Opportunities For A Liquid Rocket Feed System Based On Electric Pumps
Opportunities For A Liquid Rocket Feed System Based On Electric Pumps
Opportunities For A Liquid Rocket Feed System Based On Electric Pumps
orbit (GEO) transfer. Finally, conclusions about the possible Here, t;g is the maximum stress admitted by the wall material; in
convenience of the proposed feed system are drawn in Sec. IV. particular, it refers to the yield stress for plastic materials and to the
ultimate stress for fragile materials. Accordingly, the mass of the
pressurizing gas tank turns out to be
II. Evaluation of Feed System Mass
A. Pressure-Gas System 3 t;g mp pc
mt;g p1 u g t;g g (8)
The main components of the total mass mpgs of a feed system using 2 t;g 1 p1 pc =p0
pressurized gas are the mass mg of the pressurizing gas and the
masses of the tanks for the gas itself, the fuel and the oxidizer, where t;g is the density of the wall material. Similarly, for the
denoted as mt;g , mt;f , and mt;o , respectively: propellant tanks, still assumed to be spherical, it results in
rise to compensate for losses in the cooling channels; this can be As far as the batteries are concerned, their mass depends on whether
easily accommodated in the formulation if necessary, but at this stage the constraint on the power or the energy is more stringent:
it is not considered an essential point. The masses of the various
entries of Eq. (15) will now be derived. For mg and mt;g , expressions P E
mb b max e ; e (30)
analogous to Eqs. (5) and (8) hold, but with p2 in place of p1 . As far P E
as the propellant tanks are concerned, the wall thickness required is,
in principle, again given by Laplace’s law, for example, for fuel and where a factor b is introduced to account for the design margins. We
oxidizer, respectively, further introduce the following constants:
p2 t;p 3u f Mg 3 t;g
f pc mp (18) D1 g 0 t;g g p1 u (31)
2 t;p 4 R T0 2 t;g
1=3 3 t;p
p2 t;p 3u o D2 f t;p p2 u (32)
o pc mp (19) 2 t;p
2 t;p 4
However, in the case of pump feeding, the tanks are thin walled, D3 41=3 3u f 2=3
min t;p (33)
and the thickness as defined by Eqs. (18) and (19), may turn out to be
too small to withstand acceleration loads. To account for this
circumstance, a minimum thickness
min is introduced; it can be
easily seen that the condition that causes the wall thickness to stick at 3 t;p
D4 o t;p p2 u (34)
this limit is 2 t;p
δP (W/kg)
mfs / mp
Notice that the values assumed for the parameters are quite two feed systems under consideration. The curves for the electric
conservative, aimed at avoiding a bias toward one particular feed pump system, referring to the aforementioned values of mp , exhibit a
system. separate, nearly parallel, trend for relatively low values of pc ,
As seen in Eq. (14), the mass of a pressure-gas feed system, indicating that the factor limiting the wall thickness is the constraint
divided by the overall propellant mass, depends on the chamber
min . However, for chamber pressures slightly above 3.5 MPa,
pressure pc and the initial gas pressure p0 . The mass of the proposed the curves for mp 3000 and 10,000 kg coalesce into a single curve,
system based on electric pumps (39) also depends on pc and p0 and, as under such circumstances the wall thickness is greater than
min , so
in addition, on the burning time and the propellant mass itself in the that the walls are actually sized according to Laplace’s law. The
case that the tank thickness is dictated by the constraint not to be figure further suggests that, for pc greater than about 5 MPa, the
smaller than a given value
min . We will therefore first examine the curve for mp 1000 kg will also coalesce with the others. It is worth
trend of the ratio between the feed system mass mfs and the propellant noting that the separate trends for the three curves follow from the
mass mp as a function of the chamber pressure for a value of p0 set to assumption of the same minimum thickness for the three values of
20 MPa (see also the comment on Fig. 3 in the next paragraph), a mp under consideration; if the minimum thickness is instead
burning time set to 2000 s, and for three values of the propellant mass, assumed to be proportional to the cubic root of mp , the variable mp is
1000, 3000, and 10,000 kg. Such trends are shown in Fig. 2 for the dropped from the arguments of function g in Eq. (39). In summation,
Fig. 2 indicates that the proposed feed system is preferable when the
Data available online at gltrs.grc.nasa.gov [retrieved on 26 August 2008]. chamber pressure is above roughly 1 MPa.
cvac (m/s)
mfs / mp
0 3050
0 1000 2000 3000 0 2 4 6 8 10
t b (s) pc (MPa)
Fig. 4 Ratio of feed system mass over total propellant mass as a
Fig. 5 Theoretical effective exhaust velocity of an isovolumetric NTO/
function of burning time for pc 3 MPa and p0 20 MPa. Solid line:
MMH propellant combination as a function of chamber pressure.
pressure-gas system; dashed line: proposed system mp 1000 kg; long-
dashed line: mp 3000 kg; and extra-long-dashed line: mp
10; 000 kg.
To further quantify the advantage associated with the proposed
system, an example is presented of the case of a propulsion system
Figure 3 shows the effect of the initial gas pressure p0 on the ratio tailored for a Hohmann transfer, that is, one aimed at injecting a
mfs =mp for the two feed systems and the three values of mp being payload initially in an equatorial LEO with a 300-km-altitude into a
considered for a chamber pressure set at 3 MPa and the same burning geostationary transfer orbit (GTO), and then circularizing the latter
time as already mentioned. It is seen that, for the pressure-gas system, into a GEO. The ideal (i.e., referring to an impulse maneuver)
a high initial pressure is desirable; however, the advantage becomes velocity increment requirements are 2426 m=s for the perigee kick
marginal over 20–25 MPa. For the proposed system, p0 turns out to and 1466 m=s for the apogee burn. For a finite time perigee burn, the
be rather inconsequential, as the pressurization is limited to the small v requirements increase due to gravitational losses. This effect is
amount required to avoid pump cavitation. estimated here via a computational code based on assumptions
The effect of the burning time (for pc 3 MPa and adequate for the present level of analysis (tangential thrusting,
p0 20 MPa) on the ratio mfs =mp is depicted in Fig. 4. The range spherical Earth, neglect of aerodynamic drag effects, neglect of the
of burning times is bound by the minimum discharge time for the influence of third bodies, etc.), and the results are shown in Fig. 6,
batteries at hand, which can be estimated from Fig. 1 to be about based on an assumed value of the (real) effective exhaust velocity of
750 s, whereas the upper value is set to 3000 s because relatively little 3000 m=s, as appropriate to the NTO/MMH propulsion system
advantage is obtained by further prolonging the duration of the burn. outlined earlier (gravitational losses weakly depend on the effective
Notice that, in the case of multiple engine ignitions, here tb has the exhaust velocity). It is seen that the perigee velocity increment vp
meaning of the cumulative burning time. It is clearly visible that, increases with the duration of the perigee burn tbp ; however, the value
although tb does not affect mfs =mp for the pressure-gas system, it of the required apogee velocity increment va decreases, because
does have the effect of reducing the relative feed system mass for the longer perigee burning times result in GTOs of smaller eccentricity.
proposed system. In fact, once the propellant mass is assigned, a Notice that, in Fig. 6, the va are computed by neglecting apogee
longer burning time implies a reduced propellant mass flow rate, that gravitational losses, an assumption justified in view of the very high
is, a reduced power (and then mass) of the electric pumps, and
possibly of the batteries, if their mass is power constrained (see also
Fig. 9).
As mentioned with reference to Fig. 2, a quantity critical to 4200
assessing the advantage of the proposed system over the pressure-gas ∆v tot
one is the chamber pressure, with high values of pc favoring the
proposed system, which is an obvious consequence of the tanks not 3600
being under pressure. Such a system would then be particularly
valuable for high-chamber-pressure engines, which exhibit the
additional advantage of a larger effective exhaust velocity (i.e., 3000
∆v (m/s)
0.34 0.22
0.26 0.04
0.24 0
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
tbp (s) tbp (s)
Fig. 7 Payload ratio for injection into GTO as a function of perigee Fig. 8 Payload ratio for injection into GEO as a function of perigee
burning time (assuming c 3000 m=s) with the proposed feed system. burning time (assuming c 3000 m=s) with the proposed feed system.
Dashed line: mp 1000 kg; long-dashed line: mp 3000 kg; and extra- Single-stage option—dashed line: mp 1000 kg; long-dashed line:
long-dashed line: mp 10; 000 kg. mp 3000 kg; and extra-long-dashed line: mp 10; 000 kg; two-stage
option— dashed-dotted line: mp 1000 kg; long-dashed-dotted line:
mp 3000 kg; and extra-long-dashed-dotted line: mp 10; 000 kg.
altitude of the GEO. However, the two opposing trends do not cancel
out, resulting in a vtot vp va still mildly increasing with FEED SYSTEM MASS BREAKDOWN
tbp . In the following paragraphs, the effect of the perigee burning time 900
on two payload ratios, one referring to the first phase of the
maneuver, accordingly defined as 800
mGTO 700
GTO (40)
mass (kg)
former payload ratio is shown in Fig. 7 as a function of the perigee
burning time. The payload ratio considered in Fig. 7 and the figures 100
that follow is recovered by including in the stage structural mass the TANKS
feed system mass as detailed earlier and an extra mass indicatively 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
made equal to 4% of the propellant plus pressurant mass to account tb (s)
for other structures. Further, a 3% propellant margin is assumed. Two a)
effects contribute to the determination of the shape of the curve: the
reduction of the feed system mass with the burning time already 100
assessed in Fig. 4 (resulting in a larger payload), and the increase of
the effective vp with tbp . Their combined effect determines a 90
maximum around a perigee burning time of 1900 s. Such a maximum 80 BAT TERIES
spans a narrow range (from about 0.3316 to 0.3355) depending on
the assumed propellant mass. 70
To arrive at the overall payload ratio GEO for the whole transfer,
% mass