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Submitted by:
Roll No. –1712670031
MBA III Semester

In Parti al Fulfi llment of the Requirement for

MBA Degree Programme
Of Dr. A.P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University
Utt ar Pradesh, Lucknow

Sachdeva Institute of Technology

Farah, Mathura (U.P.)
To Whom It May Concern

This is to certify that Ms. Divya Singh , Roll. No. 1712670031 a student of MBA III
Semester of this institute has undergone practical training with AIRTEL. The
accompanying project report Employee motivation at Airtel has been prepared and
submitted by the above named student in partial fulfillment of the Master of
Business Administration Degree Programme (III Semester) as per the requirement of

D r. A . P. J . A b d u l Ka l a m Te c h n i ca l U n i ve rs i t y, U tt ar P ra d e s h

DATE: 24 November 2018



Department of Business Administration


A training project report is the very important part of any management
programme. It is a Launch Pad for introducing students to a real-life
scenario, which cannot be simulated in the classroom. It not only
enables the student to apply the theoretical knowledge in a practical
scenario but also enables them to learn things beyond books. This is a
period where the students add value to them self and learn
management skills as well as the corporate culture.

Only academic knowledge is not enough for the students, it is also

necessary for them to have a slice of the practical corporate world
wherein they can apply their knowledge and put their skills to a test.
This is a first step towards corporate world.

A training project report provides an opportunity for students, to satisfy

their inquisitiveness to know more details, exposes them to technical
skills, and helps them to acquire social skills by drawing them into
communication with outside professionals for continuous interaction.

This is a great opportunity to acknowledge and to thanks all those

persons without whose support and help this project would have
been impossible. We would like to add a few heartful words for the
people who were part of this project in numerous ways.

I thanks my Director for his indispensible support and

encouragement though the summer training project.

I would like to thanks to my project guide for his indefatigable

guidance, valuable suggestion, moral support, constant
encouragement and contribution of time for the successful
completion of summer training project work. I am very grateful to
him for providing all the facilities needed during the summer training
project development.

I thank my counselor for their indispensable support and

encouragement though the summer training project. I would like to
thank project guide & all those who helped me directly or indirectly.

Divya Singh
MBA 3rd, Sem.

I hereby declare that the summer training project report

“AIRTEL. The accompanying project report Employee motivation at

Airtel” submitted in partial fulfilment of the award for the degree

of Master of Business Administration (MBA) to Sachdeva

Institute of Technology, Farah, Mathura is one of my original
work and not submitted to any other Degree/Diploma, fellowship
or other similar title.

Divya Singh
MBA 3rd, Sem.

 Introduction
 Objectives of the study
 Company Profile

 Employee motivation

 Significance of the study

 Research Methodology
 Literature Review

 Research Problem

 Data Analysis

 Findings
 Limitations of Study

 Suggestion
 Conclusion


Human Resource (or personnel) management, in the sense of getting things done

through people, is an essential part of every manager‟s responsibility, but many

organizations find it advantageous to establish a specialist division to provide an

expert service dedicated to ensuring that the human resource function is performed

efficiently.“People are our most valuable asset” is a cliché, which no member of any

senior management team would disagree with. Yet, the reality for many organizations

is that their people remain undervalued, under trained and underutilized.

The market place for talented, skilled people is competitive and expensive. Taking on

new staff can be disruptive to existing employees. Also, it takes time to develop

„cultural awareness‟, product / process / organization knowledge and experience for

new staff members.


Human resource planning

Job analysis

Recruitment and Selection

Orientation and Induction

Training and Development

Performance Appraisal

Compensation planning and remuneration

Motivation, welfare, health and safety

Industrial Relations

The efficiency of a person depends on two factors, firstly, the level of ability to do a

certain work, secondly, the willingness to do the work. So for as the first factor is

concerned it can be acquired by education and training, but the second factor can be

created by motivation. A person may have several needs and desires. It is only

strongly felt needs which becomes motives. Thus motives are a product of needs and

desires motives are many and keep on changing with time motives are invisible and

directed towards certain goals. Motivation means that process which creates on

inspiration in a person to motivation is derived from the word „motive‟ which means

the latest power in a person which impels him to do a work.

Motivation is the process of steering a person‟s inner drives and actions towards

certain goals and committing his energies to achieve these goals. It involve a chain

reaction starting with felt needs, resulting in motives which give rise to tension which

census action towards goals. It is the process of stimulating people to strive willingly

towards the achievement of organizational goals motivation may be defined as the

work a manager performs an order to Induce Subordinates to act on the desired

manner by satisfying their needs and desires. Thus motivations is concerned with how

behaviour gets started, is energized, sustained and directed.

Employee Motivation is the end feeling of a person after performing a task to the extent

that a person‟s job fulfills his dominant needs and is consistent with his expectations and

values, the job will be satisfying. The feeling would be positive or negative depending

upon whether need is satisfied or not. Employee motivation is different

from motivation and morale. Motivation refers to the willingness to work.

Satisfaction on the other hand, implies a positive emotional state. Morale implies a

general attitude toward work and work environment. It is a group phenomenon

where as employee motivation is an individual feeling. Employee Motivation may be

considered a dimension of morale and morale could also be a source of satisfaction.

Thus Employee Motivation is an employee‟s general attitude towards his job.

Unfulfill- Tension Drive Behavior

ment needs,



A research is a carefully investigation or inquiry specially through search for

new facts in any branch of knowledge.

According to Clifford woody, “Research comprises of defining and redefining

problem, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and

evaluating data, reaching conclusions, testing conclusions to determine whether they

fit the formulated hypothesis.”


Research is the movement from known to unknown. There are following

objectives of research are as follows:

To achieve new insight into the phenomenon.

To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual,
situation or a group.

To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with
which it in associated with something else.

To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between two variables.


There are two types of research are as follows:

Qualitative research:

Qualitative research provides an understanding of how or why things are as

they are. For example, a market researcher may stop a consumer who

rchased a particular type of bread and ask him or her why that type of bread

was chosen. Unlike quantitative research, there are no fixed set of questions

but, instead, a topic guide (or discussion guide) is used to explore various

issues in-depth. The discussion between the interviewer (or moderator) and
the respondent is largely determined by the respondent‟s own thoughts and


Quantitative research:

Quantitative research is numerically oriented, requires significant attention to

the measurement of market phenomenon and often involves statistical

analysis. For example, a bank might ask its customers to rate its overall

service as excellent, good, poor or very poor. This will provide quantitative

information that can be analyses statistically. The main rule with quantitative

research is that every respondent is asked the same series of questions. The

approach is very structured and normally involves large numbers of interviews

/ questionnaires.

Perhaps, the most common quantitative technique is the „market research

survey‟. These are basically projects that involve the collection of data from

multiple cases – such as consumers or a set of products. Quantitative surveys

can be conducted by using post (self-completion), face – to – face (in-street or

in-home), telephone, email or web techniques. The questionnaire is one of the

most common tools for collecting data from a survey, but it is only of a wide

ranging set of data collection aids.


“The research design is the conceptual structure with in which research is

conducted it consist the blue print of the collection, measurement and analysis of


In that project the research design was adopted for the “Descriptive research

study” the exploratory research studies are also termed as Formularize research
studies. The main purpose of such studies is that of formulating a problem for more

precise investigation or of developing the working hypothesis from an operational

point of view.

The main purpose of the study was to tell the consumer perception in „A‟.

the major emphasis was on the discovery of the ideas and opinions of the consumers

at different levels in the existing environment.

Two methods that are used for the study are:

The survey of concerning literature.

The experience study.


A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given

population. It refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in

selecting items for the sample. The sample design is determined before data are


The sampling used for the study is “Convenience Sampling”. Under this

sampling, design every item or the universe has equal chance or inclusion in the

sample because this is consumer‟s perception survey, so we give each person at any

place an equal probability of getting into the sample.

Simple random sampling is also used for this study. It is also known as the

un-restricted random sampling. Under this, each respondent has known to be an equal

chance of being selected.


The universe chooses for the research study is the employees of AirtellLtd.

Sample Size.

Number of the sampling units selected from the population is called the size

of the sample.
Sample of 100 respondents were obtained from the population.

Sampling Procedure.
The procedure adopted in the present study is probability sampling, which is also

known as chance sampling. Under this sampling design, every item of the frame has

an equal chance of inclusion in the sample.


The data‟s were collected through Primary and secondary sources.

Primary Sources.

Primary data are in the form of “raw material” to which statistical methods are

applied for the purpose of analysis and interpretations.

The primary sources are discussion with employees, data‟s collected through


Secondary Sources.

Secondary data‟s are in the form of finished products as they have already been


statistically in some form or other.

The secondary data mainly consists of data and information collected from records,

company websites and also discussion with the management of the organization.

Secondary data was also collected from journals, magazines and books.


Descriptive research, also known as statistical research, describes data and

characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive

research answers the questions who, what, where, when and how.

Although the data description is factual, accurate and systematic, the research cannot
describe what caused a situation. Thus, descriptive research cannot be used to create a

causal relationship, where one variable affects another. In other words, descriptive

research can be said to have a low requirement for internal validity.


A well defined questionnaire that is used effectively can gather information on

both overall performance of the test system as well as information on specific

components of the system. A defeated questionnaire was carefully prepared and

specially numbered. The questions were arranged in proper order, in accordance with

the relevance.

Nature of questions asked:

The questionnaire consists of open ended, dichotomous, rating and ranking questions.


A pre-testing of questionnaire was conducted with 10 questionnaires, which were

distributed and all of them were collected back as completed questionnaire. On the

basis of doubts raised by the respondents the questionnaire was redialed to its present



A finite subset of population, selected from it with the objective of investigating its

properties called a sample. A sample is a representative part of the population. A

sample of 70 respondents in total has been randomly selected. The response to

various elements under each questions were totaled for the purpose of various

statistical testing.

Variables of the Study:

The direct variable of the study is the employee motivation Indirect variables are the

incentives, interpersonal relations, career development

opportunities and performance appraisal system.

Presentation of Data:

The data are presented through charts and tables.

Data source:

Primary data collection:

For the collection of the primary data following methods were used:

Questionnaires method : structured questionnaire on the basis of information

collected from different sources. The questionnaire contains both open and

closed ended questions.

Secondary data collection:

Secondary data were collected from the following sources:

Books related to topic

Organization documents


Data approaches:

Stratified Random Probability Sample Selection Method:

Research instrument:-
1. Questionnaires (no. of questions)
2. Observation
3. Direct method

Sampling unit:
The units chosen for survey were related hr executives, and the
workers. Sample size: 100

Sample selection procedure


Contact method
Direct method
Statistical tools used:

Statistical used in the project study are:

Graphical representation ( Pie Chart ).


The research problem here in this study is associated with the motivation of

employees of airtell Agra. There are a variety of factors that can influence a person‟s

level of motivation; some of these factors include as:

1.The level of pay and benefits,

2.The perceived fairness of promotion system within a company,

3.Quality of the working conditions,

4.Leadership and social relationships,

5.Employee recognition

6. Job security development opportunities etc.

Motivated employees are a great asset to any organisation. It is

because the motivation and Job satisfaction is clearly linked. Hence this study is

focusing on the employee motivation in the organisation. The research problem is

formulated as follows:

“What are the factors which help to motivate the employees?


Primary objective

1. To study the important factors which are needed to motivate the employees.

Secondary Objective.

1. To study the effect of monetary and non-monetary benefits provided by the


2. To study the effect of job promotions on employees.

3. To learn the employee‟s satisfaction on the interpersonal relationship exists in the


4. To provide the practical suggestion for the improvement of organization‟s

organization on the employee‟s performance.


The study is intended to evaluate motivation of employees in the organization. A good

motivational program procedure is essential to achieve goal of the organization. If

efficient motivational programmes of employees are made not only in this particular

organization but also any other organization; the organizations can achieve

the efficiency also to develop a good organizational culture.

Motivation has variety of effects. These effects may be seen in the context of an

individual‟s physical and mental health, productivity, absenteeism and turnover.

Employee delight has to be managed in more than one way. This helps in retaining

and nurturing the true believers “who can deliver value to the organization.

Proliferating and nurturing the number of “true believers”1is the challenge for future
and present HR managers.

This means innovation and creativity. It also means a change in the gear for

HR polices and practices. The faster the organizations nurture their employees, the

more successful they will be. The challenge before HR managers today is to delight

their employees and nurture their creativity to keep them a bloom.

This study helps the researcher to realize the importance of effective employee

motivation. This research study examines types and levels of employee motivational

programmes and also discusses management ideas that can be utilized to innovate

employee motivation.

The telecommunications industry is responsible for radio, television, voice

communications, and broadband services. The growth and innovation of the telecom

industry has enabled people to communicate across the globe and access endless

amounts of information over the internet. Broadband services are becoming faster and

easier to access with fiber optic networks and wireless services like WiMax and

CDMA. Many of the major telecom companies have merged over the last 10 years in

order to offer massive product and service portfolios, as well as further capitalize on

bundled media packages ('triple play"). These new technologies and growth through

mergers are enabling these companies to find new revenue sources and growth

opportunities in a mostly mature market.

World‟s telecom industry is an uprising industry, proceeding towards a goal of

achieving two third of the world's telecom connections. Over the past few years

information and communications technology has changed in a dramatic manner and

as a result of that world telecom industry is going to be a booming industry.

Substantial economic growth and mounting population enable the rapid growth of this


The telecommunications market is expected to rise at an 11 percent compound annual

growth rate at the end of year 2014. The leading telecom companies like AT&T,

Vodafone, Verizon, SBC Communications, Bell South, Qwest Communications are

trying to take the advantage of this growth. These companies are working on

telecommunication fields like broadband technologies, EDGE(Enhanced Data rates

for Global Evolution) technologies, LAN-WAN inter networking, optical networking,

voice over Internet protocol, wireless data service etc.

The telecom industry is taking a crucial part of world economy. The total revenue

earned from this industry is 3 percent of the gross world products and is aiming at

attaining more revenues. One statistical report reveals that approximately 16.9% of

the world population has access to the Internet.

The telecom industry has grown and evolved at an incredible pace for the last 20

years, dramatically changing the way people communicate and transforming everyday

life along the way. Mobile broadband subscribership has topped 200 million

worldwide. And the rollout of 3G networks in emerging markets means there is the

potential for mobile broadband subscribers to outnumber wireline broadband

subscribers within the next decade.

This rapid growth has created a dynamic and competitive industry climate with

continually evolving technology and staggering financial stakes. The shift of revenue

from fixed to mobile and from voice to data is accelerating. Data and media are being

untethered from specific devices or networks. Powerful new mobile devices deliver a

combination of functions previously available only from multiple tools.

The telecommunications industry was comprised of a club of big national and

regional operators. Over the past decade, the industry has been swept up in

rapid deregulation and innovation. In many countries around the world,

government monopolies are now privatized and they face a plethora of new

competitors. Traditional markets have been turned upside down, as the growth in

mobile services out paces the fixed line and the internet starts to replace voice as the
staple business.

Indian Telecom Industry

The India telecom market ranks among the fastest growing industries in the country.

The improvement in the standard of living and the development of infrastructure and

connectivity are some of the mains reasons for the significant growth of the telecom

industry. The growth is expected to be more over the years.

Presently, there are around 200 million telephone lines in India which make it the

third largest phone network in the world after China and the US. Today, the telecom

market in India enjoys a growth rate of around 45 % which is the highest in the whole


India continues to be one of the fastest growing telecom markets in the world.

Reforms introduced by successive Indian governments over the last decade have

dramatically changed the nature of telecommunications in the country. The sector

ranks second in the world, with over 225.7 million telephone subscriptions by 2012-

end.The fast track growth of the Indian telecom industry has made it a key contributor

to India‟s progress. India adopted a phased approach for reforming the telecom sector

right from the beginning. Privatization was gradually introduced, first in value-added

services, followed by cellular and basic services. An independent regulatory body,

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), was established to deal with

competition in a balanced manner.This gradual and thoughtful reform process in India

has favored industry growth. Today, there are more than 225 million telecom
subscribers in India. Every month, 6-7 million new subscribers are added. Upcoming

services such as 3G and WiMax will help to further augment the growth rate.

Furthermore, the Indian economy is slated to sustain its 7-9 per cent growth rate in

the near future. This is supported by the political stability that the country is

experiencing currently. India‟s demographic outlook makes it one of the largest

markets in the world. A conducive business environment is also created by a

favorable regulatory regime.There exists enormous business potential for telecom

companies on account of the country‟s low teledensity, which is close to 19 per cent

presently. The Indian telecom industry is growing at the fastest pace in the world and

India is projected to be the second largest telecom market globally by 2016

The Indian Telecommunications network with 200 million connections is the fifth

largest in the world and the second largest among the emerging economies of Asia.

Today, it is the fastest growing market in the world and represents unique

opportunities for U.S. companies in the stagnant global scenario.

Evolution of the industry-Important Milestones

History of Indian Telecommunications

1851 First operational land lines were laid by the government near
Calcutta (seat of British power)

1881 Telephone service introduced in India

1883 Merger with the postal system

1923 Formation of Indian Radio Telegraph Company (IRT)

1932 Merger of ETC and IRT into the Indian Radio and Cable
Communication Company (IRCC)

1947 Nationalization of all foreign telecommunication companies to

form the Posts, Telephone and Telegraph (PTT), a monopoly run
by the government's Ministry of Communications

1985 Department of Telecommunications (DOT) established, an

exclusive provider of domestic and long-distance service that
would be its own regulator (separate from the postal system)

1986 Conversion of DOT into two wholly government-owned

companies: the Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) for
international telecommunications and Mahanagar Telephone
Nigam Limited (MTNL) for service in metropolitan areas.

1997 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India created.

2011 Cellular Services are launched in India. New National Telecom

Policy is adopted.

2011+ DoT becomes a corporation, BSNL

FDI: 74% (2016)

having the world's lowest call rates the fastest growth in

2016-2018 the number of subscribers (45 million in 4 months)

the fastest sale of million mobile phones (in a week),

the world's cheapest mobile handset

the world's most affordable colour phone

Current Scenario and Growth of telecom Industry

The Indian telecommunications industry is one of the fastest growing in the world

and India is projected to become the second largest telecom market globally by

2014. India added 113.26 million new customers in 2012, the largest globally. The

country's cellular base witnessed close to 50 per cent growth in 2012, with an

average 9.5 million customers added every month.

According to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), the month of

October 2013 saw telecom operators in India register a record number of 16.67

million new mobile subscribers. The number, which combines GSM, CDMA and

FWP subscribers, brings the total number of wireless subscribers to 488.4 million

as of October 2013.

In all, the country's total telephone subscriber base has increased 3.26 per cent,

from 509.03 million in September 2013 to 525.65 million at the end of October

according to TRAI, which added that the overall tele-density (telephones per 100

people) has touched 44.87.

According to Business Monitor International, India is currently adding 8-10 million

mobile subscribers every month. It is estimated that by mid 2016, around half the

country's population will own a mobile phone. This would translate into 612 million

mobile subscribers, accounting for a tele-density of around 51 per cent by 2016.

It is projected that the industry will generate revenues worth US$ 43 billion in 2013-

10. Moreover, according to a study conducted by Nokia, the communications sector is

expected to emerge as the single largest component of the country's GDP with 15.4

per cent by 2018.

The Indian equipment market is estimated at US$ 24 billion in FY16. Finnish giant

Nokia is the market leader, with over US$ 3.4 billion revenues last fiscal, followed by

Ericsson at US$ 2.11 billion. With the availability of the 3G spectrum, about 275

million Indian subscribers will use 3G-enabled services, and the number of 3G-

enabled handsets will reach close to 395 million by 2017-end, estimates the latest

report by Evalueserve.

According to a Frost & Sullivan industry analyst, by 2016, fixed line revenues are

expected to touch US$ 12.2 billion while mobile revenues will reach US$ 39.8 billion

in India.

Value-Added Services Market

Currently, mobile value-added services (MVAS) in India accounts for 10 per cent of

the operator's revenue, which is expected to reach 18 per cent by 2014. According to
a study by Stanford University and consulting firm BDA, the Indian MVAS is poised

to touch US$ 2.74 billion by 2014.

Major Investments

The booming domestic telecom market has been attracting huge amounts of

investment which is likely to accelerate with the entry of new players and launch of

new services.

Norway-based telecom operator Telenor has bought a 60 per cent stake in

Unitech Wireless for US$ 1.23 billion.

The government has approved the foreign direct investment proposal of the

Federal Agency for State Property Management of the Russian Federation to

buy 20 per cent stake in telecom service provider Sistema-Shyam for US$

660.1 million.

Tata Teleservices is planning to invest an additional US$ 1 billion in its

recently-launched GSM service Tata DoCoMo. It had already committed an

investment of US$ 2 billion for the GSM services when it was launched in

June this year.

Reliance Infratel, the tower subsidiary of Reliance Communications (RCom),

will build 56,596 telecom towers by financial year 2014, increasing the total

number of towers to 100,000.

BSNL, India's leading telecom company in revenue terms, will put in about

US$ 1.16 billion in its WiMax project.

Vodafone Essar will invest US$ 6 billion over the next three years in a bid to increase
its mobile subscriber base from 40 million at present to over 100 million.

Bharti Airtel will invest US$ 126.5 million to ramp up its networks in the Assam and

Northeast circles in 2013-10.

Loop Mobile, formerly known as BPL Mobile plans to invest around US$ 75 million

in its Mumbai operations.


India's telecom equipment manufacturing sector is set to become one of the largest

globally by 2014.

Mobile phone production is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 28.3 per cent from 2010

to 2015, totalling 107 million handsets by 2014. Revenues are estimated to grow at a

CAGR of 26.6 per cent from 2010 to 2015, touching US$ 13.6 billion.

Rural Telephony

Rural India had 76.65 million fixed and Wireless in Local Loop (WLL) connections

and 551,064 Village Public Telephones (VPT) as on September 2012. Therefore, 92

per cent of the villages in India have been covered by the VPTs. Universal Service

Obligation (USO) subsidy support scheme is also being used for sharing wireless

infrastructure in rural areas with around 18,000 towers by 2014.

Policy Initiatives

The government has taken many proactive initiatives to facilitate the rapid growth of

the Indian telecom industry.

100 per cent foreign direct investment (FDI) is permitted through the

automatic route in telecom equipment manufacturing.

FDI ceiling in telecom services has been raised to 74 per cent.

Introduction of a unified access licensing regime for telecom services on a

pan-India basis.

Introduction of mobile number portability in a phased manner, starting in the

fourth quarter of 2015.

The government is implementing a program of connecting 66,822 uncovered

villages under the Bharat Nirman programme. The government will invest

US$ 2 billion to set up 112,000 community service centres in rural India to

provide broadband connectivity in 2016-14.

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has stated that foreign telecom

companies can bid for 3G spectrum without partnering with Indian

companies. Only after winning a bid, would they need to apply for unified

access service licence (UASL) and partner with an Indian company in

accordance with the FDI regulations.

Quick Facts

Total telecom subscribers 429.72 million (March 2013)

Wireless subscribers 391.76 million
Wire line subscribers 37.94 million
Tele density 36.98 per cent
India’s service providers revenue in Q1 $8.2 billion
India’s Rural Mobile Phone Users : 100 Million
Major Players

Bharti-Airtel leads the wirless market with 24% market share. The company recently

achieved the magic figure of 100 million subscribers. However, Bharti-Airtel expects

a bloodbath in the Indian telecom market in the near future, and is looking to spread

its risks by entering new geographies (Bharti-MTN deal is discussed in Industry

Update Section).

With 12-13 players present in the market there would be a severe pressure on

margins. Be it an Aircel or Etisalat, the new operators would not remain fringe

players in the Indian market, but would try and rock the applecart of existing

operators. The growth in Indian market could start tapering off very soon.

According to an industry expert the subscriber base will not expand beyond 800

million in coming years from current number 400 million. There have been talks

about 3G and IPTV pushing growth, but it all seems far-fetched. The third generation

of mobile services (3G) will be used by telcos to gain more spectrum. Besides, the

services will be used only in urban areas.

Telecom industry trends

Throughout the world, telecom industry are being controlled by private companies

instead of government monopolies. Traditional telecom technologies are also being

replaced by modern wireless technologies, specifically in case of mobile services.

One of the major objectives oftelecom industry is to enhance the quality and speed of

Internet technology.

These days, telecom industry is more concerned with texts and images (Internet

technologies), rather than voice (telephone service). Most of the research works are

going on Internet accessibility, specifically on data applications and broadband

services. The other major division

of telecom industry is mobile network sector, where lots of innovative research works

are going on. Previously the traditional telephone calls used to earn the maximum

revenues, but these days mobile service is going to replace traditional telephone


The Road Ahead

The target for the 11th Plan period (2011-12) is 600 million phone connections with

an investment of US$ 73 billion. Apart from the basic telephone service, there is an

enormous potential for various value-added services. In fact, the real potential for

telecom service growth is still lying untapped. According to the CII Ernst & Young

report titled „India 2016: Telecom growth continues‟, revenue from India‟s telecom

services industry is project to reach US$ 54 billion in 2016, as against US$ 31 billion

in 2012

India is the world’s largest untapped mobile market


An Introduction

Bharti Enterprises is a pioneer in telecom sector and the group is widening its

horizons by entering new business areas such as insurance and retail. Bharti

Enterprises has created a vantage position for itself in the global telecommunications

sector. Bharti Airtel Limited occupies numero uno status in mobile telephony in India

while its brand 'Beetel' is the largest manufacturer and exporter of world class

telecom terminals.

Bharti Enterprise has been at the forefront of technology and has revolutionized

telecommunications with its world class products and services. Established in 1985,

Bharti has been pioneering force in the telecom sector with many firsts and

innovations to its credit, ranging from being the first mobile service in Delhi, first

private basic telephone service provider in the country, first Indian company to

provide comprehensive telecom services outside India in Seychelles and the first

private sector service provider to launch National Long Distance Services in India.

Founder of Bharti Group is Sunil Mittal. In 1983, Sunil Mittal entered into an

agreement with Germany's Siemens to manufacture the company's push-button

telephone models for the Indian market. In 1986, Sunil Bharti Mittal incorporated

Bharti Telecom Limited (BTL) and his company became the first in India to offer

push-button telephones, establishing the basis of Bharti Enterprises. This first-mover

advantage allowed Sunil Mittal to expand his manufacturing capacity elsewhere in

the telecommunications market. By the early 1990s, Sunil Mittal had also launched

the country's first fax machines and its first cordless telephones. In 1992, Sunil Mittal

won a bid to build a cellular phone network in Delhi. In 1995, Sunil Mittal

incorporated the cellular operations as Bharti Tele-Ventures and launched service in

Delhi. In 1996, cellular service was extended to Himachal Pradesh. In 2003, Bharti

Enterprises acquired control of JT Holdings, and extended cellular operations to

Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. In 2004, Bharti acquired control of Skycell

Communications, in Chennai. In 2005, the company acquired control of Spice Cell in

Calcutta. Bharti Enterprises went public in 2006, and the company was listed on

Mumbai Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India. In 2007, the cellular

phone operations were rebranded under the single AirTel brand. In 2008, Bharti

acquired control of Hexacom and entered Rajasthan. In 2009, Bharti extended its

network to Andaman and Nicobar. Today, Airtel is the laegest cellular service

provider in India.

The company has successfully focused its strategy on telecom while straddling

diverse fields of business. From the creation of “Airtel”, one of the India‟s finest

brands, to becoming the largest manufacturer and exporter of world class telecom

terminals under its “Beetel” brand, Bharti has created a significant position for itself

in the global telecommunications sector. Bharti Airtel Ltd. Is today acknowledged as

one of the India‟s finest companies, and its flagship brand “Airtel”, has over 20

million customers across the length and breadth of India. While a joint venture with

TeleTech Inc., USA marked Bharti‟s successful foray into the Customer

Management Services business, „Bharti Enterprises‟ dynamic diversification has

continued with the company venturing into telecom software development. Recently

Bharti has successfully launched an international venture with EL Rothschild Group

owned ELRO Holdings India Limited, to export fresh Agri products exclusively to

markets of Europe and USA


Bharti Airtel Limited, (formerly known as Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited) is a part of

Bharti Enterprises, and is India‟s leading provider of telecommunications servicea.

The company was incorporated in JULY‟95, as a Public Limited Company, and has

since then been at forefront of Indian telecom industry.

It offers its TELECOM services under the Airtel brand and is headed by Mr. Sunil

Bharti Mittal. The company also provides telephone services and Internet access

over DSL in 14 circles. It also acts as a carrier for national and international long

distance communication services. The company has a submarine cable landing station

at Chennai, which connects the submarine cable connecting Chennai and Singapore.

Airtel, has always thrived on its strategy of offering innovative products and services

to our customers and backing it with world class customer service. Airtel has brought

some of the unique products to Indian telecom market, one of their key products

being Blackberry – a complete mobile email solution that allows sending and

receiving of email on the move.

The company is structured into four strategic business units –



Enterprise and
Digital TV.

The mobile business offers services in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The

Telemedia business provides broadband, IPTV and telephone services in 95 Indian

cities. The Digital TV business provides Direct-to-Home TV services across India.

The Enterprise business provides end-to-end telecom solutions to corporate

customers and national and international long distance services to telcos. All these

services are provided under the Airtel brand.


Bharti Airtel was established as Bharti Tele-Ventures, in 1995. The company offered

its initial public offering in 2006. During 2008, the company delisted its shares from

the Delhi Stock Exchange. It continued to trade on the National Stock Exchange and

the Mumbai Stock Exchange.bVodafone acquired a 10% stake in Bharti Tele-Ventures

for around $1.5 billion, in 2009. Bharti Tele-Ventures renamed itself to Bharti Airtel

Limited, in 2010.

In September 2011, the company signed a managed networks deal for its Sri Lanka

operations with Huawei Technologies Company, a leader in providing next generation

telecommunications network solutions for operators around the world. In October

2011, Bharti Airtel and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi announced their

plans to establish the Bharti-IIT Delhi Telecom Centre of Excellence.

Bharti Infratel, a subsidiary of the company announced plans to partner with

Vodafone Essar and Idea Cellular to form Indus Towers, an independent tower

company to provide passive infrastructure services in India, in December 2011. The

company and the All India Football Federation (AIFF), the official governing body in

India for football, signed an MoU to create a comprehensive programme for the
development and globalization of Indian football, in January 2012.

Bharti Airtel along with eight companies of the global telecommunications industry

signed a formal Construction and Maintenance Agreement in Rome today to build a

high-capacity fiber-optic submarine cable that stretches from India to France via the

Middle East, in February 2012. In the same month, the company along with five

international companies executed an agreement to build a high-bandwidth undersea

fiber-optic cable linking Asia and the US.

In March 2012, the company launched Airtel CallHome service for calls made from

US to India. In the same month, Guernsey Airtel, a subsidiary of the Bharti Group,

launched its mobile services in Guernsey (Channel Islands, Europe). The company

offered products and services under the Airtel-Vodafone brand to customers on the

Island. Also in the same month, Airtel Telemedia Services, a private broadband and

telephone service provider, launched, an all-in-one internet portal for

Airtel customers


Airtel was born free, a force unleashed into the market with a relentless and

unwavering determination to succeed. A spirit charged with energy, creativity and a

team driven “to seize the day” with an ambition to become the most globally admired

telecom service. Airtel, in just ten years of operations, rose to the pinnacle to

achivement and continues to lead.

As India's leading telecommunications company Airtel brand has played the role as a

major catalyst in India's reforms, contributing to its economic resurgence.

Today Airtel touches peoples‟ lives with their Mobile services, Telemedia services, to

connecting India's leading 1000+ corporates. They also connect Indians living in

USA, UK and Canada with our call home service.

The brand promise to their customers is “We at Airtel always think in fresh and

innovative ways about the needs of customers”. “Think fresh and deliver more” is the

soul or DNA of this brand.

Airtel’s Vision

By 2014 Airtel will be the most admired brand in India:

Loved by more customers

Targeted by top talent

Benchmarked by more businesses


The company is structured into four strategic business units




Digital TV.
The mobile business offers services in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The

Telemedia business provides broadband, IPTV and telephone services in 95 Indian

cities. The Digital TV business provides Direct-to-Home TV services across India.

The Enterprise business provides end-to-end telecom solutions to corporate customers

and national and international long distance services to telcos.


Airtel‟s mobile footprint extends across the country in 23 telecom

circles. The company has several First to its credit:

First to launch full roaming service on prepaid in the country

First to launch 32K Sim Cards

First in Asia to deploy the multi band feature in a wireless networks.


Airtel Prepaid

Airtel Prepaid, is the cellular card from Airtel. Going mobile with Airtel prepaid is the

new way of life. With a host of great features, also simple to use, Airtel prepaid offers

ease and simplicity of owning a mobile connection.

Airtel Postpaid

Airtel Postpaid provides our customers with exciting, innovative yet simple new ways

to communicate. A post paid connection allows unlimited freedom to stay connected.


Thousands of business customers around the world use BlackBerry a complete

mobile email solution that allows sending and receiving of e-mail – on the move.
There‟s no need for a laptop to view your e-mails, no need for a fixed phone line.

And no need to log-on. The e-mail is automatically „pushed‟ straight to your

BlackBerry handheld.


The group offers high speed broadband internet with a best in class network. With

Landline services in 94 cities we help you stay in touch with your friends & family

and the world. Broadband and telephone services, brings a whole new experience in

telephone. It includes innovative, cost effective solutions for corporate and small

business enterprises, and individual homes. Currently, Bharti Infotel provides

Broadband (DSL) and telephone service (Fixed line) all over India.

The broadband and Internet connection service falls under the data services provided

by Airtel‟s broadband and telephone services arm. Bharti Enterprises is actually the

first ever privately owned company to have successfully setup a satellite-based

gateway for its Internet access service.

In the same way, they have effectively launched India‟s first private submarine

communication cable systems. This particular feat is made possible through

partnership with Singtel. Consequently, the data services provided by the Airtel


Internet connection service is further grouped into

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)


Leased Line

Wi-fi categories.


Human resources are the major assets in the airtell. In this, personnel has

common understanding of culture at work and ethical values that are observed at all

levels of the group. Corporate traditions are being created and developed taking into

account the wishes of the people and the business potential. Human resource

management observes the principles of transparency, fairness, and integrity. Equal

conditions and opportunities for the development of employees, so as to contribute to

the achievement of the common goal. OTL invests in the employees for the

development according to their merits and professional contribution.

Employees are remunerated according to the results of their performance.

The employee‟s competence promotes the company business development and the

company encourages sharing of professional skills.

Human resource management policy develops in line with the company

strategy and business trends by involving managers of different levels in the

discussion and decision taking on issues concerning personnel management and

disseminating the information to the employees and society. Familiarizing with

employees opinions and involving employees in the discussion and decision taking

process on human resources management issues.

Maintaining trilateral and bilateral partnership in social dialogue. They

also maintain close co-operation with respective educational and promotional

establishments involved in training. They develop mutual understanding and

relationship in between superiors and subordinates.

Such facts are disclosed and there is no illegal and unethical conduct

involved, the company could context to proposed activity even through a technical or

nominal conflict of interest may exist. The ongoing and recurring review by the

manager‟s activities and operations against plan, procedures, or performance

standards to determined whether they are being performed or are functioning as

intended and they producing according to standards and desired results.


Rensis Likerthas called motivation as the core of management. Motivation is the

core of management. Motivation is an effective instrument in the hands of the

management in inspiring the work force .It is the major task of every manager to

motivate his subordinate or to create the will to work among the subordinates .It

should also be remembered that the worker may be immensely capable of doing some

work, nothing can be achieved if he is not willing to work .creation of a will to work

is motivation in simple but true sense of term.

Motivation is an important function which very manager performs for actuating the

people to work for accomplishment of objectives of the organization .Issuance of well

conceived instructions and orders does not mean that they will be followed .A

manager has to make appropriate use of motivation to enthuse the employees to

follow them. Effective motivation succeeds not only in having an order accepted but

also in gaining a determination to see that it is executed efficiently and effectively.

In order to motivate workers to work for the organizational goals, the managers must

determine the motives or needs of the workers and provide an environment in which

appropriate incentives are available for their satisfaction .If the management is

successful in doing so; it will also be successful in increasing the willingness of the

workers to work. This will increase efficiency and effectiveness of the organization

.There will be better utilization of resources and workers abilities and capacities.

Employee Motivation is the end feeling of a person after performing a task to

the extent that a person‟s job fulfills his dominant needs and is consistent with

his expectations and values, the job will be satisfying. The feeling would be

positive or negative depending upon whether need is satisfied or not.

Employee motivation is different from motivation and morale. Motivation

refers to the willingness to work. Satisfaction on the other hand, implies a

positive emotional state. Morale implies a general attitude toward work and

work environment. It is a group phenomenon where as employee motivation is

an individual feeling. Employee Motivation may be considered a dimension of

morale and morale could also be a source of satisfaction. Thus Employee

Motivation is an employee‟s general attitude towards his job.

The word motivation has been derived from motive which means any idea,

need or emotion that prompts a man in to action. Whatever may be the

behavior of man, there is some stimulus behind it .Stimulus is dependent upon

the motive of the person concerned. Motive can be known by studying his

needs and desires.

There is no universal theory that can explain the factors influencing motives

which control mans behavior at any particular point of time. In general, the

different motives operate at different times among different people and

influence their behaviors. The process of motivation studies the motives of

individuals which cause different type of behavior.

Motivation in simple terms may be understood as the set of forces that cause

people to behave in certain ways. A motivated employee generally is more quality

oriented. Highly motivated worker are more productive than apathetic worker one

reason why motivation is a difficult task is that the workforce is changing. Employees

join organizations with different needs and expectations. Their values, beliefs,

background, lifestyles, perceptions and attitudes are different. Not many

organizations have understood these and not many

HR experts are clear about the ways of motivating such diverse workforce. Now days

employees have been hired, trained and remunerated they need to be motivated for

better performance. Motivation in simple terms may be understood as the set or forces

that cause people to behave certain ways. People are motivated rewards something

they can relate to and something they can believe in. Times have changed People

wants more. Motivated employees are always looking for better ways to do a job. It is

the responsibility of managers to make employees look for better ways of doing their

jobs. Individuals differ not only in their ability to do but also in their will to do, or

motivation Managers who are successful in motivating employees are often providing

an environment in which appropriate goals are available for needs satisfaction.

Retaining and motivating workers requires special attention and the responsibility

falls squarely on the shoulders of HR as well as managers and supervisors at all level.

They have to create a work environment where people enjoy what they do, feel like

they have a purpose and have pride in the mission of the

organization. It requires more time, more skill, and managers who care about people.

It takes true leadership.

By giving employees special tasks, you make them feel more important. When your

employees feel like they are being trusted with added responsibilities, they are

motivated to work even harder so they won‟t let the company down.

Motivation is essential for any company because employee is Asset of company.

Motivation is important for the growth of employees as well as growth of the



There are some definitions related to the employee motivation are as


According to Michael J. Jacius ; Motivation is the act of stimulating someone
or oneself to get a desired course of action or to push the right button to get a

desired reaction.

According to Dalton E. McFarland, "The concept of motivation is mainly
psychological. It related to those forces are many and keep on changing with

time motives are invisible and directed towards certain goals.

According to Edwin B Flippo, “Motivation is the process of attempting to
influence others to do their work through the possibility of gain or reward.

Importance of Motivation:

Motivation is one of the most crucial factors that determine the efficiency and

effectiveness of an organization with its help a desire is born in the minds of the

employees to achieve successfully the objective of the enterprise. All organizational

facilities will remain useless people are motivated to utilize these facilities in a

productive manner. Motivation is an integral part of management process. An

enterprise may have the best of material, machines and other means of production but

all these resources are meaningless so long as they are not utilized by properly

motivated people. There was a time when the human resource of production was
treated like other non-human resources and was not given any special importance.

But this old concept has lost all importance in this competitive age classifying the

importance of motivation Renis Likert has called it. "The core of Management". The

importance of motivation becomes clear from following facts:

1. High Level of Performance.

2. Low Employee Turnover and Absenteeism.
3. Easy Acceptance of organizational changes.
4. Good human relations.
5. Good image of organization.
6. Increase in Morale.
7. Proper use of Human Resource Possible
8. Helpful in Achieving Goals.
9. Builds Good relations among employees.
10. Easier Selection.
11. Facilities Change.

Like intelligence, measure of employee motivation is difficult. Most studies

have measured employee motivation through a questionnaire. Hoppock developed

four terms, each one with seven alternative responses, developed one of the earliest
scale of measuring employee motivation. In India, Pestonjee developed a S-D

(satisfaction-dissatisfaction) inventory consisting of cointerogatery statements, the items

leading to yes-no type of responses. There are four areas including both on job and off the

job factors. Each area includes 20 items some of which are given below:

Nature of work, hours, fellow workers, overtime regulations, physical

environment, machines and tools, interest in work, opportunities for promotion and

advancement etc.

Rewards and punishment, praise and blame, leave policy, test as a whole reveled

significant discriminatory potential. Favoritism, participation, supervisory treatment, etc.

Social Relations:
Neighbors, friends and associates, caste barriers, participation in social activities,

attitude toward people in community, etc.

Personal Adjustment:

Health, home and living conditions, finances, relation with family members,

emotionalism, etc. Statically treatments of the individual item in the four areas are given



Employee motivation is an integral component of organizational health and an

important element in industrial relations. The level of employee motivation deems to

have some relation with various aspects of work behaviour such as accidents;

absenteeism turnover and productivity. Several studies have revealed varying degrees of

relationship between employee motivation and these factors of work behaviors. But

whether a work behavior is the cause or effect of employee motivation is not clear.
Research on the relationship between employee motivation and accidents generally shows

that satisfied employees cause fewer accidents. Studies on the relationship between

employee motivation and absenteeism have yielded inconclusive results. Most of these

studies showed that low absentee employees were more satisfied with their jobs. Research

also reveals that unionized workers tend to be more satisfied whereas employees of

disturbed organizations were generally less satisfied. Less satisfied employees are more

likely to quit their jobs than more satisfied employees. It is generally assumed that

satisfied employees are more productive. But research reveals no relationship between

employee motivation and productivity. Studies revealed that workers with positive

attitude job attitudes were more productive than those with negative attitudes. In other

studies job attitudes and productivity are not related and in some studies there was

negative correlation between job attitudes and productivity. After reviewing several

studies Bray Field and Crockett concluded that employee motivation did not necessarily

go together. Employees in highly productive group were not more likely than employee in

the low productivity groups to be satisfied with their jobs. A worker may be satisfied with

the work environment but may produce more to prove his abilities to management. On the

other hand, a highly

satisfied worker may not produce more and get away with it because he may be friendly with

the supervisor.


The main techniques of motivation are as under:

Positive and negative motivation.
Financial and Non-financial motivation.
Individual and group motivation.
Extrinsic and Intrinsic motivation.
Motivation is the result of interaction between human needs and incentives

offered to satisfied them. The main steps in motivation process are given below:-

Identification of need

Course of action

Result –Positive/Negative
Feed back

Motivation is the outcome of a certain relation between the superiors and the

sub-ordinates for this the superiors or the managers make special effort different from

the daily control or functions. It is not necessary that the efforts made by the

managers will be unanimously acceptable. It can also be opposed in this way there are

many hardles in implementing a motivational system. They are follows:

1. A Costly Efforts
2. Trouble Making Employees.

3. Motivation is an internal feeling.

4. Opposition to changes.


The various factors influencing employee motivation may be classified into two


I. Environmental factors , and

II. Personal factors.

Environmental Factors:

These factors relate to the work environment, main among which are as follows:

1. Job Content:

Herzberg suggested that job content in term of achievement, recognition,

advancement, responsibility, and the work itself tend to provide satisfaction but their

absence does not cause dissatisfaction. Where the job is less repetitive and there is

variation in job content, employee motivation tends to be higher.

2. Occupational Level:

The higher the level of the job in organization hierarchy the greater the

satisfaction of the individual. These is because positions at higher levels are generally

better paid, more challenging and provide greater freedom of operation. Such jobs

carry greater prestige, self-control and need satisfaction.

Pay and Promotion:

All other things being equal, higher pay and better opportunities for promotion

lead to higher employee motivation.

Work group:

Man is a social animal and likes to be associated with others interaction in the work

group help to satisfy social psychological needs and, therefore, isolated worker tend

to be dissatisfied. Employee motivation is generally high when an individual is

accepted by his peer and he has a high need for affiliation.


Consideration supervision tends to improve employee motivation of workers.

Considerate supervisor takes personal interest of his subordinates and allows them to

participate in the decision making process.

Personal Factors:

Personal life exercises a significant influence on employee motivation. The main

elements of personal life are given below:

1. Age:
Some research studies reveal a positive correlation between age and employee

motivation. Workers in advanced age group tend to be more satisfied probably

because they have adjusted with their job conditions. However, there is a sharp

decline after a point perhaps because an individual aspires for better and more

prestigious jobs in the later years of his life.


One study revealed that women are less satisfied than men due to fewer job

opportunities for females. But female workers may be more satisfied due to
their lower occupational aspirations. But this statement may not be applicable now at

present‟s level.

Educational level:

Generally more educated employees tend to be less satisfied with their jobs probably

due to their higher job aspirations. However, research does not yield conclusive

relationship between these two variables.

Marital status:

The general impression is that married employees are more dissatisfied due to their

greater responsibilities. But such employees may be more satisfied because they value

their jobs more than unmarried workers.


Employee motivation tends to increase with increasing years of experience. But it may

decreases after twenty years of experience particularly among people who have not

realized their job expectations.


Intrinsic motivation occurs when people are internally motivated to do something

because it either brings them pleasure, they think it is important, or they feel that what

they are learning is morally significant.

Extrinsic motivation comes into play when a student is compelled to do something or

act a certain way because of factors external to him or her (like money or good grades).


An incentive is something which stimulates a person towards some goal. It

activates human needs and creates the desire to work. Thus, an incentive is a means of
motivation. In organizations, increase in incentive leads to better performance and

vice versa.

Need for Incentives:

Man is a wanting animal. He continues to want something or other. He is

never fully satisfied. If one need is satisfied, the other need need arises. In order to

motivate the employees, the management should try to satisfy their needs. For this

purpose, both financial and non financial incentives may be used by the management

to motivate the workers. Financial incentives or motivators are those which are

associated with money. They include wages and salaries, fringe benefits, bonus,

retirement benefits etc. Non financial motivators are those which are not associated

with monetary rewards. They include intangible incentives like ego-satisfaction, self-

actualization and responsibility.


1. Wages and salaries. Competition.
2. Bonus. Group recognition.
3. Medical reimbursement. Job security.
4. Insurance. Praise.
5. Housing facility. Worker‟s participation.
6. Retirement benefits. Opportunities for growth.

Understanding what motivated employees and how they were motivated was

the focus of many researchers following the publication of the Hawthorne study
results. Six major approaches that have led to our understanding of motivation are

McClelland‟s Achievement Need Theory, Behavior Modification theory;

Abraham H Mallows need hierarchy or Deficient theory of motivation. J.S.

Adam‟s Equity Theory, Vroom‟s Expectation Theory, Two factor Theory.

Abraham H Maslow Need Hierarchy or Deficient theory of Motivation:
The intellectual basis for most of motivation thinking has been provided

by behavioral scientists, A.H Maslow and Frederick Herzberg, whose published

works are the “Bible of Motivation”. Although Maslow himself did not apply his

theory to industrial situation, it has wide impact for beyond academic circles.

Douglas Mac

Gregor has used Maslow‟s theory to interpret specific problems in personnel

administration and industrial relations.

The crux of Maslow‟s theory is that human needs are arranged in hierarchy

composed of five categories. The lowest level needs are physiological and the highest

levels are the sself actualization needs. Maslow starts with the formation that man is a

wanting animal with a hierarchy of needs of which some are lower ins scale and some

are in a higher scale or system of values. As the lower needs are satisfied, higher

needs emerge. Higher needs cannot be satisfied unless lower needs are fulfilled. A

satisfied need is not a motivator. This resembles the standard economic theory of

diminishing returns. The hierarchy of needs at work in the individual is today a

routine tool of personnel trade and when these needs are active, they act as powerful

conditioners of behavior- as Motivators. Hierarchy of needs; the main needs of men

are five. They

are physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, ego needs and self actualization

needs, as shown in order of their importance.

The above five basic needs are regarded as striving needs which make a person do

things. The first model indicates the ranking of different needs. The second is more

helpful in indicating how the satisfaction of the higher needs is based on the

satisfaction of lower needs. It also shows how the number of person who has

experienced the fulfillment of the higher needs gradually tapers off.

Physiological or Body Needs: -

The individual move up the ladder responding first to the Physiological needs for

nourishment, clothing and shelter. These physical needs must be equated with pay

rate, pay practices and to an extent with physical condition of the job.

Safety: -

The next in order of needs is safety needs, the need to be free from danger, either

from other people or from environment.

The individual want to assured, once his bodily needs are satisfied, that they are

secure and will continue to be satisfied for foreseeable feature. The safety needs may

take the form of job security, security against disease, misfortune, old age etc as also

against industrial injury. Such needs are generally met by safety laws, measure of

social security, protective labor laws and collective agreements.

Social needs: -

Going up the scale of needs the individual feels the desire to work in a cohesive group

and develop a sense of belonging and identification with a group. He feels the need to

love and be loved and the need to belong and be identified with a group. In a large

organization it is not easy to build up social relations. However close relationship can

be built up with at least some fellow workers. Every employee wants to feel that he is
wanted or accepted and that he is not an alien facing a hostile group.

Ego or Esteem Needs: -

These needs are reflected in our desire for status and recognition, respect and prestige

in the work group or work place such as is conferred by the recognition of one‟s

merit by promotion, by participation in management and by fulfillment of workers

urge for self expression. Some of the needs relate to ones esteem

e.g.; need for achievement, self confidence, knowledge, competence etc. On the job,

this means praise for a job but more important it means a feeling by employee that at

all times he has the respect of his supervisor as a person and as a contributor to the

organizational goals.

Self realization or Actualization needs: -

This upper level need is one which when satisfied provide insights to support future

research regarding strategic guidance for organization that are both providing and

using reward/recognition programs makes the employee give up the dependence on

others or on the environment. He becomes growth oriented, self oriented, directed,

detached and creative. This need reflects a state defined in terms of the extent to

which an individual attains his personnel goal. This is the need which totally lies

within oneself and there is no demand from any external situation or person.

McClelland’s Achievement Need Theory:
According to McClelland‟s there are three types of needs;

Need for Achievement (n Ach);

This need is the strongest and lasting motivating factor. Particularly in case of

persons who satisfy the other needs. They are constantly pre occupied with a desire

for improvement and lack for situation in which successful outcomes are directly

correlated with their efforts. They set more difficult but achievable goals for

themselves because success with easily achievable goals hardly provides a sense of


Need for Power (n Pow)

It is the desire to control the behavior of the other people and to manipulate

the surroundings. Power motivations positive applications results in domestic

leadership style, while it negative application tends autocratic style.

Need for affiliation (n Aff)

It is the related to social needs and creates friendship. This results in formation

of informal groups or social circle.

Behavioral Modification Theory:

According to this theory people behavior is the outcome of favorable and

unfavorable past circumstances. This theory is based on learning theory. Skinner

conducted his researches among rats and school children. He found that stimulus for

desirable behavior could be strengthened by rewarding it at the earliest. In the

industrial situation, this relevance of this theory may be found in the installation of

financial and non financial incentives.

More immediate is the reward and stimulation or it motivates it. Withdrawal of reward

incase of low standard work may also produce the desired result. However, researches

show that it is generally more effective to reward desired behavior than to punish

undesired behavior.

J.S Adams Equity Theory:

Employee compares her/his job inputs outcome ratio with that of reference. If

the employee perceives inequity, she/he will act to correct the inequity: lower

productivity, reduced quality, increased absenteeism, voluntary resignation.

Vroom’s Expectation Theory:
Vroom‟s theory is based on the belief that employee effort will lead to

performance and performance will lead to rewards (Vroom, 1964). Reward may be

either positive or negative. The more positive the reward the more likely the employee

will be highly motivated. Conversely, the more negative the reward the less likely the

employee will be motivated. It is the combination of the trilogy i.e. Valence,

Instrumentality and Expectancy. Valence is the strength of an individual‟s preference of

a particular outcome.

Outcome attain – valence positive.

Indifferently – valence zero.
Not attain outcome – valence negative.
Instrumentality is the reason for the person to have positive valence e.g. need of


Two Factor Theory:

Douglas McGregor introduced the theory with the help of two views; X
assumptions are conservative in style Assumptions are modern in style.

X Theory
Individuals inherently dislike work.
People must be coerced or controlled to do work to achieve the objectives.
People prefer to be directed .

Y Theory
People view work as being as natural as play and rest
People will exercise self direction and control towards achieving objectives
they are committed to
People learn to accept and seek responsibility.


There is an old saying you can take a horse to the water but you cannot force it to

drink; it will drink only if it's thirsty - so with people. They will do what they want to do

or otherwise motivated to do. Whether it is to excel on the workshop floor or in the

'ivory tower' they must be motivated or driven to it, either by themselves or through

external stimulus.

Are they born with the self-motivation or drive? Yes and no. If no, they can be

motivated, for motivation is a skill which can and must be learnt. This is essential for

any business to survive and succeed.

Performance is considered to be a function of ability and motivation, thus:

Job performance =f (ability) (motivation)

Ability in turn depends on education, experience and training and its improvement is

a slow and long process. On the other hand motivation can be improved quickly.

There are many options and an uninitiated manager may not even know where to
start. As a guideline, there are broadly seven strategies for motivation.

There are broadly seven strategies for motivation.

Positive reinforcement / high expectations

Effective discipline and punishment

Treating people fairly

Satisfying employees needs

Setting work related goals

Restructuring jobs

Base rewards on job performance

Essentially, there is a gap between an individual‟s actual state and some desired state

and the manager tries to reduce this gap. Motivation is, in effect, a means to reduce

and manipulate this gap.


[ I ] Analysis of Worker’s Motivation:

Response about the support from the HR department.

Highly satisfied 45 64
Satisfied 20 29
Neutral 5 7
Dissatisfied 0 0
Highly dissatisfied 0 0
Total 70 100


The table shows that 64% of the respondents are Highly Satisfied with the support

they are getting from the HR department.

Management is interested in motivating the workers.


1. Strongly Agree 42 60

2. Agree 10 14

3. Neutral 08 12

4. Disagree 7 10

5. Strongly Disagree 3 4

Total 70 100


The table shows that 60% of the respondents are strongly agreeing that the

management is interested in motivating the workers.

The type of incentives motivates you more


Financial Incentives 25 36
Non – Financial Incentives 05 7
Both 40 57
Total 70 100


The table shows that 64% of the respondents are expressing financial and 22% both

financial and non - financial incentives will motivate them.

The company is eagerness in recognizing and acknowledging Worker’s work.


Strongly Agree 35 50
Agree 10 14
Neutral 15 22
Disagree 05 07
Strongly Disagree 05 07
Total 70 100


From the study, 50% of Workers are strongly agreed that the company is eager in

recognizing and acknowledging their work, 14% agreed and only 22% showed neutral


Periodical increase in Wages.


Strongly Agree 30 43
Agree 10 14
Neutral 20 29
Disagree 05 7
Strongly Disagree 05 7
Total 70 100


The table shows 43% of Respondents strongly agreed that there is a periodical

increase in the wages.

Good relations with the co-workers.


Strongly Agree 45 64
Agree 15 22
Neutral 05 07
Disagree 03 04
Strongly Disagree 02 03
Total 70 100


The table shows 64% of the respondents strongly agreed that they have good relations

with co-worker.

Effective performance appraisal system



1. Strongly Agree 30 43
2. Agree 15 22

3. Neutral 05 07

4. Disagree 10 14

5. Strongly Disagree 10 14

Total 70 100


The table shows 43% of the respondents strongly agreed to effective performance

appraisal system in the company.

Good safety measures in the organization



1. Strongly Agree 40 57
2. Agree 10 14

3. Neutral 10 14

4. Disagree 02 03

5. Strongly Disagree 08 12

Total 70 100


The table shows 57% of the respondents strongly agree that there is a good safety

measure in the company.

Factors which motivates you the most.



1. Salary increase 45 64

2. Promotion 05 07
3. Leave 10 15

4. Motivational talk 05 07

5. Recognition 05 07

Total 70 100


The table shows that the 64% of the respondent is responding that increase in salary

will motivate them the most.

Incentives and other benefits will influence your performance



1. Influence 50 72

2. Does not influence 10 14

3. No opinion 10 14

Total 70 100


The table shows 72% of the respondents responded that incentives and other benefits

will influence their performance.

Management involves you in decision making which are connected to your




1. Yes 49 70

2. No 05 07

3. Occasionally 16 23

Total 70 100


The table shows 70% of the respondents agree that they the Management involve

them in decision making which are connected to your department.

[ II ] Analysis of Employee’s Motivation:

1. Are you motivated by the officers?


1. Yes 25 83

2. No 05 17

Total 30 100


The table shows that 83% of the respondents are motivated by the officers in the

Do you get the opportunity to express your view in the company?


1. Yes 26 87

2. No 04 13

Total 30 100


The table shows that 87% of the respondents are getting the opportunity to express

our views in the company.

2. Are you satisfied with your company's management?


1. Completely 18 60

2. Partially 05 16

3. Moderate 07 24

Total 30 100


The table shows that 60% of the respondents are completely satisfied with the

company‟s management, partially 16% and the moderate 24%.

3. Are you satisfied with the working conditions in OTL?


1. Completely 20 67

2. Partially 05 17

3. Moderate 05 16

Total 30 100


The table shows that 67% of the respondents are completely satisfied with the

working conditions in the company, partially 17% and the moderate 16%.

4. According to you which one is the best motivator?


1. In Cash 27 90

2. In Kind 03 10

Total 30 100


The table shows that 90% of the respondents think that cash is the best motivator.

5. Are you satisfied with wages and salary administration?


1. Completely 15 50

2. Partially 05 17

3. Moderate 10 33

Total 30 100


The table shows that 50% of the respondents are completely satisfied with the wages

and salary administration, partially 17% and the moderate 33%.

6. What is your view the practices & Policies of management?


1. Fair 19 63

2. Unfair 05 17

3. Cannot say 06 20

Total 30 100


The table shows that 63% of the respondents think that policies and practices of

company are fair, 17% respondents think unfair and 20% cannot say.
7. Do you satisfied with the medical facilities?


1. Completely 22 73

2. Partially 02 7

3. Moderate 06 20

Total 30 100


The table shows that 73% of the respondents are completely satisfied with the

medical facilities, partially 7% and the moderate 20%.

8. What do you get for over time?


1. Extra money 08 27

2. Leave facility 05 17

3. Praise 02 6

4. All of the above 15 50

Total 30 100


The table shows that 27% of the respondents to get the extra money for overtime,

17% to get leave facility, 6% to get praise and 50% to get all of these.
9. How's the relation between workers and management?


1. Co–operative 25 83

2. Un-cooperative 05 17

Total 30 100

Co - operative
un - cooperative


The table shows that 83% of the respondents have cooperative relationship with the

management and 17% have un-cooperative relation.


The findings of the study are follows:

The airtel has a well defined organization structure.

There is a harmonious relationship is exist in the organization between
employees and management.

The employees are really motivated by the management.

The employees are satisfied with the present incentive plan of the company.

Most of the workers agreed that the company is eager in recognizing and
acknowledging their work.

The study reveals that there is a good relationship exists among employees.

Majority of the employees agreed that there job security to their present job.

The company is providing good safety measures for ensuring the employees

From the study it is clear that most of employees agrees to the fact that
performance appraisal activities and support from the coworkers in helpful to

get motivated.

The study reveals that increase in the salary will motivates the employees

The incentives and other benefits will influence the performance of the


The suggestions for the findings from the study are follows:

Most of the employees agree that the performance appraisal activities are
helpful to get motivated, so the company should try to improve performance
appraisal system, so that they can improve their performance.

Non financial incentive plans should also be implemented; it can improve the
productivity level of the employees.

Organization should give importance to communication between employees
and gain co-ordination through it.

Skills of the employees should be appreciated.

If the centralized system of management is changed to a decentralized one,
then there would be active and committed participation of staff for the success

of the organization.

Management policies and practices should be communicated so that workers
could understand them easily.

The human motivation is changeable and not stable it should be considered in

Welfare services for the benefits of workers need to be improved. A partially
medical facility needs a significant improvement.

The limitations of the study are the following

The data was collected through questionnaire. The responds from the

may not be accurate.

Difficulties in the identification of the source.

Since the organization has strict control, it acts as another barrier for getting

Another difficulty was very limited time-span of the project.

Difficult to find the secondary data that exactly the needs of some specific
research investigation.

All the areas could not be included in the sample.

Errors may be there in recording or transferring information from secondary

Lack of experience of Researcher.

Motivation Abstract: Motivation is abstract and it is very difficult to measure
motivation because it can only be felt. As it cannot be touched there

is no standardized data on motivation.

Lack of Education Among the workers: Most of the workers are not
educated as a result they become suspicious of the filling of these


Difficulty in Filling: A large number of the respondents needed help in filling
these questionnaires.

Lack of Seriousness: Some of the workers did not attach the required
seriousness to the investigator.

The study concludes that, the motivational program procedure in AIRTEL is found

effective but not highly effective. The study on employee motivation highlighted so

many factors which will help to motivate the employees. The study was conducted

among 100 employees and collected information through structured

questionnaire. The study helped to findings which were related with employee

motivational programs which are provided in the organization.

The performance appraisal activities really play a major role in motivating the

employees of the organization. It is a major factor that makes an employee feels good

in his work and results in his satisfaction too. The organization can still concentrate

on specific areas which are evolved from this study in order to make the motivational

programs more effective. Only if the employees are properly motivated- they work

well and only if they work well the organization is going to benefit out it. Steps

should be taken to improve the motivational programs procedure in the future. The

suggestions of this report may help in this direction.

Scope For Future Research:

The present study on employee motivation helps to get clear picture about the factors

which motivates the employees. This in turn helps the management to formulate

suitable policy to motivate the employees. Hence, the motivational level of the

employees may also change.

The factors that motivate the employees may change with change in time because the

needs of employees too change with change in time. So continuous monitoring and


observation of factors that motivate the employees is necessary to maintain a

competent work force. Only with a competent work force an organization can achieve

its objective. Moreover, human resource is the most valuable asset to any

organization. A further study with in dept analysis to know to what extent these
factors motivate the employees is required.
( I ) A STUDY ON WORKER‟S MOTIVATION: Background Information:

Name : _____________________ Father's / Husband's Name : __________________

Age : _______________ Sex : Male ( ) Female ( )

Department : ______________________Designation : _________________

Experience : In the organization ( _____ Years) In other organization ( _____ Years)

Educational Qualifications :

Illiterate ( ) Literate ( )

If Literate : Below Matric ( ) Matric ( ) Intermediate ( ) Graduate ( )

Marital Status : Married ( ) Unmarried ( )

Category Levels : Skilled ( ) Unskilled ( ) Semi Skilled ( )

Nature of Job : Casual ( ) Permanent ( )

1. Are you satisfied with the support from the HR department?

Highly satisfied




Highly Dissatisfied

2. Management is really interested in motivating the employees?

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

3. Which type of incentives motivates you more?

Financial incentives

Non-financial incentives


4. How far you are satisfied with the incentives provided by the organization?

Highly satisfied




Highly Dissatisfied

5. Please provide the following rates.

(5- Strongly agree, 4- Agree, 3-Neutral, 2-Disagree, 1-Strongly disagree)

No. Factors Rates

A. Reasonable periodical increase in salary

B. Job security exist in the company

C. Good relationship with co-workers

D. Effective performance appraisal system

E. Effective promotional opportunities in the organization

F. Good safety measures adopted in the organization.

G. Performance appraisal activities are helpful to get motivated

H. Support from the co-worker is helpful to get motivated

I. Company recognizes and acknowledges your work

6. Rank the following factors which motivates you the most?

(Rank 1, 2, 3, 4…. respectively)

No: Factors Rank

A. Salary increase

B. Promotion

C. Leave

D. Motivational talks

E. Recognition
7. Do you think that the incentives and other benefits will influence your



Does not influence

No opinion

8. Does the management involve you in decision making which are connected to

your department?




9. What changes can be made to improve the work place environment?



Respected madam/sir,

As a part of my project I would like to gather some information

from you which will help me in an in depth study of project. I would be obliged if

you co-operate with me in filling the questionnaire. Since the questionnaire is being

used for academic purpose, the information gathered will be strictly confidential.

Kindly fill the following:

(Please put a tick mark in the appropriate box)

1. Are you motivated by the officers?

(i) Yes (ii) No

2. Do you get the opportunity to express your view in the company?

(i) Yes (ii) No

3. Are you satisfied with your company's management?

(i) Completely (ii) Partially (iii) Moderate

4. Are you satisfied with the working conditions in OTL?

(i) Completely (ii) Partially (iii) Moderate

5. According to you which one is the best motivator?

(i) In Cash (ii) In Kind.

6. Are you satisfied with wages and salary administration?

(i) Completely (ii) Partially (iii) Moderate (iv) None of those.

7. What is your view the practices & Policies of management?

(i) Fair (ii) Unfair (iii) Cannot Say

8. Do you satisfied with the medical facilities?

(i) Completely (ii) Partially (iii) Moderate

9. What do you get for over time?

(i) Extra money (ii) Leave facility (iii) Praise (iv) All of above.

10. How's the relation between workers and management?

(i) Co-operative (ii) Un-cooperative.

The essence of the report are inspired and collected by these sources, not fully but

partially as advisory notes. Certain bibliography is as:


Kothari C.R. (2004), „Research Methodology‟, Vishwa

Prakashan, 8 edition, pg. no. 120 – 121.
 rd
C.B. Gupta (2009), „Business Studies‟, 3 edition, pg.

no. 241

Other secondary sources from documents of airtell.


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