Title: Music in Consumerism: Complete Guide of Film Scoring by Richard Harding Davis
Title: Music in Consumerism: Complete Guide of Film Scoring by Richard Harding Davis
Title: Music in Consumerism: Complete Guide of Film Scoring by Richard Harding Davis
Meeting time: Your class will meet M,W, and every other Friday for one hour as part of
a fine arts block.
Instructors names: Jessica Brummel, Abigail Huck, Abigail Giles, Bailey Eisenbraun,
Alex Meek
Purpose: To identify the roles and influences of music in everyday life, particularly in
the areas of movie scores, advertising, places of business, interpersonal relationships,
etc. Students will distinguish how music in ads affect your shopping tendencies, then tie
into how music affects your relationships.
Course overview: Explore music in ads, music in film, music in public places, and
other spheres of influence.
ISBN: 9781617743313
Reel Music: Exploring 100 Years of Film Music - 2nd edition ISBN13:
Expectations: Things done on time
Proposed Course Calendar: (This section will be based on the number of units you propose to present, the order of
presentation, and dates of the presentations.)
Unit Calendar
Music in Film - Weeks 1-3
Music in Places of Business - Weeks 4-6
Music in Ads - Weeks 7-9
(Unit #4) - Weeks 10-12
Music and its Effect on Everyday Life - Weeks 13-15
(Week 16 = Finals week - Submit 5 projects together)
*Large projects are due at the end of each unit. This will leave no final exam, but the
students will revise their previous projects from each unit and compile them to submit all
5 projects as the final summative assessment.
Anticipated lessons: This part is the portion that you will teach for your peers and the
middle school students. The premise of the lesson must be multicultural
5 units
5 summative projects/forms of assessment