6th Annual HSE Qatar
6th Annual HSE Qatar
6th Annual HSE Qatar
CME Credits
Attendance 6th Annual HSE Forum
in Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals
Transcending HSE Standards: Journey into New Frontiers
25th - 27th October 2010
Diplomatic Club, Doha-Qatar
Supported by:
HE Abdulla Bin Khaled Al-Qahtani, Minister of Health
Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Health, Qatar
Endorsed by:
Gold Sponsors:
Silver Sponsors:
Supported by:
Advisory panel
Following list represents the Advisors who have joined in crafting the program for our 6th Annual HSE Forum in Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals.
The Conference Program has been shaped with the kind support and efforts of our Advisory Panel who have indeed been an inevitable part
of the entire process of conference formulation.
Maha Shehab Ahmed Khalil, BAPCO Waddah Ghanem, ENOC
Ministry of Health, Bahrain HSE Manager Group EHSQ Manager
Occupational Health Specialist
Robert Hirst, Yemen LNG William Freeland
Ahmed Al Shatti Saudi Aramco
Corporate HSSE Manager
Ministry of Labor – Kuwait Head of Occupational Medicine
Consultant – Occupational & Environmental
Tee L. Guidotti
Medicine & Director Tariq Al Ghamdi, ASSE
National Medical Advisory Services
– Occupational Health Dept. ME President
Dr. Mansour Al Sulaimani Lorraine Attard
Saudi Aramco Shell Refinery Company Simon P. Waldram Ph.D. Medilink International
(SASREF) Texas A&M University (Institute of Health & Safety)
Safety, Security & Environment Manager Professor - Chemical Engineering Medical Service Manager
CME Certification for Occupational Health session from Hamad • 1 day attendance as delegate – 0.50
Medical Corporation: Recertification Points/ Credits from Institute of Professional
This conference is accredited by Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar Environment Practise (IPEP)
for 4 hours and 15 minutes. Certificates (6 CME Credits) will be issued IPEP can claim recertification points as follows:-
to officials with medical background on attending the Occupational
Health Session on Day 2 • Advisor / Committe Member – 3 points
CPE Certification from Board of Environmental, Health & Safety • Conference Chair – 10 points
Auditor Certifications (BEAC) • Session Chair – 5 points
BEAC CPEAs or applicants qualify for CPD credits as follows: • Presenter – 3 points
• 1 day – 7 hours of CPD credits • Attendee – 5 points
• 2 days – 14 hours of CPD credits
• 3 days – 21 hours of CPD credits Certification Maintenance Points from American Board of
Recertification Points/Credits from Board of Certified Safety Industrial Hygiene (ABIH)
Engineers (BCSP)
• Half Day: 0.5 IH CM Points
CSPs, OHSTs, and CHSTs can claim recertification points as follows :
• One Day: 1 IH CM Point
• Safety Related Presenter – 0.25 points
• 2 days attendance as delegate – 1 point • Two Days: 2 IH CM Points
HSE from an Executive’s Point of View: Turning Complaints into Efficiencies MDs • VPs • General Managers •
Heads • Managers • Team Leaders
Upside of the Downturn – HSE Management Strategies to Prevail in the • Superintendents • Advisors •
Recession & Thrive in the Aftermath
Cordinators • Auditors • Engineers
Reality Check: Disaster! How Organisations have No Memory & Accidents Recur? for Health, Safety, Security, Quality •
Fire and Safety Engineering Process
Process Safety Indicators for Successful HSE Management: Small Steps-Big Wins Safety • Operations • Exploration
Risk Management for Sustainable Safety Performance: When Low is Good & Production • Crisis Management
Enough? Strategy • Contingency Planning
• Occupational Health • Risk
Occupational Health & Wellness: Identify Vulnerabilities & Common Oversights Assessment • Corporate Medical
Growing Commitment towards Environment: Sustainable Practices & Directors • Consultants • Loss &
Regulations Preventions etc •
Booking line: tel: + 971 4 609 1579, fax: + 971 4 609 1589
9:00 Keynote Address by Dr. Salih Ali Al Marri, Supreme Council of Health
Assistant Secretary General for Medical Affairs
Outlook on the HSE Environment – Regulations, Changing Trends & Growing Challenges
9:10 LEADER’S PANEL HSE from an Executive’s Point of View: Turning Complaints into Efficiencies
The Leader’s Panel will discuss senior management’s views on the importance of HSE and the expectations business and industry
leaders have on the role of HSE professionals. Understanding the perspective of executives is a critical element of success for HSE
professionals. The panel will include questions submitted by attendees.
• Making business case for HSE and demonstrating ROI during hard economic times
• Examining the cost of poor HSE management on brand image & share price
• Practical case studies of how companies are coping with more restrained budgets while facing more inspections and tougher
• Regulations: Whether we have too much or not enough – are the answers never enough?
Graham Rae, Dolphin Energy, VP-QHSE
Dr. Mohammad A. Al-Ramadhan, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Deputy MD – HSSE
Brett Doherty, Rasgas, SHE Group Manager
Robert Munster, Pearl GTL, Shell Qatar, Vice President HSSE/SD & Manager HSSE/SD
Timothy Harding, HSE Regulations & Enforcement Directorate, Qatar Petroleum
Acting Manager HSE Technical & Supervision
9:40 Regulator’s Perspective: Approach to Integrating Health, Safety & Environmental Regulating
10:10 21st Century HSE Management: Reforms & Challenges Facing the Industry
11:00 Process Safety Indicators for Successful HSE 11:00 Investing in the Future: Kuwait Petroleum
Management: Small Steps-Big Wins Corporation’s Strategy to Manage its GHG
• Meeting key challenges in PSM, including safety • Need for GHG Emissions Management Strategy
culture, leadership support, risk exposure and software
• Methodology for creating KPC’s GHG Strategy
• KPC GHG emissions footprint & leveraging international
• Evaluating examples of PSM activities and best practices
carbon financial markets
– keys to effective implementation during the asset life-
cycle • Identification of potential emission reduction
opportunities within KPC
• Understand how to apply and balance leading and
lagging indicators • Developing the right operating model for KPC to
implement its strategy
• Building safety into a process to ensure integrity
throughout facility life-cycle Dr. Mohammad A. Al-Ramadhan
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
Brett Doherty, Rasgas
Deputy MD – HSSE
SHE Group Manager
11:30 Security: The Silent S in SSHE - An ExxonMobil
11:30 How to Ensure Electronic Permit to Work & Risk Approach
Assessment Don’t Simple Become Clicking & • Look at typical security organizations within oil and gas
Permission Seeking Exercises? industry - office based and operating sites
• Operational and software safeguards building awareness • Review security and its ties to safety – cultural shifts
• Integrating risk assessment, permit to work, isolation • Exploring how Security fits into operations integrity
management and dangerous goods management into management systems
one Integrated Safe System Of Work (ISSOW) - Risk management
• Outlining steps towards a fully integrated operational - Engineering standards & specifications
safety environment
- Personnel protection etc
Rene Borsch, Cirrus Energy • Investigate security in emergency response and beyond
Operations Manager
Adam Cantu, Exxonmobil
12:00 Achieving A Step Change in Safety Performance HSSE Manager
• Developing a Safety Culture through engagement & 12:00 Managing the Challenges of a Large LNG
compliance. Construction Project in a Stakeholder Sensitive
• Visibly demonstrating care for people - sets foundation Context
for safe working culture • What is Corporate Social Responsibility? How to
• Training for skill enhancement & motivation manage the new global reality in energy industry?
• Maintaining ongoing engagement at all levels of the • Creating a suitable environment for CSR within the
Project organization – going beyond HSE
• CSR, Sustainability Issues and HSE – what links them
Robert Munster, Pearl GTL, Shell Qatar
Vice President HSSE/SD & Manager HSSE/SD
• Who are our key Stakeholders? What are the risks?
12:30 OHSAS 18001 – A Key Strategy to Manage • Communicating with our Stakeholders in planning for
Safety in your Organization Business Success
• Challenges & Derived Conclusions
• Understanding Management Systems
Jeanette Rascher, Yemen LNG
• Health and Safety Management System – OHSAS 18001
Social and Development Consultant
• How to Manage Safety in your Organization by
systematically controlling Hazards and Risks 12:30 Different Industry Perspective: Setup of
• OHSAS Vs HAZOP and other Safety methodologies an EHS Management System as Greenfield
Implementation Based on SAP EHS
• Case Study and Statistics
• Challenges from the start
• Intergration of Safety Management Systems to
Environmental Management Systems • The way forward – project setup
Sudhir Pandra, Velosi Group • Pitfalls, obstacles and lessons learnt
Regional Head, Middle East Richard (Rick) L. Hynes
Juzar C. M., Velosi Group Qatar Aluminium Ltd. Co (Qatalum)
Head - Management Systems Health Safety and Environment Manager
13:00 Prayer Break & Lunch 13:00 Prayer Break & Lunch
Booking line: tel: + 971 4 609 1579, fax: + 971 4 609 1589
9:00 Effective Workplace Health Management: Proven Strategies & Best Practices
• Health strategy & co-ordinate approach
• Prime fundamentals of effective strategy & regional benchmarks
• Workplace health program in promoting employee‘s health
• Sharing QP’s proven strategies and best practices
10:00 INTERACTIVE PANEL DISCUSSION on Stress & Pressure Management in the Current Cost Conscious Economy
• How are employees reacting to the increasing pressures placed on them?
• How does workplace pressure affect employee contribution?
• Challenge of reducing cost without compromising employee wellbeing
• The enemy within: How to effectively deal with the problem of stress
• A stressed society: how far can health and safety deliver change?
Lorraine Attard, Medilink International (Institute of Health & Safety)
Medical Service Manager
Samantha Horseman,Saudi Aramco
Preventive Medicine Specialist
Caroline Minshell, BP
Health Director
Track A Track B
11:00 Cradle to Grave: Management of Hazardous 11:00 Disaster & Emergency Response to Aviation
Materials incident at a Remote Industrial Location
Objective: Present the “Picture” of management of • Organisation and mitigation of an Aviation Incident
hazardous materials as a team effort & challenge
organizations to manage hazardous materials from • Roles of all Emergency Services
“cradle to grave”. • Mutual Aid from local medical and civilian responders
• Health Risk Assessment
• Availability of Medivac and utilisation of all modes of
• Hazard Communication Training
• Material Safety Data Sheets
• Tank and Vessel Labeling • Criteria for immediate transportation
• Personal Protective Equipment
• Storage of Hazardous Materials • Emergency Response Planning
• Audits and Inspections George Williamson, Saudi Aramco
• Emergency Plans QI Advisor, MDFD- Remote Area Clinics
• Waste and Disposal
• Medical Support 11:30 Industrial Disaster Management: Role of the
Oliver F. McDonald, Rasgas Occupational Health Service (OHS)
Head of Industrial Hygiene
• Defining Industrial & Workplace health service structure
11:30 Isolated & Remote Working: Impact on in routine & disaster days
Employee Well being
• Exploring different types of health & medical emergency
• Exploring health management needs in hostile and in the Oil & Gas industrial sittings
remote locations
• Psychological surveillance and support services • Theoretical basis for enterprise-based emergency
• Medical assistance with other organisations and management “ The Value Pyramid”
government • Role & function of OHS in industrial emergency
• Resourcing and capability development management & disaster planning
Caroline Minshell, BP “What can only OHS do?”
Health Director
• Classical model of medical emergency management
12:00 Holistic Approach to Injury/Disability and the scope of health & medical services
Management & Rehabilitation:
Effective Return-To-Work Program Ahmed Al Musaed, Saudi Aramco
Occupational Medicine Specialist
• Practical barriers to rehabilitation faced by employers
• What is the role of employers and healthcare
12:00 The Future of OHS Education in the Gulf
• How skills and talents might be nurtured, irrespective of This presentation will outline the curriculum of the first
disability post-secondary OHS program in the Gulf, appraise what
• Ensure early return-to-work efforts and avoid long-term the core competencies of future OHS professionals should
disability be and present the results of a heat stress study completed
• Return to work after occupational injury – Treated as by CNA-Q OHS students. An OHS diploma is now available
Management imperative through the College of the North Atlantic – Qatar.
• Understanding “Soft” Disabilities and Injuries in the
Workplace. Adam A. Neave, BASc (OHS), CRSP, CHSC
Lorraine Attard, Medilink International College of the North Atlantic-Qatar, OHS Instructor
(Institute of Health & Safety)
Medical Service Manager
12:30 Effective Biological & Biological Effect
Monitoring in the Oil & Gas industry
12:30 Medical Screening of Staff for Offshore Industry
using a Risk Management Paradigm • What are biological and biological effect monitoring?
• Design of Offshore Medical facilities
• How can BM and BEM be used to manage health risk?
• Role of Telemedicine and Onshore Support
• Criteria for Medivac • Effective strategies for BM and BEM in the oil and gas
• OSHA Risk Management industry: benzene, mercury and lead
Associate Prof. Tony Hochberg Mark Newson Smith, ENOC
First Group For Medical Service Chief Medical Officer
Medical Consultant
13:00 Prayer Break & Lunch 13:00 Prayer Break & Lunch
email: adnan.khowaja@fleminggulf.com, www.hse-me.com
14:00 Corporate Environmental and Social Responsibility (CESR) “A Vehicle for Achieving Sustainability”
• What is Corporate Environmental Social Responsibility (CESR)
• Why the interest?
• Inequities and disparities
• Movie from traditional to responsible management
• What is needed to achieve Sustainable Development?
• What is Corporate Environmental Social Responsibility (CESR)
• CESR Principles & Mechanism
• CESR application in Oil & Gas Sector
Fareed I. Bushehri, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Regional DTIE Officer
• Examine baseline conditions and determining criteria for Corporate Citizenship performance
• Benchmark and addressing materiality & reality in program implementation
• Realise best practice and establishing appropriate KPIs
• Design & implementation of a Corporate Citizenship plan
James Baldwin, Qatargas, Environment Manager
15:30 Oil Spill Preparedness & Response: Fear, Facts and Realities
16:00 Interactive Panel Discussion: Oil Spill Response – “Be more proactive than reactive” Don’t have to have a
spill happen to learn lessons from it!
• Co-ordinated regional response in the Region, to include the draft Regional Contingency Plan and proposals by
Governments and the regional oil industry for a regional response organization
• Following the Deepwater Horizon spill, is this region prepared to respond to such an incident?
• Developing International Oil Spill Protocol and Response
• Spills Prevention & Response: It is Not Just a Clean Up
• International Spill Response Framework
Rajab Ali Askanani, Qatar Petroleum, Manager Oil Spill & Emergency Response Department
Captain Musaed Salman, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
Team Leader OSR, Environment & Oil Spill Response Department
Richard Sims, Oil Spill Response, Regional Manager
Eric Eaglin, Environmental Engineer/ Expert
16:30 Winning Four International Environmental Awards in Four Consecutive Years - What is Next?
• GCC Award in 2006, CPChem President Award in 2007, Harmony Award in 2008, CPChem President Award 2nd time in 2009
• Reduction of numbers of Reportable Events; Reduction of flaring and air emissions; Reduction of Wastes; Optimization of Energy;
Increase in Reuse/Recycling
• Pioneer in adopting Smart LDAR and many other new environmental programs
• Saving no Efforts or Resources – 15.5 Million Dollars spent in 2 years for Environmental Projects
• Plans Forward
Ahmad M. Homssi, Q-Chem, Environmental Manager
Workshop A Workshop B
8:30 Registration & Coffee 14:00 – 17:30 Emergency Management & Response:
International Law & Practice
9:00 – 12:30 Smooth Transition from Paper to
Electronic Permit to Work
Workshop Overview
Workshop Overview Pandemics, oil spills, activist attacks and hurricanes are
The workshop will demonstrate how to smoothly migrate examples of emergencies that we would prefer not to
from paper to electronic permit to work, risk assessment think about and never expect to happen to us but that
and isolation management. A design and implementation we need to plan for. This half-day interactive workshop
workshop will give a very clear understanding of how the will look at lessons from our past and provide an overview
transition can be handled for your company. Moreover this of international law and practice regarding emergency
workshop will give you hands on experience of an innovative management and response, with a specific focus on
hybrid solution, a new method for risk assessment and will Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United
demonstrate the use and importance of safety barriers. States.
Workshop Methodology
Know About Your Workshop Leaders
Delegates will learn by active participation through inspiring
presentation exercises and interactive techniques presented
in a lively, enthusiastic and interesting style. Adam A. Neave, BASc (OHS), CRSP, CHSC
College of the North Atlantic-Qatar, OHS Instructor
Know About Your Workshop Leaders
Adam facilitates the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
Rene Borsch, Operations Manager, Cirrus Energy diploma program at the College of the North Atlantic –
Rene borsch has a degree in Business and a degree in Gas Qatar. Mr. Neave obtained his degree in OHS from Ryerson
and Petroleum engineering. Rene has held many jobs within University before spending more than six years as an
the Oil & Gas industry including Lead Operator mechanic, OHS Consultant at Canada’s largest law firm – Gowlings.
Installation Manager, HSE Engineer, Production manager Many of those years were spent in Calgary, Alberta where
and currently holds the position of Operations manager. he provided OHS and workers’ compensation advice to
companies operating in the upstream oil and gas industry.
Neil Currie, CEO, eVision Industry Software During that time, he co-authored the legal text A Practical
Neil has an engineering background and has worked Guide to Compliance with Alberta’s OHS laws. Adam
as software architect for numerous Industries including achieved his Canadian Registered Safety Professional and
the Oil & Gas and petrochemical industry. Neil has held Certified Health and Safety Consultant designations and is
many positions including lead architect, development also a licensed paralegal in Canada. In addition, Adam is
manager and product manager. Neil is specialized in risk the editor of World Focus, the ASSE’s International Practice
management and operational software systems. Currently Specialty newsletter and he writes an editorial column
Neil holds the position of CEO at eVision Industry Software, covering international OHS issues in Canadian Occupational
the global leader in innovative operational safety software Safety magazine.
email: adnan.khowaja@fleminggulf.com, www.hse-me.com
Speaker Biographies the Directorate are developing and in the throws of implementing this year and beyond. The prime
function of the HSE Directorate is to assure the industry is regulated and risks are controlled, under the
provisions of Decree-Law No. 4 of 1977 and implementation of Law No. 8 of 2004, Environmental
Dr. Salih Ali Al Marri, Supreme Council of Health
Protection Law promulgated by Decree-Law No. 30 of 2002, and Decision No. (5) of 2005.
Assistant Secretary General for Medical Affairs
Dr. Salih Al Marri is currently the Assistant Secretary General for Medical Affairs of the Supreme Council
Brett Doherty, Rasgas, SHE Group Manager
of Health-Qatar; concurrently practicing his field as Consultant of Family Medicine in Hamad Medical Brett Doherty was appointed the Safety, Health & Environment Manager for Rasgas Company Limited,
Corporation. His present government appointment was not served to him in silver platter, indeed the now the largest integrated gas processing facility in the world, in December 2005. His portfolio of
fruit of patience and hard work; Excellence and Attitude combined. He gained his Bachelor’s Degree responsibilities, in addition to SH & E, includes Loss Prevention and Risk, Integrity Management
in May 1993 at the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, continuously practiced his internship until he and Quality, Security, Fire Service, Emergency Response and Business Continuity. Rasgas produces
completed and passed the Arab Board in Family Medicine in 1999; Had his clinical and academic LNG, LPGs, gas condensate, sales gas, liquid helium and sulphur. Mr. Doherty has over 21 years
Fellowships in the University of Toronto Canada, from 1991-2001. Attained his Masters in Health Post Graduate experience, predominantly in the oil and gas industry. Prior to his current position,
Care Management in May 2009. .. Not to mention his being a recipient of several honors and awards. Mr. Doherty worked as Asset Manager in Operations and before RasGas worked in Australia for
Furthermore, he is also an active member of different organizations and notable committees. A Santos overseeing asset management of oil and gas production facilities & pipelines. Mr. Doherty is a
member, an advisor, a reviewer and a contributor of various Medical Journals. Through persistent, he member of the Institute of Engineers Australia, & a Chartered Engineer, graduating from University of
rose from being a Resident, to Consultant, to Chairmanship and Directorship of different departments, Queensland in Electrical Engineering in 1987. He also graduated in Law with honours from Queensland
and most recently as the Medical Advisor of HMC’s Strategic Planning and being the Project Manager University of Technology in 2000.
of the 320 bedded Hospital in Al Wakra. Certainly a ladderized journey to where he is now. A man of
few words, but visible in actions, known for his quiet and blissful managerial expertise: indisputably a
Robert Munster, Pearl GTL, Shell Qatar
much longer journey ahead towards excellent service and outstanding quality health values. Vice President HSSE/SD & Manager HSSE/SD
Robert graduated with an Honors degree in Chemistry from Victoria University in New Zealand. He
Graham Rae, Dolphin Energy, VP-QHSE
is currently Vice President for HSSE and Sustainable Development for Qatar Shell and the HSSE/SD
Career started in 1974 working in various project positions related to welding, materials engineering Manager for the Pearl GTL Project. Following work in engineering and construction activities he moved
and quality systems in the North Sea. Joined Occidental Oil & Gas in 1989, and past assignments into the area of technical safety in 1989. He developed an enjoyment working in field of safety that
include Quality Assurance Manager, Safety & Certification Manager, Loss Prevention Manager, he has continued from that day. He has worked for Shell in New Zealand, Thailand, Philippines, The
Worldwide Safety Manager and Health, Safety & Environment Manager working in Europe, Asia, USA, Hague, and for the last 5 years on the Pearl GTL Project.
Middle East. Graduate in offshore engineering (materials & corrosion) from Robert Gordon University
& Northumbria University, and safety management from British Safety Council. Jean Michel Courandier, Total E&P Qatar, HSE Manager
Professional Experience
Dr. Mohammad A. Al-Ramadhan, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
Deputy MD – HSSE • 1985-1988: Occupational Physician in the department of occupational medicine of the Rouen
University Hospital Centre.
Dr. Mohammad A. Al-Ramadhan graduated from the University of Michigan, USA in August 1989
with a Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering. He also holds a Master and Bachelor degrees in • 1988-1990: Occupational physician for several small chemical plants in Rouen.
mechanical engineering from Syracuse University in the USA. From 1991 to 1993 Dr. Al-Ramadhan • 1990-2000: Occupational physician of the fertilizer plant of Grande-Paroisse S.A. (Atofina) in
was the manager of the Energy Department at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR). In Rouen. Since 1996, Occupational Physician Manager of Grande-Paroisse S.A (TOTAL Group).)
1993 he was promoted to the position of the Director of the Engineering Division at KISR. In 1997
• 2000-2004: Industrial Hygiene Corporate Manager. Atofina (headquarters in Paris) (TOTAL
he joined Kuwait Petroleum Corporation as the Manager of the KPC International Relations. In 1999
Dr. Al-Ramadhan was appointed as Deputy Managing Director for the Decision-Support Group
which is part of the functions reporting to the Chairman of KPC. He also served as a Member of • 2004-2008: Industrial Hygiene Corporate Manager. TOTAL Exploration &Production
the Board of Directors of Kuwait Oil Company during the period 1999-2002. Since 2002 until now (headquarters in Paris).
Dr. Al-Ramadhan holds the executive position of Deputy Managing Director for Health, Safety & • Since August 2008: HSE manager TOTAL E&P Qatar
Environment. He is also the Acting Deputy Managing Director for Research and Technology at KPC.
In January 2006 Dr. Al-Ramadhan was also appointed as President for KPC Energy Ventures, Inc., in Education: Doctorate of medicine from University of Rouen, Diploma of Occupational medicine,
which he is responsible for Managing the KPC New Energy Technology Investment Program. Some of Engineer in applied organic chemistry
Dr. Al-Ramadhan achievements include: Adam Cantu, Exxonmobil, HSSE Manager
• Development and implementation of the KPC Corporate HSE Management System for KPC and Born in Houston, Texas, USA in 1967, I have a B.Sc. in Marine Science from Texas A&M University and
its subsidiaries and affiliates a Masters in Chemical Oceanography from the University of Rhode Island. Began career with Qatar
• Development and implementation of the KPC corporate-wide Enterprise Risk Management Liquefied Gas Company Ltd. in 1995, working in environmental roles until 2000. Joined ExxonMobil
which integrates risk management policies, practices and procedures into the decision making Corporation in 2001 and have worked in oil, gas and chemicals sectors. Worked in air regulatory
processes of KPC. section in Baytown Refinery from 2001 – 2003. Moved on to the Baytown Chemical Plant in 2004 to
supervise the environmental group. Moved to Milan, Italy in early 2007 to lead the regulatory group
• Development of the Long-Term Technology and R&D Strategy to KPC and its Subsidiaries
for a Development Company project in Kazakhstan. Moved to Qatar in late 2008 to take up the role of
• Established the first R&D organization ever in KPC. SSHE Manager in ExxonMobil Qatar, Inc.Family and hobbies: Married to wife Tobe Cantu and have 3
• Established a Network with a number of local and international R&D Institutions and sons, Adam III (10), Noah (8) and Seth (5). Hobbies: Riding motocross, scuba diving and baseball
Universities collaborate with KPC in R&D programs and projects. Jeanette Rascher, Yemen LNG, Social and Development Consultant
• Established the Kuwait International Petroleum Research Center (KIPRC) Jeanette Rascher is a Social Anthropologist and is presently employed as Social and Development
• Developed the KPC investment program in New Energy Technology Consultant for the Yemen LNG Company based in Sana’a, Yemen. Jeanette has more than 25
years of experience in the design and implementation of social management plans including socio-
Dr. Al-Ramadhan has published many scientific papers in the areas of energy technologies, alternative
economic and socio-cultural research, socio-economic and health impact assessments as part of
energy resources and the environment.
Environmental Impact Assessments, sustainable community development, public consultation and
Timothy Harding, Qatar Petroleum, disclosure en resettlement action plans. She has lived and worked in European, African and Middle
Acting Manager HSE Technical & Supervision, HSE Regulations & East countries for several years and has extensively worked for the mining and oil and gas industry on
social management plans. Jeanette holds a PhD in Medical Anthropology, Masters Degree in Social
Enforcement Directorate Anthropology, Honours Degree in Industrial Psychology (Management of HIV/AIDS) and a Diploma
Tim Harding has been seconded to the HSE Directorate Regulations & Enforcement from ConocoPhillips in Public Relations. Her main leisure interests are cultural/genealogical research, calligraphy, creative
and currently assumes the role as Acting Manager Technical and Supervision. He has worked for art, piano and swimming.
ConocoPhillips for over 31 years after joining Phillips Petroleum (pre merger of Conoco and Phillips)
in London, UK in 1978 straight from Exeter University after graduating with an Honours degree in Michael W. Thompson, BP Production & Exploration
Chemical Engineering. He has held petroleum, production, drilling, process and operations engineering Information Technology and Service Global HSE Advisor
positions and moved up to Engineering Management in the Southern North Sea which included Michael W. Thompson is the Information Technology and Service Global HSE Advisor for BP Exploration
topsides and subsea. As a result of the Safety Case regime that came into force in the UK he was tasked and Production, located in Houston, Texas. He provides HSE management and service support to 20
with coordinating the preparation and acceptance of 3 safety cases for the offshore operations and worksites worldwide. His professional experience includes over 30 years of progressive assignments in
one safety report for the onshore gas terminal (under COMAH/CIMAH regulations). ConocoPhillips general management, manufacturing and HSE in the energy, health care and electronics industries.
were supplying about +10% of the UK gas demand at this time through these facilities. This was He earned a Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Safety Engineering from Texas A&M University and has
the start of his transition to HSE as at that time, engineering also had to develop environmental continuing education certifications in business management and supervision. He is credentialed by
operating conditions for the onshore terminal. He was later assigned to HSE Manager for the southern the Board of Certified Safety Professionals for Comprehensive Practice. Mr. Thompson is a Professional
North Sea operations to ensure the implementation of the HSE Management System, Safety Case/ Member of the American Society of Safety Engineers, a Society Past President, 2007-2008, and is
Report compliance and environmental compliance. He was the prime communication point with the currently serving on the Past Presidents Advisory Forum, Finance and Government Affairs Committee
regulators, both the HSE and Environmental Agency of the UK. From the UK, Tim moved to Venezuela and Chapter and Student Sections Awards Selection Committee. Thompson is also the ASSE 2010
in South America on a major heavy oil project as HSE Manager on the oil upgrader (taking 8⁰ API crude Society Safety Professional of the Year. In addition to membership in ASSE, he is a member of the Society
up to 24⁰ API) construction project. From there he moved to Nigeria to work on a major LNG project of Petroleum Engineers, currently serving on the E&P HSE Conference Planning Committee. Additional
and developed the HSE Management System and the main Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Professional Activities include: • Advisory Board Member – Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) •
including Sustainable Development program implementation. Tim now finds himself in this great Co-Chairman – National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Oil and Gas Extraction
opportunity on the other side of the fence as a HSE regulator of the whole of the energy and industry Sub-sector Council (National Occupational Research Agenda) • Commissioner – Certification of
sector of the State of Qatar, particularly the petroleum industry. This assignment affords Tim the rare Disability Management Specialist Commission (CDMSC) • ASSE Representative – International
opportunity to provide the technical management of the HSE regulation and enforcement process that Network for Safety and Health Practitioner Organizations (INSHPO) • Chairman – Strategic Planning
Booking line: tel: + 971 4 609 1579, fax: + 971 4 609 1589
Team for Boy Scouts of America (BSA), National Health and Safety Support Committee • Chairman monitoring, the National Safety Council Journal on topics of heat stress prevention, cold stress
– 2010 OSHA Region VI Oil and Gas HSE Conference Marketing and Media Team. He has authored prevention, hearing conservation, and oil well stimulation hazards. In addition he published in the
and presented papers on numerous HSE topics, including corporate social responsibility, sustainability, Professional Safety Journal heat stress prevention in the Gulf States utilizing the ‘heat index”. Oliver
social networking, management, finance, process safety, incident investigation, project planning, turn earned a Master of Science in Industrial Hygiene Degree from Texas A&M University. He is currently
around safety (TAR), etc. at symposiums and conferences sponsored by ASSE, CSSE, IOSH, SIA, SPE certified in the general practice of industrial hygiene (CIH) by American Board of Industrial Hygiene,
and the Texas Chemical Council. and certified as a safety professional (CSP) by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.
Ali Al Rahbi, Dolphin Energy, Qatar HSE & Security Manager Caroline Minshell, BP, Health Director
Ali holds Bsc. in Electrical Engineering from University of Texas in USA, and Msc. in Process Safety and Caroline has been working in the discipline of occupational health since 1989. Having worked in a
Loss Prevention from University of Sheffield in UK. He has over 15 years of experience in the field of Oil number of multi-national organisations such as Monsanto and Unilever she joined BP 12 years ago
and gas mainly in the field of risk management in Projects, Engineering and Operations. Held various and is currently the health director for the Middle East, Africa and Indian sub-continent, responsible for
positions in Qatar Petroleum and Dolphin Energy Ltd in Safety Engineering and Risk Management. the development and assurance of health management programmes in multiple businesses and start-
Involved in Major projects for oil field development and natural gas facilities onshore and offshore. up in new projects. Caroline is the subject matter expert for health capability globally in BP and has
Currently he is the HSE & Security Manager for Qatar in Dolphin. presented on this topic at ICOH and Industry conferences. Caroline co-wrote the VIP series of articles
that appeared in the UK OH journal in 2009. Caroline represents the Royal College of Nursing at
Dr. Atul K. Srivastava, Qatargas, Senior SEQ Systems Specialist POOSH, is the chair of the Thames Valley Occupational Health Nurse group and trustee and member
Employed since Sept 1995 with world’s premier LNG company Qatargas which uses world’s third of Corporate Health and Performance (CHAP).
largest gas reserves to produce LNG as the main product with by-products such as granular Sulfur and
refinery products from Condensate. Interacted with shareholding management experts from advanced George Williamson, Saudi Aramco
counties and world class contractors. Current position Senior SEQ Systems Specialist. Previous Quality Improvement Advisor, MDFD- Remote Area Clinics
Experience: Oct 1984 to Sept 1995, employed with KRIBHCO, the world’s largest gas-based Fertilizer George is the Disaster and Emergency Response coordinator entrusted with the responsibility of
& Heavy Water producing complex in co-operative sector located in India. Last Designation Senior overseeing the delivery of health care for Forty Eight Remote Area Industrial Clinic. He is in-charge
Area Engineer (Mechanical Maintenance-Inspection), re-designated as Deputy Manager. Educational of monitoring the appropriateness of the Medical Care, writing Risk Assessments plus teaching
Qualification: BE (Mechanical Engineering): 4-Year Full Time with Honors MBA (Finance Management): responsibility, initiation of all safety policies, provision of Disaster Response, writing and implementation
Additional specializations in HR Management & General Management. PhD Work: Awarded by All of Quality Improvement programmes standards setting. He carries forward 32 years of valuable
India Management Association-Aligarh Muslim University combine for “TQM in Human Resources: A working experience and has been with Saudi Aramco for nearly 10 years now. As part of George’s
Study of Blue-Collar Employees in Select Chemical Process Industries”. DTM: Distinguished Toastmaster memorable achievement, he was thanked personally by Princes Anne for co-ordinating the Emergency
title from Toastmasters International, USA for excellence in (public) Communication & Leadership. Unit during the Dunblane Massacre.
Carlos Legorreta, Oreco A/S, Sales Director Ahmed Al Musaed, Saudi Aramco, Occupational Medicine Specialist
Carlos Legorreta is a graduated Mechanical Engineer with specialisation on thermal processes and fluid Dr. Ahmed Al-Musaed, Occupational Medicine Specialist at Saudi Aramco. He received his medical
mechanics. Has more than 30 years experience devoted to industrial processing plants involving water degree from King Faisal University in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. He had his five years of residency
treatment, heat transfer and separation technologies. During the past 15 years Mr. Legorreta has been training in Occupational Medicine at University of Toronto, Canada where he received his Fellowship
devoted to international sales and marketing of industrial processing plants and turn-key projects for of the Royal College of Physician of Canada (FRCPC) in 2008, in addition to the Diploma of Industrial
the petroleum and power generation industries. In year 2004, he joined Oreco A/S as Sales Director. Health (DIH) from University of Toronto. Also, He joined the American College of Physician Executives
Philippe Villain, Technip, VP-QHSE and received their Award of Academic Achievements in Medical Management. After completion of
the Award, he joined Tulane University, Louisiana, USA and received his Master degree in Medical
Philippe MSC in Engineering Science (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France). Management (MMM) in 2008. Now, he is practicing Occupational Health in the Oil & Gas industry
More than twenty years experience across many technical and managing Quality, HSE & Security issues at Saudi Aramco.
in offshore and onshore oil and gas production, refineries, petrochemical and chemical sector, industry
and mining and metal projects. Extensive experience of QHSES management and execution of Turnkey Lorraine Attard
Projects, Multi-National Joint Ventures, non-European working environments and internationally Medilink International (Institute of Health & Safety)
financed multi-currency Projects. Able to interface and communicate with others on legal, contractual Medical Service Manager
and financial matters and understand the competitive, commercial world-wide business environment.
Assumed increasing responsibilities as Process Engineer, Project Engineer, Head of Environmental Lorraine Attard occupies the role as the Medical Service Manager at the Institute of Health and Safety,
Department, Manager of Technip’s HSE Design Department and currently Vice President Quality, HSE Medilink International .Started her career 18 years ago as a physiotherapist most of these years
& Security for Technip Region A Recognised as an Expert of Environment Engineering in Technip Group practising in rehabilitating clients in specialised units at the general hospital in Malta . During these
Expert Network VP of TECHNIP Sustainable Development Committee years she graduated with Masters Degree in Health Services management. She developed particular
interest in quality improvement and system design in health care and contributed publications about
Dr. Luay Badran, Qatar Petroleum quality assurance initiatives and process improvement. She currently forms part of multidisciplinary
Head of Dukhan, Offshore & Occupational Physician for HR forum focusing on improved processes leading in improvement in client care.
Dr. Badran brings forward 17 years of working experience gained through managing national and Dr. Mark Newson Smith, ENOC, Chief Medical Officer
international large-scale Occupational Health projects including specialized surgical experience. He
Dr. Newson-Smith trained at the Welsh National School of Medicine, Cardiff winning a prize and
currently heads the offshore occupational health unit in Qatar Petroleum. Current work involves
scholarship award for projects on respiratory hazards to coal miners. He spent 11 years in the Royal
building and implementing fitness to work standard, running offshore fitness to work program, Health
Navy as an Occupational Physician working in ships and submarines and dockyards gaining a wide
Protection & Promotion protocol, Employee Assistance programmes to include evaluation redeployment
range of experience in occupational medicine finishing his time in the Navy as Senior Medical Officer
and Rehabilitation. Education & Qualifications:
(Submarines) at the Institute of Naval Medicine. He then worked in the private sector in the United
MFOM-Membership of Faculty of occupational Medicine (Royal college of Physician Of Ireland) Kingdom providing occupational health advice to government agencies such as the Environment
Idiposh-International Diploma In occupational health and Safety (British Safety Council) Agency, the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food and the National Health Service Pensions Agency
DoccMed: Post graduate diploma in Occupational Health, Royal Collage Of Physician UK along with a range of private companies such as banks, manufacturing and transport companies and
Occ. Medicine a zoo. He joined the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UAE University, Al-Ain in 2001 working
MS: Post Graduation in General Surgery, University of Rajasthan India, General surgery, Diploma:. on teaching and research for over two years before joining ADMA-OPCO, an offshore oil and gas
Indian Acupuncture society (international acupuncture society Hong Kong)) company in Abu Dhabi for a further two years as Senior Medical Officer (Occupational Health), He is
In Acupuncture, M.B,B.S: Dr. S.N Medical College, Rajasthan University India currently the Chief Medical Officer for ENOC responsible for running their range of occupational health
Secondary: Damascus national school Syria, Research, MFOM Case Book, Clinical cases related to services. He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine London and both the Australian and
workplace hazards and work place safety inspection and implementing control measures American Colleges of Legal Medicine. He has a Masters Degree in Occupational Health (Birmingham)
Portfolio (post graduate diploma in occupational medicine), Workplace health risk assessment and and one in Legal Medicine (Cardiff). He has published a number of academic papers and continues to
implementing a control measures to radiation hazards.3, Thesis (MS General Surgery): Topical lecture at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Phenytoin (DPH), at the donor’s site of the Split Thickness Skin graft. A comparative study with
conventional dressing and, moist dressing with Polyurethane membrane drape (Opsite). Associate Prof. Tony Hochberg, First Group For Medical Service
Medical Officer
Samantha Horseman, Saudi Aramco
Assoc Professor Dr Tony Hochberg is Associate Professor at the centre for Postgraduate Medicine at Edith
Preventive Medicine Specialist Cowan University teaching Aviation Medicine and Occupational Medicine and Chief Medical Officer
Samantha has been involved in field of Occupational Health & Safety since 1994. Over last eleven for IPN www.ipnet.com.au Gemini www.geminimedical.com.au Prime Health www.primehealth.com.
years, she has worked in a variety of clinical settings and roles throughout SAMSO, Saudi Aramco and is au _part of SONIC Health Care Group group www.sonichealthcare.com, Medical Consulting To First
currently working as a Preventive Medicine Advisor, certified Ergonomist and Wellness Consultant. She Group for Medical Services. He graduated from Auckland University in 1983 (achieving the Senior Prize
has researched and implemented cost effective injury prevention, ergonomic and employee wellness for excellence in academic performance in 1981) has distinction in the Diploma in Aviation Medicine
programs. She is a proud recipient of prestigious awards like Healthcare Development Organization: 1996 through University of Otago and is a Fellow of the Faculty Occupational Medicine Royal College
2006 Wellness Program Award, 2006 Exceptional Safety Achievement Recognition Program (ESARP) of Physicians of Ireland [ FFOM RCPI ]; Fellow of the Royal Australian College GP [FRACGP] and Fellow
Award. She also featured in the Saudi Aramco “Our People” website project. Most recently she was of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners [FRNZCGP]. Additional qualifications
nominated as a finalist in the 2010 World Oil Awards and is an active members of associations like include Certificate in Sports Medicine and Hyperbaric Medicine; and Medical Review Officer for CASA.
OPRIS, GOEMG, BOHS, ACOEM etc. Assoc Prof Hochberg has worked full time as a Consultant in Occupational Medicine since 1992 and
has held in excess of 30 consultative positions with various industries and organizations. In addition,
Oliver F. McDonald, Rasgas, Head of Industrial Hygiene Assoc Prof Hochberg has received training in underwriting from a Lloyds of London affiliate and worked
Oliver has over thirty years industrial hygiene and safety experience in the Petrochemical Industry as their medical advisor for 17 years. He has particular interests in Medical Quality Assurance, Medical
and is currently Head of Industrial Hygiene at RasGas Company, Limited, located at Doha, Qatar. He Training, Organisational and Corporate Medicine including Telemedicine, OSHA risk management,
has published papers in American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal pertaining to formaldehyde Offshore Medicine and Occupational Health Surveillance.
email: adnan.khowaja@fleminggulf.com, www.hse-me.com
Richard (Rick) L. Hynes, Qatar Aluminum Ltd. Co (Qatalum) CoC. (Deck Officer Class 1 /. Master Foreign going certificate) issued by the UK Maritime & coast guard
Health Safety and Environment Manager agency. During this time the implementation ISM ISO and HSE system was ongoing project observed
by him. In 2007 He did have the superintendent duties at KOTC supervising the ship personnel affairs.
Rick has over 30 years in Construction and Heavy Manufacturing industry in both projects and After which was transfer to the operations group looking after the KOTC VLCC fleet. In 2009 he joined
operations management, and holds professional designation as a “Canadian Registered Safety KPC at the capacity of team leader to supervise the oil spill response activities for the KPC.
Professional” (CRSP). A member of the Qatalum Management Team, accountable for the
development of Health, Safety and Environmental strategies and programs across the organization Eric Eaglin, Environmental Engineer/ Expert
which reflect the Qatalum values and legal requirements. Provides a leading role in the development
and execution of comprehensive policies, procedures, and programs to ensure Qatalum health, safety In 2010, completed 21 years of Federal Government engineering, environmental, and construction
and environmental objectives are achieved and in compliance with government rules and regulations. management experience including work for the Department of Energy‘s Naval Reactors, Naval
Rick has recently participated in two aluminium smelter green field projects, each in excess of 3 billion Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), Naval Air
US $. With a project management background, Rick has been accountable for the development and Systems Command (NAVAIR), United States Navy Fleet Forces Command (USFLTFORCOM), North
implementation of programs and procedures to effectively manage successful EHS performance in Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR). He also served as
the Aluminium Smelting, Heavy Manufacturing and Construction Industries. Rick provides critical the Vice President of Operations for a USA national disaster response company in past. Eric holds
expertise in regulatory and legislative jurisdictions gained through 14 yrs experience with the Workers a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Old Dominion University in Norfolk
Compensation Board of British Columbia, Canada, involving inter-agency/government affairs dealing Virginia and a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology
in Atlanta Georgia and a certificate in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) from Duke University
with both the provincial and federal government Health and Safety legislation. in Durham North Carolina and is a Candidate for his Master of Global Business Administration at
Georgetown University in Washington, DC USA. Eric also holds Certifications as a Professional Engineer
Fareed I. Bushehri, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and as a Certified Hazardous Material Manager and continues to perform research in the areas of
Regional DTIE Officer environmental and renewable energy technologies and corporate environmental strategy.
Engineer Fareed Bushehri works for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Regional Specialties
Office for West Asia (ROWA) in the capacity of Regional DTIE (Industry) Officer. He holds MSc. in
Safety & Systems Management, and BSc. in Industrial Engineering, and Diploma in Fire Protection & Environmental Remediation, Hazardous Material Management. Radiological Controls, Environmental
Engineering. Fareed is currently responsible for providing technical assistance to the countries of West Assessments, Project Management, Storm Water Management UST/AST Inspections, NEPA,
Asia Region to promote Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Resource Efficiency, Sustainable International Environmental Compliance, Coastal Zone Management, Federal Permits, Facility and
Consumption and Production, Setting up National Cleaner Production Centers, Sustainable Infrastructure Analysis, HM Spill Response, Building Energy Feasibility Studies, Energy Efficient and
Procurement, Sustainable Buildings & Construction, Safer Production, Sustainable Life Style, Chemicals Renewable Technologies, Urban Planning, and Corporate Environmental and Energy Efficiency
and Wastes Management, Environmental Management Systems, Pollution Prevention, Sustainable Strategy Development.
& Eco-Tourism, Renewable Energy Issues, Clean Fuel & Vehicles Initiative, Sustainable Transportation,
Management of Industrial Estates, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Urban Environment, Ahmad M. Homssi, Q-Chem, Environmental Manager
Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), Managing Electrical & Electronic Waste (E-Waste)
and Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA). Fareed began his professional carrier with Kingdom Ahmad Homssi holds a bachelor degree of Environmental Engineering from the Middle East Technical
of Bahrain’s Civil Service. He established the Occupational Health & Safety Unit for the Public Sector. University and has 16 years of experience working in the standardization; gas, petroleum and
He then joined Bahrain Petroleum Company, where he worked in the oil refinery in field of Safety, petrochemical industries; and voluntarily in number of environmental NGOs. Ahmad is also a certified
Fire Protection and Environmental Protection. Fareed then moved to Bahrain Telecommunications ISO 14001 Lead Auditor and Advanced HAZMAT Technician. He is a certified air dispersion modular,
Company (Batelco), to join the Risk Management Team, as Manager Safety & Loss Prevention, where ambient air monitoring stations trouble-shooter, Leak Detection and Repair Officer, and Radiation
he was responsible for Safety, Fire Engineering, Environment and Insurance. Protection Supervisor. Ahmad was actively involved in building many site characterization studies,
impact assessment studies, and environmental surveys in his work at Department of Measures &
James Baldwin, Qatargas, Environment Manager Standards in Turkey; and Qatargas and Q-Chem in Qatar. He is currently working at Q-Chem in the
capacity of Environmental Manager, overseeing the environmental matters at Q-Chem, Q-Chem 2,
James Baldwin began his professional environmental career in Oman in 1990 where he worked and RLOC plants
in the field of geophysical exploration mainly in the water and mining sectors. After obtaining his
masters degree in 1995 he returned to the Middle East to work again in Oman, the U.A.E. and Qatar Sudhir Pandra, Velosi Group, Regional Head, Middle East
where he worked as an environmental and regulatory affairs practitioner in the oil and gas, mining,
infrastructure and tourism fields: mainly conducting environmental impact assessments, and writing Pandra Sudhir has more than 25 years of experience in the area of QHSE. He is an experienced
subsequent environmental monitoring, mitigation and management plans. James then moved to Mechanical Engineer with post graduation. He has extensive experience auditing and certifying
western Canada where he spent a four year stint working in the “Alberta Oil Patch”, as well on Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems of many organizations worldwide
conventional and renewable energy projects, including wind, biomass and run-of-the-river hydropower as a registered Lead Auditor. His value additions to the audits have benefited the organizations to
projects. The allure of the incredible expansion of the LNG sector in Qatar then brought James back to improve. As a registered Lead Tutor with IRCA (International Register for Certified Auditors, U.K), he has
Qatar where he has been working at Qatargas as the Environmental Manager since September 2004. conducted many public courses internationally certifying many Lead Auditors to the standards OHSAS
James is involved in establishing and developing Qatargas’ extensive Corporate Citizenship initiatives 18001 (Health and Safety Management System Standard), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management
System Standard) and ISO 9001 (Quality Management System Standard). In the last 10 years he
Ali Rajab Al-Ashkanani, Qatar Petroleum has been working on and promoting the use of Integrated Management systems approach and is
a specialist in the same. He has presented many papers and seminars in Oil and Gas conference
Manager Oil Spill & Emergency Response Department like the 5th Annual HSE forum in Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals – Doha, Qatar, HSSE in Oil, Gas and
Graduated from Liverpool U.K as Marine Officer and started carrier with Qatar Petroleum as Head Petrochemicals Abudhabi, UAE. He brings with him his vast experience in the oil and gas industry
of Fire & Safety, Offshore fields. Has developed National Contingency plans based on coordination inspection/ statutory inspection, in the manufacturing filed and in managing the organizations. He is
and cooperation among The Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Defense and Qatar Petroleum. currently managing all the country offices of Velosi in the Middle East.
Presently, Manager of the Oil Spill & Emergency Response Department in Qatar Petroleum, responsible
for the management of oil spill response throughout the State of Qatar. Has developed National Juzar C. M., Velosi Group, Head - Management Systems
Oil Spill Response Plan and plan for the Operational areas of Qatar Petroleum and Coastal and Oil
Juzar is Mechanical Engineer who went on to do Post Graduation in Marine Technology. Juzar has
Spill Response Sensitivity Atlas for the State of Qatar. Introduced internationally recognized oil spill
wide HSE Civil, Oil field and building construction experience in Middle East, delivering HSE tailored
training program. Initiated and implemented the oil pollution protection measures for the State of
courses and other related specialist services. He is now working as the Head of Management Systems
Qatar. Representing the State in Regional organizations like Marine Emergency Mutual Aid Centre(
(Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental) with Velosi Certification which is a part of the Velosi group.
MEMAC), Regional Clean Sea Organization (RECSO), Regional Organization for Protection of Marine
Juzar has held several Senior QHSE positions for large conglomerates including Velosi, Al Mansoori Oil
Environment (ROPME) and international organizations like International Oil Pollution Compensation
and Gas services, RWTUV, TUV Nord, Vincotte etc. He was involved in major projects for improving the
Fund (IOPC) Fund.
health and safety performance of the companies he worked with. In previous positions he developed &
built the company’s QHSE Management Systems. He is a registered Lead auditor for ISO 9001, OHSAS
Richard Sims, Oil Spill Response 18001 and ISO 14001 with three Leading Third Party Certification bodies. He is also a registered
Regional Manager Assessor for ISO 17021 with RvA (Dutch Accreditation Council) to assess Certification Bodies. He has
been credited to perform more than 100 Certification and Accreditation Audits with more the 300
Richard has worked for Oil Spill Response for 13 years and has completed placements in Operations
mandays. Juzar is also a Registered Tutor for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 for conducting
and Preparedness departments. He has responded to numerous international incidents including
the IRCA (International Register for Certified Auditors) registered Lead Auditors course.
the Erika in France and Miss Rodina incident on the Amazon, Brazil. During his placement in the
Training department Richard worked with various agencies such as ITOPF and the IMO developing PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS & MEMBERSHIPS: • Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical
and delivering training in many locations including Indonesia, South Africa, Singapore, Siberia, Gabon, Engineering • Marine Technology • Registered Tutor for IRCA approved Lead Auditor course in ISO
Tunisia and Panama. For the past 3 years Richard has managed the UK based Operations team 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 • Registered Tutor for Medic First Aid • Certified in Six Sigma •
dealing with numerous incidents worldwide. More recently Richard completed 3 yrs of studying gaining Registered Member IIRSM • Registered Member with IEMA ( International Environmental Management
a Masters Degree in Disaster Management from Coventry University, UK. In April 2010 Richard Agency) • Nebosh and IOSH Certified
relocated from the UK Operations to Bahrain and is the Regional Manager for Oil Spill Response in
the Middle East. Johan van Westhuyzen, DuPont Sustainable Solutions
Sub-Regional Leader - MENA, Turkey& Pakistan
Captain Musaed Salman, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
Team Leader OSR, Environment & Oil Spill Response Department Located in Dubai, Johan oversees a diverse client portfolio. Clients span multiple industries - from
healthcare and finance to industrial manufacturing and oil and gas. Johan and his team leverage
Captain Salman engaged his maritime sea career since 1993 with KOTC. While accomplished all the their proven methodologies and extensive experience to help organizations bring about sustained
training via the marine college of South Tyne Side College. He obtains the British Master Unlimited improvements in safety, operational and environmental performance
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