Review of Maritime Transport 2018 (UNCTAD)
Review of Maritime Transport 2018 (UNCTAD)
Review of Maritime Transport 2018 (UNCTAD)
1968 ̶ 2018
y e a r s
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The designations employed and the presentation of material on any map in this work do not imply the expression
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United Nations publication issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
ISBN 978-92-1-112928-1
eISBN 978-92-1-047241-8
ISSN 0566-7682
Sales No. E.18.II.D.5
The Review of Maritime Transport 2018 was prepared by UNCTAD under the coordination of Jan Hoffmann,
with administrative support and formatting by Wendy Juan, and the overall guidance of Shamika N. Sirimanne.
Regina Asariotis, Mark Assaf, Hassiba Benamara, Jan Hoffmann, Anila Premti, Luisa Rodríguez, Mathis Weller and
Frida Youssef were contributing authors.
The publication was edited by the Intergovernmental Support Service of UNCTAD. The cover was designed by
Magali Studer. Desktop publishing was carried out by Nathalie Loriot.
Comments and input provided by the following reviewers are gratefully acknowledged: Gail Bradford, Trevor Crowe,
Neil Davidson, Mahin Faghfouri, Mike Garratt, Sarah Hutley, Katerina Konsta, Peter de Langen, Wolfgang Lehmacher,
Steven Malby, Olaf Merk, James Milne, Gabriel Petrus, Harilaos N. Psaraftis, Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Tristan Smith,
Antonella Teodoro and Dirk Visser.
Thanks are also due to Vladislav Shuvalov for reviewing the publication in full.
Acknowledgements.............................................................................................................................................. iii
Abbreviations....................................................................................................................................................... vii
Note..................................................................................................................................................................... viii
Executive summary...............................................................................................................................................x
4. PORTS......................................................................................................................63
A. Overall trends in global ports .........................................................................................................65
B. Global container ports ...................................................................................................................71
C. Global dry bulk terminals ...............................................................................................................76
D. Digitalization in ports .....................................................................................................................78
E. Outlook and policy considerations ................................................................................................80
1.1 World economic growth, 2015–2017........................................................................................................4
1.2 Growth in volume of merchandise trade, 2015–2017.................................................................................4
1.3 Development in international seaborne trade, selected years....................................................................5
1.4 World seaborne trade, 2016–2017...........................................................................................................6
1.5 Oil and gas trade 2016–2017...................................................................................................................9
1.6 Major producers and consumers of oil and natural gas, 2017.................................................................10
1.7 Dry bulk trade 2016–2017 .....................................................................................................................11
1.8 Major dry bulks and steel: Producers, users, exporters and importers, 2017 .........................................12
1.9 Containerized trade on major East–West trade routes, 2014–2018.........................................................13
1.10 Containerized trade on non-mainlane routes, 2016–2018.......................................................................14
1.11 Seaborne trade development forecasts, 2017–2026..............................................................................16
2.1 World fleet by principal vessel type, 2017–2018.....................................................................................24
2.2 Age distribution of world merchant fleet by vessel type, 2018.................................................................27
2.3 Ownership of world fleet ranked by dead-weight tonnage, 2018.............................................................30
2.4 Global top 20 owners of container-carrying world fleet, 2018..................................................................31
2.5 Global top 30 liner shipping companies, 1 June 2018.............................................................................32
2.6 Number of operators and maximum ship size in selected small island developing States and
vulnerable economies, 2017 and 2018...................................................................................................33
2.7 Level of maritime connectivity, 2018.......................................................................................................34
2.8 Top 35 flags of registration by dead-weight tonnage, 2018.....................................................................35
2.9 Leading flags of registration by value of principal vessel type, 2018........................................................36
2.10 Distribution of dead-weight tonnage capacity of vessel types by country group of registration, 2018......36
2.11 Deliveries of newbuildings by major vessel type and countries of construction, 2017..............................37
2.12 Reported tonnage sold for demolition by major vessel type and country of demolition, 2017..................37
2.13 Lack of gender equality in the maritime industry......................................................................................39
3.1 Container freight markets and rates, 2010–2017 ...................................................................................46
3.2 Baltic Exchange tanker indices, 2007–2018...........................................................................................53
4.1 Global top 20 ports by cargo throughput, 2016–2017............................................................................66
4.2 Port performance scorecard indicators...................................................................................................67
4.3 World container port throughput by region, 2016–2017..........................................................................71
4.4 Leading 20 global container ports, 2017.................................................................................................73
4.5 Average time in port, world, 2016 and 2017...........................................................................................75
4.6 Usage intensity of world container terminal assets, 2016........................................................................75
4.7 Usage intensity of world container terminal assets by region, 2003 and 2016 ........................................76
4.8 Main dry bulk terminals: Estimated country market share in world exports by commodity, 2017.............77
4.9 Overview of automation trends in ports, 2017.........................................................................................79
5.1 Contracting States Parties to selected international conventions on maritime transport, as
at 31 July 2018............................................................................................................................ 97
1.1 International seaborne trade, selected years.............................................................................................5
1.2 Participation of developing countries in seaborne trade, selected years....................................................7
1.3 World seaborne trade, by region, 2017.....................................................................................................8
1.4 World seaborne trade in cargo ton-miles, 2000–2018..............................................................................9
1.5 Global containerized trade, 1996–2018 .................................................................................................13
1.6 Estimated containerized cargo flows on major East–West container trade routes, 1995–2018 ...............14
2.1 Annual growth of world fleet and seaborne trade, 2000–2017 ...............................................................23
2.2 Share of world fleet in dead-weight tonnage by principal vessel type, 1980–2018..................................24
2.3 World fleet by principal vessel type, 2018 ..............................................................................................26
2.4 Container ship deliveries, 2005–2017.....................................................................................................28
2.5 Trends in container ship deployment, average per country......................................................................28
2.6 Top 20 nationally owned fleets by value of principal vessel type, 2018....................................................31
2.7 World tonnage on order, 2000–2018......................................................................................................38
2.8 Tonnage on order by shipbuilding country, 2018.....................................................................................39
3.1 Growth of demand and supply in container shipping, 2007–2017 ..........................................................45
3.2 New ConTex index, 2010–2018..............................................................................................................47
3.3 Capacity deployed by alliances in principal East–West trade lanes, 2018................................................50
3.4 Baltic Exchange Dry Index, 2003–2018 ................................................................................................51
3.5 Daily earnings of bulk carriers, 2009– 2018............................................................................................52
3.6 Clean and dirty earnings, 2016–2018 ....................................................................................................53
3.7 Selected policy options for the design of market-based measures .........................................................55
4.1 Port models of the Port Management Programme port network, 2016 ........................................................... 67
4.2 Financial indicators, 2010–2017.............................................................................................................68
4.3 Female participation rate, by area of activity, 2010–2017........................................................................69
4.4 Average arrivals by type of vessel, 2010–2017.......................................................................................69
4.5 Dry and liquid bulk cargo operations, 2010–2017 ..................................................................................70
4.6 Training costs as a percentage of wages, 2010–2017 ..........................................................................70
4.7 World container port throughput by rgion, 2017 ....................................................................................72
2.1 The shipping fleet and digitalization.........................................................................................................25
3.1 Financial performance and relevant activities of the top three shipping lines, 2017..................................48
3.2 Market-based measures.........................................................................................................................54
4.1 UNCTAD port performance scorecard indicators ...................................................................................71
The Review of Maritime Transport is a recurrent publication prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat since 1968 with
the aim of fostering the transparency of maritime markets and analysing relevant developments. Any factual or
editorial corrections that may prove necessary, based on comments made by Governments, will be reflected in a
corrigendum to be issued subsequently.
This edition of the Review covers data and events from January 2017 until June 2018. Where possible, every effort
has been made to reflect more recent developments.
All references to dollars ($) are to United States dollars, unless otherwise stated.
“Ton” means metric ton (1,000 kg) and “mile” means nautical mile, unless otherwise stated.
Because of rounding, details and percentages presented in tables do not necessarily add up to the totals.
Two dots (..) in a statistical table indicate that data are not available or are not reported separately.
An em-dash (—) in a statistical table indicates that the amount is nil or negligible.
Since 2014, the Review of Maritime Transport does not include printed statistical annexes. Instead, UNCTAD has
expanded the coverage of statistical data online via the following links:
General cargo ships Multi-purpose and project vessels, roll-on roll-off (ro-ro) cargo,
general cargo
Other ships Liquefied petroleum gas carriers, liquefied natural gas carriers, parcel
(chemical) tankers, specialized tankers, reefers, offshore supply
vessels, tugs, dredgers, cruise, ferries, other non-cargo ships
Very large crude carrier 200,000 deadweight tons (dwt) and above
Container ships
Neo Panamax Ships that can transit the expanded locks of the Panama Canal
with up to a maximum 49 m beam and 366 m length overall
Panamax Container ships above 3,000 20-foot equivalent units (TEUs) with a
beam below 33.2 m, i.e. the largest size vessels that can transit
the old locks of the Panama Canal
Consolidation activity in liner where shipping lines have greater bargaining power and
shipping influence. Vessel size increases and the rise of mega
alliances have heightened the requirements for ports
The liner shipping industry witnessed further
to adapt. While liner shipping networks seem to have
consolidation through mergers and acquisitions and
benefited from efficiency gains arising from consolidation
global alliance restructuring. Yet despite the global
and alliance restructuring, the benefits for ports have
market concentration trend, UNCTAD observed growth
not evolved at the same pace.
in the average number of companies providing services
per country between 2017 and 2018. This is the first Together, these trends have heightened competition
increase since UNCTAD started monitoring capacity among container ports to win port calls with decisions
deployment in 2004. Put differently, several individual by shipping alliances regarding capacity deployed, ports
carriers – both inside and outside alliances – expanded of call and network structures being potentially able to
their networks to a larger number of countries. This determine the fate of a container port terminal. This
more than offset the reduction in the global number of dynamic is further complicated by the shipping lines
companies after the takeovers and mergers. However, often being involved in port operations, which in turn
this was not a broad-based trend. The number of could redefine approaches to terminal concessions.
operators servicing several small island developing
States and vulnerable economies decreased between Tracking and measuring port
2017 and 2018. performance for strategic planning
Three global liner shipping alliances dominate capacity
and decision-making
deployed on the three major East–West container routes, Global ports and terminals need to track and measure
collectively accounting for 93 per cent of deployed performance, as port performance metrics enable
capacity. Alliance members continue to compete on sound strategic planning and decision-making, as well
price while operational efficiency and capacity utilization as informed investment and financing decisions. As
gains are helping to maintain low freight rate levels. global trade, supply chains, production processes and
By joining forces and forming alliances, carriers have countries’ effective integration into the world economy
strengthened their bargaining power vis-à-vis seaports are heavily dependent on well-functioning port systems,
when negotiating port calls and terminal operations. it is becoming increasingly important to monitor
In an oversupplied market, consolidation is expected to and measure the operational, financial, economic,
continue. Two thirds of the container ship order book environmental and social performance of ports.
capacity is accounted for by ships of over 14,000 TEUs, In this respect, improved data availability enabled by
and only large carriers and alliances are in a position to various technological advances can be tapped. In
fill these mega ships. addition, work carried out under the UNCTAD Port
Management Programme and the port performance
Port traffic volumes scorecard could be further strengthened.
Global port activity and cargo handling expanded rapidly
in 2017, following two years of weak performance. Challenges and opportunities of
According to 2017 estimates, the top 20 global ports digitalization
handled 9.3 billion tons, up from 8.9 billion tons in 2016, Technological advances in the shipping industry, such
an amount nearly equivalent to global seaborne trade as autonomous ships, drones and various blockchain
volumes. UNCTAD estimates that 752.2 million TEUs applications, hold considerable promise for the supply
were moved at container ports worldwide in 2017. This side of shipping. However, there is still uncertainty within
total reflects the addition of some 42.3 million TEUs in the maritime industry regarding possible safety, security
2017, an amount comparable to total container volumes and cybersecurity incidents, as well as concern about
handled that year by the world busiest container port, negative effects on the jobs of seafarers, most of which
Shanghai, China. come from developing countries.
The outlook for global port-handling activity remains While the development and use of autonomous ships
positive overall, supported by projected economic growth offer numerous benefits, it is still unclear whether this
and port infrastructure development plans. However, new technology will be fully accepted by Governments,
downside risks weighing on global demand and related and particularly by the traditionally conservative maritime
uncertainty continue to diminish global port activity. industry. There are legitimate concerns about the safety
and security of operation of autonomous ships and their
Port operations, performance and reliability. The diminishing role of seafarers and ensuing
bargaining power job loss are a particular concern.
Liner shipping alliances and vessel upsizing have made At present, many blockchain technology initiatives and
the relationship between container shipping lines and partnerships have the potential to be used for tracking
ports more complex and have triggered new dynamics cargo and providing end-to-end supply chain visibility;
recording information on vessels, including on global risks Related regulatory developments of note include the
and exposures; integrating smart contracts and marine entry into force of amendments to the International
insurance policies; and digitalizing and automating Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,
paper filings and documents, thus saving time and cost 1973/1978, to make mandatory the data collection
for clearance and movement of cargo. Combining on- system for fuel oil consumption of ships of 5,000
board systems and digital platforms allow for vessels gross tons and above; data collection is required
and their cargo to become part of the Internet of things. to start as of 1 January 2019. As regards ship-
A key challenge will be to establish interoperability so source air pollution, associated with a large number
that data can be exchanged seamlessly, while ensuring of respiratory illnesses and deaths, the global limit
at the same time cybersecurity and the protection of of 0.5 per cent on sulphur in fuel oil used on board
commercially sensitive or private data, including in view ships will come into effect on 1 January 2020, with
of the recent General Data Protection Regulation of the potentially important benefits for human health and
European Union. 1 the environment. To facilitate and support effective
Many technological advances are applicable in ports and implementation of the global limit, relevant guidelines
terminals and offer an opportunity for port stakeholders are under preparation at IMO.
to innovate and generate additional value in the form
of greater efficiency, enhanced productivity, greater Key trends shaping the outlook
safety and heightened environmental protection. In light The Review has identified seven key trends that are
of these developments, ports and terminals worldwide currently redefining the maritime transport landscape
need to re-evaluate their role in global maritime logistics and shaping the sector’s outlook. They entail the
and prepare to effectively embrace and leverage following challenges and opportunities, which require
digitalization-driven innovations and technologies. continued monitoring and assessment for sound and
effective policymaking:
International shipping commitment
to reduced greenhouse gas • First, on the demand side, the uncertainty aris-
emissions ing from wide-ranging geopolitical, economic,
and trade policy risks, as well as some structural
Complementing international efforts to address shifts, have a negative impact on maritime trade.
greenhouse gas emissions, which include the Paris Of immediate concern are inward-looking poli-
Agreement under the United Nations Framework cies and rising protectionist sentiment that could
Convention on Climate Change and the 2030 Agenda undermine global economic growth, restrict
for Sustainable Development, in particular Sustainable trade flows and shift their patterns.
Development Goal 13 to take urgent action to
combat climate change and its impacts, an important • Second, the continued unfolding of digitalization
achievement was made at the International Maritime and e-commerce and the implementation of the
Organization (IMO) related to the determination of Belt and Road Initiative. These bear major impli-
international shipping’s fair share of greenhouse gas cations for shipping and maritime trade.
emissions reduction. An initial strategy on the reduction • Third, from the supply-side perspective, overly
of such emissions from ships was adopted in April optimistic carriers competing for market share
2018, according to which total annual greenhouse gas may order excessive new capacity, thereby
emissions would be reduced by at least 50 per cent leading to worsened shipping market condi-
by 2050, compared with 2008. The strategy identifies tions. This, in turn, will upset the supply and
short-, medium- and long-term further measures with demand balance and have repercussions on
possible timelines, and their impacts on States, paying freight-rate levels and volatility, transport costs
particular attention to the needs of developing countries, and earnings.
especially small island developing States and the
least developed countries. It also identifies supportive • Fourth, liner shipping consolidation through
measures, including capacity-building, technical mergers and alliances has been on the rise
cooperation, and research and development. Innovative in recent years in response to lower demand
emissions reduction mechanisms, possibly including levels and oversupplied shipping capacity
market-based measures, are proposed as medium- dominated by mega container ships. The im-
term solutions to be decided upon between 2023 and plication for competition levels, the potential
2030, along with possible long-term measures to be for market power abuse by large shipping lines
undertaken beyond 2030. and the related impact on smaller players re-
main a concern. Competition authorities and
1. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament regulators, as well as other relevant entities
and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection such as UNCTAD, need to remain vigilant. In
of natural persons with regard to the processing of per- this respect, the seventeenth session of the
sonal data and on the free movement of such data, and Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Com-
repealing Directive 95/46/EC. petition Law and Policy of UNCTAD, held in
Geneva, Switzerland, in July 2018, included a Areas of interest include the selection of ports of
round-table discussion on challenges in com- call, the configuration of liner shipping networks,
petition and regulation faced by developing the distribution of costs and benefits between
countries in the maritime transport sector. This container shipping and ports, and approaches to
provided a timely opportunity to bring together container terminal concessions.
competition authority representatives and oth-
• Sixth, the value of shipping can no longer be de-
er stakeholders from the sector to reflect upon
termined by scale alone. The ability of the sector
some of these concerns and assess their ex-
tent and the potential implications for compe- to leverage relevant technological advances is
tition, shipping, ports and seaborne trade, as becoming increasingly important.
well as the role of competition law and policy in • Finally, efforts to curb the carbon footprint and
addressing these concerns. The Intergovern- improve the environmental performance of in-
mental Group of Experts called upon UNCTAD ternational shipping remain high on the interna-
to continue its analytical work in the area of tional agenda. In April 2018, IMO adopted an
international maritime transport, including the initial strategy to reduce annual greenhouse gas
monitoring and analysis of the effects of coop- emissions from ships by at least 50 per cent by
erative arrangements and mergers, not only on 2050 compared with 2008 – a particularly im-
freight rates but also on the frequency, efficien- portant development. With regard to air pollu-
cy, reliability and quality of services. tion, the global limit of 0.5 per cent on sulphur in
• Fifth, alliance restructuring and larger vessel fuel oil used on board ships will come into effect
deployment are also redefining the relationship on 1 January 2020. To ensure consistent imple-
between ports and container shipping lines. mentation of the global cap on sulphur, it will be
Competition authorities and maritime transport important for shipowners and operators to con-
regulators should also analyse the impact of tinue to consider and adopt various strategies,
market concentration and alliance deployment including installing scrubbers and switching to
on the relationship between ports and carriers. liquefied natural gas and other low sulphur fuels.
World seaborne trade gathered momentum in 2017, with
volumes expanding at 4 per cent, the fastest growth in
five years. Supported by the world economic recovery
and the improved global merchandise trade, world
seaborne trade was estimated at 10.7 billion tons, with
dry bulk commodities powering nearly half of the volume
increase. Bearing in mind the low base effect, the recovery
benefited all market segments; containerized trade and
dry bulk commodities recorded the fastest expansion.
Following the weak performances of the two previous
years, containerized trade increased by 6.4 per cent in
2017. Meanwhile, dry bulk commodities trade increased
by 4.0 per cent, up from 1.7 per cent in 2016. Crude oil
shipments rose by 2.4 per cent, down from 4 per cent in
2016, while, together, refined petroleum products and gas
increased by an estimated 3.9 per cent.
UNCTAD analysis is pointing to continued growth in world IN INTERNATIONAL
seaborne trade that hinges on the continued improvement
of the global economy. In line with projected growth in SEABORNE TRADE
world gross domestic product (GDP), UNCTAD expects
global maritime trade to grow by another 4 per cent in
2018. Further, world seaborne trade is projected to expand
at a compound annual growth rate of 3.8 per cent between
2018 and 2023. Volumes across all segments are set to
grow, with containerized and dry bulk commodities trades
recording the best performances. Tanker trade volumes
are also projected to increase, although at a slightly slower
pace than other market segments, a trend that is consistent
with historical patterns.
Although prospects for seaborne trade are positive, caution
would be advisable, given the uncertainty surrounding
the sustainability of the recovery and related implications
for shipping. Much of the uncertainty derives from the
confluence of geopolitical, economic and trade policy risks
and structural shifts such as the rebalancing of the Chinese
economy, slower growth of global value chains and
changes in the global energy mix. This is further amplified
by the emergence of new trends, notably digitalization,
which could alter the face of global shipping and redefine
seaborne trade flows and patterns. How these factors will
evolve and the extent to which they will support or derail the
recovery in seaborne trade, remains unclear. What is clear
is that they will require further monitoring and assessment.
IN 2017
Volumes across all segments set to grow:
d 34%
containerized and dry bulk cargoes Deveomies
projected to grow the fastest econ
n 6% 1%
Tran omies
Tanker volumes to grow at a slower pace econ
Western Asia and transition economies remained 2. Growing world seaborne trade
under pressure (0.9 per cent growth in 2017), despite
some improvement over 2016. Among other factors, International seaborne trade gathered momentum, with
this was a reflection of the continued weakness of volumes expanding by 4 per cent. This was the fastest
commodity prices and exports, and the impact of the growth in five years. Reflecting the world economic
recession in the Russian Federation. recovery and improved global merchandise trade,
UNCTAD estimates world seaborne trade volumes at
Demand for imports in the developed regions 10.7 billion tons in 2017 (tables 1.3 and 1.4, figure 1.1).
strengthened; volumes expanded by 3.1 per cent in Dry bulk commodities have powered nearly half of the
2017, compared with 2 per cent in 2016. Merchandise volume increase.
export volumes in these regions increased by 3.5 per
cent, up from 1.1 per cent in 2016. Major dry bulk commodities – coal, iron ore and
grain – accounted for 42.3 per cent of total dry
cargo shipments, which were estimated at 7.6 billion
Table 1.1 World economic growth, 2016–2018 tons in 2017. Containerized trade and minor bulks
(Annual percentage change) represented 24.3 per cent and 25.4 per cent of the
Region or country 2016 2017a 2018b total, respectively. Remaining volumes were made of
World 2.5 3.1 3.0 other dry cargo, including breakbulk shipments.
Developed countries 1.7 2.3 2.1
Tanker trade shipments accounted for less than one
of which:
third of total seaborne trade volume, in line with the
United States 1.5 2.3 2.5
persistent shift in the structure of seaborne trade
European Union (28) 2.0 2.6 2.0
Japan 1.0 1.7 0.9
observed over the past four decades. The share of
Developing countries 3.9 4.5 4.6
tanker trade dropped from around 55 per cent in 1970
of which: to 29.4 per cent in 2017. Between 1980 and 2017,
Africa 1.7 3.0 3.5 global tanker trade expanded at an annual average
East Asia 5.9 6.2 6.0 growth rate of 1.4 per cent, while major dry bulks
of which: rose by 4.6 per cent. The fastest growing segment
China 6.7 6.9 6.7 was containerized trade, with volumes expanding over
South Asia 8.4 5.8 6.1 nearly four decades at an annual average growth rate
of which: of 8.1 per cent.
India 7.9 6.2 7.0 Developing countries continue to account for most
Western Asia 3.1 3.0 3.3 global seaborne trade flows, both in terms of exports
Latin American and the (goods loaded) and imports (goods unloaded). These
-1.1 1.1 1.8
countries shipped 60 per cent of world merchandise
of which:
Brazil -3.5 1.0 1.4
trade by sea in 2017 and unloaded 63 per cent of
Countries with economies
this total. By contrast, developed countries saw
0.3 2.1 2.2 their share of both types of traffic decline over the
in transition
of which: years, representing about one third of world seaborne
Russian Federation -0.2 1.5 1.7 imports and exports (34 per cent of goods loaded
Least developed countries 3.5 4.3 4.9 and 36 per cent, unloaded). Transition economies
continue to be heavily reliant on the export of bulky
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on United
Nations, 2018 and UNCTAD, 2018a. raw materials and commodities (6 per cent), while
Partly estimated. they hold a marginal share of global seaborne imports
Forecast. (1 per cent).
12 000
10 000
8 000
6 000
4 000
2 000
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Containers 102 152 234 371 598 1 001 1 092 1 215 1 272 1 134 1 291 1 411 1 458 1 532 1 622 1 660 1 734 1 834
Other dry cargo 1 123 819 1 031 1 125 1 928 1 975 2 197 2 232 2 269 2 060 2 087 2 188 2 304 2 392 2 408 2 471 2 459 2 526
Main bulks 608 900 988 1 105 1 295 1 711 1 713 1 840 1 946 2 022 2 259 2 392 2 594 2 761 2 988 2 961 3 041 3 196
Oil and gas 1 871 1 459 1 755 2 050 2 163 2 422 2 698 2 747 2 742 2 642 2 772 2 794 2 841 2 829 2 825 2 932 3 055 3 146
Source: Review of Maritime Transport, various issues. For 2006–2017, the breakdown by cargo type is based on Clarksons Research,
Notes: 1980–2005 figures for main bulks include iron ore, grain, coal, bauxite/alumina and phosphate. Starting in 2006, main bulks include
iron ore, grain and coal only. Data relating to bauxite/alumina and phosphate are included under “other dry cargo”.
Year Total Crude oil Petroleum Dry cargo Total Crude oil Petroleum Dry cargo
Country group
products and gas products and gas
Millions of tons
World 2016 10 288.6 1 831.4 1 223.7 7 233.5 10 279.9 1 990.0 1 235.7 7 054.1
2017 10 702.1 1 874.9 1 271.2 7 555.9 10 666.0 2 035.0 1 281.5 7 349.4
economies 2016 3 492.9 150.5 453.0 2 889.4 3 840.4 1 001.3 507.6 2 331.5
2017 3 675.0 162.6 478.3 3 034.2 3 838.3 956.8 509.1 2 372.5
economies 2016 637.3 176.3 40.2 420.7 59.6 0.3 4.0 55.3
2017 664.5 190.7 48.3 425.6 65.9 0.8 3.4 61.7
economies 2016 6 158.4 1 504.5 730.5 3 923.4 6 379.9 988.5 724.2 4 667.3
2017 6 362.5 1 521.6 744.7 4 096.2 6 761.7 1 077.4 769.1 4 915.3
Africa 2016 692.7 271.3 58.8 362.6 492.9 38.7 80.8 373.4
2017 726.2 288.0 60.0 378.2 499.8 33.9 90.5 375.4
America 2016 1 336.8 232.5 75.9 1 028.4 566.0 51.9 128.2 385.8
2017 1 379.4 227.3 71.9 1 080.2 608.3 54.7 141.8 411.8
Asia 2016 4 121.2 999.1 594.9 2 527.2 5 307.6 897.0 510.9 3 899.7
2017 4 248.8 1 004.6 611.8 2 632.4 5 640.1 988.0 532.5 4 119.6
Oceania 2016 7.7 1.7 0.9 5.2 13.5 0.8 4.2 8.4
2017 8.0 1.7 0.9 5.4 13.5 0.8 4.2 8.4
Goods loaded Goods unloaded
Year Total Crude oil Petroleum Dry cargo Total Crude oil Petroleum Dry cargo
Country group
products and gas products and gas
Percentage share
World 2016 100.0 17.8 11.9 70.3 100.0 19.4 12.0 68.6
2017 100.0 17.5 11.9 70.6 100.0 19.1 12.0 68.9
2016 33.9 8.2 37.0 39.9 37.4 50.3 41.1 33.1
2017 34.3 8.7 37.6 40.2 36.0 47.0 39.7 32.3
2016 6.2 9.6 3.3 5.8 0.6 0.0 0.3 0.8
2017 6.2 10.2 3.8 5.6 0.6 0.0 0.3 0.8
2016 59.9 82.2 59.7 54.2 62.1 49.7 58.6 66.2
2017 59.5 81.2 58.6 54.2 63.4 52.9 60.0 66.9
Africa 2016 6.7 14.8 4.8 5.0 4.8 1.9 6.5 5.3
2017 6.8 15.4 4.7 5.0 4.7 1.7 7.1 5.1
America 2016 13.0 12.7 6.2 14.2 5.5 2.6 10.4 5.5
2017 12.9 12.1 5.7 14.3 5.7 2.7 11.1 5.6
Asia 2016 40.1 54.6 48.6 34.9 51.6 45.1 41.3 55.3
2017 39.7 53.6 48.1 34.8 52.9 48.5 41.6 56.1
Oceania 2016 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.1
2017 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.1
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data supplied by reporting countries and as published on government and port
industry websites, and by specialist sources.
Notes: Dry cargo data for 2006 onwards were revised and updated to reflect improved reporting, including more recent figures and a
better breakdown by cargo type. Total estimates of seaborne trade figures for 2017 are based on preliminary data or on the last year for
which data were available. For longer time series and data prior to 2016, see UNCTADstat data centre, available at http://unctadstat.
Historically, developing countries have been the main played a part in increasing their contribution to global
suppliers of high-volume, low-value raw materials; goods unloaded, observed deceleration over recent
this has, however, changed over the years. As shown years in vertical specialization suggests that factors
in figure 1.2, developing countries have emerged as other than participation in global value chains may also
prominent world exporters and importers. A milestone be driving growth in developing countries’ seaborne
was reached in 2014 when developing countries’ imports. Overall decline in the vertical specialization
share of goods unloaded (imports), surpassed, for the process is evident when considering trade in
first time, the group’s share of goods loaded (exports). intermediate goods. The share of intermediate imports
This shift underscores the strategic importance of of China as a proportion of its exports of manufacturing
developing countries as the main driver of global goods – a measure of the reliance of the manufacturing
seaborne trade, as well as their growing participation sector on imported inputs – has declined consistently
in global value chains. over the last decade, from almost 60 per cent in 2002
to less than 40 per cent in 2014 (UNCTAD, 2016). The
In 2004, UNCTAD noted that a new geography of trade
share of the value chain created by production abroad
was materializing and reshaping the global economic
as a percentage of global exports is estimated to have
landscape. This new geography emphasized the
gradually diminished since 2011, suggesting some
growing role for the developing countries or the global
deceleration in globalization (Berenberg and Hamburg
South (Horner, 2016). The share of imports sourced
Institute of International Economics, 2018). UNCTAD
from other developing countries increased from
(2018c) finds that the rate of expansion of international
37.5 per cent in 1995 to 57 per cent in 2016 (UNCTAD,
production is slowing down, and international
production and cross-border exchanges of factors
However, participation in global value chains does not of production are gradually shifting from tangible to
tell the whole story, as participation in these processes intangible forms.
is not truly global but rather regional and more
In this context, other potential factors that may be
specifically, East Asian. Far from being a homogenous
driving the continued structural shift in world seaborne
group, developing countries are not all equal when it
trade include growth in South–South trade that is
comes to regional integration and participation in global
not necessarily generated by global value chains and
manufacturing processes. Another potential driver is the
While the participation of developing countries, notably growing consumption requirements of a fast-growing
those of East Asia, in global value chains may have middle class in developing regions.
63 63 62 62 62 62 62 63
61 61 60 60
60 60 60 60 60 60
58 58
56 56 57
51 51
1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Loaded Unloaded
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on the Review of Maritime Transport, various issues, and table 1.4 of this report.
20 21
13 13
1 7 5
Loaded Unloaded
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data supplied by reporting countries and as published on government and port
industry websites, and by specialist sources.
Note: Estimated figures are based on preliminary data or on the last year for which data were available.
Figure 1.3 highlights the leading influence of Asia, as 5.5 per cent and 5.6 per cent, respectively. Minor bulks
41 per cent of world maritime trade in 2017 originated in ton-miles increased by 4.5 per cent, reflecting to some
Asia and 61 per cent was destined to the region. Other extent the positive contribution of the long-distance
regions, ranked in descending order, were Europe, the Guinea–China bauxite trade.
Americas, Oceania and Africa. Growth in tanker ton-miles was supported by firm import
demand in China, as well as its oil supply diversification
3. Factors contributing to more strategy, which is aimed at reducing the country’s reliance
ton-miles in 2017 on Western Asian crude oil. As China has been sourcing
more crude oil from the Atlantic basin (countries such as
Seaborne trade measured in ton-miles to reflect distances Angola, Brazil, Canada, Nigeria and the United States),
travelled and the employment of ship capacity increased the number of global crude oil ton-miles has been rising.
by 5 per cent in 2017, up from 3.41 per cent in 2016. Distances travelled by crude oil trade averaged 5,047.9
Overall ton-miles generated by seaborne trade in 2017 nautical miles in 2017, compared with 4,941.1 nautical
amounted to an estimated 58,098 billion tons (figure 1.4). miles in 2016.
Much of the growth was driven by crude oil and coal
shipments, which have greatly benefited the shipping Growth in oil product ton-miles increased at a slower
industry, given the growth in volumes and distances. pace compared with the previous year, owing to short
Crude oil trade contributed 17.5 per cent to ton-mile average sailing distances. The lifting of the United States
growth while major dry bulks contributed nearly one third. restrictions on crude oil exports in 2015, combined
with increased demand from Asia and Europe have
Together, minor bulks and other dry cargo accounted for
caused crude oil seaborne exports from the United
17.7 per cent of ton-mile growth, while containerized
States to surpass the country’s seaborne exports of oil
shipments contributed 17.4 per cent. The contributions
products in terms of billion ton-miles. In 2017, global
of gas and petroleum products were much smaller.
liquefied natural gas ton-miles increased by 11.6 per
Tanker trade ton-miles, including crude oil and refined cent. Growing exports of liquefied natural gas from the
petroleum products, rose by 4.4 per cent, and major dry United States underpinned growth in the average haul
bulks and containerized trade ton-miles increased by of imports of this commodity to China.
70 000
60 000
50 000
40 000
30 000
20 000
10 000
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017a 2018b
Chemicals 580 589 620 632 650 676 713 747 759 783 848 888 903 925 920 961 993 1 058 1 111
Gas 576 591 611 662 717 735 833 913 956 958 1 148 1 344 1 333 1 337 1 381 1 421 1 462 1 595 1 766
Oil 9 614 9 303 8 938 9 665 10 348 10 654 10 984 10 981 11 211 10 679 11 255 11 420 11 831 11 657 11 659 11 993 12 657 13 216 13 809
Other dry cargo 4 233 4 245 4 414 4 150 3 920 3 818 3 712 3 257 3 517 3 481 3 723 3 645 3 795 3 923 4 065 4 139 4 242 4 384 4 497
Containers 3 111 3 279 3 512 4 124 4 687 5 158 5 601 6 178 6 431 5 815 6 588 7 206 7 352 7 712 8 157 8 290 8 635 9 117 9 535
Minor dry bulks 6 638 6 573 6 538 6 965 7 876 8 170 8 852 9 160 8 817 7 586 8 705 9 312 9 624 10 172 10 617 10 775 11 018 11 510 11 967
Main Bulks 6 509 6 793 6 937 7 448 8 061 8 626 9 245 9 941 10 476 11 006 12 336 13 019 14 099 14 764 15 828 15 897 16 314 17 217 17 729
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Clarksons Research, 2018a.
B. WORLD SEABORNE TRADE BY CARGO Table 1.5 Oil and gas trade 2016–2017
(Million tons and percentage
annual change)
The overall positive operating environment in 2017 Percentage change
2016 2017
has benefited global demand for shipping services. 2016–2017
However, a closer look at seaborne trade by commodity Crude oil 1 831.4 1 874.9 2.4
type provides a clearer picture as to the extent of the Other tanker trade 1 223.7 1 271.2 3.9
recovery. of which
Liquefied natural
1. Tanker shipments gas 268.1 293.8 9.6
The year 2017 witnessed the geographical dispersion of petroleum gas 87.5 89.3 2.0
oil trade, as oil trade patterns became less concentrated Total tanker trade 3 055.1 3 146.1 3.0
on usual suppliers from Western Asia and benefited Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on table 1.4 of
from increased trade flows from the Atlantic basin to this report.
East Asia. These trends have supported and boosted Note: Liquefied natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas figures are
derived from Clarksons Research, 2018b.
long-haul tanker trade and tanker demand. Crude oil
seaborne trade expanded at a slower pace – 2.4 per
crude oil shipments from Western Asia. Crude oil trade
cent in 2017 – compared with stronger growth – 4 per
benefited from the growing export volumes originating
cent – in 2016 (table 1.5).
in the Atlantic basin and destined to Asia, most notably
UNCTAD estimates world crude oil trade in 2017 at China, where rising demand from independent refiners
1.87 billion tons, supported by increasing exports and growing state refinery capacity boosted demand
from the United States, rising global refining activity – growth. An overview of global players in the oil and gas
especially in Asia – declining oil inventories and steady sector is presented in table 1.6.
In view of the two-digit growth rate recorded in 2016 on inventories weighed on the import demand in some
and 9.1 per cent growth experienced in 2017, China regions, including Europe (Clarksons Research, 2018a).
is clearly emerging as a leading importer of crude oil.
On the supply side, higher levels of refinery throughput
Its main crude oil suppliers were Angola, the Islamic
lifted export volumes from Europe and Asia, including
Republic of Iran, Iraq, Oman, the Russian Federation,
Western Asia and China. The United States contributed
Saudi Arabia and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
to export growth, and shipments of oil products
Exports from member countries of the Organization expanded by 9.5 per cent (Clarksons Research,
of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, especially from 2018b). United States exports to developing America
Western Asia, were hampered by the production cuts partly benefited from the continued decline in refinery
agreed in November 2016 and the decline in shipments activity in Brazil, Mexico and the Bolivarian Republic of
from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. These trends Venezuela.
were, however, offset by growing shipments from the
Growing domestic refinery capacity has increasingly
United States, reflecting the rapid growth in its shale oil
positioned China as a significant exporter of oil products,
output, as well as a recovery in exports from Libya and
with its export volumes more than doubling between
2013 and 2016 (Clarksons Research, 2018c). Although
Together, refined petroleum products and gas volumes less impressive than the 2016 surge of more than
increased by 3.9 per cent in 2017; growth in petroleum 50 per cent, exports from China increased by 6.3 per
products was supported by rising demand in developing cent in 2017, driven by the ongoing oversupply of oil
America and growing intra-Asian trade. However, products in that country. The deceleration observed in
elevated global inventory and stocks undermined 2017 partly reflects its growing domestic consumption
arbitrage opportunities for some products and hindered requirements.
growth during the year. At the same time, drawdowns
2. Factors supporting trade in gas and
Table 1.6 Major producers and consumers refined petroleum products
of oil and natural gas, 2017
Shipments of liquefied natural gas totalled 293.8 million
(World market share, in percentage)
tons in 2017, following a 9.6 per cent increase over the
World oil production World oil consumption previous year (table 1.5) (Clarksons Research, 2018b).
Western Asia 34 Asia and the Pacific 35 Increased demand, the highest in six years, originated
North America 19 North America 23 mostly in Asia, where energy policy shifts are under way.
Transition economies 15 Europe 15 Imports of the commodity to China increased by 47.3 per
Developing America 10 Western Asia 10 cent in 2017, owing to weather conditions and stronger
Africa 9 Developing America 9 demand. The country’s demand for liquefied natural gas
was partly supported by the growing importance of the
Asia and the Pacific 9 Transition economies 4
environmental agenda. Further, the continued expansion
Europe 4 Africa 4
of liquefied natural gas regasification capacity in China
Oil refinery capacities Oil refinery throughput highlights the potential for further expansion in imports
Asia and the Pacific 34 Asia and the Pacific 35 of the commodity.
North America 21 North America 22
Key exporters included Qatar, which remained the
Europe 15 Europe 16
largest supplier of liquefied natural gas. Other exporters
Western Asia 10 Western Asia 10 were Australia, the Russian Federation and the United
Transition economies 9 Transition economies 8 States. Much of the growth was underpinned by
Developing America 8 Developing America 6 increased exports from Australia to Asia, although
Africa 3 Africa 3 long-haul trade from the United States to Asia was on
World natural gas World natural gas the rise. Increased production from liquefied natural
production consumption gas projects commissioned in 2016 and the start of
North America 25 North America 23 operations at liquefication facilities in Australia, the
Transition economies 22 Asia and the Pacific 21 Russian Federation and the United States, boosted
Western Asia 18 Transition economies 16 export volumes of the commodity. During the year, the
Asia and the Pacific 17 Western Asia 15
world’s first floating liquefied natural gas facility started
operations in Malaysia (Barry Rogliano Salles, 2018),
Europe 7 Europe 14
and one project received approval in Mozambique, a
Developing America 6 Developing America 7
major development, given the rise of the country as a
Africa 5 Africa 4 producer of liquefied natural gas.
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Shipments of liquefied petroleum gas expanded at a
British Petroleum, 2018. slower pace (2.0 per cent) in 2017, down from 11.2 per
Notes: Oil includes crude oil, shale oil, oil sands and natural gas
liquids. The term excludes liquid fuels from other sources such as cent in 2016 (Clarksons Research, 2018b). The main
biomass and coal derivatives. factors restricting growth included a decline in Western
Asian exports, which was offset somewhat by growing steel production and the closure of more than 100 million
exports from the United States. Demand for imports tons per annum of outdated steelmaking capacity in
in China was key, with import volumes expanding by 2016–2017 boosted the country’s demand for imports.
14.7 per cent. This pace is, however, less than half of that Further, the increased use of higher grade imported iron
in 2016 (34.4 per cent), reflecting the end of the recent ore displaced domestic supplies. The leading iron ore
wave of propane dehydrogenation plant expansions exporters were Australia, Brazil and South Africa; Australia
(Danish Ship Finance, 2017). Imports of liquefied and Brazil supplied over 85 per cent of the demand for
petroleum gas to India increased in 2017, supported imports in China. Nevertheless, Australia is by far the
by a subsidy programme of the Government promoting largest exporter, supplying nearly two thirds of iron ore
households’ switch to cleaner fuels. In contrast, imports requirements in China. The country imports 21 per cent of
of the commodity to Europe declined, owing in part to its iron ore requirements from Brazil, which benefits the dry
competition from ethane. With regard to chemicals, bulk shipping industry through long distances. South Africa
volumes also increased following the growing demand generates 4 per cent of all iron ore imports to China. Other
for imports in Asia, a rebound in palm oil trade after El suppliers, such as India, the Islamic Republic of Iran and
Niño in 2016 and growth in United States exports. Sierra Leone, have also increased their exports to China.
and source its soybean requirements from alternative in 2017. The continued rise in Chinese aluminium
suppliers such as Brazil. While trade restrictions production and the availability of bauxite ore, following
generally portend ominous consequences for shipping, years of export disruptions, led to an expansion in
a shift in suppliers and routes in this context may have bauxite trade. While China dominates the import
an unintended positive effect on ton-miles generated. side with a market share of more than two thirds,
key players on the supply side are more varied and
Minor bulks include Australia, Brazil, Guinea and India. Nickel ore
trade rose by 7.6 per cent, highlighted in particular
Growing manufacturing activity and construction
by increased growth in nickel ore shipments from
demand supported a 2.2 per cent increase in
Indonesia, following its decision to relax its export ban
minor bulks commodity trade. Rising demand for
on unprocessed ores.
commodities such as bauxite, scrap and nickel ore
pushed volumes to 1.9 billion tons. However, the large
drop (less 30.8 per cent) in exports of steel products Other dry cargo: Containerized trade
from China due to reforms in the country’s steel sector Following the difficult years of 2015 and 2016 when
undermined the expansion to some extent. Bauxite containerized trade grew modestly at 1.1 per cent and
shipments expanded by 19.5 per cent, accounting 3.1 per cent, respectively, container market conditions
for 13 per cent of minor dry bulks commodities trade improved in 2017, and strong growth in volumes was
recorded across all routes. World containerized trade
Table 1.8 Major dry bulks and steel: Producers, volumes expanded by a strong 6.4 per cent in 2017,
users, exporters and importers, 2017 the fastest rate since 2011. Global volumes reached
(World market shares, in percentage) 148 million TEUs (figure 1.5), supported by various
Steel producers Steel users positive trends.
China 49 China 46
Japan 6 United States 6 The modest global recovery was central to the rise
India 6 India 5 in containerized volumes. In addition, factors such
United States 5 Japan 4 as a recession in Brazil and the Russian Federation,
Russian Federation 4 Republic of Korea 4 increased consumption requirements in the United
Republic of Korea 4 Germany 3 States, improved commodity prices, strong import
Germany 3 Russian Federation 3 demand from China and the rapid growth of intra-Asian
Turkey 2 Turkey 2 trade reflecting the effect of regional integration and
Brazil 2 Mexico 2 participation in global value chains, contributed to the
Other 19 Other 25 recovery.
Iron ore exporters Iron ore importers
Trade growth strengthened on the major East–West
Australia 56 China 72
trade lanes, namely Asia–Europe, the Trans-Pacific and
Brazil 26 Japan 9
South Africa 4 Europe 8
transatlantic routes (table 1.9 and figure 1.6). Volumes
Canada 3 Republic of Korea 5 on the Trans-Pacific route (eastbound and westbound)
India 2 Other 6 increased by 4.7 per cent, while volumes on the East
Other 9 Asia–North America route (eastbound and westbound)
Coal exporters Coal importers increased by 7.1 per cent. Overall, the Trans-Pacific trade
Indonesia 32 China 18 lane remained the busiest, with total volumes reaching
Australia 30 India 17 27.6 million TEUs, followed by 24.8 million TEUs on
Colombia 7 Japan 15 the Asia–Europe route and 8.1 million TEUs on the
United States 7 Europen Union 13 transatlantic route.
South Africa 7 Republic of Korea 12
Growth accelerated across non-mainlane routes (table
Canada 2 Taiwan Province of China 6
1.10). Robust growth (6.5 per cent) on the North–South
Other 15 Malaysia 3
trade route reflected improvements in the commodity
Other 16
price environment and the higher import demand of
Grain exporters Grain importers
United States 25 East and South Asia 34
oil- and commodity-exporting countries. Supported by
Russian Federation 23 Africa 21 positive economic trends in China, economic growth
Ukraine 15 Developing America 20 in emerging Asian economies, as well as regional
Argentina 11 Western Asia 16 integration and global value chains, volumes on the
Europena Union 9 Europe 7 intra-Asian routes picked up, expanding by 6.7 per cent.
Australia 8 Transition economies 2 Containerized trade on the non-mainlane East–West
Canada 7 routes grew by an estimated 4.0 per cent, with varied
Other 2 performances across individual routes; key factors were
faster growth on routes within and outside the Indian
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from
Clarksons Research, 2018d and World Steel Association, 2018a, subcontinent and slower growth on routes within and
2018b. outside Western Asia.
180 20
120 10
60 0
0 -10
Million TEUs (left axis) Percentage change (right axis)
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from MDS Transmodal, 2018.
Note: Data for 2018 are projected figures.
2018 a
19.5 8.1 7.8 16.9 3.2 4.9
Figure 1.6 Estimated containerized cargo flows on major East–West container trade routes, 1995–2018
(Million 20-foot equivalent units)
24 24
22 22 22 22 22
20 2020
19 1919 19 19 19
18 18
16 1717
12 12
11 11 11
8 8 8 8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7 7
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5 5
3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018a
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2010. Figures from 2009
onward are derived from data provided by MDS Transmodal and Clarksons Research.
Table 1.10 Containerized trade on non-mainlane would also be an unfavourable development, as it limits
routes, 2016–2018 their ability to obtain greater transparency and reliability,
(Million 20-foot equivalents and as well as the right services. This is because shippers
annual percentage change) do not know which ship or operator is handling their
cargo in an alliance arrangement. Overall, it seems that
Intraregional Intra-Asian North–South alliances help to expand the service range available
Percentage annual change but tend to heighten operational complexities and
2016 5.0 5.6 4.9 1.9 detract from transparency along the logistics chain (see
2017 6.3 6.7 4.0 6.5 chapters 2 and 3).
2018a 6.1 6.8 5.2 6.4
Electronic commerce
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from
Clarksons Research, 2018e. The rapid expansion of e-commerce is of direct
relevance to the container shipping market, given the
related implications for consumption patterns, retail
Positive trends in the containerized trade market models, distribution networks, and transport and
unfolded against the backdrop of continued market logistics. UNCTAD estimates global e-commerce
consolidation; alliance reshuffling; ordering of larger at almost $26 trillion in 2016 (UNCTAD, 2018d).
ships, with capacities likely to stabilize at close to Cross-border e-commerce is particularly relevant to
20,000–22,000 TEUs; as well as a growing momentum shipping and accounts for a relatively smaller share
surrounding e-commerce and digitalization. Together of total e-commerce in general and business-to-
these factors are reshaping the containerized trade and
consumer sales, in particular. According to UNCTAD,
liner shipping landscape and raising new challenges
such cross-border transactions were worth about
and opportunities for the sector.
$189 billion in 2015. Dwarfed by the size of domestic
The rise of mega alliances is likely to reinforce the business-to-consumer e-commerce, cross-border
commoditization of container transportation services, sales in that year accounted for 6.5 per cent of total
as they tend to limit liner shipping service or product business-to-consumer e-commerce (UNCTAD, 2017a).
differentiation (McKinsey and Company, 2017a). This Nevertheless, business-to-consumer e-commerce,
means that lines would be unable to differentiate including cross-border transactions, is growing rapidly,
themselves and to compete based on service. As a and Asia is becoming a major growth area. While data on
member of an alliance, a shipping line may not be able e-commerce trends in developing countries are difficult
to offer faster and more reliable services than its alliance to obtain, cross-border e-commerce in China was said
partners. For shippers, the commoditization of services to account for up to 20 per cent of total import and
export trading volumes (, 2017). Elsewhere enhancing transparency. Recent developments relating
in the region, the size of e-commerce-related business to blockchain technology aimed at facilitating seaborne
is much smaller, but is characterized by rapid growth. trade are also important (see chapter 5). Some argue
In India, e-commerce sales were estimated at around that the technology could save $300 in customs
$40 billion in 2016, up from $4 billion in 2009, while clearance costs for each consignment and that it could
in Indonesia, the market was worth about $6 billion potentially generate $5.4 million in savings on each
in 2016. By 2020, 45 per cent of online shoppers are shipment associated with a ship that has a capacity of
expected to buy goods from other countries. This would 18,000 TEUs (Marine and Offshore Technology, 2017).
represent a fourfold increase in the value of cross-border
Other technologies of relevance to seaborne trade
sales since 2014 (Colliers International, 2017).
include robotics, artificial intelligence and additive
Shipping, like other modes of transport, is also part of the manufacturing or three-dimensional printing. Robotics
e-commerce supply chain. However, the extent to which have some implications for production localization by
container shipping is able to benefit from e-commerce enabling zero-labour factories (Danish Ship Finance,
trade flows and capture some of the associated gains 2017). According to UNCTAD research however, robot
remains unclear in view of the relatively small share of use in low-wage labour-intensive manufacturing has
cross-border business-to-consumer e-commerce flows remained low (UNCTAD, 2017b).
and the participation of alternative modes of transport.
Three-dimensional printing and robotics may facilitate
The speed of air transport favourably positions aviation
regionalized manufacturing and lead to some reshoring
as a better fit for e-commerce trade, notably for high-
by displacing low-cost labour. While three-dimensional
value and time-sensitive cargo. Rail transport could
printing, in particular, is not expected to cause a massive
also gain market share as illustrated by developments
relocalization pattern, it may have an incremental
in the China–Europe rail connections and the example
impact and affect specific niche markets. In time, this
offered by the China–Germany service advertised on the
technology may lead to less raw materials being used
Alibaba portal (Colliers International, 2017). Nevertheless,
in manufacturing. Until it becomes widespread and
ocean shipping is expected to contribute to e-commerce
cost-effective, for now the impact of three-dimensional
trade and benefit from the transport of other goods and
products that rests on the building of inventories near printing is expected to be marginal – existing estimates
consumption markets. suggest that TEU volumes will drop by less than 1 per
cent by 2035 (, 2017).
For shipping to tap the trade potential arising from
e-commerce, operators need to adapt, leverage
technology for greater efficiencies and design integrated C. OUTLOOK AND POLICY
supply chain solutions that are e-commerce-friendly. CONSIDERATIONS
Adaptation and planning for change is critical for shipping
to remain a relevant market player. In this respect,
concerns have recently been raised over the potential 1. World seaborne trade projections:
for e-retailers to displace traditional players such as 2018–2023
liner shipping operators. While these concerns have
Global seaborne trade is doing well, helped by the upswing
generally been downplayed, shipping lines recognize
in the world economy. Prospects for the short and medium
the potential risks and seem to be adapting their
term are positive overall – global GDP is expected to grow
business models to account for these emerging trends,
by more than 3.0 per cent over the 2018–2023 period
including by leveraging technology and digitalization to
(International Monetary Fund, 2018), and merchandise
ensure efficiency gains and capture market share. An
trade volumes are set to rise by 4.4 per cent in 2018 and
example is the new global integrator strategy pursued
4 per cent in 2019 (World Trade Organization, 2018). In
by Maersk to drive down costs, improve reliability,
line with projected economic growth and based on the
enhance responsiveness and forge a better link with
income elasticity of seaborne trade estimated for the 2000–
customers (Maersk, 2018).
2017 period, UNCTAD expects world seaborne trade
volumes to expand by 4.0 per cent in 2018. According to
Digitalization UNCTAD projections, world seaborne trade will expand
Today, the shipping industry is cautiously embracing at a compound annual growth of 3.8 per cent during that
relevant technologies arising from digitalization. More period, based on calculated elasticities and the latest figures
and more, carriers and freight forwarders alike are taking of GDP growth forecast by the International Monetary Fund
measures to digitalize internal processes, develop for 2018–2023. Overall, these projections are comparable
integrated information technology infrastructures and with existing ones, such as those by Clarksons Research
offer real-time transparency on shipments. Digital and Lloyd’s List Intelligence (table 1.11). Further, they are
start-ups such as Xeneta, Flexport and Kontainers consistent with past trends indicating that seaborne trade
are being launched (McKinsey and Company, 2017b). increased at an annual average growth rate of 3.5 per cent
These solutions aim to provide user-friendly online between 2005 and 2017 and that dry bulk commodities and
interfaces for shippers, while facilitating processes and containerized trades have been driving much of the growth.
Contingent on continued economic conditions in the UNCTAD, could increase the value of intra-African trade
global economy, volumes across all segments are set by 33 per cent (UNCTAD, 2018e).
to expand; it is expected that containerized and dry
While the advantages and implications of the
bulk commodities trades will record the fastest growth.
implementation of the Agreement Establishing the
Tanker trade volumes should increase, although at a
African Continental Free Trade Area with regard to
slightly slower pace than other cargo types. Dry bulk
seaborne trade are yet to be fully assessed, additional
commodities are projected to experience a compound
annual growth rate of 4.9 per cent between 2018 and trade flows can be expected to benefit shipping and
2023, while containerized shipments are expected to support seaborne trade volumes (Brookings Instituion,
rise by 6 per cent, supported by positive economic 2018). In this respect, one liner shipping operator
trends, imports of metal ores to China and steady reported that intra-Africa trade had picked up following
growth on the non-mainlane trade routes. Further, crude the implementation of trade facilitation measures, in
oil trade is forecast to grow by 1.7 per cent between particular the one-stop border post concept (Southern
2018 and 2023, and combined petroleum products and Africa Shipping News, 2017). This points to the
gas volumes, by 2.6 per cent. significant potential in Africa that could be unlocked
for shipping and seaborne trade if relevant support
The positive outlook for seaborne trade could be measures and enabling conditions were to be provided.
sustained by the trade liberalization gains that may be
generated by various trade policy instruments, providing Growing intra-Asian trade arising from a shift of low-
they are successfully concluded and implemented. cost manufacturing activities from China to other
These include the Comprehensive and Progressive neighbouring East and South Asian countries could
Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Agreement generate some additional seaborne trade flows. As
between the European Union and Japan for an Economic China moves up the global value chain, new trading
Partnership, the trade and investment agreements opportunities are opening up for other countries. The
between the European Union and Singapore,2 the value of outward-oriented greenfield foreign direct
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and investment in manufacturing in developing Asia has
the Agreement Establishing the African Continental nearly doubled, from $26.6 billion in 2005–2010
Free Trade Area. The latter agreement, according to to $50.2 billion in 2011–2016 (Asian Development
Bank, 2017). Major recipients included Cambodia, the European Union. Such developments could be
India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Unlike China, detrimental for global trade, depending on how major
where the growing share of domestic content used in trading partners respond to the new trade restrictions.
manufacturing limits growth in intermediate goods,
A closer look at the specific trades and commodities that
these countries are likely to source much of the goods
may be affected by the United States tariffs on steel and
from external suppliers and thus generate additional
aluminium, as well as the proposed tariffs on a list of other
trade activity.
products imported from China, indicates that importers
In addition, various projects under the Belt and Road and exporters will be facing uncertainty and disruptions
Initiative of China have the potential to generate growth relating to dry bulk shipping (for example, steel,
and boost seaborne trade volumes through increased aluminium and soybeans), as well as some proportion of
demand for raw materials and semi-finished and finished the containerized trade between China and the United
products. Infrastructure developments of the size of States. According to one observer, tariffs currently in
the Initiative require large amounts of construction force in those countries affect an estimated 24 million
materials in the form of dry bulk commodities, steel tons of seaborne trade, equivalent to some 0.2 per cent
products, cement, heavy machinery and equipment. of global seaborne trade (Clarksons Research, 2018f).
Improvements in connectivity through enhanced If proposed tariffs were to be accounted for, the impact
transport infrastructure, linking manufacturing industry would increase to 0.7 per cent of world seaborne trade
or agriculture to global markets, could strengthen many volume. However, this could produce an unintended
countries’ economic growth and boost trade. These positive effect – an increase in soybeans ton-miles to
developments have favourable implications for container China – if Argentinian and Brazilian soybeans were to
shipping and bulk commodities trade. displace soybeans from the United States.
However, an expanding overland route between China The list of containerized goods from China that could
and Europe that has already attracted movements of be affected by the proposed tariffs include furniture,
high-value, time-sensitive goods – which previously electrical machinery, rubber manufactures, clothing and
would have been transported by sea – could shift some accessories, and metal manufactures. These goods are
seaborne cargo from ship to rail. The pipelines built under shipped in containers from Eastern Asia to the West
the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative could also Coast of the United States on the Trans-Pacific route.
restrict seaborne trade growth in related trades (Hellenic As the China–United States trade on this route accounts
Shipping News, 2017). All in all, however, the net effect for about 3 per cent of total global containerized trade,
of the initiative could support shipping demand, as rail the overall impact is not likely to be disruptive. Overall,
transport services and pipelines are not expected to the impact may initially be limited, depending on the
significantly displace the role of shipping in the region duration of the tariffs and the extent of the retaliatory
and along the Asia–Europe trade lane. measures by trading partners.
As noted previously, the prospects for seaborne trade Other factors and potential risks for the sustained recovery
are positive and may be sustained by the various upside of seaborne trade and its outlook include the following:
factors. Yet caution is required, given the uncertainty arising
from the confluence of geopolitical, economic and trade • Trade policy risks linked to the decision by the
policy risks, and structural shifts, such as the rebalancing United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
of the Chinese economy, slower growth of global value Ireland to leave the European Union and the re-
chains and a change in the global energy mix. How these lated implications for business confidence and
factors will evolve and the extent to which they will support investment activity in Europe. Other concerns
or derail the recovery in seaborne trade remains unclear. relate to the increasing number of trade disputes
A major trade policy risk relates to the inward-looking that have been raised at the World Trade Organi-
policies and the rise of protectionism, which may reverse zation, regarding for example, Australia, Canada,
the trade liberalization of today. Examples include the China, India, Pakistan, the Republic of Korea,
decision of the United States to withdraw from the Trans- the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the United Arab
Pacific Partnership Agreement, to renegotiate the North Emirates, the United States and Viet Nam.
American Free Trade Agreement and to re-evaluate other • Withdrawal of the United States from the Joint
existing trade agreements. Such policies can produce Comprehensive Plan of Action and the re-im-
significant setbacks for global economic and trade recovery posing of international sanctions on the Islamic
and undermine the growth prospects of seaborne trade. Republic of Iran.
Another risk of this nature is associated with the growing • Deterioration of the economic crisis in the Boli-
trade tensions between the United States and some varian Republic of Venezuela and related implica-
of its trading partners. Following the announcement by tions for tanker trade and other sectors.
the United States in March 2018 to apply tariffs to steel • The gradual transition of China towards a more
and aluminium imports, the United States, within the diversified economy and its efforts to reduce
framework of the North American Free Trade Agreement, industrial overcapacity and improve air quality.
in May proceeded to apply such tariffs to imports from Developments in that country are important for
seaborne trade prospects, given its strategic is to embrace the change while minimizing disruptions
importance for shipping demand, especially dry and supporting a sustainable recovery in shipping and
bulk commodities trade. In view of the significant global seaborne trade.
market shares of China in trade in various dry
Based on these considerations, the following
bulks commodities – for example, iron ore, baux-
recommendations are suggested with a view to
ite, coal and nickel ore – the slightest negative
ensuring a more sustainable economic recovery in trade
shift in its import requirements can be potentially and shipping:
detrimental to shipping demand.
• Governments have a role to play by supporting
• Structural forces, including the slower pace of
the current positive economic trends and pro-
trade liberalization, as well as global value chain
moting a self-sustaining global economic re-
integration. As stated in the 2017 and 2016 edi-
covery. This may entail, among other measures,
tions of the Review of Maritime Transport, cycli-
actively promoting economic diversification in
cal factors alone do not explain the decline in the
commodity-dependent countries. More impor-
ratio of trade growth to GDP growth.
tantly, at a time of growing concerns over the
• Although beneficial for sustainability objectives, rise of protectionist sentiment, barriers to trade
the transition of the global economy towards a and trade disputes that may result in far-reaching
less fossil fuel-intensive growth model entails detrimental impacts for the global economy and
some uncertainty for oil, gas and coal trades. A trade should be avoided to the extent possible.
similar concern arises in connection with trends
• Relevant regulatory authorities, maritime trans-
in the circular economy. Applying circular econ-
port analysts, as well as development entities
omy principles may hold back demand for raw
such as UNCTAD need to regularly monitor mar-
materials, although it would be a boon for the
ket concentration trends in liner shipping and
sustainability agenda.
assess potential implications in terms of market
• Potentially unintended negative impacts of power, freight rates, surcharges and other costs
emerging technologies such as three-dimen- to shippers and trade.
sional printing and robotics may cancel out the • Governments, in collaboration with the shipping
positive gains for maritime trade. industry, the private sector, and the trade and
business community need to build digital pre-
2. Policy considerations paredness and promote greater uptake of rele-
UNCTAD projections are pointing to continued growth in vant technologies. This will require, among oth-
world seaborne trade, which hinges on continued growth ers, providing an enabling legal and regulatory
in GDP. At the same time, upside and downside risks to framework and supporting training and initiatives
the outlook are manifold and include rising trade tensions to build knowledge and upgrade skills.
on the downside and digitalization on the upside. Further, • All stakeholders, including Governments, need
new factors such as digitalization, e-commerce and to work together and support the development of
the Belt and Road Initiative are increasingly unfolding. transportation and supply chain infrastructure and
Depending on their extent and the pace at which they services tailored for e-commerce. This may require
evolve, they may alter the face of global shipping and an assessment of how the maritime transport sector
redefine seaborne trade flows and patterns. could improve and tailor its service offerings to re-
main relevant and capture the potential gains deriving
In this context, it is increasingly acknowledged that from e-commerce flows. A first step in this respect,
the value of shipping can no longer be determined by is to enhance understanding of the cross-border
scale alone. The ability of the sector to leverage relevant e-commerce market and its potential. The establish-
technological advances to improve processes and ment of a working group on measuring e-commerce
operations, cut costs and generate value for the industry and the digital economy, as proposed at the second
and customers, as well as the broader economy and session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts
society, is becoming increasingly important. on E-commerce and the Digital Economy, held in
While the next chapters will address in more detail some Geneva, Switzerland, in April 2018, could help pro-
of the implications of selected technologies, including mote a data-driven e-commerce analysis.
for the world fleet, markets, ports and the regulatory • While bearing in mind the need to prevent the
framework, on the demand side and in connection heightened commoditization of services and ensure
with seaborne trade, the impact of digitalization can the ability to compete on service offerings to better
be significant, depending on the pace at which these respond to customer needs, collaboration between
technologies are implemented in shipping, the level of shipping lines, alliances, port terminals, shippers and
exposure of each market segment and the ability to other supply chain partners to improve communica-
strike a balance between the pros (for example, greater tions, enhance transparency, increase efficiency, re-
efficiency) and cons (for example, cybersecurity risks) duce operational complexity and allow better service
associated with the various technologies. The challenge offerings should be encouraged.
Asian Development Bank (2017). Changing patterns of trade and global value chains in post-crisis Asia. Asian
Development Bank Briefs No. 76. February.
Barry Rogliano Salles (2018). Annual review 2018: Shipping and shipbuilding markets. Available at https://it4v7.
Berenberg and Hamburg Institute of International Economics (2018). Strategy 2030: Shipping in an era of digital
transformation. Available at
British Petroleum (2018). BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2018: June 2018 (Pureprint Group, London).
Brookings Institution (2018). Strengthening regional value chains: What’s the role of the African Continental Free
Trade Agreement? Africa in Focus. 21 March.
Clarksons Research (2018a). Shipping Review and Outlook. Spring.
Clarksons Research (2018b). Seaborne Trade Monitor. Volume 5. No. 5.
Clarksons Research (2018c). China Intelligence Monthly. April.
Clarksons Research (2018d). Dry Bulk Trade Outlook. Volume 24. No. 5. May.
Clarksons Research (2018e). Container Intelligence Monthly. Volume 20. No. 4. April.
Clarksons Research (2018f). 2018 ‘Trade Friction’ Update. June.
Colliers International (2017). Supply chain disruptors: Reshaping the supply chain. Quarter 2.
Danish Ship Finance (2017). Shipping Market Review. November.
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (2010). Global Insight database.
Hellenic Shipping News (2017). China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Rearranging global shipping? 6 June.
Horner R (2016) A new economic geography of trade and development? Governing South–South trade, value
chains and production networks. Territory, Politics, Governance. 4(4):400-420.
International Monetary Fund (2016). Global trade: What’s behind the slowdown? In: World Economic Outlook:
Subdued Demand – Symptoms and Remedies (Washington, D.C.).
International Monetary Fund (2018). World Economic Outlook database. April.
Marine and Offshore Technology (2017). Digitalization in shipping is here to stay. 18 December.
McKinsey and Company (2017a). The alliance shuffle and consolidation: Implications for shippers. January.
McKinsey and Company (2017b). Container shipping: The next 50 years. October.
MDS Transmodal (2018). World Cargo Database. March.
Southern Africa Shipping News (2017). Container sector sees uptick in intra-Africa trade. 22 May.
Maersk (2018). Becoming the global integrator of container logistics. 9 February. (2017). Ocean freight to be a critical link in e-commerce supply chains. 17 May.
UNCTAD (2016). Review of Maritime Transport 2016 (United Nations publication. Sales No. E.16.II.D.7, New York
and Geneva).
UNCTAD (2017a). Information Economy Report 2017: Digitalization, Trade and Development (United Nations
publication, Sales No. E.17.II.D.8, New York and Geneva).
UNCTAD (2017b). Trade and Development Report 2017: Beyond Austerity – Towards a Global New Deal (United
Nations publication, Sales No. E.17.II.D.5, New York and Geneva).
UNCTAD (2018a). Trade and Development Report 2018: Power, Platforms and the Free Trade Delusion (United
Nations publication, Sales No. E.18.II.D.7, New York and Geneva).
UNCTAD (2018b). UNCTADstat database. International trade.
UNCTAD (2018c). World Investment Report 2018: Investment and New Industrial Policies (United Nations publication,
Sales No. E.18.II.D.4, New York and Geneva).
UNCTAD (2018d). Risks and benefits of data-driven economics in focus of major United Nations gathering.
Press release. 28 March.
UNCTAD (2018e). African Continental Free Trade Area: Challenges and opportunities of tariff reductions. UNCTAD
Research Paper No. 15.
United Nations (2018). World Economic Situation and Prospects: Update as of Mid-2018. New York.
World Steel Association (2018a). World crude steel output increases by 5.3% in 2017. 24 January.
World Steel Association (2018b). Global steel continues its broad recovery. 17 April.
World Trade Organization (2018). Strong trade growth in 2018 rests on policy choices. Press release 820. 12 April.
1. Detailed figures on dry bulk commodities are derived from Clarksons Research, 2018d.
2. Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and Singapore; Investment Protection Agreement between the
European Union and its Member States, of the One Part, and Singapore, of the Other Part.
After five years of decelerating growth, world fleet expansion
increased slightly in 2017. A total of 42 million gross tons
were added to the global tonnage in 2017, equivalent to a
modest 3.3 per cent growth rate. This performance reflects
both a slight upturn in new deliveries and a decrease in
demolition activity, resulting from optimistic views among
shipowners given positive developments in demand and
freight rates. The expansion in ship supply capacity was
surpassed by faster growth in demand and seaborne
trade volumes, altering the market balance and supporting
improved freight rates and earnings.
With regard to the shipping value chain, Germany remained
the largest container ship owning country, although with a
slight decrease in its share in 2017. By contrast, shipowners
from Canada, China and Greece increased their container
ship market shares. Further, the Marshall Islands emerged
as the second largest registry, after Panama and ahead of
Liberia. Over 90 per cent of shipbuilding activity in 2017
occurred in China, the Republic of Korea and Japan, and
79 per cent of ship demolitions took place in South Asia,
notably in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
The liner shipping industry witnessed further consolidation
through mergers and acquisitions and the restructuring of
global alliances. However, despite the global trend in market
concentration, UNCTAD data recorded an increase in 2017–
2018 in the average number of companies providing services
by country. This is the first such increase since UNCTAD
began to monitor capacity deployment in 2004. Put differently,
several individual carriers, both within and outside alliances,
expanded their service networks to a larger number of
countries, and this more than offset the reduction in the global
number of companies following takeovers and mergers.
Not all countries saw an increase in the number of
companies, however. UNCTAD data shows that the number
of operators servicing several small island developing States
and vulnerable economies decreased in 2017–2018. Further,
reflecting the challenges posed by larger vessel sizes, small
ports in many countries face obstacles in accommodating
the demands of larger vessels and continue to rely on
outdated and geared container and general cargo ships.
Three global liner shipping alliances dominate capacity
deployment on the major container routes. The members
of the alliances still compete with regard to prices, and
the gains in operational efficiency and capacity utilization
have exercised downward pressures on freight rates, to
the benefit of shippers (see chapter 3). By joining forces
in alliances, carriers have strengthened their bargaining
power with regard to seaports when negotiating port calls
and terminal operations (see chapter 4).
S H I P B e R epuban
ERS IN a, th
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FLEET Greece
Greece expanded
its lead, adding
21 million dwt in 2017.
COUN ntinues troe the
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the ship s ollowed tan.
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Japan mos place, nd Paki
a k e s s h a
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11.7% glad
China is the largest
shipowning country
Germany in terms of vessel
5.6% numbers.
Figure 2.1 Annual growth of world fleet and seaborne trade, 2000–2017
Figure 2.2 Share of world fleet in dead-weight tonnage by principal vessel type, 1980–2018
35.6 35.4 35.3 35.8
12.7 13.3 13.1
8.0 8.5
7.5 7.2
4.5 3.9 3.9
Oil tankers Dry bulk carriers General cargo ships Container ships Other
Sources: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Clarksons Research and the Review of Maritime Transport, various issues.
Notes: Propelled seagoing merchant vessels of 100 gross tons and above, as at 1 January, excluding inland waterway vessels, fishing
vessels, military vessels, yachts and offshore fixed and mobile platforms and barges, with the exception of floating production, storage
and offloading units and drillships.
In 2017, almost all vessel types recorded positive growth transport of chemicals required in industrial processing,
rates, except for general cargo ships, which continued as well as of palm oil and other liquid goods. The largest
to show a long-term decline in their share of the world number of chemical tankers is controlled by owners from
fleet (table 2.1). In January 2018, general cargo ships Japan, followed by owners from China, Norway, the
accounted for only 3.9 per cent of total dead-weight Republic of Korea and Singapore.
tonnage, a further decrease from their 4 per cent share in
2017. The long-term trend towards the containerization Tonnage and value
of general cargo may be illustrated by comparing the
general cargo fleet with the container ship fleet. In 1980, UNCTAD analysis mostly focuses on dead-weight
container ships had one tenth the total tonnage of tonnage, which is more relevant to seaborne trade and
general cargo ships; at present, container ships have cargo-carrying capacity. To complement information on
3.4 times more total dead-weight tonnage. The order the maritime industry as a business sector, data on the
book for general cargo ships is at its lowest level since commercial value of fleets are also included, indicating
UNCTAD began to monitor this indicator and 58.8 per the capital intensiveness of the shipping industry and the
cent of such ships are older than 20 years (table 2.2). implications for owning, operating, registering, building
and scrapping such assets (figure 2.3). The value of its
Whenever there is sufficient volume, it is more efficient
main assets also signals the state of the industry during
to make use of specialized ships for different types of
business cycles. In addition, the value of a ship gives
cargo. General cargo ships therefore only remain in use
in smaller markets, including at peripheral ports and on some indication of the level of its sophistication and
small islands and for shipments of project cargo that technological content. For example, ships emit different
cannot be containerized. As the general cargo fleet amounts of greenhouse gases by ton-mile, depending
continues to diminish, policymakers and port planners on the country of build and vessel type (Right Ship,
need to take every opportunity to invest in the most 2018). In the longer term, further digital transformation
appropriate specialized terminals, in particular for the may entail greater investment and higher fixed costs,
growing fleet of gearless container ships. A related against lower operational and variable costs (box 2.1).
development is the growing predominance of deep- The high commercial value of the industry’s main
water container trans-shipment hubs in all regions, assets highlights the extent of investment in ships
which leads to a reduction in direct calls in adjacent and technology, which shipowners need to recover by
smaller economies. improving cost-efficiency measures, setting rates and
Gas carriers recorded the greatest growth rate in 2017, at surcharges and covering variable costs and fixed costs
7.2 per cent, with expectations for further expansion in the with regard to vessel prices. The values of different
coming years in view of the projected growth in liquefication vessel types vary considerably (figure 2.3). Dry and liquid
and regasification capacity, as well as the consideration of bulk ships have the largest cargo-carrying capacity and,
gas as a cleaner source of energy. The share of chemical accordingly, dry bulk carriers and oil tankers together
tankers grew by 4.1 per cent, reflecting the demand for the account for more than 72 per cent of total dead-weight
The shipping industry is investing heavily in technologies that have the potential to transform business as usual.
Such new technologies relate to the way that ships move and operate, as well as to strategic decision-making
and day-to-day operations at offices, and include automated navigation and cargo-tracking systems and digital
platforms that facilitate operations, trade and the exchange of data. They can potentially reduce costs, facilitate
interactions between different actors and raise the maritime supply chain to the next level.
Automation and unstaffed ships offer interesting options related to greater cargo intake and reduced fuel
consumption and operational expenses such as crew costs. At the same time, as new technologies are incorporated
into on-board operations, ships become more complex to operate. As ship sizes and the complexity of on-board
operations increase, the risk of major accidents may also rise. Yet reducing human intervention can also lead to
a decrease in accidents. Human error reportedly accounted for approximately 75 per cent of the value of almost
15,000 marine liability insurance claims in 2011–2016, equivalent to over $1.6 billion.
Vessel and cargo-tracking systems are developing quickly. Technological developments can help in generating
business intelligence for asset management and optimized operations, for example in the provision of data on fuel
consumption and engine performance. Such systems also allow for the identification and monitoring of a ship’s
position, as well as for the monitoring of other aspects that might be important with regard to manoeuvring and
stabilizing route and course, improving security and ensuring the safety of crew.
Combining on-board systems and digital platforms allows vessels and cargo to become a part of the Internet of
things. A key challenge is to establish interoperability, so that data can be exchanged seamlessly, at the same time
ensuring cybersecurity and the protection of commercially sensitive and private data (for further discussion of legal
and regulatory frameworks, see chapter 5).
Sources: Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty, 2017; Lehmacher, 2017.
Oil tankers
Dry bulk carriers
Gas carriers
Chemical tankers
Other / 3.6
not available 1.2
tonnage. However, with regard to their value, the vessels 10.1 years, as ships built in the last 10 years have been
make up only 37 per cent of the fleet. Other vessel types on average seven times larger than those built two or
are more technology-intensive and costlier to build. Gas more decades ago and still trading.
carriers and the offshore fleet have a far higher monetary
value by dwt. The category of ferries and passenger Container ship sizes have significantly increased in the
ships includes cruise ships and other vessels whose last two decades, while the average size of oil tankers
main purpose is not the transport of goods; their share has marginally decreased. The largest ships built in the
in dead-weight tonnage is thus negligible, yet reaches last five years have been container ships of an average of
more than 11 per cent of the fleet’s market value. 83,122 dwt, followed by dry bulk carriers of an average
of 79,281 dwt. These trends are a reflection of changed
economic conditions. Notably, in container shipping,
2. World merchant fleet age the process of consolidation has gone together with the
distribution demand for larger ships by the major shipping lines and
The age structure of the world fleet provides interesting alliances.
insights into trends and differences in country groups
and vessel types with regard to fleet modernization and 3. Container ship fleet
vessel sizes. The average age of the fleet registered in
developing countries continues to be slightly higher than Container shipping is fundamental for global trade in
that registered in developed countries, but this gap has intermediate and manufactured consumer goods. It is
been narrowing over the years (table 2.2). provided by regular liner shipping services that form
a network of transport connections, including direct
In 2017, as new deliveries further slowed down
services and services that involve the trans-shipment of
compared with deliveries in 2016, the average age of
containers in hub ports.
the world fleet increased slightly. At the beginning of
2018, the average vessel age in the commercial fleet Modern container ports have specialized ship-to-shore
was 20.8 years. With regard to dead-weight tonnage, container cranes installed and most new container ships
the average age of the fleet was significantly younger, at are therefore gearless, that is, they are not equipped with
Table 2.2 Age distribution of world merchant fleet by vessel type, 2018
Years Average age
Economic grouping and vessel type change
0–4 5–9 10–14 15–19 20+ 2018 2017 2017–2018
Oil tankers Percentage of total ships 14.97 21.89 17.04 8.46 37.64 19.06 18.73 0.32
Percentage of dead-weight
21.70 33.86 24.60 14.30 5.55 9.99 9.90 0.09
Dry bulk carriers Percentage of total ships 27.83 41.32 12.90 8.72 9.24 9.10 8.77 0.33
Percentage of dead-weight
29.99 43.04 12.93 7.22 6.82 8.28 7.93 0.34
General cargo ships Percentage of total ships 6.09 16.26 11.88 7.03 58.75 25.82 25.10 0.72
Percentage of dead-weight
11.59 26.27 14.50 9.84 37.80 18.66 18.17 0.49
Container ships Percentage of total ships 17.40 26.67 26.81 14.74 14.37 11.94 11.53 0.41
Percentage of dead-weight
29.55 30.98 23.71 10.32 5.45 9.04 8.71 0.32
Other Percentage of total ships 13.07 19.42 11.62 8.48 47.41 22.86 22.32 0.54
Percentage of dead-weight
20.70 24.04 16.10 10.78 28.39 15.45 15.34 0.11
All ships Percentage of total ships 13.75 22.01 13.25 8.54 42.46 20.83 20.34 0.50
Percentage of dead-weight
25.74 35.98 18.16 10.20 9.92 10.09 9.85 0.24
Percentage of total ships 14.08 22.81 12.70 7.76 42.65 20.07 19.56 0.51
Percentage of dead-weight
25.70 35.39 13.92 10.03 14.97 17.46 17.50 -0.04
Percentage of total ships 14.58 23.78 15.57 10.63 35.45 19.35 18.94 0.41
Percentage of dead-weight
26.15 36.71 20.97 10.26 5.91 9.35 9.12 0.23
Percentage of total ships 5.75 9.48 6.81 3.54 74.41 29.67 29.08 0.59
Percentage of dead-weight
9.80 27.51 22.07 13.44 27.18 16.16 15.55 0.62
1 600 000
1 400 000
1 200 000
1 000 000
800 000
600 000
400 000
200 000
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Geared Gearless
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Clarksons Research.
Note: Propelled seagoing vessels of 100 gross tons and above.
ship size
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from MDS Transmodal and Review of Maritime Transport, various issues.
Note: Figures as at 1 May of each year.
their own cranes. In 2017, only 4.2 per cent of TEUs of in 2017; it now has a market share of 17.3 per cent,
container ship deliveries was of geared container ships, followed by Japan at 11.7 per cent, China at 9.6 per
intended for markets in which terminals do not provide cent and Germany at 5.6 per cent. Shipowners from
for the necessary port cranes, including in some small Greece specialize in oil tankers, in which Greece has a
island developing States and at small and remote ports market share of 24 per cent, as well as dry bulk carriers.
at which the volume of cargo may not justify investment Japan and China have their largest market shares in
in ship-to-shore cranes (figure 2.4). dry bulk carriers, with 20 and 16 per cent, respectively.
Shipowners from Germany specialize mostly in container
With regard to long-term trends in container ship ships, in which Germany has a market share of 20 per
deployment by country, ship sizes and total capacity cent. Among charter owners, that is, owners that do not
deployed by country have increased over the years themselves provider liner services but instead charter
and the number of companies has decreased ships to liner companies, Germany has a market share
(figure 2.5). The number of ships and TEU-carrying of one third, down from two thirds in 2013, and owners
capacity deployed reflect to some extent the growth of from Canada, China and Greece have expanded their
containerized trade. For example, deployment declined markets. A typical example of this trend is the sale of six
in 2008–2009, following the economic crisis, when container ships by Commerzbank of Germany to Maersk
carriers withdrew capacity from the market. The latest in March 2018, for around $280 million (Dynamar BV,
developments are more positive and the average TEU 2018b).
deployment by country increased by almost 10 per
cent between May 2017 and May 2018. However, the The largest shipowning country in terms of vessel
number of companies providing services to and from a numbers is China, with 5,512 commercial ships of 1,000
country, on average, has decreased in most years since gross tons and above, many of which are deployed in
2004. The slight increase between 2017 and 2018 is domestic trades, under the national flag (table 2.3).
an interesting development, as it reflects the fact that Indonesia and the Russian Federation also own a large
despite global mergers and acquisitions, the remaining number of ships deployed in coastal and inter-island
carriers have been expanding into new markets, transport. Most major shipowning economies are in
including as members of global alliances. Each major Asia, Europe and North America. No country in Africa or
carrier thereby ensures its own in-house global network. Oceania and only one country in Latin America – Brazil
– is among the top 35 shipowners. Among the top 35
The largest ships are deployed on the Far East–Northern shipowning countries, 28 have more than half of their
Europe route. As at June 2018, there were 18 weekly fleet registered abroad, that is, in a foreign open registry.
services on this route, down from 32 services in 2008, The seven exceptions are Belgium, India, Indonesia,
when significantly smaller ships were deployed. Current Italy, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and Viet Nam. In Saudi
services are operated by nine different carriers organized Arabia and Thailand, the nationally flagged ships are
into three alliances and one independent carrier, Hyundai mostly oil tankers; in Belgium and Italy, the national flag
Merchant Marine, and the average capacity of the total is financially attractive for national owners; and in India,
205 ships employed is 15,000 TEUs; the largest vessel Indonesia and Viet Nam, the nationally flagged ships
has a capacity of 21,400 TEUs and the smallest vessel, include a large share of general cargo ships deployed
deployed by the sole independent carrier, has a capacity in coastal traffic, which is reserved for nationally flagged
of 4,100 TEUs (Dynamar BV, 2018a). ships.
The slight long-term decline in the number of ships With regard to the commercial value of the world
deployed by country does not mean that the total fleet, the largest shipowning country is the United
number of ships in the world fleet has declined. The States, followed by Japan and Greece (figure 2.6). The
opposite is true; the total number of container ships difference between the ranking by tonnage and by value
in the world fleet increased in 2004–2018. Each ship is due to the vessel types owned by different countries.
calls at a smaller number of ports; the largest ships are For example, shipowners from Greece specialize in
deployed on long-distance routes, connecting trans- dry bulk carriers and oil tankers, which have a large
shipment hubs, and the smaller ships connect a smaller carrying capacity; shipowners from the United States,
number of countries, on shorter routes, to and from by contrast, have greater shares in cruise ships and
these trans-shipment hubs. other vessels, primarily offshore, which are not used for
trade in goods.
Figure 2.6 Top 20 nationally owned fleets by value of principal vessel type, 2018
(Billions of dollars)
Taiwan Province of China
Republic of Korea
Hong Kong (China)
United Kingdom
United States
- 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Dry bulk carriers Oil tankers Container ships Other ships, including ferries, offshore vessels and general cargo ships
ships with the largest average size and also host the and service quality and higher prices. Some of these
largest liner shipping companies, which tend to own negative outcomes may already be in effect. For example,
the largest vessels. Smaller vessels are more likely to in 2017–2018, the number of operators decreased in
be chartered from owners in, for example, Germany several small island developing States and structurally
and Greece. The top three carriers are from Europe, weak developing countries (table 2.6). This is an issue
with a combined market share of 37.7 per cent of of concern, as such countries are already serviced by a
world carrying capacity. Most of the remaining top 30 low number of operators and face high transport costs
carriers are from Asia. In total, the top 10 carriers have due to several obstacles, including limited transport
a combined market share of 68.6 per cent and the infrastructure and market size. Alliances have also
top 30 together account for 77.6 per cent (table 2.5). increased the bargaining power of shipping companies
Carriers with more ships also own and operate larger with regard to ports. By pooling services and ship calls,
ships, which is a further indication that the growing size for example when negotiating port dues or conditions
of container ships and the process of consolidation go for dedicated terminals, carriers can more easily obtain
hand in hand. the most beneficial arrangements from port authorities.
The liner shipping industry has witnessed increasing The UNCTAD liner shipping connectivity index provides
consolidation, in the form of both mergers and an indicator of a country’s position within the global liner
acquisitions, and liner shipping alliances. Consolidation shipping network. Liner shipping connectivity is closely
can result in better supply management, fleet utilization related to trade costs and trade competitiveness.
and improved efficiency. It can benefit the industry Table 2.7 depicts the ranking of selected countries in
through the pooling of cargo, improved economies different regions according to their index in 2018. The
of scale and reduced operating costs. Carriers may liner shipping connectivity index reflects both changes
also see the benefits of such cooperation by sharing in demand and decisions taken by carriers, which
resources, including port calls and networks, and in turn depend on their strategic vessel deployment
developing new services. Shippers could benefit from and responses to port investments and reforms in
consolidation through stability and less fluctuation in the container ports of countries (for further analysis of
freight rates, as well as more efficient and extensive the causes and implications of changes in maritime
services offered by carriers. As long as there is sufficient connectivity, see chapter 6 of the Review of Maritime
competition and transparency, shippers may also Transport 2017). The following countries experienced a
benefit from improvements if the resulting lower costs significant increase in the 2018 index compared with the
2017 index: United Arab Emirates, by 179.1 per cent;
are effectively passed on to them in the form of lower
Maldives, by 124.9 per cent; Mauritania, by 77.1 per
freight rates. Beyond cost savings, improvements in
cent; Eritrea, by 73.3 per cent; the Federated States
operational efficiency and higher vessel utilization can
of Micronesia, by 69.2 per cent; and Cameroon, by
exacerbate the oversupply of capacity, leading to further
66.5 per cent. By contrast, the following economies
downward pressure on freight rates.
experienced the sharpest decreases in the 2018
Consolidation can have a potential negative impact on index: Ukraine, by 60.6 per cent; Albania, by 48.6 per
competition, however, and may result in oligopolistic cent; Montenegro, by 47.6 per cent; New Zealand, by
market structures. Growing consolidation can reinforce 42.9 per cent; Northern Mariana Islands, by 34.7 per
market power, potentially leading to decreased supply cent; and Yemen, by 31.7 per cent.
Table 2.6 Number of operators and maximum ship size in selected small island developing States and
vulnerable economies, 2017 and 2018
Number of operators Maximum ship size, 2018 Maximum ship size change, 2017–2018
2017 2018 (20-foot equivalent units) (20-foot equivalent units)
Table 2.9 Leading flags of registration by value of principal vessel type, 2018
(Millions of dollars)
General Ferries and
Dry bulk Container Gas Chemical Offshore
Oil tankers cargo passenger Other Total
carriers ships carriers tankers vessels
ships ships
Panama 12 564 46 799 3 909 13 601 8 027 5 286 20 889 9 920 7 506 128 501
Marshall Islands 22 479 28 088 504 6 473 13 604 4 881 24 667 1 316 2 456 104 469
Bahamas 7 430 5 042 174 413 9 885 140 26 807 26 911 2 747 79 551
Liberia 15 284 21 158 1 039 16 388 4 548 2 045 11 022 151 1 648 73 281
Hong Kong
9 370 24 785 1 968 14 983 3 589 1 982 324 50 122 57 173
Singapore 10 764 13 346 1 188 10 686 5 011 2 799 7 617 — 1 778 53 189
Malta 8 769 11 684 1 815 7 911 4 106 2 246 4 977 10 045 594 52 148
China 4 900 13 811 2 583 2 568 915 1 557 7 192 4 693 2 304 40 523
Italy 1 400 1 113 2 772 121 298 550 608 12 044 354 19 260
Greece 8 832 3 935 187 237 4 364 63 1 1 447 100 19 166
United Kingdom 562 661 1 145 3 765 447 723 4 727 4 315 496 16 840
Bermuda 413 173 9 86 6 412 336 2 295 6 466 — 16 191
Japan 2 417 3 718 1 926 425 1 551 157 582 2 905 1 895 15 575
Cyprus 721 5 396 850 1 769 861 306 2 071 616 843 13 433
International 1 672 1 860 239 — 2 729 1 031 3 372 697 1 230 12 831
Ship Register
Isle of Man 2 646 2 638 267 268 2 545 337 3 358 26 16 12 101
Netherlands 136 161 3 675 208 482 173 1 615 3 307 1 018 10 776
Norway 269 109 150 — 101 148 7 227 1 865 2 9 871
1 082 81 533 5 783 819 559 468 431 105 9 861
Register of
Indonesia 1 580 725 1 580 677 542 317 2 276 1399 36 9 132
United States 1 311 36 528 629 — 33 3 727 1 668 721 8 654
Malaysia 673 176 79 67 1 837 219 5 112 14 133 8 310
Madeira 169 1 678 362 4 292 26 230 1 38 208 7 004
India 1 580 1 079 561 127 230 87 961 293 233 5 150
Nigeria 146 — 5 — — 80 4 905 2 2 5 140
117 168 188 252 28 047 91 477 72 932 26 283 146 804 90 618 26 548 788 129
top 25 flags
Other 13 486 10 099 15 354 8 902 5 512 7 022 28 637 11 119 5 208 105 337
World total 130 654 198 351 43 401 100 379 78 443 33 305 175 440 101 737 31 756 893 467
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Clarksons Research.
Notes: Propelled seagoing merchant vessels of 1,000 gross tons and above, as at 1 January.
Abbreviation: SAR, Special Administrative Region.
Table 2.10 Distribution of dead-weight tonnage capacity of vessel types by country group of registration, 2018
Total fleet Oil tankers Dry bulk carriers General cargo ships Container ships Other
Developed countries 23.14 25.21 18.66 27.87 29.02 26.24
0.23 0.67 -0.10 0.00 0.48 0.12
Countries with economies 0.67 0.88 0.19 5.54 0.05 1.06
in transition -0.01 -0.04 -0.01 0.15 0.00 0.02
Developing countries 75.94 73.81 81.13 65.20 70.85 71.43
-0.18 -0.51 0.13 -0.23 -0.31 -0.33
Of which:
Africa 12.49 13.87 11.23 6.98 18.17 8.91
-0.07 -1.40 0.77 0.44 -0.36 -0.30
America 23.47 19.63 27.27 20.37 16.44 28.30
-1.35 -1.40 -1.58 -0.31 -1.47 -0.50
Asia 27.21 24.45 28.91 35.01 30.45 21.53
0.53 1.33 -0.10 0.15 1.14 0.54
Oceania 12.76 2.84 13.72 2.84 5.78 12.69
0.71 0.75 1.03 -0.52 0.39 -0.07
Unknown and other 0.25 0.10 0.03 1.38 0.09 1.27
-0.04 -0.12 -0.01 0.08 -0.18 0.19
World total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Clarksons Research.
Notes: Propelled seagoing merchant vessels of 100 gross tons and above, as at 1 January. Annual change in italics.
The major open registries are hosted by developing 2.9 per cent. Oil tankers saw less newbuilding activity but
countries. Accordingly, developing countries account also less scrapping, resulting in greater net growth in the
for almost 76 per cent of the global national flag fleet, at almost 5 per cent. General cargo ships recorded
tonnage, developed countries account for 23 per cent more scrapping than newbuildings, leading to a negative
and countries with economies in transition account for growth rate in this sector. The largest shipbuilding
less than 1 per cent (table 2.10). countries continued to be China, the Republic of Korea
and Japan, which together accounted for 90.5 per cent
of gross tons delivered in 2017. China has the largest
D. SHIPBUILDING, DEMOLITION AND market shares in dry bulk carriers and general cargo
NEW ORDERS ships. The Republic of Korea is strongest in oil tankers,
container ships and gas carriers. Japan has its largest
market share in chemical tankers and bulk carriers. The
1. Delivery of newbuildings rest of the world, comprising mostly countries in Europe,
In 2017, total delivery amounted to 65 million gross is strongest in offshore vessels and passenger ships,
tons, equivalent to 5.2 per cent of the start-of-year fleet including cruise ships.
in 2017 (table 2.11). In addition in 2017, 23 million gross
tons were scrapped, leading to a net growth in the world 2. Ship demolition
fleet of 42 million gross tons, equivalent to a growth rate
of 3.3 per cent. Ship demolitions in 2017 were almost one quarter less in
gross tons than in 2016, an indicator of improved market
The dry bulk sector saw the largest tonnage of optimism. Bulk carrier and container ship scrapping
newbuilding entering the fleet, with more than 20 million slowed in line with improved market conditions but
gross tons reported delivered; this sector also saw the tanker recycling increased. The most ship scrapping
highest level of scrapping activity, at more than 8 million continued to take place in India, followed by Bangladesh
gross tons, leading to a net growth in the dry bulk fleet of and Pakistan (table 2.12).
Table 2.11 Deliveries of newbuildings by major vessel type and countries of construction, 2017
(Thousands of gross tons)
China Republic of Korea Japan Philippines Rest of world Total
Oil tankers 5 330 10 859 1 835 472 1 213 19 709
Dry bulk carriers 11 982 640 7 713 480 236 21 052
General cargo ships 588 75 186 — 233 1 082
Container ships 3 105 5 873 1 408 974 451 11 813
Gas carriers 708 3 973 439 52 12 5 185
Chemical tankers 654 6 531 — 137 1 329
Offshore vessels 409 473 145 0 647 1 675
Ferries and passenger ships 166 — 197 1 1 174 1 537
Other 395 609 482 — 121 1 607
Total 23 339 22 509 12 937 1 980 4 224 64 989
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Clarksons Research.
Notes: Propelled seagoing merchant vessels of 100 gross tons and above. For more detailed data on other shipbuilding countries,
Table 2.12 Reported tonnage sold for demolition by major vessel type and country of demolition, 2017
(Thousands of gross tons)
Unknown – Indian
India Bangladesh Pakistan China Turkey Other/unknown World total
Oil tankers 1 935 3 245 0 1 749 12 40 5 982
Dry bulk carriers 1 062 1 460 2 527 2 464 470 139 0 8 123
General cargo ships 420 155 102 82 0 312 108 1 178
Container ships 1 755 892 748 650 140 309 3 4 498
Gas carriers 145 59 0 4 0 173 5 387
Chemical tankers 109 35 0 2 44 0 6 196
Offshore vessels 318 57 77 90 157 128 404 1 230
Ferries and passenger ships 165 35 5 0 0 51 21 277
Other 415 321 0 152 0 133 23 1 044
Total 6 323 6 260 3 459 3 445 1 560 1 257 611 22 916
350 000
300 000
250 000
200 000
150 000
100 000
50 000
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Dry bulk carriers Oil tankers Container ships General cargo ships
Viet Nam
of Korea
- 10 000 000 20 000 000 30 000 000 40 000 000 50 000 000 60 000 000
Dry bulk carriers Oil tankers Container ships All other vessel types
childbearing and other responsibilities of care, such as expected span of careers at sea among women was 10
through the provision of flexible working hours, maternity years and that many contemplated leaving their positions
benefits and childcare facilities. Working conditions can also during their early 30s (Ruggunan and Kanengoni, 2017).
refer to exposure to harassment and violence, a recurrent
concern expressed in the seafaring sector (MacNeil and Gender stereotyping, that is, a cultural perception that
Ghosh, 2016). Such elements lead to a lack of interest women are less able to meet the demands of a career in this
in pursuing a career in the maritime sector or to early sector, is present with regard to physical roles in seafaring
departures from maritime industry careers. A study on the operations, as well as in other segments of the maritime
career awareness of cadets in South Africa showed that the industry, such as insurance and law, which can lead to
workplaces that are unwelcoming or openly hostile Overcoming such causes of the lack of gender equality
towards women (Wu et al., 2017). Gender stereotyping in the maritime industry is likely to require coordinated
also encompasses inappropriate sexual comments, efforts by several stakeholders, including shipping
persistent sexual invitations, unwanted physical contact companies, crewing agencies, freight companies, trade
and bullying (MacNeil and Ghosh, 2016; Turnbull, unions and seafarers’ welfare organizations. Measures
2013). In addition, it includes discriminatory practices, could encompass actions at three levels.
in particular in lower ranks and in the younger age
demographic (Ship Technology, 2017). With regard to Educational level
onshore managerial roles, a study on women’s maritime
careers in Eastern and Southern Africa showed that Increase awareness of gender equity
gender stereotyping was closely related to the work- in maritime academic, operational and
intensive pattern of the professional progression of business spheres
women, aimed at achieving success in the “man-made”
system of the maritime industry, because women Increased awareness is required to promote a more
perceived that they had to devote extra time and systematic gender-sensitive approach in the profession.
energy compared with men peers in order to achieve This could be achieved, for example, by adding related
similar results, due to the distrust of employers with topics to the curricula of maritime educational institutions
regard to their competence and ability to perform as and ensuring staff induction and consistent sensitization
maritime professionals and to a lack of recognition of training at the management, human resources, ship
their contributions (Bhirugnath-Bhookhum and Kitada, manager and ship master levels, which emphasize issues
2017). such as improving on-board conditions and policies to
report and address sexual harassment and discrimination.
Working conditions and gender stereotyping are
closely linked. For example, to fit in in men-dominated
environments in the seafaring profession, women may Ensure that training institution curricula are
adopt behaviours suggestive of masking perceived structured to allow graduates to work both
feminine attributes and emphasizing masculinity, such onshore and offshore
as with regard to dress and socialization with peers Such curricula would allow for career paths that are
(Acejo and Abila, 2016). Efforts to integrate women into versatile and for flexibility and the retention of trained,
the seafaring profession and erase gender differentials experienced individuals who may not be in a position to
have been both ambivalent and contradictory, and work on board vessels.
may conversely reinforce gender biases against the
participation of women in the workplace (Acejo and Abila,
Organizational level
2016). For example, some shipping companies require
prior seafaring experience to access managerial roles, in Ensure adequate maternity benefits and
a context in which companies are often reluctant to take
flexibility schemes
on women cadets, resulting in an unequal playing field
with regard to onshore career progression. This would facilitate the shift from offshore to onshore
positions without penalization in climbing managerial
Several international voluntary frameworks and
ladders and could contribute to improving the retention
programmes have been put in place at the international
of women in the industry.
and regional levels to meet different aspects of these
challenges. For example, in 1989, IMO launched the
Women in Development Programme to enhance the Develop gender-neutral working practices
capabilities of women in the sector; this programme is Such practices, particularly those focused on hiring
now entitled Programme on the Integration of Women in and promotion, would help increase the participation of
the Maritime Sector, and its main objective is to facilitate women in the industry at all levels.
access to high-level technical training for women maritime
officials. In addition, the International Transport Workers’ Institutional and national levels
Federation has instituted a code of conduct on eliminating
shipboard harassment and bullying. With regard to Promote the adoption of internationally
factors affecting professional progression in onshore agreed codes of conduct and standards
roles, frameworks have been prepared by IMO, regional
organizations and women’s associations. However, their Such codes include the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006,
implementation differs significantly at the national level. and the International Transport Workers’ Federation code of
For example, Kenya, Mauritius, Seychelles and South conduct on eliminating shipboard harassment and bullying.
Africa have developed practices aimed at empowering Social partners should be involved in the monitoring of
women in managerial positions and at retaining women enforcement. The creation and adoption of business
employees, including through the use of flexible working policies on harassment and bullying, as well as on reporting
hours (Bhirugnath-Bhookhum and Kitada, 2017). measures to eliminate such actions, should be encouraged.
Strengthen and consolidate regional cargo volumes and when no-longer-needed ships are not
networks scrapped – and they are not – the resulting surplus puts
further downward pressures on freight rates. Policymakers
This would help support the dissemination of best
and regulators will need to ensure that members of shipping
practices as a basis for mainstreaming better gender-
alliances continue to compete with regard to prices, so that
related practices in the maritime industry.
efficiency gains on the supply side may be passed on to
shippers in the form of lower freight rates.
Enhance partnerships between individual
institutions and industry association A challenge arises if traffic volumes are too low to
organizations economically allow for more than a small number of
Such organizations include the Women’s International competing carriers. UNCTAD records show a decreasing
Shipping and Trading Association. Enhanced partnerships number of carriers, in particular for services to small island
should provide long-term coaching, networking and developing States and some vulnerable economies.
fellowship opportunities and could contribute to retention, In such situations, government interventions may be
creating further opportunities to advance careers, justified, yet in practice may do more harm than good.
cooperate, share best practices and work across borders. Assessing the implications of horizontal and vertical
integration in the industry and addressing potential
Inspire and empower new generations by negative effects through solutions acceptable to all parties
identifying women role models in the sector will require the engagement of competition authorities,
carriers, shippers and ports. The United Nations Set of
This could include the organization of workshops to
Multilaterally Agreed Equitable Rules and Principles for
exchange experiences and the creation of mentoring
the Control of Restrictive Business Practices provides for
consultations between member States in this area.
Average vessel sizes and the fleet of gearless container
F. OUTLOOK AND POLICY CONSIDERATIONS ships continue to grow. This has important repercussions
In 2017, with positive developments in demand and freight for investments in terminals to provide the adequate space,
rates, the world fleet grew slightly faster than in 2016. infrastructure and equipment needed to service these fleets.
As the fleet of geared ships further diminishes, policymakers
Yet the industry refrained from an expansion that would
and port planners need to seize every opportunity to invest
have added more capacity than needed, and 2017 was
in the most appropriate specialized terminals.
the first year since 2003 for which UNCTAD recorded a
lower growth rate for world tonnage than for seaborne An increasing number of women are entering the shipping
trade. However, there are signs that the fleet will expand at industry, yet a lack of gender equality remains with regard
a higher rate in 2018 and 2019. With regard to container to levels of seniority, job functions and salaries. Overcoming
ships, there has been almost no scrapping in the first half of this gender imbalance in the maritime industry may be
2018, and total TEU capacity growth is forecasted to reach a core element in dealing with the shortage of skilled
5 per cent by January 2019 (Clarksons Research, 2018). professionals in the sector, which could impact shipping
In the medium term, for example, the Republic of Korea operations in future. In order to address the shortage,
aims to build 200 new container and dry cargo ships and two main factors need to be addressed, namely working
establish a maritime industry promotion agency to support conditions and gender stereotyping. Efforts need to be
the placement of orders for new ships through investments made by the industry and by policymakers, and should
or by guaranteeing the ship purchase programme (Marine include coordination between several stakeholders,
Log, 2018). As countries try to support their maritime awareness raising, promotion of the adoption of
industries, notably in shipowning and construction, they internationally agreed codes of conduct, revised curricula
may effectively subsidize the shipping industry and, in training institutions, flexibility schemes and instruments
indirectly, global trade. If the additional carrying capacity to improve rates of retention and to advance careers.
outstrips demand, the resulting surplus capacity will put
The supply of shipping services will need to go beyond
further pressure on freight rates and thus may create further
simply management of vessel operations. The digital
imbalances. Promoting the construction and operation of
transformation of shipping entails a number of opportunities.
new and more efficient vessels should be accompanied
New technologies include automated navigation and cargo-
by strong scrapping and demolition incentives to manage
tracking systems, as well as digital platforms that facilitate
supply-side capacity.
operations, trade and the exchange of data. They can
The recent mergers and continued consolidation in potentially reduce costs, facilitate interactions between
container shipping suggest that an ever lower number of different actors and raise the maritime supply chain to
carriers, cooperating in only three major global alliances, the next level. Combining on-board systems and digital
will control the supply of shipping services in coming years. platforms allows vessels and cargo to become a part of
From the supply-side perspective, the operational gains due the Internet of things. A key challenge for policymakers is
to alliances have effectively added surplus capacity to the to establish interoperability, so that data can be exchanged
market. As cooperation and vessel sharing help to improve seamlessly, at the same time ensuring cybersecurity and the
capacity utilization, fewer ships are needed for the same protection of commercially sensitive and private data.
Acejo IL and Abila SS (2016). Rubbing out gender: Women and merchant ships. Journal of Organizational
Ethnography. 5(2):123–138.
Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty (2017). Safety and Shipping Review 2017. Munich.
Bhirugnath-Bhookhum M and Kitada M (2017). Lost in success: Women’s maritime careers in Eastern and Southern
Africa. Palgrave Communications. Springer Nature.
Clarksons Research (2018). Container Intelligence Monthly. Volume 20. No. 5. May.
Dynamar BV (2018a). Dynaliners Weekly. 15 June.
Dynamar BV (2018b). Dynaliners Weekly. 13 April.
HR Consulting (2017). Maritime HR Association: 2017 Market Analysis Report – Gender Diversity in Maritime.
Spinnaker Global.
Lehmacher W (2017). The Global Supply Chain: How Technology and Circular Thinking Transform Our Future.
Springer International Publishing AG. Cham, Switzerland.
MacNeil A and Ghosh S (2016). Gender imbalance in the maritime industry: Impediments, initiatives and
recommendations. Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs. 9(1):42–55.
Marine Log (2018). [Republic of] Korea unveils restructuring plan for shipping and shipyards. 5 April.
Right Ship (2018). Where are the most efficient vessels built? Available at
Ruggunan S and Kanengoni H (2017). Pursuing a career at sea: An empirical profile of South African cadets and
implications for career awareness. Maritime Policy and Management. 44(3):289–303.
Ship Technology (2017). Women in shipping: Pushing for gender diversity. 23 August.
Turnbull P (2013). Promoting the employment [of] women in the transport sector: Obstacles and policy options.
Working Paper No. 298. International Labour Organization.
World Economic Forum (2015). Why we need more women in maritime industries. 4 September.
Wu C-L, Chen S-Y, Ye K-D and Ho Y-W (2017). Career development for women in [the] maritime industry: Organization
and socialization perspectives. Maritime Policy and Management. 44(7):882–898.
1. Data in this chapter concerning tonnage and number of ships in the world fleet was provided by Clarksons Research.
Unless stated otherwise, the vessels covered in the UNCTAD analysis include all propelled seagoing merchant vessels
of 100 gross tons and above, including offshore drillships and floating production, storage and offloading units. Military
vessels, yachts, waterway vessels, fishing vessels and offshore fixed and mobile platforms and barges are not includ-
ed. Data on fleet ownership only cover ships of 1,000 gross tons and above, as information on the true ownership of
smaller ships is often not available. For more detailed data on the world fleet, including registration, ownership, building
and demolition, as well as other maritime statistics, see
2. The aggregate fleet values published by Clarksons Research are calculated from estimates of the value of each vessel
based on type, size and age. Values are estimated for all oil/product tankers, bulk carriers, combined carriers, container
ships and gas carriers with reference to matrices based on representative newbuilding, second-hand and demolition
values provided by Clarksons Platou brokers. For other vessel types, values are estimated with reference to individual
valuations, recently reported sales and residual values calculated from reported newbuilding prices. As coverage con-
cerning specialized and non-cargo vessels may not be complete, figures might not accurately represent the total value
of the world merchant fleet above 100 gross tons. Desktop estimates are made on the basis of prompt charter-free
delivery, as between a willing buyer and a willing seller for cash payment under normal commercial terms. For the pur-
poses of this exercise, all vessels are assumed to be in good and seaworthy condition.
3. For further discussion on this issue, see the documentation considered at the seventeenth session of the Intergovern-
mental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy, held from 11 to 13 July 2018, available at
en/pages/MeetingDetails.aspx?meetingid=1675; the article on consolidation in liner shipping in UNCTAD Transport
and Trade Facilitation Newsletter No. 76; and chapter 6 of the Review of Maritime Transport 2017. The liner shipping
connectivity index, liner shipping bilateral connectivity index and information on calculations for the indices are available
In 2017 and early 2018, the global shipping industry saw
a marked improvement of fundamentals in most market
segments, with the exception of the tanker market. Key
drivers were the combined strengthening in global demand,
on the one hand, and the reduced fleet growth, on the other.
Overall, freight rates improved across all markets in 2017,
with the exception of tankers.
Container freight rate levels increased, and averages
surpassed performance in 2016. A better supply–demand
balance in container ship markets, underpinned by stronger
demand, was the main driver. The container shipping
industry ended 2017 with a total profit of roughly $7 billion,
driven mainly by a significant increase in transported
volumes, freight rates and revenue, as well as proactive
operational management discipline.
During the year, consolidation, whether in the form of
alliances or mergers and acquisitions, persevered in the
container industry in response to the negative environment
that the industry has been facing in recent years. While
outright negative impacts on trade and costs have not been
reported, there are remaining concerns about the impact
of growing market concentration on competition and the
level playing field. Competition authorities and regulators,
as well as transport analysts and international entities
such as UNCTAD, should therefore remain vigilant. In this
respect, the seventeenth session of the Intergovernmental
Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy held in
Geneva in July 2018, provided a timely opportunity to bring
together competition authority representatives and other
stakeholders from the sector to reflect upon some of these
concerns and assess their extent and potential implications
for shipping and seaborne trade, as well as the role of
competition law and policy in addressing these concerns.
Delegates called upon UNCTAD to continue its analytical
work in the area of international maritime transport,
including the monitoring and analysis of the effects of
cooperative arrangements and mergers not only on freight
rates but also on the frequency, efficiency, reliability and
quality of shipping services.
In 2017, the bulk freight market recorded a remarkable
surge, which translated into clear gains for carriers,
thereby compensating the depressed earnings of 2016.
The improvement was largely driven by faster growth in
seaborne dry bulk trade and moderate growth in supply.
The tanker market was under pressure in 2017.
A key development is the current debate at IMO regarding
the introduction of a set of short- to long-term measures
to help curb carbon emissions from international shipping.
Depending on the outcome of relevant negotiations and the
specific design of any future instrument to be adopted, it
will be important to assess the related potential implications
for carriers, shippers, operating and transport costs, as well
as costs for trade. It will also be important to consider the
gains and benefits that may derive from these measures,
including market-based instruments in shipping and how
these could be directed to address the needs of developing
countries, especially in terms of their transport cost burden
and their ability to access the global marketplace. Some of
the main developments at IMO to address greenhouse gas
emissions from ships and issues, namely in the context of
market-based instruments, are considered in this chapter.
3 8.1
6.4% The container shipping
4.04 .0 4.0
Baltic Exchange Baltic Exchange
remained under pressure, dirty tanker index clean tanker index
mainly due to an increase
in vessel supply that grew 8% growth 24% growth
at a faster rate than 787 points 606 points
demand growth.
8.3 8.1
7.0 7.0
6.8 4.9 5.0
4.9 3.0
4.0 4.0 4.0 3.8
2.0 1.0
Demand Supply
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from chapter 1, figure 1.5 for demand and Clarksons Research, Container
Intelligence Monthly, various issues, for supply.
Notes: Supply data refer to total capacity of the container-carrying fleet, including multipurpose vessels and other types of vessel with
some container-carrying capacity. Demand growth is based on million TEU lifts.
On the non-mainlane routes, robust growth in all trade These surges were mainly driven by large growth in
clusters supported the positive development of freight demand from oil and commodity-exporting countries
rates, which rose sharply in 2017, outperforming following the 2017 improvements in the commodity
those on the mainlane trade routes. Among the price environment (see chapter 1).
North–South routes, the Shanghai–South Africa With regard to the intra-Asian routes, the Shanghai–
(Durban) freight rates averaged $1,155 per TEU, Singapore route averaged $148 per TEU, compared
an increase of almost 98 per cent compared with with $70 per TEU in 2016, a 111.4 per cent increase.
2016. The Shanghai–South America (Santos) annual These rates were supported by continued positive
freight rates reached an average of $2,679 per TEU, trends in the Chinese economy, as well as in other
an increase of 62.7 per cent over the 2016 average. emerging economies in the region.
2 May 2011
5 August 2015
12 April 2018
1 May 2013
5 May 2016
19 October 2017
3 May 2010 2 May 2012 5 May 2014 4 April 2017
Source: UNCTAD secretariat, based on data from the New ConTex index of the Hamburg Shipbrokers Association.
Notes: The New ConTex is based on assessments of the current day charter rates of six selected container ship types, which are
representative of their size categories: Types 1,100 TEUs and 1,700 TEUs with a charter period of one year, and Types 2,500, 2,700, 3,500
and 4,250 TEUs with a charter period of two years. Index base: October 2007 = 1,000 points.
In an effort to address overcapacity and absorb carriers needed to fill short-term capacity requirements,
the impact of surplus capacity, slow steaming and while awaiting the delivery of new ships. Orient Overseas
cascading were strongly maintained by carriers in Container Line, for instance, hired some ships with a
2017. Slow steaming is estimated to have absorbed capacity of 11,000 TEUs from Costamare to operate on
some 3 million TEUs of nominal capacity since the the Asia–North Europe trade route pending the arrival
end of 2008 (Clarksons Research, 2018a). Cascading of new units with a capacity of 20,000 TEUs (,
capacity resulted in increasing the redeployment of 2017).
larger ships across trade lanes (Clarksons Research,
The container ship charter market got off to a good start
2018a). Larger ships are deployed on mainlane trade
in 2018. The new ConTex index increased to an average
routes, which require carriers to balance capacity
of close to 500 points in April 2018, the highest since
and distribute ships onto secondary lanes, such as
August 2015. Nevertheless, there are still concerns about
the North–South trade lanes. At the same time, and
the potential cascading effect of larger vessel sizes with
as noted in chapter 2, scrapping of vessels remained
the delivery of new mega vessels, as well as the impact
significantly high – 4.5 million gross tons were
of market consolidation on vessel employment by major
demolished in 2017. The average age of scrapped
carriers, which may seek to rationalize supply capacity,
vessels stood at 21 years in 2017 (Clarksons Research,
or use their own tonnage and seek to off-hire chartered
2018a), an average that has been steadily falling
ships to control fleet supply (The Loadstar, 2018).
over the years, from 33 years in 2008 to 26 years in
2016 (Hellenic Shipping News, 2017). Supported by
demand growth, the level of container ship idling, 2. Global container shipping: A year of
which represented about 7 per cent of the active fleet positive growth and profits
in late 2016 and early 2017, reached about 2 per cent
Following a year of losses in 2016, the container shipping
in late 2017 (Barry Rogliano Salles, 2018).
industry ended 2017 with a total profit of roughly $7 billion
In line with developments concerning demand, supply (Drewry, 2018), driven mainly by a significant increase in
and spot rates, the shipping charter market also transported volumes, freight rates and revenue, as well as
improved in 2017, as rates increased in most sectors proactive and disciplined operational management. CMA
over the year, with some volatility and variation across CGM recorded the best operating results in container
vessel sizes. The 12-month charter rate increased to shipping, with core earnings before interest and taxes
an average of 378 points, compared with 325 average reaching $1.575 billion (CMA CGM, 2018a; CMA CGM,
points in 2016 (figure 3.2). Partly sustained by stronger 2018b), followed by Maersk with gains of $700 million
container demand, this surge reflected the start of the (A. P. Moller–Maersk, 2018). Hapag-Lloyd ranked third,
new alliance structures requiring carriers to charter with €410.9 million (about $480 million) (Hapag-Lloyd,
vessels to fill gaps while their networks were being 2018). The financial performance and relevant activities
formed. Another factor that drove up the rates was that of selected carriers is summarized in box 3.1.
Box 3.1 Financial performance and relevant activities of the top three shipping lines, 2017
In 2017, the financial situation of CMA CGM was characterized by an increase in revenue of 32.1 per cent, reaching
$21.1 billion. Due to an increase in freight rates and volumes, its average revenue per TEU rose by 9 per cent over
that of 2016.
Its core earnings before interest and taxes amounted to $1.575 billion, with a margin of 7.5 per cent core earnings
before interest and taxes, up 7.3 points from the previous year. This was made possible by a rise in average
revenue per TEU transported and control of unit costs, which rose slightly by 1.6 per cent, despite a sharp rise in
fuel prices.
The shipping line recorded a net profit of $701 million in 2017, a sharp increase compared with 2016, when it
posted a loss of $452 million.
CMA CGM carried nearly 19 million containers, an increase of 21.1 percent over 2016. This increase is driven
by contributions of all the shipping lines operated by the Group, in addition to the first full-year contribution of
American President Lines, which carried more than 5 million TEUs and contributed $340 million to the Group’s
operating income.
In October 2017, CMA CGM acquired Sofrana, an operator in the South Pacific islands, and in December, closed
the acquisition of Mercosul Line, one of the main players in Brazil’s domestic container shipping market.
On 1 April, the Ocean Alliance, the world’s largest operational shipping alliance, boasting 40 services and more
than 320 ships, was launched.
In 2017, the Group accelerated its digital transformation. Numerous initiatives have already been launched as part
of the establishment of CMA CGM Ventures, which is devoted to corporate investments in innovative technologies,
the development of partnerships with major e-commerce groups and other similar activities.
In 2017, CMA CGM took delivery of the Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the largest container ship flying the French flag.
The vessel has a number of new environmentally friendly features, including an IMO-required ballast water treatment
system to mitigate the transport of marine-invasive species. The vessel benefits from premium technologies such
as the Becker Twisted Fin allowing improvements in propeller performance, helping reduce significantly the energy
expenditure for a 4 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and a new-generation engine that significantly
reduces oil consumption (less 25 per cent) and fuel consumption for a 3 per cent average reduction of carbon
dioxide emissions.a
Maersk’s revenue increased by 14.9 per cent in 2017 to reach $23.8 billion, compared with $20.7 billion in 2016.
This was mainly attributed to an increase in volumes and an average freight rate of 11.7 per cent.
Earnings before interest and taxes stood at $700 million in 2017, compared with a $396 million loss in 2016.
Maersk reported a return to profit of $521 million in 2017, as opposed to a loss of $384 million in 2016. These
results benefited from the shipping company’s higher revenue and a unit cost at fixed bunker price almost on a
par with results in 2016. The unit cost at fixed bunker price was, however, negatively affected by a cyberattack
in the third quarter of 2017, as well as decreased headhaul utilization and lower backhaul volumes. Total unit
costs increased by 4.9 per cent in 2017, attributed in large part to an increase in the average price of bunker fuel.
Transported volumes grew from 10.41 million FEUs in 2016 to 10.73 million FEUs in 2017, an increase of 3.0 per
cent, despite the negative impact of the cyberattack. The increase in volume was driven by an increase in East–
West volumes of 2.4 per cent; North–South volumes, of 2.2 per cent; and intraregional volumes, of 7.3 per cent.
The acquisition of Hamburg Süd and the divestment of Mercosul Line were completed in December 2017.
In the area of digitalization, Maersk launched a remote container management programme for customers in July
2017, which provides the location of refrigerated containers throughout its journey, as well as the atmospheric
conditions inside each container. In January 2018, the A. P. Moller–Maersk Group and International Business
Machines (IBM) announced their intent to establish a joint venture to provide more efficient solutions to digitalize
supply chain documentation and secure methods for conducting global trade using blockchain technology.
Maersk took delivery of 5 of 11 second-generation Triple-Es and 4 of 9 vessels with a capacity of 15,200 TEUs,
which had been ordered in 2015. The new vessels replaced older and less efficient vessels, and as part of this
process, Maersk recycled 16 vessels in 2017.
On 24 May 2017, the merger of Hapag-Lloyd and the United Arab Shipping Company took place, and operational
integration of the United Arab Shipping Company Group was completed in late November. Owing to an increase
in transport volumes and in average freight rates, as well as to the inclusion of the United Arab Shipping Company
Group, Hapag-Lloyd reported €9.97 billion in revenue, compared with €7.73 billion in 2016. Freight rates averaged
$1,051 per TEU, exceeding the previous year’s level by 1.4 per cent (2016: $1,036 per TEU). Freight rate increases,
particularly in the Far East, Middle East and Latin America trade routes, had a positive impact on earnings.
Hapag-Lloyd’s operating results (earnings before interest and taxes) stood at €410.9 million (about $480 million)
clearly above the previous year’s level of €126.4 million. This resulted in an earnings before interest and tax
margin of 4.1 per cent (prior year: 1.6 per cent).
Transported volumes rose by 29 per cent in 2017, reaching 9.803 million TEUs, compared with
7.599 million TEUs in 2016, primarily as a result of the acquisition of the United Arab Shipping Company. This
also led to a significant increase in the average ship size and a reduction in the average age of vessels.
Transport expenses rose by €1,626 million to €7,990 million, compared with €6,364 million in 2016. This
represents an increase of 25.5 per cent that is primarily due to the acquisition of the United Arab Shipping
Company Group and related growth in transport volumes and higher bunker prices. At 19.9 per cent, transport
expenses, not including bunker costs, increased at a much lower rate than the increase in transport volumes
(29.0 per cent).
Container shipping utilizes information technology in processes such as yield management, shipping
quotations, cargo volume management, the design of new shipment services and operation of empty legs.
A digital channel and incubation unit was established in 2017 to develop new, digitally available services and
business models.
Source: Carriers’ annual reports (2017) and websites.
3. Consolidation persevered in the Lloyd, which merged with the United Arab Shipping
container market Company in May 2017, estimates that it will generate
$435 million in cost synergies from 2019 as a result
In 2017, consolidation, through mergers and acquisitions of the merger (Hapag-Lloyd, 2017). China Ocean
or alliances persevered in the container industry in Shipping Company and Orient Overseas Container
response to the negative environment and losses Line also foresee significant cost synergies,
experienced by the industry in recent years. The world’s while maintaining separate brands (see www.
leading container shipping lines recorded an estimated
collective operating loss of $3.5 billion in 2016, their first mergers-better-mergers/).
annual deficit since 2011 (Lloyd’s Loading List, 2017).
Alliances of global carriers were restructured in 2017
Key mergers and acquisitions in 2018 involved the to form three larger ones: 2M, the Ocean Alliance and
merger of the Japanese container ship operator groups “The” Alliance.1 This reshuffling resulted in a highly
“K” Line (Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha), Mitsui Osaka Shosen concentrated market structure, mainly in the main trade
Kaisha Lines and NYK Lines (Nippon Yusen Kabushiki lanes, where the three alliances collectively account for
Kaisha) to form Ocean Network Express and the around 93 per cent of the East–West routes, leaving
planned merger of Orient Overseas Container Line with 7 per cent for the other smaller global and regional
the China Ocean Shipping Company. Ocean Network carriers (The Maritime Post, 2018). With regard to the
Express will rank sixth in terms of global ranking by deployed capacity of alliances on the three major East–
vessel capacity — a combined 1.53 million TEUs West lanes combined, figure 3.3 shows that the Ocean
(above Evergreen’s 1.1 million TEUs and just behind Alliance is the largest, with a 36 per cent share of the
Hapag-Lloyd’s 1.55 million TEUs) (see chapter 2). As market, followed by 2M, with 31 per cent, and “The”
of January 2018, the top 15 carriers accounted for Alliance, with 26 per cent, based on data as at May
70.3 per cent of all capacity. The five leading carriers – 2018. The remaining 7 per cent is held by non-alliance
Maersk, Mediterranean Shipping Company, CMA CGM, members, whose deployed capacity varies by routes
China Ocean Shipping Company and Hapag-Lloyd – operated.
control more than 50 per cent of market capacity. Their
Compared with 2014, the average number of services
share has increased further with the completion of the
provided by all liner shipping operators fell by 6 per cent
operational integration of the new mergers in 2018, as
to reach 474 in the second quarter of 2018, from 504
the top 10 shipping lines controlled almost 70 per cent
in the first quarter of 2014 (The Maritime Post, 2018).
of fleet capacity as of June 2018 (see chapter 2).
The number of services provided by members of the
Mergers, if well-conceived and accompanied by alliances, however, increased from 150 in in the first
effective executional strategies, can deliver greater quarter of 2014 to 297 in the second quarter of 2018
value and help carriers improve performance and (98 per cent increase). In contrast, services offered by
operational synergies. For instance, cost synergies other operators not members of an alliance decreased
from the merger of Hamburg Süd and Maersk are by 46.2 per cent, from 431 in the first quarter of 2014
expected to range from $350 million to $400 million to 232 services in the second quarter of 2018 (The
by 2019, primarily from integrating and optimizing Maritime Post, 2018). Although it is not clear whether
the networks, as well as standardizing procurement the decrease in services has negatively affected the
procedures (A. P. Moller–Maersk, 2018). Hapag- options available to shippers, this is a potentially
Figure 3.3 Capacity deployed by alliances in principal East–West trade lanes, 2018
trade lanes 26
trade lanes 23
trade lane 30
trade lane 27
worrisome trend if sustained. The impact of increasing review mergers and acquisitions so as to ensure fair
consolidation is also felt by smaller operators that do not competition and prevent anticompetitive practices.
belong to an alliance. Their share in deployed capacity Such practices may create a significant impact on
is 2 per cent in the Asia–Europe trade lanes, 8 per cent smaller players with weak bargaining power, notably
in the transatlantic trade lane and 12 per cent in the those from developing countries. At the same time,
trans-Pacific trade lane (figure 3.3). However, in many authorities and shippers would need to consider the
cases, many of these operators have a more regional quality, reliability and variety of services provided to
focus and tend to be more active in niche markets or shippers in addition to the effects of price competition.
individual routes. Competition authorities should also consider the
For shippers, increased consolidation means fewer effects on factors such as the range and quality of
carrier choices, less competition and ultimately, services, frequency of ships, range of ports serviced
carriers in a better position to influence market prices and reliability of schedules (UNCTAD, 2018).
and increase freight rates (see chapter 1). However,
there has been no evidence of this having been
achieved in 2017, as alliances’ operations are still B. DRY BULK FREIGHT RATES: NOTABLE
being defined, and the industry is still struggling to RECOVERY
achieve economies of scale and lower operational
costs, while improving supply-capacity utilization on The dry bulk market underwent a remarkable recovery
certain routes that jeopardize the balance of market in 2017 . Growth in demand for seaborne dry bulk
fundamentals in an uncertain world. Yet, and as surpassed the fleet growth, as demand for commodities
noted in the two previous editions of the Review of went up, while the surplus of vessels gradually continued
Maritime Transport, there is still a risk that growing to diminish. As noted in chapter 1, seaborne dry cargo
concentration and consolidation of the market will shipments increased by 4.4 per cent in 2017, up from
distort competition and will be detrimental to the 2.0 per cent in 2016. Bulk carrier fleet growth, on the
market, freight rates and shippers. Therefore, the other hand, remained manageable at 3.0 per cent in
oversight role of competition authorities and regulators 2017; deliveries declined to almost 20 million gross
should be strengthened and their capacities reinforced tons, and scrapping activities increased to more than
to monitor the evolution of current alliances and to 8 million gross tons (see chapter 2).
12 000
10 000
8 000
6 000
4 000
2 178.06
2 000 1 618.69
February 2003
June 2003
October 2003
February 2004
June 2004
October 2004
February 2005
June 2005
October 2005
February 2006
June 2006
October 2006
February 2007
June 2007
October 2007
February 2008
June 2008
October 2008
February 2009
June 2009
October 2009
February 2010
June 2010
October 2010
February 2011
June 2011
October 2011
February 2012
June 2012
October 2012
February 2013
June 2013
October 2013
February 2014
June 2014
October 2014
February 2015
June 2015
October 2015
February 2016
June 2016
October 2016
February 2017
June 2017
October 2017
February 2018
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from the Baltic Exchange.
Notes: The Index is made up of 20 key dry bulk routes measured on a time charter basis and covers Handysize, Supramax, Panamax
and Capesize dry bulk carriers, which carry commodities such as coal, iron ore and grain. Index base: 1 November 1999 = 1,334 points.
40 000
35 000
30 000
25 000
20 000
15 000
10 000
5 000
January 2009
March 2009
May 2009
July 2009
September 2009
November 2009
January 2010
March 2010
May 2010
July 2010
September 2010
November 2010
January 2011
March 2011
May 2011
July 2011
September 2011
November 2011
January 2012
March 2012
May 2012
July 2012
September 2012
November 2012
January 2013
March 2013
May 2013
July 2013
September 2013
November 2013
January 2014
March 2014
May 2014
July 2014
September 2014
November 2014
January 2015
March 2015
May 2015
July 2015
September 2015
November 2015
January 2016
March 2016
May 2016
July 2016
September 2016
November 2016
January 2017
March 2017
May 2017
July 2017
September 2017
November 2017
January 2018
March 2018
May 2018
Panamax 4TC Handysize 6TC Capesize 5TC
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Clarksons Research Shipping and the Baltic Exchange.
Abbreviations: Panamax 4TC, average rates of the four time charter routes; Capesize 5TC, average rates of the five time charter routes;
Handysize 6TC, average rates of the six time charter routes.
grain and minor bulk trade) and continued limited As a result, the Baltic index for crude oil (Baltic Exchange
supply growth helped support these improvements. dirty tanker index) recorded 8 per cent growth in 2017,
In 2018, improvements to the fundamental balance reaching 787 points. The Baltic Exchange clean tanker
will sustain positive growth for dry bulk shipping index progressed by 24 per cent from the low level of
rates. 2016, reaching 606 points (table 3.2).
Freight rates also remained weak for both crude and
products transports during most parts of 2017.
A CHALLENGING YEAR Earnings in the tanker sector weakened further over
2017 (figure 3.6), particularly in the crude tanker
Overall, 2017 proved to be a challenging year for the sector. Average spot earnings in all sectors fell
tanker market, mainly because of the pressure faced significantly, reaching an average of $11,655 per
by markets from continuous growth in supply capacity, day, a drop of 35 per cent from 2016 and the lowest
particularly in the crude tanker sector that was annual average level in 20 years (Clarksons Research,
matched by a relative deceleration in demand growth. 2018c). Performance on key crude tanker trades was
It is estimated that global tanker trade expanded at poor, largely attributable to a reduction in Western
an annual average growth rate of 3.0 per cent in 2017 Asia’s exports in line with production cuts led by the
(see chapter 1); the crude oil tanker fleet grew by 5 per Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries,
cent and the product tanker fleet grew by 4.2 per cent coupled with rapid growth and oversupply in the
(Clarksons Research, 2018c). Rapid growth in the crude tanker fleet (Hellenic Shipping News, 2018). For
capacity of tankers carrying crude oil and products very large crude carriers, this was translated into low
has further affected market balance, particularly in the earnings averaging $17,800 per day, down by 57 per
crude oil sector. cent from 2016.
Dirty tanker index 1124 1510 581 896 782 719 642 777 821 726 787 8 667
Clean tanker index 974 1155 485 732 720 641 605 601 638 487 606 24 577
In the product tanker sector, market conditions remained As a result of poor market conditions, scrapping
fairly steady at relatively weak levels. Supply continued increased in the tanker sector and contributed about
to grow at a rate of 4.2 per cent in 2017. Meanwhile, 11.2 million dwt in 2017, which is four times higher
volumes of refined petroleum products and gas increased than 2016, when only about 2.5 million dwt were
by 3.9 per cent, supported by firm intra-Asian products demolished (Clarksons Research, 2018c). This high
trade and robust growth in Latin American imports
level of demolition also continued into 2018.
(chapter 1). The cumulative effect of supply growth in
recent years continued to depress earnings. Product In 2018, tanker trade volumes are projected to increase,
tanker rates, which dropped sharply in 2016, remained although at a slightly slower pace than other market
at low but stable levels throughout 2017. A one-year time segments. However, oversupply capacity should be
charter on a medium-range 2 tanker fluctuated between effectively managed to improve market balance and
$12,500 and $14,500 per day. freight rates.
90 000
80 000
70 000
60 000
50 000
40 000
30 000
20 000
10 000
January 2016
February 2016
March 2016
April 2016
May 2016
June 2016
July 2016
August 2016
September 2016
October 2016
November 2016
December 2016
January 2017
February 2017
March 2017
April 2017
May 2017
June 2017
July 2017
August 2017
September 2017
October 2017
November 2017
December 2017
January 2018
February 2018
March 2018
April 2018
May 2018
Average earnings, very large crude carriers Average dirty earnings, Panamax
Average earnings, Suezmax Average earnings, clean products
Average earnings, all tankers Average clean earnings, Handysize
Average earnings, Aframax Average clean earnings, medium-range vessels
Reflecting positive trends in demand and better pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the
management of the supply side, global shipping freight temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees
rates improved, despite some variations by market Celsius (see chapter 5). The IMO strategy sets out a
segment. The overall outlook remains positive in view vision to decarbonize the shipping sector and phase
of improved market fundamentals. However, for these out greenhouse gas emissions from international
prospects to materialize, the prevailing downside risks shipping as soon as possible in this century, with the
need to be effectively contained. aim to reduce total annual greenhouse gas emissions
by at least 50 per cent by 2050 compared with 2008
Another key development to observe, from the perspective
levels, while, at the same time, pursuing efforts towards
of carriers and shippers and their financial stance, is the
phasing them out entirely. The strategy also sets to
current debate at IMO regarding the introduction of a
decrease the sector’s average carbon intensity by at
set of short- to long-term measures to help curb carbon
least 40 per cent until 2030, and 70 per cent by 2050.
emissions from international shipping. The outcome
of relevant negotiations and the specific design of any Several short-, mid- and long-term measures
future instruments to be adopted may have implications are being considered as part of a comprehensive
for carriers, shippers, operating and transport costs, and package of actions, including measures to improve
costs for trade. It will therefore be important to assess energy efficiency and to stimulate the uptake of
those implications and consider the gains and benefits alternative fuels, while ensuring equity through
that may derive from future instruments, including the guiding principle of common but differentiated
market-based instruments in shipping. Further, it will be responsibilities and respective capabilities.2 Market-
important to ascertain how they could be directed to based measures such as fuel levies and emissions
address the needs of developing countries, especially trading systems are also considered part of the
in terms of their transport cost burden and their ability medium-term solutions (box 3.2).3 Any set of
to access the global marketplace. In this context, the measures that would be adopted by IMO would
following section outlines some key measures taken at entail some financial implications for the sector.
IMO to address greenhouse gas emissions from ships, as Consequently, the net impact of these multiple
well as issues for consideration, particularly with regard to measures is likely to have some influence on
market-based instruments. transport rates and costs but how exactly this net
impact will appear would require further analysis. This
section will discuss some of the general concepts
D. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS of market-based measures and its implication in the
REDUCTION IN SHIPPING: MARKET- shipping sector. (For an assessment of some of the
BASED MEASURES market-based measures proposals submitted to
IMO between 2010 and 2012, see Psaraftis (2012).)
In April 2018, at the seventy-second session of the
Marine Environment Protection Committee, IMO 1. Policy levers for successful market-
adopted a strategy on the reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions from ships in line with the Paris Agreement
based measures
under the United Nations Framework Convention on Similar to other measures, emissions-trading schemes
Climate Change and its ambition to maintain the global and carbon levies have their advantages and
temperature rise well below 2 degrees Celsius above disadvantages. It has yet to be determined at IMO
The market-based measures most commonly referred to are emissions-trading systems and carbon levies.
There are two main types of emissions trading systems:
• The cap-and-trade system, where a maximum amount of allowed emissions is determined (emissions cap),
and emissions allowances (normally each one representing the right to emit one ton of carbon dioxide)
are auctioned (market-based price setting-approach) or distributed for free according to specific criteria
• The baseline-and-credit system, where no maximum amount of emissions is set. An emissions intensity for
emitting activities is set against a baseline, which can be business as usual or some proportion thereof. Polluters
emitting less than the baseline would earn credits that they can sell to others who need them to comply with
emission requirements.
A carbon levy directly fixes a price for carbon dioxide (usually per ton as in an emissions trading system)
and can be applied as a fuel levy on the carbon content of fossil fuels. As opposed to an emissions trading
system, the emissions reduction outcome is not predetermined but the carbon price is (non-market-based
price setting).
Sources: Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, 2018; Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2018.
whether, in addition to other policies (for example policies Figure 3.7 Selected policy options for the
focused on efficiency or fuels), market-based measures design of market-based measures
are a cost-effective enabler of shipping decarbonization.
Further, it is not clear what specification of market-
based measures would be best suited to achieve the Market -driven (fluctuating)
Price setting
decarbonization target, while being politically acceptable
to relevant stakeholders. The upsides and downsides Fixed
of key policy levers of market-based measures are
discussed in the following paragraphs, and an overview Revenue neutral/feebate
is provided in figure 3.7. Revenue generation
Full payment
Price-setting mechanism
Market-based price setting under an emissions cap has Revenue use Research and pilot projects
the implicit advantage of a guaranteed environmental
outcome – only a predetermined amount of emission Scaling deployment
allowances are released into the market. The allowance
In sector
price is then developed as a function of market demand Ship-level efficiency
(cap and trade) and fluctuates over time. With the incentives
price of emissions being directly set by the market, it
adjusts automatically to the current costs of avoiding Compensation for or
greenhouse gas emissions. A downside is the uncertainty mitigation of negative
of the price compared with a levy system. Existing
emissions-trading schemes have a history of weak
prices due to an oversupply of emissions certificates
– too many allowances were allocated free of charge
out of competitiveness concerns, and demand was Out of sector Compensation for or
mitigation of negative
overestimated, given unforeseen market developments
impacts (e.g. to ports, States)
such as the financial crisis of 2007 and an unexpectedly
quick adoption of low-carbon technologies. Provisions
to adjust the price were not part of the scheme By price setting, including
architecture. As a result, the price signal was not as exemptions
strong as expected to provide the desired incentive to
invest in low-carbon technologies. In a high-demand By revenue use
scenario, on the other hand, prices may surge, especially Differentiation
when the sector comes close to reaching the emissions approach a
By other measures
cap. Among the shortcomings of an emissions-trading
scheme is the relative complexity of the system that
could undermine smaller companies’ competitiveness. By a combination of the
For carbon levies, advantages and disadvantages are above
inverted: Investment security is higher, and transaction
costs are lower, but the environmental outcome is not
guaranteed. However, the choice between a fixed- Which type of emissions?
quantity approach (emissions-trading system) and a
fixed-price approach (levy) is not absolute. In emissions
trading, the outcome is certain but the price will not be Scope Which vessel sizes and types?
known in advance. With a fixed levy, the price is known
but the effect on emissions is not. An emissions-trading
system could have a floor price, and a levy could be Which territorial coverage?
regularly reset to reflect recent market developments.
Payment into a fund
Revenue generation Management of
In addition to the price level, the amount of revenues Payment direct within
generated by market-based measures depends on industry
whether emissions charges are calculated based on
total or partial emissions. One approach is to require Source: UNCTAD secretariat, based on a categorization
proposed by Tristan Smith, University College London.
carriers to pay for all greenhouse gas emissions a
Common but differentiated responsibilities and respective
generated by bunker fuel combustion. Alternatively, capabilities.
only the difference to an emissions benchmark per ship b
Only carbon dioxide or all greenhouse gas emissions.
could be charged, and the revenues distributed to the for or mitigate negative impacts from the greenhouse
vessels emitting less than the benchmark (feebate). gas emissions reduction scheme, such as an increase
This would limit the amounts collected – thus alleviating in transport costs. The revenue could be disbursed
the impact on transport costs and trade distortion and to States to absorb negative impacts on imports or
consequently the need for compensatory action, while exports, to shipowners or shipyards to build a clean
continuing to provide a strong incentive to increase fleet, to port and other transport infrastructure operators
efficiency. Nevertheless, establishing a metric for the to improve efficiency and bring down transport costs
benchmark could prove to be complex. at their respective level of the supply chain or to fuel
suppliers to develop low-carbon fuels. All these options
Collecting revenue for all emissions instead of the balance
pose a risk of improper usage of funds and may create
to a benchmark could be less complex to implement at
market distortion. On the other hand, funds could be
the policy level, and the challenge of establishing a metric
directed to support investments in the transport systems
for the benchmark may be avoided. Clearly, the revenue
of developing countries.
raised from all emissions would be higher, which in turn
would provide more funds to support decarbonization
in broader ways. A major disadvantage would be the Scope and enforcement
stronger transport cost and trade distortion impact, In general, the scope of a greenhouse gas emissions-
given the higher amount of carbon allowances to be reduction scheme for shipping should cover various
purchased. elements. For instance, should the scheme cover all
greenhouse gas emissions or only carbon dioxide?
Revenue use and differentiation Which vessel sizes and types should be considered?
Should emissions from international sea transport
Revenues generated by the proposed market-based
be the only emissions included or should domestic
measures could be used by the maritime transport
shipping also be taken into account? Should the price
sector (in sector) to accelerate the development of
be set per unit of fuel or per ton of carbon dioxide? In
clean and efficient technology. Revenues generated
addition, a strong and reliable audit and enforcement
could be used to support research and pilot projects,
system is required. Compliance could be checked by
scale up the deployment of relevant technologies and
port State control by means of the bunker delivery
thus enable new technologies to reach economies of
note, the oil record book or the IMO data collection
scale and become competitive. Funds could also be
used to provide incentives for ships by distributing some
revenues to vessels considered to be more efficient and
to have a lighter carbon footprint. This can provide an 2. The impact of carbon prices on
incentive to shipowners and operators to further invest freight rates
and implement relevant technologies and solutions.
Assessing the effects of carbon-pricing schemes
The funds could also be used outside the maritime
that may be adopted in maritime transport and
transport sector (out of sector). Examples include using
understanding the potential implications for transport
the funds as carbon offsets by financing greenhouse
and trade requires further analytical work. Existing
gas emissions reduction measures in other sectors
research should provide some relevant insights. In a
that would compensate for shipping emissions. The
survey conducted by Lloyd’s Register and University
funds could also be used to compensate or mitigate
Maritime Advisory Services (2018), some 75 per cent of
the negative impact of some greenhouse gas emissions
shipowners agreed that a carbon price was needed, and
reduction measures.
that most would be willing to pay $50 per ton of carbon
Any carbon-pricing instrument, however, should reflect dioxide. The International Monetary Fund estimates that
the IMO principle of non-discrimination and no more a carbon price higher than this, reaching $75 per ton
favourable treatment between ships, as well as the by 2030, would reduce emissions in that year by about
principle of common but differentiated responsibilities 15 per cent compared with a business as usual scenario
and respective capabilities applied under the United and by about 11 per cent compared with 2008 levels
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, (Parry et al., forthcoming). To reach the goal of 50 per
including under the Paris Agreement. The guiding cent or more by 2050, analysis carried out by University
principles of the initial IMO strategy on the reduction of College London reveals that a carbon price of $100–
greenhouse gas emissions state that the strategy will $300 per ton of carbon dioxide would be necessary for
be cognizant of both these approaches (IMO, 2018). the related technology to be competitive. This assumes
The differentiation could be delivered by various means: no complementary policies other than those already in
The allowance price could be differentiated by ship place and production of maritime fuels with electricity
type, ship size or route – with an exemption effectively prices equivalent to some of the lowest prices today.
representing a price of zero, and/or the revenue use The estimate is lower than previous analyses and takes
be handled along the common but differentiated into account the expected increase in fuel costs due to
responsibilities and respective capabilities principle. In the global cap on sulphur content, which will take effect
this variant, the revenue could be used to compensate in 2020. The combustion of one ton of oil-based bunker
fuel produces about three tons of carbon dioxide (IMO, often represent a constraint to greater participation
2008). in international trade. For the least developed
countries, transport costs represented 21 per cent
The impact of a universal carbon price on emissions from
maritime transport on freight rates and transport costs of the value of imports in 2016, and 22 per cent,
would depend on several parameters, including market for small island developing States, as opposed to
structure, trade routes and cargo type. According to 11 per cent for developed economies (UNCTAD,
Kosmas and Acciaro (2017), the carrier can pass on the 2017). While it is essential to meet greenhouse gas
additional cost to shippers in a demand-driven market, emissions reduction targets in maritime transport, it
whereas this is less true in a supply-driven market. This is also important to consider the special needs of the
is demonstrated by a comparison of market conditions most vulnerable economies that face acute logistical
in 2006–2007, characterized by high demand and challenges and high transport costs hindering their
elevated freight rates, and 2012–2013, when there market access and driving up their transport costs
was high overcapacity. If a hypothetical fuel levy had and import expenditure. These economies include,
been introduced in 2006–2007, 48 per cent of the levy in particular the least developed countries and small
would have been borne by carriers, and 52 per cent by island developing States. Accounting for the varied
shippers. In the overcapacity situation of 2012–2013, it conditions and the wide-ranging market structures
is estimated that 90.3 per cent would have been borne will help ensure that any market-based measures
by carriers, and 9.7 per cent by shippers. However, the introduced would not increase the import bill or
authors noted that operational fuel-efficiency practices undermine the potential of developing countries to
such as slow steaming would also increase, lessening participate in global value chains and trade. If, for
the amounts due for the levy. example, small island developing States were to lose
Studies focusing on the impact of bunker fuel cost export competitiveness because of carbon costs, and
increases on freight rates provide some indication of the could not substitute imports with local production,
potential implications of a carbon price, including in the this would drive transport costs up even further due
form of a fuel levy. UNCTAD estimated the correlation to empty returns (UNCTAD, 2010).
between fuel prices and maritime freight rates from
As ongoing research work and discussions on potential
1993 to 2008 and concluded that freight rates were
mitigation policies under IMO continue, the international
sensitive to changes in fuel price, with variations by
community – carriers, shippers, policymakers and
market segment (UNCTAD, 2010). The analysis showed
others – needs to further discuss and assess the various
a price elasticity of 0.17 to 0.34 of container freight
options available and promote the adoption of widely
rates in response to Brent crude oil prices (a good proxy
accepted solutions to ensure effective implementation.
for bunker fuel prices) over the time period covered.
Delays in implementing a robust low-carbon trajectory
Therefore, a 10 per cent increase in shipping fuel
costs would lead to an increase of 1.7–3.4 per cent in will increase the time pressure and require a rapid
container freight rates. In times of higher oil prices, such reduction in emissions in future. This in turn may drive
as between 2004 and 2008, the elasticity tended to be up costs, especially given the locked-in investments in
at the upper level of the range. Vivid Economics (2010) the transport sector.
put forward an estimate for different types of cargo and Besides a timely entry into force, another cornerstone
found on average an elasticity of 0.37 for very large of any future market-based measure adopted
crude carriers, 0.25 for Panamax grain carriers, 0.96 for under the auspices of IMO relates to the design
Capesize ore carriers and 0.11 for container ships. and structure of the measure. It should be flexible
Costs arising from carbon pricing are likely to be route to allow adaptability to changing market trends
specific, and their extent will be influenced by other and realities. Although projections are pointing to
factors that determine shipping rates and transport a positive outlook, how maritime transport demand
costs. These include distance, trade imbalances, will evolve over the next 30 years will be subject to
features of the products shipped (low-value high- a high degree of uncertainty, owing to the numerous
volume goods are particularly sensitive to fuel prices), downside risks and emerging trends that entail
availability of slow steaming as a shock absorber, both challenges and opportunities for the maritime
efficiency of ships deployed (newer and larger vessels transport sector (see chapters 1, 2 and 5). Any
tend to be more efficient) and port characteristics forthcoming mitigation measures or underlying
(UNCTAD, 2015; Vivid Economics, 2010). In the policy frameworks should therefore be flexible to
future, the question of who has access to low- adapt to a fast-changing operating and regulatory
cost renewable energy sources for biomass- and landscape, while ensuring a price signal that
electricity-based fuels will also play a role in terms incentivizes investment and generates revenues.
of transport cost (Lloyd’s Register and University Such funds could be used as investments to reduce
Maritime Advisory Services, 2018).
transport costs, especially in developing countries,
International transport costs are a crucial determinant where such costs can be prohibitive and often serve
of a developing country’s trade competitiveness and as a stronger barrier to trade than tariffs.
on potential mitigation policies to be adopted under the transport demand will evolve over the next 30 years is
auspices of IMO continue, the international community subject to a high degree of uncertainty, driven by a wide
– industry, shippers, trade, policymakers and others – range of prevalent downside risks and emerging trends
needs to further discuss and assess the various options that will bring challenges and opportunities for the
available and promote the adoption of widely accepted maritime transport sector (see chapters 1, 2 and 5). Any
solutions to ensure effective implementation. Delays mitigation policy should therefore be flexible to adapt
in implementing a robust low-carbon trajectory will to fast-changing operating and regulatory landscapes,
increase the time pressure and require a rapid reduction while ensuring a price signal that incentivizes investment
in emissions. This in turn, may drive up costs, especially and generates revenues. The latter could be used as
given locked-in investments. Besides a timely entry into investments to reduce transport costs, especially
force, another cornerstone of any future market-based in developing countries, where transport costs are
measures adopted under the auspices of IMO relates to generally more prohibitive than the world average. In
design. The latter should be flexible to allow adaptability this respect, a focus on the special needs of the least
to market developments. Although projections tend to developed countries and small island developing States
be positive, the issue of how global and local maritime is warranted.
Psaraftis HN (2012). Market-based measures for greenhouse gas emissions from ships: A review. World Maritime
University Journal of Maritime Affairs. 11(2):211–232.
The Loadstar (2018). Healthier new year for container charter market, but owners still have concerns. 8 January.
Available at
The Maritime Post (2018). Top 10 shipping lines control almost 90% of the deep sea market. 26 February. Available
UNCTAD (2010). Oil Prices and Maritime Freight Rates: An Empirical Investigation. UNCTAD/DTL/ TLB/2009/2.
UNCTAD (2015). Review of Maritime Transport 2015 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.15.II.D.6, New York
and Geneva).
UNCTAD (2017). Review of Maritime Transport 2017 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.17.II.D.10, New York
and Geneva).
UNCTAD (2018). Challenges faced by developing countries in competition and regulation in the maritime transport
sector. TD/B/C.I/CLP/49. Geneva. 2 May.
Vivid Economics (2010). Assessment of the economic impact of market-based measures. Final report. Prepared for
the IMO Expert Group on Market-based Measures.
World Maritime News (2017). Moody’s: Carriers’ consolidation will continue into 2018. Available at:
1. Three shipping alliances were formed in 2018: 2M, the Ocean Alliance and “The” Alliance. The first, 2M, is composed
of the Mediterranean Shipping Company and Maersk, which acquired Hamburg Süd. (Hyundai Merchant Marine signed
a strategic cooperation agreement with the 2M partners.) The second, the Ocean Alliance, brought together three
shipping lines, CMA CGM, which acquired American President Lines and Mercosul Line; China Cosco Shipping, which
acquired Orient Overseas Container Line; and Evergreen. The third, “The” Alliance, was born of a merger between
Hapag-Lloyd, Yang Ming and Ocean Network Express (the latter is also known as “ONE”, a joint venture established
between Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha, Mitsui Osaka Shosen Kaisha Lines and Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha in April 2018).
2. This section benefits from comments provided during an informal workshop on market-based measures in maritime
transport organized by the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition in Cologne, Germany, on 8 and 9 May 2018.
3. A summary of earlier discussions and/or proposals on market-based measures at IMO can be found in previous editions
of the Review on Maritime Transport: 2010 (pp. 119–123), 2011 (pp. 118 and 119), 2012 (pp. 99–101) and 2013 (p. 108).
4. The emissions figures for 2008 and for the 2030 projection are based on different sources, which might slightly
influence the relative reduction figure.
In 2017, global port activity and cargo handling of
containerized and bulk cargo expanded rapidly, following
two years of weak performance. This expansion was in line
with positive trends in the world economy and seaborne
trade. Global container terminals boasted an increase in
volume of about 6 per cent during the year, up from 2.1 per
cent in 2016. World container port throughput stood at 752
million TEUs, reflecting an additional 42.3 million TEUs in
2017, an amount comparable to the port throughput of
Shanghai, the world’s busiest port.
While overall prospects for global port activity remain
bright, preliminary figures point to decelerated growth in
port volumes for 2018, as the growth impetus of 2017,
marked by cyclical recovery and supply chain restocking
factors, peters out. In addition, downside risks weighing
on global shipping, such as trade policy risks, geopolitical
factors and structural shifts in economies such as China,
also portend a decline in port activity.
Today’s port-operating landscape is characterized by
heightened port competition, especially in the container
market segment, where decisions by shipping alliances
regarding capacity deployed, ports of call and network
structure can determine the fate of a container port
terminal. The framework is also being influenced by wide-
ranging economic, policy and technological drivers of which
digitalization is key. More than ever, ports and terminals
around the world need to re-evaluate their role in global
maritime logistics and prepare to embrace digitalization-
driven innovations and technologies, which hold significant
transformational potential.
Strategic liner shipping alliances and vessel upsizing have
made the relationship between container lines and ports
more complex and triggered new dynamics, whereby
shipping lines have stronger bargaining power and influence.
The impact of liner market concentration and alliance
deployment on the port–carrier relationship will need to be
monitored and assessed. Areas of focus include the impact
on the selection of ports of call, the configuration of liner
shipping networks, the distribution of costs and benefits
between container shipping and ports, and approaches
to container terminal concessions, as shipping lines often
have stakes in terminal operations.
Enhancing port and terminal performance in all market
segments is increasingly recognized as critical for port
planning, investment and strategic positioning, as well as
for meeting globally established sustainability benchmarks
and objectives such as the Sustainable Development Goals.
Ports and their stakeholders, including operators, users and
Governments, should collaborate to identify and enable
key levers for improving port productivity, profitability and
operational efficiencies.
752 million TEUs
vessels spend
less time
in ports.
2% 4% 6% 8% 16% 63%
a t ion rts
i t a liz t po
Dig affec
respectively. Reflecting Asia’s position as the main source performance measurement component (see box 4.1).
of world shipping demand and the influence of China, This work culminated in the adoption of 26 indicators
port volumes handled at Asian ports increased by 7.2 per across six areas: finance, human resources, gender,
cent in 2017. Main ports in China handled 12.6 billion vessel operations, cargo operations and environment
tons, an increase of 6.9 per cent over 2016. Ports in the (UNCTAD, 2016). The main objective was to provide
Republic of Korea handled 1.57 billion tons, a 4.1 per members of the Programme’s port network with a useful
cent improvement over 2016. Port volumes in Africa rose instrument that would benchmark performance and
by 3.5 per cent, compared with 2016, reflecting overall carry out port and regional comparisons. Ports in the
improved economic conditions, a recovery in commodity network involved in port performance measurement were
export earnings and higher import demand in the region. landlord ports, full service ports, tool ports and mixed
Volumes handled at major ports in Australia expanded at ports (figure 4.1). The port performance measurement
the slow pace of 2.3 per cent in 2017, as port activity was system adopted under the Programme draws largely on
affected by Hurricane Debbie. In particular, the hurricane the balance scorecard concept (table 4.2).
undermined the performance of the port of Hay Point, the
largest coal port in Australia. Results achieved between 2010 and 2017 are
summarized in figures 4.2 to 4.6. When comparing
port performance, the standard caveat is that ports
2. Tracking and measuring port are difficult to compare, with many context variables to
performance consider. The scorecard describes the data profile for
Global trade, supply chains, production processes and the 48 reporting ports since 2010 in terms of data set
countries’ economic integration are heavily dependent metrics, port size, modal mix, governance, market and
on efficient port systems and supporting logistics. It is regulatory structures. The indicators are sourced from
therefore becoming increasingly important to monitor wide-ranging ports, 66 per cent of which have annual
and measure the operational, financial, economic, social volumes below 10 million tons.
and environmental performance of ports.
Results presented in figures 4.2 to 4.6 reflect data
In 2013, the Port Management Programme of the provided by the reporting countries and port entities
UNCTAD Train for Trade Programme developed a port that are members of the network only. They should not
EBITDA/revenue Vessel Cargo dues/revenue Rents/revenue Labour/revenue Fees and the
dues/revenue like/revenue
It is useful to consider port dues for cargo and an outlier characterized by a high average payroll
vessels together. The regional differences are less for cost as a proportion of revenue. It remains unclear
the gross port dues (cargo plus vessels) proportion whether this could be attributed to lower revenue
of revenue. Total revenue when averaged across levels or higher staffing levels. The average wage is
volumes suggests that just over $4 is earned by a estimated at $47,000, with a large range of values.
port entity on each ton of cargo. It is a number that requires considerable nuance and
comparison with local economic indicators that will
Rent is a traditional source of independent income
be examined in future port performance conferences.
for ports. The clustering of the data in figure
4.2 is consistent with previous reporting. When Reflecting the growing importance of containerized
contrasted with a concession or fee variable, it trade and the role of containers in multimodal
varies significantly across the network. There is a transport, container ship arrivals represented
shift towards concessions to the private sector but 36 per cent of all arrivals during the review period.
thus far it has not necessarily implied a move away Given that 48 port entities located in 24 countries
from leasing. It remains unclear whether this is due provided data entries in the system for almost all 26
indicators, data points are above 100. This enhances
to concessions being added to a lease rather than
the robustness of the statistical results, which can,
replacing a lease.
nevertheless, be further improved through additional
Data in figure 4.3 are a significant addition to the port reporting. Work aimed at interpreting the results
scorecard and chart the changing gender balance has been initiated, including the use of a five-year
across port authorities in the data set. There is a moving average for analysis. There remains the
clear distinction between categories of employees question, however, of how insights generated
across traditional lines that has yet to reflect the from this work can be further leveraged to support
technological shift in working methods and skill informed strategic planning and decisions relating to
sets on the quays. The data suggest that Africa is ports.
Africa Asia Europe Latin America Global
Africa Asia Europe Latin America Global
Oil tankers Bulk carriers Container ships Cruise ships General cargo ships Other
Source: UNCTAD, 2016.
70 4. PORTS
Africa Asia Europe Latin America Global
Source: UNCTAD, 2016.
Train for Trade is a component of the UNCTAD Port Management Programme, which supports port communities in
developing countries seeking to ensure efficient and competitive port management, and in turn, support trade and
economic development. The Programme creates port networks bringing together public, private and international
entities. The aim is for port operators from public and private entities worldwide to share knowledge and expertise
and to capitalize on research conducted in port management and port performance indicators (UNCTAD, 2016).
For over 20 years, the Programme has provided training and capacity-building activities for four language networks
(English, French, Portuguese and Spanish); 3,500 port managers from 49 countries in Africa, developing America,
Asia, the Caribbean and Europe; and 110 replication cycles of one to two years at the national level. The Programme
is recognized by beneficiaries, donors, partners and evaluators as a successful model of technical assistance.
Under the activities of the Programme, UNCTAD has initiated work on port performance measurement. Starting in
2014, a series of international conferences brought together over 200 representatives from 30 member countries
of the four language networks. The aim was to identify the port performance indicators that should be collected,
the corresponding definitions, the underlying methodology and the technology to be adopted. The latter aims to
ensure a common denominator across the various ports of the network of the Programme to promote meaningful
One of the challenges faced by the Programme was the ability to discriminate results at the port level instead
of country level. This is often the case with indicators such as the logistics performance index (World Bank), the
global competitiveness index (World Economic Forum) and the liner shipping connectivity index (UNCTAD). These
indicators are aggregated at the country level and do not provide a port-level perspective.
Additional information about the UNCTAD Port Management Programme and port performance scorecard is
available at
Source: UNCTAD, 2017a.
Asia plays a central role in global trade and shipping, as terminals attracted 4.8 per cent more business in 2017.
shown by activity in the container shipping sector. The A new container terminal in Jawaharlal Nehru Port,
Asia–Pacific region accounts for over 42 per cent of the which has been running close to design capacity for
number of ports and 60 per cent of the calls, with China several years, was opened in early 2018.
representing 19 per cent of all calls alone (Clarksons
Reflecting to a large extent the recovery in the European
Research, 2017). These trends have been largely
Union in 2017, volumes handled in European ports
supported by globalization. The second most important
increased by 6.6 per cent. With volumes reaching nearly
player is Europe, which accounts for 28 per cent of world
120 million TEUs, Europe accounted for 16 per cent of
container ports and 21 per cent of port calls.
global container port throughput.
In line with trends in port calls, Asia dominates the
A development affecting European ports during the year
container-handling business. The region continued to
was the growing presence of the China Ocean Shipping
account for nearly two thirds of the global container port
Company as a principal port investor. After acquiring
throughput (figure 4.7). Volumes handled in the region
port facilities in Greece, Italy and Spain, the company
increased by 6.5 per cent. Some 240 million TEUs were
recorded in China, including Hong Kong, China and established a presence in Northern Europe by signing
Taiwan Province of China. This represents almost half a concession agreement with Zeebrugge Port Authority
of all port volumes handled in the region. Restrictions to open a container terminal – this was made possible
imposed by the Government of China limiting imports in part by the Belt and Road Initiative. The company is
of some waste material on the backhaul journeys from expected to emerge as a world leader among terminal
North America and Europe are likely to increase the operators by 2020 (Wei, 2018).
incidence of empties in the overall traffic handled by North America maintained an 8 per cent share of total
ports, which could exacerbate the trade and freight rate container port volumes, supported by strong activity in
imbalances on the trans-Pacific route. the United States. Africa’s share of world container port
Elsewhere in Asia, container port throughput in 2017 throughput was estimated at 4 per cent, surpassing
was influenced by developments in the Islamic Republic Oceania’s 2 per cent share. However, this was still below
of Iran and sanctions imposed on Qatar. While volumes the 6 per cent accounted for by developing American
in Bandar Abbas port increased by over 20 per cent, ports. Volumes in Africa increased due to stronger
the imposition of sanctions on the Islamic Republic of import demand. Many sub-Saharan African countries
Iran had already started to weigh on port performance experienced a higher demand for their exports and
in late 2017 (Drewry Maritime Research, 2018a). Jebel recorded better export earnings than in the past. This in
Ali faced some competition from Bandar Abbas port, turn boosted imports, with the southbound Asia–West
despite increasing volumes by 4 per cent over 2016. Africa trade growing at its fastest rate since 2014 (Drewry
Port Sohar in Oman gained the most from sanctions Maritime Research, 2017a). This is reflected in increased
imposed on Qatar. Growth in South Asia surpassed throughputs in South Africa and Western Africa, in
10.7 per cent, reflecting among other factors, the contrast with losses incurred in 2016. In particular,
growing shift of manufacturing towards Bangladesh, the recovery in Angola and Nigeria from a low-price
India and Pakistan. In India, Jawaharlal Nehru Port environment and the robust economies of Côte d’Ivoire
and Ghana contributed favourably to a 9.5 per cent
increase in West African ports’ container throughput.
Figure 4.7 World container port throughput by
region, 2017 In Australia and New Zealand, growth in container port
(Percentage share in total 20-foot volumes was sustained by external demand and strong
equivalent units) consumer spending, while in developing America,
volumes were driven by the higher commodity prices
Oceania environment and the end of recession in key economies
2 Africa
such as in Brazil. Container traffic from Asia to the
Developing America
6 East Coast of South America bounced back in 2017,
North America expanding by 15.5 per cent. The recovery was driven
by Brazilian imports, which rose sharply, by 22 per cent.
64 As shown in table 4.4, container port activity tends to be
concentrated in major ports. These are generally mega
ports, which serve as hubs or gateways for important
16 hinterlands (Clarksons Research, 2017). The combined
throughput at the world’s leading 20 container terminals
increased by 5.9 per cent. Together, they handled an
estimated 336.6 million TEUs, accounting for 45 per
cent of the world’s total. Except for the ports of Klang
and Kaohsiung, all ports in the ranking recorded
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, derived from table 4.3. volume gains. The contribution of Asian container ports
surpasses all other regions, as 80 per cent of the ports new dynamics where shipping lines have greater
featuring in the top 20 are Asian. Nearly two thirds of bargaining power and influence.
these are in China.
Vessel size increases and the rise of mega alliances
Apart from the contraction in volumes experienced have heightened the requirements for ports to adapt
by the ports of Klang and Kaohsiung, growth of and respond to more stringent requirements. Bigger call
individual ports varied between a low of 0.6 per cent sizes exert additional pressure on ports and terminals
in Tanjung Pelepas and 14.1 per cent in Ningbo- and require an effective response measure to ensure
Zhoushan. Shanghai remained the busiest container that space, equipment, labour, technology and port
port worldwide; volumes handled expanded by 8.3 per services are optimized. This raises the question of
cent, bringing the total volume to 40.2 million TEUs. whether costs and benefits associated with the upsizing
Singapore ranked second, handling 33.7 million TEUs, of vessels and alliances are fairly distributed between
a 9 per cent increase over 2016. In third position, the shipping lines and ports.
amount of volumes handled by Shenzhen increased
Liner shipping consolidation, alliance formation and the
by 5.1 per cent, to 25.2 million TEUs. Ranked fourth,
deployment of larger vessels have combined, leading to
Ningbo-Zhoushan saw the largest increase in volumes,
greater competition among container ports to win port
which rose by 14.1 per cent to 24.6 million TEUs. As
calls (Notteboom et al., 2017). For example, the port of
the biggest receiver of plastic waste, Guangzhou, and
Klang handled less cargo during the year, as alliance
to some extent, Shenzhen, which imports wastepaper,
members limited their port calls. Meanwhile, the ports
are likely to be affected by a new regulation introduced
of Singapore and Tanjung Pelepas recorded an increase
in China in late 2017, limiting the imports of some types
of 8.2 per cent and 3.4 per cent, respectively, following
of wastes (Drewry Maritime Research, 2017a). Outside
the decision by shipping alliance members to use them
Asia, four ports, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Los Angeles and
as pivotal ports of call (Shanghai International Shipping
Hamburg, are among the top 20 ports. All four handled
Institute, 2017).
larger volumes in 2017, although Rotterdam saw the
largest increase, as cargo throughput expanded by As ports compete for fewer services by larger vessels,
nearly 10 per cent, above levels in 2016. ports and terminals are interacting with carriers that have
strong negotiating and decision-making power. The
2. Operational performance of world stakes are high for terminal operators, as a call made
by alliance members using larger vessels can generate
container ports significant port volumes and business. For example,
Strategic liner shipping alliances and the associated a weekly call concerning one of the services between
trend of vessel upsizing have added complexity to the Northern Europe and the Far East is estimated to result
container shipping and port relationship and triggered in annual container volumes of about 300,000 TEUs
74 4. PORTS
per port of call. A liner service using ships with only a Global port productivity fell in 2017, indicating that
capacity of 20,000 TEUs could increase this estimate to container terminals were challenged by the deployment
an average of about 450,000 TEUs per year per port of of larger vessels and the growth in port call sizes. In
call (Notteboom et al., 2017). this context, port productivity refers to the number of
container moves per hour of time spent by vessels in
The dynamics between shipping lines and container
port, weighted by the call size, which is significantly
port terminals is further shaped by the ability of lines
impacted by the number of cranes deployed to service
to take part in port operations though shareholdings
a ship. Bearing these considerations in mind, some
and joint ventures with terminal operators, sister
estimates for 2017 indicate a 3 per cent average drop
companies or subsidiaries involved in terminal
in weighted port productivity globally, compared with
operations. This can affect approaches to terminal
2016 (, 2018).
concessions. Although a terminal operator owned by
a shipping line may have a more stable cargo base, The decline in port productivity affected all regions. One
regulators may prefer that concessions be granted of the steepest declines was experienced in Africa, where
to independent operators to allow access to all port- port productivity dipped by 12 per cent. Productivity fell
handling service providers. by more than 7 per cent in developing America, Western
Asia and Indian ports. The impact on European and North
Some of these concerns, including the operational
American ports was less pronounced, with reductions of
challenges arising from the growing use of mega
3 per cent in the number of container moves per hour
ships and formation of mega alliances, are reflected
spent by vessels in time at berth. South-East Asia was
in port productivity and performance patterns. While
the only region where some port productivity gains were
liner shipping networks seem to have benefited from
achieved, despite an increase in call sizes. In terms of
efficiencies arising from consolidation and alliance
individual ports, the greatest declines in port productivity
restructuring, gains at the port level have not evolved
were seen in Manila (21 per cent), and in Dalian and Laem
at the same pace. Container berth productivity is
Chabang, where productivity declined by 16 per cent.
constrained by the growing volume of boxes exchanged
On the other hand, some ports such as Long Beach,
in vessel calls during peak hours (Fairplay, 2018). The
California and Chiwan, China recorded an increase in
deployment of larger vessels and alliance network
design have direct implications for the number of boxes
exchanged per call, which in turn, exerts additional Interestingly, both the number of moves per total hours
pressure on ports’ handling capacities. spent by vessels in port and the waiting time between
arrival and the allocation of berth decreased, the latter
Existing data for 2017 indicate an annual global increase
by 6 per cent worldwide (, 2018). The world’s
of 9 per cent in the number of containers handled per
largest ports recorded a reduction in the port-to-
call. Northern European ports experienced the largest
berth time; the largest improvements were witnessed
growth – 20 per cent – in average call sizes, compared
in the ports of Antwerp and Hamburg. Less positive
with 2016. In comparison, call sizes at ports in South-
performances were recorded elsewhere. For example,
East Asia and developing America increased by 11 per
berth-waiting times more than doubled in Manila and
cent in each region. Elsewhere, results were less
increased almost by half in the port of Shekou. Increases
positive, showing no growth (Africa) or modest declines
in port-to-berth waiting times were also recorded in
(Oceania). With regard to results in individual container
India and some African countries.
ports and terminals, the largest increases in call sizes
were seen in Antwerp (29 per cent), Yangshan (27 per The performance of major trans-shipment hubs was
cent) and Manila (22 per cent) (Fairplay, 2018). reported to be relatively even among the various ports.
The average port-to-berth waiting time in Jebel Ali was
The need to handle more containers at the same time
estimated at 2.7 hours, while in Hong Kong (China),
exerts pressure on berth and yard operations. While
Busan and Singapore, waiting times averaged about 2.4
the increased demand for cargo-handling operations
hours. The competitiveness of ports such as Tanjung
can be mitigated to some extent through the container
Pelepas and Klang could be observed with waiting
distribution in ship-planning processes, larger call sizes,
times of 2.2 hours and 2.4 hours, respectively. The
combined with a limited number of cranes, reduces
average waiting time at Tanjung Priok, which attracted
optimal crane intensity. The gap between growth in call
mainline calls in 2017, was also 2.4 hours.
size and productivity widens when the number of boxes
exchanged exceeds 4,000 (Fairplay, 2017b). Some Table 4.5 shows the average time in port by vessel type
observers contend that ports perform best when ship at the global level. In 2017, the average time in port for
sizes are within the range of 4,000–14,000 TEUs. These all ships was estimated at 31.2 hours, an improvement
sizes are optimal for quayside performance, although over the previous year when ships stayed an average
they allow for fewer rows of containers than larger of 33.6 hours in ports. Containerized vessels tend to
ships. Performance of ships with a capacity of more spend less time in ports, followed by dry cargo ships,
than 14,000 TEUs is negatively affected by the pressure gas carriers and tankers. Bulk carriers experience the
on equipment and space, for example spreaders, trolley longest time in port, about 65 hours on average, more
distances, berth and yard areas. than double the global average for all ships.
Aside from typical operational and service level 250,000 TEUs per crane per year, and more than
indicators, such as crane moves per hour and berth 50,000 TEUs per hectare per year (Drewry Maritime
allocation waiting time, port performance can also Research, 2017b).
be assessed according to the intensity of port asset
Overall, the deployment of larger container ships in
utilization. Quay lines, cranes and land are important recent years seems to have had little impact on the
and expensive assets, for which the level of utilization annual use of quay line assets and on TEUs handled
is a key performance indicator, especially for investors. per gantry crane, whose levels generally stood at some
As gantry crane expenditure hovers around $10 million 127,000 TEUs per crane a year. Land use intensity
per crane and quay construction can cost as much as declined slightly, averaging close to 27,000 TEUs per
$100,000 per metre – the greater the utilization levels, hectare per year in 2016. This may reflect the impact
the higher the performance of these assets (Drewry of the growing size of ships calling at ports and the
Maritime Research, 2017b). associated pressure on yard operations during periods
Table 4.6 features relevant industry benchmarks and of peak volumes.
design parameters generally used to measure intensity
An increase in yard space to alleviate pressure can have
usage of assets and performance. Table 4.7 reviews the effect of reducing intensity usage. However, other
the asset use intensity between 2013 and 2016. It factors may also affect land usage, as shown in North
shows that asset use intensity remained unchanged America, where a shift from chassis operations towards
overall, although land use intensity decreased. On a fully rounded yard systems improved port performance
global basis, the intensity of quay line usage typically (Drewry Maritime Research, 2017b). Similarly, ports in
achieved by terminals worldwide is estimated at developing America improved land usage by increasingly
1,100 TEUs per metre per year. As shown in table 4.6, moving away from small multi-purpose terminals in many
the actual performance in 2016 was about 1,150 TEUs locations towards larger, specialized container terminals.
per metre, an intensity usage below the theoretical A terminal’s size can also influence usage performance,
design parameter of 1,500 TEUs per metre. That said, as illustrated by the relatively higher performance
performance varied at some terminals, especially in observed in Asia. A terminal’s function also has a role
Asia, where it was relatively better than typical industry to play, with trans-shipment ports generally performing
performance. Quay line performance above 2,000 TEUs at higher levels than gateway ports. Operational factors
per metre per year were observed in the ports of Busan; such as cargo-handling equipment and working hours
Singapore; Shanghai; Ningbo-Zhoushan; Hong Kong, tend to have a strong impact on asset usage indicators
China; Klang; Laerm Chabang; and Jawaharlal Nehru such as TEUs handled per hectare, per metre of quay
Port Terminal. Many of these also reached more than line and per crane.
Table 4.7 Usage intensity of world container terminal assets by region, 2003 and 2016
Region 2003 2016 Percentage change
Developing America
TEUs per metre of quay per annum 665 849 27,7
TEUs per ship to shore gantry crane per
105 517 110 307 4,53
TEUs per hectare per annum 16 696 27 752 66,2
TEUs per metre of quay per annum 653 761 16,53
TEUs per ship to shore gantry crane per
100 110 94 819 -5,28
TEUs per hectare per annum 16 651 18 794 12,87
North America
TEUs per metre of quay per annum 665 777 16,8
TEUs per ship to shore gantry crane per
90 661 91 885 1,4
TEUs per hectare per annum 9 604 14 407 50,0
Source: Drewry Maritime Research, 2017b.
Note: Figures on actual performance are based on a sample of 321 terminals handling over 200,000 TEUs per annum.
Table 4.8 Main dry bulk terminals: Estimated country market share in world exports by commodity, 2017
Iron ore Percentage Coal Percentage Grain Percentage
Australia 56,2 Australia 30,3 United States 27,7
Cape Lambert Abbott Point Corpus Christi
Dampier Dalrymple Bay Galveston
Port Hedland Gladstone Hampton Roads
Port Latta Hay Point Houston
Port Walcott Newcastle New Orleans
Yampi Sound Port Kembla Norfolk
Brazil 25,8 Indonesia 30,4
Ponta da Madeira Balikpapan European Union 9,8
Ponta do Ubu Banjamarsin Immingham
Sepetiba Kota Baru Le Havre
Tubarao Pulau Laut Muuga
Tanjung Bara Rouen
South Africa 4,4 Tarahan Klaipeda
Saldanha Bay Riga
Mozambique 0,4
Source: UNCTAD secretariat calculations, based on data from Clarksons Research, 2018.
Excluding exports to Canada.
Excluding exports to the United States.
78 4. PORTS
between ships and terminals, and loading and asset development and mobile workforces), storage
unloading cargo handling. By 1 December 2017, 27 (big data analytics, smart metering and single views
ports had more than five entries or reports. None of the of stock) and industrial processing (smart grids, smart
ports had ratings below average. Scores were based energy management, three-dimensional printing, safety
on a weighting system where loading and unloading analytics and predictive maintenance).
had the highest value, followed by mooring and berth
The maritime transport industry is increasingly playing
arrangements, and information exchanges.
catch-up when it comes to enhancing the use of innovative
The three leading dry bulk terminals according to the technologies to improve systems and processes. One
BIMCO vetting scheme were Santander and Bilbao, industry survey reveals that according to 15 per cent
Spain and Quebec, Canada. Santander ranked of respondents, autonomous terminal equipment was
first in terms of terminal handling of loading and already being used (Vonck, 2017). According to 9 per
unloading operations, terminal mooring and berthing cent of the respondents, autonomous drones for port
arrangements, and information exchanges between services are being used, while 43 per cent consider this
ships and terminals, and terminal equipment. According a short-term trend. Respondents generally agreed that
to the 2017 vetting report, over 93 per cent of ports irrespective of the speed at which digitalization unfolds,
in the analysis received an average score or better in there is a growing need to upgrade skills and enhance
terms of communications between ships and terminals, expertise, efficiency and knowledge.
loading and unloading activity, and standards and
A review of ports around the world indicates that the
maintenance of equipment. Areas requiring further
sector has embraced technology to a certain extent, with
improvement relate to challenges arising from the need
operations of many ports having changed dramatically
for language skills, permanent pressure on ship crews
over the past few decades. For example, scanning
and masters, unexpected claims, and unnecessary
technologies are increasingly being used for security and
bureaucratic and aggressive port authorities (BIMCO,
trade facilitation, while automation is being introduced in
2017). In addition, ports rated poorly when the cost of
various container terminals. A focus on container port
terminal services was either too high or the service was
terminals around the world provides a good overview of
non-existent. While the vetting report is useful, there are
the actual state of play. Container terminal automation
limitations to the system. Additional data and reports
– the use of robotized and remotely controlled handling
would be required to improve the statistical validity and
systems along with the transition from manual to
reliability of results obtained.
automated processes – is still at relatively early stages
of utilization, as 97 per cent of world container port
D. DIGITALIZATION IN PORTS terminals are not automated. The share of container
terminals that are fully automated is estimated at 1 per
A factor that is evolving at an accelerated pace with cent, while semi-automated terminals account for
potentially profound implications for port operations 2 per cent thereof (Drewry Maritime Research, 2018b).
and management is digitalization. There is no widely Table 4.9 provides an overview of the main terminals
accepted definition of the digital economy. The latest where full or partial automation is being implemented or
developments in digitalization are emerging from a planned. Fully automated terminals are those where the
combination of technologies that are becoming more yard stacking and the horizontal transfer between the
pervasive across mechanical systems, communications quay and the yard is automated, while semi-automated
and infrastructure (UNCTAD, 2017b). Key technologies terminals are those where only the yard stacking is
supporting digitalization in maritime transport include automated.
innovations such as the Internet of things, robotics,
Container terminals are increasingly using higher levels
automation, artificial intelligence, unmanned vehicles
of automation to improve productivity and efficiency
and equipment, and blockchain (see chapters 1, 2
and secure a competitive advantage. An industry
and 5).
survey reveals that nearly 75 per cent of terminal
The application of such innovations in ports permeates operators consider automation critical in order to
all aspects of a port business, including operations, remain competitive in the next three to five years, while
planning, design infrastructure development and 65 per cent view automation as an operational safety
maintenance. They bring new opportunities for ports by lever (Hellenic Shipping News, 2018). Over 60 per cent
unlocking more value that extends beyond traditional of respondent terminal operators expect automation
cargo-handling activities. Relevant technologies can to help improve operational control and consistency,
help optimize traffic; increase operational efficiency, while 58 per cent expect it to cut overall terminal
process transparency and speed; automate processes; operational costs. Respondents were positive about the
and reduce inefficiencies and errors. Concrete potential return on investment overall. About one third
examples of ways in which the impact of innovative of respondents see in automation a way to increase
technologies will likely be felt in ports include changes to productivity by up to 50 per cent, while about one fifth
loading and unloading operations (machine-to-machine believe that automation could reduce operational costs
communication, platform solutions, robotics, intelligent by more than 50 per cent.
However, the advantages of automation in ports should be Dhabi), Boubyan Island (Kuwait) and Sohar Industrial
considered within context. In some cases, there can be a Port (Oman), being lined up by the Gulf Cooperation
delay in reaching expected productivity levels due to many Council. Large-scale projects for fuel handling are also
different innovations coming together without sufficient planned in Saldanha Bay (South Africa) and Mombasa
integration, and a lack of overall controllability. While (Kenya), as demand for fuels is set to rise with the
technology is a key enabler, it is not the only parameter projected growth of quickly emerging Asian developing
influencing terminal productivity (Linked in, 2018). countries (Coherent Market Insights, 2018). Port
development and refurbishment projects under the Belt
Reported challenges to wider implementation of port
and Road Initiative, for example in Pakistan (Gwadar),
automation solutions include costs, shortage of skills
Djibouti, Myanmar (Kyaukpyu), Greece (Piraeus), and
or resources to implement and manage automation,
Sri Lanka (Hambantota and Colombo) are contributing
concerns of labour unions and time required for
to the upgrading and upscaling of port infrastructure
implementation. With respect to labour, one study
in Africa, Asia and Europe. Chinese investment in
focusing on the maritime cluster in the Netherlands
container ports is expected to grow as port operators
finds that the number of jobs in the maritime cluster
in China continue to expand internationally, ultimately
will decrease by at least 25 per cent with the advent of
surpassing the growth of traditional global operators
automation. Jobs in the port sector are projected to drop
(Drewry Maritime Research, 2017b).
by 8.2 per cent. By comparison, the number of jobs in
shipping is expected to fall by 1.8 per cent. The analysis While overall prospects for global port activity remain
concludes that the largest subsectors at risk are ports, positive, preliminary figures are pointing to decelerated
maritime suppliers and inland navigation (Vonck, 2017). growth in port volumes in 2018. This is a reflection
of the waning impetus for growth from, in particular,
In sum, a broad range of technologies with applications
cyclical recovery and supply chain restocking in 2017.
in ports and terminals offers an opportunity for port
Furthermore, downside risks weighing on global
stakeholders to innovate and generate additional value
shipping, including trade policy risks, geopolitical factors
in the form of greater efficiency, enhanced productivity,
and structural shifts in economies such as China, tend
greater safety and heightened environmental protection.
to detract from a favourable outlook. An immediate
For ports to effectively reap the benefits of digitalization,
concern are the trade tensions between China and
various concerns will need to be monitored and
the United States, the world’s two largest economies,
addressed. These include the potential regionalization
and the emergence of inward-looking policies and
of production and trade patterns associated with
protectionism (see chapter 1).
robotics and three-dimensional printing, potential labour
market disruptions, regulatory changes and the need Today’s overall port-operating landscape is
for common standards, in particular when applying characterized by heightened port competition,
blockchain technology and data analytics. To do so, especially in containerized trade, where decisions
it is essential to improve understanding of issues at by shipping alliances on capacity deployed and the
stake, and strengthen partnerships and collaboration structure of ports and networks can determine the
mechanisms among all stakeholders – ports, terminal fate of a container port terminal. Additional investment
operators, shipping and cargo interests, makers of is required to accommodate larger vessels and larger
technology, Governments and investors. volumes handled at peak port calls and will likely weigh
on port operators’ margins (Fairplay, 2017b). However,
the cost of new investments could be partially mitigated
E. OUTLOOK AND POLICY by exploring tailored pricing to align port and terminal
CONSIDERATIONS interests with carriers and incentivize shipping lines
to work more productively (Port Technology, 2017).
In line with projected growth in the world economy, Productive and workable cooperative arrangements
international merchandise trade and seaborne between port authorities, terminal operators, shipping
shipments (see chapter 1), prospects for global port- lines and the trade community will be essential.
handling activity remain positive overall. The outlook on
When studying the impact of continued market
the supply side is also favourable, as the global port
concentration in liner shipping and potential competition
infrastructure market is expected to record the highest
concerns, competition authorities and maritime
gains from 2017 to 2025, primarily owing to increased
transport regulators should also analyze the impact of
trade volumes and infrastructural development in
market concentration and alliance deployment on the
emerging developing Asian countries (Coherent Market
relationship between ports and carriers. Areas of focus
Insights, 2018).
include the impact on selection of ports of call, the
Energy and container port construction are expected configuration of liner shipping networks, the distribution
to attract large demand through the forecast period. of costs and benefits between container shipping
Western Asia is projected to remain a key investment and ports, and approaches to container terminal
area, with construction projects such as the Fujairah concessions in view of the fact that shipping lines often
Oil Terminal, the port and industrial zone of Khalifa (Abu have stakes in terminal operations.
More than ever, ports and terminals around the and other port stakeholders should work together
world need to re-evaluate their role in global supply to identify and enable key levers for improving port
and logistics chains and prepare to deal with the productivity, profitability and operational efficiencies.
changes brought about by the accelerated growth of Governments should ensure that policy and regulatory
technological advances with potentially profound impacts frameworks are supportive and flexible.
(Brümmerstedt et al., 2017). It is important for ports and
Systems that monitor and measure relevant operational,
terminals to seek effective ways to embrace the new
financial and environmental metrics in ports are strategic-
technologies to remain competitive and avoid the risk of
planning and decision-making tools that require further
marginalization in today’s highly competitive port industry
support and development. Greater data availability and
(Port Equipment Manufacturers Association, 2018).
range enabled by technological advances can be tapped
Enhancing port and terminal performance in all market to track, measure and report performance, as well as
segments is increasingly recognized as critical for port derive useful insights for port managers, operators,
planning, investment and strategic positioning, as regulators, investors and users. Work carried out under
well as for meeting globally established sustainability the UNCTAD Port Management Programme on the port
benchmarks and objectives such as the Sustainable performance scorecard could be further developed and
Development Goals. In this context, the port industry its geographical scope expanded.
82 4. PORTS
BIMCO (2017). BIMCO’s Dry Bulk Terminals Vetting Report for 2017.
Brümmerstedt K, Fiedler R, Flitsch V, Jahn C, Roreger H, Sarpong B, Saxe S and Scharfenberg B (2017). Digitalization
of Seaports: Visions of the Future. Fraunhofer. Hamburg.
Business Insider Australia (2017). Australia’s Port Hedland shipped close to half a billion tonnes of iron ore last
financial year. Money and Markets. 7 July.
Clarksons Research (2017). Moving containers globally? Let’s stick together. 25 August.
Clarksons Research (2018). Dry Bulk Trade Outlook. Volume 24. No. 5. May.
Coherent Market Insights (2018). Port infrastructure market: Global industry insights, trends, outlook, and opportunity
analysis, 2016–2024. Press release.
Drewry Maritime Research (2018a). Container Forecaster. Quarterly. First quarter.
Drewry Maritime Research (2018b). Ports and terminal insight. Quarterly. First quarter.
Drewry Maritime Research (2017a). Container Forecaster. Quarterly. Fourth quarter.
Drewry Maritime Research (2017b). Ports and terminal insight. Quarterly. Fourth quarter.
Fairplay (2017a). Tonnage titans – top 20 ports by annual cargo throughput. 15 October.
Fairplay (2017b). 2017 in review: Port call sizes continue to rise. 15 December.
Fairplay (2018). Improved liner efficiency leaves ports struggling. 3 May.
Hellenic Shipping News (2018). Majority of Navis customers surveyed exploring some level of automation to stay
competitive in ocean shipping industry. 15 March. (2018). Global port berth productivity falls as call size continued to grow. 3 May.
Market Realist (2018). What record iron ore shipments from Port Hedland mean for prices. 29 January.
Linked in (2018). Container terminal automation: What does the future really hold? 31 May.
Marine Traffic (2018). Available at
Notteboom TE, Parola F, Satta G and Pallis AA (2017). The relationship between port choice and terminal involvement
of alliance members in container shipping. Journal of Transport Geography. 64:158–173.
Port Equipment Manufacturers Association (2018). Digitalization signals “fourth industrial revolution” for global ports
sector. 19 February.
Port Technology (2017). McKinsey report: Vessels to reach 50,000 TEU by 2067. 30 October.
Shanghai International Shipping Institute (2016). Global port development.
Shanghai International Shipping Institute (2017). Global port development.
UNCTAD (2016). Port Performance: Linking Performance Indicators to Strategic Objectives. UNCTAD Train for Trade
Port Management Series. Volume 4.
UNCTAD (2017a). Port Performance Scorecard Newsletter. Issue 1.
UNCTAD (2017b). Information Economy Report 2007: Digitalization, Trade and Development (United Nations
publication, Sales No. E.17.II.D.8, New York and Geneva).
Vonck I (2017). Ports of the future: A vision. Deloitte Port Services. Baltic Ports Conference 2017.
Wei Z (2018). Cosco’s presence in Zeebruge fortifies its European Belt and Road. Shipping and Finance. February.
Issue 260, p. 6.
Technology has become a crucial element of many systems
on board ships and in ports and is continuing to transform
and revolutionize the way in which shipping operations
are conducted. Many current technological advances,
including, for example, autonomous ships, drones and
various distributed ledger technologies such as blockchain,
hold considerable promise for the increased efficiency of
operations and reduced costs, among other possibilities.
However, uncertainty remains in the maritime industry with
regard to their potential safety and security, and there is
concern about the cybersecurity incidents that may occur.
To minimize such risks for systems on board ships and
in ports, and to facilitate the transition to potential new
technologies, Governments and the maritime industry are
continuing to improve the safety and risk management
culture and making efforts to ensure compliance with the
complex and evolving legal framework. In addition, the
various distributed ledger technologies currently emerging
and proliferating, including blockchain-related initiatives,
need to be interoperable, as competition between them in
a bid to make a specific technology the chosen standard for
the industry may be detrimental for shipping.
As the future of technological advances in shipping is
being defined, and the maritime industry is leveraging
technology to improve its services, the existing legal, policy
and regulatory frameworks are being adapted and new
frameworks written, as necessary, at both the national and
international levels. The strategic plan for IMO adopted
in December 2017 recognizes the need to integrate new
and emerging technologies into the regulatory framework
for shipping. This plan follows the adoption of a resolution
that encourages maritime administrations to ensure that
cyberrisks are appropriately addressed in existing safety
management systems starting from 1 January 2021, as
well as the adoption in July 2017 of the IMO guidelines on
maritime cybersecurity risk management.
Important international regulatory developments during the
period under review include the adoption by IMO in April
2018 of an initial strategy on the reduction of greenhouse
gas emissions from ships, which aims at the reduction of
total annual greenhouse gas emissions from ships by at
least 50 per cent by 2050, compared with 2008. In addition,
IMO adopted a decision with regard to regulatory scoping
exercises to establish the extent to which the international
regulatory framework should be modified to integrate the
new technology involving maritime autonomous surface
This chapter provides a summary of legal and regulatory
developments related to these issues and highlights
relevant policy considerations for the maritime sector.
An initial strategy adopted at IMO
in April 2018 aims to reduce total PROTECTING
annual greenhouse gas emissions
from ships by at least
In the light of Sustainable
Development Goal 14,
by 2050.
that they are acting with reasonable care in their security risks tailored to the needs of the organization.
approach to managing cyberrisk and protecting the ship The requirements set out in the standard are generic
from any damage that may arise from a cyber incident” and intended to be applicable to all organizations,
(BIMCO et al., 2017). There is currently no regulation regardless of type, size or nature.
in place on cybersecurity in international shipping, yet
In addition, some countries have also prepared
maritime companies need to be proactive in addressing
guidelines on cybersecurity. For example, the
cyberrisk, as suggested by IMO and various industry
National Institute of Standards and Technology in the
bodies, and can no longer claim ignorance with regard
United States published the Framework for Improving
to cyberrisk management.
Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity in 2018 and
In addition, the guidelines state that in many markets the Institution of Engineering and Technology in the
offering marine property insurance, policies may cover United Kingdom published the Code of Practice:
loss or damage to a ship and its equipment caused Cybersecurity for Ports and Port Systems in 2016
by a shipping incident such as grounding, collision, and the Code of Practice: Cybersecurity for Ships
fire or flooding, even when the underlying cause of the in 2017. Such codes can help companies develop
incident is a cybersecurity-related incident. At present, cybersecurity assessments, plans and mitigation
there are exclusion clauses for cyberattacks in some measures and manage security breaches, and should
markets and, if the marine policy contains a relevant be used along with ship security standards and other
exclusion clause, the loss or damage is not covered. relevant IMO regulations.
In such circumstances, the guidelines recommend The maritime industry continues to work on improving
that companies verify with insurers and/or brokers the understanding of cybersecurity issues and on
in advance with regard to whether the policy covers increasing risk management. Shipping companies are
claims for incidents related to cybersecurity and/or integrating innovative security technologies with existing
cyberattacks (BIMCO et al., 2017). systems and software, to prevent internal and external
More generally, limited data on the frequency of attacks, cyberattacks with minimal human intervention, including
severity of losses and probability of physical damage by providing real-time alerts and blocking malicious files
remain a challenge to underwriters (All About Shipping, to prevent unauthorized access to critical systems and
2018). data (Marine Log, 2018).
Finally, with regard to liability for a cybersecurity-related In addition to verifying that technology, policies and
incident, the guidelines state the following (BIMCO et procedures are in place, and that employees at all levels
al., 2017): are aware of cyberrisks and how to react in the event of
an attack, companies should consider in particular how
"It is recommended to contact the [protection
data is stored and secured, given growing concerns
and indemnity insurance] club for detailed
information about cover provided to shipowners with regard to data usage and security, for example on
and charterers in respect of liability to third parties social media websites, which illustrate the complexity of
(and related expenses) arising from the operation potential security risks.
of ships. An incident caused, for example by Data storage and security is particularly relevant, given
malfunction of a ship’s navigation or mechanical
the entry into force on 25 May 2018, of European Union
systems because of a criminal act or accidental
Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection
cyberattack, does not in itself give rise to any
exclusion of normal [protection and indemnity of natural persons with regard to the processing of
insurance] cover. It should be noted that many personal data and on the free movement of such
losses which could arise from a cyberincident are data, which regulates how companies safeguard the
not in the nature of third-party liabilities arising processing and movement of the personal data of
from the operation of the ship. For example, citizens of the European Union. Some of the key privacy
financial loss caused by ransomware or costs of and data protection provisions of the Regulation include
rebuilding scrambled data would not be identified requirements related to the consent of subjects for data
in the coverage. Normal cover, in respect of processing; anonymization of collected data to protect
liabilities, is subject to a war risk exclusion and privacy; provision of data breach notifications; safe
cyberincidents in the context of a war or terror handling of the transfer of data across borders; and the
risk, will not normally be covered."
appointment by certain companies of a data protection
The International Organization for Standardization officer to oversee compliance with the Regulation.
standard 27001:2013 on information technology Notably, it is not only companies in the European
– security techniques – information security Union but any company that processes personal data
management systems – requirements, specifies related to offering goods or services or that monitors
requirements for establishing, implementing, the behaviour of European Union residents, regardless
maintaining and continually improving an information of its location, that is subject to the Regulation. In the
security management system within the context of an event of non-compliance, the Regulation provides for
organization. The standard also includes requirements the administration of fines by supervisory authorities in
on the assessment and treatment of information member States.
costs for shipping companies due to standardization, that automate the implementation of the terms and
which allows fragmented back-end systems to be conditions of any agreement between parties. Several
superseded, and digitalization, which enables the smart contract prototypes have been launched that
elimination of intermediaries and inefficiencies related to involve digitalizing electronic bills of lading and other
the processing of documentation. For example, Maersk trade documents, such as CargoDocs under essDOCS
and IBM intend to establish a joint venture, which and Cargo X. However, the development of financing,
remains subject to the receipt of regulatory approvals. payment and insurance aspects related to shipping
The aim of the venture is to develop an open trade- remain in experimental and pilot stages. Once the use
digitalization platform, designed for use by the entire of such contracts reaches maturity, possible scenarios
industry, to help companies move and track goods include the negotiation of freight prices directly between
digitally across international borders. The platform will asset owners and their counterparts; the automatic
use blockchain and other cloud-based, open-source processing of payments upon specified conditions being
technologies, including artificial intelligence, the Internet satisfied; and the issuance of insurance policies and
of things and analytics, delivered through IBM, and settling of marine insurance claims through blockchain.
initially commercialize the following two core capabilities
Blockchain has been deployed for the first time in
aimed at digitalizing the global supply chain (Maersk,
the marine insurance sector. In May 2018, some
industry actors collaborated with Ernst and Young
"A shipping information pipeline will provide and the software security firm Guardtime to launch the
end-to-end supply chain visibility to enable all world’s first blockchain-based platform for marine hull
actors involved in managing a supply chain to insurance. The platform, which is ready for commercial
securely and seamlessly exchange information use, is expected to help manage risk for more than
about shipment events in real time; paperless 1,000 commercial vessels in its first year and is planned
trade will digitize and automate paperwork
to be implemented for other types of insurance for
filings by enabling end users to securely submit,
the marine cargo, global logistics, aviation and energy
validate and approve documents across
organizational boundaries, ultimately helping sectors (Splash 247, 2018). The platform “connects
to reduce the time and cost for clearance clients, brokers, insurers and third parties to distributed
and cargo movement. Blockchain-based common ledgers that capture data about identities,
smart contracts ensure all required approvals risk and exposures and integrates this information with
are in place, helping speed up approvals and insurance contracts” and has the ability to “create and
reducing mistakes." maintain asset data from multiple parties; to link data to
policy contracts; to receive and act upon information
Another example of the use of blockchain in shipping
that results in a pricing or a business process change; to
is the completion by Hyundai Merchant Marine and
connect client assets, transactions and payments; and
other members of a consortium, in September 2017,
to capture and validate up-to-date first notification or
of a pilot voyage applying blockchain that used
loss data” (Guardtime, 2017).
secure paperless processes for shipment booking
and cargo delivery. Hyundai Merchant Marine also In addition, in 2017, two logistics companies, along
reviewed the feasibility of introducing the technology with a containership operating company, completed
into shipping and logistics and tested and reviewed a pilot project on blockchain-based paperless bills of
the combination of blockchain with the Internet lading that involved the use of an application for the
of things through the real-time monitoring and issuance, transfer and reception of original electronic
management of the reefer containers on the vessel documents, and the containers, shipped from China to
(Lloyd’s List, 2017). Canada, were successfully delivered to the consignees
(Marine Log, 2017). The potential use of blockchain
In addition, in August 2017, Japan formed a consortium
in this context is worth noting, as commercially viable
of 14 members to develop a platform for sharing
electronic alternatives to traditional paper-based bills of
trade data using blockchain, and Singapore-based
lading have only recently emerged. Earlier attempts in
Pacific International Lines signed a memorandum
this regard include the Bill of Lading Electronic Registry
of understanding with PSA International and IBM in
Organization (UNCTAD, 2003; and,
Singapore to develop and test supply chain business
more recently and with some success, essDOCS
network solutions based on blockchain (Lloyd’s List,
( The main challenge in efforts
2017). Other initiatives include the cargo-booking
to develop electronic alternatives to traditional paper-
portals of INTTRA and GT Nexus; the e-commerce
based transport documents has been the effective
business platform of CMA CGM; and the single window
replication of a document’s functions in a secure
at the port of Cotonou, facilitated by the World Bank,
electronic environment while ensuring that the use of
to ease the management of vessel traffic, cargo and
electronic records or data messages has the same legal
intermodal operations.
recognition as that of paper documents. With regard
Potential future applications of blockchain in shipping to bills of lading, as the exclusive right to the delivery
could include smart contracts, which are contracts in the of goods has traditionally been linked to the physical
form of a computer programme run within blockchains possession of original documents, this includes in
particular the replication in an electronic environment of important for countries to ensure they have an adequate
the unique document of title function (UNCTAD, 2003). supply of skilled workers with strong non-cognitive,
adaptive and creative skills necessary for ‘working
Blockchain is also being used to improve tuna
with the machines’” (UNCTAD, 2017b). Additional
traceability to help end illegal and unsustainable fishing
concerns have been raised about digitalization, as it
practices in the tuna industry in Asia and the Pacific.
could potentially lead to a fragmentation of the global
In January 2018, the World Wide Fund for Nature in
provision and international trade of services. This could
Australia, Fiji and New Zealand, in partnership with a
open up new avenues for the development strategies
technology innovator, a technology implementer and a
of developing countries, yet it is unclear whether digital-
tuna fishing and processing company, launched a pilot
based services could provide similar employment,
project in the tuna industry in the Pacific that will use
income and productivity gains as manufacturing has
blockchain to track the journey of tuna “from bait to
traditionally done; “disruptive technologies always bring
plate”, strengthening transparency and traceability. The
a mix of benefits and risks [but] whatever the impacts,
aim is to help end illegal, unreported and unregulated
the final outcomes for employment and inclusiveness
fishing and human rights abuses of seafarers and
are shaped by policies” (UNCTAD, 2017c).
workers in the tuna industry and to address safety
issues and broader impacts on the environment (The
4. Autonomous ships, drones and
Conversation, 2018a).
other innovations in shipping
Finally, blockchain is also proliferating in terminal and port
development. For example, in April 2015, construction Autonomous ships: Potential benefits and
was completed of a fully automated and environmentally challenges
sustainable container terminal at the port of Rotterdam, Among the advances in cybersystems and digitalization
and in September 2017, a field laboratory, Block Lab, in the maritime industry, maritime autonomous surface
was launched, which is aimed at developing applications ships, also known as unmanned surface vessels, are
and solutions based on blockchain. attracting increased attention. As with autonomous
technologies in other industries, autonomous ships
Given that many blockchain initiatives and partnerships
have the potential to provide enhanced safety and
are proliferating, there is a need for the different
cost savings by removing the human element from
applications emerging in the shipping industry to be
certain operations. The term “autonomous ship” is
interoperable. As noted by observers, “it would be
not the same as “unmanned ship”, as the former may
detrimental for the shipping industry if the different
operate at various levels of autonomy, including partially
factions and initiatives compete head on trying to
autonomous (with human input) and fully autonomous
make their specific blockchain technology choice the
(not requiring human intervention). However, such terms
de facto standard for the industry” (, 2018).
have not yet been completely defined either nationally
Blockchain promises secure transactions yet, according
or internationally, and many different formulations exist
to some specialists, it may not be as secure as generally
of the levels of autonomy (Danish Maritime Authority,
anticipated. The use of blockchain may help solve some
2017). In any event, human intervention will still be
security issues but may also lead to new, potentially more
needed in most ship operations in the near future,
complex security challenges, as some methods can
and the transportation of cargo and passengers in
possibly still be used to hack into a maritime transaction
fully autonomous ships remains a long-term ambition.
blockchain, including compromising the private keys
Autonomous ships could potentially be used in a
of users; cracking cryptography, given continuous
wide range of operations, including salvage, oil spill
advances in computing; obtaining control of a majority
response, passenger ferrying, offshore supply, towing
of the mining nodes used to implement blockchain;
and the carriage of cargo. However, at present, they
and abusing vulnerabilities in smart contracts or coded
are mostly used for marine scientific research and
programmes supported and run within blockchains
various maritime operations in the defence sector
(Marine Electronics and Communications, 2018a).
(Comité Maritime International, 2017). The first remotely
There are also concerns that many developing countries, controlled or fully autonomous commercial cargo vessel
in particular the least developed countries, may be may be in operation by 2020; for example, the first
inadequately prepared to capture the opportunities and fully electric and autonomous container ship, with zero
benefits emerging from digitalization. There is a risk emissions, may be in operation on a short coastal route
that digitalization may lead to increased polarization in either a remotely controlled or autonomous mode
and widening income inequalities, as productivity gains by 2020 (Marine Electronics and Communications,
might accrue mainly to a few, already wealthy and skilled 2018b). The technology may first be deployed on
individuals, given that “winner-takes-all dynamics are vessels that undertake coastal and short sea routes,
typical in platform-based economies, where network and remotely controlled and autonomous ships sailing
effects benefit first movers and standard setters” and open oceans could be in operation by 2030 or earlier.
that “the overall effects of digitalization remain uncertain; An autonomous, fully battery-powered short sea vessel
they will be context-specific, differing greatly among with zero emissions is also currently in development
countries and sectors [and this] makes it increasingly (DNV GL, 2018).
Other recent developments with regard to autonomous Autonomous ships: Regulatory issues
ships include the following: a prototype of the world’s first
The operation of autonomous ships is closely related to
fully autonomous and cost-efficient vessel for offshore
the roles of master and crew on board, a feature that
operations (Kongsberg, 2017); the first electrically
affects the full spectrum of applicable maritime laws
powered inland container vessel in Europe, with five
and regulations. Regulatory frameworks governing the
small ships in the series expected to be completed in
maritime industry have had to adapt over the years to
2018 and six larger ships in preparation with features
accommodate new technologies, yet they do not take
that prepare them for autonomous operations (The
into consideration the operation of ships without a crew.
Maritime Executive, 2018); an agreement between
Therefore, the traditional on-board roles of master and
two companies, possibly a first in the marine sector,
crew, as well as artificial intelligence and shore-based
to develop an artificial intelligence-based classification
staff supervising remotely controlled or autonomous
system for detecting, identifying and tracking the
ships will need to be assessed and redefined. At the
objects a vessel can encounter at sea, aimed at making
international level, aspects of the regulatory framework
existing vessels safer and progressing towards making
that need to be considered in the context of autonomous
autonomous ships a reality (Rolls-Royce, 2017); the One
ships include the following:
Sea autonomous maritime ecosystem project, aimed
at enabling fully remote-controlled vessels in the Baltic • Jurisdictional rules specifying the rights and ob-
Sea by 2020 and achieving autonomous commercial ligations of States with regard to ships in various
operations by 2025 (IMO, 2018b); and the testing of marine areas and, more specifically, the princi-
remotely controlled vessels in the Pacific Ocean, due to ples and rules related to flag, port and coastal
begin in 2019, aimed at achieving autonomous vessels State jurisdictions, which are mostly covered by
by 2025 (Bloomberg, 2017). the United Nations Convention on the Law of
the Sea, 1982. This is a widely ratified frame-
An area that might benefit from the use of autonomous
work convention, with 168 States Parties as at
ships is the safety and security of ship operations.
31 July 2018, which defines the rights and re-
Advances have been made in electronic navigational
sponsibilities of nations with regard to their use of
systems and tools, yet the human factor continues to
the world’s oceans, the protection of the marine
have an important role in most marine incidents and
environment and the management of marine nat-
casualties. Some studies estimate that 75–96 per cent
ural resources.
of marine accidents can be attributed to human error
and human error reportedly accounted for approximately • Technical rules related to, among others, safety,
75 per cent of the value of almost 15,000 marine liability security and the environment, seafarer issues,
insurance claims in 2011–2016, equivalent to over $1.6 training and watchkeeping standards, which im-
billion (Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty, 2017). pose obligations on flag States to enact nation-
al legislation reflecting the internationally agreed
Crew costs can constitute up to 42 per cent of a ship’s
standards developed by and adopted at IMO.
operating costs (Stopford, 2009). This cost decreases
for vessels with fewer or no crew, as does the risk of • Private law rules covering liability for, among oth-
piracy and hostage-taking and the respective insurance ers, personal injury, pollution, cargo-related loss-
coverage rates and costs. Vessel construction costs may es and collisions, which are in some instances
also be reduced, with less space required for seafarer subject to relevant international legal instruments
accommodation and other amenities, which could but may also be subject to national laws.
instead be used for cargo storage. Vessel operations
Recent international regulatory developments of note
could also become more environmentally friendly, as
include a scoping exercise for the review of relevant
new autonomous ships are designed to operate with
instruments, to ensure the safe design, construction and
alternate fuel sources, zero-emissions technologies and
operation of autonomous ships, initiated at IMO in 2017
no ballast. In addition, given fewer or no crew on board,
following a decision by the Maritime Safety Committee.
there would be less garbage and sewage to manage
A similar review was proposed by the Legal Committee
and treat.
in April 2018, aimed at ensuring that the legal framework
There are a number of potential benefits, yet challenges set out in legal instruments under its purview provides
in implementation, which include concerns about the for the same level of protection for autonomous ships
following: cybersecurity, although this is not unique to as that provided for operations with non-autonomous
autonomous ships; safety, related to the lack of crew ships (IMO, 2018b). Other committees, including the
on board; undue impacts on seafarer jobs and shipping Facilitation Committee and the Marine Environment
rates; and whether insurance cover would be offered Protection Committee, may need to undertake similar
by underwriters, insurers and protection and indemnity reviews, as some of the IMO instruments that may
insurance clubs for commercial autonomous ships need to be considered as part of a comprehensive
(Fairplay, 2017). The potential loss of seafarer jobs regulatory review fall under their purview. The Technical
is a particular concern in developing countries, as a Cooperation Committee may also have inputs, in
significant majority of seafarers are from these countries. particular when implementation issues are considered.
A cross-divisional task force has been established to of safety, all ships must be sufficiently and efficiently staffed.
facilitate the coordination of work between different Other provisions relate to the establishment of control of a
committees (IMO, 2018c; IMO, 2018d). In May 2018, ship in hazardous navigational situations and the obligation
the Maritime Safety Committee requested the IMO for the master of a ship to provide assistance to persons in
secretariat to review the work undertaken to date by distress at sea. A ship operating autonomously without any
several organizations that had considered regulatory human oversight would not be able to comply with such
arrangements and submitted the results of their work to provisions and, should an incident occur, issues related to
the Committee, and to submit a consolidated report for safety and liability might arise. Such functions may have to
its consideration at its 100th session in December 2018 be taken over by shore-based staff supervising remote-
(IMO, 2018d; for further information, see the following controlled or autonomous ships, and many of the liabilities
documents: MSC 99/5, MSC 99/5/1-12, MSC 99/ may have to be assumed by shipowners, shipbuilders
INF.3, MSC 99/INF.5, MSC 99/INF.8, MSC 99/INF.13, and manufacturers of ship components, as has been
MSC 99/INF.14 and MSC 99/INF.16). addressed in similar situations involving autonomous
vehicles (The Conversation, 2018b). A way of apportioning
Some of the most pertinent IMO instruments with responsibility between these parties and third parties
requirements that may need to be evaluated in the needs to be identified, as existing liability rules applicable in
context of the navigation of autonomous ships are the context of traditional staffed maritime activity cannot be
addressed in this section. simply transplanted to autonomous counterparts.
The provisions in chapter XI on special measures to
International Convention for the Safety
enhance maritime safety are also particularly relevant,
of Life at Sea, 1974
as they require compliance with the International Ship
This Convention is the most important of all of the and Port Facility Security Code, and deal with, among
international conventions concerning the safety of others, the specific obligations of ship companies
commercial ships, and is widely ratified, with 164 States with regard to security, including security procedures,
Parties as at 31 July 2018. It applies to over 99 per the employment of security-focused personnel and
cent of the world’s tonnage and specifies the minimum certification and verification requirements. The unique
standards for the construction, equipment and operation security challenges posed in the context of autonomous
of ships, compatible with their safety. This Convention operability are relevant in this regard, in particular with
is one of the key IMO conventions, along with the regard to cyberinfiltration. Regulation 6 in this chapter
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution requires ships to have a security alert system that
from Ships, 1973/1978, and the International Convention transmits ship-to-shore security alerts to designated
on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping authorities that indicate the location of a ship and that
for Seafarers, 1978, as amended. In addition, the Maritime its security is under threat, which must be able to be
Labour Convention, 2006, with 88 ratifications as at 31 engaged from the bridge and at least one other location.
July 2018, and representing 91 per cent of the world’s A similar alert mechanism might therefore need to be
tonnage, is the main international instrument setting out established in an autonomous ship. Regulation 8 requires
seafarers’ rights to decent conditions of work. These that the discretion of a master not be constrained by
Conventions constitute the four pillars of the international the company or any other person in respect of ship
regulatory regime for quality shipping. safety. In an autonomous ship, this role might need to
be transferred to a shore-based remote controller.
A review of 12 chapters of the International Convention
for the Safety of Life at Sea, as follows, may be needed
International Regulations for Preventing
to determine how autonomous ships may be covered
Collisions at Sea, 1972
by the provisions: chapter I, general provisions, including
definitions; chapter II-1, construction, including structure, The Regulations set out navigational rules to be followed
subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical by vessels, aimed at avoiding collisions. A review of the
installations; chapter II-2, fire protection, fire detection five parts, as follows, may be needed to determine how
and fire extinction; chapter III, life-saving appliances and autonomous ships may be covered: part A, general,
arrangements; chapter IV, radiocommunications; chapter including provisions related to applicability; part B,
V, safety of navigation; chapter VI, carriage of cargoes; steering and sailing; part C, lights and shapes; part D,
chapter VII, carriage of dangerous goods; chapter VIII, sound and light signals; and part E, exemption.
nuclear ships; chapter IX, management for the safe
operation of ships; chapter X, safety measures for high- International Convention on Standards
speed craft; chapter XI-1, special measures to enhance of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping
maritime safety; and chapter XII, additional safety measures for Seafarers
for bulk carriers.
The Convention as amended prescribes qualification
For example, a review of relevant provisions in chapter V standards for masters, officers and watchkeeping
on the safety of navigation may be particularly relevant, as personnel on board seagoing ships, along with
some of the provisions require that, from the point of view watchkeeping procedures. Article 3, for example,
specifies that the Convention applies to seafarers on port State control, based on the Memorandum, sets
serving on board seagoing ships entitled to fly the flag of out a number of additional obligations for information
a State Party. The provisions would therefore need to be exchanges and reporting between member States of
amended before they could apply to autonomous ships. the European Union with regard to port State control,
as well as on the professional qualifications of ship
International Convention for the Prevention surveyors. Such instruments will also need to be
of Pollution from Ships reviewed with regard to autonomous ships.
This Convention is the main international convention Examples of international legal instruments and legal
covering the prevention of pollution of the marine issues that the Legal Committee of IMO may need to
environment by ships from operational or accidental examine with regard to autonomous ships are outlined
causes and is widely ratified, with 157 States Parties as at below.
31 July 2018, and applies to over 99 per cent of the world’s
tonnage. It includes six technical annexes, as follows: Nairobi International Convention on the
annex I, regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil; Removal of Wrecks, 2007
annex II, regulations for the control of pollution by noxious
This Convention, with 41 States Parties as at 31 July
liquid substances in bulk; annex III, prevention of pollution
2018, representing 72.41 per cent of the world’s
by harmful substances carried by sea in packaged form;
tonnage, provides the legal basis for States to remove
annex IV, prevention of pollution by sewage from ships;
or have removed shipwrecks that may have the
annex V, prevention of pollution by garbage from ships;
potential to adversely affect the safety of lives, goods
and annex VI, prevention of air pollution from ships.
and property at sea, as well as the marine environment.
Autonomous ships, when in operation, would have to With regard to autonomous ships, the terms “master”
comply with relevant provisions in the Convention to and “operator” and the requirement for the master and
the same extent as traditional staffed vessels including, operator of a ship to report a wreck may need to be
among others, provisions with regard to construction reviewed. In addition, the requirement that the master
and equipment-related requirements for various types and operator report without delay on the nature of the
of ships such as oil tankers; operational and procedural damage may need to be reviewed. The requirement
requirements such as discharge limits and ship-to- under various liability conventions that certificates
ship transfers; and reporting requirements in the event attesting that insurance or other financial security is in
of spills. These provisions will therefore need to be place must be carried on board may not be relevant if
reviewed. there is no crew on board (IMO, 2018b).
international law and private law, and a multipronged Their exploitation may, in the near future, become a
approach is needed. The IMO secretariat was requested promising activity in areas beyond the limits of national
to conduct a study of cases received and provide jurisdiction. In the absence of a specific international
information on the capability of the Global Integrated legal framework regulating related issues, negotiations
Shipping Information System of IMO to address the have been ongoing since 2016 at the United Nations
issue, potentially including contact points, sample on key elements for an international legally binding
certificates and a list of registries (IMO, 2018g). The instrument under this Convention on the conservation
consideration of measures to prevent unlawful practices and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of
associated with the fraudulent registration and registries areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. The
of ships was included in the work programme of the outcome of the fourth meeting of the preparatory
Legal Committee, with a target completion date of 2021. committee established in accordance with General
Assembly resolution 69/292 of 19 June 2015,
3. Legally binding instrument under the held in July 2017, included a number of elements
recommended for consideration by the General
United Nations Convention on the Assembly in the elaboration of a text (UNCTAD, 2017a;
Law of the Sea see
Under this Convention, resources found in the seabed htm). The General Assembly, in its resolution 72/249
beyond the limits of national jurisdiction are to be used adopted on 24 December 2017, decided to convene
for the benefit of humanity as a whole, with particular an intergovernmental conference under the auspices of
consideration for the interests and needs of developing the United Nations to consider the recommendations
countries (article 140). However, the Convention does of the preparatory committee on the elements and to
not include a provision on the use of marine genetic elaborate the text of an international legally binding
resources found in the water column, which are instrument under the Convention. The first session is
commercially valuable and hold considerable potential scheduled to be held from 4 to 17 September 2018.
for the development of advanced pharmaceuticals.
Table 5.1 Contracting States Parties to selected international conventions on maritime transport, as at 31 July 2018
Date of entry into force or
Title of convention Contracting States
conditions for entry into force
United Nations 6 October 1983 Algeria, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon,
Convention on a Code Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Chile, China, Congo, Costa Rica, Côte
of Conduct for Liner d’Ivoire, Cuba, Czechia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia,
Conferences, 1974 Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Honduras,
India, Indonesia, Iraq, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liberia,
Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco,
Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Qatar,
Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia,
Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Somalia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Togo, Trinidad
and Tobago, Tunisia, United Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay, Venezuela (Bolivarian
Republic of), Zambia
United Nations 1 November 1992 Albania, Austria, Barbados, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chile,
Convention on the Czechia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Gambia, Georgia, Guinea, Hungary, Jordan,
Carriage of Goods by Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Morocco, Nigeria,
Sea, 1978 (Hamburg Paraguay, Romania, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Senegal, Sierra Leone,
Rules) Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia
United Nations Not yet in force – requires 30 Burundi, Chile, Georgia, Lebanon, Liberia, Malawi, Mexico, Morocco, Rwanda,
Convention on Contracting Parties Senegal, Zambia
International (11)
Multimodal Transport
of Goods, 1980
United Nations Not yet in force – requires 40 Albania, Bulgaria, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Georgia, Ghana, Haiti, Hungary, Iraq, Liberia,
Convention on Contracting Parties with at Libya, Mexico, Morocco, Oman, Syrian Arab Republic
Conditions for least 25 per cent of the world’s (15)
Registration of Ships, tonnage as per annex III to the
1986 Convention
International 5 September 2004 Albania, Benin, Congo, Ecuador, Estonia, Lithuania, Monaco, Nigeria, Peru, Russian
Convention on Federation, Spain, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Serbia,
Maritime Liens and Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Ukraine, Vanuatu
Mortgages, 1993 (18)
International 14 September 2011 Albania, Algeria, Benin, Bulgaria, Congo, Ecuador, Estonia, Latvia, Liberia, Spain,
Convention on Arrest of Syrian Arab Republic
Ships, 1999 (11)
Note: For official status information, see the United Nations Treaty Collection, available at, and UNCTAD, Conventions
on commercial maritime law, available at
limit for all ships is expected to bring positive results under Sustainable Development Goal 14, developed
for human health and the environment. Guidelines and developing countries are encouraged to consider
to support the implementation of the limit are being becoming parties to relevant international conventions
prepared by IMO. It is important for shipowners and for the prevention and control of marine pollution as
operators to continue to consider and adopt various a matter of priority. The widespread adoption and
relevant strategies, including installing scrubbers implementation of international conventions addressing
and switching to liquefied natural gas and other low- liability and compensation for shipsource pollution,
sulphur fuels. such as the International Convention on Liability and
Compensation for Damage in Connection with the
Given the importance of implementing and effectively Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by
enforcing strong international environmental Sea, is also desirable in view of the significant gaps
regulations and in the light of the policy objectives that remain in the international legal framework.
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IMO (2018f). Report of the Working Group on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships. MEPC 72/WP.7.
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