(Esther N. Goody) Social Intelligence and Interact (B-Ok - Xyz)
(Esther N. Goody) Social Intelligence and Interact (B-Ok - Xyz)
(Esther N. Goody) Social Intelligence and Interact (B-Ok - Xyz)
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo
Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521453295
© Cambridge University Press 1995
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
4. On projection 87
5. Interaction sequences and anticipatory interactive planning 111
6. Where does foresight end and hindsight begin? 139
viii Contents
1 There are certain key ethnographies which explore this question in relation to
emotions, a direction not pursued here but which is part of the wider puzzle:
Briggs's Never in anger (1970); Rosaldo's Knowledge and passion (1980);
Reisman's two books on the Fulani, Freedom in Fulani social life (1977), and
First find your child a good mother (1992).
'creative' intelligence - that is, the ability to make inferences from novel
conjunctions of events, is rare. The stone tools of Homo erectus appear to
have hardly changed at all over one million years. This is a problem for
ethologists because it is inconceivable that a creature would develop skills
that are seldom or never used. Indeed, their assumption is the opposite:
that skills only develop in response to pressures from the environment,
such that the emergent skill makes a significant contribution to improved
chances of reproductive survival. So what use is higher-order intelligence
to anthropoid apes and stone-age man, if it doesn't provide an advantage
in dealing with the natural environment?
Humphrey suggests that the most difficult problems facing chimpan-
zees are other chimpanzees; that it was in dealing with the social
environment that creative intelligence evolved. This suggestion makes
sense once one recognizes the peculiar situation of interdependence that
characterizes both ape and human society. Both live in groups. And living
in groups requires being able to pursue individual goals effectively
without alienating one's fellows, breaking up the group, or creating a
situation of conflict within the group so that it becomes vulnerable to
outside attack.
Thus social primates are required by the very nature of the system they
create and maintain to be calculating beings; they must be able to calculate
the consequences of their own behaviour, to calculate the likely behaviour
of others, to calculate the balance of advantage and loss - and all this in a
context where the evidence on which their calculations are based is
ephemeral, ambiguous and liable to change, not least as a consequence of
their own actions (Humphrey 1988:19).
Acting on such models of the behaviour of others involves social
transactions; there is a constant trading off between partners. If one
animal or person wishes to change the behaviour of another he must take
into account the other's goals and tactics. So in addition to the cognitive
skills required to perceive the current state of play (low-level intelli-
gence), the social gamesman, like the chess player, must be capable of a
special kind of forward planning. As each move may call forth several
alternative responses, and ego's own response choice must vary accord-
ingly, this situation generates a decision-tree model.
In short, effective social living requires anticipation of the actions of
others, calculation of short- and long-term costs and gains, and close
attention to signals about the consequences of one's own behaviour. The
higher primates, and man, have the ability to model this interdependence
of one's own and others' behaviour at the cognitive level.1 In order to
facilitate thinking about this kind of thought it is useful to give it some
kind of representation; for convenience it might be termed anticipatory
interactive planning, or AIP.
Introduction 3
and language, bipedal posture and tool use.3 In such a view early
protolanguage could have been extremely crude permitting only simple
reference, with phonemes, grammar and syntax very gradually emerging
as particular responses to specific problems of using spoken language (e.g.
tense, negation, thematic roles). In their several papers and joint book
(forthcoming) Lindblom, MacNeilage and Studdert-Kennedy persuas-
ively argue the general case for a Darwinian view of gradual emergence of
spoken language, laying out in detail how phonemesfitsuch a pattern, and
addressing the critical issue of the structural and behavioural acquisition
of the ability to produce speech. Based on his studies of primate and
human structures Lieberman has long argued that spoken language must
have evolved through progressive modification of the vocal tract and
associated cognitive specialization (1968, 1991). The current picture
suggests that early Homo erectus already had a vocal tract differing
significantly from the apes and Australopithecus species. As there would
be no reason for such modification without the advantage of spoken
language,4 the clear implication is that hominids have been using some
sort of spoken language for over one million years.5
Robin Dunbar (1993) proposes another, very persuasive link between
hominid intelligence and spoken language. He argues that primate group
size and intelligence can be shown to increase in parallel, supporting the
Humphrey, Jolly, Byrne and Whiten view that social living was the
critical challenge; as primate groups got larger, demands of cognitive
representation multiplied. But Dunbar points out that many sub-human
primates rely on mutual grooming for the servicing of social relationships,
and that for large groups this mechanism ceases to be effective, since it is
time-consuming and a one-to-one interaction. Even a simple language, on
the other hand, would have permitted the 'servicing' of many social
relationships - simultaneously, and at a distance. Indeed, he suggests that
initially instrumentally focused information may have been of secondary
In accounting for the emergence of early language, Dunbar retains the
premise that ecological constraints were primary in hominid evolution.
He suggests that conditions for securing subsistence required early
hominids to live in groups too large to be socially maintained through
grooming. Thus, being forced to live in large groups, early hominids
evolved 'gossip' to service social relationships. The argument for a social
facilitation function of early language is very strong. Anthropologists
since Malinowski (1927) have recognized its continuing significance.6
However there is no real argument made for ecological constraints as the
initiating factor, and it is in any case superfluous. We know that some
primates use complex vocal signals (e.g. Cheney and Seyforth 1990). It
seems quite probable that human protolanguage developed from such a
base. An alternative hypothesis would be that some early hominid
Introduction 5
simplifying them in some ways, but also making them more powerful. At
the same time roles and rules constrain the behaviour of others, making it
more predictable.
(e) Language permits the individual to act much more effectively on his
social world in two modes: information and control.
(i) The cognitive modelling of the contingent actions of others,
anticipatory interactive planning, depends on information about how
others will act. While past experience may give clues for inferring
responses, this process is obviously limited. Language permits the
explicit exchange of information. (If I want another to help me get food it
is useful to know whether he is hungry. He may have mentioned this, or I
can ask him. Or I can ask someone else if he is hungry, or . . .)
This raises the issue of distortion of information as one AIP strategy.
Ethologists have seen deception as the key to primate social intelligence,
as suggested in the title of a recent important book Machiavellian
Intelligence (Byrne and Whiten 1988) and further discussed in Byrne's
contribution to the present volume. Barnes's study of lying (1994)
pursues this theme in human social life. The linguist Grice proposes that
effective use of language depends on our being able to assume that others
speak truthfully. Indeed deception is powerful precisely because we are so
dependent on correct information for modelling our own and others'
actions. AIP models of others' intentions can include the intention to
deceive, their perception of our awareness of this deception, and our own
counter deception, and so on. In Chapter 6, Good suggests that the
ambiguity of conversational exchange may be one way of preserving the
freedom to respond appropriately to deception.
(ii) However, AIP is not an end in itself but a means towards reaching
our goals. AIP strategies must be implemented. The other mode of acting
upon the world which language profoundly enhances is that of control.
The use of language to manage relationships with others is extremely
powerful, and dauntingly complex. On the simplest level commands both
organize action and express dominance. Successful commands are prob-
ably the most effective AIP strategy of all, since they secure direct
compliance with one's own goals without the need for calculating
alternative strategies or engaging in negotiation. But of course language
also permits social cooperation and negotiation of joint strategies. Con-
versational analysis reveals, on a less explicit level, the subtle nature of the
cooperative negotiation of meanings in ordinary daily life. And the
identification and analysis of speech acts has led to the recognition that
speech often conveys several kinds of message simultaneously. The
contributions of Streeck, Drew and Good in Part II of this volume
present current thinking on key aspects of interactive negotiation in
8 Esther Goody
the infant participates jointly, apparently passively, with adults and older
children in speech acts; mothers of newborn babies have been found to
hold conversations with the infant in which they also supply responses.15
Mothers of older babies engage in play routines which scaffold the
learning of vocabulary and apparently of syntactic frames (Bruner and
Sherwood 1976). The child's increasing competence in speaking is
expressed in conversation with those around her, but also in conver-
sations with herself (egocentric speech) to which every new parent listens
with awe. Older children continue to use egocentric speech, for instance
when confronting a difficult problem where the steps of a solution are
uttered verbally as self-instruction. Egocentric speech is 'a form found in
the transition from external to inner speech' (Vygotsky, quoted in
Wertsch 1985a: 108-28). Gradually, at about the age of seven, egocentric
speech disappears as the child comes to internalize it as inner speech,
which nevertheless retains its regulative force (see also Luria 1979:chs. 5
and 6; 1981).
For Vygotsky the significance of inner speech is that it 'enables humans
to plan and regulate their activity and derives from previous participation
in verbal social interaction' (quoted in Wertsch 1985a: 111). This model of
human planning and regulation maps neatly onto our model for primate
AIP, with the addition, of course, of spoken language. A basic axiom of
Vygotsky's theory is 'that development... occurs through the decontex-
tualization of mediational means'. For ape AIP the mediational means
must be some form of cognitive representation, but presumably highly
contextualized, anchored in the immediate here and now. Language is the
prime mediational means for action between humans, and is also central
to cognitive representations. However as a Secondary Representational
System, language is decontextualized; shared lexical meanings must hold
across contexts. Unfortunately we cannot know what form is taken by
apes' inner thoughts. But it cannot include a shared verbal lexicon, which
means that ape plans cannot include labelled concepts, or the possibility
of basing AIP strategies on explicitly shared meanings. Nor can ape inner
thoughts be self-regulatory in the sense of 'talking to oneself - internal-
ized egocentric speech - which explicitly represents intentions to oneself.
The use of inner speech in planning and regulating human actions gives
AIP a concreteness not possible without language. However the fact that
inner speech at times gives us awareness and control over AIP is probably
misleading. For introspection forces one to admit that intentional model-
ling of contingencies and planning of strategies is intermittent at best. Or
better, we move between levels of awareness. At times attention is sharply
focused on a problem arising from social interdependence and we
intentionally work out alternative solutions; at other times we muse on
12 Esther Goody
Social roles
One of the possibilities created by the use of reference in speech is the
naming of categories. Categorization has basic effects on both perception
and memory (e.g. Miller and Johnson-Laird 1976). Some insight into the
implications for social institutions is provided by recent attempts to
model the significance of the emergence of the role of 'father' in human
societies (Wilson 1980, Fortes 1983). Both authors argue that the social
recognition of the father marked the beginning of human society. Yet
neither discusses the role of language in this transition. Their arguments
in fact presume spoken language. Wilson writes of the power of the
promise as a commitment to future action; but promises presume
complex spoken language which permits representation of obligation,
and of the future. Fortes links the emergence of the role of the father with
the internalization of rules, without which people cannot live together in
society. But it is hard to see by what process rules could be formulated or
invoked, let alone internalized without spoken language. Further, the
kind of rules Fortes is discussing refers to categories of actors and actions;
not to one particular father only, but to the role of father; not to the sin of
sleeping with a particular female, but to the sin of sleeping with a 'mother'
or a 'sister'. Indeed it seems probable that it is the very extension of norms
generated in domestic relationships to other kin which is paradigmatic of
both social roles and social rules. It is surely worth reflecting on the fact
that one of the few true universals in human societies is some form of
kinship terminology linked to kin roles.
Another of these rare universals is a division of labour based on sex.
The emergence of a complex sexual division of labour must also have
depended on language and the capacity to categorize behaviour. While
the actual tasks assigned to each sex vary widely across societies, the
grouping of tasks into those appropriate to one sex or the other appears to
be universal (E. Goody n.d.).
The naming of regularities of behaviour associated with positions in a
social structure as roles entailing recognized rights and obligations is thus
a feature of all human societies. In this way roles provided a powerful new
kind of information for AIP. Roles of this kind create frames for
predictable behaviour, associated with sanctions. Further, they define
behaviour in dyadic terms - a maternal role implies a child role, and it is
the interdependence of the two roles which is delineated by the rights-
duties-sanctions complex. Thus a definition of appropriate role behav-
iour includes both the proper behaviour of ego, and the proper reciprocal
responses of the role partner. In this way it makes AIP more powerful,
since acting in a clearly defined role makes the behaviour of both members
of the dyad more predictable. Indeed, their behaviour is predictable not
only to the participants, but to others (in the same society).
Introduction 15
'Rule' is one of a fuzzy set of terms for regularities of behaviour. Other
terms include 'routines', 'regularities', 'norms' and 'laws'. These terms
have in common the fact that they refer to an apparent regularity in
behaviour in a specific domain. But they differ profoundly in the extent to
which the regularity is (a) intentional (routines need not be intentional,
and may not be subject to conscious awareness); (b) socially sanctioned (as
in norms); (c) explicitly formulated (as in rules); or (d) embedded in legal
institutions (as with laws). These regularities of behaviour vary on two
dimensions at least: they vary in their degree of explictness, and the
formality with which they are formulated; and they vary in how devi-
ations are sanctioned. At one extreme, routines are sanctioned only by
those who participate regularly in them, and the sanction may be
unconsciously produced and subliminally perceived (as when another's
frown expresses unacknowledged discomfort at an unfulfilled expec-
tation, and warns the actor of his departure from the normal routine,
perhaps again without his being aware of it). Other forms of sanction
range from complaints and protests, to punishments, divine retribution,
or rebellions. Sanctions can, of course, be positive as well as negative, and
either individual or social.
As Garfinkel has demonstrated, once a regularity of interactive behav-
iour becomes established, failure to follow the expected pattern makes
participants feel uncomfortable; a failure is also understood to be a
statement about the relationship. Such behaviour has meaning attributed
to it, whether or not that meaning is 'intended', whether or not it is
'correct'. As AlP-users, we depend on predictability in order to construct
our mental representations of plans based on anticipated responses.
Whatever the origin of predictable patterns of behaviour (whether roles,
rules, or personal relationships), when our expectations are violated we
feel uncomfortable and, unless under some form of constraint, we do
something to cause the wayward behaviour to return to 'normal'. Norms,
rules and laws are terms used to refer to the kind of regularity that is
publicly defensible. In this way they are indicators of expected regularity,
16 Esther Goody
and their defensibility asserts their social legitimacy. Norms, rules and
laws have to do with the synchronizing of actions of individual actors in
socially defined forms. They are about the transformation of individual
attempts to reach goals through cooperation with or the coercion of
another individual into socially constrained forms of action. The mechan-
isms of this synchronization, this transformation, are not always clear,
and indeed should be far more central to our study of society than they
The general mechanisms by which routines shape individual inter-
action as reciprocally interdependent must draw on and be represented in
AIP modelling. The processes by which such routinized expectations
come to be more widely shared as norms, rules or laws, are social rather
than cognitive, but they must also be cognitively modelled. Such social
processes clearly include the use of language to categorize and label, the
linking of labels to roles, the sharing through language of expectations as
norms, the explicit framing of rules and laws, the creation of cultural
representations (such as mystical beings, totemic myths, and kinship
systems), and the framing of cultural premises of causation, obligation
and morality. The single feature that all these processes would seem to
share in addition to the dependence on language is that their products are
the result of social interdependence. These products - norms, beliefs,
institutions and cultural premises - are emergent from, constructed
through, the mutual negotiation of predictable patterns of behaviour. In
Heritage's terms (1984), people are made accountable for their actions in
social settings. This accountability produces, literally, accounts - to
ourselves and to others - of our actions. It is these accounts which
constitute the shared stuff of beliefs and institutions.
was prior to and separate from the emergence of the earliest spoken
language seems extreme. If indeed spoken language emerged very
gradually it may have been intimately linked with gesture from the
beginning, at the time when the vocal tract was not yet specialized for
complex speech.
If the power of language to structure the close coordination between
interacting individuals is revealed in the conversational analyses of
Chapters 4 and 5, in Chapter 6 David Good shows that there is still
pressure to maintain individual freedom of action and the determination
of meaning within the framework for cooperation constructed by and for
conversation. The empirical starting point for his discussion is the
observation that conversations are inherently ambiguous, and subject to
constant reinterpretation and shifts of meaning. He argues that a critical
difference between the use of AIP by primates and Homo sapiens arises
from 'the way the language transforms the nature of time'. Here Good is
not simply talking about the possibility of referring to past and future
events; by describing again what has already happened, spoken utterances
can give many interpretations, and later reinterpretations, to the same
event. This retrospective reappraisal becomes as important as prospec-
tive planning: 'Foresight becomes focused on what hindsight can do' (p.
140). This creates the need to include in cognitive modelling both future
and retrospective planning, and therefore makes different and much
greater cognitive demands on AIP.
This possibility of restructuring meanings as a conversation progresses
means that participants can slide out of ostensible social contracts, a
Machiavellian realization of AIP in spoken language. It now becomes
advantageous for each participant to maintain sufficient ambiguity to
permit shifting meanings favourable to his objectives; at the same time
each tries to constrain possible future re-interpretations by others.
Good is here delineating the implications of the full potential of spoken
language for cognitive modelling of alternative strategies. When language
has been incorporated into ways of thinking (about time, and about new
understandings of past events), and ways of managing the use of conver-
sation to achieve goals, the complexity of AIP increases dramatically.
While he points out the potential this provides for deception, it is at the
same time true that the whole enterprise of conversation itself rests on the
elaborate cooperative synchronies described by Streeck and Drew.
that others will cooperate with our AIP strategies depends on their
valuing us sufficiently to do so. If we feel approved, liked, then it is
possible to expect that the other will be prepared to recognize our goals as
valid as well as his own. Of course if the other really values us, then
cooperation will become his own goal, and he too will seek the negotiation
AIP strategies that are jointly advantageous. If we sense that we are not
approved of, not taken as valid, then we expect 'our acts to be interfered
with' and the interaction takes on a confrontational form. An AIP strategy
must take account of this. Levinson argues (Chapter 11, this volume) that
cooperation is more complex than competitive, agonistic relations, and
has been more fundamental in the emergence of human society. Indeed it
seems likely that we tend to attribute a general 'cooperative' or 'antagonis-
tic' stance to others first, and that this then shapes more specific
1 This modelling ability seems to underlie-what Sperber and Wilson (1986;
Sperber 1990), refer to as inferential communication in which 'communication
is achieved by producing and interpreting evidence' without resort to a
linguistic 'code' (1986:2).
2 See Bickerton 1990, ch. 6; Phyllis Lee, personal communication.
Introduction 31
Primary processes
38 Richard W. Byrne
Classifying primates
It will be useful first to divide the modern primates into three groups, of
differing relatedness to human beings (see Figure 1.1). Firstly, there are
strepsirhine primates such as lemurs, galagos and lorises (for purposes of
using the comparative method to derive the 'best-bet' characteristics of
The ape legacy 39
tasks used (Jolly 1966a; Humphrey 1976). If the increase in brain size of
monkeys and apes was promoted by social needs, and the resulting
intelligence was therefore shaped for social skill, then the gadgetry of the
laboratory will be a very blunt instrument for its assessment. Have we let
our own technological superiority, perhaps largely developed since
language evolved, mislead us into believing that this was what intelligence
was all about?
relations of third parties as well as their kinship, and even know the
membership of vervet groups which they have never themselves entered.
This knowledge shows up in the strength and type of their reaction to calls
which are not specifically directed at them, yet convey information about
other individuals. For instance, individuals normally do not react much
to the calls of vervets who are not members of their group. But when a call
is artificially manipulated to suggest that one of these animals has
transferred groups (so now calls from an unexpected direction), the
hearer's reaction shows its surprise. It should be noted that, while
monkeys show knowledge of one another's kin and friends, they may not
distinguish between these concepts: in most cases, and all those experi-
mentally tested, the relationship could be subsumed under some rubric
like 'looks after', and exactly why monkey A looks after monkey B may not
be clear to the monkey.
Finally, monkeys also differ from strepsirhine primates in the way that
they use tactics of deception with some regularity to achieve goals in their
everyday lives (Byrne and Whiten 1990, 1992). For instance, a female
monkey, living in a small group with a powerful male who prohibits her
social or sexual contact with other subordinate males, may use a number
of tactics to give her the freedom she desires. She may simply 'get left
behind' so that she is fully out of sight of her leader male before she
socializes or copulates; she may carry out her actions with unusual
quietness, for instance suppressing the copulation calls that she would
normally make; or, perhaps most subtly of all, she may remain partly in
the sight of her leader, but adjust her position so that she can carry out
prohibited acts which cannot be seen from his viewpoint. All monkey
groups sometimes use tactical deception, but the African savannah
baboons do so significantly more than others (ibid.).
All this implies that monkeys are in some way 'better' than most
animals, including the 25 per cent of primates classed as strepsirhines, at
certain kinds of learning - and in particular they are better at representing
socially relevant information about conspecifics and using this information to
gain rewards in group living. It seems unlikely to be a coincidence that this
enhanced ability to learn and plan, which largely shows up in social
contexts and in taking account of the social attributes and typical
reactions of other players, occurs in animals whose brain volume is also
much larger than would be expected in animals of their weight.
Empathic apes
But how do humans compare intellectually with their much closer
relatives, the great apes? In terms of relative brain size, apes do not
notably differ from monkeys (Clutton-Brock and Harvey 1980). However
The ape legacy 43
one must add two caveats to that statement. Firstly, the method of
working out a relative brain size assumes that the extra volume, over that
minimally required to service the bodily needs of sensory and motor
systems - in other words the 'computational part' - is some multiplicitive
fraction of total volume. So, 5 per cent extra brain is equally useful for
intelligence in a 5kg animal or a 50kg animal, even though the extra brain
tissue is far larger in the second case, and contains far more neurons. This
is a very odd assumption for anyone used to computational machines,
since these are chiefly limited in power by the number of their elements.
One can instead make a different assumption, that of additive volumes,
in which what matters is not the percentage of the total that is in excess,
but the absolute volume free for computation (and the number of
neurons, which also scales allometrically with brain volume at a different
slope). This assumption is less tractable mathematically, but on it the
living great apes all have more 'extra neurons' than those of any monkey
(Jerison 1973), since they are much larger animals than monkeys.
(Fortunately for our egos, humans both extant and extinct turn out to
have considerably larger numbers of extra neurons than do modern apes.)
The great apes also have a generally larger 'neocortical ratio', the ratio of
neocortex to the rest of the brain, than do monkeys (Dunbar 1992b), and it
is the neocortex which has chiefly enlarged during primate evolution.
The second caveat is that there are problems in trying to compare
allometrically the brains of animals which differ in diet type: a larger gut
makes the abdomen larger but requires little brain expansion, so it may be
invalid to compare species adapted for different diet qualities. Scaling
against body length instead of weight helps a bit, but the length of primate
bodies is still heavily influenced by gut size. Though all great apes have a
broadly similar type of gut, they do vary in their adaptedness to coarse
food, i.e. in the size of their large intestines. In fact, the gut sizes rank
gorilla > orangutan > chimpanzee > > human. This is exactly the inverse
of their relative brain sizes!
In any case, there is little doubt in most researchers' minds that in fact
apes are at least as adept socially as monkeys. Yet this has been less studied
in the case of apes, apparently because apes are less easily manipulated
into test situations. Many of the tests of monkey social knowledge have
used field playback of calls, a technique which has only been done
successfully with apes in the very simplest and most obvious of ways.
Perhaps the very difficulty of experimentally manipulating apes should
tell us something about their intelligence! Where there is evidence for the
apes, it is consistent with the idea that apes are just as socially smart as
Chimpanzee and gorilla societies show female transfer (and in general
they are patrilocal), so the monkey hallmarks, of power groups consisting
44 Richard W. Byrne
Understanding mirrors
Most animals, when confronted with a mirror in which they can see
themselves, give an initial reaction that is appropriate to a strange
member of their species, and then habituate or get bored and show no
further reaction to mirrors. Monkeys are unusual, in that they can learn to
use mirrors, for instance to see round a corner and identify another
monkey there (Anderson 1984). But they systematically fail to under-
stand their own reflection in a mirror, and continue to react to it as if it
were a stranger (Gallup 1970). By contrast, many chimpanzees and
several orangutans (and recently also a gorilla: Patterson and Cohn, in
press) are able to interpret their reflection in a mirror correctly. Under
anaesthetic a coloured mark is made on the animal's face. When it
recovers, as soon as it catches sight of its face in a mirror it immediately
reaches and touches the spot. Gallup has used mirror understanding as an
indication of whether an animal has a self-concept, and it can be argued
that an understanding of oneself is a necessary basis for the understanding
of another individual's mind (Humphrey 1983).
The ape legacy 45
Despite the popular belief that monkeys are the great imitators of the
animal kingdom, and indeed despite a considerable tradition in primato-
logy and psychology of attributing various monkey behaviours to imita-
tion, attempts directly to test monkeys' ability to imitate have all failed
(Visalberghi and Fragaszy 1990). Instead, these experiments have shown
monkeys to be quick at learning, and to benefit from the social context by
enhancement of trial and error learning. This now appears fully adequate
to explain the innovation and spread of the special feeding techniques so
famous in Japanese macaques. Some would even go so far as to deny that
imitation has been well demonstrated in apes (Tomasello et at. 1987), yet
the ability of the captive chimpanzee Viki to understand a command
which meant 'copy the action that I am now doing', shows clearly that at
least one ape species can truly imitate (Hayes and Hayes 1952). The fact
that home-reared chimpanzees, orangutans and gorillas routinely pick up
unrewarded motor skills, such as teeth brushing and tying shoelaces,
would also be very hard to account for in an animal which could not
imitate action patterns. Bruner has long argued that the ability to imitate
requires that the mimic is able to put itself into the mental position of the
model (Bruner 1972): in contemporary terms, to represent mentally the
knowledge and plans of another individual.
Theory of mind
A series of experiments by Premack and Woodruff presented a captive
chimpanzee with short film clips, each of which depicted a human with a
problem (Premack 1988). For instance, a shivering man was seen in a bare
room with an oil heater, but no matches with which to light it. The ape
was given no formal training, but merely shown several photographs, yet
it spontaneously chose the photograph of the object that would solve the
problem - in the example given, a box of matches. The researchers termed
this emphatic understanding of the needs of another individual 'theory of
mind', and the concept of theory of mind is now used in understanding
the deficits of autistic children (Baron-Cohen et at. 1985).
Pretend play
Kittens chase balls of wool as if pretending that they were prey. This can
be most parsimoniously explained by saying that the characteristics of the
object elicit a hunting response, because of an overlap in features between
the appearance of an unwinding ball of wool and an escaping mouse. Such
46 Richard W. Byrne
After the death of her own baby, Washoe, the chimp taught to sign
American Sign Language, was given an infant chimp whom she adopted.
The human caretakers did not teach the infant Loulis to sign, and stopped
signing at all in her presence. Washoe used both demonstration (with
attention to Loulis's gaze direction) and physical moulding of Loulis's
hands to teach her to sign - with considerable success (Fouts et al. 1989).
Recently, wild chimpanzees too have been seen teaching their infants, in
this case to impart a technique of cracking hard nuts using a hammerstone
with another stone as an anvil (Boesch 1991). Mothers sometimes
perform actions slowly and in full view, paying close attention to the eye-
gaze of the infant and performing the action only when it is watching.
'Scaffolding' has also been seen, the mother setting up the physical
situation so that the infant is easily able to achieve thefinalgoal, at a stage
of development when it could not perform all the necessary constituent
acts or sequence them correctly.
The ape legacy 47
Attribution of intentions
Recent work on tactical deception in primates has thrown up a number of
ways in which animals can in principle show us that they are capable of
attributing intentions to others (Byrne and Whiten 1991). That is, in
certain cases tactical deception can sometimes be shown to be 'lying'. (In
many other cases, the acts match what in humans we would assume to be
lying, but it is also possible plausibly to account for the tactic's acquisition
by reinforcement without invoking an understanding of another's inten-
tions.) As one example, a chimpanzee which evidently suspected (and
quite rightly) that another was concealing the location of food, hid behind
a tree and peeped out to unmask the deception. Here is the use of a tactic of
counterdeception, with no possible opportunity to learn by trial and error
since it relies on an appropriately designed novel action. Other diagnostics
include the righteous indignation that is visible evidence that an animal has
understood that it has been deceived; suppressing the anticipated behav-
iour of another animal before it could happen and so become a nuisance;
and in general, cases of deception where it is known that there has been no
previous opportunity for trial and error learning. Almost unknown in
monkeys, this sort of evidence has been found repeatedly with all great
apes species (Byrne and Whiten 1992).
Imagining other individuals' minds has been given various labels, as well
as Premack's 'theory of mind': 'second-order intentionality' (Dennett
1983), 'mindreading' (Whiten and Perner 1991), 'first-order belief attri-
bution' (Wimmer and Perner 1983).
The argument of this chapter is that a single common aptitude
underlies the wide range of behaviours catalogued above, and that the
great apes, but no other group of animals, possess this ability to imagine
other possible worlds than the current perceived truth. This ability is
lacking in monkeys, and - it seems - in autistic children (Baron-Cohen et
al. 1985). The data on tactical deception have shown that, whereas
monkeys can not apparently represent mentally what other animals know,
they are able to react appropriately to what other animals can see, when it
differs from what they can see themselves. At first sight this seems a hair-
thin distinction to make. Yet it turns out that autistic children also have no
difficulty with tasks that require them to anticipate a physical view from
another individual's position (Hobson 1984), and only systematically fail
when the task involves understanding the knowledge of another person.
Whether it is a coincidence that the one ape which has shown that it is
able to understand its reflection, imitate, pretend, empathize with others,
teach its infants and attribute intentions to others, is also the one which
routinely makes tools in the wild, must be left as an interesting unsolved
question for the moment. We simply cannot rule out the possibility that
this is merely a matter of sampling bias, when chimpanzees have been so
much more studied than any of the other apes. Equally, variations across
the apes in the basic ability to imagine possible worlds cannot be ruled
out. If present, this variation could tell us more precisely how and when
the human imagination developed in our evolution. Thus the issues of
clarifying exactly which ape species are capable of which mental skills,
and at what dates their lines of descent diverged from our own, are crucial
ones for future research.
Evolutionary implications
The implications of this chapter are as follows. The earliest primates were
no more intelligent or socially sophisticated than other mammals. How-
ever, at some point between 55 and 25 million years ago (or 90 and 25
million years at the other extreme of estimation) the monkey and ape line
of descent was exposed to a strong selection of pressure (presumably a
need for greater social or Machiavellian aptitude). It responded with a
much greater ability at learning and using social knowledge, and conse-
quently an increased brain size - despite the energetic costs of the
metabolically expensive and fragile brain. This probably occurred early
rather than late in the time-band, since most monkey groups show at least
some tactical deception and all are large-brained.
One branch of their descendants, the apes, acquired the remarkable
ability to imagine alternative possible worlds, for instance the knowledge
and intentions of another individual. Although it is obvious that this
ability vastly increases the scope for social manipulation, it is quite
unclear what selection pressure could have promoted it. The problem is
just why such a useful trick should have evolved in apes but not monkeys,
who appear to have equal need of it. It is likely that the basic ability was
present in apes before 10-20 million years ago. By 5-8 million years, at the
time of the last common ancestor of human and chimpanzee, that
ancestor's ability to attribute intentions to others and imagine alternative
worlds would have been sufficiently sophisticated to permit success at all
the purely behavioural tests of it that psychologists have yet been able to
In the full sense of the term (Goody, Introduction to this volume),
these animals were capable of 'anticipatory interactive planning'. What
The ape legacy 51
they lacked was language and its consequences. As far as we know, only
the Homo line of their descendants made this final step, but it may be
argued that anticipatory interactive planning was a necessary precursor to
it. Would any species unable to take account of an interlocutor's current
intentions and needs be capable of benefiting from linguistic communica-
tion, anyway? And from an understanding of another's intentions it is
perhaps a small step to that of understanding true communication, in
which a speaker takes account of the hearer's belief that the speaker
intends to pass information to the hearer. Modern apes may completely
lack the formalizing systems of language, but they do not lack the
understanding of what this kind of communication is all about. From this
perspective, we can predict that when the heated arguments over 'ape
signing' experiments havefinallydied down, it will be acknowledged that
apes understand and use true communication, even if they never double-
embed a relative clause.
Smith 1988). In another sense the claim is bizarre and untestable. We are
not all-knowing beings able to catalogue the facets of intelligence in the
absolute; we can only notice how monkeys or children deviate from our
own, adult norm. Not only is there no metric on which to compare
intelligences, but we know that all supposed factors of human intelligence
correlate with each other.
The legacy
The third meaning of the Machiavellian intelligence hypothesis, and the
one of most interest for this volume, is the idea that all descendants of the
first anticipatory interactive planners carry a distinctive legacy. Human
intelligence includes abilities which are certainly not unique to language-
using humans. The monkeys and apes, like their human relatives, have
considerable social knowledge and an ability to plan effectively in
complex and socially subtle situations, in order to achieve their ends. And
modern apes have the ability to imagine the intentions, needs and beliefs
of other individuals, and to understand how these differ from their own.
Certainly we still rely on these skills (see Brown, Chapter 7; and Streeck,
Chapter 4, in this volume, for impressive examples). But perhaps human
intelligence is, as a result of its evolutionary origin, biased towards dealing
with all problems as if they were social problems. It is evident that in
everyday life humans are poor at predicting the lawful, probabilistic
results of random processes. Is this because they insist on treating all
processes as intentionally caused? (See Levinson, Chapter 11 in this
volume.) If so, then could this explain the odd tendency to reason with
and see communicative meaning in things which are wholly unpredict-
able and unaffected by human actions? (See Goody, Chapter 10; and
Zeitlyn, Chapter 9 in this volume.) Suggestions like these have been made
before (Humphrey 1976), and it has long been a matter of amusement that
people treat inanimate objects such as cars, computers and houseplants as
interlocutors in a dialogue. Now that we understand a little more of the
background to this peculiar trait, it is time to take the idea as a serious
subject of study.
54 Edwin Hutchins and Brian Hazlehurst
1 0
0 0
1 0
0 0
units on the left, output units on the right, and 'hidden' units in the
middle. 'Targets' are real valued vectors which are structurally similar to
the output and input layers but, like inputs, are thought of as information
external to the network - these are part of the environment which the
network is made to learn (see below).
Limitations on space make a full description of this kind of infor-
mation-processing system impossible. The following sentences will
hopefully convey the style of computation entailed, if not the details.
Every unit in the input layer of a network has a unique connection to
every unit in the hidden layer, and every unit in the hidden layer has a
unique connection to every unit in the output layer (see Figure 2.2). The
58 Edwin Hutchins and Brian Hazlehurst
Visual Input/
Input Output
Layer Layer
The simulation proceeds via interactions - one interaction is one time-
step in the simulation. An interaction consists of the presentation of a
chosen scene (from the set of ra scenes) to two chosen individuals, a
60 Edwin Hutchins and Brian Hazlehurst
(4 units)
Input Layer
(36 units)
(4 units)
Output Layer
(36 units)
Figure 2.5 Network architecture for the simulation. (Not all of the
connections between layers are shown.)
representation at verbal output more like what A said, and (2) produce a
representation at visual output more like the scene itself.
By randomly choosing interactants and scenes, over time every indivi-
dual has the opportunity to interact with all the others in both speaking
and listening roles in all visual contexts. The effect to be achieved is for
the population to converge on a shared set of patterns of activation on the
verbal output units that makes distinctions among the m scenes. That is,
we hope to see the development of a consensus on a set of distinctions.
The small network architecture described above is a simplification of
the architecture actually used in the simulation reported below. In this
simulation, each individual is an autoassociator network consisting of
thirty-six visual input units, four hidden units, four verbal output units
and thirty-six visual output units, as shown in Figure 2.5. Notice that an
additional layer of four hidden units appears in these networks. These
additional resources were required by networks in this simulation in
order for the community to converge on a shared lexicon.5 The scenes to
be classified are twelve phases of a moon, represented as patterns in the
6 x 6 arrays shown in Figure 2.6.
Developing consensus on a set of distinctions appears to be a highly likely
final stable state of this dynamical system. Since the initial connection
strengths of individuals are small and randomly assigned, early verbal
representations do not differentiate among the scenes represented. Figure
62 Edwin Hutchins and Brian Hazlehurst
i U
Figure 2.6 The visual scenes utilized in the simulation. These can be
thought of as representations of the visualfieldassociated with sight of
the moon in twelve different phases.
2.7 shows the activation levels of the four verbal output units in response
to the twelve scenes for some typical individuals, early in a simulation run.
It is easy to see that there is little variation in the response of any
individual to the different scenes.
Figure 2.8 shows the same individuals after an average of 2,000
interactions with each of the other individuals in the five-member
community. For the most part, individuals now respond differently to
each of the twelve scenes, and all of the individuals agree with each other
on how to respond. That is, we have consensus on a set of distinctions.
Due to the random starting weights of the networks, and the random
interaction protocol functions which organize their learning experiences,
there is no way to predict which lexicon will develop - but the procedure is
robust in the sense that some well-formed lexicon or another develops
nearly every time.
The model explicitly represents the interactions of the three kinds of
structure discussed earlier: natural, internal and artifactual. The patterns
representing phases of the moon are the 'natural' structure. The connec-
tion strengths in the networks are the internal structure that provides
coordination between the two kinds of external structure. The patterns of
activation on the verbal input/output units are the 'artifactual' structure.
We see this as the smallest first step toward a system in which artifactual
structures invoke the experience of that which is not present in the
As we have seen, no individual can influence the internal processing of
another except by putting mediating artifactual structure in the environ-
ment of the other. However, by putting particular kinds of structure in
each other's environments, they all achieve a useful internal organization.
How to invent a shared lexicon 65
having been given by nature. At the end of the simulation, these same
structures are 'artificial' in the sense that they are organized by structure
created by other individuals.
Finally, even when two networks are in complete agreement with each
other about the structure of the lexicon, each has a unique internal
structure. Through learning from each other the individuals become
functional equivalents, not structural replicates, of each other. That is,
constraints on public form do not uniquely specify internal structure so
long as shared form-meaning pairs are established.
Clearly, this generation of shared form-meaning pairs is not limited to
acoustic forms of symbolic behaviour - what we have characterized in this
simulation as words of a lexicon. Words are a particularly salient vehicle
for symbolic processes, as they are representations which are easily
recorded and objectively characterized. What of the meanings we attach
to other social behaviours? Or the meaningful activities of the incumbent
of a recognized social role? The same sorts of processes are certainly at
work in establishing the sharedness and consistency of these forms and
meanings as well (cf. Barth 1966; Goffman 1959). Roles and the meanings
of those roles - including norms which legitimate and motivate constel-
lations of social behaviours - may come into being together as the result of
constraints on the building and maintenance of consensus through social
interactions. Although the current simulation does not address this level
of complexity of social interaction, it does suggest possible candidates for
the foundational mechanisms involved.
Research support was provided by grant NCC 2-1591 to Donald Norman and
Edwin Hutchins from the Ames Research Center of the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration in the Aviation Safety/Automation Program. Everett
Palmer served as technical monitor. Additional support for the first author was
provided by a fellowship from the John D. and Catherine T. Mac Arthur
1 This model does not deal with either homonyms or synonyms.
2 The best background work in connectionism is the two-volume set Parallel
Distributed Processing by Rumelhart and McClelland (1986). The behaviour of
autoassociator networks is thoroughly analysed in Chauvin (1988).
3 For an autoassociator, the target is identical to the input, thus reducing the
problem to an identity mapping on the input set.
4 We thank Elizabeth Bates (personal communication, February 1991) for
coining the term 'public hidden units' for this construction.
How to invent a shared lexicon 67
Theoretical links
The AIP idea started from primate research. Challenging the traditional
view that goes back to Darwin and Wallace, students of high primates
recently suggested that the principal selective pressure behind the
evolution of 'higher intellectual faculties' lay not in technical dealings
with the physical environment but, instead, in everyday dealings with
social associates (Byrne and Whiten 1988; Humphrey 1976; Jolly 1966a).
They argued that living within social groups, early hominids had - like
chess players - to foresee others' actions in order to preempt or exploit
these actions to their own advantage. Furthermore, they had to adjust
their plans to the actual deeds of others, who equally planned their actions
strategically. This complex situation generated selective pressure for
intellectual prowess.
As Goody recognized, pursuing further this primate-based evolution-
Kinship organization 69
A case study
This perspective will be brought to bear on kinship among hunter-
gatherers with 'immediate-return systems' (Woodburn 1980, 1982).
These are hunter-gatherers with the simplest known social organization,
comprising among others, the !Kung of the Kalahari, the Hadza of
Tanzania, the Pygmy of the Ituri forest in the Congo, the Negrito Batek of
Malaysia, and the Hill Pandaram, Paliyan and Nayaka of South India. In
general, they have few and simple roles and rules (Woodburn 1980).
Division of labour, if at all, is by sex and age alone. As for their Kinship -
on which the analysis will focus, not least because its institutionalization
is argued to have been crucial in the genesis of human society (e.g., Levi-
Strauss 1969; Fortes 1983) - Woodburn has already argued that it
'regulates so little' (1979:257). However, he left many questions open -
why? how? can it really be so? - questions which could not have been
explored within the conventional ecological-evolutionary paradigm. My
argument will be that this state of kinship has to do with the 'person-to-
person' situation which dominates their social life; a situation which
hinders the dialectic development of Kinship roles and rules.
The analysis refers specifically to Nayaka. They inhabit tropical forests
in the north-western slopes of the Nilgiris in South India. This is a
border-area between Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka, and their
composite dialect reflects the three languages spoken there: Kanada
(being traditionally dominant); Malayalam (rapidly increasing its
influence); and Tamil (having a steady minor impact).
The total population of Nayaka is estimated at about 1,000. In practice,
they are distributed in enclave local communities, each of which is almost
autonomous. My own work was done among one local community -
whom I call the Gir Valley group. I stayed with them during 1978-9, and
re-visited them in 1989.3 They numbered (in 1978) 69 individuals (22
men, 24 women, and 23 children), who were further dispersed in five
residential clusters ('hamlets'), at a distance of two to ten kilometres from
each other, one tofivefamilies living in each. For a living, they gathered
Kinship organization 71
wild fruits, nuts, tubers and the honey of wild bees; they fished and
hunted occasionally (mainly deer and monitor lizard); they engaged on a
casual basis in wage work and in trade in minor forest produce; and
occasionally grew some fruit around their huts.
ways. Firstly, 'He (or she) [often a person from ascending generation]
calls me "x" so I call him (or her) "y": for instance, he calls me tamma(n)
[younger brother] so I call him anna(n) [older brother].' Secondly, 'My
so-and-so relative calls him (or her) "x" so I call him (or her) "y": for
instance, my appa(n) [father] calls this man tamma(n) [younger brother]
so I call him cikappa(n) [father's younger brother - literally, junior
father].' Finally, 'My spouse calls this woman "x" so I call her "y" (or
sometimes "x" as well): for instance, my spouse calls her tanga [younger
sister] so I call her nadini [younger sister in-law] - or sometimes tanga as
well.' Thus, they learn kinship terms by hearing older people using them
to address and refer to other present people. They learn them from
persons who directly address them by kinship term. And they learn them
from their spouses.
In the obverse, the width and depth of Nayaka genealogical knowledge
is confined to the zone of everyday person-to-person interaction and
communication ('the zone of bodily manipulation' in Berger and Luck-
mann's terms). My hosts, for example, could not specify genealogical
relatives beyond the third ascending generation. They said matter-of-
factly that 'they were not there'. Likewise, they could not specify
genealogical relatives of the second and third ascending generation when
the individuals concerned had died or emigrated when they themselves
were young. They said 'they were not here when I came to know things so
I did not know them'. Thus, they learned about their kin - who they were
and how they related to them - through interactive use of kinship terms in
place of personal names.
It is noteworthy that, in the first year or so, my hosts did not address or
refer to newly arrived Nayaka, who married someone locally, by kinship
terms. They could have reasoned out the appropriate kinship
through the ways specified above, but chose not to in favour of names. As
Mathi explained it, when referring to a young 'immigrant' who had
married her sister's daughter: T do not know how to call him. I am shy to
call him because I do not know him'. This suggests that they use kinship
terms only in reference to Nayaka who, in the course of time, they come to
know in a 'person-to-person', 'vivid' and 'fully real' sort of way. (And it is
then, in fact, that we can understand how a general kinship term - like
tamma(n) (younger brother) - being called across the hamlet, reaches its
exact addressee.)
Though couples often simply start to live together, they sometimes
celebrate it with a meal. The meal is rarely planned in advance, and is
given to people who happen to be around at the time. For example, in the
most elaborate case I have on record, a messenger went to another hamlet,
the evening before the meal, and returned the next day with a few
additional guests. The father of the bridegroom, a widower, was in
neither of these hamlets, and he did not attend the celebration.
Burial is carried out on the day of death. Those who happen to be in the
hamlet carry the body to a place, several walking-hours away from the
hamlet, where all Nayaka are buried. The spouse and the children, and
then other attendants, take what they want for remembrance, and the rest
of the possessions are buried with the deceased. A person, even a close
relative, who happens to be away, does not participate in the event, nor
'inherit' anything from the deceased.
76 Nurit Bird-David
Individuals do not intervene in the internal affairs of their close kin. For
example, in an exceptional case I have on record of a husband who
maltreated his wife (a very uncommon occurrence), her brothers did not
interfere, although they lived in the same hamlet.
Division of labour
Conjugal spouses (accompanied by their young children, if any) cooper-
ate with each other - not with respective relatives - in most subsistence
and domestic activities. They go on most subsistence pursuits together;
they jointly build and repair their hut; they carry firewood together; they
sometimes cook together; they often share care (and carriage) of their
young children; they look after each other during times of illnesses (see
Bird 1983a for a fuller description).
All in all, it is clear that Kinship does not play a major role in regulating
Nayaka life: Kinship roles and rules are neither discussed and formalized
by Nayaka nor manifested in everyday and kinship-prone occasions.
Relationships between kin are 'weak' in material and moral content in the
sense that they do not involve kinship-located obligatory economic
Kinship organization 77
A comparative perspective
Notwithstanding differences in degree (see below), Nayaka are similar in
broad terms to other hunter-gatherers on all the major points that
emerged from the analysis above. Most importantly, the 'person-to-
person' situation dominates social interaction among hunter-gatherers
generally. They are band societies - this is one of their most distinguish-
ing common characteristics (Lee and DeVore 1968:8) - who live dis-
persed in small groups. The common size of the band - called the 'magic
number' by Lee and DeVore (1968) and never since contested while
Kinship organization 79
almost everything else has been - is twenty-five. Its members are attached
to a particular location - much more than was realized in the early 1970s -
but at the same time frequently visit others. Huts are casually built - often
more crudely than Nayaka huts - and they are also constantly recon-
structed and relocated, placing people in relations of immediate neigh-
bourhood with diverse others. Thus, on the whole, people live within the
'bodily manipulative zone' of a significant number of their fellows (I
would say, even, the critical mass thereof), far more, in any case, than they
would in settled communities.
Secondly, many hunter-gatherers use kinship terms extensively and
universally within the group (Barnard 1981; see also Woodburn
Thirdly, nevertheless, kinship 'regulates so little'. As Woodburn
further elaborated, kinship relationships are typically not 'load bearing';
they 'do not carry a heavy burden of goods and services transmitted
between the participants in recognition of claims and obligations'
(1980:105). 'Kinship . . . [only provides] a broad idiom for friendly rather
than hostile relations and a set of rough and ready expectations for
appropriate behaviour' (1979:257). More generally, 'people often do not,
at least explicitly, seem to value their own culture and institutions very
highly and may, indeed, not be accustomed to formulating what their
custom is or what it ought to be' (1980:106).
Finally, hunter-gatherers are commonly distinguished by a lack of, or
minimal, cooperation between people in general, and kin in particular
(P. Gardner 1966; Woodburn 1980). Families and individuals are highly
autonomous (P. Gardner 1991). They often sanction refusal of explicit
requests to share (e.g. Myers 1982; Ingold 1987). Many of them deal with
disputes by 'voting with their feet', not through kinship-related channels
(e.g. Turnbull 1968).
Though similar in broad terms, there are differences in degree between
hunter-gatherer groups on all these four points - and the differences are of
equal interest to us. Take for example the !Kung, as reported in the
detailed studies of Marshall (e.g. 1976) and Lee (e.g. 1979).
Firstly, they are larger in number than Nayaka. With an estimated
population of 6,500 (Lee 1979:35), the number of !Kung is more than
sixfold that of the 1,000-strong Nayaka. Compared with the 69 Nayaka of
the Gir locality, the Dobe !Kung (counted by Lee in his 1964 study)
comprise 379 'residents' (who mostly, but not always stay in the Dobe)
and 87 'marginals' (who spend less than six months in the area, and in
some cases only a day (1979:43)). Each !Kung hamlet (or camp) is larger
than the Nayaka equivalent. While the Gir Nayaka are distributed in five
residential clusters, the much larger Dobe !Kung are distributed around
nine water-holes. Moreover, being confined within highly populated
80 Nurit Bird-David
South India^, Gir Nayaka have little contact with Nayaka in other
communities, while Dobe !Kung maintain extensive links with other
!Kung communities, and occasionally come into contact with relatively
anonymous and even stranger !Kung. All in all, it can be said that
anonymity is more apparent in !Kung life - though, on the whole, they
also mostly interact with other !Kung in the 'person-to-person' situation.
Secondly, !Kung use kinship terms and personal names in everyday
communicative acts, much as Nayaka do, but have a more elaborate
system (see Marshall (1957) and Lee (1984) for detailed descriptions).
Names are given, each to a number of people (of the same sex), and
establish between them namesake relationships. In a unique way, these
name-relationships implicate kinship relationships: for example, a
woman who bears the same name as one's sister is referred to as a sister -
even if she is a stranger. Indeed, when a 'Kung arrives at a new unknown
group, he locates bearers of names identical to names of close relatives in
his home group and establishes corresponding kinship relationships with
them' (Marshall 1957:24-5).6
Thirdly, !Kung have significantly more kinship-located rights, obli-
gations and economic cooperation than Nayaka do (though still few in
comparison with non-hunter-gatherer societies). For example, men
customarily work for their wives' parents for some years after their
marriages, and are, later, obliged to always give the in-laws specific shares
of hunted game. In addition !Kung maintain extensive networks of hxaro
relationships - involving exchange of gifts and hospitality - and fre-
quently (at times weekly) gather for communal medicine dances.
It is most interesting that kinship-located behaviour goes in tandem
with kinship terms; the latter are applied to others - even strangers -
through the name-relationship practice and entail a corresponding
behaviour. Thus, a !Kung who, through similarities of name, calls a
stranger 'sister' also behaves towards her as towards a sister.
Finally, !Kung practice various avoidance behaviours with respect to
close kin, including (among others) parents, parents' siblings and
spouses' parents (see Marshall 1957: 19-20; Lee 1984: 65). These
avoidance practices seem to be more elaborate and more fully formalized
than among Nayaka.
The differences between Nayaka and !Kung, I suggest, can be
explained within the terms of this analysis adapted from The Social
Construction of Reality. It can be argued that, with the greater anonymity
that exists among !Kung, relating in turn to social and demographic
scales, the dialectic development of Kinship roles and rules goes further,
impeded less by the 'person-to-person' situation.
Kinship organization 81
This chapter has, I hope, provided an AlP-compatible perspective on
hunter-gatherers, with particular reference to Kinship roles and rules. It
also illustrates, I hope, the scope of spin-offs from the AIP project. The
latter led, in this case, to a fresh perspective on contemporary hunter-
gatherers, and to an explanation of their otherwise enigmatic Kinship. In
turn, to add to The Social Construction of Reality, it offers an ethnographic
illustration of a 'prototypical case of institutionalization'; a case which
Berger and Luckmann themselves left unexplored, being concerned with
the developed form, and, more important, unfamiliar with band societies.
I am indebted to Esther Goody for recognizing the seeds of the ideas expressed
here in my doctoral dissertation; and for her comments on earlier drafts. I also
thank G. Kunda, Y. Shenhav, Y. Peres, A. Gopher and E. Illuz for their
comments on early drafts.
1 Since 1992, when this chapter was written, I have developed some of the ideas
contained in it. The results appear in Bird-David (1994).
2 The term is problematic, not least because it confuses early and contemporary
populations, both called indistinguishably by the same term.
3 For financial assistance during the first spell of fieldwork I am indebted to
Trinity College, Anthony Wilkin Fund, H.M. Chad wick Fund, Smuts
Memorial Fund, the Wyse Fund and the Radcliffe-Brown Fund of Cambridge;
and for the second spell offieldworkto the Horovitz Institute for Research in
Developing Countries, Tel Aviv, and to the Jerusalem Foundation for Anthro-
pological Studies.
4 A few Nayaka occasionally live in the fringe of the locality, in huts constructed
near villages or places of employment. They visit close friends once or twice a
year for several days each time.
84 Nurit Bird-David
5 Some non-Nayaka people live in and around the Gir valley. Nayaka maintain a
regular contact with them, however this lies outside the concerns of the present
chapter (but see Bird-David 1988).
6 !Kung also occasionally change names - like Nayaka - and then the name-based
network of kinship relationships change accordingly.
7 See Solway and Lee (1990) and Wilmsen and Denbow (1991) for summaries of
the opposing views on the issue.
4 On projection
88 Jiirgen Streeck
Extract 1
-> B I like tuh ask you something 11
A Shoot. 12
B Y'know Fad my license suspended fuh six 13
munts, 14
A Uhhuh 15
B Y' know for a reason which, I rathuh not mention tuh you, in 16
othuh words - a serious reason, en I like tuh know if w'd talk 17
tuh my senator, or- somebuddy, could they help me get it back, 18
In this extract, B announces a question. But he then does not ask it, but
gives a report, which then turns out to be preliminary to the question. The
main action (question) is 'doubly displaced' (p. 106). The preface-
question indicates that what is to follow will be a preparation; everything
said between the preface and the action will be understood to be part of
this preparatory work.
There are other ways in which preface-questions are used; often they
are indeed followed immediately by the question. In these cases, the pre
marks the question as 'delicate':
Extract 2
PAM H']lo3 9
VICKY HK. Vicky. 10
(0.4) 11
VICKY You rang? 12
PAM jOh hello there yes I di^d 13
On projection 89
Extract 3
-> j So who'r the boyfriends for the week. 1
(0.2) 2
M .k.hhhh- Oh: go::d e-yih this one'n that 3
one yihknow, I jist, yihknow keep busy en 4
go out when I wanna go out John it's nothing .hhh 5
I don' have anybody serious on the string, 6
-• J So in other words you'd go out if I:: askedche 7
out one a'these times, 8
M Yeah! Why not. 9
J's question turns out to be a preinvitation, and M may or may not have
heard it this way in the first place. This kind of ambiguity is essential to
the design of prefaces: they are designed to foreshadow possibilities,
which are often enough cancelled or redefined. Pre's are noncommittal for
good reasons. Their role is to 'point forward to possible patterns of
perception', to give a 'prescription of the path to a more precise determi-
nation' (Husserl, quoted in Liberman 1985:182).
Let us now take a first look at the mundane sequence of Thai
conversation at the Berlin Goethe Institute: who could have known this is
what they call summer, not a chance to wear these clothes. We will look
90 Jiirgen Streeck
Extract 4
man mai mai mai mai mai moh- =
it's not not not not not suit-
((folds hands))
B Mai moh gab agart.
Not suitable in this weather
A Mai moh gab spab tang ni loei.
Not suitable in this climate.
Figure 4.1
On projection 91
Figure 4.2
Figure 4.3
92 Jiirgen Streeck
Figure 4.4
Figure 4.5
On projection 93
Extract 5
1 2 3
LEOLA You see. Here it say. Ho:w man. How many words
CAROLYN How many words
LEOLA can you make out of thosefiveletters.
CAROLYN can you make out of thosefiveletters.
The unison is prepared in a series of three prefaces (marked by numbers
above the text). First, Leola suggests a particular cognitive orientation for
the reception of her subsequent utterance (you see); then she projects
reading (here it say) - this is the action projection 'proper', finally she
begins to read (3), but immediately self-interrupts to then resume: she
thereby transforms the beginning of the action into an action-preface and
thus not only informs her friend that she is going to read, but also affords
94 Jurgen Streeck
her another opportunity to join her. In fact, restarts often solicit co-
participation (Goodwin 1981). The reading-in-unison, then, is a carefully
prepared-for event.
Extract 5 has the format
[action, action abandoned-• joint action]
This format can be observed in many, rather diverse interaction domains.
For example, pre-enactments often occur in 'juncture activities', i.e.
activities accomplishing or taking part in a more embracing 'recali-
bration' of an encounter. Among the actions typically engaged in during
such moments are posture shifts and activities dealing with a participant's
bodily needs (e.g. drinking, self-touch, clothing adjustments etc.).
A posture-shift is frequently pre-initiated by one party - by a small
'pre-shift' - and then carried out collaboratively and simultaneously by
two or several parties. A frequent format for drinking is that one party lifts
the cup or glass but then puts it back down. Thereafter, both parties
simultaneously lift their cups and drink. One of the social functions of
such joint activities at moments of juncture may be that by engaging in
symmetrical and identically constructed actions, the participants sustain
a state of engagement while no particular framework for the interaction is
selected. Yet another kind of action that is frequent during moments of
interactional juncture is self-touch: people in interaction become peri-
pherally involved with themselves when involvement with the other
decreases. Often, however, another participant will 'mirror' the self-
involvement, thereby turning it into a display of mutual engagement.
Responding to self-touch with self-touch in return enables a participant
to demonstrate to another that, although currently not involved with one
another, they are nevertheless involved in the interaction in the same way.
And again, frequently a participant who initiates self-touch without
observing self-touch in return by the other, will discard the activity to
then resume it; and the restart of self-touch is then done jointly, in
synchrony, by both parties. In other words, self-touch - considered to be
an instance of self-involvement - is often constructed in a way that secures
joint engagement in it.
The 'shared talk' in the sequence of Thai conversation, then, is brought
about via a very routinized, very widespread interaction design.
Extract 6
1 2 3
ROBIN ^he hadda wait up the:re fo:r u-she:s been there
since eight uh' clock this morning
Two sound-stretches (1 and 2) pre-indicate the initiation of repair (at 3).
Schegloff points out that the more removed these 'harbingers' are from
the 'trouble source', the more problematic it is whether they are, in fact,
harbingers: even when repair is prefigured, it can subsequently be
'cancelled' (p. 269). In other words, 'harbingers' are only possible repair
There are interesting cross-linguistic variations in repair-initiation and
pre-initiation (and, by implication, in the organization of collaborative
talk). In conversations among speakers of Ilokano in the Philippines, for
example, 'cut-offs' and 'uh's' are unlikely repair-initiators, 'uh's' being
virtually absent from speech; by far the most likely initiators are sound-
stretches (Streeck 1989b).
Extract 7
A Ngem dagsan gasat ta::- ti sumagmamano nga aldaw nagarirulos 1
But after several days had passed
ti:::: Disyembre. 2
in:::: December
B Disyembre 3
Thus, sound-stretches are not only used as repair-initiators, but also - as
in American-English conversation - as 'harbingers' of such initiations.
96 Jiirgen Streeck
Trajectories of a word-search
Once a speaker has initiated repair on a current utterance, he or she can
overtly mark the repair type as a word-search. The 'parts' with which this
is commonly done include pauses and 'recycles'; the element recycled is
the last unit of talk prior to the trouble source.
When entering into a pause, speakers engaged in a word-search
commonly withdraw their gaze from recipients. They thereby display
that they are currently 'non-listeners' in the moment's conversation and -
by implication - indicate that co-participation is dispreferred.5 When no
solution is found, gaze is returned to the recipient, and the 'preference for
self-repair' is relinquished or relaxed in favour of the 'progressivity' of the
conversation: co-participation is now invited. In the Thai sequence, the
speaker withdraws her gaze from the listener just before she enters into
the pause; she returns it just before she resumes speech.
Speakers of trouble sources can actively pursue collaboration. One way
in which this is done is to recycle the last morpheme prior to the trouble
source. These units project grammatical features of the 'target'.
In the following extract from a conversation between two speakers of
German, the recycled unit is son (so + ein\ a fusion of a deictic and an
indefinite article, indicating that the target is a noun and that information
relevant to the solution can be gleaned from the environment, in this case
from the gesture (Figure 4.7).
Extract 8
B Also ich hatte- ich hatte letztens w- irgendwo a ah ah ahm aufm
Well, I had- I had- the other day wh- somewhere- uh uh uhm at the
ArbeitsamtPoder (.) was das war. Da hatte ich ge- ah ah
Labor Office or (.) whatever that was. I had (ge-) uh uh
mal son son son son son son Merkblatt ah inner Hand?
one time this this this this this flier uh in my hand?
On projection 97
Figure 4.6
Figure 4.7
98 Jurgen Streeck
Extract 9
A Inkabil koti telepono idiay kwa:;-idiay sa:la, kunak a. 1
I had put the telephone in the what- in the living-room, I said
Sa in- kwak- in- in- in- in- in- uhh- 2
And then (in-) I what-
B Hmm. 3
B Insaram didiay ruangan? 4
You had closed the door?
Recipients may or may not opt for and/or be able to volunteer candidate
solutions. Similarly, candidate solutions can be treated by the primary
speaker as appropriate or as non-solutions. Recipients who volunteer
candidate solutions, in constructing them, make use of the materials
provided by the pre. The pre becomes a component of the solution - like
in the Thai sequence (extract 4) where the negation morpheme mdi is
incorporated in the solution.
man mai mai mai mai mai moh- = 3
it's not not not not not suit-
On projection 99
Extract 10
T .h nichiyoobi datta shi ne (—) kuruma suiteta shi h 1
But, well, it was a Sunday and, you know, the car was empty and .h
supin shite 2
it spun around
The speaker begins the gesture during a pause in her turn (1), before
she utters the verb. She looks at the gesture. She then returns her gaze to
the recipient, after uttering the verb (2). Thus, while gesture and speech
share a semantic profile, the gesture nevertheless 'projects' that profile
prior to the speech.
In the second instance (11), taken from the same compound utterance,
Figure 4.9
On projection 101
Figure 4.10
Figure 4.11
the speech unit - the noun gaadoreru (the loanword 'guardrail') profiles a
long, horizontal object ('rail') as well as its function ('guard'). The
gesture, in contrast, profiles a thin, round, vertical object, a part of the
object - the pole. There is thus a remarkable division of labour between
speech and gesture; each supplies a different partial conceptual profile. In
this instance, the part of the object selected for representation by gesture
is not a salient semantic component of the lexical unit guardrail. But it is
salient in the course of this story, because it is the pole that was hit by the
car (Figures 4.12-13).
Extract 11
T watashi no hoo no seki ga ano hora ( ) are
the seat on my side, you know, look ( ) there
aru ja na (—) gaadoreru
was a guardrail
102 Jiirgen Streeck
Extract 12
A Ma::n she's this wi::de.
In extract 13 it is the demonstrative som.
Extract 13
A Sie stand unten? Mit som weifin Rock nur?
She stood down below? In this white skirt only?
Action projectors
Not all gestures in interaction are of the iconic type, representing visible
features of real-world objects and events. Another way in which gestures
are used is the prefiguration of linguistic action, e.g. of the construction
features of a subsequent utterance, the speech act about to be performed,
the type of response proposed, etc. Only little research has been done on
these uses of gesture, and the following remarks are tentative.
One place in unfolding interaction sequences where gestures project
upcoming speech actions are 'transition places' between turns-at-talk.
Participants who intend to take the turn sometimes demonstrate this
intent gesturally, while another participant is still talking. Intending next
speakers can also prefigure aspects of the action-type for which they
solicit the turn (i.e. a gesture can be a recognizable 'pre' to a 'telling').
Turn-transition is a rather specific environment in conversation. The
very circumstances of the task - turn-taking - occasion the use of the
visual mode. Using gestural displays, intending next speakers can make
their claim to the floor known and show what they plan to do with it -
without interrupting the current speaker and without subjecting their
own premature talk to overlap. Preliminary research on gestures used
during turn-transition (Streeck and Hartge 1992) suggests that these are
highly conventionalized, less formally elaborated than iconic gestures,
and often metaphorical.
Turn-exit is another place where gestures that project actions are used.
The task they are occupied with is the specification of the response-type
sought. Gestures are occasionally appended as 're-completors' to turns.
For example, shoulder shrugs are sometimes appended to the end of a
story-telling. Story endings are interactionally under specified: audiences
have considerable leverage in selecting a type of response. Shoulder
shrugs are commonly done when no immediate response is given, and
display that no specific type of response is proposed.
Another place for visual displays during turn-endings is before the
'utterance-completor'. Often, a micro-pause makes room for the enact-
ment. Gestures or displays thus positioned can solicit an 'early response',
e.g. applause. In extract 14, a talk-show guest frames the 'keyword' of a
punchline by a facial display. The guest, the comedian Richard Jenni,
talks about his childhood and youth in Brooklyn.
On projection 105
Extract 14
And plus I had- no, I was into different things, I wa:s- 1
and my particular neighborhood wa:s, you know (.) 2
very into: uh (.) crime I guess is the word. 3
In this extract, the arrival of the keyword (crime) is projected by a 'broad
smile' (2) which proposes 'laughter' as an appropriate type of response;
the smile, however, is itself projected by a brief eyebrow-flash (1). This
sequence is a good illustration of the ways in which projection contributes
to the rapid fine-tuning that is characteristic of human interaction.
Speakers consistently foreshadow their next moves, and while this
foreshadowing does not specify all features of this move but only projects
a silhouette, it nevertheless prepares the audience and often enables them
to initiate a response before the act to which they respond is actually
completed. Action images and bodily displays of human states are
frequently used as dramaturgical devices in narratives. In extract 15, the
speaker talks about her always depressed roommate; here she describes in
what state she finds her roommate when she comes home.
Extract 15
A und Sibylle. (.) mit Grabesstimme und so. 1
and Sibylle with a voice like from like a grave
((voice shift)) .hhh Was ganz Schreckliches passiert. 2
Something terrible happened.
The facial display (1) is a 'mouth of sadness'. By making the display the
speaker enables her listener to 'meet' Sibylle before 'listening to her'. The
speaker recreates the temporal structure of the event she describes.
We can now return to the sequence with which we began this survey of
action projection and summarize the different 'paths' or 'trajectories' that
eventually culminate in a collaborative completion. The path towards a
word-search initially comes into play when turbulences appear in the
utterance. The possibility of imminent trouble that is projected by these
hitches is then specified when the speaker makes a first gesture which - in
this context - can quite readily be identified as a projection of vagueness.
At this point, a formulation problem is clearly in play. The speaker then
addresses the trouble with a face-rub, a 'monitor' (Scheflen 1972) not
uncommon in troubled interaction environments. By touching her face
and at the same time withdrawing her gaze from the listener, the speaker
invites the listener to disattend the problem, that is, not to become
106 Jurgen Streeck
1 This chapter owes a lot to conversations with Robert Hopper, about 'trajector-
ies' and 'possible trajectories'.
2 Among the many conversation analysis studies devoted to forms of pre's and/or
action projection are Drew (1984); Goodwin (1986); Heritage (1990/91);
Jefferson (1992); Kendon (1976); Pomerantz (1984); Schegloff (1979, 1980,
1988b); Streeck (1992); Streeck and Hartge (1992); Terasaki (1976).
3 See Jefferson (1975) about repair as social camouflage.
4 Schegloff, Jefferson and Sacks (1977) give a typology of repair.
5 See Goodwin's (1986) analysis of the role of gaze in the negotiation of
participation in word-searches.
6 Conversation analysts make much of the need to say 'possible completion'
because, in order to capture the progressional nature of talk and language, it is
necessary to envision and conceptualize everything from the reference point of
an idealized now. The future appears as a horizon of possibilities which, the
more apparent they become, the more likely they are to be preempted.
7 See the beautiful study of 'The dialectic of arithmetic in grocery shopping'
(Lave et al. 1984). See also D'Andrade 1981; Goodwin 1993; Hutchins and
Klausen 1990; Lynch and Woolgar 1988.
8 This is how Donald (1991:3-4) summarizes his modern variant of Darwin's
thesis: 'The essence of my hypothesis is that the modern human mind evolved
from the primate mind through a series of major adaptations, each of which led
to the emergence of a new representational system. Each successive new
representational system has remained intact within our current mental archi-
tecture, so that the modern mind is a mosaic structure of cognitive vestiges from
earlier stages of human emergence. Cognitive vestiges involve the evolutionary
principle of conversion of previous gains and are similar in principle to the
many other vestigal behaviors we possess - for instance, baring the teeth in
anger, or wailing in grief.'
112 Paul Drew
The first is a pattern associated with 'po-faced receipts of teases', a
phenomenon in which recipients of teases overwhelmingly respond to the
tease in some serious fashion (Drew 1987). Even in cases where recipients
do respond to the humour in a tease, for example by laughing, they almost
always do so either as a preliminary to or in the course of making a serious
response.5 The following is an instance; Nancy has called Emma to tell
her about a man she met the previous evening at the home of a close friend
116 Paul Drew
Extract 1 (NB:II:4:14)
NANCY: But he's nixe looki:ng a::_nd ah just a rea:J_nice:
~=PERsonable, VERY personable, VERY SWEET, .hhh
YhhhOU KNO(h)OW =
NANCY: .hehh.hh One of those kind .hhhhh =
EMMA: =Yes
NANCY: A::nd so: but we were
NANCY: [ [
eeYhhehee AHH
-• NANCY: NO:?e-MARTHA HAS known Cli:ff5 ... ((a good 30 years
and he's an absolute boy scout))
In response to Emma's somewhat sexually laden tease 'THEY DO
THAT BEFORE AND A:FTER THEY DO:n't'5 Nancy begins~by
laughingly agreeing: but she then rejects the teasing proposal with
[No] + [Serious Account], cNO:?e-MARTHA HAS known Cli:ff
This phenomenon of serious responses to humorous teases (in only a very
few instances did recipients respond to the humour alone) is partly
accounted for by the sequential environment in which teases occur. In all
the instances I collected, in the turn(s) immediately preceding the tease
the person who is subsequently teased has been complaining, extolling/
praising or bragging in an exaggerated or overdone fashion. Space
prevents illustrating the extent to which in extract 1 Nancy had been
extolling the attractions and virtues of the man she met. But aflavourof it
is conveyed in her first turn in the extract; and this comes at the end of an
extravagant report of this man's comparative youthfulness (Nancy is well
into middle age), that he was a senior officer in the marines, that he has a
responsible job, his easygoing manner, his intelligence, how well they hit
it off and so on.
The sequential context in which teases occur is, then, typically one in
which the recipient has gone on extolling something or someone, has gone
on complaining or been self-pitying. The subsequent tease, conveying
some scepticism about what the teased has said, has a social control
function insofar as it may be considered a mild form of reproof for a minor
conversational transgression. The sequential pattern associated with
teases, and which is illustrated in extract 1, can be summarized thus:
Interaction sequences and AIP 117
A: Exaggerated Extolling/Praising/Complaining
B: Tease
A: Serious Response
Extract 2 (NB:III:6)
FRAN: Oh:::. Wih gee isn'at funny gee I'm going down t'see
somebody they're going do:wn the end a' this month et
twunty seven hundred- .hhh Ocean Fro::nt.
FRAN: IS that a^iiffrent plaxe then Newpo:rt?
TED: M-hm I gue:ss, this is, Balboa Penninsula.
not get said, but that what comes to be said may be said as an agreement'
(Pomerantz 1984: 77). A simplified version of the sequential pattern
which emerges from this orientation to recipient silence post-assessment
A: Assessment
A: Backdown/Modified Position
B: Agreement
The third kind of sequence relevant to a preliminary consideration of the
possible relationship between AIP and sequential organizations will also
be familiar: it is conversational pre-sequences, such as pre-invitations,
pre-requests and such like. These are questions or enquiries which are
made on behalf of a next action, contingent upon the response to the
enquiry (Atkinson and Drew 1979: 141-8; Levinson 1983: 345-64;
Schegloff 1980). The following instance is particularly transparent, and -
what is most to the point here - is particularly transparent to the recipient
(Jim) of the pre-sequence enquiry.
Extract 4 (Holt:2:14)
JIM: J.P.Blenkinsop good morning,
SKIP: Good morning Ji:m,
SKIP: Uhit's Skip.
JIM: ffiyuh,
SKIP: YOU ^oming past the dooj:,
JIM: Certainly?
-• JIM: What time wouldju like the car Sah. =
SKIP: -Uh well ehhh hhehh hhhehh hhehh .hh^h that's
m:ost unexpected of you hhh::: n(h)o it's y(h)ery
nice'v you to offer huhh uh-heh heh-u-hu-.ehh
Thanks very much, .hhh
JIM: Eh:m I wz planning tih leave
here at just about twenty ...
The enquiry 'You coming past the doo:r,' is treated by Jim as a prefatory
enquiry, as leading up to something. His recognition that Skip 'wants
something' is particularly evident in his humorous response to the
enquiry: 'What time wouldju like the car Sah' humorously mimics what a
Interaction sequences and AIP 119
chauffeur might ask - but it is also an offer (of a lift to work). As such, it
displays Jim's understanding that Skip's enquiry was made in the service
of requesting a lift, a request which does not now need to be made. Thus,
whereas the usual pattern or 'standard sequence' associated with pre-
sequences is
A: Pre-request enquiry
B: Response
A: Request
B: Granting,
here the sequence is attenuated in a way which commonly happens when
the recipient, recognizing what the enquiry is leading to, opts to address
the projected action directly (i.e. without waiting for the request to be
officially or formally made).
A: Pre-request enquiry
B: Offer
A: Acceptance
These then are three examples of the kinds of sequential patterns or
organizations which have been uncovered in conversation analytic
research. They are each an instance of what might be regarded as
'conversational routines' (Coulmas 1981a). But they have, I think, rather
different potentials for the role of projectability in 'anticipatory interactive
planning'. I have selected these to illustrate or represent, in a preliminary
fashion, some of the ways in which sequential patterns may or may not be
associated with conscious 'strategy', or the ability to plan for subsequent
moves in a sequence.
The first sequential pattern, associated with teases and po-faced
responses to them, does not appear to involve projectability at any stage in
the sequence. The exaggerated complainings, praising etc. only 'initiate'
the teasing sequence insofar as the recipient responds (sceptically) to the
overdone version. It is plainly no part of the design of the complaint/
praise to generate or provide the occasion for a tease. Likewise, the tease is
not designed to generate the third stage in the sequence, the serious
response/denial (indeed there's every reason to treat teases as designed not
to be taken seriously). And both the tease and po-faced response are
'backward-looking' responses to prior actions;6 they are not themselves
designed to project any next actions. So whilst there is a discernible
sequential pattern associated with teasing, no individual move in the
sequence seems to be part of any manifest strategic repertoire. At each
stage participants are oriented to a prior turn, and not to some projected
subsequent turn. The overall 'shape' of the sequence is not what either
was aiming to exploit.
120 Paul Drew
and in this chapter.) The kinds of structural organizations which may 'fit'
behaviour, for example the sequence illustrated in extract 1 above, are
'driven into the organism'. They are (or have become through experience) part of
its 'software' or even its neurobiology. Thus strategy (cog) is a property
predicated of an organism (or its program). It is not something available to the
organism's (or the program's) unaided inspection. Thus it is relevant to dis-
tinguish between a strategy (cog) which fits behaviour and a strategy (cs) which
guides behaviour. (Heritage 1990/91: 315.)
Comparing the pattern of speakers' modifications/backdowns in the face
of recipients' withholdings in extracts 2 and 3 with the pre-requests in
extract 4, one gets a sense of the fluctuating borderline to which Heritage
refers between a strategy (cog) and a speaker employing a strategy (cs).
The use of a withholding/silence in order to implicate (but not state)
disagreement is oriented to a sequential procedure, the evidence for the
consciously strategic use of which is only implicit (in a sequential
pattern); by contrast, the conscious use of a sequential routine is quite
manifest in extract 4, conspicuously so in the humorous treatment of the
pre-sequence enquiry.
analysis (and it is the observation with which Sacks began his lectures
about conversation analysis (see H. Sacks 1992, Vol. I, lecture 1)). Sacks
noted that the emergency psychiatric hospital which operated the SPC
line was concerned about the regularity with which people who called the
centre would not give their names. And when Sacks looked to see 'where
in the course of the conversation could you [sic] tell that somebody would
not give their name?' (ibid.: 3), he noticed this:
Extract 5 (SPC)
(A is the SPC staff member answering calls, B is the caller.)
A: This is Mr Smith may I help you?
-+ B: I can't hear you.
A: This is Mr Smith.
B: Smith.
Sacks discussed this in the light of the procedure in greetings exchanges
whereby the form of address which is adopted by the first speaker may be
reciprocally adopted by next speaker. So that if the first speaker (the SPC
staff member) identifies himself by name, so might the other (the caller9).
Sacks observed about extract 5 and cases like it, that in the slot where a
reciprocal identification by a caller would be conditionally relevant, the
caller instead claims not to be able to hear. In reply to the caller's claimed
trouble, 'I can't hear you', the staff member repeats what he said. In the
sequence that therefore ensues - in which the staff member again gives his
name; the caller repeats that name, to check that he has it right; the staff
member confirms it and asks once more if he can help - the slot in which
the caller's reciprocal self-identification would go never occurs. The
caller has thereby managed to skip the move in which he might recipro-
cate with his name.
this slot is unwanted. The caller replaces that slot with an action (a claim
not to be able to hear) which generates an extended sequence in which the
slot in which he should make a return greeting with his name does not
The question is, though, whether the caller really cannot hear, or
whether he is using the claim not to hear as a strategy to avoid giving his
name. Well, there is a glimmer of evidence in B's repeat after A has
repeated his name. Certainly that's a regular thing to do after there's been
a hitch; you ask them to repeat their name, they do so, you repeat it to
check you have it right. But then there's the opportunity to latch onto
your repeat the reciprocal self-introduction: that is, the turn can be
managed in such a way that the opportunity to say who you are isn't lost -
if you want to say who you are. For instance, compare B's repeat in extract
6 with the caller's (erroneous) repeat of the receptionist's name in extract
CHARLIE: And u:m:: (.) jt wz reailly ba:d because she decided of a:ll
weekends for this one tih go awa:y
-> ILENE: Whajt?
CHARLIE: j>he decidih tih go away this weekend.
Charlie's partial repeat, 'She decidih tih go away this weekend', elects to
treat the problem only as one of hearing, and not that what he said needs
clarifying or elaborating (which might of course have put him in the
position of making explicit the consequence of Karen's being away, as in
'Karen decided to go away this weekend, so I'm not going up after all'). In
the next slot Ilene passes over yet another opportunity to acknowledge the
upshot of the news; she fills that slot with a continuer, 'Yea:h,', which
leaves Charlie back in the position of announcing his news:
CHARLIE: j>he decidih tih go away this weekend.
-» ILENE: Yea:h,
CHARLIE: .hhhh =
ILENE: =.khh
CHARLIE: So tha::t_yihknow l£eally don't have a place tuh
Charlie does now reveal a consequence of Karen's being away: but it's a
version in which the upshot for Ilene's ride still remains implicit, his not
having a place to stay being only another step towards the news that he's
not going. Charlie has thereby managed that slot to extend the sequence in
such a way that it's still left to Ilene, in her next slot, to state the upshot/
bad news.
In each slot after Charlie'sfirstturn, some acknowledgement or explicit
formulation of the bad news was possibly relevant. Each of them,
however, manages their turns in those slots so as to avoid performing that
action; each turn is designed to project a sequence in which it is left to the
other, if they will, to state or to acknowledge the upshot for their trip.
Extract 10 (F:TC:1:1:18)
(The Warehouse is evidently a bar in which Shirley has a part-time job.)
SHIRLEY: . hhh Listen, something very very: cute happened
las' night at the Warehouse.
Interaction sequences and AIP 129
GERI: What.
SHIRLEY: .hhhhhYihKNOW Cathy, (.) Larry Taylor's ex
GERI: Yeeah.
SHIRLEY: jOkay._Cathy came in las'night.
(1.0) ~~
SHIRLEY: Whenever she comes in she always wants me t'do
something for her.
GERI: M-hm,
SHIRLEY: Either ^iddown'n ta:lk, whatever, .hhhhh So she
came in en she starts asking me if I'd seen Gary.
Gary Klei:n, .hhhh I s'd yeh he's here t'night
.hh she sz well wouldju go find him please'n tell
him t'give me my ten dollars thet he owes me,
-> GERI: Whaddiyou haftih get in on that for,
[ [
SHIRLEY: .hhhh Wai:t. I
started lau:ghing I looked at her en I said
((story continues))
It is fairly clear that Geri's 'contingent response' to the story telling, turns
out to have been premature. Having restricted herself to responses which
'fit' the course of the projected sequence, Geri responds (in her arrowed
turn) with the appropriate outrage to the report that Cathy asked Shirley
to run an errand for her, thereby treating that as the 'something cute that
happened at the Warehouse last night', and therefore the completion of
the story projected in the preface. Now as it happens she's wrong, because
that's only the beginning of the story. Shirley sanctions the premature
response ('Wai:t.'), and does not respond in turn to Geri's outraged
'understanding' of the story. Instead she goes on to recount not only how
she refused to get Cathy's money, but also a later incident in which Cathy
was discovered to be drinking alcohol (underage), to which Shirley was
deputed to put a stop. That's the real story, elaborately told over three and
a half pages of transcript, during which Geri's responses are restricted
once again to continuers.
Thus story prefaces designedly 'control' a projected sequence (the story
telling) in which the recipient's speaking role is restricted. But notice that
this 'control' is only achieved through anticipatory planning on the part of
both participants, recipient as well as story teller. Geri's premature
incoming in extract 10 is not of course a deviant case (i.e., not an instance
of non-collaboration, or evidence that story prefaces don't control the
130 Paul Drew
Extract 11 (NB:II:2:5)
(They have been talking about the assassination of Robert Kennedy a few
days before, and to which Nancy refers when she says 'everybody is
talking about it'.)
NANCY: Yeah_it's been a rough week an everbuddy is (.) youknow
EMMA: Mmhm
NANCY: _ta:lking about it en everbuddy: course Ij_don't
know whether it's that or just that we're js:t (.)
-> completely bo:gging down at work,h .hhhhmh
-• NANCY: Er whatta WIH: WITH ME^ with my finals?hhh
EMMA: Oh: well£ v r y buddy's sa::d
NANCY: hhuhuh:::
-• EMMA: Oh ho:w?d you do with yer finals.
Extract 12 (NB:II:4:10)
(They have just been talking at length about an operation Emma has had
on her toe, and whether they'll both go shopping.)
EMMA: A:nd uh I just am not gunnuh walk around a LOT
bec:u:z uh: Ah:::,hh (.) It's not worth it tuh be
Interaction sequences and AIP 131
in overlap, Emma seems to be going to describe the day, but cuts off). It
connects back to figuring that they would be up by now, and forward to
'late night' (i.e., late rising after a late night - even if the late rising is
Emma's, and the late night was Nancy's). So too 'bogging down at work'
connects back to why it's been a 'rough week' for everyone, and provides a
warrant for introducing herfinals(that being a form of work, and a form of
labour which might be described as 'rough').
Parenthetically, it may be noticed that these pivotal segments, 'bogging
down at work' and 'sleep in day' have an idiomatic quality. This may not
be incidental to the use of idioms to 'legitimately' or accountably close
down a prior topic (Drew and Holt 1988). That is, they may be being used
here by a speaker who wants to close down one topic in order to open up
something she's keen to talk about.
At any rate, in the light of what the speaker goes on to talk about, it looks
as though the pivotal segments are designed to project a next and valued
topic. But the speaker thereby contrives to manage the introduction of the
new topic as a 'natural progression' out of a sequence of other materials.
This looks very much like a strategy for disguising just how keen the
speaker is to tell about it: to take a point from Sacks on invitations,
managing the introduction of a topic in this way displays the topic as
having been occasioned by other materials, and not as the reason for
Discussion: sequential patterns and 'conscious' strategies?
There can be little doubt that whilst structures of sequences of turns/
actions are part of the cognitive processes through which the coherence of
those sequences was produced in the first place in the course of interac-
tion, the mental models of such structures may not be conscious,
articulated resources. Sequential structures are some of the procedures
whereby co-participants discover the meaning in, and goals behind, one
another's utterances: that is, they are procedures which lie behind
participants' analyses of meaning/action. The adjacent next turn is a basic
structural position in interaction because it is there that participants'
analyses or understandings of what they took the other to be meaning/
doing are displayed (understandings which may be ratified or repaired in
the next turn after that, i.e., third turn (see ScheglorT 1992a)). But
although participants' analyses of one another's behaviour are certainly
part of the 'conscious' level of conversation, the procedures which lie at
the back of those analyses or understandings may not be.
Brown and Levinson's (1978: 90) caveat about their use of strategy
arises, I think, from just that distinction between participants' analyses of
one another's utterances, and the (cognitive) procedures which underlie
their analyses. Participants' understandings of what the other means, or is
up to, are indeed the conscious rational products of routines which
Interaction sequences and AIP 133
Extract 13 (NB:II:2:14)
EMMA: Wanna come down'n av a bite'a^unch with me:? =
I got s'm bee:r en stu:ff,
Interaction sequences and AIP 135
1 This is close, I think, to Byrne and Whiten's middle level (level one) of
'intentional behaviour' in animals, which includes 'behaviour that is convinc-
ingly intentional, in the sense of goal directed, ... [although] the category is
agnostic as to the animal's mental states ... [Hence] to qualify as tactical
deception, an action must therefore indicate at least Level One evidence of
intention to achieve a goal which can only be reached if an individual is
deceived {not the same thing as "evidence of an intention to deceive")' (Byrne
and Whiten 1991). The agnosticism of this category as regards the intention-
ality of action (for example, to deceive another) parallels that of 'oriented to
procedures' in conversation analytic research. See for instance Heritage
2 Levinson (Chapter 11, this volume, n. 13) discusses just such a level of
(self-)consciousness about the practice of handshaking during greetings and
partings, in circumstances where interactants are from different cultural
backgrounds. But such moments as he describes of indecision and misinter-
pretation are equally familiar in exchanges between people who share a
common culture, but are not sure which of the candidate greetings routines
they should adopt.
3 More complex sequential patterns are perhaps less likely to be consciously
managed because knowledge about them may generally not be part of the
vernacular. (For some observations on this, see Jefferson (1988a:439).)
4 Sequences in which there is a measure of control over the turn-after-next (i.e.
the third turn) are more familiar in institutional settings; for instance in
classroom interaction, participants' orientation to the 'correctness' (or other-
wise) of answers generates sequences in which teachers respond to students'
answers to their questions by evaluating those answers, in a third turn.
5 These findings are for a study of English (American and English) speakers.
The anthropological literature, some of which is cited in Drew (1987),
suggests that teasing in other societies generates different patterns, and that
therefore such patterns are cultural forms. Esther Goody (personal communi-
cation) reports that in Gonja, teases have to be responded to in a joking fashion.
I want to note, however, that the same might be said of teasing in English/
American culture: that is, there is a normative orientation to 'humour' as the
proper response to teasing, even though on many or most occasions people
who are teased 'fail' to respond as they should. So, for example, the laughter
which regularly precedes the po-faced response, as here in Nancy's initial
response in extract 1, is certainly evidence that participants orient to norma-
tive expectations, in advance of flouting them. Having not studied the details
of the design of responses to teases in Gonja or in other cultures, I am not
qualified to say whether anything similar happens (e.g., that the Gonja display
an orientation to a proper joking response, whilst simultaneously defending
themselves in a 'serious' fashion. But I am yet to be convinced that teasing and
conventionalized normative responses to teasing are indeed a cultural form.
6 They are 'backward looking' in a less obvious sense, that of 'recasting' the
character of the prior turns: so that the tease recasts the prior turn as having
been exaggerated, and the po-faced response treats the 'joking' tease as having
138 Paul Drew
There is much to be said in favour of the idea that anticipation and the
preemption and deception which it permits play an important role in the
social life of both humans and a number of other primates. This idea has
been developed anew, particularly for the human case, in a number of
different disciplines for a variety of different reasons. Goody (this
volume), points to a number of instances, and the list could be extened
almost ad nauseam. It ranges from computer scientists proposing plan-
construction algorithms and user-modelling procedures for natural lan-
guage front-ends, to economists speculating on the actions of economic
agents planning their moves in the market-place with respect to the
actions of others. The scope and explanatory range of this idea in any of
these fields has always been questionable. In economics, for example, the
very different effects of ignorance, habit and culture on individual choice
have often been far greater than those of individual ratiocination.
Nevertheless, any area of human activity which involves actual or
potential interaction with other humans (and that might mean all of
human life) can be seen to have characteristics which reveal an anticipa-
tion of how others will view and respond to one's actions.
If we restrict our consideration of anticipation to human conversations,
many writers have proposed that they have a measure of foreseeability
built in. For example, conversation analysts have argued that there are
clear expectations as to what kinds of turn may follow other turns, as in
adjacency pairs, and participants must mark utterances, which do not
conform to the expected trajectory of the conversation in some way so that
their marked or dispreferred status is signalled (see, for example, the
discussion of their work in Levinson (1983), or the papers in Atkinson and
Heritage (1986)). Alternatively, if one follows the line of most speech-act
theorists, all human languages have a number of resources which enable a
speaker to stake a claim for a particular future interpretation of what is
being said at any one point. The essential difference between an utterance
in which there is an explicit marker of illocutionary force, and one which
might be characterized as an indirect speech act, is that, with the latter,
the precise nature of the speaker's intent is more open to negotiation. For
140 David Good
Medium-range tactics
In human conversation, the meaning of an utterance is not only revisable
some time later, but is often revised at the time of production. As has often
been observed, the individual speaker is not the sole arbiter of the
meaning and significance of what he or she says. At the turn-by-turn level
of organization, many have argued that what each speaker says offers,
amongst many other things, a demonstration of his or her understanding
of what the previous speaker has said. In so doing, the current speaker
contributes to the definition of the meaning of what was said by that
previous speaker. Consider an example taken from Heritage (1984): if, in
response to 'Why don't you come and see me some time?' I reply 'I'd love
to', then I have offered a reading of it as an invitation. If I reply, 'I'm
sorry, but I just never get the time these days', I have offered a reading of
it as a complaint. Now, the original speaker might not accept one
interpretation if the other was intended, and he or she can seek to redefine
the original utterance in his or her next turn, but if that is what happens
the character of the exchange overall is necessarily altered. A misunder-
stood complaint which is explicitly repeated has a far greater interactional
salience. Also, the point that each has taken a role in the definition of the
meaning which is thereby negotiated is reinforced.
Short-range tactics
This process of negotiation which can occur in the production of a
sequence of utterances suggests that the meanings derived are effectively
a joint production. There are good reasons to believe that this process
operates at the intra-utterance level too.
Necessarily, the content of an utterance is revealed gradually. Goodwin
144 David Good
(1979) has shown that speakers are sensitive to the reactions of others
during their turn at talking, and that they may revise what is being said as
a consequence of these reactions. He proposes that utterances are
constructed interactively as joint accomplishments, and this view is also
supported by work on within-turn self-initiated, self-accomplished
repair (see Streeck, Chapter 4 and Drew, Chapter 5, this volume).1 Also,
it is not implausible to suggest that as an utterance is being produced, not
only can it lead to recognizable reactions on the part of the hearer, but also
a more complete recognition by the speaker of the significance of what is
being said for that hearer. It is a common intuition that as soon as an
utterance is said, it is much easier for the speaker to understand the
hearer's likely reaction even if that reaction cannot be seen or heard. Both
kinds of feedback could then lead the speaker to revise the plan for what is
to be said next in the same utterance.
It is unclear how one could discern what limits there are on how often
this revision process can happen, but if the work of Goodwin, Drew,
Streeck and others is to be believed it can be rapid, and at any point,
although as the work of G. Beattie (1983) illustrates, how often this will
happen depends on the other cognitive and interactional demands the
speaker is facing.
This potential for revision suggests that there is a progression through
the production of an utterance in what is being anticipated. It also
provides a basis for allowing the ambiguity, which is necessarily present
in an incomplete utterance, to provide a test for the acceptability of what
might be said. Thus, what is said towards the end of an utterance can
revise what was said earlier so that the whole may end up as rather
different to that which was initially projected by the speaker. A classic
example of this is sentence-final negation in Japanese which permits the
reversal of the truth value of an utterance with the final morpheme (R.
Miller 1967).
which any anticipatory planning can be done, which is to say, just before
the event or action in question occurs: a point in time which we might, for
convenience's sake, refer to as the 'anticipation limit' (AL, henceforth).
What, at one moment before the AL, is anticipation becomes reaction as
the anticipated event or action occurs, the AL is passed, and different
information becomes available. Subsequently, further (perhaps differ-
ent) anticipatory planning will occur, but by definition it cannot be
anticipating something which has already happened.
If we examine a game such as chess, the ALs are easy to define. They are
the points at which each move is made. Before these points, each player
speculates on what the likely intentions behind, and outcomes of his or
her opponent's moves, the likely outcome of his or her own moves, and
how his or her intentions might be perceived by his or her opponent.
There is a period of reflection and planning, followed by a discrete and
well-defined action, followed by a further period of reflection and
planning as the opponent's next move is awaited. The actions, which are
well-defined, chunk the interaction by specifying the beginning and end
of every turn, and thereby the ALs. The time it takes to move a chess piece
is seemingly irrelevant and can be ignored in the same way that the period
of time for which a force is applied in an impact is ignored in classical
Humphrey (1976) explicitly uses chess as the model for interaction, and
in many respects this seems quite appropriate for the cases he discusses. It
is tempting to think that the same structure is to be found in conversatons,
and that each turn at speaking is similar to the sequence of plan and move
in chess. Some psycholinguistic work has tried to exploit this metaphor,
but the results of the related empirical work suggest that the proposed
cognitive cycles are, at best, somewhat ephemeral (see G. Beattie (1983)
for the best attempt). Such conceptualizations have been notoriously
difficult to operationalize or support in any other way. Elsewhere (Good
1989), I have argued against the idea that conversations are made up of
well-defined units that are like chess moves in their character, and the
argument above that ambiguity, redescription, and joint production
pervade every level of conversation renders the idea that an AL can be
specified untenable.
As if this were not enough, the difficulty in defining an AL for a single
turn is exacerbated when we contemplate the fact that many ambitions or
goals in a conversation might be accomplished across a number of turns.
For example, Brown and Levinson (1987) in their analysis of politeness
propose that speakers take redressive action to ameliorate the face-threat
offered by any utterance within that utterance. While this might be true in
some instances, and is certainly a sensible simplifying move for their
analysis, it is common to find that some kinds of redressive action are
146 David Good
accomplished in more turns than the one which contains the specific face-
threatening act. For example, if one is adopting a positive politeness
strategy by using various markers of common group affiliation, such as a
Basque speaker palatalizing his or her consonants (Corum 1975), it is
singularly odd if the marker, in this case palatalization, is 'turned on' for
just the utterance which contains the face-threatening act.
In the preceding paragraphs I have raised various points which, if fully
supported, will require a different perspective on the nature of anticipa-
tion and forward planning when the individual is using a human lan-
guage. The thesis I would propose is that given our imperfect knowledge
of one another, the absence of a clear point at which anticipation may have
a clear articulation, and the potential ambiguity of our actions which
permits subsequent revision of their significance, the major concern in
anticipating the social future is that the past may be re-interpreted.
Therefore, the concern of the individual will be to constrain those future
interpretations since no specific guarantee can ever be offered for the
accomplishment of a specific reading. The best we can do is to take action
to eliminate certain interpretations, and hope that the set of possible
interpretations which remains provides sufficient scope for casting our-
selves in a decent light in the future. The crucial thing for foresight then
becomes the knowledge of what hindsight can do. This thesis has
implications for our view of the role of culture, and the nature of the
intelligence which we have as a result of our evolutionary history. I will
conclude by speculating on these very briefly.
If the first part of this essay was speculative, the last part is wildly so. I
hope, however, that this brief sketch is sufficient to move the role of
hindsight to the forefront of everyone's mind so that we can give it the
greater consideration which I believe it deserves in the anticipation of the
interactional future.
My many thanks to Esther Goody for her encouragement, criticism, and endless
patience. Thanks also to all the participants in the workshop from which this
volume grew, for their comments on the original version of this chapter.
1 There are, of course, some instances in a conversation where an action is
dependent solely on the action of self like a movement in chess (see below). A
real shibboleth is one such instance, as Jephthah the Gileadite realized to the
cost of the Ephraimites. See Judges 12, 4-6.
154 Penelope Brown
tion does not provide the easy solution to intention-attribution that it first
appears to. Conventionalized politeness strategies still have to be inter-
preted in relation to presumed speaker intentions in context.
One of the ways this lesson was drummed home to me was in my
confrontation with a conventionalized form of expression in Tzeltal, a
Mayan language spoken in the peasant Indian community of Tenejapa, in
southern Mexico, where my ethnographic fieldwork has been concen-
trated.1 I have called the phenomenon 'Tzeltal irony', as it is basically a
matter of uttering propositions which are in the context taken to convey
the 'opposite' or the 'inverse' of what they literally appear to mean. Ironic
assertions in Tzeltal most frequently appear phrased as hedged negative
assertions usually preceded with yu\ 'because', such that uttering a
proposition (P) in the form yu} ma P-uk ('because it is not, possibly, the
case that P') conveys the emphatic assertion that 'P' is the case.2 This form
of expression is elaborated in Tzeltal to an extent that far exceeds the use
of ironic expressions in, say, English or the other languages which have
been used to elucidate the nature of irony. There is an enormous
philosophical and linguistic literature on this topic; I do not address it
here but rather try to disentangle the Tzeltal phenomenon as a thing sui
In the context of this book, there are two main reasons for taking an
interest in this phenomenon:
First, because of the cognitive processes involved: the production and
understanding of ironic utterances seems to require an enormous depth of
reflexive reasoning, and a reliance on thefirmnessof mutual understand-
ing between interlocutors, who must assume that they share mutual
knowledge about what each other thinks each other thinks could/must be
true. Just how is this mental acrobatics achieved?
Secondly, because of the ethnographic puzzle: in Tzeltal, ironies are
used to construct social relationships of a particular kind. How and why is
this done through conventionalized irony?
To elaborate: ironic expressions, and their close relative rhetorical
questions, are a very pervasive and salient feature of Tzeltal speech in
interaction. They are an important ingredient in the expression of
positive politeness in this society, used for stressing agreement, sym-
pathy, understanding and commiseration; they are therefore especially in
evidence in women's speech. Both syntactically and functionally, Tzeltal
ironies are very closely related to rhetorical questions, understatement,
and negative assertions (presuming a positive response) - an intriguing
class of utterance types that gives a distinctive flavour to Tzeltal interac-
tion, all of which involve conveying the 'opposite' of the proposition
expressed plus an attitude to it, and carrying the interactional pressure for
the addressee to respond to this attitude.
They are therefore quintessential examples of 'inter-subjective
156 Penelope Brown
attitudes, values, and likely events. Further, when ironic they do not
necessarily convey a barbed negative evaluation of some specific target;
the proposition that is held up to scrutiny is not necessarily attributable to
any particular person.
Sequencing in conversation
The archetypal use for Tzeltal irony and rhetorical questions is as
positively polite emphasizing of held-in-common opinions, values, and
understandings. This is displayed in the ways in which they are res-
ponded to in interaction. Sometimes the response continues in the ironic
vein, sometimes it 'translates' the irony with a straight response.
Example 5. Context: story about husbands working on coffee flnca.
A: ... mak ma wan xch' ajubotik ta stamel in ch'i
... perhaps it's not possibly that we get tired from bending over to pick
(coffee, that has fallen to the ground) then! ((->• sympathetic
understanding: 'Of course, it's tiring!'))
B: mak bi yu'uni ma xch'ajub
Perhaps why don't (we) get tired. ((-•'We sure do!'))
A: yak mak
Yes, perhaps. ((Agrees with implicature.))
Example 6. Context: grown daughter just arrived back from several
days' visit in town has been telling her mother what happened there. Her
mother (A) reacts sympathetically to her tale of trials.
A: yu' ma sakubenuk a jul ch'i
Because not sort of pale, you arrived, to be sure! ((-•'Gosh have you ever
come home pale!' i.e., 'Poor you, what problems you've had!'))
B: asakub
Oh (yes), pale. ((Straight reply, agrees with the implicature.))
A: saktuntun nanix a kil
Really pale, I see. ((Agrees with agreement.))
B: ya'benjulel.
Pale and thin (I've) come home. ((Agrees with agreement.))
Equally, ironies may be used to elicit sympathy:
Example 7. Context: household visit; Smalltalk about crops.
P: jm. bi yilel? lek bal a laj ala ch'i yilel?
Oh. How does it look? Is it (your chili) growing well? ((Straight question.))
M: banti lek ya xch'i. mak yu' ma ja'uk kola' a ya'y xan, jich nix a taot
xan ja'al ini.
Where does it grow well. ((-• 'Nowhere; it's not growing well'.)) Perhaps
because it's not the case that it's rotting again, thus it has just
encountered this rain again. ((-•'It is rotting, from the rain.'))
Example 7 also illustrates the fact that ironic utterances are not solely used
to engender repeat cycles of agreement on mutually known facts; they are
160 Penelope Brown
often used to inform on matters about which the addressee has no personal
knowledge. However, in these cases the addressee has the option to
respond without agreement - indeed, with doubt or outright denial of the
conveyed proposition, thus conveying that the prior speaker's presump-
tion of shared knowledge/attitudes was in this case unwarranted.
But when ironies are used to proffer an emphatic opinion, the response
may continue in the same mode, so that the whole interchange is carried
on in a non-literal mode (whilst appearing to be revelling in their
agreement that 'P', they are really assuring each other on their agreement
that 'not-P'). For example, in this exchange:
Example 8. Context: girls gossiping about a newly married friend.
A: ya wan xjalaj xkal
She perhaps will stay a long while, I say. ((-• 'Of course she won't stay long
with her new husband.'))
B: yu'wan ma ya sta o'tanil.
Because perhaps she won't get tired of him. ((-•'Of course she will tire of
Here, by rephrasing A's ironic comment rather than merely repeating it,
B demonstrates her understanding of A's ironic intention, and provides
even stronger accord and agreement. This can presumably only be pulled
off if they can with reason presume that they do in fact share similar
presumptions about the likelihood of (in this case) the friend sticking to
her new husband. (If in fact they didn't share the same views, the thing
would proceed in a different direction, as each pulled the inferential
structure in the direction of her own (incompatible) set of beliefs.)
Similarly, in the following joking exchange, we find ironic irony, again
requiring shared attitudes (in this case, to the undesirability of marrying a
Ladinoized Indian and the probability of marrying a real Tenejapan) as a
prerequisite to its successful achievement:
Example 9. Joking exchange in context of gossip session about a woman
who has been pursuing a married man; they've just agreed that it's better
to go after unmarried men.
ANT: ... ja' ya jk'an xbaon ek in ta lumi. ((laughing)) 1
It's that I want to go to town, too. (Indirect reference to one of her
unwanted suitors, who wears Ladino clothes, speaks Spanish and
lives in town.)
((-•'I want to go to town to see this lovely boyfriend, ha ha.'))
x: ((laughing)) solel ta lum ya'k'an ban. 2
Wow, to town you want to go!
ANT: ja'ya jk'an ba jmulan ek in lumi, ja'eki sawuli. 3
It's that I want to go enjoy town, it's this Sawul-fellow (who tempts me
x: yu'un nix wan ma ja'uk leke, joyob kaxlan ye tz'in. 4
Because perhaps it wouldn't just be good, he's completely Ladinoized.
((-•'That would be great, since he's Ladinoized.'))
Politeness strategies - Tzeltal irony 161
Angry irony
Tenejapan women, of course, don't invariably engage in positively polite
affiliative interactions. Conflict, overt anger and scolding, do occur,
however normatively disapproved of, and it is instructive to look at ironic
expressions in these sorts of contexts.
But first a few words about conflict in Tenejapa. Women in daily
interaction tend to suppress conflict; it is veiled, even in private, and
between non-intimate adult women openly angry confrontation rarely
occurs. When one is angry, interaction with the provoker of one's anger is
simply avoided, and gossip, mockery and backbiting against the object of
one's anger are expressed to sympathetic intimates. Anger between
women who are intimates is normally expressed through controlled
'leakage': silence, non-responsiveness or terse replies, and kinesic dis-
tancing, which in contrast with normal relaxed behaviour may suggest
Politeness strategies - Tzeltal irony 163
There are however two types of contexts in which open conflict is not
only tolerated but expected from women. One is in courtship, which
traditionally is coloured by the girl's (apparent) outrage at being
approached; the other is in court cases or more informal grievance
hearings. In both of these contexts, ironic/rhetorical expressions abound.
These, in such contexts of hostility or conflict, can be used to emphasize
the attitude of hostility, as in this (reported) example of a girl's reaction to
her unwanted suitor:
Example 10.
In the next example, taken from a Tenejapan court case which was
filmed and tape-recorded in 1980 by Stephen Levinson and myself, two
women angrily confront one another in a public forum.
Example 11. Context: P (plaintiff) is claiming that D (defendent) owes
her various debts; D is denigrating the value of the goods she allegedly
owes P for. Immediately preceding context: P has been listing her claims;
J (judge) has just said 'wait a minute' and begun to write them down, one
by one. (Underlined line numbers indicate ironic/rhetorical utterances)9
j : te:um (1.5) tzekel tz'i 234
(for the) skirt, then?
P: jm (.) ox-chejp tz'in tzekele (1.5) cha'chejp chujkilal 235
Hm, three hundred then for the skirt, two hundred for the belt. ((Making a
claim for what D owes her for these items.))
D: bi yu'un ma ja'uk tz'in mak yu' ma jo'winikuk (sti) = 236
Why wasn't it then, perhaps it wasn't one hundred or so.
((-•it was only worth 100 pesos (disputing P's claim in line 235).))
= mak bit'il ta' ya stoytik yu' mak ja' te sle bi xan ae 237
How is it that they overstate (the price of the belt) because perhaps it's that
she (P) is looking for something more (from me)!
(1) 238
( ) 239
[ ]
P: ya stak xa'leben (.) 240
You can look for (it - a belt) for me,
ya stak' xa'leben sjol teme jiche 241
you can look for a replacement for it for me if
that's how it is. ((->-'If you think that
was a cheap belt, get a better one!'))
[ ]
D: ja' yu' wan ja' tz'i batz'il stzotzil tz'i mak = 242
It's that, perhaps it's that it's real wool then perhaps!
((-•It wasn't of real wool; i.e., it was
164 Penelope Brown
An ambiguous case
It will be instructive, therefore, to look at one more interaction, where
what is going on is much more indeterminate. A woman (T) had come
visiting to request an injection from one of the women (A) in the
household who is authorized to give injections. A wasn't home, but T
talked to A's sister X. Throughout the ten-minute encounter, the
kinesics, gaze avoidance, smirking, general body orientation, and dis-
placement activity combined to indicate acute discomfort and embarrass-
ment on T's part, and awkwardness mixed with surreptitious enjoyment
by X. The placement of ritual high pitch10 and the sequencing of
utterances shows where the awkwardness is focused, and it is instructive
to look at the treatment of ironically phrased utterances in this context.11
Example 12. Context: T has been getting a series of injections from A, a
local 'nurse'; she had come last night to get one but A had refused to give
it. So T came again today, understanding that there might be reluctance
on A's part to give her an injection. It emerges during this encounter that
there is reluctance, due to gossip that A heard T said about her (A).
In this excerpt T is trying again; A isn't home but T has been invited by
X to wait for A. After T and X chat about where A is, when she'll be back,
health, weather and work, X mentions directly that A is angry. (Under-
lined line numbers indicate ironic/rhetorical utterances.)
x: ay ja' chikan ya xlijkix sk'ajk'al ya'wil tz'ine mak 122
It's apparent that she has begun to get angry, you see, perhaps.
T: eh yak ye in = 123
eh, yes so it is
x: =yak= 124
T: = ma sk'an a xjulonix tal ye tz'in = 125
She doesn't want to give me the injection.
x: =ej: lijkemlaj sk'ajk'al 126
Oh, she's gotten angry, (someone) says
T: jai: bi laj yu'uni 127
What! Why (is she angry), does (someone) say?
x: baxa'wili 128
Who knows? ((Lit: Where do you see it? implies 'your guess is as good as
T: yu' mati ay ya'yojben ka'yeje 129
Perhaps she's heard something I said.
x: ay niwanix yu'un ay (.) k'anix ta yu' ay a ka'ye 130
Perhaps that's it - I think I heard that that's it.
At this point, despite her disclaimer ('Who knows?') and hedges ('I think',
'perhaps') it is clear that X has definite information about what someone
166 Penelope Brown
said T said about A; and T's belief that this is the case is made evident in
her replies and direct question to X in line 134:
T: = T binti laj xon ek tz'in 134
So, what did (someone) say I said?
(0.5) 135
x: t m a xkil (•) aY n a x 136
Who knows? ((Lit: I don't see)). It's just -
mach'a (.) mach'a xan ya'yej ek tz'in 137
Who - who said it then?
x: t ma xkil me tz'in ma ba jojk'oyebe te banti ya'yoj a'yeje 138
Who knows, I didn't ask her where she heard the gossip (about what you
said about her).
T: jai: 139
x: ju'uj 140
No (I didn't ask her).
T: ah solel ay wa'y ta ba'ay wejtem bi ka'yej 141
Ah, just look where my words have become available!
((i.e., 'just look how what I said got spread around!'))
x: ayniwanayin 142
That's perhaps what happened.
X's diplomatic denial of knowledge of the source of the gossip-mongering
prompts T's defence in line 141 ('just look how my words have been
spread around!') to which X's superficially agreeing reply ('That's
perhaps what happened') could be interpreted either as sympathetic
agreement or as sarcastic pseudo-agreement. She follows it up by quoting
T's alleged talk about A:
T: mm: (1.0) mach'a me xkal 143
Hm, who could it be (who told on me)?
((Lit: Who (is it) I say?))
x: [
kaxel= 144
= ma'yuk ba'ay bak'en ya xba sjulon mene me xat (.) 145
that one (A) certainly doesn't want to give me an injection,' if (that's
what) you said,
mm bi'ora ay k'anbe spoxil mene bi'ora sjulon mene me xat, 146
Mm, 'When is that one (A) going to get my medicine, when is she
going to inject me?' if you said.
t bi laj bal ut'il 147
What's the use of it? ((->-No use, A implicated, in this reported
conversation with X.))
Here the direct quotes put the rhetorical question in the mouth of the
quoted speaker (A), and X thus remains uncommitted as to whether she
shares the attitude indicated (i.e., 'why bother to provide injections for
this woman who bad-mouths me to others?'). T responds with the
Politeness strategies - Tzeltal irony 167
The use of ironic expressions in Tzeltal is an elaborate and complex
phenomenon, but I have used it to make a very simple point. One cannot
mechanistically apply the Brown and Levinson model of politeness
strategies to discourse data; particular linguistic realizations are not ever
intrinsically positively or negatively polite, regardless of context. Polite-
ness inheres not in forms, but in the attribution of polite intentions, and
linguistic forms are only part of the evidence interlocutors use to assess
utterances and infer polite intentions. So however many pleases, thank
yous, bows and scrapes you may make, the polite attitude supposedly
conveyed by them can be undermined, inverted, or cancelled by their
interaction with other elements in the context, and interactors can't just
sit back and let conventionalized expressions do their interpretive job for
them. Rather, they must constantly work at inferring each other's
intentions, including whether or not politeness is intended. This is
especially obvious with irony, where they have to infer whether an
utterance is ironically intended, whether it is ironic irony, who, if anyone,
is the intended target or victim (obviously crucial to an interpretation of
its politeness value), and who is the intended audience (in the court case,
for example, the judge's role as arbitrator is crucial to the interpretation of
the litigants' confrontational performance).
Successful irony thus relies completely on interlocutors' (and
audiences') ability to decode mutual knowledge assumptions about what
each thinks the other thinks must be true. The Tzeltal examples demon-
strate that the reflexive reasoning involved must be at least four levels
170 Penelope Brown
deep. An informal Gricean account of these levels might go along the lines
presented in Table 7.1.
There are of course many clues, in addition to Gricean flouts of
sincerity, to prod the inferential process in a particular direction, restrict-
ing the range of possible meanings a speaker is, in the context, likely to be
taken as intending, or hinting at his or her actual intentions. These
include 'background knowledge' of the interlocutors' previous inter-
actional history, their social roles and relationship, the nature of the
speech event, and the immediately preceding discourse, insofar as it
provides a record for current purposes of their respective beliefs. The
characteristics of the ironically phrased utterance itself may also provide
clues: non-verbal affective cues in the kinesics, facial expressions, and
gestures accompanying the utterance; intonational and paralinguistic
cues (timing, voice quality, stress).12 In Tzeltal, especially important is
the special set of emphatic and hedging particles which combined
together force an ironic reading: an utterance along the lines of 'Perhaps it
might be the case that P, to be sure!' can only be read as emphatically
asserting not-P.
Furthermore, in Tzeltal the fact that irony is a conventionalized form
for expressing sympathetic understanding affects the interpretive pro-
cess, providing an extra layer as it were of possible embedding in the form
of joking or of sarcastic irony-as-pseudo-agreement.
Politeness strategies - Tzeltal irony 171
This chapter amalgamates some points described in more detail in Brown (1990)
with my analyses of Tzeltal irony first presented at seminars in Australia
(Australian National University, 1982) and London (Sociolinguistics Sym-
posium, 1989), as well as in Brown (1979: ch. 4). I am grateful to Stephen
Levinson, Esther Goody, and John Haviland, and to the other participants in
these seminars and the Workshop On the Implications of a Social Origin of
Human Intelligence, for their helpful comments.
1 Thisfieldwork- over the past twenty years - has focused primarily on social
interaction in Tenejapa, and a large corpus of tape-recorded and/or filmed
Politeness strategies - Tzeltal irony 173
naturally occurring Tzeltal interaction has been built up, from which the data
analysed here has been drawn. Tenejapa is a municipio in the Chiapas
highlands, in a heavily populated rural area where there are many other
communities of Tzeltal or Tzotzil speakers, each of which maintains a strong
ethnic identity distinguishing it from the others and from the dominant
Ladino (Mexican national) culture.
2 That is, where P can be expressed by any well-formed Tzeltal sentence, the
position of the subjunctive suffix -uk (which conveys possibility-hedging)
mutatis mutandis. The notion of'opposite' is not quite accurate for the case, as
Stephen Levinson has pointed out. Tzeltal irony is not just a matter of
asserting P and conveying not-P, or vice versa, but rather something like the
following: an assertion is made to the effect that one end of a scale is (possibly)
the case, and in context this implicates the emphatic assertion that the other end
of the scale is the case. Irony thus forces descriptions to polarized ends of a
continuum of evaluation on some dimension (good/bad, desirable/undesir-
able, likely /unlikely, and so forth). I use 'opposite' as a shorthand for this flip
between conveying the ends of an evaluative continuum.
3 For some discussions of irony in relation to the Gricean maxims, and in
discourse contexts, see the references cited in Brown and Levinson (1987: 28).
4 Despite its omni-presence, ironical phrasing of utterances is not to my
knowledge an 'emic' Tzeltal category. While Tenejapans explicitly dis-
tinguish two basic categories of speech, poko-k'op (traditional, ritual speech
styles - in Stross's (1974) characterization 'elegant, stylized, serious, non-
malicious speech') vs. ach'k'op, ('recent speech' including all forms of non-
serious speech), and while they have lexical items denoting particular kinds of
non-serious speech (e.g., lotil, 'lies'; ixta-k'op, 'joking'; lo'il k'op, 'carnival-
style joking'; tajimalk'op, 'verbal games', labanel, 'mockery'), I don't know of
any label specifically designating conventionalized Tzeltal irony.
5 In Brown and Levinson (1987) we make the following distinctions: joking,
which as a positive politeness strategy stresses in-group relations and common
ground, and can include non-serious insults; mockery, which when of someone
other than the addressee can stress in-group solidarity; teasing, which can be
joking or mockery even with the addressee as target, but playful; and irony,
which is at root an off-record strategy but if on record in context can be
positively polite solidarity stressing.
6 S stands for 'speaker' H for 'addressee'. The Tzeltal practical orthography has
the following conventions (where they differ from the International Phonetic
Alphabet): j represents /h/, ch represents /c/, x represents l\l, tz represents /ts/
and' represents either glottalization of the preceding consonant or, following a
vowel, a glottal stop. Abbreviations for morpheme by morpheme glosses used
in the text are as follows: ASP stands for neutral aspect, EMPH for emphatic
particle, EXIST for the existential predicate, ICP incompletive aspect, NEG
negative particle, Q question particle, SUBJ subjunctive.
7 Note that in line 6 of this example the trigger for irony is not a patent falsehood
but a patent truth, which within the non-literal joking frame must then be
reinterpreted. The levels of inference required may be diagrammed as follows:
174 Penelope Brown
lit: Because perhaps an Indian will marry you, you know. jj-.
c.i.l: Of course no Indian will marry you; you'll marry a Ladino.^ I
But: Ha ha, we both know you'll certainly never marry a Ladino.«—'
Therefore c.i.2: You're joking; of course you'll marry an Indian! '
8 Tenejapans distinguish 'real' lies (lotil- lies intended not to be seen through)
from such joking lies, which are intended to reinforce solidarity. Akin to 'real'
lies, perhaps, are those social lies which are non-joking but, though intended
to conceal some fact, are so obviously false that there is no real deception. For
example, in response to a 'nosy' question that one does not wish to answer
(e.g., 'How much do you earn at that work?') a patently false answer is
customary (e.g., 'I don't know, I can't count' or 'Two pesos per month'); this
implies that the speaker has no intention of answering such uninvited
questions. The effect of real lies, then is interactionally distancing, in contrast
to the joking lies (or elaboration of non-truths) which reinforce mutual
knowledge, mutual values, and friendship.
9 For conventions used in the transcription of this and the following example,
see the 'Conventions used in transcripts' on p. x.
10 Very high or even falsetto pitch is used in Tzeltal to convey deference in ritual
speech, greeting and farewell exchanges, and wherever formality is being
emphasized. It tends to characterize the beginnings and endings of encounters
in general, and often marks socially sensitive or potentially threatening
utterances, as well as fatalistic resignation. It is marked in the transcription by
an t preceding the utterance.
11 This interaction took place in 1980 and was filmed by S. Levinson and myself.
The soundtrack was transcribed with the assistance of one of the participants,
X herself.
12 In his analysis of 'sarcasm as theater', Haiman (1990) has observed that a
number of these cues appear to be cross-linguistically applicable. He mentions
three kinds (1990:181): 'a. formal indices of direct quotation or repetition . . . ;
b. incongruity between segmental and suprasegmental texts (incongruous
suprasegmentals include the phonetic reflexes of sneers and laughter, deadpan
monotone, caricatured exaggeration of the appropriate melody, and stylized
or singsong intonation); c. hyper-formality (including both high register and
the substitution of linguistic signs [like "ha, ha"] for paralinguistic symptoms
[genuine laughter]).'
These 'stage separators' or mechanisms for indicating that what is acted out
behind them is 'not serious' are not generally involved in routine Tzeltal
ironies, though they (especially those under 'b') do mark as 'on stage' the
joking sequences illustrated by example 9. Tzeltal speakers do not seem to find
it necessary to heavily mark their non-straight utterances as non-straight; the
inferential trigger is more likely to be simply a conflict between the expressed
proposition and mutually assumed knowledge.
13 See for example Haviland's (1977) description of the neighbouring Tzotzil
community of Zinacantan.
176 Thomas Luckmann
society in any given epoch from one social domain to another. Intersub-
jective adjustment of perspectives, anticipatory communicative interac-
tion planning and socially constructed 'plans' in the form of communi-
cative genres converge at the intersection of 'freedom' and 'constraint' in
communicative interaction.
cipants, some of these may be important, some less important, and others
trivial. Some problems are new but many are familiar. Finding solutions
to communicative problems may require much thought and effort, and,
then again, solutions may merely involve the application of habitual
procedures. The participants may solve their communicative problems
'spontaneously' or by using various minor or major communicative
genres, and they may shift from one to the other in interactive turn-by-
turn responses.22
Communicative genres may be 'functionally' defined as socially con-
structed models for the solution of communicative problems. It is
plausible to assume that such solutions are constructed for recurrent
problems and that, on the whole, they will be provided for relatively
important problems of social communication.23
Communicative genres are part of the social stock of knowledge. Genre
repertoires, along with all other components of social stocks of know-
ledge, differ from society to society; however, some repertoire of genres
will be found in all societies. The social distribution of genre-related
knowledge may be just as equal or unequal as that of any other part of the
social stock of knowledge. An essential element of genre-related know-
ledge is knowledge about its appropriate use, including knowledge about
alternative options and the degree of constraint for the employment of a
particular genre in a particular situation. Evidently, this kind of know-
ledge goes far beyond the formal mastery of communicative codes, or for
that matter, of competence with respect to the internal structure of genres.
In other words, the use of genres is normally linked to clearly defined
types of social situation. A given genre may never appear in one type of
communicative situation, rarely in another, frequently in still another,
and always in some. There may be situations in which an individual is
forced to use a particular communicative genre, others in which he is
merely likely to do so, and still others in which he will rigorously avoid its
use. This is evidently of considerable significance for the role which
genres play as ready-made 'plans' in relatively unproblematic communi-
cative situations.
human life. The elementary social problems are always also a matter/or,
and often even a matter o/, communication. But these matters are first and
last something other than communication: they are things to be done
rather than things to be talked about.
There are many instances where social institutions and communicative
genres intersect. This is the case wherever talking is a constitutive part of
the resolution of elementary problems of social life. Of course, social
communication itself is an elementary problem in human life - but it is a
problem which in human societies underlies and overlies all other
problems. It is not solvable by a specific set of institutions.
The elementary function of communicative genres in social life is to
organize, routinize, and render (more or less) obligatory the solutions to
recurrent communicative problems. The communicative problems for
which such solutions are established and deposited in the social stock of
knowledge tend to be those which touch upon the communicative aspects
of those kinds of social interaction which are important for the mainten-
ance of a given social order. Of course what is important differs from one
kind of society to another, and different societies therefore do not have the
same repertoire of communicative genres. The communicative genres of
one epoch may dissolve into more 'spontaneous' communicative pro-
cesses, while heretofore unbound communicative processes congeal into
new genres within the history of one society. Nonetheless, because of the
essential similarity of the human condition beneath the widest variety of
ecological, socio-economic, technological, and cultural circumstances,
cross-cultural and historical comparison shows that communicative
genres are a universally important organizational principle of social
communication and reveals, beyond that, certain similarities in their
specific historical forms. Some genres, in somewhat variable forms, may
be universal.
At any particular time in any particular society the repertoire of
communicative genres constitutes the hard core of the communicative
dimensions of social life. The patterning - with varying degrees of
freedom and constraint - defines the situations in which a specific genre is
to be employed, the 'external' (gender-, age-, kinship-, class-, etc.) status
of those who are to be participants in the communicative process, and
their 'internal' status (as speaker, listener, etc.). It preselects the linguistic
(lexical, prosodic, etc.), paralinguistic, mimetic, gestural, etc. repertoires,
co-determines the selection of topics and styles ('formal', 'informal',
ironic,24 etc.), and affects the management of turn-taking. Whenever
genres are employed, communicative 'production' and 'reception', in
their dialogical relationship, are thus not only constrained by the com-
municative codes and the general etiquette of communication but are also
Interaction planning - communicative genres 183
1 Whenever human social interaction is not systematically considered in a
comparative biological frame but in a comparative historical, i.e., socio-
cultural frame this is a useful restriction. It distinguishes motivated, goal-
oriented action from 'mere' human behaviour and includes both overt action
gearing into the world, which thus becomes observable by others, as well as
'thinking' as a covert form of action. For the sources of these distinctions, and
for further analyses of the constitution of the meaning of action as motive and
project, see Weber (1922: 1-16 [1968: 1-31]), Schutz (1932) and Schutz and
Luckman (1989). For another approach, see Miller et al. 1960.
2 Analytically, social interaction should be distinguished from social action. The
latter is one-sided, the former reciprocal.
3 See the contribution to this volume by Richard Byrne (Chapter 1). See also
Byrne and Whiten (1991).
4 See Schutz and Luckmann (1989).
5 For a discussion of the concept see the Introduction to this volume by Esther
6 Presumably this is the meaning of the well-known sentence 'You cannot not
communicate' (Beavin et al. 1969).
7 A term introduced by Mead (1967: 42-51 and 253-60).
8 Useful, although somewhat dated references to the relevant literature may be
found in the subsections of Part I ('Phylogenetic and cultural ritualization')
and Part III ('Ontogeny of primate behaviour') of von Cranach et al. (1979).
9 It seems reasonable to assume that - whatever the specific constellation of
'causes' and whichever time-scale is considered to have been obtained - the
phylogeny of language presupposes a fairly complex intersubjective (i.e.,
involving a certain level of conscious, reciprocal orientation in the production
and reception of communicative behaviour) level of communicative social
interaction. At least in this instance there is a partial ontogenetic parallel: the
emergence of'dialogue' from the 'action dialogue' between mother and child,
to borrow the terms from Bruner (1978). For a parallel phenomenological
analysis of the constitution of language, see Luckmann 1983. For an attempt to
simulate the generation of a 'stored system of signs' (with the assumption that
an analogous procedure would yield an elementary grammar) from a mini-
mum set of assumptions concerning the production and 'interpretation' of-
potential - signs, see the contribution to this volume by Edwin Hutchins and
Brian Hazlehurst (Chapter 2).
10 For a general discussion of routinization, institutionalization and the forma-
tion of social stocks of knowledge, see Berger and Luckman (1966:47-91). Cf.
also Luckmann (1982). An account on the formation of kinship terminologies
in the social stock of knowledge of gatherer-hunter societies, and some
thoughts about their role in 'early anticipatory social interaction planning' is
offered by Nurit Bird-David in this volume (Chapter 3).
11 Major parts of this and the next two sections are adapted from Luckmann
Interaction planning - communicative genres 185
25 To paraphrase W.I. Thomas: 'When men define their situations as real they
are real in their consequences' (Thomas 1960).
26 This will depend on the specific functions of the communicative interaction.
An adequate identification of such functions presents serious difficulties. See,
for example, Bascom (1954).
Theoretical speculation was rarely supported by detailed systematic
investigation. In recent years, a close look was taken at the 'reconstructive'
function in a research project (sponsored by the German Science Foundation
in the Department of Sociology at the University of Constance) directed by
Jorg R. Bergmann and myself. First results were published in a series of
papers by Jorg Bergmann, Angela Keppler, Hubert Knoblauch, Bernd
Ulmer, and myself. The joint publication of Reconstructive Genres will be
published by de Gruyter, first in German (Berlin 1994), then in English (New
York, probably 1994). For a full-fledged study of gossip see Bergmann (1993).
27 For a general consideration of the link between sedimentation of past
experience and projects of action see Schutz (1962). Cf. also the contribution
to this volume by David Good (Chapter 6).
190 David Zeitlyn
Studying divination
Many reasons may be given to warrant the study of divination. I shall
briefly present two of these, and go on to distinguish between two major
classes of divination. A consideration of the limitations of classical
sociological analysis of divinatory practice will serve as a prelude to my
presentation of the Mambila material.
Evans-Pritchard sought to convince European readers that the Azande
were rational to persist in their beliefs, and that their actions were
therefore subject to rational explanation. In particular, he expressly
addressed himself to 'political officers, doctors and missionaries in
Zandeland, and later to Azande themselves'. Divination provided an
196 David Zeitlyn
Classes of divination
Many different classifications of different types of divination have been
proposed. Some typologies cover more comprehensively than others the
wide range of activities which may be glossed as divination. Whether they
are sociologically revealing is another matter. Without entering into the
arguments here I shall follow Cicero in making a distinction between
'artificial' and 'natural' divination (De Div. 1 .vi. 12). Later authors prefer
the terms 'mechanical' and 'emotive' (see Devisch 1985; Vernant 1974;
and Zeitlyn 1987 for further discussions.8
Natural, or emotive divination depends on the recognition of a direct
relationship between the operator and some occult force or spirit, such
that truth is achieved through contact with spirits or by exercise of
'intuition'. It typically involves some sort of 'possession' (this is further
discussed in I.M. Lewis 1971).
By contrast, artificial divination aims to reveal truth through the
performance of a variety of technical operations, all of which are mechan-
ical in nature. The divination practices used byMambila are exclusively of
this kind, and are the subject of my discussion here.9 Unlike emotive
divination, technical divination appears to involve much clear ratiocina-
tion, and its results are open to question in quite different ways. Although
practitioners of any type of divination can be accused of deceit and fraud,
only technical divination can be performed 'incorrectly', thus allowing
the possibility of mistaken practice. For in the case of emotive divination,
Divination as dialogue 197
can avoid the reliance on abstract accounts which has previously limited
descriptions, for example, of the Ifa divination practised by Nigerian
Yoruba and neighbouring groups.12 Garfinkel lists some of the ways by
which (objectively random) utterances are endowed with meaning by
listeners so as to construct a sensible dialogue. The study of divination
reveals how a similar process occurs when the participants pose questions
and receive answers. Such a procedure poses problems for conventional
discussions of rationality. AIP strategies work for people. Diviners claim
to have tested similar strategies with their divination systems. What
grounds are there for analysts to call this irrational?
Responses to contradiction
Table 9.1 contains answers which directly contradict one another. The
acceptance of direct contradiction is, according to the canons of tra-
ditional logic, a symptom of 'illogicality'.14 Further comment is
The sequence starts with Question 33, which was addressed to Pot 1:
will sua end the problem or not? A straightforward yes/no response was
sought. Another pot (Pot 2) was asked a similar question (Q 34) before the
response was obtained from Q 33. The response to Q 34 was taken to
advocate the use of sua, as opposed to other sorts of treatments. This was
immediately followed by Q 35 which repeated Q 33. The response to Q 35
was that sua would not end the problem. This contradicts Q 34. The
200 David Zeitlyn
Potl Pot 2
sua will end it Q34:
vs. *s«<z will end it*
*sua will not end it* vs.
divine further/cut kare1
sua will end it
*sua will not end it*
male witch
*female witch*
Q38: *sua will end it*
Something buried2 vs.
vs. witchcraft continues
*sua will end it*
The kare rite is sometimes referred to as a variety of
sua. It is a domestic version of the sua-oath.
'Something buried' refers to some witchcraft treat-
ment, which unless detected and removed would
continue to act although its perpetrator might be
caught by sua.
repeated in a modified form: will sua end it, or is there other witchcraft to
be dealt with, for example, in the form of buried treatments which remain
active until discovered and destroyed (Q 37)? After putting this question,
the response to Q 33 was sought by inspecting the pot. The answer found
was 'sua will not solve the problem'. This was immediately pursued in the
light of the question which had just been put (Q 37), as to whether any
witchcraft was to be dealt with. The diviners understood this to indicate
that there might be further witchcraft. Hence Q 38 draws the distinction
between buried witchcraft substances and the ending of the affair by sua.
The responses to both Q 37 and Q 38 indicated that performance of the
sua rite was the appropriate action to be taken. Thus a believable, because
consistent, result was obtained.
The contradictory results preceding this were thenceforth ignored.
They had, however, forced the diviners to examine the possibilities of
more complicated problems. Once these possibilities had been eliminated
the diviners could return to the main strand of the enquiry as if no
contradiction had occurred.
We must take seriously the diviners' assumption that the sequence of
questions is a dialogue between divination and diviner. Mambila diviners
talk of asking (tie) questions of divination (nggam) as if it were a single
entity. Looking at a result they say 'Divination says ...' {Nggam je ...). I
was always given inductive and empirical justifications for the veracity of
divination. Even formal initiation into the technique of spider divination
contained no information about the origin of divinatory knowledge, nor
was any account given of what divination was, or how it worked. The
belief in the efficacy of the technique is held to be warranted by the success
of the diviners.
If the process of divination is, in part, to be regarded as a dialogue
between diviner and divination, then contradiction may be regarded as a
rhetorical device used by the divination to make the diviner cast the net of
his questions more widely. In the example illustrated, the divination has
forced the diviners to consider the possibility, previously not addressed
by them, that buried witchcraft substances may be responsible for the
child's illness. Garfinkel's methods may be used to reveal the way in
which diviners construct the dialogue. In essence: contradictions were
understood as question-rejecting moves. They give pause for thought,
and lead to changes in tack. If we return to Garfinkel's maxims listed
above, numbers 7 to 11 may be summarized in a single maxim: 'The
problem of contradiction may be defused by treating it as a rejection of the
question.' Evidence for the validity of this position comes from our
success at reconstructing the observed dialogue, which otherwise remains
It may be objected that the contradictions are only there from our
202 David Zeitlyn
I have been arguing that AIP forms part of the background to divinatory
practice. It is found in the basic assumption that divination is a means to
finding answers to questions. The management of contradiction exempli-
fies this. Contradictions are transformed out of court, and are taken to be
Divination as dialogue 203
The initial research on which this study is based was funded by the ESRC (grant
no. A00428424416) and by a scholarship from Trinity College, Cambridge. My
research in Cameroon could not have been conducted without the research
permits granted by His Excellency the Minister for Higher Education and
Scientific Research (R.P. 13/85 and 62/86), and the help provided by his staff.
This chapter was begun during the tenure of a Junior Research Fellowship at
Wolfson College, Oxford and completed while holding a British Academy
Research Fellowship. During this time I have been the holder of a short Junior
Research Fellowship at Wadham College, Oxford followed by a Research
Fellowship at Wolfson College, Oxford. I have also received assistance from the
ESRC (grant no R000233311). I am very grateful for all the help I have received
from these different sources.
Substantial portions of this chapter have already been published in D.
Zeitlyn (1990) Professor Garfinkel visits the soothsayers. Ethnomethod-
ology and Mambila divination. Man (n.s.) 25(4): 654-66. Permission to
reprint these portions has been kindly given by the Royal Anthropologi-
cal Institute.
Much of the data considered in this paper has also been published as Zeitlyn
(1990b). Further consideration of related questions will be found in Zeitlyn
1 AIP may also explain why gods behave like people. Horton has argued that
gods, spirits, deities of all kinds have been ascribed human-like attributes so
that we may interact with them. He argues (1982: 227-38, esp. 237-8) that in
'simple' technological societies human interaction is reliable and predictable
in a way in which the 'physical world' is not. One then becomes a model for the
other. In other words if AIP strategies work with gods then these gods must be
like us in certain respects. Human-like gods may be approached to influence
the world they control. The argument is safely circular: gods are like humans
so they use AlP-based strategies. AlP-based strategies work for the gods so
they must be like humans ... Horton's argument, however, rests on 'analogy'
rather than AIP.
204 David Zeitlyn
ese verses and the cult of Ifa. But what actually happens, the way in which the
documented theory is put into practice, remains unstudied.
13 Sua names a variety of ritual oaths, often accompanied by the ritual killing of a
chicken as well as some masquerades. It is the nexus of Mambila religion, and
has been extensively analysed in Zeitlyn (1990a). It is sufficient here to note
that it is both an oath which binds the oath-takers not to cause illness, and a
death threat to any other persons seeking to do evil.
14 Possible responses are discussed in Zeitlyn (1990b: 665).
Social intelligence and prayer as dialogue 207
Prayer as dialogue
Some of the puzzles about prayer can be illuminated by seeing it as the use
of social intelligence. For social intelligence seeks to reach goals and solve
problems by modelling the ways in which our actions are contingent on
others' responses. This creates a premise that problems will be resolved
by modelling and managing others' reactions to our own actions. One
might call this a dyadic premise. Social intelligence means that problem-
solving schemata have a slot for modelling the responses of a social Other.
The premise itself is invisible in ordinary social life where problem-
solving concerns real people. The social Other slot is occupied by
grandma, or the milkman, or 'the government'. Occasionally the premise
of a social Other is revealed where an individual is relating to the non-
social world.1 The dyadic premise is so deeply embedded in human
schemata that wefindit difficult to tackle problems such as illness without
positing an Other.
208 Esther Goody
SINGER [ § ] — . - . . - . -
its captivity there. The return journey is directed to the home of the one
suffering. Its conclusion will result in a return to health and blessing' (Gill
1981: 147).
The prayer journey is parallel to the journey performed by the singer,
who inside the ceremonial hogan moves over feathers, through hoops,
over 'mountains' and finally over the snakes to reach the one-sung-over.
'The hoops ... may represent the levels of the lower worlds through
which the prayer "talks" the one praying. This interpretation... suggests
that the transformation enacted in a hoop prayer ceremony is modeled
upon the emergence paradigm of the transformations which were exper-
ienced in sacred history as the way was made to the earth surface' {Ibid.:
150; see Figure 10.1).
'The other primary ritual object [beside the hoops] is the talking
prayerstick bundle. The talking prayersticks provide the power of
movement in the prayers bridging the gap between the earth surface and
other worlds. Without the talking prayersticks the singer could not pass
through the hoops to rescue the one-sung-over, nor could the one-sung-
over pass back through the hoops to be retransformed' (ibid.: 150-1).
The dialogue form of Navajo prayer is particularly clear in the
ha'ayateeh Liberation prayer. The singer describes the journey of Mon-
ster Slayer, 'armed with his dark staff and lightnings and carrying his rock
crystal and talking prayersticks, as he searches through mountains,
clouds, mists, mosses, and waters for the means of health which had been
abducted and is being detained in the home of the ghosts in the lower
worlds' (ibid.: 143). When he returns to the earth's surface Talking God
reaches the home of the lost one; 'Upon reaching the most interior, and
thus the safest, place in the home, Talking God reunites the lost one with
the things with which he had been formerly associated.' Then Talking
God bestows blessings on the restored person through identification with
him. The prayer concludes by announcing a state of blessing (ibid.:
The prayer chants of the ceremonies can be seen as successive
1. Singer recites prayer addressed to one of Holy People
= dialogue between singer and Holy Person.
2. Singer places supplicant in role of addressee
= singer is praying on behalf of supplicant, to Holy Person.
The dialogue form is particularly clear in the Blessing prayer act for an
expectant mother. First the Singer speaks on behalf of the Holy Person to
From the heart of Earth, by means of yellow pollen blessing is extended.
From the heart of Sky, by means of blue pollen blessing is extended.
Social intelligence and prayer as dialogue 213
May I give birth to Pollen Boy, may I give birth to Corn Beetle Boy, may
I give birth to Long Life Boy, may I give birth to Happiness Boy!
With long life happiness surrounding me may I in blessing give birth!
May I quickly give birth! [etc. etc.]
{Ibid.: 69-70.)
This sequence sets up a complex discourse with the prayer containing
'parts' for the supplicant and then the Holy Person. Both 'parts' are
recited first by the singer and then, verbatim after him, by the supplicant.
First the singer takes both parts, then the supplicant himself/herself takes
both parts. In this process there is a clear identification between the two
main participants, the supplicant, and the Holy Person. The singer never
establishes an independent identity, but acts to blur the boundaries
between the two.
While Navajo prayer acts elegantly illustrate the processes of performa-
tive ritual, they clearly take their meaning - and thus their performative
force - from prayer in dialogue form.
Kant on the other hand argues that we are really confronting our own
consciences when we pray.4 It is a monologue - or at best a dialogue with
ourselves. This corresponds to Lienhardt's framework in which the
powers addressed by the Master of the Fishing Spears are images,
representations, of our own feelings. But the monotheistic religions have
required individuals themselves to address these (culturally provided)
representations. And, further, they have laid great stress on the sincerity
with which this is done. So, by an ironic twist, the daily individual prayers
of monotheism, instead of externalizing passions and conflict, have again
brought the attempt to deal with them inside our own heads.5 It is true
that these sufferings may be labelled as external acts - sins; however a new
source of suffering is added, that of wrong belief, wrong attitude, lack of
faith. At its most extreme the goal of prayer also lies in the realm of
representation of subjective feeling. St Theresa of the Little Way
resolved her conflicts about a Christ who allowed her to suffer by no
longer seeking relief, only the assurance of His love. Her way of achieving
this love was through prayer which allowed her to construct an intensely
personal relationship with Jesus. Thus even where prayer is an internal
'monologue' about subjective experience, it may be explicitly directed to
external powers.
Let me return to the suggestion that there are two processes involved in
the emergence of prayer as a religious form, first in individual social
cognition, and then in the socio-cultural construction of accounts of the
It has been argued that Homo sapiens' use of spoken language funda-
mentally altered the modelling of actions through anticipatory interactive
planning. If this has resulted in the dialogue template as a constant feature
Social intelligence and prayer as dialogue 219
This paper was written while the author was a Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg
zu Berlin in 1989-90. Without freedom from teaching through the generous
Fellowship it would not have been possible to consider, even in this partial way,
the vast amount of material on this subject.
220 Esther Goody
1 Johnson-Laird and his colleagues studied mental models where even university
students find difficulty with abstract syllogisms although they can solve exactly
comparable problems phrased in terms of actual people and situations (John-
son-Laird and Wason 1977b; Johnson-Laird 1983). Elaine Scarry comments
that there have been legal cases in which a ship is treated as though it had acted
intentionally like a person (personal communication).
2 It is unlikely that Lienhardt could have read Austin at the time this study was
written. Had he done so the appropriateness of Austin's idea of performative
force for Dinka prayers would surely have struck him.
3 The full title of Kant's book is Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone*\
4 The psychoanalytic view would insist that the conscience with which we
wrestle in prayer is an internalization of morality based on our parents'
authority. If indeed we are conducting a perpetual dialogue as though still
children with all-powerful parents, this is perhaps closest to the Ashanti
continuing dialogue with ancestors.
5 The several monotheistic religions lay different stress on guilt and sin. And of
course individuals vary greatly in their concern with both. But anxious concern
with the sincerity of feelings and intentions towards a deity would seem to be
associated with monotheism.
This chapter sets out to weave an improbable web through such topics as
animism, common tendencies in the purchase of soap powder, extra-
terrestrial lifeforms, the phrase 'the whatdoyoucallit', and the theory of
communication. The thread, if it doesn't break, is the theme of a
systematic bias in human thinking, in the direction of interactive thinking
(E. Goody's anticipatory interactive planning or AIP). Because the
argument is somewhat indirect, let me state the thesis right here in the
beginning in semi-syllogistic form:
1. Communication is logically impossible
2. Nevertheless we humans can communicate
3. Therefore, we must use non-logical heuristics and a special form
of reasoning to bridge the gap
4. For communication to work routinely, these heuristics must be
dominant in our thinking all the time
5. Therefore, these heuristics spill over to bias our thinking in non-
communication domains.
As in the famous conclusion to Wittgenstein's Tractatus, where we are
advised not to think that which cannot be thought, so there is a certain
paradox in thinking about biases in human thinking. (You can climb
outside human thought, Wittgenstein hinted, just so long as you throw
the ladder away and climb quickly back in.) We can only do so with real
confidence, perhaps, where we can discern an indubitably correct way of
thinking, guaranteed by the laws of mathematics or logic, from which
human thinking tends to deviate. One such area is human judgement
about uncertain events, and it is here that there has grown, largely
222 Stephen C. Levinson
Interactional intelligence1
In an engaging book (Frames of Mind, 1985), Howard Gardner argued
forcefully for the diversity of kinds of human intelligence, using a range of
evidence from psychological theory, neurology, case studies of cultural,
personal hyperachievements, so-called 'idiot savants', and so on.
Amongst the specialized, compartmentalized intelligences, he listed
linguistic, musical, logico-mathematical, spatial, kinaesthetic and
personal intelligences. Within the latter, he includes what I would choose
to isolate as interactional intelligence, and he lists as evidence for such a
specialized skill the special role of the frontal lobes of the human brain.
Persons with frontal lobe damage of various kinds exhibit different but
related inabilities: 'No longer does the individual express his earlier sense
of purpose, motivation, goals, and desire for contact with others; the
individual's reaction to others has been profoundly altered, and his own
sense of self seems to have been suspended' (1985: 262). Conversely,
patients with massive brain damage to other areas who retain fully
functional frontal lobes - like Luria's 'man with the shattered world' -
retain the capacity to plan actions and to relate to others to a surprising
degree. Similarly, one can point to autistic (and perhaps schizophrenic)
patients, who often show signs of unimpaired reasoning ability, but who
cannot relate to others; and conversely to reasoning-impaired individuals
(like those with Down's syndrome or Alzheimer's) who seem to retain
great interpersonal skills.
Making due allowance for the lay misuse of neurological and patholo-
gical data, there is here the same kind of range of suggestive evidence for a
specific interactional intelligence as there is for other specialized human
skills. One should add to this further evidence from the cross-cultural
study of interaction: although still in its infancy, and still largely unpub-
lished, such work would seem to establish that there are striking univer-
sals in interactional organization, facts compatible with a theory of the
biological basis for interactional skills. Studies with infants strongly
Interactional biases in human thinking 223
suggest such an innate basis under rapid maturation: newborn infants are
subtly adaptive to the caretaker's presence and handling, and by two
months the child already displays 'a rich repertoire of expressive behav-
iours ... combined with ready orientation of the gaze to or away from the
mother's face and immediate response to her signs of interest and her
talking' (Trevarthen 1979b: 541). That biological basis for interactive
skills is further attested to by a wide range of facts about human
perception, for example our hearing is acute precisely in the range of
wavelengths where speech is broadcast (rather than being specialized like,
say, the owl's auditory system, to the noises of prey).2 Similarly, there is
considerable evidence for a specifically human neurological specialization
for face recognition, implying the fundamental importance of human
face-to-face interaction in human phylogeny.3 And of course all the
physiological, neurological and ontogenetic foundations for language
point in the same direction.
The theory of multiple intelligences should not, though, be equated
with the modular theory of mind a la Fodor (1983); the latter is a
particular theory about how specific specialized skills or 'modules' fit
together with general thought processes to form a computational whole.
The Fodorean requirements for modularity seem altogether too strong to
be correct even for linguistic ability taken as a whole (although they
plausibly hold for specialist subsystems, like segment recognition),
because language understanding necessarily involves general thought
processes. In the same way, interactional intelligence (for reasons that
will become clear) would have to involve central processing and could not
therefore be remotely 'modular' in the Fodorean sense. Nevertheless the
skills that jointly make up interactional intelligence seem to be connected
intimately enough to make up a package of abilities that can suffer
simultaneous neurological impairment.
In this chapter, I shall assume that there is such a form of intellect as an
interactional intelligence, and my central concern is whether we can
detect a systematic bias in human thinking in other domains which might
be attributed to the centrality of interactional intelligence in our intellec-
tual makeup. In order to explore this bias (if such it is), we will need to
have some characterization of the central properties of interactional
intelligence, which I will attempt to provide.4
anecdotal evidence for such a chap. One of the things that struck Victorian
observers (like Fraser and Levy-Bruhl) of 'primitive' peoples was that
their world is apparently pervaded by mystic forces in para-human form.
Natural causes are mere means subtly utilized by witches, sorcerers,
spirits, gods and demons. It is as if the perceptible natural world were a
stage set, manipulated by supernatural agents always in interaction with
man. Although later ethnographic research (as with Evans-Pritchard's
(1937) classic work on Azande witchcraft) has shown us how systems of
witchcraft and sorcery have an irrefutable internal reason, make sense in a
world imbued with the primacy of social relationships, and so on, it has
not thereby made the central problem of such intellectual genera disap-
pear - namely, why we as a species seem predisposed to such intellectual
systems, even when they are not socially reinforced or are contrary to our
own ideas about real knowledge (as with the astrological systems of early
modern astronomers like Tycho Brahe or even Newton6). That natural
science and magical systems have not only coexisted but often mutually
reinforced one another is now a commonplace of the history of science
(see, e.g., Lloyd 1979). Scientists often operate (like Watson and Crick) as
if nature were a book to be read, a message to be decoded, a syntax to be
parsed, a mode of thought that harmlessly enough might be held to
presuppose a writer, a coder, a puzzle-setter rigging things behind the
perceptible veil.
If scientists are sometimes covert magicians and animists, so of course
are children. Piaget (1929) found that children imbue some inanimate
objects with intentions, feelings and knowledge, and although later work
by Trevarthen and others has shown that very young infants distinguish
interactional partners from other kinds of objects for purposes of com-
munication, yet there seems to be a residual blurring of the distinction in
the belief world of the child (Gelman and Spelke 1981: 56). One is
reminded too of Vygotsky's views about 'inner speech', and indeed the
role that an imaginary interlocutor plays in adult thinking.7
Other areas where animistic and interactional thinking abound are not
hard to find. Consider for example Kahneman and Tversky's finding that
experimental subjects treat random processes as if the processes them-
selves are acting to achieve their own randomness: 'Idioms such as
"errors cancel themselves out" reflect the image of an active self-
correcting process. Some familiar processes in nature obey such laws ...
The laws of chance, in contrast, do not work that way' (Kahneman et at.
1982:24). Economists are often puzzled by the odd purchasing behaviour
of consumers - why do they often just buy the most expensive soap-
powder? My strategy is to buy the cheapest; my wife's to buy the most
expensive. I operate with a vision of some mean, cheating fellow filling
different cartons all with the same rotten stuff; she operates with the
Interactional biases in human thinking 225
1. Propositional attitudes
Obviously, computations about other's intentions presuppose compu-
tations over propositions embedded under propositional attitudes. As is
well known, these are 'opaque contexts', contexts where Leibniz's law of
the substitution of referring terms salva veritate, fails: we cannot assume
from the assertion that Esther believes the Chancellor of Cambridge
University should be sacked that she also believes that the Duke of
Edinburgh should be sacked (she may think him competent, believe his
title to be inalienable and certainly not realize he's the Chancellor). This
well-known little conundrum is of course just the logical consequence of
computations over other people's belief worlds (see, e.g., Fauconnier
1985), but it obviously raises difficult computational problems. There are
a number of persistent logical paradoxes, like the Cretan Liar, which also
plausibly have their roots here.12
uttered x with all the necessary intentions. But the notion of mutual
knowledge must itself be cashed out as an infinite regress of the form 'S
knows that H knows that S knows . . . ' , as we've just seen. Other solutions
involve self-reflexive intentions (Harman 1974; see discussion in Avra-
mides 1989: 58-9), or default inference rules relating communicating p to
believing that p (Perrault 1988: 13).13
4. Mutual salience
We need not only a notion of salience, but a notion of 'natural salience',
such that I can be sure, for an indefinite range of phenomena or scenarios,
that what is salient for me is salient for you. This turns out to be crucial in
ways I shall make clear (see also SchifTer 1972; for a variant suggestion see
Sperber and Wilson 1986).
5. Logic of action
Clearly we need to compute the intentions that lie behind behaviours, if
any kind of coordination is going to be achieved. That would seem to
presuppose an understanding of the derivation of action from intention in
our own planning and acting: one has to choose the means that will most
effectively achieve the desired ends, while balancing incommensurable
goals. As Aristotle argued, the logic of action is a distinct species of non-
monotonic (defeasible) reasoning, a practical reasoning (PR) as it has been
dubbed by philosophers. Von Wright (1971), Ross, Casteneda, Rescher
and others have explored such systems, but there is still much to
recommend the outlines of an Aristotelian system provided by Kenny
(1966), which was developed into a formal system by Atlas and Levinson
(1973) which we may call 'Kenny Logic' (see introduction in Brown and
Levinson 1978: 69-70,92-6). Kenny Logic has many interesting proper-
ties, like the fact that the deductive fallacy of'affirming the consequent' is
valid in this system, or the fact that if'p' deductively implies 'q', then if an
agent desires 'q' he'll desire 'p' (i.e., the logic of practical reasoning looks
like 'backwards' logical implication, a fact that shows up in AI planning
programs like Allen's - see the 'nested planning rule' in Allen (1983:
124)). But the relevant properties here are that Kenny Logic inferences
are both ampliative and defeasible. They are ampliative because one may
reason from a goal to a means that is more specific than is required to
achieve the goal ('I'm thirsty and would rather not be so; here's a Coke; if I
drink this Coke, I won't be thirsty; ergo I'll drink this Coke.'). They are
defeasible because any valid inference from goal Gl to the desirability of
action Al will be abandoned if there is a conflicting goal G2 ('Coke is bad
for my diet.'), from which the desirability of the negation of Al can be
derived. Such a logic of action must also explain how goals can be ranked,
and means of achieving them differentially weighted, in such a way that
Interactional biases in human thinking 231
the action performed may depend on the 'cost' of the means of achieving
A logic of action is going to be a complex thing. However, all this turns
out to be the least of the computational problems. Despite all the
philosophical, logical and artificial intelligence work that lies behind all
these ideas, there as been a fatal neglect of one problem. The Schelling-
cum-Grice model of coordination and communication relies on the
recognition of intentions', that is, the need to compute not only from
intention to action (as in a logic of action or planning) but also in reverse as
it were, from behaviour to the intention that lies behind it. It may seem
that if we already have an account, in terms of a logic of practical
reasoning, linking utterances or other actions with the goals that lie
behind them, then all we now need to do is run the reasoning backwards,
from the utterances or actions to the goals. Even logicians who should
know a lot better talk as if intention-recognition is merely a matter of
practical inference 'turned upside down' (as Von Wright (1971:96) puts it
in an uncharacteristic moment of incautiousness).
However, there is an overwhelming problem in equating understand-
ing with 'upside down' practical inference, namely the very great differ-
ence between an actor-based account of actions (in terms of plans, goals
and intentions) and an interpreter-based account (in terms of heuristics of
various kinds). For the nature of logical inference in general, and practical
reasoning in particular, is that there can be no determinate way of inferring
premises from conclusions. Inferences are asymmetrical things. If I con-
clude from 'p and q' that 'p', you cannot, given the conclusion alone,
know whether the premise was 'p and q', 'p and r', 'p and r and s', or 'q and
(q p)', etc.: there are literally an infinite number of premises that would
yield the appropriate conclusion. Simple though the point is, it estab-
lishes a fundamental asymmetry between actor-based accounts and
interpreter-based accounts, between acting and understanding others'
actions. There simply cannot be any computational solution to this
problem, as so far described. The problem is intractable!15 Because the
point is important let me put it in a more concrete way. Suppose I see you
raise your arm outstretched in front of you: your doing this might be
compatible, let us say, given the environmental possibilities, with the
following intentions - waving off a fly, reaching for a glass, greeting an
acquaintance, stretching, etc.16 Even this set of descriptions is to 'cook the
books': instead of 'reaching for a glass' why not go down a stage in
specificity to 'extending an arm' or upwards to 'having a drink'? What we
take to be a natural level of action description is anything but given (as
philosophers from Anscombe to Davidson have been keen to point out).
But then how do we decide what the hell you are doing, and what we
should do in response (raise our hands too, do 'civil inattention', or
232 Stephen C. Levinson
recipient will know how to turn the sketch into something more precise (if
something more precise was intended). The slow realization of all this
(Atlas 1989; Clark 1992; Levinson, in press; Sperber and Wilson 1986)
portends a sea-change in the theory of language: linguistic mechanisms
are deeply interpenetrated by interactive thinking.21
But if we can't say what we mean, how do we understand one another?
When I say 'The coffee is in the cup', I don't have the same kind of IN-
ness in mind as when I say 'The pencil is in the cup'. And when I said 'The
coffee is in the cup', how come you didn't wonder: 'Does he mean the cup
is full of beans, or granulated coffee, or the liquid stuff essential to
academic life?' Nor for one moment, upon hearing 'The pencil is in the
cup', are you likely to think of granulated pencils. Nor are you likely to
worry that the pencil is more than half out of the cup, although on just
those grounds we might expect a quarrel about the truth of 'The arrow is
in the bull's eye'.
It is trying to understand mutual comprehension, given the paucity and
generality of coded linguistic content that now preoccupies theoretical
linguistic pragmatics (cf. Atlas 1989; Horn 1989; Sperber and Wilson
1986; Levinson 1989). We have made some progress in the last twenty
years or so, by identifying heuristics that guide the reasoning process. I
believe that the two cardinal achievements have been to identify two
rather different kinds of heuristics. The one kind is a set of heuristics
based on utterance-type, that is to say that the 'way of putting things'
suggests a specific direction of interpretation. The other kind is provided
by the intricate sequential expectations that are triggered by utterance
and response in conversation.
To take these briefly in turn, the first kind of heuristic, which has been
developed from seminal ideas of Paul Grice, in turn has a number of sub-
types. These play off each other. For example, there seems to be an
utterance-type heuristic that runs: 'normal expression indicates stereo-
typical relation'.22 Consider expressions of the form X is at Y: when we
say 'There's a man at the door', we have in mind a relation of proximity
such that the man can reach the door-bell, say, and is facing it in
expectation. But when we say 'Your taxi is at the door' it may be twenty
feet away and its front not oriented to the front of the door. If your taxi
was to nose its way in, the non-stereotypical event would warrant a non-
normal description; while if the man waited twenty feet in front of the
door, we might prefer another description, say, 'The man is standing
some distance in front of the door'. That seems to be based on another
heuristic: 'abnormal relation warrants abnormal/marked description'.
The two heuristics together explain why 'It's possible to climb that
mountain' and 'It's not impossible to climb that mountain' don't mean
the same thing. A third heuristic runs: 'If an informationally richer
234 Stephen C. Levinson
description applies, use it'. It's this that is responsible for the inference
from 'Some of the Fellows of the College are lazy' to 'Not all of the
Fellows of the College are lazy' - if you meant the stronger statement ('All
of them are lazy') you should have used it.
In what follows I shall rely heavily on the importance of the inference to
the stereotype. It's this that is responsible for such inferences as: 'The
pencil is in the cup', suggesting 'The standard-type pencil (as opposed to,
e.g., a propelling pencil or one with red lead) is projecting out of, but is
supported by, the inside walls of the cup'. As we saw, we come to rather
different conclusions from, 'The coffee is in the cup' (liquid rather than
beans, fully within rather than projecting, etc.), or from, 'The key is in the
lock' (projecting horizontally, not vertically). Some linguists will protest
that these inferences are not pragmatic in nature but rather attributable to
so-called prototype semantics. This I believe to be a rampant conceptual
error, but regardless of that, it really makes little gross difference to the
dimensions of the inferential problem: the particular relation intended by
in for example still has to be inferred by reference to the things related.
The combination of these preferred interpretations of utterance-types
can yield far-reaching enrichments of coded information. From 'Some of
the nurses are not incompetent', one may infer that all the nurses are
female (inference to stereotype), that not all of them are competent
(informative strength), and that the remainder do not fully deserve the
attribution of competence (marked description - the use of double
negation). Or from 'If you wash the dishes, I'll give you 10 Deutsch
marks' one may infer that if you don't, I won't (inference similar to
inference to stereotype), that in any case I won't give you more than 10
DM (informational strength), etc. But I refer the reader to Horn (1989),
Levinson (1983: ch. 3,1987a, b) and Atlas (1989) for details. The point to
grasp here is that without such inferential enrichments, what we say would
tend towards the vacuous: not only do we talk generally, tautologically
and elliptically (as in 'I'll be there in a while', 'If you manage, you
manage', 'Could you please...?'), but also, as illustrated with the example
of the relation at, even when we try to be precise we necessarily trade on
suppositions our interlocutors must make.
The second kind of inferential enrichment that seems to me critical in
language understanding is based upon the fact that, in the conversational
mode that is the prototypical form of all languages use, speakers alternate,
handing over to another party for response at the end of relatively short
turns at speaking. And there's an expectation that responses are generally
tied in close ways to what has gone before. As Sacks and Schegloff pointed
out twenty years ago,23 this makes it likely that if B responds to A in such a
way that it is clear that B misconstrued what A said, there's a good
opportunity provided in the third turn for A to correct, clarify or
Interactional biases in human thinking 235
elaborate. Thus recipients can be nudged along into what at least passes
for understanding.
Take for example the following:
B: Go-ahead
A: Announcement (request, offer, etc.)
B: Appreciation (acceptance, declination, etc.)
Mutual orientation to such patterns then helps to explain how a
recipient can guess not only that something else is coming up, but that
what will come is of a particular sort:
3. Tape 170
E: Hello I was wondering whether you were intending to go to
Swanson's talk this afternoon
M: Not today I'm afraid I can't really make this one
E: Oh okay
M: YOU wanted someone to record it didn't you heh
E: Yeah heheh
M: Heheh no I'm sorry about that...
c: I mean I've
c: Yeah I know but I mean
R: Yeah alright yes =
c: = You understand what I mean
R: Yeah, do you want me to bring my guitar or not =
c: = Yeah
The limiting case is provided by the absence of speech altogether,
which can alone be sufficient to engender detailed inferences, as in the
following example where the speaker takes the absence of response to
signify a clear negative answer:
7. Tape: 'Oscillomink'
c: So: u::m (0.2) I was wondering would you be in your office (0.63)
on Monday (0.42)
by any cha:nce?
probably not
This example illustrates another important feature of conversational
organization, namely that it has very precise temporal characteristics.
Here, C has produced a pre-request in the form of a question, and here, as
generally in English conversation, a pause of over half a second after such
a question may be taken to indicate that the desired response cannot be
easily produced. Due to such temporal characteristics, quite minute
pauses can be most symbolic.
How does all this work? In the case of the utterance-type heuristics, it
only works because speaker and recipient(s) agree that, other things being
equal, there is a normal way to say things. That being so, a normal
description can be taken to implicate that all the normal conditions apply,
in all their empirical specificity: if I say 'John drove off, but he'd forgotten
to loosen the hand brake', you envision a motor car and all the mechanical
238 Stephen C. Levinson
that should also be noted; these are inferences clearly made well before
responses can be composed, yet responses are, at least a third of the time,
separated by less than 200 milliseconds, and on-line testing shows
pragmatic inferences already well under way immediately after the
relevant word or expression.27
Conclusion to section I
We are now in a position to try and unravel the mystery. Recollect we
concluded that the computational problem posed by Gricean com-
munication or Schelling games looks simply intractable, largely because a
system of inference from intention to behaviour tells us nothing about
how to compute the reverse inference from behaviour to intent. And yet
we routinely manage these things. The pragmatic heuristics may give us
the clue to a solution. The inference to communicative intention from
overt behaviour is so constrained by these heuristics or expectations that
it is possible to select a unique path from within the interminable possible
teleological explanations for the behaviour.
For example, if you know that I know that you know that, for principled
and general reasons, a pause after a question seeking a 'yes'-answer will
suggest a reluctance to provide it, then you know that your pause will lead
me to think that you intended that I think that the answer is 'no'. Both
knowing this, we both know that if you don't do something to correct the
impression, then I'll feel sure that you wanted me so to think. Thus even
the absence of a behaviour may be sufficient to yield the determinate
attribution of an intention.
Or, you say: 'Put some bread and butter on the plates'. What do you
intend? The stereotypical dispositions of course - not, for instance, a well-
buttered plate, or bread on half the plates and butter on the other half.
Even if there are only two plates, you're likely (in England anyway) to end
up with buttered bread, not a plate of bread and a plate of butter. I don't
need to ask you what you intended; I know that you know that we'll both
be oriented to the heuristic authorizing inferences to the stereotype; so
both you and I know that if you want something other than the usual,
you'll have to make warning noises. You haven't; so the probability that
what you wanted was buttered bread is now, for all current purposes, a
dead certainty.28
How might this generalize from linguistic interaction to other forms of
social interaction? In all cases, intention-attribution will be crucial, and
the actual chunk of behaviour will be insufficient evidence alone for the
attribution of an intent. We can carry out mental simulations: I can ask
myself 'What would I be intending in these circumstance were I not me
but him?' But that won't necessarily help me decide whether the
240 Stephen C. Levinson
3. Gambler's fallacy
Given a sequence of 'heads-heads-heads-heads' even professional
gamblers often presume a * tails' must now be almost certain (the
'gambler's fallacy' (Tversky and Kahneman 1977: 330)).
are thus two possibilities: the entire Kahneman and Tversky research
programme is vitiated by the failure to consider the biases introduced by
Gricean heuristics due to the verbal nature of the task-setting, or there is a
real non-communicative bias in thinking, but one which mimics Gricean
patterns because communicative heuristics inhabit, as it were, the deeper
reaches of our minds. Given the breadth of experimental data, and the fact
that at least some of the findings do not allow Gricean explanations
directly, the second possibility seems the more likely interpretation of the
information, then act, collect, act and so on, hoping to learn from
interdigitated action-reaction rather than exhaustive prior analysis.
Given the possibilities of interactional feedback, that is the right way to
operate in the interactional domain.
Dorner's work, unlike Kahneman and Tversky's, is concerned with
human abilities to cope with dynamic systems as they react over time - it
thus serves to bring out some of the possible biases in temporal thinking
that are not illuminated by the Kahneman and Tver sky paradigm. It
provides therefore a different kind of ammunition for the protagonists of
the primacy of interactional intelligence. Those protagonists would be in
trouble if Dorner's findings had indicated that people are good, say, at
dealing with time-delayed reactions; orfindlong-term oscillations easy to
discern; or can easily cope with multiple strands of sequential events. But
Dorner's findings are all comfortably in the right direction - towards the
conclusion that humans are good at dealing with single-stranded teleo-
logical or causal chains, with immediate action-reaction expectations
which require immediate attention or allow only a small 'push-down
stack', four or five 'plates' deep.
Kahneman and Tversky's results are vulnerable to the charge that all
the observed biases are introduced by the linguistic communication that
sets the task for subjects. Dorner's non-verbal tasks where the subject
wrestles with a computer simulation escape that charge. However, they
are arguably vulnerable to a parallel charge in just the area of most
interest, the temporal characteristics of human behaviour: perhaps in
setting up the computer simulations we have unwittingly introduced
properties of human-human interaction into the design of human-
computer interaction. For example, a keyboard or other input device will
typically control only one variable at a time, nor are commands normally
set to act at remote time intervals or atfixeddelays to govern future states.
To introduce such a system of relations between human and machine
would be 'un-naturaP - the very structure of the machines and programs
we make for humans to interact with reflects (often to the rather lowly
limitations of the engineer's imagination) the temporal properties that
we, as humans, find it comfortable to work with. Thus the very set of
biases we seek to illuminate in an objective way by setting subjects tasks
that have intrinsically good solutions, may in fact have been built into the
structure of the tasks themselves.
I have argued that intersubjectivity requires peculiar computational
properties, which may then bias many aspects of human thinking. On the
one hand, onefindsthe presumption of deterministic solutions, what one
Interactional biases in human thinking 253
may call the 'crossword puzzle effect' (problems are treated as if they were
designed to be solved): hence the presumption that patterns can't be
random, exemplars are prototypical, samples are 'representative' and
conclusions can be certain. On the other hand, one finds some evidence
that attention and memory are geared to interaction tempo: humans
presume single-stranded causal chains, respond (usually) to the immedi-
ately previous event, expect brief action-response intervals and very short
sequential patterns.
The first group of biases can be plausibly related to the necessity of
having mutual orientation to the kind of heuristics we discussed as
essential to language-understanding, e.g., the kind that gives us the
strong readings of a preposition like at, according to the relata. The
second group of biases, of attention and memory, may be related to the
sequential heuristics for the attribution of intent in interaction - when
talking, we are mutually oriented to the potential for immediate correc-
tion, and to canonical sequences of certain kinds.
Without such an explanation, the kind of biases noted by Kahneman
and Tversky on the one hand, and Dorner on the other, would be puzzling
indeed from an evolutionary perspective. The ability to make objective
estimates of probability would offer immediate adaptive advantage, e.g.,
to a hunter faced with a decision to go after one kind of game or another.38
Likewise the ability to comprehend complex systems, whether natural
(like our own bodies, or the ecologies we live in) or socio-political, ought
to offer significant adaptive advantages. It seems reasonable to suppose
that, instead, there must be some greater adaptive advantage to thinking
in the ways we actually do, and my suggestion is that these biases are
essential ingredients for intersubjective reasoning. The corollary would
be that the main evolutionary pressures on our species have been intra-
specific. That accords with at least the views collected in Byrne and
Whiten (1988), who have urged us to substitute a 'Lord of the Flies'
scenario for a 'Robinson Crusoe' scenario for human adaptation. To that
view, the speculations in this chapter add, hopefully, a corrective: it is
cooperative, mutual inter subjectivity that is the computationally complex
task that we seem especially adapted to. Machiavellian intelligence merely
exploits this underlying Humeian intelligence that makes intersubject-
ivity possible. One needs too to stress that it is this cooperative intersub-
jective background that makes language interpretation possible (as shown
by the need for all those heuristics) - not, as non-semanticists may
assume, language which makes inter subjectivity possible (although it
obviously vastly increases its scope).
In this chapter, I have stressed two pervading characteristics of human
thought - attribution of intentionality and overdeterminism - which may
be directly related to interactional intelligence. For without that over-
254 Stephen C. Levinson
This chapter owes much to Esther Goody, who provided the stimulus to
crystallize these thoughts. My second important debt is to London Transport,
since some of the ideas here transcribed arose out of a long conversation with
Dietrich Dorner while perforce walking the streets of London to and from
meetings of the Royal Society during the transport strike, June 1989 (see Dorner
1990). Other ideas in this paper were first tried out at a meeting of the British
Psychological Association (Levinson 1985), and I thank various commentators
there, especially David Good, L. Jonathan Cohen and Phil Johnson-Laird. I have
had helpful comments on this chapter from Penny Brown, Dietrich Dorner,
Esther Goody, and Alex Wearing, for which I am most grateful. Much further
back, Esther Goody (1978a) first pointed out to me (and us anthropologists
generally I suspect) the relevance of the study of social interaction for theories
about the evolution of human intelligence.
1 I see the notion of interactional intelligence contrasting in specifity with other
related notions. Social intelligence (or social cognition), as used for example in
Flavell and Ross (1981), is an altogether broader conception, including the
apprehension of morality, dominance, friendship and appropriate social role
and affect. The Machiavellian intelligence of Byrne and Whiten (1988) is also
wider, encompassing social knowledge, problem-solving in a world of flexible
andficklesocial relations, and so on (pp. 50ff.). By interactional intelligence, I
have in mind just and only the core ability to attribute intention to other
Interactional biases in human thinking 255
successors)figureall that out - then they will thicken up the centre. Best then
to repeat the Trebbia formation, but to bow the centre out so that it really
looks packed, but in fact is a hollow crescent, designed to crumble. So
Hannibal thought and won the battle of Cannae by another pincer movement
from theflanks(Connolly 1978). If early classical military strategy went that
deep, how deep was the reflexive thinking that, e.g., Kennedy and Krushchev
got into over the Berlin wall/Cuban-missile crisis of 1961-2 (Gelb 1986)? For
depth in cooperative reflexive reasoning, consider, e.g., irony and double
irony (see Penelope Brown's contribution to this volume (Chapter 7)).
14 See Cohen et al. (1990) for some recent ideas here.
15 This has not of course prevented computational attempts to circumvent the
problem (see, e.g., Allen 1983; Perrault, 1987; Pollack 1986a, b; and papers
(especially by Kautz and Pollack) in Cohen et al. 1990.)
16 Lest this seem too academic a possibility, an anecdote: the Germans are great
hand-shakers; when we were living in Berlin, our Hausmeister, for example,
descended on one, regardless of one's current preoccupations, to grasp the
hand on first and last sighting of the day. But Germans more used to casual
Anglo-Saxon ways curb the custom. Puzzled at first, I found myself inspect-
ing every hand-jerk during greeting/parting moments as a possible candidate
for a prof erred hand, only tofindit turn, more often than not, into a buttoning
of the coat or a struggle with a sleeve!
17 Since conversational response can routinely fall within 200 milliseconds of the
prior utterance, if one modestly ascribes half of that delay to planning of the
response, then that leaves only the other half for comprehension, including
intention- or plan-recognition, of the prior utterance.
18 One is struck too by how our abilities here are not greatly helped by
ratiocinative leisure. For example, historians make a modest, and lawyers
an immodest, living out of pondering on, and quarrelling about,
19 In papers circulated prior to the conference behind this volume, Esther Goody
argues that, although primate interactive intelligence presumably preceded
the origins of language, it is language that has projected us beyond our primate
counterparts by allowing the management and codification of social interac-
tion. If one thinks about linguistic ability as a relatively encapsulated human
skill, then its acquisition might be an explanation for our zoom into a sapient
state. But if, as this section sketches, linguistic ability is necessarily and
essentially parasitic on highly evolved interactive reasoning, then language is not
the evolutionary rocket fuel; it's the rocket (see here Sperber and Wilson
1986). One must then accept a synergistic explanation: higher levels of AIP
make higher levels of communication possible, but equally vice versa.
20 If 'the language of thought' is rather independent of 'the language of
communication', then I don't see the latter playing the crucial role in internal
representation of AIP that E. Goody hypothesizes. Alex Wearing points out to
me that the phenomenon of 'gist memory' might argue against my aphorism -
thoughts bleached by time may not be so specific. But, at least when we
communicate about our immediate environs the aphorism would seem to hold
258 Stephen C. Levinson
39 This is, of course, not the view of Piaget, who viewed the logico-mathematical
as the apical intelligence, but it must now be a commonplace in the cognitive
sciences. Computationally, bipedal locomotion is vastly more complex than
calculus. What we can do 'without thinking' we devalue as not real thinking;
hence our disregard for interactional intelligence. Curiously, though, some
logico-mathematical tasks of the highest order are performed by 'idiot savants'
who typically exhibit low IQs and gross interactional inabilities or autism (see
O. Sacks 1985: ch. 23; and more scientifically, Howe 1989). They can calculate
twelve-figure primes 'without thinking', a task for which there is no known
In this chapter I want to discuss what has been called the 'narrative mode
of understanding' (Bruner 1986), the ability to create, narrate, and
comprehend stories. This ability enables us, I suggest, to grasp a flow of
social events and to convey that grasp to others. To share stories in this
way is a particularly powerful form of interactive planning: for in
fashioning an account of what has been happening and what is happening,
we lay down the background against which future mutual action may
sensibly unfold. Stories, moreover, have the capacity to frame a markedly
intricate and elaborate flow of social events, indeed just the sort of flow
that seems even more characteristic of human than of other social primate
societies (Byrne and Whiten 1988; Whiten 1991; Carrithers 1991a, 1992).
We understand our social world by means of stories, and we use those
stories to create distinctively human society.
262 Michael Carrithers
of what others feel, think, and plan. I may apologize because she was angry.
Or I may buy her a Michael Innes thriller because she will enjoy it. I may
explain why I made that remark in a department meeting because my
colleague apparently misunderstood it. Savage repression may be started
because a rival faction plans to overthrow the government. Many, perhaps
all, forms of law are based upon the attribution of intentions or knowledge
to those held accountable. In war, deeds are done because of what the
enemy think or believe. And it is difficult to conceive of conducting the
most elementary interaction of everyday life without attribution of
intentions and knowledge to others: for example, even the simplest
conversation is based on mutual attribution of states of mind to each other
by interlocutors (Bennett 1976; Brown and Levinson 1987; Whiten
So when we understand a plot, we understand changes of mind and of
relationship, changes brought about by acts. Moreover, we are able to link
acts, thoughts, and their consequences together so that we grasp the
metamorphosis of each other's thoughts and each other's situations in a
flow of action. In this perspective character and plot are indivisible, for we
understand character only as it is revealed to us in theflowof action, and
we only understand plot as the consequence of characters acting with
characteristic beliefs and intentions. With such narrative understanding
people orient themselves and act in an accountable manner, sensibly,
effectively, and appropriately, creating and re-creating complex skeins of
social life.
There is one further trait of narrative thinking worth mentioning, and
that is its specificity: narrative is not, in my understanding, a generalizing
mode of thought, but one which works from particular to particular. It
may seem that this makes narrative thought rather like that great
invention of Alfred Jarry, namely 'pataphysics' or the science of the
particular, whose purpose is to produce scientific statements like 'I have
just taken a small bite out of this apple.' The delightful irony in this idea
derives from a contrast with a notion of abstract qualities being shared by
objects and of proper knowledge as knowledge couched in such abstrac-
tions. On this view it might even be thought improper to dignify with the
name 'thought' anything which did not use abstract classification. But I
suggest, to the contrary, that narrative thought, like metonymic and
metaphoric thought (see Lakoffand Johnson 1980; Lakoff 1987; Fernan-
dez 1974; Sperber 1975), works more in a pataphysical than a metaphysi-
cal way. This is perhaps clearest in the case of specific characters: to
understand, for example, the assertion that 'Saddam Hussein is a Hitler'
may require little or no abstraction at all, but only a sense of what Hitler's
character was in his own very specific plot.
I write as an anthropologist, not as a cognitive psychologist, so there are
264 Michael Carrithers
A Jain tale
I want to set out two illustrations, ethnographic snapshots of the territory
of story in social life. The first stems from an episode which occurred
while I was doingfieldworkamong Jains in Kolhapur, Maharashtra State,
Jains are a severely ascetic minority sect who hold that souls cycle in
endless torment from birth to birth. The cause of this eternal suffering is
the physical and mental pain we inflict on other beings, for by such deeds
we cause defilements to adhere to our own souls, and these defilements
lead inexorably, with law-like regularity, to further painful rebirth. We
may prevent defilement by living a strict life of vegetarianism, celibacy,
truthfulness, and non-attachment to belongings, and we can cleanse
ourselves of already accrued defilement by practising self-mortification.
Jains are thus celebrated for the doctrine of harmlessness or non-violence,
ahimsa, which had great influence on Gandhi. They are celebrated
likewise for the austerities of their munis, monks or ascetics. The munis of
the Digambar sect (the sect with whom I worked in Kolhapur) go
permanently naked, eat once a day, walk the length and breadth of India,
and from time to time remove their head hair by plucking it out with their
own hands. This strenuous spiritual heroism is held in profound rever-
ence by lay Jains.
The Jains among whom I worked were mostly urban businessmen who
were eager to speak of Jainism, and I was frequently offered a long
impromptu religio-philosophical lecture - a well-marked local communi-
cative genre. On the occasion in question I was sitting in the office of a
dealer in agricultural supplies, Mr P (the T ' stands for 'philosophy'). The
following is from my field notes. Mr P spoke in English.
He began treating me to a sermon. Did I know about Jainism? Not much. He told
me that the essence of Jainism is ahimsa. This is non-violence, and Gandhi was
really a Jain ... Did I know what ahimsa means? I did not. Ahimsa is the essence of
all religions, he said. We must do no harm, we must help all beings. Did I eat meat?
I used to, but no longer. Good, he said, that is ahimsa. Ahimsa is always a profit to
Stories in social and mental life 265
yourself Ahimsd means that we must say ill of no-one, because we might harm
them, but we would anyway harm ourselves. Why? Because to speak ill or to lie is
to speak out of greed and hatred, and these harm ourselves. Ahimsd means no
harm to others, and that means no harm to yourself. Did I think fasting was bad
for health? I hesitated. No! he said. Fasting is good for self, fasting is ahimsd,
because it harms no-one and helps only self...
Mr P seemed to be hitting his stride when someone called on a business matter,
and Mr P asked me to stay for tea, saying that he had to go out but would be right
back. He left, and after a pause a shabby older man who had been sitting in the
corner spoke in Marathi. He was a farmer perhaps, perhaps a poor relation or had
come about a loan. Did I speak Marathi? A little. This, he said, is a story my
grandfather told me. This is very important. Write this down, he said, pointing to
my notebook. There was a great man, a hero, a mahdpurus, who lived right near
here, and one time that man went out to the bulls. While (doing something
unknown to me) to the bulls one of them stood on his hand. What did he do? He
did nothing! He waited and waited, and finally the bull's owner came and saw what
was happening! The owner struck the bull to make it move, and the great man told
him to stop, that the bull did not understand! That is dharma [true religion], he
said, that is genuine jainadharma [Jainism]!
The man - I will call him Mr S for 'story' - told the tale with marked
fervour, but fell silent when Mr P returned and did not speak again. I took
it that he was rebutting or improving on Mr P's account (which I have
very considerably abridged). I later discovered a printed biography of one
Siddhasagar which contained the episode of which Mr S spoke. Siddhasa-
gar lived into the first decade of the twentieth century. Late in life, after
many notable religious deeds as a layman, he became a muni, naked
ascetic, and continued to live an increasingly ascetic life until his death.
His printed biography (Shaha 1983) informs us that he was removing
dung from beneath the bulls when the reported incident happened.
What is the difference between Mr P's philosophical account and Mr
S's story? Let me begin by pointing out an important dimension in which
they do not differ, namely, they both rely on implicit inference. By implicit
inference I mean that these slices of talk, like all discourse, require a
substantial amount of background knowledge and alertness to context to
be intelligible. For example, neither Mr P nor Mr S actually explained the
Jain theory of rebirth. I had to know it, and to infer that it was relevant (on
relevance see Brown and Yule 1983: 68ff.; Sperber and Wilson 1986).
Moreover, when Mr S began to speak I had to infer that he was referring
to what Mr P had said and not striking out on another topic altogether,
such as 'awful things that can happen to you with bulls'. It was only later
that he made the connection outright: 'that is true religion'. Moreover,
both slices of talk presupposed a knowledge of everyday assumptions -
that food, rather than its absence, is good for you, or that one would do
just about anything to get a bull off one's hand.
266 Michael Carrithers
Explicit inference, on the other hand, marked Mr P's, but not Mr S's,
discourse. That is, Mr P's account was organized to demonstrate a
particular process of reasoning and a particular set of propositions about
the world. After the preamble (i.e., after 'we must help all beings') each
segment of the talk had roughly the form: 'you might think X is good for
you, but in fact Y is good for you, because of the entailments of the theory
of rebirth and ahimsd\ Though the talk was impromptu, it was recogniz-
ably patterned after typical Jain ethical reasoning such as has been
cultivated by Jain scholars and philosophers for more than two millennia.
And in fact Mr P was setting out an example of what Bruner (1986) called
the 'paradigmatic mode of understanding', the mode of understanding of
logic and impersonal abstraction, which Bruner contrasts with the
narrative mode of understanding.
I have already suggested that narrative thought differs from such
paradigmatic thought by its plot-like organization, its characters, and its
specificity, but now I want to go a bit further. It is my view - and I think
that of Mr S - that narrative thought is, for some purposes, superior to
paradigmatic thought. For paradigmatic thought, I suggest, cannot so
easily be applied to one's own actual life; it is less persuasive, less vivid,
and less informative. In practice, story is easier to use, conveys more, and
does so more effectively. Narratives have a capacity to move people and,
in so doing, to make things happen.
There are a number of reasons for attributing such potential to
narrative thought. Levinson suggests in this volume (Chapter 11) that
humans have an interactive bias in thought, and part of that bias is a
propensity to regard phenomena as having intentions, that is, as being, in
my terms, characters. Dennett (1987) has made a similar point in regard to
the 'intentional stance'. If this is so, then we might expect listeners to
understand a point more readily through what happens to a specific
character with his or her characteristic intentions. Moreover, Lakoff
(1987), Winograd and Flores (1987), Bourdieu (1977) and many others
have suggested that humans tend to think in specifics, in images,
metonyms, and metaphors, and in terms intelligible through corporeal
rather than ratiocinative experience. And finally Bruner (1987) has
proposed that people generally see themselves in their own lives in
narrative terms, as having a specific character and a specific life plot. For
all these reasons story seems more intimately connected to our fundamen-
tally social and embodied nature than derived forms of abstract and
general reasoning.
The writer of the preface to the biography of Siddhasagar saw the
virtue of narrative clearly. 'It is our experience', he wrote, 'that the life
stories of great men are attractive, informative, and inspiring to people ...
The readers' minds are so concentrated that they attend to nothing else.'
Stories in social and mental life 267
Planning my future
I want now to pursue the nature of implicit inference further, and propose
that the implied meaning in Mr S's telling of the story arose in part
through the collaboration of us interlocutors rather than merely through
individual ratiocination. The flow of action of the story, that is, was
understood partly through the flow of action of its telling.
Let me begin with the events in which Mr P and I were already involved
before Mr S spoke. My own part in them had a well-established
background, in that I was understood among local Jains to be a student of
Jainism and a researcher of the Jain community, intent on recording these
important matters for posterity in a complimentary light. In the fore-
ground I demonstrated, by quick and encouraging responses and by
writing in my notebook as the encounter progressed, that I valued Mr P's
opinion. Mr P, for his part, fell into the advisory, admonitory tone of the
impromptu lecture. And so we established that his utterances were for the
Stories in social and mental life 269
Kaluli stories
I have considered this Jain material because it illustrates many things: the
distinction between narrative and other forms of thought, the allusive and
cooperative nature of story, and its power to call into relevance events
long past and to adumbrate flows of action on a very large scale. But the
mutually planned outcome was purely a change in attitude and under-
standing and so does not show one of the most important features of
narrative thought, namely its close integration with social action. For that
I turn now to E. Schieffelin's (1976) ethnography of the Kaluli, a people
of the Papua New Guinea plateau. These narratives are much closer to an
immediate flow of events and therefore illustrate more plainly how people
use narrative thought to construct their mutual life.
The ethnography of the Kaluli recapitulates many themes found
throughout Papua New Guinea. They are shifting cultivators who
supplement their diet by hunting, fishing, and pig raising. Their social
intercourse is dominated by exchange and reciprocity. Such reciprocity
may create and reaffirm friendly relations, and Schieffelin makes clear
that, in such exchange, the expression of sentiment is at least as important
as material considerations. But Kaluli also reciprocate violence with
violence, and the abiding threat of conflict influences many of their
Kaluli live in large communal longhouses distributed over their
territory. But though the most immediate way of identifying a Kaluli is by
identifying his or her longhouse, large-scale social events are not neces-
sarily organized according to longhouse membership. Nor do the Kaluli
possess superordinate coercive institutions. Hence their domestic and
kinship arrangements are relatively fluid, and most of their collective life -
work, play, ceremony and fighting - is achieved by groups assembled ad
hoc for an occasion. Schieffelin represents the organizing of ad hoc groups
as largely a male matter, and I will therefore be concerned chiefly with
relations between adult men (for a complementary and corrective view-
point see B. Schieffelin 1990).
Stories in social and mental life 271
So people confabulate society using stories. The word 'confabulate' in its
common acceptation means just chatting together, with a suggestion
perhaps of yarning, gossiping, or story-telling. I suggest that we should
add a further implication to its sense, namely that of making together,
'confabrication' if you will. What is thus made is characteristically human
social action, with its large temporal and causal perspective and its
cognizance of many related characters with their richly imagined mental
states. Godelier remarks that 'human beings, in contrast to other social
animals, do not just live in society, they produce society in order to live'
2 76 Michael Carrithers
(Godelier 1988:1). The sense of this is well illustrated by the Kaluli, who
form work groups along affinal lines to produce their livelihood. But the
Kaluli also produce stories in order to live in society. Stories of conflict
constitute society through a conflictual understanding, stories of amity
constitute it through a cooperative understanding. In either case, the
mutual knowledge created through narrative thought ensures that subse-
quent action by partners to a relationship will act appropriately and with
mutual regard - even where that regard is mutually destructive.
Finally I want to point out that stories and story consciousness help to
confabulate not just action, but more or less predictable action in a
familiar style. I have argued that stories and narrative consciousness are
specific, particular, effectively 'pataphysical' in their form and appli-
cation. It has however also been implicit in my presentation that there are
differences of culture or social structure which set apart one style of story
or story consciousness from another. The Kaluli have a different view of
what makes a good or intelligible story, and of what makes an appropriate
response in life, than do the Jains, and the ethnographic literature could
be consulted for many more variants. E. Schieffelin has captured the style
of story and action specific to a society in the phrase 'cultural scenario',
which is recognizable in the way 'a people repeatedly approach and
interpret diverse situations and carry them to similar types of resolution'
(1976: 3). In this respect Kaluli or Jain stories have a generic character,
not just a specific, pataphysical one.
Now the features of a cultural scenario may be largely implicit for the
people themselves, as they seem to be for Kaluli. In that case, ethnogra-
phers are left to produce a theoretical gloss, their own paradigmatic
thought, which describes the generic element in Kaluli narrative and
social dispositions. In other cases, such as among the Jains, the people
themselves may cultivate their own commentary with great industry. But
in either case, narrative thought allows people to weld the general
disposition to the particular action, the general aesthetic feeling for
outcomes to the particular story, the generic role to the particular player.
In this perspective the central characteristic of story is neither its
predictability nor its originality, but rather its ability to combine the two.
Stories must be intelligible, but within the bounds of intelligibility they
may still tell a story which interlocutors have never heard before. Indeed,
as Chafe argues, people tell stories in order to say something new:
'narratives that entirely fit expectations are not really narratives at all'.
(Chafe 1990: 83) Consequently, I suggest, we may in future want to look
more closely to story to see more clearly how people mutually construct a
social world that resembles the past while still creating new inventions
and new responses.
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collaborative 6, 93-4, 106, 143-4; headings, and also agonistic planning,
logic of 230-1; primate 48-50; confabulation, foresight, goal-directed
projected/planned 23, 88-94, 98-9, interaction, interaction sequences,
104-6, 128, 176-7; social 16, 184 w2, modelling, projection, strategy.
270, 273, 275; strategies for 12, 22, apes; and closeness to humans 39; and
134; synchronization of 16, 21-2; see intelligence 42-3, 44, 45; and
also coordination, goal-directed intention-attribution 47, 48-9;
interaction, interaction, interaction teaching among 46; see also primates,
sequences, social interaction hominids
activity theory 32 n\4 approval, desire for 26-7
adjacency pairs, in conversation 115, 139, Argyle, M. 32n\7
189 Aristotle 230
agonistic planning 226, 244 Ashanti prayer 209-10
agreement, preference for in conversation Atlas, J. 259^31
117-18 Austin, J.L. 142-3
AIP see anticipatory interactive planning autism 9, 45, 48, 222
Alhonsaari, A. 215 autoassociation networks 56—8, 66 w2, w3
Allen, J. 240 autobiography 275
allometric scaling 40, 43 awareness; and language 8-9, 19; and
ambiguity; of action in primates 49; in relationship with intentionality 32
conversation 23, 25; in divination 199; wl6; self-awareness 8-9, 18, 19, 44,
of intended meaning 139, 141-3, 158, 148;- see also cognition, intelligence,
164-9 passim, 170; of pre's 89, 235; see knowledge, social intelligence
also inference, intentionality,
intention-attribution, meaning Bakhtin, M.M. 108, 185 n\2
ancestor worship 209-10 Bayesian conjunction 243, 244, 247
Anesaki, M. 216-17, 218 Beattie, J.H.M. 144
animism 218, 224-5 Berger, P.L. 68-70, 77, 80, 82, 83
anticipation limit (AL) 145, 148 bias, of human intelligence; towards
anticipatory interactive planning (AIP) animism 224-5; in cognition 221; and
2-3, 32 «16, 206; and conscious interactive intelligence 224-5, 241-2,
strategy 111, 112, 114; and control 245-7, 250-1, 253-4, 255 w6; in
7-8, 129-132; evolution of 52, 68-9, judging probability 204 w4, 242-4,
82-3, 140; and communicative 253, 259 n3S; against logical reasoning
interaction 176; and intentionality 16, 13, 29, 221; against randomness
24, 26, 112-14; and language 3, 6-9, 245-7; towards social interaction 27-9
10-13, 16, 140, 206-7; in primates 18, Bickerton, D. 3, 6, 18
50-1, 68; and projectability 119, 121, Bird-David, N. 19-20
124, 127; and social roles and rules Blumstein, S. 255 nl
Index 299
genres 178, 181-3; emergence of Sperber, D. 30ral,32 «10, 53, 56, 156,
13-16, 69, 83, 208; see also kinship, 268
social roles and rules, social spirit possession 196-7, 214
interdependence stories see narrative
social intelligence; as communicative strategy; for action 12, 22; conscious use of
behaviour 111; and cultural resources 112-14, 122-4, 133-5; in conversation
88, 107; and deception 7, 17-18; 121-2, 122-6, 126-9, 171-2; and
dyadic premise of 207-8; and politeness 145-6, 153-4; and routines
intention-attribution 26, 27, 28, 52, 133-4, 154-5, 170; see also
112; and Machiavellian intelligence anticipatory interactive planning,
18, 51-2, 147; and language 3-5, 7-12, foresight, projection, interaction
53-4, 65, 107-9; as a network system sequences
107-8; and preference for Strategy of Conflict 226
collaboration 106-7; and pre's 106-9; Strathern, M. 32 «18
in primates 41-2, 4 3 ^ , 46, 50-2; and Streeck, J. 21, 22, 104, 114
routines 107, 133; see also cognition, strepsirhine primates 38-9
interactive intelligence sua 198-202 passim, 205 wl3
social interaction; and AIP 175, 183; as symbolic resources 107
basis for human cognition 65; and symbols; and AIP 102, 103; gestural
cooperation/negotiation 7, 18, 20, 27, 99-104; and language 54, 55, 65, 66,
147; coordination of 226-7, 229-30, 207; natural 109; see also
241, 244-5, 253-4, 256 wlO; and representation
deception 140-2, 148; denned 175,
184 wl; and desire for approval 26-7; talk-in-interaction 108-9, 111, 112, 113,
as distinct from social action 184 n2; 133
and gestures 93-4; and hunter- Tambiah, SJ. 210-11,217
gatherers 69-70, 78-80; and language teasing; collaboration in 161-2; Gonja 137
8, 18, 27, 109, 140; routinization of «5; in conversation sequences 21-2,
15-16, 177; see also interactional 115-17, 119, 137 «5, 137-8 n6
intelligence, interaction sequences, temporality; and AIP 139, 140, 144-5,
kinship, social interdependence, social 148; and conversation 237, 259 w36;
institutions, social roles and rules and narrative 262-3, 268, 269, 272-3,
social interdependence; and AIP 2-3; as 275; temporal thinking, biases in 252;
basis for primate intelligence 1-2, 16; see also memory, foresight projection,
and cognition 19, 21; and retrospective revision
intentionality 11, 16, 27; non-verbal Tenejapan; description of 172 wl; use of
monitoring of 12, 32, wl7; and social irony in 156; and joking 171-2, 173
roles and rules 13-16; in primates 1-2, w4; and lies 173-4 «8; women 25, 155,
4, 16, 41-2, 43-4; see also kinship, 157, 161-4, 172; see also irony, Tzeltal
social institutions, social roles and speech
rules Teraski, A. 125, 235, 236
social roles and rules; and AIP 6-7, 10, thought; and intersubjectivity 252^;
14-15, 16, 68-9, 81-3, 183; and logical mode 29; narrative 29, 261-2,
character 262, 269; defined through 263-^, 266, 272-3; and temporality
language 6-7, 10, 14; development of 252; see also cognition, intelligence,
81-3; and interactional coordination interactional intelligence, logic,
228, 240; and kinship 14, 19, 68-9, rationality, reasoning, social
70-8 passim, 80-3; and language 6-7, intelligence
10, 13-16, 81-2; and sexual division topics, introducing in conversation 130-2
of labour 10, 14, 76-7; and social trajectory components 99-100
interdependence 13—16; and social Trevarthen, C.B. 223, 224
regularity 15-16; see also Nayaka, turn-taking in conversation; collaboration
social institutions, social in 94; and communicative genres 182;
interdependence and gestures 99, 104; and goal-
society, human 13, 14, 182, 261, 276 achievement 145-6; and human
sound-stretches 95-6 attention span 251-2, 253; and
Spelke, E. 224 projecting sequences 111, 120; see also
306 Index