Section One: Teacher Candidate Introduction To The Elementary Portfolio Project
Section One: Teacher Candidate Introduction To The Elementary Portfolio Project
Section One: Teacher Candidate Introduction To The Elementary Portfolio Project
“Every student deserves a great teacher, not by chance, but by design” Fisher&Frey.
During my time at Medaille College I have been granted the opportunity to learn and gather
knowledge from so many great educators in aim of becoming not only a well-rounded educator
myself, but to also grow and prosper as a person. The Elementary Portfolio will act as a apex of
the Masters of Science in Elementary Education program at Medaille College. Its goal is to
weave together the many aspect of the program to give an arcuate representation of my
privilege beyond anything I have accomplished thus far in my life. Having the opportunity to
provide a safe and trusted space for students to open up and allow them to step outside of the
comfort zone coupled with aiding in the creation of each of their character would be incredible.
This portfolio project culmination displays what I think will show the best of my abilities to plan,
instruct, and carry out best practices in a meaningful and engaging style.
Portfolio Development
The Elementary Portfolio displays six sections: 1) Teacher Candidate Introduction to the
Section One, Teacher Candidate Introduction to the Portfolio, is the first part of the portfolio
that will highlight mission behind the MSED program at Medaille. It identifies an introduction,
overview and rational of the program as well as touching on how the portfolio will develop
through the following six sub sections (1) Teacher Candidate Introduction to the Elementary
Artifacts. (4) Alignment to the Curriculum and Professional Standards (5)Teacher Candidate
Section Two: Teacher Candidate Background Experiences will discuss my own personal
education as well as experiences I have had up to this point and connect it to the theories and
theorist that we have learned about this semester. I will also talk about my pervious post-
secondary education, my resume and my philosophy of education. Here is where I would make
Section Three: Teacher Candidate Artifacts is a large section of our portfolio project. This
section will display all the educational skills and knowledge that we have acquired thus far. The
artifacts that are chosen will best display my readiness for teaching. They are a variety of lesson
plans, classroom management, curriculum standards as well as lots of technology skills acquired.
Section Four: Alignment to the Curriculum and Professional Standards section will highlight the
knowledge and work with Canadian and American standards. I will display the Ontario
curriculum expectations as well as New York State P-12 Common Core Standards along with
some of our work with the ISTE standards for students and for teachers.
Section Five: Teacher Candidate Reflections I will review the creation of this portfolio and
discuss what I have learned and what this has shown me in terms of my ability to become a
teacher It will give me a good opportunity to review the techniques and strategies that I have
acquired and how they worked during our early field experience and experiences I have had
since then.
Section Six: Teacher Candidate Interview Video will give you a chance to see and here me live
in an interview simulation. This video will allow viewers to visually see me and how I am able to
make connections as well as display how I will react in an interview setting and the work and
A critical theorist that has had prominent effect on much of my work in my portfolio
would be that of John Dewey and his effort in the realm of education through learned
experiences. Progressivism has many different forms of learning that are determined by the
teacher and by the students in the classroom. With his theory being student-centered, the
methods of instruction may be different for each and every child in the room. The best practices
of this method can be the educator to really be engaged with all of the students and having the
foundational knowledge of them to make sure they are learning on a level that best supports them
as a student. Dewey suggest that there is heavy emphasis on con collaboration between students
as the dialogue that they create is educating them in itself. The educator provides them with
teacher. In an effective classroom, student should not only know what they are doing, they
should also know why and how.” (Wong). His book First Day of School recounts the steps and
importance of discipline and routine being enormous parts of students learning. It starts on the
first day and success is built upon from there. It is important to set guidelines that range from
simple thins such as what to do when your pencil breaks to how to line up and get ready for
In summation, the work of these two Philosophers contribute to the make-up of some of my
philosophy and the creation of this portfolio. The results of the portfolio create an access to the
The portfolio highlights really show the amount of work that has gone into the year thus
far and will be a great showcase of the knowledge that we have gained. The importance of the
three most dominant aspects of the portfolio which are planning, instruction and assessment
display the significance in being prepared, having the ability to adapt and being able to step back
for a second and re-evaluate how things are going and give yourself and the students a chance to
gain the most from the daily interactions. Many other aspects of this year are touched upon