Physics Practical
Physics Practical
Physics Practical
Through experimental work the students are expected to develop the following skills:
Students are required to carry out practical work as an integral part of the course. They are
advised to maintain a laboratory record book in which they record, for all their practical
work, the experimental arrangements used, the observations made and the analysis of these
observations. Particular attention should be placed on the following:
1. Techniques:
i. Reading to the maximum accuracy of linear and angular scales; use of vernier
scales; timing by stop-watch or stop-clock.
ii. Accurate focusing and location of images.
iii. Connecting up and checking electrical circuits from a circuit diagram, drawing
a circuit diagram for a given simple circuit already connected up.
2. Graphical Methods
i. Display of results in tabular and graphical form.
ii. Translate information between graphical, numerical, algebraic and verbal
iii. Accurate plotting with suitable choice of scales.
iv. For linear graph, determine the slope, intercept and intersection.
v. Choose, by inspection, a straight line which will serve as the best straight line
through a set of data points presented graphically.
vi. Recall standard line form y = mx + c and rearrange relationships into linear
form where appropriate.
vii. Understand and use of area below a curve where the area has physical
Note: Use of centimeter graph be made compulsory.
3. Procedures:
i. Making rough preliminary measurements and calculations where appropriate,
e.g. to assess the best range for accurate measurements.
ii. Careful recording of all actual measurements made.
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4. Order of Accuracy
i. Significant figures and decimal places.
ii. Meaning of absolute and relative (or percentage) error.
iii. Estimates of maximum error in simple cases.
iv. Common-sense appreciation of orders of accuracy of common measurements
(not merely of scale readings) and ability to quote results to a number of significant
figures reasonably in keeping with their estimated accuracy.
5. Error Estimates
Rules for combination of maximum errors in the simple cases:
X + y, xy, x/y, xn.
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For Class –XI
A. Standard experiments
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B. Exercises
At least one exercise based on each of the above mentioned standard experiments
making the total experiments equal to 50