35 - PNB Vs Garcia Et Al - GR No 182839
35 - PNB Vs Garcia Et Al - GR No 182839
35 - PNB Vs Garcia Et Al - GR No 182839
Jose Sr. executed SPAs authorizing spouses Garcia to convey a property covered
with TCT No. T-44422 to secure a loan from PNB by way of mortgage. The respondents
filed a Complaint for Nullity of the said amendment against spouses Garcia and PNB
alleging that the property was conjugal. PNB contends that the subject property was
registered to Jose Sr. alone, and who was described in the as a widower.
Whether or not the subject property was conjugal.
The Supreme Court held that all properties acquired during marriage are conjugal
and the registration of it in the name of one spouse does not destroy the presumption that
it is conjugal. What is material being the time when the property was acquired. The effect
of the mortgage with respect to the co-owners shall be limited to the portion which may
be allotted to him in the division upon the termination of the co-ownership. Thus, Jose Sr.
cannot mortgage the entire property.