Who Are The Persons With Disability?
Who Are The Persons With Disability?
Who Are The Persons With Disability?
Under RA 10524, Persons with Disability (PWDs) refer to individuals who suffer long-
term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which, upon interaction with
various barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal
basis with others.
The seven types of disabilities mentioned in RA No. 7277 are psychosocial disability,
disability due to chronic illness, learning disability, mental disability, visual disability,
orthopedic disability, and communication disability. They are defined in Department of
Health A.O. No.2009-0011 as follows:
As provided in the law, equal employment opportunity shall be given to PWDs in the
selection process based on qualification standards for an appointment to a position in
government and requirements set by employers in private corporations. They shall also
be subject to the same terms and conditions of employment, compensation, privileges,
benefits, incentives, or allowances as an able-bodied person.
Private corporations, on the other hand, who employ at least 100 employees are
encouraged to reserve at least 1% of all positions for PWDs. Those who employ less
than 100 employees are encouraged to hire PWDs.
To promote active participation, private corporations that hire PWDs are entitled to the
following incentives under the IRR:
1. 25% additional deduction from the private corporation’s gross income of the total
amount paid as salaries and wages to PWDs.
To avail of this incentive, private corporations are required to present proof that they
are employing PWDs who are accredited or registered with the Department of Labor
and Employment and Department of Health as to their disability, skills, and
2. Private entities that improve or modify their physical facilities in order to provide
reasonable accommodation for PWDs shall be entitled to an additional deduction from
their net income, equivalent to 50% of direct costs of the improvements or
Facility improvement under this incentive should be different from the requirement of
Batas Pambansa (BP) Blg, 344 otherwise known as an Act to Enhance the Mobility of
Disabled Persons by requiring certain buildings, institutions, establishments, and public
utilities to install facilities and other devices. Under BP Blg. 344, buildings, institutions,
establishments, and public utilities are required to install facilities and other devices to
allow the mobility of disabled persons.
The IRR further provides that the conditions of hiring and employment of PWDs should
be made with the welfare of PWDs in mind. This means that accommodation of PWDs
should not impose undue or disproportionate burden, but must ensure the exercise of
equal opportunity for PWDs in all fundamental rights. As may be practicable, a work
schedule given to a PWD should be modified to favor the employee.
Installation of auxiliary aides and assistive devices in a work place should also be
considered to ensure that PWDs are able to perform their assigned task with ease.
RA 10524 and its IRR aim to provide equal work opportunities to PWDs and at the
same time incentivizing the private sector for its participation. More than the incentive,
integrating PWDs in the work force means rehabilitation, self-development, self-
reliance and affirmation of PWDs as productive members of society.