Growing Need For Certain Level of STP (Straight Through Processing) in Trade Finance Operations Why?
Growing Need For Certain Level of STP (Straight Through Processing) in Trade Finance Operations Why?
Growing Need For Certain Level of STP (Straight Through Processing) in Trade Finance Operations Why?
Trade Finance Business-Most Complex areas of wholesale banking getting involved more than 12 parties
in an end-to end txn.
Difficult to achieve 100% automation or straight-through processing (STP) across all the entities in a trade
finance ecosystem
multiple trade systems have to interact with the legacy systems in the middle and back office, such as
accounting systems, limits maintenance, static data maintenance, payment processing systems,
A modest setup, however, would mean that at least 80% of all the transaction are processed and settled
electronically with minimal manual intervention and errors by all the parties in the trade lifecycle.
advances in technology- cohesive and integrated service to suit individual customer needs.
Many large corporates have implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions and are using
electronic trade services to manage their trade finance transactions.
Creating Business Value Using Modest STP: To create value-add for our bank , we need to have a two-
pronged approach:
Short-term value: We need to look at short-term initiatives and benefits that they can generate after
enabling modest STP. This would effectively address the concerns relating to transaction speed and cost
Long-term value: leveraging short-term initiatives, we can create a target-operating model that will
effectively address some of the issues relating to automating processes, improving and implementing
industry standards, and ultimately helping the bank gear up to adapt to future STP initiatives.
To create value-add for our trade finance operations and the customers are:
Product of Temenos:
1. Dynamic Advice Generation from Globus (Real Time/in future): Debit Advice/Credit Advice/LC
Issuance/LC Amendment/LC Settlement/GTEE Advice.
2. Dynamic Advice Generation from Internet Banking Services
3. Parent Limit/Child Limit-at the time renewal/disbursal-LC/GTEE
4. Parent Limit/Child Limit-at the time renewal/Disbursal-TR/SDL (Trade Loan)
5. Group Limit Tagging
6. Fund Position/facility summary from the CBS
7. MIS NRB CODING-Auto generation at the time of new TR/SDL disbursal.
8. Internet-enabled order management
9. MIS for Reconciliation- LC/GTEE Contingent and Margin with GL=Automatic Reconciliation
Data Integration with SWIFT –In&Out (Auto Generation of LC Draft from the Globus to SWIFT)