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Final Analysis Holly Cantrell Gilman

Sub. H.B. 318

132nd General Assembly
(As Passed by the General Assembly)

Reps. Patterson and LaTourette, Boggs, Lepore-Hagan, Carfagna, Slaby, Rogers, Scherer,
K. Smith, Miller, Sheehy, Brenner, Fedor, Hambley, Henne, R. Smith, Cera, Green,
Sykes, Anielski, Antonio, Arndt, Ashford, Barnes, Boyd, Brown, Craig, Cupp, Duffey,
Edwards, Faber, Galonski, Gavarone, Ginter, Greenspan, Hagan, Holmes, Hoops,
Hughes, Ingram, T. Johnson, Kelly, Koehler, Landis, Leland, Lipps, Manning, McClain,
O'Brien, Patton, Pelanda, Perales, Ramos, Reineke, Rezabek, Riedel, Romanchuk,
Ryan, Seitz, Stein, Strahorn, Thompson, West, Wiggam, Young
Sens. Lehner, Manning, Oeslager, Tavares, Beagle, Balderson, Brown, Dolan, Eklund,
Gardner, Hackett, Hoagland, Hottinger, Huffman, Kunze, LaRose, McColley, Obhof,
O'Brien, Peterson, Schiavoni, Sykes, Terhar, Thomas, Uecker, Wilson, Yuko
Effective date: November 2, 2018; appropriations effective August 2, 2018


School resource officers

 Establishes qualifications and training requirements for school resource officers

(peace officers) and specifies some services they may provide to school districts and

 Requires school resource officers appointed on and after November 2, 2018, to

complete 40 hours of specialized training certified by the Ohio Peace Officer
Training Commission.

 Requires any school district that obtains school resource officer services to enter into
a memorandum of understanding with the appropriate law enforcement agency
describing the district's school resource officer program.

This version corrects the text regarding emergency removal of a student (p. 14).
Other safety and security provisions

 Appropriates $12 million to the Attorney General for FY 2019 to provide grants to
public schools, including those of county boards of developmental disabilities, and
chartered nonpublic schools for school safety and school climate programs and

 Requires the Department of Public Safety, in consultation with the Facilities

Construction Commission, to conduct a study of school security in public and
participating chartered nonpublic school buildings by February 1, 2019.

 Transfers unused capital funds from the School Security Grants Program to the
General Revenue Fund.



 Entitles the portion of the act regarding Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
(PBIS), suspensions, expulsions, and emergency removal as the "Supporting
Alternatives for Education Act," or the "SAFE Act."

Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)

 Clarifies that each public school must implement a PBIS framework and specifies
objectives and contents of the framework.

 Requires all teacher preparation programs to include PBIS instruction for students
pursuing a license to teach in any of grades pre-K through 5.

 Requires each school district to provide professional development in PBIS to

teachers and administrators.

 Requires each district's professional development committee to establish model

courses and monitor a district's provision of professional development in PBIS.

 Includes as a nongraded measure on a district's or school's state report card a

statement of whether it has implemented a PBIS framework.

Suspension and expulsion

 Specifies that a student may be expelled for one year for bringing or possessing a
knife only if that knife is capable of causing serious bodily injury, as defined by the
district or school.

Legislative Service Commission -2- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly
 Requires a school district or school to permit suspended students to complete
missed assignments.

 Specifies that any in-school suspension must be served in a supervised learning


 Prohibits out-of-school suspension or expulsion of students in grades pre-K

through 3 for minor offenses, but phases in full implementation of the prohibition
until the 2021-2022 school year.

 Requires each school district and school to annually report all out-of-school
suspensions and expulsions of pre-K through 3 students, categorized by type of

 Requires the Department of Education, by October 1 of school years 2018-2019

through 2021-2022, to issue a report with a summary of the best practices of
implementing a PBIS framework and the total number of out-of-school suspensions
and expulsions issued for pre-K through 3 students.

Emergency removal

 Reduces from three to one the number of school days within which a post-removal
hearing must be held regarding a student's emergency removal.

 Specifies that emergency removal of a student in any of grades pre-K through 3 may
be only for the remainder of the school day, unless the student committed an offense
warranting suspension or expulsion.

Grants to implement PBIS

 Appropriates $2 million to the Department of Education in FY 2019 for competitive

grants to public schools to implement PBIS frameworks, or evidence- or research-
based social and emotional learning initiatives, in buildings that serve any of grades
K through 3.

SCHOOL SAFETY AND SECURITY.......................................................................................... 4
School resource officers............................................................................................................. 4
Completion of specialized training .......................................................................................... 5
Dual role of Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission ............................................................ 5
Provision of specialized training program ............................................................................... 5
Nuances of law enforcement functions ............................................................................... 6
Types of services provided by a school resource officer......................................................... 6
Memorandum of understanding.............................................................................................. 7

Legislative Service Commission -3- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly
Contents............................................................................................................................. 7
Student input ...................................................................................................................... 8
Grants for safety and school climate programs and training ....................................................... 8
Study of school security ............................................................................................................. 8
Transfer of unused School Security Grant funds ........................................................................ 9
"SAFE ACT" ............................................................................................................................... 9
Overview .................................................................................................................................... 9
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) .................................................................10
Adoption of a PBIS framework ..............................................................................................10
Training on PBIS ...................................................................................................................10
Teacher preparation programs ..........................................................................................10
Professional development .................................................................................................11
State Board policy regarding PBIS ........................................................................................11
Compliance with PBIS as a nongraded report card measure.................................................12
Suspension and expulsion ........................................................................................................12
Provisions applicable to all students regardless of grade level ..............................................12
Expulsion for a knife at school ...........................................................................................12
Ability to make up work .....................................................................................................12
Supervised learning environment ......................................................................................12
Notice to the district treasurer ............................................................................................13
Provisions applicable only to students in grades pre-K through 3 ..........................................13
Out-of-school suspension or expulsion for "minor offenses" prohibited..............................13
Phased implementation .....................................................................................................13
Consultation with mental health professional .....................................................................14
Department reports ...............................................................................................................14
Emergency removal ..................................................................................................................15
Provisions applicable to all students regardless of grade level ..............................................15
Provisions applicable only to students in grades pre-K through 3 ..........................................15
Grants to implement PBIS .........................................................................................................15



School resource officers

The act establishes the qualifications and training requirements for school
resource officers. A "school resource officer" under the act is any certified peace officer
appointed through a memorandum of understanding between a law enforcement
agency and a school district.1 Essentially, the act's provisions apply only to school
resource officer (peace officer) services, and it appears that districts and schools may
continue to procure other forms of security services through other means. But on and
after the act's November 2, 2018, effective date, school resource officer services may be
procured only in accordance with the act.

R.C. 3313.951.

Legislative Service Commission -4- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly
For purposes of the act, the term "peace officer" is limited to deputy sheriffs,
marshals or deputy marshals, and police officers or constables of municipal, township,
joint district, or housing authority police forces.2

Completion of specialized training

Each school resource officer appointed on or after November 2, 2018, must

complete, within one year after appointment, at least 40 hours of specialized training. It
must be completed through one of the following, as approved by the Ohio Peace Officer
Training Commission:

(1) The National Association of School Resource Officers;

(2) The Ohio School Resource Officers Association; or

(3) A course that satisfies the act's conditions and is taught by a peace officer
certified to conduct the training.

Any school resource officer appointed prior to November 2, 2018, is exempt from
the specialized training requirement.3

Dual role of Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission

The act requires the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission to both:

(1) Develop and conduct a basic school resource officer training course that
includes instruction regarding skills, tactics, and strategies necessary to address the
specific nature of school climate and security (see below) and establish criteria for
successful completion of that course; and

(2) Adopt rules for the approval of the National or Ohio School Resource Officer
Association or a peace officer certified to conduct specialized training and select the
entity that will actually conduct the specialized training.4

Provision of specialized training program

Under the act, the National Association of School Resource Officers, the Ohio
School Resource Officers Association, or a peace officer certified to conduct a basic
school resource officer training course must be approved by the Ohio Peace Officer

R.C. 3313.951(A)(3). See R.C. 109.71(A)(1), not in the act.
3 R.C. 3313.951(B)(1) and (2).
R.C. 3313.951(B)(4).

Legislative Service Commission -5- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly
Training Commission to provide the specialized training. Regardless of which entity
conducts the training, the program itself also must be certified by the Commission and
include instruction regarding skills, tactics, and strategies necessary to address the
specific nature of:

(1) School campuses;

(2) School building security needs and characteristics;

(3) The nuances of law enforcement functions conducted in a school environment

(see below);

(4) The mechanics of being a positive role model for youth, including appropriate
communication techniques;

(5) Providing assistance on classroom management tools and managing the

behaviors of children with special needs;

(6) Compulsory attendance laws; and

(7) Identifying the trends in drug use, eliminating the instance of drug use, and
encouraging a drug-free school environment.5

Nuances of law enforcement functions

The program must include instruction on "understanding" the following

concepts as nuances of law enforcement functions in a school environment:

(1) The psychological and physiological characteristic of students;

(2) The appropriate role of school resource officers regarding discipline and
reducing the number of referrals to juvenile court; and

(3) The use of developmentally appropriate interview, interrogation, de-

escalation, and behavior management strategies.6

Types of services provided by a school resource officer

A school resource officer may carry out any responsibilities outlined in the
officer's employment engagement, contract, or memorandum of understanding with a
school or district. These include providing a safe learning environment, providing

5 R.C. 3313.951(B)(3).
R.C. 3313.951(B)(3)(c).

Legislative Service Commission -6- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly
resources to school staff, fostering positive relationships, or developing problem
resolution strategies.

The act also specifically permits a school resource officer to provide assistance
with adoption, implementation, and amendment of comprehensive school emergency
management plans. When doing so, it requires a school resource officer to consult with
local law enforcement and first responders.

However, the act expressly vests the school district or school administrator with
final decision-making authority regarding all matters of school discipline.7

Memorandum of understanding

Any school district that is already receiving school resource officer services on
November 2, 2018, or that wishes to obtain such services after that date, must enter into
a memorandum of understanding with the appropriate law enforcement agency
clarifying the (1) purpose of the school resource officer program, and (2) roles and
expectations between the participating entities. If a district is already receiving services,
the memorandum must be entered into within one year after the act's November 2,
2018, effective date.8


The memorandum of understanding must address the following items:

(1) Goals for the school resource officer program;

(2) Background requirements or suggested expertise for employing law

enforcement in the school setting, including an understanding of child and adolescent

(3) Professional development, including training requirements that focus on age-

appropriate practices for conflict resolution and developmentally informed de-
escalation and crisis intervention methods;

(4) Roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the parties involved, including

school resource officers, law enforcement, school administrators, staff, and teachers;

(5) A protocol for how suspected criminal activity versus school discipline is

7 R.C. 3313.951(D) and (E). See also R.C. 3313.536, not in the act.
R.C. 3313.951(C)(1).

Legislative Service Commission -7- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly
(6) The requirement for coordinated crisis planning; and

(7) Any other discretionary items determined appropriate by the parties.9

Student input

The act permits a school district to give students an opportunity to provide input
during the drafting of a memorandum of understanding.10

Grants for safety and school climate programs and training

The act appropriates $12 million from the General Revenue Fund for FY 2019 to
the Attorney General to award grants for school safety and school climate programs
and training. Grants may be awarded to public and chartered nonpublic schools and
schools operated by county boards of developmental disabilities. The Attorney General
must operate the grant program in consultation with the Superintendent of Public
Instruction and the Director of Mental Health and Addiction Services.

The grants may be used for at least the following:

(1) School resource officer certification training;

(2) Any type of active shooter and school safety training;

(3) All grade level type educational resources;

(4) Training to identify and assist students with mental health issues; and

(5) Any other training related to school safety.

Participating schools and county boards must work with or contract with the
county sheriff's office or the appropriate local police department to develop these
programs and training.11

Study of school security

The act requires the Department of Public Safety, in consultation with the
Facilities Construction Commission, to conduct a study of school security in existing
buildings of public schools and participating chartered nonpublic schools. The study
must include:

R.C. 3313.951(C)(2).
10 R.C. 3313.951(C)(3).
Section 4.

Legislative Service Commission -8- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly
(1) The types of physical security measures used in school buildings;

(2) Options for possible security upgrades for school buildings;

(3) An analysis of the most cost-effective ways to add physical security changes
to existing school buildings;

(4) The number of school buildings with a school resource officer;

(5) The number of buildings with school security personnel not reported in (4),
including school buildings that use retired law enforcement as school security; and

(6) Recommendations for improving school security.

The Department must submit the study to the Governor and to each member of
the General Assembly by February 1, 2019.12

Finally, the act specifies that in the interest of maintaining student and staff
safety, any information provided by a school to the Department of Public Safety is a
security record and is not a public record.13

Transfer of unused School Security Grant funds

The act transfers to the General Revenue Fund the unused capital funds from the
School Security Grants Program, which reimbursed public and chartered nonpublic
schools for emergency communications systems and security entrance systems
purchased between January 2013 and March 2017.14



A portion of the act is designated as the "Supporting Alternatives for Education

Act," or the "SAFE Act."15 These provisions specify the objectives and contents of the
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) framework that each public school
is required to implement under continuing law and administrative rule. The SAFE Act
also promotes use of the PBIS framework in lieu of suspending or expelling younger

12 Section 8.
See R.C. 149.433, not in the act.
Section 7. See https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/download?key=10170&format=pdf for the LSC fiscal
note for H.B. 318, as enacted.
Section 11.

Legislative Service Commission -9- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly
students by gradually prohibiting out-of-school suspension and expulsion of those
students for minor offenses. In addition, it makes related changes to the process for
emergency removal of students, with specific provisions applying only to younger
students. Finally, it makes an appropriation for PBIS implementation grants.

Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)

Adoption of a PBIS framework

The act clarifies that each public school must implement a PBIS framework on a
system-wide basis designed to improve academic and social outcomes and increase
learning for all students. It requires the Department of Education to oversee compliance
with framework implementation. Each framework may focus on the following:

(1) Comprehensive, school-wide data systems that enable monitoring of

academic progress, behavioral incidents, attendance, and other critical indicators across

(2) School-wide investment in evidence-based curriculum and effective

instructional strategies, matched to students' needs, and data to support teachers'
academic instruction;

(3) An expectation by school administrators that classroom practices be linked to

and aligned with the school-wide system; and

(4) Improving staff climate and culture regarding the role of discipline in the
classroom, established through the use of positive and proactive communication and
staff recognition.16

Training on PBIS

Teacher preparation programs

The act requires that each teacher preparation program include a course for all
students pursuing a license to teach in any of grades pre-K through 5 that provides
instruction on:

(1) PBIS and social-emotional development;

R.C. 3319.46. Conforming changes in R.C. 3313.534. R.C. 3319.46 applies to community schools, STEM
and STEAM schools, and college-preparatory boarding schools through references in
R.C. 3314.03(A)(11)(d), 3326.11, and 3328.24, none in the act. See also Ohio Administrative Code 3301-35-

Legislative Service Commission -10- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly
(2) Classroom systems for establishing the foundation for positive behavior, such
as supervision, acknowledgment, prompts, and "precorrection;"

(3) Classroom systems for responding to unwanted behavior, including error

correction and other strategies;

(4) Classroom data collection systems;

(5) Effective instructional strategies and how to implement them with fidelity;

(6) Matching curriculum to student needs and data; and

(7) The impact of trauma, toxic stress, and other environmental variables on
learning behavior.17

Professional development

As part of the school-wide implementation of a PBIS framework, each school

district, by November 2021 (three years after the act's effective date), must provide
professional development or continuing education in PBIS. Specifically, it must provide
this training to (1) teachers in buildings that serve students in any of grades pre-K
through 3 who completed a teacher preparation program prior to November 2, 2018,
and (2) administrators who serve students in any of grades pre-K through 3 who have
not already completed a course, professional development, or continuing education in
PBIS. Each district's local professional development committee must monitor
compliance with this requirement and establish model professional development
courses to assist in compliance.18

State Board policy regarding PBIS

By January 31, 2019 (90 days after the act's effective date), the State Board of
Education must amend its policy and standards for the implementation of a PBIS
framework to reflect the act's changes, including the new training provisions.19 The act
does not affect the State Board's policy and standards for the use of physical restraint or

R.C. 3319.237(A).
18 R.C. 3319.237(B).
R.C. 3319.46(A).

Legislative Service Commission -11- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly
Compliance with PBIS as a nongraded report card measure

The act requires that a school district's or building's state report card include,
without an assigned letter grade, an answer of "yes" or "no" as to whether it has
implemented a PBIS framework in compliance with the act.20

Suspension and expulsion

Continuing law authorizes the suspension of any student for up to ten days for
minor infractions and expulsion for up to 80 days for serious violations of the student
code of conduct. The law further specifies a number of serious offenses for which
expulsions of a year are required or may be authorized, namely (1) bringing a firearm or
knife to school, (2) possessing a firearm or knife at school, (3) making a bomb threat, or
(4) causing serious physical harm to persons or property.21

Provisions applicable to all students regardless of grade level

Expulsion for a knife at school

The act specifies that a student may be expelled for bringing or possessing a
knife only if it is "capable of causing serious bodily injury," as defined by the district
board or school governing authority.22

Ability to make up work

The act requires, rather than permits as under former law, a district or school to
allow a student to complete classroom assignments missed during both in-school and
out-of-school suspensions.23

Supervised learning environment

The act specifies that the entirety of an "in-school suspension" must be served in
a supervised learning environment within a school setting. 24

20 R.C. 3302.03(C)(2)(h).
R.C. 3313.66(A) and (B).
R.C. 3313.66(B)(3) and 3313.661(A).
23 R.C. 3313.66(A).
R.C. 3313.66(A)(2) and (K)(2).

Legislative Service Commission -12- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly
Notice to the district treasurer

The act removes the requirement that a district superintendent or school

principal notify the district treasurer within one school day after the suspension of a
student. However, it maintains the required notification of the treasurer within one
school day after an expulsion.25

Provisions applicable only to students in grades pre-K through 3

Out-of-school suspension or expulsion for "minor offenses" prohibited

The act prohibits a public school from issuing an out-of-school suspension or

expulsion for a student in grades pre-K through 3 except for serious offenses or as
necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the student, classmates,
classroom staff and teachers, or other school employees.

A school district's or school's authority to issue an in-school suspension for a

student in grades pre-K through 3 is expressly not affected by the act, provided the
suspension is served in a supervised learning environment.26

Phased implementation

The act phases in implementation of this prohibition. To that end, for each of
school years 2018-2019 through 2021-2022 each district and school must report to the
Department of Education the number of out-of-school suspensions and expulsions
issued to students in grades pre-K through 3, according to the following categories:

 Category 1: A serious and specific offense for which suspension or

expulsion is statutorily required (bringing a firearm to school) or
statutorily authorized (possessing a firearm, bringing a knife capable of
bodily injury, making a bomb threat, or causing serious harm to persons
or property).

 Category 2: An offense not listed in Category 1 but for which the district or
school determined suspension was necessary to protect the immediate
health and safety of the student, the student's classmates, or the classroom
staff or teachers.

 Category 3: A "minor offense" not described in Category 1 or Category 2.

25 R.C. 3313.66(D).
R.C. 3313.668(B)(1) and (4).

Legislative Service Commission -13- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly
Using the numbers reported for the 2018-2019 school year as a base line, each
district or school must reduce the number of Category 3 suspensions according to the
following schedule:

Percentage of Reduction in Category 3 suspensions

2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
0% 0% 25% 50% 100%

For the 2021-2022 school year, and each year thereafter, all out-of-school
suspensions and expulsions of students in grades pre-K through 3 must be for only
Category 1 or Category 2 offenses.

After the 2021-2022 school year, a district must report the number of out-of-
school suspensions and expulsions if the Department determines that continued
reporting is necessary.27

Consultation with mental health professional

Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, a school principal, whenever possible,
must consult with a mental health professional under contract with the district or
school before issuing an out-of-school suspension or expulsion for a student in grades
pre-K through 3. If a need for additional mental health services is indicated, the
principal or mental health professional, without a financial burden to the district or
school, must assist the student's parent or guardian with locating providers or obtaining
those services. That assistance might include referral to an independent mental health

This and all other provisions of the act expressly do not limit a district's
responsibility to provide special education and support services in the manner required
by state and federal law.28

Department reports

Using the data submitted by districts and schools under the act, by October 1 of
school years 2018-2019 through 2021-2022, the Department of Education must submit to
the General Assembly and the Superintendent of Public Instruction a report containing
the following:

27 Section 9.
R.C. 3313.668(B)(2) and Section 10.

Legislative Service Commission -14- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly
(1) A summary of the best practices of implementing a PBIS framework by school
districts throughout Ohio; and

(2) The total number of out-of-school suspensions and expulsions issued by a

district or building to students in grades pre-K through 3, disaggregated by category of
offense, and disaggregated within each category of offense according to sex, race,
whether the student is economically disadvantaged, and whether the student has a

Emergency removal

Provisions applicable to all students regardless of grade level

Under continuing law, a building principal or teacher, without prior notice and
hearing, may remove a student whose presence poses a continuing danger to persons or
property or an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process. That law requires
written notice as soon as practicable and a post-removal hearing. The act requires that
the hearing be held the next school day after the removal, instead of within three school
days after the removal as under former law.30

Provisions applicable only to students in grades pre-K through 3

The act also specifies that a student in grades pre-K through 3 removed under
this provision must be permitted to return to curricular and extracurricular activities on
the school day following the day the student was removed. If the student is returned to
activities in accordance with this requirement, the district or school can forego the
written notice and one-day post-removal hearing requirements. However, a school
district may not initiate a suspension or expulsion proceeding against a young student
who was removed unless (1) the student committed a serious offense or (2) it is
necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the student, the student's
classmates, or the classroom staff and teachers.31

Grants to implement PBIS

The act appropriates to the Department of Education $2 million of State Lottery

profits for FY 2019 to provide competitive grants to school districts, community schools,
and STEM or STEAM schools to implement PBIS frameworks or evidence- or research-
based social and emotional learning initiatives. Only school buildings that serve any of

Section 9(F).
30 R.C. 3313.66(C)(1) and (3).
R.C. 3313.66(C)(2).

Legislative Service Commission -15- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly
grades K through 3 are eligible. A grant must not exceed $5,000 per eligible building, up
to a maximum of $50,000 per grant applicant. The Superintendent of Public Instruction
must administer and award the grants according to the priority schedule described

Order of priority for PBIS grants

First Proposals serving at least one building where the percentage of
economically disadvantaged students exceeds the statewide average.
Second Proposals serving at least one building with a high suspension rate, as
determined by the state Superintendent.
Third All other proposals by order of receipt.

All grant funds must be used within two years from the date of an award.32

Introduced 08-09-17
Reported, H. Education & Career Readiness 02-28-18
Re-referred by H. Rules & Reference 03-06-18
Reported, H. Finance 04-10-18
Passed House (92-2) 04-11-18
Reported, S. Finance 06-06-18
Passed Senate (33-0) 06-06-18
House concurred in Senate amendments (71-20) 06-27-18


Section 5.

Legislative Service Commission -16- Sub. H.B. 318

As Passed by the General Assembly

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