Distribution Strategy 2
Distribution Strategy 2
Distribution Strategy 2
This internship will allow participants to gain a Demand forecasting (Necessity of forecasting,
Six Month Diploma in hands-on lean experience at factory level. classification, application in the garments industry)
“Productivity & Quality Management” COURSE OBJECTIVES :
Production cost concept and break even analysis:
With Major in Lean Manufacturing” especially for RMG Sector (Cost of garments production, Analysis of production
The course aims to equip participants with knowledge cost, Break even analysis, method of lowering BEP, cost
Rationale and skills needed to: volume analysis
General Management: Basic function of management
The readymade garment sector (RMG) is the hub of the i) Identify and solve quality, productivity and lean
(planning, Organizing , leading , Controlling), HR-Skill
economy of Bangladesh, accounting for more than 78 manufacturing related problems at the workplace
ii) Build expertise in Productivity & Quality. matrix, Operator Skill Martix, Incentive System.
percent of the country‘s total export earnings. It is likely Motivation (Different theories of Motivation like Maslow’s
that the future economic development of Bangladesh will Build career as a productivity, quality and lean Manager/
Officer/ Engineer for Garment and other export oriented hierarchy, Heisenberg, Inequality theory), Leadership
be highly correlated with this sector’s performance. (Different types of leadership style like transformational,
Presently, the RMG sector faces critical operational To increase plenty of productivity and quality transition leader), Communication (Presentation skills,
challenges due to rising production costs and decreasing professionals to the RMG sector. communication approach and model), IT (Microsoft
product prices and increasing the wage scale. To reduce the dependency of this area from foreign office).
Consequently, efficient utilization of existing resources expert and to develop sustainable local expert pool for d) Garments Quality Management:
and workforce are paramount to improve management this sector. ● Principles and Practice: (Introduction, Understanding
structure, productivity and competitiveness. Better Quality, Quality Control & Quality Assurance, Benefits
utilization of resources are closely linked with qualified COURSE OUTLINE : of Quality, customer satisfaction. 8 Dimensions of
management personnel, such as industrial engineer, Quality, Quality Control Organogram).
production manager, Productivity and Quality Manager Part-I ● Application of quality control of Clothing Materials used
and Method Study Executive/ Engineer. in garments Manufacturing: ( Identification of Defects
a) HRM, OB & Social Compliance : of fabric, Trims & accessories)
Pilot projects were undertaken with BGMEA and BKMEA Introduction to Management;
to improve productivity in their member factories showed ● Standard inspection Procedure of Fabric & all
HRM : Its nature, Scope, Functions & Objective others Trims and Accessories used in
that there are big shortage of professionals who are Understanding Human Behaviour, Leadership and
capable of carrying out activities for improvement of garments.(Theoretical , VIDEO presentation &
Team Building, practical with Materials in the class room.)
productivity within the factories. That is why GIZ decided
Communication etc. ● Understanding Quality Specification of Garments &
to support Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM) to
run a diploma course on “Productivity and Quality Understanding Social Compliance in the global context. Materials.
Management specially for RMG sector” to develop such Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), ● Standard procedure and practices of garment
type of professionals for the garment industry. Total Quality Management, Measurement (Theoretical & Practical in the class
Innovation & Creativity in garment related profession. room).
Course Description b) Introduction to Garment Manufacturing: ● Zone classification of garments.
The diploma in Productivity & Quality Management Introduction to fashion and clothing industry ● Identification of Garment Defects, Classification of
with Major in Lean Manufacturing is designed to suit the Supply Chain management in Apparel industry Defects, Prevention & Rectification of defects
requirements of Production Managers/ Officer, Industrial Clothing materials and technique (Theoretical & practical through VIDEO & Materials in
Engineer, Method Study Officer, Productivity & Quality Cutting room technology the class room)
related Manager/ Officer and also for those who wish to Sewing technology ● Section wise Quality Control Activities in Garment
Industry & Quality Control activities in other value
build a career in a profession which demands in-depth Garment construction technique
adding process in garment manufacturing ( Fusing,
knowledge on Productivity, Quality, Lean Manufacturing Fiber-yarn-fabric printing, Embroidery, Washing etc.) , Theoretical ,
& Method study related issues. The course has a focus Dying, printing & Finishing
on production, productivity, lean manufacturing & quality Practical & Video presentation.
c) Garment Production Management: ● Available Quality Control Systems are in practice in
needs of the export sector industries specially for RMG Production planning and control: (Introduction,
sector industries and a strong practical orientation. Apart Sewing Department including Traffic Light system.
Necessity for PPC, Main function of PPC, Information ● Statistical procedure of Final Audit & AQL chart.
from class room sessions, participants have to do a required for PPC, Bill of Material, MRP,ERP, loading,
project work in the productivity lab of BIM and/ or in any ● RCA & Quality Control Tools: (Cause-Effect
Sequencing, and Gantt Chart Scheduling analysis, Peroto analysis, 7 QC tools etc.)
factory during which they will learn how to design & Process Planning: (Machine requirement, M/C output,
implement systematic productivity, quality and lean ● 5S system & its implementation in garment industry
Manpower planning, Line balancing) (Theoretical & video presentation)
manufacturing system. At the end of the program Inventory Control: (Introduction, Selective control of
participants have to submit a project based internship ● Quality Assurance & TQM
inventory e.g. Activity Based Costing (ABC) in the ● Garment Factory visit and Report submission (Woven,
report on initial findings, recommendations and progress garments), EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) Cut & sew knit & Fully fashion Garment Industry)
Production planning and control: (Introduction, Necessity Part-II : Internship/ Project/ Practical work in APPLICATION GUIDELINES
for PPC, Main function of PPC, Information required for Laboratory or Factory 1. Interested person must apply in prescribed “Online
PPC, Bill of Material, MRP,ERP, loading, Sequencing, Application Form”.
and Scheduling TRAINING METHODOLOGY: 2. To get the form, please visit BIM website. Before filling-
Process Planning: (Machine requirement, M/C output, Lecture, Presentation, Group Discussion, Case Study, up the form, please see and follow the detail
Manpower planning, Line balancing Self-Assessment, and other participatory methods of instructions regarding “How to Fill-up Online Application
Inventory Control:(Introduction, Selective control of training. Form” and “Detail Admission Procedure for Six Months
inventory e.g. Activity Based Costing (ABC) in the WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Diploma Program” in BIM website.
This course is designed for Production, Productivity, ONLINE FORM SUBMISSION DEADLINE : 12TH SEPTEMBER, 2018
e) Industrial Engineering: Lean Manufacturing, Merchandizing and Work Study
Concept of Industrial Engineering related Managers/ Officers working in the Ready Made The consultants hired by GIZ designed the course
IE Definition, Production and Productivity, Benefit from Garment and Textile sector and other export-oriented curriculum in consultation with sectoral experts and other
Productivity. production companies. It is also suitable for Textile and stakeholders.
Productivity Measures, Productivity measures models Industrial Engineers and technical Consultants/ The course is designed to develop the professional
Factor influencing productivity, Productivity improvement Managers/ Officers working in the RMG & Textile sector. knowledge and skills required to:
technique. This course is also suitable but seems to be difficult for implement industrial engineering tools and
Work & Method Study people not with relevant pre-knowledge or experience but techniques in garments factory
Concept of Work Study, Importance, Component of Work wishes to develop their career in this area. develop production and quality related planning &
study. control.
The educational requirement for this program is at
Relation between Work study and Work measurement
least graduation. Persons having diploma in any minimize waste by integrating tools and techniques
Relation between work study and productivity. of lean manufacturing.
branch of engineering/technology along with 4 years
Concept of Method study, Definition, Scope of method
experience are also eligible for admission. Design the quality according to the customer
study requirements.
Steps involved in method study, method study symbols, The Program is designed with an extraordinary pool of
Operation process chart. COURSE FEE:
academician and also practitioner with hands-on
Work Measurements emphasizes on SMV 1. After receiving all online application form within experience in lean management.
Calculation. 12th September, 2018 the list of successful candidates will be Participants of this diploma course will get the
Work measurement, Time study, Rating, Allowances, announced on 13th September, 2018 in BIM web site. opportunity to use the Productivity Lab to gain more
SMV calculation with time study. 2. The successful candidate need to complete the admission practical knowledge on time study, line balancing, quality
SMV calculation with Standard Sewing Data (SSD) process through deposit of full course fee Tk. 36,000/- (Thirty control etc.
techniques. Six Thousand) only per participant, according to guideline The course focuses primarily on Lean Manufacturing
Work Place Design & Plant layout. mentioned in BIM website in the name of Director General, Techniques and includes topics related to soft skills, such
Concept Of Plant lay out, Definition, Objective, Relation
BIM (6-Month Diploma). as social compliance, leadership and communications.
between layout and productivity
3. To complete the admission process all participants need to BIM is going to inaugurate this 8th batch of this diploma
Principles of layout, Factors affecting the layout, Types of
production and layout submit their full particulars in Prescribed Form along with 03 program hopefully within first week of October, 2018.
Steps and Method of line layout in garments industry) (three) color pp size photo and attached copy of all For more information, please contact:
Job evaluation and merit rating, Wages and certificates and documents. Md. Mahbub ul Alam
Incentives Ergonomics Program Coordinator
f) Lean Manufacturing: DURATION & TIMING Diploma in Productivity & Quality Management with
Duration: Six Months Major in Lean Manufacturing.
Value Stream Mapping Cell: 01819113406
Waste Identification & its impact on Industry. Class Days : only Friday
Timing : 09:30 am – 08:30 pm E-mail: dsc.dpqm@gmail.com
Relation of Waste To Profit & Loos.
Kaizen, Workplace Organization/5s. Engr. A. N. M. Shahidullah, Program Director
Quick Changeover/Set Up Reduction, Pull Concept, VENUE: Diploma in Productivity & Quality Management
JIT, KANBAN, BIM, DHAKA CAMPUS, with Major in Lean Manufacturing.
Total Productive Maintenance, E-mail: dsc.dpqm@gmail.com
Cellular Manufacturing, 4 Sobhanbag, Mirpur Road, Dhaka 1207.
One Piece Flow, Visual Control, Room No.202 (1st Floor) Six Stories Building of BIM BANGLADESH INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT (BIM)
Takt Time, Team Building, Balanced Flow, 4, Sobhanbag, Mirpur Road, Dhaka-1207.
Quality At The Source, Mistake Proofing, Standardized Phone: 58155034, 58155077, 58155116, 9103171-3
Work. Fax : 58152476 Website: www.bim.gov.bd