Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research
Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research
Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research
In India a Cyber Law is a generic term which refers to all 2. Access related crimes in India
the legal and regulatory aspects of Internet and the World
Wide Web. It handles those crimes, which accomplishes According to section 2(1)(a) of the IT Act "access" with its
with the help of computer, computer system, computer grammatical variations and cognate expressions means
network, internet, storage devices or communication gaining entry into, instructing or communicating with the
device. The I.T. Act in India has no very strict definition. logical, arithmetical, or memory function resources of a
But all it includes cyber contraventions and cyber offences. computer, computer system or computer network [1];
For e.g. cyber contravention is in general describes to any Here access simply describes right to use the computer or
unauthorized access may or may not come under law and any other resource attached to that computer whether in
is of degree of penetration to lesser (may be not to harm terms of executing any command or in terms of any
or for educational research purpose ) extent while in case communication through computer, computer system or
of cyber crimes they are the exploits for gaining computer network which is/are logical, arithmetical, or
unauthorized access intentionally to harm. It should be memory function. Additionally the term access not only
noted that in Indian context the punishment under for limited to the aforesaid explanation but also applicable to
cyber crimes is also given on the basis of Indian Penal any physical touch to computer or any resource attached to
Code (IPC) which is also a constitutional legal hand book it.
to prosecute criminals engaged in other social crimes[1].
It should be noted that as per law grammatical variations
Are Cyber Laws Self Sufficient? means that term access can also be replaced by its noun,
verb, adjective or any grammatical form. Further cognate
There are many scenarios in which it has been thought expressions are synonyms or the words related to name
worldwide to draft and implement act . Many of the laws ‘access’ e.g. entrance, sign in, start etc. All the
formulated so far are acting perfectly but still there are
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 58– No.7, November 2012
grammatical variations and cognate expressions are used 2.2 Accessing Protected System
according to the situation or circumstances observed [1].
According to section 70 of the IT Act
2.1 Unauthorized Access
(1) The appropriate Government may, by notification in
According to section 43(a) of the IT Act the Official Gazette, declare that any computer, computer
system or computer network to be a protected system.
If any person without permission of the owner or any other
person who is in charge of a computer, computer system or (2) The appropriate Government may, by order in writing,
computer network- authorize the persons who are authorized to access
protected systems notified under sub-Section (1).
(a) accesses or secures access to such computer, computer
system or computer network; he shall be liable to pay (3) Any person who secures access or attempts to secure
damages by way of compensation not exceeding one crore access to a protected system in contravention of the
rupees to the person so affected [1]. provisions of this Section shall be punished with
imprisonment of either description for a term which may
Here the term secure access means that any person who is extend to ten years and shall also be liable to fine as per
sure that that he can access the system and whenever he Executive order dated 12-9-2002, issued by Ministry of
wants from anywhere without permission. Communications and Information Technology [1].
Analogies: In this section according to the Constitution of India a new
1. To access computer system remotely with the help of terminology comes out i.e. appropriate government. As per
Trojans. the Constitution of India under Schedule VII there are
three lists, mentioned to work out for Citizens welfare – (i)
2. Through application of Social Engineering on friends, List under Central Government e.g. Foreign affairs etc. ,
relatives etc. (ii) List under State Government e.g. Police Department
3. With the help of hacking through any software or etc. and (iii) Concurrent List under both Central and State
otherwise e.g. by using telnet or ftp commands. Government e.g. Forestry etc.. Therefore, appropriate
Government means that which Government has the
4. By e-mail spoofing or MAC spoofing or IP spoofing. execution power according to the list mentioned above.
5. By knowing passwords with the help of Key loggers or The Official Gazette is a document where all the
Shoulder Surfing notifications etc. passed by the Central and State
Government are reported. A notification becomes effective
Now we will like to define term ‘permission’. It can be
on the date of its publication in the Gazette and this order
Full, Partial or Implied.
may spell out the authorized persons by name or by
Analogy designation for their new action plan [5].
The best example to understand this term is Intranet. In our One more thing which comes out in picture is ‘Attempt’ to
college each faculty has separate Log-in ID and password. secure access. Attempt means to make an effort to
There is also a Director Log-in which reserves the full accomplish something. This effort is successful or not it is
right to verify records of marks, attendances etc. of immaterial provided that there is no any type of legal
students that are uploaded by concerned faculty of permission given as stated above.
concerned subject(s) of whole college. He further can add,
The punishment provided for this section is rigorous or
delete or modify any uploaded data of faculty if found with
simple imprisonment of up to 10 years and fine[2][4].
error or in case of any discrepancy. Now
1. Director Log-in has Full permission to access anybody’s 2.3 Hacking
account. According to section 66 of the IT Act
2. Management of College authorized Director Log-in to (1)Whoever with the intent to cause or knowing that he is
confer full right to access any faculty record. This comes
likely to cause wrongful loss or damage to the public or
into partial and Implied categories of permission. In regard
any person destroys or deletes or alters any information
of Implied it means that Director can access any record of residing in a computer resource or diminishes its value or
faculty but it is also a Partial permission since he has to utility or affects it injuriously by any means, commits
look out only academic activities of faculties for e.g. he is
not authorized to view the salary status or any financial
transaction of faculty which is under the control of (2)Whoever commits hacking shall be punished with
accounts department. imprisonment up to three years, or with fine which may
extend upto two Lakhs rupees, or with both[1].
3. There is only one scenario which comes under
unauthorized access. Suppose Director is on leave and he Here the term Loss implies any type of harm can be
gives his Log-in Id and password to his assistant. But due provisional or permanent. For e.g. someone deleted the
to some malaise intention he modified the data of a Director’s confidential data fro his pen drive but by using
particular faculty. any data recovery software Director regenerate his data.
This is Provisional or temporary loss but if some body
The only way to find out that what had happened that day
hammered or stolen the pen drive then the data loss is
is the Log recovery through IDPS [10]. permanent.
The penalty provided for this section is compensation up Loss can be guessed as that individual will suffer either in
to Rs 1 Crore.
present or likely to be in future. This loss can be in the
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 58– No.7, November 2012
form of financial assets, reputation. For e.g. somebody If any person without permission of the owner or any other
launches the DDoS attack on any famous spare parts person who is in charge of a computer, computer system or
manufacturing company ABC’s server. Due to this attack computer network-
employees and management are neither able to read
messages nor any customer or dealer can book the orders. (a) provides any assistance to any person to facilitate
Frustrated customers leave the website and book their access to a computer, computer system or computer
orders in other company with same profile. In this case network in contravention of the provisions of this Act,
company ABC will suffer both financial and reputation rules or regulations made there under; he shall be liable to
loss. pay damages by way of compensation not exceeding one
crore rupees to the person so affected [1].
Another term Wrongful loss in this section is the loss by
any unlawful means. For e.g. somebody gains The essential element of this section is that assistance is
unauthorized access to Network Administrator’s system provided for obtaining access to a computer in
and change the settings of Firewalls and many other contravention of the IT Act and its allied laws.
settings which opened the path for hackers. A person who obtains access to a computer in
The term Damage is defined as any injury or weakening contravention of the IT Act would be liable under the
caused by an unlawful act with malaise intention (see term relevant sections (e.g. 43(a) or 66 or 70 etc).
Intent in this section) and not accidentally. For e.g. What this section specifically covers is providing
Director orders his assistant to copy some large files in his assistance to such a person so that such assistance
Pen drive and then he goes for lunch. After copying the facilitates the unlawful access.
files the assistant accidentally broken the pen drive’s
computer interface during unplugging pen drive. This Under this section of Indian Cyber Laws this comes under
scenario is not considered as damage according to the law. the Breach of privilege. Here the two terms Assistance i.e.
But if he does this with malicious intention then it will be the act of ‘helping’ and ‘facilitate’ i.e. the approach to
considered as ‘damage’ and will come under legal provide any aid to complete the task, are also mentioned.
jurisdiction. It is like that to obtain passwords or any confidential
The term Cause can be any type of basis to make happen details related to protected systems from close friends or
something and can effect directly or indirectly. For e.g. relatives etc. in order to oblige him/her some financial or
somebody formats Director’s System and there by all the moral obligation i.e. to obtain confidential information by
data is deleted. This is direct cause of data deletion. using such passwords or to manipulate Firewalls or
intrusion Detection System settings and so on.
A faculty sent a mail to Director which contains virus. This
happens accidentally. But due to this the virus corrupts and It has been seen that all these acts are unlawful access
deletes the computer system of Director. This is Indirect provided by the disgruntled employee or nay traitor inside
cause of data deletion. the organization.
The term ‘Knowingly’ describes to do something with The penalty provided for this section is compensation up to
strong malicious determination. Rs one crore.
The term ‘Likely to cause’ implies probability of cause and Some important case studies which have been registered in
is based of circumstances observed during Cyber Crime courts of law under Indian Cyber Laws are detailed down.
Investigation. Further they also describe the concept of terms ‘hacking’
and ‘unauthorized access’ [11].
The term ‘Public’ means People. If somebody for e.g.
hacked the cellular service provider website and made the 1. A displeased employee of a bank putted down a strong
server down, this means public is affected. Other example magnet near the banks’ main server. After sometimes the
In Cyber café owner runs a installs a program which can bank lost the important information related to customers
record all the data typed by users. In this case this is a account.
crime since it affects the privacy of public. 2. Two persons were allegedly arrested in 2002. They used
The term ‘Destroy’ means to make the information stored password cracking software to crack the FTP password for
in computer futile while the term deletes means to erase the Mumbai police website and then change the homepage
information permanently or provisionally. Like wise term of this website with pornographic content.
Alteration can be permanent or temporary. The term 3. The Delhi Municipal Corporation (DMC) is on be half of
‘Value’ means financial worth of data on the other hand electricity department is used to collect money provided
the term Utility means importance of data. receipts and performed accounting of Electricity bills
Lastly the hacking means to find weaknesses in a computer through Computer Systems. When this process is
or computer network and attempt to break the computer or transferred to private party then one of them who was
computer networks for unauthorized access or otherwise. Computer Expert dispensed large amount of funds by
This term has very wide coverage in Indian Cyber laws. manipulating data files to show less receipt and bank
The punishment provided for hacking is imprisonment up
to 3 years and / or fine up to Rs two Lakhs. 4. A young lady reporter was in trap when during online
surfing related to her articles, she was victimized by
2.4 Assisting Unauthorized Access somebody. Some one installed Trojan in her computer.
This lady computer was located in one corner of her
According to section 43(g) of the IT Act bedroom. Every time Trojan activated when she starts her
internet connection. This Trojan further starts her web cam
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 58– No.7, November 2012
and microphone without her knowledge The connection offences’, section 66B ‘dishonestly receiving stolen
further works when she use to disconnect her internet computer resource etc.’, section 66C ‘identity theft’,
connection. Later she came to know that many of her section 66D ‘cheating by personating by using computer
pictures and videos were transferred to pornographic resource’, & section 66F ‘cyber terrorism’ [1][4].
It should also be noticed that hacking and ethical hacking
5. India witnessed its first cybercrime conviction recently in are same as per the section 66 of this Act. Again both
2002. This all started when Sony India Private Ltd. ran ‘hacking’ and ‘ethical hacking’ could be treated as
website called The aim of this computer related offences as expressed under section 66 of
website was to sending Sony products to their friends and the Act. It is also possible that based upon the set of
relatives in India through online payment. In May 2002, circumstances, an incident of ethical hacking may result
someone logged onto the website under the identity of from unauthorized access to computer, computer network
Barbara Campa and placed a order of Sony Colour or computer resource and thus can be classified as cyber
Television set and a cordless head phone and made online contravention also as mentioned under section 43 of the
payment through Credit Card for Arif Azim, Noida The Act. We will also like to mention here that under section
payment was cleared by the credit card agency and the 66A telemarketers, sending SMSs, Emails etc. are also
transaction processed. After following the relevant come under legal jurisdiction of Cyber laws in India since
procedures, the Sony company delivered the items to Arif any person who sends, by means of a computer resource or
Azim. But after one and a half months the credit card a communication device any electronic mail or electronic
agency informed the company that this was an mail message for the purpose of causing annoyance or
unauthorized transaction as the real owner had denied inconvenience shall be punishable with imprisonment for a
having made the purchase. The Sony Company lodged a term which may extend to three years and with fine.
complaint for online cheating at the Central Bureau of
Investigation which registered a case under Section 418, At last the education and training of Security experts, IT
419 and 420 of the Indian Penal Code. The matter was professionals, curious students should be centered about
investigated into and Arif Azim was arrested. secured technical knowledge and skills. It is up to his or
Investigations revealed that Arif Azim, while working at a her duty that what he or she is going to decipher. So it is
call centre in Noida gained access to the credit card for all those who thinks that for what purpose they are
number of an American national which he misused on the entitled to access information i.e. lawful or unlawful.
company’s site. The CBI recovered the colour television
and the cordless head phone and Arif was arrested [8].
4. References
[1] Indian I.T. Act, 2008(Amendment).
3. Conclusion
[2] Duggal, Pavan, Cyber Law: The Indian Perspective,
One of the greatest hurdle in the field of Cyber Crime is 2009. Saasksar Publications.
the absence of comprehensive law throughout the World.
Further the immense growth types of attacks and cyber [3]
crimes make the situation more complicated. Though a [4] Gaur, K.D A text book of the Indian Penal Code,
beginning has been made by the enactment of I.T. Act and Universal Law Publishing Company Pvt. Limited,
amendments made to it provide more powers but still Apr-2004.
problems associated with cyber crimes continue. In this
scenario there is a need of understanding Cyber attacks [5] Ashok Felix, The Constitution of India, 2011.
and their Technical specifications by Police/Intelligence
[6] Godbole, “Information Systems Security”, Dec-2008,
Departments and Judges. A recent positive response has
been shown by Kerela High Court which accepted the
P.I.L. (Public Interest Litigation through an email [2][8]. [7] Sood, “Cyber Laws Simplified”,2011, Mc Graw Hill
In India itself those sections, where the imprisonment [8] Singh,Talwant, Cyber Law & Information
term is upto three years have been made bailable. Thus Technology, District & Sessions Judge, Delhi.
offences committed under sections 65, 66, 66A, 66B,
66C, 66D, 66E, 67 (first conviction), 67C, 68, 69B, 70B, [9] Gaur, K.D. , Criminal Law and Criminology, Deep
71,72,72A, 73 & 74 are bailable. Non-bailable offences and Deep Publications, 2003
are sections 66F, 67(second conviction), 67A, 67B, [10]
69,69A, and 70. Hacking is an offence under the
provisions of I.T. Act and comes under wider clauses. For [11]
e.g. it can be referenced as part of section 65 ‘tampering
of computer source code’, section 66 ‘computer related