignem), Living Language: Castillian
Magica 4 (Corpus), Penetration 4+2 (5) venting Wizard’s Boost Ignem with the assis- 5 (candles), Magic Theory 8+2 (invent-
(Ignem), Philosophiae 2 (ritual magic), tance of laboratory notes. He spent one ing spells), Organization Lore: Order of
Profession: Candle Maker 2 (speed), season inventing Gather Essence of the Beast. Hermes 1 (personalities), Parma Magica
Stealth 2 (hide) Ranulf spent one season opening for en- 5 (Corpus), Penetration 4+2 (5) (Ignem),
Arts: Cr 13 (6), In 8, Mu 9, Pe 4, Re 8; An chantment the staff that was to become Philosophiae 2 (ritual magic), Profes-
0, Aq 1, Au 2 (1), Co 4, He 7, Ig 18+3, his talisman, one season attuning the staff sion: Candle Maker 2 (speed), Stealth 2
Im 0, Me 5, Te 6, Vi 11 as his talisman, two seasons instilling (hide), Teaching 2 (apprentices)
Twilight Scars: none Topiary of Flames, three seasons instilling Arts: Cr 13 (6), In 9, Mu 11, Pe 8, Re 9; An
Equipment: Staff of Ranulf talisman Flames of Stone, one season instilling Surfeit 5, Aq 5, Au 5, Co 5, He 10, Ig 21+3 (6),
Encumbrance: 0 (0) of Fuel, and one season instilling Shadow Im 5, Me 5, Te 6, Vi 16 (3)
Coat of Prometheus (CrIg 5/+34) of Spring Times Departed. Ranulf gained 130 Twilight Scars: Fires in the near vicinity of
Flash of the Scarlet Flames (CrIg 15/+34) experience points in Abilities and 230 Ranulf move directly away from him as
Mien of Helios (CrIg 15/+34) experience points in Arts (receiving an if a slight breeze were coming from him.
Fasting Hearth (CrIg 20/+53 F A) additional 22 experience points from his Smoke is not affected by this.
Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20/+57 F M A), Mastery 4 affinity with Ignem). Equipment: Staff of Ranulf talisman, Ribbon
(Fast Casting, Defense, Multi Casting, of Arcane Preservation
Penetration) Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Stockade of Infernos (CrIg 40/+53 F A)
Tales of the Ashes (InIg 5/+18 D A)
Ranulf +45 years Coat of Prometheus (CrIg 5/+39)
Flash of the Scarlet Flames (CrIg 15/+39)
Enduring Flame (MuIg 10/+47 F A) Mien of Helios (CrIg 15/+39)
Characteristics: Int +2, Per –2, Pre +1, Com
Boreal Flames (Mu(Pe)Ig 15/+37 F A) Fasting Hearth (CrIg 20/+58 F A)
+0, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1
Ward against Heat and flames (ReIg 25/+37 A) Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20/+62 F M A), Mastery 4
Size: 0
The Patient Spell (ReVi 20/+21) (Fast Casting, Defense, Multi Casting,
Age: 69 (40)
Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5/+12 D A) Penetration)
Decrepitude: 0
Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5/+12 D A) Stockade of Infernos (CrIg 40/+58 F)
Warping Score: 4 (15)
Wizard’s Boost Ignem (MuVi 30/+22) Conflagrative Servant (Cr (Mu,Re) Ig 40/+50 A F)
Confidence Score: 2 (4)
Gather Essence of the Beast (ReVi 15/+21) Tales of the Ashes (InIg 5/+20 D A)
F includes Magical Focus Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Enduring Flame (MuIg 10/+54 F A)
M includes Spell Mastery gus; Major Magical Focus (Unnatural
Boreal Flames (Mu(Pe)Ig 15/+48 F)
D includes deficient technique Fires); Affinity (Ignem), Mastered Spells,
Petite Phoenix (Mu(Re) Ig 30/+50 F A)
A includes attunement of talisman Method Caster, Puissant Ignem*, Puis-
Discriminating Flames (Re Ig 25/+50 F A)
sant Magic Theory, Puissant Penetra-

Magi of Hermes
Ward against Heat and flames (ReIg 25/+42 A) inventing The Petite Phoenix, one sea- etration 4+2 (5) (Ignem), Philosophiae 2
Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5/+15 D A) son inventing Discriminating Flames, (ritual magic), Profession: Candle Maker
Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5/+15 D A) two seasons inventing Conflagrative 2 (speed), Stealth 2 (hide), Teaching 2
Wizard’s Expansion Ignem (MuVi 25/+29) Servant, and two seasons inventing (apprentices)
Group Wizard’s Boost Ignem (MuVi 30/+29) Wizard’s Expansion. Ranulf also spent Arts: Cr 14, In 10, Mu 12, Pe 10, Re 10;
Wizard’s Boost Ignem (MuVi 30/+29) one season opening up his talisman to An 5, Aq 5, Au 5, Co 5, He 10, Ig 25+3
Wizard’s Communion (MuVi 30/+29) receive further enchantments. Ranulf (16), Im 5, Me 5, Te 8, Vi 18
Wizard’s Reach Ignem (MuVi 30/+29) has acquired 80 experience points in Twilight Scars: Fires in the near vicinity of
Maintain the Demanding Spell (ReVi 30/+27) Abilities and 240 experience points in Ranulf move directly away from him as
The Patient Spell (ReVi 20/+27) Arts during this period (with an addi- if a slight breeze were coming from him.
Gather Essence of the Beast (ReVi 15/+27) tional 22 Art experience points received Smoke is not affected by this.
F includes Magical Focus due to his affinity with Ignem). Equipment: Chest of the Ember Seed, Rib-
M includes Spell Mastery bon of Arcane Preservation, Staff of
D includes deficient technique Ranulf talisman
A includes attunement of talisman
Vis: Six pawns Vim transferred into a ring
Ranulf +60 years Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Coat of Prometheus (CrIg 5/+44)
worn on right hand, three pawns Ignem Flash of the Scarlet Flames (CrIg 15/+44)
Characteristics: Int +2, Per –2, Pre +1, Com
as ashes carried in a pouch on belt (the Mien of Helios (CrIg 15/+44)
+0, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1
ashes become hot to the touch at sun- Fasting Hearth (CrIg 20/+64 F A)
Size: 0
set every day), two pawns Creo as seeds Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20/+68 F M A), Mastery 4
Age: 84 (45)
stored in pouch around neck (these (Fast Casting, Defense, Multi Casting,
Decrepitude: 0
seeds produce non-vis-containing du- Penetration)
Warping Score: 5 (20)
plicates of themselves intermittently, Self Immolation (CrIg 30/+64 F A)
Confidence Score: 2 (6)
averaging one duplicate per month), Stockade of Infernos (CrIg 40/+64 FA)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
two pawns Muto as cocoons that slowly Conflagrative Servant (Cr (Mu,Re) Ig 40/+56 F A)
gus ; Major Magical Focus (Unnatural
and continuously change color over the Tales of the Ashes (InIg 5/+23 D A)
Fires); Affinity (Ignem), Mastered Spells,
course of minutes. Enduring Flame (MuIg 10/+60 F A)
Method Caster, Puissant Ignem*, Puis-
Appearance: Ranulf’s eyes are held in a near- Boreal Flames (Mu(Pe)Ig 15/+56 F A)
sant Magic Theory, Puissant Penetra-
perpetual squint as he closely examines Petite Phoenix (Mu(Re)Ig 30/+60 F A)
tion; Deficient Technique (Intellego),
the world with his inadequate sight. Discriminating Flames (ReIg 25/+56 F A)
Tormenting Master; Deleterious Cir-
His face is reddened and the short hair Ward against Heat and flames (ReIg 25/+46 A)
cumstances (spells of Range Sight or
around his face is bleached from long Ward Against Immolation (ReIg 35/+46 A)
Eye), Miles (Houses of Hermes: Societates p
exposure to hot fires at close range. He Unified Flame (ReIg 35/+56 F A)
31), Poor Eyesight
is of ordinary stature and build, and he Transformation of Fire (MuTe(IgHe) 40/+36 F A)
* House Virtue
prefers to wear several layers of wool Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi 5/+16 D A)
Personality Traits: Inquisitive +2, Brave +2,
and leather clothing to insulate himself Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi 5/+16 D A)
Loquacious –1
from the often extreme temperatures of Wizard’s Expansion Ignem (MuVi 25/+32)
Reputations: Hoplite +1 (Order), Deficient
his environment. Ranulf is almost never Group Wizard’s Boost Ignem (MuVi 30/+32)
in Intellego (Flambeau) +1
separated from his talisman ­ — a walk- Wizard’s Boost Ignem (MuVi 30/+32)
ingstick-sized staff quite unsuitable for Wizard’s Communion (MuVi 30/+32)
Fist: Init +1, Attack +4, Defense +4,
use as a weapon. Wizard’s Reach Ignem (MuVi 30/+32)
Damage +1
Activities in the last 15 years: By age 69, Wizard’s Boost (Vim) (MuVi 35/+32)
Dodge: Init +1, Attack n/a, Defense +5,
he has other interests and responsibili- Wind of Mundane Silence (PeVi 40/+34 A)
Damage n/a
ties that are important to him yet, ironi- The Patient Spell (ReVi 20/+30)
Soak: +2
cally, his magical power has become Maintain the Demanding Spell (ReVi 30/+30)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
respected enough that he is on occasion Opening the Intangible Tunnel (ReVi 40/+30)
Unconscious F includes Magical Focus
entreated to take the responsibilities
Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10), –5 (11- M includes Spell Mastery
as a hoplite that he so desired in his
15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+) D includes deficient technique
younger days. Although his mentor no
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (Ceremonial Cast- A includes attunement of talisman
longer claims that Ranulf is not a magus,
ing), Athletics 2 (running), Awareness 1
their adversarial relationship continues Vis: Eight pawns Vim transferred into a ring
(searching), Brawl 3 (dodge), Carouse 1
to plague them both. Ranulf has spent worn on his right hand, eight pawns Ig-
(staying sober), Guile 1 (lying to strang-
one season enchanting the Ribbon of nem as ashes carried in a pouch on his
ers), Code of Hermes 2 (Wizard’s march-
Arcane Preservation with the help of belt (the ashes become hot to the touch
es), Concentration 4 (spells), Dead Lan-
laboratory notes. Ranulf expended one at sunset every day), four pawns Muto
guage: Latin 5 (Hermetic usage), Finesse
season learning Maintain the Demand- as snakeskins.
3 (Ignem), Leadership 1 (grogs), Living
ing Spell, one season learning Wizard’s Appearance: Ranulf’s eyes are held in a near-
Language: Castillian 5 (candles), Magic
Reach and one season learning Wizard’s perpetual squint as he closely examines
Theory 8+2 (inventing spells), Organi-
Communion, with the help of labora- the world with his inadequate sight.
zation Lore: Order of Hermes 1 (person-
tory notes. Ranulf has spent one season His face is reddened and the short hair
alities), Parma Magica 6 (Corpus), Pen-

Magi of Hermes

New Spells
around his face is bleached from long to one another, although he has only
exposure to hot fires at close range. He just begun to develop spells exploring
is of ordinary stature and build, and he their use. Ranulf spent two seasons in-
prefers to wear several layers of wool vesting Shriek of the Impending Shafts into Ranulf has designed these new spells.
and leather clothing to insulate himself his talisman, and two seasons investing
from the often extreme temperatures of Defense of the Roaring Furnace in his talis-
his environment. Ranulf is almost never man. Ranulf spent one season creating
separated from his talisman — a walk- the Chest of the Ember Seed. Ran- Ignem Spells
ingstick-sized staff quite unsuitable for ulf spent one season learning Wind of
use as a weapon. Mundane Silence and one season learning
Activities in the last 15 years: During Opening the Intangible Tunnel, both with
these 15 years, Ranulf took an appren- the help of laboratory notes. Ranulf ex- Coat of Prometheus
tice. Ranulf’s mentor passed into Twi- pended one season inventing Self Immola-
light at a very advanced age and Ranulf tion, two seasons inventing Ward against CrIg 5
presented a fixed Arcane Connection to Immolation, one season inventing Unified R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind.
himself (created by his apprentice) to Flames, three seasons inventing Wizard’s This spell enchants a person to remain
the castellan of Castra Solis to fill the Boost (Vim), and three seasons inventing at least comfortably warm regardless of how
void left by his mentor’s passing (Hous- Transformation of Fire. Ranulf has spent cold the environment is. Snow immediately
es of Hermes: Societates, page 13). one season searching for his apprentice melts off of the target’s body, and moisture
Ranulf’s weakness with Intellego spells and 14 seasons training his apprentice. soon evaporates from both the target and his
was exposed during a certamen chal- Ranulf gained 35 experience points in clothing. The target suffers no ill effects from
lenge at a Flambeau tournament, and Abilities and 175 experience points in normal extremes of cold weather. The spell
many of his housemates know of this Arts (with an additional 35 Art experi- also confers a +5 Soak bonus to resist dam-
weakness. Ranulf has become very in- ence points received due to his affinity age caused by extreme cold, and a –5 Soak
terested in the possibilities inherent in with Ignem). penalty to resist damage caused by extreme
using fires that are Arcane Connections heat. Ease Factors of rolls to resist the envi-
ronmental effects of heat are increased by 3
for characters affected by Coat of Prometheus.
Pilum of Fire and Other Common Spells (Base 2, +1 Touch, + 2 Sun)

Pilum of Fire is a popular spell within An example of a spell specifically

the Order of Hermes, and it is especially tailored to be used with another is Boreal Mien of Helios
popular with the faction of Flambeau who Flames. Certainly a spell to create a jet of
follow the School of the Founder. icy flames could be developed as a Creo Ig- CrIg Level 15
Part of this popularity is due to the nem spell with a Muto requisite, and such a R: Per, D: Diam, T: Ind
rich history of the spell. It was used by spell could be cast without the Concentra- This spell causes the caster’s body and
many famous magi throughout the Order’s tion difficulties presented by Boreal Flames. personal effects to shine with the brightness of
history, and some magi take pride in using Yet this hypothetical spell would not be the sun. Anyone within 10 paces of the caster
the same tool as their forebears. able to take advantage of the proficiency who looks in the direction of the caster is tem-
Yet some of the spell’s popularity is that many magi have developed in using porarily blinded, unless he makes a Stamina
actually the result of that popularity it- Pilum of Fire. A jet of icy flames is useful stress roll against an Ease Factor of 9. People
self. This is true not only of Pilum of Fire, specifically against targets that are either between 10 and 50 paces from the caster suffer
but of several common spells within the naturally immune to heat or have become a –3 penalty to all attempts to target the cast-
Order of Hermes. Many readable labora- so through protective magics, two sorts of er. The light created by this spell illuminates a
tory texts are available for these spells, foes that are also likely to have Magic Re- great area and, if conditions permit, could be
and there exist several texts concern- sistance. Most casters are able to achieve seen from several miles away. Ranulf has no-
ing mastery of the spells. In addition, greater penetration with both Pilum of Fire ticed that people and creatures whose Magic
other spells have been developed to be and Boreal Flames (both spells need to pen- Resistance is not penetrated by this spell are
used in conjunction with the common etrate) then they would be able to achieve not illuminated by it, and can be easily identi-
spells, such as a Wizard’s Boost, Maintain with a single higher-level spell. fied by their lack of reflected light.
the Demanding Spell, or The Patient Spell of While many magi muse that a spell (Base 5, +1 Diameter, +1 exceptionally
appropriate level, and special spells relat- similar to Pilum of Fire with a longer range intense light)
ing specifically to commonly used spells. or with a less-intense flame that would
Even if such spells are not common, an allow better penetration might be better
enterprising magus may well be able to suited to their particular needs, the re- Fasting Hearth
strike a bargain with the magi and cov- sources that exist within the Order that
enants that posses laboratory texts for specifically relate to Pilum of Fire make it CrIg Level 20
these spells, and thereby avoid the effort the spell used by magi more often than R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind
of inventing them from scratch. might be warranted by its utility alone. This spell creates a fire, which is large
enough to fill the hearth in a great hall, at the

Magi of Hermes
location touched by the caster. The created to be very simple, like “follow me” or “wrap of this spell prevent it from being a useful
fire burns continuously for the duration of yourself around that creature and hold on.” method of illuminating aquatic areas.
the spell with no need for fuel. This spell was The conflagrative servant is made of fire hot (Base 3, +1 Touch, + 2 Sun)
created in the early days of the Order, and enough to do +5 damage to things that the
is common in covenants without a nearby servant touches or that touch the servant.
source of firewood. The Fasting Hearth is not The conflagrative servant is insubstantial Boreal Flames
frequently used for a magus’ laboratory be- but cannot pass through solid objects. The
cause of the Warping effects it can have on insubstantial nature of the servant also nor- Mu(Pe)Ig 15
research conducted under its influence. mally prevents it from manipulating objects. R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind.
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +3 Moon) When created, the conflagrative servant has This spell momentarily alters a fire so
a Size of +3, Strength and Stamina scores of that rather than radiating heat, it radiates
+5 (although it has no substance to touch an icy cold. The colors of the target fire
Self Immolation things), and Dexterity and Quickness scores change from oranges and yellows to violets
of –2. The conflagrative servant has no Abili- and blues. Any fire affected by this spell does
CrIg 30 ties. The conflagrative servant is subject to cold damage rather than heat damage for the
R: Personal, D: Diam, T: Ind damage from Perdo Ignem spells and water. moment of the spell’s duration. Boreal Flames
The caster enshrouds himself in flames When the conflagrative servant is injured by does not function on fires that are so hot that
of spectacular intensity. The flames are hot these means, it shrinks in size. Every size cat- they do more than +15 damage. This spell
enough to do +30 damage to anything that egory that the conflagrative servant shrinks, was specifically designed to alter a casting
the caster touches or that touches the caster, it loses 2 points from its Strength and Stam- of Pilum of Fire. Boreal Flames may be cast in
and +30 damage per round to both him and ina scores and gains 1 point in its Dexter- conjunction with another spell; to do so the
anything that he is holding or that he touch- ity and Quickness scores. The conflagrative caster must make an Intelligence + Concen-
es. Ranulf casts this spell upon himself only servant is extinguished if it shrinks to smaller tration roll against an Ease Factor of 15 (per
after casting a spell to protect himself from than a candle flame in size (Size –10). ArM5, page 82). Ranulf uses Boreal Flames in
the heat. Ranulf frequently casts Flames of Stone conjunction with The Patient Spell, as doing
(Base 25, +1 Diameter) upon his conflagrative servants in order to so eliminates the need for such a formidable
allow them to perform manual labor. This feat of concentration.
makes the conflagrative servant substantial (Base 4, + 1 Touch, +2 intensity of flames)
Stockade of Infernos and vulnerable to physical damage. Any
damage done to the conflagrative servant
CrIg 40 causes it to shrink as detailed above. A Light Discourse of
R: Voice, D: Conc, T: Group Wound shrinks the servant one size level, a Glowing Tongues
The caster creates six walls of fire within Medium Wound shrinks the servant two size
the range of his spell. Each wall is up to 10 levels, and so on. Ranulf also frequently uses ReIg Level 10
paces long. These walls can be created in any multiple invocations of Discriminating Flames R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind
configuration desired by the caster, including on the servants to enable them to use tools This spell controls the sounds created
configurations where the walls intersect one and enter structures without causing tremen- by a fire to make them form words. The al-
another. If a particularly precise placement of dous damage. teration is subtle; words are formed of the
the walls is desired, the caster should make (Base 10, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +1 size, +1 natural roar, crackles, and hisses of the fire
a Perception + Finesse roll to determine his requisite, +1 complexity) — not with any additional sound. Someone
success. Using Stockade of Infernos to directly at- listening at the fire who knows to expect the
tack a creature by placing a wall of fire across words can make them out with a Perception
that creature’s location may be accomplished Enduring Flame + Awareness roll against an Ease Factor of 3.
using the rules for aimed spells. Anyone pass- A character who is not aware that the fire is
ing through one of the walls takes +15 fire MuIg Level 10 speaking needs to roll against an Ease Factor
damage. Ranulf frequently places his walls as R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind of 9 on a Perception + Awareness test to real-
a set of two concentric triangles, or as a nar- A fire targeted by this spell is inextin- ize that the fire is making words at all.
row path that leaves people trapped within guishable by wind or water for the spell’s Ranulf and his apprentice (who is also
them only a single direction to move. duration. A fire will still burn out if it runs quite talented with the Art of Ignem) use
(Base 15, + 1 Concentration, +2 Group) out of fuel while under the effect of the spell, this spell to target fires that are subject to the
and a candle that is the target of this spell Unified Flame spell. Because the Unified Flame is
may still be extinguished by being pinched cast by Ranulf within his covenant, the com-
Conflagrative Servant or snuffed out. This spell was originally de- munication is not impeded by his covenant’s
signed to keep a candle burning on a windy Aegis of the Hearth. Neither Ranulf nor his ap-
Cr(Re)Ig 45 and rainy night, but it can be used on fires prentice knows Discourse of Glowing Tongues as a
R: Voice, D Sun, T Ind that are much larger in size and can even be formulaic spell; instead, they cast it spontane-
This spell creates a four-pace-tall man- used to allow a burning torch to be brought ously when needed. Note that this spell has a
shaped mass of brightly burning flames. underwater without being extinguished. The Range of Touch and may be difficult or even
This mass of flames responds to the verbal bubbles, smoke, and turbulence caused by damaging to cast on a particularly hot fire.
commands of the caster. Commands have submerging a fire that is under the effect (Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)

Magi of Hermes

Discriminating Flames in conjunction with Transmutation of Fire to move change over the course of a few minutes to
objects such as doors and inconvenient sec- mirror one another completely in the shape of
ReIg 25 tions of walls. Fires targeted by this spell can their flames, the sound of their roar and crack-
R: Voice, D:Sun, T: Ind be up to ten times the size of a hearth fire. ling, and the smoke that they produce. Any
This spell controls a fire, preventing it (Base 10, + 2 Voice, +1 Concentration, changes in one fire will be reflected in the oth-
from directly heating or burning a particular +1 size) ers. The affected fires all take on a slightly un-
substance (such as human flesh or the wood natural appearance as their flames move into a
of the elm tree) chosen by the caster at the configuration that does not completely match
time of casting. The caster must either have Ward Against Immolation the logs that they are burning, and they are
a sample of the material to be protected, or altered by the sigil of the casting wizard.
must cast the spell with an appropriate cast- ReIg 35 When Ranulf’s apprentice is away from
ing requisite. Ranulf frequently casts this spell R: Per, D: Diam, T: Ind him, the apprentice is instructed to kindle a
several times upon the same fire in order to The caster is rendered immune to heat fire using a coal stored in the Chest of the
make the fire safe for specific environments. and fire less than that of the most powerful Ember Seed just after sunset every evening.
The spell only affects the fire that it is cast of Ignem magics. The caster and his posses- While this spell is normally intended to
upon. Other fires, including fires that have sions receive a +35 bonus to Soak against unite two fires, the spell was designed with
been lit from the subject of this spell, are not damage from heat. While this spell is active, a Target of Group. Ranulf believed that the
affected. Fires up to ten times the size of a Ranulf can (due to the resistance to heat pro- effort required to create a spell that affected
hearth fire can be targeted with this spell. vided by his Ignem Form resistance bonus) just two fires would be as great as or greater
(Base 4, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +1 size) tolerate, barely, the heat generated by his Self than the work needed to develop a spell that
Immolation spell. However, Ward Against Immo- targeted a group, because of the difficulty of
lation, like Self Immolation, is a spell of Duration using non-standard Targets. As a result, more
Petite Phoenix Diameter. As a result, Ranulf must cast this than two fires can be affected by this spell,
protective spell prior to casting Self Immola- and the caster could be completely unaware
ReIg Level 30 tion; if Ranulf fails to cast Ward Against Immola- of the additional fires (possibly allowing a
R: Voice, D: Conc, T: Ind tion again before the original casting expires, communication to be intercepted, see Dis-
This transmutes a fire into the shape of a the Self Immolation spell would cause him se- course of Glowing Tongues above).
small bird. The reshaped fire moves as the will vere harm (as a Personal Range spell, it does This spell is an example of magic created
of the caster directs. The fire has a Size of –6, not need to penetrate his Magic Resistance). to match the needs of the magus. For most
a Dexterity of +3, and a Quickness of +7. The (Base 4, +1 Diameter, +6 intensity of heat) magi, any number of Intellego spells would
heat of the original blaze is unchanged by this provide a significantly easier method of com-
spell. The bird has no more substance than the munication. Yet for Ranulf, who has a Magi-
original fire did and is not subject to most types Unified Flame cal Focus in unnatural fires and the Deficient
of attacks, but still may be extinguished with Technique Flaw with Intellego, the season
water, Perdo Ignem magics, and similar meth- ReIg Level 35 that he invested to invent this spell was a
ods. Being made entirely of flame, the petite R: Arc, D: Sun, T: Group wiser choice than trying to learn magics not
phoenix can not pass through solid objects, This spell alters the target fires to resem- suited to his talents.
but objects that are smaller than the bird may ble one another in all ways. The fires to be (Base 3, +4 Arcane Connection, +2 Sun,
pass through it. Ranulf often uses Petite Phoenix targeted by this spell must all be Arcane Con- +2 Group)
nections to one another. The targeted fires

Magi of Hermes
Terram Spells is at least two magnitudes higher than the
target spell.
(Base effect, +2 Voice)
Transmutation of Fire
The Patient Spell
Ranulf has created the following items.
MuTe(He,Ig) Level 40 ReVi Level Gen
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Part R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind
This spell transmutes an object of stone,
wood, or soil, or part of some such object,
When this spell is cast in conjunction
with a second spell (requiring an Intelligence
Ribbon of Arcane
into a fire. The fire is still essentially the
original object and will not be extinguished
+ Concentration roll against an Ease Factor
of 9), the other spell is delayed in taking ef-
for lack of fuel, but it can be doused or extin- fect until the caster ceases concentration on
guished in other ways. The transmuted fire The Patient Spell. The target spell can be of This is an eighteen-inch-long silk ribbon
is no larger than 2 paces in size and it is hot no higher level than the level of The Patient with the following single effect enchanted
enough to do +5 damage. Objects smaller Spell. A spell held using The Patient Spell may into it as a lesser enchantment using three
than 2 paces in size will turn into fires of be released to interrupt an action in the same pawns of vis. This item was created from a set
their own size when they are subjected to manner as a fast cast spell, requiring the same of laboratory notes passed between hoplites.
this spell. “fast casting” roll of Quickness + Finesse
(Base 5, + 2 Voice, +2 Sun, +1 part, +1 (ArM5 page 83).
to affect stone, +1 Herbam requisite) Ranulf uses The Patient Spell to provide Preserved Connection
himself with an opportunity to cast Boreal
Flames with Pilum of Fire. Maintaining con- CrVi 29
Vim Spells centration on The Patient Spell while cast-
ing another spell requires an Intelligence +
Pen +0, constant effect
R: Touch, D: Const, T: Ind
Concentration roll against an Ease Factor When the Ribbon of Arcane Preserva-
of 9 to perform successfully; this is easier tion is tied around an object, the magics in
Group Wizard’s Boost (Form) than normal, because the spell is designed the ribbon work to delay the degradation of
for this use. any Arcane Connections that the object has.
(Base effect, +1 Touch, + 1 Concentra- Arcane Connections affected by the Effect
MuVi Level Gen tion) will decay as if they had a duration two lev-
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Group els higher on the Arcane Connection chart
The magus casts this spell as another (ArM5 page 84). Arcane Connections that
spell of a level 10 or more levels less than the
Group Wizard’s Boost is being multi-cast. The
effect of each of the targeted spells increases
five levels in power. The effects of the extra
New Guidelines: CrVi
five levels of power are for the Storyguide Creo Vim spells and powers can be the Duration to Years or greater, the
to determine. A Wizard’s Boost spell may not used to prolong the durations of Arcane duration of the connection continues
affect a spell more than once. Connections in a manner analogous to the to be measured in a period of years.
(Base General, +1 Touch, + 2 Group) way that Perdo Vim effects can decrease Hermetic magic can not make an
their duration. Arcane Connections under Arcane Connection last indefinitely
the effects of a Creo Vim spell still decay, without fixing the connection as de-
Wizard’s Expansion (Form) but at a slower rate than they do naturally. scribed in ArM5, page 94. Note that
An Arcane Connection that is being pre- the range is the range to the Arcane
MuVi General served by a Creo Vim spell does not have Connection, and you must know
R: Voice, D: Momentary, T: Individual its penetration multiplier increased. Un- what you are targeting just like any
The Target of the targeted spell in- like Perdo Vim magics that permanently other spell.
creases by one category; all targets af- degrade connections instantly, Creo Vim Level 10: Decrease the rate of decay of
fected by the expanded spell must be legal spells only retard the decay of connections an Arcane Connection as if the con-
targets for the original spell. There are ten during their duration. Spell guidelines are nection were two steps higher on the
versions of Wizard’s Expansion, one for each similar to the guidelines for Perdo Vim Ar- table in ArM5, page 84, subject to the
form. The targeted spell must be at least cane Connection spells. same limits as above.
one magnitude lower than this spell. A Level 15: Decrease the rate of decay of
single spell may not be affected more than Level 5: Decrease the rate of decay of an an Arcane Connection as if the con-
once with this spell, but when two magi Arcane Connection as if the connec- nection were three steps higher on the
cooperate, a spell can be the target of both tion were one step higher on the table table in ArM5, page 84, subject to the
Wizard’s Expansion and Wizard’s Reach, pro- in ArM5, page 84. If this increases same limits as above.
viding that one of the two Muto Vim spells

Magi of Hermes
normally decay in hours will instead decay in With reference to the laboratory per- within the laboratory, even floating unsup-
weeks while the ribbon is tied around them; sonalization rules in Covenants, pages 113 and ported in mid-air. These flames burn without
Arcane Connections that normally decay in 115, this item provides the Excessive Heat- fuel until they are dismissed by the user or
days instead decay in months. The penetra- ing, Excessive Lighting, and Lesser Feature until sunrise/sunset. The flames move under
tion multiplier for an Arcane Connection is (Ignem specialization) Virtues to Ranulf’s the control of the user and can be used to
not altered by this affect. laboratory without any modifications to flawlessly burn intricate patterns into objects,
(Effect: Base 10, + 1 Touch, +2 Sun; the laboratory’s Upkeep or Safety values. or to illuminate the laboratory in a myriad of
Modifications +1 level 2 uses per day, +3 While this item was being integrated into his ways. In theory, these flames could be used
levels environmental trigger) laboratory, Ranulf’s laboratory acquired the to defend the laboratory, with each flame do-
Highly Organized Virtue, as well. ing +10 damage per round to a target. Ranulf
has never had the need to defend his labo-
Chest of the Ember Seed Eyes of the Acolyte
ratory in this manner (although during the
design of the item he did consider adding a
linked trigger to an Intellego Animal effect
This is a small stone box the size of an InIg 8 so that any vermin intruding into the room
apple, that’s lined with fired clay and held Pen +0, constant effect would be automatically dispatched).
closed by leather straps. Ranulf has enchant- R: Personal, D: Constant, T: Ind (Effect: Base 10, +1 Rego requisite, +1
ed the box as a lesser enchanted device with This effect detects any fires in the labo- concentration, +2 group; Modifications +5
the following power, using four pawns of vis: ratory larger than a lantern flame that are not levels item maintains concentration, +6 lev-
in the fireplace or the product of the Facade of els 50/day)
Pentecost power.
Bed of the Resting Coal (Effect: Base 2, +2 Sun; Modifications
+1 level 2 uses per day +3 levels environ-

Cr Ig 34 mental trigger)
Pen +0, constant
R: Touch, D: sun T:group
Objects that are placed within this box
are heated enough to glow red-hot. Ranulf’s
apprentice uses this box to keep coals from a
Laboratory that has
Learned from Experience Staff of Ranulf
fire hot. These small portions of the original PeIg 23 Ranulf enchanted a staff for his talisman.
are Arcane Connections to the original fire Pen +0, 24/day The staff is made of coiled lengths of ash,
with a Duration of Months (like a hair from R: Per, D: Mom, T: Ind hazel, and oak, and it is bound with iron, in-
a person or a feather from a bird). When a This effect is triggered by the Eyes of the set with leaden and silver traceries, and has a
burning coal is grown into a larger fire this Acolyte power. The Laboratory of Ranulf au- tiny ruby mounted in a silver ring just above
second fire remains an Arcane Connection tomatically extinguishes any fires that are de- where it is held. It was originally opened
to the first. While the Chest of the Ember tected by Eyes of the Acolyte. This effect is only with 15 pawns of vis to fill the ruby.
Seed is in use, it becomes very hot over the capable of extinguishing fires that do +20 At age 54, Ranulf has the first four effects
course of hours and days. Ranulf’s apprentice damage or less per round. This power can act given below instilled into the item, filling all
regularly wraps up the apple-sized chest in to dispel Creo Ignem spells with Durations fifteen pawns of the item’s opened capacity.
an insulated box and uses cold water to cool longer than Momentary, such as Coat of Flame,
the chest’s surface, and occasionally has had but it is not sufficiently quick to counter a Attunements
to resort to more drastic measures (such as spell as it is being cast. On those occasions +6 to fire related effects
Perdo Ignem spontaneous magic). where Ranulf desires to have fires in his labo- +4 to control things at a distance
(Effect: Base 5, +2 Sun, +1 Touch, +2 ratory that are larger than a lantern flame, +2 repel things
Group; Modifications: +3 levels environ- not in the fireplace, or not the product of the +3 to divination
mental trigger, +1 level 2 uses per day) Facade of Pentecost power, he exhausts the 24
daily uses of this effect. By the age of 84, Ranulf has opened his
(Effect: Base 4, +3 more intense fires; talisman further, using 10 more pawns of vis
Laboratory of Ranulf Modifications +5 levels 24 uses per day +3
levels linked trigger)
and enchanting Shriek of the Impending Shafts and
Defense of the Roaring Furnace into his talisman,
with two more corresponding attunements.
Ranulf opened the wooden room that This leaves four unfilled pawns capacity in
serves as his laboratory as an invested de- Facade of Pentecost the talisman.
vice. The room is opened as a compound
device with only the highest vis capacity Cr(Re)Ig 41 Additional Attunements
component (the limestone fireplace) instilled Pen +0, 50/day, item maintains concen- +4 destroy things at a distance
with vis. The room was opened with twelve tration +4 affect dead wood.
pawns of vis. Seven of these twelve pawns R: Per D: Conc, T: Group
are filled with enchantments. The room has This effect calls into being up to ten
three effects invested in it. flames that may appear at any specified point

Magi of Hermes
Topiary of Flames than a small house or large hut (ten times the fect to provide an abundance of firewood, he
size of a standard Ignem individual). more frequently finds the creation of a large
ReIg 44 (Effect: Base 10 +2 voice, +1 concentration, pile of wood to be valuable for other reasons.
Pen +0, 12/day item maintains concen- +1 size; Modifications +5 levels item maintains (Effect: Base 4 +1 Touch +2 Sun, +2 size;
tration concentration, +3 levels 6 uses per day) Modifications +2 levels 3 uses per day)
R: Voice D: Conc, T: Ind (+2 size)
This effect re-shapes a single fire into a
shape desired by the wielder. The fire may Shadow of Spring Shriek of the Impending Shafts
stretch and extend in any direction but it Times Departed
can not be pulled completely away from its InHe 16
source of fuel, nor can the volume of the Cr(Mu)He 5 Pen +0, 2x/day, item maintains concen-
fire be increased by this effect. Ranulf typi- Pen +0, 1x/day tration
cally uses this effect to change large fires R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind R: Per, D: Conc T: Hearing
into walls, bridges, and staircases, often When Shadow of Spring Times Departed is With the above exceptions, this effect
making these features very thin and deli- active, the wooden sections of Ranulf’s tal- functions as the spell Shriek of the Impending
cate to stretch the fire as far as possible. isman slowly repair themselves of damage Shafts (ArM5, page 136).
No part of the fire’s new shape can be fur- by growing back to their original state. The (Effect: Base 2, +1 Concentration, +3
ther than the range of the caster’s voice. A talisman heals at the speed of well-watered Hearing; Modifications +5 levels item main-
Finesse roll should be used if exceptional grass growing, and only heals when exposed tains concentration, +1 level 2 uses per day)
precision or targeting is required. This ef- to sunlight and occasional water. Scratches
fect can target fires of tremendous size (up in the wooden parts of the talisman disap-
to 100 times the size of a standard Ignem pear over the course of few days, while Defense of the
individual fire). more-substantial damage to the staff could Roaring Furnace
(Effect: Base10, +2 Voice, +1 concentra- take months to heal. This instilled power
tion, +2 size; Modifications +5 levels item naturally cannot be activated if the staff is CrIg 58
maintains concentration, +4 levels 12x/day) completely broken. The Creo nature of this Pen +0, unlimited uses
power makes the staff grow back to its ideal R: Special D: Mom T: Ind
state rather than shooting forth roots, leaves, Defense of the Roaring Furnace burns any
Flames of Stone and limbs, while the Muto requisite allows fast-moving wooden item that comes within
dead wood to grow as if it were alive. a pace of the holder of Ranulf’s talisman with
MuIg(Te) 38 (Effect: Base 3, + 2 Sun) a blast of fire sufficiently intense to reduce
Pen +0, 3/day item maintains concen- arrows to ash and weaken pole arms to the
tration point of snapping. Only wooden objects that
R: Voice, D: Conc, T: Ind (+1 size) Surfeit of Fuel are moving sufficiently fast to cause a person
This effect changes the flames of the tar- harm are targeted by this effect. The fires pro-
get fire to be as hard and stable as stone. The CrHe 27 duced by this effect do +35 damage. The tal-
flames still have no weight and the target fire Pen +0, 3/day isman will never target itself with this effect.
still produces both heat and smoke. Ranulf R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Group (+2 size) (Effect: Base 30, + 3 Voice equivalent
often uses this effect in combination with the This effect conjures a pile of dry wood non-standard; Modifications +10 levels un-
Topiary of Flames effect to create temporary containing the mass of several large trees. limited uses, +3 levels linked trigger)
structures. The target fire can be no larger While Ranulf does occasionally use this ef-

Chapter Thirteen

Scipio of Merinita
Concept: Casting his magic through music Size: 0 Concentration 1 (spell concentration),
and illusion, this son of a faerie king Age: 25 (20) Enchanting Music 2 (friendship), Eti-
searches for his true love despite his Decrepitude: 0 quette 1 (faeries), Faerie Lore 1 (faerie
father’s interference. Warping Score: 0 (0) forests), Faerie Magic 1 (spells), Finesse
Confidence Score: 1 (3) 1 (Imaginem), Folk Ken 1 (faeries), Guile
Scipio of Merinita was once named Pierre, Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma- 1 (fast talk), High French 5 (music),
and is the son of a poor peasant woman and gus; Gentle Gift, Strong Faerie Blood French Kingdom Lore 1 (towns), House
a faerie king of bright summer. Soon after his (Sidhe); Affinity with Imaginem, En- Merinita Lore 1 (Initiations), Intrigue 1
birth he was abducted and taken to the court of chanting Music, Faerie Magic (free), Free (rumormongering), Latin 4 (texts), Leg-
his father, where he learned to use his inherent Expression, Performance Magic (Music); erdemain 1 (“magic” tricks), Magic Lore 1
magical powers to create music and illusions. Plagued by Supernatural Entity, True (forests), Magic Theory 3 (spells), Music
But he was not alone, because some other very Love (NPC); Careless Sorcerer, Faerie 2 (lyre), Order of Hermes Lore 1 (magi),
beautiful boys and girls also lived in the court. Upbringing, Lesser Malediction (Iron Parma Magica 1 (Vim), Penetration 1
One of them was a girl named Vinella. Soon burns like fire), Meddler (Imaginem), Philosophiae 1 (ceremonial
the two recognized that there was true love Personality Traits: Meddler +3, Wanderlust magic), Profession: Trouvere 1 (5) (love
between them. The king was afraid of the love +3, Carefree +2, Brave +1 songs), Second Sight 1 (faeries), Stealth
between his son and foster daughter (who he Reputations: Trouvere 0 (Artist) 1 (sneak), Survival 1 (finding routes),
desired, as well) so he sold the boy to a Me- Combat: Swim 1 (rivers)
rinita maga. She turned the boy, who dreamed Dodging: Int 0, Attack n/a, Defense +2, Dam- Arts: Cr 5, In 2, Mu 3, Pe 2, Re 6; An 0, Aq
of becoming a hero to regain his beloved Vi- age n/a 0, Au 0, Co 6, He 1, Ig 0, Im 11, Me 0,
nella, into a magus. Soon after his Gauntlet Soak: +0 Te 1, Vi 0
he moved out to the world to find her, always Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Twilight Scars: None.
watching for his father’s men who try to lure Unconscious Equipment: Bard’s outfit, lyre, flute, bag of
him away from his quest for his true love. Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11– “magic” tricks.
15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+) Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (ceremonial mag- Spells Known:
Scipio at Gauntlet ic), Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 1 Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+3)
(spotting), Bargain 1 (music payment), Curse of the Unruly Tongue (ReCo 5/+12)
Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre +2, Com Brawl 1 (dodging), Carouse 1 (drink- Jump of the Lynx (ReCo 20/+12)
+2, Str –2, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik 0 ing songs), Charm 1 (first impressions), Told Story (CrIm 20/+16)

Story Seeds
Gauntlet • After the characters help Scipio get clos- quest, but it wants proper payment.
er to his love, a Quaesitor investigates • Scipio uses his Book of Images spell to
• Scipio is searching for a covenant as whether they molested the faeries. collect the image of some magi (per-
a base for his quest; his new sodales haps the characters) doing ill against
could soon be involved in his search. the Order. Will he try to blackmail
• The players’ characters hear about a +15 Years them, will they hunt him down, or is
strange man who tricked some faeries this just a trick of the faerie king’s men
and even entered the Faerie regio near • After a long journey, Scipio visits the to give Scipio a bad reputation?
the covenant. Will he also trick the player characters’ covenant to ask for • On his long journeys, Scipio finds
nearby faeries and make them angry, or help getting into a secure regio they some new vis sources that he will sell to
will he become an ally with good con- know of. There a faerie hides something the player characters if they help him
nections to the fey? that might bear hints about Scipio’s in his quest.

Magi of Hermes
Aura of the Simple Bard (MuIm 15/+14) 1 (fast talk), High French 5 (music), Traveler’s Foresight (InIm 5/+21)
Faerie Flute (MuIm 5/+14) French Kingdom Lore 1 (towns), House Faerie Flute (MuIm 5/+22)
Rainbow Fire (MuIm 15/+14) Merinita Lore 2 (Initiations), Intrigue 1 Aura of the Simple Bard (MuIm 15/+22)
Image Phantom (MuIm 20/+14) (rumormongering), Latin 4 (texts), Leg- Rainbow Fire (MuIm 15/+22)
Hiding the Ill-Bred Bard (PeIm 15/+13) erdemain 1 (“magic” tricks), Magic Lore Image Phantom (MuIm 20/ +22)
Appearance: An ever-smiling bard with red 1 (forests), Magic Theory 3 (spells), Hiding the Ill-Bred Bard (PeIm 15/+19)
hair, pointy ears, and strange-looking am- Music 3 (lyre), Order of Hermes Lore 1 Color Explosion (ReIm 15/+23)
ber-colored eyes. His angular face may (magi), Parma Magica 3 (Vim), Penetra- The Generous Patron (MuMe 15/+15)
look like a fox from time to time. He wears tion 1 (Imaginem), Philosophiae 1 (cer- Appearance: An ever-smiling and ageless
multi-colored bard’s clothes, and some emonial magic), Profession: Trouvere 2 bard with red hair, pointy ears, and
musical instruments hang from his belt. (love songs), Second Sight 1 (faeries), strange-looking amber-colored eyes. His
His hat is decorated with many multi-col- Stealth 1 (sneak), Survival 1 (finding angular face may look like a fox from
ored feathers from strange faerie birds. routes), Swim 1 (rivers) time to time. He wears multi-colored
Sigil: His casting sigil is a red fox that mani- Arts: Cr 9, In 7, Mu 8, Pe 5, Re 9; An 2, Aq bard’s clothes, and some musical instru-
fests and even acts in his spells. His vot- 2, Au 2, Co 4, He 4, Ig 2, Im 14, Me 7, ments hang from his belt. His hat is dec-
ing sigil is a red wand with the wooden Te 2, Vi 2 orated with many multi-colored feathers
head of a fox. Twilight Scars: His hair always moves as if from strange faerie birds.
he were a hero from an old story. Activities in the last 15 years: In two sea-
Equipment: Bard’s outfit, lyre, flute, bag of sons he Initiated the Spell Timing Mys-
Scipio +15 “magic” tricks.
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
tery (and the Weird Magic Flaw), two
went for building up his lab and eight for
Spells Known: spell design. He gains 360 experience
Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre +2, Com
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+12) points for 12 full years. 170 experience
+2, Str –2, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik 0
Curse of the Unruly Tongue (ReCo 5/+13) points from these 15 years are spent on
Size: 0
Follower’s Bane (ReCo 10/+13) Abilities (for a total of 425), 190 experi-
Age: 40 (20)
Jump of the Lynx (ReCo 20/+13) ence points are spent on Arts (for a total
Decrepitude: 0
Everlasting Music (ReHe(An) 15/+11) of 305). Spells were all created in lab sea-
Warping Score: 3 (0)
Book of Images (CrIm 15/+23) sons, some with experimentation.
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Told Story (CrIm 20/+23)
Virtues and Flaw: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
gus; Gentle Gift, Strong Faerie Blood
(Sidhe); Affinity with Imaginem, En-
chanting Music, Faerie Magic (free), Free
Expression, Performance Magic (Music),
Spell Timing; Plagued by Supernatural
Entity, True love (NPC); Careless Sor-
cerer, Faerie Upbringing, Lesser Male-
diction (Iron burns like fire), Meddler,
Weird Magic
Personality Traits: Meddler +3, Wanderlust
+3, Carefree +2, Brave +1
Reputations: Trouvere 2 (Artist), Faerie Bard
+1 (France)
Dodging: Int 0, Attack n/a, Defense +2, Dam-
age n/a
Soak: +0
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–
15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+)
Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (ceremonial mag-
ic), Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 2
(spotting), Bargain 2 (music payment),
Brawl 1 (dodging), Carouse 2 (drink-
ing songs), Charm 1 (first impressions),
Concentration 2 (spell concentration),
Enchanting Music 3 (friendship), Eti-
quette 2 (faeries), Faerie Lore 2 (faerie
forests), Faerie Magic 3 (spells), Finesse
1 (Imaginem), Folk Ken 2 (faeries), Guile

Magi of Hermes
strange-looking amber-colored eyes. His
Performance Magic Glamour Spells angular face may look like a fox from
time to time. He wears multi-colored
(Music) Scipio uses the Glamour Magic ru-
bard’s clothes, and some musical instru-
ments hang from his belt. His hat is dec-
les from Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults,
Scipio uses the Performance Magic orated with many multi-colored feathers
pages 101-102. In short, this allows him
rules from The Mysteries: Revised Edition, from strange faerie birds.
to create illusions that are more real
page 29. This lets him use singing and Activities in the last 15 years: He spends
than other illusions: they are resisted by
playing instead of words and gestures to four seasons on his talisman, one for
the Parma Magica, can do real damage,
cast spells. In addition, he can maintain finding a familiar, one for binding it,
move things, and so on, but they are
concentration while he performs his mu- two for his Mysteries (gained Glamour
only affected by Imaginem spells.
sic with no need for a Concentration roll. and Vulnerable Magic), and seven on
spell design. During experimentation
he made a discovery for 15 experience
Scipio +30 Lore 2 (towns), House Merinita Lore
3 (Initiations), Intrigue 1 (rumormon-
points in Magic Theory. He gains 330
experience for 11 full years plus 15 ex-
gering), Latin 4 (texts), Legerdemain 2
Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre +2, Com perience through experimentation. 150
(“magic” tricks), Magic Lore 2 (forests),
+2, Str –2, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik 0 experience from these 15 years are spent
Magic Theory 3 (15) (spells), Music 3
Size: 0 on Abilities (for a total of 575), 195 ex-
(lyre), Order of Hermes Lore 1 (magi),
Age: 55 (20) perience are spent on Arts (for a total of
Parma Magica 4 (Vim), Penetration 2
Decrepitude: 0 500). Spells were all created in lab sea-
(Imaginem), Philosophiae 1 (ceremo-
Warping Score: 4 (13) sons, some with experimentation.
nial magic), Profession: Trouvere 2 (love
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
songs), Second Sight 2 (faeries), Stealth
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic
1 (sneak), Survival 2 (finding routes),
Magus; Gentle Gift, Glamour, Major
Magical Focus (Glamour) (gained during
Swim 1 (rivers) Scipio +45
Arts: Cr 9, In 7, Mu 10, Pe 5, Re 9; An 4, Aq
Twilight), Strong Faerie Blood (Sidhe);
4, Au 4, Co 5, He 4, Ig 11, Im 17, Me Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre +2, Com
Affinity with Imaginem, Enchanting Mu-
11(3), Te 4, Vi 4 +2, Str –2, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik 0
sic, Faerie Magic (free), Free Expression,
Twilight Scars: His hair always moves as if Size: 0
Performance Magic (Music), Spell Tim-
he were a hero from an old story. Some- Age: 70 (25)
ing; Plagued by Supernatural Entity, True
times his normal illusion spells become Decrepitude: 0
Love (NPC); Careless Sorcerer, Faerie
real, like Glamours, but only in cases Warping Score: 5 (18)
Upbringing, Lesser Malediction (Iron
that are bad for Scipio. Confidence Score: 2 (5)
burns like fire), Meddler, Vulnerable
Equipment: Bard’s outfit, The Eternally Chang- Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic
Magic (Iron, Personal), Weird Magic
ing Lyre talisman), flute, bag of “magic” Magus; Gentle Gift, Glamour, Major
Personality Traits: Meddler +3, Wanderlust
tricks, and a red fox on his shoulder. Magical Focus (Glamour) (gained during
+3, Carefree +2, Brave +1
Encumbrance: 0 (0) Twilight), Strong Faerie Blood (Sidhe);
Reputations: Trouvere 3 (Artist), Faerie Bard
Spells Known: Affinity with Imaginem, Enchanting Mu-
+2 (France), Troublesome Faerie Guy +1
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+19) sic, Faerie Magic (free), Free Expression,
(Order of Hermes)
Curse of the Unruly Tongue (ReCo 5/+16) Performance Magic (Music), Spell Tim-
Follower’s Bane (ReCo 10/+16) ing; Plagued by Supernatural Entity, True
Dodging: Int 0, Attack n/a, Defense +2, Dam-
Jump of the Lynx (ReCo 20/+16) Love (NPC); Careless Sorcerer, Faerie
age n/a
Everlasting Music (ReHe(An) 15/+15) Upbringing, Lesser Malediction (Iron
Soak: +0
Smoke of Escaping (CrIm 5/+30) burns like fire), Meddler, Vulnerable
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Book of Images (CrIm 15/+30) Magic (Iron, Personal), Weird Magic
Phantasmal Horse (CrIm 30/+39*) Personality Traits: Meddler +3, Wanderlust
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–
Told Story (CrIm 20/+30) +3, Carefree +2, Brave +1
15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+)
Story of Legend (CrIm 35/+30) Reputations: Trouvere 3 (Artist), Faerie Bard
Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (ceremonial mag-
Traveler’s Foresight (InIm 5/+28) +3 (France), Troublesome Faerie Guy +2
ic), Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 2
Faerie Flute (MuIm 5/+32) (Order of Hermes), Faerie Sorcerer +1
(spotting), Bargain 2 (music payment),
Aura of the Simple Bard (MuIm 15/+32) (faeries of Arcadia)
Brawl 1 (dodging), Carouse 2 (drink-
Rainbow Fire (MuIm 15/+32) Combat:
ing songs), Charm 2 (first impressions),
Image Phantom (MuIm 20/+32) Dodging: Int 0, Attack n/a, Defense +3, Dam-
Concentration 2 (spell concentration),
Servant of Fire (MuIm(IgMe) 35/+37*) age n/a
Divine Lore 1 (angels), Enchanting
Hiding the Ill-Bred Bard (PeIm 15/+26) Soak: +0
Music 3 (friendship), Etiquette 2 (faer-
Color Explosion (ReIm 15/+30) Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
ies), Faerie Lore 3 (faerie forests), Faerie
The Generously Patron (MuMe 15/+26) Unconscious
Magic 4 (spells), Finesse 2 (Imaginem),
* Includes Magical Focus Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–
Folk Ken 2 (faeries), Guile 2 (fast talk),
Appearance: An ever-smiling and ageless 15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+)
High French 5 (music), French Kingdom
bard with red hair, pointy ears, and Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (ceremonial mag-

Magi of Hermes
ic), Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 2
(spotting), Bargain 2 (music payment),
Color Explosion (ReIm 15/+33)
The Generous Patron (MuMe 15/+30) Scipio +60
Brawl 2 (dodging), Carouse 2 (drink- * Includes Magical Focus
Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre +2, Com
ing songs), Charm 1 (first impressions), Appearance: An ever-smiling and ageless
+2, Str –2, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik 0
Concentration 2 (spell concentration), bard with red hair, pointy ears, and stran-
Size: 0
Divine Lore 1 (angels), Enchanting ge-looking amber-colored eyes. His an-
Age: 85 (35)
Music 3 (friendship), Etiquette 2 (faer- gular face may look like a fox from time
Decrepitude: 0
ies), Faerie Lore 4 (faerie forests), Faerie to time. He wears multi-colored bard‘s
Warping Score: 6 (18)
Magic 4 (spells), Finesse 3 (Imaginem), clothes, and some musical instruments
Confidence Score: 2 (5)
Folk Ken 2 (faeries), Guile 2 (fast talk), hang from his belt. His hat is decorated
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic
High French 5 (music), French Kingdom with many multi-colored feathers from
Magus; Gentle Gift, Glamour, Major
Lore 2 (towns), House Merinita Lore 3 strange faerie birds.
Magical Focus (Glamour) (gained during
(Initiations), Infernal Lore 1 (demons), Activities in the last 15 years: He spends
Twilight), Strong Faerie Blood (Sidhe);
Intrigue 2 (rumormongering), Latin 4 15 seasons with his apprentice, one for
Affinity with Imaginem, Enchanting Mu-
(texts), Legerdemain 2 (“magic” tricks), his longevity ritual, and six on spell de-
sic, Faerie Magic (free), Free Expression,
Magic Lore 2 (forests), Magic Theory sign. He gains 270 experience points
Performance Magic (Music), Spell Tim-
3 (15) (spells), Music 3 (lyre), Order of for nine full years, plus 10 experience
ing; Plagued by Supernatural Entity, True
Hermes Lore 1 (magi), Parma Magica 5 for a half year. 120 experience are spent
Love (NPC); Careless Sorcerer, Faerie
(Vim), Penetration 2 (Imaginem), Phi- on Abilities (for a total of 695), 150 ex-
Upbringing, Lesser Malediction (Iron
losophiae 1 (ceremonial magic), Profes- perience on Arts (for a total of 650).
burns like fire), Meddler, Vulnerable
sion: Trouvere 2 (love songs), Teaching 1 Spells were all created in lab seasons,
Magic (Iron, Personal), Weird Magic
(magi), Second Sight 2 (faeries), Stealth some with experimentation.
Personality Traits: Meddler +3, Wanderlust
1 (sneak), Survival 2 (finding routes),
Swim 1 (rivers)
Arts: Cr 12, In 7, Mu 10, Pe 5, Re 9; An 5,
Aq 5, Au 5, Co 6, He 5, Ig 11, Im 20(3),
Me 15, Te 5, Vi 5
Story Seeds
Twilight Scars: His hair always moves as
if he were a hero from an old story. +30 Years • He seeks someone who could manu-
facture a ward against iron for him
Sometimes his normal illusion spells
• Scipio finally finds a way to the tower because of his new Vulnerable Magic
become real, like Glamours, but only
where Vinella is imprisoned. It is in Flaw. But just when he finds someone,
in cases that are bad for Scipio. Many
the Realm of Faerie, guarded by many he is also found by the faerie king’s
little animals that are the prey of foxes
of the faerie king’s men. He asks the men. Will the characters help him, or
get even more nervous than normal
players’ characters if they might help deliver him to his enemy?
while he is around.
Equipment: Bard’s outfit, The Eternally Chang- him at least to speak to his father. With
ing Lyre talisman, flute, bag of “magic” Scipio’s guidance they can explore this
tricks, and a red fox on his shoulder. realm and finally find the tower. +60 Years
Encumbrance: 0 (0) • By this time, Scipio has a “personal”
Quaesitor who devotes himself to cap- • Scipio has to fight not only against
Spells Known:
turing this troublesome magus. the interfering Quaesitors, but also
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+20)
• Scipio frees Vinella and has some time to against Vinella’s mother while evad-
Curse of the Unruly Tongue (ReCo 5/+17)
live happily with her, but soon she will ing the angry attacks of his father. So
Follower’s Bane (ReCo 10/+17)
be lost again, this time because of a fae- he seeks a way to play both sides and
Jump of the Lynx (ReCo 20/+17)
rie queen who claims to be her mother! escape with Vinella during the war
Everlasting Music (ReHe(An) 15/+16)
between the two faerie courts. This
Smoke of Escaping (CrIm 5/+36)
may ultimately lead to a Wizard’s
Book of Images (CrIm 15/+36)
Told Story (CrIm 20/+36) +45 Years March against him, if both sides de-
cide to take revenge for their losses
Phantasmal Horse (CrIm 30/+48*)
• Scipio now seeks to recapture his love and attack other covenants. The play-
Cage of Bronze (CrIm 30/+48*)
from her mother, a faerie queen of er characters may assist Scipio and
Story of Legend (CrIm 35/+36)
dark winter. He searches for an Ignem have to destroy all evidence of their
Doppelganger (CrIm(Me) 40/+43*)
or ice magus who could help him. involvement, their covenant might
Garden of Eden (CrIm 45/+48*)
• Scipio meddles with the covenant by be attacked by the angry faeries, or
Traveler’s Foresight (InIm 5/+31)
organizing an alliance between the they might join other members of the
Faerie Flute (MuIm 5/+34)
covenant and a faerie court without Order to hunt down the faerie bard.
Aura of the Simple Bard (MuIm 15/+34)
asking permission. Will the covenant Whatever the outcome, Scipio and
Rainbow Fire (MuIm 15/+34)
accept the conditions of the pact? Or Vinella leave their home Tribunal and
Image Phantom (MuIm 20/+34)
will they refuse it and make the faerie travel to some distant place like Scot-
Servant of Fire (MuIm(IgMe) 35/+35*)
court angry? land, Russia, or the Levant.
Hiding the Ill-Bred Bard (PeIm 15/+30)

Magi of Hermes
+3, Carefree +2, Brave +1 Smoke of Escaping (CrIm 5/+41) burns like fire), Meddler, Vulnerable
Reputations: Trouvere 4 (Artist), Faerie Bard Book of Images (CrIm 15/+41) Magic (Iron, Personal), Weird Magic
+4 (France), Troublesome Faerie Guy +3 Told Story (CrIm 20/+41) Personality Traits: Meddler +3, Wanderlust
(Order of Hermes), Faerie Sorcerer +2 Cage of Bronze (CrIm 30/+53*) +3, Carefree +2, Brave +1
(Faeries of Arcadia) Phantasmal Horse (CrIm 30/+53*) Reputations: Trouvere 5 (Artist), Faerie Bard
Combat: Story of Legend (CrIm 35/+41) +4 (France), Troublesome Faerie Guy +4
Dodging: Int 0, Attack n/a, Defense +3, Dam- Doppelganger (CrIm(Me) 40/+53*) (Order of Hermes), Faerie Sorcerer +3
age n/a Garden of Eden (CrIm 45/+53*) (Faeries of Arcadia)
Soak: +0 Traveler‘s Foresight (InIm 5/+37) Combat:
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Faerie Flute (MuIm 5/+42) Dodging: Int -1, Attack n/a, Defense +2, Dam-
Unconscious Aura of the Simple Bard (MuIm 15/+42) age n/a
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11– Rainbow Fire (MuIm 15/+42) Soak: +0
15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+) Image Phantom (MuIm 20/+42) Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (ceremonial mag- Blessing the Merchant‘s Lineage (MuIm 35/+42) Unconscious
ic), Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 2 Servant of Fire (MuIm(IgMe) 35/+41*) Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–
(spotting), Bargain 2 (music payment), Hiding the Ill-Bred Bard (PeIm 15/+40) 15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+)
Brawl 2 (dodging), Carouse 2 (drink- Invisible Arms (Pe(Cr)Im25/+40) Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (ceremonial mag-
ing songs), Charm 1 (first impressions), Color Explosion (ReIm 15/+40) ic), Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 2
Concentration 2 (spell concentration), The Generous Patron (MuMe 15/+33) (spotting), Bargain 2 (music payment),
Divine Lore 1 (angels), Enchanting Mu- Dancing Mania (ReMe 30/+29) Brawl 2 (dodging), Carouse 2 (drink-
sic 4 (friendship), Etiquette 2 (faeries), * Includes Magical Focus ing songs), Charm 1 (first impressions),
Faerie Lore 3 (faerie forests), Faerie Mag- Appearance: An ever-smiling and ageless Concentration 2 (spell concentration),
ic 4 (spells), Finesse 4 (Imaginem), Folk bard with red hair, pointy ears, and stran- Divine Lore 1 (angels), Enchanting Mu-
Ken 3 (faeries), Guile 2 (fast talk), High ge-looking amber-colored eyes. His an- sic 4 (friendship), Etiquette 2 (faeries),
French 5 (music), French Kingdom Lore gular face may look like a fox from time Faerie Lore 4 (faerie forests), Faerie Mag-
2 (towns), House Merinita Lore 3 (Initia- to time. He wears multi-colored bard‘s ic 5 (spells), Finesse 4 (Imaginem), Folk
tions), Infernal Lore 1 (demons), Intrigue clothes, and some musical instruments Ken 3 (faeries), Guile 2 (fast talk), High
2 (rumormongering), Latin 4 (texts), hang from his belt. His hat is decorated French 5 (music), French Kingdom Lore
Legerdemain 2 (“magic” tricks), Magic with many multi-colored feathers from 2 (towns), House Merinita Lore 3 (Initia-
Lore 2 (forests), Magic Theory 4 (spells), strange faerie birds. tions), Infernal Lore 1 (demons), Intrigue
Music 3 (lyre), Order of Hermes Lore 2 Activities in the last 15 years: He spends 3 (rumormongering), Latin 4 (texts),
(magi), Parma Magica 5 (Vim), Penetra- seven seasons on spell design and one Legerdemain 2 (“magic” tricks), Magic
tion 2 (Imaginem), Philosophiae 2 (cer- on enchanting his familiar. He gains 390 Lore 2 (forests), Magic Theory 4 (spells),
emonial magic), Profession: Trouvere 2 experience points for 13 full years. 150 Music 4 (lyre), Order of Hermes Lore 2
(love songs), Teaching 2 (magi), Second experience are spent on Abilities (for a (magi), Parma Magica 6 (Vim), Penetra-
Sight 3 (faeries), Stealth 2 (sneak), Sur- total of 840), 240 experience on Arts (for tion 2 (Imaginem), Philosophiae 2 (cer-
vival 2 (finding routes), Swim 2 (rivers) a total of 890). Spells were all created in emonial magic), Profession: Trouvere 2
Arts: Cr 12, In 8, Mu 12, Pe 11, Re 11; An lab seasons, some with experimentation. (love songs), Teaching 2 (magi), Second
6, Aq 6, Au 6, Co 6, He 6, Ig 11, Im 25, Sight 3 (faeries), Stealth 2 (sneak), Sur-
Me 16, Te 6, Vi 6 vival 2 (finding routes), Swim 2 (rivers)
Twilight Scars: His hair always moves as if
he were a hero from an old story. Some-
Scipio +75 Arts: Cr 13, In 9, Mu 15, Pe 14, Re 13; An
6, Aq 6, Au 9, Co 9, He 6, Ig 11, Im 27,
times his normal illusion spells become Me 18, Te 6, Vi 6
Characteristics: Int +1, Per –1(0), Pre +2,
real, like Glamours, but only in cases Twilight Scars: His hair always moves as if
Com +2, Str –2, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik
that are bad for Scipio. Many little ani- he were a hero from an old story. Some-
mals that are the prey of foxes get even times his normal illusion spells become
Size: 0
more nervous than normal while he is real, like Glamours, but only in cases that
Age: 100 (40)
around. If he stands still his shadow turns are bad for Scipio. Many little animals
Decrepitude: 0 (2)
very dark red. that are the prey of foxes get even more
Warping Score: 7 (13)
Equipment: Bard’s outfit, The Eternally Chang- nervous than normal while he is around.
Confidence Score: 3 (5)
ing Lyre talisman, flute, bag of “magic” If he stands still his shadow turns very
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic
tricks, and a red fox on his shoulder. dark red. Every single hair from his head
Magus; Gentle Gift, Glamour, Major
Encumbrance: 0 (0) is a tiny piece of copper; they can be
Magical Focus (Glamour) (gained during
Spells Known: melted down and made into products.
Twilight), Strong Faerie Blood (Sidhe);
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+22) Equipment: Bard’s outfit, The Eternally
Affinity with Imaginem, Enchanting Mu-
Curse of the Unruly Tongue (ReCo 5/+19) Changing Lyre talisman, flute, bag of
sic, Faerie Magic (free), Free Expression,
Follower‘s Bane (ReCo 10/+19) “magic” tricks, The Bottomless Bag (less-
Performance Magic (Music), Spell Tim-
Jump of the Lynx (ReCo 20/+19) er enchanted device), and a red fox on
ing; Plagued by Supernatural Entity, True
Everlasting Music (ReHe(An) 15/+19) his shoulder.
Love (NPC); Careless Sorcerer, Faerie
Summer‘s Blessing (MuIg(Te) 30/+22) Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Upbringing, Lesser Malediction (Iron

Magi of Hermes
Spells Known: Size: 0 Music 4 (friendship), Etiquette 2 (faer-
Bridge of Gnomes (CrAu 15/+22) Age: 115 (50) ies), Faerie Lore 4 (faerie forests), Faerie
Rainbow Bridge (MuAu 20/+29) Decrepitude: 0 (4) Magic 6 (spells), Finesse 4 (Imaginem),
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+26) Warping Score: 8 (3) Folk Ken 3 (faeries), Guile 2 (fast talk),
Curse of the Unruly Tongue (ReCo 5/+24) Confidence Score: 3 (5) High French 5 (music), French King-
Follower‘s Bane (ReCo 10/+24) Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic dom Lore 2 (towns), House Merinita
Jump of the Lynx (ReCo 20/+24) Magus; Gentle Gift, Glamour, Major Lore 3 (Initiations), Infernal Lore 1 (de-
Everlasting Music (ReHe(An) 15/+21) Magical Focus (Glamour) (gained during mons), Intrigue 3 (rumormongering),
Summer‘s Blessing (MuIg(Te) 30/+26) Twilight), Strong Faerie Blood (Sidhe); Latin 4 (texts), Legerdemain 3 (“magic”
Smoke of Escaping (CrIm 5/+44) Affinity with Imaginem, Enchanting Mu- tricks), Magic Lore 2 (forests), Magic
Book of Images (CrIm 15/+44) sic, Faerie Magic (free), Free Expression, Theory 5 (spells), Music 4 (lyre), Order
Told Story (CrIm 20/+44) Performance Magic (Music), Spell Tim- of Hermes Lore 2 (magi), Parma Magica
Cage of Bronze (CrIm 30/+57*) ing; Plagued by Supernatural Entity, True 7 (Vim), Penetration 2 (Imaginem), Phi-
Phantasmal Horse (CrIm 30/+57*) Love (NPC); Careless Sorcerer, Faerie losophiae 2 (ceremonial magic), Profes-
Story of Legend (CrIm 35/+44) Upbringing, Lesser Malediction (Iron sion: Trouvere 2 (love songs), Teach-
Doppelganger (CrIm(Me) 40/+57*) burns like fire), Meddler, Vulnerable ing 2 (magi), Second Sight 3 (faeries),
Garden of Eden (CrIm 45/+57*) Magic (Iron, Personal), Weird Magic Stealth 2 (sneak), Survival 2 (finding
Traveler‘s Foresight (InIm 5/+40) Personality Traits: Meddler +3, Wanderlust route), Swim 2 (rivers)
Faerie Flute (MuIm 5/+47) +3, Carefree +2, Brave +1 Arts: Cr 16, In 10, Mu 15, Pe 14, Re 15; An
Aura of the Simple Bard (MuIm 15/+47) Reputations: Trouvere 5 (Artist), Faerie Bard 6, Aq 6, Au 9, Co 10, He 6, Ig 11, Im 28,
Rainbow Fire (MuIm 15/+47) +4 (France), Troublesome Faerie Guy +4 Me 19, Te 6, Vi 6
Image Phantom (MuIm 20/+47) (Order of Hermes), Faerie Sorcerer +3 Twilight Scars: His hair always moves as
Safe Heaven (MuIm 20/+47) (Faeries of Arcadia), Faerie Bard +1 (new if he were a hero from an old story.
Blessing the Merchant’s Lineage (MuIm 35/+47) home tribunal) Sometimes his normal illusion spells
Servant of Fire (MuIm(IgMe) 35/+42*) Combat: become real, like Glamours, but only
Hiding the Ill-Bred Bard (PeIm 15/+45) Dodging: Int -1, Attack n/a, Defense +2, Dam- in cases that are bad for Scipio. Many
Invisible Arms (Pe(Cr)Im25/+45) age n/a little animals that are the prey of foxes
Color Explosion (ReIm 15/+44) Soak: +0 get even more nervous than normal
The Generous Patron (MuMe 15/+38) Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, while he is around. If he stands still his
Stolen Moments (PeMe 35/+32) Unconscious shadow turns very dark red. Every sin-
Sinister Road (ReMe 20/+33) Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11– gle hair from his head is a tiny piece of
Dancing Mania (ReMe 30/+33) 15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+) copper; they can be melted down and
* Includes Magical Focus Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (ceremonial mag- made into products.
Appearance: An ever-smiling and ageless bard ic), Athletics 2 (running), Awareness 2 Equipment: Bard’s outfit, The Eternally
with red hair, pointy ears, and strange- (spotting), Bargain 2 (music payment), Changing Lyre talisman, flute, bag of
looking amber-colored eyes. His angular Brawl 2 (dodging), Carouse 3 (drink- “magic” tricks, The Bottomless Bag (less-
face may look like a fox from time to time. ing songs), Charm 2 (first impressions), er enchanted device), and a red fox on
He wears multi-colored bard‘s clothes, Concentration 3 (spell concentration), his shoulder.
and some musical instruments hang from Divine Lore 1 (angels), Enchanting Encumbrance: 0 (0)
his belt. His hat is decorated with many
multi-colored feathers from strange faerie
birds. A gift from his lady (a blue piece of
silk) is wrapped around his arm.
Story Seeds
Activities in the last 15 years: He spends
seven seasons on spell design, one for re- +75 Years +90 Years
building his lab (after destroying it in ex-
perimentation), one on his familiar (re- • Finally Scipio and Vinella live together • Scipio instructs his second apprentice
forging the bond), two for his talisman, somewhere in a distant country away in some of his new silly spells, but the
and one for a magical item. He gains 360 from urban civilization. They hide young one uses them to embarrass a
experience points for 12 full years. 155 with Scipio‘s illusion magic. But some- mundane lord in front of his men.
experience are spent on Abilities (for a times Scipio is filled with wanderlust Scipio seeks out other magi who can
total of 995), 205 experience on Arts (for and he puts on his shoes and walks out deal with this, as he’s afraid solving the
a total of 1095). Spells were all created in the door. He is too careless to think problem on his own would bring him
lab seasons, some with experimentation. about all the people (two faerie courts to the Quaesitores’ attention.
and perhaps some Quaesitors) who • His Image of the Lady spell becomes
are still hunting him. Meanwhile, he highly sought after by many cov-
searches for another apprentice and enants. The players’ covenant still has
Scipio +90 vis, as well as adventures and young none, so they’ll need to find this noto-
heroes who he can help with their rious artist to get their hands on some
Characteristics: Int +1, Per –1, Pre +2(1), personal quests. of his useful creations.
Com +2, Str –2, Sta -1, Dex +2, Qik –1

Magi of Hermes
Spells Known:
New Spells
Hiding the Ill-Bred Bard (PeIm 15/+46)
Bridge of Gnomes (CrAu 15/+25) Invisible Arms (Pe(Cr)Im25/+46)
Rainbow Bridge (MuAu 20/+29) Color Explosion (ReIm 15/+47)
Eyes of the Cat (MuCo(An) 5/+26) The Generous Patron (MuMe 15/+39) Scipio has developed these spells.
High Tree or Small Boulder (MuCo 20/+30) Stolen Moments (PeMe 35/+33)
Curse of the Unruly Tongue (ReCo 5/+27) Sinister Road (ReMe 20/+36)
Follower‘s Bane (ReCo 10/+27) Dancing Mania (ReMe 30/+36)
Jump of the Lynx (ReCo 20/+27) Endless Laughter (ReMe 30/+36) Auram Spells
How God Created Them (MuHe(An) 25/+26) * Includes Magical Focus
Everlasting Music (ReHe(An) 15/+23) Appearance: An ever-smiling and ageless
Summer‘s Blessing (MuIg(Te) 30/+26) bard with copper-red hair, pointy ears,
Smoke of Escaping (CrIm 5/+48) and strange-looking amber-colored
Bridge of Gnomes
Book of Images (CrIm 15/+48) eyes. His angular face may look like a CrAu 15
Told Story (CrIm 20/+48) fox from time to time. He wears multi- R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual
Cage of Bronze (CrIm 30/+64*) colored bard‘s clothes, and some musical This spell creates a rainbow up to seven
Phantasmal Horse (CrIm 30/+64*) instruments hang from his belt. His hat miles long. It only works outdoors.
Story of Legend (CrIm 35/+48) is decorated with many multi-colored (Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 very un-
Doppelganger (CrIm(Me) 40/+64*) feathers from strange faerie birds. A gift natural fashion)
Image of the Lady (CrIm(Me) 40/+39) from his lady (a blue piece of silk) is
Garden of Eden (CrIm 45/+64*) wrapped around his arm.
Traveler’s Foresight (InIm 5/+42) Activities in the last 15 years: He spends Rainbow Bridge
Faerie Flute (MuIm 5/+48) eight seasons inventing new spells, 15
Aura of the Simple Bard (MuIm 15/+48) for teaching his apprentice, and one for MuAu 30
Rainbow Fire (MuIm 15/+48) his longevity ritual. He gains 270 expe- R:Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual
Image Phantom (MuIm 20/+48) rience points for 9 full years. 55 experi- This spell gives an existing rainbow the
Safe Heaven (MuIm 20/+48) ence are spent on Abilities (for a total of hardness of good stone or iron. It is still col-
Ogre‘s Stench (MuIm 30/+48) 1050), 200 experience on Arts (for a to- orful and you can see through it; only the
Blessing the Merchant‘s Lineage (MuIm 35/+48) tal of 1295). Spells were all created in lab hardness is changed. With rainbows like
Servant of Fire (MuIm(IgMe) 35/+42*) seasons, some with experimentation. these you can build bridges into the sky that
can be used by creatures other than gnomes.
(Base 10, +3 Sight, +2 Sun, –1 for only
one property change)

Corpus Spells

High Tree or Small Boulder

MuCo 20
R: Voice, D:Sun, T: Individual
The spell’s target either grows to three
paces tall or shrinks to only a half pace in
height, but his mass isn’t affected. As a result,
the target is either a thin giant who cannot
control his body parts normally, or he is a
tiny, fat dwarf who rather rolls than walks.
(Base 3, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +1 because
this spell allows growth and shrinking)

Follower’s Bane
ReCo 10
R: Road, D: Sun, T: Individual
The magus can hex someone he senses
via normal or magical senses who stands
on the same road. The target’s legs starts to
spasm in a way that makes it impossible to

Magi of Hermes

Familiar: Felix the Lucky Fox

Magic Might: 10 (Imaginem) Appearance: A small red fox with an ex- Hunt 3 (birds), Latin 4 (magi), Legerde-
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre +2, Com ceptionally long, twisted tail. When he main 3 (picking pockets), Magical Lore
+3, Str –3, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik +4 transforms into a human he speaks with 3 (forest), Magic Theory 5 (Imaginem),
Size: –2 a smooth voice, has red hair with a red Music 3 (singing), Stealth 3 (hiding),
Age: n/a beard, green eyes, and normal stature. Survival 3 (forest)
Confidence Score: 2 (5) Powers: Sight Beyond Sight, 1 point, Animal
Virtues and Flaws: Magic Animal; Magi- Felix stepped into this world with an (R: Per, D: Conc, T: Vision): All five
cal Friend; Great Quickness, Luck, intense urge to wander, visit the humans, senses operate at a distance, as far as
Perfect Balance, Puissant Guile, Self- and take part in their lives. In the great city he can see. This gives him supernatural
Confident, Well-Traveled; Wanderlust, of Paris he improved his skill at lying, gam- awareness of everything that occurs,
Greedy (minor), Nocturnal bling, and thieving, and felt as though he and it is exceptionally difficult to catch
Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Ritual was now perfect. But the time away from him by surprise, InIm 30 (base 5, +1
Power, Gift of Speech, Improved Char- his Magic aura weakened his powers, and Conc, +4 Vision): Personal Power x 2
acteristics (x2), Improved Abilities he also attracted some demons who wanted (20 levels, –2 Might cost, +2 Init)
(x3), Lesser Power, Personal Power; to make him a member of their realm. But Familiar Powers: Shared Senses
Reduced Attack luckily Scipio (30 years out of his Gauntlet)
Personality Traits: Fox +3, Wanderlust +5, found him before he was lured away, saving
Greedy +3, Carefree +2 him from losing more of his powers and be- Felix +45 Years
Combat: coming Infernal. After this, both traveled
Bite: Init +4, Attack +5, Defense +7, Dam- to many countries, adventuring and getting Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Rit-
age –2 into a great deal of trouble that they both ual Power, Gift of Speech, Improved
Soak: 0 survived thanks to their immense luck. Characteristics (x2), Improved Abili-
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, ties (x6), Lesser Power, Personal Power
Unconscious (2x); Reduced Attack
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–3), –3 (4–6), –5 (7– Felix +15 Years Abilities: Athletics 3 (sprinting), Area Lore
9), Incapacitated (10–12), Dead (13+) (Normandy) 3 (towns), Artes Liberales 2
Abilities: Athletics 3 (sprinting), Area Lore Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Ritual (reading), Awareness 3 (coins), Bargain
(Normandy) 3 (towns), Artes Liberales 1 Power, Gift of Speech, Improved Char- 3 (hard sell), Brawl 1 (bite), Carouse 4
(reading), Awareness 3 (coins), Bargain acteristics (x2), Improved Abilities (drinking), Charm 3 (first impressions),
3 (hard sell), Brawl 1 (bite), Carouse 3 (x4), Lesser Power, Personal Power; Folk Ken 3 (peasants), Guile 6+2 (fast
(drinking), Charm 3 (first impressions), Reduced Attack talking), High French 5 (peasants),
Folk Ken 3 (peasants), Guile 5+2 (fast Abilities: Athletics 3 (sprinting), Area Lore Hunt 3 (birds), Latin 4 (magi), Legerde-
talking), High French 5 (peasants), (Normandy) 3 (towns), Artes Liberales 2 main 3 (picking pockets), Magical Lore
Hunt 3 (birds), Latin 4 (magi), Legerde- (reading), Awareness 3 (coins), Bargain 4 (forest), Magic Theory 5 (Imaginem),
main 3 (picking pockets), Magical Lore 3 (hard sell), Brawl 1 (bite), Carouse 3 Music 3 (singing), Stealth 3 (hiding),
3 (forest), Magic Theory 2 (Imaginem), (drinking), Charm 3 (first impressions), Survival 3 (forest)
Music 3 (singing), Stealth 3 (hiding), Folk Ken 3 (peasants), Guile 5+2 (5) Bond Scores: Bronze +1, Silver +3, Gold +3
Survival 3 (forest) (fast talking), High French 5 (peasants),
Bond Scores: Bronze +1, Silver +2, Gold +2 Hunt 3 (birds), Latin 4 (magi), Legerde-
Powers: main 3 (picking pockets), Magical Lore Felix +60 Years
Perfect Liar, 4 points, Init +1, Corpus: (R: 3 (forest), Magic Theory 4 (Imaginem),
Voice, D: Sun, T: Group) Felix grants Music 3 (singing), Stealth 3 (hiding), Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Rit-
himself or someone else a +3 bonus Survival 3 (forest) ual Power, Gift of Speech, Improved
on all Guile rolls. MuCo 20 (base 2, Characteristics (x2), Improved Abili-
+2 Voice, +2 Sun, +2 Group): Lesser ties (x8), Lesser Power, Personal Power
Power (20 levels, +1 Init) Felix +30 Years (2x); Reduced Attack
Grant Luck, 5 points, Init –6, Imaginem: (R: Abilities: Athletics 4 (sprinting), Area Lore
Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind, Ritual) Felix Magical Qualities and Inferiorities: Rit- (Normandy) 3 (towns), Artes Liberales 2
gives some of his luck to the target, ual Power, Gift of Speech, Improved (reading), Awareness 3 (coins), Bargain
granting him the Luck Virtue. No Her- Characteristics (x2), Improved Abili- 3 (hard sell), Brawl 1 (bite), Carouse 4
metic equivalent: Ritual Power ties (x5), Lesser Power, Personal Power (drinking), Charm 3 (first impressions),
Human Form, 1 point, Init +2, Corpus: (R: (2x); Reduced Attack Folk Ken 4 (peasants), Guile 7+2 (fast
Pe,r D: Sun, T: Ind) Gives the fox the Abilities: Athletics 3 (sprinting), Area Lore talking), High French 5 (peasants),
body of a human. MuCo 20 (base 10, (Normandy) 3 (towns), Artes Liberales 2 Hunt 3 (birds), Latin 4 (magi), Legerde-
+2 Sun): Personal Power (20 levels, –1 (reading), Awareness 3 (coins), Bargain main 4 (picking pockets), Magical Lore
Might cost) 3 (hard sell), Brawl 1 (bite), Carouse 3 4 (forest), Magic Theory 6 (Imaginem),
Familiar Powers: none (drinking), Charm 3 (first impressions), Music 3 (singing), Stealth 3 (hiding),
Vis: 2 pawns of Imaginem vis located in his Folk Ken 3 (peasants), Guile 6+2 (fast Survival 3 (forest)
twisted tail. talking), High French 5 (peasants),

Magi of Hermes
walk, let alone chase someone. the object is broken the flame returns, but (if a targeting Finesse roll succeeds).
(Base 2, +2 Road, +2 Sun) it dies if there is nothing to burn. While the (Base 10, +2 Voice, +2 Sun)
spell lasts, the object is constantly emitting
heat equal to a warm summer’s day; this heat
Jump of the Lynx warms everything within a few paces. Phantasmal Horse
(Base 5, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, requisite is
ReCo 20 free, +1 constantly releasing heat) CrIm 30
R: Personal, D: Diameter, T: Individual R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual
Like Gift of the Frog’s Legs, but with an addi- This Glamour spell (see page 101 in Hous-
tional magnitude to avoid the risk of falling.
While the spell is working, the caster can
Imaginem Spells es of Hermes: Mystery Cults) creates a magical
and beautiful riding horse. Due to their faerie
make multiple jumps because of its Diameter nature, such horses are always strangely col-
Duration. Scipio has used this spell to escape ored or behave in some other ridiculous way.
when an angry mob was after him. Smoke of Escaping Scipio’s horses are always red and curious.
(Base 10, +1 Diameter, +1 for no fall- (Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 mov-
ing damage) CrIm 5 ing parts)
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual
Creates the illusion of a thick cloud of
Story of Legend
Herbam Spells red smoke in the caster’s vicinity.
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Diameter, +1 size,
+1 impenetrable to sight) CrIm 35
R: Voice, D: Performance, T: Group
How God Created Them This spell is similar to Told Story, but in-
Book of Images stead of creating a small stage as an Individ-
MuHe(An) 25 ual, this spell can create up to 100 persons or
R: Voice, D: Momentary, T:Group CrIm 15 things like clouds, small dragons, and so on.
All the clothes worn by one person that R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Individual (Base 2, +2 Voice, +1 Performance,
are made out of animal or plant products be- This spell creates moving sounds and im- +2 Group, +1 size, +2 changing images,
come larger and slippery, and slide down to the ages that are stored in a circle (such as a drawn +1 intricacy)
ground leaving the victim of the spell naked. circle on paper) as long as it is intact. With this
(Base 3, +2 Voice, +2 Group, +1 Ani- spell it is possible to create a whole book or
mal requisite) gallery of fantastic images and talking pictures, Doppelganger
but only if proper Finesse rolls are made.
(Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Ring, +1 moving CrIm(Me) 40
Everlasting Music images, +1 intricacy) R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual
This Glamour spell (see page 101 in
ReHe(An) 20 Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults) creates a per-
R: Touch, D: While (being carried), T: Told Story son’s doppelganger, with some limited free-
Individual dom and simulated intellect. It may act in-
This spell makes a stringed, wooden in- CrIm 20 dependently but is under the caster’s control.
strument play music. The spell lasts until the R: Voice, D: Performance, T: Individual Like all Glamour spells, the doppelganger
instrument is put down, which, if it is tied to Creates the images and sounds of a story has substance and can act as something that
someone’s belt, might not be for a very long sung by the bard, which change along with really exists.
time. The Animal requisite is for the strings the story. This spell only creates a small (Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Men-
of such an instrument. three-dimensional stage on which the story tem requisite, +1 copy of someone, +1
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 While, +1 Animal is told, but no true persons. Scipio can sing moving parts)
requisite, +1 complexity) the story displayed on the stage without
losing concentration, because of his Perfor-
mance Magic (Music) Virtue. Image of the Lady
Ignem Spells (Base 2, +2 Voice, +1 Performance +2
changing images, +1 intricacy) CrIm(Me) 40
R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle
Similar to Book of Images and the spell The
Summer’s Blessing Cage of Bronze Shadow of Human Life (ArM5, page 144) this
spell creates an image of a person, which can
MuIg(Te) 30 CrIm 30 also make sounds, within a ring that serves as
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Individual R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Individual a frame. This image has limited freedom and
This spell turns the heat and flames of This Glamour spell (see page 101 in a simulated intellect. He or she cannot learn
a large campfire into a small, very hard ob- Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults) creates a big Abilities, but can remember a story told while
ject, such as a gem or a piece of metal. If bronze cage around the target, capturing it casting the spell. Such an image can also

Magi of Hermes
work as a guard or similar. In Scipio’s home ate rolls. This doesn’t undo the effects of The Timing mystery (see page 100 in Houses of
covenant these pictures hang on almost every Gift (see page 75 of ArM5), but works well Hermes: Mystery Cults).
wall, working as advisors for slow grogs, as for magi who have the Gentle Gift. (Base 3, +1 Touch, +4 Until, +3 Bloodline)
monitors in the kitchens, or as sentries. (Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
Due to experimentation, Scipio’s version
of this spell creates images that need to sleep Servant of Fire
and eat illusionary meals. Living Fire
(Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 intricacy, +6 MuIm(Ig,Me) 45
Mentem requisite, for a very elaborate effect) MuIm 25 R: Voice, D: Fire, T: Individual
R: Voice, D: Fire, T: Individual This Glamour spell (see page 101 in
This spell alters the image, sound, and Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults) turns a normal
Garden of Eden smell of campfire or bonfire to something the fire into a human servant. He has a simple in-
caster chooses, such as a dancing woman or a tellect and is good for only simple tasks, but
CrIm 45 dragon’s head. The real flame is not changed, has no possibility of learning or free will. The
R: Voice, D: Concentration, T: Part so you won’t be burned by the parts of the servant must eat a lot of wood or other flam-
This Glamour spell (see page 101 in image that extend outside of it, like the flam- mable materials, otherwise the fire will burn
Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults) creates a nearly ing breath of the dragon’s head. out, ending the spell. As long as the servant
perfect world around the caster, in which ev- (Base 3, +2 Voice, +3 Fire, +1 moving eats enough, however, the spell continues.
erything is so beautiful that it almost hurts images) This spell has a minor side effect from
the eye. Most human beings, many animals, experimentation that makes the servant sing
and even some faeries lose any desire to fight instead of speaking normally.
or argue. While casting, the magus makes a Safe Haven (Base 10, +2 Voice, +3 Fire, +1 Mentem
Finesse roll, the result of which is the Ease requisite, +1 moving parts)
Factor of a Personality Trait roll to resist this MuIm 20
effect. Appropriate Personality Traits would R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Structure
be anger, hatred, violent, and so on. This Changes the image of a building, even Hiding the Ill-Bred Bard
spell needs to Penetrate to work. one quite extravagant like a small wizard’s
(Base 10, +2 Voice, +1 Concentration, tower, to a that of a poor and small hut. PeIm 15
+1 Part, +1 size, +2 extremely beautiful and (Base 1, +1 Touch, +3 Moon, +3 Structure) R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Individual
detailed surroundings) Destroys the magus’ image species and
makes him invisible except for his shadow.
Ogre’s Stench (Base 4, +2 Sun, +1 changing image)
Traveler’s Foresight
MuIm 30
InIm 5 R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Group Invisible Arms
R: Road, D: Concentration, T: Individual You change the targets’ smell (up to 100
The magus can see and hear the nearest people) in such a disgusting and awful way Pe(Cr)Im 25
person on the road he is traveling. that they and every person near them must R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Part
(Base 2, +2 Road, +1 Concentration) make Stamina rolls against an Ease Factor of The caster’s original arms are made invis-
6 or act with a –3 penalty to all rolls. If they ible, but the illusion of another pair of arms
botch, they throw up. is created to replace them. If he wishes, the
Faerie Flute (Base 1, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +2 Group, +1 magus may use these fake arms in a normal
size, +2 very “detailed” smell) way while his invisible arms pick pockets
MuIm 4 or cast a spell. This may require a Concen-
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual tration roll depending on the fake actions;
Enchants a person or a music instrument Blessing the anything much more complex than swinging
to make clearer, sharper, and more-melodi- Merchant’s Lineage them while walking requires a roll.
ous sounds. A bard using this instrument of- (Base 4, +2 Sun, +1 Part, +1 changing
ten lures faeries to him. MuIm35 image, +1 Creo requisite)
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun) R: Touch, D: Until (Baptism), T: Blood-
line, Ritual
This spell changes all members of a Color Explosion
Aura of the Simple Bard bloodline so that they look more trustwor-
thy, their voices are softer if needed, and ReIm 15
MuIm 15 they seem to be smiling whenever appropri- R: Voice, D: Diameter, T: Individual
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual ate. This gives the whole bloodline a +3 on The image of the spell’s target seems to
Alters the appearance of a person to make rolls that involve gaining trust or convincing explode in a great whirlwind of colors and
him look more innocent and trustworthy. His others. But if anyone in the bloodline gets fragments of the original image. The explo-
facial features become softer and more child- baptized the duration ends, so this spell is sion has a radius of two paces for a human
ish. The character receives a +3 on appropri- usually only used by pagans. It uses the Spell with Size 0, changing appropriately for

Magi of Hermes
targets of different Sizes. This makes the
target effectively invisible as far as combat
is concerned, and no visual clues to his pre-
The target of the spell dances in a wild
and ecstatic way for as long as the caster
concentrates. The target dances so fast and
cise location can be picked out of the chaos.
For rules for fighting an invisible enemy see
wildly that he must make a Stamina roll
against an Ease Factor of 6 every round to
The Eternally
Houses of Hermes: Societates, pages 32-33. This
spell is best used with Discern Own Illusions.
(Base 1, +2 Voice, +1 Diameter, +2 fast
avoid losing a Fatigue level.
(Base 15, +2 Voice, +1 Concentration) Changing Lyre
moving image, +1 change with movements)
Endless Laughter A lyre made from a cinnamon tree, with
a magnet and mercury inside a glass stone on
Mentem Spells ReMe 30
R: Voice, D: Concentration, T: Individual
the front. 16 pawns were used to open it, 7
for instilling effects. The original lyre was a
The target’s body is shaken by loud, uncon- great work from one of the finest instrument
trollable laughter that makes normal breathing makers in France. It gives the user a +3 on all
The Generous Patron or acting nearly impossible. Every round the Music rolls (see City & Guild, page 69).
target must make a Stamina roll against an Ease
Factor of 6, or lose a Fatigue level. If this spell Attunements
MuMe 15 lasts longer than one hour, the target may suf- +4 Imaginem
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Individual fer from an imbalance of his sanguine humor, +5 Muto
This spell changes the common sense causing the symptoms of a disease. +2 Rego
(see Art and Academe, page 33) of the target. (Base 15, +2 Voice, +1 Concentration)
He cannot estimate the true worth of his be-
longings and is likely to give more of them Invisible Musician
for less.

(Base 3, +2 Voice, +2 Sun) ReAn 5
Pen +0, 12/day, item maintains concentration
R: Personal, D: Concentration, T: Individual
Stolen Moments
PeMe 35
Items Makes the lyre play music that the user
can change by concentrating.
(Effect: Base 1, +1 Concentration, +1
R: Eye, D: Concentration, T: Individual Scipio’s creations include the following. complexity; +4 12/day, +5 maintains con-
This spell removes all active thoughts, centration for a total of 12 levels)
memories, and emotions from a person’s
mind for as long as the spell lasts, so he can-
not think or perceive. During this time the
Bottomless Bag Unaging Wood
person becomes motionless, and cannot re-
sist if he is moved or attacked; he does not A bag made from dragon leather. It is a MuHe 5
notice anything and cannot remember any- lesser enchanted device made with experi- Pen +0, 2/day constant effect
thing that happens while he is under influ- mentation in one season, using 4 pawns of R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Individual
ence of this spell. vis in total. Makes the lyre hard and flexible like
(Base 25, +1 Eye, +1 Concentration) good sheet metal. This gives a small penalty
of –1 to music rolls.
Bag without Bottom (Effect: Base 4, +2 Sun; +3 levels envi-
Sinister Road ronmental trigger, +1 level 2/day, for a total
MuIm 30 of 14 levels)
ReMe 20 Pen +9, +2/day, constant effect
R: Road, D: Moon, T: Individual R: Personal D: Sun T: Room
Someone walking on the road whom the The Glamour enchantment (see page 101 Dance Horror
caster can sense is imbued with a bad feeling in Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults) inside this
about what lies before him; he usually turns bag makes the space inside it far bigger than ReMe 35
away from the road and walks back. This it should be. More than 200 liters would fit Pen +0, 12/day
spell works similarly to The Shrouded Glen. into it, but because the weight isn’t reduced R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Individual
(Base 3, +2 Road, +3 Moon) there is still a limit on the wielder. You could Makes the target dance until he has no
put a whole human body inside this bag, if Fatigue levels or the duration ends. Every
you could bear its weight. If you’re searching round he has to make an Stamina roll against
Dancing Mania for something inside it, you could be forced an Ease Factor of 6, or lose a Fatigue level.
to crawl into it. (Effect: Base 15, +2 Voice, +2 Sun; +4
ReMe 30 (Base 10, +2 Sun, +2 Room; +1 2/day, +3 12/day, for a total of 39 levels)
R: Voice, D: Concentration, T: Individual environmental trigger for total of 34 levels)

Chapter Fourteen

Tolides of Flambeau
Concept: The apprentice of a marched In-
fernalist, he is obsessed with darkness
Tolides at Gauntlet Skilled Parens; Dark Secret: Diabolism,
Deficient Technique: Creo; Infamous
and cold as a result of the influence of Master, Nocturnal, Lesser Malediction
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +1, Pre 0, Com
demons that still surround him, waiting (Susceptibility to Sunlight), Warped
–2, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1
for him to fall. Magic (darkness unfolds)
Size: 0
* House Virtue
Age: 21 (21)
Born a Silesian bond-slave, Tolides of Personality Traits: Sinister +2, Temperate
Decrepitude: 0
Flambeau served his tormenting master in +2, Depressed +1, Emotional –1
Warping Score: 1 (0)
the performance of all kinds of malicious Reputations: none
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
deeds in service to the Infernal powers, Combat:
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
spreading fear and terror in eastern Europe. Dagger: Init +1, Attack +5, Defense +3, Dam-
gus; Affinity with Perdo, See in Dark-
As he served, the darkness took hold in his age +4
ness, Lesser Immunity: Cold, Life Boost,
soul, until he truly was as evil as his victims Fist: Init +1, Attack +3, Defense +3, Dam-
Lightning Reflexes, Minor Magical
believed him. With his conscience dead age +1
Focus: darkness, Puissant Art: Perdo*,
and his fear of his master fading, he seized Soak: +2
Quiet Magic 2x, Rapid Convalescence,
the opportunity to aid the Quaesitores of Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
the Order when his powerful mentor was
Marched. This momentous decision made
Tolides a sinister husk of a young magus, un-
able to cope with his ownerless freedom, or
to fit into a Hermetic or mundane environ-
ment. Cursed by his heritage to only exist in
places where the sun never shines, he now
lives at the fringe of society, clinging to his
studies in the hope of finding oblivion some
day. Tolides is formally a member of House
Flambeau, but maintains no ties to the poli-
tics of the Order. His Housemates are not
keen to claim him as one of them.
Having never known love, but only the
foul and heinous whisperings of the Infernal,
Tolides’ mind resembles a wild beast’s. He is
a predator well trained in the art of destruc-
tion, but a cornered animal nonetheless.
From his earliest youth he was raised to re-
gard the Church as his greatest enemy, and
the idea of seeking salvation does not occur
to him. Unable to depart from his nightmar-
ish course, Tolides, just like his master before
him, is likely to be Marched. Tolides’ fate is
tragic insofar as he, being a feral hunter rath-
er than a sly plotter, has no real desire for
power beyond what is necessary to secure
his meager existence. He seeks peace and
tranquility through the perfection of his art,
but is unlikely to obtain either.

Magi of Hermes
Decrepitude: 0
New Virtues and Flaws Warping Score: 3 (5)
Hierarchy Score: 1 (Realms of Power: The Infer-
nal, page 94)
New Virtue: Extreme, magically created cold, such as
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
See In Darkness the effect of Wizard’s Icy Grip (ArM5, page
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
142), still affects you normally.
gus; Affinity with Perdo, See in Dark-
Minor, Supernatural ness, Lesser Immunity: Cold, Life Boost,
You can see in complete darkness Lightning Reflexes, Minor Magical
much the same as those with Strong Faerie New Flaw: Focus: darkness, Puissant Art: Perdo*,
Blood. Other than that, your eyesight is Susceptibility To Sunlight Quiet Magic 2x, Rapid Convalescence,
not more acute than ordinary people’s, and Skilled Parens; Dark Secret: Diabolism,
you do not see farther than normal people Minor, Supernatural
Deficient Technique: Creo; Infamous
would see in daylight. Direct, bright sunlight causes you no-
Master, Nocturnal, Lesser Malediction
ticeable pain and exhausts you. Attuned to
(Susceptibility to Sunlight), Warped
darkness, your eyes are very sensitive, and
Magic (darkness unfolds).
New Virtue: you suffer from a –2 penalty to all rolls in-
* House Virtue
Immunity To Cold volving sight in bright environments such
Personality Traits: Cunning +2, Sinister +2,
as a cloudless day. Due to your maledic-
Temperate +2, Depressed +1, Emotional –1
Minor, Supernatural tion, you lose one Fatigue level per Diam-
Reputations: none
Normal cold does not harm you, nor eter if outdoors at noon on a hot summer
does it make you feel uncomfortable. You day, and lose levels more slowly in less-in-
Dagger: Init +1, Attack +5, Defense +3, Dam-
don’t need warm environments to remain tense light and warmth from the sun.
age +4
healthy (see Aging in ArM5, page 170). Fist: Init +1, Attack +3, Defense +3, Dam-
age +1
Soak: +2
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11– usually feel an urge to look away lest they
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+) are sucked into the bottomless void that
Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (ceremonial mag- seems to lurk behind these orbs. A long
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–
ic), Athletics 1 (tumbling), Awareness 2 scar stretches across his throat, from one
15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+)
(alertness), Brawl 2 (dodge), Chirurgy 1 ear to the other. In the presence of other
Abilities: Area Lore: Eastern Europe 1 (ge-
(treat wounds), Concentration 1 (spell people, Tolides appears as if carved out of
ography), Artes Liberales 1 (ceremonial
casting), Dead Language: Latin 4 (Her- stone, resting still and without motion. His
magic), Athletics 2 (tumbling), Awareness
metic usage), Finesse 1 (precision), In- movements appear slow and deliberate,
2 (alertness), Brawl 3 (dodge), Bargain
fernal Lore 2 (demons), Leadership 1 almost arthritic, only to strike out with cat-
1 (Infernal powers), Chirurgy 2 (treat
(intimidation), Living Language: West like speed at the slightest sign of hostility.
wounds), Code of Hermes 1 (Quae-
Slavonic 5 (curses), Magic Theory 3 He tends to keep his hands hidden in the
sitores and Hoplites), Concentration 2
(Perdo), Parma Magica 1 (Corpus), Pen- wide sleeves of his black robes where they
(spell casting), Dead Language: Latin 4
etration 2 (Perdo), Stealth 2 (rural areas) rest in anticipation, a dagger prepared and
(Hermetic usage), Finesse 1 (precision),
Arts: Cr 0, In 2, Mu 4, Pe 12+3, Re 6; An 2, ready. His posture and facial features ap-
Folk Ken 1 (peasants), Hunt 1 (covering
Aq 0, Au 0, Co 6, He 0, Ig 9, Im 3, Me pear elegant, but his diction and way of ad-
tracks), Infernal Lore 3 (demons), Lead-
2, Te 2, Vi 2 dressing people suggest that he has spent
ership 1 (intimidation), Living language:
Twilight Scars: none his whole life among the beasts of the wil-
East Slavonic 2 (curses), Living Language:
Equipment: Dagger in forearm sheath, ob- derness rather than among civilized human
West Slavonic 5 (curses), Magic Lore
sidian pellet. beings. His low voice sounds raspy, and he
1 (creatures), Magic Theory 4 (Perdo),
Encumbrance: 0 (0) speaks only when absolutely necessary.
Medicine 1 (anatomy), Parma Magica 3
Spells Known: Sigil: Black writhing vapor that unfolds
(Corpus), Penetration 3 (Perdo), Philoso-
Lifting the Dangling Puppet (ReCo 15/+14) around the caster, exaggerated by the
phiae 1 (ritual magic), Stealth 2 (rural ar-
Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+7) magus’ Warped Magic. Tolides’ voting
eas), Survival 1 (wooded mountains)
Veil of Invisibility (PeIm 20/+19) sigil is an obsidian wand; he keeps it with
Equipment: Dagger in forearm sheath, obsid-
Wizard’s Sidestep (ReIm 10/+11) him to ensure that no one else can use it,
ian pellet, Poniard of Deliverance, Torus
Gloom of Evening (PeIg 10/+26) but never uses it himself.
of Fire Protection, Source of Tranquility.
Well Without Light (PeIg 25/+26) Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Wizard’s Icy Grip (PeIg 30/+26) Arts: Cr 0, In 2, Mu 4, Pe 14+3, Re 9; An
Calm the Motion of the Heart (PeMe 15/+19)
Stone to Dust (PeTe 20/+19)
Tolides +15 years 2, Aq 0, Au 0, Co 11, He 2, Ig 11, Im 5,
Me 2, Te 2, Vi 2
Appearance: Tolides is of average size and Twilight Scars: none
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +1, Pre 0, Com
build, with short, black hair and a pal- Equipment: Poniard of Deliverance, Torus of
–2, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1
lid complexion. It is his pitch black eyes Fire Protection, Source of Tranquillity,
Size: 0
that make him distinctive, appearing to Orb of Immanent Darkness talisman.
Age: 36 (36)
be deeply sunken, obsidian gems. People

Magi of Hermes
Spells Known: ity ritual, an endeavor that took him one tains), True Name of Balthazar 1 (Realms
Cripple the Howling Wolf (PeAn 25/+21) of his Lab seasons. He also enchanted of Power: The Infernal, page 34)
Evaluate the Facing Opponent (InCo 10/+15) and attuned his talisman. Arts: Cr 0, In 2, Mu 4, Pe 17+3, Re 9; An
Track By Scent (MuCo(An) 4/+8) 2, Aq 2, Au 3, Co 11, He 2, Ig 14, Im 5,
Chastise the Unruly Antagonist (PeCo 10/+30) Me 2, Te 8, Vi 5
Inner Darkness Unleashed (PeCo 20/+30)
Lifting the Dangling Puppet (ReCo 15/+22)
Tolides +30 years Twilight Scars: The intensity of light in loca-
tions in which he stays for longer than
Retreat into the Shell of Shadow (ReCo 15/+22) two minutes appears as if slightly faded;
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +1, Pre 0, Com
Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5/+8) the light returns to its full intensity once
–2, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1
Gloom of Evening (PeIg 10/+30) he has left.
Size: 0
Banishment of Warmth (PeIg 15/+30) Equipment: Dagger in forearm sheath, obsid-
Age: 51 (42)
Extinguish the Abhorrent Flame (PeIg 15/+30) ian pellet, Poniard of Deliverance, Torus
Decrepitude: 0
Cloak of Darkness (PeIg 20/+30) of Fire Protection, Source of Tranquillity,
Warping Score: 5 (6)
Well Without Light (PeIg 25/+30) Orb of Immanent Darkness talisman.
Hierarchy Score: 3
Wizard’s Icy Grip (PeIg 30/+30) Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+9) Spells Known:
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Chamber of Muffled Passing (PeIm 15/+24) Cripple the Howling Wolf (PeAn 25/+21)
gus; Affinity with Perdo, See in Dark-
Veil of Invisibility (PeIm 20/+24) Evaluate the Facing Opponent (InCo 10/+15)
ness, Lesser Immunity: Cold, Life Boost,
Wizard’s Sidestep (ReIm 10/+16) Track By Scent (MuCo(An) 4/+8)
Lightning Reflexes, Minor Magical
Calm the Motion of the Heart (PeMe 15/+21) Chastise the Unruly Antagonist (PeCo 10/+33)
Focus: darkness, Puissant Art: Perdo*,
Stone to Dust (PeTe 20/+21) Inner Darkness Unleashed (PeCo 20/+33): Mas-
Quiet Magic 2x, Rapid Convalescence,
Chastise the Unruly Fiend (PeVi 10/+21) tery 1 (Magic Resistance)
Skilled Parens; Dark Secret: Diabolism,
Appearance: Tolides is of average size and Blind the Insurgent Pack (PeCo 25/+33)
Deficient Technique: Creo; Infamous
build, with short, black hair and a pal- Lifting the Dangling Puppet (ReCo 15/+22)
Master, Nocturnal, Lesser Malediction
lid complexion. It is his pitch black eyes Retreat into the Shell of Shadow (ReCo 15/+22):
(Susceptibility to Sunlight), Warped
that make him distinctive, appearing to Mastery 1 (Fast Casting)
Magic (darkness unfolds).
be deeply sunken, obsidian gems. People The Protesting Adversary Held Still (ReCo
* House Virtue
usually feel an urge to look away lest they 20/+22)
Personality Traits: Cunning +2, Sinister +3,
are sucked into the bottomless void that Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5/+8)
Temperate +2, Depressed +1, Emotional –1
seems to lurk behind these orbs. A long Gloom of Evening (PeIg 10/+36)
Reputations: none
scar stretches across his throat, from one Banishment of Warmth (PeIg 15/+36)
ear to the other. In the presence of other Extinguish the Abhorrent Flame (PeIg 15/+36)
Dagger: Init +1, Attack +5, Defense +3, Dam-
people, Tolides appears as if carved out Cloak of Darkness (PeIg 20/+36)
age +4
of stone, resting still and without motion. Orb of Darkness (PeIg 20/+36)
Fist: Init +1, Attack +3, Defense +3, Dam-
His movements appear slow and deliber- Abyssal Touch (PeIg 25/+36)
age +1
ate, almost arthritic, only to strike out Well Without Light (PeIg 25/+36)
Soak: +2
with cat-like speed at the slightest sign Wizard’s Icy Grip (PeIg 30/+36): Mastery 1
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
of hostility. He tends to keep his hands (Magic Resistance)
hidden in the wide sleeves of his black Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+9)
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–
robes where they rest in anticipation, a Chamber of Muffled Passing (PeIm 15/+27)
15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+)
dagger prepared and ready. His posture Veil of Invisibility (PeIm 20/+27)
Abilities: Area Lore: Eastern Europe 2 (ge-
and facial features appear elegant, but Wizard’s Sidestep (ReIm 10/+16)
ography), Artes Liberales 1 (ceremonial
his diction and way of addressing peo- Calm the Motion of the Heart (PeMe 15/+24):
magic), Athletics 2 (tumbling), Aware-
ple suggest that he has spent his whole Mastery 1 (Still Casting)]
ness 2 (alertness), Brawl 3 (dodge),
life among the beasts of the wilderness Stone to Dust (PeTe 20/+30): Mastery 1 (Mul-
Bargain 2 (Infernal powers), Chirurgy
rather than among civilized human be- tiple Casting)
2 (treat wounds), Code of Hermes 1
ings. His low voice sounds raspy, and he End of the Mighty Castle (PeTe 25/+30)
(Quaesitores and Hoplites), Concentra-
speaks only when absolutely necessary. Hands of the Grasping Earth (Re(Mu)Te 15/+14)
tion 3 (spell casting), Dead Language:
Activities in the last 15 years: While trying Belittle the Ferocious Warlock (PeVi 20/+27)
Latin 4 (Hermetic usage), Divine Lore 1
to survive in the harsh environment of Chastise the Unruly Fiend (PeVi 10/+27)
(Divine creatures), Finesse 1 (precision),
Eastern Europe, Tolides acquired many Circular Ward Against Demons (ReVi 20/+16)
Folk Ken 1 (peasants), Hunt 2 (covering
practical skills. He gained 180 experi- Appearance: Tolides is of average size and
tracks), Infernal Lore 3 (demons), Lead-
ence points in Abilities, and 120 experi- build, with short, black hair and a pal-
ership 1 (intimidation), Living language:
ence in Arts in total. In 20 seasons in the lid complexion. It is his pitch black eyes
East Slavonic 2 (curses), Living Lan-
lab, he learned and developed new spells that make him distinctive, appearing to
guage: West Slavonic 5 (curses), Magic
and items that helped him to further his be deeply sunken, obsidian gems. People
Lore 1 (creatures), Magic Theory 5 (Per-
various goals. Of the items he enchant- usually feel an urge to look away lest they
do), Medicine 1 (anatomy), Parma Mag-
ed, two were given away in exchange for are sucked into the bottomless void that
ica 4 (Corpus), Penetration 4 (Perdo),
favors he received in return. One of the seems to lurk behind these orbs. A long
Philosophiae 1 (ritual magic), Stealth 2
beneficiaries helped him with his longev- scar stretches across his throat, from one
(rural areas), Survival 1 (wooded moun-

Magi of Hermes
ear to the other. In the presence of other of hostility. He tends to keep his hands ple suggest that he has spent his whole
people, Tolides appears as if carved out hidden in the wide sleeves of his black life among the beasts of the wilderness
of stone, resting still and without motion. robes where they rest in anticipation, a rather than among civilized human be-
His movements appear slow and deliber- dagger prepared and ready. His posture ings. His low voice sounds raspy, and he
ate, almost arthritic, only to strike out and facial features appear elegant, but speaks only when absolutely necessary.
with cat-like speed at the slightest sign his diction and way of addressing peo- Activities in the last 15 years: Tolides gained
Abilities worth 140 experience points,
and Arts worth 160 experience. He spent
Familiar: An Imp 25 experience on mastering spells, and 5
experience on learning the True Name of
a demon. He was approached by his fa-
Order: Tempters (Maligenii) Source of Tranquility, 3 points, Init 0, Ignem.
miliar-to-be, and bonded it. His dealings
Infernal Might: 10 (Vim) The imp can evoke an effect that is
with the Infernal were discovered, and he
Characteristics: Int 0, Per +4, Pre –3, Com similar to the one provided by Tolides’
was Marched. Having successfully fled
–1, Str –5, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik +5 enchanted item of the same name, but
the assault of the Order, probably with
Size: –5 with Duration Diameter only.
Infernal assistance, he searched for and
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Weakness: The imp is unable to use any
found a place with a stronger aura (level 4)
Virtues and Flaws: Keen Vision, Sharp of its powers during noontime; that is,
that he made his new residence. He spent
Ears; Greedy, Nocturnal the Diameter around midday. When
one season preparing his new laboratory.
Personality Traits: Cruel +2, Brave –2, En- exposed to direct sunlight during that
In total, he spent 16 seasons performing
during –1, Insidious +3, Sneaking +3 time, it automatically assumes the
lab work. Due to his dealings with the In-
Hierarchy: 0 form described in Petrification, and can
fernal, and spending a lot of time in and
Combat: not change back until dusk.
exposed to Infernal auras, Tolides gained
Bite: Init +5, Attack +3, Defense +14, Vis: 2 pawns of Vim, in its wings
a considerable amount of Warping.
Damage –12 Appearance: The imp appears as a vaguely
Soak: 0 humanoid creature of about the size
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, of a small kitten. Two leathery wings
Unconscious spring from its back that enable it to Tolides +33 years
Wound Penalties: –1 (1), –3 (2), –5 (3), fly and hover about. The fiend’s na-
Incapacitated (4) ked skin is a dirty, reddish gray, and Characteristics: Int +2, Per +1, Pre 0, Com
Abilities: Athletics 1 (contortions), feels cool to the touch. Its limbs end –2, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1
Awareness 5 (keeping watch), Bargain in wicked claws that are too small to Size: 0
1 (bonds), Guile 2 (other demons), effectively harm a human, but that Age: 54 (43)
Hunt 3 (covering tracks), Stealth greedily grab for small donations it Decrepitude: 0
(shadowing) 5 is offered. Proffered food is quickly Warping Score: 5 (12)
Powers: devoured with its wide, fanged maw. Hierarchy Score: 4
Coagulation, 1 point, Init –1, Corpus (Realms Like a cat, the gaze of its dark eyes Confidence Score: 1 (3)
of Power: The Infernal, page 31) constantly darts around, detecting the Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Obsession, 1 to 3 points, Init –5, Vim: slightest movement. gus; Affinity with Perdo, See in Darkness,
Hopelessness (Realms of Power: The In- Lesser Immunity: Cold, Life Boost, Light-
fernal, page 31) One day, Tolides is approached by ning Reflexes, Minor Magical Focus: dark-
Petrification, 1 point, Init –10, Corpus. The an imp — a lesser demon — that offers ness, Puissant Art: Perdo*, Quiet Magic
imp transforms its body into solid ma- to watch his back while he pursues his 2x, Rapid Convalescence, Skilled Parens;
terial, and slightly increases its weight. studies, asking little in return. This inci- Dark Secret: Diabolism, Deficient Tech-
If lifted and touched in that form, it dent, though not particularly improbable nique: Creo; Infamous Master, Nocturnal,
behaves and feels like a small figurine for someone who occasionally deals with Lesser Malediction (Susceptibility to Sun-
made of stone. While petrified, the gar- the Infernal, is unlikely to be completely light), Warped Magic (darkness unfolds).
goyle-like imp is unable to move, but coincidental. The Infernal Realm is not * House Virtue
can end its stasis at any time, or become renowned for its benevolence or generos- Personality Traits: Cunning +2, Sinister +3,
incorporeal by dropping its Coagulation. ity. Being able to survey and, if necessary, Temperate +2, Depressed +1, Emotional –1
It can slowly move its eyes to survey its to manipulate a precious pawn first hand Reputations: none
surroundings, and anyone deliberately is too valuable a chance for the Infernal Combat:
watching it doing so will notice it, if he powers to let slip, especially if it helps to Dagger: Init +1, Attack +5, Defense +3, Dam-
succeeds at a Perception + Awareness strengthen the mutual bond. age +4
roll against an Ease Factor of 6. Tolides binds the imp that, like him, is Fist: Init +1, Attack +3, Defense +3, Dam-
See in Darkness, 0 points, Init n/a. Like Tol- primarily a creature of darkness, by calling age +1
ides, the imp is able to see in com- upon his Perdo Ignem Lab Total. He es- Soak: +2
plete darkness. Unlike him, it is not tablishes a Gold and Silver Cord of score 1 Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
affected by sunlight unless at noon- each, and a Bronze Cord of score 3. Unconscious
time (see Weakness). Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–
15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+)

Magi of Hermes
Abilities: Area Lore: Eastern Europe 2 (ge-
ography), Artes Liberales 1 (ceremonial
Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+9)
Chamber of Muffled Passing (PeIm 15/+27) Corpus Spells
magic), Athletics 2 (tumbling), Awareness Veil of Invisibility (PeIm 20/+27)
2 (alertness), Brawl 3 (dodge), Bargain Wizard’s Sidestep (ReIm 10/+17)
2 (Infernal powers), Chirurgy 2 (treat Calm the Motion of the Heart (PeMe 15/+24): Track By Scent
wounds), Code of Hermes 1 (Quae- Mastery 1 (Still Casting)
sitores and Hoplites), Concentration 3 Stone to Dust (PeTe 20/+30): Mastery 1 (Mul- MuCo(An) 4
(spell casting), Dead Language: Latin 4 tiple Casting) R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind
(Hermetic usage), Divine Lore 1 (Divine End of the Mighty Castle (PeTe 25/+30) For the duration of the spell, the caster’s
creatures), Finesse 1 (precision), Folk Ken Hands of the Grasping Earth (Re(Mu)Te 15/+15) sense of smell is as sensitive as a staghound’s.
1 (peasants), Hunt 2 (covering tracks), Chastise the Unruly Fiend (PeVi 10/+27) Being a hunter through-and-through,
Infernal Lore 3 (demons), Leadership 1 Belittle the Ferocious Warlock (PeVi 20/+27): Mas- Tolides frequently employs this spell to track
(intimidation), Living language: East Sla- tery 2 (Fast Casting, Magic Resistance) down those who try to escape the punish-
vonic 2 (curses), Living Language: West Circular Ward Against Demons (ReVi 20/+17) ment he has decided to deal them.
Slavonic 5 (curses), Magic Lore 1 (crea- Appearance: Tolides is of average size and (Base 2, +2 Sun, requisite free)
tures), Magic Theory 5 (Perdo), Medicine build, with short, black hair and a pal-
1 (anatomy), Parma Magica 4 (Corpus), lid complexion. It is his pitch black eyes
Penetration 4 (Perdo), Philosophiae 1 that make him distinctive, appearing to
Evaluate the Facing Opponent
(ritual magic), Stealth 2 (rural areas), Sur- be deeply sunken, obsidian gems. People InCo 10
vival 1 (wooded mountains), True Name usually feel an urge to look away lest they R: Eye, D: Mom, T: Ind
of Balthazar 1, True Name of Ilkazar 1 are sucked into the bottomless void that Looking the target in the eye, the caster
Arts: Cr 0, In 2, Mu 4, Pe 17+3, Re 10; An seems to lurk behind these orbs. A long is able to sense any corporal affliction or ail-
2, Aq 2, Au 3, Co 11, He 2, Ig 14, Im 5, scar stretches across his throat, from one ment that might hamper the target’s physical
Me 2, Te 8, Vi 5 ear to the other. In the presence of other movement. This includes, for example, inju-
Twilight Scars: The intensity of light in loca- people, Tolides appears as if carved out of ries, fractures, and crippled limbs covered by
tions in which he stays for longer than stone, resting still and without motion. His clothes or armor. Note that the caster must
two minutes appears as if slightly faded; movements appear slow and deliberate, face the target directly to scrutinize his or
the light returns to its full intensity once almost arthritic, only to strike out with cat- her physical condition.
he has left. In Tolides’s presence, small like speed at the slightest sign of hostility. When Tolides developed this spell he
flames flicker slightly as if caressed by a He tends to keep his hands hidden in the did not own a mirror, but seriously consid-
chilling breeze, threatening to go out. wide sleeves of his black robes where they ered acquiring one to extend the utility of
Equipment: Dagger in forearm sheath, obsid- rest in anticipation, a dagger prepared and the spell to diagnosing himself.
ian pellet, Poniard of Deliverance, Torus ready. His posture and facial features ap- (Base 5, +1 Eye)
of Fire Protection, Source of Tranquillity, pear elegant, but his diction and way of ad-
Orb of Immanent Darkness talisman. dressing people suggest that he has spent
Encumbrance: 0 (0) his whole life among the beasts of the wil- Chastise the
Spells Known: derness rather than among civilized human Unruly Antagonist
Cripple the Howling Wolf (PeAn 25/+21) beings. His low voice sounds raspy, and he
Evaluate the Facing Opponent (InCo 10/+15) speaks only when absolutely necessary. PeCo 10
Track By Scent (MuCo(An) 5/+8) Activities in the last 3 years: Tolides spent R: Eye, D: Conc, T: Ind
Chastise the Unruly Antagonist (PeCo 10/+33) three seasons developing his greatest The target is overcome by intense pain.
Inner Darkness Unleashed (PeCo 20/+33): Mas- achievement, the spell Domain of Darkness. If the target tries to engage in activities that
tery 1 (Magic Resistance) Spending almost an entire three years in require concentration while under the effect
Blind the Insurgent Pack (PeCo 25/+33) his lab, he learned another True Name of of this spell, a successful Concentration roll
Lifting the Dangling Puppet (ReCo 15/+23) a demon, and fine-tuned his battery of against an Ease Factor of 9 is required (ArM5,
Retreat into the Shell of Shadow (ReCo 15/+23): spells to stand prepared against the con- page 82). The dreadful effect of punishment
Mastery 1 (Fast Casting) tinuous threat of being discovered and lasts as long as the caster concentrates.
The Protesting Adversary Held Still (ReCo slain by the Hoplites of the Order. In Tolides’ version of this spell, it appears
20/+23) as if the victim is wrapped in bands of dark-
Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5/+8) ness that tear at his flesh.
Gloom of Evening (PeIg 10/+36) (Base 4, +1 Eye, +1 Conc)
Banishment of Warmth (PeIg 15/+36)
Extinguish the Abhorrent Flame (PeIg 15/+36) New Spells Retreat Into the
Cloak of Darkness (PeIg 20/+36)
Most spells and enchantments that Tol- Shell of Shadow
Orb of Darkness (PeIg 20/+36)
ides invented over the described period of
Abyssal Touch (PeIg 25/+36)
time are supposed to further his goal to rid ReCo 15
Well Without Light (PeIg 25/+36)
the world around him of light and warmth, R: Per, D: Mom, T: Ind
Wizard’s Icy Grip (PeIg 30/+36): Mastery 1
to make it more bearable for him. Most of his The caster instantly transports himself to
(Magic Resistance)
creations are influenced by gloom and decay, any location he can see, not more than 50
Domain of Darkness (PeIg 45/+36)
reflecting their creator’s view of the world. paces distant. A puff of black, quickly dis-

Magi of Hermes
solving vapor is all that is left behind once make it appear somewhat differently. Blind the Insurgent Pack
the caster vanishes and reappears at the des- A wound opens on the body of the af-
tination. If the initial point or endpoint of fected target, releasing black, oozing liquid PeCo 25
the leap is Warded, or if the caster’s magic similar to oil or tar. As it flows, the black sub- R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Group
is resisted, that resistance must be overcome stance is gradually replaced by the victim’s Black, oily tears appear in the eyes of all
much the same as when targeting a Warded normal blood flow, effectively creating a individuals of the affected Group, burning
area (see Aegis of the Hearth, ArM5, page 161). Light Wound. and blurring their vision. With their eyesight
Tolides developed this spell to retreat (Base 5, +3 Sight, free cosmetic effect) blurred, and all sources of light reduced to
into the shadow of a dark corner. If the unrecognizable sparkles, affected targets are
endpoint of the transportation is exposed considerably hindered while performing ac-
to unclouded daylight, Tolides must make a The Protesting tions that depend on eyesight. They are sub-
Concentration roll against an Ease Factor of Adversary Held Still ject to a –3 penalty to all rolls that involve
9 to gracefully reach his destination. A fail- sight (see Poor Eyesight Flaw, ArM5, page
ure usually means that he tumbles and falls, ReCo 20 58). If left to themselves, the victims’ blurred
is disorientated, or is enfeebled, whereas a R: Voice, D: Conc, T: Ind vision heals as a Light Wound.
botch calls for more-dramatic results to re- The affected target is held fast and still (Base 5, +2 Voice, +2 Group, free cos-
flect his malediction. Note that this quirk is for as long as the caster concentrates. Being metic effect)
not a flaw of the spell, but an effect of Tol- held means that the target is unable to move
ides’ Susceptibility to Sunlight. his body, including his limbs, fingers, eyes,
(Base 15) and lips. A magus who tries to cast spells
while under the effect of this spell is likely Ignem Spells
to be subject to a penalty to his casting total,
Inner Darkness Unleashed unless the intended magical effect does not
require words and gestures (ArM5, page 83).
PeCo 20 In Tolides’ version of this spell, small rip- Banishment of Warmth
R: Sight, D: Mom, T: Ind ples of darkness quiver over the body of the
The effect of this spell is similar to The target that seem to function as ropes, hold- PeIg 15
Wound That Weeps (ArM5, page 133), though ing his victim in place. R: Touch, D: Ring, T: Circle
its cosmetic component and modified Range (Base 5, +2 Voice, +1 Conc) This practical spell expels the warmth
from all items that have been set up inside the
affected Circle. Lowering the temperature of
the Circle to slightly above freezing, Banish-
ment of Warmth can be used to prevent goods
related to Animal, Herbam, or Corpus from
decaying naturally for a couple of days. The
spell is not designed as an offensive weapon,
but living creatures that remain in the Circle
for an extended period of time do start losing
Fatigue due to the cold. Note that the spell
must be cast after the targets have been set
up inside the Circle; it does not affect items
that are placed into the Circle once the spell
has been cast. A closer look at the enchanted
Circle reveals a translucent waft of vapor
over the affected area.
(Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Ring, free cos-
metic effect)

Extinguish the
Abhorrent Flame
PeIg 15
R: Sight, D: Mom, T: Ind
This spell instantly extinguishes any indi-
vidual fire up to the size of a campfire. The
extinguished fire can be relit by mundane or
magical means, but does not relight by itself.
To feel comfortable, Tolides shuns the heat
and light of fires almost as much as he avoids

Magi of Hermes
sunlight, and he uses this spell to extinguish
flames even from afar. It also comes in handy
For two minutes, all members of the af-
fected Group are thoroughly chilled. Living
Imaginem Spells
for affecting the sources of light of those who targets lose one Fatigue level per round until
depend on flames to see in the dark. they fall unconscious, while objects are con-
(Base 4, +3 Sight) sidered frozen. The chill does not persist long Chamber of Muffled Passing
enough to actually damage living targets.
In Tolides’ version of this spell, dark va-
Cloak of Darkness por emerges from the ground near the desig- PeIm 15
nated Group and engulfs the affected targets. R: Touch, D: Diam, T: Room
PeIg 20 The apparition does not physically constrict For the duration of two minutes, all
R: Sight, D: Diam, T: Part the victims, and does not block their senses, sound inside the affected Room, regard-
All light around the head of the target is but keeps chilling them for the duration of less of its origin and volume, is completely
completely extinguished, leaving the victim the spell. muted. The spell affects mundane actions,
mobile and unhampered, but engulfed in a (Base 4, +2 Voice, +1 Diam, +2 Group) such as creaking floor boards or shouting,
tight-fitting cloak of darkness — an aurora of in much the same way as spell casting that
opaque, black flame that moves with the tar- requires a voice.
get for the duration of the spell. The target is Domain of Darkness Due to his Quiet Magic, this limitation
blind, unless affected by a spell that permits doesn’t impair Tolides much, unless he wants
the caster to see in complete darkness, such PeIg 45 to cast an additional spell with Range Voice
as Eyes of the Bat. R: Touch, D: Year, T: Bound, Ritual while inside the Room, or to affect a target
(Base 3, +3 Sight, +1 Diam, +1 Part, free This ritual creates a domain of darkness across the threshold. In Tolides’ version of the
cosmetic effect) in the designated Boundary, which can cover spell, the affected Room is slightly tainted by
an area with a diameter of nearly 1000 paces. darkness. Semi-translucent patches of murk
No natural light that is brighter than a soft slowly crawl along the walls of the Room,
Orb of Darkness evening glow is ever shed within its Bound- greedily devouring all sound from within or
ary, regardless of the season or time of day. outside. Tolides is not very creative when
PeIg 20 Due to the continuous lack of sun, the whole it comes to finding names for his creations,
R: Voice, D: Diam, T: Part area becomes cold and uncomfortable for and doesn’t care much about the ambiguous
This spell represents a larger variant of the living beings. Warm air from outside is not name of this spell that also describes the si-
Cloak of Darkness, and removes all light from actively resisted, but almost never reaches lenced deaths of those in the chamber whom
the designated target area. The effect mani- the center of the domain. Even fires created Tolides decides to kill.
fests in the form of a irregular sphere of writh- by mundane or magical means appear weak, (Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Diam, +2 Room)
ing darkness that contains everything within and only dimly lit. Plants within the Bound-
three paces of the affected target. Anyone ary turn to leafless caricatures of life sooner
inside the affected space is effectively blind.
To see through the area from either side, a
or later. Note that a Boundary requires a
well-defined border, such as the tree line of a
Vim Spells
spell that permits the target to see in complete grove, the cliffs of a steep valley, or the shore
darkness, like Eyes of the Bat, is required. of an island.
The spell must be targeted at an object, in- A brief note on the specific use of this Chastise the Unruly Fiend
dividual, or other specific point in space. This spell that should not to be mistaken for traits
location functions as a focus for the effect only, or side-effects of the spell itself: The area af-
as the spell targets the light within the Part of fected by Domain of Darkness provides a haven PeVi 10
space surrounding the focus, rather than the for all creatures that shun the light. It rep- R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
focus itself. Thus, the spell does not have to resents Tolides’ latest attempt to establish The effect of this reinvented spell is
penetrate the Magic Resistance of anyone some sort of abode in a domain of his own. practically equivalent to The Demon’s Eternal
inside the target area, but only the resistance Because the affected Boundary is inhab- Oblivion, though its cosmetic component
of the focus. If it fails to penetrate, the spell ited by a practicing diabolist, and the ritual makes it appear somewhat differently.
fails. If the focus is an individual or object that needed to cast the spell is often powered by A black tentacle, similar to a writhing
moves, the created darkness moves along with Infernal vis, the aura of the Boundary slowly whip, lashes out from the caster’s palm to hit
it. For example, if the spell is cast on a pebble, but steadily accumulates more and more the targeted Infernal creature, reducing its
and that pebble is thrown into a lake, the blob traits of Infernal Warping. For example, ani- Infernal Might score by 10 points. Brought
of darkness will sink to the bottom. mals that stay inside the domain for an ex- close to destruction, a demon can be pun-
(Base 3, +2 Voice, +1 Diam, +1 Part, tended period of time are likely to turn into ished, and forced to obey, or at least to take
+1 Size) Corrupted Beasts — repellent aberrations of the caster seriously. Note that the caster
nature (Realms of Power: The Infernal, page 77). must be able to perceive or sense a demon
One day, the affected Boundary might even to target it, and the spell must penetrate its
Abyssal Touch become a regio of its own, which is exactly Magic Resistance to take effect.
what Tolides has planned. (Base effect, +2 Voice, free cosmetic
PeIg 25 (Base 2, +1 Touch, +4 Year, +4 Bound- effect)
R: Voice, D: Diam, T: Group ary, +2 Size)

Magi of Hermes
Belittle the Earth (ArM5, page 155), but operates at Range Small mundane fires that come into con-
Ferocious Warlock Touch instead of Voice. Consequently, each tact with the item are extinguished, as are
arrow, being a carrier for the spell, must be magical flames that do not exceed +5 dam-
PeVi 20 aimed and fired to reach its target, because age. Because it is the enchanted item that
R: Sight, D: Diam, T: Ind the arrows themselves do not have any su- must be bathed in flames to extinguish a fire,
Upon penetrating the Magic Resistance pernatural flight qualities. After leaving the and not the person who wears it, the pendant
of the target, the spell reduces the casting string of the bow used to propel it forward, should be worn on top of the user’s clothes,
total of the affected victim by 5 levels. The and upon touching solid, earthen ground, and not underneath.
evocation does not hinder the movement or each of the enchanted arrows destroys earth (Effect: Base 4, +1 Touch; +10 unlim-
senses of the target in any way, but merely as described for Pit of Gaping Earth. ited uses)
affects all magic that is cast. Note that this
spell must be fast cast if it is supposed to take
effect before the opponent can act in the first
round. (See ArM5, pages 83 and 87.)
Magical Weapons Poniard of Deliverance
In Tolides’ version of the spell, it appears Enchanted weapons based on PeCo
as if the target is trapped in a dark cocoon of that affect a target at Range Touch must Tolides deployed an almost-identical
semi-transparent, wildly writhing vapor. hit the opponent to take effect; that is, dagger during his apprenticeship, but that
(Base effect (4), +3 Sight, +1 Diam) they require a positive Attack Advan- weapon was confiscated by the Quaesitores
tage. Armor made from Terram or Ani- at the time he turned in his former master.
mal does not prevent damage caused It had to be reconstructed from scratch by

Enchanted by a Corpus effect per se, so the attack the now-ownerless magus. Although Tolides
need not successfully deal damage. All usually shuns open combat as worthy only
mundane properties and statistics of of fools, he sometimes still succumbs to his

Items a magical weapon apply normally, un-

less the weapon does not penetrate the
Magic Resistance of the target (ArM5,
predatory nature, and makes use of melee
weapons instead of ranged magic to deal
with an opponent face to face.
Tolides has created the following items. page 85), in which case the weapon has The Lab Total used to create this Lesser
no effect. Enchantment includes a +2 shape bonus for
Precise Destruction for daggers. It cost two
Arrows of Defeat As a typical trait of one of Tolides’ cre-
pawns of vis to create.

ations, black vapor eerily emerges from the

Tolides created a set of enchanted ar- bottom of the created pit and dissolves harm- Appliance of Wrath
rows for a shady noble who had reason to lessly into the surrounding environment.
fear his opponent’s cavalry’s strength in bat- (Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Part, +1 size, free PeCo 20
tle, and was pleased to learn about an effec- cosmetic effect) Pen +10, 24/day
tive means to counter this threat on the field. R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
The arrows have been specifically designed When activated by quickly flicking it in
to cover long distances, instead of featuring
armor piercing or superior damage qualities.
Torus of Fire Protection the wielder’s wrist, this dagger works as a me-
dium for the embedded spell of destruction.
In the hands of an expert archer, and aimed Upon touching its target, the narrow blade
at the ground right in front of the foremost An inconspicuous pendant, this enchant- deals a Light Wound in addition to any dam-
rider, even a single well-placed arrow deals ed item comes in the form of a small, brown age that is caused by the physical aspect of
considerable damage to a small galloping torus made of fired clay. For Tolides, it serves the weapon.
army that is not quick enough to avoid the as a constant means of protection against fire (Effect: Base 5, +1 Touch; +5 penetra-
pit that seems to come from nowhere. as long as the size of the threat does not ex- tion, +5 24/day)
The Lab Total used for this enchantment ceed the size of a campfire.
is 40, and thus yields six charges that Tolides The Lab Total used to create this Lesser
distributes among six identical arrows with
one charge each. As a set of charged items,
Enchantment includes a +4 material bonus
for protection from fire for fired clay, and
Sting of the Viper
the enchantment did not cost him any vis. +4 for knowing Extinguish the Abhorrent Flame,
a similar spell. The enchantment cost two When Tolides fell victim to the alluring
pawns of vis. charm of a salacious creature, he agreed to
Gaping Maw of protect her against her numerous enemies
the Bottomless Pit in return for a multitude of other services.
Quench the Open Fire His present for her came in the form of an
PeTe 10 ornate, nicely crafted hair pin of consider-
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Part PeIg 15 able size that is usually worn in combina-
The magical effect of the enchanted ar- Pen +0, unlimited uses tion with an equally impressive comb to
rows is equivalent to the spell Pit of Gaping R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind hold and accentuate long, dark hair. The

Magi of Hermes
comb and the handle of the pin appear to
be made from ivory, but in fact are carved
from human bone, while the needle blade
room. If the figurine is not in a room, or is in
a room too large for it to affect, the effect is
temporarily suppressed.
is made from the finest steel. Not designed
for open combat, the pin is light and swift,
(Effect: Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun; +2
Room; +1 2/day, +3 environmental trigger)
Orb of Immanent
and fits perfectly into small, slender hands
to serve as a tool for the art of assassination. Darkness
It can only be used by the person for whom
it was designed.
Rod of Mutilation
The Lab Total used to create this Lesser Tolides’ talisman is a black obsidian orb.
Enchantment includes a +3 shape bonus for Tolides enchanted this rod for a diabo- He has treasured the dark stone for as long
Assassination for daggers. It cost two pawns list in exchange for services received, one of as he can remember, mostly for its cool touch
of vis to create. which was the beneficiary’s aid with a non- and the soothing of pain it seems to provide
Hermetic variant of his longevity ritual, an him. Still, it took him time and effort to collect
endeavor the magus could not have under- enough knowledge and resources to undertake
The Fool’s Fate taken on his own due to his deficiency in the its attunement to the aspect of darkness.
Art of Creo. The item is a wand carved from The orb is Tolides’ desperate attempt to
PeCo 20 human bone, shod in iron for better durabil- counter the painful effect of his Susceptibility
Pen +0, 3/day ity. It clearly bears the marks of its maker: to Sunlight. His spell does not completely off-
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind the embedded destructive energy pulses in set the effect of sunlight, but it at least softens
When the pin is driven into the flesh the form of vibrant darkness whenever the some of the penalties he would suffer without
of the target, black ripples spread from the rod is used to hit a target. this means of protection. While in possession of
puncture and run along the victim’s body, The Lab Total used to create this in- the item, Tolides can walk cloaked and hooded
thereby causing a Medium Wound. The ar- vested item includes a +4 material bonus for below the open daytime sky without suffering
tifact does not include any Penetration, and destroying the human body with an object from loss of Fatigue. The murk created by the
is thus not of much use against targets with made of human bone, and a multiplier of 5 enchanted item does not spread further than
Magic Resistance. due to effect expiration after seven years. A the rim of his hood and sleeves, and looking
(Effect: Base 10, +1 Touch, free cosmetic small item made of bone, the rod was opened around over a sunny landscape bathed in sun-
effect; +3 effect use, +2 3/day) with six pawns of vis, and invested with four light still causes him pain. Attentive bystand-
pawns-worth of effects. ers see a deep, preternatural shadow under his
hood, and with his obsidian eyes bereft of any
reflection, there are no recognizable contours
Source of Tranquillity Crush the Adversary’s Limb left under the black linen cloth.
The Lab Total used for the instilled effect
The Lab Total used to create this Lesser PeCo 33 benefits from the +5 material bonus for dark-
Enchantment includes a +5 material bonus Pen +10, 6/day ness provided by obsidian, as well as from +2
for darkness granted for items made of ob- R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind for knowing Gloom of the Evening, a similar spell.
sidian stone, and +5 for knowing Well Without This item can be used six times per day, Finally, the Lab Total gets +5 for the enchant-
Light, a similar spell. The creation cost three for seven years after the first use. er’s close connection to the talisman. It cost
pawns of vis. After activating the item by bouncing Tolides two pawns of vis to instill the effect,
it longitudinally and successfully hitting a in addition to the four pawns required to open
human target, the rod cripples the touched the item for enchantment.
Chamber of Void limb of that target. The affected limb ap-
pears as if crushed by black patches of dark- Attunements
PeIg 24 ness that ripple along it, and that dissipate +5 to spellcasting involving light’s absence
Pen +0, constant effect as soon as the body part is broken and ren-
R: Touch, D: Constant, T: Room dered useless. Soothing Shadows
This enchantment is instilled in a tiny, The victim of a broken leg is considered
obsidian figurine that resembles an ugly hu- to suffer from the Lame Flaw (ArM5, page PeIg 14
manoid with folded wings. The effect of the 55), while two broken legs effectively Crip- Pen +0, constant effect
enchantment completely and entirely ex- ple (ArM5, page 52) a person. One or two R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Part
tinguishes all light in the Room it is placed broken hands are equivalent to Missing Hand This item provides a constant effect.
into for as long as the item remains in it. All (ArM5, page 56), or No Hands (ArM5, page The intensity of light close to the head
perception based on vision is effectively im- 56), respectively. Limbs damaged by the rod and upper part of the body of the person
possible, unless the occupant is able to see in heal as a Medium Wound. who carries the enchanted item is greatly re-
complete darkness. If the item is moved to (Effect: Base 15, +1 Touch, +1 Part, free duced. It appears as if deep shadows are cast
a new room, the effect is transferred to that cosmetic effect; +5 penetration, +3 6/day) upon the bearer. A closer look will reveal an
unnatural lack of light.
(Effect: Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1
Part; +3 environmental trigger, +1 2/day)

Chapter Fifteen

Yestin of Jerbiton
Concept: A traveling bard, whose magic light Prone; Delusion (Thinks himself Confound the Rival Singer (MuIm 4/+6*)
enhances his music and makes his jour- to be part of a forgotten pre-Diedne lin- Notes of a Delightful Sound (MuIm 10/+5)
neys easier, even as he’s plagued by a eage), Noncombatant The Welcome Stranger (CrMe 15/+20)
meddlesome faerie. * House Virtue To Sing of Good Meat and Drink (CrMe
Personality Traits: Gregarious +2, Cheerful 25/+30*)
Yestin Ap Llewelyn of Jerbiton is an im- +1, Determined +1 The Call to Slumber (ReMe 10/+17)
pressionable dreamer, an idealist always be- Reputations: None The Well-Trodden Path (ReTe 10/+7)
lieving that something more adventurous lies Combat: Sense of Faerie Power (InVi 2/+1)
just beyond his grasp. He travels widely and Dodge: Init +0, Attack N/A, Defense +0, Sense of Infernal Power (InVi 2/+1)
takes his music and magic all across Europe. Damage N/A Sense of Magical Power (InVi 2/+1)
He is a naturally upbeat man who enjoys the Fist: Init +0, Attack +1, Defense +0, Dam- * includes Magical Focus
company of others. Feeling equally honored age –1 Vis: Yestin usually carries a handful of vis
to play for prince, magus, or peasant alike, Kick: Init –1, Attack +1, Defense –1, Dam- of various Techniques and Forms, to
he is sure to strike up friendships wherever age +2 offer as gifts or payments to other magi
he goes. It may have been these qualities that Bludgeon: Init –1, Attack +3, Defense +0, he knows.
drew the faerie spirit Taliesin to him, and it is Damage +1 Appearance: Yestin has fair hair, which he
certainly these qualities that Taliesin exploits Soak: +0 wears brushed forward, and his eyes
to his own ends. Under Taliesin’s guidance, Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, sparkle out from a plain and open face
Yestin frequently finds himself embroiled Unconscious that rarely loses its broad smile. He nor-
in some mystery, seeking to put right the Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 mally wears simple clothes well suited
wrongs suffered by others. In return, Taliesin (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead to the life of a traveler, but his wizardly
has promised to one day reveal the true se- (21+) robes are bright and woven of many col-
crets of Yestin’s bardic lineage. Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (ceremonial ors. He is never without his crwth and
Yestin’s magic falls into three strands: magic), Carouse 2 (entertaining), Charm its bow, and carries the instrument in a
magic to aid him in his travels, magic to sup- 2 (with song), Concentration 2 (spell fitted leather satchel.
port his music, and magic to help solve the concentration), English 2 (poetry), Eti- Sigil: Yestin’s spells and device effects always
riddles in which Taliesin involves him. Yestin quette 1 (court), Finesse 2 (Imaginem), enjoy a moment of calm, like an intake
maintains strong ties with his mater Ffanci Folk Ken 2 (judging the mood of the of breath, before releasing themselves.
ferch Fflam of Jerbiton. audience), Latin 4 (Hermetic usage), He votes with a simple, though highly
Magic Theory 4 (Imaginem), Music polished, wooden flute.
2+2 (sing), Norman French 2 (poetry),
Yestin at Gauntlet Parma Magica 1 (Mentem), Penetration
1 (Mentem), Philosophiae 1 (ceremonial
magic), Stonehenge Lore 1 (legends),
Yestin +15 Years
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre +1, Com
Welsh 5 (storytelling)
+2, Str –1, Sta 0, Dex +1, Qik 0 Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre +1, Com
Arts: Cr 10, In 2, Mu 1, Pe 2, Re 7, An 2, Aq
Size: 0 +2, Str –1, Sta 0, Dex +1, Qik 0
0, Au 0, Co 01, He 2, Ig 0, Im 4, Me 10,
Age: 25 (25) Size: 0
Te 0, Vi 1
Decrepitude: 0 Age: 40 (36)
Twilight Scars: None
Warping Score: 0 (0) Decrepitude: 0
Equipment: Crwth and bow
Confidence Score: 1 (3) Warping Score: 3 (0)
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma- Confidence Score: 1 (10)
Spells Known:
gus; Gentle Gift; Affinity with Imaginem, Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
The Magic Flute (CrHe 5/+12)
Free Expression, Minor Magical Focus gus; Gentle Gift; Affinity with Imaginem,
Heal Thy Broken Voice (CrHe 20/+14)
(music), Performance Magic (Music), Free Expression, Minor Magical Focus
Let the Sun Not Bother Me This Day (PeIg
Puissant Music*, Well Traveled; Plagued (music), Performance Magic (Music),
by Supernatural Entity (Taliesin), Twi- Puissant Music*, Well Traveled; Plagued
Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+4)

Magi of Hermes
by Supernatural Entity (Taliesin), Twi- Nature’s Kindest Seat (ReTe 25/+20) Age: 55 (43)
light Prone; Delusion (Thinks himself Sense of Faerie Power (InVi 2/+1) Decrepitude: 0
to be part of a forgotten pre-Diedne lin- Sense of Infernal Power (InVi 2/+1) Warping Score: 4 (10)
eage), Noncombatant Sense of Magical Power (InVi 2/+1) Confidence Score: 1 (15)
* House Virtue * includes Magical Focus Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
Personality Traits: Gregarious +2, Cheerful Vis: Yestin has taken to carrying a small gus; Gentle Gift; Affinity with Imaginem,
+1, Determined +1 pouch filled with Creo and Herbem vis Free Expression, Minor Magical Focus
Reputations: None to ensure he can cast ritual spells to re- (music), Performance Magic (Music),
Combat: pair his crwth. Puissant Music*, Well Traveled; Plagued
Dodge: Init +0, Attack N/A, Defense +0, Appearance: Yestin appears young for his by Supernatural Entity (Taliesin), Twi-
Damage N/A age, thanks to his Longevity Ritual, light Prone; Delusion (Thinks himself
Fist: Init +0, Attack +1, Defense +0, Dam- though not unnaturally so. But his eyes to be part of a forgotten pre-Diedne lin-
age –1 do catch the firelight and twinkle and eage), Noncombatant
Kick: Init –1, Attack +1, Defense –1, Dam- sparkle strangely. * House Virtue
age +2 Activities in the last 15 Years: Over the last Personality Traits: Gregarious +2, Cheerful
Bludgeon: Init –1, Attack +3, Defense +0, 15 years, Yestin has concentrated on +1, Determined +1
Damage +1 improving his Arts but has also spent a Reputations: Fine Singer 1 (Stonehenge)
Soak: +0 number of years working towards new Combat:
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, spells. He developed his longevity ritual, Dodge: Init +0, Attack N/A, Defense +0,
Unconscious which takes the form of a brief song that Damage N/A
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 Yestin must sing each morning. Fist: Init +0, Attack +1, Defense +0, Dam-
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead age –1
(21+) Kick: Init –1, Attack +1, Defense –1, Dam-
Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (ceremonial
magic), Carouse 2 (entertaining), Charm
Yestin +30 Years age +2
Bludgeon: Init –1, Attack +3, Defense +0,
2 (with song), Code of Hermes 1 (mun- Damage +1
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre +1, Com
dane relations), Concentration 2 (spell Soak: +0
+2, Str –1, Sta 0, Dex +1, Qik 0
concentration), English 2 (poetry), Eti- Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Size: 0
quette 1 (court), Finesse 2 (Imaginem), Unconscious
Folk Ken 2 (judging the mood of the
audience), Latin 4 (Hermetic usage),
Magic Theory 4 (Imaginem), Music
2+2 (sing), Norman French 2 (poetry),
Parma Magica 2 (Mentem), Penetration
1 (Mentem), Philosophiae 1 (ceremonial
magic), Welsh 5 (storytelling), Stone-
henge Lore 1 (legends)
Arts: Cr 10, In 10, Mu 8, Pe 2, Re 13, An 11,
Aq 0, Au 0, Co 10, He 11, Ig 2, Im 6, Me
10, Te 7, Vi 2
Twilight Scars: His eyes glitter with many
Equipment: Crwth and bow
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Spells Known:
The Magic Flute (CrHe 5/+12)
Heal Thy Broken Voice (CrHe 20/+14)
Mend Thy Broken Strings (ReHe 20/+24)
Let the Sun Not Bother Me This Day (PeIg
Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+4)
Confound the Rival Singer (MuIm 4/+6*)
Notes of a Delightful Sound (MuIm 10/+19)
The Welcome Stranger (CrMe 15/+21): Mastery
1 (still casting)
Orpheus Ballad (CrMe 20/+22*)
To Sing of Good Meat and Drink (CrMe
The Call to Slumber (ReMe 10/+17)
The Well-Trodden Path (ReTe 10/+7)

Magi of Hermes
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11– Activities in the last 15 Years: Yestin has (sing), Normandy Lore (personalities) 2,
15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead (21+) spent the last 15 years practicing his Norman French 3 (poetry), Parma Magi-
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (ceremonial music, in addition to creating a number ca 3 (Mentem), Penetration 3 (Mentem),
magic), Carouse 2 (entertaining), Charm of items. He also opened and attuned Philosophiae 2 (ceremonial magic),
2 (with song), Code of Hermes 1 (mun- his crwth and bow as his talisman, into Welsh 5 (storytelling), Stonehenge Lore
dane relations), Concentration 2 (spell which he enchanted all the effects de- 2 (legends)
concentration), English 2 (poetry), Eti- scribed later. He has added only a few Arts: Cr 10, In 15, Mu 12, Pe 4, Re 15, An
quette 2 (court), Finesse 2 (Imaginem), spells to his repertoire, and these only in 11, Aq 0, Au 2, Co 10, He 11, Ig 10, Im
Folk Ken 2 (judging the mood of the the last few years. 10, Me 15, Te 10, Vi 15
audience), Latin 4 (Hermetic usage), Twilight Scars: Eyes glitter with many col-
Magic Theory 6 (Imaginem), Music ors; His hair appears made of shining
3+2 (sing), Norman French 2 (poetry),
Parma Magica 3 (Mentem), Penetration
Yestin +45 Years copper threads.
Equipment: Crwth of Yestin talisman (as
2 (Mentem), Philosophiae 2 (ceremonial described later), Cloak of Wilderness
Characteristics: Int +2, Per 0, Pre +1, Com
magic), Welsh 5 (storytelling), Stone- Refuge, Spear of Lleu, a bag full of
+2, Str –1, Sta 0, Dex +1, Qik 0
henge Lore 2 (legends) Song Stones.
Size: 0
Arts: Cr 10, In 15, Mu 12, Pe 3, Re 13, An Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Age: 70 (54)
11, Aq 0, Au 1, Co 10, He 11, Ig 10, Im Spells Known:
Decrepitude: 0
10, Me 10, Te 10, Vi 10 The Magic Flute (CrHe 5/+21)
Warping Score: 5 (15)
Twilight Scars: Eyes glitter with many col- Heal Thy Broken Voice (CrHe 20/+23)
Confidence Score: 1 (15)
ors; Hair appears made of shining cop- Mend Thy Broken Strings (ReHe 20/+26)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift; Hermetic Ma-
per threads. Let This Fire Sing You to Sleep (MuIg(Im)
gus; Gentle Gift; Affinity with Imaginem,
Equipment: Crwth of Yestin talisman (as 25/+32*)
Free Expression, Minor Magical Focus
described later), Cloak of Wilderness Let the Sun Not Bother Me This Day (PeIg
(music), Performance Magic (Music),
Refuge 10/+14)
Puissant Music*, Well Traveled; Plagued
Encumbrance: 0 (0) Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+25)
by Supernatural Entity (Taliesin), Twi-
Spells Known: Confound the Rival Singer (MuIm 4/+32*)
light Prone; Delusion (Thinks himself
The Magic Flute (CrHe 5/+21) Notes of a Delightful Sound (MuIm 10/+32)
to be part of a forgotten pre-Diedne lin-
Heal Thy Broken Voice (CrHe 20/+25) The Welcome Stranger (CrMe 15/+27): Mastery
eage), Noncombatant
Mend Thy Broken Strings (ReHe 20/+24) 2 (quiet casting, still casting)
* House Virtue
Let This Fire Sing You to Sleep (MuIg(Im) Orpheus’ Ballad (CrMe 20/+30*)
Personality Traits: Determined +2, Gregari-
25/+32*) To Sing of Good Meat and Drink (CrMe
ous +0, Cheerful +1
Let the Sun Not Bother Me This Day (PeIg 25/+35*)
Reputations: Fine Singer 2 (Stonehenge
10/+13) The Call to Slumber (ReMe 10/+30)
& Normandy), Diedne Sympathizer 2
Prying Eyes (InIm 5/+25) Lay Your Burdens on Me (ReMe 20/+30)
Confound the Rival Singer (MuIm 4/+32*) The Wisdom of Sleep (InTe(Vi) 25/+25)
Notes of a Delightful Sound (MuIm 10/+22) The Well-Trodden Path (ReTe 10/+25)
Dodge: Init +0, Attack N/A, Defense +0,
The Welcome Stranger (CrMe 15/+21): Mastery Nature’s Kindest Seat (ReTe 25/+25)
Damage N/A
1 (still casting) Sense of Faerie Power (InVi 2/+31***)
Fist: Init +0, Attack +1, Defense +0, Dam-
Orpheus’ Ballad (CrMe 20/+30*) Sense of Infernal Power (InVi 2/+31***)
age –1
To Sing of Good Meat and Drink (CrMe Sense of Magical Power (InVi 2/+31***)
Kick: Init –1, Attack +1, Defense –1, Dam-
25/+30*) A Song of All These Faerie Places (In(Cr)Vi(Im)
age +2
The Call to Slumber (ReMe 10/+23) 25/+31* **)
Bludgeon: Init –1, Attack +3, Defense +0,
The Wisdom of Sleep (InTe(Vi) 25/+25) A Song of All These Infernal Places (In(Cr)Vi(Im)
Damage +1
The Well-Trodden Path (ReTe 10/+23) 25/+31* **)
Soak: +0
Nature’s Kindest Seat (ReTe 25/+23) A Song of All These Magical Places (In(Cr)Vi(Im)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5,
Sense of Faerie Power (InVi 2/+26**) 25/+31* **)
Sense of Infernal Power (InVi 2/+26**) * includes Magical Focus
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5
Sense of Magical Power (InVi 2/+26**) ** includes talisman attunement bonus
(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20), Dead
* includes Magical Focus Vis: Yestin has taken to carrying a small
** includes talisman attunement bonus pouch filled with Creo and Herbem vis
Abilities: Artes Liberales 2 (ceremonial
Vis: Yestin has taken to carrying a small to ensure he can cast ritual spells to re-
magic), Carouse 2 (entertaining), Charm
pouch filled with Creo and Herbem vis pair his crwth.
2 (with song), Code of Hermes 2 (mun-
to ensure he can cast ritual spells to re- Talisman: Rowan crwth as described later.
dane relations), Concentration 3 (spell
pair his crwth. Appearance: A man in his mid-fifties, though
concentration), English 2 (poetry), Eti-
Talisman: Rowan crwth as described later. apparently in rude good health. Yestin’s
quette 2 (court), Finesse 3 (Imaginem),
Appearance: Due to bouts of Twilight, eyes still glitter in the light and the cop-
Folk Ken 3 (judging the mood of the
Yestin’s eyes glitter with a light all their per in his graying hair is becoming ever
audience), Latin 4 (Hermetic usage),
own, and his hair is threaded through more pronounced.
Magic Theory 8 (Imaginem), Music 4+2
with copper.

Magi of Hermes
Activities in the last 15 Years: Yestin started is returned to the peak of its former condi- Task Complexity Finesse Roll
to keep his distance from others of the tion; that is, the height of its playing life af- Clean instrument Trivial 3+
Order during this stage of his life, as ter the instrument had matured and settled, Re-tune a crwth Simple 6+
word about his unusual beliefs spread. and before decay or accident had affected Re-string a fiddle Easy 9+
Despite this he did engage a Verditius it. The instrument is also cleaned of all dirt Straighten a bow Average 12+
to create a spear for his newly employed by this spell, as that helps bring it closer to Re-glue a frame Hard 15+
shield grog, and he still found time to its ideal.
create a number of Song Stones to give Instruments that have more than one Casting requisites are required for non-
as gifts to magi and mundanes alike. But part, such as a fiddle and its original bow, Herbam components.
his own magical studies have extended are treated as the same item and are both re- (Base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Complexity)
only so far as creating spells that allow paired so long as all parts are present at the
him and his companions to more easily
traverse regio boundaries.
Ignem Spells
New Guideline:
CrHe 15
New Spells Restore a manufactured wooden
item that has been damaged to the peak
Let This Fire Sing You to Sleep

Many of Yestin’s early spells have actu- of its capabilities. This spell can also MuIg(Im) 25
ally been passed down through generations restore decay, but the damage must be R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Part
of itinerant Jerbiton musicians. Others were light. This spell affects a single fire, turning
invented as part of his magical training when the very tips of the flames into pleasing mu-
his mater, Ffanci ferch Fflam, guided him in sic. The caster decides the kind of music he
the laboratory. ritual’s casting. wishes to hear (a ballad, a whirly jig, etc.),
A badly made instrument cannot be and the spell accommodates. The music of
repaired beyond the height of its playing the flames always incorporates a signature
Herbam Spells life, so it retains any flaws it had before it
was damaged. An enchanted instrument can
refrain, as though a sigil, with each casting.
But the mood of that same refrain is adapted
be made whole again, but any magical en- to the needs of the song.
chantments lost as a result of damage are The flames play the same music all the
The Magic Flute not restored. while the fire burns, getting louder as the fire
This spell has a base level of 15 by anal- burns brighter, hotter, or larger, though the
ogy with the Creo Corpus guidelines, allow- random nature of fire and differences in fuel
CrHe 5 ing the healing of “light” damage. Casting mean that no two castings ever produce ex-
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind requisites are needed for instruments with actly the same performance.
This spell conjures a carved wooden any non-Herbam components (cat-gut, The spell ends when the flame is ex-
flute into the hands of the caster. The flute horse hair, metal pins, etc). tinguished, its original source is fully de-
appears just as the caster wishes, although (Base 15, +1 Touch) stroyed or, for particularly long-burning
casting requisites are required for flutes fires, when the spell’s Sun Duration natu-
decorated with materials belonging to forms rally expires. This spell cannot affect a fire
other than Herbam, such as the animal horn Mend Thy Broken Strings that is already larger than a campfire or a
often used for embellishments. fire in a hearth (essentially, any fire doing
Having only Concentration Duration, ReHe 20 +5 damage), but a fire that grows larger
the flute is entirely magical and will disap- R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind than this retains the magic.
pear at the end of the spell’s duration, essen- With all the required parts and/or ma- Yestin originally designed this spell so
tially when Yestin finishes playing it. Yestin terials of a musical instrument present, the that his fire, whether on the road or in his
benefits from his Performance Magic Virtue caster uses Rego magic to repair it, includ- sanctum, could gently sing him to sleep.
when casting this spell, as the act of playing ing re-stringing, straightening warped wood, But the more he explored this new spell, the
the flute stands in for his concentration. or any other fix that could be applied by a more he found new uses for it. It wasn’t just
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc) craftsman. The spell cannot repair splintered music that the flames could produce, but
or broken wood, but it can reassemble or re- also speech (though limited in the range of
place old parts if new materials are available. words and voice to little more than those
Heal Thy Broken Voice The spell cannot create any required materi- the caster imagines as he casts the spell) or
als that are not present. other natural and unnatural sounds. These
CrHe 20 This spell uses the Rego Craft Magic sounds always adopt the rhythm of the
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind, Ritual rules from Covenants, page 49, and so the re- spell’s original melody, though. If left to
This ritual spell mends a damaged sults of the spell depend on the magus’s Fi- sing (or talk) of its own volition, with no
wooden musical instrument. The instrument nesse as described in the table. guidance from the caster, the fire sounds as

Magi of Hermes
though it is forming words, but this is an
illusion; the sounds form true words by ac-
Imaginem Spells Mentem Spells
cident if at all.
Yestin has used this spell in his sanctum
to experiment with different harmonies, Confound the Rival Singer The Welcome Stranger
and has on occasion established choirs of
candles each quietly singing a different re-
frain or a different note. The effect can be MuIm 5 CrMe 15
mesmerizing. R: Sight, D: Conc, T: Ind R: Eye, D: Diameter, T: Ind
A Finesse Stress roll (Mastery of the spell A somewhat mischievous spell, Yestin This spell inserts a recollection of the
reduces this to a simple roll) determines how devised this in order to give himself an un- caster into the target’s memory. The memory
pleasant the sound is, but the size of the fire fair advantage over his mundane rivals. The itself soon fades, but its fleeting presence is
determines how loud it is. target of the spell is a singer’s voice (or the usually enough to reassure the target that he
sound produced by a single musical instru- has met the caster before.
Size of Fire Equivalent Sound ment), and the spell allows the caster to pull The nature and context of the memory is
A candle flame A whisper that voice in all manner of directions. For determined when the spell is cast.
A burning torch A conversation example, it pulls notes higher, pushes them Even fond or favorable memories are not
A campfire A song or heated lower, draws them out longer, or cuts them enough to counteract the effects of The Gift,
discussion off sharply. but the guidelines in ArM5, page 76, give an
As the caster must anticipate the music or idea how the memory of an established rela-
This spell has the side effect of reducing song as it is being performed, the spell requires tionship influences behavior.
the intensity of the target fire by 1 as flame is a Finesse roll to affect the sound to a greater In later years, Yestin mastered this spell
turned to sound. or lesser degree. On a high Finesse roll (9 or such that he can cast it both quietly and
(Base 4, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +1 Part) higher), the caster is able to change words without the normal Hermetic gestures.
within the song, or change entire chords with- (Base 5, +1 Eye, +1 Diameter)
in the music. At the lowest level, the caster is
Let the Sun Not able to at least change some of the music to
Bother Me This Day bad notes or add a croak in the voice. Orpheus’ Ballad
PeIg 10 Finesse Roll: 3+ CrMe 20
R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind Effect: Causes occasional breaks in the R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Group
This spell cools the caster to a com- voice or the random bad or missed note. The spell creates a momentary flash of
fortable level, no matter how hot the sun intense unnatural fear, despair, and woe in
is or how long he stays out in it. As Yestin Finesse Roll: 6+ the minds of the assailants, attacking their
puts it, “the day becomes as pleasant as a Effect: The caster can choose to manipulate estimation (Art & Academe, page 32). Each tar-
spring afternoon, and loses the wrath of the performance such that it appears to get in turn, starting from the target closest
summer’s heat”. The target is still affected simply be a good player on a bad night. to the caster, attempts a Brave Personality
by the light of the sun, but its warmth is The target voice might sound strained Roll against an Ease Factor of 9 or flees the
regulated. All other sources of heat affect or croaky, and instruments may sound in scene. This roll is modified by –1 for each
the caster naturally. need of tuning. other member of the group who fails his roll;
This spell ends either when it reaches its the more who flee, the less resolve the oth-
natural duration, when the caster moves into Finesse Roll: 9+ ers have.
a fully enclosed room (or cavern system or Effect: The caster can make the singer sound The magic of the spell is carried on the
basement), or in the event of an eclipse; it tone deaf, flattening a performance or caster’s own scream, and extends out as far
ends when he goes anywhere that sunlight pitching the music off key. as the caster’s voice would normally carry at
cannot reach him. a high volume (in excess of 50 paces). The
Petalichus the Weaver of Verditius Finesse Roll: 12+ magic of the spell affects the group of indi-
bought a copy of this spell from Yestin Effect: The caster achieves a fine level of con- viduals in front of and closest to the caster.
when the bard travelled to the Tribunal of trol, and can even change words within a The individuals must still constitute a group
Thebes one year. The Verditius claimed song to any other words of his choosing. as per ArM5, page 113.
to be interested “from a research point of Yestin devised the spell after he was set
view.” Unknown to Yestin, Petalichus ulti- If the caster is familiar with the song or upon by brigands along the road from Win-
mately used the spell in a long-running feud the piece of music, he may add his Music chester to the Isle of Oxney near Rye. He
with Solar Magnus of Tytalus, a feud that score to his Finesse roll as there is less need was lucky to escape their clutches after their
ended in Stonehenge with the death of So- to anticipate the performance. first meeting, and ensured that he was pre-
lar Magnus. It may be possible to apply the spell to pared for their next.
(Base 4, +2 Sun) the spoken word, perhaps to an orator or a The spell is named for all the grief suf-
tutor as he addresses an audience, although fered by Orpheus, who lost so much on leav-
Yestin has not yet experimented with this. ing the underworld.
(Base 1, +3 Sight, +1 Conc) (Base 4, +2 Voice, +2 Group)

Magi of Hermes
To Sing of Good the roll and/or the Ease Factor, with the The Vim requisite allows the spell to
Meat and Drink Storyguide’s agreement. inform the caster of any active or any re-
If the personality check fails, the target cent magical effects on the object. This
CrMe 25 falls prey to his conscience and seeks some- spell is restricted to effects originating
R: Voice, D: Conc, T: Room one to confide in. That person may not nec- from the Magic Realm. Enchantments in-
Yestin invented this spell in order to re- essarily be the caster of the spell, and will herent to the object are not learned be-
ward innkeepers and taverners who showed most likely be someone the target feels he yond a knowledge that some form of en-
generosity to him as he explored Stone- can trust. chantment exists.
henge and beyond. He often weaves this The Infernal and the Dominion have a Yestin’s version of this spell sees him con-
spell into his evening’s performance, using strong impact on this spell, dealing as they versing with the object within his dreams,
his Performance Magic to hide the casting do with the moral aspects of human life. If wherein the object adopts a persona (or
within his music. the target spends time in the Dominion, the rather, Yestin’s dream ascribes a personality
It has the effect of making those in the light of the Lord helps to release the truth to the object). Multiple castings of this spell
room somewhat thirsty and hungry. Those and the level of the aura is subtracted from on multiple objects are possible, though the
with a Compulsion (Personality Flaw) for the target’s roll. The aura’s Temper (see Realms caster’s pillow as well as his dreams may be-
eating and/or drinking are powerless to re- of Power: The Divine, page 38) also has an effect come a little crowded.
sist and must eat or drink as soon as they with Brave, Wise, Strong, or Just Tempers, The quirkiness of the spell effect is due
can. Others need to make a Personality increasing the aura’s effect by 1. to experimentation. Yestin had intended for
Check against an Ease Factor of 6 to resist If the target spends the duration of the a more conventional spell, but he found to-
the temptation, assuming they wish to re- spell within an Infernal aura, the corrupting wards the end of his experiments that the
sist it. influence of the aura reinforces the target’s spell’s incantation wasn’t complete until the
The effect is largely gentle and is de- resolve to keep the secret. The level of the caster fell asleep. His Laboratory Text for
signed to go unnoticed, beyond the takings aura is added to the target’s roll. The Story- this spell carries the same flaw. It’s possible
over the bar seeing a marked increase. Yestin guide may impose a further bonus to the roll that practitioners and researchers of Dream
always uses forceless casting to ensure the based on any Tarnish or Corruption of the Magic may be interested in Yestin’s text for
spell has no Penetration, and so will not af- Infernal aura (see Realms of Power: The Infernal, this spell, as it may further their own magi-
fect magi. page 13). cal aims.
(Base 4, +2 Voice, +1 Conc, +2 Room) Yestin invented this spell as a means to (Base 15, +1 Touch, +1 Vim Requisite)
more easily solve those mysteries that the
spirit Taliesin led him into; mysteries often
Lay Your Burdens on Me solved by knowing what those involved The Well-Trodden Path
wished to hide.
ReMe 20 (Base 5, +1 Eye, +2 Sun) ReTe 10
R: Eye, D: Sun, T: Ind R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Part
This spell brings the target’s secrets bub- As the caster walks, this spell shifts the
bling to the top of his consciousness, playing
on his mind and making him more inclined
Terram Spells earth underfoot allowing him to travel over
rutted paths and uneven roads as though
to disclose them. they were flat and even. The earth returns to
For the purposes of this spell, secrets its prior position after the target of the spell
are those things that gnaw at the target’s The Wisdom of Sleep has passed. The spell ends when the caster
conscience in the face of questioning — comes to a stop, such as to rest, or crosses
those things that the target would normal- terrain unaffected by this spell, such as a
ly strive to keep hidden because of guilt or InTe(Vi) 25 wooden bridge or a ford.
shame or fear. Secrets kept for noble rea- R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind This spell has little effect on soft or
sons are not affected by this spell, which The caster sleeps with the target object muddy paths, as the earth must still be able
was a conscious design decision made by beneath his pillow, and his dreams then in- to bear the target’s weight. The spell is po-
Yestin. This spell does not make the target form him of all mundane properties of that tent enough to move stones and cobbles in
susceptible to questioning on other mat- object. The magic is of Momentary Dura- the road.
ters, and so cannot be used to assist direct- tion, but the sleeping mind is more able to A traveler using this spell does not suffer
ed interrogation. assimilate the huge amount of information undue delay for traveling over poor roads.
At the end of the spell’s duration, the that might be called up, weaving it into the Traveling at speed to cover more ground
target must make a personality roll against caster’s dreams throughout the night. Note in the day still costs the stated Long-Term
an Ease Factor of 6. If the target succeeds, that this spell does not allow the caster to Fatigue level. City & Guild, page 85, provides
she maintains control over her secret and actually talk with the object or divine any more detail on travel speeds. Targets affected
keeps it hidden. The troupe should agree secrets that the object may store in whatever by this spell use speeds close to the top end
which Personality trait the target uses in passes for its intelligence. of the applicable travel speeds.
the roll. This spell uses Terram in its all-encom- (Base 2, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +1 Part,
For each subsequent day that the spell passing form referencing all solid objects, +1 stone)
is cast on the target, the Ease Factor in- and requires casting requisites appropriate
creases by 1. Virtues and Flaws may modify for the target object.

Magi of Hermes
Nature’s Kindest Seat Vim Spells the next, as they can see the necessary meth-
od. If crossing the regio boundary requires
ReTe 25 other conditions (help from a resident or a
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Group particular date, for example), the spell does
This spell conjures a group of seats from A Song of All not work.
the ground, centered on the point the user These Faerie Places As the caster must be standing exactly
touches. The number of chairs the spell pro- at the point where the regio layers meet
duces can be controlled by the caster, sum- and form a boundary, this spell can rarely
moning up to ten. In(Cr)Vi(Im) 25 be used to actually discern the location of
The chairs rise from the ground and each R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Group that boundary.
molds itself to the nearest person as he sits When the caster stands at a place where (Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 Group,
back. Each chair is always at least passably the boundary between levels of a faerie regio +1 Creo requisite, +1 Imaginem requisite)
comfortable, but notably more so when cast can be crossed easily, he is able to sing a song
in a meadow with lush grass. Each chair sinks or play music that describes the scene on the
slowly back into the ground, leaving no trace, other side of the regio boundary. A Song of All
as the spell nears the end of its duration. The As the song sings of each feature on the These Infernal Places
spell only works on sand or soil, a limitation other side of the boundary, they become
Yestin aims to fix some time in the future. clearer in the visual illusion. They then In(Cr)Vi(Im) 25
Yestin decided that, to better capture an fade slightly as the song moves onto the R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Group
audience and draw them into the music, there next feature. For example, where the first As A Song of All These Faerie Places but af-
was nothing like a little peripheral magic to line of the song describes the lush grass, in fecting Infernal regio boundaries.
increase anticipation. Yestin has never been the higher level the grass becomes visible (Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 Group,
shy about using his magic. through the boundary, bright and clear. As +1 Creo requisite, +1 Imaginem requisite)
Yestin’s sigil manifesting in this spell can the next line describes the dry stone wall
occasionally take his audience by surprise, as surrounding the meadow, the wall appears
at first nothing seems to happen … and then in the illusion but the grass becomes more A Song of All
the chairs spring from the ground. misty and distant. These Magical Places
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Group, Those able to see the illusion are also
+1 Complexity) able to pass through from one regio level to In(Cr)Vi(Im) 25
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Group
As A Song of All These Faerie Places but af-
fecting Magic regio boundaries.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 Group,
+1 Creo requisite, +1 Imaginem requisite)

Yestin has created the following items.

Cloak of
Wilderness Refuge
As Yestin aged, he began to enjoy sleep-
ing out under the stars less and less. It wasn’t
so much the effort of carrying a tent around
with him that he objected to, but rather hav-
ing to put it up. This lesser enchanted wool-
len cloak is the result.

Magi of Hermes
An Instant Roof + Music total, and is always of a tone and The Telling Blow
content chosen by the creator. The creator
MuAn 15 can freely change the “voice” that sings with PeCo 34
R: Per, D: Conc, T: Ind each stone, but must make a Finesse roll as R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
Pen +0, 1/day described in ArM5, page 143, to determine Pen +22, 6/day
When triggered, the cloak expands and how accurately he can mimic a known voice Also enchanted into the Spear of Lleu,
reforms into a large tent complete with tent- other than his own. this effect inflicts a Heavy Wound on a hu-
poles (formed from the polished bone toggle When the stone is asked to sing or to man or humanoid target of up to Size +1. It
used to fasten the cloak) to keep it rigid. speak its message, the song is freed and its is triggered when the blade comes into con-
The tent is large enough to allow three to music can be heard. Once the song is re- tact with a target and the haft is twisted in
camp inside in relative comfort. The effect is leased, it becomes ephemeral and cannot be the wielder’s hands. The blade does not have
triggered and canceled by a train of tongue- recaptured unless by some other magic. The to draw blood, meaning that great care must
twisting words in Welsh. stone becomes just another stone. be taken when carrying this weapon.
(Base 5, +1 Conc; +5 item maintains (Base 1, +1 Diameter, +1 intelligible (base 15, +1 Touch; +3 6/day, +11
concentration) speech) Penetration)

Song Stones The Spear of Lleu

With his advancing years, Yestin be-
These small stones are charged items
that store a song or music within them-
selves, which can then be released later.
came less trusting of his brothers across the
Order and took to employing a bodyguard
to whom he entrusted this spear. He com-
Crwth of Yestin
Yestin usually paints his song-stones in missioned the Spear of Lleu from a Verdi- Yestin’s talisman is his crwth and bow, a
bright colors, and tends to give them freely tius working on the Isle of Oxney, a man ru- form of welsh harp played either with a bow
to friends as amusements. mored to have visited the forge of Wayland or by plucking the strings. It was inevitable
The spirit Taliesin once led Yestin Smith himself. that his treasured crwth would become his
to Phessalia of Voluntas, where he saw a talisman. A gift from his mater, the crwth has
Laboratory Text for enchanting stones or been with him since before his Gauntlet and
beads such that they could display an im- Neither Rock nor Steel its music has been a constant companion.
age when called upon. Though he could Its attunements are as per the lyre and
not obtain a copy of that text, he took the PeTe 26 rowan wood. These are all Yestin currently
idea away with him. Phessalia herself en- R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Part knows of, but he is keen to find out whether
chanted beads with pictures that projected Pen +22, 1/day the crwth contains more magical sympathies
themselves onto a wall. She apparently This Perdo Terram effect is able to de- that are currently hidden from him. He may
made little use of them beyond ensuring stroy rock or metal on contact, and is what one day seek out a specialist in the field so he
she had sufficient ammunition to embarrass gives the weapon its name. According to can further attune his talisman.
those close to her. legend, Lleu Llaw Gyffes, seeking revenge
It had always been Yestin’s dream to fol- on Gronw Pebr for attempting to kill him Attunements
low the ancient bardic lineage he felt himself with a spear, allowed Gronw to hold a great +3 create sounds
part of, and enchant ephemeral things like rock between him and Lleu’s spear. But so +5 affect music
his music. These stones, with their magical hard did Lleu throw his spear that it tore +4 protection against malicious magic
songs bound by an arcane symbol, seemed to through the rock and killed Gronw where +1 Vim
him a first step on a longer journey. Shortly he stood.
after he first invented these, his travels be- The effect is triggered by being plunged
came more directed as he searched for the into metal armor. The target armor is in- A Song to
ancient druidic and bardic magic that would stantly weakened, rusting and fracturing in Banish the Darkness
support his new research. the blink of an eye, and the spear pierces the
armor and ignores its contribution to Soak. ReVi 41
Against subsequent attacks, the armor has its R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Room
Store the Song in Stone Soak bonus reduced to half. Pen +22, 1/day
The Target for this spell is Part, allowing When so instructed, the crwth plays a
CrIm 3 it to affect a quantity of material equivalent warding melody that fills the room and pre-
R: Per, D: Diameter, T: Ind to Individual, even where the whole is larger vents creatures of the Infernal from entering.
Charged Item, 0 Penetration, 1/day than a standard Individual — a great giant’s The effective level of the ward is 20, and it
This spell captures a song or other music stone armor for instance. uses a Penetration of 22. Creatures within
sung while a small stone is enchanted, and (Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Part, +2 Base Met- the room when the melody plays are not ex-
imprisons it within. The song is of a qual- al; +11 Penetration) pelled from the room, but nor can they will-
ity equal to the creator’s Communication ingly leave.

Magi of Hermes
The song is incidental to the effect, and A Song to but on some occasions, and for reasons Yestin
Yestin is able to quiet the song by concen- Banish the Mystical does not know, the crwth changes words and
trating. This does not end the effect, and the tone and emphasis. These changes are always
music can be restarted again by concentrat- ReVi 41 in keeping with the song, and serve to enhance
ing. The crwth maintains concentration on R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Room the performance rather than detract from it.
the effect, and “sings the song” independent- Pen +22, 1/day The best explanation Yestin has heard
ly of any other music it produces. As A Song to Banish the Darkness, but works for this phenomenon is that perhaps a Twi-
(Base 20, –1 Conc, +2 Room; +5 item on creatures aligned to the Magic Realm. light experience also affected the crwth. Any
maintains concentration, +11 Penetration) (Base 20, –1 Conc, +2 Room; +5 item magus able to explain why the crwth sings
maintains concentration, +11 penetration) so independently would have Yestin’s thanks,
and may perhaps gain a deeper insight into
A Song to the nature of enchanted devices.
Banish the Impish Your Voice and Mine Adelbert the Tyrolean, a Bonisagus of
some standing at Yestin’s covenant, suggest-
ReVi 41 CrIm 15 ed that a supernatural agent may have been
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Room R: Per, D: Conc, T: Ind present in Yestin’s laboratory when the effect
Pen +22, 1/day Pen +0, 12/day was instilled, and that perhaps this caused the
As A Song to Banish the Darkness, but works This effect is restricted such that only Warped effect. Yestin is unsure how much the
on creatures aligned to the Faerie Realm. Yestin is able to trigger it. Tyrolean suspects about Taliesin, but is disin-
(Base 20, –1 Conc, +2 Room; +5 lev- This effect allows the crwth to join its clined to have others disturb his laboratory in
els item maintains concentration, +11 voice with Yestin’s. The crwth sings in harmony search of evidence of faerie involvement.
Penetration) with Yestin, as Yestin himself plays and sings. (Base 1, +1 Conc, +1 intelligible speech;
The effect is designed to produce intelligible +4 12/day, +5 item maintains concentration,
words. These usually follow Yestin’s own words +3 effect restricted to Yestin)

Everyone knows what
a follower of Flambeau is like ...
a master of Ignem magic, a maestro with
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