Master Data-SAP MM

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Master data is the core data that is used as a base for any transaction.

If you are producing,

transferring stock, selling, purchasing, doing physical inventory, whatever your activity may
be, it requires certain master data to be maintained.

Master data contain information stored in database for a long period which is used for
different applications and functions.

In SAPMM different types fo master data are:

Material master data ,Customer master data,Vendor master data , Pricing/conditions

master data and Warehouse management master data (storage bin master data)

The ones we will focus in MM module are material master and purchase info record.

The material type is the highest level of categorization of material masters.

Material Types are defined in the following sections:

 Number range of material master and if it is internal (system allocated) or external

(user allocate number)
 Which fields in materials are mandatory / read only / optional

 User departments (Views in material)

 Purchase Orders allowed

 Valid valuation classes

 Quantity and Value update (does it update qty and value)

 .... and many more

Following is the List of Standard Material Types by defalut Comes along with SAP System

 ABF - Waste
 CH00 - CH Contract Handling

 CONT - Kanban Container

 COUP - Coupons
 DIEN - Service

 ERSA - Spare Parts

 FERT - Finished Product

 FGTR - Beverages

 FHMI - Production Resource / Tool

 FOOD - Foods (excl. Perishables)

 FRIP - Perishables

 HALB - Semifinished Product

 HAWA - Trading Goods

 HERS - Manufacturer Part

 HIBE - Operating supplies

 IBAU - Maintenance assemblies

 INTR - Intra materials

 KMAT - Configurable materials

 LEER - Empties

 LEIH - Returnable packaging

 LGUT - Empties (retail)

 MODE - Apparel (seasonal)

 NLAG - Non-stock materials

 NOF1 - Nonfoods

 PIPE - Pipeline materials

 PLAN - Trading goods (planned)

 PROC - Process materials

 PROD - Product groups

 ROH - Raw materials

 UNBW - Nonvaluated materials

 VERP - Packaging

 VKHM - Additionals
 VOLL - Full products

 WERB - Product catalogs

 WERT - Value-only materials

 WETT - Competitor products

Material Master.

ABF - Waste:
This material type is recommended for creating scram material

 scrap material when you send for metal for cutting and bending, milli

CH00 - CH Contract Handling:

CONT - Kanban Container

This material type is recommended for creating KANBAN containers as a material. In the
standard R / 3 System, only the Basic Data view is offered. Using this material type makes
it easy to search for KANBAN containers.

COUP - Coupons
Material type COUP is used in IS-Retail as merchandise category. It is used in the bonus
buy-in promotion scenario DIAN - Service
Services can be Performed internally or procured externally (outsourced). They can not
be stored or transported.

 Construction work
 Janitorial / cleaning services
 Legal services

ERSA - Spare Parts

Spare parts are used to replace defective parts. They may be kept in stock. A material
master record of this material type can contain purchasing data, but not sales data.

FERT - Finished Product

Finished products are produced in-house. Since they can not be ordered by Purchasing, a
material master record of this material type does not contain purchasing data.

FGTR - Beverages
all types of beverages items

FHMI - Production Resource / Tool

Production resources / tools are procured externally and used in production or plant
maintenance. A material master record of this material type can contain purchasing data,
but not sales data. It is managed on a quantity basis.

 Jigs and fixtures

 Measuring and testing equipment

FOOD - Foods (excl. Perishables)

All type of foods which are not decaying, decomposable, destructible, easily spoiled,
liable to rot, short-lived, unstable or perishable

FRIPE - perishables

Goods that are decaying, decomposable, destructible, easily spoiled, liable to rot, short-
lived, unstable perishable in an assortment.

 Fruit and vegetables

 Dairy products
 Meat

HALB - Semifinished Product:

Semifinished products can be procured externally and manufactured in-house. They are
then processed by the company. A material master record of this material can contain
both purchasing and work scheduling data.

HAWA - Trading Goods

Trading goods are moving goods intended for commercial exchange. Examples of trading
goods are market goods, consumption goods and durable goods.Trading goods are always
bought and re-sold by your company. The material master record for trading goods is
always included. Trading goods are managed in the SAP System using the key HAWA.
Trading goods are always procured externally and then sold. A material master record of
this material type can contain purchasing data and sales data.

HERS - Manufacturer Part Manufacturer Parts

are materials that can be supplied by different manufacturers and / or vendors. For more
information, see Manufacturer Part Numbers (MPNs) in the SAP library documentation MM

HIBE - Operating supplies

Operating supplies are procured externally and required for the manufacture of other
products. A material master record of this material type can contain purchasing data, but
not sales data.

IBAU - Maintenance assemblies

Maintenance assemblies are not individual objects, but logical elements to separate
technical objects into more clearly defined units in plant maintenance. For example, an
automobile can be a technical object, and the engine, gearbox, chassis, and so on the
maintenance assemblies. A material master record can contain basic data and
classification data.
INTR - Intra materials
Intra materials exist only temporarily between two processing steps. A material master
record of this material type contains no sales data nor sales data.

KMAT - Configurable materials

Configurable materials are materials that can have different variants. For example, an
automobile can have different types of paintwork, trim, and engine. The Material is a
configurable indicator that is set for this material type in Customizing for the Material
Master in Define Attributes of Material Types. For more information on configurable
materials and variants, see the SAP library documentation LO Variant Configuration.

LEER - Empties
Empties are a type of returnable transport package generally subject to a deposit. They
can consist of several components that are grouped together in a bill of materials
(BOM). For example, an empty crate and the empty bottles are assigned to the full
product beer. Each of the components in the BOM has a separate material master record.

LEIH - Returnable packaging

Returnable packaging consists of materials that are stored at the customer location but
which remain the property of your company.

LGUT - Empties (retail)

Empties are a type of returnable transport package generally subject to a deposit. They
can consist of several components that are grouped together in a bill of materials
(BOM). For example, an empty crate and the empty bottles are assigned to the full
product beer. Each of the components in the BOM has a separate material master record.

MODE - Apparel (seasonal)

Use in Retail Module

NLAG - Non-stock materials

Nonstock materials are not held in stock because they are consumed immediately.

NOF1 - Nonfoods
Nonfoods are sold in grocery stores, other than food.

PIPE - Pipeline materials

Materials, such as oil, power, or water, flow directly into a pipeline, line, or other type of
conduit. Since pipeline materials are always available, they are not planned.

PLAN - Trading goods (planned)

PROC - Process materials

Process materials are used in the manufacture of co-products. They are not physical
entities, but represent production processes. They are useful for planning, designing, and
PROD - Product groups
Product groups aggregate materials according to certain freely definable criteria. For
example, the products may be similar to each other in some ways, or they may be made
on the same machine.

ROH - Raw materials

Raw materials are always procured externally and then processed. A material master
record of this type contains purchasing data, but not sales data since they can not be
UNBW - Nonvaluated materials
Nonvaluated materials are managed on a quantity basis, but not by value.
VERP - Packaging

Packaging materials are used to transport goods and come with the goods free of
charge. A material master record of this material type is managed on both a quantity
basis and a value basis

VKHM - Additionals
Additions are available for customers to provide their customers with effective

 Clothes hangers
 Care labels
 Services such as pressing clothing for display or arranging it on hangers

VOLL - Full products

are available at the counterpart to empties. For example, with a crate of lemonade, the
lemonade itself, while the empties are the individual bottles and the crate. For more
information on the retail side, see Articles: SAP Retail.

WERB - Product catalogs / Advertising media.

Means of presentation used in advertising, grouping together

 Printed mail-order catalogs

 Computer catalogs on CD-ROM
 Promotional fliers

WERT - Value-only materials

A value-only article represents a group of articles whose inventory is not managed on an
article basis. All goods movements for this group of articles are posted to the value-only
article. For more information, see Articles: Value-Only Articles in the SAP Library
documentation SAP Retail.
WETT - Competitor products
Observing and evaluating the activities of your competitors is essential for optimal market
analysis. You can enter basic data on the products of your competitors. By specifying a
competitor number, you can assign it to a particular competitor.

Industry sector
Key that specifies the branch of industry to which the material is assigned.
When you create a material master record, the industry sector you specify determines
which screens appear and in what order
which industry-specific fields appear on the individual screens

How to set Default Industry sector

mm01------->click on Default------>Enter Industry sectorName

Posting period:

It is used to maintain or specify the current month of transaction.This posting period is

dependent on the financial year followed by the company code. Since there are 12 calender
months there are also 12 posting periods.

Most of the companies follow 4 financial years.

PostingPeriod Fy-Jan to Dec FY-April to Mar FY- July to june FY-oct to sep

01 01 2018 04 2018 07 2018 10 2018

02 02 2018 05 2018 08 2018 11 2018 etc...


Standard Company code(1000),Financial year is from Jan to Dec. as such company

code will be created will also have same financial year(Jan to Dec)

After the assignment of the Enterprise structure is completed the immediate activity to
carryout is posting period

Procedure: T-code "OMSY"

spro----->IMG---->Logistic-General----->MaterialMaster--->Basic settings------>Maintain
Company code for MaterialManagement---->Execute
click position--->enter companycode----> set posting year and Month

Note: The Posting period has to be assigned before a material is created anywhere in the


Allow Posting to Previous Period (Backposting)

Indicator that allows posting to the previous period (backposting). In this case, the previous
period is the preceding month.


If you do not want to allow posting to the previous period, you must cancel the indicator (if
set). Please note, however, that the indicator is set again automatically during period closing,
reallowing posting to the previous period.


If you do not want the indicator to be set automatically during period closing, set the
indicator Disallow backposting generally.

Indicator: (DBP)Disallow backposting after a change of period

Indicator that prevents posting to the previous period from being reallowed automatically
after a change of period.


If this indicator is set, the indicator Allow posting to previous period is not set automatically
during period closing.


While creating Material master by using tcode MM01,In the SAP sys if the codes in any of the
dropdown lists are not displayed , then click on the "Customaize local layout" in SAPGUI /SAP
LogonPad.Click on "Options" from the list.

If the SAPGUI Version is 7.30 or above ,go to interaction design----visualization----->check the

check boxes for "show keys within the dropdown lists" and "sort by keys within dropdown

Note:( MaterialMaster sequences) MaterialMaster------>views------------>subscreens-----

Screen Sequence:It is sued for maintaining the combination of viewws and subscreens
required for maintaining the data required to use various material/services in the company
code.Each screen sequence can be created based on a specific criteria or set of criterial
which can be from the following.


2.Transaction code

3.Material type

4.Industry Sector.

These criteria are called as "screen references" and identified by a 1 to 4 char

AN(AlphaNumeric) code. Bsed on the client requirement, we can create as amy screen
sequences as are required. There is no specific limit. Each screen sequences is identified by a
2-Char AN starting with the letter y or z.

In order to create the screen sequence with the required combination of views and sub
screens. All the views and subscreens available to use in the material master must be first
made available to the screen sequence for selection.As such, each screen dequence is
created as a copy of the standard screen sequence "21" which contains all the views and
subscreens as created by sap.

After creating the required number of screen sequences and maintaining the order f the views
and subscreens within each,it has to be assigned to the combination of screen reference so
that the sequence can be triggers for that purpose.

Creation of screen sequence:

>Define structure of Datascreen for each screen sequence------->select "21"---->Click Copy
as---->Enter a New two char AN code starting with Y OR Z and
description ."zQ:MaterialMaster"

--->press Enter------>Click Cancel---->Click ok---->Click save.


select the newly created screensquence and click on DATASCREEN Folder

"You will getall the screen realted and the view you have selecte during the creation of
screen sequence"
select the required screens equence(ex:Basicdata1,purchasing

delete remain screen sequence---------->click save.

Assigning thescreen sequence(OMT3E)

SPRO--->IMG--->LogisticGeneral---->MaterialMaster--->Configuring the Materialmaster----->

Assign screensequence user/materialtype/Transaction/Industrysector----->Click user

screenreference---->click new enteries--->Enter name and sref user(ex:sapuser ,za)---->

save----->click screen sequence control------>select "21"------>click copy---->Enter

za(which we created) under Sref coloumn and zq under ssq coloumn ----->save----->

click transaction reference---->mm01--->enter 01---save.

Note:Do not make any changes to the first row assingment or delete it.

material group:

It is used to identify the kind of material used in the comapny(compay code

electrical,electronic material, mech etc.)

It is identified with 1 to 9 Char AN code and discripton.There are no attributes.

Configuration of Materialgroup

logistic-General--->Materialmaster--->settings for key fields------>Click Define material

groups----->click new entries---->Enter a 1 to 9 char AN code and Description----->save

"You can create as many as are equired"

Division:It is used to identify the line of prouduct category under which the material is

It is created and maintained by the SAD Consultant in Realtime Environment and copied
to SAPMM Configuration for assinging to the material that will be sold by the company

Creation of Division: Click Define Division-----> click New Entries---->Enter the 2 Char AN
code and description defined by the SAPSD Consultant.

Shipping Instruction: It is used to specify any specific condition under which the material
should be transported as specified in the shipping instruction
Define shipping Instruction--->Enter New Entries----->Enter 2 Char AN code and
Description and check whether the instruction should be printed on the purchase
Documents as required.These are not predefined in the realtime

Shipping Instruction can be assigned to a Material in threeways.

1.Through the pruchasing value key to be assigned to the material.

2.Maintained in the purchasing info record for the material.

3.Directly in the purchase document itself.

Purchasing value key:It is used for maintaining the values for the following
purchase/delivery related elements. after which remainder should be sent for delivery.

2.Vendor acknowledgement for communication.

3.Delivery Tolerances (Quantity Variance) allowed

4.Shipping Instruction.

Click on Define Purchasing value key------>New Entries--->Enter a 1 to 4 Char AN code and

Maintain values for the above specified elements as required------->Click save.

"We can create as many Pruchasing Vlue keys based on requirement"

Purchasing groups:It is used to identify the person or group of person responsible for all
purchase related activities/information for a specific Material or group of Material.These
purchasing groups are not directly assigned to any plant/purchasing organization.They are
only logically assigned.

Vendor Master:It is an external entity from which the company code purchases all the
required material or services which are needed for carrying out business activity in the
company code.

vendor master is the record of all the information required to use the vendor in a sap

Vendors are basically of two types

1.Regular vendor

2.Ontime vendor

Regular vendor is a supplier from which companycode purchases more than once within a
specific period of time.Regular vendor is usually indentified with a unit-ID individually
One time vendor is a supplier from which the company code purchases only once within the
specific period of time usually onetime vendor are identified with the same -ID.

The information is maintained for a vendor is divided into three types or groups.

1.General data

2.CompanyCode data

3.Purchasing data.

General data is used to maintain all the generic or basic information about the vendor like
name,address,communication details,contactperson informaiton ,bank A/C details,industry
specialization etc..

Company code data is sued to maintain all the common finance or A/C related information for
any material or servicee supplied by the vendor like payment terms, payment method,
payment Correspondence, Reconciliation A/C, Cash management Groups.

Purchasing data is sued for maintaining all the common purchase related information for any
material/service supplied by the vendor like ordercurrency, minimum order value, Incoterms,
payment terms, purchase controldata, default data for purchasing items etc..

Based on the combination of data maintained vendors can be divided in three types.

1.If General data and companycode maintained for a vendor, then the vendor will be
called as an Accounting vendor.

2.If General data and purchasing data are maintained for vendor then this vendor will
be called as purchasing vendor.

3.If General data ,Companycode and pruchasing data are all maintained then these
vendor called as central vendor.

A Purchasing vendor is used for plant to plant purchase(within the same

companycode(restricted item)).plants is different location for same company.A Central
vendor is the normal regular vendor. Whenever a vendor is used it will be default central
vendor only.

To Create a vendor master record, the following initial information is required.

1.Vendor Number

2.Company code

3.Purchase Organization

4.Vendor Account Group

Vendor Number: It is 1 to 10 Char Alphanumeric code used for identifying the vendor in the
sap instances, This number can be assigned or generated either internally or externally.

Company code: It is the level of the Enterprise Structure where the books of Accounts are
maintained or level from where all the business or financial transactions are carried out.

Purchase organization is the entity responsible for all purchase related information or

Purchasing group

A key for a buyer or group of buyers responsible for certain purchasing activities.

A purchasing group can be an individual or a group of individuals.The purchasing group is

Internally responsible for the procurement of a material or a class of materials. The principal
channel for a company's dealings with its vendors

Vendor Account group is used for grouping different vendors together based on some criteria
like material type supplied, vendor location, payment terms, credit period etc.. It is
identified with a 1 to 4 Char AN code and to create vendor master record at least on vendor
Account group is required to be created in the SAP.

Standard vendor account groups are:

S no Code Description

1 0001 Main vendor

2 0002 Goods supplier

3 0003 Alternate payee

4 0004 Invoice presented by

5 0005 Forwarding agent/freight vendors

6 0006 Ordering Address

7 0007 Plants

8 CPD One time Vendor

9 MNFR Manufactures

Control data for vendor account groups:

1)Number ranges

1a)Internal number ranges(Automatic)

1b)External number ranges(Manual)

Screen layout/Field selection.





Business Partner
In this step, you make the system settings necessary for processing business transactions in
Materials Management.
Before creating vendor master data, you should have completely worked through the
entitled "Business Partners".

Partner roles: 1)VN-Main vendor 2) GS-Goods Supplier 3)OA-Ordering Address

Creation of vendor account group

Spro----->IMG----->logistic-General------->Business partner----->Control------>Define Account

group and field selection(vendor)------>Click execute----->Click on New entries------>Enter 1
to 4 char AN -code and its description----->

"Create as many as Groups are required"

Define Number Ranges for Vendor Master records(Default is 100000--uses these)

Spro----->IMG----->logistic-General------->Business partner----->Control------>Define Number

ranges for vendor Master records---->Click on Execute---->Click on Intervals----->Click insert
Intervals------>Enter a 2 Char AN code From Number and To Number in the pop-up--->Press
"Generate as many as Number Ranges intervals required for the Number of Account
group created"

Click back----->Click on Number ragnes----->Enter the relevant Number rage code against
each Account group Created------>click on save.

Transaction codes for vendor master:

Creation of Vendor Master Centrally--xk01

Change Vendor Master ----xk02

Display Changes to Vendor Master -----xk04

Block/Unblock vendor -------------------xk05

Flag Vendor For Deletion----------------xk06

Changes Vendor Account Group--------xk07

Create/Display list of Vendors ---------MKVZ.

Accounting Information Screen:There are two mandatoyr Fields 1.Reconcialation

Account 2.CashManagement Group.

1.Reconcialiation Account: It is used to specify or maintain the G/L Account

required to hold the value of all the transactions carried out with the vendor in the
specified Company code.The Standarad Recon Account is 160000

2.CashMangament:It is used to specify or identify the person or group f person

responsible for all vendors related payments in the specified company code.In
standarAD IDES is A1.

Most of the data in the vendor master is maintained in the following Four

1.ADRC--Name,Address,Communication details etc...

2.LFA1--Other General data screen information

3.LFB1--All the Financial or Accounting related information.

4.LFM1--All the purchasing Related Fields.

Screen in the vendor master record for Central Vendor:

Basicdata:General data screen,control screen.payment transaction secreen,contact

person screen.

Company code data:Accounting information Screen,Payment Transaction screen,

Correspondence screen

Purchasing data:Purchasing data screen, partner function screen.

Based on the requirement We need to Configure.

Define Screen Layout Specific to Purchasing Organization:

Spro----->IMG----->logistic-General------->Business partner----->Control------>Click Define

Screen Layout Specific to Purchasing Organization--->Click on the New Entries
button--->Enter the Purchasing Organization Code for which you want to Configure
the Field or Screen selection----->Click on each fo the selection, purchasing
data/purchasing sub-range/ purchasing :plant

"select the required fields"---->click save

Define Transaction-Dependent Screen Layout:

Spro----->IMG----->logistic-General------->Business partner----->Control------>Click Define-->

Define Transaction-Dependent Screen Layout---->select the required Activity type(i.e

Transaction for which you need to define the screen layout)----->click on Details
highlight icon---->Double Click on the Field status and selec the required fields to be
marked as Mandatory/Optional/Display/Hide by clicking on specific buttons--->click

Purchase Information Record

Info record (or)Purchasing info record: Info record is a master data that contains
the central source of information of a certain material and the vendor relating to the
purchase data under a particular plant with a specific purchase organization is called
an inforecord.It mainly determines the price and the conditions from the info record.

Ex: When we create a P.O for a particular material and the vendor, the system
automatically takes the net prices and the condition information from the info record.
Purchasing info record is a Purchasing master data created with combination of
Material, Vendor for a Purchasing Organization in a Plant with reference to Info

This is very specific document for each material supplied by a vendor for a specific

Note:Every document in the SAP System is identified in two ways

1.Internal and External Number ranges.

Internal Number Ranges: It is identified by a 1 to 4 char AN Code called

"Document type", this is generated automatically by the SAP System to differentiate
between the different document used in SAP.

External Number ranges:It is identified by a 1 to 10 char ANcode called "Document

number".This number can be generated either internally and Externally and is used
by the user to differentiate between various document used.

The standard document type for the purchasing inforecord are

1.IL----->For stock material

2.IN----->For non-stock material.
The inforecord doucment type will be automatically selected by the sap system
depending on the material type attributes of the material for which the PIR is

To create an inforecord the following initial information is required.

1.vendor number
2.material number
3.Purdchasing Organization
5.Info record Document Number
6.Info category.

Info category Represents the type of Procurement.

Info category in SAP are


2).Sub Contract


Note: Information stored in info record is Price.
Info records are useful for creating Purchase orders.
The Normal info category used will be "standard" which is the normal purchase type.

T-code for PIR:

Creation of PIR --- ME11
Change PIR ME12
Display PIR ME13
Display changes to PIR ME14
Flag Inforecord for deletion ME15
Create / display list of Inforecord
by Material---ME1M
by Vendor---ME1L
Configuration Settings:

SPRO---->IMG---->MaterialMaster--->Purchasing---->Purchase info record--->Define

Number range

Note:In Realtime we define the Number Range,but as if now leave the standard

Creation of PIR:

Enter ME11----> Enter (vendor,material,Purchase org,plant)----->Select

Infocategory-->standard--->press Enter-----> vendor data----> Enter (1st Rem,2nd
Rem,3rd Rem--10,20,30)

Note:Remainders are maintained in two ways---->1.When u maintained

purchasing value key for material in purchasing view in material master,the
remainders value automatically selected here.

2.We need to enter manually .

click on Text Highlight Icon---->Enter text for Info Memo and Purchase Order text

Ex:Needful for packaging and shipping for material.------>Click on Condition

Highlight icon----->Enter amount ------>100,5,10,3(Here Condition type is PB00 i.e
Gross price ,RA01,ZA01,FRA1given by the SAP)--->save

Calcualtion done on Condition Types:


Dis 5%GP=95
Sur 10%GP=10

Net = Dis+Sur=105

Fre 3%GP =3

Eff = Net + Fe = 105 +3 = 108

Next Screeen we have--->Purchase Organization data1----->

1.In Control Screen Enter Pl.Delv.Tme=(10-"if u maintained in vendor master if

come automatically other wise we need enter manually)

2.Enter Purch.Group = Ex:****

3.Conditions Screen (Here Netprice,Effective Price are displayed automatcially)

4.In Contro Screen field Taxcode----("Normally Taxcode is maintained when we

create Invoice)

Note:1.For different inofrecords like subcontract,pipline,consignment need to

maintain tax code,but for Standard PIR No need to maintained Taxcode.

2. ToCross verify PIR ,Create PO for particular material and vendor

Source list:

A source list represents a list of approved Vendors for a Material in a Plant.It includes
the list of possible source of suppy for a material over given frame work of
time.Source list specifies the time period of ordering of a particular material from a
given vendor.

Source list can be copied from one palnt to another plant.By using source list we can
block the vendors.

By using source list we can the fix the vendors( fixed vendors means order will go to
particular vendor) .By using source list we can control the Purchasing officer.Outline
Agreement document number if any.
The information in the sourcelist is maintained in rows and each row is called as a
"Record". Each record will be internally identified with a record number starting with
1 and wii be automatically assigned by the sapsystem based on chronological order of
Each record can be created either manaully or generated automatically.
Automatic generation of records is based on one of the four doucments they are
2.Quota Arrangement
3.Purchase Order
3.Outline Agreement.
The same source lilst document can contain records for multiple validity periods at
the same time.
Note: while creating material master record we need to activate the indicator Source
list in Purchase tab (tcode MM02).

Transaction Codes:
Maintain Source list(create and change)------ME01 and ME02
Display Source list ------ME03
Display Changes to sourcelist ------ME04
Generate Source list ------ME05
Display list of Source list ------ME0M.

Creation of Source list Manually:

Enter T-code ME01 OR

sap easy access > sap menu > Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing > Master
Data > Source List > ME01 - Maintain(Double click).

Enter Material number and Plant ----------> Press Enter----->Enter (validity from
and validity to ,vendor and purchase organization)------->Click on Generatge record

--->Press ok
This Configuration step is used to make source list to bea mandatory document for
all the material purchased in a plant.

Note:In case the source list has to be made mandatory only for a few material in
the plant,then the enduser have to check the sourcelist check box in purchasing
view of required material for relevant plant.

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