ABAP Classes in Workflow
ABAP Classes in Workflow
ABAP Classes in Workflow
We can use ABAP classes in the definition and runtime components of SAP WebFlow
Engine in the same way as object types defined in the Business object Repository
Before proceeding further we need to know where to create and maintain ABAP Classes
and ABAP Interfaces.
The Class Builder allows us to create and maintain global ABAP classes and interfaces.
Both of these object types, like global data types, are defined in the ABAP Repository,
thus composing a central class library. Together, they form a central class library and are
visible throughout the system. We can display existing classes and interfaces in the class
library using the Class Browser.
We can define local classes as well as global classes. They are defined locally in
programs, function groups or as auxiliary classes of global classes of the class pools.
Local classes are only visible within the defining module.
To reach the initial screen of the Class Builder, choose Development → Class Builder
from the initial screen of the ABAP Workbench or enter transaction code SE24.
The diagram below illustrates the architecture of the Class Builder and the relationships
between its components (including the Class Browser)
From here, we can either display the contents of the class library or edit a class using the
Class Editor. Once we have defined an object type, we can implement its methods. From
the initial screen or the Class Editor, we can also access the Class Builder’s test
environment. We can define the object types immediately after implementing the method
in the ABAP Editor. It is also possible to access the test environment from the initial
screen or Class Editor.
• Display an overview (in the Class Browser) of global object types and
their relationships.
• Maintain existing global classes or interfaces.
• Create new global classes and interfaces.
• Implement inheritance between global classes.
• Create compound interfaces.
• Create and specify the attributes, methods, and events of global classes
and interfaces.
• Define internal types in classes.
• Implement methods.
• Redefine methods.
• Maintain local auxiliary classes.
• Test classes or interfaces in a simulated runtime environment.
Global classes and interfaces that we create in the Class Builder are stored in the class library and
administered by the R/3 Repository: they therefore have the same namespace as all other Repository
objects. It is therefore necessary to have naming conventions for object types and their components
and to use them uniformly within program development.
The following naming convention has been conceived for use within the SAP
namespace. If we do not observe the naming conventions for object types (classes and
interfaces), conflicts will occur when the system creates persistent classes, since it will be
unable to generate the necessary co-classes.
For parameters:
Within the SAP WebFlow Engine we can use ABAP classes that support the
IF_WORKFLOW interface. Classes that have implemented the IF_WORKFLOW interface
are recognized as workflow-enabled in the Class Builder.
• Now the class is to implement IF_WORKFLOW interface. For this go to the tab
and declare the IF_WORKFLOW as the interface there and press Enter; two sub-interfaces
appear: BI_OBJECT and BI_PERSISTENT. Save the Class.
• The ZCL_TEST class now contains the existing methods of IF_WORKFLOW interface.
The key attributes are used to define the object key. There can also be other defined
attributes other than key attributes. The SAP WebFlow Engine can access all public
attributes of a class.
Key Attributes:
In the Class Builder there is an additional column Key Attributes on the tab
page as shown below:
We need to check this box when we are defining any attribute as the Key Attribute.
All key fields must be character-type fields (elementary types: CHAR, NUMC) and have a
defined length. The maximum length allowed for all key fields is 32 characters. The
length of the key field for the persistent display is 32 characters.
In the case of persistent ABAP objects we can use the GUID, which is generated
automatically by the object manager when an instance is created.
In addition to all the other data types that the Class Builder supports, we can also define
attributes with reference to an object from the Business Object Repository (BOR). To do
this, we have to use the structure SWOTOBJID as the data type. The BOR object is
determined using the corresponding value.
To assign a BOR object instance to an attribute we need to use the corresponding BOR
macros. Normally, this is implemented within the CONSTRUCTOR of a class.