Rebound Hammer
Rebound Hammer
Rebound Hammer
Hassan Zada Amranullah
( G 17 3 8 3 9 5 )
To assess the in-place uniformity of concrete.
To delineate regions in a structure of poor quality or
deteriorated concrete.
To estimate in-place strength if a correlation is developed.
One of the ways to use the rebound hammer is to locate those areas
that may need additional investigation.
1. Concrete age.
2. Surface condition.
3. Location of test point.
4. Steps.
5. Interpretation results.
Surface smoothness
Age of concrete
Moisture content
Surface carbonation
30 to 40 Good layer
20 to 30 Fair
<20 Poor concrete
0 Delaminated
1) A small amount of structure damage occurs in testing, usually negligible.
5) Ideally suited for on-site testing, Handy for difficult to access or confined test
areas (i.e. working overhead).
Beam-wise and raft-wise cube strength in N/mm2
Beam Point Average Position Graph cube Surface Multiplying Corrected cube
name Reading strength (N/mm2) dry/wet calibration factor strength (N/mm2)
B-12 32 36 37 35 H 32 Dry 1.00 32
B-9 30 38 38 35 H 32 Dry 1.00 32
B-1 34 34 30 33 H 28 Dry 1.00 28
B-7-1 27 35 32 31 H 25 Dry 1.00 25
B-14 32 31 28 30 H 24 Dry 1.00 24
B-2 30 03 26 29 H 22 Dry 1.00 22
B-12-2 26 22 30 26 H 18 Dry 1.00 18
B-13 27 28 24 26 H 18 Dry 1.00 18
B-4 24 28 30 27 H 18 Dry 1.00 18
B-7-2 22 26 30 26 H 18 Dry 1.00 18
B-8 22 25 33 27 H 18 Dry 1.00 18
B-10 25 26 23 25 H 17 Dry 1.00 17
B-3 18 30 28 25 H 17 Dry 1.00 17
B-11 19 28 26 24 H 15 Dry 1.00 15
B-5 22 24 25 24 H 15 Dry 1.00 15
B-6 24 19 22 22 H 12 Dry 1.00 12
Average 21
Raft name Point Reading Average Position Graph cube strength Surface Multiplying Corrected cube strength
(N/mm2) dry/wet calibration factor (N/mm2)
F-B15 24 22 20 22 V 16 Wet 1.20 19
F-B18 20 18 22 20 V 14 Wet 1.20 17
F-2B 18 20 12 17 V 12 Wet 1.20 14
F-B14 20 18 17 18 V 12 Wet 1.20 14
F-B16 14 20 16 17 V 12 Wet 1.20 14
F-B17 16 14 18 16 V 12 Wet 1.20 14
F-B4 19 10 15 15 V 12 Wet 1.20 14
F-B5 20 18 14 17 V 12 Wet 1.20 14
F-B6 16 15 14 15 V 12 Wet 1.20 14
Average 15
Cube 20 23 22 22 H 12 Dry Strength as per 14
tested Compressive
at site Strength test
Cube 48 48 48 48 H 54 Dry Strength as per 46
tested Compressive
at lab Strength test
Average calibration ratio=0.5*(46/54+14/12)=1 for beam
Calibration of rebound hammer (for beams)
Specim S. Rebound Average Position Load at Experimental Graph cube Calibration
en no. hammer failure compressive cube strength factor
cube value (kN) strength (N/mm2) (N/mm2)
(i) (ii) (iii)
1 1 46 48 45 H
47.83 1050 46.66 54 0.864
2 46 54 48 H
2 1 42 33 36 H
37.66 647.2 28.76 36 0.798
2 36 38 41 H
3 1 38 30 30 H
33.5 718 31.91 29 1.10
2 34 36 33 H
Calibration of rebound hammer (for raft)
The average compressive strength of the beams after the application of calibration factor was
determined to be approx. 30 N/mm2
Compressive strength corresponding to rebound hammer values for the rafts.
The average compressive strength of the raft after the application of calibration factor was
determined to be approx. 30 N/mm2
Interpretation of results
The initial testing had certain unfavorable factors affecting it which hindered the final results.
So the test conducted after 28 days provided satisfactory results as weather and site
conditions had improved. The final result can be interpreted as follows: