Wazifa and Zikr
Wazifa and Zikr
Wazifa and Zikr
Pray two rakat nafil salatul hajat and after salam make dua with Allahs sifati names of YA HALEEMU,YA
ALEEMU,YA ALIU,YA AZEEMU after taking this beautiful names of Allah make dua with intention and
faith inshaAllah dua will be accepted.
Sawab of Ibadat from Fajr till ishraq with 2 min Amal: SZA
Say 3 times SubhanAllah hi wabe humdehi adada khalqay hi wa riza nafsay hi wa zinata arshay hi wa
midada kalematay hi
Hazrat Umar R.A says if any person visit market and say the below fikra than he will get 1
million neki and 1 million gunah will be forgiven: SZA
La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la Sharika Lahu,Lahul Mulku,Wa Lahul Hamdu yuhyee wa yumeetu wa Huwa
haiul la yamut beyadi hil khair wahu wa Ala Kulli shay in Qadir
Ref :Tirmizi
ﷴ ﷺsay jo shaks 4 kalimat ko 10 times read kar le then he will get 4 crore neki
Ashadu al lailaha illal lahu wahdahu la sharikala hu ilaahan wahaydan ahadan samadan lam yat takhiz
sahaybatou wala walada walam yakul lahu kufuwan ahad.
Ref : Tirmizi,Tabrani.
ﷴ ﷺsay who ever recite one time this darood sharif the neki of this takes 1000
Allahumma rabba Muhammadin salli ala Muhammadin wa ala alay muhammadin wajzi Muhammadan
Sallal laho alayhi wa sallama mahuwa ahluhu
Ref : Tirmizi
Abdullah ibn Mubarak Rahmatullah Alay say if any one read this kalma then its neki is so big
that Angel finds too much burden to right the sawab in his account and get tierd of writing.
"Ya Rabbi Lakal Hamdu Kama Yambaghi Li Jalali Wajhika Wa Azimi Sultanika"
Who ever recite this three Ayat 70 thousand Angel will make dua e Rahmat for him day and
Huwallahu ladhila illaha illa hu al malik ul quddus as salaam ul mutmin ul muhaiymin al aziz ul jabbar ut
mutakabbir Subhanallah hi amma yusrikun
Hu wallahu al khaliq ul bari ul mussawir La hul asma ul husna yusabuhu lahuma fi semaawaati wal ard
wa huwal aziz al hakim
Surah 59:22-24
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu), a close companion of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Sallal
Laahu Alaihi Wasallim), has said that if a person recites this Durood eighty times on Friday
(after evening prayers), then his sins equivalent to 80 years will be forgiven. This is a very
important Durood Shareef which brings forth immediate success and satisfaction to the heart
and the mind.
"O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad, our chief the unlettered Apostle and his Family Thy favours and
thy Salutations.
Hazrat Shah Wali'ullah Dehlvi (radi Allahu anhu) said that his father commanded him to recite the above
Durood Shareef as it was the best one.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu), a close companion of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallim), has said that if a person recites this Durood eighty times on Friday (after evening prayers),
then his sins equivalent to 80 years will be forgiven.
This is a very important Durood Shareef which brings forth immediate success and satisfaction to the
heart and the mind.
Hazrat Zarar bin Auzar (radi Allahu anhu), another companion of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi
Wasallim) says that he used to recite this Durood Shareef and fight with the non-believers. In every
battle, he saw that success kissed his feet, and he never lost any battle on any day
Whoever recites the following three times before fajr, Allah (swt) will forgive her sins even if
they are equal to the foam of the sea.
1. Reciting the following durood earns so much reward that it takes the angels 1000 days to write it
Allahumma Yaa Rabba Muhammad-in wa aali Muhammad-in Salli ‘alaa Muhammad-in wa ‘alaa aali
Muhammad-in Wajzi Muhammad-an Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam Maa huwa ahluhu
(O Allah! The Rabb of Mahammad and the Rabb of his family, send your blessings on Muhammad
and his family and reward him with what he is worthy of. )
2. Whoever recites the following dua while passing through market place, Allah (swt) will
forgive their 10lac sins, grant 10lac rewards, increase 10lac ranks and will make a house for
them in Jannah
La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la-sharika la-hu la-hul mulku wa la-hul hamdu yuhyi wa yumitu wa huwa hayyun
la-yamutu bi-yadihil khayr wa huwa ala kulli shay-in qadir
(There is no god except Allah, He is one, He has no partners, His is all the dominion and to Him
belongs all praise, He causes life and death, but He Himself is living who will never die, all
goodness and virtue belongs to Him and He is powerful over everything thing.)
(I bear witness that there is no god except Allah, He is one, He has no partners. He is one, singular
and everlasting. Sublime is He, who has not taken any son)
4. Whoever recites last three ayahs of Surah Hashr in the morning , 70,000 angels make
istighfar for her till the evening, and whoever recites them in the evening 70,000 angels make
istighfar for her till the morning, if she dies that day, she will be given the reward of a martyr
Hu wallahu ladhila illaha illa hu alim al ghaib wa shahadati Hu ar rahman ar Rahim
Huwallahu ladhila illaha illa hu al malik ul quddus as salaam ul mutmin ul muhaiymin al aziz ul jabbar ut
mutakabbir Subhanallah hi amma yusrikun
Hu wallahu al khaliq ul bari ul mussawir Lahul asma ul husna yusabuhu lahu ma fis semaawaati wal ard wa
huwal aziz al hakim
5. Whoever recites the following three times before fajr, Allah (swt) will forgive her sins even if
they are equal to the foam of the sea
Astaghfirullah al-lazi la ilaha illa huwal hayyul qayyum wa atubu ilayhi
(I seek forgiveness from Allah, that being that there is no god except He, who is living, eternal and I
turn towards Him)
6. Whoever recites the following 7 times Allah will complete all their unaccomplished tasks
Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul arshil azim
(Allah is enough for me, there is no god except Him, on Him I rely and He is the Rabb of the mighty
7. Whoever recites this dua, Allah will remove 70 of his difficulties, the smallest of which will be
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah la malja wa la manja illa ilayhi
(There is no strength, nor power except Allah; there is no way to turn to or run from but to you)
8. Whoever recites the following three times Allah (swt) grants comfort to their distressed
La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz-zalimeen
(There is no Lord except you, glory be to you, I was one of the transgressors)
9. Whoever recites Ayat-ul-kursi after every farz namaz, the only thing hindering her from
entering jannah is her death
10. Whoever recites the following 27 times, Allah (swt) will grant them reward equal to all the
believers in this world. And whoever recites it 27 times every day Allah (swt) will make
them Mustajabud da’wat (a person whose every dua is accepted)
Allahummaghfirli wa lil-mu’mineena wal-mu’minat wa lil-muslimeena wal muslimaat
(O Allah! Forgive me and the believing men and women and the muslim men and women)
11. Whoever recites the following 7 times after fajr and maghrib, Allah (swt) protects them
from Jahannam.
Allahumma ajirni minan-nar
12. Whoever recites sayyidul istighfar once in the morning and dies that day, they will get the
reward of a martyr and if they recite it during the evening and die that night, they will get the
reward of a martyr.
َﻋﻠَﻰ َوأَﻧَﺎ َﻋ ْﺒﺪُكَ َوأَﻧَﺎ َﺧﻠَ ْﻘﺘَﻨِﻲ أَ ْﻧ َﺖ إِﻻ إِﻟَﮫَ ال َرﺑﱢﻲ أَ ْﻧ َﺖ اﻟﻠﱠ ُﮭ ﱠﻢ
َﺳﺘَﻄَ ْﻌﺖُ َو َو ْﻋ ِﺪ َﻛ َﻤﺎ َﻋ ْﮭ ِﺪك ْ ﻮذ اُ ﺷ ﱢﺮ ِﻣﻦْ ﺑِﻚَ أَ ُﻋَ ﺻﻨَ ْﻌﺖُ َﻣﺎَ ﻟَ َﻚ أَﺑُﻮ ُء
َﺑِ َﺬ ْﻧﺒِﻲ ﻟَ َﻚ َوأَﺑُﻮ ُء َﻋﻠَ ﱠﻲ ﺑِﻨِ ْﻌ َﻤﺘِﻚ
ﻮب ﯾَ ْﻐﻔِ ُﺮ ال ﻓَﺈِﻧﱠﮫُ ﻟِﻲ ﻓَﺎ ْﻏﻔِ ْﺮ َ ُاﻟﺬﻧأَ ْﻧ َﺖ إِﻻ ﱡ
Allahumma anta Rabbi la ilaha illa anta, Anta Khalaqtani wa ana abduka, wa ana ‘ala ahdika wa wa’dika
mastata’tu, A’udhu bika min Sharri ma sana’tu, abu’u Laka bini’matika ‘alaiya, wa Abu Laka bidhanbi
faghfirli innahu la yaghfiru adhdhunuba illa anta
(O Allaah! You are my Lord! None has the right to be worshipped but You. You created me and I am
Your slave, and I am faithful to my covenant and my promise as much as I can. I seek refuge with
You from all the evil I have done. I acknowledge before You all the blessings You have bestowed
upon me, and I confess to You all my sins. So I entreat You to forgive my sins, for nobody can
forgive sins except You.)
13. Whoever recites the first and last 10 ayahs of Surah Kahf everyday will be saved from the
fitna of Dajjal
14. Whoever recites the last two ayahs of Surah Baqarah after Isha will get the reward equal to
praying tahajjud at night
15. Whoever recites durood on Nabi (saw) 10-10 times morning and evening, she will get the
shifa’at of Nabi (saw) on the day of Judgment
16. Whoever recites the following after fajr three times, Nabi (saw) has guaranteed to take
them by their hands and ensure that they enter jannah
Radhitu billahi Rabba Wa bil Islami deena Wa bimuhammadin Nabiyya.
(I've accepted Allah as my Lord And Islam as my way of life And Muhammad – may Allah's peace
& blessings be upon him As Allah's Prophet and Messenger)
17. Ibn Umar R.A. said that the Messenger of Allah SAWS said,
"Ya Rabbi Lakal Hamdu Kama Yambaghi Li Jalali Wajhika Wa Azimi Sultanika"
A servant of Allah once said, "O Allah! Yours is the Hamd that is suitable for the grace of Your Face
and the greatness of Your Supreme Authority." The two angels were confused as to how to write
these words. They ascended to Allah and said, " O our Lord! A servant has just uttered a statement
and we are unsure how to record it for him." Allah said while having more knowledge in what His
servant has said, "What did My servant say?" They said, "He said, "O Allah! Yours is the Hamd that
is suitable for the grace of Your Face and the greatness of Your Supreme Authority." Allah said to
them, "Write it as My servant has said it, until he meets Me and then I shall reward him for it.[Ibn
Majah 2:1249]
18. Those who recite these fikra Allah will grant Noor on his face,make the Person
strong,sharpen the memory,four dieases are cured (leprosy,eye blindness,Madness, Paralysis)
Subhanallahil azeem wa bihamdihi wala hawlawala kowata illa billah
(I've accepted Allah as my Lord And Islam as my way of life And Muhammad – may Allah's peace
& blessings be upon him As Allah's Prophet and Messenger)