A Course in Manifestation
A Course in Manifestation
A Course in Manifestation
First, we will review the first Manifestation Workshop, plus go far beyond
that workshop by exploring all of the reasons that most people never
manifest anything new in their life.
A COURSE IN MANIFESTATION includes absolutely everything that
needs to be known to allow you to manifest the kingdom of heaven on
It is totally up to each individual to map out the course within their own life
that will insure that the reality that they desire will manifest.
EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE by the end of 2016, and some will still be
living in the world of emotion and some will be living in the world of Light
that has manifested as the reality within their Psychic Brain.
This course will set you on the journey that you choose to be on.
This course is going to alert you to hundreds of reasons why you are not
manifesting anything new and remarkable in your life. After you know the
reasons that you are not manifesting your heart's desires every moment of
every day, you can begin to remove those reasons.
The worst thing that can happen to you is for you to think that you just
can't seem to manifest and yet you think you are doing it correctly and you
just keep doing it in the same old way and it just never works.
Now you have a choice to continue doing it the way you have been or look
at the reasons why your method might not be working for you.
One morning you will create the movie that you want to play during that
day. The next morning you will wake up and create another movie of a
reality that you desire. You will go to sleep with an unconditional desire,
and gratitude for the most wonderful adventure of EXPERIENCE without
Expectation, and you are going to create the image of your desire without
any conditions. This will happen because your focus is crystal clear. You
will be completely disconnected from the Thinking Brain and you will be
completely present in the Feeling of the Highest Frequency in the Mid
Brain. This is why you must be in a Trance State that has connected you
into the Virtual Realities that exist beyond the body within an imaginary,
invisible movie that projects itself onto your movie screen in the morning.
This is where all of your dreams come true.
This diagram has certain colors drawn onto specific parts of the brain to
reperesent frequencies of consciousness.
For instance, when you look at the diagram of the brain, you will see the
Blue area in the Brain. That is the area that we call the Mid Brain. The Mid
Brain area is Frequency Specific. That means it does not Think. It only
receives and sends messages of light and sound. It receives pure images
through light which form into the Reality around you.
Our purpose of being on Earth is to create our desires and experience
them in great excitement and gratitude without any expectations. We
project the movies that we create within our DNA.
The DNA is actually a movie making machine. The Pituitary Gland is the
Movie Projector that we will project our new movie into our Radial Shield
that surrounds our Body. We can't see that Movie Screen, because we
have not had it programmed into our memory banks of the neo cortex.
Our old movie, which was not God's Movie was created in the Neo Cortex
which uses the Judgment Loop to keep a fabricated illusion playing on our
movie screen. Those old movies must be melted away just like burning old
movie reels that Sony Pictures no longer wants.
The only way we can melt away the old movies is by actually taking them
into the Plasma of the Sun and melting the old energy. This energy is then
return into our new light spectrum in order to create new realities from the
old wisdom.
We can then move into the Mid Brain where there are no old movies
stored. There is pure unconditional love just waiting to create new ideas
upon the movie screen.
When we learn to move into the State of Patience and Unconditional Love
of the Mid Brain, we begin to manifest instantly all of our heart's desires.
We must first learn how to move into the part of the brain that allows us to
remain in the the state of Unconditional Love by putting the THINKING
BRAIN into a Trance or paralyze it into a state of hypnosis because as
long as Neo Cortex is doing the Thinking we remain in a loop of
There is no judgement in God's Movie. There is only Unconditional Love
expressed through a state of no time, no space and no distance, which
removes all separation between the reality of this density and all that is in
the Cosmos and beyond.
will need to review a few items from previous workshops.
These were a few points that were covered in the first Manifestation
Workshop. You can't even begin this workshop without knowing where
your Neo Cortex Thinking Brain is, which is the system that creates the
loop of judgement between logic and creativity; and, how that is a
separate system than the Pineal and Pituitary Glands that transmit the
Frequency Specific Unconditional Reality.
1. Draw the Brain
Find diagram and learn the parts of the brain
2. Find the neo cortex, pineal , pituitary, thymus, hypothalymus, medulla
3. Draw the frequency pyramid and brain and co-ordinate the colors.
Just copy my drawings so that you get them into your mind. The Brain has
been simplified into the Yellow Brain and the Blue Brain and the Violet
Brain. The Yellow Brain is the Thinking Brain- the Neo Cortex, the
Judgment Loop. The Blue Brain is the brain that uses the Unconditional
Love. It uses the Infra Red to turn the Invisible Light into the Blue Hue
which allows a new reality of multi dimensional frequencies to appear.
The Violet Brain is the area that connects into the Super Consciousness
through the Secondary Consciousness that plugs the neuronets into a
brand new reality that is completely outside of the physical reality that was
programmed into the neuronets from the neo cortex.
We are unplugging the neuronets from the neo cortex and plugging them
into the Super Consciousness. We are un plugging the old movies in the
neo cortex and plugging into the movie projector that can project God's
Movie onto our movie screen. This vast creation mechanism functions
through the DNA. The DNA is now being plugged back in to Super
This first week is just to WAKE YOU UP to the fact that you have not been
living in the Mind of God most of the time. If you remain in the Mind of God
COMPLETELY with out one mark on your paper, you would manifest any
desire that you have created unconditionally. That is just a Fact of Life. It
is the way God made the Universe. If we are not manifesting it is because
of something that we are still creating in our thinking process.
Become the object of your own focus this week. Become aware of what
you are thinking about.
Moving the Mind to the other side of the Veil-from the visible to the
invisible, or the limited density of the third dimensional physical to the fifth
dimensional, spiritual multi dimensional spectrum of reality.
Using the Atomic Mirror to remove the Veil between the physical and
spiritual self.
The Frequency Specific Brain is Unconditional. It knows no time, no
events, no people, no places, not one circumstance is contained within
Unconditional Patience of No Time.
Instant Manifestation takes place when you are Focused on the Desire
and then instantly move into to the Focus within the Patience of No Time-
the place on the other side of the veil, the place we take the mind to when
we move through the atomic mirror that separates physical and spiritual
In order to obtain the clearest Focus, we need to move from the thinking
brain to the mid brain where :
There is no thought- only the unconditional concept.
There is only pure frequency.
The Frequency of place removes gravity and lifts the body.
Focus will be received and the desire will grow clearer and clearer as
visions of the desire pop into the mind during the day. The Vision of the
Desire grows stronger and stronger until the image cannot be erased from
the Third Eye. That is when it projects onto the movie screen.
The only reason that this event does not take place INSTANTLY is
because you did not create the Desire in the State of Patience, No Time,
Trance, Highest Frequency, in the Atomic Mirror without any interferance
of blockage of focus.
The Kingdom of Heaven has no lack.
Patience is the removal of insecurity, conditions, judgements, limitations
and lack. Those things only exist in the neo cortex of the brain.
We place the neo cortex loop of judgement into a state of paralysis when
we move into the highest frequencies of light and sound. The thinking
brain can not function when the mind has traveled through the atomic
These were a few points that were covered in the first Manifestation
Workshop. You can't even begin this workshop without knowing where
your Neo Cortex Thinking Brain is, which is the system that creates the
loop of judgement between logic and creativity; and, how that is a
separate system than the Pineal and Pituitary Glands that transmit the
Frequency Specific Unconditional Reality.
1. Draw the Brain
Find diagram and learn the parts of the brain
2. Find the neo cortex, pineal , pituitary, thymus, hypothalymus, medulla
3. Draw the frequency pyramid and brain and co-ordinate the colors.
Just copy my drawings so that you get them into your mind.
4. Understand how walking into the candle is moving your body INSIDE of
the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound of the entire Cosmos.
5. Understand that when you move through the Full Spectrum, or you walk
through the Atomic Mirror into the other side where the spiritual invisible
and physical become one, this creates a blue hue which is an atomic
reaction caused by these frequencies interacting. That is why it is called
an atomic mirror.
CHECK OUT the movie SMURF's and watch the first scene when the
Smurfs fly through the atomic mirror from one reality into another reality
that can not be seen by those on the other side. This will help you
understand EXACTLY what you are doing when you walk through the
Atomic Mirror.
6. Understand that when you walk into the Sun in your Consciousness
that you are doing the same thing. You are walking through the light into
the pre light and sound in the atomic mirror and when you go through the
mirror you see the Sun turn Blue.
This state that you feel when you see the blue hue or blue sphere is the
feeling of walking through the atomic mirror.
7. Understand the Full Spectrum of Light in the Music of the spheres.
There are five spheres. Cosmic, Universal, Galactic, Solar and Planet.
Each of these spheres is made of a density of particles that spin within
each of the others to create light and sound. When we are spinning within
all five spheres, we can actually spin out of the Matrix and back into the
Void of the Infinite Unknown Mind of Creation. This is when we are in a
Lotus Body that is wrapped in the Blue Hue. This is how Buddha could
levitate. When you raise your frequencies into the pre light and sound of
the plasma body, the plasma body is levitating and therefore your body is
levitating. You may not be able to see this but you can FEEL IT.
8. In order to transform into the place of consciousness where
manifestations appear instantly, you must move consciousness much
higher than the physical hertzian and up into the gamma of the Sun and
beyond into the Cosmic light of the Pre light and Sound and then into
White Light which is the Highest Frequency.
Weekly Projects
1. Watch every single thought that you make about every thing all day
long for three days in a row.
2. Count how many times you have used your neo cortex, conditions,
judgements and emotions for one week.
3. Purify these thoughts by melting them in the plasma of the Sun. They
turn into PHONONS which turn on NEW DNA in the body. Write down
what you feel.
4. Spend one week watching your focus while creating your desire.
5. How many thoughts interfered in your pure desire?
6. How often did you float out of the trance with ideas and conditions?
7. How long can you keep your clarity of focus into the Patience of No
8. How fast did you manifest?
When this technique is learned that uses the infra red to see the blue sun,
to see the blue orb bodies that are the higher spectrum of your body, and
to move into a spectrum of reality that is purely spiritual or invisible to the
physical reality, you are also preparing your self to see every one and
every thing that is invisible to you in the third density.
We need to be able to see all of the other beings who are standing on the
other side of the Veil. And that when we can do this, and when we can
meet them because we can see them, that is when we can ride on their
space ships and be free to travel the universe. It has been made clear that
we will not be creating our own space ships for another 100 years, but
beginning around 2040, there will be many opportunities to engage in
Galactic Exchanges of Space Ship Technology.
However, those who are invited to ride upon others space ships are the
ones who have learned to enter communication and interface with their
own HOST BODIES in the Aurora Earth.
So, I have decided to make this one of the priorities within this Workshop
on Manifestation because we won't even know the glorious possibilities
that we can manifest until we begin to communicate with our HOST who
can escort us through the Veil between Net Earth and Aurora Earth. We
must be in Aurora Earth before the Fun can begin.
The HOST body is also the new self that we need to unite with to be able
to remove death from our agenda. The HOST body cannot die. As long as
we remain with it and in it, the Soul will not allow us to die.
I would like to share a few points with you of how I went through the
process of collecting together all of the valued processes that were taught
by the Universal Teachers who returned these sacred teachings to Earth.
When I first began going through the process of moving my
consciousness into the mirror and into the candle, I noticed that many
emotional images would rise to the surface.
I knew that the process that I was going through was mostly bringing old
images to the surface that were lodged in my neo cortex. I used to focus
on the candle for six hours in a row before I could stop thinking.
This is why I wanted to create a process that would allow others to stop
thinking much sooner than I did.
This is the technique that was taught for using an imaginary mirror to unite
into communication with the Host of your Ascension. Your Host is the
Plasma Body who can allow you to come onto a Space Ship and travel
through the Universe. I had this confirmed in a recent channeled interview
that I had with Treb from the Capella Star System.
The in-between state of Net Earth and Aurora Earth is called the Land of
Wa. We each have a Wa Host who will allow us to move through that Veil
of separation and into the Aurora Earth through the Consciousness of this
The purpose of the Mirror Technique is to make contact with your Host
who will lead you through the Land of Wa and into the Aurora Ascension
Earth. The Host is a Fifth Density Body (Sixth Dimension). This means the
Entity is almost Pure Light with a White or Golden Robe made from a
Plasma Like Substance. This is your Etheric Orb Body or Plasma Body
who can allow you travel within this dimensional self who is a Part of You-
the Rishic You of your original creation.The Land of Wa is the same place
that Fairies and Devas live within. It is the in between state.
Imagine looking into an invisible mirror with a point six feet in front of you.
We begin by filling the part of the mirror that is black(the atomic reflection
that is not allowing us to see through to the other side of the mirror) with
an atomic substance that is only available in the pre light and sound
realms of the Cosmic Domains. We must go in Consciousness into the
Inner Cosmic Domains of Earth's Crystal Heart in the 13.5 dimension to
collect the Heliotalic Gelaisic Radiation that can part the Veil.
We must combine that sphere of Crystal Gel with a sphere of Crystal Dust
that we travel to Sun Alcyone to collect. This is the Universal Stardust that
contains our Universal Consciousness. We combine those two spheres of
Crystalline substance with the Third Sphere of Crystal Liquid Light that is
created by connecting to the point that is six feet in front of the mirror. That
is the Zero Point where Transformation takes place. The Light moves
through the Plasma into Pre Vapor of Liquid Light Energy.
Presently, the mirror is locking us into this side of reality and not allowing
us to walk through to the other side of reality where there are infinite
parallel spiritual realities waiting for us.
First, we need to place a new substance in the mirror that unblocks the
flow of light.
Song 1
We travel down into the Earth's core into the Cosmic 13.5 dimensions that
are made of the heliotalic substance of gelaisic radiation. This is the
substance that makes space ships travel thousands of times beyond the
speed of light. It is the substance of transformation through the property of
removing space and time. We take our consciousness into the Crystal
Heart of Earth and Inhale this Cosmic Substance and then exhale it into
the mirror.
First, inhale the Cosmic Light from the Earth's Crystal Heart into your
Crystal Heart- Heart Chakra area.
Song 2
Exhale the energy into the 24 point radial burst.
Six up, six down, six to the left and six to the right to form the diameter of
a sphere that you standing in.
As you breath normally, notice the window of Wa begins to accelerate and
move more and more rapidly until it pulsates, trembles, melts and opens.
Observe a rushing sensation as the Veil of Wa rushes into your heart
chakra, transforming the three spheres of crystal liquid light, crystal dust
and crystal gel into one New Transformational Energy that allows the Veil
to Melt away and for your transformed DNA to perform the rebirth into a
body that can slide through the veil into Aurora Earth.
The energy transforms into one Gold and Silver Spark of Transformation
in the Heart. That spark replicates into every cell of the body, representing
the transformation of the DNA.
The veil of the atomic mirror has completely dissolved and then it
vanishes. You are standing in crystal pillars flowing through you in the
Aurora continuum of the New Earth.
You have parted the Veil of Wa. You have walked through the Mirror.
Course in Manifestation
You can also practice removing the space and time between yourself and
your spiritual self by using the Candle Technique.
1. When you look at the Candle, imagine yourself standing inside of the
candle. Imagine your feet standing on the stem of the candle and the fire
of the candle surrounding your body.
2. Imagine the mini body standing within the candle as your Spiritual
Hologram. Look at the mini body in the candle until you can see the
hologram's eyes looking into your eyes.
3. Realize that you truly do have the ability to walk through this mirror,
which removes time and space, and allows you to become one with your
spiritual self.
Standing inside of the Candle and walking through the atomic mirror utilize
the same principle using light and sound frequencies to turn on photons in
the body that react with the phonons in the DNA. This causes the DNA to
transmute into a brand new reality. The body actually transforms into a
plasma body of pre light and sound that exists within the physical body.
Both bodies exist and can not be separated from each other.
This process is training your mind to remove the Veil that separates you
from your Spiritual Self. This process is also training your mind to move
into the Mind of God. The Dark Anti Matter is the Substance of the Mind of
God. This is the substance that exists as you move into the Full Spectrum
of Light, which is anti light or pre light and sound.
This magical substance transforms your Consciousness from one of
separation into one of Oneness with all that you are.
When you move into this state of No Time, you are moving into your
Frequency Specific Mid Brain.
The Frequencies of Infra Red create a negative of the picture that you
want to develop. That anti matter frequency holds the ability to create the
negative of a picture of your spiritual self. That infra red frequency weaves
itself into the Visible Light Frequency to allow the hologram of your
spiritual body to appear three feet in front of you.
Go back to the CANDLE. See your hologram standing inside of the
Candle. Realize that your spiritual hologram is standing inside of the full
spectrum of light. These frequencies of light are transforming the DNA of
your plasma hologram while it is standing in the light of the Candle.
Realize that the hologram of you is the Spiritual anti matter you. Whatever
happens to your Hologram also happens to you. So, as your hologram is
being saturated with the entire spectrum of light, it is transforming into the
multidimensional Cosmic Body that is beyond time and space.
Your Physical Body reflects all that your Spiritual Hologram is. This is
causing your physical body to transform, as the light frequencies turn on
the photons in the body as they interact with the phonons in the DNA.
The more you connect into Oneness with your Hologram in the Candle,
the more this Light Energy will penatrate your DNA and transform your
Practicing this Process of seeing your hologram in the Candle and seeing
your Spiritual Self three feet in front of the mirror. This should be practiced
at least three times a day. This process is shifting your Consciousness to
remain in the Mid Brain continuously.
The process should be practiced until your Thinking Brain is placed in the
state of a Trance or the state of hypnosis. We must remove the Thinking
Brain Completely.
The only place that pain or disease can be created is in the Thinking
Brain. That brain needs to be paralyzed and disconnected from your
Moving into Anti Matter- the Mind of God
The process of walking through the mirror should be practiced until there
is no light because you have moved consciousness into anti matter or
dark matter, which is Spiritual Substance that the Mind of God is made of.
Practicing the process with the Candle helps you achieve this state of the
Dark Room a little faster because you have a Light to work with. The light
of the Candle should be the only light that is in the room. Everything else
should turn black. This means you are in the Mind of God. You are in the
Dark Room of Creation.
When you achieve this state of anti matter, your thinking brain should be
totally silenced.
Now, we are going to draw a new diagram. Look at your Candle. Please
use the video of the candle that is on the crystalmagicorchestra. com
home page. Also use the diagram of the pyramid of light energy.
Draw a candle and then draw a triangle around it. The top of the triangle
is the top of the candle. If you look at the pyramid of light frequencies, you
will notice that the top of the candle has pink silver light frequencies. That
is the frequency of the 14.5 dimension of heliotalic pastel energy. It is an
energy that contains helium, gamma, plasma, x-ray, invisible light, and all
of the other lower light frequencies. The HIGHEST FREQUENCY
That top point of the triangle, and the top point of the candle show us the
place where the Cosmos-- the fifth sphere touches the Mind of God-- or
the Source Field of Infinite Unknown potentials of REALITY. When the
Merkaba spins together all of the five fields of energy within the Outer
Sphere, it is doing the same thing that you see the Candle doing. The
Merkaba holds together all of those Frequencies of Light together and
molds them into a form of reality. In this case the form is the Candle. The
form can also be the Mental Light Body that is three feet around the
Physical Body, or it can be the entire Cosmos around the body.
So, we see all of those light frequencies within the candle, and we see
them within the upper part of the Merkaba.
Now, what did I tell you that you would need to do to begin to see the
Candle Turn BLUE?
I said you must absorb all of the light frequencies of the candle into your
body-- especially into your Mid Brain to make your brain become
frequency specific.
Why do we do this?
The first step to returning to immortality is turn off the thinking brain
because it will just keep telling you that you are going to die. When we
move to the Mid Brain, it is frequency specific. It does not speak in
languages. It speaks in the language of KNOWING. And you will not find
Death in the Knowing.
So, that is why we are focusing on Melting the Brain away. We don't want
to hear the thinking brain's opinions about death, disease, age, religions,
or any of those piles of lies that have been accumulated into the cellular
Now, you might have noticed that there is only the upper portion of the
Merkaba drawn over the candle. The base of the triangle will be drawn
through the stem of the Candle.
The Stem of the Candle is Hertzian. It is the third dimensional realm of the
Five Senses that can be seen, touched and heard. That is much like our
physical body.
So, now draw an image of your body as the stem of the candle. And think
of the base of the triangle going through the heart chakra area, just like in
the previous merkaba drawing.
Why do we only have the upper part of the merkaba? The upper part of
the merkaba is the electro-- the Light Frequencies-- the Anti Particle.
Next, draw the body that is standing on the Earth, and find out where that
bottom triangle would intersect the Crystal Heart area of the body that is
now the stem of the candle.
The bottom part of the Merkaba is the Magnetic. It is the part of the energy
spectrum that pulls the anti-particle LIGHT ENERGY- the Spiritual into the
And where does the intersection always happen?- At the Fifth Dimension.
In the Soul-- in that 4,5,6 chakra area.
We learned how to walk into the candle, absorb the frequencies and see
the candle turn blue.
When we see the candle turn blue, it means we have activated the Mid
Brain-- the Frequency Specific Brain-- the Blue Brain.
We must do that first, or the Thinking brain will just continue to take center
stage and tell you that you are going to die some day.
Now, go back to seeing the entire Cosmic Merkaba spinning around the
entire candle and clear into the Cosmic Core Domain of the Earth, and
see your body standing in the stem of the candle.
We must spin the electro-upper into the magnetic -lower part of the
merkaba to turn the Hertzian Body-- our physical body (the one that only
sees and believes the five senses) - into the Blue Body, that blasts out of
the prison of the FIVE SENSES into the Infinite Unknowns of all
When we become the Fifth Dimensional Blue Body, we can tune in to all
of those frequency channels of all of the information that has ever been
known and that will ever be known. The Fifth Dimension is the HUB of all
that is. It is the place where we can still be experiencing our creations in a
tangible form that still has some density, but also contains all of the etheric
density that must be created from the Intuition, the Knowing, the
Imagination. It is the Invisible realities that we create in our Dreams.
What is different about this teaching of using the imagination and creating
dreams, is that when the THINKING BRAIN IS TURNED OFF and the
Frequency Specific Brain is turned on, we will realize that the DREAMS
are the Reality and the Thinking brain is the ILLUSION.
The inner sphere would be the sphere that is around your fourth and fifth
and sixth chakra area. That SOUL area now contains all of the Information
that is contained in all of those other spheres of Consciousness. We have
created a new Morphogenetic Field of Consciousness that contains all of
the Light and Sound of the entire Cosmos, Universe, Galaxy into our NEW
SOLAR REALITY. We now know that we hold this vast information that is
flowing into the Frontal Lobe and into the Mid Brain and into the Lower
Cerebellum and Medulla Oblangata in the back of the brain. The Mind of
God connects from that point in the brain which also connects to the Soul
Center out into that point at the top of the Candle and the top point of the
Merkaba, That point connects to the Infinite Source of Energy and
Information-- the Mind of God.
When we use the CANDLE LEVITATION DVD, we are learning how to
FLIP OUR BODY INTO IMMORTALITY. We are learning to walk into the
Full Specturm of Light- which is Source. We go completely into the Source
Field, and then our body flips into a new reality. The new reality is the
BLUE BODY. That is the Fifth Dimension. The Fifth Dimension means
Multi Dimensionality. It means you are not within the Infinite Possibilities of
Manifesting through the Mind of God and living in an Immortal Body inside
of the Source Field.
When we continue to use the light in the candle, we are practicing walking
through the full spectrum of light, which means the white room of the Mind
of God. Once we walk through that diamond door in to the White Room
and then turn around, our body becomes the blue body. Once we are in
the Blue Body we can practice levitating because we actually move our
bodies into a higher dimension that allows our body to be in a new
standing wave pattern that does not contain gravity. Gravity is just an
illusion or a part of the hologram that we think we are living in.
When we breathe the frequencies that spin the Universal Band into
attunement with the Cosmic outer Band, we have breathed together all of
the frequencies together so that they will rise up into the Source
When you disolve, you emerge as a HUE of Light. A BLUE HUE. You
become the Ultra Violet Blue. Your old self has disappeared- disolved-
transmutted into the Mind of God to be re-born as the Fifth Dimensional
Self which is the Multi Dimensional Self of all Dimensional Realities. This
is the Self that will be allowed to travel through all Universes, create Star
Systems, return home to Source, or just sleep in the Mind of God forever.
There are many pieces to the process of Ascension. Each one of the
pieces is a part of how we learn to tune out of the Five Senses and into
the other Seven Senses.
We have been told that we must RAISE OUR FREQUENCIES. Most
people don't know how to do that so we created Music that does it for you.
The frequencies are created by taking Consciousness into the higher
Harmonics Universes and blending them together in a certain way that
creates Frequencies that allow us to Transmute our Bodies and our
Realities beyond the Third Dimensional Five Senses.
We are learning that there are many more realities beyond the ones that
we behold with the Five senses. That perception is only a very small part
of the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound.
So, we created the Music to allow you to connect your consciousness into
the Christic Consciousness of the 12th Dimension and the Cosmic
Consciousness of the 14th Dimension, and then also out into the Pre Light
and Sound Fields beyond those and then clear out into the NEW
COSMAYA of the 13 Cosmos which connect to the Infinity of other
Cosmos in the Source Field.
Now, you can begin enjoying the feeling of all of those other sound fields
besides the Hertzian range of Audible Hearing. This means that this
teaching does not come from the Solfege teachings. It comes from the
Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse, which is beyond the Earth's
Matrix and even beyond our old Cosmic Matrix. The Frequencies of this
teaching come from the Grand Yanas of the Pre Light and Pre Sound
creating a new reality from the Source Field of Infinite Consciousness.
When we use the diagrams that show the spectrum of light frequencies
and where those frequencies are heard and felt in the brain area, we
begin to realize that we haven't been using the part of the brain that tunes
in to the Pink White Light of the Mind of God or even the Blue Frequency
in the Mid Brain.
We can easily tune in to the Blue Frequency by walking into the Candle
because the Blue Hue is the result of absorbing the full spectrum of Light.
We can feel that frequency filling the Mid Brain and when that happens
the old THINKING BRAIN stops analyzing all of the old ideas that have
been placed in it over the past millions of years. The Mid Brain turns off
the Thinking Brain and allows the Mind of God to take over the thought
When the Mind of God gets plugged in to the area at the top of the back
bone and the bottom of the skull there is a frequency connection into the
Seed Atom of our original creation and into the Vagus Nerve which
controls all of the nerve centers in the body. So, you see, we can, in fact
plug our bodies back into the Mind of God.
Now, that we are being given this gift of the Fifth Dimension, we will need
to learn how to TUNE IN TO IT. We must raise our frequencies of hearing
and seeing. The Frequency Music itself does this. It actually tunes you in
to the Blue Hue which also tunes you in to fields of light that are in the
Invisible Light Spectrum that you have never seen before.
You can build on this new ability of going beyond the Veil of the Senses by
doing the Candle Process that is described in the CANDLE LEVITATION
Pick up a Card. Look at the card with the numbers on the back of the card
facing away from you so you cannot see them.
Place your mind back into that state of consciousness that caused the
room to turn black. Return to the Dark room of the Mind of God.
When you look at the card in this state, you are going to learn to see the
numbers on the back of the card rise up above the card where you can
see them.
The reason that this is going to happen is because when you are in the
Mind of God you are in a frequency with out any electrons creating
negative and positive charges. You have moved your consciousness
beyond electrons into the pre light and sound of anti matter. This is where
the frequency of the positron is created. The positron moves through
physical surfaces as if they don't exist.
For instance, when the Sun sends a positron to the Earth, the positron
saturates into the Earth and then moves through it into its Anti Particles.
You have learned to take your consciousness beyond the light into the pre
light of creation. In the Mind of God all reality is in a sphere of 360
degrees. In this sphere you can see an entire sphere around you. You can
see what is in back of you and in front of you at the same time.
When you look at the "playing card" cross eyed, and in this anti matter of
the dark room, the card will seem to disappear and the numbers that are
written on the back side of the card will rise up and turn around so that
you can see them.
When you can train your consciousness to do this, you have crossed the
Veil into the Mind of God.
The Master of the Ancient Mystery Schools could master this discipline by
reading the backs of an entire deck of cards.
When you can read the back of the card, you will be ready to manifest any
thing your heart desires instantly because you will be removed from space
and time and you will be continuously in the Mind of God.
This is where you must be in order to manifest.
When you have mastered that discipline, you would be ready to begin the
discipline of levitation and bi-location on this planet. This also opens the
veil for continuous communication with anyone in the universe.
The Hologram of the Spiritual Body is a Negative because it is in the Anti
Particle Universe. In order to make the Spiritual Body turn around and
look into your eyes you need to use this Infra Red Frequency that creates
the negative of the negative and makes it into a positive. The Anti Matter
is like a Photo Development Lab.
There is nothing more important in the Ascension Process than becoming
One with your Spiritual Self by walking through the Veil of Anti Matter into
the Cosmic Soup of transformation and into the White Light of the original
Source of Creation.
The worst thing that can happen to you is for you to think that you just
can't seem to manifest and yet you think you are doing it correctly and you
just keep doing it in the same old way and it just never works. After you
know the reasons that you are not manifesting your heart's desires every
moment of every day, you can begin to remove those reasons.
Now you have a choice to continue doing it the way you have been or look
at the reasons why your method might not be working for you.
One fine morning you are going to create the image of your desire without
any conditions. This will happen because your focus is crystal clear. You
will be completely disconnected from the Thinking Brain and you will be
completely present in the Feeling of the Highest Frequency.
There will be nothing besides you, and every omnion in your body, every
neuronet in your body, all of the DNA in your body, and the entire sphere
of consciousness 8 meters around your body being will be filled with the
omnipresence of the Mind of God.
You will be in the Mind of God when you are in the Patience of no time in
your Psychic Brain which is your Mid Brain- Pineal and Pituitary glands
functioning as the Movie Camera that creates that desire and creates it
through the webs of light and sound in all dimensional realities
You will learn to wake up each morning and create the exact reality that
you desire. The reality can be anything that you want. There are no
limitations in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Why is it so absolutely imperative to learn to Make God's Movie before
Fall 2016? Because this is the moment that there will be enough Light in
the Crystalline Grids to allow those who are living in the Light to Shift
completely out of the World of Emotions.
The Crystalline Grids have been accumulating emotions from everyone on
Earth for the past several millions of years. Now, with the help of our
Guardians and Star Families, the Light is being returned to the Grids.
Once there is more Light than there is Emotion, the entire Consciousness
of the World will shift.
However, each individual will have some amount of the Emotions left
within them. The amount of emotions left within them will be the amount of
connection that they still have to their Thinking Brain.
Those who have moved into their Psychic Brain will be completly tuned
into the Light. Those who are still tuned in to the Emotions will be living on
an island by themselves because that Reality will no longer be on the
Movie Screen of those who have moved into the Light of the Grids.
When the Grids were full of emotions, man was metallic or Carbon Based.
Now, when the Grids are full of Light, man will become the Golden man or
the Stardust based man. This Stardust is the 12th dimensional
consciousness or the Universal Consciousness of the new Universe.
The human being will still be the form that contains the density of the
hertzian frequencies; however, the complete light spectrum will also be
present within them. They will become a being of Light rather than a being
of Emotions.
That is what a Fifth Dimensional Being is. A being who is living in the
Consciousness of the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound or the Mind of
God where the Omnipresence of Light Energy saturates the Cells, the
Nueronets, the DNA with the Unconditional Love of Instant Manifestation.
Those who have learned to shift their minds into the Light and out of the
Emotions by learning to maintain Focus within the Mind of Patience where
there is no time or space will completely shift into the LIGHT of the
Crystalline Grids and become free from the Mortal Mind.
The years 2015-2017 will produce a more and more accelerated energy
state that will allow manifetsation to occur faster and faster at wha tevery
energy state that you are in.
If you are in the energy state of emotions, those emotions from the neo
cortex cellular memory will continue to produce more and more of the
emotional dreams from the old realities of the old Earth.
If you are in the energy state of light in the psychic brain through the blue
hue and transmutation and in alignment with the Light in the Crystalline
Grids rather than the Emotions in the Crystalline Grids you will manifest
desires through that light energy faster and faster.
This is why there will be more and more events arising that are completely
emotional and conditional in nature that push conditionality to the highest
At the same time there will be those who are living in the Light energy who
are creating more and more manifestations of the realities of peace and
love and supply that they desire.
We are moving into a time where many people on Earth will be creating a
new version of reality.
The reality will depend on how often they create their reality from their old
neuronet, that is woven through their neo cortex Thinking Brain that just
keeps re making old realities into emotions that must be turned into light
and transformed: and, how often they create their reality from their new
neuronet that is woven through the frequency specific mid brain into the
secondary consciousness, that creates reality from the infinite unknown
source of instant manifestation.
Those of you who are working with the techniques in the Course on
Manifestation are learning how to move into the Host Body. That would be
where your Soul goes when you die. However, you already know how to
merge into oneness with your host body, so your Soul will have no need to
leave your body, so you can not die.
You have been given the technique of Trancing out into your Mid Brain
and moving into the Secondary Consciousness when you go to sleep.
This means you can no longer be un plugged from your Secondary
Consciousness because you have already plugged it into your neuronets.
Everyone has a choice. They can just continue living the way they are or
they can transform the process of their life style.
In the new version of reality, every time an old emotion arises, it will be
taken up into the plasma light of the 8th dimensional sun energy and
melted into a new light energy.
Those who choose to do this with their emotions will be keeping their
energy for eternal life, those who do not OWN THEIR EMOTIONS, will be
leaking their energy, so that they do not have the light energy needed for
eternal life.
Imagine a car. It has an engine. It runs on gas. The gas is creating energy
and then when it is used up it creates exhaust fumes. In the body, those
exhaust fumes would be the energy of the body leaking out. In the car,
there must be more gas poured in. In the body, there needs to be new
food put in the body because it leaked out old emotional energy.
Now, imagine there is this car that runs on an energy that immediately
keeps remaking itself by turning the plasma into the pre plasma of a vapor
substance that is then densified into more plasma and the car runs
This is exactly what we do with the body. We can now begin to run on the
plasma body. That is the spiritual body that we don't see now, but we can
learn to see it. We can see that body and move into it by using the atomic
mirror technique.
If we practice doing this now, we don't have to die in order to do it. If we
learn how to move into this infinite supply of plasma and pre plasma now,
we don't need to become vaporized when we die.
First, the secondary consciousness unplugs itself from the body, which
also unplugs the neo cortex, so the brain flat lines.
This causes the Infra Red body which is the Blue Body or Plasma Body to
The Soul turns into vapor and moves out the top of the head and then
moves to the ceiling and looks down at the body.
It looks down at the body and decides if there is any reason to return to
the body.
The soul can return to the body at any time. It can be a few minutes later,
or even several weeks later, if it chooses to.
I know this is true, because I watched my husband's soul return to his
body more than a month after it had left his body.
The soul decides if the body is searching for a new experience.
In the case of my husband, his consciousness was busy flying through the
cosmos looking for experiences in every doorway. He was so busy looking
for excitement through inner experiences, that his soul stood by and
waited for him to return to his body by bringing his secondary
consciousness back from the infra red into the hertzian body.
This was one of the first examples of how the process of dying has been
In a normal death, the secondary consciousness leaves, and then the soul
leaves as a cloud of vapor and rises through the top of the head and
moves into the infra red body.
However, if we have already moved into the infra red plasma host body by
practicing the atomic mirror technique,
--And we have already plugged into the secondary consciousness by
activating the frequency specific mid brain and plugging into the violet
brain in the lower cerebellum, and plugged into the waves of the brain that
allow the violet brain to journey into the cosmos at night and to return
safely with new memories that plug your neuronet into a new reality,
--And, if we begin to communicate with our Soul in order to inform it that
we have already chosen to move into a continuous new Experience that is
When we can proove that is True to our Soul, then and only then, can
There be no more death.
If we program this reality into our neuronets and into our Soul now, the
process of death can be de-programmed from the Soul.
If this process is completed now, the Soul will not leave the body, because
it knows it is already in the Infra Red Body and it knows that all of your
experiences are coming from the unconditional love of the mid brain.
The Soul no longer sees your body as a place that has run out of
experiences and leaked out all of its emotions. The Soul sees a body that
has owned all of the emotions into a knowingness of light energy and
transformed the emotions into new light energy.
When the Soul sees this happening in the body, it will never leave.
When the body is transformed into the infra red host body, it can continue
to live as a Christ walking on the Earth for thousands of years.
When we learn to move into our plasma host body, plug into the
secondary consciousness and trance out, we can then float out the
window at night and be taken onto space ships.
After we practice doing this during our sleeping hours enough times to
create a path in consciousness, our bodies can transform into the stardust
that rides in the Blue Plasma Body on to the Space ship.
My husband needed to do this in order for the Sirians to re plug is new
plasma body back into his hertzian body that could remain on Earth and
also orb back on to the ship in the future.
explain how you have prepared your secondary consciousness, your mid
brain, your soul and your plasma host to become de programmed from the
process of DEATH.
We have bands of light around us that have been called the spheres - the
five spheres- the music of the spheres. These are bands within bands
within bands or spheres within spheres. Each band or sphere holds a
different wave length and frequency. The higher frequencies are the outer
bands and the lower frequencies are the inner bands.
We have these bands within cells, within our bodies, around our bodies,
around our atmosphere and clear around us in the cosmic sphere of about
one hundred feet diameter. Outside of the cosmic sphere is the Source
field of pre sound and light energy.
These five sets of spheres are replicated from the inside to the outside.
There are five fields of energy replicated over and over again - the energy
fields of the planetary would be the hertzian and infra red and visible light,
because that is what we experience.
The solar realm would include the invisible light and x ray that allows the
blue body to be seen. The galactic realm is made of gamma rays and then
we go clear out into the white light and pink white light of the Universal
sphere. Finally we go out into the pre sound and pre light of pure
All of these bands of frequencies exist within our cells, within our bodies
and then within the merkabas that activate the at one ment with the liquid
light energy of Source Consciousness bringing the attunement of all of
these spheres into a reality activation.
We must teach our old brain new tricks. As long as the yellow brain is in
charge, nothing is going to change in our lifetime. If we want to change
into the light spectrum of eternal life, instant manifestation, co-creation,
turning into light, we must use the blue brain - the mid brain.
What we learned from culture shock syndrome was you don't even realize
you are going through culture shock until you return to your home. At that
time you start seeing things that you never realized existed before. The
same thing is true when we go to the blue brain and then return to the
yellow brain. We realize that there are things out there that we didn't
realize existed before.
When we walk into the candle light at the invisible light area and turn
around, we are actually walking into our Host Body of Plasma. This is
exactly like walking into the Sun. We walk into that invisible infra red
frequency and turn around into the visible light frequency to ignite the
spark of source. This process is also taking place at the outer sphere
where the Cosmos meets the Infinite Unknown Spark of Source. When
that spark is ignited the new idea is born in the Ultra Violet Blue realm of
Consciousness. When we stand on the stem of the Candle, we are
standing on the place where the Spark of Source is ignited. This is the
place where the Flame ignited a new idea. And instantly, the entire Flame
of the Full Spectrum of Light or the Entire Consciousness of Source
engulfs and surrounds the idea. The new idea is immediately given birth
into the complete Mind of God. When we walk back out of the candle, we
can see the blue light spectrum within the candle's light and we can see
blue spheres surrounding the Candle. This is because we flipped our
consciousness from the visible light into the invisible light spectrum. We
began to see the Invisible as easily as we see the Visible. This means we
have made contact with the other side. If we can train our consciousness
to hold on to that blue light spectrum long enough, we can begin
manifesting the new reality that we aren't seeing yet.
This is exactly what happens in the Music of the Spheres. Each time we
take a Note from the Visible light spectrum and draw it together into the
opposite side of the spectrum of the note on the Invisible light spectrum,
the two flames of the opposite spectrums ignite a flame and create a new
frequency. This is happening continuously within the spheres of the
spheres of the spheres of the Music of the Spheres.
When we understand how particles came into being from gamma clear
down to hertzian then we have an understanding of unknown, secret
The more you explain it -- the more it is getting into the yellow brain -- the
more we address the resistance - the easier the flow.
All true knowledge comes first from mid brain. It is frequency specific. The
mid brain can access the 5D blue body. The blue body can become a
reality for a time taken from frequencies into mid brain and then created
into a picture by the electromagnetic fingers of the reptilian brain.
However, the yellow brain has its electromagnetic fingers in so many other
sets of processing , that the image of the blue body is erased almost
The yellow brain erases anything that it has a reaction to. It reacts to any
new information coming in that it isn't familiar with. The yellow brain fires
toxic poisons energy of negative reaction when it receives information that
is new or different.
But, when we can reeducate the yellow brain to completely understand
this new information of the new frequencies of new information, the new
higher frequencies can begin to melt away the old ideas that are lodged
within the yellow brain of that personality that came from belief systems.
We must conquer this resistance.
When the frequency is received through the mid brain, it is the yellow
brain that must process this idea through the recess of background
knowledge that it has. If it doesn’t have the back ground knowledge of
how everything was created from the breath of source, igniting a spark to
form an idea into the atmosphere, the sky, the stardust to form the realities
we live within from the Omni particle of all creation, the yellow brain
cannot process the information that it receives from the mid brains
If the yellow brain can make the pictures while we create a dynamic inner
force field and an outer force field. That is how consciousness and energy
create reality. To move energy up and to activate the frequency bands,
first we must understand the frequency bands. The music of the spheres.
The frequency waves of the hertizian level of this earth, the infra red of the
parallel earth, the visible and invisible light spectrums, the ultra violet blue
body that we have been many times before, the x-ray band that allows all
light to stream into the sound bands and create the soup of heaven, the
gamma waves that connect our wave bands, to our highest light of
We must understand how our soul has returned to this 6th dimensional
realm of the blue body thousands of times and how it has remained there
for many lifetimes in between. We must have the background knowledge
before our yellow brain -personality will allow these frequencies to be help
permanently in the neuronet and then allow the body to turn into 6th
dimensional blue body which contains the mind of god, which contains
immortality, which continues co-creating.
These are just all words that are immediately misunderstood and then
dissolved by the yellow brain and then replaced by former old school
knowledge that was formerly placed in the yellow brain - upper
cerebellum, until the yellow brain has spent enough time experiencing
Aquafaria, the life style of the immortals who live in the Blue realm and the
actually frequencies of this glorious heavenly realm.
Crystalai and aDolphino spend all of their days and nights in this
magnificent blue body realm. We breathe it into our atmosphere. We live
in Aquafaria in our Lucid Dreams. We allow our Aquafaria families to swim
through the neuronets of our chromosomes in order to create our 12 DNA
that links us to this world permanently.
We were given this extremely valuable message from Mother Mary and
Cinderella our cosmic mothers of co-creation.
They answered this way. When we are consciously in Aquafaria more than
we are in our third dimensional reality. We will be in the 6th.
They added this important fact. They said we will not move to Aquafaria,
we will move Aquafaria to Earth. The Healing of Temples of Aquafaria will
move to Earth in 2017.
This is exactly what we are doing every minute of every day. We are
spending more and more time in our Aquafaria home absorbing the
frequencies of this sixth dimensional realm and learning everything there
is to know about it. This is the realm where there are millions of
elementals show us how to redesign our bodies into the omni particles of
our original creation from the breath of god. These breaths of Source
frequencies are breasted in to our etheric chromosomes to realign our
DNA at the omni level into a New Form of consciousness.
The picture form. The observed red - the yellow brain - opens up the
picture because the picture has been translated into frequency. So, I can
see Aquafaria because I first make it a reality strong enough in my yellow
brain. That the yellow brain would not resist it and erase it.
Second, I become so familiar with the frequency of the ultra violet blue
Aquafarian Reality that knew it as on frequency signature as well as all of
the many individual frequency signatures that exist within this reality. I
become familiar with the frequency signature of all of the family of
consciousness of my Aquafarian family, and the atmosphere and
frequencies of the crystals, the water, the temples, the mansions, etc.
I breathe these frequency signatures into the CD's in the Ascension Kit,
Cosmic Kits, Family Kit and Super Frequency Kit. The Cosmic Kit contains
songs sung by my Aquafarian Family that describe their Reality in their
own words. The song, All is Love from Magic Dolphin describes the way of
thinking of this reality the best. The Super Frequencies in Ultra Violet Sun
are extremely important to feeling and understanding the Blue Body that
exists within the realms of the Sun Alcyone, Aquarius and Aquafaria.
Each frequency begins its journey from my connection into the zero point
of Source Consciousness. Where the Omni particles of all creations is
breathed into the Spark of Source and ignited into a Flame to create a
rainbow flame of energy to create anew reality from.
That spark of Source is ignited from within the crystal heart of each cell in
the body . The zero point of each cell in the body contains that spark of
Source. That Omni particle that created each soul on earth. That same
spark of source created the omni particles or stardust, rainbow, galaxies
and universes.
When that spark of Source is breathed into the bands of light and energy
to create the music of the spheres, that breath of Source raises the
frequencies of the entire mass of the body. The body becomes lighter and
lighter until it levitates, walks through walls and disappears.
That doesn’t mean that you are no longer here. That means that you have
allowed your blue body frequency to transform the yellow brain. The
personality has becomes a believer because it understands it feels, it
knows the reality of this frequency of Source, the frequency of Cosmic
Consciousness, the Frequency of the Aquafarian Blue Body.
The Music of The Spheres can be heard within the body as a humming
singing sound of light whistling through every cell in the body. It is felt as a
light feeling of invisibility and weightlessness.
The mind must be re-trained to see, know and feel this new reality. The
yellow brain hates NEW REALITIES. The Yellow Brain must understand
the reality go Cosmic Consciousness, angelic breaths of reality. The
yellow brain must first believe that there is a Blue Body an Aquafarian
Reality that swims within our etheric DNA.
These are the realities that we are helping those who desire to experience
those realities experience and create into their own reality of a sixth
dimensional blue body living and moving and breathing on Earth.
This spiritual substance is flowing through our DNA as an ultra violet blue
liquid light that allows all light from the gamma waves of Sun Alcyone and
all Suns of Co-creation flow through our veins. This is the wave band that
allows our immortality.
When we become the Lords of our own Yellow Brain personality who
inform it of the Blue Reality that exists within us, we have regained the
harmonic convergence into the Mind of God. We connect into the Multi
Dimensional Mind of God to find we are free to live in all realities
Our bodies are made of bands of light energy. These light bands are
anchored in every cell, every chromosome, every muscle, every blood
particle. These bands are at every level.
These bands are inside of the body and outside of the body. The 12th
dimension light band is 12 inches above the head and 12 inches below
the feet. This Christ Consciousness band or grid connects us into the
Christ Consciousness of Mother Earth. This Christ Grid is also out in our
atmosphere. When we connect our consciousness into this Christ Grid
that is a band love light and wave frequency we can wrap our bodies in
this 12th dimensional zone of protection and immortality.
The Soul together with the Mid Brain to record all experiences as
frequencies. All experiences are either higher frequencies of contractions
from the high frequencies.
It is the Souls greatest desire to remove all contractions from its light
This is what is taking place in the wonderful realm of Aquafaria. The sixth
dimensional realm where the Soul returns to after death is continuously
trying to implant this glorious perfect realm where there are no
contractions from the high frequency bands. When all of the contractions
are removed which were caused by the yellow brain personality, who
continuously experiences the third dimensional belief systems, then and
only then can the soul feel it has completed its journey.
This life time on Earth the soul is being given the opportunity to connect its
light and bands into Aquafaria while in the body and clear all of the
contractions out of ties frequency signature so as to enjoy this sixth
dimensional blue body inside of and throughout the body .
The body would transform into the blue body of the Aquafarian frequency
The inner band is a result of all that has made us into a community of
signatures presence made from within to without. When we put this
picture up here in the frontal lobe that is all we need to do. The sub
consciousness- the observer, holds it, can translate the picture into
Putting the knowledge and the image into the frontal lobe while the seals
are intact energy is stationed in the lower seals are defining the
personality and the tour de force of the yellow basins are equal. The
sensual areas in which the brain defines all that is placed in the body
includes what food is , how to disgust it, what qualities it has.. This same
yellow basin that is defining our life and telling our body what will make it
well or what will kill it, how our days are numbered, that yellow brain. The
areas of absolute polarity who you are in a personality. If you place a
picture of Blue Body in your frontal lobe. That picture will be eaten up by
the yellow brain only tolerating it for so long yellow brain must be
transmuted and dissolved into higher frequency waves. The human is
divine, but is only being allowed to work upon the old karma of emotion
that was never brought to wisdom.
That is why the Soul returned to Earth because the old karma was never
given the wisdom that would allow it to connect to the Blue Body,
Aquafaria and never given the knowledge to connect to the multi
dimension mind of god.
The soul must be able to process this wisdom while in this body. to
remove the death sentence that is given to it byte yellow brain of carnal
knowledge, the knowledge given to it by the world.
These are all of the things that are programmed into your THINKING
You can do these things in your sleep because they are PROGRAMMED
into your Brain.
If you try to change something that you have programmed into your Neo
Cortex, the brain actually fights back with judgement.
Those old Rituals are under attack by the Judgement of the Thinking
We must use the power of focus to fire a frequency that allows a Form or
Idea to become developed on the Film of the Brain. This firing erupts the
energy in the body. This eruption of energy in the body is Consciousness
igniting a flame of source that allows a new idea to be born.
Consciousness plus energy equals a new reality.
We can connect consciousness out into the Wind (the Breath that ignites
the outer Sphere) and bring that consciousness of this Huge Breath of
Eternal Wisdom to ignite the Flame of the new Idea within the
Unconditional Brain.
The breath is the closest most sensual tangible form that represents the
will of God. it is the manifest code of the will the creation desire of God to
Create a new reality from.
God made an atom from his breath and formed an Omni particle and
created this body and breathed into flesh and the flesh was made man.
The BREATH OF GOD is in an absolute focus. In order for our light bands
to do something we must interrupt the connection of the mid brain the
yellow brain. The mind is the cohesiveness between the frequency and
the brain has to first turn its attention to a focus where it is at once
protected and yet changed by the consciousness intent of reality you are
about to turn on it. The first thing is the consciousness awareness that we
have put away our body and we are sitting up right from the spinal
column. By pass the part of the body that digests food. We must use the
nervous system through the back of the spine to by pass interference of
yellow brain. We must re-connect to the base of the tail bone to connect
our frequency specific brain into all of the neuronets of the body through
the tail bone.
This can be done through high levesl of yoga. However, it can also be
done through consciousness, which Babaji called the HIGHEST YOGA.
There are many other manifestation courses that have been on the market
for several decades. Most of them focus around the idea of magnetizing to
you those things that you desire or holding a positive thought in your head
that will magnetize a positive outcome in your life.
There is nothing the matter with this type of manifestation. It involves the
exact same process as going to school, getting good grades and getting a
job that reflects the level of education that you got.
Both of these processes of manifestation are based on the Thinking Brain-
the Neo Cortex. Both of them are based on re-manifesting a thing that
already exists in the Loop of the Neo Cortex. Both of these processes
utilize the Emotional Brain and the Emotions in the Crystalline Grids.
The manifestation process that uses the Mind, but doesn't inform you
about which Mind you are using is just another continuation of the old
programming that is designed to keep man in the Emotional Grids rather
than shift into the Light Grids of the Aurora Earth and the Kingdom of
Heaven on Earth. The old manifestation methods utilize the Metal in the
Grids whle the new manifestation method uses the Gold in the Grids.
The Power of Positive Thinking is completely about creating Conditional
Reality. The very act of creating a Positive Thought instead of a Negative
Thought is placing a Condition upon it. The title has three words in it that
are very enlightening. The word Power is a condition, the word Positive is
a condition and the word Thinking tells us that we need to be in the Neo
Manifestation requires Purity of Focus where there is no power, there is
no judgement of positive or negative and there is no thinking. There is a
Desire and there is the Light Energy or Frequencies of Consciousness
and there is the Trance State that is caused by the High Frequencies
shifting Consciousness into a New Version of Reality. The rest is of the
Movie Production is done by the Mind of God.
In our moment of clarity we move from the Thinking Brain into the Mid
Brain. There will be no Analysis or thought in the mid brain. There will only
be that pure, clear unconditional concept that we deisre.
The one giving the desire is yourself--your higher self. Your self already
knows what you want. You dont' need to place conditions or analyze or
process the data. The frequenceis of creation create the Pure Idea into
Pure Form.
When ou are in the hypnotic state and you fill your consciousness with the
highest frequencies of the Cosmic Consciousness, you will feel lifted as if
gravity disappears and you are levitating. This is the feeling that proceeds
a manifestation. It shows that you ahve made the connection to the
There is a state of knowing when we move to the mid brain and in that
state you create the focus and in a moment you receive that focus and the
rest of the day will be the unfolding of the mornings manifestation clearly
and miraculously.
Trance, Patience, Hypnotism and analogical mind are all the same thing.
It is a dimension of No-Time or Timelessness where messages are sent
and recieved through the highest frequenceis and transformed through
infra red and visible light.
The infra red acts like a digital camera. It processes a picture or dsired
image EXACTLY like a digital camera. It creates the negative of the
picture and then the visible light processes the negative into a visible
reality in the dark room of the Mind of God.
This camera works correctly to create any desired reality when a person
creats the desire in clarity and focus and unconditionally.
Of course, these are all just words until the individual goes through the
experimental process of manifestation through the mid brain.
First , we must make sure we are creating the desire in the Mid Brain and
not in the Thinking Brain.
Second we must know how to activate the mid brain with frequencies and
how to move into a trance state.
Third we must know how to hold a picture of a desire in the mid brain in
focus and clarity.
Fourth, we must realize to never place conditions on the desired thing
such as time, place, events, people, etc. The manifestation only takes
place if it is unconditional.
Fifth, we must hold the focus within our mid brain that maintains such a
high frequency that we feel like we are levitating.
We must begin each day by thinking Lofty thoughts of Sovereignty and
Enlightenment such as
I am living in the Kingdom of Heaven
I am living among the loving, kind, respectful children of God
I am the origina lperfect man of God's creation
Everything that God has is mine
I am God
I am that I am
I am created in the image and likeness of God
I am the original man of the 12 DNA template
I am Christ walking on Earth
My day will be filled with meeting Entities from Christic Star systems who
will Guide me on my journey.
I will be invited to ride on the StarShips of my Family from Pleiades and
I will meet entities of light today including fairies and entities in Orbs
I live move and breath Divine Love
I am vital, strong, energetic and ageless
I live and move and have my being in the Mind of God
I am the image of Divine Love, Truth, Substance, Supply Intelligence,
Life and Christ Consciousness.
My cells create a brand new body every nano second.
My cells contain the codes of Eternal Life.
We do techniques to raise frequencies such as the journies on the
meditation kits, Eternal Life Water Sets, Acension Formula, Lift Off,
Merlins Manifestation.
The frequencies in these meditaitons lift consciousness into the place
where the journey takes you. The journies guide consciousness to move
into the spaces where the higher frequencies can be accumulated and
layered in to multi dimensionality.
The Trance state can be obtianed by moving consciousness into the light
of the candle or sun or by creating a long tunnel of light in front of your
head and walking down the tunnel into the light at the end of the tunnel. At
the end of the tunnel there is a Diamond Door. When you walk through
that Diamond Door into the Mind of God you then see the Blue Hue. This
Blue Sphere becomes visible in front of you. This means you are within
the Mind of God.
The Trance state needs to be obtained by accumulation of Frequencies of
Light and Sound because it is a state of light and energy connecting into
the complete Mind of God in the nmost inenr domains of Cosmic
Moving into Focus is moving into a Holy and Pure Place
Your Dreams come to you on the condition that you create them in
When we create we must make sure that we do it without doubt disbelief,
unworthiness, lack or tiem. When we can create our dream in focus and in
purity within the Holy and Pure Place within the Dimension of Patience or
Timeliessness, the dream will appear as we originally designed it.
Why do we need to be patinet in our manifestation?
Patience means one fine morning you will create your dream- your desire-
withoiut any conditions. It will be the clearest morning of focus that you
have ever had. In that moment of clairty you will move out of the thinking
brain and int othe mid brain and there wil be no analyzation of anything.
There is one remedy for all that might be ailing you. It is to stay in the
Mind of God. That's all we have to do. When we stay completely in the
Mind of God, the body will heal instantly. When we stay completely in the
Mind of God, we will manifest our heart's desires instantly.
Many people work hard to stay in the Mind of God by reading
metaphysical books or listening to angel messages. These remedies do
help a great deal. They help because it causes people to be more in the
Mind of God.
Most people do not stay in the Mind of God. The Mind of God is simply the
Frequency Specific Mid Brain. It receives correct pure data directly from
Source and delivers it into the neuronets of the body.
There is one little obstacle to this process. It is the Neo Cortex- the Upper
Cerebellum- the THINKING BRAIN. That brain contains old data that is
not pure. The old data contains Judgements. The Neo Cortex has a loop
within it that creates a judgement field.
While the person who is trying to keep his or her Mind on God and
connect to the Frequencies of Source Consciousness, the Neo Cortex is
Fighting the Process. The Neo Cortex sends a flow of poison into the Mid
Brain that pollutes the efforts of creating the Body that is in the Mind of
In order to heal or manifest, all we have to do is stay so completely in the
Frequency Specific Mid Brain that the Thinking Brain can not enter in to
the process of manifestation.
I have been going through a challenge this week that has allowed me to
see how this process works. Several days ago I ripped something in my
back when I was lifting a heavy object incorrectly. It was so painful that I
couldn't sleep, I couldn't move, I couldn't think.
So, I went through this process of moving completely into the Mid Brain
with my Frequency Music to help hold me within this Trance Like State
that connects me completely into the Realm where I could be a
RECEIVER of pure energy. I would reach this state of Purity, where there
were absolutely no thoughts coming in except visualizing my body as
being a perfect body of light. I would feel brand new. It did not hurt to
move in bed or to bend down and pick something up. The pain was
completely gone.
And then I would have one little tiny negative thought about something
and I would go right back to the way I was. And then I would go through
the clearing again and it would feel like I had shifted into a brand new
But, one little negative thought would come in and I would shift back to the
other body with pain. It became very obvious that I was shifting back and
forth between two different bodies. This is a sign of the times. We are in
such a fluid state of Consciousness now that we can actually see the two
different realities side by side. One reality is within the Consciousness of
the Mind of God. One reality is within the Neo Cortex- Mind of Man.
This is an excellent opportunity for me to see and realize how often my
mind strays back into the old thoughts of the Thinking Brain. I am very
motivated to stay in the Mind of God where the Perfect Body always
The purpose of the TRANCE album is to PARALYZE, TRANCE OUT and
HYPNOTIZE the Neo Cortex, so that it just can not create Judgements. It
becomes completely disfunctional. It begins to allow the pure truth from
the Mid Brain do the THINKING.
It is important to practice moving the Consciousness completely into the
Full Light Field along with the Cosmic Frequencies in the music until you
reach a TRANCE state. The Trance state means that you are moved out
of the Neo Cortex and into the Mid Brain. When the Desire is placed in the
Mid Brain and help there in complete purity, the desire will manifest.
However, if any ideas from the Neo Cortex pop in unexpected, the pure
body will not be so pure any more. The Mid Brain is a movie projector. It
projects out the reality that is placed in the Mid Brain.
I am not talking about placing thoughts in the Neo Cortex and projecting
them. This is what people have been doing for thousands of years. This is
what we need to stop doing. We need to create the image in the Mid Brain
and melt away all images from the Neo Cortex and Never let any of those
images enter into the picture.
That is it. That is all we have to learn to do to heal ourselves instantly or to
manifest instantly.
It sounds easy. But, we might not realize how often those thoughts from
the Old Brain are distorting our perfect picture. We are flipping in and out
of different versions of ourselves, as I have experienced this week.
We are all doing it. You may not have such a dramatic pain to measure
the difference between the God Picture and the Man Made picture and all
of the millions of different versions in between that are being created by
the thinking brain.
We move from the Thinking Brain with the Emotions and Beliefs into the
FREQUENCY BRAIN where there are not thoughts or beliefs telling us
that such a reality exists.
You can get into the Frequency Brain by listening to the Re-Birth Album.
You could strengthen that connection to your Frequency Specific Mid
Brain by moving your consciousness into the Candle Flame or into the
Sun while you are listening.
Keep working on moving your body completely into the Candle Flame or
into the Plasma Sun until you have moved into the Full Spectrum of
Frequencies. This is when you will see the Blue Sphere above the candle
or you see the Sun turn Blue.
This is the evidence or proof that you walked through the Veil. The Veil is
the place that you move your consciousness through when you see the
White Light turn into the Blue Hue. That is the proof that you went through
the Veil.
Moving through the veil means that you have moved into your Spiritual
Body. This allows the connection of your Physical Body and your Spiritual
Body. The Blue Sphere is your Fifth Dimensional Spiritual Body. It is your
higher self Sixth Dimensional Self as well. It is all of your Multi
Dimensional Selves. It is your connection with the Mind of God.
Now, maintain that vision of your Blue Sphere within your Mid Brain. See
the Blue Sphere when you close your eyes.
Do not begin the Manifestation or Healing Process until you can see the
Blue when you close your eyes and when you look at the candle or the
Now, close your eyes. See the Blue Sphere. Now, inside of the Blue
Sphere, see the desired reality and state the reality. I am a Perfect Body. I
have Perfect Health. I am Christ Consciousness holding the oneness of
my Spiritual and Physical Body. I am the Perfect Original One created in
the Mind of God.
You must hold that vision in the blue sphere continuously. Know, that
when you see that Vision of your Perfect Body, this is the REQUIRMENT
that allows your Higher Self to Create that REALITY for you.
Your Higher Self can only manifest in your reality field that which you have
already desired as a creation through your Blue Sphere in your Mid Brain.
If you continue to allow OLD EMOTIONAL BELIEFS of a body that is not
perfect in your Mind - in your Vision that you project into your Blue
Sphere-- your Higher Self is seeing this as the DESIRE that you are
wanting to become manifest. Your higher self can only manifest that which
you project into your mid brain movie screen.
If your body is not youthing, it is because you are still holding the old
image of a fifty year old body instead of a thirty year old body and you are
not saying I am thirty years old in a perfect body and seeing that image in
your blue sphere of light energy. YOU must hold the image of the NEW
YOUNG PERFECT BODY MORE STRONGLY than the image of the old
This is how Healing is done and how Youthing is done, and this is how
Manifestation is done. Healing is manifesting the desire for the image of
the Perfect Body.
The purpose of the Music that holds you within the Mid Brain and in the
Thymus and in the Crystal Heart is to get you to move OUT OF
THINKING BRAIN with those Old Images.
It is that Thinking Brain- the Neo Cortex that HOLDS ON TO THAT OLD
That is what the thinking brain does. It just reprocesses over and over an
old idea that came from beliefs placed in the Consciousness of the
As you go through this process of shifting out of the Thinking Brain and
into the Neuronet that connects you into the Mind of God, you will need to
create a list that will help to guide your new thinking process. You will
need to watch your thinking and watch how your thoughts are creating
your reality each moment of everyday. This will guide you in creating a list
of what you really want to create in your day and what you want removed
from your day. As you go along in this process you will realize more and
more things that you want removed from your movie of reality.
There is more to the process than just manifesting a pile of money. You
need to learn what is inside of your thoughts that is making you believe
you are not worthy of a pile of money and transmute those beliefs out of
your mind. You must find out if there is any fear connected to any of your
thoughts that might be blocking the manifestation.
There are a million reasons why you might not be manifesting that pile of
money. It could be because there is something in your mind that is still
relating to the belief in time. Or it could be something in your mind that is
still relating to the belief in government and taxes. It could be a belief as
simple as connecting times, places and events to the desire for wealth.
Each one of the beliefs that surround the desire for wealth could be de-
manifesting your desire faster than you are creating the manifestation.
This is the first step that we must take before we can manifest. We must
transmute all of the beliefs that are being held in the Thinking Brain. The
fastest way to do that is to just stay out of the Thinking Brain completely
by filling your Consciousness so full of the Highest Frequency that none of
those lower frequency thoughts can enter in. But don't deceive yourself.
Those thoughts are going to fight hard and long to continue to manifest in
your movie of reality.
First, you need to know and realize and believe that you are the only
creator of your reality. What you experience in your day is created by you.
However, it is not the you that you want to be. It is the you that has been
programmed into your thinking brain without you even realizing it. All of
the beliefs that you rationalize as the good, the true, the proper, the
correct are all CONDITIONS of reality.
The Mind of God which is the Psychic Brain of Creation can only create
These are brand new ideas that you need to spend a lot of time thinking
about until you don't need to think about them any longer. Only then, can
you even begin to consider moving out of the Thinking Brain. If you are
still being brain washed by your religion that certain conditions are good
and other conditions are bad, you are going to have an impossible time
removing yourself from the Conditions that will not allow you to manifest.
If you are still being brain washed by your education system that you need
Conditions, Logic, Emotions, Judgements, Rationalization and you need
to grow in your ability to Argue and Debate Facts from Fiction you may as
well forget about this Course. You will be remaining in the Grids of
Emotions and in the Thinking Brain that will never manifest any new
The more that you stop using the Thinking Brain and spend that time
moving your consciousness into the light of the candle or the light of the
Sun and moving into the Full Spectrum of Light energy until you ignite the
spark that creates the Blue Hue, the faster you will move into the Light
and out of the Emotion.
These are first steps. You must do the first steps or you will just continue
to manifest the same old reality that you created yesterday.
The hardest part of this course in manifestation is ADMITTING that these
things are true. Your world is created by you and no one else. I know that
it is always difficult to swallow that accusation that we are the creators of
all of those people in our version of reality who judge us or hurt us or treat
us with no respect. I know how hard that is to believe. I also know that
when your mind gets crystal clear and you do begin manifesting with the
mid brain, that it becomes very EASY to realize that those old movies that
you were creating came directly out of your own Thinking Brain.
We will soon realize that we are the Movie makers. The only way that our
seeming reality seems to manifest as our experiences is directly from and
through and to each individual's own movie projector and movie screen
around their own individual radial body.
We are not actually in other people's movies. We are only in our own
movie. However, we have never taken the time to remove all of those
people from our movie that we don't want in it. That is the only reason
those people who run the government and create wars are in our movie.
We just haven't taken the time to remove them. We can't remove them
until we are ready to become our own government and create our own
reality. We have the ability to create a complete world unto ourselves.
That is how normal reality works. We were just never told how to create
God's Movie before.
We cannot create a movie of any kind using the Neo Cortex. That part of
the brain only recycles old movies of realities that you saw on your movie
screen because they were left over in your old cellular memory which is
you Akashic Records within your Neuronets.
We cannot start this process of manifesting through the Mid Brain until we
become so tuned in to that Frequency that we learn to feel as we connect
consciousness into the all of the Music of the Spheres. This means all of
the spinning of frequencies at faster and faster rates of spin. For instance,
the gamma wave spins much faster than the hertzian wave and the silver
pink light spins even faster and when we spin all of those spheres of light
energy together we pop out of the light and into the pre light and sound of
creation energy. We pop out of the Veil and into the Cosmic Soup and into
the Void of Infinity. When we turn around and look within we then see the
Blue Hue. The Blue Hue is the manifestation of a new reality taking place
as a result of moving into all of the Omnipotence of God's Light and then
looking back to connect the spiritual light into the physical light and
remove the polarity or separation of spiritual and phsyical
Manifestation happens because we move into the Spiritual Light where all
creation takes place. The more we practice the Candle Technique and
walking into the Sun, the more familiar we get with that Feeling which is a
Frequency. At some point in time you will learn to instantly connect to the
Feeling of that Frequency without needing to do the process of walking
into the Sun each time.
When you can wake up in the morning and immediately access that
frequency and immediately focus on the reality that you want to see unfold
in your day, that will be the day that you are living in Patience. You have
removed the polarity, the time and space and your new reality can begin
to manifest through the light and sound of creation.
You will wake up just saying Thank you Father, I know that all of my
desires have already been created because you know what I desire even
before I do. I thank you for knowing my desires so comopletely and
perfectly. I am excited to experience this wonderful reality that you have
created in this Frequency of Abundance.
In this statement there is no condition placed on the desire. There is only
gratitude of knowing the desire is already manifest. Therefore the desire
will manifest instantly.
When I was working on my Dissertation to obtain my Doctoral degree I
was having some problems with my Committee who decides if I can
graduate or not. I asked a Practitioner for help. I was given this great
All I needed to do was hold the Vision in my Mind that GOD ALREADY
I was granted my Doctorate the next month.
This formula worked because it was a knowing that as God, who we all
are, all things have already manifested. All we need to do is know that we
are God. We become God by moving our Consciousness into the
Omnipresence, the Omniscience, the Omnipresence of the Full Spectrum
of Light and Sound of All that Is. When we are in this Psychic State of
Light we Know that we are already fabulously wealthy because God is
Already Fabulously Wealthy.
So we have this formula.
I am Wealthy.
I am perfect health.
I am a genius.
I am the master of manifestation.
I am healed and restored.
I am ageless.
I am ten years younger
I am levitating.
I can move mountains.
I am God and God already manifested a Perfect Kingdom of Heaven.
Draw this image on a card and hold it against your forehead- with the
image touching your forehead. That is the place where you hold the
picture in the mid brain or blue brain. That is the blue brain area- it is
called the third eye or the psychic brain. That is the place where you hold
the image.
Now, draw within the merkaba heirophant a symbol of the thing that you
want to manifest. Such as dollar bill signs for wealth or a stick figure of a
perfect body or a symbol of freedom from fear. These are just possible
symbols of ideas or desires. You can choose to draw any symbol that
represents the desire for you.
Hold that image in your blue brain with this process. I am sorry I didn't
give this to you sooner. I forgot that I used to always use this method
when I began practicing manifestation. I have realized that I need to go
back to this method as well.
What I meant by the little stick man was to be the image of the perfect
body. Yes, you see your perfect body inside of the heirophant. You can
choose to draw any symbol that represents the desire for you. It will help
you get used to knowing that you are in FOCUS and that the heirophant is
always holding you within the Oneness of the Entire Divine Mind Matrix.
The music is designed to help you feel and remain focused on the areas
in your body where you feel the music. After you go through the process
of feeling the clearing in the heart and throat and mid brain areas find the
part of the music that helps you stay focused in your mid brain area- your
third eye area. Place the image of your perfect self in the heirophant in the
third eye and keep that focus always. Keep it so long that the image starts
to pop into your head throughout the day without you needing to think
about it.
If your FOCUS is on the DISEASE and not the removal of it, the old image
will just keep appearing. The healing can not be accomplished until you
REALIZE that you can SHIFT out of the body that contains that disease
However, you can not SHIFT out of the old IMAGE until you no longer
hold that image in your Brain.
The Brain is a Movie Projector. What ever you place on the Screen is
what it will project. If you place an image of a Perfect Body that Body will
I recommend that you start using the Sun instead of the Candle. Look at
the Sun through some leaves on a tree. This helps to create the
photosynthesis process that allows you to move into the Plasma Energy of
the Sun-- and it protects the EYES.
Do not look directly at the Sun. Look at the Sun through small areas
between leaves on a tree. Practice this until you see a Blue Sun.
Now, notice how that feels. Seeing the Sun turn Blue is caused by a
process taking place in the brain. It is caused by moving into the
Frequency specific brain and out of the Thinking Brain. When you see the
Blue Sun, that is when you place your Image of your Perfect Body in the
Blue Sphere. When you see the Blue Sun and close your eyes, you
should continue to see a blue sphere inside of your head. You are seeing
the Mid Brain in the Blue Sphere. This is the place where you create the
image of the Perfect Body.
I have given you some background knowledge of why the THINKING
BRAIN- the Upper Cerebellum- the Neo Cortex and the Hypothalomus
does not function as a part of the Original Template of God's
We can not use that part of the brain if we want to manifest the Kingdom
of Heaven on Earth. We must stay out of that part of the brain, if we want
to manifest a new reality, if we want to manifest our true DESIRES.
Now we are learning to move into the Mid Brain- the Frequency Brain in
the Six Chakra and in the Pineal Gland. This area of the Brain works on
the Principle of Patience. This means there is no time or space here. This
means there is no judgement or expectation here. If we bring any of the
thoughts, beliefs, judgements or expectations from the Neo Cortex into the
Mid Brain, it can not function on the Principle of Patience. And that is why
your manifestations can't be created for you.
If you use the new album RE-BIRTH to feel the clearings in your 4,5,6
chakra area and especially in the Pineal Gland, you will have the first
experience of the Patience that keeps you Focused within the Mid Brain..
Go to that Feeling or that Frequency within your Mid Brain. Go there
without your beliefs and judgments. Go there with your frequencies
already melted into the Mind of God. These are the frequencies on the
Go into the Mid Brain with your Desire. All you need is to be there with no
thoughts from the Thinking Brain and One Desire--Just One.
You give the Desire to the Mid Brain in the Form of Knowing and
Gratitude. This means that you say I am Fabulously Wealthy. I have
always been fabulously wealthy. I will always be fabulously wealthy.
Thank you for my Infinite Supply.
That is the Experience. That is Experience of Knowing that your Desire is
Known to your Higher Self and your Higher Self Manifests all of your
You are now experiencing the shifting in and out of a new body. Those
pillars of light coming up out of the crystalline grids are presenting a
choice continuously to choose the light or the emotion, the light or the
emotion. The Grids are still full of our emotions and our thinking brain is
still full of our emotions. We must learn to not THINK. Every little thought
is pulling out all of the emotions from the neo cortex and the Emotions
from the Grids. So, this process is more intense than ever.
The points where the crystalline grids overlap with Earth creates a build
up of energy called a node. A node feels like a warm blanket of loving
energy. Three types of nodes are vortex, portal and vortal.
They are the points of energy that allow our Consciousness to clean itself
up and to recalibrate in to a new consciousness.
A portal amplifies Gaia. A vortex is where energies collide and move. A
vortal is a mixture of a portal and a vortex.
Nodes absorb energy that is no longer needed.
Nodes represent pure creative energy. The nodes are absorbing the old
energy so that the Crystalline Grids can be recalibrated with new energy
of new consciousness.
The nodes are actually drilling a hole into the Grids so that there is a new
place for the Guardian Races to Plant our new consciousness.
Nulls are pure creative energy. But the magnetic fields of this energy are
so overwhelming that it is difficult to live in these places. Most of these
nulls are in the ocean. The Bermuda Triangle is one example of a null.
The Crystalline Grids are designed by human consciousness and they are
being redesigned by human consciousness as it is changing. When there
is enough change in consciousness, a hole can be bore into the grids to
allow new energy of consciousness to flow in.
The DNA will begin to reflect the Original Genisis when Man was made in
the Image of God, rather than the Image of Mortal Man with Sins. The
Sins were the creations of the Looping in the Neuronet. That Thinking
Brain Loop will now melt away and be replaced by the Light and Sound
Frequencies of the Blue, Violet and Golden parts of the Brain. The
Emotions of the Thinking Brain will be replaced by the Light of the Mid
Brain in the New Born Babies, and in all of those who choose to go
through the Re-Birth Process now.
These phenomena are all etheric, spiritual invisible to the five senses.
This is why we are getting help from those on the spiritual parallel planes
at this time to help us understand this phenomena.
The main purpose of this training is to learn to focus deep within the cells
into the most etheric place that you can image. In this zero point energy
center of each cell there is a place that needs to be re programmed. Our
DNA, our cells our neuronets have an old program within them.
We melt away the old programming of the DNA with the etheric vapor that
is recorded in this set of music.
And then we replace the programming within the DNA by using this
process of taking the divine template that is stored within the etheric water
substance within the 8th Sun and within the Earth's Crystal Heart. This
Divine Template of Eternal Life programming needs to be placed back into
the cellular memory which is the DNA.
The DNA then becomes reprogrammed with the Divine Template within
the Plasma Vapor which carries it.
The complete Spiritual body that was lost at birth as a result of the
mutations placed in our system eons ago.
That spiritual body may now be retrieved and permanently placed into the
body. This is possible for the first time because of the work our Cosmic
Dolphin families have completed as they have realigned the electric
circuitry system of all light and sound to braid into streams of turquoise
and aqua blue light and to become activated by breaths of consciousness
of the sounds of our new creation. This spectacular light and sound is
streaming down form our family in Aquafaria.
1. Activate the Light Body by first creating a crystal light sphere in the
Heart Chakra area and placing a mini-me of yourself inside the
2. Next let that mini-me grow into the size of your full body.
3. While lying flat on your back in bed place a magnetic shield under
your body
4. Send your Light body down through a chamber or tube (riding on
top of the shield) down through the Earth’s crust
5. Now exhale to send the Light body on down to Earth’s Core
6. Push down through the shield at Earth’s Core into the LIQUID
LIGHT area
7. Ride the shield of the Crystal Light Body down through the Aqua
shield and into the liquid light energy field-the atmosphere feels like
water, but it doesn’t make you wet-you can float on it swim in it,
breath it
8. Next- Pull the miniature light body down through the bottom of the
liquid light shield and into the Etheric Realm of Earth’s Core.
9. Focus attention in and around the miniature Body as it is positioned
with the Ethers within the Nadia Crystal there is a translucent
iridescent, pastel silver violet frequency chamber. The metallic
glitter and sparkle and flicker to define the sphere around the Light
10. Take one step down through this shield and enter a mirror
laying flat right at the center of the earth
11. This mirror separates the physical side of earth from spiritual
side of earth.
12. The Shield opens and Merges with Spiritual Shield when
Spiritual frequencies come into Light Body and Physical body.
Inhale the Golden Crystal Body into the Light Body Shield (This shield is
like a merkaba vehicle, it is simply a form of moving forms of light energy
form one place to another).
Feel the sensation while passing through the mirror membrane of Mother
There will be a sensation of passing through a liquid metallic mirror into a
different frequency pattern of less density. In the crystal heart of the Light
Body there is a sparkling metallic pastel like glitter of sparks growing into a
flame in the center of the crystal heart.
This crystal heart is remembering its ONENESS with the Crystal Heart of
Mother Earth. These two hearts- the heart of Mother Earth and the Heart
of the Crystal Light Body flame and merge into one new flame of
ONENESS. We become ONE with all that Mother Earth Contains in her
Crystal Heart.
Now, slide the new crystal light body down into the Silica Chamber deep
inside the Mother Earth's Core.
This is where the original body was created as a Silica Based body before
being transformed into Carbon Based matter. Reunite with this Silica Base
Energy of Etheric Substance.
Now the physical, spiritual, golden crystal dust iridescent and Silica Based
bodies have merged into ONENESS.
Now, we can raise this newly formed Iridescent body up into the original
Physical Body and continue to remove all that is left from this third
dimensional density consciousness from it.
Next, see a silver cord of life running from the heart of the IRRADESCENT
Body into the Heart of Spirit body.
Next the Liquid Light Frequencies will be sent from our Sirius Etheric
Realms and Aquafarian Etheric Realms to cleanse the IRRADESCENT
Now see a pearly white frequency streaming down into the crystal heart.
See the pearls of wisdom from all that has been created in this 3D density
melt into Divine Wisdom of all that was ever created by Divine Minds.
Allow the wisdom from the pearl in your crystal heart to also contain the
wisdom of all others on this 3D realm to be melted into the Sparks of
Source and melted to be reformed by the pearly white frequency that
streams liquid light energy to lift all from the crystal heart to be rekindled
into a higher frequency of liquid light frequencies of Galactic and Cosmic
There is a gold and silver light swirling down from the galactic and cosmic
realms. This crystal river of liquid light streams clockwise and counter
clockwise moving around the IRRADESCENT Body.
A shower of pale green liquid light from our original Aquarius realm along
with a turquoise light from our Sirian Dolphin family streams down through
the chamber from above and goes all the way down through the
IRRADESCENT Body, Light Body and Spirit Body and on down into
Earth’s core. The body and mind are cleared of all of the worlds old
The Physical Matrix responds and returns Blue Turquoise Rain upwards
through the bodies and up into the sky. Mother Earth has stored this
Turquoise Essence Deep inside her for millions of years. This is the
essence of the Dolphins, the Aquafarian memory of all that we once were.
This Aquafarian Essence has remained perfect for over 18 million years.
You are now being reborn from the Eighth Dimensional Mintaka of gold
and silver light with streams of Aqualene pale Green running down the
chamber and turquoise blue running up into the god and silver moving
clockwise and counterclockwise.
The cleansing can be placed on automatic pilot to continue all night long
as you sleep
In this healing state we reach the zero point. This is the state where our
physical manifest and spiritual body have become one.
Before there was one Merkaba spinning faster than the other—the spirit
was spinning faster than the physical manifest.
When the top and bottom of the Merkabas spin at an accelerated speed
but at the same speed always in opposite direction at this point there will
be no differential field between them. There will tilt between them. The
new angular rotation of particle spin can merge into Oneness.
Transcendence into Etheric Substance. This is the truth that sets us free.
Eternal life is made of etheric substance process of ascension is
transforming the body into etheric substance – creating the light body.
Dr. Angela Barnett
In order to open up to the Mind of God into the neuronets governing the
molecular structure of the body begins with realigning the 4th Chakra- the
Heart's Magnetic Field into the Golden Spiral of 14th Dimensional
Frequencies running through the 5th Chakra in the Throat and connecting
the Frequency Specific Mid Brain- Pineal and Pituitary Third Eye- 6th
Chakra into the Fifth and Fourth Chakras in order to open up this flow of
Consciousness that has been cut off from the 5th Dimensional Frequency
in the Throat.
The thymus gland in the throat area connects to the Seed Atom which
connects to the back of the neck into the Medulla Oblangata. That is
where the flow of Consciousness connects directly into the Mind of God in
the Violet Pink White Light 15th dimensional Cosmic Consciousness.
So, when you listen to these songs, please focus on feeling the
frequencies running through these areas in you heart, throat, mid brain,
between the ears and out the back of the neck area.
This is clearing the flow into the Mind of God and removing the stream of
Consciousness from the Thinking Brain in the Upper Cerebellum that only
holds the old Karma- the old Emotions of the Old Life History.
Now we are moving into the New energy of the Light Body within the
Physical Body.
The Frequencies of the 15th dimension flowing through the Seed Atom
and the Medulla Oblangata connecting directly to the Mind of God is the
pathway to becoming Christ Consciousness walking on Earth with
complete Sovereignty of Reality.
Listening to this Album will result in a complete clearing of the Heart
Chakra to remove the old Mortality Loop that did not connect to the throat
and pineal gland correctly.
The Frequencies come from the Akashic Tear Drops containing the
Spiritual Liquid Light of Transformation which contain the Divine Template
code within them which restore the codes of the original Angelic Human.
All of these clearings allows the Crown Chakra to open and connect with
the 12 dimensional frequencies of Christ Consciousness. This is the first
step in preparation to become Christs walking on Earth.
The diagrams on this page are to help guide you to where the work is
being done in the flow of energy between the 4-7 chakras.
The diagram shows the part of the brain that contains each of the blue
energy, pink white light and golden frequencies.
Blue or ultra violet blue energy is the energy of transformation.
This is gained by moving Consciousness completely into and beyond the
Gamma Waves of the Sun. Once the Consciousness moves through the
gamma into the pre light and sound the eyes see a Blue Sphere
connecting into the sixth chakra area- the mid brain.
This transforms the flow of information to begin from the Mid Brain instead
of from the Thinking Brain in the upper cerebellum.
This turns off the thinking brain.
After the thinking brain is turned off, a new path needs to be created from
the Mid Brain down the Golden spiral into the throat and into the Heart.
After this pathway is cleared, a new pathway into the neuronets is created
to stream consciousness from the pink silver white (violet area). This is
the Medulla Oblangata connecting to the Seed Atom within the Thymus.
The new information needs to begin to flow into the seed atom and
transform the old information into the new Eternal Life Programming.
Each song in this album turns on one of the functions of the new
transmissional system.
The information system that used to come from the thinking brain in the
upper cerebellum is being turned off and the new frequency specific mid
brain is being turned on.
1. Ear Path
2. Neuro Path
3. Seed Atom
4. Hook up point
5. tele path
6. clear flow
7. fifth and sixth chakra connect
8. 4-7 chakras hook up
9. Sixth--Connect to Higher Self Consciousness
10. Blue Brain- Frequency Specific Mid Brain
11. De-polarization
12. Fourth and Fifth Chakra
13. Brain Clear
14. Open Heart
15. Mid Brain Activated
As you listen to each of the songs, you will clearly FEEL the activation
taking place within each indicated chakra area. These activations are a
process of returning the Divine Codes that were removed from each of
chakra areas.
SONG 1--The first step of the process requires the opening of the Path
between the left and right ears through the mid brain. Symptoms of not
having this pathway cleared will be ringing and buzzing in the ears and
painful headaches resulting from surgery in the mid brain performed by
your multi dimensional gelaisic selves. If you have already had these
symptoms, the pathway between the ears can now be tuned up to connect
your hearing into your Frequency Specific Mid Brain.SONG 2- a. Opens
the Neuronets into the Consciousness within the Sixth Chakra. b.
Reconnects the flow from the Mid Brain- Sixth Chakra into the Neuronets
through the Seed Atom within the Thymus of the Fifth Chakra and then
into the Crystal Heart in the Fourth Chakra.c. This pathway opens up the
Seventh Seal into the Cognition of the Multi Dimensional Self of all
knowing.SONG 3- Activates the Seed Atom within the Thymus in the
Fourth Chakra to remember the original Divine Blue Print. These
activations take place as the Breaths of the Pre Plasma Light and Sound
are being moved through Consciousness to activate this area.SONG 4-
After the path is paved within, the Seed Atom connects into the multi
dimensional self through the HOOK UP POINT - the Medulla Oblangata at
the base of the SKull contains the Frequencies of the 7th Violet and 15th
dimensional pink silver violet frequencies of Consciousness flowing
through the Seed Atom and the Medulla Oblangata connecting directly to
the Mind of God in the 15 dimension.
These activations take place as the Breaths of the Pre Plasma Light and
Sound are being moved through Consciousness to activate this
area.SONG 5- Opens telepathic communication with the Higher
Self.SONG 6-- Allows a clear flow of frequencies through all of the
neuronet passagesSONG 7-- Creates a Strong connection with the Fifth
Sixth Chakras to connect the Frequencies of Consciousness of Sixth
Dimensional Higher Self into the Golden Consciousness in the Throat
which opens the pathway into the Seed Atom and out into the Violet Silver
Pink 15th dimensional Transformational Consciousness of the Mind of
God.SONG 8- Clears the pathway of the Heart through the Seventh
Chakra at the top of the head to clear the path into the 10-12 dimensional
consciousness.SONG 9- Focus on the Sixth Chakra and look into the
Eyes of your Higher Self through the Blue Sphere. Look out from within
your Mid Brain out your Third eye and see the Ultra Violet Blue Sphere of
Transformation. This is you -your higher self you.SONG 10-- Continue to
focus on the Blue Brain and realize this is the Sixth Dimensional Higher
Self Consciousness connecting you through the Veil into your
Transformation.SONG 11- De Polarization. This brings in the complete
alignment of the Spiritual Divine Blue Print into the Neuronet.SONG 12-
Fourth and Fifth Chakra. Connecting to the Magnetic Flow of the Crystal
Heart of Divine Love to bring Eternal Energy through the Golden throat out
into the Violet Pink White Light of the Cosmic Light.SONG 13- A complete
clearing of the Old Brain Reality.SONG 14- Opening the Heart into the
Divine Love of Infinite Compassion. Feel the Magnetics in the Heart
creating a sweet flow into the Neuronets.SONG 15- Complete Tune in to
the Mid Brain to activate communication with the Sixth Dimensional
Higher Self.
MAGICAL RE-BIRTH into Mind of God
In order to open up to the Mind of God into the neuronets governing the
molecular structure of the body begins with realigning the 4th Chakra- the
Heart's Magnetic Field into the Golden Spiral of 14th Dimensional
Frequencies running through the 5th Chakra in the Throat and connecting
the Frequency Specific Mid Brain- Pineal and Pituitary Third Eye- 6th
Chakra into the Fifth and Fourth Chakras in order to open up this flow of
Consciousness that has been cut off from the 5th Dimensional Frequency
in the Throat.
The thymus gland in the throat area connects to the Seed Atom which
connects to the back of the neck into the Medulla Oblangata. That is
where the flow of Consciousness connects directly into the Mind of God in
the Violet Pink White Light 15th dimensional Cosmic Consciousness.
So, when you listen to these songs, please focus on feeling the
frequencies running through these areas in you heart, throat, mid brain,
between the ears and out the back of the neck area.
This is clearing the flow into the Mind of God and removing the stream of
Consciousness from the Thinking Brain in the Upper Cerebellum that only
holds the old Karma- the old Emotions of the Old Life History.
Now we are moving into the New energy of the Light Body within the
Physical Body.
The Frequencies of the 15th dimension flowing through the Seed Atom
and the Medulla Oblangata connecting directly to the Mind of God is the
pathway to becoming Christ Consciousness walking on Earth with
complete Sovereignty of Reality.
Listening to this Album will result in a complete clearing of the Heart
Chakra to remove the old Mortality Loop that did not connect to the throat
and pineal gland correctly.
The Frequencies come from the Akashic Tear Drops containing the
Spiritual Liquid Light of Transformation which contain the Divine Template
code within them which restore the codes of the original Angelic Human.
All of these clearings allows the Crown Chakra to open and connect with
the 12 dimensional frequencies of Christ Consciousness. This is the first
step in preparation to become Christs walking on Earth.
The diagrams on this page are to help guide you to where the work is
being done in the flow of energy between the 4-7 chakras.
The diagram shows the part of the brain that contains each of the blue
energy, pink white light and golden frequencies.
Blue or ultra violet blue energy is the energy of transformation.
This is gained by moving Consciousness completely into and beyond the
Gamma Waves of the Sun. Once the Consciousness moves through the
gamma into the pre light and sound the eyes see a Blue Sphere
connecting into the sixth chakra area- the mid brain.
This transforms the flow of information to begin from the Mid Brain instead
of from the Thinking Brain in the upper cerebellum.
This turns off the thinking brain.
After the thinking brain is turned off, a new path needs to be created from
the Mid Brain down the Golden spiral into the throat and into the Heart.
After this pathway is cleared, a new pathway into the neuronets is created
to stream consciousness from the pink silver white (violet area). This is
the Medulla Oblangata connecting to the Seed Atom within the Thymus.
The new information needs to begin to flow into the seed atom and
transform the old information into the new Eternal Life Programming.
Each song in this album turns on one of the functions of the new
transmissional system.
The information system that used to come from the thinking brain in the
upper cerebellum is being turned off and the new frequency specific mid
brain is being turned on.
1. Ear Path
2. Neuro Path
3. Seed Atom
4. Hook up point
5. tele path
6. clear flow
7. fifth and sixth chakra connect
8. 4-7 chakras hook up
9. Sixth--Connect to Higher Self Consciousness
10. Blue Brain- Frequency Specific Mid Brain
11. De-polarization
12. Fourth and Fifth Chakra
13. Brain Clear
14. Open Heart
15. Mid Brain Activated
Re-Birth into our New Eternal Life Body
A true Master can create anything they desire by simply holding an image
or idea in the Mind of God--not in the Thinking Brain- in the Mind of God.
The Mind of God is the Frequency Specific Brain. It only manufactures
reality when the idea is created in Consciousness. Consciousness is
Frequency or Energy. The Rule of Creation is Consciousness plus Energy
equal reality. All reality is created through the Consciousness creating an
Idea and holding it in the Frequency. What Frequency? The Highest
How do we get to the highest frequency? You can use the Merkabas to
spin you into the second and third and fourth and fifth harmonic universes
or you can connect your lotus blossom into the Cosmic Matrix or you can
walk into the full light spectrum within the candle or you can walk into the
Each of these requires that you move into the Complete Light of All there
is by walking through the Veil of Light into pre light and pre sound. This is
the manifestation center. When you hold the idea in the Mind of God- on
the other side of the Veil, you will fall into a Trance or a state of
hypnotism. That feeling is the feeling of moving into the spiritual side of
reality. It is a move in frequencies of consciousness moving you into
Cosmic Consciousness and beyond into the White Light. When your
consciousness touches the Gamma Waves and beyond, these 8th
dimensional waves connect with the fifth dimensional waves and they
create phonons which is the energy required to melt away the old DNA
and allow new DNA to be created.
When the Consciousness connects with Infra Red Light that frequency
creates a negative of the picture. The Visible Light develops the picture.
However, all of this light processing that is required to develop the picture
or idea that will manifest into the movie of your new day must be created
in the highest frequency because that is where the white light flashes into
a new hue of ultra violet blue.
When you move consciousness into this frequency lab to develop your
film in your movie projector, you don't need to think about how these
things are done. All you need to do is keep your thoughts in the light
energy and keep them in the highest frequencies that you can.
If you can just keep your consciousness centered in the Frequency
Specific Brain and stay out of the Thinking Brain that guides you in your
normal reality, you are on the right train track.
However, you must become willing to be AWARE of how often you think
during the day. You must be willing to realize that each and every one of
those thoughts is creating your day. If you want to create a new type of
reality, you must stop thinking about those things of the world. The
thoughts in the thinking brain will just keep you in the old Net Earth, while
the Frequencies of the Blue Hue that is manufactured in the White Light
will allow you to float into the Aurora Earth of infinite possibilities.
The neuronets attached to the Thinking Brain are full of attitudes and
judgements that keep them going in circles. Only Masters will move to the
Mid Brain for stimulation. The masses will always need to have the
environment give them their entertainment and inspiration. The masses do
not know how to find inspiration within the Consciousness of Reality.
As long as the mind stays centered around the things of the world, those
same things will just continue to manifest as the realities that appear
around you. If you stay focused on the Highest Frequencies and the
Infinite Magical Realities that you can create just by holding the dream of
Fabulous Wealth or Magnificent Freedom, or the Perfect Light Body, your
life will become magical.
The Mid Brain is the place where we can go to be free from emotions. It is
the place we can turn to for the renewal of a higher magnitude. We can
become free from judgements, conditions, emotions of fear, pain, war
while we remain in the Mid Brain. We can live in a reality where we no
longer manifest those conditions and emotions into our reality.
There might still be those in the mass consciousness that manifest that
type of a reality around them, but you will not be able to see it or be a part
of it any longer because the reality that you create in your mid brain will be
the only reality that exists. The Mid Brain is the Holy Place that only allows
Unconditional Love to create your reality.
Patience in the Great Work does not mean long suffering and waiting for a
long time. Patience is a term that describes a dimension that holds itself in
a timeless space. This timelessness includes the highest frequency of
Eternity or the Mind of God.
The aspect of the brain that holds patience is the Frequency Specific Mid
Brain. The Neo Cortex loops into the hypothalymus which gives long term
memory is not capable of the patience that exists in a timeless space. The
thinking brain always places a judgment of final analysis on each and
every thought process which locks out timelessness.
This means that each time you move into the frequencies that place you in
the trance state and you hold the desired dream in your mid brain
frequencies, you must make sure that you do not change your dream by
taking conditional thoughts over the top of the dream that you just created.
Every time you take a thought you are carving away a piece of the perfect
dream that you created. So, you could create your manifest reality in the
dream state and then un-make it during your day time thinking process.
Once you create that dream you must hold it within your mind
continuously for several days. You must go through this process of
training the brain to work this way because you have spent an entire
lifetime living under the control and judgement of the thinking brain which
is helping create the exact world that you do not want to live in.
All memories that have been stored in the hypothalymus contain long term
memory with judgment woven into them. If we create our reality through
the proces of this judgmeent, our experience in life will only contain other
people judging us and controlling us. think about this -- we are judged by
our education system. The entire reality of education is to grade students
based on a judgement. Most people think this is a good thing because it is
the only reality that they know.
We have created a world where we judge others races, religions , creeds
dress styles. hair styesl, color preferences, as well as five million other
items each day. And then we go to church to repeat the fact that thou
shall not judge.
Judgement is a sin because it allows your thinking brain to be the god of
your reality instead of the Mid Brain which is in fact the Mind of God.
There is only one way to stop judging others. That is by moving out of the
thinking brain and into the mid brain of patience. The mid brain is the
psychic brain. It does not analyze, judge, think or place conditions on
reality. It only gets pure information throug hthe highest frequencies of
consciousness. The sender and receiver of ideas and desires is this
frequency specific analogical mind which creates all desires that it
receives in pure form. It creates and manifests all desires. It is a creation
It won't create anything unless we use it correctly. It is our sender and
receiver of manifest reality. It creates all desires. It gets pure information
from the Mind of God and allows that information to be known to you.
The Mind of God is your own personal neuronet and DNA connection into
all that is a part of you. It connects to all of your Souls, Over Souls, Rishi
Selves and Avatar Selves to allow you to connect to the knowing of all that
is to be known.
The Mind of God gets its information in a pure form and then presents it to
you. And then after presentation it is broken down int otits analysis of how
you want to receive it and store it as memory.
The mid brain does not think. It receives pure data , pure thought for
coming in from infra red fields and visible light.
When you receive pure thought and then think about it, you will negate it.
If you accept the first impression int oteh mid brain you will receive it. IT
comes from a stream of consciousness that is outside of the neo cortex-
outside personality. The mid brain sends through a web of consciousness.
It sends thought without judgement.
Judgement will alter the information sent by the mid brain. When we
analyze a thought with the thinking brain we change it into a limited image
that is different than the pure thought sent by the mid brain.
When you create reality, when you comtemplate in the pause, the
information is sent out through the mid brain. Never take pause unless we
reach a final analysis.
Now, that we are being given this gift of the Fifth Dimension, we will need
to learn how to TUNE IN TO IT. We must raise our frequencies of hearing
and seeing. The Frequency Music itself does this. It actually tunes you in
to the Blue Hue which also tunes you in to fields of light that are in the
Invisible Light Spectrum that you have never seen before.
You can build on this new ability of going beyond the Veil of the Senses by
doing the Candle Process that is described in the CANDLE LEVITATION
Pick up a Card. Look at the card with the numbers on the back of the card
facing away from you so you cannot see them.
Place your mind back into that state of consciousness that caused the
room to turn black. Return to the Dark room of the Mind of God.
When you look at the card in this state, you are going to learn to see the
numbers on the back of the card rise up above the card where you can
see them.
The reason that this is going to happen is because when you are in the
Mind of God you are in a frequency with out any electrons creating
negative and positive charges. You have moved your consciousness
beyond electrons into the pre light and sound of anti matter. This is where
the frequency of the positron is created. The positron moves through
physical surfaces as if they don't exist.
For instance, when the Sun sends a positron to the Earth, the positron
saturates into the Earth and then moves through it into its Anti Particles.
You have learned to take your consciousness beyond the light into the pre
light of creation. In the Mind of God all reality is in a sphere of 360
degrees. In this sphere you can see an entire sphere around you. You can
see what is in back of you and in front of you at the same time.
When you look at the "playing card" cross eyed, and in this anti matter of
the dark room, the card will seem to disappear and the numbers that are
written on the back side of the card will rise up and turn around so that
you can see them.
When you can train your consciousness to do this, you have crossed the
Veil into the Mind of God.
The Master of the Ancient Mystery Schools could master this discipline by
reading the backs of an entire deck of cards.
When you can read the back of the card, you will be ready to manifest any
thing your heart desires instantly because you will be removed from space
and time and you will be continuously in the Mind of God.
This is where you must be in order to manifest.
When you have mastered that discipline, you would be ready to begin the
discipline of levitation and bi-location on this planet. This also opens the
veil for continuous communication with anyone in the universe.
The Hologram of the Spiritual Body is a Negative because it is in the Anti
Particle Universe. In order to make the Spiritual Body turn around and
look into your eyes you need to use this Infra Red Frequency that creates
the negative of the negative and makes it into a positive. The Anti Matter
is like a Photo Development Lab.
There is nothing more important in the Ascension Process than becoming
One with your Spiritual Self by walking through the Veil of Anti Matter into
the Cosmic Soup of transformation and into the White Light of the original
Source of Creation.
The worst thing that can happen to you is for you to think that you just
can't seem to manifest and yet you think you are doing it correctly and you
just keep doing it in the same old way and it just never works. After you
know the reasons that you are not manifesting your heart's desires every
moment of every day, you can begin to remove those reasons.
Now you have a choice to continue doing it the way you have been or look
at the reasons why your method might not be working for you.
One fine morning you are going to create the image of your desire without
any conditions. This will happen because your focus is crystal clear. You
will be completely disconnected from the Thinking Brain and you will be
completely present in the Feeling of the Highest Frequency.
There will be nothing besides you, and every omnion in your body, every
neuronet in your body, all of the DNA in your body, and the entire sphere
of consciousness 8 meters around your body being will be filled with the
omnipresence of the Mind of God.
You will be in the Mind of God when you are in the Patience of no time in
your Psychic Brain which is your Mid Brain- Pineal and Pituitary glands
functioning as the Movie Camera that creates that desire and creates it
through the webs of light and sound in all dimensional realities
You will learn to wake up each morning and create the exact reality that
you desire. The reality can be anything that you want. There are no
limitations in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Why is it so absolutely imperative to learn to Make God's Movie before
Fall 2016? Because this is the moment that there will be enough Light in
the Crystalline Grids to allow those who are living in the Light to Shift
completely out of the World of Emotions.
The Crystalline Grids have been accumulating emotions from everyone on
Earth for the past several millions of years. Now, with the help of our
Guardians and Star Families, the Light is being returned to the Grids.
Once there is more Light than there is Emotion, the entire Consciousness
of the World will shift.
However, each individual will have some amount of the Emotions left
within them. The amount of emotions left within them will be the amount of
connection that they still have to their Thinking Brain.
Those who have moved into their Psychic Brain will be completly tuned
into the Light. Those who are still tuned in to the Emotions will be living on
an island by themselves because that Reality will no longer be on the
Movie Screen of those who have moved into the Light of the Grids.
When the Grids were full of emotions, man was metallic or Carbon Based.
Now, when the Grids are full of Light, man will become the Golden man or
the Stardust based man. This Stardust is the 12th dimensional
consciousness or the Universal Consciousness of the new Universe.
The human being will still be the form that contains the density of the
hertzian frequencies; however, the complete light spectrum will also be
present within them. They will become a being of Light rather than a being
of Emotions.
That is what a Fifth Dimensional Being is. A being who is living in the
Consciousness of the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound or the Mind of
God where the Omnipresence of Light Energy saturates the Cells, the
Nueronets, the DNA with the Unconditional Love of Instant Manifestation.
Those who have learned to shift their minds into the Light and out of the
Emotions by learning to maintain Focus within the Mind of Patience where
there is no time or space will completely shift into the LIGHT of the
Crystalline Grids and become free from the Mortal Mind.
The years 2015-2017 will produce a more and more accelerated energy
state that will allow manifetsation to occur faster and faster at wha tevery
energy state that you are in.
If you are in the energy state of emotions, those emotions from the neo
cortex cellular memory will continue to produce more and more of the
emotional dreams from the old realities of the old Earth.
If you are in the energy state of light in the psychic brain through the blue
hue and transmutation and in alignment with the Light in the Crystalline
Grids rather than the Emotions in the Crystalline Grids you will manifest
desires through that light energy faster and faster.
This is why there will be more and more events arising that are completely
emotional and conditional in nature that push conditionality to the highest
At the same time there will be those who are living in the Light energy who
are creating more and more manifestations of the realities of peace and
love and supply that they desire.
Dr. Angela Barnett
Crystal Magic Orchestra.com
What is Shifting?
What is Eternal Life?
What is Ascension?
How do we ride on space ships?
How do I stay in the body and move to the next body all at the same time?
We are moving into a time where many people on Earth will be creating a
new version of reality.
The reality will depend on how often they create their reality from their old
neuronet, that is woven through their neo cortex Thinking Brain that just
keeps re making old realities into emotions that must be turned into light
and transformed: and, how often they create their reality from their new
neuronet that is woven through the frequency specific mid brain into the
secondary consciousness, that creates reality from the infinite unknown
source of instant manifestation.
Those of you who are working with the techniques in the Course on
Manifestation are learning how to move into the Host Body. That would be
where your Soul goes when you die. However, you already know how to
merge into oneness with your host body, so your Soul will have no need to
leave your body, so you can not die.
You have been given the technique of Trancing out into your Mid Brain
and moving into the Secondary Consciousness when you go to sleep.
This means you can no longer be un plugged from your Secondary
Consciousness because you have already plugged it into your neuronets.
Everyone has a choice. They can just continue living the way they are or
they can transform the process of their life style.
In the new version of reality, every time an old emotion arises, it will be
taken up into the plasma light of the 8th dimensional sun energy and
melted into a new light energy.
Those who choose to do this with their emotions will be keeping their
energy for eternal life, those who do not OWN THEIR EMOTIONS, will be
leaking their energy, so that they do not have the light energy needed for
eternal life.
Imagine a car. It has an engine. It runs on gas. The gas is creating energy
and then when it is used up it creates exhaust fumes. In the body, those
exhaust fumes would be the energy of the body leaking out. In the car,
there must be more gas poured in. In the body, there needs to be new
food put in the body because it leaked out old emotional energy.
Now, imagine there is this car that runs on an energy that immediately
keeps remaking itself by turning the plasma into the pre plasma of a vapor
substance that is then densified into more plasma and the car runs
This is exactly what we do with the body. We can now begin to run on the
plasma body. That is the spiritual body that we don't see now, but we can
learn to see it. We can see that body and move into it by using the atomic
mirror technique.
If we practice doing this now, we don't have to die in order to do it. If we
learn how to move into this infinite supply of plasma and pre plasma now,
we don't need to become vaporized when we die.
This is what happens when we die.
First, the secondary consciousness unplugs itself from the body, which
also unplugs the neo cortex, so the brain flat lines.
This causes the Infra Red body which is the Blue Body or Plasma Body to
The Soul turns into vapor and moves out the top of the head and then
moves to the ceiling and looks down at the body.
It looks down at the body and decides if there is any reason to return to
the body.
The soul can return to the body at any time. It can be a few minutes later,
or even several weeks later, if it chooses to.
I know this is true, because I watched my husband's soul return to his
body more than a month after it had left his body.
The soul decides if the body is searching for a new experience.
In the case of my husband, his consciousness was busy flying through the
cosmos looking for experiences in every doorway. He was so busy looking
for excitement through inner experiences, that his soul stood by and
waited for him to return to his body by bringing his secondary
consciousness back from the infra red into the hertzian body.
This was one of the first examples of how the process of dying has been
In a normal death, the secondary consciousness leaves, and then the soul
leaves as a cloud of vapor and rises through the top of the head and
moves into the infra red body.
However, if we have already moved into the infra red plasma host body by
practicing the atomic mirror technique,
--And we have already plugged into the secondary consciousness by
activating the frequency specific mid brain and plugging into the violet
brain in the lower cerebellum, and plugged into the waves of the brain that
allow the violet brain to journey into the cosmos at night and to return
safely with new memories that plug your neuronet into a new reality,
--And, if we begin to communicate with our Soul in order to inform it that
we have already chosen to move into a continuous new Experience that is
When we can proove that is True to our Soul, then and only then, can
There be no more death.
If we program this reality into our neuronets and into our Soul now, the
process of death can be de-programmed from the Soul.
If this process is completed now, the Soul will not leave the body, because
it knows it is already in the Infra Red Body and it knows that all of your
experiences are coming from the unconditional love of the mid brain.
The Soul no longer sees your body as a place that has run out of
experiences and leaked out all of its emotions. The Soul sees a body that
has owned all of the emotions into a knowingness of light energy and
transformed the emotions into new light energy.
When the Soul sees this happening in the body, it will never leave.
When the body is transformed into the infra red host body, it can continue
to live as a Christ walking on the Earth for thousands of years.
When we learn to move into our plasma host body, plug into the
secondary consciousness and trance out, we can then float out the
window at night and be taken onto space ships.
After we practice doing this during our sleeping hours enough times to
create a path in consciousness, our bodies can transform into the stardust
that rides in the Blue Plasma Body on to the Space ship.
My husband needed to do this in order for the Sirians to re plug is new
plasma body back into his hertzian body that could remain on Earth and
also orb back on to the ship in the future.
explain how you have prepared your secondary consciousness, your mid
brain, your soul and your plasma host to become de programmed from the
process of DEATH.
We do techniques to raise frequencies such as the journies on the
meditation kits, Eternal Life Water Sets, Acension Formula, Lift Off,
Merlins Manifestation.
The frequencies in these meditaitons lift consciousness into the place
where the journey takes you. The journies guide consciousness to move
into the spaces where the higher frequencies can be accumulated and
layered in to multi dimensionality.
The Trance state can be obtianed by moving consciousness into the light
of the candle or sun or by creating a long tunnel of light in front of your
head and walking down the tunnel into the light at the end of the tunnel. At
the end of the tunnel there is a Diamond Door. When you walk through
that Diamond Door into the Mind of God you then see the Blue Hue. This
Blue Sphere becomes visible in front of you. This means you are within
the Mind of God.
The Trance state needs to be obtained by accumulation of Frequencies of
Light and Sound because it is a state of light and energy connecting into
the complete Mind of God in the nmost inenr domains of Cosmic
Moving into Focus is moving into a Holy and Pure Place
Your Dreams come to you on the condition that you create them in
When we create we must make sure that we do it without doubt disbelief,
unworthiness, lack or tiem. When we can create our dream in focus and in
purity within the Holy and Pure Place within the Dimension of Patience or
Timeliessness, the dream will appear as we originally designed it.
Why do we need to be patinet in our manifestation?
Patience means one fine morning you will create your dream- your desire-
withoiut any conditions. It will be the clearest morning of focus that you
have ever had. In that moment of clairty you will move out of the thinking
brain and int othe mid brain and there wil be no analyzation of anything.
And then I would have one little tiny negative thought about something
and I would go right back to the way I was. And then I would go through
the clearing again and it would feel like I had shifted into a brand new
But, one little negative thought would come in and I would shift back to the
other body with pain. It became very obvious that I was shifting back and
forth between two different bodies. This is a sign of the times. We are in
such a fluid state of Consciousness now that we can actually see the two
different realities side by side. One reality is within the Consciousness of
the Mind of God. One reality is within the Neo Cortex- Mind of Man.
This is an excellent opportunity for me to see and realize how often my
mind strays back into the old thoughts of the Thinking Brain. I am very
motivated to stay in the Mind of God where the Perfect Body always
The purpose of the TRANCE album is to PARALYZE, TRANCE OUT and
HYPNOTIZE the Neo Cortex, so that it just can not create Judgements. It
becomes completely disfunctional. It begins to allow the pure truth from
the Mid Brain do the THINKING.
It is important to practice moving the Consciousness completely into the
Full Light Field along with the Cosmic Frequencies in the music until you
reach a TRANCE state. The Trance state means that you are moved out
of the Neo Cortex and into the Mid Brain. When the Desire is placed in the
Mid Brain and help there in complete purity, the desire will manifest.
However, if any ideas from the Neo Cortex pop in unexpected, the pure
body will not be so pure any more. The Mid Brain is a movie projector. It
projects out the reality that is placed in the Mid Brain.
I am not talking about placing thoughts in the Neo Cortex and projecting
them. This is what people have been doing for thousands of years. This is
what we need to stop doing. We need to create the image in the Mid Brain
and melt away all images from the Neo Cortex and Never let any of those
images enter into the picture.
That is it. That is all we have to learn to do to heal ourselves instantly or to
manifest instantly.
It sounds easy. But, we might not realize how often those thoughts from
the Old Brain are distorting our perfect picture. We are flipping in and out
of different versions of ourselves, as I have experienced this week.
We are all doing it. You may not have such a dramatic pain to measure
the difference between the God Picture and the Man Made picture and all
of the millions of different versions in between that are being created by
the thinking brain.
You can get into the Frequency Brain by listening to the Re-Birth Album.
You could strengthen that connection to your Frequency Specific Mid
Brain by moving your consciousness into the Candle Flame or into the
Sun while you are listening.
Keep working on moving your body completely into the Candle Flame or
into the Plasma Sun until you have moved into the Full Spectrum of
Frequencies. This is when you will see the Blue Sphere above the candle
or you see the Sun turn Blue.
This is the evidence or proof that you walked through the Veil. The Veil is
the place that you move your consciousness through when you see the
White Light turn into the Blue Hue. That is the proof that you went through
the Veil.
Moving through the veil means that you have moved into your Spiritual
Body. This allows the connection of your Physical Body and your Spiritual
Body. The Blue Sphere is your Fifth Dimensional Spiritual Body. It is your
higher self Sixth Dimensional Self as well. It is all of your Multi
Dimensional Selves. It is your connection with the Mind of God.
Now, maintain that vision of your Blue Sphere within your Mid Brain. See
the Blue Sphere when you close your eyes.
Do not begin the Manifestation or Healing Process until you can see the
Blue when you close your eyes and when you look at the candle or the
Now, close your eyes. See the Blue Sphere. Now, inside of the Blue
Sphere, see the desired reality and state the reality. I am a Perfect Body. I
have Perfect Health. I am Christ Consciousness holding the oneness of
my Spiritual and Physical Body. I am the Perfect Original One created in
the Mind of God.
You must hold that vision in the blue sphere continuously. Know, that
when you see that Vision of your Perfect Body, this is the REQUIRMENT
that allows your Higher Self to Create that REALITY for you.
Your Higher Self can only manifest in your reality field that which you have
already desired as a creation through your Blue Sphere in your Mid Brain.
If you continue to allow OLD EMOTIONAL BELIEFS of a body that is not
perfect in your Mind - in your Vision that you project into your Blue
Sphere-- your Higher Self is seeing this as the DESIRE that you are
wanting to become manifest. Your higher self can only manifest that which
you project into your mid brain movie screen.
If your body is not youthing, it is because you are still holding the old
image of a fifty year old body instead of a thirty year old body and you are
not saying I am thirty years old in a perfect body and seeing that image in
your blue sphere of light energy. YOU must hold the image of the NEW
YOUNG PERFECT BODY MORE STRONGLY than the image of the old
This is how Healing is done and how Youthing is done, and this is how
Manifestation is done. Healing is manifesting the desire for the image of
the Perfect Body.
The purpose of the Music that holds you within the Mid Brain and in the
Thymus and in the Crystal Heart is to get you to move OUT OF
THINKING BRAIN with those Old Images.
It is that Thinking Brain- the Neo Cortex that HOLDS ON TO THAT OLD
That is what the thinking brain does. It just reprocesses over and over an
old idea that came from beliefs placed in the Consciousness of the
As you go through this process of shifting out of the Thinking Brain and
into the Neuronet that connects you into the Mind of God, you will need to
create a list that will help to guide your new thinking process. You will
need to watch your thinking and watch how your thoughts are creating
your reality each moment of everyday. This will guide you in creating a list
of what you really want to create in your day and what you want removed
from your day. As you go along in this process you will realize more and
more things that you want removed from your movie of reality.
There is more to the process than just manifesting a pile of money. You
need to learn what is inside of your thoughts that is making you believe
you are not worthy of a pile of money and transmute those beliefs out of
your mind. You must find out if there is any fear connected to any of your
thoughts that might be blocking the manifestation.
There are a million reasons why you might not be manifesting that pile of
money. It could be because there is something in your mind that is still
relating to the belief in time. Or it could be something in your mind that is
still relating to the belief in government and taxes. It could be a belief as
simple as connecting times, places and events to the desire for wealth.
Each one of the beliefs that surround the desire for wealth could be de-
manifesting your desire faster than you are creating the manifestation.
This is the first step that we must take before we can manifest. We must
transmute all of the beliefs that are being held in the Thinking Brain. The
fastest way to do that is to just stay out of the Thinking Brain completely
by filling your Consciousness so full of the Highest Frequency that none of
those lower frequency thoughts can enter in. But don't deceive yourself.
Those thoughts are going to fight hard and long to continue to manifest in
your movie of reality.
First, you need to know and realize and believe that you are the only
creator of your reality. What you experience in your day is created by you.
However, it is not the you that you want to be. It is the you that has been
programmed into your thinking brain without you even realizing it. All of
the beliefs that you rationalize as the good, the true, the proper, the
correct are all CONDITIONS of reality.
The Mind of God which is the Psychic Brain of Creation can only create
These are brand new ideas that you need to spend a lot of time thinking
about until you don't need to think about them any longer. Only then, can
you even begin to consider moving out of the Thinking Brain. If you are
still being brain washed by your religion that certain conditions are good
and other conditions are bad, you are going to have an impossible time
removing yourself from the Conditions that will not allow you to manifest.
If you are still being brain washed by your education system that you need
Conditions, Logic, Emotions, Judgements, Rationalization and you need
to grow in your ability to Argue and Debate Facts from Fiction you may as
well forget about this Course. You will be remaining in the Grids of
Emotions and in the Thinking Brain that will never manifest any new
The more that you stop using the Thinking Brain and spend that time
moving your consciousness into the light of the candle or the light of the
Sun and moving into the Full Spectrum of Light energy until you ignite the
spark that creates the Blue Hue, the faster you will move into the Light
and out of the Emotion.
These are first steps. You must do the first steps or you will just continue
to manifest the same old reality that you created yesterday.
The hardest part of this course in manifestation is ADMITTING that these
things are true. Your world is created by you and no one else. I know that
it is always difficult to swallow that accusation that we are the creators of
all of those people in our version of reality who judge us or hurt us or treat
us with no respect. I know how hard that is to believe. I also know that
when your mind gets crystal clear and you do begin manifesting with the
mid brain, that it becomes very EASY to realize that those old movies that
you were creating came directly out of your own Thinking Brain.
We will soon realize that we are the Movie makers. The only way that our
seeming reality seems to manifest as our experiences is directly from and
through and to each individual's own movie projector and movie screen
around their own individual radial body.
We are not actually in other people's movies. We are only in our own
movie. However, we have never taken the time to remove all of those
people from our movie that we don't want in it. That is the only reason
those people who run the government and create wars are in our movie.
We just haven't taken the time to remove them. We can't remove them
until we are ready to become our own government and create our own
reality. We have the ability to create a complete world unto ourselves.
That is how normal reality works. We were just never told how to create
God's Movie before.
We cannot create a movie of any kind using the Neo Cortex. That part of
the brain only recycles old movies of realities that you saw on your movie
screen because they were left over in your old cellular memory which is
you Akashic Records within your Neuronets.
We cannot start this process of manifesting through the Mid Brain until we
become so tuned in to that Frequency that we learn to feel as we connect
consciousness into the all of the Music of the Spheres. This means all of
the spinning of frequencies at faster and faster rates of spin. For instance,
the gamma wave spins much faster than the hertzian wave and the silver
pink light spins even faster and when we spin all of those spheres of light
energy together we pop out of the light and into the pre light and sound of
creation energy. We pop out of the Veil and into the Cosmic Soup and into
the Void of Infinity. When we turn around and look within we then see the
Blue Hue. The Blue Hue is the manifestation of a new reality taking place
as a result of moving into all of the Omnipotence of God's Light and then
looking back to connect the spiritual light into the physical light and
remove the polarity or separation of spiritual and phsyical
Manifestation happens because we move into the Spiritual Light where all
creation takes place. The more we practice the Candle Technique and
walking into the Sun, the more familiar we get with that Feeling which is a
Frequency. At some point in time you will learn to instantly connect to the
Feeling of that Frequency without needing to do the process of walking
into the Sun each time.
When you can wake up in the morning and immediately access that
frequency and immediately focus on the reality that you want to see unfold
in your day, that will be the day that you are living in Patience. You have
removed the polarity, the time and space and your new reality can begin
to manifest through the light and sound of creation.
You will wake up just saying Thank you Father, I know that all of my
desires have already been created because you know what I desire even
before I do. I thank you for knowing my desires so comopletely and
perfectly. I am excited to experience this wonderful reality that you have
created in this Frequency of Abundance.
In this statement there is no condition placed on the desire. There is only
gratitude of knowing the desire is already manifest. Therefore the desire
will manifest instantly.
When I was working on my Dissertation to obtain my Doctoral degree I
was having some problems with my Committee who decides if I can
graduate or not. I asked a Practitioner for help. I was given this great
All I needed to do was hold the Vision in my Mind that GOD ALREADY
I was granted my Doctorate the next month.
This formula worked because it was a knowing that as God, who we all
are, all things have already manifested. All we need to do is know that we
are God. We become God by moving our Consciousness into the
Omnipresence, the Omniscience, the Omnipresence of the Full Spectrum
of Light and Sound of All that Is. When we are in this Psychic State of
Light we Know that we are already fabulously wealthy because God is
Already Fabulously Wealthy.
So we have this formula.
I am Wealthy.
I am perfect health.
I am a genius.
I am the master of manifestation.
I am healed and restored.
I am ageless.
I am ten years younger
I am levitating.
I can move mountains.
I am God and God already manifested a Perfect Kingdom of Heaven.
The state of Patience within the Mid Brain is the place where the Trance
takes place. Once we move our consciousness into the trance state, we
are connected to communicate with the other side. We move into
hypnosis to create our dream or vision of our desire.
Do you see why we need all of these variables? We must be connected in
a bi-location with our spiritual self on the other side of the veil. We must be
in the highest frequency, which is on the other side of the veil. And yet we
must remove the polarization of the idea that there is a separation
between this side of the veil and that side of the veil. We must become
ONE with Spiritual Reality.
We manifest the desire through the spiritual substance of light and sound.
The idea prints itself on the infra red light just like a digital camera prints
the negative of a picture of spheres of light that we can't see with the
naked eye.
After the infra red negative is formed, it is developed in the visible light
spectrum that is already within the Full Spectrum of Light of the Mind of
God. The movie film is developed on all dimensions simultaneously. We
don't need to wait to have the film manifest in the Cosmic and then
transposed into the Planetary and Solar Harmonics because it is already
being developed as the Blue Hue, as the Full Spectrum, as the Infra Red
and Visible and it is also projecting the desire into the radial field around
the body that develops the film onto a movie screen that we see with the
hertzian frequency.
All of this film developing process is taking place as fast as you can press
the enter button on your camera. You just see the desire, press the button
and presto- the film develops. That is divine reality.
Please remember that Ascension is all about LIGHT AND SOUND. I am
giving you the Sound- the Frequencies that are actually created from the
pre light and pre sound of the Consciousness of Creation. I have provided
diagrams to help you realize that the Frequencies correspond to the
Frequencies of Light that I placed in the Diagram of the Pyramid.
Those Frequencies of Light correspond to specific places in the Brain. For
instance, when you look at the diagram of the brain, you will see the Blue
area in the Brain. That is the area that we call the Mid Brain. The Mid
Brain area is Frequency Specific. That means it does not Think. It only
receives and sends messages of light and sound. It receives pure images
through light which form into the Reality around you.
You can create any reality that you desire if you learn to use your Mid
Brain as a pure vehicle of transformation. It must be pure. It must not
contain the images that are in the Yellow part (using visual light to project
a movie of reality that is separate from the invisible light of creation) of the
brain. The Diagram shows the Neo Cortex or the Thinking Brain as the
Yellow section of the Brain.
It is time to use the Merkaba Heirophant as the energizer that holds the
image in the frontal lobe. Please draw one triangle facing up and one
triangle facing down. I'm sure you have seen this image.
The image is very powerful. It is the symbol of holding the at one ment
with Divine Love, with Manifestation, with Source, with the Highest
Frequency. Just the image itself does that.
Draw this image on a card and hold it against your forehead- with the
image touching your forehead. That is the place where you hold the
picture in the mid brain or blue brain. That is the blue brain area- it is
called the third eye or the psychic brain. That is the place where you hold
the image.
Now, draw within the merkaba heirophant a symbol of the thing that you
want to manifest. Such as dollar bill signs for wealth or a stick figure of a
perfect body or a symbol of freedom from fear. These are just possible
symbols of ideas or desires. You can choose to draw any symbol that
represents the desire for you.
Hold that image in your blue brain with this process. I am sorry I didn't
give this to you sooner. I forgot that I used to always use this method
when I began practicing manifestation. I have realized that I need to go
back to this method as well.
What I meant by the little stick man was to be the image of the perfect
body. Yes, you see your perfect body inside of the heirophant. You can
choose to draw any symbol that represents the desire for you. It will help
you get used to knowing that you are in FOCUS and that the heirophant is
always holding you within the Oneness of the Entire Divine Mind Matrix.
The music is designed to help you feel and remain focused on the areas
in your body where you feel the music. After you go through the process
of feeling the clearing in the heart and throat and mid brain areas find the
part of the music that helps you stay focused in your mid brain area- your
third eye area. Place the image of your perfect self in the heirophant in the
third eye and keep that focus always. Keep it so long that the image starts
to pop into your head throughout the day without you needing to think
about it.
If your FOCUS is on the DISEASE and not the removal of it, the old image
will just keep appearing. The healing can not be accomplished until you
REALIZE that you can SHIFT out of the body that contains that disease
However, you can not SHIFT out of the old IMAGE until you no longer
hold that image in your Brain.
The Brain is a Movie Projector. What ever you place on the Screen is
what it will project. If you place an image of a Perfect Body that Body will
This is why the clearing takes some work and time. The work is TURNING
OFF the old Beliefs about the condition of the Body.
I recommend that you start using the Sun instead of the Candle. Look at
the Sun through some leaves on a tree. This helps to create the
photosynthesis process that allows you to move into the Plasma Energy of
the Sun-- and it protects the EYES.
Do not look directly at the Sun. Look at the Sun through small areas
between leaves on a tree. Practice this until you see a Blue Sun.
Now, notice how that feels. Seeing the Sun turn Blue is caused by a
process taking place in the brain. It is caused by moving into the
Frequency specific brain and out of the Thinking Brain. When you see the
Blue Sun, that is when you place your Image of your Perfect Body in the
Blue Sphere. When you see the Blue Sun and close your eyes, you
should continue to see a blue sphere inside of your head. You are seeing
the Mid Brain in the Blue Sphere. This is the place where you create the
image of the Perfect Body.
I have given you some background knowledge of why the THINKING
BRAIN- the Upper Cerebellum- the Neo Cortex and the Hypothalomus
does not function as a part of the Original Template of God's
We can not use that part of the brain if we want to manifest the Kingdom
of Heaven on Earth. We must stay out of that part of the brain, if we want
to manifest a new reality, if we want to manifest our true DESIRES.
Now we are learning to move into the Mid Brain- the Frequency Brain in
the Six Chakra and in the Pineal Gland. This area of the Brain works on
the Principle of Patience. This means there is no time or space here. This
means there is no judgement or expectation here. If we bring any of the
thoughts, beliefs, judgements or expectations from the Neo Cortex into the
Mid Brain, it can not function on the Principle of Patience. And that is why
your manifestations can't be created for you.
If you use the new album RE-BIRTH to feel the clearings in your 4,5,6
chakra area and especially in the Pineal Gland, you will have the first
experience of the Patience that keeps you Focused within the Mid Brain..
Go to that Feeling or that Frequency within your Mid Brain. Go there
without your beliefs and judgments. Go there with your frequencies
already melted into the Mind of God. These are the frequencies on the
Go into the Mid Brain with your Desire. All you need is to be there with no
thoughts from the Thinking Brain and One Desire--Just One.
You give the Desire to the Mid Brain in the Form of Knowing and
Gratitude. This means that you say I am Fabulously Wealthy. I have
always been fabulously wealthy. I will always be fabulously wealthy.
Thank you for my Infinite Supply.
That is the Experience. That is Experience of Knowing that your Desire is
Known to your Higher Self and your Higher Self Manifests all of your
You are now experiencing the shifting in and out of a new body. Those
pillars of light coming up out of the crystalline grids are presenting a
choice continuously to choose the light or the emotion, the light or the
emotion. The Grids are still full of our emotions and our thinking brain is
still full of our emotions. We must learn to not THINK. Every little thought
is pulling out all of the emotions from the neo cortex and the Emotions
from the Grids. So, this process is more intense than ever.
The points where the crystalline grids overlap with Earth creates a build
up of energy called a node. A node feels like a warm blanket of loving
energy. Three types of nodes are vortex, portal and vortal.
They are the points of energy that allow our Consciousness to clean itself
up and to recalibrate in to a new consciousness.
A portal amplifies Gaia. A vortex is where energies collide and move. A
vortal is a mixture of a portal and a vortex.
Nodes absorb energy that is no longer needed.
Nodes represent pure creative energy. The nodes are absorbing the old
energy so that the Crystalline Grids can be recalibrated with new energy
of new consciousness.
The nodes are actually drilling a hole into the Grids so that there is a new
place for the Guardian Races to Plant our new consciousness.
Nulls are pure creative energy. But the magnetic fields of this energy are
so overwhelming that it is difficult to live in these places. Most of these
nulls are in the ocean. The Bermuda Triangle is one example of a null.
The Crystalline Grids are designed by human consciousness and they are
being redesigned by human consciousness as it is changing. When there
is enough change in consciousness, a hole can be bore into the grids to
allow new energy of consciousness to flow in.
The DNA will begin to reflect the Original Genisis when Man was made in
the Image of God, rather than the Image of Mortal Man with Sins. The
Sins were the creations of the Looping in the Neuronet. That Thinking
Brain Loop will now melt away and be replaced by the Light and Sound
Frequencies of the Blue, Violet and Golden parts of the Brain. The
Emotions of the Thinking Brain will be replaced by the Light of the Mid
Brain in the New Born Babies, and in all of those who choose to go
through the Re-Birth Process now.
These phenomena are all etheric, spiritual invisible to the five senses.
This is why we are getting help from those on the spiritual parallel planes
at this time to help us understand this phenomena.
The main purpose of this training is to learn to focus deep within the cells
into the most etheric place that you can image. In this zero point energy
center of each cell there is a place that needs to be re programmed. Our
DNA, our cells our neuronets have an old program within them.
We melt away the old programming of the DNA with the etheric vapor that
is recorded in this set of music.
And then we replace the programming within the DNA by using this
process of taking the divine template that is stored within the etheric water
substance within the 8th Sun and within the Earth's Crystal Heart. This
Divine Template of Eternal Life programming needs to be placed back into
the cellular memory which is the DNA.
The DNA then becomes reprogrammed with the Divine Template within
the Plasma Vapor which carries it.
The complete Spiritual body that was lost at birth as a result of the
mutations placed in our system eons ago.
That spiritual body may now be retrieved and permanently placed into the
body. This is possible for the first time because of the work our Cosmic
Dolphin families have completed as they have realigned the electric
circuitry system of all light and sound to braid into streams of turquoise
and aqua blue light and to become activated by breaths of consciousness
of the sounds of our new creation. This spectacular light and sound is
streaming down form our family in Aquafaria.
1. Activate the Light Body by first creating a crystal light sphere in the
Heart Chakra area and placing a mini-me of yourself inside the
2. Next let that mini-me grow into the size of your full body.
3. While lying flat on your back in bed place a magnetic shield under
your body
4. Send your Light body down through a chamber or tube (riding on
top of the shield) down through the Earth’s crust
5. Now exhale to send the Light body on down to Earth’s Core
6. Push down through the shield at Earth’s Core into the LIQUID
LIGHT area
7. Ride the shield of the Crystal Light Body down through the Aqua
shield and into the liquid light energy field-the atmosphere feels like
water, but it doesn’t make you wet-you can float on it swim in it,
breath it
8. Next- Pull the miniature light body down through the bottom of the
liquid light shield and into the Etheric Realm of Earth’s Core.
9. Focus attention in and around the miniature Body as it is positioned
with the Ethers within the Nada Crystal there is a translucent
iridescent, pastel silver violet frequency chamber. The metallic
glitter and sparkle and flicker to define the sphere around the Light
10. Take one step down through this shield and enter a mirror
laying flat right at the center of the earth
11. This mirror separates the physical side of earth from spiritual
side of earth.
12. The Shield opens and Merges with Spiritual Shield when
Spiritual frequencies come into Light Body and Physical body.
Inhale the Golden Crystal Body into the Light Body Shield (This shield is
like a merkaba vehicle, it is simply a form of moving forms of light energy
form one place to another).
Feel the sensation while passing through the mirror membrane of Mother
There will be a sensation of passing through a liquid metallic mirror into a
different frequency pattern of less density. In the crystal heart of the Light
Body there is a sparkling metallic pastel like glitter of sparks growing into a
flame in the center of the crystal heart.
This crystal heart is remembering its ONENESS with the Crystal Heart of
Mother Earth. These two hearts- the heart of Mother Earth and the Heart
of the Crystal Light Body flame and merge into one new flame of
ONENESS. We become ONE with all that Mother Earth Contains in her
Crystal Heart.
This glittering metallic rainbow colored IRRADESCENT Shield that has
Merged the HEARTS INTO ONENESS replaces the other Light Body
Frequency that existed before the merging into oneness with the Heart of
Mother Earth.
Now, slide the new crystal light body down into the Silica Chamber deep
inside the Mother Earth's Core.
This is where the original body was created as a Silica Based body before
being transformed into Carbon Based matter. Reunite with this Silica Base
Energy of Etheric Substance.
Now the physical, spiritual, golden crystal dust iridescent and Silica Based
bodies have merged into ONENESS.
Now, we can raise this newly formed Iridescent body up into the original
Physical Body and continue to remove all that is left from this third
dimensional density consciousness from it.
Next, see a silver cord of life running from the heart of the IRRADESCENT
Body into the Heart of Spirit body.
Next the Liquid Light Frequencies will be sent from our Sirius Etheric
Realms and Aquafarian Etheric Realms to cleanse the IRRADESCENT
Now see a pearly white frequency streaming down into the crystal heart.
See the pearls of wisdom from all that has been created in this 3D density
melt into Divine Wisdom of all that was ever created by Divine Minds.
Allow the wisdom from the pearl in your crystal heart to also contain the
wisdom of all others on this 3D realm to be melted into the Sparks of
Source and melted to be reformed by the pearly white frequency that
streams liquid light energy to lift all from the crystal heart to be rekindled
into a higher frequency of liquid light frequencies of Galactic and Cosmic
There is a gold and silver light swirling down from the galactic and cosmic
realms. This crystal river of liquid light streams clockwise and counter
clockwise moving around the IRRADESCENT Body.
A shower of pale green liquid light from our original Aquarius realm along
with a turquoise light from our Sirian Dolphin family streams down through
the chamber from above and goes all the way down through the
IRRADESCENT Body, Light Body and Spirit Body and on down into
Earth’s core. The body and mind are cleared of all of the worlds old
The Physical Matrix responds and returns Blue Turquoise Rain upwards
through the bodies and up into the sky. Mother Earth has stored this
Turquoise Essence Deep inside her for millions of years. This is the
essence of the Dolphins, the Aquafarian memory of all that we once were.
This Aquafarian Essence has remained perfect for over 18 million years.
You are now being reborn from the Eighth Dimensional Mintaka of gold
and silver light with streams of Aqualene pale Green running down the
chamber and turquoise blue running up into the god and silver moving
clockwise and counterclockwise.
The LIQUID LIGHT CLEANSING continues over and over
The cleansing can be placed on automatic pilot to continue all night long
as you sleep
In this healing state we reach the zero point. This is the state where our
physical manifest and spiritual body have become one.
Before there was one Merkaba spinning faster than the other—the spirit
was spinning faster than the physical manifest.
When the top and bottom of the Merkabas spin at an accelerated speed
but at the same speed always in opposite direction at this point there will
be no differential field between them. There will tilt between them. The
new angular rotation of particle spin can merge into Oneness.
Dr. Angela Barnett
In order to open up to the Mind of God into the neuronets governing the
molecular structure of the body begins with realigning the 4th Chakra- the
Heart's Magnetic Field into the Golden Spiral of 14th Dimensional
Frequencies running through the 5th Chakra in the Throat and connecting
the Frequency Specific Mid Brain- Pineal and Pituitary Third Eye- 6th
Chakra into the Fifth and Fourth Chakras in order to open up this flow of
Consciousness that has been cut off from the 5th Dimensional Frequency
in the Throat.
The thymus gland in the throat area connects to the Seed Atom which
connects to the back of the neck into the Medulla Oblangata. That is
where the flow of Consciousness connects directly into the Mind of God in
the Violet Pink White Light 15th dimensional Cosmic Consciousness.
So, when you listen to these songs, please focus on feeling the
frequencies running through these areas in you heart, throat, mid brain,
between the ears and out the back of the neck area.
This is clearing the flow into the Mind of God and removing the stream of
Consciousness from the Thinking Brain in the Upper Cerebellum that only
holds the old Karma- the old Emotions of the Old Life History.
Now we are moving into the New energy of the Light Body within the
Physical Body.
The Frequencies of the 15th dimension flowing through the Seed Atom
and the Medulla Oblangata connecting directly to the Mind of God is the
pathway to becoming Christ Consciousness walking on Earth with
complete Sovereignty of Reality.
Listening to this Album will result in a complete clearing of the Heart
Chakra to remove the old Mortality Loop that did not connect to the throat
and pineal gland correctly.
The Frequencies come from the Akashic Tear Drops containing the
Spiritual Liquid Light of Transformation which contain the Divine Template
code within them which restore the codes of the original Angelic Human.
All of these clearings allows the Crown Chakra to open and connect with
the 12 dimensional frequencies of Christ Consciousness. This is the first
step in preparation to become Christs walking on Earth.
The diagrams on this page are to help guide you to where the work is
being done in the flow of energy between the 4-7 chakras.
The diagram shows the part of the brain that contains each of the blue
energy, pink white light and golden frequencies.
Blue or ultra violet blue energy is the energy of transformation.
This is gained by moving Consciousness completely into and beyond the
Gamma Waves of the Sun. Once the Consciousness moves through the
gamma into the pre light and sound the eyes see a Blue Sphere
connecting into the sixth chakra area- the mid brain.
This transforms the flow of information to begin from the Mid Brain instead
of from the Thinking Brain in the upper cerebellum.
This turns off the thinking brain.
After the thinking brain is turned off, a new path needs to be created from
the Mid Brain down the Golden spiral into the throat and into the Heart.
After this pathway is cleared, a new pathway into the neuronets is created
to stream consciousness from the pink silver white (violet area). This is
the Medulla Oblangata connecting to the Seed Atom within the Thymus.
The new information needs to begin to flow into the seed atom and
transform the old information into the new Eternal Life Programming.
Each song in this album turns on one of the functions of the new
transmissional system.
The information system that used to come from the thinking brain in the
upper cerebellum is being turned off and the new frequency specific mid
brain is being turned on.
1. Ear Path
2. Neuro Path
3. Seed Atom
4. Hook up point
5. tele path
6. clear flow
7. fifth and sixth chakra connect
8. 4-7 chakras hook up
9. Sixth--Connect to Higher Self Consciousness
10. Blue Brain- Frequency Specific Mid Brain
11. De-polarization
12. Fourth and Fifth Chakra
13. Brain Clear
14. Open Heart
15. Mid Brain Activated
SONG 1--The first step of the process requires the opening of the Path
between the left and right ears through the mid brain. Symptoms of not
having this pathway cleared will be ringing and buzzing in the ears and
painful headaches resulting from surgery in the mid brain performed by
your multi dimensional gelaisic selves. If you have already had these
symptoms, the pathway between the ears can now be tuned up to connect
your hearing into your Frequency Specific Mid Brain.SONG 2- a. Opens
the Neuronets into the Consciousness within the Sixth Chakra. b.
Reconnects the flow from the Mid Brain- Sixth Chakra into the Neuronets
through the Seed Atom within the Thymus of the Fifth Chakra and then
into the Crystal Heart in the Fourth Chakra.c. This pathway opens up the
Seventh Seal into the Cognition of the Multi Dimensional Self of all
knowing.SONG 3- Activates the Seed Atom within the Thymus in the
Fourth Chakra to remember the original Divine Blue Print. These
activations take place as the Breaths of the Pre Plasma Light and Sound
are being moved through Consciousness to activate this area.SONG 4-
After the path is paved within, the Seed Atom connects into the multi
dimensional self through the HOOK UP POINT - the Medulla Oblangata at
the base of the SKull contains the Frequencies of the 7th Violet and 15th
dimensional pink silver violet frequencies of Consciousness flowing
through the Seed Atom and the Medulla Oblangata connecting directly to
the Mind of God in the 15 dimension.
These activations take place as the Breaths of the Pre Plasma Light and
Sound are being moved through Consciousness to activate this
area.SONG 5- Opens telepathic communication with the Higher
Self.SONG 6-- Allows a clear flow of frequencies through all of the
neuronet passagesSONG 7-- Creates a Strong connection with the Fifth
Sixth Chakras to connect the Frequencies of Consciousness of Sixth
Dimensional Higher Self into the Golden Consciousness in the Throat
which opens the pathway into the Seed Atom and out into the Violet Silver
Pink 15th dimensional Transformational Consciousness of the Mind of
God.SONG 8- Clears the pathway of the Heart through the Seventh
Chakra at the top of the head to clear the path into the 10-12 dimensional
consciousness.SONG 9- Focus on the Sixth Chakra and look into the
Eyes of your Higher Self through the Blue Sphere. Look out from within
your Mid Brain out your Third eye and see the Ultra Violet Blue Sphere of
Transformation. This is you -your higher self you.SONG 10-- Continue to
focus on the Blue Brain and realize this is the Sixth Dimensional Higher
Self Consciousness connecting you through the Veil into your
Transformation.SONG 11- De Polarization. This brings in the complete
alignment of the Spiritual Divine Blue Print into the Neuronet.SONG 12-
Fourth and Fifth Chakra. Connecting to the Magnetic Flow of the Crystal
Heart of Divine Love to bring Eternal Energy through the Golden throat out
into the Violet Pink White Light of the Cosmic Light.SONG 13- A complete
clearing of the Old Brain Reality.SONG 14- Opening the Heart into the
Divine Love of Infinite Compassion. Feel the Magnetics in the Heart
creating a sweet flow into the Neuronets.SONG 15- Complete Tune in to
the Mid Brain to activate communication with the Sixth Dimensional
Higher Self.
MAGICAL RE-BIRTH into Mind of God
In order to open up to the Mind of God into the neuronets governing the
molecular structure of the body begins with realigning the 4th Chakra- the
Heart's Magnetic Field into the Golden Spiral of 14th Dimensional
Frequencies running through the 5th Chakra in the Throat and connecting
the Frequency Specific Mid Brain- Pineal and Pituitary Third Eye- 6th
Chakra into the Fifth and Fourth Chakras in order to open up this flow of
Consciousness that has been cut off from the 5th Dimensional Frequency
in the Throat.
The thymus gland in the throat area connects to the Seed Atom which
connects to the back of the neck into the Medulla Oblangata. That is
where the flow of Consciousness connects directly into the Mind of God in
the Violet Pink White Light 15th dimensional Cosmic Consciousness.
So, when you listen to these songs, please focus on feeling the
frequencies running through these areas in you heart, throat, mid brain,
between the ears and out the back of the neck area.
This is clearing the flow into the Mind of God and removing the stream of
Consciousness from the Thinking Brain in the Upper Cerebellum that only
holds the old Karma- the old Emotions of the Old Life History.
Now we are moving into the New energy of the Light Body within the
Physical Body.
The Frequencies of the 15th dimension flowing through the Seed Atom
and the Medulla Oblangata connecting directly to the Mind of God is the
pathway to becoming Christ Consciousness walking on Earth with
complete Sovereignty of Reality.
Listening to this Album will result in a complete clearing of the Heart
Chakra to remove the old Mortality Loop that did not connect to the throat
and pineal gland correctly.
The Frequencies come from the Akashic Tear Drops containing the
Spiritual Liquid Light of Transformation which contain the Divine Template
code within them which restore the codes of the original Angelic Human.
All of these clearings allows the Crown Chakra to open and connect with
the 12 dimensional frequencies of Christ Consciousness. This is the first
step in preparation to become Christs walking on Earth.
The diagrams on this page are to help guide you to where the work is
being done in the flow of energy between the 4-7 chakras.
The diagram shows the part of the brain that contains each of the blue
energy, pink white light and golden frequencies.
Blue or ultra violet blue energy is the energy of transformation.
This is gained by moving Consciousness completely into and beyond the
Gamma Waves of the Sun. Once the Consciousness moves through the
gamma into the pre light and sound the eyes see a Blue Sphere
connecting into the sixth chakra area- the mid brain.
This transforms the flow of information to begin from the Mid Brain instead
of from the Thinking Brain in the upper cerebellum.
This turns off the thinking brain.
After the thinking brain is turned off, a new path needs to be created from
the Mid Brain down the Golden spiral into the throat and into the Heart.
After this pathway is cleared, a new pathway into the neuronets is created
to stream consciousness from the pink silver white (violet area). This is
the Medulla Oblangata connecting to the Seed Atom within the Thymus.
The new information needs to begin to flow into the seed atom and
transform the old information into the new Eternal Life Programming.
Each song in this album turns on one of the functions of the new
transmissional system.
The information system that used to come from the thinking brain in the
upper cerebellum is being turned off and the new frequency specific mid
brain is being turned on.
1. Ear Path
2. Neuro Path
3. Seed Atom
4. Hook up point
5. tele path
6. clear flow
7. fifth and sixth chakra connect
8. 4-7 chakras hook up
9. Sixth--Connect to Higher Self Consciousness
10. Blue Brain- Frequency Specific Mid Brain
11. De-polarization
12. Fourth and Fifth Chakra
13. Brain Clear
14. Open Heart
15. Mid Brain Activated
Re-Birth into our New Eternal Life Body
A true Master can create anything they desire by simply holding an image
or idea in the Mind of God--not in the Thinking Brain- in the Mind of God.
The Mind of God is the Frequency Specific Brain. It only manufactures
reality when the idea is created in Consciousness. Consciousness is
Frequency or Energy. The Rule of Creation is Consciousness plus Energy
equal reality. All reality is created through the Consciousness creating an
Idea and holding it in the Frequency. What Frequency? The Highest
How do we get to the highest frequency? You can use the Merkabas to
spin you into the second and third and fourth and fifth harmonic universes
or you can connect your lotus blossom into the Cosmic Matrix or you can
walk into the full light spectrum within the candle or you can walk into the
Each of these requires that you move into the Complete Light of All there
is by walking through the Veil of Light into pre light and pre sound. This is
the manifestation center. When you hold the idea in the Mind of God- on
the other side of the Veil, you will fall into a Trance or a state of
hypnotism. That feeling is the feeling of moving into the spiritual side of
reality. It is a move in frequencies of consciousness moving you into
Cosmic Consciousness and beyond into the White Light. When your
consciousness touches the Gamma Waves and beyond, these 8th
dimensional waves connect with the fifth dimensional waves and they
create phonons which is the energy required to melt away the old DNA
and allow new DNA to be created.
When the Consciousness connects with Infra Red Light that frequency
creates a negative of the picture. The Visible Light develops the picture.
However, all of this light processing that is required to develop the picture
or idea that will manifest into the movie of your new day must be created
in the highest frequency because that is where the white light flashes into
a new hue of ultra violet blue.
When you move consciousness into this frequency lab to develop your
film in your movie projector, you don't need to think about how these
things are done. All you need to do is keep your thoughts in the light
energy and keep them in the highest frequencies that you can.
If you can just keep your consciousness centered in the Frequency
Specific Brain and stay out of the Thinking Brain that guides you in your
normal reality, you are on the right train track.
However, you must become willing to be AWARE of how often you think
during the day. You must be willing to realize that each and every one of
those thoughts is creating your day. If you want to create a new type of
reality, you must stop thinking about those things of the world. The
thoughts in the thinking brain will just keep you in the old Net Earth, while
the Frequencies of the Blue Hue that is manufactured in the White Light
will allow you to float into the Aurora Earth of infinite possibilities.
The neuronets attached to the Thinking Brain are full of attitudes and
judgements that keep them going in circles. Only Masters will move to the
Mid Brain for stimulation. The masses will always need to have the
environment give them their entertainment and inspiration. The masses do
not know how to find inspiration within the Consciousness of Reality.
As long as the mind stays centered around the things of the world, those
same things will just continue to manifest as the realities that appear
around you. If you stay focused on the Highest Frequencies and the
Infinite Magical Realities that you can create just by holding the dream of
Fabulous Wealth or Magnificent Freedom, or the Perfect Light Body, your
life will become magical.
The Mid Brain is the place where we can go to be free from emotions. It is
the place we can turn to for the renewal of a higher magnitude. We can
become free from judgements, conditions, emotions of fear, pain, war
while we remain in the Mid Brain. We can live in a reality where we no
longer manifest those conditions and emotions into our reality.
There might still be those in the mass consciousness that manifest that
type of a reality around them, but you will not be able to see it or be a part
of it any longer because the reality that you create in your mid brain will be
the only reality that exists. The Mid Brain is the Holy Place that only allows
Unconditional Love to create your reality.
Patience in the Great Work does not mean long suffering and waiting for a
long time. Patience is a term that describes a dimension that holds itself in
a timeless space. This timelessness includes the highest frequency of
Eternity or the Mind of God.
The aspect of the brain that holds patience is the Frequency Specific Mid
Brain. The Neo Cortex loops into the hypothalymus which gives long term
memory is not capable of the patience that exists in a timeless space. The
thinking brain always places a judgment of final analysis on each and
every thought process which locks out timelessness.
This means that each time you move into the frequencies that place you in
the trance state and you hold the desired dream in your mid brain
frequencies, you must make sure that you do not change your dream by
taking conditional thoughts over the top of the dream that you just created.
Every time you take a thought you are carving away a piece of the perfect
dream that you created. So, you could create your manifest reality in the
dream state and then un-make it during your day time thinking process.
Once you create that dream you must hold it within your mind
continuously for several days. You must go through this process of
training the brain to work this way because you have spent an entire
lifetime living under the control and judgement of the thinking brain which
is helping create the exact world that you do not want to live in.
All memories that have been stored in the hypothalymus contain long term
memory with judgment woven into them. If we create our reality through
the proces of this judgmeent, our experience in life will only contain other
people judging us and controlling us. think about this -- we are judged by
our education system. The entire reality of education is to grade students
based on a judgement. Most people think this is a good thing because it is
the only reality that they know.
We have created a world where we judge others races, religions , creeds
dress styles. hair styesl, color preferences, as well as five million other
items each day. And then we go to church to repeat the fact that thou
shall not judge.
Judgement is a sin because it allows your thinking brain to be the god of
your reality instead of the Mid Brain which is in fact the Mind of God.
There is only one way to stop judging others. That is by moving out of the
thinking brain and into the mid brain of patience. The mid brain is the
psychic brain. It does not analyze, judge, think or place conditions on
reality. It only gets pure information throug hthe highest frequencies of
consciousness. The sender and receiver of ideas and desires is this
frequency specific analogical mind which creates all desires that it
receives in pure form. It creates and manifests all desires. It is a creation
It won't create anything unless we use it correctly. It is our sender and
receiver of manifest reality. It creates all desires. It gets pure information
from the Mind of God and allows that information to be known to you.
The Mind of God is your own personal neuronet and DNA connection into
all that is a part of you. It connects to all of your Souls, Over Souls, Rishi
Selves and Avatar Selves to allow you to connect to the knowing of all that
is to be known.
The Mind of God gets its information in a pure form and then presents it to
you. And then after presentation it is broken down int otits analysis of how
you want to receive it and store it as memory.
The mid brain does not think. It receives pure data , pure thought for
coming in from infra red fields and visible light.
When you receive pure thought and then think about it, you will negate it.
If you accept the first impression int oteh mid brain you will receive it. IT
comes from a stream of consciosuness that is outside of the neo cortex-
outside personality. Teh mid brain sends through a web of consciosuenss.
It sends thought without judgement.
Judgement will alter the information sent by the mid brain. When we
analyze a thought with the thinking brain we change it into a limited image
that is different than the pure thought sent by the mid brain.
When you create reality, when you comtemplate in the pause, the
information is sent out through the mid brain. Never take pause unless we
reach a final analysis.
This place in the heavens-or actually in the clouds- that MM climbed to,
was and is the Cloud Cities or the Plasma Light Cities of the original
Firmament of Earth, before she fell, or before she had her merkaba tipped
with metatronic reverse spin technology. This place, or this firmament of
heaven was and is the actual star essence of the original Ajaho
(containing all 12 Stargates-Ajaho was actually broken into 12 pieces, and
it requires all 12 energy signatures to repair the divine template) who was
born from Sun Alcyone. This firmament is called Urtha by the Priests of Ur.
Our Higher Soul Families-Over Souls and Monadic Souls and Avatar
Souls- have maintained their Frequency signatures within this heavenly
place, that is only as high up as the clouds. They have maintained this
dimensional frequency of the 14th dimension. This is the frequency or the
standing wave that is required to pull Earth back into the Essence of
Urtha. That is what we are doing at this time on Earth. We are being
pulled back into our full alignment with Urtha, first by the correction and
activation of the Earth’s 12th dimensional grids, which are in the Earth’s
crust. Now, that our frequency signatures from all 12 stargates have been
reactivated within the Earth’s Core and Earth’s Grids, we can begin the
absorption of our consciousness into Urtha- the Firmament of Heaven.
Those of us who learn how to do this are actually learning to do what the
stories about MM climbing the stairway to heaven were actually talking
about. MM brought this scientific teaching of how to attach consciousness
into the music of the spheres in order to shift our frequencies of
consciousness into the 14th sphere, which will transform the body into the
plasma ship that can slide through the stairway to heaven.