Jurnal Hepatitis
Jurnal Hepatitis
Jurnal Hepatitis
Bilge Çetinkaya1, Hasan Tezer2, Aslınur Özkaya Parlakay1, Tülin Revide Saylı1
Ankara Hematology Oncology Children’s Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
Introduction: Hepatitis A is the most common form of acute viral hepatitis worldwide, especially in children. The clinical severity of the
hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection varies from an asymptomatic infection to a fulminant disease. In this study, we aimed to evaluate
characteristics of pediatric patients diagnosed with HAV infection.
Methodology: Patients younger than 18 years of age admitted between January 1, 2006 and January 1, 2011 to our hospital, an important
reference center located in the middle part of Turkey, diagnosed as having hepatitis A were evaluated.
Results: Of 427 patients, 49.4% were female and 50.6% were male. Hospitalization rate of the patients was 28.3%. The reason for
hospitalization was vomitting in 58.7% of the patients and abdominal pain in 28%. The mean time of hospitalization was 5.2 ± 4.5 (1–40)
days. There was no significant difference in hospitalization time by age. Vomiting and abdominal pain were significantly more common, and
PT and aPTT levels were significantly elevated in patients with elevated AST and ALT levels over 1000 IU/L (p < 0.001). PT elevation was
present in 15.2% of the patients, aPTT elevation in 11.9%, leukopenia in 16.6%, and thrombocytopenia in 2.6%. In terms of atypical course,
four patients (0.9%) had cholestatic hepatitis, one had recurrent hepatitis, and one had fulminant hepatitis, yet no mortality was observed.
Conclusions: Atypical courses of hepatitis A were more scarce in pediatric patients, but careful follow-up of patients with AST and ALT
levels > 1000 IU/L is necessary.
Copyright © 2014 Çetinkaya et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Introduction Methodology
Hepatitis A is generally an acute, self-limiting In this study, pediatric patients younger than 18
liver infection transmitted through the faecal-oral route years of age admitted between January 1, 2006 and
by a picornavirus, the hepatitis A virus (HAV), which January 1, 2011 to our hospital, an important reference
causes 10 million infections worldwide each year center located in the middle part of Turkey, diagnosed
[1,2]. The clinical spectrum ranges from mostly as having hepatitis A were evaluated retrospectively.
asymptomatic infection to rarely fulminant hepatitis Patients with negative anti-HAV IgM were excluded
[3,4], and age is the major factor that influences the from the study. Data analysis included age, gender,
clinical course of the primary HAV infection; it is household size, symptoms, laboratory studies
symptomatic in only 4%–16% of children compared to (hemogram, C reactive protein, sedimentation rate,
75%–95% of adults. The degree of endemicity is biochemical studies, prothrombin [PT] and activated
closely related to the prevailing hygiene and sanitary thromboplastin time [aPTT]), hospitalization period (if
conditions, socio-economic level, vaccination, and present), complication (if present), and outcome of the
other development indicators [5]. In Turkey, a country patient. An atypical course of HAV was categorised as
with intermediate endemicity for HAV, seropositivity cholestatic hepatitis, recurrent hepatitis, and fulminant
has been found to vary according to the geographical hepatitis. Cholestatic hepatitis was defined as direct
area. It has been found to be more commonly positive bilirubin level higher than 50% of total bilirubin level
in earlier ages in eastern Anatolia compared to western and total bilirubin level higher than 10 mg/dl over a
parts [6,7]. In this study, we aimed to overview the four-week period. Recurrent hepatitis was defined as
characteristics and outcomes of the pediatric patients recurrence in high levels of liver function tests one to
diagnosed with HAV infection. four months following partial or total recovery in
transaminases and observation of bilirubin levels with
Çetinkayaet al. – Hepatits A infection in pediatric patients J Infect Dev Ctries 2014; 8(3):326-330.
ongoing anti-HAV IgM positivity. Fulminant hepatitis was positive correlation between ALT levels and total
was defined as worsening of icterus, liver functions bilirubin, direct bilirubin, PT, aPTT, and
and presence of hepatic encephalopathy in a two-week hospitalization periods (OR = 0.374, O R= 0.382, OR
period. = 0.470, OR = 0.253, OR = 0.248, respectively; p <
Statistical analysis was performed with the 0,001 for all). Also, there was positive corelation
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version between AST levels and ALT, total bilirubin, direct
17.0 (SPSS, Microsoft Inc. Chicago, USA,). bilirubin, PT, aPTT and hospitalization periods
Continuous variables are described as arithmetical (respectively, r = 0.833, r = 0.264, r = 0.272, r = 0.417,
means with standard deviations (SD). Student’s t-test r = 0.178, r = 0.187; p < 0,001 for all). There was also
was used for comparison of continuous variables positive correlation between total and direct bilirubin
between two groups. Categorical variables are levels and PT, aPTT, and hospitalization periods
described as absolute frequencies and proportions. A p (respectively, r = 0.973/0.381, r = 0.368/0.186, r =
value of 0.05 was considered statistically significant. 0.326/0.288; p < 0.001 for all). Elevation in PT levels
increased hospitalization risk nine times (OR = 9.265),
Results whereas increase in aPTT levels caused a fivefold
Of 427 patients diagnosed with HAV infection, higher risk of hospitalization (OR = 5.43). There was
49.4% were female and 50.6% were male. The mean positive correlation between PT levels and aPTT
age of the patients was 8.7 ± 3.5 (1–17) years. levels and length of hospital stay (r = 0.385, r = 0.357;
Distribution according to age and gender is reported in p < 0.001 for all). Also, aPTT levels were positively
Table 1. A total of 64.4% of children lived in shanty related with length of hospital stay (r = 0.141; p <
houses, 35% did not have access to an indoor lavatory, 0.01).
70% lived in households of five people or more, and In terms of atypical course, four patients (0.9%)
28.5% had close contact with hepatitis A. Patients’ had cholestatic hepatitis, one patient had recurrent
complaints are summarized in Table 2. Abdominal hepatitis, and one patient had fulminant hepatitis, yet
pain, jaundice, dark urine, light-colored stool, no mortality was observed. The patient with fulminant
arthralgia, myalgia, and pruritus were more common hepatitis underwent liver transplantation sucessfully.
in children between 13 and 17 years of age, whereas
diarrhea was more common in children between 1 and Discussion
4 years of age. Physical examination of the patients HAV infection is common throughout the
yielded icterus in 76.8%, hepatomegaly in 56.7%, developing world, where infections most frequently
hypotension in 33.7%, fever in 16.4%, and are acquired during early childhood. In developed
splenomegaly in 11%. countries, HAV infection is less common, but
Laboratory studies yielded leukopenia in 16.6%, community-wide outbreaks may occur. Turkey has
leukocytosis in 12.7%, thrombocytopenia in 2.6%, and been defined as intermediately endemic for hepatitis A
thrombocytosis in 7.7%. Other laboratory studies are infection [8].
shown in Table 3. Of the patients in the 13-17 age HAV infection is most common in children under
group, 69.7% had aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 15 years of age and is distributed equally among
levels higher than 1000 U/L, and 77.3% had alanine genders. In a study reported from Argentina [9], the
aminotransferase (ALT) levels higher than 1000 U/L. mean age of 288 children was 6.9 ± 3.5 (1.5–14) years,
The relationships between age and AST and ALT and in a study from Turkey evaluating 221 pediatric
levels were parallel (p < 0.001). Patients with ALT patients, the mean age was 9.12 ± 3.65 (1.5–16.5)
and AST levels higher than 1000 U/L had vomiting (p years [10]. In our study, 92.5% of the patients were
< 0.001) and abdominal pain (p < 0.001) significantly younger than 15 years; the mean age was 8.7 ± 3.5 (1–
more commonly. Hypoglycemia was significantly 17) years, similar to the other studies. Male/female
more common in patients with ALT ≥ 1000 U/L (p < ditribution was equal. After age of nine, however,
0.01). HAV infection was more common in the male
The hospitalization rate of the patients was 28.3%. population, which might be due to increased exposure
The most common causes of the hospitalization were of boys to social life depending of socio-economic
vomiting (58.7%) and abdominal pain (28%). The circumstances in Turkey.
average hospital stay due to hepatitis A was 5.2 ± 4.5
(1–40) days. There was no significant difference in
hospitalization rates between the age groups. There
Çetinkayaet al. – Hepatits A infection in pediatric patients J Infect Dev Ctries 2014; 8(3):326-330.
Çetinkayaet al. – Hepatits A infection in pediatric patients J Infect Dev Ctries 2014; 8(3):326-330.
The association of HAV infection risk with immunization programs have been successful, with
standards of hygiene and sanitation and the age- good coverage rates and declines in incidence of up to
dependent clinical expression of the disease determine 90%. Countries that have implemented universal
the different patterns of HAV infection observed immunization have demonstrated a successful impact
worldwide [11]. In a study from Turkey, it was on the incidence of hepatitis A; the data for the United
reported that HAV seroprevalance was higher in States is particularly striking, with evidence of a two-
children living in shanty houses without access to an thirds decrease in admissions to hospital and markedly
indoor lavatory, compared to children living in lower medical expenditures between 1996 and 2004
apartments with an indoor lavatory [12]. In our study, [18]. Since November 2012, the hepatitis A vaccine
70% of children lived in households with five or more was implemented in the national vaccination schedule
people, 64.4 % lived in shanty houses, and 35% did of Turkey. In our study, patients admitted to one of the
not have access to an indoor lavatory. largest pediatric hospital in our country were evaluated
Of the patients diagnosed with HAV, 45% were to gather data about the status of HAV infection in
reported to have had close contact with an HAV- Turkey. With this study, the importance of preventive
infected person, and secondary HAV infection was measures and vaccination became evident, as hygienic
noted in 54% [12]. In our study, 28.5% of the patients conditions and other indicators of the level of socio-
had had close contact with an HAV-infected person. economic development in Turkey are not yet fully
These results emphasize the importance of preventive sufficient.
measures when a case with HAV is detected. In conclusion, we was observed that an atypical
Age is the major factor influencing the clinical course of hepatitis A was more scarce in pediatric
course of the primary HAV infection [13], and it has patients, but careful follow-up of patients with
been documented that > 70% of children younger than elevated levels of AST and ALT levels higher than
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Corresponding author
Aslınur Ozkaya-Parlakay
14. Jeong SH, Lee HS (2010) Hepatitis A: clinical manifestations
Ankara Hematology and Oncology Research Hospital
and management. Intervirology 53: 15-19.
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit
15. Stephen MF, Ian DG. Hepatitis A Virus (2000) In: Mandell
Dıskapı, 06110, Ankara, Turkey
GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, editors. Principles and Practice of
Phone: 3125969937
Infectious Disease. Churchill Livingstones, New York 1920-
Email: aslinur.o@gmail.com
16. Arteaga A, Carrasco-Garrido P, de Andres AL, de Miguel
AG, Jiménez-García R (2009) Trends of hepatitis A Conflict of interests: No conflict of interests is declared.