Final Project Report Format

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Aryabhatta International College of

Technical Education
Ajmer, Rajasthan

[Project Title]
Submitted in partial fulfilment for the
Award of the Degree of
2018 – 2019

Submitted to:
[Guide Name]

Submitted by:

Team Member 1: Team Member 2: Team Member 3:

Enrolment No. Enrolment No. Enrolment No.
Full Name Full Name Full Name

This is to certify the Mr./Ms. ……………………………… of Aryabhatta

International College of Technical Education, Ajmer, has successfully
completed the project work titled ……………………………………………
in partial fulfilment of requirement for the completion of Under Graduate
course as prescribed by the Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University,
This project report is the record of authentic work carried out by him/her
during the period from June, 2018 to February, 2019.

Head of Department Guide

(Asst. Prof. Kriti Sankhla) (Asst. Prof. Varun Ambrose Thomas)



Abstract represents a summarized report of the complete project in a very

concise and informative format covering main objective and aim of the
project, the background information, processes and methods used, and
methodologies implemented, followed with a brief conclusion of two to
three lines talking about the results and scope of the project.
The entire abstract of a project report should be written in about 250 to 350
words, and therefore, should not exceed any further.

The acknowledgement page depicts the gratitude, respect and thankfulness

of the student towards the people who helped him in pursuing the project
successfully and ensured successful completion and implementation of the
In this page, the author expresses his gratitude and concern by using praising
and thanksgiving words.
Sample: I am thankful to …………………… for his/her/their valuable time
he has/she has/they have devoted to us and given me a lot of knowledge and
help for the project. I am also thankful to my Principal and Head of
Department and other teachers for their expert guidance. It is a great
experience for me.
Words defeat me in expressing my deep sense of gratitude for my friends,
whose continued resourceful support and guidance enabled me to overcome
all the challenges I faced whilst developing the project.

Team Member 1
Team Member 2
Team Member 3
Table of Contents
Table of Contents...........................................................................................iii
List of Figures..................................................................................................v
List of
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................1
1.1 Problem Description...........................................................................1
1.2 Proposed Solution...............................................................................1
1.3 Assumptions and Abbreviations.........................................................1
Chapter 2: Development Tools........................................................................2
2.1 Hardware and Software used for Development............................2
2.2 Hardware and Software used for using the Project......................2
2.3 Feasibility Analysis.......................................................................2
2.3.1. Technical Feasibility..................................................................2
2.3.2. Legal Feasibility........................................................................3
2.3.3. Operational Feasibility..............................................................3
2.3.4. Time Feasibility.........................................................................3
Chapter 3: Techniques and Technologies........................................................4
3.1 PHP...............................................................................................4
3.2 MySQL.........................................................................................4
3.3 Development Strategy..................................................................5
3.3.1. Data Flow Diagram...................................................................5
3.3.2. Entity Relationship Diagrams....................................................6
Chapter 4: Implementation..............................................................................8
4.1 Functional Requirements..............................................................8
4.2 Design – Interface (User Manual)................................................9
4.3 Design – Database........................................................................9
Chapter 5: Limitation and Future Enhancements..........................................11
5.1 Limitations..................................................................................11
5.2 Future Aspects / Enhancements..................................................11
List of Figures
Figure 1.5: Description
Figure 2.1: Description
And so on…
List of Tables
Table 1.5: Description
Table 2.1: Description
And so on…
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Problem Description
Describe the problem or idea that the project is about. This would typically be an
extension of the 'introduction' you've already written in SRS, but should go into the depth.
Write about how the problem affects the industry, individuals or explain the various
causes of the problems.
1.2 Proposed Solution
This describes the solution that you have proposed in a summarized way.
1.3 Assumptions and Abbreviations
Here you have to give details about the facts that you have assumed in the
Also put in all the abbreviations in a list that you will use in the project like:
SQL – Structured Query Language
DB – Database
And so on…

Chapter 2: Development Tools

2.1 Hardware and Software used for Development

Here you explain the tools, IDEs (Atom, Notepad, Notepad++), plugins (jQuery,
Bootstrap), Computer System (OS: Windows 10,8, Ubuntu, RAM, Storage, Processor),
testing tools, browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari) or simulators / emulators (API levels, ARM
Cortex system images) and their configuration, Servers (XAMPP) or any other things that
you have used for developing the project.

2.2 Hardware and Software used for using the Project

Here you explain the tools, IDEs, plugins, operating system, testing tools, browsers or
simulators / emulators and their configuration or any other things that you have used for
using the application in the project.

2.3 Feasibility Analysis

An analysis and evaluation of a proposed project to determine if it (1) is technically
feasible, (2) is feasible within the estimated cost, and (3) will be profitable. Feasibility
studies are almost always conducted where large sums are at stake. Also called feasibility
analysis. See also cost benefit analysis.

2.3.1. Technical Feasibility

This assessment is based on an outline design of system requirements, to determine
whether the company has the technical expertise to handle completion of the project.
When writing a feasibility report, the following should be taken to consideration:
 A brief description of the business to assess more possible factors which could
affect the study
 The part of the business being examined
 The human and economic factor
 The possible solutions to the problem

2.3.2. Legal Feasibility
It Determines whether the proposed system conflicts with legal requirements, e.g., a
SMS validation or OTPs have to be sent as per TRAI regulations and if the proposed
venture is acceptable in accordance to the laws of the telecommunications.

2.3.3. Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility is the measure of how well a proposed system solves the
problems, and takes advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definition
and how it satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of
system development.

2.3.4. Time Feasibility

A time feasibility study will consider the period in which the project is going to
take/has taken up to its completion. A project fails if it takes too long to be completed
before it is useful. Typically, this means estimating how long the system was expected
and has taken to develop. Time feasibility is a measure of how reasonable the project
timetable is. Given our technical expertise, what deadlines were made? Some projects
are initiated with specific deadlines. It is necessary to determine whether the deadlines
are mandatory or desirable.

Chapter 3: Techniques and Technologies
Here you explain the technologies that you have used in the project. PHP/Android project
people will have to explain the PHP/Android and questions like:
1. What is PHP/Android?
2. Where is it used?
3. What is its scope?
4. What are the versions?
5. Which version is better and why?
6. How different it is from its counterpart?
7. What is its applicability?
Which model did you use? (1 tier, 2 tier, 3 tier)
How you divided your system?
What is your client tier (front end), back end tier (database) and middleware (coding)?
Following is an example, not to be copied, and is just for illustrative purposes.

3.1 PHP
PHP stands for Pre-processor Hypertext and is a server-side language. This means that the
script is run on your web server, not on the user’s browser, so you do not need to worry
about compatibility issues. PHP is relatively new (compared to languages such as Perl
(CGI) and Java) but is quickly becoming one of the most popular scripting languages on
the Internet.

3.2 MySQL
MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) which has more than 11
million installations. The program runs as a server providing multi-user access to a
number of databases.
MySQL is owned and sponsored by a single for-profit firm, the Swedish company
MySQL AB, now a subsidiary of Sun Microsystems, which holds the copyright to most of
the codebase. The project's source code is available under terms of the GNU General
Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements.

3.3 Development Strategy
Here you explain the model by which you proceeded with the project. Here you mention
the SDLC model that you followed for developing the project.

Figure 3.1 SDLC Model (Waterfall)

3.3.1. Data Flow Diagram

This is the context level D.F.D of the proposed system the whole system has been
depicted in a single bubble, primary input and output has been carefully noted and
depicted in the way so that information flow continuity should not be lost in the next
level. The purposed system is shown as a whole process and the inputs and outputs are
shown with incoming and outgoing arrow from the system.
A DFD provides no information about the timing of processes, or about whether
processes will operate in sequence or in parallel. It is therefore quite different from a
flowchart which shows the flow of control through an algorithm, allowing a reader to
determine what operations will be performed, in what order, and under what
circumstances, but not what kinds of data will be input to and output from the system,
nor where the data will come from and go to, nor where the data will be stored (all of
which are shown on a DFD).

You have to show and explain the diagram in brief.

Figure 3.2 Data Flow Diagram depicting something

3.3.2. Entity Relationship Diagrams

The Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is the graphical notations of relationship
between data object and attributes. The RED was originally proposed by Peter
Chen for the design of relational database systems and has been extended by
others. Sets of primary contents are identified for the RED: data objects,
attributes, relationship, and various type indicators. The primary purpose of the
RED is to represent data objects and their relationship.
You have to show and explain the diagram in brief.

Figure 3.3 ERD of Hospital Management System
You must also include Activity/Use Case/Sequence Diagram as and where

Chapter 4: Implementation
In this chapter you mention all the details you specified in SRS about the functional

4.1 Functional Requirements

In software engineering and systems engineering, a functional requirement defines a
function of a system or its component, where a function is described as a specification of
behaviour between outputs and inputs.
Functional requirements may involve calculations, technical details, data manipulation
and processing, and other specific functionality that define what a system is supposed to
accomplish. Behavioural requirements describing all the cases where the system uses the
functional requirements are captured in use cases. Functional requirements are supported
by non-functional requirements (also known as "quality requirements"), which impose
constraints on the design or implementation (such as performance requirements, security,
or reliability). Generally, functional requirements are expressed in the form "system must
do <requirement>," while non-functional requirements take the form "system shall be
<requirement>." The plan for implementing functional requirements is detailed in the
system design, whereas non-functional requirements are detailed in the system
 A Profile’s Module contents should be:
o Entries should be made user-friendly
o It should contain a unique user name in order to provide security.
o All the necessary requirements should be filled
o Can purchase anything only by registering themselves.
o If the user is not registered, then he can only visit the site.
 A Purchase’s Module contents should be:
o User should able to purchase all the products available in different
o Can edit list of the selected products present in my-cart.
o See total amount of purchase.
o Make payment by Credit-card or Debit-card.
o Log-out or can give feedbacks.

You also give details about the Users of the system/application and their roles.
 Admin
o Login: -Admin can Login in our web site.
o Manage Furniture and Furniture category: Admin can manage all
type Furniture and Furniture category.
o Manage Customer: Admin can manage customer and his/her Order.
o Manage Payment Detail: Admin can manage payment detail

4.2 Design – Interface (User Manual)

Here you give all the screenshots of the project’s pages/activities that you’ve created and
a brief explanation of each.
Manage Course

Description: Here the Admin and Data entry operators can add the details
about new course.

4.3 Design – Database

Here you give all the screenshots of the project’s database design where you’ve used to
store the data to be used in the project along with their data types, ranges, default values,
keys, etc.
Chapter 5: Limitation and Future Enhancements

5.1 Limitations
Example: Each and every thing in this world have some limitations. Nothing
is there in this world, which do not have any limitations. And it is also the
case with E-Commerce Application. E-Commerce has also its limitations.
Let’s discuss some of the limitations of our E-Commerce Application. In our
E-Commerce Application we have not provided the functionality of
bidding/auctioning. Here user cannot make any bids and win the product in
lower prices. If any user wants to cancel his order then he has to write the e-
mail to the administrator to cancel his order. He cannot tell the administrator
directly to cancel the order.
If any user wants to sell his items he cannot sell his item from our E-
Commerce Application. No user can sell his item from our web store. We
have not provided any links to other sites where you can find the related
products and other related stuffs.
For the purpose of advertisement administrator cannot upload the flash file
or multimedia files to be displayed on any pages of our E-Commerce
Application. There is no provision for the management of advertisements.

5.2 Future Aspects / Enhancements

Example: Our application can be enhanced in the future to give much
functionality, which we have not yet included. As you all know the E-
Commerce is so wide an area there are so many things, which can come
under it. It is not possible to provide all the functionality as per budget of the
client and limitations of resources. So here we will discuss some of the
enhancements, which can be made to our application.
We can enhance our E-Commerce Application to sell the products of the
user. We can enhance the application so that user can upload his product with

its specification and features. It will make the user happy that he can sell his
product without moving out of his home easily.
Another enhancement, which we can provide is that the user, can auction the
products. As per the rule the highest bidder will win the product. The
auctioning makes the product sometime very cheap that a product of
thousand rupees will be sold in hundred rupees. So, it will make the user
very happy to buy the product at very lowest price.
We can enhance our application to manage the advertisements to be
displayed on the pages of our application. There can be a management panel
for the advertisement, which selects the advertisements to be displayed.
Because of the advertisement management panel, the administrator can let
others to advertise on the website and to earn the money.

The E-Commerce Application we made is intended to sell the products
online. With this E-Commerce solution user can now easily buy the products
online on the click of a button. This application will make the online selling
much easier than before. The GUI provided is so simple that any novice can
also learn to use it.
This E-Commerce Solution will also make the sellers happy because they
need not to open a shop and make a big investment. The seller can easily
manage the products and orders. The seller needs not to write the orders by
hand and after that doing all the calculations. All the calculation will be done
automatically and all the records will be saved so the management of the
customer orders is made easy.

1. Professional ASP.NET 2.0
Author: Steven Holzner
Edition: 2005 Edition
Press: McGraw Hill
2. A Guide to SQL Standard
Author: C. J. Date and High Darwin
Edition: 2003 Edition
Press: DreamTech Press, New Delhi
3. A Practitioners guide to software Engineering
Author: Roger S. Pressman
Edition: 5th Edition
Press: McGraw Hill

 Computer

 JS: Overview

 Python CGI Programming


 Java 8 - New Date/Time API


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