SDM Mill Calcs
SDM Mill Calcs
SDM Mill Calcs
Input Values
Wi = Bond Work, kWh/short ton [Imperial units] 14 kWh/ton
F= Feed 80% passing size in microns 12500 microns
P= Product 80% passing sizes in microns 150 microns
Basic Energy Consumption
W= Basic energy required 10.18 kWh/ton
W = Wi*[10/P^0.5-10/F^0.5] kWh/ton
he highlighted cells
To use enter the required data or use the drop down list in the highlighted cells
This form is for calculating the basic ball/rod/pebble mill factors.
This should be used as a guide only, with proper testing used for final selection.
This form is based on the work of Fred C. Bond and others.
Basic Input
Bond Work, kWh/short ton Wi = 14.5 kWhr/st
Feed 80% passing size in microns F= 12500 F80
Product 80% passing sizes in microns P= 150 P80
Basic Energy Consumption
Basic energy required W= 10.54 kWh/ton
Feed Tonnage:
By year 210,000 t/yr
By Day 600 t/d
By Hour 28 t/hr
Operating Schedule: hours 24 h/d
days 7 d/w
weeks 50 w/yr
Gross Hours/year 8400 h/yr
Availability: 90 %
Actual Operating: 21.6 h/d
Net Hours/year 7560 h/yr
Mill Definition
Type Ball Mill
Wet or Dry: Wet
Circuit (Open or Closed): Closed
Mill Diameter D= 14 ft
Mill Length L= 10 ft
revolutions/minute R= 12.0 rev/min
L to D check - for Rod Mills (if L is < 2*D rods can tumble and tangle) ü
Unit Volume 1539 ft3
Assumed Drive Losses: 5 %
Number of Mills Nm = 1
Ball Type Factor - K1 K1 = 1.00
Mill Type Factor (for makeup ball/rod/pebble size) - K2 K2 = 330
Basic energy required - per mill 292.84 kWh
392.70 Hp
Capacity check - based on actual mills installed by Boliden & Koppers ü 662 ft3
Adjustment factors
Ball charge efficiency factor Bcef = 1.29
drop from inside top of mill to lowest discharge point Q= 10.88
ball charge volume fraction V= 18.5%
Fine grinding factor Fgf = 0.93
Mill diameter factor for mill diameter D Fmd = 0.89
Reduction ratio Rr = 83.3
Reduction ratio Rro = 8
Reduction ratio efficiency factor Ref = 1.00
Shell speed factor for shell speed Ssf = 1.37
where Z=-[D/17.08]^3 Z= 0.61
Shell speed S= 8.80 ft/sec
Mill Type MT 1.00
Wet or Dry EF1 1.00
Circuit Type EF2 2.00
Diameter efficiency EF3 0.91
Comminution energy needed :
Energy transfer required within mill shell Et = 28.44 kWh/ton
Internal energy required - per mill 789.96 kWh
1,059.34 Hp
Capacity check - based on actual mills installed by Boliden & Koppers ü 1,622 ft3
Mill Power Draw
Ball mass Bm = 138.51
Ball charge power factor Bcpf = 1.47
Base power draw Bpd = 6.52*L*D0.4*Bm [÷ 11.2*L*D2.4 maximum] Bpd =
[8 ft wet o/f discharge mill, 75% critical speed] 0.41
Critical speed factor Csf = 0.80
% Critical speed Cs = 58.62%
Theoretical critical speed rev/min Nc = 20.47 rev/min
Reduction ratio power factor for F/P < 3 Rpf = 1.00
Ball diameter (or rod or pebble) B= 3.88
W = Wi*[10/P^0.5-10/F^0.5] kWh/ton
L to D Okay
Et = W*Bcef*Fgf*Fmd*Rref*Ssf*MT*EF1*EF2*EF3 kWh/ton
Bm = 3.82*K1*V*D^2
Bcpf = 1.78 - 1.69V
t/hr * Et