Evaluation of Properties and FEM Model of The Friction Welded Mild Steel-Al6061-Alumina
Evaluation of Properties and FEM Model of The Friction Welded Mild Steel-Al6061-Alumina
Evaluation of Properties and FEM Model of The Friction Welded Mild Steel-Al6061-Alumina
Hazman Selia, Mokhtar Awangb, Ahmad Izani Md. Ismailc, Endri Rachmand, Zainal Arifin Ahmade*
Evaluation of mechanical and interfacial properties of friction welded alumina-mild steel rods with
the use of Al6061 sheet are presented in this work. SEM, EDX analysis, hardness and bending strength
tests were conducted. The bonds were attained through interfacial interlocking and intermetalllic
phase formation with average bending strengths in the range of 40 to 200 MPa and insignificant
hardness change in the parent alumina and mild steel. A preliminary simulation was made to predict
the deformation, stress, strain and temperature distribution during the joining operation using a fully
coupled thermo-mechanical FE model. The aluminum alloy metal being rubbed was simulated using a
phenomenological Johnson-Cook viscoplasticity material model, which suited for materials subjected
to large strains, high strain rates and high temperatures. The highest stress, strain and deformation are
found to be within the heat affected zone of the weld close to the periphery rubbing surface region
and correspond to the highest temperature profiles observed.
1. Introduction
Due to low density, high strength, and excellent the interface is just below the melting temperature6. The
high temperature resistance, ceramics are widely used in problems concerning friction welding of dissimilar materials
areas of aerospace and metallurgy. Ceramics and ceramic are not only associated with their individual properties such
matrix composites possess more advantages than metals, as hardness and melting point, but also with the reactions that
particularly in high temperature applications. However, take place at the interface. Metals in general have a higher
ceramics have low toughness which makes it difficult for thermal expansion coefficient than ceramics. Therefore,
used in the production of complex parts. A practical solution when joining ceramics to metals using friction welding, very
for this problem would be to manufacture composite parts large thermal stresses will be induced and in many cases
of ceramics and metals using the joining technique to meet these large stresses cause joint failure. In order to overcome
the requirements1,2. Several ceramic and metal joining this problem, solid phase bonding processes have been
techniques have been developed 3 such as mechanical developed in which a metallic or a composite metal–ceramic
joining, adhesive joining, brazing, diffusion bonding interlayer is placed between the ceramic and metal surfaces
and etc. The joining of ceramics to metallic materials by to be joined. Ceramic–metal interfaces are important in a
means of friction welding (FW) is possible and has been wide range of technologies. The interfacial morphology
successfully performed4,5. Friction welding is a solid-state can determine the performance characteristics of dissimilar
material joints, metal–matrix composites, ceramic–matrix
joining process and one of the most effective processes
composites, electronic packages, glass-to-metal seals, glass
for joining similar and dissimilar materials with high joint
processing systems, and liquid–metal processing systems.
integrity through the combined effects of pressure and
Microstructural development on ceramic–metal interfaces
relative motion of the two workpieces, heating of the joint
plays a critical role in all of these processes7.
interface and inducing of plastic deformation of the material.
In the literature, there are only a few papers which
Under normal conditions, the maximum temperature at
describe the diffusion phenomena in the friction welding
*e-mail: zainal@eng.usm.my process and most involve similar and dissimilar metals.
454 Seli et al. Materials Research
Taban et al.8 studied the friction welding of 6061-T6 times were also measured for their four point bending
aluminum and AISI 1018 steel and suggested that a thin, strength using Instron machine (model 8501) and Knoop
discontinuous intermetallic layer formed at the bondline hardness test.
was a result of interdiffusion between iron and aluminum. The friction welding process was done on a continuous
Intermetallics generally result in mechanical degradation of drive friction welding machine. The friction welding
the joint. The formation of these phases is mainly driven by conditions were 900 rpm rotational speed and 20 MPa axial
interdiffusion of the species and is highly dependent on the pressure. The bending strengths and hardness values of the
specific time and temperature history of the welding process. welded samples were determined. The successful joined
The extended thermal cycles (higher temperatures/longer alumina-mild steel rods are shown in Figure 2.
times) associated with fusion welding processes generally
result in the formation of thick intermetallic compound 2.2. Mathematical model of FW
(IMC) layers at the joint interface. The formation of these
layers is generally considered the root cause for property 2.2.1. Heat transfer
degradation seen with these types of joints. FW can facilitate The governing energy balance for heat flow with a
joint formation at lower temperatures, often at very short moving heat source in an elementary volume subjected to
times, and is generally associated with reduced formation thermal straining may be expressed as:
of these intermetallic phases 9,10. For ceramics–metal
welding, the intermediate layer apart from thermo-plastic pcT + div − k ′.grad (T ) = Q (1)
deformations of metal plays a significant role. It seems
that besides adhesion, the diffusion of atoms from the where T(x,y,z,t) is temperature, (x, y, z) are coordinates in
metal layer into the ceramic foundation can cause sealing the domain D, ρ = ρ (T ) is the density, c = c(T) is mass
of a ceramic material with metal. This is confirmed by the specific heat, k’= k’(T) is heat conductivity and Q (x,y,z,t)
results of investigation on linear distribution of elements, is volumetric heat generation.
carried out by means of electron probe techniques. The The main heat source in FW is generally considered to be
gradient of aluminum concentration, temperature gradient the friction between the rotating rod (mild steel)‑interlayer
and stress field are the factors that power the atom migration (aluminum alloy) sheet surfaces and the unrotating rod
in metal during the welding process. Zimmerman et al.11 (alumina)-interlayer (aluminum alloy) sheet surfaces, and
predicted the average diffusion coefficient of Al to Alumina the “cold work” in the plastic deformation of the interlayer.
(D = 1.8 × 10−13 m2/s) in friction welded Alumina-Al6061 The heat generation from the plastic deformation of the
and stated that the diffusion region occurred in several aluminum is considered to some extent in the model with
micrometers distances. the use of variable friction coefficient and not explicitly
The purpose of this paper is to analyze mechanical accounted for as a heat source. The heat is generated at the
strengths and interfacial properties in bonded alumina-mild interface of the rotating steel rod and the aluminum sheet due
steel rods during the friction welding process where an
interlayer Al6061 sheet is used. A preliminary simulation
is made to predict the deformation, stress, strain and
temperature distribution during the joining operation using
a fully coupled thermo-mechanical FE model.
2. Experimental Methods
to friction and plastic deformation. Frictional heat generated are based on the actual conditions exhibited in experiment.
at the contact surfaces of steel-aluminum (85-90% of total Figure 3 shows the various boundary conditions applied
heat) is analytically determined as follows11 on the model.
Convection at the sides of the aluminum alloy sheet and
q1 = µPωr (2) the rods is represented based on Newton’s law of cooling as
Figure 3. Boundary conditions applied on steel rod, alumina rod and aluminum alloy sheet.
456 Seli et al. Materials Research
temperature history of the rod was considered in each load • Perfect elastic-plastic behaviour of the work pieces
step with the mechanical loading to calculate the active material was assumed also to reduce computer time
stress developed in the workpieces. The quasi-static motion requirements;
of an elementary volume is governed by the rate form of • The interlayer and rods were assumed to experience
equilibrium between stress and body forces is frictional contact described by Coulomb’s frictional
law with temperature dependent friction coefficient, µ;
divσ + p v = ρa (10)
• The friction coefficient, µ below material melting
point were assumed to be zero following the tendency
where σ is the stress tensor, p v is the volume force from the experimental chart13;
intensity, ρ is the material density and a is the acceleration. • The radiation heat loss was neglected as it was
The inertial effect is neglected (a is neglected) in the model
considerably less compared to the conduction
since a constant rotational speed and welding speed is used
and convection losses. The finite element
during FW.
thermo‑mechanical model used the temperature
The mechanical rate and history effects are affected by
varying material properties (thermal conductivity,
the extreme range of temperatures, the high temperature
specific heat and density) for the rods and interlayer.
gradients and the large variation of temperature rates. The
mechanical response behavior is decomposed into thermal, There was assumed to be no material melting since
elastic and plastic components. the maximum temperature was maintained below the
The total strain d ε′ij is composed of elastic strain d ε′eij , solidus temperature (582 °C) of the aluminum alloy;
plastic strain d ε′pij , and thermal strain d ε′Tij : • Almost 90% of the nonrecoverable work because
of plasticity was assumed to heat the work pieces.
d εij′ = d ε eij
′ + d ε ′pij + d εTij
′ (i,j= 1,2,3) (11) This was the fraction of inelastic dissipation rate that
appears as a heat flux per unit volume; and
Hooke’s law, written in subdivided form according to • 100% of dissipated energy caused by friction between
deviatoric and dilatoric or volumetric portion, applies to parts was converted to heat and distributed evenly
elastic strain: between the two interacting surfaces.
The alumina and steel rods were modelled in the
1 computational domain of 20 mm length and 10 mm
ε ′dij = σ (12)
2G dij diameter each. The aluminum alloy sheet was modeled
in the computational domain of 1.42 mm thickness and
1 12 mm diameter. The alumina and steel rods were modelled
ε ′vij = σ (13) using 3D solid (continuum) elements as deformable rigid
3K vij
constrained bodies by Abaqus 6.8 software package. The
The tangent modulus G and compression modulus K can aluminum sheet was modelled as a solid and deformable
be expressed by the elastic modulus E and Poisson’s ratio v’: element. The attachment of aluminum sheet to the steel rod
end surfaces was considered to be perfectly tied.
E In this analysis, a uniform connection was assumed. The
G= (14)
2 (1 − v ′ ) plasticized zone was the heat generated and affected area
where the aluminum turned to be softened due to severe
friction. In this zone the material model of Johnson-Cook
E and adaptive meshing were incorporated during simulation
K= (15)
3 (1 − 2 v ′ )
to enable the occurrence of the aluminum deformation.
Coulomb friction law has been selected for the modelling
The thermal strain ε′T is given by dilatoric strain of the workpieces interface contact. Heat transfer is allowed
components which are function of thermal expansion on the components contact area. The boundary conditions,
coefficient: contact conductance in the heat sink, the convection on the
d εTij
′ = 3d εT′ = 3αT dT (16) external surfaces and sliding surfaces on contact surfaces are
applied on the assembled components of aluminum, steel
and alumina. Initial temperatures for all components were
where αT is the thermal expansion coefficient, E is elastic
assumed at 29 °C. The aluminum alloy edge was constrained
modulus, v’ is the
to move axially.
Poisson’s ratio, and σY is the yield strength.
Since the FW process involves large deformation,
2.2.4. FEM model adaptive meshing minimizes element distortion when an
To model the actual physics phenomena of the FW Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) approach is used in
process is rather complicated. Therefore, several simplifying comparison with a solution using the Lagrangian approach
assumptions have been made. The assumptions made with an implicit solver. Also, the contact algorithm used by
when defining the loads and boundary conditions for the Abaqus/Explicit is computationally efficient when compared
simulation are to an implicit solver.
2013; 16(2) Evaluation of Properties and FEM Model of the Friction Welded Mild Steel-Al6061-Alumina 457
The three components were modelled as 3D solid by the application of appropriate distributed heat fluxes
linear thermally coupled brick using linear hexahedron in the heat transfer analysis and by the application of
element having eights nodes with three degrees of freedom appropriate concentrated loads in the steady-state transport
with tri-linear displacement, temperature calculation and analysis, respectively.
hourglass control. They have been meshed using element The FE analysis was conducted by prescribing steel rod
type C3D8RT, which has 8-node tri-linear displacement rotation and followed by displacement of the alumina rod
and temperature and reduced integration with hourglass with appropriate boundary conditions. The friction welding
control. A total of 3963 elements and 5534 nodes have been simulation was prescribed in three time steps, based on an
generated in Abaqus 6.8 explicit nomenclature as shown in actual experimental setup. In the first step, the steel rod
Figure 4. Their size varies from 0.4 mm to 2 mm depending was rotated at angular velocity of 94.3 rad/s. Then in the
on the parts. second step, the alumina rod was axially displaced with a
In order to reduce processing time and to simplify the rate of 20.8 m/s to the aluminum alloy sheet. Lastly in the
model, the two rods were modelled and constrained as 3D third step, after the rubbed interface reached appropriate
discrete rigid parts. Rigid elements can be used to define welding temperature, the rotating steel rod was stopped for
the surfaces of rigid bodies for contact and can be used to cooling stage.
define rigid bodies for multibody dynamic simulations. The In this example the dissipation of the frictional
holding chucks at the end of the two rods were not modeled heat‑generated temperature fluctuates, ranging from a
in the simulation. Instead, the thermal and mechanical minimum value of 40 °C to a maximum value of 560 °C
interactions between the contact surfaces were represented over the entire friction welding cycle. The temperature
Figure 4. The FEM model and dimension of the workpieces assembly of friction welding process in Abaqus 6.8.
distribution when the contact surfaces are heated to its peak 3. Results and Discussion
value. Under such operating conditions plastic deformation,
as well as creep deformation, is observed. The Johnson‑Cook
3.1. Mechanical properties
plasticity model, which was best suited for modeling the
response of materials with significant time-dependent
3.1.1. Bending strength
behavior as well as plasticity at elevated temperatures,
was used to model the aluminum behaviour. This material The reliability of friction-welded ceramic-metal joint
model consists of an elastic-plastic network. Because the with the use of interlayer depends upon the bending strength
elastic-plastic response of the material varied greatly over of the joint which is usually related to interlayer thickness
this temperature range, temperature-dependent material and friction time of the joint. In this section, the relationships
properties from Table 1 were specified. Table 2 shows the between the interlayer thickness, friction time and bending
input parameters for the friction welding process simulation. strength were investigated. Here, the bending strength was
the average value of 4 joints welded under the same welding they have been largely depleted, leaving an insufficient
conditions. Most of the tested samples fractured in the amount of interlayer for joining. Actually, some of the hot
alumina rod part indicating that the joint is stronger than the deformed interlayer is expelled out from the interface area
brittle alumina body. Most of the tested samples fractured during friction welding. The remaining pressed plasticized
in the alumina rod part as shown in Figure 5. This indicates interlayer diffuses to the alumina and the mild steel surfaces
that the joint is stronger than the brittle alumina body. to produce bonds between them. The insufficient remaining
Figure 6 shows the graphed relationship between the interlayer will incur the existence of incomplete joint near
interlayer thickness, friction time and bending strength the periphery of the interface which is detrimental to the
of the joints. The use of interlayers 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm joint strength. Figure 7 shows the strong bond at the middle
in thickness revealed that the bending strength increased part of the joint.
almost proportionally with the increase in friction time Apart from that, the incomplete joint could also exist
ranging from 60 to 200 MPa, except for joints with 0.3 mm due to major differences in melting points and higher surface
and 0.5 mm interlayers.
energy15. Thus, it usually exists at the alumina-aluminum
The joints with 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm interlayer exhibit
interface rather than at the mild steel-aluminum interface
the maximum bending strengths at the friction time of
because alumina has a higher melting point.
20 seconds i.e. 191 MPa and 186 MPa, respectively, while
the bonds with thinner interlayers (0.3 mm and 0.5 mm)
show lower bending strength values between 40 to 150 MPa. 3.1.2. Hardness property at different point near the
The thinner interlayers could not maintain the increment bondline
of the strength after 8 seconds and 18 seconds because
The hardness profile near the bondline of the
alumina‑mild steel joint is shown in Figure 8. The hardness
profile in the alumina part exhibited insignificant change and
remained constant like before the friction process occurs,
i.e. within the range of 1300-1700 KHN. Because alumina
has inert, hard and brittle properties, only aluminum atom
diffusion occurs at the contact surface during the friction
process. On the other hand, the hardness value for the mild
steel part slightly increased towards the joint (reaching
200 KHN). This resulted from the effects of the formation
of the narrow brittle intermetallic phase at the mild
steel–aluminum interface, as discussed in the interfacial
Figure 5. Fractured alumina rods after bending tests. microstructure characterization.
Figure 6. Relationship between interlayer thickness, friction time and bending strength of the joints.
460 Seli et al. Materials Research
3.2. Interfacial properties analysis Al concentration varies from the aluminium side
(97.92 wt. (%)) across the interface towards the alumina
The interfaces of the welded sample were observed and
side (78.19 wt. (%)). During the friction welding process,
analysed. The weld cross-section of successful mild steel and
the softened Al is expected to diffuse into the alumina side
alumina rods joint with the use of Al6061 interlayer is shown
in Figure 9. The two rods were bonded by the interlayer with in micrometer distance, causing interlocking and mechanical
an average intermediate distance of 0.303 mm. The friction mixing with the open structure of the alumina surface for
process had consumed about 0.997 mm of the original interface bond formation.
interlayer thickness (1.3 mm) to create the joint. 3.2.2. Aluminum diffusion across aluminum-mild
3.2.1. Aluminum diffusion across aluminum-alumina steel interface
interface The friction process of dissimilar metals can
Aluminum elements across the aluminum-alumina produce an intermetallic region at the interface area 16.
interface are presented in Figure 10. The interfacial Figure 11a shows the enlarged interfacial microstructure
microstructure of the aluminum-alumina interface with of mild steel‑aluminum with the presence of a very narrow
visible bond seam can be obviously seen in Figure 10a. The intermetallic compound, which seems to be caused by
alumina-aluminum interface does not show the presence extreme rubbing action and reaction in the contact zone. The
of any new phase except for mechanical interlocking of intermetallic phase was clearly detected by EDX analyzer
alumina and aluminum. (Figure 11b) as a combination and variation of elements of
Alumina is a very stable ceramic and it only allows Al and Fe. This compound is brittle and could be detrimental
reactions to occur at higher sintering temperatures to the joint strength if its formation is not controlled. A
(1600 °C). Alumina surface is porous, inert, rigid and longer duration of the friction process could produce more
has an open structure, as shown in Figure 10a. The intermetallic compound10. Therefore, controlling the friction
bonding occurs at the interface by mechanical mixing and time limits the growth of the intermetallic phase at the mild
interlocking mechanism whenever plasticized aluminum steel-aluminum interface. Usually, a very short friction time
atom diffuses into the alumina surfaces. Mechanical mixing is attempted to avoid wider intermetallic phase formation.
and interlocking occurs at the alumina-aluminum interface. The results in Figure 11b show linear traces of Fe
and Al contents in wt. (%). Based on the Fe-Al phase
diagram17, the intermetallic compounds are identified with
their corresponding crystal structure in Table 3. Based on
the compositions from Table 3 and Figure 9b, the Fe-rich
intermetallics (FeAl and Fe3Al) and the Al-rich intermetallics
(FeAl3 and Fe2Al5) can be identified. It should be noted that
the FeAl3 and Fe2Al5 intermetallics are brittle while FeAl
and Fe3Al are slightly ductile17. A relatively smaller number
of steel fragments are present at the aluminum side.
Figure 10. a) The 62 µm length tested zone across the aluminum-alumina interface. b) Linear distribution of the chemical elements
performed by EDX analysis across the interface.
462 Seli et al. Materials Research
Figure 11. a) The 8.79 µm length tested zone across the aluminum-mild steel interface. b) Linear distribution of the chemical elements
performed by electron probe X-ray microanalysis across the interface.
time-temperature history of nodes 55, 239 and 245 on the labeled in the inset in the Figure 15, node 56 located at the
alumina rubbing surface as labeled in the inset. The wavy rod periphery has the highest temperature increase. The
like temperature increase on the nodes most probably due temperature increase rapidly from room temperature up to
to the friction and the interlayer surface deformation. Node almost 130 °C. Due to friction mechanism, the temperature
55 has a steady temperature increase from room temperature then rises and fluctuates further until 150 °C before slowly
up to 100 °C over as it located at the periphery of the rod. decreases when the steel rod rotation is stopped. Following
Node 245 at the center of the rod indicates up to around the same trend, both inner nodes 245 and 250 show overlap
78 °C higher temperature that of middle node 239. These curves. During the FW process, temperature at the two nodes
temperature variation correlates with the temperature increase rapidly up to 110 °C and steadily rises up to 150 °C
contours of the interlayer rubbing surface discussed above. before slowly decreases after the FW stopped.
After the rod rotation is stopped, the three nodes maintain
3.3.3. Strain and stress distribution
receiving constant heat flows from the higher temperature
deformed aluminum sheet. Figure 16 shows the Von Mises stress and equivalent
Unlike alumina, it is expected that steel has much plastic strain contour maps of the interlayer rubbing surface
higher temperature increase as illustrated in Figure 15. at friction welding time of 0.0053 seconds. As it can be
The comparison thermal conductivity between steel and observed, the maximum plastic strain reaches the value
alumina has been discussed in detail by Seli et al.20. As of 6, and is generated where the largest plastic strains take
Figure 13. Top: Total deformation of the interlayer due to the horizontal displacement under mechanical loading and rotation (900 rpm).
Bottom: Cross section view of the interlayer deformation across Eulerian boundary.
464 Seli et al. Materials Research
0 seconds (initial)
0.0001 seconds
0.005 seconds
0.01 seconds
place in the material close to the rod periphery, since the rod experienced yielding and the maximum stress appears
material is subjected to intense deformations due to the in the interlayer contacted surface, near the periphery zone
rod’s translational and rotational motion. This issue matches of the contacted diameter.
with the maximum deformed interlayer temperature found There are several key parameters in the model that
at the same zone. have a significant impact in the simulation results: the
Regarding the Von Mises stress distribution shown in coefficient of friction between the rod and the interlayer
Figure 16, it is important to keep in mind that, in the model, material, the limiting shear stress that controls the stick/slip
the yield stress was given as a function of temperature and condition between contacting surfaces and the distribution
the values ranged from around 510 MPa at room temperature of frictional heat between the rod and the interlayer sheet.
to less than 21 MPa at temperatures greater than 300 °C. Ideally, carefully designed experiments should be conducted
As can be observed, The material close to the contacted to determine the value of those parameters.
Figure 14. Temperature at nodes 55, 239 and 245 on the alumina rubbing surface as a function of time during the entire process period.
Figure 15. Temperature at nodes 56, 245 and 250 on the tied steel-aluminum interface as a function of time during the entire process period.
466 Seli et al. Materials Research
Figure 16. Von Mises stress (top) and equivalent plastic strain (bottom) for the interlayer rubbing surface.
A preliminary finite element modeling approach has are needed to obtain flash during the operation. Also more
been described for the simulation and analysis of the realistic representation of the temperature dependent
friction welding process, which makes use of adaptive elastoplastic material behavior would be expected to
meshing and advection algorithms using an explicit code decrease the predicted temperatures to more realistic values.
(Abaqus). The fully coupled thermal-mechanical FE Even though the FE model proposed in this study cannot
model, the peak temperature, the fields of temperature, replace a more accurate analysis, it does provide guidance in
deformation, stresses and strains are successfully analyzed weld parameter development and enhances understanding of
where maximum values are mostly predicted to be around the friction welding process, thus reducing costly and time
the periphery of the rubbing surface. The combined features consuming experimental approaches.
of this approach allow the coupled thermo-elasto-plastic
response to be obtained, which clearly shows the extent of Acknowledgements
the thermomechanically affected zone and the temperature The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial
profile immediately after the operation is completed. While support of this work by the Universiti Teknologi MARA
the predicted overall deformation shapes are reasonable (UiTM), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Ministry of
considering the assumptions made, further refinements Higher Education, Malaysia.
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