Checkmate in 2 - 300 Puzzles (Aleksandar Trailovic)

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The document presents 300 chess positions where there is a forced checkmate in two moves and provides the solutions. It discusses methods of improving at chess such as experience, studying past games, solving puzzles and openings.

The document focuses on presenting the reader with chess positions that have a forced checkmate in two moves and providing the solutions to help readers improve their ability to find quick checkmates.

According to the document, one can improve at chess through experience gained from playing games, analyzing and learning from past chess games, solving chess puzzles, and studying openings. This helps players become familiar with different chess patterns and find the best moves in similar situations.

Checkmate in 2

By Aleksandar Trailovic

Why are some people stronger in chess than other?

Part of of the reason is due to their natural ability, but bigger part is because of their
experience and the time they devoted to the study of the game. While getting experience by
playing is a great way to improve, one cannot neglect learning through analyzing chess
heritage form the past, solving chess puzzles or studying openings. Through all the processes
mentioned above a player becomes familiar with different chess patterns and when a similar
situation occurs in his game he has easier time finding the right move if his knowledge is
more rich.
In this workbook we present the reader with 300 chess positions in which there is a possibility
of a forced mate in two moves. Under each diagram there is a number that corresponds to the
solution of the position (few pages down). There is also a letter B or W that indicates if it is
white's or black's move. If it is white's turn to move the diagram is positioned so that white
pawns go up the board and black ones down the board. If it is black to move then the
orientation is opposite. The layout is like this: There are 24 positions and then the solutions for
those, then the next 24 positions followed by solutions and so on. We strongly recommend to
the reader to try to solve the puzzle before checking the solution. This kind of approach will
give greatest results because of the active engagement of the reader. Also, since it is only
checkmate in two, the problems should not be that hard. Regardless of that “easy” difficulty
level the benefit will be obvious to the reader as soon as the checkmate in two opportunity
arises in his game.
We assume that the reader is familiar with the rules of the game and with chess algebraic
notation. If there is a word “any” somewhere in the solutions it represents “any move”. This
was used to cover several replies in case they all lead to the same reply. There is another use
of the word “any” to describe a more specific situation. e.g. “Rany6” means Rook moves
anywhere along the sixth rank. This type of description is rare in this workbook, but with this
explanation we hope it will not cause confusion.
Most positions are taken from real games. First dozen is mostly form author's casual games
and most of the rest are form different chess games of some famous and less famous
players. There are couple of artificial positions too and a few compositions, but the bulk of the
positions in this workbook is taken form real games.
How to study

The reader can choose anyway he likes and any amount of positions to solve in a given
session. As long as it is interesting there are no limitations. This, although looks obvious, is
often neglected by many chess players. Sometime people delve into chess so much that it
becomes a strain. Our recommendation to the reader is to always have fun and joy in any en
devour, therefore it should not be any different with chess.
It is not of great importance to set up positions on the board. Actually it might be more
beneficial not to set the pieces because that method provides more practice in visualization
and also a lot of time can be lost by setting the pieces on a real chess board. Just to make it
clear there are situations in which using the real chess board is more beneficial and also very
important (analyzing games, openings etc.), but with this workbook you don't need
The order of diagrams is not related to the difficulty level, because we believe that that way of
sorting the positions is kinda like giving a hint to the reader.
1 W 2 W

3 B 4 B
5 W 6 W

7 W 8 W
9 W 10 B

11 W 12 W
13 B 14 B

15 W 16 W
17 W 18 B

19 B 20 W
21 W 22 W

23 W 24 W
#1 1. Rh8, any 2. Rxh6#

#2 1. Rd1+, Bd7 2 .Qxd7#

#3 1. Bf5++, K any 2. Qg4#

#4 1...Bc3+ 2. Kd1, Ne3#

#5 1. Rf5, any 2. Rh5#

#6 1. Rf8+, Qe8 2. Qxe8#

#7 1. Qxg6+, Kh8 2. Qh6#

#8 1. Qg4+, f5 2. Qxf5#

#9 1. Qe7+, Kxg6 2. Nh4# 1... Kg8 2. Qf7#

#10 1... Bd2 2. any, Rh3#

#11 1. Kg2, Rg7 2. Nf6# 1...Rany6 2.Qg8#

#12 1. Qd7+,Kf8 2. Qxf7#

#13 1... Qc4 2. any, Rxd3#

#14 1... Qd3+ 2. Kc1, Qc2#

#15 1. Bf7+, Kd7 2. Qe6#

#16 1. Qg5+, Kh8 2. Qg7#

#17 1. Bf6+, e5 2. Qxe5# 1... Kxe4 2. Qf3# or 1. Bf4+

#18 1... Qxf3+ 2. Ke1, Qf2#

#19 1... Nb4+ 2. Ke2, Qf2#

#20 1. Nh7+, Kh5 2. Bf7#

#21 1. Nd5, Bd6 2. Nxf6# 1...any other move 2. Nf4#

#22 1. Nf6+, Kg7 2. Rh7#

#23 1. Qxh5+, g6 2. Qxg6#

#24 1. Ne6+, Ke8 2. Rd7#

25 W 26 W

27 B 28 W
29 W 30 W

31 W 32 W
33 W 34 W

35 W 36 W
37 W 38 W

39 W 40 W
41 W 42 W

43 W 44 W
45 W 46 W

47 W 48
#25 1. Qf7, any 2. Qe7#

#26 1. Bh5+, Rf7 2. Qxf7#

#27 1... Rxg4 2. any, Qxg2#

#28 1. Bxd7+, Qxd7 2. Nc7#

#29 1. Qxd7, Kf8 2. Qd8#

#30 1. Qb8+, Nxb8 2. Rd8#

#31 1. b4+, axb4 2.cxb4#

#32 1. Rg8+, Ke7 2. Qh7#

#33 1. Nf6++, Kf8 2. Re8#

#34 1. Qe6+, Qf7 2. Qxf7# or 1. Qxd5+

#35 1. Qh5+, Ke7 2. Qe5#

#36 1. Qf7+, Kh6 2. hxg5#

#37 1. Qc4+, Kd6 2. Qc5# 1... Kb6 2. Qb5#

#38 1. gxh7+, Nxh5 2. Bg6#

#39 1. Nf7++, Kg8 2. Qh8#

#40 1. Bb5+, c6 2. Re7#

#41 1. Na6+, Ka8 2. Bc6#

#42 1. Bg5+, Ke8 2. Rxg8#

#43 1. Qf5+, Kh6 2. Bg5# or 2. Qg5#

#44 1. Nc6+, any 2. Qe8#

#45 1. Be3+, Kd3 2. Qe4# 1...Kc4 2. Qb5#

#46 1. Qd3+, Kc5 2. Be3#

#47 1. Qh3+, Kf5 2. Qd3#

#48 1... Qg1+, 2. any , Nf2#

49 B 50 B

51 W 52 W
53 B 54 W

55 W 56 B
57 B 58 W

59 B 60 W
61 B 62 W

63 W 64 W
65 W 66 B

67 B 68 B
69 B 70 B

71 B 72 B
#49 1... Bd4+ 2. Kh2, Qg3#

#50 1... Qe1+ 2. Nxe1, Nf2#

#51 1. Qxf6+, Nf7 2. Qxf7#

#52 1. Qe8+,any 2. d5#

#53 1... Bh4+ 2. Bf2, Qxf2#

#54 1. Bxf7+, Ke7 2. Nd5#

#55 1. Qb3+, Ka5 2. Qb5#

#56 1... Rg1+ 2. any, Rxh2#

#57 1... Nd3+ 2. Kf1, Qd1#

#58 1. Qc7+, Ke8 2. Qe7#

#59 1... Qf2+ 2. Kd1, Nb2#

#60 1. Qh5+, Bh6 2. Qxh6#

#61 1... Rg1+ 2. Kh2, Qg2#

#62 1. Nc7+, Kf7 2. Qe6#

#63 1. exf7++, Kf8 2. fxg8Q# or 2. fxg8R#

#64 1. Bxe4+, Kf6 2. Be5#

#65 1. Qd7+, Kf8 2. Qf7#

#66 1... Bd3+ 2. Qxd3, Re1# 2. Qe2, Bxe2#

#67 1... Qf2+ 2. Kh3, Rxh4#

#68 1... Rxe2 2. any, Re4# or 1... Bxe2+ 2. Ke1, Bc3#

#69 1... Qb6+ 2. Kd5, Qd6#

#70 1... Qxg3+ 2. hxg3, Bxg3# or 1... Bxg3+ 2. hxg3, Qxg3#

#71 1... Nf3+ 2. Kd1, Qf1#

#72 1... Nf2+ 2. Rxf2, Nxf2#

73 W 74 W

75 W 76 W
77 W 78 W

79 W 80 W
81 W 82 W

83 B 84 W
85 W 86 W

87 W 88 W
89 W 90 W

91 W 92 B
93 W 94 W

95 B 96 W
#73 1. Nce6++, Kd8 2. Qd8#

#74 1. Qg8+, Rxg8 2. Nf7#

#75 1. Bh6+, Qg7 2. Qf7#

#76 1. Qc5+, Qd6 2. Qxd6#

#77 1. Qf7+, Kd8 2. Qf8#

#78 1. Ng5+, Qxc4 2. Rxf8# or 1. Rxf8+, Kh7 2. Bd3#

#79 1. g4+, Kh4 2. Bg3#

#80 1. Nxf7+, Kd7 2. Qxg4#

#81 1. Qf7+, Kh6 2. Nf5#

#82 1. Qxe6+, Kf8 2. Qf7#

#83 1... Nc5+ 2. Kb5, Nd4+

#84 1. Bh7+, Kh8 2. Nxf7# 1... Kf8 2. Qxf7#

#85 1. Rc5+, Kd4 2. Qd6#

#86 1. Qe6+, Kc7 2. Bd6#

#87 1. Bf6+, any 2. Re8#

#88 1. Re4+, Kf5 2. Qh5# 1... Kd6 2. Qd5#

#89 1. Ne4+, dxe4 2. Nxe4#

#90 1. Bh6+, Kg8 2. Qg5#

#91 1. Nf7+, Kc7 2. Bd6#

#92 1... Rh3+ 2. gxh3, Qh2#

#93 1. Rh5+, any 2. Qg5#

#94 1. Qf5+, any 2. Qf7#

#95 1... Rxh3+ 2. any, Qh2#

#96 1. h3+, Qxh3 2. Qxh3#

97 B 98 W

99 W 100 W
101 B 102 B

103 W 104 B
105 B 106 B

107 W 108 B
109 W 110 W

111 W 112 W
113 B 114 B

115 B 116 W
117 W 118 W

119 W 120 W
#97 1... Qf3 2. Kh2, Rh1#

#98 1. Qh6+, Kf5 2. g4#

#99 1. Qf6+, Qg7 2. Qxg7#

#100 1. Bb5+, Qd7 2. Bxd7#

#101 1... Bxf2+ 2. Kf1, Ng3#

#102 1... Bxf2+ 2. Ke2, Qe3#

#103 1. Qc8+, Nxc8 2. Rxc8#

#104 1... Qxc2+ 2. Ke1, Qxd1#

#105 1... Qf1+ 2. Rd1, Qxd1# or 2... Rxd1#

#106 1... b2+ 2. Nxa4, b1Q# or 2... b1R#

#107 1. Nc4+, Kb5 2. Nc3#

#108 1... Qe3+ 2. Kd1, Nf2#

#109 1. Qa5+, Kb2 2. Rb1#

#110 1. Qxc8+, Ka7 2. Qxa8#

#111 1. Qf8+, Rxf8 2. Rxf8#

#112 1. Qxc8+, Kxc8 2. Re8#

#113 1... Ne5+ 2. Kxg5, Qh6#

#114 1... Nd3+ 2. Kd1, Bf3#

#115 1... Qxe2 2. Kc3, Qc2#

#116 1. Rc8+, Qd8 2. Qxd7#

#117 1. Qf2+, Ke4 2. Qf3#

#118 1. Qf8+, Rxf8 2. Rxf8#

#119 1. Rxg7+, Rxg7 2. Qxg7# 1...Kf8 2. Rg8# 1... Kh8 2. Rxh7#

#120 1. Nf6+, gxf6 2. Bxf7# or 1. Nc7+

121 W 122 W

123 B 124 W
125 W 126 W

127 W 128 W
129 B 130 W

131 B 132 W
133 W 134 B

135 W 136 B
137 B 138 W

139 B 140 B
141 W 142 W

143 W 144 B
#121 1. b4+, Kd4 2. c3#

#122 1. Qc5+, Kd3 2. Qe3#

#123 1... Rg1+ 2. Rxg1, Nf2#

#124 1. Qh5+, Rf7 2. Qxf7#

#125 1. Qa4, Ka1 2. Nc3# 1...bxa2 2. Qd1# 1... Kc2 2. Qe4#

#126 1. Bb5+, Kb6 2. Na4#

#127 1. Qf8+, Qxf8 2. Rxf8#

#128 1. Nxb6+, Kb8 2. Qa8#

#129 1... Nf4+ 2. Kh4, g5#

#130 1. Bd3+, Qxd3 2. Rxg7#

#131 1... g6+ 2. any, Be3#

#132 1. Ba3+ , Nb4 2. Bxb4#

#133 1. Qb7, Qxb7 2. cxb7#

#134 1... Rh1+ 2. Kf2, Rf1#

#135 1. Nxf7+, Ke7 2. Re7#

#136 1... Rh5+ 2. Kxh5, Qg5#

#137 1... Qg4+ 2. Kh6, Rh3# or 2... Qh4#

#138 1. Rd8+, Re8 2. Rf7#

#139 1... Bd3+ 2. Ke1, Rf1#

#140 1... Qxh2+ 2. Bxh2, Nf2#

#141 1. Rh1+, Kg7 2. Qh6#

#142 1. Qd5+, Kb4 2. a3#

#143 1. Qxh7+, Kxf6 2. Ng4#

#144 1... Bxg2+ 2. Kg1, Nf3#

145 W 146 B

147 W 148 W
149 W 150 W

151 W 152 B
153 W 154 W

155 W 156 B
157 W 158 W

159 B 160 B
161 W 162 W

163 W 164 B
165 W 166 W

167 B 168 B
#145 1. Re8+, any 2. Nh6# or 1. Nh6+, gxh6 2. Rg6#

#146 1... Qg1+ 2. Rxg1, Nf2#

#147 1. Ng6++, Kxf7 2. Nxh8#

#148 1. Ra6, bxa6 2. b7# 1... B any 2. Rxa7#

#149 1. Rxf7++, Kg8 2. Rf8# 1... Ke8 2. Qd7#

#150 1. Rh8+, Nxh8 2. Qh7#

#151 1. Ngf7+, Kc7 2. Nb5#

#152 1... Rh2+ 2. any, Qg5#

#153 1. Nb6+, axb6 2. Bxe6#

#154 1. Rf2+, Kxd3 2. Rd2# 1... Kd1 2. Qd2#

#155 1. Rxh7+, Kxh7 2. Qh5#

#156 1... Qe5+ 2. Be4. Qxe4#

#157 1. Rxh7+, Kxh7 2. Qh6#

#158 1. Qf6+, Nxf6 2. Be7#

#159 1... Qh2+ 2. Kxf1, Qh1#

#160 1... Qxg2+ 2. Nxg2, Rh3#

#161 1. Nxc7+, Kxa7 2. Rb7#

#162 1. Bf6++, Kxf6 2. Qg6 1...Kf8 2. Qg7# or 1. Bh6++

#163 1. Rd4+, exd4 2. Qxd4# 1... Kxc3 2. Qd2# 1... Kc5 2. Rb4#

#164 1... Qxh2+ 2. Kxh2, Rh4#

#165 1. Qxg7+, Kxg7 2. R1f7#

#166 1. Qc8+, any 2. Nd7#

#167 1... Bd5+ 2. Kd6, Ne8#

#168 1... Bxf3+ 2. Rxf3, Qg1#

169 B 170 B

171 B 172 B
173 W 174 B

175 W 176 W
177 W 178 W

179 W 180 B
181 W 182 B

183 W 184 B
185 B 186 B

187 B 188 W
189 B 190 B

191 W 192 B
#169 1... Bf2+ 2. Kh2, Qg1#

#170 1... Rc1+ 2. Nxc1, Qf2#

#171 1... Qf3+ 2. Rxf3, Rg1# 2. Qg2, Qxg2#

#172 1... Qxe1+ 2. Nxe1, Rxe1#

#173 1. Be2, any 2. Rh1#

#174 1... Qxh2+ 2. Bxh2, Rhh2#

#175 1. Rxf6+, Qxf6 2. Qe8#

#176 1. g8Q, Rxg8 2. Qh6#

#177 1. Qg3, Qxe7 2. Qxg4# 1... Qd7 2. Qh3#

#178 1. Qb8+, Nxb8 2. Rd8#

#179 1. Qc3+, Kxa4 2. Qa3#

#180 1. Qc6+, bxc6 2. Ba6# 1... Bc7 2. Qxc7#

#181 1. Be6+, Rxe6 2. Rd8#

#182 1... Nf2+ 2. Qxf2, Qg4#

#183 1. Nf6+, Bxf6 2. e7#

#184 1... Qd1+ 2. Rxd1, Rxd1#

#185 1... Qxc3+ 2. bxc3, Ba3#

#186 1... Rxh2+ 2. Kxh2, Rh8#

#187 1... Qxh2+ 2. Rxh2, Rg1#

#188 1. Rg8++, Kxg8 2. Rg1#

#189 1... Qxg2+ 2. Qxg2, Rxf1#

#190 1...Rxe3 2. Kg1, Re1# 2. Qd1, Re2#

#191 1. Qxg6+, fxg6 2. Bxf8# 1,,, Kh8 2.Qg7#

#192 1...Rh3+ 2. gxh3, Rh2#

193 B 194 B

195 W 196 B
197 W 198 B

199 W 200 W
201 W 202 W

203 W 204 W
205 B 206 B

207 B 208 W
209 W 210 W

211 W 212 W
213 W 214 W

215 B 216 W
#193 1... Bxd4 2. Kxd4, Qxd2#

#194 1... Qxg1+ 2. Kxg1, Rf1#

#195 1. Bg5++, Ke8 2. Rd8#

#196 1... Qxe1 2. Rxe1, Rxe1#

#197 1. g4+, Kxg4 2. Qh3#

#198 1... Rxe1 2. Rxe1, Qf2#

#199 1. Bxf6+, Qxf6 2. Qg8# 1... Rxf6 2. Qg7 1... Rg7 2. Qxg7#

#200 1. Bxh6+, Rxh6 2. Qf7#

#201 1. Ba5+, Qxa5 2. Qe7#

#202 1. Qxg6+, fxg6 2. Rg7#

#203 1. Qxe8+, Rxe8 2. Rxe8#

#204 1. Qxf8+, Kxf8 2. Rb8#

#205 1... Rxh2+ 2. Kxh2, Qh7#

#206 1... Qg2+ 2. Rxg2, Nh3#

#207 1... Rh2++ 2. Kg1, Rh1#

#208 1. Qd8+, Nxd8 2. Rxd8#

#209 1. Re8++, Kxe8 2. Qe7#

#210 1. Rb8+, Nxb8 2. Rxb8#

#211 1. Na6+, bxa6 2. Qb4#

#212 1. Rxd7+, Kxd7 2. Qe7#

#213 1. Qxd7+, Kxd7 2. Bf5# or 2. Bb5#

#214 1. Qxf8+, Kxf8 2. Rh8#

#215 1... Rh3+ 2. Bxh3, Qxh3#

#216 1. Rh8+, Bxh8 2. Qxh8#

217 W 218 B

219 W 220 W
221 W 222 W

223 W 224 W
225 W 226 B

227 W 228 B
229 W 230 W

231 W 232 B
233 B 234 W

235 W 236 W
237 W 238 W

239 B 240 W
#217 1. Qxf8+, Bxf8 2. Rxf8#

#218 1... Rg1+ 2. Bxg1, Qe2#

#219 1. Rg6+, fxg6 2. Rxg6#

#220 1. Qxh7+, Kxh7 2. Rh3#

#221 1. Nxh8++, any 2. Qf7#

#222 1. Nxb6+,cxb6 2. Rxb8# 1... Kb7 2. Ra7#

#223 1. Rf8+. Qxf8 2. Qxh7#

#224 1. Qxf6+, Nxf6 2. Bxf6#

#225 1. Rxh7+, Rxh7 2. Rxg8#

#226 1... Qxg4+ 2. Rxg4, Re1#

#227 1. Qxf7+, Qxf7 2. Rxf7#

#228 1... Qh1+ 2. Bxh1, Nh3#

#229 1. Bg7+, Kg8 2. Bxf6#

#230 1. Qxe6+, Kf4 2. Nh3#

#231 1. Nf3+, Kxe4 2. Nc3#

#232 1... Bxg2++ 2. Kxg2, Qh2#

#233 1... Qxg2+ 2. Kxg2, Bh3# 2. Ke1, Qf2#

#234 1. Rg4+, e4 2. Rd1#

#235 1. Rh5+, gxh5 2. g5#

#236 1. Qxe4+, fxe4 2. Bxe4#

#237 1. Qg6+, hxg6 2. Bxg6#

#238 1. Qg6, any 2. Nh6#

#239 1... Qg1+ 2. Rxg1, Nf2#

#240 1. Qc5+, b5 2. Qa3# 1... Qb5 2. Qxb5#

241 W 242 W

243 W 244 W
245 W 246 W

247 W 248 W
249 W 250 B

251 B 252 W
253 B 254 B

255 W 256 B
257 B 258 B

259 W 260 W
261 B 262 B

263 W 264 W
#241 1. Nxg7+, Bxg7 2. f5#

#242 1. Qxh5+, Rxh5 2. Bg6#

#243 1. Qxh7+, Kxh7 2. Rh4#

#244 1. hxg3+, Qh4 2. Rxh4#

#245 1. Rg7+, Ke6 2. Ng5#

#246 1. Qg8+. Rxg8 2. Rxg8#

#247 1. Qf7+, Kh8 2. Rh3#

#248 1. Ne8+. Rxe8 2. Rxd7#

#249 1. Rh8+, Nxh8 2. Bh7#

#250 1... Qxc4+ 2. bxc4, Bd3#

#251 1... Ra3+ 2. Rxa3, Qb2#

#252 1. Rxf7+, any 2. Qg7#

#253 1. Nf6+, Kh8 2. Rxh7#

#254 1... Rg1+ 2. Kh6, Qg7#

#255 1. Bb5++, Kf8 2. Re8#

#256 1... Bxd5+ 2. any, Rg1#

#257 1... Qa1+ 2. Kd2, Nc4#

#258 1... h4+ 2. Kf4, Rd4#

#259 1. f4+, Kxe4 2. Ng3#

#260 1. Rxb5+, cxb5 2. Qc7#

#261 1... h3 2. any, h2#

#262 1... Qg2+ 2. Kh4, Qg5# or 2... Qf2# or 2... g5#

#263 1. Qxg5, any 2. Qg7#

#264 1. Qxh6+, Kg8 2. Qxg6# 1... Nh7 2. Qxh7#

265 W 266 W

267 W 268 W
269 B 270 W

271 W 272 B
273 B 274 W

275 B 276 W
277 W 278 B

279 B 280 W
281 W 282 W

283 W 284 W
285 W 286 W

287 W 288 W
#265 1. Rxa7+, Rxa7 2. Qb6#

#266 1. Rxd8++, Kxg7 2. Qg5#

#267 1. Ng6+. Kh7 2. Qf7#

#268 1... Ng4+ 2. hxg4, Qh4#

#269 1... Bc4+ 2. Nxc4, Rg1# 2. Re2 , Qxe2#

#270 1. Ra5, Qxa6 2. Rxa6# 1... Rb7 2. Qxb7#

#271 1. Rg5+, Kh6 2. Rh4#

#272 1... Bxf4+ 2. Kh3, Rh1#

#273 1... Qxf1+ 2. Kxf1, Rd1#

#274 1. Qxh7+, Kxh7 2. Rh4#

#275 1... g1Q 2. Rxg1, Rh3#

#276 1. Rh5+, Kg7 2. Rxg6#

#277 1. Bg5++, Kc7 2. Bd8# 1... Ke8 2. Rd8#

#278 1... Ng3+ 2. hxg3, Rxh8#

#279 1... b6+ 2. Kxc6, Qc4#

#280 1. a4+, Nxa4 2. c4# 1... Ka6 2. Bc4#

#281 1. Bb5+, ke7 2. Nd5#

#282 1. Qd8+, Bxd8 2. Re8#

#283 1. Bc7+, Ka7 2. Qb8#

#284 1. Qf7+, Kd6 2. Nc4#

#285 1. Qh8+, Nxh8 2. Rxh8#

#286 1. Qxh7+, Nxh7 2. Rxh7#

#287 1. Qxc6+, bxc6 2. Ba6#

#288 1. Qg5+, Rxg5 2. Rh7#

289 W 290 B

291 W 292 W
293 W 294 B

295 W 296 W
297 W 298 W

299 W 300 W
#289 1. Qg6+, Nxg6 2. fxg6#

#290 1... Rh1+ 2. Nxh1, g4#

#291 1. Qxh7+, Kxh7 2. Rh5#

#292 1. Ng6+, hxg6 2. Rh4#

#293 1. Qg8+, Nxg8 2. Nf7#

#294 1... Qxe1+ 2. Kxe1, Rc1#

#295 1. Bg6+, Rxg6 2. Qf8#

#296 1. Nxb6+, cxb6 2. Qb8#

#297 1. Bc6+, Qxd4 2. e7# or 1. Bb5+ or 1. Ba4+

#298 1. Qxh5+, Kxh5 2. Rh7#

#299 1. Qh8+, Bxh8 2. Rxh8#

#300 1. Ng6+, hxg6 2. Rh3#

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pFad v4 Proxy