Lesson Plan #2: Silent Scene With The Crucible
Lesson Plan #2: Silent Scene With The Crucible
Lesson Plan #2: Silent Scene With The Crucible
Lesson Frame:
- Today, we will read through part of Act I of The Crucible as a class, discussing
the idea of characterization and how it is enhanced or possibly distorted
through a playwright’s use of stage directions.
(B) analyze how authors develop complex yet believable characters in works of fiction
through a range of literary devices, including character foils;
Steps in Lesson:
ENGAGEMENT— 3 minutes (Total Time Teaching: 57 minutes)
What the TEACHER will do / say— What the STUDENTS will do—
o Teacher will play a video for students o Students will try to guess which Disney
that has zoomed in pictures of Disney character is being shown while the
characters and asks the students to zoomed in picture is still on screen.
guess which characters they are.
o The video then shows which character it
actually was.
Explain- 4 minutes
o Teacher will ask students to identify one o Students will individually identify one
example of direct characterization and example of direct characterization and
one example of indirect characterization in one example of indirect characterization.
The Crucible. o Students will check their examples with
a partner, making sure that they
o Teacher will have students discuss with a understand the difference between the
partner what they found, having the two.
partner check to make sure that they have
correctly identified direct and indirect
characterization. o A couple of students will provide
o Teacher will then ask for one example of examples of direct and indirect
each. characterization.
o Be ready to also share an example of each
type of characterization from your copy of
the play.
Apply- 10 minutes
o Teacher will point out the presence of
direct characterization in the stage
direction—some of the only sections in
the play in which the playwright is able to
speak directly to the reader. o Students will provide an example as to
o Teacher will ask students what they what they believe stage directions are
believe the use of stage directions is. used for.
o Teacher will explain that stage directions o Possible responses:
allow a playwright to add details about a - They are used to describe the setting.
character that is unable to be given - They are used to say what the people are
through the dialogue alone. For example, physically doing.
we see the direct characterization o Students will answer the question about
examples in the stage directions a lot. how the play would be different without
o Ask: How would the play be different if the stage directions.
stage directions weren’t there? o Possible responses:
o Teacher will have students get out a piece - We wouldn’t know where they are.
of notebook paper, giving a piece to those - We wouldn’t know what they are doing
who don’t have their own. physically.
o Teacher will tell students that this will be
taken up for a grade. o Students will get out a piece of notebook
o Teacher will have students write a “silent paper or ask for one from the teacher.
scene” that has the following details: o Students will write a silent scene that
- one of the following characters include the requirements given by the
(Spiderman, Elsa, and Harry Potter) teacher.
- students will have characters perform 2
actions in their directions
- students will include a description of the
setting as well
- students will make sure that the actions of
the character and the setting are used to
characterize the character. How do they
know these characters and how is their
characters similar to these?
o Teacher will tell students to be thinking
about how their character is represented o Students will share their work with their
in their stage directions, if their shoulder partner, also discussing the
representation aligns with how they are
portrayed in their movies/novels, and how questions they were told to think about
the medium of stage directions helps a before writing.
reader access the personality of the
Evaluate- 3 minutes
o After students are done, teacher will o Students will provide an answer to these
ask students to share their work or at questions.
least a section of it with their shoulder Possible responses:
partner. - Mine aligns because they are both crazy
o Teacher will ask them to also discuss - Mine aligns because they both are religious
the questions that they were told to
be thinking about. Possible responses:
o Teacher will ask for volunteers to - The stage directions helped me physically
explain how aligned their characters describe the character.
with the original characters and why. -
o Teacher will then ask for volunteers to
say how stage directions helped or
possibly hindered their ability to
describe the character’s personality
CLOSURE— 2 minutes
What the TEACHER will do / say— What the STUDENTS will do—
o The teacher will pass out slips of paper that o Students will fill out the exit ticket according
have on it a square, a circle, and a triangle. to the teacher’s instructions.
o Teacher will tell students to in the square o Students will give exit ticket to the teacher
put something that they’re square with from on their way out of the room.
this lesson, in the circle a question that they
still have, and in the triangle something they
would have changed from the lesson about
the structure or his or her performance.
*The concluding task, enabling students to execute the “I will” statement, will either fall within
‘apply/elaborate’ or ‘evaluate’ phase of active learning or function as the closure activity, depending.
Modifications/Differentiation Strategies:
o I will be following all IEPs.
o Students will have the text in front of them and be able to hear it audibly.
o I will provide instructions and questions to think about verbally and through a slide
Evaluation Strategies:
o I will take up the stage directions written by the students, making sure that they have 3
actions included.
o Also, I will be evaluating to what degree the students took into account the questions I told
them to think about (how is this character aligning with Arthur Miller’s character, how can
stage directions help readers access a character’s personality in a unique way). I will see if
their writing reflects their understanding of these concepts.
Notes/Recommendations for next time:
Outline for Lesson 2
2. Engagement activity
a. Play video
3. Characterization talk
a. What do you currently know about characterization?
1. Ask two students to share.
2. Characterization- the process by which the
author reveals the personality of a character.
4. Explain that the author helps take the characters from zoomed-in
and blurry (as in the engagement activity) to of a high resolution
allowing the reader to better understand the character.
6. Tell students to be thinking about this and writing down the line
numbers of direct and indirect characterization examples.
a. Talk with a partner and see if they think that you have
correctly identified each of these.
b. One person to share
c. Share my own examples.
12. Tell students to take out a piece of paper AND that this is for
a grade and will be picked up.
16. Ask: How did stage directions help or hinder your ability to
characterize your character?