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State President
Dr. S. Damodaran
IMA State President
Dear Colleagues,
“Life is too precious, do not destroy it.”
I hope that everyone celebrated Diwali happily and in a safe manner.
Please take care of your health and your family.
We are going to host the CWC meeting at Chennai. All the issues are
going to be discussed by the national leaders especially National Medical
Commission, PC, PNDT and Clinical Establishment Act.
Sathyagraha against NMC is going to be held on 16th November 11 AM
to 1PM all over India. All local branches should participate in the sathyagraha
and give memorandum to the local administrative head, DM, MPs, MLAs or
any other equivalent dignitary. Medical college students should be actively
involved in sathyagraha. Invite the media and brief the press after the event
is over. Send letters to the Prime Minister of India.
Srivilliputhur IMA branch was inaugurated on 16-10-2016 and I
participated in the function. I thank the organizers for the excellent
arrangements and hospitality, especially Dr.Ramanathan and Dr.Dhanapal.
On the same evening, I took part in the silver jubilee celebrations of IMA
Ambasamudram branch. The function was arranged in a grand manner.
On 23-10-2016 Dr.Muthurajan and
I attended the inauguration of new IMA
building at Thiruvarur. I congratulate all
the three dynamic ladies, the President,
Secretary and Finance Secretary for their
marvelous work. IMA NHB zonal meet
is going to be conducted at Coimbatore
on 6-11-2016 and I’m sure all the
members will benefit from the same.
Inauguration of IMA Srivilliputhur Long Live IMA!
branch on 16-10-2016 Dr.S.Damodaran TN State President

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 03

bfsut khÃy
brayhs® brŒâ
kU. Ú. K¤Juh#‹
ïªâa kU¤Jt r§f«
bfsut khÃy brayhs®

m‹gh®ªj ïªâa kU¤Jt¢ r§f cW¥ãd®fns! tz¡f«!

tU»w et«g® 12, 13 - 2016 njâfËš ïªâa kU¤Jt r§f k¤âa bra‰FG T£l« Ú©l
eh£fS¡F¥ ãwF br‹idÆš eilbgw cŸsJ. áw¥ò ÉUªâduhf Dr. nf£l‹ njrhŒ, cyf
kU¤Jt r§f jiyt® fyªJ bfhŸ»wh®. ïªâa kU¤Jt r§f jiyt®fŸ, khÃy îth»fŸ fyªJ
bfhŸ»wh®fŸ. x¤JiH¥ò jªj khÃy¤ jiyt®fŸ, îth»fŸ midtU¡F« nfhlhd nfho e‹¿.
r¤ah»uf nghuh£l« tU»w 16-11-2016 m‹W eilbgw cŸsJ. ehL KGtJ« j®zh
nghuh£l« National Medical Commission Bill cŸgl gšntW nfhÇ¡iffS¡F v⮥ò bjÇɤJ
eilbgw cŸsJ. mid¤J îth»fS«, cW¥ãd®fS« fyªJbfh©L ï¥nghuh£l«
bt‰¿aila nt©L»nw‹.
nfhitÆš NHB kU¤Jt« rh®ªj cW¥ãd®fË‹ (Para Medical Meet) T£l« áw¥ghf elªjJ.
khÃy jiyt®fŸ Dr. S. jhnkhju‹, Dr. C.N. uh#h, Dr. N. nkhf‹jhÞ, Dr. M. ghyR¥ãukÂa«, Dr. K.
uh#nrf® M»nah® fyªJ bfh©L j§fŸ fU¤J¡fis bjÇɤjd®. Dr. N. knfªâu‹, Dr. M.
khÇa¥g‹, Dr. V. uhn#Z ghò, k‰W« Dr. A.K. uÉFkh® M»nah® fyªJbfh©L áw¥ghd V‰ghLfis¢
16-10-2016 m‹W ïªâa kU¤Jt r§f $ÉšÈò¤ö® òâa »is, m«ghrK¤âu« IMA btŸË
ÉHh áw¥ghf eilbg‰wJ. îth»fS¡F ghuh£L¡fŸ!
23-10-2016 m‹W âUth%® kht£l¤âš ïªâa kU¤Jt r§f« òâa¡ f£l« âw¥ò ÉHhÉš
ehD«, Dr. jhnkhjuD« fyªJbfh©L áw¥ã¤njh«. Ãfœ¢á áw¥ghf mikªjJ. thœ¤J¡fŸ!
thœf ïªâa kU¤Jt r§f«! v‹W« r§f¥ gÂÆš
Dr.N. K¤Juh#‹
bfsut khÃy brayhs®
State Office, IMA PPLSSS Complex, JVL Plaza,
626, II Floor, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai - 600 018.
Ph : 044 2434 1105. Cell : 908 718 0123, Email :

kd¤J¡f© kháy‹ Mjš mid¤jw‹

MFy Úu ãw (FwŸ 34)
Ôa v©z§fŸ ïšyhkš, KG kd¤njhL brŒa¥gL« mwnk áwªj
mwkhF«. ešy v©z§fŸ ïšyhkš brŒa¥gL« mw¢braš
mid¤J« áw¥ò¥ bgWtJ ïšiy.
Purity of thought is righteousness. Any display of good virtue without
heartfelt sincerity would only remain an empty show.

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 04

State President Elect
Dr. T.N. Ravisankar
State President Elect, IMA TNSB

It’s festival time in our country for all the 10 th & 11 th December 2016 during our
religious. Lets wish them all respectively for a Annual conference at Le Royal Meridien,
Joyous festivals and Happy days ahead. Chennai. Our Team is putting in great efforts
For Medical community its season of their to make it a memorable one. Your presence
respective Annual conferences. Have a nice will be a great encouragement for us.
time acquiring knowledge. Guide us to take forward our
Our State and National conference is to Association, thereby our profession to Scale
happen in the next few weeks. greater heights.
On behalf of the organising Team of Expecting yours presence!
Trendsetters, IMA – Tambaram, I humbly Dr. T.N. Ravisankar
request you all to register and be with us on State President Elect 2016

State Finance Secretary

Dr. K. Rajasekar
State Finance Secretary, IMA TNSB
98402 23414

Dear IMA Brothers & Sisters,

As the festival cheers of Diwali settles down, we enter the
Satyagraha mode. Our genuine protest is against NMC in the
interest of Professional autonomy. In the hostile circumstances
amidst which we are practicing, we demand a Central Medicare
Protection Act towards Safety of Hospital Personnel & Premises.
Practicing Modern Medicine and serving the society should be
the preserve of us, who are qualified and registered. Allied Health
manpower around us are trying everything, including Bridge
Courses to Prescribe & Practice Modern Medicine which should
never be allowed... Solidarity will be our only weapon ...
Yours sincerely,
Dr. K. Rajasekar
November 2016 TIMA News Letter 05
Hands up for
# HIV prevention
The decline in new HIV
infections among adults has
stalled. The UNAIDS
Prevention gap report shows
that worldwide an estimated
1.9 million adults have become
infected with HIV every year for
at least the past five years and
that the number of new HIV infections is rising in some regions. The report shows that HIV
prevention efforts must be reinvigorated if the world is to stay on the Fast-Track to ending the
AIDS epidemic by 2030.
Hands up campaign
In the lead-up to World AIDS Day 2016, the hands up for #HIVprevention
campaign will explore different aspects of HIV prevention and how they
relate to specific groups of people, such as adolescent girls and young
women, key populations and people living with HIV.
Starting in September, the campaign will also offer people
a space to express their views on what they think needs
to be done to strengthen HIV prevention efforts. UNAIDS
is asking people around the world to submit:
 A photograph of a word or short phrase written on the
palm of their hand summarizing what we need to strengthen
HIV prevention efforts, for example more condoms,
empowerment, inclusion, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP),
rights for women and girls.
The photo
Take a photo of your raised hand with a word or phrase written
on your palm—the photo can show just your palm or your palm
and face. Make sure your hand is not too far from your face!
Share it
Go to the UNAIDS Facebook page and upload your photo/video
on the event page specially created
for the 2016 World AIDS Day #HIVprevention campaign. Then,
share it on your own Facebook wall to help us spread the word.
Other campaign materials
We will make other campaign materials, such as posters and
postcards, available for download from
Suggested topics
The campaign will cover aspects of HIV prevention, such as
condoms and lubricants, harm
reduction, PrEP, voluntary
medical male
prevention of

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 06

mother-to-child transmission of HIV, testing and  Who needs to be involved in designing and
viral suppression. It will also explore how to delivering prevention programmes and
address the barriers that prevent adolescent services?
girls and young women, key populations and  How can we make sure that HIV prevention
people living with HIV from accessing and
programmes and services reach the people
using these services.
most in need?
As an inspiration for your photo/video
message, you might think about answering  What policies or approaches need to
questions such as: change to strengthen HIV prevention
 What needs to be done to reduce the efforts?
number of new HIV infections? As further inspiration, you might also like to
 How can we scale up resources for HIV refer to the Fast-Track commitments to end
prevention? AIDS by 2030. 

he National Pollution Control Day is celebrated every year on 2nd of December in
India in order to give the honor and memorialize the thousands of human beings who
had lost their existence because of the Bhopal gas calamity.
Bhopal gas tragedy was happened in the night of 2nd and 3rdDecember in the year 1984 because
of the unintentional discharge of the poisonous chemical known as Methyl Isocyanate (also called
MIC) as well as some other chemicals released from the Union Carbide Chemical Plant positioned
in the city. According to the report, more than 500,000 people (of which around 2259 were died
immediately) were exposed to the poisonous gas of MIC.
Later, it was declared by the government of Madhya Pradesh that around 3,787 deaths were
related to the gas tragedy. In the next 72 hours, around 8,000 to 10,000 people were died whereas
around 25,000 people were died later because of the gas-related diseases. It was identified as the
biggest industrial pollution disaster of the history worldwide which needed serious preventive measures
suddenly in order to stay away from such type of disaster in the future. 

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 07

Health Advisory for Doctors, Clinics and Hospitals on
Fever Case Management
N ormally as per World Fever morbidity can also be -ons and mortality. Proper
Health Organization (WHO) reduced by implementing clinical assessment, Lab
estimates at any given time improved outbreak prediction diagnosis, Fluid management
about one percent of the and detection through co- and timely referral are the key
population is likely to have fever. ordinated epidemiological and elements to be followed in each
During rainy season and winter entomological surveillance, fever case. In the case of Dengue
season it may rise upt 1.5% to promoting the principles of “National Guidelines for Clinical
2%. Most of these fevers are integrated vector management Management of Dengue Fever”
ordinary viral fevers like and deploying locally-adapted should be meticulously follo
common cold, mild seasonal flu vector control measures -wed. These guidelines can be
etc. At the same time fevers like including effective urban and downloaded from
Dengue, Chikungunya, Leptos household water management.;
-pirosis, Enteric Fever, Scrub Effective communication can
Typhus may lead to compli achieve behavioral outcomes All medical doctors should
-cations and mortality if that augment prevention and perceive the importance of
neglected. control activities. proper management of fever
Over the last 5 decades, A state level monitoring and cases since some of the fevers
dengue has emerged globally as Inter departmental co-orination may result in complications, if
a critical threat to population committee headed by the Chief not diagnosed and treated early.
health. The World Health Secretary and District level Aspirin, NSAIDs like
Organization (WHO) estimates interdepartmental co-ordination ibuprofen, Diclofenac sodium,
that 50 – 100 million dengue committee headed by the District steroids and unnecessary
infections occur each year and Collector are formed for injections should be avoided.
that almost half the world’s reviewing the epidemic control 2. Laboratory diagnosis
population lives in more than 125 activities periodically. As part of The infections which cause
countries where dengue is the comprehensive multidimensi fever and epidemic potential in
endemic. -onal efforts to prevent and India are Typhoid, Dengue,
Mortality from fevers can be control fever cases, the advisory Chikungunya, Leptospirosis,
reduced to zero by immediately is issued to all medical Scrub typhus and Malaria. For
implementing timely, appropriate professionals and hospitals for all fever cases diagnostic test
clinical management, which strict adherence. should be carried out to rule out
involves early clinical and 1. Protocol based approach to malaria, typhoid, dengue and
laboratory diagnosis, intraven fever case management leptospirosis. Depending on the
-ous rehydration, staff training Proper fever case manage clinical symptoms tests for
and hospital reorganization and - ment and correct monitoring chikungunya, scrub typhus and
training health personnel, along of all fever cases is very much other infections may also be
with appropriate referrals. essential to prevent complicati done.

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 08

encouraged plenty of oral PHC in rural areas, Municipal
fluids particularly rice kanji Health Officers / Urban PHC
with salt, tender coconut Medical Officers and DDHS of
water, butter milk with salt, the District).
ORS solution. 7.1. Notifiable Syndrome
 WHO protocol and the i. Fever with or without rashes
National Guidelines should be ii. Diarrhoea
meticulously followed for IV iii. Jaundice
fluid administration. There
iv. Acute Encephalitis Syndro
should be neither fluid -me (AES – fever with altered
In the case of suspected overload nor dehydration. sensorium)
clinical dengue during the initial 5. Referral Policy v. Acute Flacid Paralysis (AFP)
5 days NS1 test by ELISA  All clinics and small hospitals
method, after 5 days IgM test 7.2.Notifiable Infectious
should refer fever cases with Diseases
by ELISA method to be done. danger signs immediately to 1. Cerebro-Spinal Fever
Rapid Diagnostic Test Kits higher centers without any 2. Chickon-pox
should be avoided. time delay. 3. Cholera
3. Communication with the  Late referrals should be 4. Diptheria
patient and family members. strictly avoided as if often 5. Leprosy
 Parents / relatives of all fever lead to complications and 6. Measles
patients should be explained mortality. 7. Plague
about the type of fever, 6. Discharge Policy 8. Rabies
investigations details and  In dengue complications 9. Scarlet Fever
condition of the patient. may occur after the fever 10.Small-pox
 It should be reassured and subsides. Hence all clinical / 11. Typhus
the questions raised by the laboratory positive dengue 12.Yellow Fever
parents / relatives should be cases should be discharged 13.Enteric Fever
clearly answered. 3 days after the disappearan 14.Tuberculosis
 They should be clearly -ce of fever. The purpose of 15.Whooping Cough
educated on diet and oral retaining the patient in the 16.Infectious Hepatitis
fluid intakes. 17.Epidemic Influenza
hospital should be explained
18.Viral Encephalitis
 Danger signs such as not to the relatives clearly.
19.Haemorrhagic Fever
passing urine, not taking oral  While discharge the danger 20.Malaria
fluids, lethargy, symptoms signs should be clearly 21.Poliomyelitis
of bleeding, severe vomiting explained to the patients and 22.Tetanus
should be clearly explained ask them to come back 23.AIDS
to the outpatients and immediately if any signs 24.Chikungunya
inpatients. occur. 8. Hygienic maintenance of
 If admission is required for 7. Notification of infectious hospital environment
fever cases, the need for diseases syndromes and Maintaining the health
such admission should be notifiable infectious facilities free from vectors like
clearly explained to the diseases. mosquitoes, flies and
relatives. The following syndromes cockroaches inside the health
4. Diet and Fluid and infectious diseases should be facilities is very important and
Management notified to the local health critical in preventing the
 All fever patients should be authorities (Medical Officers of transmission of communicable

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 09

diseases like dengue, malaria,  500 metres from the hospital generated during building
typhoid, leptospirosis, etc. compound should be made repair and construction.
Infectious patients coming for mosquito free.  Food wastes are to be put in
treatment from different areas  All septic tanks should be rat proof containers and
may form a source of infection. covered properly and vent disposed as and when it is
The vectors if present within the pipes should be covered with filled or twice daily to deprive
health centre, will transmit the mosquito nets. food for the stray dogs and
infection to doctors, nurses, rodents.
 Garbage removal,
hospital staff, other patients and
environmental cleanliness,  All kitchen and food stories
attendants, ultimately into the
deprivation of food wastes should be constructed /
will prevent the breeding of modified in rat proof manner
 Water supply system should
flies and cockroaches. rat proof engineering designs
be maintained properly. to be used.
 All rat entry points are to be
 Indentification and elimina
identified and made rat proof For further information
- tion of breeding sources like
(common entry routes : and assistance:
stagnation of water, used
sewage / drainage ducts,  Deputy Directors of Health
tyres, empty coconut shells,
chimneys, door thresholds Services of the District
plastic containers and other
more than 0.25" width,  104
artificial containers etc inside
the hospital premises. exterior lines leading through
 24 x 7 Epidemic Control
walls, trees adjoining the
 Periodical Anti-larval and Room
buildings, broken doors, rat
Anti-adult activities utilizing  Telephone No : 044 – 2435
the services of the local 0496, 044 – 2433 4811
bodies and entomologists in  Identification and closure of
all rat burrows with cement.  Mobile No : 94443 40496,
Districts and Medical
 Removal of waste material 93614 82899 

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 10

New Members 01.10.2016 - 31.10.2016
AMBATTUR - AVADI Dr. Praise Prince V Dr. Subhashini L.
Dr. Gomathy M. Dr. Rajadurai S. Dr. Suresh Kumar K.
Dr. Parveen Kumar P. Dr. Sathish Kumar R. Dr. Bavya V.
Dr. Yoganand S Dr. Suresh R. Dr. Ajoo Anto Prabhu M.
Dr. Thamarai Selvi V. Dr. Arun Raja A.
Dr. Ezhilarasan R. KANYAKUMARI Dr. Ashwini
Dr. Rajalakshmi R. Dr. Bindhuja Joseph Dr. Atharsh Chander M.
Dr. Lobo David Thambithuraj Dr. Banupriya J.
CHENNAI SOUTH Dr. Sahaja Jose Rajan Dr. Blessine Sampathkumar
Dr. Shweta Dr. Dheepan Ramkumar S.
CHENNAI TAMBARAM Dr. Chitra R. Dr. Grace M.
Dr. Narmadha R. Dr. Jeganath Prabhu M.
Dr. Prathiba Rajalakshmi Parameswaran Dr. Kavya P.
Dr. Nalini P.
Dr. Ram Prasad E. Dr. Marichamy N.
Dr. Srinivasan Kalyanasundaram NAMAKKAL Dr. Naaga Vishnu Shankar M.
Dr. Ponnaiyan N. Dr. Renganathan M.
Dr. Sharmila P. Dr. Sayee Vengatesh R.
Dr. Deepa V.V.
NEYVELI Dr. Shirley Joseph
CHENNAI VIJAYA Dr. Thankaivel Shakravarthy Dr. Sivakumar S.
Dr. Charles Mano Sylus Dr. Thendral A. Dr. Suganya Devi R.
Dr. Devendran V. Dr. Anupriya C. Dr. Vinoth Kannan D.
Dr. Sandhya Rani C. Dr. Karrunya Kovi Jayabharathi Dr. Vinoth S.
Dr. Jincymol M.A. Dr. Pugazhendhi S. Dr. Karthikeyan J.
Dr. Amirtha Lakshmi R. Dr. Rathika R. TINDIVANAM
Dr. Sambavi Lakshmi R Dr. Devibala Divya M. TUTICORIN
ERODE Dr. Madasamy Thangappan Dr. Abirami R.
Dr. Keerthika S. RANIPET Dr. Anand V.
Dr. Nandha Kumar N. Dr. Giridharan G. Dr. Ayswary T.
Dr. Suganthi G. Dr. Kalaiarasi Sridarane Dr. Sandhanaa S.
Dr. Shyam Kumaran V
Dr. Steffi Amrita Selvaraj
Dr. Krishna Kumar C. Dr. Devarajan Kandasamy
Dr. Vijula A.
Dr. Manivannan Theethan Dr. Jayaraman Subramanian
Dr. Mahinder M.S. VANDAVASI
Dr. Akila E. Dr. Meera S.S.
Dr. Ashok Kumar S. Dr. Menaka C. VILLUPURAM
Dr. Kalaiyarasan T. Dr. Prabha R. Dr. Rajapandi P.
Dr. Kanmani Kiruba Dr. Saranya K. Dr. Vinodha

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 11

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 12
November 2016 TIMA News Letter 13
IMA Nursing Home Board

Dr. N. Mohandas Dr. C.N. Raja Dr. Karthik Prabu

Chairman, IMA NHB Secretary, IMA NHB Treasurer, IMA NHB

Dear Colleagues,  Bridging Family & Profession – Panel


CALIBRATION OF INSTRUMENTS AT Indian Medical Association – Tamilnadu

COIMBATORE State Branch thank the Government of
Tamilnadu for arresting 650 Quacks last year
The Calibration of Instruments at Coimbatore in our State. This is a commendable job done
is going on well along with Anna University. by our Honourable Health Minister, Dr. C.
So far, we have calibrated instruments at 10 Vijayabaskar and Health Secretary, Dr. J.
hospitals. Radhakrishnan. I request our members to
111TH IMA NHB WEST ZONAL MEET identify the quacks nearby your area and
111th IMA NHB West Zonal Meet was held inform the same to the Superintendent of Police
at Coimbatore on 6th November, 2016 at The / Joint Director of Medical Services of the
Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry District. Also, intimate to State Office for further
Auditorium, Avinashi Road, Near President action.
Hall, Coimbatore. Dr. S. Damodaran, State IMA SATHYAGRAHA ON NOVEMBER 16TH
President – IMA TNSB was presided the Every one of us should participate in the
function. The following topics were discussed Sathyagraha on November 16th. It is going
during the meet. to be 2 hours DHARNA insisting mainly on the
 Design your hospital proposed National Medical Council,
 CPA – The Dragon How to face – Panel Amendment on CPA, Clinical Establishment
Act, Violence against Hospitals and Doctors,
 Pay Tax – Make Profit
Capping on Compensation and Crosspathy.
 Prevention is better than facing CRISIS Please give us your full support and
– How? cooperation for this National wide Agitation
 National Medical Council – What is hap- and make it a grand success to save our
pening? profession.
 ESI / PF Long Live IMA.


Secretary IMA NHB - 2016-2017,
Annai ENT and Head & Neck Care Centre, 2nd Floor, 12-D, Palaniyappa Street,
Perundurai Road, Erode - 638 009, Phone: 0424 2226660, Cell: 7598192774, 7598182774 .
E-mail:, Website:

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 14

IMA TNSB Paramedical

Dr. M. Balasubramanian Dr. A.M. Ikram

Chairman, IMA Paramedical Wing Secretary, IMA Paramedical Wing
Dear colleagues in IMA, programmes to meet the current and emerging
Counselling for admission to Paramedical needs of Indian population. It advises and
courses through Selection committee of assists the Ministry of Human Resource
Director of Medical Education to 535 seats in Development to promote, supervise and guide
16 Govt. colleges and 7190 seats in 147 self the establishment of comprehensive
financing Nursing colleges was over recently. management system for Vocational training
These numbers are highly inadequate and programmes in the country. It will not have
there were sizable vacant seats in some of the any tie up with IMA and institutions have to
Private Nursing Colleges. There is a report that apply directly and procedure is cumbersome
India will require 142 Lakhs Health Care and costly.
Professional in the coming decade. IMA TNSB is contemplating to have a MOU
There is always a dearth of Health care through a deemed University in Tamilnadu and
workers in our 3800 NHB registered Private give an official recognition for all our
Hospitals. Hence IMA TNSB with a visionary Paramedical courses at least by next year. We
dedicated effort is running Paramedical sincerely hope to achieve positively.
courses through a separate wing and produce 20th Paramedical meeting was successfully
1000-1200 Health Assistants every year held at Coimbatore on 6th November. About
through 70-80 NHB Hospitals after a 300 Paramedicals participated and got
thorough inspection and supervised benefited. Thanks to Dr.N.Mahendran,
examination. Dr.M.Mariappan and Dr. V. Rajesh Babu
The eligibilities and syllabus followed by us President, Secretary and Finance Secretary of
is same as of National Council of Vocational IMA Coimbatore. Our special thanks to
Research and Training (NCVRT). NCVRT Dr.Mahesh, the Finance Secretary for
Autonomous body recognised by Govt. of conducting Hands on training on Basic Life
India. Its mission is to offer quality training Support.

Dr.M.Balasubramanian Dr.A.M.Ikram Dr.G.Kothandaraman

Chairman, 9444007046 Secretary, 98430 25146 Joint Secretary, 9443120286

20th Paramedical Zonal Meet on 06-11-2016 at Coimbatore

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 15

Dr. V. Sundaravel Dr. S. Babu
Chairman, Hon. Secretary,


Dear Esteemed members,
Greetings from AMS. We welcome you all to the
National AMS conference at Madurai.
Indian Medical Association – Academy of Medical Specialities
Annual Conference -2016. Dates: November 26th and 27th 2016
Venue: IMA Hall, No. 1, Panagal Road, Madurai – 625020
Hosted By: AMS Wing , IMA TNSB. Web:
Organizing Secretary: Prof. Dr. S. Babu
Secretariat: H- 70, New H.I.G. Colony, Anna Nagar, Madurai - 625020
Mobile: 09442119573 e-mail:
IMA Members - Rs.2000/-
Accompanying persons / Post Graduate Student – Rs. 1500/-
Payment to be done by Demand draft only drawn in favour of “IMA AMSCON 2016”
payable at Madurai. (Cheques/ at par cheques not accepted)
Payment through NEFT (Copy of chalan with UTR Number to be intimated with name by e
mail immediately)
Bank – Indian Overseas Bank, Branch – Madurai Medical College branch,
IFSC –Code No. – IOBA0001714, Account No. (Savings Bank) – 171401000017080.

Highlights of Scientific Session

1. Cardiology Symposuim/Panel discussion. 5. Trauma update.
2. Oncology Symposium/Panel discussion 6. Emergency medicine and ATLS.
3. Uro- Nephrology Symposium/ Panel discus- 7. Minimally invasive Surgery update
8. Diabetology update
4. Infertility update 

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 16

Indian Medical Association
College of General Practitioners
Dr. R. Anburajan Dr. B. Sridhar
Director of Studies, IMA CGP Faculty Secretary, IMA CGP
9442612138 9443326427

Dear Colleagues was excellent and the hospitality was

We have conducted The first IMA CGP extraordinary.
academic sub faculty meeting at The next IMA CGP academic sub
Kancheepuram on 18/10/2016. Around 60 facultymeeting will be held at Cuddalore on
participants from local and surrounding 20/11/2016. @ 6.30p.m.
brancheswere attended the meeting and the We are also planning to have The
topic discussed was “Fever Management”. National CGP conference at IMA
Consultants from Apollo, Vanagaram Headquarters, Tambaram in the month of
discussed the approach to diagnosis the January. The Date shall be announced in
fever. Dr. E. SasiKala, Medical Superintendent consultation with the state office. Once again
of Government Hospital,Kanchipuram, we thank the state office for their fullest
described the season’s protocol for fever support and co-operation.
issued by The Government of TamilNadu. Greetings to you! 
Dr. D. Chandrasekaran, State Vice
President (East) resided the IMA prayer.
Dr.PT.Saravanan,President of Kanchipuram&
CGP Representative welcomed the
participants and explained about the essence
of sub faculty group. Chief Guest Dr. A. Raja Qualification : MD Asst. Prof.
Rajeshwar, National CGP Secretary, IMA Height : 180 cm
HQ and Dr. B.Sridhar, Faculty Secretary,
IMACGP were the guests of honour.IMACGP
DOB : 01.12.1988
was well represented by Dr.Stanley Star : Pooram
Chandran, CGP Joint Secretary, Dr.D. Caste : Hindu Nadar
Kesavan, CGP Representative and
Dr.J.Ganesh, CGP Joint Secretary.Dr.
Father : MBBS
E. Sasikala, Medical Superintendent, Mother : House Maker
Government District HQ Hospital, Perference : Fair, tall, below 25 yrs,
Kancheepuram helped in making the
affluent home maker with
arrangements.The excellent arrangements
were made by IMA Kancheepuram, led by any degree from
Dr. PT. Saravanan, The president, Dr. Thoothukudi - Nellai Hindu
Mohankumar, The Secretary, Dr. Contact : 98624 22618 (9 am - 2 pm)
S. Jeevanantham, Patron and the anchor
person Dr. Yoganantham.Moreover the food
e.mail :

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 17

COURSES OF IMA CGP 2016 - 2017
These courses are not recognized by any council for registration, but intended only to empower the
practitioners to deliver evidence based medicine to the community.
IN DIABETOLOGY Course Co-ordinator : Course Co-ordinator :
Dr. Rajam Athilingam, Tirunelveli
Course Fee 30,000/- Prof. Dr. V. Kumaravel,
Course Fee 30,000/-
MD.,M.Sc., (Diabetes), DNB., Duration : One Year
Duration : One Year
(Endocrinology), MNA.,MS., Candidates will be trained in depth
Terms : Five Course Fee 25,000/- in management of
contact classes Duration : One Year * Antenatal Care
(Each one day) Contact Class : IMA Madurai. * MTP * D & C
* Antenatal Ultrasound
* 4 days in-house training Module 1 - General & Pituitary * Infertility * Child Care
Module 2 & 3 - Thyroid Terms : 10 Contact Class
* Final Exam - Theory
Module 4 - Adrenal * Ultrasound Training
* Project and VIVA Module 5 & 6 - Reproductive * Online examination
Endocrinology * Final Exam, VIVA
Eligibility : IMA Life
Arrangement for travel and stay
Members only Module 7 - Pediatric should be borne by the candidates
Endocrinology Contact Class : Annai Velankanni
Contact Class :
Module 8 - Mineral Metabolism Nursing Home, Tirunelveli
CHENNAI ONLY Eligibility : IMA Life Members Eligibility : IMA Life Members


Course Coordinators: Dr.D.Narayana Reddy & Dr.M.Balasubramanian Last opportunity to
Course Fee 20,000/- Duration : 3 Months join and finish 3
Teaching booklet will be sent by courier. months course from
Contact Classes once a month at JVL PLAZA,Chennai. October 2016 to
December 2016.
Written exam at the end of third class. Passed candidates can enroll in From January 2017
Council for Sex Education and Parenthood International (CSEPI) and it will be one year
Practice Sexual Medicine. course with fee of
Eligibility : IMA Life Members Rs. 40,000/-

DD infavour of IMA CGP payable at Chennai and sent to State Office Address : Dr. N. Muthurajan, Hony.
State Secretary, IMA TNSB, IMA State Office, 626,
JVL Plaza, II Floor, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai – 600 018.
Ph : 044 2434 1105. Cell : 908 718 0123. E.mail
State President, IMA TNSB Hony. State Secretary, IMA TNSB Director of Studies, IMA CGP TNSB Faculty Secretary, IMA CGP TNSB

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 18

Hindu, Udayar, Very Fair, Qualification : MS (OG) Jipmer
Slim, Tall (5’10”) and DOB : 11.10.1991
Good Looking 30 Yrs old. Rasi : Anusham
MD working Doctor in Chennai, Star : Virutchigam
seeks tall (6”) and Caste : Hindu, Vellalar
handsome post graduate boy in
Father : Cardiologist
Medicine or Engg.
Working in Chennai Mother : House Maker
with good family background. Sibling : Sister, MBBS (Final Year)
Hindu Udayar or Perference : PG Super Speciality Doctor
Mudaliar or Pillai prefered
Contact : 98424 40588
E.mail :
e.mail :

Age : 25/F
Hindu Nadar
Qualification : MD (anaesthesia)
2nd yr at Stanley Medical College DOB : Sept. 1992
Caste : Reddy MBBS
Expectation :
Doctor with PG degree Parents, both are MBBS

Father : Retired VAO Seeks - Doctor Groom / PG

Mother : Homemaker Contact:
Hometown : Tiruttani 93616 19300
Contact : 7010 741 742
9940675471, 9535999144 93618 19300

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 23

Family Security Scheme

Dr. P. Ramakrishnan Dr. P.K. Kesavan Dr. S. Ravichandran

Chairman, FSS of IMA TNSB Secretary, FSS of IMA TNSB Treasurer, FSS of IMA TNSB

New Members joined in October - 7 not get any benefit, and also CANNOT JOIN
Claims Received in October & Paid - 4 OTHER SCHEMES.
21st Advance paid by member - Jan to 31st Oct. 2016 The member will be defaulter and the family may NOT
8904 Members x Rs. 11400 - Rs. 10,15,05,600 get any benefit from Family Security Scheme.
Fraternity Contribution paid to 46 families - Rs. 6,85,32,600 NO CARRY OVER OF ARREARS. No one will be
(Including 4 DD’s Return) allowed to Accumulate - Dues for the NEXT YEAR.
Fixed Deposit Created for the furture claims - Rs. 3,31,67,400
New Members Joined in October 2016 RESOLUTION - 49th MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE
No Doctor Name Age IMA Branch MEET
1. Dr. Fayaz Ahmed 39 Vellore
22nd Premium will be Rs. 12,000/- from Jan. 2017 the
2. Dr. Hajee Nihala Tarannum 31 Vellore
3. Dr. Ganapathi Rajesh 41 Cumbum Valley family will be paid (DFC) Rs. 17,00,000/-
4. Dr. N. Rajkumar 44 Trichy 50th Management Committee Meeting
5. Dr. A. Poihai 37 Virudhunagar on 20th Nov. 2016 at 9 am at IMA Hall, Nagercoil
6. Dr. C. Pradeep 30 Madurai
7. Dr. Sakthi Priya 28 Madurai For accommodation - Dr. A. Nagarajan - 94433
Those members not paid (2015) 20th due will be 40573 / Dr. Thiraviam Mohan - 94421 23649
defaulters from 1st November 2016. Their family will

Nagercoil Branch President Dr. Thiraviam Mohan,

Virudhunagar Branch President Dr. M.A. Bose Secretary Dr. T. Sivakumar, Fin. Secretary Dr. Nishal
and Secretary Dr. N. Dhanapal Presenting DD Perumal and Dr. Kabeer Presenting DD Rs. 15,00,000 to
Rs. 15,00,000/- to the nominee Mr. P.J. Joseph H/o the nominee Dr. S. Bagavathi Perumal S/o Late Dr. B.S.
Late Dr. Sheila Joseph, IMA Virudhunagar. Subramania Pillai Member of IMA Nagercoil.
FSS Paid for 13 Families to Virudhunagar IMA Branch FSS Paid for 5 Families (5 Death) to Nagercoil IMA Branch
to the tune of Rs.1,85,70,350/-. 15 Members - Arrears to the tune of Rs. 65,88,400/- 5 Members - Arrears from
from Virudhunagar Rs. 3,36,300/- Nagercoil Rs. 1,21,600/-

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 24

Claims Paid - October 2016
S.No Member name Date of Joining Date of Death Amount
1. Dr. R. Senthilnathan, Coimbatore 01.09.07 (FSS. 7003) 07.03.16 Rs. 13,86,000/-
2. Dr. T. Manickavasagan, Trichy 03.07.08 (FSS. 7733) 12.08.16 Rs. 15,00,000/-
3. Dr. Sheila Joseph, Virudhunagar 05.08.06 (FSS. 5263) 24.09.16 Rs. 15,00,000/-
4. Dr. B.S. Subramania Pillai, Nagercoil 20.09.04 (FSS. 1249) 07.09.16 Rs. 15,00,000/-
Age Group Non Refundable /Deposit Advance Fraternity Contribution Deposit
Upto 30 Yrs Rs. 3000/- Rs. 12,000/-
31 - 40 Yrs Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 12,000/- 01.12.2016
41 - 50 Yrs Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 12,000/-

BRANCH WISE EXPIRED MEMBERS LIST Ambasamudram, Ariyalur, Bhavani-

Madurai - 43; Salem - 27; Komarapalayam, Chennai Central, Chennai Naam,
Trichy - 22 ; Coimbatore - 20; Courtrallam, Gammpa, Hosur, Kangayam, Lalgudi,
Erode - 18, Virudhunagar - 17; Manapparai, Melur, Mullai Periyar, Needamangalam
Chennai South, Dindigul & Thanjavur - 13; Mannargudi, Pattukottai, Rajapalayam, Thiruvarur,
Cumbum Valley & Kanyakumari - 11; Tiruvallur & Vandavasi - 2;
Pollachi & Tirunelveli - 10; Arakkonam, Aranthangi, Arni, Batalagundu, Chennai
Ch. Kodambakkam, Ch. Tambaram & Tuticorin - 9; Apollo T.L, Chennai City, Chennai Pillar City,
Nagerkoil - 8, Karur - 7; Chennai Poonamalle High Road, Chennai Villvakkam
Chidambaram, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri, Ayanavaram, Dharapuram, Gingee, Gudalur,
Mayiladuthurai, Pudukottai & Vellore - 6; Gudiyatham, Kallakurichi, Kattumannar Koil,
Chennai Perambur, Kancheepuram, Kumbakonam, Kodaikanal, Koothanallur, Madurai Meenakshi,
Namakkal & Ramanathapuram - 5;
Marthandam, Minjur, Neyveli, Nilgiris, Palani,
Ambathur-Avadi, Chengalpattu, Ch. Ashok Nagar,
Paramakudi, Paramathi Velur, Perambalur,
Kovilpatti, Krishnagiri, Musiri Kulithalai, Nagapattinam,
Tiruchendur, Tirupur & Villupuram - 4; Puliangudi, Ranipet, Sathyamangalam, Sholinghur,
Ambur, Attur, Chennai Marina, Chettinad, Thiruthuraipoondi, Thiruvannamalai, Thiruvottiyur -
Gobichettipalayam, Mettupalayam, Sankarankoil, Ennoor, Tirukovilur, Udumalpet, Vaniyambadi &
Sivagangai & Tirupattur - 3; Vellakovil - 1
If you have Paid by NEFT & didn’t receive the Receipt, Please contact the Hon.Secretary 94449 60090 and get the Receipt.
Please Note / in Future - ONLY DD ACCEPTED
We cannot help EVERY ONE - But Every one of us CAN HELP SOME ONE
Ph : 0416 - 2244255, Mob : 94449 60090, e.mail :
Office Working Hours : 09.30 a.m. to 05.30 p.m.
ONLY DD ACCEPTED. DD in the Name of IMA / TNSB / FSS Advance A/c and send DD to
Dr. P.K. Kesavan, Hony. Secretary, FSS of IMA TNSB
“Sanjivalaya”, No. 41/15, Kalinjur Main Road, Gandhi Nagar (West), Vellore - 632 006.
November 2016 TIMA News Letter 25
Professional Protection Linked
Social Security Scheme of IMA TN
Dr. S.S. Sukumar
Chairman, PPLSSS of IMA TNSB
Mob: +91 9842766111

people to practice. This book contains nice

Dear Members, I wish Dr.E.Pari to publish more books like
Greetings from Erode. this through PPLSSS of IMA TN for the benefit
of our members.
PPLSSS is gaining importance as cases are
increasing. Most of the New Members joining PPLSSS is bringing out this book, member
IMA are joining PPLSSS IMA TN. Last month I can get and read. Tamil Nadu Govt is forming
had written about the National Medical an antiquackery committee in each Dist. IMA
Council. The SathyaGraha is on 16.11.2016 representation is not there. IMA President of
Morning. Hope our members read about NMC the Major Branch in the Dist Head Quarters
and they should take part in the SathyaGraha. must be included. This we must insist to the
Collector and to the Tamil Nadu Govt. Now
Dr.E.Pari has written a book on “Medical the Govt is asking the list of Non-Qualified
Negligence and the Consumer Protection Act” persons practicing medicines to give the list to
is a mark in the history of PPLSSS of IMA Tamil your branch secretary.
Nadu. He has taken 20 cases and studied
extensively. He has decided the work into 4 Hospital Board of India in bringing a book
sections. “A Practical Guide to Hospital Start UPS” please
go through the book. The Next PPLSSS
The consumer protection act is dealt with. Management Committee Meeting is on
He has also touched about the AYUSH doctors 27.11.2016 at Madurai IMA Hall. Members
practicing allopathic. The advertisement by willing to clear any doubts can write to
doctors which produces a lot of controversy is Dr.T.SenthamilPari, Secretary, PPLSSS so that
discussed.MCI Regulations is dealt with. the matters can be discussed and intimated.
He has also mentioned about the If any members wants any representation in
advertisements by Non Doctors. This problem person, please write to the Secretary. Both JVL
is a never ending problem for not only the Plaze Guest House and SankaraAppartment
doctors of modern medicine, but also for Guest House are utilised by our members. If
qualified AYUSH Doctors. Let them practice their any suggestions, Please write in the book kept
pathy and let them also not allow non-qualified at the Guest houses. Thanking you! 

mw¤â}c§ fh¡fKK ïšiy mjid

kw¤jÈ‹ C§»šiy nfL (FwŸ 32)
mw¤ijÉl bgÇabjhU e‹ik ga¡F« Fz« nt¿šiy.
mJnghynt ešyw« kw¥gijÉl nfL ÉisÉ¡f¡ ToaJ«
The Practice of righteousness and virtue gives the greatest gains,
Negligence of Righteousness spoils life.

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 26

Professional Protection Linked
Social Security Scheme of IMA TN

Dr. T. Senthamilpari Dr. S. Chandrasekharan

Secretary, PPLSSS of IMA TNSB Treasurer, PPLSSS of IMA TNSB

Wonderful Hospitalization Reimbursement

Scheme for IMA Doctors.
 Claim Rs.1,20,000/- per year
 Just Paying Rs.3,500/- to Rs.7,000/- according to age.
 No restriction of ailments.
 All Inpatient Treatment including Cataract, Delivery, and Hysterectomy
can be reimbursed. (Except Dental & Cosmetics)
For Application and Details Contact:
044-65555594 / 7871346470
SUBSCRIPTION (Block of Five years)
Category Compensation 5 Lakhs Compensation 10 Lakhs
per block of 5 years per block of 5years
GENERAL PRACTITIONER Rs. 6,000/- Rs. 11,000/-
NON – SURGICAL Rs. 7,000/- Rs. 13,000/-
SURGICAL ANAESTHETIST Rs. 8,000/- Rs. 15,000/-
DD should be send in the name of “Professional Protection Linked Social Security
Scheme of IMA Tamilnadu” Payable at Chennai


SUBSCRIPTION (Block of Five years)
Category Compensation 5 Lakhs Compensation 10 Lakhs
per block of 5 years per block of 5 years
GENERAL PRACTITIONER Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 10,000/
NON – SURGICAL Rs. 6,000/- Rs. 12,000/-
SURGICAL ANAESTHETIST Rs. 7,000/- Rs. 14,000/-
DD should be send in the name of
“PPLSSS OF IMA Tamilnadu Renewal A/C “ Payable at Chennai

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 27

Professional Protection Linked
Social Security Scheme of IMA TN

m‹òŸs kU¤Jt R¡yh ah® ah® Ûbjšyh« tH¡F bjhL¤JŸshnuh,

e©g®fS¡F! ah® ahÇlbkšyh« eZl <L nf£LŸshnuh mt®
1. âUkâ. Rk‹ fbsšyh« mWit¢ ỢirÆš g§F bfhŸs
R¡yhî¡F Adeno Éšiy vdî«, mt®fŸ mWit¢ ỢirÆš
myosis -¡fhf lh¡l® g§F bfh©lj‰fhd vªj MjhuK« ïšiy
Fõ‹ Jngî«, lh¡l® vd¡T¿ Ñœ¡fhQ« Ô®¥ig njáa Ef®nth®
brs¤Çí« RÄjh Úâk‹w« tH§»íŸsJ. mij m¥gona c§f
k U ¤ J t k i d Æ š Ë‹ gh®it¡fhf ÑnH bfhL¡»nw‹:
fU¥ig Ú¡f mWit¢ Ợir CPJ August 2016 – National C.D.R.C 295 – New
brŒJŸsh®fŸ. Delhi – Hon’ble Mr.Justice J.M.Malik,
2. mªj mWit¢ Ợir Presiding member & Dr.S.M.Kantikar,
12-07-2004 ïš brŒa¥g£lJ. mW
O.P.Shukla vs. Dr.Kusum Dubey
it¢ Ợir¡F K‹ ešy ÃiyÆš
& Ors – Decided on 01.02.2016.
ïUªj âUkâ. Rk‹ R¡yhÉ‹ clš
(i) Consumer Protection act, 1986
Ãiy Äf nkhrkhdjhš m‹W ïuî
Dr. K. Thangamuthu – Sections 2(1)(g),21(a)(ii) – Medical
7.40 k¡F nehahËfËlnkh, cwÉ Legal Committee Chairman Negligence – Surgery performed for
d®fËlnkh r«kj« bgwhkš Û©L« PPLSSS of IMA TNSB
hysterectomy – Conditioned
X® mWit¢ Ợir brŒJŸsh®fŸ. worsened – Correction surgery
3. âUkâ. Rk‹ R¡yhÉ‹ clš ÃiyÆš K‹ performed – Shifted to other hospital – Suffering and
nd‰w« V‰glhjjhš, mt® ntbwhU kU¤Jt financial loss – Deficiency in service alleged – District
kid¡F kh‰w¥g£LŸsh®. m¥go kh‰w¥g£l Rk‹ forum dismissed compliant – Hence appeal – As per
R¡yhÉ‹ Ợir¡fhf IªJ ehŸfS¡FŸ %. 2 inquiry conducted by chief medical officer alleged
ïy£r« bryÉl ne®ªjjhf¡ T¿, mWit¢ Ợir doctor never performed any surgery on patient – Even
before commission of expert doctors, complainant
brŒj kU¤Jt®fŸ nkš âU. Rk‹ R¡yh kht£l
failed to produce any evidence in respect of treatment
Ef®nth® Úâk‹w¤âš eZl <L nf£L tH¡F if any given by said doctor – No negligence can be
bjhl®ªjij mL¤J, mªj tH¡F jŸSgo brŒa¥ attributed on part of doctor. (Para 8)
gL»wJ. ii) Consumer protection act,1986 – Sections 24A,
4. mij¤ bjhl®ªJ khÃy Ef®nth® Úâk‹w¤ 21(a)(ii) – Limitation – delay of 81 days occurred due
âY« mªj tH¡if¥ gâî brŒjnghJ, Limitation to being unaware about impugned order – Not
Period -I jh©oÉ£ljhš khÃy Ef®nth® Úâk‹w accepted – Reasons stated in application are not
K« mªj tH¡if¤ jŸSgo brŒ»wJ. convincing – Delay not condoned. (Para 6)
5. mªj tH¡F njáa Ef®nth® Úâk‹w¤â‰F Result: Appeal dismissed.
br‹wnghJ, mij ÉrhǤj ÚâgâfŸ âU.Rk‹ In Page no: NC296, In Para 8:- We have perused

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 28

the medical records available on the file. As per In Page no: NC 296, In Para 9:- The State
ultrasonography report, it was a case of Commission categorically observed that:
Adenomyosis. The complainant submitted that the
“At the time of hearing of his complaint since no
original medical record, written statement, etc., were
lost. It is pertinent to note that the record of this one appeared on behalf of the complainant to press
complaint was reconstructed on the basis of papers on the facts of the complaint as aforesaid thereby
available with the parties. As per deposition of Dr. filing any evidence in support of the facts of the
Kusum Dubey, she had not performed any surgery case, therefore, we come to this conclusion that there
on the patient or gave any treatment to the patient, is no evidence against both the aforesaid doctors,
the enquiry in this regard was conducted by Chief Dr. Kusum Dubey as well as Dr. Mohd. Kayum that
Medical Officer, Lucknow, wherein, it was found that they have even afforded any medical treatment to
Dr. Kusum Dubey never performed any surgery on
Smt. Suman Shukla or committed any medical
the patient. She was, on duty, on 18.7.2004 from 1.45
p.m. till 7 p.m., in the Government Hospital. Even, negligence.”
before a panel of four independent expert doctors, mWit¢ Ợir brŒj kU¤Jt® ah® v‹nw
the complainant failed to prove any evidence in Tl bjÇahkš tH¡F¥ nghL« eg®fS« e«
respect to the treatment, if any given by Dr. Kusum r_f¤âš cŸsh®fŸ v‹gij nk‰f©l Ô®¥ò
Dubey. As per record, Dr. Kusum Dubey is a qualified ek¡F vL¤J¡fh£L»wJ. e‹¿!
doctor working in Government Hospital Aliganj,
Lucknow. As per affidavit of Dr. Mohd. Kayyum, the ï¥go¡F, j§fŸ c©ikíŸs
hospital is a super specialty hospital, where the Dr.K. j§fK¤J
patient was treated. äfš fÄ£o nr®k‹, PPLSSS of IMA TNSB


Doctors Colony, Off. Mudichur Road, Via-Bharathi Nagar
1st Main Road & Jothi Nagar 9th Street, West Tambaram, Chennai – 45. Cell : 98406 30546
Good spacious 7 Rooms with Air-condition & TV.
Hot Water round the clock
2km from the Tambaram Railway Station &
Bus Stand With new easy approach Road.
IMA TNSB Guest House: 98406 30546
Or Chairman Dr.M.Balasubramanian: 94440 07046
@ Rs.1000/- for Double bed room / @ Rs.1500/- suit

November 2016
2016 TIMA News Letter 29
REVISED FBS SUBSCRIPTION (for a block of 1 year)
Upto 45 years 3,500/-
46 - 55 years 4,500/- DD should be send in the name of “FBS of
56 - 65 years 5,500/- PPLSSS of IMA Tamilnadu” Payable at Chennai.
66 - 70 years 6,000/-
71 - 75 years 6,500/-
76 - 80 years 7,000/-
HPS NEW & RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTION (Block of three years)
Category Compensation 5 Lakhs Rs. 10 Lakhs
per block of 3 years per block of 3 years
PRIMARY LEVEL Rs. 4,000 /- Rs. 7,000/-
SECONDARY LEVEL Any One facilities (ICU/
Theatre / Labour Room, X-Ray, Scan, Lab) Rs. 6,000/- Rs. 12,000/-
Any two facilities Rs. 9,000/- Rs.18,000/-
All three facilities and More Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 30,000/-
50 beds and more with all facilities
and TERTIARY LEVEL ————————— Rs. 50,000/-
DD should be send in the name of “Hospital Protection Scheme of
PPLSSS of IMA Tamilnadu” Payable at Chennai


Address: Sankaralaya, Sankara Heritage A/C Double Bed Room Rs.1200/- per day
Apartment, Flat No.11 &12, No.64, Spur tank Road, (Extra Persons Staying in double bed room Rs.200/-
Chetpet, Chennai-600 031. per person per day). Rs.100/- Discount for PPLSSS
Contact : 044 28361866, 9444832139 / 9500032139 Members. Note 1 : Free allotment Car Parking Only
Two Note 2: Paid Building association car parking
(Reservation only from 10 am to 6 pm)
two each Rs.150/- (“Subject to availability”)
DD should be send in the name of “PPLSSS Guest House” Payable at Chennai
Address : JVL Plaza, No.626/501, Anna Salai, A/C Double Bed Room Rs.1200/- per day
Mount Road, Teynampet, Chennai – 600 018. (Extra Persons Staying in double bed room Rs.200/-
Contact : 044 24348475, 9444832139/9500032139 per person per day) Note 1: Free allotment Car Parking
(Reservation only from 10 am to 6 pm). Only Two. Note 2: Paid Building association car
parking each Rs.150/- (7p.m-7a.m “Subject to
DD should be send in the name of “JVL Plaza A/c of PPLSSS of IMA Tamilnadu” Payable at Chennai
Payment Mode: DD only Accepted. DD should be send to the following address:
Dr. T.Senthamil Pari, Hony.Secretary, PPLSSS of IMA TN.
KVT Speciality Hospital, Plot No;1,2,3 Ethirajsamy Salai, Erukkanchery,Chennai-600118., Mob: 9092738696, Ph: 044-65555594, 42834516, 42830256,
For Case related enquires contact Secretary: 9444408237 (or) Legal Committee chairman Dr. K. Thangamuthu :
9443151164 / 04259-224849. Other enquiries contact PPLSSS office:044-65555594

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 30

S.No. Doctor Name Member Code Renewal Date S.No. Doctor Name Member Code Renewal Date
1. Dr. Chandrasekaran C. 9661 15.12.2016 38. Dr. Suresh K. 6721 08.12.2016
2. Dr. Jaison Premkumar G. 6752 29.12.2016 39. Dr. Tamil Selvi S. 6722 08.12.2016
3. Dr. Kalaiselvan R. 6715 05.12.2016 HARUR UTTANGARAI
4. Dr. Ramasamy V. 6716 05.12.2016 40. Dr. Lalitha Regi 3601 20.12.2016
5. Dr. Sandy Jaison 6753 29.12.2016 41. Dr. Regi M. George 3600 20.12.2016
6. Dr. Vijaya D. 9656 11.12.2016 KARUR
ANNUR 42. Dr. Sathiesh G 3053 05.12.2016
7. Dr. Geetha R. 6732 17.12.2016 43. Dr. Sendhil Kumar Mohan 6735 17.12.2016
8. Dr. Mallika K.M. 6733 25.12.2016 44. Dr. Subramanian B.T. 3565 09.12.2016
9. Dr. Selvaraj V. 6734 25.12.2016 KUMBAKONAM
10. Dr. Valavandhal K. 6743 20.12.2016 45. Dr. Govindarajulu R. 3602 20.12.2016
CHENGALPATTU 46. Dr. Rasheeda A. 6725 10.12.2016
11. Dr. Minnalkodi N.S.S. 3624 25.12.2016 MADURAI
12. Dr. Raja Billy Graham G. 3625 25.12.2016 47. Dr. Chandrabai S. 9650 02.12.2016
13. Dr. Siddhartha Raj M.K. 3623 19.12.2016 48. Dr. Chandrasekar C. 6333 09.12.2016
CHENNAI APOLLO T.L. 49. Dr. Indurani S. 9659 14.12.2016
14. Dr. Madhan Kumar K. 9666 18.12.2016 50. Dr. Maheswaran K.V. 3583 19.12.2016
CHENNAI CENTRAL 51. Dr. Ravichandran V. 9660 14.12.2016
15. Dr. Rita Arjun 9667 18.12.2016 52. Dr. Shameem Ahmed M. 9658 14.12.2016
CHENNAI KODAMBAKKAM 53. Dr. Sivakami D. 6711 01.12.2016
16. Dr. Balaji A.R. 9665 18.12.2016 54. Dr. Uma Maheswari 6420 14.12.2016
17. Dr. Radhika K. 3571 06.12.2016 55. Dr. Vijayalakshmi M. 6643 04.12.2016
18. Dr. Thomas George A. 3149 05.12.2016 MADURAI MEENAKSHI
CHENNAI METRO 56. Dr. Mariappan M. 9654 08.12.2016
19. Dr. Chitra Kailash 6717 07.12.2016 57. Dr. Mullai Veluthambi 9655 08.12.2016
20. Dr. Chandrika Manimaran 3569 05.12.2016 58. Dr. Karpagavalli K. 3586 22.12.2016
21. Dr. Ravindra Babu P. 3570 05.12.2016 MELUR
22. Dr. Rekha Sudhakar 3568 05.12.2016 59. Dr. Seetha Ramasamy 9657 11.12.2016
23. Dr. Kamaleswari N. 3463 28.12.2016 60. Dr. Kalaiselvi R. 3604 23.12.2016
24. Dr. Mallika Chidambaram 3455 16.12.2016 61. Dr. Balaji T.R. 3599 20.12.2016
25. Dr. Prabu Doss G.S. 9652 06.12.2016 62. Dr. Geetha N. 3151 01.12.2016
CHENNAI TAMBARAM 63. Dr. Kandappa Pillai P. 3561 02.12.2016
26. Dr. Ashok Rangarajan 9674 22.12.2016 64. Dr. Meenambika N. 3611 28.12.2016
27. Dr. Joseph Xavier S. 3330 01.12.2016 65. Dr. Mohandhas R. 3152 01.12.2016
28. Dr. Kanagasarathy K. 9648 01.12.2016 66. Dr. Theresita J. 3095 30.12.2016
29. Dr. Vineet Thomas Abraham 9662 16.12.2016 PALANI
COIMBATORE 67. Dr. Krishakumar R. 6727 12.12.2016
30. Dr. Mantisori S. 3590 17.12.2016 PARAMATHI VELUR
31. Dr. Murugan K.S. 3589 17.12.2016 68. Dr. Latha A. 6749 25.12.2016
32. Dr. Renuka Devi R. 6227 06.12.2016 PATTUKOTTAI
33. Dr. Ssundararajan S.R. 6228 06.12.2016 69. Dr. Balakrishnan K. 1531 25.12.2016
34. Dr. Karthikeyan P. 9677 27.12.2016 70. Dr. Dhanalakshmi T. 6729 15.12.2016
ERODE 71. Dr. Jagadeesan T. 6712 03.12.2016
35. Dr. Jeevanantham V. 6522 19.12.2016 72. Dr. Yasodha Rani T. 6730 15.12.2016
36. Dr. Shanmugam M. 3606 23.12.2016 POONAMALLEE HIGH ROAD
GOBICHETTIPALAYAM 73. Dr. Meera Srinivasan 9664 18.12.2016
37. Dr. Raghu D. 6746 22.12.2016 74. Dr. Pacifica Simon 9663 18.12.2016

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 31

S.No. Doctor Name Member Code Renewal Date S.No. Doctor Name Member Code Renewal Date
75. Dr. Paul Korath M. 9651 02.12.2016 96. Dr. Saro Thanga Sangeetha 9649 01.12.2016
PUDUKOTTAI 97. Dr. Senthilvel S. 6737 18.12.2016
76. Dr. Ezhil Thenkondan A. 3506 05.12.2016 TIRUNELVELI
RAMANATHAPURAM 98. Dr. Babu Kandhakumar A.S. 6718 16.12.2016
77. Dr. Mohamed Haseen M. 9673 21.12.2016 99. Dr. Senthil Kumaran G. 6710 01.12.2016
RANIPET 100. Dr. Sickandar G. 6709 01.12.2016
78. Dr. Shivashankar Siva S. 9676 23.12.2016 101. Dr. Sudhamma J. 9669 20.12.2016
SALEM 102. Dr. Vallimanalan S. 3608 28.12.2016
79. Dr. Arun prasath B. 6603 05.12.2016 TIRUVARUR
80. Dr. Ganesan V.M. 9672 20.12.2016 103. Dr. Jagadeesan C. 1155 14.12.2016
81. Dr. Geeth Ragunath 589 01.12.2016 104. Dr. Renuka P. 6532 05.12.2016
82. Dr. Madheswaran T.A. 6755 29.12.2016 TUTICORIN
83. Dr. Niraimadhi S. 9670 20.12.2016 105. Dr. Abdullah Shafir 9678 29.12.2016
84. Dr. Niraimadhi S. 9671 20.12.2016 106. Dr. Balakannan 3582 13.12.2016
85. Dr. Sreepriya R. 6738 18.12.2016 107. Dr. Chockaiah Raja M. 6438 11.12.2016
SATHYAMANGALAM 108. Dr. Palarmakrishnan D. 6731 15.12.2016
86. Dr. Haseeb Khan S.Z. 6423 27.12.2016 109. Dr. Ramalakshmi V. 9675 23.12.2016
87. Dr. Nirmala N. 3153 28.12.2016 110. Dr. Vijaya Rahavan N. 3581 13.12.2016
88. Dr. Sambath AR 3005 08.12.2016 111. Dr. Sathish Kumar K. 3466 09.12.2016
89. Dr. Subash Chandrabose S. 3573 12.12.2016 112. Dr. Sivakumar S. 6736 17.12.2016
90. Dr. Franklin Selvaraj J. 3577 10.12.2016 113. Dr. Ramanathan S. 6723 11.12.2016
91. Dr. Lakshmi V.S. 6750 26.12.2016 114. Dr. Aram D. 3585 23.12.2016
92. Dr. Parthasarathy N. 9653 08.12.2016 115. Dr. Elango P. 3588 16.12.2016
93. Dr. Raghavan N. 3580 13.12.2016 116. Dr. Kumar C.R. 3584 14.12.2016
94. Dr. Ramanan T.S. 6661 13.12.2016 117. Dr. Pushpalatha N. 6728 12.12.2016
95. Dr. Santhi E. 9668 20.12.2016 118. Dr. Sivakumar A.P. 6545 15.12.2016
FBS RENEWAL - INTIMATION FROM 01.12.2016 TO 31.12.2016
S.No. Doctor Name Member Code Renewal Date S.No. Doctor Name Member Code Renewal Date
1. Dr. David Solomon 1319 12.12.2016 16. Dr. Panneerselvam V. 1140 26.12.2016
2. Dr. Lakshmipathy R. 1131 01.12.2016 GUIDYATHAM
ATTUR 17. Dr. Ganessan K.M. 371 05.12.2016
3. Dr. Arul K. 903 26.12.2016 HOSUR
CHENNAI APOLLO T.L. 18. Dr. BalasubramanyanS. 674 05.12.2016
4. Dr. Ram Kumar K. 1598 08.12.2016 19. Dr. Rengaraj R. 675 02.12.2016
CHENNAI TAMBARAM 20. Dr. Vimala R. 1491 30.12.2016
5. Dr. Karunanidhi V. 662 21.12.2016 KARUR
6. Dr. Sreedhar S 1493 12.12.2016 21. Dr. Ramachandran C. 685 24.12.2016
CHENNAI VELACHERY 22. Dr. Sadasivam S. 56 30.12.2016
7. Dr. Dhanasekaran P.R. 1317 06.12.2016 KUMBAKONAM
8. Dr. Selvaraj Jeyaseelan A. 850 30.12.2016 23. Dr. Ragupathi B. 11 18.12.2016
9. Dr. Rajalakshmi P. 1324 30.12.2016 24. Dr. Palanivelrajan B. 366 15.12.2016
10. Dr. Tamilarasan B. 1323 30.12.2016 25. Dr. Poornima Robin 377 27.12.2016
COIMBATORE 26. Dr. Somasundaram S. 1452 18.12.2016
11. Dr. Chandrasekar T.S. 226 28.12.2016 27. Dr. Sundararajan R. 877 24.12.2016
12. Dr. Dhandapani S. 493 23.12.2016 28. Dr. Swaminathan G. 120 09.12.2016
13. Dr. Janabai K. 900 19.12.2016 29. Dr. Ashok Swaminathan G. 1705 30.12.2016
14. Dr. Sekar G.P. 860 27.12.2016 30. Dr. Subbulakshmi Sundaram 1704 30.12.2016
15. Dr. Moorthy L.V.K. 27 12.12.2016 31. Dr. Mohan N. 1492 12.12.2016

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 32

S.No. Doctor Name Member Code Renewal Date S.No. Doctor Name Member Code Renewal Date
32. Dr. Arivuvoli P. 1139 21.12.2016 48. Dr. Manoharan M. 1105 27.12.2016
33. Dr. Yasmin Parveen 1652 18.12.2016 TINDIVANAM
34. Dr. Arunachalam U. 1773 28.12.2016 49. Dr. Sekar P. 1334 30.12.2016
35. Dr. Lakshminaraynan P. 794 30.12.2016 TIRUCHENDUR
NILGIRIS 50. Dr. Nainar K.P. 1322 14.12.2016
36. Dr. Vishnu Mohan D. 1489 01.12.2016 TIRUCHIRAPALLI
PATTUKOTTAI 51. Dr. Muthusubramanian M. 971 21.12.2016
37. Dr. Natarajan S. 492 21.12.2016 52. Dr. Senthilnathan N.K. 937 18.12.2016
PUDUKOTTAI 53. Dr. Thiruppathy SP. 1653 19.12.2016
38. Dr. Senthamil Selvi S. 1102 11.12.2016 54. Dr. Venkatram P. 1551 10.12.2016
RAMANATHAPURAM 55. Dr. Vikram M. 1486 21.12.2016
39. Dr. Kamala D.P.S. 1433 27.12.2016 TIRUVARUR
SALEM 56. Dr. Gopalakrishnan J. 352 05.12.2016
40. Dr. Akilambal A. 1747 21.12.2016 57. Dr. Shanmugam K. 890 09.12.2016
41. Dr. Ganesan A. 682 19.12.2016 58. Dr. Sritharan D. 889 12.12.2016
42. Dr. Subramanian P.S. 1081 17.12.2016 59. Dr. Subramanian M. 1330 25.12.2016
43. Dr. Suresh kumar K 1252 21.12.2016 TUTICORIN
SATHYAMANGALAM 60. Dr. Alagia Nambi S. 1328 21.12.2016
44. Dr. Subramanian M. 181 10.12.2016
45. Dr. Manoharan R. 1315 04.12.2016 61. Dr. Giri Prakash 1600 16.12.2016
46. Dr. Rajasekaran C. 1116 21.12.2016 VRIDHACHALAM
47. Dr. Shanthi Paulraj 687 24.12.2016 62. Dr. Alagurajan S. 1318 09.12.2016
HPS RENEWAL - INTIMATION FROM 01.12.2016 TO 31.12.2016
S.No. Hospital Name Member Code Renewal Date Branch
1. Om Sakthi Hospital 931 08.12.2016 AMBATTUR - AVADI
2. AVM Medical ENT Research Foundation (P) Ltd 551 26.12.2016 CHENNAI KODAMBAKKAM
3. Priya Nursing Home 545 03.12.2016 CHENNAI NORTH
4. Jawahar Hospital 548 12.12.2016 CHENNAI TAMBARAM
5. Dr. M. Srinivasan 926 11.12.2016 COIMBATORE
6. J.M. Hospital 567 22.12.2016 COIMBATORE
7. Manu Hospital 935 17.12.2016 COIMBATORE
8. Sanjeevani Hospital and Maternity Home 225 08.12.2016 COIMBATORE
9. Saravana Hospital 929 03.12.2016 CUDDALORE
10. Shifa Hospital 936 17.12.2016 DINDIGUL
11. Devaki Hospital Maternity & Child Health Care Centre 549 12.12.2016 HOSUR
12. Karur Nursing Home 564 15.12.2016 KARUR
13. Sri Vinayaga Maternity Home 546 08.12.2016 KRISHNAGIRI
14. Anusha Medical Centre (Pvt) Ltd., 249 27.12.2016 MADURAI
15. G.N.M Nursing Home 560 10.12.2016 MADURAI
16. J.K. Institute of Neurology 351 14.12.2016 MADURAI
17. Sri Karpaga Vinayagar Hospital 456 10.12.2016 MADURAI
18. Vishnu Hospital 939 30.12.2016 MAYILADUTHURAI
19. Kedar Hospital 248 27.12.2016 POONAMALLEE
20. Team Super Speciality Hospital 930 08.12.2016 PUDUKOTTAI
21. A.R. Hospital 934 15.12.2016 RAMANATHAPURAM
22. Chellam Hospital 247 12.12.2016 SALEM
23. Nova Hospitals 559 05.12.2016 THANJAVUR
24. Tanjavur Cancer Centre 938 29.12.2016 THANJAVUR
25. AL Ameen Nursing Home 245 09.12.2016 TIRUCHIRAPALLI
26. Prabhu Nursing Home 149 13.12.2016 TIRUCHIRAPALLI
27. Sri Ragavendra Nursing Home 133 20.12.2016 TIRUCHIRAPALLI
28. SVH Speciality Hospital 566 22.12.2016 TIRUCHIRAPALLI
29. Trichy Diabetes Speciality Centre Pvt. Ltd. 346 13.12.2016 TIRUCHIRAPALLI
30. Wellcare Hospital and Research Institute 937 23.12.2016 TIRUCHIRAPALLI
31. Sri Avinashiappar Rural Nursing Home 470 29.12.2016 TIRUPUR
32. Devaki Hospital 932 13.12.2016 VILLUPURAM
33. Durai Gastro Care Hospital 933 15.12.2016 VILLUPURAM
34. Dr. Muthusamy Hospital 246 09.12.2016 VIRUDHUNAGAR DISTRICT
November 2016 TIMA News Letter 33
TIMACON - 2016
jh«gu« - kh‰w¤â‹ K‹ndhofŸ
Hosted by - IMA Tambaram Branch
December 10th & 11th, 2016 @ Chennai
1, GST Road, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai - 600 016. Tamil Nadu, INDIA
10th December 2016 - Saturday 11th December 2016 - Sunday
08.30 a.m. - 09.30 a.m. - Registration 10.00 a.m. - 03.00 p.m. - State Council Meeting
09.00 a.m. - 09.30 a.m. - Inaugural Ceremony 10.00 a.m. - 01.00 p.m. - Scientifc Session
09.30 a.m. - 05.30 p.m. - Orations
06.00 p.m. - 07.00 p.m. - Awards Function 02.00 p.m. - 04.00 p.m. - Workshops
07.00 p.m. - 08.00 p.m. - Installation Ceremony 04.00 p.m. - 04.30 p.m. - Valedictory Function
08.00 p.m. - Entertainment & Banquet
Details upto upto Spot
31.08.2016 30.11.2016 (Kit not guranteed)
IMA Members Rs. 2,500/- Rs. 3,000/- Rs. 3,500/-
Non IMA Members Rs. 3,000/- Rs. 3,500/- Rs. 4,000/-
Spouce / Children Rs. 1,500/- Rs. 2,000/- Rs. 2,500/-
Download Registration form from
(send one day rent as advance) Demand Draft/Cheque
Class One Rs.8,500 per day in favour of “TIMACON
Class Two Rs.5,500 per day 2016” payable at Chennai
Class Three Rs.3,500 per day

Filled Registration Form and Demand Draft/Cheque - Conference Secretariat

Dr. S. Kasi, Organising Secretary, TIMACON 2016, IMA TNSB Building, Doctors Colony,
Via - Bharathi Nagar First Main Road, Off. Mudichur Road, Tambaram, Chennai - 600 045.
M: 98406 30546 /98406 04248. email :
Dr. Amutha Karunanidhi Dr. S. Kasi
Organising Chairman Organising Secretary
Dr. AL. Annamalai Dr. T. Perumal
Joint Organising Secretary Organising Finance Secretary
for more details log on to
November 2016 TIMA News Letter 34
November 2016 TIMA News Letter 35
The Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University conducts
“Refresher Course in Diabetology” (Six Months Duration) and
8th batch is likely to be started in January – 2017.
The aspiring candidates are requested to visit the University Website for further details Phone : 044-22355120.
As requested by Dr.Martin,Snr.Member, IMA, Tuticorin Br.,Cell: 9443333214
Exclusively for doctors, their relatives and friends
Only few seats left. Rush up for a berth. Andaman trip oversubscribed
Departing on 15th Jan.2017 from Chennai & back on 19th early morning.
Only Rs. 56,300 /- All inclusive with escort from Chennai to Chennai
CONTACT: 1. Ms. Neeta of,.8939978978,/ 044 4210 5353, Mylapore,, Chennai.
2. Mr. Shanmugam, Manager, Mob:-9884408551.


Phuket 2N / Pattaya 2N / Bangkok 1N ( Only 25 seats- A family tour)
Exclusively for Doctors’ Families with friends & relatives.
As requested by Dr.Martin, Sr. member IMA, Tuticorin Br.=======14-A tour
Departure: 2rd. April 2017 from Chennai Airport early morning Thai Air
Package Cost: Rs.53,500/-/= ALL inclusive by SOTC except optionals
Contact: 1. Mr.S. Jayaseelan,SOTC travel Services, Valluvarkottam, Chennai.Mob:- 98412 24097
2. Dr.Martin Thomas, Mob: 9443333214
Only 25 seats- First come first served basis-Do not miss as you missed Andaman trip

(New York- Washington D.C., Niagara- Los Vegas-
Great Canyon as optional- Las Angeles- San Francisco)
DEPARTURE: 1st May 2017 early morning from Chennai airport.
PACKAGE COST: Rs.2.55 lacs (Plus 4.5% tax Rs.11,500 & Mandatory tips Rs.2,500)
CONTACT: No:1. Ms.Kaneeza Zogra of Coxandkings, Chetpet, Chennai.
Land: 044 28209551, Mob.9841677403.
No:2 Dr. Martin Thomas,Sr. Member,IMA ,Tuticorin Br.Mob. 9443333214

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 36

Reception, Doctor, Lab, Pharmacy, Ward, Billing, TPA, Accounts with
instant SMS to Patient Contact: 044 22248738, 9444467718

Seminar on Medical Ethics

IMA Arni Branch IMA Chennai Perambur Branch
@ Kanyakumari Govt. Medical College

IMA Chettinad Branch IMA Coimbatore Branch IMA Cumbum Valley Branch

November 2016 TIMA News Letter 37

IMA Dindigul Branch IMA Erode Branch

IMA Kanchipuram Branch IMA Kanyakumari Branch IMA Madurai Branch

IMA Marthandam Branch IMA Musiri Kulithalai Branch IMA Pattukkottai Branch

IMA Poonamallee High Road Br. IMA Sathyamangalam Branch IMA Southern Railway Branch

IMA Thanjavur Branch IMA Tiruvallur Branch IMA Chennai Tambaram Branch
Although every care has been taken in the publication of this TIMA News Letter, the author, the publisher and the printer
shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused to any person on account of errors or omissions which might have crept
it. The publisher shall be obliged if mistakes are brought to their notice for carrying out corrections in the next issue.

Published by Dr. N. MUTHURAJAN

IMAState Office, IMA PPLSSS Complex, JVL Plaza, No. 626, 2nd Floor, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai - 600 018
Printed by S. Theesmas, Lilly Soosai Offset, Chennai - 14
November 2016 TIMA News Letter 38

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