Academic Competency Enhancement Model

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Ph.D. Candidate of Curriculum and Instruction Program

Thesis Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sumlee Thongthew

Associate Professor of Program in Curriculum and Instruction

Co-Advisor: Dr. Wipawan Wongsuwan Kongpow

Professor of Program in Curriculum and Instruction
Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, THAILAND


The study aimed to develop an academic competency enhancement (ACE) model using
Fullan’s strategies for organizational restructuring for elementary school teachers and to study
quality of the developed model. The academic competency expected from the involved teachers
referred to competency in instructional management, academic leadership, and professional
development. This model was developed through researching related documents and
conducting fieldwork. The quality of the model was certified by selected 5 academic experts.
Twenty four through participation observation with in-dept interviews, focus group interview,
dialogue, and personal reflective journal techniques.

The ACE Model was composed of three essential elements: a) the rational and
objectives of model, emphasizing on positive but quality supports from members in a small and
tight knitted teacher unit, b) the strategic plans emphasizing on caring goal sharing and caring-
trust respect performance with collaborative learning culture, and c) school-based
implementation for the restructuring of the learning and collaborative working culture.

After the model was implemented: 1) the 24 teachers involved showed higher academic
competencies in all three expectations, 2) the idea of student learning improvement and3)
school as a professional community.

Keywords: Academic Competency, Organizational Restructuring, Elementary School

At present, the social phenomenon condition had a progress of rapidly high technology
and communication in which was affected on global worldwide society at large. It was
adaptability toward all time change in touch with educational institution and social institution
throughout human asset preparation readiness to encounter contingency situation. It must adjust
of structural reformation era by means of changing taking place abruptly. (NSBA, 2004)
Assumed organizational structure was not facilitated with performance operation; therefore, the
efficiency was not contributed with performance result including conducting obstacle with a
view toward achievement attainment goal. (Elmore, 2006: 6) Consequently, organizational
structure had ever been a component in line with important factor toward educational quality
development into 21st century. Later, learning management had ever been focused on
appropriate internal classroom that was meant course curriculum syllabus and learning
management methodology so as to develop achievement result of learner proliferation
increasingly. Its cover was crucial skill development in progress on account of present global
world change (Chub & Moe, 1992) with a view toward school structuring adaptability having

emphasized on obvious changing of learning techniques. Also, learning techniques were from
manual toward development, procedure implementation and new teaching review. (Fullan,
1995: 252) These explanations were involved with role model teacher in direction with
reformation teacher and lecturer throughout academic performance creativity. Its cover was
application from several techniques of teaching of innovation, learning management on
accordance with proliferation efficiency so long. (Phrue Siribanphitak, B.E.2546: A) Moreover,
teacher role must adjust with a view toward quality and quantitative figure so as to being
agreement from self development so as to accrue both knowledge & competencies and crucial
skills. Given this reason, its cover was serious performance accountability and performance
achievement along way with role and obligation expression toward behaviors series
accordingly that was called of competence. And the competencies required for teaching of
leader teachers was called academic competency which was meant series of group behavior
having expressed into knowledge, skill and academic capability in which was composed of 1)
teaching competency 2) leadership competency such as planning, communication and team
working and 3) self discipline development of career professional progress. (Pimpun
Dechakoop & Pornthip Khangkhun. B.E.2550: 402-407; Samlee Thongtue, B.E. 2545 B;
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, 2000; Ornstein & Lasley, 2000: 51-52; The
Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium cite in Troutman, 2005)
Accordingly, primary school teacher of problem survey was involved with department
territory of educational area, Bangkok had been found operational routine activities both
teaching task and other chores of assignment variety. Also, teacher must devote a time toward
teaching so as to develop learning development of student lessen; consequently, quality
assessment report and standard from student at fundamental educational learning in which
found competencies of academic performance at dissatisfaction level, studying achievement
result of not pass standard indicator determination throughout average scoring in all subject not
over 50% (Secretariat Department of Educational Council, B.E. 2551: 21) from appraisal result.
It was pinpointed that teacher had not still been a knowledge competencies, comprehension
understanding toward implementation. In addition, it was found that teacher performance had
been lack off advisor model, coaching and spiritual motivation colleagues. Actually, they felt
lonely from working atmosphere in terms of working experiences surrounding conflict each
other teacher also. In addition, teacher and committee delegacies were involved with task
administration working experiences for division of labor. Above according conflict, it reflected
into structure and internal environment organization having facilitated with obligation duties of
self system. Certainly, it was very important factor toward performance behavioral actions
underneath school mechanistic of interaction with a view toward related officers throughout
curriculum and teaching paradigm.
This paper research was a conceptual framework study of component analysis of
competencies from academy in which was composed of structuring and characteristic
organization, surrounding environment of organization both of atmosphere and culture internal
organization, academic competencies of primary school teachers including important principle
led toward successful for enhancement primary academic competencies of teachers. Moreover,
this information was concrete figure toward important principle and key success of structuring
component paradigm throughout primary school students. It was operated with concrete
abstract having involved with empowerment relationship of competencies of academic teacher
and new organizational structuring with a view toward direct and indirect learning
development’s student both organizational development approach toward leading learning
organization in progress.

Related Theory and Research Concept

Certainly, researcher had implemented into development principle in which was
composed of school-based development, collaboration, adult learning theory and the theory of
experiential learning so as to fundamental based toward strategic formulation as summarized
content follow.

1. School based development was a development throughout school and life style of
teacher role model obligation performance normally. It was authentically problem contingency
situation problem & need satisfaction from development principle and belief philosophy base
such as love, trust and confidence, good neighboring each others throughout school teacher in
who was mutual thinking officer, cooperative studying officer, planner and developer by means
of school owner having emphasized on action implementation official including in-class
learning seriously. It was covered with PDCA: Plan, Do, Check, Act procedure into
development and follow up of observation & result appraisal by means of several methodology
and continuous activities. (Wohlstetter, 1995: 1; Cheng, 1996: 44; Phrue Siribanpithak and
Oraphun Pornsima, B.E. 2547: 16-17) which was involved with related contents as follow.
1.1 Organizational Structure
The important principle was along way with organizational structure
paradigm in which was Fullan’s model & theory (Fullan, 1996: 47-48; National Commission,
1994 cite in Fullan, 1995: 233) had been suggested as pillar explanation (1) organizational
reengineering structure of effect result toward internal management throughout school based
learning paradigm administration (2) being adjustment of teacher flexibility working (3)
procedure for problem resolution in aspect with academic task and problem from school (4)
being adaptability toward encouragement cause from teaching development and team working
and (5) being of spiritual empowerment into internal organization and another organization so
as to being empowerment in several perspective from external natural resources administration.
1.2 Organizational Internal Environment was composed of
1.2.1 Working atmosphere was focused on team climate in which was
constructed into knowledge exchange of intensive relationship that emphasized on support and
interaction between peer colleague or peer process. Also, it was covered that traditional
knowledge experience in direction with working performance implementation, multiple
communication, willingness of cooperative team working and so on. It was objective to
pinpoint & target orientation each of confident, collaborative decision making participation to
find cause and revision resolution. Also, it was independent to express point of view and new
opinion expression including opinion agreement or critical comment of others. (Nonaka &
Takeuchi, 1995: 71; Roueche & Baker, 1987; Davis, 1981; Stein & Stcinhoff, 1963 cite in
Owen, 1991)
1.2.2 Organizational culture had a traditional scheme & initiative
norm, value, tradition, ideology, behavior, understanding and a number of people hypothesis
toward organizational pragmatic practices. This orientation was aimed to guideline of problem
resolution approach including development from generation to generation toward official
acceptance. Also, it was become toward generated allocation of heritage transformation for the
next generation, organizational culture characteristic conditions toward empowerment
achievement. It was such a constructive styles in which member had encouraged toward other
interaction throughout helpful each others characteristic, satisfaction emphasis of official into
organization. (Cameron & Ettington, 1988; Cook & Lafferty, 1989; Schein, 1992)
2. Collaboration was defined toward working performance style more than 2 person
upper that had a equality level in terms of responsibility and volunteer association for thinking
exchange so as to pinpoint mutual collaborative target. (Dillon, 2008; Sevier Country School
System, 2008)
3. Adult Learning Theory had a main principle such as 1) adult had a concept and
maturity toward high responsibility, independent mind and self control 2) adult had a
experiences of readiness toward higher educational level, mind vision activities by means of
experiences exchange, body of knowledge and new discovery toward group utility. It was on
procedure on account of learning contingency situation construction toward opinion important
learning proliferation increasingly and 3) adult learning in touch with adult advantage utility
including working experiences life cycle. Moreover, it was emphasized on action based
learning paradigm having focused on working task or problem centered approach. (Knowles,
1980; Roger, 1986; Achanya Rattanaubon, B.E.2542)

4. The Theory of Experiential Learning was a procedure of studying toward

experiences capacity and meaning definition from abstract and innovation discovery. It was
throughout consideration scrutiny of cause-result relationship review in which was linkages
into traditional information system led toward innovation knowledge creation from
experimental action activities. It was ready toward authentically contingency situation and
others so as to summarize additional knowledge into conventional body of knowledge at
traditional level. (Kolb, 1984)

Research Methodology
This research paper was aimed to study and develop style of an academic competency
enhancement in perspective dimension from primary school teacher. Also, it was field working
research in which was used qualitative research methodology and research design in case of
multiple cases study. Actually, research methodology procedure was objective purpose toward
monitor situation events, beliefs, attitudes and policies that was caused into another
phenomenon. (Marshall and Rossman, 1995: 41) A target group of population was primary
school teacher, Bangkok educational area, and official department territory. It was established
with change agent leadership toward initiative scheme project since B.E. 2550 and different
size three schools such as extraordinary big size school, big size school and small size school
throughout learning teacher of selective at eight people total twenty four people toward a
conceptual framework of research as follow.

Research Conceptual Framework

Styles and Format Development

-Style Definition Present Happening of Target
-Categories of Formats Group School
-Component of Styles - Academic Competencies of
-Requirement of Good Styles Satisfaction Teachers
-Style Development - Organizational Structure toward
-Style of Experimental Testing empowerment academic competencies
- School internal environment such as
atmosphere, organizational corporate
-Meaning and Competencies
-Competencies of Internal Teacher
and External Teacher
-Academic Competencies of
Primary School
Organizational Conceptual
-Organizational Structure
-Internal Organization
Environment (Atmosphere,
working corporate culture) Academic Competency
-Organizational Structuring Was meant that capability
Adaptability from Fullan’s concept throughout behavioral expression
and Theory from official person in terms of body
-Teacher development throughout of knowledge and academic skill
primary school base learning which was a competence 3
-Empower Collaborative concept dimensions as follow
framework 1. Instructional management
-Theory of Change 2. Academic leadership was
composed of sub competences 3
aspects such as 2.1 planning
Related Learning Theory 2.2 communication and 2.3 team
- Adult Learning Theory climate working
- The Theory of Experiential 3. Career professional
Learning development
- Relevance research outcome

Research Result
This research is collecting data from field research in the area. The evidences from
teachers’ performance indicate that the model of using fullan’s strategies for organizational
restructuring is practical and applicable to enhance academic competency for elementary school
teachers. The Model was composed of three essential elements: a) the rational and objectives of
model, emphasizing on positive but quality supports from members in a small and tight knitted
teacher unit, b) the strategic plans emphasizing on caring goal sharing and caring-trust respect
performance with collaborative learning culture, and c) school-based implementation for the
restructuring of the learning and collaborative working culture. After the model was
implemented, the twenty four teachers involved showed higher academic competencies in all
three expectations, which verified the idea of student learning improvement and school as a
professional community
The results from the study research suggest some useful guidelines as the following.
1. Executive administration was trigger and fostered toward moving forward
empowerment by means of competences potential throughout academic orientation for
2. Leadership approach was along way with researcher that was very important of
researcher such as learner, coaching pragmatic officer, encouragement motivation empower
official by means of participative and continuous learning.
3. Co-researcher had been ever eager & curious toward learning procedure and member
body of knowledge exchange, performance working of evidence after laboratory practices of
learning classroom.

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