Lecture 8 - Turbulence Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics: Instructor: André Bakker
Lecture 8 - Turbulence Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics: Instructor: André Bakker
Lecture 8 - Turbulence Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics: Instructor: André Bakker
© André Bakker (2002-2006)
© Fluent Inc. (2002)
• What is turbulence?
• Effect of turbulence on
Navier-Stokes equations.
• Reynolds averaging.
• Reynolds stresses.
• All flows become unstable above a certain Reynolds
• At low Reynolds numbers flows are laminar.
• For high Reynolds numbers flows are turbulent.
• The transition occurs anywhere between 2000 and 1E6,
depending on the flow.
• For laminar flow problems, flows can be solved using the
conservation equations developed previously.
• For turbulent flows, the computational effort involved in
solving those for all time and length scales is prohibitive.
• An engineering approach to calculate time-averaged flow
fields for turbulent flows will be developed.
What is turbulence?
• Unsteady, aperiodic motion in which all three velocity
components fluctuate, mixing matter, momentum, and
• Decompose velocity into mean and fluctuating parts:
Ui(t) ≡ Ui + ui(t).
• Similar fluctuations for pressure, temperature, and species
concentration values.
Examples of simple turbulent flows
• Some examples of simple turbulent flows are a jet entering
a domain with stagnant fluid, a mixing layer, and the wake
behind objects such as cylinders.
• Such flows are often used as test cases to validate the
ability of computational fluid dynamics software to
accurately predict fluid flows.
Transition in boundary layer flow over flat plate
Turbulent boundary layer
Top view
Side view
Transition in a channel flow
• Instability and turbulence is
also seen in internal flows
such as channels and ducts.
• The Reynolds number is
constant throughout the pipe
and is a function of flow rate,
fluid properties and diameter.
• Three flow regimes are shown:
– Re < 2200 with laminar
– Re = 2200 with a flow that
alternates between
turbulent and laminar. This
is called transitional flow.
– Re > 2200 with fully
turbulent flow.
Transition in a jet flow
Large-scale vs. small-scale structure
Weddell Sea off Antarctica
Alaska's Aleutian Islands
• As air flows over and
around objects in its
path, spiraling eddies,
known as Von Karman
vortices, may form.
• The vortices in this
image were created
when prevailing winds
sweeping east across
the northern Pacific
Ocean encountered
Alaska's Aleutian
20 km Alexander Selkirk Island in the southern Pacific Ocean 16
Smoke ring
A smoke ring (green) impinges on a plate where it interacts with the slow moving
smoke in the boundary layer (pink). The vortex ring stretches and new rings form.
The size of the vortex structures decreases over time.
Simulation – species mixing
Turbulence is generated at the grid as a result of high stresses in the immediate vicinity of the
grid. The turbulence is made visible by injecting smoke into the flow at the grid. The eddies are
visible because they contain the smoke. Beyond this point, there is no source of turbulence as the
flow is uniform. The flow is dominated by convection and dissipation. For homogeneous
decaying turbulence, the turbulent kinetic energy decreases with distance from grid as x-1 and
the turbulent eddies grows in size as x1/2. 20
Flow transitions around a cylinder
• For flow around a cylinder, the flow starts separating at Re = 5. For Re below 30,
the flow is stable. Oscillations appear for higher Re.
• The separation point moves upstream, increasing drag up to Re = 2000.
Re = 9.6 Re = 13.1 Re = 26
What is turbulence?
• Turbulent flows have the following characteristics:
– One characteristic of turbulent flows is their irregularity or randomness. A
full deterministic approach is very difficult. Turbulent flows are usually
described statistically. Turbulent flows are always chaotic. But not all
chaotic flows are turbulent. Waves in the ocean, for example, can be chaotic
but are not necessarily turbulent.
– The diffusivity of turbulence causes rapid mixing and increased rates of
momentum, heat, and mass transfer. A flow that looks random but does not
exhibit the spreading of velocity fluctuations through the surrounding fluid is
not turbulent. If a flow is chaotic, but not diffusive, it is not turbulent. The trail
left behind a jet plane that seems chaotic, but does not diffuse for miles is
then not turbulent.
– Turbulent flows always occur at high Reynolds numbers. They are caused
by the complex interaction between the viscous terms and the inertia terms
in the momentum equations.
– Turbulent flows are rotational; that is, they have non-zero vorticity.
Mechanisms such as the stretching of three-dimensional vortices play a key
role in turbulence.
What is turbulence? - Continued
– Turbulent flows are dissipative. Kinetic energy gets converted into
heat due to viscous shear stresses. Turbulent flows die out quickly
when no energy is supplied. Random motions that have insignificant
viscous losses, such as random sound waves, are not turbulent.
– Turbulence is a continuum phenomenon. Even the smallest eddies
are significantly larger than the molecular scales. Turbulence is
therefore governed by the equations of fluid mechanics.
– Turbulent flows are flows. Turbulence is a feature of fluid flow, not
of the fluid. When the Reynolds number is high enough, most of the
dynamics of turbulence are the same whether the fluid is an actual
fluid or a gas. Most of the dynamics are then independent of the
properties of the fluid.
Kolmogorov energy spectrum
• Energy cascade, from large
scale to small scale. Log E
• E is energy contained in
eddies of wavelength λ. Integral
scale Taylor scale
• Length scales:
– Largest eddies. Integral
length scale (k3/2/ε). Kolmogorov
– Length scales at which
turbulence is isotropic.
Taylor microscale
(15νu’2/ε)1/2. Wavenumber
– Smallest eddies.
Kolmogorov length scale ε is the energy dissipation rate (m 2 /s3 )
(ν3/ε)1/4. These eddies have k is the turbulent kinetic energy (m 2 /s 2 )
a velocity scale (ν.ε)1/4 and a ν is the kinematic viscosity (m 2 /s)
time scale (ν/ε)1/2.
Vorticity and vortex stretching
• Existence of eddies implies rotation or vorticity.
• Vorticity concentrated along contorted vortex lines or bundles.
• As end points of a vortex line move randomly further apart the vortex
line increases in length but decreases in diameter. Vorticity increases
because angular momentum is nearly conserved. Kinetic energy
increases at rate equivalent to the work done by large-scale motion that
stretches the bundle.
• Viscous dissipation in the smallest eddies converts kinetic energy into
thermal energy.
• Vortex-stretching cascade process maintains the turbulence and
dissipation is approximately equal to the rate of production of turbulent
kinetic energy.
• Typically energy gets transferred from the large eddies to the smaller
eddies. However, sometimes smaller eddies can interact with each other
and transfer energy to the (i.e. form) larger eddies, a process known as
Vortex stretching
t1 t2 t3
t4 t5 t6 31
(Baldyga and Bourne, 1984)
Is the flow turbulent?
Natural convection:
Ra ≥ 108 − 1010 where Ra ≡
Turbulence modeling objective
• The objective of turbulence modeling is to develop
equations that will predict the time averaged velocity,
pressure, and temperature fields without calculating the
complete turbulent flow pattern as a function of time.
– This saves us a lot of work!
– Most of the time it is all we need to know.
– We may also calculate other statistical properties, such as RMS
• Important to understand: the time averaged flow pattern is a
statistical property of the flow.
– It is not an existing flow pattern!
– It does not usually satisfy the steady Navier-Stokes equations!
– The flow never actually looks that way!!
Example: flow around a cylinder at Re=1E4
• The figures show:
– An experimental snapshot.
– Streamlines for time averaged
flow field. Note the difference
between the time averaged and
the instantaneous flow field.
– Effective viscosity used to Experimental Snapshot
predict time averaged flow field.
Flow property ϕ . The mean Φ is defined as :
1 ∆t
Φ= ∫ ϕ (t ) dt
∆t 0
∆t should be larger than the time scale of the slowest turbulent
Time dependence : ϕ (t ) = Φ + ϕ ' (t )
Write shorthand as : ϕ = Φ + ϕ '
1 ∆t
ϕ ' = ∫ ϕ ' (t ) dt = 0 by definition
∆t 0
Informatio n regarding the fluctuating part of the flow can be obtained
from the root − mean - square (rms) of the fluctuations :
1/ 2
1 ∆t
ϕ rms = (ϕ ' ) = ∫ (ϕ ' ) dt
2 2
∆t 0 35
Velocity decomposition
• Velocity and pressure decomposition:
Velocity : u = U + u'
Pressure : p = P + p'
• Turbulent kinetic energy k (per unit mass) is defined as:
1 2
u ' + v'2 + w'2 )
( 23 k )1 / 2
Turbulence intensity : Ti =
U ref
• Continuity equation:
div u = 0; Time average : div u = div U = 0
⇒ continuity equation for the mean flow : div U = 0
• Next step, time average the momentum equation. This
results in the Reynolds equations.
Turbulent flow - Reynolds equations
∂ ( ρU ) ∂P
x − momentum : + div( ρUU ) = − + div( µ grad U ) + S Mx
∂t ∂x
∂ ( ρ u '2 ) ∂ ( ρ u ' v') ∂ ( ρ u ' w')
+ − − −
∂ x ∂ y ∂z
∂ ( ρV ) ∂P
y − momentum : + div( ρVU ) = − + div( µ grad V ) + S My
∂t ∂y
∂ ( ρ u ' v') ∂ ( ρ v '2 ) ∂ ( ρ v' w')
+ − − −
∂ x ∂y ∂z
∂ ( ρW ) ∂P
z − momentum : + div( ρWU ) = − + div( µ grad W ) + S Mz
∂t ∂z
∂ ( ρ u ' w') ∂ ( ρ v ' w') ∂ ( ρ w'2 )
+ − − −
∂x ∂y ∂ z 37
Reynolds stresses
• These equations contain an additional stress tensor. These
are called the Reynolds stresses.
− ρ u '2 − ρ u ' v ' − ρ u ' w '
τ xx τ xy τ xz
τ = τ yx τ yy τ yz = − ρ u ' v ' − ρ v '2
−ρ v ' w '
zx τ zy τ zz −ρ u ' w ' −ρ v ' w ' −ρ w '