Ashok Leyland LTD
Ashok Leyland LTD
Ashok Leyland LTD
For over five decades, Ashok Leyland has been the technology leader in
India's commercial vehicle industry, moulding the country's commercial
vehicle profile by introducing technologies and product ideas that have gone
on to become industry norms.
Eight out of ten metro state transport buses in India are from Ashok Leyland.
With over 60 million passengers a day, Ashok Leyland buses carry more
people than the entire Indian rail network!
In 2002, all the vehicle manufacturing units of Ashok Leyland were ISO
14001 certified with Environmental Management System..
Over the decades, Ashok Leyland's R&D engineers have been addressing the
twin concerns of fuel-efficiency and emissions. Not surprisingly, when the
legislation came in 1987, limiting vehicular emission, Ashok Leyland
vehicles were already meeting them. In 1992, came the more stringent norms
for gaseous emissions. By then, Ashok Leyland, through timely technology
tie-ups - and ahead of competition - had absorbed and was offering eco-
friendly engine technology. In 1996, when the permissible levels of gaseous
exhaust emissions were further tightened, Ashok Leyland again met the
norms with ease.
Energy Conservation
For Ennore, practicing the 3Rs of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle has surely
paid-off. Recently, an opinion survey conducted in the neighbourhood
reveals that both industries and the public are happy to have Ashok Leyland
as their neighbour. Building on the eco-friendly measures over the years,
Ennore has received the ISO 14001 certification for Environmental
Management Systems.
The Emission Mission
Permissible Limits
In January 1997, Mumbai's taxi drivers had a complaint about a BEST bus:
they couldn't hear it coming! Not only did it make next to no noise, it also
emitted very little pollutants. What makes this bus different is the fuel that
powers it. Spearheading the induction of CNG technology in the National
Capital Region, Ashok Leyland has put out over 2,500 buses on its roads.
Sodium Cyanide was used in salt bath furnaces for carburising and
hardening of components. This involved an elaborate process of handling
and disposal of residual cyanide salts. In 1980, this was replaced by
carbonitriding process. The four 'Sealed Quench Furnaces' that do
carbonitriding now operate without any Sodium Cyanide. At the modern
paint shop at Hosur II, scrubbers to avoid exposure and adverse reactions
collect the paint particles in the paint booth immediately.
The plant can do primary, secondary and tertiary treatment operations. About
55,000 liters of effluents flow into the plant every day. Five kilograms of
solid hazardous waste is stored as per Pollution Control Board standards and
the rest of the water portion is treated and used for organic farming. Manure
extracted from the sludge replaces artificial chemical fertilizers saving
Rs.165000 per annum. On an average, 250,000 liters of recycled water is
pumped into the garden saving Rs.1.5 million per annum.
Bhandara has over the years systematically developed green belt zones. A
mind-boggling 179,000 trees cover 50 hectares of the 101-hectare unit. Teak,
Shisham, Subabul, Eucalyptus, Bamboo, Bori, Asoka, Neem, and Suru are
among the 35 varieties that adorn the landscape. The trees are home for a
wide variety of birds, almost converting the factory into a conservation zone.
Environmental Policy
Chairman R J Shahaney
Co-Chairman D G Hinduja
Director D J Balaji Rao
Director A K Das
Board Of Directors
Chairman R J Shahaney
Co-Chairman D G Hinduja
D J Balaji Rao
A K Das
Director F Sahami
Shradul S Shroff
A Spare
Managing Director R Seshasayee
Whole Time Director & COO Vinod K Dasari
Executive Director & CS A R Chandrasekharan
Director V Sumantran
Nominee (LIC) Ramachandran R Nair
Independent Director Anil Harish
Y M Kale
Alternate Director
P Banerjee
There are Buses, Trucks, Engines, Other Defense Vehicles are produced in
the farm of Ashok Leyland.
Vestibule Bus -
BSIII Double Decker Airport Tarmac coach
(Rs. Lakhs)
2008-2009 2007-2008
Profit before tax 20,844.63 63,815.02
Less: Provision for taxation 1,845.00 16,884.00
Profit after tax 18,999.63 46,931.02
Excess provision written back
– Dividend 22.05 —
Financial Analysis
Profit & Loss
(Rs. in Crores)
Balance Sheet
(Rs. in Crores)
Business operations
The global economic crisis had a severe adverse impact on the Indian
economy, in the second half of the year. The Commercial Vehicle industry,
which was already facing a slowdown in the first half of the year, due to a
cyclical downturn, was suddenly faced with a precipitous decline in demand
from October 2008. Medium and Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicles segment
was the worst affected in the automobile industry and your Company could
not escape the crisis. Consequently, sale of vehicles for the year declined by
35% compared to the previous year.
Your Company has been increasing its spend on Research and Development
activities. The increased infrastructural and financial support reflects the
Company’s resolve to stay ahead of competition by delivering innovative
quality products and its commitment to total customer satisfaction.
The Foreign Currency Convertible Notes (FCCNs) for US$ 100mn issued in
April 2004 are convertible into shares of the Company (Fixed Rate USD 1=
Rs.44.10). As of March 31, 2009, 99,000 Notes (99%) have already been
converted into underlying shares, thereby increasing the paid-up capital as of
March 31, 2009.
A Joint Venture Agreement was signed on May 26, 2008 with Nissan Motor
Co. Ltd., leading to formation of three Joint Venture companies for the Light
Commercial Vehicle (LCV) business in India for technology development,
vehicle manufacturing and powertrain manufacturing. Fiscal and other
incentives from Government of Tamilnadu for the project have been secured
although allotment of the land for the project is awaited. However, in view
of the global slowdown, the two partners are reworking the manufacturing
plans including the option of phased implementation of the project.
A Joint Venture Agreement was signed on September 30, 2008 with John
Deere, USA for manufacture and marketing of Construction Equipment. The
Joint Venture is scheduled to commence production by early 2010 and will
initially roll out backhoes and four-wheel-drive loaders.