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CAT 2017 Shift-1 Questions

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The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

Understanding where you are in the world is a basic survival skill, which is why we, like most species come
hard-wired with specialised brain areas to create cognitive maps of our surroundings. Where humans are
unique, though, with the possible exception of honeybees, is that we try to communicate this understanding of
the world with others. We have a long history of doing this by drawing maps — the earliest versions yet
discovered were scrawled on cave walls 14,000 years ago. Human cultures have been drawing them on stone
tablets, papyrus, paper and now computer screens ever since.

Given such a long history of human map-making, it is perhaps surprising that it is only within the last few
hundred years that north has been consistently considered to be at the top. In fact, for much of human history,
north almost never appeared at the top, according to Jerry Brotton, a map historian... "North was rarely put at
the top for the simple fact that north is where darkness comes from," he says. "West is also very unlikely to be
put at the top because west is where the sun disappears."

Confusingly, early Chinese maps seem to buck this trend. But, Brotton, says, even though they did have
compasses at the time, that isn't the reason that they placed north at the top. Early Chinese compasses were
actually oriented to point south, which was considered to be more desirable than deepest darkest north. But in
Chinese maps, the Emperor, who lived in the north of the country was always put at the top of the map, with
everyone else, his loyal subjects, looking up towards him. "In Chinese culture the Emperor looks south because
it's where the winds come from, it's a good direction. North is not very good but you are in a position of
subjection to the emperor, so you look up to him," says Brotton.

Given that each culture has a very different idea of who, or what, they should look up to it's perhaps not
surprising that there is very little consistency in which way early maps pointed. In ancient Egyptian times the
top of the world was east, the position of sunrise. Early Islamic maps favoured south at the top because most
of the early Muslim cultures were north of Mecca, so they imagined looking up (south) towards it. Christian
maps from the same era (called Mappa Mundi) put east at the top, towards the Garden of Eden and with
Jerusalem in the centre.

So when did everyone get together and decide that north was the top? It's tempting to put it down to European
explorers like Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand Megellan, who were navigating by the North Star. But
Brotton argues that these early explorers didn't think of the world like that at all. "When Columbus describes the
world it is in accordance with east being at the top, he says. "Columbus says he is going towards paradise, so
his mentality is from a medieval mappa mundi." We've got to remember, adds Brotton, that at the time, "no one
knows what they are doing and where they are going."

Question 1

Which one of the following best describes what the passage is trying to do?

A    It questions an explanation about how maps are designed.

B    It corrects a misconception about the way maps are designed.

C    It critiques a methodology used to create maps.

D    It explores some myths about maps.

Answer: B
The author starts the passage by talking about the history of map making. The author then mentions how north
was never put at the top in ancient times. He mentions that it was considered a bad direction. He says that
north being put at the top is a fairly recent phenomenon. He then goes on to discuss why different people
started putting north at the top. He mentions that the reasons for different people putting north at the top were
different from what people think now. Hence, he is trying to clear certain misconceptions about why north is put
at the top in the maps. Thus, option B is the most suitable answer.

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Question 2

Early maps did NOT put north at the top for all the following reasons EXCEPT

A    North was the source of darkness.

B    South was favoured by some emperors.

C    East and south were more important for religious reasons for some civilisations.

D    East was considered by some civilisations to be a more positive direction.

Answer: B

The passage mentions that the Chinese put North at the top of the map because the emperor would live in the
North and he preferred to look towards South. Hence, the fact that South was preferred by some emperors is
not a reason why North was put at the top. Hence, option B is false. All other options are mentioned in the

Question 3

According to the passage, early Chinese maps placed north at the top because

A    the Chinese invented the compass and were aware of magnetic north.

B    they wanted to show respect to the emperor.

C    the Chinese emperor appreciated the winds from the south.

D    north was considered the most desirable direction.

Answer: B

We can straightaway eliminate options A and D. The passage states that the Chinese compasses pointed to
magnetic south and that south was considered a more desirable direction. While option C is true, that is not the
reason why North was placed at the top. 

The passage states that the emperor lived in the north and hence maps depicted him as above his subjects.
Thus, north was placed at the top of the map to show respect for the emperor. Thus, option B is correct.
Question 4

It can be inferred from the passage that European explorers like Columbus and Megellan

A    set the precedent for north-up maps

B    navigated by the compass

C    used an eastward orientation for religious reasons

D    navigated with the help of early maps

Answer: C

We can straightaway eliminate option A. The author says that though one might think that the trend of north-up
maps was set by these explorers, this is in fact not true. Options B and D are also incorrect. The passage says
that the explorers navigated with the help of the North Star. 

In the passage, it is given that "When Columbus describes the world it is in accordance with east being at the
top, he says. "Columbus says he is going towards paradise, so his mentality is from a medieval mappa mundi."
Hence, we can infer that statement C is true. 

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Question 5

Which one of the following about the northern orientation of modern maps is asserted in the passage?

A    The biggest contributory factor was the understanding of magnetic north.

B    The biggest contributory factor was the role of European explorers.

C    The biggest contributory factor was the influence of Christian maps.

D    The biggest contributory factor is not stated in the passage.

Answer: D

In the passage, the author discusses how North was traditionally not put on the top of early maps. The author
explicitly refutes the role of the compass and of European explorers in placing North at the top of maps. Hence,
we can eliminate options A and B. The author says that East was placed at the top of Christian maps. Hence,
option C is also incorrect. Thought the author counters all known explanations as to why North was placed on
the top, he does not offer any explanation of his own. Hence, option D is correct.

Question 6

The role of natural phenomena in influencing map-making conventions is seen most clearly in

A    early Egyptian maps

B    early Islamic maps

C    early Chinese maps

D    early Christian maps

Answer: A

According to the passage, early Egyptian maps placed the East at the top because that was the position of
sunrise. Hence, we can say that natural phenomena dictated the map-making convention in this case. Thus,
option A is correct.

Options B and D are incorrect as the conventions were decided by religious factors and not natural phenomena.
Option C also can be eliminated as the orientation was a result of their desire to honour their emperor. Hence,
the answer is option A.


The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

I used a smartphone GPS to find my way through the cobblestoned maze of Geneva's Old Town, in search of a
handmade machine that changed the world more than any other invention. Near a 13th-century cathedral in this
Swiss city on the shores of a lovely lake, I found what I was looking for: a Gutenberg printing press. "This was
the Internet of its day — at least as influential as the iPhone," said Gabriel de Montmollin, the director of the
Museum of the Reformation, toying with the replica of Johann Gutenberg's great invention.

Before the invention of the printing press, it used to take four monks up to a year to produce a single book. With
the advance in movable type in 15th-century Europe, one press could crank out 3,000 pages a day. Before long,
average people could travel to places that used to be unknown to them — with maps! Medical information
passed more freely and quickly, diminishing the sway of quacks. The printing press offered the prospect that
tyrants would never be able to kill a book or suppress an idea. Gutenberg's brainchild broke the monopoly that
clerics had on scripture. And later, stirred by pamphlets from a version of that same press, the American
colonies rose up against a king and gave birth to a nation.

So, a question in the summer of this 10th anniversary of the iPhone: has the device that is perhaps the most
revolutionary of all time given us a single magnificent idea? Nearly every advancement of the written word
through new technology has also advanced humankind. Sure , you can say the iPhone changed everything. By
putting the world's recorded knowledge in the palm of a hand, it revolutionized work, dining, travel and
socializing. It made us more narcissistic — here's more of me doing cool stuff! — and it unleashed an army of
awful trolls. We no longer have the patience to sit through a baseball game without that reach to the pocket.
And one more casualty of Apple selling more than a billion phones in a decade's time: daydreaming has
become a lost art.

For all of that, I'm still waiting to see if the iPhone can do what the printing press did for religion and
democracy...the Geneva museum makes a strong case that the printing press opened more minds than
anything else...it's hard to imagine the French or American revolutions without those enlightened voices in

Not long after Steve Jobs introduced his iPhone, he said the bound book was probably headed for history's
attic. Not so fast. After a period of rapid growth in e-books, something closer to the medium for Chaucer's
volumes has made a great comeback.

The hope of the iPhone, and the Internet in general, was that it would free people in closed societies. But the
failure of the Arab Spring, and the continued suppression of ideas in North Korea, China and Iran, has not borne
that out. The iPhone is still young. It has certainly been "one of the most important, world-changing and
successful products in. history," as Apple C.E.O. Tim Cook said. But I'm not sure if the world changed for the
better with the iPhone — as it did with the printing press — or merely changed.

Question 7

The printing press has been likened to the Internet for which one of the following reasons?

A    It enabled rapid access to new information and the sharing of new ideas.

B    It represented new and revolutionary technology compared to the past.

C    It encouraged reading among people by giving them access to thousands of books.

D    It gave people access to pamphlets and literature in several languages.

Answer: A

In the first passage, the author mentions printing press as the internet of its day. Immediately, in the next
paragraph he elucidates how printing press helped in spreading ideas and information. Thus, the author likened
the printing press to the internet because it enabled access to new information and sharing of ideas.

Hence, option A is the correct answer.

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Question 8

According to the passage, the invention of the printing press did all of the following EXCEPT

A    promoted the spread of enlightened political views across countries.

B    gave people direct access to authentic medical information and religious texts.

C    shortened the time taken to produce books and pamphlets.

D    enabled people to perform various tasks simultaneously.

Answer: D

From the lines "Medical information passed more freely and quickly, diminishing the sway of quacks" and
"Gutenberg's brainchild broke the monopoly that clerics had on scripture" , we can infer that option B is true. 

From the lines "And later, stirred by pamphlets from a version of that same press, the American colonies rose
up against a king and gave birth to a nation" and "it's hard to imagine the French or American revolutions
without those enlightened voices in print", we can infer option A is true.

From the lines "Before the invention of the printing press, it used to take four monks up to a year to produce a
single book. With the advance in movable type in 15th-century Europe, one press could crank out 3,000 pages a
day", we can infer that option C is true.
Option D has not been stated nor implied anywhere in the passage.

Question 9

Steve Jobs predicted which one of the following with the introduction of the iPhone?

A    People would switch from reading on the Internet to reading on their iPhones.

B    People would lose interest in historical and traditional classics.

C    Reading printed books would become a thing of the past.

D    The production of e-books would eventually fall.

Answer: C

Refer to the following lines - "Not long after Steve Jobs introduced his iPhone, he said the bound book was
probably headed for history's attic". Thus, we can infer that Steve Jobs predicted that reading printed books
would become a thing of the past. Hence, option C is the right answer.

Question 10

"I'm still waiting to see if the iPhone can do what the printing press did for religion and democracy." The author
uses which one of the following to indicate his uncertainty?

A    The rise of religious groups in many parts of the world.

B    The expansion in trolling and narcissism among users of the Internet.

C    The continued suppression of free speech in closed societies.

D    The decline in reading habits among those who use the device.

Answer: C

The author says that the iPhone has not fulfilled its potential as a piece of revolutionary technology. He goes on
to say that the hope was that the iPhone could help in liberating people in closed societies. However, the failure
of the Arab spring and continued suppression in places like North Korea shows that this has not happened.
Hence, the author uses the continued suppression of free speech in closed societies to indicate why he is still
uncertain about the potential of the iPhone. Hence, option C is correct.

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Question 11

The author attributes the French and American revolutions to the invention of the printing press because

A    maps enabled large numbers of Europeans to travel and settle in the American continent.
B    the rapid spread of information exposed people to new ideas on freedom and democracy.

it encouraged religious freedom among the people by destroying the monopoly of religious leaders on the

D    it made available revolutionary strategies and opinions to the people.

Answer: B

Refer to the line "it's hard to imagine the French or American revolutions without those enlightened voices in
print". Hence, from this we can straightaway eliminate options A and C. Between options B and D, B correctly
captures the point made by the author. The printing press allowed the spread of enlightened voices and as a
result people were exposed to new ideas on freedom and democracy. 

Option D slightly distorts what is given in the passage. The passage does not mention any revolutionary
"strategies". Hence, we can eliminate this option.

Thus, the answer is option B.

Question 12

The main conclusion of the passage is that the new technology has

A    some advantages, but these are outweighed by its disadvantages.

B    so far not proved as successful as the printing press in opening people's minds.

C    been disappointing because it has changed society too rapidly.

D    been more wasteful than the printing press because people spend more time daydreaming or surfing.

Answer: B

The main point of the passage is that unlike the Gutenberg printing press, the iPhone has in comparison done
nothing to make the society more liberated or enlightened. This point has been accurately captured by option B.

The author is not weighing the advantages or disadvantages of new technology. Hence, we can eliminate
option A. 

The author does not say that the society has rapidly changed as a result of new technology. In fact, he says that
nothing really has changed as a result of it.

The author says that people are no longer daydreaming as a result of new technology. Hence, option D, which
contradicts what is given in the passage, can be eliminated.


The passage below is accompanied by a set of six questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

This year alone, more than 8,600 stores could close, according to industry estimates, many of them the brand-
name anchor outlets that real estate developers once stumbled over themselves to court. Already there have
been 5,300 retail closings this year... Sears Holdings — which owns Kmart — said in March that there's
"substantial doubt" it can stay in business altogether, and will close 300 stores this year. So far this year, nine
national retail chains have filed for bankruptcy.
Local jobs are a major casualty of what analysts are calling, with only a hint of hyperbole, the retail apocalypse.
Since 2002, department stores have lost 448,000 jobs, a 25% decline, while the number of store closures this
year is on pace to surpass the worst depths of the Great Recession. The growth of online retailers, meanwhile,
has failed to offset those losses, with the e-commerce sector adding just l78,000 jobs over the past l5 years.
Some of those jobs can be found in the massive distribution centers Amazon has opened across the country,
often not too far from mails the company helped shutter.

But those are workplaces, not gathering places. The mall is both. And in the 61 years since the first enclosed
one opened in suburban Minneapolis, the shopping mall has been where a huge swath of middle-class America
went for far more than shopping. It was the home of first jobs and blind dates, the place for family photos and
ear piercings, where goths and grandmothers could somehow walk through the same doors and find something
they all liked. Sure, the food was lousy for you and the oceans of parking lots encouraged car- heavy
development, something now scorned by contemporary planners. But for better or worse, the mall has been
America's public square for the last 60 years.

So what happens when it disappears?

Think of your mall. Or think of the one you went to as a kid. Think of the perfume clouds in the department
stores. The fountains splashing below the skylights. The cinnamon wafting from the food court. As far back as
ancient Greece, societies have congregated around a central marketplace. In medieval Europe, they were
outside cathedrals. For half of the 20th century and almost 20 years into the new one, much of America has
found their agora on the terrazzo between Orange Julius and Sbarro, Waldenbooks and the Gap, Sunglass Hut
and Hot Topic.

That mall was an ecosystem unto itself, a combination. of community and commercialism peddling everything
you needed and everything you didn' t: Magic Eye posters, wind catchers, Air Jordans....

A growing number of Americans, however, don't see the need to go to any Macy's at all. Our digital lives are
frictionless and ruthlessly efficient, with retail and romance available at a click. Mails were designed for leisure,
abundance, ambling. You parked and planned to spend some time. Today, much of that time has been given
over to busier lives and second jobs and apps that let you swipe right instead of haunt the food court. Mails,
says Harvard business professor Leonard Schlesinger, "were built for patterns of social interaction that
increasingly don't exist."

Question 13

The central idea of this passage is that:

A    the closure of malls has affected the economic and social life of middle-class America.

B    Is the advantages of malls outweigh their disadvantages.

C    malls used to perform a social function that has been lost.

D    malls are closing down because people have found alternate ways to shop.

Answer: C

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Question 14

Why does the author say in paragraph 2, 'the massive distribution centers Amazon has opened across the
country, often not too far from mails the company helped shutter'?
A    To highlight the irony of the situation.

B    To indicate that mails and distribution centres are located in the same area.

C    To show that Amazon is helping certain brands go online.

D    To indicate that the shopping habits of the American middle class have changed.

Answer: A

Question 15

In paragraph 1, the phrase "real estate developers once stumbled over themselves to court suggests that they

A    took brand-name anchor outlets to court.

B    no longer pursue brand-name anchor outlets.

C    collaborated with one another to get brand-name anchor outlets.

D    were eager to get brand-name anchor outlets to set up shop in their mall.

Answer: B

Question 16

The author calls the mall an ecosystem unto itself because

A    people of all ages and from all walks of life went there.

B    people could shop as well as eat in one place.

C    it was a commercial space as well as a gathering place.

D    it sold things that were needed as well as those that were not.

Answer: C

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Question 17

Why does the author say that the mall has been America's public square?

A    Mails did not bar anybody from entering the space.

B    Mails were a great place to shop for a huge section of the middle class.

C    Mails were a hangout place where families grew close to each other.
D    Mails were a great place for everyone to gather and interact.

Answer: D

Question 18

The author describes 'Perfume clouds in the department stores' in order to

A    evoke memories by painting a picture of mails.

B    describe the smells and sights of mails.

C    emphasise that all brands were available under one roof.

D    show that mails smelt good because of the various stores and food court.

Answer: A


The passage below is accompanied by a set of three questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

Scientists have long recognised the incredible diversity within a species. But they thought it reflected
evolutionary changes that unfolded imperceptibly, over millions of years. That divergence between populations
within a species was enforced, according to Ern.st Mayr, the great evolutionary biologist of the 1940s, when a
population was separated from the rest of the species by a mountain range or a desert, preventing breeding
across the divide over geologic scales of time. Without the separation, gene flow was relentless. But as the
separation persisted, the isolated population grew apart and speciation occurred.

In the mid-1960s, the biologist Paul Ehrlich — author of The Population Bomb (1968) — and his Stanford
University colleague Peter Raven challenged Mayr's ideas about speciation. They had studied checkerspot
butterflies living in the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve in California, and it soon became clear that they were
not examining a single population. Through years of capturing, marking and then recapturing the butterflies,
they were able to prove that within the population, spread over just 50 acres of suitable checkerspot habitat,
there were three groups that rarely interacted despite their very close proximity.

Among other ideas, Ehrlich and Raven argued in a now classic paper from 1969 that gene flow was not as
predictable and ubiquitous as Mayr and his cohort maintained, and thus evolutionary divergence between
neighbouring groups in a population was probably common. They also asserted that isolation and gene flow
were less important to evolutionary divergence than natural selection (when factors such as mate choice,
weather, disease or predation cause better-adapted individuals to survive and pass on their successful genetic
traits). For example, Ehrlich and Raven suggested that, without the force of natural selection, an isolated
population would remain unchanged and that, in other scenarios, natural selection could be strong enough to
overpower gene flow...

Question 19

Which of the following best sums up Ehrlich and Raven's argument in their classic 1969 paper?

A    Ernst Mayr was wrong in identifying physical separation as the cause of species diversity.

Checkerspot butterflies in the 50-acre Jasper Ridge Preserve formed three groups that rarely interacted with
each other.
C    While a factor, isolation was not as important to speciation as natural selection.

D    Gene flow is less common and more erratic than Mayr and his colleagues claimed.

Answer: C

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Question 20

All of the following statements are true according to the passage EXCEPT

A    Gene flow contributes to evolutionary divergence.

B    The Population Bomb questioned dominant ideas about species diversity.

C    Evolutionary changes unfold imperceptibly over time.

D    Checkerspot butterflies are known to exhibit speciation while living in close proximity.

Answer: B

Question 21

The author discusses Mayr, Ehrlich and Raven to demonstrate that

A    IS evolution is a sensitive and controversial topic.

B    Ehrlich and Raven's ideas about evolutionary divergence are widely accepted by scientists.

C    the causes of speciation are debated by scientists.

D    checkerspot butterflies offer the best example of Ehrlich and Raven's ideas about speciation.

Answer: C


The passage below is accompanied by a set of three questions. Choose the best answer to each question.

Do sports mega events like the summer Olympic Games benefit the host city economically? It depends, but the
prospects are less than rosy. The trick is converting... several billion dollars in operating costs during the l 7-
day fiesta of the Games into a basis for long-term economic returns. These days, the summer Olympic Games
themselves generate total revenue of $4 billion to $ S billion, but the lion's share of this goes to the International
Olympics Co~ tt ee, the National Olympics Comittees and the International Sports Federations. Any economic
benefit would have to flow from the value of the Games as an advertisement for the city, the new transportation
and communications infrastructure that was created for the Games, or the ongoing use of the new facilities.

Evidence suggests that the advertising effect is far from certain. The infrastructure benefit depends on the
initial condition of the city and the effectiveness of the planning. The facilities benefit is dubious at best for
buildings such as velodromes or natatoriums and problematic for 100,000-seat Olympic stadiums. The latter
require a conversion plan for future use, the former are usually doomed to near vacancy. Hosting the summer
Games generally requires 30-plus sports venues and dozens of training centers. Today, the Bird's Nest in Beijing
sits virtually empty, while the Olympic Stadium in Sydney costs some $30 million a year to operate.

Part of the problem is that Olympics planning takes place in a frenzied and time-pressured atmosphere of
intense competition with the other prospective host cities — not optimal conditions for contemplating the future
shape of an urban landscape. Another part of the problem is that urban land is generally scarce and growing
scarcer. The new facilities often stand for decades or longer. Even if they have future use, are they the best use
of precious urban real estate?

Further, cities must consider the human cost. Residential areas often are razed and citizens relocated (without
adequate preparation or compensation). Life is made more hectic and congested. There are, after all, other
productive uses that can be made of vanishing fiscal resources.

Question 22

The cen.tral point in the first paragraph is that the economic benefits of the Olympic Games

A    Is are shared equally among the three organising co~t te es.

B    accrue mostly through revenue from advertisements and ticket sales.

C    accrue to host cities, if at all, only in the long term.

D    are usually eroded by expenditure incurred by the host city.

Answer: C

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Question 23

Sports facilities built for the Olympics are not fully utilised after the Games are over because

A    their scale and the costs of operating them are large.

B    their location away from the city centre usually limits easy access.

C    the authorities do not adapt them to local conditions.

D    Is they become outdated having being built with little planning and under time pressure.
Answer: A

Question 24

The author feels that the Games place a burden on the host city for all of the following reasons EXCEPT that

A    they divert scarce urban land from more productive uses.

B    they involve the demolition of residential structures to accommodate sports facilities and infrastructure.

C    the finances used to fund the Games could be better used for other purposes.
the influx of visitors during the Games places a huge strain on the urban infrastructure.
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Answer: D

For the following questions answer them individually

Question 25

The passage given below is followed by four summaries. Choose the option that best captures the author' s
To me, a "classic" means precisely the opposite of what my predecessors understood: a work is classical by
reason of its resistance to contemporaneity and supposed universality, by reason of its capacity to indicate
human particularity and difference in that past epoch. The classic is not what tells me about shared humanity
— or, more truthfully put, what lets me recognize myself as already present in the past, what nourishes in me
the illusion that everything has been like me and has existed only to prepare the way for me. Instead, the
classic is what gives access to radically different forms of human consciousness for any given generation of
readers, and thereby expands for them the range of possibilities of what it means to be a human being.

A classic is able to focus on the contemporary human condition and a unified experience of human

A classical work seeks to resist particularity and temporal difference even as it focuses on a common

A classic is a work exploring the new, going beyond the universal, the contemporary, and the notion of a
unifiedhuman consciousness.

A classic is a work that provides access to a universal experience of the human race as opposed to radically
different forms of human consciousness.

Answer: C

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Question 26

The passage given below is followed by four summaries. Choose the option that best captures the author' s
A translator of literary works needs a secure hold upon the two languages involved, supported by a good
measure of familiarity with the two cultures. For an Indian translating works in an Indian language into
English, finding satisfactory equivalents in a generalized western culture of practices and symbols in the
original would be less difficult than gaining fluent control of contemporary English. When a westerner works
on texts in Indian languages the interpretation of cultural elements will be the major challenge, rather than
control over the gramrmr and essential vocabulary of the language concerned. It is much easier to remedy
lapses in language in a text translated into English, than flaws of content. Since it is easier for an Indian to
learn the English language than it is for a Briton or American to comprehend Indian culture, translations of
Indian texts is better left to Indians.
While translating, the Indian and the westerner face the same challenges but they have different skill
profiles and the former has the advantage.

As preserving cultural meanings is the essence of literary translation Indians' knowledge of the local culture
outweighs the initial disadvantage of lower fluency in English.

Indian translators should translate Indian texts into English as their work is less likely to pose cultural
problems which are harder to address than the quality of language.

Westerners might be good at gaining reasonable fluency in new languages, but as understanding the culture
reflected in literature is crucial, Indians remain better placed.

Answer: C

Question 27

The passage given below is followed by four summaries. Choose the option that best captures the author' s
For each of the past three years, temperatures have hit peaks not seen since the birth of meteorology, and
probably not for more than 110,000 years. The amount of carbon dioxide in the air is at its highest level in 4
million years. This does not cause storms like Harvey — there have always been storms and hurricanes along
the Gulf of Mexico — but it makes them wetter and more powerful. As the seas warm, they evaporate more
easily and provide energy to storm fronts. As the air above them warms, it holds more water vapour. For every
half a degree Celsius in warming, there is about a 3% increase in atmospheric moisture content. Scientists
call this the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. This means the skies fill more quickly and have more to dump. The
storm surge was greater because sea levels have risen 20 cm as a result of more than 100 years of human-
related global warming which has melted glaciers and thermally expanded the volume of seawater.

The storm Harvey is one of the regular, annual ones from the Gulf of Mezico; global warming and Harvey are
unrelated phenomena.

Global warming does not breed storms but makes them more destructive; the Clausius-Clapeyron equation,
B     though it predicts potential increase in atmospheric moisture content, cannot predict the scale of damage
storms might wreck.

Global warming melts glaciers, resulting in seawater volume expansion; this enables more water vapour to
fill the air above faster. Thus, modern storms contain more destructive energy.

It is naive to think that rising sea levels and the force of tropical storms are unrelated; Harvey was
D    destructive as global warming has armed it with more moisture content, but this may not be true of all

Answer: C
Question 28

The five sentences labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent
paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on. the proper order for the sentences and key in
this sequence of five numbers as your answer.
1. The process of handing down implies not a passive transfer, but some contestation in defining what exactly
is to be handed down.
2. Wherever Western scholars have worked on the Indian past, the selection is even more apparent and the
inventing of a tradition much more recognizable.
3. Every generation selects what it requires from the past and makes its innovations, some more than others.
4. It is now a truism to say that traditions are not handed down unchanged, but are invented.
5. Just as life has death as its opposite, so is tradition by default the opposite of innovation.


A quick glance at all the five questions suggest that the passage is discussing tradition and innovation. Hence,
5 is the best opening sentence as it sets the context for the discussion. 4 and 1 form a pair as both of them talk
about handing down. Similarly, 3, 2 also form a pair as both talk about selections. Hence, the correct logical
order of the given sentences will be 54132.

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Question 29

The five sentences labelled (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent
paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in
this sequence of five numbers as your answer.
1. Scientists have for the first time managed to edit genes in. a human embryo to repair a genetic mutation,
fuelling hopes that such procedures may one day be available outside laboratory conditions.
2. The cardiac disease causes sudden death in otherwise healthy young athletes and affects about one in 500
people overall.
3. Correcting the mutation in the gene would not only ensure that the child is healthy but also prevents
transmission of the mutation to future generations.
4. It is caused by a mutation in a particular gene and a child will suffer from the condition even if it inherits
only one copy of the mutated gene.
5. In results announced in Nature this week, scientists fixed a mutation that thickens the heart muscle, a
condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Question 30

The five sentences labelled (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent
paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on. the proper order for the sentences and key in
this sequence of five numbers as your answer.
1. The study suggests that the disease did not spread with such intensity, but that it may have driven human
migrations across Europe and Asia.
2. The oldest sample came from an individual who lived in southeast Russia about 5,000 years ago.
3. The ages of the skeletons correspond to a time of mass exodus from today's Russia and Ukraine into
western Europe and central Asia, suggesting that a pandemic could have driven these migrations.
4. In the analysis of fragments of DNA from 101 Bronze Age skeletons for sequences from Yersinia pestis, the
bacterium that causes the disease, seven tested positive.
5. DNA from Bronze Age human skeletons indicate that the black plague could have emerged as early as
3,000 BCE, long before the epidemic that swept through Europe in the rnid-1300s.


On carefully reading the sentences, we see that the paragraph is about the disease - black plaque and its impact
on migration. Sentence 5 introduces the subject. Hence, it should be the opening sentence of the paragraph.
Sentence 4 should follow 5 as 4 talks about the bronze age skeletons, which are mentioned in 5. Sentence 1
should follow 4 as 'the study' refers to the analysis of skeletons mentioned in 4. Sentences 2 and 3 form a pair
as 2 mentions that the oldest sample was found in Russia and 3 mentions that this could have been the reason
for mass exodus. 54123 forms a coherent paragraph.

Question 31

The five sentences labelled (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent
paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in
this sequence of five numbers as your answer.
1. This visual turn in social media has merely accentuated this announcing instinct of ours, enabling us with
easy-to-create, easy-to-share, easy-to-store and easy-to-consume platforms, gadgets and apps.
2. There is absolutely nothing new about us framing the vision of who we are or what we want, visually or
otherwise, in our Facebook page, for example.
3. Turning the pages of most family albums, which belong to a period well before the digital dissemination of
self-created and self-curated moments and images, would reconfirm the basic instinct of documenting our
presence in a particular space, on a significant occasion, with others who matter.
4. We are empowered to book our faces and act as celebrities within the confinement of our respective friend
lists, and communicate our activities, companionship and locations with minimal clicks and touches.
5. What is unprecedented is not the desire to put out newsfeeds related to the self, but the ease with which
this broadcast operation can now be executed, often provoking (un)anticipated responses from beyond one' s
immediate location.


3 is the starting sentence of the given paragraph as it introduces us the topic.
2 follows 3 as it further talks about what's given in 3 as can be understood by "There is absolutely nothing new
about us framing the vision" and this vision talked about in 3.
1 follows 2 as "This visual turn" has it's precedent is in 2. The visual turn in 1 is explained in 2.
5 concludes the summary and it also follows 4 as "What is unprecedented is not the desire to put out
newsfeeds related to the self" given in 5 is explained in 4.
Hence, the correct order is 32145.

CAT Percentile Predictor

Question 32

Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and
coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
l. People who study children's language spend a lot of time watching how babies react to the speech they hear
around them.
2. They make films of adults and babies interacting, and examine them very carefully to see whether the
babies show any sign.s of understanding what the adults say.
3. They believe that babies begin to react to language from the very moment they are born.
4. Sometimes the signs are very subtle — slight movements of the baby's eyes or the head or the hands.
5. You'd never notice them if you were just sitting with the child, but by watching a recording over and over,
you can spot them.


Question 33

Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and
coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
1 Neuroscientists have just begun studying exercise's impact within brain cells — on the genes themselves.
2. Even there, in the roots of our biology, they' ve found signs of the body's influence on the mind.
3. It turns out that moving our muscles produces proteins that travel through the bloodstream and into the
brain, where they play pivotal roles in the mechanisms of our highest thought processes.
4. In today's technology-driven, plasma-screened-in world, it's easy to forget that we are born movers-
animals, in fact — because we' ve engineered movement right out of our lives.
5. It's only in the past few years that neuroscientists have begun to describe these factors and how they work,
and each new discovery adds awe-inspiring depth to the picture.


Question 34

Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and
coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out.
1. The water that made up ancient lakes and perhaps an ocean was lost.
2. Particles from the Sun collided with molecules in the atmosphere, knocking them into space or giving them
an electric charge that caused them to be swept away by the solar wind.
3. Most of the planet's remaining water is now frozen or buried, but clues over the past decade suggested that
some liquid water, a presumed necessity for life, might survive in underground aquifers.
4. Data from NASA's MAVEN orbiter show that solar storms stripped away most of Mars's once-thick
5. A recent study reveals how Mars lost much of its early water, while another indicates that some liquid water

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Healthy Bites is a fastfood joint serving three items, burgers, fries and ice cream. It has two employees Anish
and Bani who prepare the items ordered by the clients. Preparation time is 10 minutes for a burger and 2
minutes for an order of Ice cream. An employee can prepare only one of these items at a time. The fries are
prepared in an automatic fryer which can prepare upto to 3 portions of fries at a time, and takes 5 minutes
irrespective of the number of portions. The fryer does not need an employee to constantly attend to it, and we
can ignore the time taken by an employee to start and stop the fryer; thus, an employee can be engaged in
preparing other items while the frying is on. However fries cannot be prepared in anticipation of future orders.

Healthy Bites wishes to serve the orders as early as possible. The individual items in any order are served as
and when ready; however,the order is considered to be completely served only when all the items of that order
are served.

The table below gives the orders of three clients and the times at which they placed their orders:

Question 35

Assume that only one client's order can be processed at any given point of time. So, Anish or Bani cannot
start preparing a new order while a previous order is being prepared.
At what time is the order placed by Client 1 completely served?

A    10:17

B     10:10

C    10:15

D    10:20

Answer: B

It is given that 

1 burger takes 10 minutes

1 ice cream takes 2 minutes and 3 portions of fries take 5 min by the machine (operator is not required).

Client 1 ordered 1 burger, 3 portions of fries and 1 ice cream.

The burger will take 10 minutes to finish. Meantime, rest of the order can be completed.
Daily Test CAT Questions
Question 36

Assume that only one client's order can be processed at any given point of time. So, Anish or Bani cannot
start preparing a new order while a previous order is being prepared.
At what time is the order placed by Client 3 completely served?

A    10:35

B    10:22

C    10:25

D    10:17

Answer: C

It is given that 

1 burger takes 10 minutes

1 ice cream takes 2 minutes and 3 portions of fries take 5 min by the machine (operator is not required).

Anish or Bani cannot start preparing a new order while a previous order is being prepared.

The first order will be completely done at 10:10.

The second order is two fries and one ice cream, which will be done by 10:15.

The third order is one 1 burger and 1 portion of fries.

The burger will take 10 minutes, by which fries will be ready.

Thus, the third order will be completed by 10:25.

Question 37

Suppose the employees are allowed to process multiple orders at a time, but the preference would be to finish
orders of clients who placed their orders earlier.
At what time is the order placed by Client 2 completely served?

A    10:10

B    10:12

C    10:15

D    10:17

Answer: A

It is given that 
1 burger takes 10 minutes

1 ice cream takes 2 minutes and 3 portions of fries take 5 min by the machine (operator is not required).

The employees are allowed to process multiple orders at a time, but the preference would be to finish orders of
clients who placed their orders earlier.

The first order is 1 burger, 1 ice cream and 3 portions of fries.

Anish can start working on the burger and Bani can start working on the ice cream for the first client at 10:00.

The burger will be done at 10:10, ice - cream at 10:02 and fries at 10:05.

The second order is placed at 10:05. (ice cream and fries)

Bani can work on the ice cream for the second client at 10:05 and also put the fries.

The ice cream will be done by 10:07 but the fries will be done by 10:10.

Thus, order will be completed by 10:10.

Question 38

Suppose the employees are allowed to process multiple orders at a time, but the preference would be to finish
orders of clients who placed their orders earlier.
Also assume that the fourth client came in only at 10:35. Between 10:00 and 10:30, for how many minutes is
exactly one of the employees idle?

A    7

B    10

C    15

D    23

Answer: B

It is given that 

1 burger takes 10 minutes

1 ice cream takes 2 minutes and 3 portions of fries take 5 min by the machine (operator is not required).

The employees are allowed to process multiple orders at a time, but the preference would be to finish orders of
clients who placed their orders earlier.

The first order is 1 burger, 1 ice cream and 3 portions of fries.

Anish can start working on the burger and Bani can start working on the ice cream.

The burger will be done at 10:10, ice - cream at 10:02 and fries at 10:05.

The second order is placed at 10:05. (ice cream and fries)

Bani can work on the ice cream from 10:05 and also put the fries.

Only Bani will be free from 10:02 to 10:05 - 3 minutes.

The ice cream will be done by 10:07 but the fries will be done by 10:10.
Third order of 1 burger and 1 fries is placed at 10:07.

Bani will immediately start working on the burger. He will finish it by 10:17.

Anish would have finished the first burger at 10:10. Only he is free till 10:17 - 7 minutes.

Thus exactly one person is free for 10 minutes.

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A study to look at the early learning of rural kids was carried out in a number of villages spanning three states,
chosen from the North East (NE), the West (W) and the South (S). 50 four-year old kids each were sampled from
each of the 150 villages from NE, 250 villages from W and 200 villages from S. It was found that of the 30000
surveyed kids 55% studied in primary schools run by government (G), 37% in private schools (P) while the
remaining 8% did not go to school (O).

The kids surveyed were further divided into two groups based on whether their mothers dropped out of school
before completing primary education or not.. The table below gives the number of kids in different types of
schools for mothers who dropped out of school before completing primary education:

It is also known that:

1. In S, 60% of the surveyed kids were in G. Moreover, In S, all surveyed kids whose mothers had completed
primary education were in school.
2. In NE, among the O kids, 50% had mothers who had dropped out before completing primary education.
3. The number of kids in G in NE was the same as the number of kids in G in W.

Question 39

What percentage of kids from S were studying in P?

A    37%

B    6%

C    79%

D    56%

Answer: A

Question 40

Among the kids in W whose mothers had completed primary education, how many were not in school?

A    300
B    1200

C    1050

D    1500

Answer: A

Question 41

In a follow up survey of the same kids two years later, it was found that all the kids were now in school. Of the
kids who were not in school earlier, in one region, 25% were in G now, whereas the rest were enrolled in P; in
the second region, all such kids were in G now; while in the third region, 50% of such kids had now joined G
while the rest had joined P. As a result, in all three regions put together, 50% of the kids who were earlier out
of school had joined G. It was also seen that no surveyed kid had changed schools.
What number of the surveyed kids now were in G in W7

A    6000

B    5250

C    6750

D    6300

Answer: A

Know the CAT Percentile Required for IIM Calls

Question 42

In a follow up survey of the same kids two years later, it was found that all the kids were now in school. Of the
kids who were not in school earlier, in on.e region, 25% were in G now, whereas the rest were enrolled in P; in
the second region, all such kids were in G now; while in the third region, 50% of such kids had now joined G
while the rest had joined P. As a result, in all three regions put together, 50% of the kids who were earlier out
of school had joined G. It was also seen that no surveyed kid had changed schools.
What percentage of the surveyed kids in S, whose mothers had dropped out before completing primary
education, were in G now?

A    94.7%

B    89.5%

C    93.4%

D    Cannot be determined from the given information

Answer: A

Applicants for the doctoral programmes of Ambi Institute of Engineering (AIE) and Bambi Institute of
Engineering (BIE) have to appear for a Common Entrance Test (CET). The test has three sections: Physics (P),
Chemistry (C), and Maths (M). Among those appearing for CET, those at or above the 80th percentile in at least
two sections, and at or above the 90th percentile overall, are selected for Advanced Entrance Test (AET)
conducted by AIE. AET is used by AIE for final selection.

For the 200 candidates who are at or above the 90th percentile overall based on CET, the following are known
about their performance in CET:
1. No one is below the 80th percentile in all 3 sections.
2. 150 are at or above the 80th percentile in exactly two sections.
3. The number of candidates at or above the 80th percentile only in P is the same as the number of candidates
at or above the 80th percentile only in C. The same is the number of candidates at or above the 80th percentile
only in M.
4. Number of candidates below 80th percentile in P: Number of candidates below 80th percentile in C: Number
of candidates below 80th percentile in M = 4:2:1.
BIE uses a differen.t process for selection. If any candidate is appearing in the AET by AIE, BIE considers their
AET score for final selection provided the candidate is at or above the 80th percentile in P. Any other candidate
at or above the 80th percentile in P in CET, but who is not eligible for the AET, is required to appear in a separate
test to be conducted by BIE for being considered for final selection. Altogether, there are 400 candidates this
year who are at or above the 80th percentile in P.

Question 43

What best can be concluded about the number of candidates sitting for the separate test for BIE who were at
or above the 90th percentile overall in CET?

A    3 or 10

B    10

C    5

D    7 or 10

Answer: A

Question 44

If the number of candidates who are at or above the 90th percentile overall and also at or above the 80th
percentile in all three sections in CET is actually a multiple of 5, what is the number of candidates who are at
or above the 90th percentile overall and at or above the 80th percentile in both P and M in CET?


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Question 45

If the number of candidates who are at or above the 90th percentile overall and also at or above the 80th
percentile in all three sections in CET is actually a multiple of 5, then how many candidates were shortlisted
for the AET for AIE?

Question 46

I f the number of candidates who are at or above the 90th percentile overall and also are at or above the 80th
percentile in P in CET, is more than 100, how many candidates had to sit for the separate test for BIE?

A    299

B    310

C    321

D    330

Answer: A


Simple Happiness index (SHI) of a country is computed on the basis of three, parameters: social support
(S),freedom to life choices (F) and corruption perception (C). Each of these three parameters is measured on a
scale of 0 to 8 (integers only). A country is then categorised based on the total score obtained by summing the
scores of all the three parameters, as shown in the following table:

Following diagram depicts the frequency distribution of the scores in S, F and C of 10 countries - Amda, Benga,
Calla, Delma, Eppa, Varsa, Wanna, Xanda,Yanga and Zooma:

Further, the following are known.

1. Amda and Calla jointly have the lowest total score, 7, with identical scores in all the three parameters.
2. Zooma has a total score of 17.
3. All the 3 countries, which are categorised as happy, have the highest score ln exactly one parameter.
Question 47

What is Amda's score in F?


Frequency distribution of S,F,C are given.

S: 3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,6,7

F: 1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5,5,7

C: 1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,6

Given Amda and Cadella score is 7 each with identical in all parameters. So it can score either 3,1,3 in S,F,C
respectively or 4,1,2 in S,F,C respectively. In both the cases, its score in F is 1.

How to prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT

Question 48

What is Zooma's score in S?


The frequency distribution is:

S: 3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,6,7

F: 1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5,5,7

C: 1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,6

Zooma has a total score of 17 (comes under happy category), and other 2 countries, which are categorised as
happy, have the highest score in exactly one parameter.

Zooma can only get 6,7,4 in S,F,C respectively

7,7,3 is not possible because 7 being the highest score is there in two parameters.

So, it scored 6 in S

Question 49

Benga and Delma, two countries categorized as happy, are tied with the same total score. What is the
maximum score they can have?

A    14

B    15

C    16

D    17
Answer: B

S: 3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,6,7

F: 1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5,5,7

C: 1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,6

Benga and Delma, two countries categorized as happy, are tied with the same total score.

The best numbers remaining are 7,5,6 which adds upto 18, If Benga scores 18, then Delma can't score 18.

Similarly both can't score 17 and 16. Both can score 15 and their distribution will be:

Benga: 7,5,3

Delma: 4,5,6 or 5,4,6

Question 50

If Benga scores 16 and Delma scores 15, then what is the maximum number of countries with a score of 13?

A    0

B    1

C    2

D    3
Answer: B

S: 3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,6,7

F: 1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5,5,7

C: 1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,6

Given that Benga scores 16, and Delma scores 15.

The possibility is Benga: 5,5,6 and Delma: 7,5,3

If Benga's distribution is 7,3,6 then Delma can't score 15.

Strike off those numbers.

S: 3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,6,7

F: 1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5,5,7

C: 1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,6

We have to maximum number of countries with score 13. This score does not comes under the category of
happy. So to score 13, the distribution can be 5,5,3. Hence, maximum 1 country is possible.

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There are 21 employees working in a division, out of whom 10 are special-skilled employees (SE) and the
remaining are regular-skilled employees (RE). During the next five months, the division has to complete five
projects every month. Out of the 25 projects, 5 projects are "challenging", while the remaining ones are
"standard". Each of the challenging projects has to be completed in different months. Every month, five teams —
T1 T2, T3, T4 and T5, work on one project each. T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 are allotted the challenging project in the
first, second, third, fourth and fifth month, respectively. The team assigned the challenging project has one
more employee than the rest.
In the first month, T1 has one more SE than T2, T2 has one more SE than T3, T 3 has one more SE than T4, and
T4 has one more SE than T5. Between two successive months, the composition of the teams changes as
a. The team allotted the challenging project, gets two SE from the team which was allotted the challenging
project in the previous month. In exchange, one RE is shifted from the former team to the latter team.
b. After the above exchange, if T1 has any SE and T5 has any RE, then one SE is shifted from T1 to T5, and one
RE is shifted from T5 to T1. Also, if T2 has any SE and T4 has any RE, then one SE is shifted from T2 to T4, and
one RE is shifted from T4 to T2.
Each standard project has a total of 100 credit points, while each challenging project has 200 credit points. The
credit points are equally shared between the employees included in that team.

Question 51

The number of times in which the composition of team T2 and the number of times in which composition of
team T4 remained unchanged in two successive months are:

A    (2,1)

B    (1,0)

C    (0,0)

D    (1,1)

Answer: B

The table looks like this in Month 1.

Table in month 2. (after exchanging employees according to conditions)

 Table in month 3.

Table in month 4.

Table in month 5.
T2 remained unchanged in Month 3 and Month 4, and composition of T4 was never unchanged. Hence (1,0)

Question 52

The number of SE in T1 and T5 for the projects in the third month are, respectively:

A    (0,2)

B    (0,3)

C    (1,2)

D    (1,3)
Answer: A

The table looks like this in Month 1.

Table in month 2. (after exchanging employees according to conditions)

 Table in month 3.

Table in month 4.

Table in month 5.
Refer to table of Month 3, the number of SE employees in T1 and T5 are respectively (0,2)

Question 53

Which of the following CANNOT be the total credit points earned by any employee from the projects?

A    140

B    150

C    170

D    200

Answer: B

When challenging project is given, each employee gets 40 points.

When standard project is given, each employee gets 25 points.


If a particular employee is involved in all standard projects then his credit points will be: 125

If a particular employee is involved in 4 standard projects and 1 challenging project then his credit points will
be: 140

If a particular employee is involved in 3 standard projects and 2 challenging projects then his credit points will
be: 155

If a particular employee is involved in 2 standard projects and 3 challenging projects then his credit points will
be: 170

If a particular employee is involved in 1 standard project and 4 challenging projects then his credit points will
be: 185

If a particular employee is all challenging projects then his credit points will be: 200

Hence, an employee cannot earn 150 points.

How to prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT

Question 54

One of the employees named Aneek scored 185 points. Which of the following CANNOT be true?

A    Aneek worked only in teams T1, T2, T3, and T4.

B    Aneek worked only in teams T1,T2, T4, and T5.

C    Aneek worked only in teams T2,T3, T4, and T5.

D    Aneek worked only in teams T1,T3, T4, and T5.

Answer: D

Check option A,

It is possible to move to T2 after working in T1 for the first month. From T2, either movement to T3 or T4 is
possible. If moved to T3, then in nect month he can move to T4, because of challenging project. Hence this
option is correct. 

Check option B,

It is possible to move to T2 after working in T1 for the first month. From T2, either movement to T3 or T4 is
possible. If moved to T4, next movement can be in T5. Hence this option is correct.

Check option C,

T2, T3, T4, T5. This sequential movement is also possible.

Check option D,

If Aneek is there in T1 for the first month, then he will shift to T2, T5 or remain in T1 in the subsequent month.

Consider he remained in T1, then he will either move to T5 or remain in T1. So, if this happens the sequence
given in option can never follow.

Suppose he has shifted to T2, but T2 is not mentioned in option, so ruled out. 

And if he moved to T5, in the next month then he will remain there only.

Hence option D is not correct.


Question Numbers: (55 to 58)

In a square layout of site 5m ~ 5m 25 equal-sized square platforms of different heights are built. The heights (in
metre) of individual platforms are as shown below:

Individuals (all of same height) are seated on these platforms. We say an individual A can reach individual B, if
all the three following conditions are met;
(i) A and B are In the same row or column
(ii) A is at a lower height than B
(iii) If there is/are any individuals (s) between A and B, such individual(s) must be at a height lower than that of

Thus in the table given above, consider the Individual seated at height 8 on 3rd row and 2nd column. He can be
reached by four individuals. He can be reached by the individual on his left at height 7, by the two individuals on
his right at heights of 4 and 6 and by the individual above at height 5. 

Rows in the layout are numbered from top to bottom and columns are numbered from left to right.

Question 55

How many individuals in this layout can be reached by just one individual?

A    3

B    5

C    7

D    8

Answer: C

People who can be reached only by one person are 
Row 1 => 2
Row 2 => None
Row 3 => 7 and 4 and 5
Row 4 => 3 and 2
Row 5 => 3
Hence, there are a total of 7 people.

Question 56

Which of the following is true for any individual at a platform of height 1 m in this layout?

A    They can be reached by all the individuals in their own row and column.

B    They can be reached by at least 4 individuals.

C    They can be reached by at least one individual.

D    They cannot be reached by anyone.

Answer: D

Since, we have been given that a person can be reached only by those who are smaller than him. Hence, 1
cannot be reached by anyone. Thus, option D is the correct answer.
How to prepare for Quantitative aptitude for CAT
Question 57

We can find two individuals who cannot be reached by anyone in

A    the last row.

B    the fourth row.

C    the fourth column.

D    the middle column.

Answer: C

Check out the options.

In last row, only one individual can't be reached by anyone.

In the fourth row, only one individual can't be reached by anyone.

In the middle column, every individual can be reached by atleast another individual.

In the fourth column, both 1 and 2 cannot be reached by any person. Hence, fourth column is the correct

Question 58

Which of the following statements is true about this layout?

A    Each row has an individual who can be reached by 5 or more individuals.

B    Each row has an individual who cannot be reached by anyone.

C    Each row has at least two individuals who can be reached by an equal number of individuals.

D    All individuals at the height of 9 m can be reached by at least 5 individuals.

Answer: C

Let us go by options.

Option A: In first row, 6 is reached by 3, 1 by none, 2 by none, 4 by 3, 3 by none. Hence, ruled out.

Option B: Third row, every individual is approached by other.

Option D:  In first row, 6 is reached by 3, 1 by none, 2 by none, 4 by 3, 3 by none. Hence, ruled out.

Hence, Option C is correct.


A new airlines company is planning to start operations in a country. The company has identified ten different
cities which they plan to connect through their network to start with. The flight duration between any pair of
cities will be less than one hour. To start operations, the company has to decide on a daily schedule.
The underlying principle that they are working on is the following:
Any person staying in any of these 10 cities should be able to make a trip to any other city in the morning and
should be able to return by the evening of the same day.

Question 59

If the underlying principle is to be satisfied in such a way that the journey between any two cities can be
performed using only direct (non-stop) flights, then the minimum number of direct flights to be scheduled is:

A    45

B    90

C    180

D    135

Answer: C

There are ten cities. We need to find the minimum number of flights required to travel from any city to any city.
Any two cities can be selected in 10C2 ways. Now for these two cities, a person will need minimum 4 flights. (1
to go from A to B, 1 to go from B to A. Similarly, 1 to return to A and 1 to return to B) Thus, minimum number of
required flights = 45*4 = 180.

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Question 60

Suppose three of the ten cities are to be developed as hubs. A hub is a city which is connected with every
other city by direct flights each way, both in the morning as well as in the evening. The only direct flights
which will be scheduled are originating and/or terminating in one of the hubs. Then the minimum number of
direct flights that need to be scheduled so that the underlying principle of the airline to serve all the ten cities
is met without visiting more than one hub during one trip is:

A    54

B    120

C    96

D    60

Answer: C


From each hub, there will be flights to 7 cities. So total total number of flights originating or terminating at each
hub = 7*4 = 28. For all three hubs, it would be 28*3 = 84
There are three hubs in total. Each hub must also be interconnected. The total number of flights between any
two hubs will be 4. For three hubs it will be 12.

Hence, the required number will be 84 + 12 = 96.

Question 61

Suppose the 10 cities are divided into 4 distinct groups G1, G2, G3, G4 having 3, 3, 2 and 2 cities respectively
and that G1 consists of cities named A, B and C. Further, suppose that direct flights are allowed only between
two cities satisfying one of the following:
1. Both cities are in G1
2. Between A and any city in G2
3. Between B and any city in G3
4. Between C and any city in G4
Then the minimum number of direct flights that satisfies the underlying principle of the airline is:


In G1, we have three cities namely A, B, C. Person living in any of these three cities should be able to travel to
other city once in the morning nad one in the night.  Therefore, a total of 4 flights are required between a pair of
A ---> B (Morning flight)
A ---> B (Evening flight)
B ---> A (Morning flight)
B ---> A (Evening flight)

Number of flights between the cities of G1 = 3c2*4 = 12

Between cities in A and any city in G2 = 3*4 = 12
Between B and any city in G3 = 2*4 = 8
Between C and any city in G4 = 2*4 = 8
Total = 12*2 + 8*2 = 40

Question 62

Suppose the 10 cities are divided into 4 distinct groups Gl, G2, G3, G4 having 3, 3, 2 and 2 cities respectively
and that Gl consists of cities named A, B and C. Further, suppose that direct flights are allowed only between
two cities satisfying one of the following:
1. Both cities are in G1
2. Between A and any city in G2
3. Between B and any city in G3
4. Between C and any city in G4
However, due to operational difficulties at A, it was later decided that the only flights that would operate at A
would be those to and from B. Cities in G2 would have to be assigned to G3 or to G4.
What would be the maximum reduction in the number of direct flights as compared to the situation before the
operational difficulties arose?


The cities those were a part of G2 will be shifted to either G3 or G4 but that will not have any impact on the
number of the total flights from G1. The only reduction which will take place due to the number of flights
shutting down from A to C.
Hence, the maximum reduction in the number of direct flights as compared to the situation before the
operational difficulties arose = 4 

Alternate method : 

Let us determine the number of flights under new conditions.

Flights between A and B = 4
Between B and any city in G3 = 4*4 = 16
Between C and any city in G4 = 4*4 = 16
Hence, total flights = 36
Thus, reduction = 40 - 36 = 4.

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Four cars need to travel from Akala (A) to Bakala (B). Two routes are available, one via Mamur (M) and the other
via Nanur (N). The roads from A to M, and from N to B, are both short and narrow. In each case, one car takes 6
minutes to cover the distance, and each additional car increases the travel time per car by 3 minutes because
of congestion. (For example, if only two cars drive from A to M, each car takes 9 minutes.) On the road from A
to N, one car takes 20 minutes, and each additional car increases the travel time per car by 1 minute. On the
road from M to B, one car takes 20 minutes, and each additional car increases the travel time per car by 0.9
The police department orders each car to take a particular route in such a manner that it is not possible for any
car to reduce its travel time by not following the order, while the other cars are following the order.

Question 63

How many cars would be asked to take the route A-N-B, that is Akala-Nanur-Bakala route, by the police


Since there are two routes i.e A-M-B and A-N-B and four cars, then 2 cars must be allowed to take each route. In
case if one car tried to break rule, then its travel time will increase. Now assume that on route A-M-B three cars
are allowed and on route A-N-B one car is allowed, then one car running on A-M-B can break the rule and reduce
its travel time. Hence, two cars must be allowed on each route.

Question 64

If all the cars follow the police order, what is the difference in travel time (in minutes) between a car which
takes the route A-N-B and a car that takes the route A-M-B?

A    1

B    0.1

C    0.2
D    0.9

Answer: B

Since, two cars are allowed on each route, The A-M part and N-B will take same time. The difference will be in
travelling M-B part and A-N part, and that difference is 0.1 minute. In route M-B car will take 20+0.9 = 20.9 min
and in route A-N car will take 20+1 = 21 min. So difference = 0.1 min

Question 65

A new one-way road is built from M to N. Each car now has three possible routes to travel from A to B: A-M-B,
A-N-B and A-M-N-B. On the road from M to N, one car takes 7 minutes and each additional car increases the
travel time per car by 1 minute. Assume that any car taking the A-M-N-B route travels the A-M portion at the
same time as other cars taking the A-M-B route, and the N-B portion at the same time as other cars taking the
A-N-B route.
How many cars would the police department order to take the A-M-N-B route so that it is not possible for any
car to reduce its travel time by not following the order while the other cars follow the order? (Assume that the
police department would never order all the cars to take the same route.)


Let us assume 2 cars take AMB route, 1 car take AMNB route and other take ANB route. 

Then travel time of AMB will be A-M + M-B = (6+3*2) + (20+0.9) = 32.9

Then travel time of AMNB will be A-M + M-N + N-B = (6+3*2) + (7) + (6+3) = 28

Then travel time of ANB will be A-N + N-B = (20) + (6+3) = 29

Now, one car travelling on AMB broke the rule and decided to move on AMNB route. then

 1 car takes AMB route, 2 cars take AMNB route and other takes ANB route.

Then, the portion A-M will be travelled by 3 cars, M-B by one car, M-N by 2 cars, A-N by 1 car and N-B by 3 cars. 

Then, travel time of AMB will be A-M + M-B = (6+3*2) + (20) = 32

Then, travel time of AMNB will be A-M + M-N + N-B = (6+3*2) + (7+1) + (6+3*2) = 32

Then, travel time of ANB will be A-N + N-B = (20) + (6+3*2) = 32

It is clear that the car which take earlier time of 32.9 min now takes 32 min if it breaks the rule. Hence, the
optimal allocation will be to order 2 cars on A-M-N-B route.

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Question 66

A new one-way road is built from M to N. Each car now has three possible routes to travel from A to B: A-M-B,
A-N-B and A-M-N-B. On the road from M to N, one car takes 7 minutes and each additional car increases the
travel time per car by j. minute. Assume that any car taking the A-M-N-B route travels the A-M portion at the
same time as other cars taking the A-M-B route, and the N-B portion at the same time as other cars taking the
A-N-B route.
If all the cars follow the police order, what is the minimum travel time (in minutes) from A to B? (Assume that
the police department would never order all the cars to take the same route.)

A    26

B    32

C    29.9

D    30

Answer: B

From the previous question we have found that

1 car take AMB route, 2 cars take AMNB route and other take ANB route. 

Then the portion A-M will be travelled by 3 cars, M-B by one car, M-N by 2 cars, A-N by 1 car and N-B by 3 cars. 

Then travel time of AMB will be A-M + M-B = (6+3*2) + (20) = 32

Then travel time of AMNB will be A-M + M-N + N-B = (6+3*2) + (7+1) + (6+3*2) = 32

Then travel time of ANB will be A-N + N-B = (20) + (6+3*2) = 32

The minimum travel time from A to B is 32 min.

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 67

Arun's present age in years is 40% of Barun's. In another few years, Arun's age will be half of Barun's. By what
percentage will Barun's age increase during this period?


Let Arun's current age be A. Hence, Barun's current age is 2.5A
Let Arun's age be half of Barun's age after X years.
Therefore, 2*(X+A) = 2.5A + X
Or, X = 0.5A
Hence, Barun's age increased by 0.5A/2.5A = 20%

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Question 68

A person can complete a job in 120 days. He works alone on Day 1. On Day 2, he is joined by another person
who also can complete the job in exactly 120 days. On Day 3, they are joined by another person of equal
efficiency. Like this, everyday a new person with the same efficiency joins the work. How many days are
required to complete the job?


Let the rate of work of a person be x units/day. Hence, the total work = 120x.

It is given that one first day, one person works, on the second day two people work and so on.

Hence, the work done on day 1, day 2,... will be x, 2x, 3x, ... respectively.

The sum should be equal to 120x.

120x = x ∗ 2

n2 + n − 240 = 0
n = 15 is the only positive solution.

Hence, it takes 15 days to complete the work.

Question 69

An elevator has a weight limit of 630 kg. It is carrying a group of people of whom the heaviest weighs 57 kg
and the lightest weighs 53 kg. What is the maximum possible number of people in the group?


It is given that the maximum weight limit is 630. The lightest person's weight is 53 Kg and the heaviest person's
weight is 57 Kg.

In order to have maximum people in the lift, all the remaining people should be of the lightest weight possible,
which is 53 Kg.

Let there be n people.

53 + n(53) + 57 = 630

n is approximately equal to 9.8. Hence, 9 people are possible.

Therefore, a total of 9 + 2 = 11 people can use the elevator.

Question 70

A man leaves his home and walks at a speed of 12 km per hour, reaching the railway station 10 minutes after
the train had departed. If instead he had walked at a speed of 15 km per hour, he would have reached the
station 10 minutes before the train's departure. The distance (in km) from his home to the railway station is


We see that the man saves 20 minutes by changing his speed from 12 Km/hr to 15 Km/hr.

Let d be the distance

12 − d
15 = 3
= 3

d = 20 Km.

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Question 71

Ravi invests 50% of his monthly savings in fixed deposits. Thirty percent of the rest of his savings is invested
in stocks and the rest goes into Ravi's savings bank account. If the total amount deposited by him in the bank
(for savings account and fixed deposits) is Rs 59500, then Ravi's total monthly savings (in Rs) is


Let his total savings be 100x.

He invests 50x in fixed deposits. 30% of 50x, which is 15x is invested in stocks and 35x goes to savings bank.

It is given 85x = 59500

x = 700

Hence, 100x = 70000

Question 72

If a seller gives a discount of 15% on retail price, she still makes a profit of 2%. Which of the following ensures
that she makes a profit of 20%?

A    Give a discount of 5% on retail price.

B    Give a discount of 2% on retail price.

C    Increase the retail price by 2%.

D    Sell at retail price.

Answer: D

Let the retail price be M and cost price be C.


0.85 M = 1.02 C

M = 1.2 C

If he wants 20% profit he has to sell at 1.2C, which is nothing but the retail price.

Question 73

A man travels by a motor boat down a river to his office and back. With the speed of the river unchanged, if he
doubles the speed of his motor boat, then his total travel time gets reduced by 75%. The ratio of the original
speed of the motor boat to the speed of the river is

A     6: 2

B     7:2

C    2 5:3

D    3:2

Answer: B

Let the speed of the river be x and the speed of the boat be u. Let d be the one way distance and t be the initial
time taken.


t= d
u−x + d
u+x ... i

= d
+ 2u+x

4d 4d
t= 2u−x + 2u+x ... ii

Equating both i and ii,

d d 4d 4d
+ =  +
u − x u + x 2u − x 2u + x
2u 16u
u2 − x2 4u2 − x2
4u2 − x2 = 8u2 − 8x2
u2 7
= 4
x = 2

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Question 74

Suppose, C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5 are five companies. The profits made by Cl, C2, and C3 are in the ratio 9 : 10 :
8 while the profits made by C2, C4, and C5 are in the ratio 18 : 19 : 20. If C5 has made a profit of Rs 19 crore
more than C1, then the total profit (in Rs) made by all five companies is

A    438 crore

B    435 crore

C    348 crore

D    345 crore

Answer: A


C1 : C2 : C3 = 9 : 10 : 8 ... i

C2 : C4 : C5 = 18 : 19 : 20 ... ii

Let's multiply i by 9 and ii by 5

C1 : C2 : C3 = 81 : 90 : 72

C2 : C4 : C5 = 90 : 95 : 100

Therefore, C1 : C2 : C3 : C4 : C5 = 81 : 90 : 72 : 95 : 100


100x - 81x = 19


Hence, total profit = 100 + 95 + 72 + 90 + 81 = 438

Question 75

The number of girls appearing for an admission test is twice the number of boys. If 30% of the girls and 45%
of the boys get admission, the percentage of candidates who do not get admission is

A    35

B    50

C    60

D    65

Answer: D

Let the number of girls be 2x and number of boys be x.
Girls getting admission = 0.6x

Boys getting admission = 0.45x

Number of students not getting admission = 3x - 0.6x -0.45x = 1.95x

Percentage = (1.95x/3x) * 100 = 65%

Question 76

A stall sells popcorn and chips in packets of three sizes: large, super, and jumbo. The numbers of large, super,
and jumbo packets in its stock are in the ratio 7 : 17 : 16 for popcorn and 6 : 15 : 14 for chips. If the total
number of popcorn packets in its stock is the same as that of chips packets, then the numbers of jumbo
popcorn packets and jumbo chips packets are in the ratio

A    1 : 1

B    8 : 7

C    4 : 3

D    6 : 5

Answer: A

The ratio of L, S, J for popcorn = 7 : 17 : 16

Let them be 7x, 17x and 16x

The ratio of L, S, J for chips = 6 : 15 : 14

Let them 6y , 15y and 14y

Given, 40x = 35y , x = 8
Jumbo popcor = 16x = 16 *  8 = 14y

Hence, the ratio of jumbo popcorn and jumbo chips = 1 : 1

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Question 77

In a market, the price of medium quality mangoes is half that of good mangoes. A shopkeeper buys 80 kg
good mangoes and 40 kg medium quality mangoes from the market and then sells all these at a common
price which is 10% less than the price at which he bought the good ones. His overall profit is

A    6%

B    8%

C    10%
D    12%

Answer: B

Let the cost of good mangoes be 2x per kg. The cost of medium mangoes be x per kg. 

CP of good mangoes = 160x

CP of medium mangoes = 40x

His selling price = 0.9*2x = 1.80x

Therefore, total revenue generated by selling all the mangoes = 120*1.8x = 216x
Hence, the profit % = 200x ∗ 100 = 8%
Question 78

If Fatima sells 60 identical toys at a 40% discount on the printed price, then she makes 20% profit. Ten of
these toys are destroyed in fire. While selling the rest, how much discount should be given on the printed
price so that she can make the same amount of profit?

A    30%

B     25%

C    24%

D    28%

Answer: D

Let the cost price be C and the marked price be M.


0.6 M = 1.2 C

M = 2C

CP of 60 toys = 60C

Now only 50 are remaining.


M (1 - d) * 50 = 72C

1- d = 0.72

d = .28

Hence 28%
Question 79

If a and b are integers of opposite signs such that (a + 3)2 : b2 = 9 : 1 and (a − 1)2 : (b − 1)2 = 4 : 1,
then the ratio a2 : b2 is

A    9:4

B    81:4

C    1:4

D    25:4

Answer: D

Since the square root can be positive or negative we will get two cases for each of the equation.

For the first one,

a + 3 = 3b .. i

a + 3 = -3b ... ii

For the second one,

a - 1 = 2(b -1) ... iii

a - 1 = 2 (1 - b) ... iv

we have to solve i and iii, i and iv, ii and iii, ii and iv.

Solving i and iii,

a + 3 = 3b and a = 2b  - 1, solving, we get a = 3 and b = 2, which is not what we want.

Solving i and iv

a + 3 = 3b and a = 3 - 2b, solving, we get b = 1.2, which is not possible.

Solving ii and iii

a + 3 = -3b and a = 2b - 1, solving, we get b = 0.4, which is not possible.

Solving ii and iv,

a + 3 = -3b and a = 3 - 2b, solving, we get a = 15 and b = -6 which is what we want.

Thus, ab2 = 4

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Question 80

A class consists of 20 boys and 30 girls. In the mid-semester examination, the average score of the girls was
5 higher than that of the boys. In the final exam, however, the average score of the girls dropped by 3 while the
average score of the entire class increased by 2. The increase in the average score of the boys is
A    9.5

B    10

C    4.5

D    6

Answer: A

Let the average score of girls in the mid semester exam be G.
Therefore the average score of boys in the mid semester exam is G-5.
Hence, the total marks scored by the class is 30*G+20*(G-5) = 50*G - 100

Therefore, the average of the entire class is (50G-100)/50 = G-2

Therefore, the average of girls in the final exam is G-3 and the average of the entire class in the final exam is G.
Hence, the total marks scored by the class is 50G, while the total marks scored by the girls is 30*(G-3)=30G-90

Therefore, the total marks scored by the boys is 50G-(30G-90) = 20G+90

Hence, the average of the boys in the final exam is (20G+90)/20 = G+4.5

Hence, the increase in the average marks of the boys is (G+4.5)-(G-5) = 9.5

Question 81

The area of the closed region bounded by the equation I x I + I y I = 2 in the two-dimensional plane is

A    4π sq. units

B    4 sq. units

C    8 sq. units

D    2π  sq. units

Answer: C

The following equation will form a square of side 2 2.
The area of the square = (2 2 )2 = 8 units.
Question 82

From a triangle ABC with sides of lengths 40 ft, 25 ft and 35 ft, a triangular portion GBC is cut off where G is
the centroid of ABC. The area, in sq ft, of the remaining portion of triangle ABC is

A    225 3
B     3
C     3

D     3

Answer: B

The lengths are given as 40, 25 and 35.

The perimeter = 100

Semi-perimeter, s = 50

Area = 50 ∗ 10 ∗ 25 ∗ 15 = 250 3
The triangle formed by the centroid and two vertices is removed.

Since the cenroid divides the median in the ratio 2 : 1

The remaining area will be two-thirds the area of the original triangle.
2 500
Remaining area = 3 ∗ 250 3 = 3

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Question 83

Let ABC be a right-angled isosceles triangle with hypotenuse BC. Let BQC be a semi-circle, away from A, with
diameter BC. Let BPC be an arc of a circle centered at A and lying between BC and BQC. If AB has length 6 cm
then the area, in sq cm, of the region enclosed by BPC and BQC is

A    9π − 18

B    18

C    9π

D    9
Answer: B

The image of the figure is as shown. 
AB = AC = 6cm. Thus, BC = 62 + 62 = 6√2 cm
The required area = Area of semi-circle BQC - Area of quadrant BPC + Area of triangle ABC

Area of semicircle BQC

Diameter BC = 6√2cm

Radius = 6√2/2 = 3√2 cm

Area = πr 2 /2 = π * (3 2 )2 /2 = 9π
Area of quadrant BPC

Area = πr 2 /4 = π ∗ (6)2 /4 = 9π
Area of triangle ABC
Area = 1/2 * 6 * 6 = 18

The required area = Area of semi-circle BQC - Area of quadrant BPC + Area of triangle ABC

= 9π - 9π + 18 = 18

Question 84

A solid metallic cube is melted to form five solid cubes whose volumes are in the ratio 1 : 1 : 8 : 27 : 27. The
percentage by which the sum of the surface areas of these five cubes exceeds the surface area of the original
cube is nearest to

A    10

B    50

C    60

D    20

Answer: B

Let the volumes of the five cubes be x, x, 8x, 27x and 27x.

Let the sides be a, a, 2a, 3a and 3a. (x = a3 )

Let the side of the original cube be A.

A3 = x + x + 8x + 27x + 27x
A = 4a
Original surface area = 96a2

New surface area = 6(a2 + a2 + 4a2 + 9a2 + 9a2 ) = 144a2

Percentage increase = 144−96
96 ∗ 100 = 50%
Question 85

A ball of diameter 4 cm is kept on top of a hollow cylinder standing vertically. The height of the cylinder is 3
cm, while its volume is 9π cubic centimeters. Then the vertical distance, in cm, of the topmost point of the
ball from the base of the cylinder is


The volume of a cylinder is π ∗ r2 ∗ 3 = 9π
r= 3 cm.
Radius of the ball is 2 cm. Hence, the ball will lie on top of the cylinder.

Lets draw the figure.

Based on the Pythagoras theorem, the other leg will be 1 cm.

Thus, the height will be 3 + 1 + 2 = 6 cm

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Question 86

Let ABC be a right-angled triangle with BC as the hypotenuse. Lengths of AB and AC are 15 km and 20 km,
respectively. The minimum possible time, in minutes, required to reach the hypotenuse from A at a speed of
30 km per hour is


The length of the altitude from A to the hypotenuse will be the shortest distance.

This is a right triangle with sides 3 : 4 : 5. 

Hence, the hypotenuse = 202 + 152 = 25 Km.

Length of the altitude = 15∗20
25 = 12 Km

The time taken = 12

∗ 60 = 24 minutes
Question 87

Suppose, log3 x = log12 y = a, where x, y are positive numbers. If G is the geometric mean of x and y, and
log6 G is equal to

A     a

B    2a
C    a/2

D    a

Answer: D

We know that log3 x = a and log12 y = a
Hence, x = 3a and y = 12a
Therefore, the geometric mean of x and y equals x×y
This equals 3a × 12a = 6a

Hence, G = 6a Or, log6 G = a

Question 88

If x + 1 = x2 and x > 0, then 2x4   is

A    6 + 4 5

B     3 + 3 5

C    5 + 3 5

D    7 + 3 5
Answer: D

We know that x2 − x − 1 = 0
Therefore x4 = (x + 1)2 = x2 + 2x + 1 = x + 1 + 2x + 1 = 3x + 2
Therefore, 2x4 = 6x + 4
1+ 5
> 0 therefore, we can calculate the value of x to be
We know that x 2
Hence, 2x = 6x + 4 = 3 + 3 5 + 4 = 3 5 + 7

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Question 89

The value of log0.008 5 + log 3 81 − 7 is equal to

A    1/3

B    2/3

C    5/6

D    7/6

Answer: C
log0.008 5 + log 3 81 − 7
34 = 81

log0.008 5+8−7
1− 6
= 6

Question 90

If 92x−1 − 81x−1 = 1944, then x is

A    3

B    9/4

C    4/9

D    1/3

Answer: B

81x 81x
9 − 81 = 1944

81x ∗ [ 19 − 811
] = 1944
81x ∗ [ 81 ] = 243
34x = 3 9

x= 4

Question 91

The number of solutions (x, y, z) to the equation x − y − z = 25, where x, y, and z are positive integers
such that x ≤ 40, y ≤ 12, and z ≤ 12 is

A    101

B    99

C    87

D    105
Answer: B

x - y - z = 25 and x ≤ 40, y ≤ 12, z ≤ 12
If x = 40 then y + z = 15. Now since both y and z are natural numbers less than 12, so y can range from 3 to 12
giving us a total of 10 solutions.Similarly, if x = 39, then y + z = 14. Now y can range from 2 to 12 giving us a
total of 11 solutions.
If x = 38, then y + z = 13. Now y can range from 1 to 12 giving us a total of 12 solutions.
If x = 37 then y + z = 12 which will give 11 solutions.
Similarly on proceeding in the same manner the number of solutions will be 10, 9, 8, 7 and so on till 1.
Hence, required number of solutions will be (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 . . . . + 12) + 10 + 11
= 12*13/2 + 21
78 + 21 = 99

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Question 92

For how many integers n, will the inequality (n − 5)(n − 10) − 3(n − 2) ≤ 0 be satisfied?


(n − 5)(n − 10) − 3(n − 2) ≤ 0
=> n2 − 15n + 50 − 3n + 6 ≤ 0
=> n2 − 18n + 56 ≤ 0
=> (n − 4)(n − 14) ≤ 0
=> Thus, n can take values from 4 to 14. Hence, the required number of values are 14 - 4 + 1 = 11.

Question 93

= x2 + 11x + n and f2 (x) = x, then the largest positive integer n for which the equation
If f1 (x)
f1 (x) = f2 (x) has two distinct real roots is


f1 (x) = x2 + 11x + n and f2 (x) = x
f1 (x) = f2 (x)
=> x2 + 11x + n = x
=> x2 + 10x + n = 0
=> For this equation to have distinct real roots
102 > 4n
=> n < 100/4 
=> n < 25
Thus, largest integral value that n can take is 24.

Question 94

If a, b, c, and d are integers such that a + b + c + d = 30 then the minimum possible value of
(a − b)2 + (a − c)2 + (a − d)2   is

For the value of given expression to be minimum, the values of a, b, c and d should be as close as possible.
30/4 = 7.5. Since each one of these are integers so values must be 8, 8, 7, 7. On putting these values in the
given expression, we get
 (8 − 8)2 + (8 − 7)2 + (8 − 7)2
=> 1 + 1 = 2

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Question 95

Let AB, CD, EF, GH, and JK be five diameters of a circle with center at 0. In how many ways can three points be
chosen out of A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, and 0 so as to form a triangle?


The total number of given points are 11. (10 on circumference and 1 is the center)
So total possible triangles = 11C3 = 165.
However, AOB, COD, EOF, GOH, JOK lie on a straight line. Hence, these 5 triangles are not possible. Thus, the
required number of triangles = 165 - 5 = 160

Question 96

The shortest distance of the point ( 12 , 1) from the curve y = I x -1I + I x + 1I is

A    1

B    0

C     2

D     3

Answer: A

The graph of the given function is as shown below.

We can see that the shortest distance of the point (1/2, 1) will be 1 unit.
Question 97

If the square of the 7th term of an arithmetic progression with positive common difference equals the product
of the 3rd and 17th terms, then the ratio of the first term to the common difference is

A    2:3

B    3:2

C    3:4

D    4:3

Answer: A

The seventh term of an AP = a + 6d. Third term will be a + 2d and second term will be a + 16d. We are given that
(a + 6d)2 = (a + 2d)(a + 16d)
=> a2 + 36d2 + 12ad = a2 + 18ad + 32d2
=> 4d2 = 6ad
=> d : a = 3 : 2
We have been asked about a:d. Hence, it would be 2:3

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Question 98

In how many ways can 7 identical erasers be distributed among 4 kids in such a way that each kid gets at
least one eraser but nobody gets more than 3 erasers?

A    16

B    20

C    14

D    15
Answer: A

We have been given that a + b + c + d = 7
Total ways of distributing 7 things among 4 people so that each one gets at least one = n−1 Cr−1 = 6C3 = 20
Now we need to subtract the cases where any one person got more than 3 erasers. Any person cannot get
more than 4 erasers since each child has to get at least 1. Any of the 4 childs can get 4 erasers. Thus, there are
4 cases. On subtracting these cases from the total cases we get the required answer. Hence, the required value
is 20 - 4 = 16

Question 99
f (x) = 3x−5 and g(x) = x2 − 2x − 1, then the value of g(f (f (3))) is
A    2

B     13

C    6

D     23

Answer: A

f (3) = 15+2
9−5 = 4

f (f (3)) = 5∗17/4+2 93/4 93

3∗17/4−5 = 31/4 = 31 = 3
g(f (f (3))) = 32 − 3 ∗ 2 − 1 = 2
Question 100

Let a1 , a2 ,.............,  a3n be an arithmetic progression with a1 = 3 and a2 = 7. If a1 + a2 +...+ a3n = 1830, then
what is the smallest positive integer m such that m(a1 + a2 +...+ an ) > 1830?

A    8

B    9

C    10

D    11

Answer: B

a1 = 3 and a2 = 7. Hence, the common difference of the AP is 4.
We have been given that the sum up to 3n terms of this AP is 1830. Hence, 1830 = 2 [2
∗ 3 + (m − 1) ∗ 4
=> 1830*2 = m(6 + 4m - 4)
=> 3660 = 2m + 4m2
=> 2m2 + m − 1830 = 0
=> (m - 30)(2m + 61) = 0
=> m = 30 or m = -61/2
Since m is the number of terms so m cannot be negative. Hence, must be 30
So, 3n = 30
n = 10
Sum of the first '10' terms of the given AP = 5*(6 + 9*4) = 42*5 = 210
m(a1 + a2  +...+ an ) > 1830
=> 210m > 1830
=> m > 8.71
Hence, smallest integral value of 'm' is 9.

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