Divina C. Jose Agriculturist II BPI-National Crop Research and Development Center

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Divina C.

Agriculturist II
BPI-National Crop Research and
Development Center

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is an annual plant of the aster or sunflower family (Asteraceae) and
considered one of the high value commercial crops in the country. It is usually grown as a leaf
vegetable with a height up to 30 cm. Lettuce hasloose to compact leaves, usually green and red in
color but some are variegated and others with yellowish or gold tinge, depending on variety.The
plants grow as a rosette of leaves on the ground or on a short stalk. As the plant matures, the leaves
increase in number.

Lettuce is a fairly hardy, cool-weather vegetable that thrives when the mean daily
temperature is between 60 and 70 degrees F. It should be planted in early spring or late summer. At
high temperatures, growth is stunted, the leaves may be bitter and the seedstalk too elongated.
Some types and varieties of lettuce withstand heat better than others.
There are five distinct types of lettuce – leaf (also known as loose-leaf), Cos or romaine,
crisphead, butterhead and stem (also called asparagus lettuce or celtuce). Leaf lettuce is best
adapted to Arkansas conditions and produces crisp leaves loosely arranged on the stalk. Nearly
every gardener has at least a short row of lettuce, making it the most widely planted salad
vegetable. Cos or romaine forms an upright, elongated head and is an excellent addition to salads
and sandwiches. The butterhead varieties are generally small, semi-heading types that have tender,
soft leaves and a delicate flavor. Stem lettuce forms an elongated seedstalk used mainly in stewed,
creamed and Chinese dishes. Crisphead varieties are the least adapted to Arkansas conditions and
require the most care. They are extremely sensitive to heat and rain and must be grown from
transplants that are started early.

Origin and major types

The wild predecessor of modern lettuce, Lactucaserriolacan be seen all over Europe and
temperate parts of Asia.
Lettuce was first cultivated in ancient Egypt for the production of oil from its seeds. This
plant was probably selectively bred by the Egyptians into a plant grown for its edible leaves, with
evidence of its cultivation appearing as early as 2680 BC. Lettuce was considered a sacred plant of
the reproduction god Min, and it was carried during his festivals and placed near his images. The
plant was thought to help the god "perform the sexual act untiringly." Its use in religious
ceremonies resulted in the creation of many images in tombs and wall paintings. The cultivated
variety appears to have been about 30 inches (76 cm) tall and resembled a large version of the
modern romaine lettuce. These upright lettuces were developed by the Egyptians. It spread to the
Greek then Romans where it was named “lactuca” then termed lettuce in English. Circa 50 AD,
Roman agriculturalist Columella described several lettuce varieties- some of which may have been
ancestors of today's lettuces.
Lettuce appears in many medieval writings, especially as a medicinal herb. Hildegard of
Bingen mentioned it in her writings on medicinal herbs between 1098 and 1179, and many early
herbals also describe its uses. Lettuce was first brought to the Americas from Europe by
Christopher Columbus in the late 15th century. Between the late 16th century and the early 18th
century, many varieties were developed in Europe, particularly Holland. In the 16th to the 18th
century, many cultivars were produced and Europe and North America dominated the market.
However, in the 1900’s the consumption had spread throughout the world.
In 1586, Joachim Camerarius provided descriptions of the three basic modern lettuces: head
lettuce, loose-leaf lettuce and romaine or cos lettuce.

Production Trends
The Food and Agriculture (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) estimates that total global
commercial production of lettuce was 23.6 million metric tons (mmt) in 2010, harvested from 1.1
million hectares. China led production with 12.6 mmt, just over half the world’s total, while the
second-ranked U.S. produced 4.0 mmt, accounting for another 17%. Italy, India, and Spain were the
other countries with harvests of more than 800,000 metric tons. (FAO tracks statistics for lettuce
production together with chicory, which includes both Cichoriumendivia L. (endive) and
Cichoriumintybus, chicory - both of which are used as salad greens).
In the Philippines, lettuce is predominantly grown in Benguet, Bukidnon and Cavite
(Tagaytay). The production in the Cordillera region in 2010 was 1,486.15 MT from a production
area of 160 hectares and the country had produced 3,634.12 MT from 465.98 hectares (BAS, 2010).

Nutritional Values
Iceberg and Romaine lettuce are both great choices when it comes to calories - both have
less than 10 calories per cup of fresh leaves. They're also well-suited for both low-fat and low-carb
diets. But when it comes down to total nutritional value, Romaine lettuce is probably the better
choice.Romaine lettuce has darker green leaves -- the deeper the color the better the nutrition.
Romaine lettuce has more folate, vitamin K and lutein than iceberg lettuce.

One cup of lettuce has:

Nutrient Iceberg Lettuce Romaine Lettuce
calories 8.0 8.0
protein 0.5gram 0.58 gram
fiber 0.7gram 1.0gram
calcium 10 milligrams 16 milligrams
potassium 78 milligrams 116 milligrams
vitamin C 1.5 milligrams 11.3 milligrams
folate 16 micrograms 64 micrograms
vitamin K 13.3 micrograms 48.2 micrograms
beta carotene 164 micrograms 1637 micrograms
lutein + zeaxanthin 152 micrograms 1,087 micrograms

It also contains lactucarium, a narcotic similar to opium which induces sleep (hypnotic).
Likewise, ancient civilizations observed that it is not only hypnotic but also an appetizer (Hamilton,
2005). The more bitter taste and pigmented leaves contain more antioxidants. Further, lettuce
becomes bitter during hot weather and when harvested later or near bolting or flowering stage.

Wild lettuce is used for whooping cough, asthma, urinary tract problems, cough, trouble
sleeping (insomnia), restlessness, excitability in children, painful menstrual periods, excessive sex
drive in women (nymphomania), muscular or joint pains, poor circulation, swollen genitals in men
(priapism), and as an opium substitute in cough preparations. The seed oil is used for “hardening of
the arteries” (atherosclerosis) and as a substitute for wheat germ oil. Some people apply wild
lettuce latex directly to the skin to kill germs. Some people inhale wild lettuce for a recreational
"high" or hallucinogenic effect.

Lettuce is a popular salad vegetable and sometimes used as an appetizer. Likewise, it is an
ingredient for soups, sandwiches and used as food wrappers. The leaves are one of the very low
caloried green-vegetables. Nonetheless, they are the store house of many phyto-nutrients that have
health promoting and disease prevention properties.

Vitamins in lettuce are plentiful. Fresh leaves are an excellent source of several Vitamin A
and beta carotenes. These compounds have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A is required for
maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin, and is also essential for vision. Consumption of
natural fruits and vegetables rich in flavonoids helps to protect the body from lung and oral cavity
It is a rich source of vitamin K which has a potential role in the bone metabolism where it
thought to increase bone mass by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bone cells. It also has
established role in Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.
Fresh leaves contain good amounts folates and vitamin C. Folates require for DNA synthesis
and therefore, vital in prevention of the neural tube defects in-utero fetus during pregnancy.
Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant; regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps
the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free
Zea-xanthin, an important dietary carotenoid in lettuce, is selectively absorbed into the
retinal macula lutea, where it thought to provide antioxidant and filter UV rays falling on the retina.
Diet rich in xanthin and carotenes is thought to offer some protection against age-related macular
disease (ARMD) in the elderly.
It also contains good amounts of minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium,
which are very essential for body metabolism. Potassium is an important component of cell and
body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used by the body as a
co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Copper is required in the production of
red blood cells. Iron is essential for red blood cell formation.
It is rich in B-complex group of vitamins like thiamin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), riboflavins.
Regular inclusion of lettuce in salads is known to prevent osteoporosis, iron-deficiency anemia
and believed to protect from cardiovascular diseases, ARMD, Alzheimer's disease and cancers.

Types and Varieties

1. Crisphead or Iceberg type - has tight, dense
heads that resembles cabbage and valued more
for their crunchy texture than for flavor.
Varieties: Great Lakes, Iceberg, Ithaca and
2. Summer Crisp or Batavian type - it
produce moderately dense heads with a crunchy
texture and intermediate between iceberg and
loose leaf types. Varieties are in red or green
color: Batavia, Matador, Lauren.

3. Butterhead or Boston or Bibb - it has small loose dense head with

tender, soft leaves and sweet flavor or buttery texture. It is
matured when the leaves begin to cup inward to form a loose
head, the heads will never become compact. Varieties: Marsala,
Ballerina, Nadine, Okayama.

4. Rommaine or Cos - it is head forming

with upright, elongated leaves and
excellent for salads and sandwiches.
Rommaine type is further classified into
size: baby (small size), medium and large
sizes. Varieties: Balloon, Green Tower,
Triton, Cimarron, Tyrol and Xanado.
5. Looseleaf - forms tender leaves that are
delicate and mildly flavored. Varieties come in
green and red and green or purple color:
Waldmann’s Green, Grand Rapid, Red Rapid,
Red Wave, LolloRossa, LolloRossa
Matador,LolloRossa Nicola, Rosette,Fabala,
Sierra, RapidmorOscura, Red Fire, Red Sails
and Ruby.

6. Oak leaf type – resembles like looseleaftype but forms narrow leaves
with lobes like a leaf of an oak tree. Varieties: Flamenco, Mondai, Kristine

Climatic Requirement
All types of lettuce grow best in cool areas. Optimum temperature ranges from 15 to 18 oC.
Head types require cooler temperatures ranging from 10 °C to 18 °C; heading and seeding are
prevented at 21 oC and above. Tip burning also occurs at high temperatures. Lettuce is also
adapted in areas with relative humidity of 65 to 85 %. Under open field, the crop grows best in
moderate rainfall than consistent heavy rain. Lettuce varieties can be selected for their tolerance to
the different environmental conditions.

Soil Requirement
Lettuce grows best in soils with a pH of 6 to 6.8 and in a silty clay loam, loam and clay loam
soils. Soils with high organic matter are preferred for good water holding capacity. When the soil is
clay (heavy/sticky soil), it is recommended to apply and mix soil conditioners such as coconut coir
dust, rice hulls or carbonized rice hulls (burned rice hulls) to make the soil friable for easy root
penetration and water percolation.

1. Seedbed Preparation, Sowing and Maintenance
Seeds are sown in seedling trays or seedbed, under
greenhouse or open field with grass or plastic roofing.It is
recommended to use seedling traysfor earlier recovery of plants
during transplanting because soil medium is still in tacked
compared to uprooted/bare root seedlings.
Seedbed is prepared by cleaning the area and pulverizing the
soil thoroughly. An adequate amount of organic fertilizer is mixed if
necessary. Likewise, soil conditioners such as perlite, coconut coir
dust, rice hulls or carbonized rice hulls can also be mixed in the
seedbed to make the soil friable for easy rooting and water
percolation especially when seedbed has clay soil. Seeds are sown in
lines at least 1.5cm distance and covered with very thin layer of soil.
When seedling/spadling trays are used, a prepared soil medium (1
part soil: 1partcompost: 1 part sand) is put in the trays then seeds
are individually sown per hole.
It is recommended that a net should be placed over the
seedbed or seedling trays after sowing until germination in
order that seeds are intact during watering and to avoid birds
from eating the sown seeds.
With the use of a sprinkler, watering is done three times
a week to provide moisture for seed germination and faster
growth of seedlings. Weeding and spraying should be done as
needed. Seedlings should be transplanted 14 days after sowing
or when there are 4 leaves.

2. Field Preparation
Clean and pulverize the soil thoroughly then prepare plots of 1 meter wide with desired

3. Fertilizer Application
Fertilizer applications should be based on crop
requirement and soil analysis. Organic fertilizers are broadcasted
in plots before or at planting time at the rate of 3 to 10 tons per
hectare (300 grams to 1 kg per 10 square meters plot) depending
on the kind of organic fertilizer, then mixed into the soil. Organic
fertilizer application improves the physical properties of the soil
such as water holding capacity and soil structure, thus easy
percolation of water and easy root penetration for better root
Inorganic fertilizers can also be appliedas basal fertilizerand side dressing.Ifurea is used for
side dressing as fertigation, 1 tablespoon in 1 gallon of water is sufficient every two weeks.

4. Transplanting
When seedlings are uprooted from seedbed, avoid damage of roots. Seedlings are
transplanted at distances of 15 to 30 cm between hills and rows in a plot, depending on types.
Heading and large varieties are spaced farther than small types.

5. Irrigation/Watering
Lettuce is adapted in moist environment but do not
tolerate continuous rain. Watering is done three to four times per
week, done in the morning to dry excess moisture in the late
afternoon so as to prevent plants from rotting. Watering is
carried out either through water hose, watering cans, sprinklers
or irrigation system.

6. Weeding
Removal of weeds is necessary to give way to the growing crop. Weeds compete with crop
for absorption of nutrients and sunlight (shading) and space thus, slow growth of crop.

7. Mulching
Mulching is done to conserve soil moisture as well as prevent the growth of weeds. Mulches
could be dried cogon grass, dried rice straws or plastic sheet.

Crop Protection
A. Insect Pests
1. Aphids – soft-bodied, pear-shaped insect with color ranging
from green, orange to pink. Adult winged and wingless
lettuce aphids have black markings on the joints of the legs,
antennae and many black markings on top of abdomen of
some wingless aphids. Adults feed in colonies and suckthe
juice of the plant and cause discoloration or mottling of
foliage and excrete honeydew on which sooty mold grows.
2. Leaf miner – small black to gray flies with yellow markings. Females puncture leaves to feed on
plant sap and lay eggs within the leaf tissues. After 2 to 4 days eggs hatch and larvae feed
between the upper and lower surface of the leaves, making distinctive winding, whitish tunnels.

3. Cabbage loopers– green with longitudinal white stripes; body measures up to 30 mm long,
tapers toward the head; three pairs of legs near head; three pairs of fleshy prolegs; young larva
on underside of leaf; mature larva deep within head. Loopers consume tender leaf tissue,
leaving most veins intact.

4. Cutworms - fat, basically gray, brown, or black with 40 to 50 mm

long when fully grown; three pairs of legs near head; five pairs of
fleshy prolegs; young larva on underside of leaf; mature larva deep
within head; Cutworms usually cut the stems of newly transplanted
lettuce at soil level and some can consume tender leaves during the
night and hide under the soil at day time.

Control Measures
1. The entry of insect pest is lessened under greenhouse condition.
2. Cultivation, weeding and sanitation
3. Use of yellow sticky traps for leaf miner
4. Spray biological pesticides. Azadirachtin or the Entrust formulation of spinosad is organically
acceptable against leaf miner

B. Diseases
1. Bacterial leaf spot – cased by Xanthomonascampestris pv. Vitians.
Early symptoms are with small (less than 0.25 inch in diameter)
and water-soaked spots on the older leaves. These lesions are
typically bordered by leaf veins and angular in shape then quickly
turn black (a diagnostic character of this disease). If severe,
numerous lesions may coalesce, resulting in the collapse of the
leaf. Older lesions dry up and become papery in texture, but
retain the black color. Lesions rarely develop on newly Leaf spot
developing leaves.

2. Lettuce Drop – caused by Sclerotinia minor, S. sclerotiorum.

Sclerotinia minor only infects the
stems and leaves in contact with the soil. Once
infection takes place, the fungus will cause a
brown, soft decay that eventually destroys
the plant crown tissue. Older leaves then wilt
and later the entire plant will wilt and collapse
usually near maturity, making it
unharvestable. Profuse amounts of
white mycelia and small (up to 0.125 inch or 3mm), black, hard,
resting bodies (sclerotia) form on the outside of the decayed
Sclerotiniasclerotiorum can also infect lower leaves and stems, causing symptoms similar to
those of S. minor. In addition, it has an aerial spore that can infect any of the upper leaves.
Spores usually infect damaged or senescent tissue when the weather is cool and moist. Infection
results in a watery, soft rot that is accompanied by white mycelial growth and formation of
sclerotia. S. sclerotiorum forms sclerotia that are larger (0.25–0.50 inch) than those of S. minor.

3. Anthracnose – cased by Microdochiumpanattonianum

Anthracnose causes small (less than 0.125 inch or 3
mm), water-soaked spots on outer leaves. Spots
enlarge, turnyellow, and are usually irregular and
angular in shape. Under cool, moist conditions, white to
pink spore masses of the fungus will be visible in the
center of the lesions. If disease is severe, the lesions
will coalesce and cause significant dieback of the leaf
and in some cases result in stunting of the plant. As
spots age, the affected tissue will dry up and become
Anthracnose lesions are often clustered along the midribs of lower leaves. Romaine
cultivars exhibit severe disease along leaf midribs. Seedlings could die if infected severely.
4. Tipburn
Tipburn is a physiological disorder characterized by browning of leaf margins. The brown
area may be limited to small spots near or at the leaf margin or the entire leaf may be affected.
Brown veins may occur near the brown lesions.

Control Measure
1. Use tolerant varieties
2. Use pathogen-free seed
3. Crop rotation
4. Regulate watering or watering is done in the morning to dry up excess water until afternoon.
5. Widerplantingdistances
6. Use copper-based fungicides for bacterial leaf spot
7. Fortipburn, supply enough irrigation and there should be enough calcium content in the soil

Harvesting is done 45 to 90 days after transplanting, usually early morning or late
afternoon to lessen transpiration and wilting. Looseleaf lettuce is usually harvested earlier than
head lettuce. Late harvesting or near bolting stage (flowering) tends the crop a bitter taste. There
are 4 to 8 plants to make one kilogram, depending on type and variety.

Harvested lettuce are cleaned and packed either in plastic crates, cartons or transparent
polyethylene plastics then brought to the market at dawn or early morning. Refrigerated van is
highly recommended for transporting lettuce to distant markets to reduce transpiration and wilting
thus, maintaining the freshness.

Cost of Production
A. Labor Cost
Operation/Activity M-Day** (PhP)
1. Seedling tray preparation and care of seedlings 18 4,500
2. Plastic roofing installation for seedling protection 1 250
3. Land clearing 30 7,500
4. Plowing/plot preparation 20 5,000
5. Transplanting 40 10,000
6. Care and maintenance (weeding, fertilization & watering) 80 20,000
7. Harvesting 20 5,000
8. Sorting and packing 10 2,500
Sub-Total 219 54,750
B. Cost of Inputs, Supplies and Materials
Inputs Quantity (PhP)
1. seeds (@1,500/50g) 200g 6,000
2. Processed chicken manure @ 280/sack 45 sacks 12,600
3. Urea (@ 1500/sack) 3 sacks 4,500
4. Carton (@ 10/pc) 1500 pcs 15,000
5. Herbicide (@ 500/li) 3 li 1,500
6. Garden hose (@ 1700/roll) 5 pcs 8,500
7. Plastic twine (@ 65/roll) 10 rolls 650
8. Bamboo posts (for roof @ 20/pc) 10 pcs 200
9. Wire (for roof @ 75/kg) 1 kg 75
8. Plastic sheet (roofing @ 200/kg) 15 kg 3,000
Sub-Total 52,025
Tools and Equipment Depreciation Cost
1. Knapsack sprayers (@ 2,500/unit) 2 units 500
2. Rake (@ 250/pc) 5 pcs 125
3. Grub hoe with handle (@ 350/pc) 8 pcs 280
4. Shovel (@ 650/pc) 3 pcs 195
5. Scythe (@ 175/pc) 8 pcs 140
6. Trowel (@ 175/pc) 8 pcs 140
7. Knife (@ 50/pc) 5 pcs 25
Sub-Total 1,405
D. Land rent, 10,000 sq.meters @ 25,000/3 months 25,000
Total Cost of Production 133,180
* Modified from cost and return analysis of major commodities for onfarm diver-sification (1990).
Cost of labor, inputs & equipment were based on 2011 prices.
** Man-day computed at PhP250/day

II. Economic Analysis

A. Total Cost of Production 133,180
B. Gross Sales (Ave. yield of 28,000 kg/ha at PhP15/kg 420,000
(Less 10% for spoilage and price fluctuation; 2800kg) 378,000
C. Net Profit (378,000-133,180) 244,820
D. Return on Investment (ROI),( 244,820/133,180 X 100) 183.82%

Aggie-orticulture.tamu.edu/plantanswers/vegetables/lettuce.htm1. Lettuce
Hamilton, Dave. 2005. Lettuce in Watch Your Garden Grow. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lettuce
WILD%20LETTUCE.aspx?activeIngredientId=342&active IngredientName=WILD%20LETTUCE
HVCC Regional Agric. & Fisheries Information Division-DA-CAR Field Unit, Lettuce. DA-CAR, BPI
Cpd., Guisad, Baguio City. Technoguide Series No. XIV
ipm.ucdavis,edu/PMG/selectnewpest.lettuce.html. Lettuce Pest Management Guidelines_UC IPM
ipm.ncu.edu/AG295/html/lettucekey.htm. Pests of Lettuce-North Carolina State University
Lactucasativa— Overview Garden Lettuce. http://eol.org/ pages/ 468144/overview
North Willamette Research and Extension Center. 2004. Lettuce, commercial vegetable production
guides. Oregonstate.edu/ Dept/NWREC/lettuce.htm1
PCARRD. Profitability analysis: 1-ha organic lettuce production. Los Banos, Laguna: PCARRD,
2007. 14P.-(Profitability Analysis No. 10/2007
ShereenJegtvig, MS. Nutritional Value of Iceberg and Romaine Lettuce.
http://nutrition.about.com/od/askyournutritionist/f/ lettuce_info.htm. Updated January 28,
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. _____. Lettuce in Watch Your Garden Grow.

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